Crowd Storms Hearing, but All Stand Without C
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An alert and vigorous newspaper Before you shop, it will be wise to devoted to the activities and inter- TOWNSHIP study carefully the values and ser- ests of the residents of this area. vices offered by our advertisers. Each Read it regularly each week to be edition carries merchandise news of fully informed of every newsworthy utmost imDortance to the thrifty event in your home town! buyer. You can trust our advertisers! VOL. XII—NO. 16 FORDS, N.--J., THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Township Scenes on Television Tomorrow Night-* Census-Taking Sweetness Built Will be a Dubious Distinction, At Best GetsUnderWay Crowd Storms AND WOOPBRJDGE — Woodbridge Township to- Woodbrid&e Township was chosen' for the docu- morrow night will have the distinction—dubious mentary because of its proximity to New York, In Town Today because of the circumstances—of being1 a tele- and .because of the "acute" conditions it pre- sented. Hearing, but All vision subject. Local scenes will be on video * -.5 3 Light screens at 8:30 on Station YVABD. Dicemiial Counting of - . * * * Tomorrow nigrht's program is one of a series By CHARLES E. GREGORY of "What Is It hike" presentations. Last week, Noses by Uncle Sam The station will undertake to furnish the an- Mr, Putnam attempted to portray what is it like To Take Until Apr, 15 Woodbridge Township is swer to the question "What is it like to sweat to be Mayor of Jersey City. Stand Without C it out in a fox hole, return to civilian life, and WOODBBIDGE — Housewives )t going to be happy over sweat it out in a mudhole?" The context is a In addition to describing visually and verbally ->1 Woodbridge Township will be Le selection of its mud as familiar one-^-veterans purchasing homes in new the sea of mud through which adults going' for called to their front doors today e feature of an Eastern developments without streets and then suffering the bus and children going to school must nego- md tomorrow as well as during Demand for Change in Local G.-overnoieui the consequences of the inevitable mud. Areas tiate, plus the ravages of cellar seepage caused ihe first two weeks of April by the :twork television show '.to-in the Colonia section, newly built up, are the by lack of surface drainage, the program will 'mock of the census-takers from orrow night. Miffed as it locale for 300 feet of film exposed by technicians also touch upon the school problem in Colonia, the United States Bureau of the Form, Investigation of FHA is Made of Station WABD on Monday afternoon after it is understood. Difficulties caused by over- Census. ay be, it has only itself to heavy rains. crowding will be the theme of this section of the These two days in March will be ame. The films will be presented with commentary program. part of the enumerator's training by Warren; Roads Butt of Attacks by George Putnam and carried on the Dumont program, now going on. The cen- I am certain none of us network's eastern division. The situation will be Thus Woodbridge Township's less photogenic sus-taker will present his creden- WOODBRIDGE—The largest crowd to attend-a budget e going to have our civic described as characteristic of "some" develop- features will be sent over the airways for the tials, in the form of an identi- hearing in the past 20 years filled the Township Committee ments of its kind, and a spokesman for the show vast television audience to see. In a community • ication and card introducing him Ordinance to Up ide whipped into a fancy stated there was no intention to embarrass the of such vast and distinguished tradition, it is as an enumerator. He will carry an meeting room to capacity Tuesday night and for over two oth over the prospects of Township but merely to point up the problem too bad the subject matter could not be other- official Census of Population form hours complained heatedly about road conditions, the uni- lowing that utterly fantas- faced by thousands of GI's the country over. wise. on which he will write down Pay Introduced form allotment for policemen, the increase in salary for names, and note information about the Township Committee and the appropriations for traffic : scenes of municipal laxity each individual in the household. e about to be flashed across He will have nothing to sell and Hearing Apr. 11 on Plan lights and four additional motorcycles for the police de- ousands of video sets, Last Rites Held This Afternoon Funeral Saturday he will ask only the questions partment. enes recorded in our coin- which appear on the Census form. To Allow Series Paul Parker, West CliS Road, Colonia, asked for an unity Monday afternoon, For Crash Victim If the visitor claims to be a Of Increases itemization of the road appropriation. Committeeman Wil- our neighbors on all sides For Commissioner Henry Troger Census-taker but cannot produce liam Warren, chairman of the Public Works Commttiee, id no other alternative RARITAN TOWNSHIP— his credentials he is. an impostor WOODBRIDGE — An ordi- replied the amount was "very near what we had last year," Funeral services for Henry H. Bott, Thrown to Road, is and will be subject to penal action nance, raising the salaries for and estimated that $75,000 would be spent for stone and oil. ian to think we are indif- Torgef, 46, a manufacturer and a Served Township Well rent to the sticky mess in Run Over by Car; Wasfor impersonating a Federal of- members of the Township Com- "How did you arrive at that ?75,000 figure?" Mr. Parker member of the Raritan Township ficial. If he undertakes to conduct asked. b.ich we are mired, then we Board of Commissioners for 15 Iselin YFW* Member any business other than the collec- mittee from $1,000 to $2,000, was ,nnot censure them. We years, who died Monday at his tion of official Census information, introduced on first reading at a "Well, it was near what we spent last year," answered afted the dismal picture home, were held this afternoon WOODBRIDGE—Funeral sea-v- he betrays himself because official meeting :of the Township Com- the Committeeman. at his late residence, Woodbridge ices for Gerard Bott, 2-year-old Census-takers are subject to loss mittee Tuesday. Public hearing "Can you tell me how that $75,000" is going to be split r them to see. Avenue, with Rev. Rufus Cornel- World War II veteran who wasof, their jobs if they solicit money, on the measure will be held up?" persisted Mr. Parker. son officiating. killed Tuesday when his motor- sell house-to-house or distribute Mr. Warren then explained he had met with the United Our newspaper has argued Mr. Troger is survived by his cycle crashed into the rear of a car advertising material. April 11 at 8 P.M. Civic Council of Colonia, a group of representatives of all widow, Anna M. Boylan Troger; and his body was hit by a second Woodbridge Township house- As predicted in The Independ- ;ain and again for the1 a son, •Henry H. Troger, 3rd, Rari- vehicle that overturned, will be wives who have reason to believe ent-Leader, raises were provided civic organizations in the section, ana promised to con- mding of developers to held Saturday at 9 o'clock at the struct a crosstown route so residents of Inman Avenue tan Township; his mother, Mrs. that they are being imposed upon \ for a few Township employes by larantee faithful perform- Henry A. Troger, also of this Greiner Funeral Home, 44 Green by a faker are urged to notify the will be able to go into Colonia proper without going lce of their glib promises to Township and a sister, Mrs. George Street, Woodbridge and at 9:30 police, Woodbridge 8-1200, immedi- resolution. The new salaries are through Rahway. •ovide safe and suitable ac- Meyers, New Brunswick. o'clock at St. Cecelia's Church, Ise- ately and give a full description of Nicolina Lombardi, tax office, Asks About Builders ss to the homes they build. Mr. Troger was a member of lin. Burial will be in St. Gertrude's the individual. Police Chief George $2,000; Josephine Swartz, as- Mr. Parker attempted to find out if there is any time e have taken the position the American Society of Mechani- Cemetery, Colonia. E. Keating says his men are fa- sessors' office, $2,260; Jean Cook, miliar with the type of credentials limit set on developers who contract to improve the roads. tat if they mean what they cal Engineers, the American Weld- The victim who resided at.-8 treasurer's office, $2,160; Bridie y in something less than ing Society, Lions Club 'of Rari Henry Street, over the Raritan required of Census-takers and has When informed that there is no time limit, Mr. Parker tan Township and Forum Club of Township line, was very well assured the Census Bureau of as- Smithies, engineer's office, remarked, "Then there is nothing to be done as far as you igue terms in the fine print Raritan Township. known in Iselin. He was a member sistance in apprehending im- $2,000; Hamilton Billings, assist- are concerned. This mud we are living in is practically their contracts, they can't Services were conducted last of Iselin Post VFW and worked as posters. ant building inspector, $3,400; shoved down our throats." jssibly have any objection night by the Raritan Township an assembler ai General Motors, Elsie Nemeth, building inspec- getting up a fair bond to Exempt Firemen's Association and Linden.