Aa usual, our Christmas stocks ars complete with every type of Christmas g ift. from frlvoloM triflM to ^fta BRITAIN WILL STAND In the grand manner . gifts that you can comfortabiy and leisurely select from under one roof. For the to t 40 years Hale’s has been collecting gifts that you can give with assurance . gifts that are a triumph m quality and value. Our wish is to help you again make this holiday . A MERRY CHRISTMASI BY SANCTIONS ON Oil You Can CaBs Valley Authority Un- You Can CHENEY RITES -I- You Can Buy For constitatioiial and Revoln- SHOOTS AT TURKEY Buy For Buy For GIFTS LAVAL OFFERS KILLS FKIZE PIO ALSO Hoare Declares Conntry W fl; GIFTS GIFTS Bates' tnoary in Brief — Hear­ HERE TODAY Blaekville, S. C , Dec. 5__(AP) Pen and Pencil Seta.............................. .$1.95 —Dr. O. D. Hammond bought a Play Its Part in Whatevar; Bath Powders............................ 29c, 59c, $1.00 Reversible Jacquard Taffeta Spreads.. .$2.98 turkey “on tha hoof at a ^ m Ladies’ Hand B ags................................... $1.95 ing On Dec. 19. B R I^ S D H P L E H. DUCE FINAL near here and decided to shoot it Compacts ......................................... $1.00 Chatham Airloom Blankets......................$5.00 to avoid the trouble of running it CoHecthre Action Is Deal* Loose Powder Cases............... .$1.00 Ladies’ Featherweight Capeskin Gloves, $1.95 down. Satine Covered Comfortables.................$3.98 PEAffi PLANS He fired at the gobbler 40 feet Perfumes ............................................... .. • $L00 Pure Linen Luncheon Sets, 50 in. square $1.29 Wmahlngton. Dec. S—(AP) —The Fonner Vice-Presideiit of away. The bullet drilled the tur­ ed On—Denies Any Share Lace Table Cloths........................... $1.39, $1.98 Hand Made Tennesiee Valley Authority Act key through the head, then rico- Manicure Sets..................................... 50c, $1.00 waa aaaalled aa Unconatttutional Silk Firm Laid to Final ebeted a t right angles and killed by British Companiet in H osiery.......................................69c, 79c, $1.00 Children’s Filet and Tuscany Lace CJoths.................$4.29 and “revolutionary" In a brief filed Proposal by France and a 75 pound pig—a prize one, a t Dresses with Panties, Sizes 1 to 6 .......... $1.19 Shirley Temple Party Dresses---- $2.98-$3.98 with the Supreme Court today by that. Fabric Gloves.............................................. $1.00 Jamea H. Beck, former aoUcitor Rest Hiis Afternoon h Britam Is Last Word Be­ Hammond had to buy both. Increased Oil Snpments Wool M ittens..................................... 50c, $1.00 Shirley Temple Dresses, Sizes 1-12 yrs., $1.98 Boys' 3-Piece general and prominent member of the American Liberty League. ' the East Cemetery. to Italy —Statements Are Rayon Undei-wear........................................ 69c Boys’ Romper Ensemble Suits, Sizes 5 to 8 Years..........$3.98 Beck, repreaentlng a group of fore Ae Oil Embargo Is Suits in Broadcloth and Linen $1.19, .... $1.69 Alabama power company atockhold- Ladies’ Hand B ags..................... $1.00 Snuggle Rugs with Adjustable Hood and Zip­ era, contended that if Uie legUlatlon BUSINESS LEADERS Made in Speech to Hooke Children’s Scarf Sets..................... $1.29, $1.98 were upheld it would “change the Final rites were held this after­ Silk Scarfs........................................... 59c, $1.00 per Closing ................... $2.98-$3.98 form of the Federal government noon for Robert Cheney, former Washable Silk Slips and Pantie Sets---- $1.49 and the aocial organization of the HEAR LABOR’S SD E of Commons. Wool Scarfs.........................................59c, $1.00 Shirley Temple Rain Sets, Sizes 7-14----- $2.98 vice-president of Cheney Brothers Paris, Dec. 6.—Premier Laval American' people." and the man credited with the in­ Boys’ Wool His brief waa filed In preparation gav* Italian Ambassador Vittorio Men's H andkerchiefs.................................. 25c troduction of velvet manufacture In Children's Skirts, Sizes 7-14 .....................$2.98 for argumenta December 19 on Cerruti a "set of suggestions" for an Loudon, Dee. 8 — (AP) — Sir Women’s Handkerchiefs.............................25c Shorts and Knickerettes........$1.29 and $1.69 validity of the legialatlon which waa the United States. A brief, simple Children's Bath R obes__________ $2.98 service was held at the home at 80 Itolo-Bthloplan settlement, dlplo- Head of Federal Bnrean Samuel Hoare foreign sccretaiy, to -. Boxed Stationery.........................25c, 50c, $1.00 All Wool Slip-on or upheld by the Federal Circuit' of day delivered a pronouncement a t w Shaker Model Sweater with Toque........$2.98 Appeala at New Orleana when chal­ Hartford Road, followed by an matlo sources said today, represent­ Novelty Jewelry.................................50c, $1.00 Coat Sweater for Baby........... $1.19 and $1.69 lenged by the atockholdera’ group. equally short service at the grave In ing France and Britain's last word Arsnes That Workmen the Britiah stand for oil sanetioaa.M 'Twin Sweater S ets ....................... $2.98-$3.98 . After the Deadline the Cheney plot in Ektst cemetery. against Italy •when he hdd to ; House Dresses, Sizes 14 to 5 2 ...................$1.98 The brief waa preaented three Died Tuesday before an oil embargo la applied. Boxed Candy.............................. .29c, 59c, $1.00 Mr. Cheney, who introduced and The communication, a spokesman House of Ooaunons "ars or* prspai" ; O at and Slip-on Sweaters........ ... $2.98-$3.98 day* after the December 2 deadline Have Right to Organize. ed to ptay our part.” 5-Year Diaries .................................... 50c, $1.00 Shoulderettes and Bed Jackets.. $1.29 to $1.98 aet for Ita preaentatlon by the high developed velvet at Cheney Broth­ for diplomatie circles said, was de­ Flannel Robes....................... $3.98 court. It waa .Indicated at TVA ers In 1880 and managed this livered by France's pn^er to The foreign secreteiy'e pi Scrap Books.................................................... 50c Cihildren’s Sw eaters................................. $1.98 branch of the local silk industry un­ Italy's ambassador at a conference nouncement was nude shortly after's Women's Blouses, Sizes 34 to 4 6 ... $2.98-$3.98 beadquartera. however, that no pro­ New York, Dec. —(AP) — J. Fountain Pens...................................•------$1.00 Children’s S k irts................... $1.98 test would be made. The govern­ til his retirement from active parti­ late yesterday, called presumably 6 it waa learned at the Admiralw: Ski Pants in Corduroy or Wool.. $2.98 to $4.98 ment muat file Ita brief by Decem­ cipation in the ^rm'a affairs in to discuss French desires that Pre­ Warren Madden, chairman of the that the battle crulaera Hood and ',: Alaskan Lamb Muffs ................................. $1.49 ber 16. 1634, died Tuesday at the Hartford mier Mussolini make some move Renown and other British naval' Bridge Cards, 2 packs, boxed.......................59c hospital, where he underwent an op­ NatiotuU Labor Relations Board, Corduroy Pajamas, one and two-piece mod­ The case involves the right of the toward peace before the Dec. 13 told the Congress of American In­ vessels will leave the Medlterraneaa Children's Books............................................ 50c Children's Bath Robes, Sizes 7 to 14........ $1.98 Federal government to sell surplus eration and had been a patient for for maneuvere in the Atlantic. els ............................................$3.98 and $4.98 about two months. League of Nations meeting to con­ dustry today “there ar* foroes at Pure Dye Silk Slips.............................. $1.69 electric power generated at its Ala­ Rev. J. Stuart Nelli of S t Mary's sider oil sanctions. work which nullify the right" of Authoritative sourcee explalaod Cannon Towel S e ts ............................ $1.00 bama dams and to acquire transmis­ ^ flw jn connection with sa air attack quickly subdued munlUona unite of the The Franco-BriUah proposals American workmen to organise, to t withdrawal from the M ^tkS : Satin Gowns with Alencon Lace Trim . .$3.98 sion lines to carry it to nearby church conducted the services at Which took part In just-quelled Communist revolt in Brazil. The burning bar- raaeea of theae ships, sent there a t : Cannon Face Cloths, 6 in package...............50c Pure Dye Silk and Satin Dance Sets ... .$1.69 the home and the cemetery, using were In no sense Sxsd plana for “What those forces are, persona Bryn-Mawr Satin S lip s.............................$3.29 cities for use by municipalities in Janeiro Is pictured above, set afiamo in the arUllery b o i ^ i ^ i ^ t piace In East Africa, this source of Industrial experisnee, such as the the height of the Aaglo-ItaUaa teo- . Pure Dye Silk and Satin Panties.............$1.98 competition with privately owned the Episcopalian ritual. The services S'DePrtved of their rifles and cartridge belts. Sie survivors of ■ioD, has no political ■ignlfleanoK'' =- Embroidered 36” Pure Linen Lunch Sets $1.00 were attended by intimate friends said, but were presented in the members of this association, know Serving Trays, Chrome...................$2.98-$3.98 utility companies.” rafiimn7. ^ through the streets after their surrender. The form of ''suggestions" to forestall in a geaeral way," ha said. The foratjpi eecretery told to Hand Embroidered Pillow Cases.. .pair $1.00 Pure Dye Silk Lace and Embroidery Trimmed Details of Brief and relatives and those who had colunm is flanked on
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