\\ \ ■ \ PAGE TWENTY \ ■ ■ V . vA: MONDAY, JU L Y 14, 1969 mrbPBter iEoBnfng % ralii \ . Avnagie Daily Net Press Run ■br The Week Ended The Weathelr About Town One Motor Town Receives I f-i* n Home Ec Posts Red Cross Jme ts, icee Hi® Klwanis Club of V Men- Fair and warm tonlgM. Low rtwaber will meet tomorrow Equipment Bids I In the 60s. Tomorrow meetly V ital To Saturday at 11:27 a.m ., t» townI Difficult To FiU ■noon at the Manchester Coun­ Mrs. Grace F. Harrison of 27 Structure 15,459 sunny and hot with higha 90 to try Club. Members will discuss South Windsor Equipment Co. firelighters went to' the rear 95. Shower prabaUllty near pi South Wlnd-sor, the McOov- Oak St. where they Meadow Lane, State Depart­ the club’s planned golf tourney Moon L ift ment of Education consultant M anehe$ter— 4 City of ViUage Charm zero through Wednenday. end baxUo auction. ^ /• / 'em Co. of Windsor Locks and tlngulshed a fire In the engine T o Change for home economics education, n o (Continued from Page One) Hodges Co. of Newington were a 'car there, VOL. LXXXVIII, . 242 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) the apparent low bidders — ------said the shortage of home eco­ The National R ^ Croaa is MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 (Claaalfled Advertlafaig on nige Id) PRICE TEN CENTS The Manchester Rotary Club nomics teachers in the state Is reorganizing its abticture and will m eet tomorrow a t 6:80 p.m. at least six minutes,” said a three pieces of of equipment , space agency official. wanted by the town at bid open- JM oFC ’’far more serious than people the Cormectlciit Dlrisioi^ will be at the Manchester Country realize.” She rejx>rts 25 vacan­ one - of the first to mqte the Club. The board of directors Colllno will be in a circular Ings morning at the Muni- , ItJerS cipal Building. cies in 21 state districts. switch, according to an cui- will meet aifter the regular club path 69 miles above the lunar Join Camp Staff “Hardly anyone is coming nouncement from the Greatei: Helpful Hints meeting. surface. He will be prepared to arj McGovern bid 14.150 to sup- forward to apply for these Jobs, ply the town with a yellow trail­ Hartford chapter of the Red Soccer Flareup LOUISVILU!, Ky. (AP)— lower hlg altitude to rescue_ his Donations and the names of and school district recruiters er model brush chipper for Cross. Firrt gredm far Byck Ele- Miss Susan Elizabeth Knight, crewnlate.s If m ngines fail 17 new veduntoeng were an- are having a hard time finding Under the new. program, daughter of Mir, and Mrs. Rob­ and Armstrong and Aldrln are cutting stumps, tree branches mentary School here have and brush. The Casey Dupuis today by the Kennedy qualified people, she said. ”In which starts today Hartford will ‘We Are Happy To Be Ready’ oome up wHh some advice ert C. Knight of 03 Elva Dr., left In a low orbit. addition, schools may yet re­ become the central office for Co. of Newington bid $4,750. - Day Camp director, Harry P. Ignites Battle In tor Apollo U Oommander graduated from Southern Con­ But if the ascent engine shuts ceive some resignations from all 37 chapters in Ckmnecticut. South Windsor Equipment bid Smith. Nell Armatvoiig that won’t be necticut State Ck>llege in June off before six m’nutes, the two homie economics teachers.” All state chapters wUl receive $1,900 to replace the town’s Cuh found In a space agency with a BS in education. She has LM pilots would not have Mrs. Harrison added the pool services from the Greater Hart­ f f Is>-Boy T ractor with a X manual. accepted a position to teach enough speed to achieve orbit of prospective home ec teach­ ford Chapter, but financial cmd one. Their trade-in figure was . ^ Watch out for "moon be­ fourth grade a t Bowers School. and would instead be on a boJ- ers if getting shallower, point­ staff support will still come Central America $600 on the old m ac^e ma^ ings.” They may . look like ll.stlc.path that would .send them ing out that only 18 teachers from the National organizatkm. TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras ran troops and air force peraon- Commissioner Ing the toatal $1,300 Cocric’s r Clirl® Low, (AP) — A new undeclared war “an octo^ with lots of Says Gommander Armstrong Dennis Sheridan, son of Dr. craihing back onto the moon be­ were graduated last month by Donald L. Cornish of the Hart­ nel had mobilized in Santa Roia Equipment Cb. of Wallingford Engaged hands” or gigantic “hot and Mrs. Bernard Sheridan of fore Co'Iirs could save them. two state colleges offering home ford Chapter will have the role nag'ed In Central Aiiimca today de Lima for a large-scale at­ Enrico F. Reale of 11 Bonner bid $2,163 wUh a $500 t r ^ - l n between Honduras and El. Sal­ dogs.” They may even want Hebron Rd., Bolton, has been The total .sequence from lunar allowance. chips and punch as well as ran ec majors. The engagement of Miss of chapter and division ' mcui- tack.” CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. named to the dean’s list for Rd. has been appointed as Ck>m- vador, with each aocuaing the to hold handa. liftoff to rendezvous between toe Hodges was the only bidder a^ parade to raise f$8.85 for the She pointed to two other fac­ Nancy Jane Chatel of Windsor, ager. He will be hssisted by a Two Honduran towns report­ (-■\P) — The Apollo 11 as­ the spring semester at Emerson mLssioner of Opticians by Gov. tors bearing on the shortage. other of aggression. The Organi- edly suffered a ’’high” munber A 7-yeiutold had one sbaip LM and command ahlp Is ex­ to supply the town with a self- ® formerly of Manchester, to staff of five. insight into the mission: tronauts spent the day be­ College, Boston. One la that some teachers have Objectives of the. new organi­ zatin>vn.w»>- h Dwight D. Cameron, Kathy O’Neil, Dayna Mias Chatel is a graduate of 7 p.m. at the home of Bill Pa- Connecticut Guild of Prescrip­ schools, and their home ' eco­ meet contemporary prqUems. sold seven cities were bombed. sairs. the spacertitp commander. successfully on the flights of Elsenhower, has been released BerthlauAie. Kathy R ls^ Manchester High School and Catch 51 ganl, 13 Falknor Dr. tion Opticians, and a member from a U.S. Air Force hospital nomics departments are among CHiapter chairm an Roland H. A dispatch from Guatemala, At dawn WeCkwaday, 3H Apollos 9 aiid 10. But on those Elaine Poitras, - Tom Cameron, Hartflard Hospital School of Reports stdd at least one of of the txxird of directors for where she was confined follow­ those looking for teachers. Lange, who helped work out the which borders bolth countries hours before their scheduled two mtoslons, the Astronauts April Showman and Mary Fin­ Nursing. She-Is employed as a the £lalvadoir«an aircraft waa Carl Alfred Hohenthal of 41 the Connecticut Contact Lens ing an attack of acute bronchi­ Mrs. Harrison hopes that new organizational plan, said Said Salvadorean otficials re­ In State 9:93 a.m. EDT lift off, Arm­ were already In orbit before the negan. registered nurse at Haitford downed: Ridgewood St. and Miss P a­ Society. He Is a partner In ;.the tis. some certified home economics that within two years, most of ported some 1,000 Honduran strong, Edwin EL A|drin Jv. and motor was triggered. The oaimp nurse la Mrs. Rich­ Hospital. Unofliclal reports nald the tricia Eileen Gcfttier, P.O. Box firm of DcBolla and Reale Hospitalized July 5 while teachers, perhaps unaware of the 3,000 Red Cross chapters troops had crossed the border WESTPORT, Conn. Mtehael (JolHns craw l Into their er erd CoughUn, R.N., of Cornwall Mr. Cynoski, a senior at West­ port of Son Lorenzo was ma­ 389, RockvlHe have been nam­ Guild Opticians, 18 Asylum St., toute to a Scottish vacation, the 5 r the need, grill injulre aibout Job^ 'acros.3 the nation will be or­ into El Salvador. Sources In Te­ (AP)—A total of 61 per­ capsule to begin man’s most When taking a long auto trip ern New England CoUege, chine-gunned during Uie night ed to the spring sem ester Hartford. that are open. Information on ganized under about 100 divi­ gucigalpa said the Honduran air sons from nine Fairfield ambitloua exptoratlon. with baby, place two or three ^m oa^opened last Mcm- Springfield, Mass., is employed causing serious damage to the dean’s list at Bucknell Univer­ Ho Is a past grand knight of specific op^ngs Is available sions. fotoe’a World War n Cbrsairs County towns were being The weather outlook was extra pacifiers In a small 'cov­ from the education depart­ part-time at Combustion En­ cUy iMit no word on casualties sity, Campbell Council, KofC, and ’’Every chapter within the di­ also crossed the frontter and WBj avattablal good. ered Jar In the glove com part­ ton Sunday and boarded the lln- Globe HoUow Pool and wUl hold ment’s bureau of research, sta­ gineering, Inc., Windsor. sought today in connection servos as chairman of Its board vision will retain its present re­ ran Into heavy antiaircraft fire. “The three of us have no fear ment of the car. e r United Staltjes for her return 3 two-week sessions with the tistics, and finance latiollo 11 uatronauta down the stepg of their hmar lander. Oolllns remains In othit late Mrs. Lois Joyner, a mem­ ■* While North Vietnam today dinate our efforts and attack what he said were errors made hold a press conference answering questions fired overhead In the command ohlp, ber of Us board of dlneotors. repeated Its demands for total this on a regional basis.” Torn Bills Three Excel by South Vietnam and by the at them by a group of |>ool rejiorters. From left; awaiting their return. U.S. withdrawal |rom South U.a. since the middle of 1966. In adjoining Westchester Coun­ William P. M arceau, son of ty, N.T., sheriff’s deputies Lunar' Pilot Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., Mission Com­ The astronauU, In aporls Vietnam, leaders of the latter Ky was premier at the start of Will Prove' In G eology clothea. were retiaxed aa they Mr. and Mrs. William H. Mar­ country criticized the U.S. for tMa p e r i ^ moved to arrest another 71 per­ 1^ Q sona. mander Neil Armstrong and (knnmand Module answered questions. ceau of 8 Tracy Dr., enlisted for "errors” which have "prolong­ He waa particularly critical The Westchester raids,‘'begin­ Pilot Michael Collins. (Al’ Photofax) 8PACE C'BNTKR, Houston N«k to r away, baltaid In flood- two years In the U. S. Army ed” military oc­ of what he oald were U.S. mis­ They Went ning at dawn, took plsu:e to (AP) They are Jet plluts. tool Ugl>U khe U«a pampered Star It and left July 8 for basic train­ cupancy in the war-tom Aslan takes. One, he eald, was the ing at F t. Dlx, N. J. / Yonkers, Port Cheater, Elms- WASHINGTON (AP) — The pilots, space plluU, and' eiigt- Is. rtood ths 9g9foot tall •stum country. failure of the United States to neeiw. even pudackMis daredev­ ford, Greenburg, Mit Verpon, Apollo U moon expedition may 6 rochet that will propel ttism In formally rejecting a new modernize the South Viet­ ils to some earthiings, taut two onto the Journey dreamed of election propooal made by South New Rochelle, Harrison, Biiar- have coot milUoos of gtollara, namese air force and the other cUff, PleasantvUle, Tuckahoe, of Ute moon-bound ostronaula peitsipa itoica man Ant woMwd Vietnamese President Nguyen TV Will Follow alsp liave won high marks as U. S. Troops was slowness In building up Sai­ and tha town and village of but it’s only going to take tour tha earth. Van Thieu, the North Vietna­ gon’s ground forces. Mamaroneck. $1 bllU to prove that astronauts good geologists. Vice P raoldsnt hpfro T. Ag- mese delegation to the Paris A prime scientiftc mlsshm tor Fight Series Ky, who was commander of It was believed to be the larg­ Edwin Aldrln, Michael Collins new and tormor Prasldant Lyn­ Peace Talks called for total U.S. the South Vietnamese air force astronauts fjfell Armstrong and don B. Johrosm were to ha est Joint state narcotics roundup and Neil Armstrong actually got To Moon and Back Of Skirmishes (PibrlmvMills______withdrawal from South Viet­ when he assumed power, said In recent years, and the largest Edwin Aldrln Jr. on Apollo 11 Is among the mllHan panams ss^ nam . to ttM moon and bock. (AP) From approximately $0 liouni of con- to bring home as much aa 130 pe<4ad a t Itila moon|)art to see (Continued from Page One) “three or tour years ago we number of arrests in one nar- The rejected proposal was TOW the North Vietnamese Oom- coUcB raid In Connecticut’s his­ The National Aeronautic Aoso- countdown to aplashdown, tete- tinuous oovsraga. ABC comes pounds of well-seleotad, tnter- ih» launching. vUion’s camvru will accompa­ on at 12 noon for 90 hours of eollnc. algntfl(wnt moon rocka. ■ tain, which dominates the rice that all political factions in immists equipped with Russian tory. clation, which certifies aeronau­ coverage and CBS and NBC at What they pick could be a In the lunar module, which Is plains around Tay NInh City. South Vietnam, including the m ade MIG218, the latest model The children of several social­ tic and space flight records, ny Uv< Apollo 11 ostronruts to the surface of the moon and 11 a.m. for 91 hours. priceless treasuni uUIng much nerted hsneaih ttw command Light, scattered contact also Viet Cong’s National Liberation fighter-bombers. And only a few ly prominent families In affluent said Monday the astroauta will and sarvtce mudutsa, Is a dtae OAKLAND STKEET- Rte. <3 • MANCHESHR Front, Join in elections under back. The extended coverage, which about the orlgtii and Mstory of was reported from other ports months ago we were equipped Fairfield and Westchester were carry tom halves of the four Coverage plans of the historic ends at 6 p.m. Monday, wilt the moon, and perhaps the Uw olsa of a half dollar k»- o( the country ns the first large international supervision today. only with A87 Jets, the kind the Involved. bills with them on their mission. flight are reaching historic pro^ take the inlselon through the de- earth. acilbed with msHoagow of eon- Meanwhile, South Vietnam’s U.S. formerly used’ as train- Most of the persons sarested When they return, their tom contingent of II.8. Marines scent of the Eagle, the landing, in preparation, Utay've be­ gralukUlotai and gcodwai from Vice President Nguyen Coo Ky e r a ” ranged between 16 and 24 years halves wlU be matehed with the portions. Imrltig the critlcaJ boarded ships nt Da Nang to the walk on the nKxm, Uftoff come “much better than Just 78 natkjtto The mSonidiso arlU seemingly lent support to the old and came from middle or tom halves retained by the as­ phnses of the moon landing the pull out of the w ar zone. 'Th^e conflicting viewe were from the lunar surface and amateur gaologUta.’’ Dr. John bo Implanied In tie pa"»>snr North Vietnam position by stat­ upper-income fsunillea. Police. sociation—4he traditional way, three networks will be on the air The 2,800 men of the 9th Ma­ compounded today by situations docking with (he Columbia. W. Dietrich, a geoiogM at (ha moon ooll. ing today that the U.S. "erred” reported many were college or the NAA said, of proving that continuously for at least 30 rine Regiment’s 1st Battalion concerning Mrs. Nguyen, Trt hours. 'The lunar module is scheduled Manned Spacecraft (Tenter who Rusrta. which owU a mystary are part of the 28,000 Americans in jflelaying strengthening of Blnh, chief of the Viet Oong high school students. the men who take off are the Wpolens • Suitings Two hour-long previews of the helped train the jmlr, oold In on Miunue to Use maasa-with m '- slated to. leave South Vlctnom South Vietnam forces so that delegation to the Paris Peace The narcotics involved, accord­ some ones who return. flight will be <^ernd tonight. (6 Page Nine) interview rival Umed naaily to by the end of August under country can fight its war on its Talks and Gen. Barie G. Wheel­ ing to authorities, were heroin, Why four biUa? ‘'They won’t be Mka someotw witii Amartca'a htoSortu own. Ky said that if the U.S. er, chairman of the U.S. Joint hashish, LSD, Speed and am­ NB('’s special is a t 7:30-6:80 President Nixon's wtthdniwiU ’’Just to have a mpart or two p.m. and CBS’s at lO-li p.m. AU picking up Interesting or pretty deltversd no maroage. fksne order. Dress Fabrics had beefed up South Vietnam, CaUefs of Sta«. phetamines. In case of any kind of slip-up,” timea are Eastern Daylight. rocks or shells at the saashors,’’ •* l* rts aosv In MMr isunannsd The U.8. Command also nn- the U.S .could have withdrawn the NAA explained. (foverage of the Uftoff, set for he said "They'll know what Vrhlcla an attem pt to pluck soil . this year. wr (Bee Page Nineteen) (See Page Bight) noimced that additional ele­ 9:32 a.m. Wednesday, begins in Trailers Wait they're doing To a gsatoglal. anriplsw from the moan and re- ments of the 0th Infantry Divi­ bi remarks to high-ranking the early morning. NBC signs one kliMl of rook matertal can turo ttwm beSore Armatroi«, sion and n National Guard imlt, ■ Drapery & Upholstery Fabrics officers at South Vietnam’s War on at 6 a.m. with a special edi­ To Seal Crew have 10 difterwit cokwa. The Aldrin and. OtaMlna can dahver the 060th Medical Detachment, y OoUege, Ky, according to Asso­ tion of the ’■’lioday" show. ABC rignlficance In color la what skw theini eight days aflar ttflofr. will leave for the United States ciated Press reports, reviewed begins at 7 and CBS at 6 a.m. And Treasure the rock ts oomblnad with. We Aohod It he arould be diaap- on Tuesday. The first large want back a variety of dlfferenl polntod If the Ruortare fWet Regular progreos reports wUI ABOARD OIW HORNET (AIM btxly of tnx>ps in the withdrawal Linings • Patterns Goddard; Pioneer in Space be aired throughout the flight by t)qMw or rocka, If they are avail- aneied lunar dM.-AMrki _ incongruous ^ the ha gar were 814 men of the llth Division Editor's note—Harry F. Oug' the television and radio net­ abU.” 'T m sure sU of iss would. We’d r who flew homo July 8. — W ing Crack genhelm, prealdeifl and editor in works. de<‘k of thta Apollo 11 raoovary ‘ Armstrong and Aldrln have Hko to return w ith The sharpest fighting reported chief of Neweday in Garden The Apollo Is to, send back the 4hlp are t-wo trailer* which don’t crammed In the equivalent of we set out to do on thto toilay occurred Sunday aftcr- Notions • Trimmings City, N.T., was for many years first of at least seven Uve trans­ look aa though they're going wiy 150 hours of classroom Instruc- What Uzey oat out to do 4mm place They have no wtieeki iwxm us arinored trcxips of the Sets Back .a cloae friend and supporter of missions for 16 minutes at 7:93 Uop In geology, said I>Mrlch. prupwd by Prertdi t John r. 1st Infantry Division probed the Dr. Robert H. Goddard, the p.m. ’Thuroday. AU of tha trans- Ahead of at least one of them. They've made flekt U1$w to Keroiedy In I9g|: “1 h s l^ that lower slopes of, Black Virgin father pf modem rocketry. God­ If all gue« well, la a 9.00O;mUa mfsotons will be In color except (Sew Pag» EIgM) inoimtuln. Custom Draperies & Slipcovers C5A P lan e dard’s- research and exparl- for those from the lunar module trip carrying some of the most . .(haa Page 1 The 1st Division men had re­ menta, many of which ware Srtp- on the moon. pferious cargo In history sev- ported { killing 32 Viet Cong on WASHINGTON (AP) — Th(9 ,Jusl. wait til you see the beautiful new Pilgrim Mills! Come shop in controversial C8A super trans­ ported by the Ouggenhalm fund On Bunday, as the lunar 'mod- pounto. of limar rock and Saturdiiy wheat they went In to tor the Promotion of Aerotiau- ule Eagle prepares t o separate the three artranaute whr* cheek the reStUta of B62 strikes port has suffered what could be brcaight u book to certh. jiii-toiKlilioned comfort. . . select from the world’s finest quality fabrics Ha first major test failure—a tics, paved the way for the Apol­ from the command mqdule (Uy oh enemy positions on the Jun- lo project. Here Guggenhelrti re­ lumbia the networks wtli begin ThciV* a renwto chstoce Ua» Luna gled slopes. at Pilgrim Mills regular low, low prices. Our courteous well-trained staff wing cracking under preasurea trailer may also have aoma is> Slowly, 22 per cent below the contract- minisces on the impact of thta Artillery and flghtcr-bonibers wanted pew n gvra. mlcro-ar- is ready to give .Wi pereonal service. , specified level. litUe-known pkmeer of space ■'I |K)unded the ntountulnslde aifajit i> ■ garAszns tough em ugh to sur- The Air Force disclosed Mon­ flight. '^Sunday ns the armored troops viva extreme temperaturre and New Goal \ ou 11 like the new Pilgrim Mills . . . new store, fabulous new selec­ day. the wing cracked during fired at ureas where, enemy radiation on the rorjon. The- poa- ground static tests of a C6A By HARRY F. OUOaENHElM Drift Suh troops were holed up In bunk­ tion of fabrics at the same regular low mill prices. elUUty that they could threalen JODfUetJ, HANK. England airframe minus tell assembly Preetdent and Editor la Chtof^ WethMSday. but LcreaS said Ml- ers,. i»aves luid trenches. life forme on earth hi Che (AP) The Sovtol moewuMp Come see for youi-self . . . and you’ll agree that the new Pilgiim Mills at the Marietta, Ga., plant of Nowaday er ^udylqg the latest dpsUs S^. Peter Copeland of Hous­ Starts T rip reason the trailers are on (he Iauui I t j a traveling al a stower the Lockheed Georgia Co. Dtotrlbuted by The Ptobed up front the Sorist ton; Mo., said the mountain was is the same . . . ONLY BETTER. , Just a few minutes M v to SAVE! Hornet opaed than uoual and will lake b^ecraft that ft would MdI Uke n rotten log.” The impact of the break on Our thoughts art croarded this The BstrcMuts. a phyalrian, a krigre than ths uaual 11* days reach the moon's vtrintty undl "You beat on It and the bugs the over-all program, and why On Research week with the pvoqiect of man’s technician and the moon wun-\ to reach the area of the moon, Thuradtogr morning come boiuiclng out,” he said. it occurred, is being asseeaed by the director of the aotrcaaimy greatest H>ace adventure, the WEST PALM BEACH. Fla. pies arlll be sealed In arm a t the Ixovatl dW not d dborala hut "It must be awfully noisy up Bank CAorge Corcb Honored the Air Force and company en- ttaUon hers reported .today courage of the astronaUte wrbo (AIM With her thnaighciul a long W setonUste daocribad Me rewsn- there.” fineers. Completed models will “There to every IndtoaUon continue teat flights in the will make It, and the skill of gtoaing mse grseh coals,Is, the re- )w n » )f to Houetotv Tex tog thee way: A search of the urea late Sun­ TYiere, they will be k nialed In that K may be attempting domo- day produced the bodies of 10 meantime. thousands of scientists and sngl- irch submarine Ben Erankhn uu/v now," said Sir Banuud Luna 19 to moving more atme- The C5A—world’s largest air neera on wbooe efforts Apollo 11 and her crew of six slipped be a laboratory until the end of a. ly Urewrd the moon, powlhly ha- more enemy who had been 21-day quarantine, olarung from larvelJ He aald this could be Oto killed by small arms fire, bring­ transport^-has been the focus of arlU ride to the moon. nexth the bhkcfc waters of tha recovery of moon rock. oauae K Is hsavtor, fmd car­ considerable criticism in Con­ For some of us old enough to At'antlc Moev^ay nlgM to tegto the moment (he firm m. trunaut rying now equIpmsiM kw a now ing to 42 the total claimed In (try* on the nuwn Itovell apoka wllh nearamea gress because of soaring ex­ remember the earliest attampts a 9(MBy, 1,200-mile imdsswaa mtBAkosX A ApptfMtik two days. There were no U.8. The other trailer a spare, la after his gtanl radio (aloacope. casualties, the command said pense. at flight In this country, there iv Journey along ths Otgf Stranro. ths moon would sava fusi nsad- to be iSMd If other 2.200 por- which has been (racking taoia The U . 8. Command also an­ JtfmM mioisrre Under origins! pisns, the Air a special place In our tboughU ‘'Here are go.” yelled Dotwld ed to hstoka lt|e spacoerMI tor aona aboard the Home* are 18. had dbarovered the moonship nounced the launching of unuth- ' ^CkASTomMr Foroe Inteitded in 19M to buy today tor Robert H. GoddartL J. Kazimir, captain of the bus- area on a trajectory diffsreni tending and reasrvw ftisl nsdad arridentally expo ed to prwelMe r Marine sweep along the coast 130 models for $9.1 bUtoo .but He was to the moon rocket what OaeC oUbmarine as It sank In from other unmonnad govtot for reUuncktng U fbr Itia reSum auth of Dn Nang, the third such ^ th at haa escsistad by tlA bil- th e Wright bcothera arerii’ to the ' l.MX) feet of water 10 hours after moon corztamlrBifian tiV \ V \ moon fUgtite f ^airplane. Without hW we might being (creed 30 mUm out to osw. T^pod tradde a omaJI halcb operation In that a re a In t\yo r ' Uon, according to officla) estl- ' “n ila to, unlqua a s la r a s Lu- Tbs govtot l^Uoqi has — »»• months. The headquarters said nmtea. sUU\be seatng tha moon as aaity Aka. Bboard the OmmmtoJ the wall of (he prirfmi^ ,1. nlkj are ' concerrtod.” tunfell UUasdi .b stiencs on (tto amen men of the 26th M arines made a ' In the face of the criticism, a romantics did, "a ghostly gal­ Alrcrofi (torpVU.B Nivry upoo- trailer la a bond drawn aketch (■aid "Thto Indtcbtea that a leon xtooaed igKm ehaidy seas,” of Bnooyy, the cartoon dog. and fllghl Newspapsni pithHdiUig In helicopter assault from aboard major Pentagon argumont has aolcd vessel wars Jaecturo Pic­ new form at operation Is iktend- Moscow for the first time sface ship to seven miles south of the bean that the pUire has been and not as another station In card, ths Bwtm acawitkst orho de­ the a re e ^ «d,'’he added “R oupporte the man’s endless pursuit of the un-' 'Happtoeew to a bug-free Air i-un* IS w as iauachsd guaday city on July 10, and 21 enemy meeting or' exeeadng TirtuaUy signed her, Enrin Aebsraold. theory that lA i^ 19 m ay be si- ra rrisd usity th s original eon- have been killed. Seven Ameri­ aU contract spedflcatlons. known. ancAber SwIob who Is chief pfiol, M rvam ” tempbbtg to recover limar He has been dead now for al­ The legend la a pun Air InmnUius wMcri sidd ths —‘r--n can wounded were reported. The 890-foot Jet pians. capable onanograprisr RorereB F Bus­ ro c k " Vas lor “forthar aeteaeiny In another delayed report the FABRIC DEPARTMENT STORES of carrying tonka. taaUcoptars, most 33 yoors. He died without by ci Fort Weshlrgitoei, Md ; Stream la the trade came of the There has been arldeopread the fame that accrued to tha (roller Wwll, an d . kiwpmg the piorafton of dis moop and ths U.8. Command said U.8. 9th Di­ trucks and troops, 'recently OiglUh sclent 1 st K em eth tperutotlon In Moscow that the. •poee nsar Ihe moon.'’ vision Infantrymen killed 38 \ . .f, ■ made'' its tint eroos-oountiy Wright biothan In their Ufo- stream of sir vented from tf* Ha(gh. and American erlwdlst BovteU .may bs eiUampttng to The tstoscope hors bu Viet Cong, in a fight Saturday flight and appeared to be per- Ume. But ha dlod stlU boUavlag OxeAer B May at Hunisndlle, traitor 'bug free " to one of tha slfal Some of the story from the iha« man mould one day shatter primary futrikoa of this unique tracksd aO g orist moon psokag near the Plain of Reeds, along tormli« higt^ eatiafaetoefly. W Va. ptannad U S. m aonad landing on and Lovstl has often s the CambotUon border 70 miles \ On Smdoy. buwevar. csina the fetters of earth’s grmstty etrueSure. the mcasn by briig[tng bach h Jb t mtoWan plan coded for tlte rosulta bsfatto ths west of Saigon. OAKLAND STREH Rte. 83 MANCHESTER I tbs wtsg crack. and stride maJasUesUy Isito ths the Ben PrarSiUn to sK on the Air pumped In and oUf-of the acMos moon rock llmt. • ^ has long hsksved tho to- 1 trailer will be tlRerad surgery' Luna 18 had beim soipactad (See Page Nina) (Sas Page Ten) Goddard and His Gadfgt. (AP Photofax) (Sas Page Ntea) room clean. rvacT. the vacioaty of the mocsito Fbgo NhMtMR)

■ \'- .• • • I ■V

PAGE TWO ______MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 Manchester MOVIE AUDIENCE MHS^onor Ro] Hospital Notes STAR GAZRRT* *******Qy|[)|^«***,«, Sheinwolci on Bridge MANCHESTER EV EN ^G HERALD. MANCHESTER,. CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 •By CLAY R. POLLAN- A SCRVICE OF FILM-MAKERS ------:------—------^------)------J ------PAGE THREE UBRA AND THEATERS. EVEN SMALL CARDS MAY The . following Mend Your Daily AefMfy Gvk/* * NORTH ard Martin, the town’s chief de­ Chrlsdlne Camacho, Maircla'' VISITlNQ HOURS According to Start. TAKE TRICKS C o lu m b ia These ratings spply to hime 4 1 9 6 4 AITEWMON PA U N ni High School students have Campbell, Ruth Chatcl, Pamela Intermediate Care Semi- rel—1#6 eher Nuv 1,1968 Connecticut CartingSuit fense witness, died in late 1967. naiined to Due fourth q< T o develop messoge for Wediiesdoy, 4-15-29-34#' By ALFRED SHE INWOLD K73 TV- Radio Tonight Cooper, Djean Desroeders, Rich­ noon-2 plm., and 4 p-m. reod words corresponding to numbers Bayer was the town’s counsel honor roU; 42-53^-J7 -8 9 ^ THIS SEAL You’re ejq>ected to know 0 18 ard t>iaz, Paul Dodge, Amva 8 p^n.; private rooms, 10 a.m.- y f TAU3US of your Zodioc birth sign. Burton Ives during the t'wo years of the SENIORS Am. 20 In ad( indicat** th* Rim w** when a Jack Or ten is the high­ ♦ AQ6 ■ DeUiyed Until September Donadlo, David Eddy, Law­ 2 p.^, and 4 p.m .-8 p.m. 31 Twist 61 MorWy Lte tat ■ 1 n ^ — A. . _a . Arm’s contract. However, Atty. High Honors PeduMcs: Parents allowed •ubniittad and approved under est remaining card of a suit. WEST EAS Tbe latest pos^^Mxienient of would receive a new' contract rence' Elkin, Patricia Farrell, I MAf JO 32 Your 62 Protect You’re doing pretty well if you T e le v isio n John Shea, town counsel now. Catherine Albalr, Debna George Field, Sharon Fieldo any tiim except noon-2 p.-m.; 7-10-13-31 33 Letters 63 Slogon th* Motion Picture Cod* 4 Q 10 2 ♦ 5 ■ Selectman the Oonnectleut Carting Ob. vs. os rt Sept. 1, 1961. In order to SECOND FOUR.¥nEEK SESSION 34 Some 64 Better always know whether or not a 6:00 (8). Buiko's Low hEindled the case In the Arst Avery, Janet Bengassor. Bar- Colby Freeman, Ramora Fur- others, 2 V m .-8 p.m. U 52-55-66 of 8olf-R*gul*tion. <5 1865 <5 AQ104 (10) Alfred Hltrdicock the Town of Manchester case recoup Its loses, and didn’t. 35 Opportunities 65 Secret nine or an eight Is Mgh, and 3) Jflke IXNiglaa (8d3j Tnith or Couaequencei hearing before Judge Molloy. NE)CT SESSION lEGINS JULY 28 bara Behnke, Robert Bledler, phy, Gary Galaseo, Seth Gor- Self Setvlra; 10 a.m .-2 p.m., 66 Matters 0 Q 10 0 65432 Ferry Hoaon In Us eight-year history oame The town is trying to prove SACITTARIUS II Suggoalad for GENERAL you’re in the expert clan if Merv OMttln (30) New* , Candidate Bayer again has charge of the Janlce Bletzer, Janice Banham, man, William Geyer, Daniel 4 p.m .-8 p.mK 67 To 41 1852 "41 K 10 9 / (18) Whaf* Hy Une this month, according to Atty. that w hatever losses (Connect­ 68 Your NOY. audlanca*. you ,go as low as the sevoi. . WBerberoe* (40) Newsbeat case at Shea'e request. SmsU. etteoUve rIsMes In reodiiif and study skUls. Indhrhlual- John Briggs, Lynn Chlttlck, Harvey; Martha Harvey, Joann Intensive Care and Coronary 69 News SOUTH ,30) M g P ic tu re 7:30 PhilUp Bsy«r, who Is iiandUng icut (Carting incurred were of Dec. s 8ugg**i*d lor MATURE You may sniff at West in to­ (8-13) Lancer Burton Ives, kxtel 'ousinees- Atty. John McJCeown of Man­ ised ptograteH ooootdlnf to pr»«est dtogiiasta. Programs may Chrtotine C3arke, Kathleen Hettinger, Carol Higgins, Care: Immediate family only, 70 Of 4 AK873 (18) Delia Reeae Show the town’s defense. Mb own doing. Ineluds such *Lreas os word s/ttatA sitilli (phaalas), esmpra- 71 Ability 21-2441-474 |40) r T n o fi (34) Joyce Chen Cooks man, told the Repubtiewo Town chester, who has an ofAce in Coughlin, Mary Crandall, Janice Michele Howard. anytime, limited \p five min­ audienc** (parental dtocra- day’s hand if you’re expert and 15 92 6:36 (40) . Illnesses, operations, and hesMton, vocabulscy developiMBt. apssd rto tfn g , how to steely 72 Keep 65^7-72 always alert. 6:30 (lO-JimgO) News Special The case began (n late 1961. Hartford, told' Bayer yesterday Datoate; Lyrme Derrick, Robert Also, Deborah Hunt, Betsy utes. 73 Alert tion advited). 5S! ins'* "■ Cotteequences (8-40) Mod Squad Ooiiunlttee last week that he is deaths of people involved In the T7»e first referee was former effeottvrty, crttiool snd ioisrsnUal rssfitng, tsst *»a*»«g tsch- North dealer. ^ ' (30) P Troop 8:00 (34) Honterey Jaxs that he also was prepared for Dixon, Jean Dorchester, Late Hontor, Alteon Jacobs, Cta,yton Maternity: Father^ll a.m. 74 Then R ESTR ICTED — Paraona ‘ * 74 _ (90) PUm 8:30 a candidate tor post, o f flrat esse, ineludl^ s Judge, have Supreme (Court Judge ’Thomas the case to begin again this nfquss perospUcti, oonoentratiozi. ooUego loord tsst prapara- 75 Watchful Both sides vuOnerable. (18) Deimla the Henace (^13) LIbeiaoe Show Uon and ganersl Improvetnent of im S a g efllelaBcy. 12:48 p.m., and 0 :3 ^ p.m . -8 76 Cooperotive North (8) It Takes a Thief" kept the esse unresolved. Tliis J. MoUoy who died U st year. Bteesser. Bruce Hust, Carolyn Jacobs, Lawrence Kahn, Law- JAN. under 16 not admitted, un- Opening lead —’Two of Clubs. East South Wert ( 8) I Love Lucy (10-30-3.-.-30-33«))---- Julia - selectman in the November coming Friday. Neither asked ★ Monfng n esses Monday th ro ^ Thursday JohndGii, Diane Johnson, Kath- renco Knight, P eter Levine, p.m .; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.ilt.., and 77 Now • Pass Pass I 4 6:46 (34) Friendly CHaot time it was s "mixup in the The case had been half heard for the postponement. Bayer 78 TronsoetJom 5- 9-30-54/^ laaa accbmpanlad by parent West <^>ened the deuce of Pass 6:00 (18) Merv Orlfftn ele-ctions. ★ AlrOoadEiotMd OasMoona A OHttfMTMteolMnrtRsteAiw 6:80 p.m .-8 p.m. 62-68-81-85is Pass 4 4 (40) I Spy referee’s schedule,” Bsyer said. before him, Bayer said, when said the Judge’s secretary told ryn Jcdineton, Marcy Juran, James Lippo, Natvey Lltke, 79 You'll or adult guardian. clubs, and declarer tried a fi­ ■I ♦ All Pass 9:00 (34) EEN Chronicle TTie Republican caucus will A Tsstlng Pvogiteins for DtagiMrta isid PtooMnant. Ldsa Kehler, Henry Kledn, Tonu Nancy Macoinber, WlUlaim Mar- Age Limits: 10 in mater ^ SOThon AQUARIUS (M) lUsteroger'a Neighbor­ Retired State Supreme (Court he became ill. He had on him there was a mixup Ml the 81 Valuoble nesse with dummy’s queen, los­ hood (lO-TJdB-to) Tuesday night at 12 In other areas, no limit^ JAN. 20 (s) Paraona under 16 not ad- the Movies be held Aug. 13 in the town Justice Abraham Borden, ap­ (^ration and was\ recovering, AccNkmic Raadlng hnprovgw ggir Ccfitar, lac. Kuuaik, Theresa Landers, CUf- shah, Aurelia Massey, Laum 82 Visiting ing to the king. East returned (M) Leave It to Beaver 9:30 (8-40) NYPD Judge’s calendar and the case self-service. 83 Coin lalWnd. Thit ago raatriction (80) HcHole's Nhvy ' hall pointed referee In the esse by so the case was not transferred. fond LaPotate, Donna Lawrence, Matte, James McCarthy, Klm- « 5 . II the ten of clubs, forcing out West co^d ruff, if he Uloed, but (3-13) Doris Day was pushed up to September. 84 Recognition may b* higher In certain (M) Back Stage 10:00 (18) News the Hartford Cbunty Superior But he died. It Is too late to hold It ecu'ller, Oanoi Utke, Barbara Lundberg, berly MUler, Nancy Miner, 85 Possessions 3- 6-19-22^ dummy’s ace. the defense could then get only Russell Inzinga announced his The administration reminds 27-61-78 V 4:06 (8-40) Dick Cavett Show F orm er ’Town M anager Rich­ she told him. Brenda MattareUi, Doria^Mitch- John Newcomb, Donald Paine! 86 Succeed ntaaa- Check theater or Now South drew two rounds one heart trick. 6:30 (34) Spectrum candidacy tor osseasor and Oouit, was to heiu' the case I S s 64J-W47 visitors that with construction e7$ove MSCIS (30) Srelal Securir. (3-13) News!tews SpecialSp—„ starting this oomli^ Friday. Dana Parandes, Mary Perottl, 88 You advartlaing. of trumps, discovering that Dally Question (10-33-30) Huntley-Bi inldey 10:30 Mrs. Joseph Armstrong said under way, parking space is « l; l» (18) Uy Favorite Hartian (18) Ten T)ilrty Movie Also, Carol Morgan, James Cell Peters, Jacqueline Quey 89 Some Printed ■ public service West had a sure trump trick. Partner deals and bids one (34) Clnepoelum ehb is Intereeted in a post on Bayer said the referee’s secre­ limited. Visitors are asked to 90 Suspect UAIt. 20 f ( 8) Frank Reynolda 11:00 (8-^l(M0) Newi, SportA, Naschke, Dcmald Osier, Doug- Alan Ralchlln, Joseph Rizza by this newsMpei Apparently the contract was go­ q>ade, and liie next player (34) Wliat's New? (R) the Board of Education. tary esUed him and sold the bear with the hospital while the 7/16, 23-39-44-S.... (£•13) Walter C^nldte Weiuher • las P a ^ , Mtarjorie Pella, Nan- Also, Eileen Roberts iWbln ing to dei>end on the location of passes. You hold: Spades, J-t- 8:46 _ (20) Tombstone Terrttory Mrs. Mlargaret DUworth, town case was put off until Septem­ parking problem exists. 69-7(18i84'A (30) News 11: a (3) T u e s ^ Starlight ber. cy Phlhlps, OeoUla Rlveria, Rogers, William Scholtz, David the ace of hearts. If East held 6-4; Hearts, K-7-8; Diamonds, 7:00 (30) Hmrtley BrtaJtley 11:90 (12). Late Uovie clerk, toid the committee she Martha Ruasell, Susan Scheln- Sehvey, Leslie Slbrinsz Walter (8) Cesar’s World (8>40) Joey Btehop will not seek re-electl-jn. Her “Both sides are re6uly,” Bay­ that card (as he did), the de­ J-8 ; Clubs, A-Q-4f-8-' (34) Invitation to the E)ast 11:45 (19-2(V2»^) Tonj£ht oat, Susan Sllhavy, Audrey Silkowskl, Sylvia SD^rbenr xT-.wn...... THEATER TIME fenders were going to get two What do you say? term rune out Jan. 1, 1970 after er said. “You get the feelli« PANDORA’S Smith, Karen Smith, L inda i^in steely Rob"rt Swmdo^’ t YESTERDAY: Study Shows . SCHEDULE hearts, a trump-and a club. Answer; Bid two clubs. Your SEE SA’ITTRDAY-S TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE USTINOV el{ht years of service. She said we’ll never get tills case over Smith, Bonnie Starr, Joan Craig Sweeney Michels Thibo^ Pbie St.; Theo- ’There was no harm in tackl­ hand is too good for a raise to she finds it impoaslble to con­ with.” Starslak, Judy Sturtevant, Rob- Oeau W^^'-Th^uer ^‘“‘“"bury; Van- ing the diamonds first, and two spades, but not good enough ' R a d io tinue the work and take care Oonnectlcut (Carting Is suing ert Taylor, Randolph liunns, ^ ^ Burnside—Popi, 7:00, 9:05. Bo: South hid his surprise and Joy for a Jump to three spades. Bid of h er Carntiy. the town tor $160,000 tor breach SUMMER Linda Topllff, Janette Uzupee, Birry Walch FlleJ wT™’ Bechtold. Coven- The^lder (Past 75 ) Cinema I * n —The , April (llila Uatliv tnclndea only ttMiae news broadcasts ig or II Foote, 1:60, 3:50, 5:66, 8:00, when West, followed suit with your side suit, mKh o s It Is, Wallace Lohr has announced rt contract. The Issue stems CoUette Ventura, Wayne W a i^ : M.o!;^ An)T W itm *9 mlmite lengUi. Some staaiine tonrv other abort newscasts.) Frank Falrview St.; Theodore Bos 10:00; FVimy Girl, 2:00, 8:00. the ten and queen of diamonds. and raise the spades later to that he will not seek re-election from a garbage 6um1 refuse David Wore, Barbara Weiss and Zaremiba. ^low the in-between nature of WBCB—n* worth, Storrs; Janet Bushnell, Will Grow Sexually Bolder Cinerama—Bea Hur, 8 :00. ’This meant ithai the nine and r:80 Speak Up Sporw to Uk school board. pickup contract held by the Laura ^llo. SOPHOMORES 6:00 Rarttord HlatiiurtM. 1.10 Speak Dp aporu East Windeor Drive - in — seven of diamonds were high. your hand. The town committee tabled Arm tor the period Sept. 1, 1969 e Regular Honors Honors 70 W. Middle Tpke.; John 7:00 Newa 3:30 Speak Dp Hartforc Campo, Stafford Springs; Mrs. NEW.YORK (AP) — A Duke heairt was spent on neoBy Romeo £ Juliet. 8:38; Barefoot South had a chance to make Copyright 1980 8:00 ClaaUghi il:3 0 Barry Farber the resignation of Mra. Janet to Aug. 80, 1061. UrJvenslty psychiatrist says it Is launching a preventive pro- In The Piarit, 10:40. his contract Independently of the General Features Oorp. 13:00 Quiet Hours 13:16 Sign Off Ferguson until members ’ of the The company claims It lost heart altuaticn if he could cash _____ WPOP—1«» w n c —MM leen Andcreon GhiJvt A rr^ ^ ^ Sotting, Robert Mrs. Annette DlBuoqo, Ams- quite poesrible that sexual activi- K’"®***’ thousonda of lives could East Hartford Dri've - In — 6:00 Daimy (Jlayua 5:00 Altarnoon Bdltlor committee have had a chance money tor overtime pay the nine and seven of diamonds l:W Dick Beathertoi «:16 Market Rtmon to discuss it with her. Mra. brought on by time loet In KlrerB^S^elt^ Earl Dubay, 63 Farmstead ty among elderly pereonB will MacKennas OoW. 8:35; Wreck- 9:00 Bm Love 6:30 Weather \ w t Cohan, Jeanne Demko, Dr., Wapplng; Mrs Kathleen ^ -«ald: "PreUm lnary ing Crew, 10:4(1/ and discard two hearts from DUO Qary airard 6:36 SlrkUy Sporu John Grcman submitted her the bre^down rt town-owned the dummy. 4:36 Atte-noon Ealttoa “ Dublei: Floixl, 9? b L jU St.; L o r^ ahow a definite Increase in the atudleo sugg«* that changes In Manchester Drive-In - Ice w rap—uw 7:00 Accent 69 ) resignation as committee sec­ garbage'trucks and In time future. living patterns can decrease Station Zebra/ 8:40; Dr. You’Ve Allays Suspicion .6:00 New* 7:16 Now retary and Mrs. Fred Lowman loaf picking up gau-boge and Bm I ^ i ^ “anne Gray, Glesecke, Coventry; Mrs. m I I ^ 7:30 5 ’The trouble was that West David Brinkley refuse mixed In the same con­ 201-30%.M% OFF S e Be.^ Potfr S ’ Guadano, Hendrle, Thomps^vllle; m Z The ability for sexual activity Tveart attacks by 60 per cent, a Got To Be itiddlng, 10:48. , 5.00 ifawa 7:30 News of the World will act as temporary sec­ wa>uld ruff the third round of 6:U Speak Dp Banton 7:46 retary. tainers. Sk n^' OaU Hatha- Myrtle Huggard, 88 Princeton among the elderly is already ap- significant obsorvatiem Mansflel^ Drive-In — ‘Night 6.:46 Lowell *niaenaji Joe Qaraglola diamonds and lead a heart at 8:00 Pop Concert ^ Valerie Hurteau, 756 N. preciable at ages even beyond "'I*®'" compared to heart trans- They Raided Minsky’s,’ /8:46; 6:66 Fha Rlnuto 9:06 N ^tb eat The Bremen’s Bssstti. jjas It claims that, under the DRESSES, SPORTSWEAR AND SWIMWEAR V ^ tfr^ S !^ KH."tlna ^ k c , Marcella KlecoU, AMteon KueW, Main St.; Mrs. Marie Miller, once—If West suspected what 7:00 The World Tonlgn U :0 0 News, Weather, Sports been set tor July 24, 26 and 29 terms of tiie contract, the town R O U T E 4 M 76, Dr. Elwald W. Busso said to- plants In which 90 out of the ‘Guns Of'Magnificent 7,’' 10:80. 7:30 Frank Oifford^ U ;3 0 Other Side of the Day Llnffa MaMon. CarljrJo Osier, 166 Adams St.; Joseph Soukup, day In a reiport to a symposium, 88 transplants w ere dead stjit»State Theatre mviuasiv. —u—How ~ .. ,n_TV} Com­ — was gxjing on. ’The Idea was to at the Firemen’s Field on Rt was to have stored the trucks get the third diamond past 66. In heated garages, and didn’t. Mnriiru. n ' render,, Hopt Pastel, ESlzabeth Pearce, Rockville; Stephen Byrne, Dun- "Physical Fitness and Aging,’’ w«*ln AVe monOie.’’ m it M arriage, 1:30, 6:40, 9 :00. BOLTON NOTCH OPEN DAILY 10.8 — FtIDAYS 1Q.f RtTvnAM T Suran 'Pierce, Bonnie Rein, caster Lane, Vernon; Mrs, Mad- at the annual conventlo-.i of the Dr. Lamh named no names in W'est without arousing his sus­ T o lla n d ’There will be apeclai enter­ Also, It was to have Instructed Broderick, Paul Romanowlcz, Philip Ro- alyn Waller, 168 W. Middle picion. tainment each evening — a new home owners to separate gar­ SHOPPINO CENTER American' Medical Association. -^ayl^F "artificial hearts bage and refuse, and didn’t TELEPHONE 849*6024 Burke, morowlcz, Cheryl Schaffer, Tpke.; Stephen Zane Sr., South "Amimlng that the health of heart. transplants . . . have Tolland County South therefore led the seven feature added this year. ’Thurs­ of diamonds with an innocent It claims also that the com­ Deboreh C^mOTon, David Cnee,, Carl SchUh. Mark SfaJcnls, Rose St., Coventry; Ann Zatkowakl, the elderly ■win continue to Im- an abundance of head- day night the Nathan Hale Fife air. West saw nothing dan­ Flexibility Called Keystone pany was led to heUeve that it Staudt, Daniel Stevens, 171 Thompson Rd, prove, and assuming that neu- ,a^^ little else oUiar than Four To Attend and Drum (torpe. ^ m (Coven­ t-a^do, M c*’elle Chnrt!cr. Katherine Taylor, EUzajbeth BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son gerous in a lowly seven of dia- try will perform; ‘Friday, the rotlc sexual fcorrfllcts wtU be less "“ l o ^ y for a few surgeons.’’ mends (don’t sniff!), and he „ , Clancy, Joyce Thurston, Peter Walden to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zaikarite, prevalent ft is quite possible he la on the staff of the Course for 4-H’ers Of New English Curriculum Willimanltlc Ambassadora will i’ Stephen Wltobo, Deibs WlrtaOla Southbrldge, Mass.; a son to cardesely discarded a low be featured, and Saturday n i^ t that sexual activity among the ®ame medical school as Dr/ heart. anfi Suaon Zook. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vonpool, The keystone of the high The fundamentals of gram­ the bazaar will close with a elderly In the years ahead will Dcrlm A. Cooley, who iiolds 1^ In Washington South needed nothing more. ^ 236-1 B(,f. R'')relar Honors East Hartford. show a definite Increase," "^orMs record for the number 41/ I .iHVlSf.TON AVI school ElngllAdi curriculum mar -win be taught, with stress fireworks dispUy. ’There wUl be Agostlnclll, Jane Ander- DISCHARGED YESTER- He discarded a heart from HARTfOHD. CONN placed on the practical applica­ the usual midway and rides Busse said. heart transplant operation^. ------Four— ’Tolland County veea teen ■ dummy and led the nine of dia­ adopted last week by the Board Judtth DeUatere, N ^cy Despqw ^o , Bruoe Arey, Peggy Ba'd- DAY; Mrs. Mary Nyulassy, 47 A1B *:o*.oiTiOMo tion of grammatical principles available each evening, ’The Hr led up to hlB forecast by <^ooley was also on the AMA wlH ^ among the Con- monds to discard another heart. of Education is flexibility. L^n ' Eangaaser Wllfpedo Agnes Dr.; Mrs. Mary Mitchell, in writing and speaking. women’s auxiliary will feature saying the situation at present P«x)gmm. He dls- ^ ^ a U o n to the a u - Drawn up by English Depart­ Barrloanuevo, Mary Beccio Delmonl SI.; Margaret Leek- Iq this: clofXHl in an Intendow Monday ze"«Wp Short Course for 4-H Students will be taught to "Old Woman’s Broom (Closet,” m ent chairm an DoHs ’Tobiaa- sale and "’Treasures and K a rL b S' '®r, 16 McKee St.; Theodore 1. In general, sexual ocUvity an aaoclate have ?? *" Waah- recognize grammatical con- Blsseli, Jl" BriSm’ Ooodchlld, Keeney Dr.. Bolton; aen, the curriculum ia to be rtruoUons as a reflection of Trash." ’The latter may be left between marital paitnere tends f®''‘'Joped a new and aj^parenOy D.C. n ^ week. Al MAOEMY AWARD BELL-RINDEfU at the tuime of Mra. Antbotiy I^ P ^ tz ^ ^ T ^ er^ I^ l^ e ^hcrrelyn Burgea., Gall Cari: No«'"'an Duslo, 23 Village St.. to be maintained untU after the artificial lieart de- , Renw Calhoun of Bol- ooRSldered "a guide, not a thinking and to correlate Burke Rt. 66. G ardner f ^ n Con- Rockville; Lealle Hunter. 213 E. ave of 76 ** should be ready R™®® Kbigabury of Union, Fm yl RMri-Wamliii gospel.’’ She is depending on thought and sentence structure. Gottlieb L^^a O ^te^nTcT *^‘ohael Cornish, Ernest Center St.; Mrs. Marion Moran, 2. Approximately 60 per cent 'o r within six w^ieks. ^ David Kinsman and Miss the varioua EngUah teachers to General principles outlined in Bridge Closing anne Gut, ^au'a Cyr, Gall Czerwin- Enfield; David Amberg Jr., of •married couples between the are at Lynn Vaslngton of Mansfield add to the curriculum with their the curriculum guide are based Parker Bridge Rd.. which \ neth Hanko ’ J Barbara Le! »ant.en, Jane Hubbard, Bar- MoDuskls 19 Wor^stor Rd., bridges the two towns have In "Among...... iiiojiiru, the uMj married, ^® hiAj^r the uses of DDT, says ton is th^state level winner curriculum guide. Mrs. Toblas- uniform demands after high I aen feels the study ot gram m ar common. (Coventry has more Tourneau, Davle'\lAevl, Sheri S"kt ® physical and mental health of Brained T. Peck, control con- for the ealdng. Peace Is in charge. (Columbia end nictlvUy that have been eo- ®a*d Monday the _____host at_____ the____ Eastern\ ta te s Ex- of everyday life . . . minimum Mason, Diane Mi-Conn’, Pam ebi EWn, EUse Kloter. De- “ Essex St.; Mrs. 8 "WUh slow groups, explana­ Ima sufficient funds In its state tabllshed ta' early adulthood. b o ^ ’s position is abqut the position in Sept requirements must not be sac­ aid for roads to cover Its share ^ n , Deborah Mesorllan. Kos- w X l ^1*1"“**'^”!!;,!.'’ At the same oc.sBion, Dr. Law- ““ta® as that taken by the U.S. Also receiving tions on points of grammar John Knizyk Cralir Dr., Wapplng; Mrs. rificed to individualism.” of the cost, ocoordbig to select- Beverly MUos, Mary MUJer. rcnce E. Lamb of Baylor Col- PfPartment of Agriculture should be based on clarity In 4-H work are Miss )Mhrtlee apeaklng and writing,’’ she ex­ Ehigllsh department. p<^cy men. i,k Also, Arllne Moore, Undn Lawrem.e Linders ‘'S'-’lege of Medicine.mcuicine, Hou.stori,r-iou.ston, Tex. /-'here la still no evidence that e rerKn or Manchester, formO^- French of Manchester, forni^- plains. "Considerable emphasto sets a basic requirement of SO Moore, Seth Mosler,Moslnr SuemtSu*m V ‘ Mliloaklo, Tlamum iiMxmiu* Mason, phy , and daitgl,ter, ’ 136 Woodland ~one of the ■world’s pioneering ,1^® “®® DDT is unsafe," he ly of Coventry, and Miss Mar^ to 50 minutes of homework for Manchester Evening Beiold Moyer, RlUi Mulreacljit Theresa WUHam McOov- L FISH FRY Is required for thte group and centers In heart transplant Peace of Coventry. ’Hiey repre- each class. Including the time Columbia oorrespondent, Vir­ L to attempt to pound something Nee, Robin Ncleta'r, Jucqirellne Hl<'Donnon, Thonias scorch—criticized “the theatrics' I'*’® U8DA last week said ft sent Tolland County in a tele- spent for resecuch and required ginia Carison, tel. 336-9166. Nowell, Janice Obuchowskl Mary Lou Mlkulskl, Into their heads that has no of artificial hearte and tranji- *'“‘1 4U8pended the use of DDT vision show about Connecticut direct function regarding epeak- reading as well as term papers Rosemary O'Connell, WlUinm Donald Miller, Sheila Mlsovich, plants." / and eight other pesticides 4-H fairs filmed by Frank At- /\| Ing or writing seems indefens­ and other long range assign­ 01bry.\ PatrlcUi Orfltclll, Susan “" “' Moran, Joyce Morwui, Ansonia Man "While a few surgeons mdke throughout the country. It er- wood of WTIC. ’The program ible.’’ ments. How To Hold Ouellette, Sumn Pibst, Dalne Morgtui, Siuwm Notaon, hendllnes with human exp^- Pl®*hed. however, that the sus- will be shown on Channel 3 One interestbig factor In the Grading will be based on a PaganI, Vivian Parkmnn, Ju- Nownmn, Joyce Newth, Held For Trial inontiitlon," he said, "the/real pension ...... was—' ordered------pending""...... an..... July...... 26 - at------7:80 p.m. cuid July FALSE TEETH curriculum guide for the Jim- student’s success at his pu- it O rville or dith Paterson, Sylvia Pella I’orcita O'lhire, battle against disease, Investigation in August. 29 a t 6:30 p.m. In SlayinjF ior and senior years la the tlcular ability level. However, Firmor Longer Rita PetkaltlH, Elmer PeUc Da^. MaigiuxH Itast- lurd debility is being wvteed In study of American and English If a student in a low section U Do Tour felee teeth ennoyend ero- way, I.eUuid Potterton, Jojmifor Dhida Pock, Henry Pope. the unglamorous area M pre­ W E D N E S D A Y literature In correlation with consistently earning A’s, be berreec you try oomlnz looea end Powell,Powell. Susan Siwm PrimusPrimus! GnmmrvGregory _ o';,';”' '''•O' James Reuter. Mark Mark .horme.^’hf!,"' au- venting heart disease , ./.'If the dropplnz whenever you eet, leush the Mstory of the countries. needs to be challenged with or talk? Then eprtnfcle FAffrKFfH Rein, Sue^m R'ggx.tt, lZ n 7 y "olUnson, Roberta Ryan, Craig p money spent on the /artificial The Study of literature as an on your pletee. FASTSFI'H holdi (ALL YOU CAN EAT) more advanced materials, Mrik denturec firmer longer—hold* them Riley, Robert Rivera, Chrtetin^ Mikael Scanlon, !>,. conn MANCHtSTER P/MUOE-649-5491 outgrowth of the happenings of \ ■ i Roberts Sclimeddlng. Patrtcki Scott ““”'1 over for trial In Tobiassen noted. ' more oomfortebly, too. Uekee eeunz mrtt-HniiM ku history at the time of the writ­ eeeler FA irm TR U alkellne. Also, Spencer Roman Jnnlne l^olx-rt S.'gnl, PmU Silver, How- 'i? "'aylhK of a Roman Cath- Summarizing the phlloaophy ■our. No gummy, gooey, petty teeu. ing can lead to better under­ behind the curriculum guide, Denturee that At ere eeeentlel to Rowley, Joyce Rydlowlc’z, Ciuol “''‘' Slade, Claire Smith, Dale Thrl!t^i standing, and provide intereot health. See your dentlet retpilerly. Sandstrom, MeixxUtli Schardt f"''*'' lamina Smith, Mtchael “^ ‘o" ®®"i® Monday af- .THEATRE EAST H O IU 4 R D Mrs. ’Tobiassen stated, ”We Oet r AB7AXTH at ell drug counters. 'W ilb u r? for fisther research by the stu­ Mary Sohultz, Kathleen Shop- RUimrd Solhmek. heartav must not deal with facts, bOt COI.UM in A FICTl'HKS/PRESENTS dents, she believes. Play Gitat MomcDts ID Am criao History ard, Patricia Sherman, Judy Simuldlng, Nancy Stad- m e E n e - ev « oo“*'‘- with the use of them. Let us Designed to c^>ltallze on the keep this go«tl foremoert,” she Sibley, Cynthia Staca, A. Mariu "“vn“ Steely, PatricU. *" interests and aotivlties of both > aod find out how rewarding history can be. 81,rata, Uiurtne SnUth, Patricia .^‘y'or. Kalhi:yn VnKta, Fnmk fraudta,?^ rerim.Jf asked the teachers, ”to Insure OM M RT/ OMAR the students and the teachers, more effe I’ORKM.NN S IDblaasen, with assistance by BalleUn Board Moralui Vehruut, ClicrvlClicryl Webb.Webb, "'"1 David Wotriley. Th . ' Tolland High Schocri’s other favorite I ______"he slaying victim wqs Msgr. >01) The ’ToUand Junior Woman’s Charlene- Wormeigren, Carolyn 'SamiMn. OruaaMr- 3M TOLLAND TPKE. BngUsh teacher Steven Carpen­ Whiting, Weruly Wilson, Stuart H.C. Teacle, 46, of Slu^Veport, <21ub Public Affairs Committee La., whose body was found in MANCHESTER, CONN. ter and materials gstthered Wolf and Borbara-Zemke. MACBENNA'S BOLD will meet tomorrow night at Willimanlic* a Sullivan, Mo., mutol. Three from selected school systems JUNIORS [AST WINDSOR the home of Mra. Fred SteplMUi- employes of the Holiday Inn Mo­ including one in New Jersey,- High Hotiore OHIVi IN ★ HI ■, owicz, .Grahabor Rd. Voles Mt^rger tel Identified McEnornoy In a Broken down into four cate­ Paige Adams, Martha Arey, ■ m w T o m n SUPfB P4NAVISI0N TECHNICOtOfl The tax collector will be at lineup as one of two men seen ■Vaaa* • Mtet~ STEREOPHONIC SOUNO gories of speaking, writing, the Town Hall tomorrow from CANDI CS Lynn Beggs, Barbara Brackett, T<) Windluini liter H la Tte rate” A reeding and grammar, the dining with the priest shortly TWlto — ’TIOW TO COMMIT MARRIAGET* 7:00 A S.-OO 9 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 4 James Burke. James Button, hoforv his death. ■ guide Is then enlarged upon Susan tlharlamb, Maureen MANCHISTIB p.m. for the payment of town The Wright Bro- great moments m rv>, *'1*’ *' ~ PrtMieeutlng attorney said 7 T T T with the basic requlremesiU taxea. Donovan, Wayne Douglas, Ste- 'MUlmantU- eom m 6h CoimcU at the hearing the priest prob- and alms for each year of thers' First Flight Aineru an history, phen Dunlap, .Michael, Dvorak, voted unanimously Monday In ably picked the two men up air-condhioncd ■ rati fabw riar thiatri study in each category. Maachester Evetdiig Herald It was a great rho Diane Fontana, Maty Hickey. |“v<>r of consolidating, with the while driving from Shreveport General emirfiasia in speak­ you could be collect­ Jane Hicock, Sunan Kat*. Windham, which sur* lo Sullivan. ^ Matinee* Didly at 2;M — Mon., Frl, Eves 7:M • 8 :W Mittinee at 1:60 ToUand corraapeadeat B e tte Saturday — Sunday 3:30 - 4:46 - 7 :M - »;M WEDNESDAY “BIPPY" 8d)0 - eao a >:S0 ing is devoted to the improve­ Qaateale, teL 876-3445. ment in American ing cash prizes at the Kathl Kolbe, Catherine KohcIoI, it. ^ __ ___ y.. Ends Toniffht! Omar Sharif as “CHE*' ment of voice, dictiim, poise Ellen Kruvitz. JcMinette LeSure. re^lullon m»w g\>es to and fluency. In Grades 9 and 10 history. But, who . Mmc time. Or win a Susan McLafferty. Lillian Mes- P’'"JI>am, where town resident rt“ THEIR NEW FULL-LENGTH MOVIE! , t ------K B d e l s — Ends Tonight — this Includes oonvemttions, dto- actually flew the pbne? W^*n you play ’ihare in a guaranteed $250,(J(X) jaclcpcit. aler. Jack Nash.Nash, Diane Ihipl- fviierally,KeiuTa|ly have opposed conaoll-consoll- “Guns of Magnlfln'ot 7" aCM k*i 4 t cum n la prtsnt A FrwiM* / Ea4n MMtite cusatoM and Intormal speeches. neau.neau, Paula Ruddliig. NancyNancy/''""o"' fearing Inorea.sed Increa.sed taxes.*taxes.*.I'l'*' Night Thr'.v RaldiNt .Minsky’s The U-th and th grade stu- “Great Moments in American Hi.’^tory ' lOOO’s OF INSTANT WINNERS You Rfihiitt ir\«rnlltle8 Is 17.800. proemtstiT- of formal speseb- chael Schiwaler, Erie ainnu/ I'l'v DHy Oommon Council also •Division of '■■cmGencnil rai DjmamUsi.-ynaimes Dr. You’ve Got To Be Kidding! FREE HISTORICAI. ■ f Jre.tt Moment.' in American History" jig- ROW AN^MARTIN es. 5 mon.mon, Frank Stamler Shelley “Copied a resolution that would * “G’- m tiroton. Conn. The NOW CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES I .. WodteTslat Bun-rjSitidl-Jiiit! The proper language usage ALBUM Because S.IW puzzle right on the driveway Stone, Paige Thresher.Thresher BeverlvBeverK overhauling the city’s "'‘“““y '* 'o‘‘ 'lv»‘Pi. overhaul AT, POPULAR PRICES DIRECT FROM I ITS RESERVED SEAT ENGAGEMENT!! NOW, FOR THE FIRST TIME... approach to writing win be ’Trudeau, Karen Vuter,Vuter LnutaLnufa■a o*'"''*®''' W'lch which was was aduptiHl adoptwl ... in “"il. Pl“>>o‘“K - aubmartnea, when y()u play History (.tn K- fun And' rewarding Bc- " ...... “ The contract* were announced Dick, stressed, along ..with the / Vaughn, Irene Vrkutls, Denhls ‘'“y Stiurley H. Ko- "’ei'e announced EDGAR ALLAN POE’S ,ai..,iJattan of creeUivlty and you'll be collecting Walsh,Walsh. JamJames es WlckwlreWlekwlre inL da •‘'o-'''‘“ ®«>l®“‘‘t the‘hr i-onsirlldatlonr-lldatlon rea-res- i'’*' n"'*’*' off'w «l Rep it sure ausc f'-.'-so dcaler.s are offering more Richard Zarbo / pive iho towTi an op- " **“*'”' ^ Ongv. L>-c\>nn. Classic Tale of the Living Dead! "eatablishment of attitudes call- w u fun )iiy for experimentation and that great moment and 2 3 money than they ever have before Regular Honors / P‘;''<“''t'y t<> form a Joint con- nuking lively construction." according others in beautifully detailed, to prove It So play “Great Moments M argaret Albalr, K.-anees • ‘“‘ly oom.nln.lon with w aters mtpwEapAT niteiwA* a««.a. ry _j ’»n ; • efty In ctiae the total cluir- a flick to Mrs. ’TobUssen. full'color, miniature print.'' that in American His­ lui^ojus ■ TT ‘er revision fau. through, with you! Ninth grade rtudy win rtrees e - w . Bujauclus, Ckindiice Burke, . unity and elsanieas of thought, you can mount in a free faci- tory" now where evotriigr Into the preparation of Killed in Crash lepoctF Mid Intonnational es- filled album that Esso deall•r^ you lee the sign \' \CAI^'TON. Comi. (AP) John ‘THE MALTESE BIPPY' soye stressing tadhrldusllty or ^re giving away^nght now at participating'Esso stations. No purchase iHanrliPHtr^ wrtttiv gnd focuracy of report- po- T. McDermott, 60. of Simsbury C udjiyyey And while you're collecting necessary. Void where prohibited by law. was killed when hts car U y In the Ukh g rate. r.*.«-’- 4llrtte«W The student win be encoureg- ASSORTED smashed head-on Into another CHOCOLATE! auto on Route 44 Monday night. ed to “find pleesure in reading ^utelsjied Dally Exce;)l Sunasyi THckVinTlyke Sally AnnHyste CO-HIT tet lUO a 7i4S wtdob win carry over to adult 1 I) $1.95 ■—* HriiSy.-^' Holidays or 13“ 13 BSiiu°8r;eV.’Blascll Siren, ‘‘“'‘other car. -.AMERICAN • • leading baWts." He wlU also be Uaachester.-h e s le r. Conn. (06040) 43-yi*nr-old Clarissa D, Terry of ' Tjcxiel Jeffnes • COLOR, KMET Alrf 2 R>3 $3J 5 INTERNATIONAI. B I MCM f ptovUted arttb familiarity with Teleptioi.e 643-2711 Burlington, wn# reported In fair CIuss “ (Zhiny B a q ^ ronSlWxCAir "the beat Uteratnre to hel^ MANY ASSORTMENTS . . . Ma5S?ier^ cStm’’" " ^ *' ‘condition at Hartford Ho^ltal. m r H M f O R D ^ rtR (WNAVISION reCHN-KOLOIL :DAVID NIVEN estsbllsh paasonal / BUMCRIPTION RATE« PoHce sold McDcrmott's" etist- to GRAND PfOX! TO GtVt AND ENJOY Payabie In Advance bound ear spun out of control I'mw IN i t U M M A rtM li valuea." J €sso One Year ...... |30,oo *““l ‘“f® “w patli of' the oti- WWIW Has - tntroductkn of UMOX^ — —g-i OaM**. — Plan — kte founded on obaerrmtloa. “ .12 westbound auto.. “'"‘estelas Ore*- | On* Moolii ...... g'iQ fv6t 8aed July 16 Selected Short Subject* angtyala eni| reoognttioa of PHARMACY •zigficiaUty wfll be caeouraged. • 9*-.«6»kt o*‘ • •

0 ^ . ■■ ; '■ ^ PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 PAGE FIVE Mitler-Hansen Komer'Anderson McGlinchey-Kilpatrick Weddiiifif Utter-Kochocki Dunn-Conlon > / / Broadview Community Miss Sharon Lee Kilpatrick of Church In Hartford wa« tli« Manchester, became the bride Hut'chtfns - Waterman Miss Kathleen M arie COnlon / scene on Saturday noon of the of DenaJd Franklin MeOHnehey of Manchester and Gordon Fmn- / Miss Susan Ellen Waterman marriage of Miss Ellen t«e of Raymotid, Maine, Saturday of Manchester became the cls Dunn Jr. of West Roxbury. Hansen of East Hartford, form­ aftemocn in the Church of the bride of CJPO Kenneth Warren Mass., were united In marriage erly of Manchester, to John H. Nenarene. Hutchens of North Stonington on Saturday at St. James' Chureh. Miller Jr. of West Hartford. Saturday afternoon, June 21, at *1110 bride Is a daughter of Tho bride is the daughter ol The bride la the daughter of i \ •?* Mr. and Mrs. Nelson D. Kil­ *' - ■ I*”' Orange Hall. Mr. euid Mrs. Elmer S. Hansen Mrs. William L. Oonlon of 102 patrick of 100 Concord Rd. ’The The bride is the daughter of of 206 Vernon St. The bride- brldegrootn is the son of Mrs. Ch.nrles L. Waterm an of 10 Elm Lakewood (Tlrcle, So., and the gfroom is a son of M r. aind Mrs. late Dr, Oonlon. The bride­ Thelma McOUnchey of Ray­ Ter. and the late Mrs. Wafer- John H.. Miller ol West Hart­ groom Is the son of Mr. and mond and the late Lewis Mc- man. The bridegroom Is the ford. \ V i i Mrs. (Jordon F. Dunn Sr. of GUnchey. son of Mr. and Mrs. Klondus The Rev. Carl Falk of the Hutchens of McLoud. Okla. West Roxbury. Rev. WUUam A. ’Taylor, pas­ Broadview Church performed \ The Rev. Jim Schneider- of The Rev. F. Donald Ixigon of the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. tor c f the Church of the Naz-i Groton and the Rev. Jack Eknmanuel CoUege. Boston, per­ E dna Kaem pfer of N e w Iiondon arene, performed Uie double­ m Schneider of Willlmantlc per­ formed the double ring cere­ was organist. The soloist was ring ceremony. Miss Lynn Nel­ formed the double-ring cere- mony and celebrated the nup­ Cyrus Tompkins of Manches­ son and Miss Dianne Platt, both monv. Mrs. George Rowe of tial high Mass. Mrs. Ral]^ of Wollaston, .Mass., were solo­ ter. Bouquets of white gladioli North Wlndhtuq was organist. Macoarone of Mancherter was ists. Mias Platt and Dennis with yellow majestic daisies The aRar was decorated with oeganirt and soloirt. PkUt of Mandiester were or­ were on the altar. two arrangements of carnations, The bride was given In mar­ ganists. Gala lilies, delphiniums The bride was given in mar­ gladioli, find baby’s breath. riage by her brother, Lt, Wll- and cabbage roses were on the , » riage by her father. She wore a ' The bride was given In m ar­ UamL. Conlon of Corpus Chriati, altar. full-len^h empire gown of silk riage by her father. Her em­ Texas, She wore a peau de sole, organza appliqued with Alenoon V The bride was given in mar­ pire gown of Ince and taffeta full-length gown designed with lace, designed with scalloped riage by her father. She wore wa.s fashioned with a stand-up a high neckline, short sleeves neckline, three-quarters-length a full-length empire silk organ­ collar and long sleeves. Her decorated with organza flowers sleeves, and two bands of lace za gown appliqued with chanUlly veil of silk Illusion w'as ar­ and a detachable train. Her accenting the hemline of the lace, re-embroldered 'with seed ranged from a floral headpiece,'' elbow-length. Illusion veil was A-Ilne skirt, and a detachable pearte and crystals, designied and she carried a colonial bou­ attached to a silk organza, chapel-length .watteau train with a bateau neckline, elbow- quet ol gardenias, baby’s breath ttowered'’ headpiece, and she edged with matching lace. Her length sleeves and an A-line and pink rosebuds. carried a cascade bouquet of bouffant elbow-length veil of skirt. Her chapel-length man­ Miss Myrtice Robertson of phalaenopalB orchids and rtephn^ silk Illusion was arranged from tilla of silk illusion was . edged Willlmantlc was maid of honor. noUs. a matching headpiece trimmed with matching lace,, and she She wore a floor-length sleeve­ Miss Ehlecn M.\F3tzgerald of with seed pearls, and she car­ carried a cascade of orchids, Africanos WedS$^ears less empire gowm of orange Boston was m a i^ of honor. ried a crescent bouquet' of mini­ minlatiire camatlom and step- crepe, and carried a colonial Bridesmaids wore 'l^las Mary ature carnations, yellow sweet­ hanotis. Mr. and Mrs. James Affricano I'l, 1914 at St. M a ry ’s Church in bouquet of orange gladioli. Dunn of West Roxbii^. alrter Bridesmaids were Miss Caro­ heart rosebuds and ivy. Mias Christine Kilpatrick of of 82 Grand Ave., Rockville, Windsor Locks, and have lived of the bridegroom; Mrs. M i­ lyn Bell, niece of the bride; Miss Carol Brown of Rock- San Diego, Calif., the sister of in Rockville all of their m ar­ chael E. Conlon of t^rtover. were honored at a 55th wedding Mrs. David Thomas, sister of port, Mass., wias maid of honor. the bride, ■was matron of honor. ried life. They have, besides Mass., sirter-ln-law o t (he 5 anniversary reception Sunday the bride; and Mrs. Robert Wa­ Bridesmaids were Miss Sharyn She wore a pink dotted Swiss their .son, two daughters, Mrs. bride; Mrs. Ronald OseW of terman, the bride's sister-in-law, Ixninc photo Rlkkola of Sailem, Mass., cousin gown designed with pouffed at the home of their, son and Edward Weber of Erdel Dr., Mancherter; and Mrs. Timothy all of Manchester. Their gowns MRS. JOHN H. MILLER JR. of the bride; Mrs. Clayton (joqld . sleeves and a train trimmed daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Rockville, and Mrs. William J. Keith of Austin, Texas. were sim ilar to the maid of The bride’s attendants wore of Manchester, and Mrs. Ken­ with daisies. Her headpiece was Ernest Affricano Sr. of Cedar Yost of Stafford Springs; eight honor's. The Junior bridesmaid, watermelon linen, sleeveless drick Eldredge of Chaitham, a circlet of sweetheart roses and Swamp Rd., Coventry. grandchildren, and eight great­ Ml.ss Bell, wore orange, and I>!' Mass. minfoture carnations, and she ’The anniversary party was grandchildren. gowns, designed with portrait MRS. (JOKliON KU.-\NC carried a bouquet of orange The aibbendants w ere dressed Carrie^ a coloniai bouquet of given by the fam ily of M r. and Mr. Affricano was employed necklines, fitted bodices, full- gladioli. The other two attend­ Fuller'DiMasdo alike In fuUi-length cage gowns similar flowers. M rs. Affricano, and the couple length A-Une skirts, and small ami Bortugul. They will live on ^ as a mechanic at the M. T. Ste­ ants Were dressed In pale green ^Bridesmaids were Miss Ptisan trains with bow details. They SnJani Rl , Ifcwton, iiftcr .Scpl of maJzo yellow lace end chif­ received gifts of money. vens Co. (Herald photo by Sil­ and carried yellow gladioli. fon, fashioned wUh baiteau neck- King of Nelsonville, Ohio; Mrs. wore matching headpieces with ’The couple was married July ver) David Caldcrwood of Wllll- YOU tivn m Timothy Thomas of Glen Bur- purple asters and pink, nwert- Mrs. Dunn Is a gnulunt'- of Unea empire lace bodices, and mantlc served as best man. A-lin6 skirts. TTjey wore match­ nie, Md.; and Miss Vonlca Jlsy ptMto hesut roaea In their hair, and Emmanuel Colli'ge m Ikvutim Wezler photo Ushers were Philip Bell, SAVE AT THt Camse of Scltuate, M ass. Their carried cascade bouquets of Mr Dunn, n gntdiinlc c>( Itw- ing pear trimmed headbows, MRS. DONALD FRANKLIN McGLINCHEY nephew of the bride; and Da­ BhATon'a photo and they carried casoede bou­ MRS. DOUGLAS A L L A N KORNBR pink gowns were styled to Capital W orks Projects stmllor flowers. ton College, recelvcxl lil.s mn.'. vid Thomas and Robert Bell, MRS. JOHN A. UTTER Richard J. Dunn of Fort ARTHUR .fiJG quets of assorted flowers. match the honor attendant’s. Manchester, brother of the ter's degree In e- The 1969-70 town budget al­ er wore a ixxse pibk satin tlress a .son of Mr. mul Mrs. Francis tending the Informal meeting WE EXPANDING IN A a SIX OUR sin of the bride: Miss Deborah lows $429,300 for capital im - t'haplaln Oioon of Mi'inorlal with a matching lace Jimket R. Cofina-of 806 Center St. was Mrs. Mary LeDuc. Griswold of Milford, sister of the provements. The balance un­ I'liapi'l pirform i'd llu> ilimblo- luul II corsage Of pink sweet­ The Rev. .Henry Ftedorczyk of Before the meeting ended. PLANTS WHICH WILL REQUIRE A D ^IlONAL . i bridegroom, and Mias Mary spent from last year s capital rlni; i i'n iaony Hiaiqiii't.s of lut- heart roKi's mid 1'ariui.tilotis. St. Joseph'.s Church per- John Harkln-s. town development Both Peterson of Wolcott. Their Improvements is $19,500. _ The ■sorti'il vylitto flowvra were on fonnikl the double ring cere- coordinator. said thq, town Going OnVacafton? SKILLED MACHINISTS AND MACHINE till' altar. A reception for 128 wan held yellow gowns were ftyled to school aid from the-state is now mdny. stiould have at -least $100,000 alt the Ft. Ik'lvoir t\'a.) Non- match the honor attendant’s. Till' brail' iwa.s (rtvi'n In mar- The bride was given In mar­ expected to exceed estimates OPERATORS. IF YOU ARE NOT SKILLED (Otnmlssloniul Officers Club. TTieir picture hots w ere trim­ left un.spent from hist yearis Why not keep pace with your home town riaKi' by lire fallii'i', Slu' won'. riage by her father. She wore by $92,000. P ^ e e d s from the F’or a niotor trip to Wildwood, med with yellow embroidery, budget. The figures are not com­ .1 full lunKtli ftown of allk or- a .fu'l longlh. empire gown of sales of tow n'land Is expected PERHAPS YOUXCAN QUAUFY FOR OUR N.J.. Mrs. F'tiller wore a White and they carried white baskets plete yet, he said. A director by having your Manchester Evening nanza applUpii'il with ctiantllly lln»n de.Hlgnetl with . short to be $60,000. . mid aqua knit dress with white filled with blue flowers. .laid the funds should be con­ lari' ri' i'nibi-oiili rt'il with iirrdj alecvi'.-, A-ltne skirt \and de­ Thla mearis there is $8,998 TRAINING SCHOOL WITH A NEW CLASS iicce.Hsorles and a i-oa-.sage of MRS. GORDON DANIEL GRISWOLD JR. sidered for the capital Improve- |»'arlN, ili'sif!Jii'ter High the flower girl. She wore on of Miinch*'steri and H Peter teacher In'WlncUor. Mr. Oooma, "Tha K am i of Mala street" The bridesmaid was Miss the F’our F'lills In Hryli .M iwr," School, received her BS degree MAIfCUESTER EVENING iOERALD aqua, short-sleeved gown triin- Wood of Canton. a gmduate of Manchester High M l • NT Mala StTMt MAL TOOL and ENGINEERING COMPANY Wanda Sue Thorpe of Wiasl- the couple left-oii a wisldhig trip business education at Cen­ c/o Circulation Dept niiHl with lace, and carried a After a reception at the School, r^ e iv e d his BS degree bndge. Her pastel yellow gown to FJngliind They will live In tral Connecticut State College A GULF & WESTERN (X»IP.\NY Uifket similar to the brides • Knights of Columbus Home in In sodal studies from Central IS Btaseil Street and headpioce were fashioned Radnor. Pit., whep' they both She Is employed as a teacher at IN rOMCAL WBAR IUMT 4 IE" GARDEN GROVE maids'. Windsor Locks, the couple left Oonnectlgut State CoUege, New Coun 0S|MO like Ih' honor attendant's. unJ teach at Ridnor High School, Rockville High School. M r. Gris­ TELEPHONE 649-5?13-r649-5314 Robert G. .Meleskl of Suffleld. for a week In Bermuda. Britain. ’■ wold. a Milford High School

i . :.7i . .'i-.. ..-( -■■ir-i'V-'i-''--. ■. , a Mf|1 llOO-XTORmSHED room for rent^ ”^:;rM ato SU^itl^aU^.^ ftairmond B. Ramstfell, >h.:-:.. o r beat o tfc r, 647-1641. C en te r St. 649.1463. p ly M a r lo w '^ 867 M ain Superintendent-o{ Scho^


I iRattrlypHtpr 3.26 inches, an amount not often realized unless by hurricane, otmI an amoimt suf­ Connecticut ficient to end, tor a . time at least, the 1Etipmn$ 1l|prai^l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER,. CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 PAGE SEVEN unnecessarily dismal bustnese of report­ Yankee F U B U S H B D m TH X ing the annual rainfall deficit to dote. We H B R A U ) F R IN T IN O OO., INC V e rn o n U Blaaell StrMt are now a'bout even with, the normal By A.H.O. South Windsor South Windsor IMtuiGheeter. Conn. Coventry Group Pushes Teux Reform THOUiw F. XtoaUSON average, statistic-wise. It would l^tve WAl/rUR R. FEROUBOM 'The other day, seeUng the PubUshem been better for the actued health of the FounOed October 1, 1381 cause for the curront bwl Mood Toim, South Windsor Weigh Firms Move School Panel As Link in Surtax Vote countryside to have this tain split up in­ between CkHmecUcut exeenttre PUblMied Every Eventne Except Sunday* Town-Uiiion Contract WASHINGTON (AP) — More be willing to continue through at and Hdldaya. Entered at the Poet Office at to three separate storms, a week apart. and legUlatlye branches, we Ifandiester, Conn., aa Second Claai HaB examined, and dismissed, the Dissolving Disposal District To Correct Sets Meeting than a half dosen Democratic least, Sept. 30 the present wage H atter. But the statistic Is impfessive; let tt senators have served notice and salary Income tax withhokl- posslblUty that the office of the Vemon and South Windsor non and part In South Windsor, Ihey wlU offer a broad series of ing rates which include tho 10 SUBSCRIPTION RATES ~ stand. Governor had recently had tta Has 12-Page Terms Payable In Advance VS- will have to decide soon wheth* Each erf the towns held public Oil Seepage On Time Off tax reform amendme ts to the per cent surcharge. A one- One T e a r ...... 130.00 But what must stand as the greatest powers Increased, or the poo- It has taken more than a year Biz H onUn ...... 16.80 er to dissolve the North Cen- on the purchase of the income mirtax extension bill. month extenrion of these rates achievement of Sunday’s weather is the slbUlty that John I>empaoy has Apparently the question of oU An Item of unflnlriied business Three Hontha ...... 7.80 tral Disposal District which was r e s l d i S s ^ f ^ " ^ * ^ ^ M hi^^Hon "j^olld o'- The announcement appeared to July 31 already has been vri- One Month ...... 3.60 suddenly become some new Seaplane Base In the form o f a proposed policy to apply the padlock after Dem- ed. fact that, for the first time In a long formed about three years ago ob'ected. off SuUlvah Ave. is moving to- '*olal fact-finding thrown In. but change to ol!ow. cafeteria em­ ____ Xfl l*.MSEAt O F kind of fierce, leglalattvewot- ocratlc Leader Mike Mansfield Manafleld said the extsnston THE ASSOCIATED PRESS time. It really enforced what used to be by the two towns. The two-year option on the satisfactory sriutlon to- the town and Local 1303, Ooun- ployes more , time off will be In g tig e r. Tliere will be w public hear- virtually closed the door Mon- thould satisfy tho Nixon admin­ ‘ITie Aaeoclated Press Is exclusively entitled considered by the Board of Ed to the use of republlcatlon of all news dis­ known as a rainy day on one and an. ‘Ihat left to the Legislature, Thls is the second district the land has. run out. It was decld- m both companies Involv- c j 4_ American Federation of ing tonight at 8 at the Coven- t'ay on any chance for final ac- istration becauss M will assure patches credited to it or not otherwise credit­ InferentlaUy at least, the two towns have participated In. ed not to renew it when It was 'eque«t to the Town Cowicil graphical errors appearing In advertisements the stage directly betwM» ^ could launch the Finance 0>m- ever. have iradstod on exteralcn no times at all when one was forced to Vemon has now found a tern- feel the district should not be The Good Humor Oorp. on irith T o o m A U o m e y I^ - P ,,^ ^ e «U n g ' wsa .-queried regarding the 1969-70 school and other reading matter in The Manchester 1960 G en eral A ssem b ly and mlttee Into the time-consuming of t)*e tax Itself by Aug. 13. They Evening Herald. -Si I porary solution to its problem' dissolved even though Immc- Kennedy Rd.. named last week b y ^ of ^ e c t ^ e T ^ hudgot, trarwfera and (he final contemplato the poasibiUfy that golf or Governor Dempsey, a specifle .-irea of major tax reform when comend this Is necenary for a of refuse disposal with the sign- dlate plans for an incinerator by the Water Resources Com- tlve Domlnte Bndolato and the ^ J ^S riectm en w d .,tatement for the 1968- Subscriber to Los Angeles Ttmes-Washlng- lawn or garden or drive might have to Issue and proposal wUoh fl- Its public hearings reopen next convincing demonstration the ton Post News Service. Ing ot a contract -with EUing- are at a standstill, 69 school year and school open­ Full service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. histrates the kind of meat m i u-erk. government is determined to be let back Into the day. •„, ton landfill owners. South Windsor also has a to-nu%rre.T S ««ing dates. Publishers Representatives — The Julhis which the Legislature would 'day reported that there Is no town In the negrilatlons. and The comn.Utee, after Ka final slow down Inflation. . Mathews Special Agency — New York. Chl- This was the rainy day which should The district representatives landfill area to use at the pres Theatre Workshop cago. Detroit and Boston. like to feed. public hearing today on the pro- Mansfield said the surtax and t i ' - The proposed "Legtiflative have been working on proposals ent time but officials there feel the storm are listed In the contract: La- The Dynamic Theertre haa on be proverbial not because anyone sa'ves for the installtlon of an It wUl only be good for five or «y »‘ em which lead to the 'Hie two tooed a Joint stato vi.'dons to the Houae-pomed sui^ reform Issues could be constd- MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULA­ Management Ckmunlttee,” aa borer, truck driver-light equip- nounoed thht It still has a few tax b’ll, goes Into executive TIONS. for It, but because It sa'ves so many peo­ eied In separate bills but they orator to serve the two towns six .years. company meri "ayhi^ We a re both ment operator and heavy equip- openings for Its workshop for alon Thurtklay to diwuss what eatabUabed once In Substttute with the hope that some other Deming said the district is hope that the "problem Is be- looking forward to a h ar^n l- mmt be before the Senate at the D^Iay advertising closing hours: . ple, by Us enforoed relaxation of their H o u a e iB lll 749, and th en a g a in ment operator. There Is no Job children which will begin July to ilo on lax refonn. same time. Sor Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. / "A.'-. area towns might Join the dls- drafting a letter to be sent to “ ig resolved to the satisfaction ou, working relationship.” schedules, Its benign boredom, its soft In a simple leglBlative resolu­ Select'm'^ M l'r i^ 'l* o ic e and description provided, although 19th. Prejidenl Nixon has called for For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. trict. the legislative bodies of both parties.’ C^halrnuui Russell B. Long. For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. tion which requires no guber­ Donald Da-vis placed ihetr sig- the piece of equipment operat- The leaching director of the quick Senate actloq, on the D-Li., has said the Finance For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. rainfall music, its generous education An option was taken on 147 cu- House bill, which would extend Committre would give cotistder- into the mysteries of summer napping. acres of land on Dart HUl Rd. want to take concerning the Engineering Co., who^e con- listed. be eondUi-ting the senstone at 8t. T o r Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. islative's own bold adm ission tributlon to the oil seepage was WUllam Glcnney re- the 10 per cent surtax for the allon to nil reform amendments Oassifted deadline — 8 p.m. day befor* Part of the land was in Ver- district. The contract calls for griov- Peter's CSiurch. Sand Hill-^d. publication, 8 p.m. Friday fo r Saturday We are surprised the world had manag­ ! ! ) ■P. .n’ of the extent of its hunger and described by the Commission fused to sign, a^nrently feel- Inst six month* of this year, flint with It by this Friday, ance procedures also. All grtev. Wapping at either noon or 12:30 and Monday pubHcation. ed to get along 'without one so long. rill ambition, or, to employ the lan­ as "very minor,” today stated iTf- the contract was not in the then lower the rate to 6 per cent In a statement a week ago.- guage it Itself would use. Its best Interedbs of the town. Af­ ancea must be filed with the p.m. and again at 3 p.m. Sat­ (or the first half of 1970, I'ong appeared to open the way Andover that while the company does urday aftemoons. Therv are still 5 union steward and-the road fore- Tuesday, July 16 zealoiunesa better to serve the not feel that they contributed ter asking that his fe<>JingB be Demornits seeking wide for hnwd hearings. But kiri Sat- people of Connecticut. any significant amount of oil to recorded in the mijiiut>':s of the man within 10 working day* of » openings for tho 3 p.m, chongvet to tlw surtax legliUatlon urday he liaiued a aUtement Fantasy: Rhetoric For The Moon Aa it passed In the flnat the occurrence. If there Is no sessions Include Edmund S. Muskle of with quite different emphasta I i the pond, they have eliminated meeting, Glenney left, hours of the session, the bfll th William Breadheft Named any possible leakage by chang­ The contract provider for five settlement within two working addition to the children s Ma!: e, Vance llartke of Indi­ wh'ch reenved to narrow the An Enigma Launched 'The whole world seems to agree that days, the matter can be sub- workahop. the newly foroied the attempt to land a mem on the moon question set up a legislative em­ ing their operation. labor grades, with starting ana, Fred R. Harris of Oklnho- area of reform on the surtax bill mitted by the employe to Ujg theater group is planning an m I, George McGovern of South since Uio Rudsians have had their ob­ boggles the mind. It Is Ihe greatest ad­ pire of great potential splendor "We try to contribute to the ccmldernbly.. he strsawd Zoning Agent for Town union representative and/or the adult actor’s a-orkshop, under Dakota, Lee MetciUf of Mon- venture story In all of history, a scien­ and almost unbeUevable inde­ towns to which we reside, not *3 50 per l ^ r . six months the Importance of passing the vious moments of leadership in apace steward, and to the Board of the dlPM-Clon of Fred Ragaxzl, tans, William 1‘roxmlre of Wl»- tific expedition that makes the deeds pendence. It took stray fnxn First Selectman Percy Cook, To compound future prob­ detract from them,” the official f®®*" d^^BlficaOon receives on measure by Aug. 13 because of exploits, there is no good reason to doubt Selectmen. A meeting will then a well known dlre<-itor. of early explorers look like the grop­ other existing elements in the in his Capacity of building of- lems, a nationally - reorganized g^jjj increaae of 25 cents per hour, conoUx and ThlUp A. Hart of "the struggle to control Infla­ be arranged with a)l concerned. Ragaxzl hiLs cn-vr 20 years of Michigan. that, had Uiey choeen to cotieentrate on ing of chlldian. A man has a right to state government, including, for ficlal, has appointed William hospital consultant has said An official of the Good Humor ^ ***«•----- ^ - ...... expert erne to aU nsoects of tho tion" Their proposals will cover the specific buslneaa of putting a man be boggled by the thought of it. Instance, the constitutlon-estah- Breadheft of Wales Rd. as Zon-. Manchester Memorial Hospital corp. added that the company por hour increment, te--1 review--— — the f--—— a ^ within----—• —five - .. .^ aspocts It was nevroled Monteiy that covered 'days after the grievance has such subjects lu oil depletion, a Luckily, everything will be put into llshed office of the state comp- Ing Agent of Andover for a one must expand to 320 beds by was under the Impression that employes n < Ij(>r:g‘a Saturday statement on the moon, they might be light up At present the grniq> 1s plan­ minimum tax for the wealthy, perspective by the columnists of the troUer, any vestige of control year term. This will be Bread- 1976 If It is to meet projected the catch basin in question 'he contract wtU wc.rk a 40- been filed with the Board of came after he talked privately ning three producUcsin: "Tho stock optlorn for cxrcullves. for- • there with us, or even ahead of us. dolly press, who have the knack of sort­ or Influence over the doings of heft’s thltd term in office. area needs. emptied Into the back of their hour week .with time-and-a-half Selectmen. Rod Shoes", wUh Nixon at Ihe White House the legislative branch. It was Dittus said that as soon as property, and not Into a drain- performo-l to ex- » there Is no settlement, the a three-art play enmlngs for executives, lart week. The White House For one reason or another—perha|M ing things out for the average reader. Eklward Keesler of Bausola for children: Luv", the highly foreign eumtng.'i of (x>rp«xi- But suppose. Just suppose, that this . to assume, through ite manage­ Rd. hsis been appointed special the present construction Is com­ L e system which lead to the «*«ht hours a day or nu tter can he submitted to a would not give any details on because they considered other advances ^ j over a 40-hour week In addi- panel of throe persana for arbl- Hucx-msful nrhndwny enmody Uotsi, on ext-ess profMs tax. lutd tremendous event was beyond even the ment committee, complete con­ pleted, a second, even laiger constable. All constables elect­ by Murray Srhlagnl. imd a third farm operatlonN conducted at a —like the development of their spaca analytical resources of the columnists. trol and supervision of Its own project wUl begin. The original At the present time the com- to Saturday* and Sundays, trmlon. One member will be ed In the May 5 town election produ(-i.lon to be announced loss to offset proftts made else- platform—of more practical: or more po­ Suppose they were so overwhelmed by physical idant, of ita own pur­ 60-year-oId section of the hos­ pany Is planning to Install a Eniptoyes wtU receive double designated by the town, one by latcv. have been sworn into office. Ixjth wlM>re. the fact of a lunar landing that they chasing, and of Ita own spend­ pital will be demolished and separator in the catch basin tbr all hoMday* worked, the union «uid one by tential military value, or pertiapa be­ First selectm-an Percy Oook ^ For those Intoreried in Joining Mansfield said In a speerh too were boggled. They would then be ing, with no limit on such reports that attendants at the a new addition will rise In lU which will trap any oil before nddlOon to the regular holi- KD»up»- M tJ* matter Is rilU 'Dynamic Thtxiler. various types cause they sincerely considered the use Monday the Seiute Democratic forced to face thedr typewriters armed spending, and no lim it on the Andover Disposal Area are place—at an estimated cost of It can be carried Into the sys- P®y- contract provides *' '’*’“ '*1 then of membership are available. B A , f f i C ^ N ^ _ _ . . for 11 t paid\b4*4 holidays { « r year,____ silV-rrMllAfisubmitted to the s ta te board tor IM Icy OxmmMtee was standtng i of human beings ifor research on the only with the familiar music of their amount of staff that might be having problems -with people $10-12 million. tern, he added. For further Infonnalion. Mni. Fifteen sick days per year are a^'bltraOon, with all coiks to bo fully by Us |XMltlon that mean­ styles. hired and faclUtiea that might -who attempt to dump on days ------"Ehneryone is amiable and In- Delores Liwler, 29 Deepwobd CHOCOLATl S moon an umwoeasary and expemlve provided, and these ciin be ac­ paid equally by the town and ingful tax reform must he con­ ■»It will never hapjien, of course, but be provided. It wae to be an­ and hours when the area is clos­ tarerted in a solution to tho I>r,, Wa|>plng. or Mr*. Nun lisle, the Russians have kejit themselves cumulated to a total of 120 days, th*‘ ji^nion. ' sidered stmiiUnneotwly with sur- Imagine, Just Imagine . . . swerable to no ono. ed. For those who may not probleni," he said, adding that Brown, Box 468. Manchester. Police To Get with full compensation tor ac­ Boosters Abroad tnx cxXetstlan. dearly out of the "man on the moon" James Reston; "The central fact about After the regular session had, know the dumping schedule, the m.\y be conlar-ted. the town officials have been cumulated sick leave payable .State Sen. Robert Hoiiley and Tile Montana Democrat said J the moon is not that it lacks people, but very quietly Indeed, accom­ Andover Dlspos&I- Area Is clos­ race. Bail Function quite helpful to the resolution upon retirement. Rep. Oorathy MlUer put to an there appeaml no chance a that It is uninhabited, and It is this phe­ plished the passage of thla his­ ed on Mondays and Thursdays. Mam-hester Rvenlng lirraltl, Any. notion that this was politeness of the problem. The contract__ also calls for one appctunince at tho final nueot- cuiii)>nelienHlve reform bill could nomenon that hsLs Washington wonder­ toric measure, the Legislature/ Hooth Wlndsnr ix>rrrs|MNtdrnt. It Is open Tuesday, Wednesday, HARTFORD, Oonn. (AP) Town offidate, the WEC, the of vacation for employes Ing „ of^ Boosters------Abroad last chair the klnunce Oummlttee l»y ViiH on their part, or that it represented their ing. It is difficult enough to promote got the Idea that Gover (lu-ul Muulhm, tel. 644-3714. Friday and Saturday from 8 Ball tor persons who nurt. ap- formers who use the tond and have worked six months to nlgM to present a framed re- the Augurt congremlunal re­ political itablllty In a populated area; Dempsey might not look departure from the spirit and effort of a.m. until 8 p.m. tt Is open Sun- peai in Orcutt Court on crim- the companies involved will be ^ year; ’ between one and five eoluUon passed by the reoent cess. a In an unpopulated area the problem Is favor upon such a piece of'em ­ LIggtIt Drag space competlUon has always been ridic­ day from 9 a.m. until noon. ma: charges probably wlU be meeting tomorrow to review the ye^rs of service, they will have seislon of the General AsMxn- Hut. he said. Onngress would complicated by the absence of even the Fhotocrs|)una 16, three man’s first lunar landing, the larger yet licensed their dogs for this 61 to 26 will mean a change Blood Program Robert D. Novak ed, and his veto win come be­ year. The closing date for reg- to an apipcal function tor the cy for each employe covered, who Is akn going on the trip. awiiiil and the Drams Critics • MMnmUiL * INDIiSTBIAL days before Ametiica's Astronauts are problem has been deliberately Ignored. 25 Years Ago fore the /hpcomlng special trail­ For both employes nn-d, their de- ha* put In a Arenuous year of Award ae the btet muAoal of * RBflIDBNTlAL The eairth and moon have bepn en­ istering without penalty was remaining commlaMoners. Needs Support scheduled to blast off In their attempt to R e p o r t Milk dealers report a short-' er se^lon, affording the oppor­ July 1. The penaUy tor late reg- wm probably be set by pendents, the costs' otof a Blue fund-rnlsli^fund-rnlslng evente. and work the 1968-69 PRICB, qilA l.m r HMi SCRVITE ASAI/RKD circling the sun for millions of years, age due to the Influx of war tunity, if the General Assembly Cross extended plan with semi- drives to make enot^i money pul man on the moon, can be classified but there is no reason to believe this istration will Increase as each police, as H was prior to the This Thursday WASHINGTON—The principal forecast made long before An­ the White House rejected a pro­ w orked and an unusually dry leadership decides to take It, private room rate and out-pa- to help defray expeMrs for the as something compettUve, something mechanism will continue to function In­ month passes. Mis. Munson rec- leglslolbion establishing the and secret ourpose of Prealdent drei Gromyko, Soviet foreign posal by the U.S. ambassador spring which cut down on avail­ for a full and- open spilling of The Mancherter Red Cross to- Ueiit rider wlH be paid tor. Oth- trip While In Erqfland.Ihe bond definitely. Indeed, there is persuasive omnnends those who have not commlBslonor syrtem, O’Rourke t h o m a T c o l l a aimed at {Axipagandh renown for Rus­ Nixon’s visU to Rumania Is to minister, called for closer to 'Turkey for a Nixon stop- able pasture land. all the bitterness between the day Issued an -urgent appeal to er benefits to employes and de- le scheduled to mokelANK several CtEDIT evidence that tt is only a matter of time registered dogs, to do so as soon aalti. signal Communist China that Washtngton-Moscow ties In his over there to show U.S. disap­ The government opens bids two governmental branches. In all local resldenU to support pendente Include a OteinocUciH apiearnnces. (temetkat CfMwtnietioa (’4>n>. (M S M t S sia. before the eorth and its satellite leave as possible. The Jobs -were eliminated ef- CARDS A C C im O the U.S. has no present inten­ speech last 'Thursday (July 10) proval of the dictatorship In for the Improvement of roads such an event, we would expect So for, only the Russians know what their courses and hurtle sunward to a Road nosed fecbve’ july 1 when Gov John ^ Program by being Medical Service, (im m unity Lost night’s final meetir* tion of iolnlng Russia In an anti- -to the Supreme Soviet. 'The neighboring Greece. 'The Chin­ in the Silver Lane development the Legislature to preen Its fiery doom." Town residents who travel Denvpeey signed a bU reducing Bloodmobllc this major ir^ T a J of $10,- wet primarily tor the Audente kind of a play they are mnldng. China alliance. President' made clear that his ese ploy is too important to area. own wings, cry shame upon Rowland Evans and Robert Novak: "A Parker Bridge Rd which runs '•w' number qf commiaslonere. operation wlU be set 000 with a $100 deducUbte and (there are 92 making the trip) ARTHUR DRU8 Alone among Warsaw Pact visit to^ Rumania was partly to risk dilution. the Governor as the power- The moot sensational posstblltty open lignlHoant aspect of the feat of Apollo countries, Rumania maintains dispel that posslblUty. 'The When Bucharest’s in'vltotlon hungry villain in the situatioo, to ttiem would be to have a robot ship 11 Is Hs Impact on the^heated battle now 10 Years Ago conllnl reI»t1ons with Peking. President’s words reflected a arrived In Washington In early and smash his veto. If, on the being waged In the 14th ward of South A power failure at the Center land on the moon, scoop up some moon Rumania risked the Kremlin’s deep-seated concern by policy­ February, the State Department other hand, the Legislature is expected of them in term* Amboy, N.J. In a little noticed develop­ makes buslness-as-usual at the closed for several weeks begin- General Aaoembly ^ wrath bv defending CTilna at the makers over a world racial war deemed it o4 Utile Importance. does have some slight tinge of Red Cross officials state that borment Insurance of $10,000 In- of dress, behavior and dust, and then bring It bock to earth. ment, labor leader Oookman ( ''Cookie’’ ) nlng yesterday. into effect in October to on. PRODUCTION world Commiinirt conference in —China against the U.S. and Malcom ’POon, a hard-line So­ Post Office and Munidpai Build­ conscience l$ft, it may forego e ^ e ^ y . donor appolntmenU made up to eluding $20,000 covertkge in the TREMANO SEPTIG TWb would be a noteworthy feat from Baker has been knocking on doors In M'oscow. Moreover, Rumania Russia. viet expert (the Deputy Assist­ ing partllted that sador here, carried the bvvUa- Results of a recent poU indi- Manchester Hospital Study- tnin the Rushan argument that signifi­ fled In the biU. Theli work with accused per- When the object Is dipped Into name now that Nell Armstrong Is In the a Communist countrv which -oc­ would be too . provcxxdlve to tlcn to Dr. Kissinger, who was cajtes'dtLpiembers of the Cham­ Over half of the patients ad­ Donors are also remind*^ to the Injury and tlve weekly None of this should be real. som. had led to greatly hv a jar, It rerAves a coating that AT cant spoco resbqixdi can be aocompUMi- headlines. If he 1s successful, the casionally thumbs Its nose at Moscow — presumably because very Interested, indeed. ber of Commerce are in favor mitted to Manchester Memo- that the age limit for accepting payment for workmen's com- —The Very existence of siich creased use of release without begins to harden right away. ed without the lii^ o f human life. Implications for 1972 are clear.” Moscow, nurtures friendship of the liberal brand of commun­ 'The Nlxon-Kisslnger China of establishing^ United Fund' oriaJ Hospital last year, lived in donations has recently been \ pcnratlon. shenanigans demeans the good porting coAi (bonds. Signed os- The thtekness of the cover con William F. Buckley Jr.: "While fatu­ with P«klng, and runs a Stal­ ism practiced Inside Yugoslavia. p]oy is not the only reason for in town whUe only , 14 oppose towns outside of Manchester, If this Ir what the Rimlcuis can do, surarwiMi nf raised to- age 96. This change \ Members of the town crew be Increased by nddlUonal dip# ous critics of the lunar effort are now inist, Internal regime. But In fact, Mr. Nixon’s East­ the vlslL In 1967 Poland the Idea. r state of cionnectlcut.. But how yA less than three per cent of do you rebuke a Legislature u s ^ B ^ c o ^ d ^ ^ l r t e n r " * maintain meml.ershlp in or by brushing. and are about ito do, they will Succeed In hiding, reasonable men ixin (x>nder Indeed, the President’s Ru­ ern Europe experts believe that, private citizen Nixon 'and the supporting donations re­ ^ “ conslAantly sup- t L union, and If an employe the synodlo., anomalistic, nodal, and when the policies for which It m e iqrAem was devlse(| to ported the program to con- ’ In taldng some edg« off the importance, manian trip dovetails wt'h sec­ beca'uke Yugoslavia’s Indepen­ officials Insulted him by iboy- ceived camel from out-of-town ss not comply with this re­ ^ould be rebuked enjoy the rel eve police of the burden of tlnue glidng tor several more BRAND- REX sidereal ramlHcnUons of the silvery ball. but not off the dnmin, of the mission of ret Planning jlnslde the Adminis­ dence Is so much older than cotting a routine Pakistan em- profeaslcnal diplomats who re-' residents, according to a study __^ ----- quirement, he must be dui- Considering what is known about the support of the legislative lead­ tration to ease the 20-year Rumania’s, a 'vdait to Belgrade bossy reception which Nixon at­ gajrd both the President and recently completed by Bert ^ been de­ vocative to Moscow. His real as a world statesman, and Mr. are miscalculating badly in that ment coordinator ^ ^ patronage devloe. minded that even with all the the imion All deductions for lative hubris la safe from the with the Ruaslnns Is- that they Just ably conclude — I dare aay must con­ cided. limited cuUiiral txchang- reason for not visiting Yugosla­ Nixon achieved surprising rap­ 1, Whether such skeptics are Dittus said the three per cent technology used by sclenllAs to m'eipMrshlp dues, ^ thltlatlon PLAZA DEPT. STORE people In every resp|^ except clude — llwt, pending untowiud plane­ es are being pondered. via Is m ot« to the point; A port In a two-hour session with or not. however; the figure Is a generous estimate “ mmls- put our man on the moon this feei Vod ret^wtatement fees (We iUite A Nattai Ve nsMS) couldn't rerlat having somethldg up one. It Is asking the people to NOW tary perturbations, the stars are right ’ This low-key political nVan- visit to revisionist Yugoslavia President Nlcqlae Ceausescu. ''China ploy b ^ es the liberal and he speculated that the total ' ^ ' ’® taken out of the em- E. MIDDCJE m U L (N ext Io Fafmkur 1 critics who claim that the Pre­ reward ita zeal on their briialf 9s In the And-' ^ '*** non-urban courts. Allude tor life-giving Mood, there and In the vicinity while Apollo for the nation’s long-delayed return to euver la prtmarilv the creation would detract from his visit to But desire to renew acquaint^ might be even le lycbeck by the town Open W«iL, Than. A Prl. tfll 9 first princlptos." sident Is risking giving offense by voting, in 1970, In favoc of patients - were O’T'burke said it Is tco early The only' source Is man! Tbr 11 mohcH Us hlsU>rtc effort, the Ameri­ of Dr. Henry Klssingc*- and hts Stallnilst Rumania with Its' spe­ anoes with Ceausescu scarcri over area, 219 (arded to the union. If Dr^w Pearson: 'This column has to Moscow soiriy to pursue a having the Legtaleture meet admitted to the hospital last ^ tl* reduced num- Blood P r o ^ needs mpport national Security Council staff. cial relationship wMh Pricing. compares with the hope a by the em|iloye. COME IN AND DROWSE can attltudo cim relax away from coin- learned that several months befoiv Rumanian caprice. twice as often. e.. • MEK end WOMEN It has encountered skeptlsm at Partially for that some reason, dnunatlc sign to Chlna.i^ S m e year This figuresIsTto be *^1! ^ vrill be this Thu^y, forming a Job within petlUve siuplclons imd take refuge In man's first lunar flight, some 300,000 , tho State Department, where "about 1.4 p e r ' ^ o f .the total TJ: ------a certain \ classification more M a n y Items Reduced for acres of prime moon real estate (much those bland iukI dvillsed aesuranoea It high officials were not privy to of 15,000 patients admitted to "j"; T work undef than 80 per cent of the time dur­ 2nd SHIFT _ 4 to 12 3rd SHIFT _ 12 to • of It bordering on the Sea of Tranquili­ preliminary planning. Some the.origlnai program had proved Killed At Work the ^ t a l toA yeor. ita«u m the busier court; ing any one year will be clas­ Summer Clearance itself never quite meant—-that, although ty) was purchased by the entire Unit­ State Department officials are Dittus expressed concern that ______ORANGE (AP)-^oeeph Wei- sified In the particular labor we may b-.- first In certain space vetv- ed States Senate. 'n » deal was arrang­ atlU In the dark as to the Presi­ ★ STARTING RATES — Up fo S2.S4 por F i s c h e t t i such a small portion of the hos- ~ num, 23. of WeA Haven was grade. Three ctassiricatlon* tures, we do It for all nuuiklnd, where­ ed on the Senators' penoml behalf by dent’s Inner purpose. pttaTs support is coming from fatally Injured Monday arhen a the Moonbeam Foundation, whose board Mr. Nixon, who has hit the Andover’s reAdents. He said In *Diet* Drinki fore spectators who can't quite make masonry panel he was work- ★ TOR RAn OF JOR ON THE MONDAY of directors Includes the ntrw Justices of . roof ove^ newspaper specula­ view of the atatisUcs, these CHICAGO —The supply of tog on topped and crushed him. It themselves tue welixime. the Supreme Court. The property Is to tion about the Rumanian visit, residents too muA consider the arttftclal sweetiwr, cycla- Wetnum was a conAruction FOUOWING COMPLETION OP 30 DAY Spectotor or rivalT We relax, for a be sold to the House of Representatives has put a tight secrecy lid on Manchester Memorial as mate, ^ the Uittted States la worker at the A le of the He- PRORATIONARY PERIOD which will then lease it to President tho China ploy. But. ironically, "thelr" hospital. expected to retudi 21 mtlUon toew Day School on Derby Av _ ^ ^ u n e ^ u f f hom e day or two. Into Winston Churchill’s des­ Nixon. The President is anxious to build the one mention of it outside F u e lo il HOLMES Dittus’ study, which projects pounds a year In 1970, up sharp- enue. police said. 1*00 MAIN iltltl ' MAMOttvllt rfjnu cription of the ''action of Russia" as a a golf course on the mooc\ figurti^ his high Administration circles A URERAL OVERTIME WORK hOopMal admlasiona to I960, ly from 6 milUon pounds In 1663 He wa pronounced dead on ar- INSURED |hOWAI() HOlMfS AtTHU* ‘ M*.l«MAN "riddle wrapped in a myatery inside wood shots will be Improved by the low came from the President him­ shows that edmteA ona from and 16 million In 1967. About rival at St. Raphael'a Hospital lunar gravity.'' self—al a recent cocktail hour fU D «E T an enigma." outlying towns arill Increase toree-quartens of the population to New Havov. Hospital officials A EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS Well, that's what some of the nation's session In the W'hlte House with markedly white admiral one uses non-mitrltiTe eweetenera, said hs hod exUnAve head In- PAYMENT best-known columnists might write if the liberal Repi|bllcan Senators. from MancheAer will remain mostly in soft drlniu. Jurtee. landing on the moon turned out to be Asking strict secrecy, Mr. stout the same. PLAN I f YOITVE Dtver known Ute lonetin«6w . A J O I SECURITY too much to oepe with. But they are all Nixon speculated that the Rus­ For example, by I960, admis­ ProtscUon tor .you In at b«rMvctn«9it, then jrou can’t pouibly A Rainy Day Saves People experienced hands, and they have seen sians were t ^ n g to line them­ sions froiti Andqver are expect- E^joy our many ebaploye benefits inchiding: Group selves up with the U.S. In an The great thing about the rain of July w much on earth that an astronaut's " ed to increoae 128 per cent, the e vW ' of rirHwera, know bow appredatad your penance wiH Health Iniurance with Major Medics^ for you and antl-CIUna facade, a tentative visit to a heavenly body Is unlikely to white local admlaatons w ill rise Me A. Peterson, Inc. ooicldAit or deeCb W no \ X all deitendmlB, Paid Holidifys,i)idi^$ paid Vacationa, Pen- 13th was not that It confou'nded the cause any of them to break stride. be at the foneral servlcea for an acciuAint'' (gily per cent, Dtttua taid. SEBIINO CXMfN. aOICC 1686 oo et to you. ■ion Plui. weatherman's computers and substitut­ The worst of tt Is that the crew of, \ Thoocht for Today ' . Ma^icheAer Memorial Hos- ed iUielf for hts clear skies by the simple Apollo 11 doesn't Include a columnist.* pttal. presently has a 309-bed ance or friend. By taking time to attend, Move up and eecure your jpb with a leading manu* someone to recount the experience with ' Sponoored by the Manchester' but unorthodox stratagem of putting the Oownc^ of Churches capacity, plus about 26 Infant 26-HOVB factureir of Uuulated Aerospace, Electronka, Tele­ precision an4 in his own style. For his yoq denunatrmte to the family that yoo . weather ^stem into reverse and sending. • basstneU. A $3.1 mfiUon con­ IVlOB phone Wire and Cable. readers it would be like having an old “Ben Aizl said: Do not des­ struction project ia now undar- ■hime their feeling of kiee—e fact from # clouds f r ^ east to west. friend on board, describing his perhaps way which will provide sevan pise an y man and do. not consid­ Nor was the most welcome thing about not-so-braveyAeellngs as the space croft, new operating fooms, ooetlng wLiicb they derive imtold comfort VISIT OUR EMPLOYMENT OFTICE— er anything fut impossible.'' / departed eOrtK, accelerated Into the $30,000 eaicli. % much-needed 1 ' Uie rainy Sunday that it came Just in the - B thk'a o f th e F a th e rs 4 ;3 void, and finally setthxj down amid the . emergency rooi:& faculty coA- Open for yo«r eonTenlenee— Menday throogh Fri­ ntok of time to keep mld-summe<- growth craters of the moon. ' In God’s economy there la a Ing $126,000. new ' X-ray and place and a time for oU men day H ,\.M. to Nooff and 1:15 PJM. to 5:15 P JL— from having to live on ihe parched side, One good choice for the asjdgnnvent radlologtcal treatmAit facfll- Saturday 9 A.M. l|6 1 PJL would be Jimmy Breslln, former cdu'm- and oJU ev«nta. Ther^'ore, one tiee, plus other ancillary tocUl- although it did Utiik too. never knows whose help wUl (H*9**6^ f nlst and former politician. The story tiea. Dtttua sold . although 16 It should be oelebrabsd, primarily, someday be needed or what « • B H O AO m u would make history. After a Moon date­ •CIMI Olhitsr N«w« new bed* w ill be added, the event will someday come to either, for Its statistioal achievements, line he might begin: "This place Is dry primary purpose o f the eddl- 6 4 9 ^ 5 3 9 as dust,, so If you come up heiit bring tlon U to moderntse other hos- AMERICAN ^ENKA OORroRATION although these were ocnslderable. On RabU Leon Wind your ow n " — EDWIN A. ROBERTS pttal facUltiee. Daalgaers * iBstaOees — f irasirle the Tain gauge vie w a t^ it 'brought down Templo Beth Sholom T6rKt\*E KITCHEN ON MWLAT JR.. IN THE NATIONAL PBSERVJQR. T h e $3 1 mllHnn ooA at the BRAND-REX DIVIDION new wing presented aa \tm- 6PI Mra, Tteh Ate. 2 3 2 j |4 0 7 'ATlAftnC WnXOtANTIO, OONNHOncri]^ plraaant surprise tor the hoe- Ae Bairal Oppertrai^ -Mtal because the flrA sAIrntta . 601. te 4 I 0$l. M ftAT wOto ten 'dfi* fifora' tBe^lste'or ' sch ^ . 126,900. Philbrick Agen­ necticut, this second day of this order, cuxl return nmke to this ii cy, Realtors, 6464200, <* July I960. * * * * * * Judge.


TV Will Follow PINTO Police End *Sick-in’ Comment Session ^ Davis, Convicted Killer of 6 FUfTO, People Interested The Manchester Board of In Narcotics Treatment Or­ Directors, on Thursday, will ganization Inc., ia now open LosekDeath Penalty Appeal PAGE EIGHT conduct another of Its semi­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANC^STB2R, CONN., jTUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 \ To Moon and Back Monday through Wednesday In Chicago Suburbs monthly comment sessions... evenings, 6 : » to 10, in tee HARTFORD, (3onr. (AP) — "After he shot Mrs. McClease, V '(Cealtanied tram Page One) Ct^CAGO (A P ) — Policemen crime incidents in either sub- for those town residents band, include 4 daughters, Mrs. bottom floor of the Williams in Cturago Heights, a southern urb. Law enforcement continued who wish to file suggestions Arthur James ’’Willie” Davis, the defendant looked over at to touch down on the mo,i h k/jv, achievement and coat or Jacket leased as they returned to work. nlea it. with the public. on tee piorntng of Aug. 26. 1966 carbine and pointed It at ned for the three-day affair and with tee GOP lea(^ talking to Laird, , the noodule, an automatic black tee relevance of science fiction, too Thompson, died last night Friends may call at the fu- and may be made with Mrs. the events at which ^ h patches which say "President’s ARRE8T8 The statement Indicated further The court also rejecteil on J.x*ati1ce McClure and Carolyn and wrhlte television camera in Duke Ellington is composing a negotiations between them and ’"They’re definitely wrong,” at Manchester Memori.il Hos- neral home tomorrow from 2 to Richard Eldrldge of 34 Union “Oys and girls can test their physical .Fitness." Those who a training meeting for the fair ®*’®' Frledhelm said "proponents Robert Wiendl, 34, of Box 330, argument by Daria's public de­ Syke« As he fired, Ivcalrlc© fell tee descent stage will be acU- P*ece of original mualc on the city officials would be fruitless he said. ” We’H definitely sK 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. P>-. Mrs. PlaArick Humphrey of program ^ ^ ^ certlfl- ^ ^ ^ r ^ e n t s wlU be held ^ ^ e r a ^ 'l ^ t e e T r e i l d l n t ! Senate have Indicated RFD 2, ToUand Rd.. Bolton, fenders that the death penalty to tee floor pretemling she was pitei. vated to transmit pictures of the moon landing for ABC. The net- at this time. do'wn with them.” 12th Circuit ------32 Knighton St.,, and Mrs. scheduled to b ^ln ^ J ^ y participation. that they have 51 votes,” which chaiged with reckless driving. Is "cruel and unusual jjunl.sh- .•ihot. Mr. Thompson was born July 29 at 10 a.m. at the West Side ,___ , , . very firm teat there will be no The men agreed to accept a Sunday, however, the Cicero Alfred Dunn Theresa Varney of 40 , Fair- Mel Stebold, director of rec­ All 4-H members and clubs compromise ” would provide a majority. ° f *’“ • 7 °>-k «Uao Is Mttlng up a special M.‘ ment” because It Is so rarely "Carolyn started to nsi toward 4, 1912 In Hartford, son of Reereatlon Center. A special Trendex survey telephone system so that view- ^ $l,300-a-year raise, the state­ town board refused to hear Court Cases _ . „ Alfred Dunn, 74, of West Hold St. reation, days that this event will are urged to participate In de- ___ genatec,,. GOP Leader Everett He g;ave no breakdown, and used and therefore l.s imcon-stt. the utility closet and wns shot commissioned by ABC esti- era around tee nation can quea- Arthur ver to two Sykesl. Hb' ^o'-emanloreman atai Hamiltonnammon Standardsinnoara p.m, the church 'The meet- “ er • Out®P^rst Na- equipment for tee event while c ^ u m e contest for 4 to 8 years vote for the Nixon proposal. tee Safeguard System . and HoUiater Sts. yesterday at The Police Benevolent and Pro- Starting pay for Cicero police counts of aggravated aa- ed from the grand Jud ' that with the 6th Army In Africa, take the camera out of tee de- Bail Jones and Julie Harris will 2:30 p.m. The accident hap­ "Mary McClease, Neal White, Division of United Aircraft mg b, open to tee public ;^'»’ill also provide prizes the recreation department pro- olds and an auction. And tee Pentagon put out tee With tee outcome-of Senate scent stage and set it to a tri- read from tee leUers______and____ Jour tective Association had demand- Is $7,600. The association asks sault and two counts of malm- Indicted Davis. The lnw>x>rs Sicily and Italy. He was ' a ------Wlnd.sor------Lodes where------.he r of badminton and tether baU vldes personnel. Entry blanks Articles to be exhibited by word today that Secretary of action still in doubt, there had pened wlien a car driven by based their charge on a remark Michael Sykes, Carolyn Sykes, member of the VFW Po.st 259 ^ , 7 ” 7 pod 26 feet from the hinar mod- nails of famous emlorers Dwiny • 22 years. He Mary Cheney Llbraiy ule tor a constant view of tee Kaye, in his first television ap- at o r o ^ sJnm lt w *** *'*‘**^ ®roase. DaleDole Ransom, 17, of 104>, was an Army veteran of Wqrld will at thie event. EJach participant 12 Manchester playgrounds, Aef¥Vk«0¥tt« eireve.V4«sre *1-- ______f . . OUmmfC. CK. ETOITl ^ $10,000. rvrvlv ...... only "high class people" who McClease died from gunshot He was an active member hold Its regular summer Included In the auction but lieves Prouty’s vote will assure accept a compromise If he astronauts working on the pearance In three years, will Only two lieutenants stayed Homestead St!, charged wlte War I and a member of tee hour ------HoUister and ran Into the p,th "undrrttand whal a grand jury wourxls." and Judge pf the American meonbers and friends are asked approval of the administration’s thought such action necessary moon, f oo-hoet a portion ol the cover- During. the five days of tee on the Job In Chicago Heights, throwing trash on a highway, Lt. RobertT^n V ^ T ; s t . Harb of a car driven by Brian Car­ Is.” Four persons In tee aprtment Horae Show Association . In u*u tomorrow morning from tu contribute Items to be sold. ABM program. to salvage part of his plan. Obviously, during tee period age. strike there were no major out of a 64-man force. pleaded guilty and was fined ford. ’The proceeds from this event penter 26, of Warehouse Point. Dnris’s public defender. An­ that night tiK-ludlng Leatrice 1950, he was named dtate 10:30 to 11:16 m the Junior $26. ___ _ . ,,, , Survivors, besides his wife, help pay premiums to fair win­ The Carpenter car hit the Sulli­ thony V. DeMnyo. did not dis­ McClure, who trad prefended to Room. Miss Marion Jesseman, Peter Cram, 17, of 861 Adams Soccer Flareup ners. van car ctod then struck a tele­ Vernon pute tee stale's claim tliat Daris bi> .>ihot escaped death. The cm Division, a^d had*taught 1-mt'^lh "°Mafs**’T ^ ^ children’s librarian; and Mrs. phone pole. Cheryl Carpenter, 3, St., pleaded guilty to a charge others were two McClease child­ On Friday there will be a Trank Murderess Wants School Board Court Boosts of driving with unsafe tires and killed six persons. honximanshlp to many 4 H r ' * ‘ “ e stastaff win a passenger In tee Oarpenter ren. Churmalne and her brother Folk Sing feetival which Is be­ F ire C a U s ! waa fined $6. But he argued that hls client cluta in Connectlcut^e was a Ma;ch“ ster and *Mra, Marilyn I car, was taken to Manchester Atty. McKone Royal, and Troy Sykes. ing planned by the (Jounty teen A charge of breach of peace was out of hls mind with Jeal- former member of Tr^op B of rr,.ir.,ui« # » i tTtn ^ — To Return to Paraguay Takes Action Town firefighters received a Memorial Hospital where she South Church Michael's younger brother. *u 4n»wi it I , ^ Trimble of .Rocky HIJl; seven Ignites Baittle In group. ’This is a new event and was changed to Intoxication to otisy over the 'de|xirlure iV hls The house committee of tee call yesterday saying therw was wras treated and released. Bote Is Chairman Of The three older survivors pro­ the case of Lee Dearoaler. who common law wife. Florin Britlsh-American Club will It wUI be held at 8 p.m. MARTi Ne Z, Calif. (A P ) — “ Because I feel teat having a fire in a gsuoge at 29 Lucian cars had to be towed from the vided eye-witness testimony nl Land Values pleaded guilty and was fined "Fanny" naskervllle, suspicion Survivors, biwldes hLs wife, . meet tonight at 8 at the club­ Other events will include a Winnie Ruth Judd, fabled trunk lived here for seven years, On Accounts St. When they arrived, they dis­ scene. Red Cro88 Drive Davis's trial before three Super­ $ 10. that members of her family Include a brother, Donald C. Thnradnv nt o is t house. sheep blocking contest, horse murderess of tee 1930s, says going to college, taking a fe w covered teat a lawnmower to ior Court ^ldgrs. Central America shmv, poultry exhibits and live- she’d like to return to Arizona courses and graduating, I can The Board of Education last Atty. Frederick McKone has The South United .Methodist Gary Janicke, 21. of 168 were concealing her^ where­ Thompoon, and a sister. Mrs. ^ A^ paykMder, driven by Geui- ■ .J.. .. J . “ to garage was burning. The abouts (which they werei and Davis got na far was New Fred Leary, both of West Hart- ^ g. ^ " 7 '* ' ^ Disabled American Veterans lued from Page One) stock exhibits. on her own, prove her sanity prove my sanity? and free my- nlgbt voted to request the Board lawnmower was. pushing out of vto Garmato, 31, of Windsor, been named fund ocunpalgn Church was awarded $120,000 to Irving St., pleaded guilty to a the effects of heavy itrlitklng Jersey before he was caught Mass of Auxiliary, wlU______have a_ picnic____ to- „ Honduran reports of Salvado- T?** *** then go to Paraguay to self legally.” backed into a car driven by chairman for the drive which June tor land used tor the new charge of breach of peace and ford; a cousin Miss Mary John- gj of Directors to establish an the garage and the fire extta- and lack of sleep. * Ihe morning of Aug 28 Turn­ Brldget Church morrow at 6 p.m. at the home Salvditorpan ground troops rean invasion were only a “ cur- Tolland County Agricultural work with children. She was convicted in 1933 of Richard Armetrong, 76, of 53 waa fined $25. A charge of be­ son of Hartford: and .several at lo $8,769 washout account for a guished. wUl be held In October tor the Rt. 6 after It appealed an earli­ Tlie slayings, which even De- pike police, who went after him nieces and nephews. Burial will be In St. of Mrs. Amos Potter, 76 Russell ^vaded th e>(^u n ^at Amatlllo tain of emoke” to hido "geno- *^®*'*®*'’ 2®- Vernon. But Mrs. Judd, now a grand- murder, accused of slaying two Duval St. The Armstrong car ing found Intoxicated was noll- Bridget Cemetery. teacher aide training program er offer from" the etate (nr $71,- ed. Mayo cnlled "tlv gorie.1 t crime for a Ira/fle vIolivUon and took The funeral will be held St. from tee south- Salvadorean plan)e3 dropped ne ghberring Honduras. members. Tliere will nlclpal Judge Sam Hall at In two trunks. She was arrested when the accident occurred at W. Middle Tpke., charged with 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. / Community CoUege. The sum W in g Crack Tile state has taken ?.a6 acres following too closely, pleaded ly matter-of-fact fastiion by Mate not know he was' wanted for Home, 776 Farmington Ave., elation members interested In honihg on Honduran army and Honduras and El Salvador ‘il'vlaions, 9-12 and hearing Monday where tee when she sought to claim the 4 p.m. was granted tije town by tee of land along the rear of the not guilty and will have an Bast Supreme Ooiirt Justice Elmer murder until several hours later West Hartford, with- i solemn ------particulars on the 40te Festl- air force- InatallaMona near the have Iweni at odds for years winner will be chos- quietly admitted her Identity. trunks State Department of Education chuieh'a land on the south side Hartford Jury trial In August. W. Ryan: It Is ,ex(m1ed that Davis’ high Mass of requiem at the William IL Frisbio val of tee Arts in Manchester, international airport In Teguci- mainly over border territory! division and Arizona’s first extradition Condemned to hang, she was Sets Back A oar driven by Albert Berge- under the Education Professions of Harttord Rd. This uicludes Roger Carrier, of Coventry, "The tlefendanf entered the (Hibllc defender will aptwni the Church of St. Thomas the ,1. Y*' contact Mrs. Rlchaid galpa. but the most serious recent tickets for papers were returned to Phoe- Judged Insane 72 hours before vin, 66, of 122 Harlan St., hit cose to the U 8 8tq>reme Cburt. „ Monroe, brother of the Rev. Jenningn, 1066 E. Middle Toke. In Washington, Jorge Fidel flareup occurred last month pancake supper. The post- nix for technical reasons, but her scheduled execution. She Development Act. the door of a car driven by tee iknatB known as 70 Harttord pleaded not gulHy to a charge apartment (of Mrs Mary Me- Rd. which hod nearly 2!000 ^ a s s is ta n t p;»: Duron, Honduran representative over tlie three-game series to * * advertising the sup- Hall said “ we will try to get the was committed to Arizona State The grant will be expended as C 5A Plane Delong Burgess, 32, pf Glas­ of speeding and was scheduled Clease, Miss Rankgrvllle's moth­ Burial w l l ^ to Soldiers Field, tor of St. Bridget Church, was square feet of Uvttig igioce: Al­ state of Arizona to move Hbspltal at Phoenix, escaped six follows: $1,500, administrative; tonbury. Burgesa i» d Just for a Jury trial. er) shortly after midnight Fa^vtew Cemetery, West H.m- killed early Sunday morning I £3 I to the Organization of American detenpeine which country’s soc- ^ (Continued from Page One) so, the church loot the/ large V ita l lu in u te s s a v e d states, told a special OAS meet- cer teaim would participate In promptly.” times through tee years, but al- $600 for teachers’ released time parked his car on E. Center St.,, James Mehl, 22, of 11 Fox- ” Wien he entered, istatrlce FOR _. „ . „ when the car he was driving borii next to the houW^ croft Dr., charged with breach MoClure (a sister of Mlaa Haek- He gave teat state until Aug. 4 ways returned until. 1962 when tor supervision and instruction; While the nose and tail were and was getting out when the Frien^ may call at the fu- pan off Route 11 In Monroe and HOUSTON . — Elcotrocerdlo- Salvadorean troops had the W orld Cup matches, Besides the land, ^ state of peace pleaded not guilty and ervtlle) was standing near tlie to act. she walked out for tee seventh $263, clerical help; $106, staff accident happened at 10 ;16 a.m. neral home today and tomor- slammed into a bridge abut- grams can now be taken on tee F«” ®trated 40 miles inside Hon- ’There were fights between Fairfax Blown held down, a special test rig haa -” rtope rights” to ^ th ln 10 waa scheduled for a Jury trial. Mrs. Judd was discovered In time and went to California, travel; / $8,300 for salaries, 10 stove over Mrs. Carolyn Sykes row from 7 to 9 p.m. ’There will ment. way to tee hospital In ambu- the Hondunms and El Salvado- forced tee wings upward to- a feet of one of the (dd Cheney Albert Burgesa. is, of Glas­ Cosmetics this town northeast of San Fran- She said that since coming to aides ivorktog 30 hours a week COMPLAINTS (a friend), who. was siUlng In be Q recltaUon of the Rosary Suniivors also Include hjs Innces. 'They’re made possible ‘ ‘'“ ops u s^ the Plan American reane,, Ixite on and off the field Off His Course homes used as a S u ^ y school tonbury, pleaded not guilty to cisco June 27 working as a tee Bay Area she took night for 12 weeks at $1.76 per hour, trial of their strength. Then tee There was a break and entry a chair. l.«ntrlGa waa doing omorrow at 8 p.m. at the fu- mother, two sisters and two through a procedure developed H.ghway. during tee first two games, aft- by the (Ohurch at y48 harttord a charge of haVtoK a defective Carolyn’s hair, m ______^______^______MIAMI (A P ) — Adverse winds tomestlc in nearby Alamo un- courses at the Oakland (College Speaking for the committee, break occurred to a wing near ai tee home of Harry Trask, 34 neral home. brothers. by the National Aeronautics and The OAS ordered a peace tee second game Honduras muffler, and his cose was con­ Sidney Cohen said three aides Jarvis St., recently. Two bed­ Rd. The elope rigltoi extend 400 "Ttie defendant lifted liw car­ e family sugge«ta that The funeral will be hold to- Space Adrainlstratlon. Chest tea.m Into the two countrhra*at broke off diplomatic relations blown oarsman John Fair- tee name of Marian Lane. of Medical and Dental Asslst- tee point where It Joins the fuse­ feet along the /hack of the tinued until Jiily 24. bine, pointed H lU Mrs Mary Itoc southweard toward Cuba, Until Monday’s hearing, she ants and "tried so hard to block will be align ed the first sem­ rooms were ransacked accord­ lose wishing to do so make morrow _ at 10 _ ...... a.m. with . electrodes are ePPitod and link- once. ’The team waa eKpeobed In with El Salvador. lage. church’s Hartton^ Hd. land. Steven Cole, 22, of 46 8. AHon M(e dc- Uggetts ______World! Cup officials teen or- bis efforts to com- clung to teat name despite fin- tee past out and live In tee fu- ester to each of Bennet Jisiior ing to poUoe but It is, as yet, memorial contributions to the soremn high Mass of requiem ed to a radlo-tel^hon^ relay the area tonight...... ~ Specifically, tee crack oc­ The state alod hoa closed off St., pleaded not guilty to fetMloJlt dkl nca Biiy anyttung. nnd data ore sent ahead, sav- The Salvadorean repreaenta- dered the deciding game played ^ transatlantic crossing gerprlnt checks by/sheriff's offi- ture.” High and Keeney St. Schools, unknown what la mlaring. A m ^can Cancer Society, 237 at St. Stephen’s Church In curred under pressures amount­ all ocosM to tie chunch’s park- chargee of evading rnapansl- and no one had moved AtllMFlukiiA* Ing vttal minutes In heart tlve to tee OAS, Julio A. Rivera, on a i leutral Held In Mexico ® 24-foot rowboat. ^ cers showing her to be Winnie Mrs. Judd hopes that Gov. and two tee second semester B. Center St., Manchester, Monroe. ing to 128 i»er cent of the design tog lot from Mato St. The blUty, tellurs to obey a rad "Mrs. McClease luul been sit­ cases. - told the OAS council teat the Qlty. El Salvador won tee final P’alrfax, 31, has been rowing Ruth Judd. / Jack Williams of Arizona will to each school. James O. Tatio, Earthen Jugs. valued at $60, MANCHESTER Friends may call at the Wll- load UmR which U 788,000 sireel will be raised to go over Uedclaimed that the plane bombed f T i I T C © ExCCl ^ "'**'! * lege, Master of Arts and Doc­ The.'court also said the st.stocGoltra. 22, of Monlauk Dr., Ver- FOR EXPERT Cafeteria Opens Data processing accounts to­ limit is to ’^verify the additional 2 other daughters, a broUier, 17 Assoeilut<‘d I’ resi* Writer But the third day—he aqted like' ® border post and touched off a y.\, i-, m j ^ “ They’ve absorbed It very tor of Philosophy degree from muct pay an appraiser’s fee of ciMzrged, with failure to talling $M,560 and six employes margin of safety,” tee Air Yale University and his Bach- WHEEL ALIGNMENT—WHEEL BALAN<’^NG grandchildren, and 6 groot- At Hospital CORONA, Qilif. (AP) - a pro.” ra^rted abLut ^ T?1 well, all that’s been thrown at were itransferred to the town, in Force said, Drift Suh tl.BQO spent by the church. The obey a traffic signal, was con (Ximpletf: b r a k e s e r v k ’e gramk-hildren. ” Ho’s terribly shy,” say.s pro- "I think ho could be a very airliners and a customs the Florida cltv aird 40 11 fl V teem. ’Their observational capa- The static tests help engineers elor of Laws degree from the chyreh’s attorney was John R. Unued until July 21 accordance with a recommenda­ University of Connecticut. He RADIATOR REPAIRING AND SERVICE The funeral will------be held Frl- The employe’s cafeteria in <^ucer Paul Nathan of a new uc- strong movie personality,” add- bouse were fired on from El Sal- j^e northeast coastto citea** ° (Continued from Paee One) bllitles are quite significant. calculate stress . distributions Mrocak of Manchester. Raymond Hanna Br., 60, of 49 tion of tee data processing Is associated with a Rockville day at 8:16 a.m. from N»“wklrk Bdisell wlna of Rock- 'te® named Joe Namate. "But ed Nathan, associate producer ''‘^ o r July 3. El Salvador The London bacheW has been n«“ ''y P*iotographlc and show tee ability of tee air­ Starts Trip School St., charged wUh brooch \ SEE study committee. Pereonnel In­ law firm. and Whitney Fimeral Homo, 318 ,,, ,, y“a 'oo^’n him up and gel for the Hal Wallis film. ” He has claimed th ^ th e plane bombed at sea for six m on th s^ee loav " l f " ® 7 7 **^®*^®"* geologic memories. ’They can recognize volved are Piaul Juttner, Mrs. frame to sustain ultimate loads of peace and tntoodcoUan, re­ Burnside Ave., East HarUord, ''** ® Oonoral Hospital opened shynciim, 1m« manages that quality teat the big stars a border-poto and touched off a the Canarv Is la n ^ to he! Grand Canyon, to Ha- something they’ve seen before, Claire Hughes, Mrs. Joan under critical oondlUons. ferred to the family rolations with a Muss of requiem at St. termally this week, admlnlstra- perform amazingly well.” had, and he’s very big with the ^lr®Hght between the two coun- Q^me the first t>eraon to\ row "'® ^w here there are collapsed saying-for example, ‘that's like Oil Research Keeney, Mrs. Theresa Mbc. Mrs. The Air Force said tee air­ * Youth Faces office and oonUnued until July CLARKE MOTOR $ALES Rose Churcli, East Hartford, at tor John Mlrublto has onnounc- Joe Namath? Shy? young crowd, who see him as a teles' gnxtnd forces. across the Atlantic alone \ Valley of tee bottom of Grand (tonyrm. ’ 81. Joan Walsh, ai^ Mrs. Vita frame was “ tested satisfactori­ (OeDttnned tram Page One) Dc8ign of Flag RT. 6 and 86, DOLTON—«43-»621 6. Burial will bo In St. Mary’s ed. That comment would no doubt fighter against the Establish- Honduras charged a week ago British officials have asMd 1 ^ ’®” “ Alatea, to tee ------Casella. J ly” to 100 per cent of its load Fred. Lurk, 69. of RFD 1, Cemetery, East Hartford. The new wing was opened amiize tee fans of the pro foot- ment. teat tiw p s from El Salvador en- the Cuban government to a llo ^ - ^ Oregon Rape Charge Botton, ^htiarged with Improper and northern California, to me- The board approved plans limit some time ago. bottom at 1,800 feet tor two Seen By Boari Friends may coll at the fun- „bout three weeks ago, but tee ball star quarterback, not to "W e’d love to have optlonB for Honduran te r r ito r y . Fairfax to continue his Journey passing, had hls raae contlmied ■r crater In Arizona, to Ice- D ru g Raids and speclflcations to improve A Pentagon spokesman said hours to oallbnate her Inetru- PoHce arrested 19 year-old era! home tomorrow and Thurs- hospital officials wanted to get mention his companloru In Man- more pictures. But Joe says he clashed with local security the - event tec winds should Manchester may until Aug. 4. id and Mexico and to tee Ne­ tee Nathan Hale School hrattog the Federal Aviation Agency re- ments, then rise to 800 feet and Jeffery Bennett of 444 CenUr day from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. the patient feeding operations .baUan’s niglit life. Yet Yet hla hla co- wonts wonts to to wait wait and and lee lec- how how this this locces terces and and bunwd burned down down 12 plow him further south. Henry MrOwon, 23. of 102 vada proving grounds where and ventilating systems, sub- quires a demonstration of only drift north with the Gulf Its own flag. 8t,, yeaterday and charged him 'Norwood” remark omy comes out.” houses in a small village. No Catch 51 Dowmey Dr., etiorged wUh properly taken care of before workcra on craters have been created by mitted by Truman Crandall cuid 100 per cent of the load limit. Stream, gathering bitooglcol WIlUam e'. Buckley and Od- statuhny nzpe and risk Clarenp© E. Avory the'employe section was open- i^iat a quiet, uiauwumlng. What’s Joe Nanyith doing in a casualties wene reported in any DATA GATHERED IN 1768 brewh of peore, tund his rase m a n t o a d e expIosives-4o Donald Kuehl, chairman and ” 3o, put In that context, tee and geophysical data, ward J. Clarence E. Avory, 70, of wl. even Inlioverted pt-rson lie Ls. sun-wept rural community like ^ e Incidents. CHURCHILL, Man. — The more ^ e a than the average In State secretary of tee Town Bujj^ding crack-at 128 per cent doesn’t It wlH also test Ihe ability of the Tow m ^^V OtirJim Utro"^ Bennett, s ward of the stau. C n u i^ y ’^ BITUMINOUS Hollywood, Fla., formerly of tee The new cafeteria has been "He ntnrled out fine,” said the Corona? He's picking up a re- PresUDnt Nixon was kept In- fly»t meteorological observa- geologist ^ e r sees. Committee, respectively, and seem ao serious,” tee ipokea- mtu to live for l« ig periods of night, introduced a flog wrork- *<> Police Headquarters ^ Alfred ixsie/ ro Manchester area, died Sunitay provided primarily for tlie em- director of the film. Jack Haley ported $60,000—” ! neither con- formed of developments, but no tions and reconllngs In Canada Their inslructora (Continued from Page One) yesterday ine esse at AJireo i (star, re. sometimes Cassius Freeman of the Hart- man said. But he acknowledged t'me to confined quartere. ed out by tee committee to an - - — - on — —another. ™ .—, matter. ^ In Hollywood. He was tee hu.-i- ployes but It la also being made -Jr. "'nve first day he did a flnn nor d.-ny that figure; what l''<<’mpnt was made from tee were taken Sept. 19, 1768, at tried to fool ______, __ipciii u uulu -m,^ by'planting special 10-man squad, In- font engineering firm of Bemia, that, viewed from the contract I4edneeday afternoon, the Ben Informal meeting of die Board **®nc WU servedaervea withwun ea we.-We.'- ___. .^ , band of Mrs. lolone Avery. avaUable to tiic doctors, auxllla- scetre on a telephone In a iimnll I make la private buslneas” —for White House. Prince o t Wales, tour iw k s | ^ m * ^HotalW teJtten^ ® " “ " ’ ber of undercover .Freeman and Sipala. At an. ear- requirement, tee problem tokro rant. According to police, they * * * rwferred to DRIVEWAY^ Frynklln jihould be off Ci^w Directors. — n— 1_.e __ ' EftlaniUy gkl Uk# leablat^rtviMrelaticnj) nnd runUnued--- -■* * —. — .a The funeral waa held today ry volunteers, some ambuloto- i-et, and lie was very good. The six days’ work In ’ ’Norwood.” Early today, tlie Ho-.duras ra- tnlles south of the present site. Usually Aimatrtmg and oP®™Uves, began work in Falr- Her meeting, tee TBC okayed on a different light. The flag Is (he same as the had previously gone to an with a Mass of requiem at SI. ry pallenUi and visitors to tee seoo d ii. --fiows. buttecnlwaa'jus'i b^',;;; te^lu^'^la^dlTt^ tilf m"^ ^ Jumpe®d oul^oT'a^^^l! qualifying children to keeping killed and 99 injured ta the three without power, letting copper, to the United Btmtee latt Ctty experiment will adept 3,100 permlaBlon. two oounie of IJue.^s." Maivmnia Is the Russliui w-oixl myself. I wasn’t playing a role, edge that there, may be some- ment car at the corner of Gar- 68, of Norlhfleld; father of Mrs. with guidelines issued by the '^ n c e . Stroom push her along. ThI.i blooper lllnstra.li-d tlic for attic. "It len’ t easy for me,'^ can’t coffee— acoDunta for most of Ka sb*P 24 hours later, ai telng that you haven’t thought den and Mather treeta and jfeer reached 1.2 mlUion tons- outdoor telephonae so the pottce breach of poece. and one count Janice Wilson i>f ToUaml. died expor^. touching down on the moon state as required by changes In Fire bomba were hurled at Tht motor ’reoBel. Privateer ______chronic Ru.s--lan i-Amfition over It wuK cluinged to a lera liter- Just .<--nille on cue. But when 1 do of and feel you ml|tet be unable sprinted out of sight, 26 per cent ofrer 1967 but leee emergency and ambulance raim- of rostsUng an officer A bottd "Sunday at Walerbury Hosjdtal. two buildings and a truck In tc/ocm l$»e submarine on the l-i* mlUksi tons mined her, but only that number, van $IW was forfaited wul a new the letters G and 11 In transliit- ul translation after some com- get tt light there’s a certain sat- Them la a spectaculair variety p.m. Sunday, to cope with. Our training and Smite was being brought back legislation. ' Survivors also Include his o The board approved tee Londonderry, and poUce used In U ,ng foietgn mum- The Rus­ plalnts. Ishvi-tion. The director says, of I c e- n e r y —f r o m beaches **'^‘ have to wait before all the work that goes Into pre- to Jail from St. Francis Hospital, suitoce, maintaining communi- be dialed without coot temd of $800 was onl«-Mi wife, three other daughters, two transfer of a fiscal year sur­ water cannon to drive roaming sians also seem to have a gift Riuviliuis leaming English are Cut; teat's a print, and you flg- wa.«hed by the Pacific a.id txx^- *helr aelf-televlsed Im- paratlon for flight doe* every- where he had been treated for and sonar contact slaters, two broUier, seven plus of $497.89 to the towm's youths off the streets. for jn Xing up (ori-ig. crs' llrst biully liaiulicaptH'd by tliclr lack uiv >-ou must have done some- cal lowianda to a backbone of P - ^ can toward eraaii« a wrlat Injury. Because of the throughout ths trlp- grandchildren, and several general fund. During the year, Eleven etvUlsns and s police . . L and laid nanuM. of contact w-llh native English th'ng right.” mountaina studded with more "'7.*% .***^ Y** those kind of poaalblUltes." nature of tee Injury he waa not nieces and nephews. 87,030.183.61 Wras expended. Of officer were Injured In eeveral QUALITY INSURANCE SINCE 1923 Hall's fir. t name Ihicw the ! iv-.iker.i, causing them to fall Namate brought his ow-n dla- than a dosen -votoanos. * ^ M ? * * " '*** orbiting The three spacemen, veterans wearing handcuffs. PBnONERfi YOUNOB8T Funeral soWlces will be held tMs sum, $8,908,788.88. or 84 ztreet battles. translators for a Usip anyw-ay. Inlo the trap of ouldtittvl slang. logue coach for the film. Al Has- Honduraa has nearly a mlllian *no*^“®r ^ tp with Collins aboard, of other launches, were asked If He had been convicted July WABHINOTON—There now tomorrow at 2 p.nv. at the per cent, wras tor salaries, and In Beltsst. the oopttsl, s blss- l«-cau! c s|H-lllng It itnitglit In Onc young diplomat,...... anxlouu.. sam, ...... a lo-gtine...... friend.. ond a pcle and three times the ‘ 7 J® —®*P *“ *■ ‘ “ n*" honrs. the tension of being rocketed off 2 of two counts of selling nar- are more than 20,000 inmstea of Hotchkiss Funeral Home. 46 $1,134,898.78. or 16 per cent, wras hig wroodeii barricade wras Russiun would have made him lo allow hoii- luml lie had stud- drama Ireitracto^ at tlie"uiuv©n ®* S**v»*>'’. with much , . * * " * " ,***** ‘* " ™°®" was more than watching a coUcs and waa to be sentenced federal prisons. In 1968 the total Before Losses Happen, Insure With Lappenr High 81., Thomaston. Bur­ for non-Malaries.. thrown up across Hookar Otrsat, "llocsc," the same ivoiM In Rus­ led bis Kiiglisb. was telling a --ity of Maryland, came to'help ^ Himduritn land unlnhabrt- “ ®®‘ 2.21 a.m. next Mon- friend be launched. later tela monte. rose to 20,087, the second In­ ial win be In NortlifleUl Ceme­ wrhlch separates the Catholic crease to two yssrs. The aver­ tery. sian and Kngll.ih. The compro­ KriHip Americiutei About his with iho Iln^ and kvfp him f r ' ^ yearn lanpe num- “■ y * ____ '"Hiere in no doubt when According to testimony at and Protestoat oommunltlee. A mise make him ' IIiu-ns " fellow students wiio couldn’t loo.-^e. ’Hiev work out together ®®*^ ®‘ Salvadoreans have been ‘ ‘ wirpilsed If you’re lying on your back on the Smith’s trial, he operated out age prisoner U 39 years'old. the Friends may call at the fiuier- house wras burned to Che ground make the grade In tlw IniHllute teir ng the' lunch hour and art ecroBM the border to un- * * “ ® *® *^»*i™* »>eep on Saturn 5 there te a different feel- of hla own telephone-equipped Hi((faer Car Seats youiiigeet to htalory. ^ al home tonight from 7 to 9. A other cla»-lc deformation Is In s nesiliy predominantly the n.inic of the former U S. of Fore gii Uuigimg.-s workers credit Ha eiun with '*“« * ' « » ' T ^*™' ‘"6 than »h® " y“ “ car and had been, making LOS ANGELES — A series of Catholic sirea, but the occupants Sick Abed? ^ Mr*. Peter Kishen vice presld-nt. pronoimeesi hero ■ Ttie.ie you would call nln- helping to combat Joe’s shynesa of “ P ^ •*®*"« *®*"* y®®*" W-®®® » week on hU sales of collision experiments at the wrere reported osray on vacs- as -'Goob-rt Hemfry.'' ecmtxiotv. i-ee? ' he askiHl, In the ( unfamiliar environment ‘"creanlng Mctl'oW between the . . T u f * f . teat pUrpoae. compatriots doing the same dope. He waa arrested Feb. 14. Univeratty of OaUtornls at Los Uon. , WAPPING — iMr®- Piuillne Und^ ilie Russian syrteni of Aiiother ...... recent gradiaite, e W of ,va-m M,vA*ie ivlerat. “ dwo I ^ ‘Y**’*. vv -ii w ^ Angeles Indlcsted that the beat A ^year-old retired farmer, ^ Wd cdfi't hdip you got woll, but two Kishon, 74, of 469 Foster St., tran.d.itlng. Ha\-ana beiHimes' fu ,-d by an American’s rapid Would Job like to mak^ acting ' ^ ***** rugged mountain* " * ** bav» --j” I uanathink Il would sum up -ray my *> • J T k - i 1 1 OA protection sgatoR wrttipIsNi in­ Francis MoCloakey, diad Mon­ W con koop your fin«n^$\ in tip>top con*• \ wife of Peter Kishon, died this Gnvami, Humburg Is Ganiburg, .si-eech. lr.ternq>U-d and plea

ariswwnel v m f : S* / V XV'-- A ■■■ /. ■' PAGE TE N MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 / ■ Rockville Section Two TUESDAY, JULY 15.1969 / flanTlfRjOtRr EtTRuittg liRrald TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 Pages 11 to 20 Goddard; Pioneer in Space Notes ■ /

(Conttained fnm i Page One) Interrupted us to read aloud His letters were examples of Visiting hobrs are 12:80 to 8 from the ’iffew York Tim es an vast reaches of space. I wish he clear and descriptive prose. p.m. In . all areas except m a­ Item about a rocket exploding were here now to share tills mo­ ’ Ey 1940, Goddard had built a ternity where they are 2 to 4 near Worcester, Miass., the day ment. It belongs to him. rocket that was very simillar to before. When she finished read­ and 6:30 to 8 p.m. Goddard was a physicist and the German V2 missiles which ing the fascinating account of professor at Clark University In were to assault London three Q n d . the sderetlst and his problems Admitted Friday: Arlene Wil­ Worcester. Mass., when I first years later. Goddard and 1 visit­ liams, Warren Ave., Vernon; heard of him. In 1898, when he witli his neighbors, I suggested ed Washington to urge military John Bergman, Chestnut St., was 16, he read H.G. Wells’ to Lindbergh that he visit this leaders to consider the military Rockville; Ford Bower, High "W ar of the W orlds" which, as man Goddard In behalf .of the potential of rockets, but they Manor ’Trailer Park, Rock­ he would later write personally fund and discuss his work! were not interested. It was not ville; Pauline Foxe, Main St., to Wells, “ mad6 a deep Impres­ Lindbergh did call and God­ until the end of the war that the Som ersvllle;’ Werner Scott, R e­ sion. The spell was complete dard, quite surprised. Invited oversight was obvious. Ques- gan Rd., Rockville; Caroline about a -year afterward, and I him to come to Worcester. Uoi:cd by Arm y officers about Hull, Wethersfield, and Betty decided that what might con­ the devastating 1^2, a German In their meeting, Goddard Hyatt, Laurel St., Rockville. servatively be called ‘high altl* scientist increduously replied: confesaed his vision qf one day Births Friday: Daughter to tude research’ was the. most fas­ "Why don’t you ask your own so&rlng through the earth’s ,at­ Mr. and Mrs. John Perelll, cinating problem In existence.” Dr. Goddard?” Sp-E.GiAi-s/WED.-^-bvo s a t : Jufy ic-i , * ■ ' od of Reaching Extreme Alti­ dard’s experiments. Lindbergh no wonder thait the society Somers, and Mrs. Karen tudes,” which espoused the made the case to my father, would concede' to Goddard the Yehcha and daughter, Stafford theory that rocket power could Dsnlel, as I left to begin my du­ almoift single-handed devetop- Springs. lift a large payload to great ties as ambassador to Cuba. mcjit of rocketry "from a vague heights If the rocket wei;e de­ Dairlel Guggenheim endorsed dream to one of the most signifi­ Admitted Saturday: Cheivl Kenton, Hillside Dr., Ellingfam, signed to use Its fuel effectively. bur proposals and agreed to pro­ cant branches of modem engi­ He was careful to mention the vide the funds for a two-year pe­ neering.’' and Antonio Rodriguez, Village Commander Neil A. Armstrong, left, if all goe* well, riod. A fter his death, the Daniel St., Rockville. possibility of lunar landings But it goes far beyond that. will be the first human to set foot «>n a planet other only casually, lest he frighten and Florence Guggenheim He left us more than Inventions. Discharged Saturday: Mabel away potential sponsors. But de­ Fourjdatlon lookup support of Ho left an example of the ex­ Gebler, Orchard .St., Rockville; than earth. Hr will stroll for about two hours i* d Goddard's work until 1941, spite his almost indifferent men­ traordinary accomplishments Patricia Gottler,'Gottler Rd., forty minutes— despite his distaste for exercise. tion of the subject, the press ’Ihese grants made It possible thai ewaJt the man who perse­ Tolland; Jenine Sweetland, ' S I - - h seized upon the paper with tor him to give up teaching and, veres.'He left a testimony to the West Wmington; Carol Baker, gross exaggeration. The head­ for the first time, to devote his power of one solitary ini^vidual Discovery Rd., Vemon; Harry lines were all simillar: full energies to rocket research. to effect change and to trans- Littell, Chester, N .Y ,; Helen Michael ColHns, center, command module pilot, Pomeroy, Merllne Rd., Ver­ "Modem Jules Verne Invents They also enabled him to move fom i the future. ’ would prefer anonymity (he dreads publicity.) He Rocket to Reach Moon” non; Flora Hagerty, South St., ^ » 'V from Neiw England, where his And most of all, he left a v i­ Rockville; John Hanson, Law ­ "Aim To Reach Moon With neighbors regarded him as a sion. will stay in a 69.milr'orbit of the mo cheerfulness, ehd his optinriism. 1 have thought of him often In humility at the prospect of becoming one of history's the scientific aspects of his re­ these daya of preparations for St., Somersvllle; Betty Hyatt, search—but he was not de­ Laurel St., Rockville, and Mrs. great explorers. NEA Color From NASA H lf disappointments were that "first step.” When he died |\)euu Z e A m i o o terred. He continued his experi­ considerable. Once, in 1936, hlc work was generally imrecog- Patricia Wilkins and son, Snlp- ments, without public attention, Lindbergh and 1 Journeyed to tilzed; now it la about to be ful­ slc Lake Rd., Rockville. and on March 16, 1926, launched RcwweU to watch a test flight. It filled. Admitted Sunday: Cheryle 9H0ULDLR CHOPS Ls./)7 the first liquid propelled rocket. failed. He refused to accept It as "How many more years I Sylvia, M ile HIU Rd., Rockville; R rose 41 feet and traveled 184 UiS-D-A Cftloias _>i any more 1/ away. George J. Emmerllng was Brown, Mountain St., Rockville; the new principal will supervise Cheryle Sylvia, M ile HIU Rd., Goddard instantly considered formally appointed Manchester half the Junior and all senior PASTRAMI the experiment a success. But Rockville; jLucllle Kuhnly, Tal- w . High School principal at last boys. as he and his associates wete cotit Ave., Rockville; Antonio These rosignatlons were ac­ Rodriguez, Village %., Rock­ surveying the scene, aooording night’s Board of Education ' v i s i ^ N i A (J a m Y ' l i i . 7 5 ^ cepted : Miss Margairet Boland, ville: Jean Brogdon, Stafford to his biographer, Milton Leh­ meeting. Vice principal since Biiokland School Grade 8 teach­ Springs, and Mrs. Harriet Che- man, "they hMlrd the shriek of 1966, he was Informally and er; Mro. Patricia Forte, Natlian man and son, Stafford Springs. a siren. ’They looked up to see a unanimously elected on July 8. Hale School Grade. 2 teacher; police patrol car, two ambu- His promotion makes neces­ Miss Nancy J. Harnois, ele­ lances and a convoy of automo- sary the appointment of a vice mentary music teacher; Mtsa bttes stopping In Aunt E ffle’s principal and director of the Oorol Harrington, Buckley farmyard. ’Two policemen, per­ Manchester Adult Evening FOR RENT h ^ E v s / TL i p T o p ^ A a C School Grade 6 teacher; Mrs. 8 and 10 mm. Movie Pio- haps expecting catastrophe. In­ School. Another vacancy has This is an A P artist Ben Valdivieso’ s conception of been created by the resignation, Phyllis Heater, Bonnet Jistlor Jectors—sound or silent, also spected the rural scene, saw the effective Aug. 16, of Sidney Co­ High School Grade 9 social stud­ 88 mm. slide projectors. how Apollo 11 Astronaut Neil Armstrong will plant the steel tower, and asked questions 5WEET LIFE Soda hen os occupational coordina­ ies teacher; Miss Debarah . . . Neighbors were saying that WELDON DRUG CO. S u j & B T L I P S v o M o l s tor. He will become a consult­ NIohols, elementary music an airplane bait crashed and ex­ i n Main S t—Tel. 0«S-8S21 FRUIT ant In teacher education In the teacher; Mrs. Cheryl Thomsen, onto the lunar surface. The flag will be made o f nylon, ploded." ltiOSMEBI>ILLS.i State Department of Education Nathan Hale Graxle 4 teaxtoer; ^<^^8 three by five feeL and will be attached to an eight>foot- Goddard tried to quiet the po-' Bureau of Vocational Services, luvd Miss Diane ’Tupper, Bennet S t O E S T L i F B G i A M T W c o cktail licemsn’B fears, but two report­ Division of Vocational Educa­ physical education teacher. long Maff. Space officials said ^ e flag was designed to ers who hod come with them tion. A leave at absence for the were already Ihspecting the look good despite the absence o f a breeze in the superintendent of Schools 1969-70 school year was granted charred field. T?IPE OLIVES 3 9 Donald J. Hennigan recom­ Mias Elvira H. Testa. mo4Mi’B atmosphere to keep it unfuried. A spring wire '"The moon-rocket man," one mended that the position of Di­ PLUMB^OUr • 'DA vI I ^ V At the request a t Mrs. Judith reporter said. "How close did rector of Adult Basic Educa­ meduminn will hold the flag at a rifjit angjc to ita you get this time?” tion, formerly held by the oc­ Mazjsadra, a leave of absence M b s .TiLLijftitT 5o p t GftLpiShi/ approved on May 26 wan re­ pole. Both flag and staff wiO be stowed in an ainmi- Again Goddard was adrift la a cupational coordinator, be STOP scinded. She hod planned to m sea of publicity. Lehman wrote: made a separate position. He v t is ^B6AAI E lA j i4>i T e o i f t . ■ R a s p b b k .e ,'* nmti tube attached to one o f the moon lander’ s four "H e wanted to tell the public also went on record last night rtudy for an advanced degree ’PLoiC.IDA that, yes, the rocket would be os saying lie believes the exist­ but has expreoaod a desire to re­ legi. AP Color man’s great prime mover. Yes, ing optxilngs con be filled from main In her present position os CiTttUS SAUD 99 MARSilMALUW i'lc Beni^ ort teacher. it would eveiUuaJly reach the within- the system, although moon. But the public kept ask­ they will bo advertised us re­ T L U F F Z ’ ing the same old que^ion. When quired by contract with the would It happen? When will Manchester Education Associa­ Gas Station Robbed your rocket do what >mu say It tion. STAMFORD (AP)—A gas sta­ can do?” Dr. Hennigan reported that tion attendant opened the cash ’"Ihe headUnes and front-page Eminerling has already rei-om- roglrter to make change for a CONCINTRATID UQUID stories were alt that he feared. mended that vice principals be r u j e s T i . i F S customer, then was forced at DRAIN OPENER. CLEANER They made him' out os a reck­ released to spend more time gimpolnt to hand over 8800- to- less moon* seeker, a public supe'TvIslng teachers, with the . $600. • RATS. HAIR amusement.” His neighbors In cooperation of department Tile attendant, 27-year-old Eric « IA T S PAT V e g e t a b l e s • F R O Z E H • Worcester, afraid that "Moony chairmen. M^s. Robert I’ riitt Rueh, was robbed Monday by Q r e e N b e a n s Goddard" was going to wipe and Miss Helen L. Jette, ap­ three men, one o f them'" carry­ MANCHESTER them all out In some m ad-ex­ pointed June 17, will assume ing a plstbl. He works at the .ujax Beams . sifted P t a s ' periment, demanded that he iiome administrative duties In­ «Elm Street Shell Service Sta­ HARDWARE A SUPPLY cS^a m P ies 4e1s 95“^ remove his teAs. Goddard was volving high school girls. Vice tion. ’The robbers took all the ”T o m a “R > £ 5 S P A R > ^ « > o ]l- ^ distreesed. principal Lawrence Leonard folding, money In the cash reg­ 877 Main St., MsnolMstor But, Ironically, that very jnib- will be In charge of sophomore ister. Rush's own money and a Pbone S48-4«H : Mclty was to give him a new boys luid half the Junior boys; bank bag In the office. *DBiNks bt.:v59 OR. lease. 1^ At that Ume, Charles A. Lind­ Cams m b a l -t ' i m e 'B b b a p k ^ bergh was a guest In my home In Port Washington, N.Y. 1 had VEAL STEAKS OO met him- when he came to Roos­ evelt Field for hla historic flight i r s JUST FOR O c e a n ) s f p a V to Paris (from which, I antici­ ;a»M CREAMy-8.-L39‘^ pate, he would never return!). cram BERRY He did get back, much to my surprise, and subsequently be­ Co c k t a i l <«t- came a consultant for the Dan­ iel Guggenheim Fund for the Promotion o f Aeronautics. ’Hils was a fund cheated by miy fath­ i i [ er to promote research and edu­ cation In aeronautics and to help encourage' flying as a means of transportation. I was •T’ko'Duce * then the fund’s administrator. Lindbergh and I had talked on V ■' ■' \ several occasions about the po­ THE BIG NEW H I C H l^ U D tential of apace fllgiit. He had often expressed the opinion that , airplanes, confined os they were to the earth’s atmosphere, S r r d l -c f s S would ultimately prove too "lim ited") for the full scope of man’s aspirations. We had dis­ cussed rocketry for Its potential FABRIC DEPARTMEIMT STORE G r ^ k i J 317 HIGHLAND STREET In delivering large quanUtles of MANCHESTER CONN. mail over great distances. Oakland St.^ Route 83» Manchester On this' particular day, we BEANS TH E (' H (U (■ E s j M E A r N ! fl I 0 W were discussing Ute work of the Open Daily 10 am to 9:30 pm Sat, to 6 pm fund, when Mrs. Guggenheim s. PAGE TWELVE I -X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD,, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY d8, 1969 dV-'/ \ BUGGS BUNNY O UR BOARDING HOUSE with BIAJOR HOOPLE r r WE THOUGHT IT WOULD /ft/ H ^ T BUfitJi C IMt bf W«r>M 3 }W 5 £ SOUR SW£enX Sm* A*H. iah. MAKCHESTEB EVENING HEHAU,. HAMCHEOTER, CONN.. TUESDAY. JULY 16. 1669 BE ROMAMTIC IF 1 TM. U1 fii. ON. POCK HIM IP HM/C SAHG TO PETUNIA J poR W ...V J TUAN SUSAR VANR—^. Aaswer la Prevlaes Pestle t . He SO MUCH PAGE THIRTEEN T ON THE 1 CAUiSHT U , . SCPAICHE6 I H o d g e p o d g e djgliAlL SNGAlOM'AiaxJHO eoMeoPTHese PORKY WE'VE - M THESAPAee/ A a P R S A P E LOST THE OARS. ■REAL HOOP>«>' PGSPEPATe ACBOSS 57 Recent Locjids uer UKS , ______Varied L HOW WILL WE GET 0 ENOU6 HTO 1 Apair (comb, form) [ BACK? THAT SKCTCH TH ei' V TO Y /V»>hWNS/ pounds of Men PAN IN TH6 FAREP/X i intr-’i 4 Business iboym place Ground 8 Go by IBeverages 12 Auricle 2 Stay 13 European 3 Hospital shark attendents Aldrin: An Athlete 14 Pen name of 4 Business Charles Lamb booth Armstrong: Even in Boyhood 15 Help 5 Habitat bhured / dipiger CoUins: An Army Brat 16 Natives of a 6 Musical 24 Flal-toppe^ 40Spiells With an IQ of 150 continent dramas hiU / 41Rateof 25 Indian dtdr Tnotion * y p a c t , r e c b r a l l e y OOP 18 More strictly 7 Through a weU-remembered dedication BY V. T. HAMLIN severe 8 Nut 26Make^tobIc 42 Kind of chest AP Aeroapace Wmter in athletics. His Eyes Were Op^ke Sky Who Dreads Publicity 20 Natives of 9 Wolfhound 27 Localiv 43ExclaMtions Boa ’■kABT* WW e.^ra ^ AMP THE STARS WELL.tMGLAP 28 Level 44 Tumult “ He wasn’t frivolous. He By PAUL aaifiaiB By PAUL BECER ...WHEN TM Copenhagen 10 Without 1^ ’ E. Aldrin Jr. ‘He asked If we would permit ,^that time eraa in math emi INWCATE TtXi'LL t k n o w t h a t ... PEEP IN A / CH.THEY 21 Crimson (Latin) 29Bii?b!ll 46 Solar diak wasn’t any playboy,” says Lew­ AP Aerospace Writer "H e w am 't the type tb go AP Aeraepaoc Writer HAVE SREAT BUT HOW CAN aOOD SAFE/ AN AFFECT *0 7 * athlete, talks like a him to take some .fl^jg- kLeotn science." racalta John C. Davta 22 Prayer ending 11 Back talk --tuberance 47 Wings is. He said A ld ^ would oome In SPACX: CENTER, HOUSTON steady with one girt." says SPACE CENTER. HOUSTON INFLUENCE ON A TH‘ S T A R S CAVE AT »OU ANY- 24 Masculine 17 Form a 3V&torehouses 48 Roman •dentist and has the humility of to the afternoon: land go to arogk who taught OoiUns Spard^ VERY IMPORTANT AFFECT ME... NIGHT? _ A WHERE... a church elder. ^ ” for caUsthe^cs even in the off — Neil A. Armstrong re­ Frame, tktw a machir.e compa­ (A P ) — Michael OoUint is de­ PERSON/ 26 Continent notion 33 Interprets emperor season. / out at the airport ao he could Davta aaid OoUina waa oo the LIKELY 27 Dry, as wine 19 Staggers (dUl.) 50 Three timef coils feeling a mild contempt ny execuUve. "There was a lighted to to ApoUo l i ’s com- The 89-yeaiH>ld astronaut is “ Evei^/thlng was . geared and Just get the foel of those plenea group of us that would run 'R'briUhg team ewd ^^^1- -30 Banished 23 Becomes 38 Get fm of (comb.fenn) *«bially aU three. „ for the original ktercury astro­ and get close to them," slw ra- mand module pilot but he wish­ atandlng wraoUar.’ ' 32 Struggle aimed at pertecUon,” says Ctarl- nauts when they wore picked in around together. There would es the whole world didn't know 34 Midday r " r ~ 4 5 5 7 • r r r Aldtin, an Air. Force colaacl, ton R, Leton, the academy track calla. "I talked it over with him be a Uttle pairing up . . . but to about It. E w this, though, was part of 1969 to train for space flights. hta Wert Point program. snooze V “ PUot on ApoUo . coach, of Aldrin as a cadet. k looked cangcrous—a. d w aj never leaUy serious about 35 Seesaw 12 li U Armstrong, a civilian pilot, asked h lA whether he thought He dreads the publicity tt>.» “ Everything was geared to- y./g 11. He’ll follow ApoUo 11 com­ “ Aldrin was very methodical had already flown to the ed g e e f any one girt." wUl follow. ' 36 Onager mander Nell A. Armstrong oift he ctiuld make K, you know? '*“ rd Wert Poll* and hta appU- 37 Primates 15 / li IT and business idle. He’d oome space in a Uack rocket with Frame said Armstrong onto the moon’a surface eailv^ down and do his work and But I, wasn't taking k away "I'm not ruUy big on parades eatlon there and his ultimata ae- 39 Ridge of It wings called the X15. His group “wasn't a real outgoti^ type, sftnd on July 21. / leave.” from him because he was doing “ t o speeches and that sort of roptance and caraer," —uj d *.v - OUT OUR WAY ‘V had pioneered the American e f­ yet he commanded respecC" thing,” he says. " i enjoy going BY J. B. WILLIAMS 40Makesa i^l 22 p The proqiect of becoming one Aldrin was a pole vaulter at what he thought he had to do." fort to put men Into zpace and Frame remembers tto astro­ - .-i where I want to go when I want The astronaut graduated 18th U i. choice of Uatoiya great eiqilorora is the academy. He scaled up to 18 Annrtrong saved the 40 cents naut enjoyed mtachtof as well as VIC 41 B ^ y of 24 25 zf ^ y brtog them back again on to go odthout people following In a Clara of at at St. A lbaw and ? y e s ,l KNOW WHAT I HAVE \/TWO AW BE THE AOE OF 2 numbUng, says Aldrin. Toet, 8 inches in the ciiys before an hour he earned at Rhine- '^most youngrtero. water / wings. Biadhig's drugstore and when me around. I would prefer to re­ got his West Point appofntmsnt. WRITTEN DOWN THERE—B U T U COM FUTERS— B tm 'L L BET 42 Tatar pack ' » p T 33 the flexible gloss vaultti^ poles One Halloween, recaUs ‘‘You feel a bit more humble “We bad spent yeani develop­ he tod the $9 it took tor an hour main anonymous." He graduated from Wart ‘ LITTLE ^ T H E y iL NEVER COME UP 45 Shipboard storting springing voulters Frame, "we were harassing ow D A V Y JONES WITH ONE THATCAMCOM- u ta the fact that ywi’ve been very ing the rocket airplane concept of flight he would hurry to the FoM In IB62 and ailockad hta BY LEFT and McWILLIAMS device even higher. M>u*e a little bit more than that OoHIns, a 38-yeai>old Ate OFdiARLIC/ / p e t e WITH A WCWIAN 49 “Buckeye” is blessed hvrocdYlng things that and Mercury looked like a dark airfield. Floroe lieutenant colonel, will be mother by taking -his cnmmta. 7~ 1 INTERPRETIN'HER OWN M j H i i r maybe you pdnonaUy wanted," The astronaut graduated third •—-horse to us," the astronaut re­ individual wanted to be tor- ■kai In the A ir PVtroa and plsi>- ...ONE M IOHT A P P a b a y l e a p a n d a w - 1 RECIPES/ , part of its He also worked around the the command module pilot on WHEN ALMA MAN, ITS HARP he says. “ I think you have to out of 475 cadets in the class of calls. "We tended to regard the m ^ e d . They called the police GOES OUT FOR TO THINK OF HER WEEK y-YEAH, DAVY. IT'S > b e ANOTHER HALF CAM OP V v X . _____ ' nickname 40 . 41 alrflrtd, "washing down air­ ApoUo 11 . Hs'U stay In a 69-mUe nlng to-booome a pilot. TOAVeiO PASTE —I TH W R 51 Island (Fr.) look at this as im obUgaUon, not 1901. He took his commiaston in end they came looking around." HER NEXT PICK­ AS A CRIMINAL. LATER KILLING ME, BUT WE Mercury people as inexperi­ planes," he recalled later. orbit o f tha moon whUe NeU A. " I waa against It from tto ba- /Vti/Sr TRAIL HER. \JHAT5HOULProny r 52 Poverty- 42 43 14 46 47 8 " only to'this articular )ob, 'but the A ir Force, and received Ws enced intruders in our bdst- Jacob ZInt, amateur as­ UP, WE'LL BE stricken When Armstrong turned 16 in Armstrong and A ir FOroe Col ftnnlng," racalta hta mottor. FOLLOW ING 46 as an obligation . . . to repay tor pUot’s wings at Bryan, Tex. The ness." tronomer. had a big Influence She aaid aha waa . paitltnitaily 53 Fencing SO li 1946, he became eligible tor a on Armstrong. Btorin ,B. Aldrin Jr. fly down ^ E R , MARCO. / sword the opportunity by service to Korean War was drawing to a " f am frank to admit I gave upset when to r hueband de- <3 other pec^e.” pilot’s Hcense and he d kki't for man's ftrot landing on the 54 Rowing 52 SI close, but the new A ir Force them too little credit." Zlnt hod an Alnch telescope In moon. •erttod ndUtary flytng aa dan- lieutenant went there tor the fi­ waste any time. He won the U- paddle ■ 55 66 ft) Aldrin, A blue-eyed man with The Mercury fUgfate put man hie backyard. Nell epent home geroua becauas tto ganaral SSSuffUes nal months. « n s e and happily rode boms on there gazing at the heavens. Ho feeta lucky to be mailing 11 receding blond hair, is a muscu­ Into space and into orbit and his Wcycle to tell his parents “'raa always doing the 56 Tear asunder He flew 66 combat misstona "NeU liked to taik about the this tUgnt, or for that matter lar, a£Ue ex-footboll player who Armrtrong soon' dacMsd to try T to youth was yet to learn to •ny flight. .dangaiM thinga hlmsalf.” (Nmpoptf tnhrprht Au k .) and downed two enemy Jets and heavens and the moon," rays OolHns oanitd hta wings onA wo^s almoat as hard to stay in '* to Join the “ inexperienced In- * drive a oar. Hta flying days came very shape now as he did when he crippled another. trudem." ZinL He was always asklig: me began flying Jrt nghtan at a The WOT, he recalls, “was oil Omries Pinkenbine Jr., the if I thought thera was life out close to ending lost year, number of basoa. played center on the 1947 New He wBs in the aboond group of flying Instructor at Wapak, said chasing and not bedi^ chased.” there. I would m y Mara had the Oollina was named the com­ A fuel expiooton while t o ___ Jersey high school champion­ astronauts seleoted. ^*7nsU\»ig was tto youngest ship team. He married Joan Aroher of beat poeribtllty. mand module pilot tart year tor taking part in “war gamao” al­ If all gx>es well on ApoUo 11 , student he ever hod who earned Apollo 8. He was training to He baa a high bar in the back Ho-Ho-Kus, N J ., after returning a lioertra. "However, I do believe the moat ooet him hta Ufa. but Ool- CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER/ from Korea. The Air Force as­ the blond, blus-eysz^ quietly moon was NeU'e point of Inter- make man’s flrat flight around Uns talka of It almoat as a lark. yard of his home near the spoka-i spaceman wiU be the "That boy Was a real dia­ the moon, but he began to notice Manned Spacecraft Center and signed him to three poets in the eri right from the beglnailng," Ha Mid tha fuel axplodMl In a WAYOUT United States and then sent him first human to set foot on a pla­ mond,” rays Fbikenfalne, who ■aye Zlnt. strange things ■ happening with compartment behind him, rtp- BY KEN MUSE frequently goes through gym­ now Uvew In DatevUle, Ala. his legs, - to Bitburg. Oermany as flight net other than earth. Elarty on In 1947, Armstrong gmduHtrd plng ri hole In tto oockpit. nastic routine. He also pole July 21, Armstrong will begin a Armstrong had a full and oc- He eras losing sensation In otie LIDOKSLIKE ■ vaults, a skill he first eatnied in commander of a tactical tighter from high sctrool at Wapakoneta "Smoke Immadtatoly pound wing. two-houf, 40:mlnute stroll on the Uve Hfor away from the plamw l«g. He noticed hta roflexes into tto oockpit," ha aays, “ but SO M EO NE . high school. , to loved. and won a ocholarahlp In the ^SS33t HER OWN THIWO 7-IS Despite his love of flying, he surface o f the moon. Naval Air Ctadet program. He were decaying and occastonoliy it was a nice problem toeauae BEAT U S Aldrin could stick a “doctor" unexpllcabty. he tsU down. says, he realized towoni the end It’s ironic that NeU Alden His tamUy was tto center of entered Purdue, majoring In thera was no doubt in your »wti»A W ALK IN G ON in front of bis home, but never Ms life. Neil, hie parents, his of Ws three-year tour thero that Armitrong wlU make his mark aeronautical engineering, a Flight surgoons found tha what to do." t h e m o o n // does. He earned a doctorate in problem. A bone spur growth on he had also better learn other In hlrtory walking, for he's brother. Dean, and hie oister, tnonth after his 17Ui btrUidny. (foUliu tolled out arlth no SHORT RIBS orbKal mechanics from Massa­ skUls. unique among the astroisuiU in June, were all very clora, raya a vertebrae was affecting tto probtama. BY FRANK O’NEAL chusetts InsUtute of Yechnology, Ws mother. He went on active duty with nerves to hta tags. “The future of flghtero at that his rtrong dirtaste for exerclae. the Navy after hta sophomore " It waa a nice summer day but he’s not parUculariy im ­ Mrs. ArnuRrong said they CoUlns was removed from the time looked pretty MeaJc ’’ Ald- That diabaste was recalled year and earned his wings to be­ and there was no arind Mowtng pressed with it. spent many ewo-ingc ptayiiy in- crew of Apollo 8. grounded, and rto recalls. "i decided It was even by thocne who knew him as come a Jet pilot. At 19 years old. and I came down in a farm er's “People can go to school all •truments and ringing In the sent to an A ir Force hospItsU. about time to go back and get a boy in Wapakoneta, Ohio, a he was In aerial combat over field,” racalta OoUlns. “ It was their Hves and not be sharper town o f 7,000 where Armstrong Benton Stneet house. "Things looked pretty dark al really Ideal circumstanoao.” T l ^ some more schooling. M IT Korea, flying off the carrier Es- the tim e," hs recalls. - '>• than people who haven’t ," he looked like the beet place.” was born and epent the last Work was an Important port »ex. The pUoi mat a girt from Bos­ says. " I think that the education yearo o f his boyhood. of the Armrtrong housetwld end ‘ Burgeons told him they could M uTs T O i The pilot enterd a two-yecu* Before he went to war, rays ton, Patricia M. Ffnnagan, ^SH £pfp] I’ve been exposed to has served Even then he preferred books NeU started finding odd Jota "to either arrest the deteriormtlan, whUa ha: waa In Franca. Hm -T h ie Air Force program at MIT, but Mrs. Armstrong, " I told him, or. In a more dahgsroua opara- I /I9 A to give me an open mind rather to football And usually, his give him a little money" when ■Honey, try not to kill any peo­ was k ehort, ariractlva bninatta than fill me with a particular got an extension after a year he was 10, rays his mother. tiun, cure It altogether. OolHns there to work on his doctorate. teachers recall, the books were ple.’ and ho said, ‘Mom, I don't who worked there tor the UJL BUZZ SAWYER type of knowlodge." about aviation. Money warn ro t abundant wTth chose tha more dangerous sur­ Air Force. BY ROY CRANE In 1963, Aldrin earned hfo de- want to, you know.' " gery and the chance at a total NOW LET'5 PULL THE RUBBER FACE OFF The astronaut was bom In Flying has long been Arm­ the Armetronga and ^ extras In 10 months of oombat, Arm- “ Wa had dlnnar togattor and Montclair, N.J. and Uved there ^ after writing a therts on or- strong’s pastlan. that boys like to buy came from cure. that was kind o f It," ato aaya. TMB OTHER WOMAN HIJACKER AHP YOU PUT X TUT, TUT, MR. OKA/ J j Wtol rendezvous. A sv tem he itTong was Shot down onoo, lost THATDOWN, \lPIP6nVDUOUT TIC untu ooUege: People who knew Neil’s oem worlo. The operaUon was a suocoss, •to'sn d CoUlns dated tor a year HAVE A LOOK. *'UKK«s<«* for this criUcal space He was born Aug. 5, 1930 in a a wing Up another time and got but he hod to wear a neck brace YOU DOUBLE-JOF WASHINGTON. him there as a boy speak of his farmhouse outside of WapakOM- ■ Everybody had to do rome 78 bullet holes In his necend air* artd then maittad bi Firaaoo. CROSSING / r THANK YOU brilliance and ambition. maneuver was lai^r udorted In little something to help out.” for several weeks. C IWilt MCA. ks. TM Beg^ UA M CH. ta. Ho came before the doctor. oraft. OoUlna was contdi* to apend RAT/ FOR MY FEE. “ He had a 150 IQ and was al­ part by the Gemini and ApoUo Mrs. Arm-trong recaUla of the Apollo 8- the flight to was hta osraar ah a fightar pitot uatU ;iE u. /\€. s h e r if f : w e r e prognama. "There was not time to go to He was shot down during a washed out o f—flew around the fLECrEDORAPfbNTEO? ways in the upper half o f the top the hospital,” sayn his grand­ time when tor children were strafing mission over North Ko­ tha aalaotton o f t to Mercury as- A iou He put his theories to work moon tart December. Ha was five per cent of ids ctass,” re­ mother, Mrs. WUllam Korape- growing up. " It was kind of Uie rea. tnauiuta In IBM saamsd to opoft three years later. way of life." only able to wali-h from the call* his grade school principal, ter, a widow who lives or> the "Flak hit the plans, making It now hoiiaoas. ' i ' A] Hartman. The Natione] Aeronautics and stdeltnea. acting os the spaos- farm. "Besides, having FniMoe Armstrcsig's first Job was unsafe for a larKhik," the aatit>- “ I really had not U a n ^ too Sp«ce Administration p'cked craft communicator. much about man In tpooe be­ Aldrin started first grade a at home was common thert A mowing a cemetery at Upper naut rec-oJU. "The JUane's oon- year eariy and “ Just bent over him as an artronaut and later But In January, CbUins oras fore that," to aays, “ I moon It neighbor woman and I helped Sandusky. Later, to worked eve­ 'rol eytiem w «s k n ^ e d out. I backwards to prove that he named him to the Gemini 12 nings at a bakery where his lapped for the big flIgM, ApoUo was something Umltad to Buck my daughter." could ria y In the \ ir , but 11, man's first attempt to land WH/ could stay," recalls Rita Hogan, mlaslon commanded by Navy Armstrong is the oMert son of ■nail slae allowed him to crawl couldn't land." Rugera and sotanoa fiction. But Oapt. James A. Lovell Jr. on the moon. whan tto Mercury people arara em»l,MU.I»TMli» U Mt- retired elementary teacher Stephen Armstrong, an Ohio Into a dough mixing vat and He returned to Routh . who had him as a pupil. The mlaaion included a ren­ It's Ironic, he notes, that had picked, than I raaltaad apsoa Ftafer employee for more than 30 clean H by hand. In Wapak. he ejected and parachuted sa. “ Feel like you’re going to faint, eh? That would dezvous using a radar and an It not bsan tor tto surgery that was a lltUa bit olorar to us Iheri^ “He had what I call a creativ­ years. Tlie family moved often worked at retail stotm "E vory day In was an uni c » be helpful!" ity in moM all of his acUviUes,” onboard computer. The Gemlid took him out o f Apollo 1, to nev­ 1 raaltaad." during the early boyhood days He bought a baritone horn expertence," recalls Armriron MICKEY H N N says Hartman. “ At 8, he could spacecraft was to lirji up in er would have boon nanwd to CoUlna was poaoad over fai tha BY LANK LEONARD of the future cpaceman. with hill ravinge and played the "You See UuU big orange pu- fly on ApoUo 11. comprehend at a Junior high space with a previously Instrtiipant tor yearo. He aaoond aaiaetton of spsoamsa. IT'S tr u e! mintaaore i from the antiaircraft gun, then \ Cbillns, who rails himralf "ah WELL — I GUESS IT'S TIME I KINAT D /D ^ level. He had the ablUty at 12 to launched Agena target vehicle. "M y husband was a state ex­ marchea in hW high achool band but was choran the Ihtnl Uma WENT ALONG WITH HIS RETIRED/ I THINK I'LL GO TO YOU SAY TO aminer at the time,” recalls see tto shell whiz by the cockpit Army brat," was born In Rome, aixMoid. / DON'T BELIEVE FRIEND, SHERIFF FINN- ITALY— I BOUGHT A BOAT do what a child usually does In But the radar tailed, and Ald­ and later in crilege. Whan to H.T. YOU'RE MWT/UORE STEVB CANYON Viola Armstrong, the astro­ -believe ma. it's on expert- Italy. Ihs father, tha late JMaJ. Hta first flight was tto three ANP HE LET ME 6 0 -M £ , THERE A FEW YEARS AGO-AND ABOUT BY MILTON CANIPF algebra at 15." rin and Lovell completed the was 16, to 'organised a short­ enoe." WHO'S BEEN A TOP Aldrin was the lone son o f an naut's mother, “ and We had to Gen. Jamas L. Oblllns, was ala- day Gemini 10 mtaolcn In July IT'S WAITING FOR ME, IN A rendervouB with computations lived combo called the "TTIrati After 3Lk years In toe Navy, PRODUCER FOR EQ YEARSI SMALL COASTAL VILLAGE' Q -f ASE Ig y A COME HEEE^ M eanwhile early day aviator and, ai^ropri- move around. He audited the ttonsd than aa military attacto IBM with Navy Cmdr. John W. II/ WE donT of their own. ' rippi Mbo~"4tl~er^." FITZV-FACE/ country records. We would do Armstrong returned to Purdue. In the U.8. Bmbaiuqr. Young. CoUlns twice walhad In WANT To LEAVE ately, the maiden name of his Aldrin later opened the space: T to Armrirongs wens also ac­ ILL 6IVE MW late mother was Marion Moon. an audit, which would During hte mrkor year there, Ha remsmtora Home not at space during tto highly .aueoaoa- THE COUNTRY / THRIU .' craft hatch and spent more than tive in St. Paul's Church of to met Janet Bhearon, a sorori­ oil, but It was only tha flrat of Aldrin’s father earn^ his pi­ about a year, and then moved Christ In Wapak and l^afl was In ful mission. five hours “ walking in speme." on." ty bozuty queen. They married more than a half-dosan places OMIlns. who ta hrowri-syad, lot’s Ucense in 1819 and today, By properly pacing himself, he tto Boy Semto. He eaitod the In 1906. at 78, Is still qualified to fly. From his birth until his 18th hs lived aa a boy. Tha tamUy brown-halrad and rilgtrily buUt, overcame the problems of ex- rank o f E>agte, even though It ms parents gave him the year, Armrtrong Ihned in War­ Armrtrong graduated in IBM followed Oen. Colllna from as- Is tto Itvallart of Ito Apollo 11 haueton which cut short earlier took him until college to do X . '•'1th an aeronautical erglnrar- rignmer* to earigrunant. nfekname “ Buss" which hRs ren, Jefferron, Havana, St. School wotk came easy to trio. Hs dsocflbas hlmsalf as stuck on since. apace walks. His' space walk Mary's and Upper Sandiwky, all Ing degree and went to work for Mike was tha youngert of four "not much of s talker." but ao- record sUU stands. Armrirong from the beg inning. “My name was the same as small Ohio towns where his the National Advisory Obuncii childran of tto ganarmi and hta Joys poking full at hlmsalf or Aldrin was named to the Apol­ father worked. He skipped Atiori of the second on Aeroromtlcs In Cleveland. He wife. rttuaUans. my 'father's," explains the as­ grade when a ie te to r dhscov- I tronaut, “so I guess they felt lo U crew in Jamiary. He ad- The famUy also Uved for a "Uenrtsrred to NACA's High Mike's brottor. Jamas L. Col­ iplts he would have been “ pret­ « e d to was alreauly reading H e'a. the hsndbaU ehomp they needed something else for time in CSeWeland and it was Stood Flight Oentet at Edwards lins Jr., become a corasr olftoer among the artronsuta, but ha's ty thaappointed" if he hadn't fifth grade books. In the poratroopera and is now a m e." there that the boy arho would Air Force Bora/. OsUf., oral not porUcutariy proud of K. . MR. ABERNATHY made the craw. By the time he got to high brigadier general. Hs also haa BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY BSven at a young age, Aldrin later fly to the moon began his stortod to Ofork on the Xl8 “W^a got buoh league But he also has mixed feeUngs school, sonte teachero dared to During hta seven years at Kd two rtrtsrs. seemed to develop a reserve lifelong fasclnat'on with fUghL call hhn "brUUant." though le- bars/' to grtns. “ 1 can go to HES g o t THE that haunts him yet. He’s been about the fame tlMd's sure to his mother rays. '•'srds, Arijrutrong flew the XI6 An uncls la Oon. J, Lawton follow. lerved and qtket. any big cMy and find at laaat IS ^REATEGT EVE called “the mechanical man” to the Mng^\^ npoce six Mmoe. "UgtMMng Joe" CoUlns of ^rs. Armrtrong, a gray- Whan the famUy settled In guys '■ho can Just mop up Ito ONE IN THE BUSINEG6. by some who know Um. " I think there ana enjoyable haired. friendly woman, recoils He went as high as 200.000 faet World War H fame. court with me." WINTHROP Wapak. Armrtrong found a eon- t'olUns Mid hta father "kted PANCAKE \' “ Buss was one of those kids ports of It," he eayz. "There are taking her two-year-dd soil to and as fart as 4.000 m it« on BY DICK CAVALU fldaM In John G. Oritee. a high of lalked against" hta going Into / ‘Tto CblltM live la Nassau COAAIN0 XT that had a mind that was really frustrating parts of It, ■i»v watch airplanes land and hour. _ Bay, s group oommusMy Mva school Bcienok teacher. (he mititary, bui bf dsddsd to UP! h a v e xau EVER THaUSHT fantastic,” says Hartman. “ But Your life is not the aame. You off at a Cleveland airport. NACA beoajtte , the Notksiai minutes from the »sr-BiTi ye^vA N D V W E N E vec r c o WHAT ElsecAN Styj certainly lose privacy." • I octiridared NeU a dreamer Join anyway. a b o u t Be iN G A NtGE r es learnkg’ A g e m c y .' CAPTAIN EASY said 'you're the center'," to death. You know thass old toot! completed tha firet mte- ■VmrtfTsig, Ate Faroe CW. eanslUva that w ay." / Aldrin developed an unusual seldom flashes it. Dedication to to fly. Crites cnoe asked Mm If oeortul docking In epace o f two Kdwin B. Aldrin Jr oraj Ate BY LESLIE TURNER Fiord Trlmotore, tbey really ret- to were atoOd. Armatrong avoids pubbeity as IT tt MR*. one-handed n a p and Is remem­ his Job. they ray. often marks It tksd." c ^ l when they Unkssl with an runm U CM Michael CWMia much Os poratble. C0W lB A »yi , LOOK MOV •'Nrii repllsd. Otel kr up there ' TReFFA#5«e U, eoRpy TO \ P095i6Ly nu bered os a “ ferocious’’ tacklsr. he often appears pompoiw The astronaut's taltisr siowly eJroady-orbMIng Agena tarort were nemed to the ApMlo II IPfHBBBM MV PRopaRrv) “ He dldnH have a lot of natur­ w en he's cpoceotrstlng on his •to rastte os doern here,' " craft. * • rew In January o f this yeok. Moot nawamon onn rider tto iwroeaTHMc H T f 4 i ■ moved up the ledder In the stats W W M W YOU al athletic ability,’’ says Une G* I'-Ss re mem bero. astrtmart hard to Intervtew. ^VICTIM OP FOUL PLAY) ^ RieHT w S ulo* gowisusnt end finally sstUsd Their eletkm ones lwn»y over Armrtrong. wzye a apooe offl- .UP1UMB 6T Gooch Anthony J. “ Butch” For- o w e s taught Neii phyidcs, He'll answer mart qiwrtlone with WeeTTSR NOT He’s a brUlianf engtnser and in Wapakoneta in April 19M, • ^ o r, they were rtrogglm* for «*aJ. rune the crew "wMh - r OOMCCRMMMe tinato, "but he had determlna- a crBckcs>ck pilot." rays a math and chemistry. He held ■ their hveo. iron flat •• a monoayUshta If to css and burtng a Mg wMCe house on ■psclai ctass for the fuUae sometimeo Just a nod. Ha avddh tfon. Hs was varsity over play- technician who has worked with Benton Street. The thnjrter MJddenly began T h erV # no qtiertlon who's In srs that actually bad better aUl- Al(k-in for., months, "but a total- sP*c*mao one mmmer In calcu- pubilciiy aa much m Me Job Tbs eider Armstrong Is now Ortng wildly, sending tto linked permits. tty." •y gray pefsonahty." •uB. a eourae m t ofTered in the charge.-'sold another offtctal. r h mu u. »P «w crsft Into an uncontrolt- Armrtrong the ortronotM han a ! But the conches also remem­ ■wirtant director of the Ohio achool. . Ons sxeeptlon Is In hta Aldrin and hu wife hara ttase able roll kept the peectee approach to ber hie reserve. I^nmrtment of MenUl Hygiene J «n y Maxran. A boyhood tw n uf Wapakooeta. ROBIN MALONE chUdren, lOcahel. i j ; Janice, Armrtrong tocksd the Orsnlni . flying and work to fitrt rttewed ' “Hie girls thought he was end Obtrections. ‘ There he seems to aftjoy Ihe BY BOB LUBBERS W o'U be U in August; and An­ P* *to arirafMut. remem- ra s boy He ri akn rtlU "a tord snooty because be was always drew. n.. The aetrnnaut Uved fei Wapak, Iw n him as a Bpy Scout and a ceremony and hsMd «hae«»j and MKS.MALONT.'rW6»JOME>MOON .\ NOUSSUSe, so busy,*'’ mt/n Andernon. “ He * * Ohioane . abfarrvtate the tnrroraral to alroort s guy to talk to and grt to toMw." the cMilaot with peO|de. T)ief1?IVAIKdEr...TMTp^H 7 ALL.'MV The aw orau t said they’re not town s Sfaqwass IntBrai traoM.' ravolutlon per ssoond He fired os many remember Mm In Wo- wan M n d ly ,'a n right and one ■t sil, imprersed that he's going " ^ w n r e old ptachon aiol rode pok ■ And Wapak has raspoadsd. House N 7)CCARIpf»TAAJ..*'r*BCR6TAKV' o f the guys. But when there was only about three year* IS P«»i to stop Tto town held a ’’Nari Arm- 'MARRIED/ ^ UUer I^MUCH . ' THS to the moon. a Whs with no fenders and a toe kpin. but R also foeerallra hotncplay, bn would 7 **** He began riding his bicycle' to ™“ P on the th e ertth tape ite Impreeeee nuuiy people rtrong Day “ In 1988 Wlowtiw rn— —-— V T I Pesr..\pic«5N r \v'- "I f ^ that they must soms- • mnaU grasey eirflsld three ^ to :the ftlghtt O ftcista or- as being cold penmnally." raid V > t X R W IE e « to taka part. Hs wan m busy." now think amt. you know, ftht* wr»F|rid around H. " the asupnaul'a Gazsial 8 flWht. mllra out frian Wapak. Already. torwd them to r»-enter and they one offlctel M-hen ypu know Tto day Included a parads rt- LITTLE SPORTS AKbrin gimduntnd with n acho- thing harpetu all the tube ” AnoOrar boyhood frterai tWd totosd In Uie PactOe Ocean. ' ' Iantic roootd o f A ’s nod B'e, fin- ■ays AJAA). AnurtJuug iwealla, thera Artnmrong nrver talked ebout Nell, he con be a very warm tended by the governor, a Q f \ o o BY ROUSON wtow stocks of avkUtoA beoira, Oemlnl I. ptennlkd os a Ihras- (wrron and be has a great (taol program in tho Mrth eriwrt airtt- iahiag hi the top 10 per cent of Ws J * takes Wm away from Ms Oytag. - - = 7 — ••Bsstora and drawtagi tm to y mleeioo, tart ad only hour*, of hunter" fori tun and a aortas c t psrttas. / clan , and received both e .home lo r wraka oo end. rays " t had tto Unpreaeton Neil N • room. A%pluw BKxWa. ta* nradc Ms emergency ta r o l^ "Y ou're my paopta. ’ ho raid ertsdniahip offer from MIT end AMrtn, lait he sddr' -W e do try fltoUfbt If to usd as about hta « o/rty. ^ Armstrong has the elsor skin an appointment to the U A. Mill- which he bougM wMh money flY-cg rae would to going out to of a younger man and keeps hta In a apaach, "and I’m proud Is tehave tamUy get-tofcthara Annrtrpng brzMtod ehsra to be CBS of you." 7 tMTT AcsiWeny. « ’nciierc!i we enn.'* —mqd ol odd Johe e -d then me- to* Mfport raxi eeS S g Mm bkmd hoM- ritort cropped. Hta Hie fnlher aaid he picked Wcat Itouloudy eeennblid, Mb« from 5?**?* tort year In the blue eycts he come# olive. rtrong, first elvUlan aatronaOL*’ "W e find that Just to he ab>e wRb Schuler or witb Art Pmrae. tondng iroping vstzkta. tow to cadet" roeoUa W.P. Lewie, Oetd and Its Wapak Flying ■««>- •oM tor boyhood Mend. They Even hta tataura centers on Tto alpw arlU be ohssgad after •** *°cAte them ithe ddidiani is lee offarad the ensy. more than 3W test and euddenty hta Apollo U (Ughl. nrrtrtaie acadeaoy physical training an event around the hbaar." he •Oidd go to Wopab's tone aaovls flytng Ha flehee occasloMlIy, When Hail aas about i*. hfo •»"< o«M of ccntrol WMh oniy sold. ■aya. "And we usually do that theater or to Sweet Lend, an but hie main hobby ta acorito hi Atdrtn eras Crat h> his piebe mtoher raya toe baaid the •too**to of safety left. Arm gliders The Md grasay air Hold whore hefore they go to bad toe rieara parlor, or lo ^ \. but rirzstg ejected and parachuted In Me pcraonol Hie. to hsa a to taornsd to (|y has baaoakaa- amuotmee* park en a newrty .The wind caught hta psuachute take J, reputation ssA "B oy Scout." drtMd and reptaced at saia— “ to to was injured r iti^ ly aome people oensidar him nge B) - \ \ '■ , • ' \ n-;

PAGE- FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.,. TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCftE^TOt, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY/15, 1969 P.1GE FIPTEKN Los Anpfeles Dodgers Gain on Idle Atlanta Braves Police & Fire Are Dethroned in Little League Thriller, hO

-sytf. y ^ Veale Fails to Go R6ute, Stevenson’s Esso Wins Town ionship Crown By DEAN YOST I :. -. "JS J'SS.-iif Losing its title after two consecutive years of being Chicago Checks New YW k Tqwb Champions, Police and Fire stepped down last Pre-l^ason Capsule L ^k night at Buckley Field and Tony BarUrome, The Cub bullpen •r. ^ NEW YORK (AP) — the chib ance run with a single off reliev­ ran the let the new champs be trainer,rainer, mifferedliuffered milminor lacera­ er Bob Moose. count to 3-2 before Big Bob Veale has thrown honored, as Stevenson’s Esso tions in the road accident. Stoneman scattered eight hits lined to second basemd Olenn Pittsburgh’s first pitch in defeated them 1-0. It was the 20 ball games this year. . . Pirates Manager Larry Shep­ for his fifth victory against 12 Beckert, who made aping At Giants, Jets aiut^J’ ■' ard, meanwhile, remained in a setbewks. catch. ' gasmen’s third ■victory in the town series. and the last pitch in one. St. Louis hospital, where he was •May, chasing Roberto Cle­ Seaver, 14-4, who hurh NEW YORK GIANTS George Sauor, are a.s givnl .(,-. ■Uid defy Pirates catcher Jerry May taken Sunday after comidalng mente’s wide throw in the third, one-hitter against the C ubs' Tall left hander. Dan Sma- Training Site: Fairfield Unt- any pair in the league tSlnj/- haiierc pn^bly wishes .he had it so of chest pains during the first New York and had won chettl led his team to victory, verslty. good. slipped on the gravel in front of nard holds all-time .wiiMgi' Ncssils: game of a doubleheader against the 'Montreal dugout and fell straight decisions, nmtched' winning his second post season It was adn. win, win during ste;'e'..r q The Montreal Expos drove mark and Sauer hn.s avofCigcd the Cardinals. heavily, bruising his left thigh. Hands imtil the sixth, when Don game and striking out 12 bat­ the ftrsi four weeks of 1968'*as Veale from the mound during a 68 rex eptlons a year (orfho ivixt / f e r : o c- In Thursday’s only other Na­ After surviving the ambulapce Kessinger beat out a bunt, took ters and allowing five walks. the Giants' offense exploded IV'' two-run eighth inning break­ three seasons). Pete /Lanimony* I t .. tional League action, the Chica­ mishap, he was held overmjght' second on Beckert’s hit-and-run His rival Ken Holt issued three gome after gante, but when the fills the bill at tlgbv end ik through Monday night and uid ! ' . go Cubs increased their East Di­ grotsid out and zipped across on walks, one intentionally and attack bogged down, the sins of trimmed the fading Pirates 2-0 in St. Elisabeth’s hoq>ltaI for linebacking, w llh /ljiriv crant^- .more >; vision lead over New York to observation. Williams’ hit to left center. struck out six batters. the defense became more ob­ behind right-hander Bill Stone- hnm and Ral|Ui'Uaker br.u k 5’A games by nipping the Mets Stevenson’s wasted little time, vious . . . An nlort secondary etlng Al Atldiison, l.s .'jen.-mncil Kim man. * * * ^ tolled under th ^ handicap ol a 1-0 and the Los Angeles Dodgers CUBS - ME'TS — DODGERS - ASTROS — in scoring Its lone run. After a and has ptoylng eoheihon TIi.' M uxnu Veale, 4-11, has failed to flnlah moved one game ahead of idle shaky first half inning Sma- slugglsli rush which got to the Bill Hands, given last out re­ Wes Parker broke a 1-1 tie at defen.slve/secondniv of ILliulv tra« 19 consecutive starts since April Atlanta in the West with a 4-1 cheitU found his control and posaci only 21 tlmea. Houston with a fourth inning Beverl;^Jphnnv Sainple, Jim with. 9, when he went the distance victory over Houston. lief help by Phil Began, beat struck out the side) Batting in "We know where the defi­ homer and doubled in the ninth Hudsqri an( h. r PIRATES - EXPOS — ^Dan Socha hit a drive to first can fill our need depx'nds on pitch against the Expos, caught run with a sixth inning single. Dodgers’ first run with a sacri­ ■ce-ldcklng p ie .’ Nv>t>xl 3) ■ Ntnv I DjBse that was an error. Sma- the potential Fred Dryer, om field giaal.. In regular .nen.son bijf trull' nothing but trouble thereafter. Veale dueled Stoneman to a Hands, 11-7, who posted the fice fly. No. i pick, possesses at delefv Don Sutton picked up his 12th chetU hit into a fielders’ choice, Needs; An offensive right five tl ; He was forced out of the game standoff until the Expos struck Cubs’ lone victory in a three- alve end, and the degree of'^ef- victory against nine losses with second to shortstop. Blair An­ tnekle (Rw-bank luul to make b’\i kt*r t.i with a severely bruiaed thdgh in in the eighth. Bob E ^ley’s in­ game set at New York last feodvenesa of Clark MIIlM (ob­ help from Jim Brewer, who thony singled to rightfield, with niovea with Have Herman, a t*r Iv'i-'v a third inning mishap, then field hit and singles by Coco La- week, checked the Mets on six tained from the 49ers).’ ’ . , , came out of the bullpen with the the aid of a passed ball and an veteran giianl. to fill the spoi Kn»m Mi - •''1' shaken up again when the am­ boy and Jose Herrera produced hits before giving way to Regan Guard Pete Cose stmida out In bases loaded in the seventh and error on Holt. Smachtttl, with last yean ' and additional )iml .fi>hu bulance transporting him to a one run and a walk to Adolfo with two out in the ninth, a nm- a line behind which FVnn Tar- fanned Jim Wynn and Hector the only.'., run of the game, strength on the specialty teain.s Montreal hospital was involved Phllllpe finished Veale. Ron ner on first andi a 2-0 count on kenton operated in hU flam­ Torres to end the threat. crossed the plate. For Ixdstering the line, the Oilcr-s. ? - in a colUslon. Brand then delivered an insur­ pinch hitter Donn Clendenon. boyant* fashloh . . . Bobby Police and Fire threatened In Jet.s' No 1 draft was Ohio «*r Iaut)' I IJMl’S Al'FiKNTY— ChicaRo Cubs’ Don Kessinger Duhon tdosaotoed into versa­ With three umpires on the scene, (1-r) Harry the top of the sixth inning when Sta'e’s Dave Foley, ami the I'- tile running back, nnd speedy, t ’h;irU'5» slides safely into second base with a double as Werulelstedt, Lee Weyer and Ed Sudol, there was lead off hitter Tlrn Maloney third pick. EaoU Jone.s. ancMliep U’V* kt;f U",' ■ Schoendienst Names Nine Pitchers tor Tuesday Clash but unpredictable receiver Hom­ Inekle from Mlnne.soUi Help u I luiiies' shortstop Don Mone.v tries for the tag. singled to eenterfleld, for th e, brtvk Sul It! (ilk little room for dispute on the umpires' decision. er Jones still pones tlu* long nei'ded Ixith for nmNicks and only hit for P&F. Brian Kilpat­ ttltli'PX U-’ ‘ ■■■r- • ■ bomb threat. covering returns (three punt,, rick filed to third, Dave Brown key m -It (III Sure-handed holdovers Aaron were rettlriietl for toin.lukiwti.s went down swinging, and with ft'h hn v\- an error on the catcher and a Thomas and Jo«' Morrison are agnlnsl New York la.st year' Joined by Pete Gent (from Dsl- New Uiices: Wixslall, 6 ,1 (nun - Twins Working Overtime, NL Lists Hurlers stolen base, Maloney advanced Ukiit (Iruft to third. Settling down Smachot- Wisl . . . Henry rDsids hod s Duke.'cxtnfiiw with a background !! ti retired the next two batters on good rooide year' at the diffi­ of om year In the minor to II i*n> strikeouts. , . cult middle Unebacker spot and leagues. Richmond In the .Mian StAlo tuul th» Ificrease Western Margin National League Socha had two. hits in three Ralph Heck (from Atlantal will tic Coast. At 8.5, ife wxMild l>c East Division wiiti'h I' ill trips to the plate and Anthony compete with Ken AVery nnd the tnlleet Jt'ts' . quartertvick For All-Star Game w . L. Pet. G.B. Tommy Crutcher for the out- l)0[wful Mince lanky Dick \Vc«d Ur NKAV YORK (AI’ ) — It Idle Oakland. Ttic Twins now had the other hit for the win­ O.K. YOU HAIRS! LETS GET INTO CONDI .. the bnffcB on Tovar’s two-bag­ 57 34 .626 — running a workout Monday. Occasion was the open­ itde sTiota"?' . Willie Williams i\a\ imu u.i! • hold a five-game lead. Tonight’s Games Chicago ners. TION— New York Jets’ star punter Charley John­ Anolht'r "nesvesnner" l.s Is-e took awhile to aeeornpli.sh, ger. In the 14th, the Twins wast­ ed are Steve Carlton, St. Louis iority. This was ihe sixth time 49 37 . 570 6% ing of the chamjiion football team’s rookie camp (top NFlj Interceptor. tO) and Jft:.. .V.' r.t* In other American League ac­ Acadia vs. Green Manor,. CINCINNATI (AP) — New York- Next Monday night at 6, the WhHe, top pick u year ngn, but then mo.st good things ed no time, stringing consecu­ 11-5; Grant Jackson, Philadel- for him to be selected. In three .500 son gives a fair imitation of Coach Weeb Ewbank at Hofstra University, in Hempstead. N. Y. ■ (:■) ■ tion Monday, Washington shut­ 7 :30, Nebo St. Louis Cardinal Mana­ St. Louis 46 46 11% International League All-Stars safety Spider Lockhart (8) give whd Huffertsi a knee Inliiry In do. .So the Minne.sotii tive hits by Oliva, Allison and phiai, 9-8, and Jerry Koosman, pitching performances he has the aeoDndary nwrd. while In t ) u ' ! out IJetn|lt 3-0 and California DeOormier vs. Sportsman, 9, Pittsburgh 43 47 478 18% will face the National League first game Wliite nlongslde 'I’wiii.s didn’t mind working Cardenas to end It. ger Red Schoendienst will New York, 7-6. allowed only one earned run In 17 strong safety Bnicc Maher Is I>f\t k t-V -.uU.; blanked !{ansas City 2-0. The » • * '• Nebo Phila’phla 38 49 .437 All-Stars at the Waddell Field M.att Snell would give New York The nine hurlers have a com ­ six innings. 28 tenacious. Tiiu o or.f a little overtime Monday other teams were not scheduled. Klock vs. Wholesale, 6:15, have plenty of pitchers Montreal 28 61 .315 In a round Robin elimination. a blg-baek paid nml would take SENATORS ■ TIGERS — bined won-and-lost record of Pro-Am Mulch The Giants return to the Cen­ »vtt night to kee|) tlieii’ winning • • • Nebo when he tries for another Seaver has been named to the Division some to the numlng pressmv . Both Joe Coleman of the Sena­ 101-51. squad every year sinoe making 61 87 -580 — StevrnMon’s (1) tury Dlvtalon after a year In oft Kmerwon Boozea- It would .st'’'‘ak intact. TWINS ■ WHITE SOX — Congq,^ vs. Taylor’s, 6:15, National League victory in .V ab • r h 0 rbi Rozelle To Discuss ELLINGTON, Conn'. (AP) Only Nlekro, Dlerker, Singer the Capitol . . . It apparently iS'o \ iL Th« 'Twln.H .seemed hnixled for tors and George Brunet of the Keeney good with the Mets three eea- Atlanta 61 39 .567 1 Duffy, c. 3 0 0 1 0 also ease any stnun stenimlnK the annual major league 0 —A 3 under par ■core of M .Htjwt.'- ■ it . itn end to their five-game alreak Allison, who had four hits for Angels hurled a second consecu­ arid Jackson are newcomers to sona ago. He pitched the 15th San FYan. 50 40 .556 2 Soclia, SB. . 3 0 2 0 makes no difference. New York fn)m the poaalble retirement Discount vs. Herald, 6:16, All Star Game on July 22 Smach«tU, p. 1 1 0 0 0 gave Dennla CotM-Ina and was 7-7 In each of the last two to hiMf until Mol) AlllHon Uigged liLs see- the night, blasted his 250th ca­ tive shutout. an All-Star squad. and final innling in the 1967 Cirdlinetl 46 38 .542 8% Anthony, lb, 3 0 1 0 0 of veteran Rill Malhls Garv Robertson 0 0 0 Mickey Uortln ol Tumble seasons. or i(l4i I • ond home nm of the n'ght to lie reer homer In the second inning. tkileman allowed Detroit just — he named nine today to The senior member, of game When the Nationals won Houston 46 46 .500 7 Martin. 2b. 2 0 Magnet, defensive la, kle from 8ILK CITY SOFTBALL Ha£9ctt, 3b. 2 0 0 0 0 Brook the victory In the an­ Inr ’ll Chicago 2-2 In Ihe ninth. The Hut Chicago tied It In the fourth five singles, struck out nine and the squad. course, is Marichal, who was 2-1 In the longest g^ame-in All- San Diego 31 61 387 22 Lacy, cf. 2 0 0 0 0 So. CaUfomln and a No 3 |S, k Center Bllli»Tda trounced: 1 0 0 0 0 Question with Joe nual pro amateur champion­ ' NEW YORK JETS on singles by iJall Hopkins, Pete drove In a pair of runs with a The American League team picked for the eighth time. He Star history. Fuller, rf. ft>r 1968. missed entire sea.son. gU.-!ll While .Sox puHhed aero.ss a run Acadia last night at Mit. Nebo, Carpenter, rf. 1 0 0 0 0 ship tournament sponrored Wjird and Hd Ilerrmiuin and double and a bascs-loaded walk. will go with eight hurlers. hais pitched 16 inninga in seven Cal Iton and Koosman are two- Monday’s Results 0 ■Training Site: Hofstra Uni and will 1h( trietl ns llnelxu k ■ako" in the 1211) and again Mlnne.sota 30-9. George May, Dave White CiimHno, rf 0 0 0 0 HEMPSTEAD, N. Y . bonk to report late and .said he -Namalh eventually will appear by the Connecticut State versHy. then Ustk the lejul In the eighth Bases on balls kept Detroit’s Schoendienst named six right- ■such games, allowed seven hltis timers on the squad and both Chicago 1, Neiw York 0 Monarty, rf. 1 0 0 0 0 er and dofenalve end Jlmni\ iJllle A,i wii.H in Jeoi»a)(ly hut Ce.sar T o had four hits apiece, Don Cro­ Wlao. If. 0 0 0 0 0 (A P )— The Joe Namath would "get back" to him either a* camp but what his IntcnUons Golf Association. Word From the Coach "For mi Hopkins’ RHI double. .loc Sparma In constant trouble. handers. They, and their rec­ and one earned-run tor a 0.66 appeared briefly In the 1968 Loe Angeles 4, Houston 1 Andero, If, 0 0 0 0 0 Jones of Onmtvi gets liH>k . fisiin ,’M. var’s Iwo-onl ng nufety I,, lu- again. Alll.son lied It again In the hits apiece, home runs were hit Totaia 19 1 3 \ 0 meant Namath appear and either renounce hia for sec'ond place in the event ROYALS • ANGLES — gamesi, will be; Larry Dlerker, He was the winning pitcher in n'ng and Koosman a third of an Only games actileduled strange turn with pro foot- ^6* ■wm- excellent atUtude amt ex Hy this lime Chhsigo was he- ninth. Then Hobby Knoop's run­ by Morhardt, White, Dave Monday at the Ellington oend Ihe name energies It will BOSTON I’ ATUim'S / Houston, 12-6; Bob Gibson, St. 1962 in the AU-Star game played Inning as the Nationals won at Today’s Baseball Police A Fire (0) hall Commissioner Pete® un*tonn Ivimc glnlilng to gel the measage and scoring single snnl Chicago Brunet permitted Kansas City Vlara, May (3), Crowell, Steve ob r h fhrbl Ridge Country Oub, In which be harder this year with every Training Hite; I'nivrn.U-,- o( Loulsi, 11-7; Juan Marichal, Sain In Washington—also the s<»ne Houston 1-0. Philadelphia (Jackson 9-8) at Rowett. 2b. 2 0 0 0 0 Rozelle agreeing to discuss f"'’ l«i lit', "- the .Sox went quietly In the Hth hai'k la front In the 12th and Jnsl two hits and got all the runs McAdiam. For the losers Ron ,, ., ?. . KO" be suspended by Rozelle. 43 profemilonaJs and 114 ama­ one pointing for tui.’’ Muasachusells Francisco, 11-3; Phil Nlekno, At­ of this year’s contest. Last year The nine pltch,ers Join eight St. Lotris (Taylor 1-0), N Maloney, rf, 2 0 1 0 0 anil pi , on eiinseeutlve Hlngles by Tony when the first two Twins went he needed on Jay Johnstone’s Nlvlson and Bill Brown. Spear- Kilpatricjc. on. 3 0 0 0 0 the situation wiHl veteran Rozelle, meanwhile. con- F'lrst word of the meeting teurs competed. Htrrngih: If Joe Nnhnth Is Word Fruni the | ■,su■h: ' We lanta, 14-7; Tom Seaver, New he pac^ the league In victories starters nameid by a vote of Atlanta (Reed 7-6 and Britton Brown, ,3b. 3 0 0 0 0 l),(i .: I .. Oliva, Allison and Ix-si Cardeii- out 111 the bottom half, things two-run homer In the sixth In­ In had three hits for the Res­ members of the world firmed late Monday mght that with Rozelle came from defen- The highlight of the day’s available, New York has one llave a ItMtil rnimlldlng >>ii K> York 14-3, and Bill Singer, Los with a 26-9 mai'k ard also led In 2-1) at Clndotiatl (Maloney 3-2 Frooh, lb. 2 0 0 1 0 a.s. did not l *n In I Culp, Sielwrt Go Against Yanks play excellent ball and defeat­ Uniforms of Racers Totals 18 0 1 0 -Bozelle or Namath, the shag- though indications are that It .“tlty campus, 70s were the teams of Chet Woodall. New York wide re Fhancis(» (Marichal 12-3) Innings 1 2 3 4 t> 6 Toials numlng off surgery ’ fnlllM, k *vu| tif ed Walnut -Barbers, 19-6, lost gy halred quarterback who may will not be held Until late In the "Weeb talkixl to the commis- Wojark and Harry Uashln of celvers, Don Maynard anti Maior League Pittsburgh (Walker 0-0) at Btevenson’s 1 0 0 0 0 X 1 Jim Nam-e, safety Jrgui tjuiiic llsi-. .. !• night at Mt. Nebo. Mike Roth­ sb: Dumond, 6®*P&F already be en route week. sloner, and ho told Weeb he wae East Mountain, Edward Ko­ Up Fo r G rab Montreal (WaalewSkl 1-2), N Bmachettl; lob = L e a d e r s = man, Marsh Potter had three Similar to Moonmen 4; bb: Smachi'tti .5. HmJi 3; .■<0: Yh® Namath case, of course, going to come out here to talk to walski and Robert ank of Srnachetti _Holt 6: wp; Holt; pb; NoTlltlth ----- ’ ’ ’ ------• American Lciigiic Conig Resumes Full hltJ® apiece, Dick Belekewlcz Duffy (3) DeDominJciH w: Sruii- received perm l^loo revolves around tt»e quarter- the team" said Sample addlnfr* Hop Meadow, Cow-lna with had four hits, Bert Baskerville, After Loss NEW YORK (N EA)— It is assumed there will be American League chetti; L: Holt. Sunday from Coach Weeb ;E>w- ^ k ’s restaurant, reportedly "We donH wont him (Rozelle) Ham Title of Tumble Brook Woman Traiin'r Wjilflie.s Banl;iim. < 1? Batting (25(1 at bat.sl -Carew , Don SIm'mons and Don Gliha frequented by gamblers. Rozt'lle to send no secretary or no FTJI and Dennis Collins with Ca­ H»e race for top spot in the less people to greet the Apollo 11 astronauts when they East Dlvlslan Mlanc.-aUa .K.’iH; H. Smith, Ito.s- had two hits apiece. Home runs land on the moon than there was to congratulate Bob­ W.L. Pet. G.B. ordered Namath to sell his in- man. We want him.” ruso ol Pautipaug. ton .343. Time Outfield Duty EaMem League was up tor Father Well-EHtal>iislie


BusinMS ScrvlcM Buildin9-> Schooh and Cknw% 33 Help Wonttd— H*lp Wemfd Mato 36 H*lp WmHed—M * 3* O ffarvd 13 Controetinq 14 HOTEL/MOTEL 35 LIGHT truckinK, odd. Jobs, also N. J.'.LaFlamme — Carpenter CLASSIFIED m a n a g e r s MACHINIST hiovlng large aiqillaaeos. Bum- contractor. Addltlmu, remodel­ Enjoy excellent salary [rius // inf barrels delivered. M. SM- ing and Ngialns. (3aU anytime apartment. Opportunities for DEPARTMENT MACHINIST J ’'j 1776. for free e^imates. 876-1642. MEN, WOMEN, MARRIED MANAGER BRIDGEPORT , Ma n c h e s t e r e v e n i n g h e r a l d . M a n c h e s t e r , (X )n n „ T u e s d a y , j u l y i 5, i 969 ADVERTISING COUPLES. Maturity an as­ For machinery building. TREE SEIRVICE ^(Soucler) — HARDWARE DEPT. ENGINE LATHE set. Start training im­ Some rriated experience o r Holp Wontod— Mala 35 Holp W ontod ■ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS Trees cut, building lots clear­ Full-time. trade school background. Articlas For 45 THERE WGHTA BE A LAW mediately in spare time. Na­ BULLARD OPERATORS SHOP MEN and drivers want­ BY SHORTCN «nd WHIPPLE ed, trees topped. Got a tree Povlnq— DrhfEwoys 14-A Apply in person. Must be aUe to read blue­ M d o or Fomolo 37 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. tionwide job placement as­ ed. No experience needed. Ap­ PIC!NIC tables, all sizes and a problem? Well worth phone DRIVEWAYS Sealed — This is sistance. This (raining can prints, mica. Good w ages, ply Vista Mfg. Co.. Rt. 88. CAB DRIVER- styles. $25 and up delivered. W. A T HOME . LUSHLEV IS “ Ml? EOONOMV call, 742-8252. Top men • only tor fast­ Bur CATCH “ mR e ". a t TME lo c a l PU6 the time to restore the life and be your first step to a new W. T. GRANT excellent opportunity for the Bolton, Cmm. Zlnkcr, WindsorvlHe Rd.. El- illMSELF COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. growing, aircraft parts. Job right man with fast growing FULL TIME M 'i NIGHT IN TME WEEK — LAKHiSIDE cottage ft** rent. appearance of your driveway. career In Motel/Hotel/Re- Wc.have a permanent open­ llngton, 875-0.197. 4:S0 P.M. DAT BEFORE PUBUOATION TOU ARE A-1, tiuck Is A-1 Manchester Shopping Parkade shop. Top wages, hea'vy com pw y. Evening or Satur­ ------Pu» jv your u i opcmispeed boat inm anaand For free estimate, call' 742- sort Industry. Write for ing for a full-time, careful ■RAISE 'touR, Allow an ce 'o u Cellars, atUos, yards, drive­ overtime and fuU company PRiNRSM FOR EVERVBOP'/ IN TNE JOINT ERNIE- Water skiing too or Just Deadline for Saturday and Monday is 4:80 p.m, Friday 9487. booklet, all information. No day Interviews arranged. driver, 4 p.m.—1 a.m.. 6 SCREENED loam, processed 'THlNR I'M ways sealed and small truck­ benefits. Please apply in Overtime available. PAYROLL CLERK Travel, gravel, sand, stone. A S 6ET EM UP I MONEV’SN MAPE -TD RE ing done A-1 right. (JaU Tre- obligation. Give name, ad­ HAIRDRESSERS wanted for person. days If you have a good dress, ZIP, i^ e . NORTH­ till. George H. Griffing inc ----- C ffH T ; THASN MV kOTTO? ty. ‘ ~Realtors, 643-6930. ' PLEASE READ YOUR AD mano Trucking Service toll- expanding salon. Guaranteed driving record, and are de­ ■foUNG MAN' learn ID WEST SCHOOLS, Hotel, Permanent—good opportun­ Andover 742-7886. free, 742-9487. salary plus commission. CaU N. P. HALLENBECK INC. pendable, come in. >WNAG£ 'OUR COuGN: Classified or “ Want Ads’^are taken over the ine a» a Roofing— Sidinq 16 Training, Dept. M7-10 Box ity In payrtdl department convenience. The advertiser shonld read his ad Petite Beauty Salon, Manchee- Bunker HUl Rd., Andover EAST HARTFORD d r a f t i n g table, tour draw­ ^ Wontod To Rant 68 le FIRST R. F. OONSTRUendN — Ex­ V, c /o Manchester Herald. MARLIL MACHINE CO. for- recent hlg^i school grad­ DAT IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS In time for the ROOBING and Roof Repair. ter, 643-0322, or 249-0217 after 724-8061 uate with an aptitude for CAB CO. er, $68. Call 649-6997 after 6 cavating, landscaping and pav­ APPROVED FOR VET­ p.m. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY seeks next Insertion. The Herald Is responsible for only OBfE In* Couglln Roofing Co., Inc., 648- 6 p.m. . 246 PRESTIGE PARK RD. \business arithmetic. Oppor- 107 Burnside Ave., ing, contracting. Gravel, fin 7707. ERANS. ' two or three-bedroom apart­ MANCHESTER correct or omitted Insertion for any advertisement and then tunHy for advancement. Ex- East Hartford and loam. Septic tank repairs. LOST bright carpet colors. . . . ment or tingle home. Near 9-ROOM CAPE CX)D only to the extent of a “ make (ood*’ insertion. Errors which EAST HARTFORD LA'iHE ' operator, Jig bore crilent benefits and * work­ do not lessen the value. of the advertisement will not be Call 876-7216 evenings, 872-6072 BIDWELL Home Improvement CLERKS wanted to work part- restore them with Blue Lustre. school, no pets. References Centrally located. This 9- CONN. operators, second aUft, ex­ ing ctaiditions. corrected by “ make good" Insertion. days. Co. Expert Installation of ORDER CLERKS time in local dairy store. Must Rent electric shampooer $1 available. Lease, security de­ room. full dormer Cape Is H«lp W onf d ■ perienced men only. LeMl Apply at: aluminum tiding, gutters and be over 21. Openings available Paul’s Paint A Wallpaper Sup­ posit. Call 876-6680. a buy that shouldn’t be 35 Oorp., 1 MltcbeU Dr.. 6464S6S.' (Rockville, Ton Free) VENTILATE — Is your second trim. Roofing installation and evenings and weekends. Call ply. missed. Large bedrooms, 2 floor hot? Impossible to got o PARENTS with teen-age girl repairs. 649-6496, 876-9109. EHilI-time day, two needed to PRODUCTION LATHE CARPENTERS — Layout man FIRST NATIONAL store ntanager before 3 p.m., full baths, plus both. Rec good night’s sleep? Install an IT’S TERRIFIC the way-we’re need rent in Bolton or Man­ 643-2711 875-3136 SECRETARY - RECEPTIONIST taxe teleiriione orders and and trimmers wanted. Cbll af­ STORES INC. 649-8017. After 6 call 6^9707. rtxmi. family room, office, automatic roof ventilating fan. R0097NG. aluminum siding, Excellent opportunity for a record on IBM cards. Per­ AND selling - Blue Lustre for clean­ chester. Cali 649-1790. nice treed lot near Wad­ Installed and running for gutters, carpenter worii, 80 ter 4 p.m., 742-8064. ing rugs and upholstery. Rent career in a worthwhile and in­ manent or summer replace­ PARK A OAKLAND AVENUES TWO TEACaiEata need three dell and Manchester High Call Everett W. VanD^e, years’ experience.- Ckmneoticut MILLING HANDS electric shampooer $1. Olcott teresting position in the office ment. EXPERIENCED Bridgeport, EAST HARTFORD. CONN. Situations Wontod— to four room apartment to, School. $34,900. Jim Flor­ Builder, 643-2208, 246-4781. VaHey Conatnwtlon Go., 849- Variety Store. ence. 649-6360. Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? of a doctor in Manchester. Machinery buUding exper­ engine lathe, and heU-arch Fonudo 38 rent from August 1st. Mint be 7180. Free estlinata. Applicants must 'b e neat aiid \ 4^ i ' ■ SHARPENING Service — Saws, ience needed. Apt^y in per­ welders. Apply H Jc B Tom. IS baths. jalousled 1964 CADILLAC, 4-door hard­ side and outside railings. Land­ New and repairs our special­ Mechanic 525-2903, ask for Georgt Mallards, Ring Necked pheas­ BUYERS OFFICE area, firm seeking a man with play of Quality Furniture Just privileges. Palmer ReiUty, 643- b t v f -.Hf* . ___ _ . . . building, alr-condltlonad, plen­ sun poren, garage, city uUll- HERALD top, fun power, (Factory air- ty, 20 years experience. Free ants. 228-9588. attached seats, $24. 844-1321. 8321. *eiVK—room suite of front Main scaping. Reasonably priced. Experienced woman to r di­ general lab experience. One Llndon. AU repUea strlotl-,' removed to warehouses for Pub­ ty perking. Call H, M. Fre­ ties, $23,900. Phllbrtck Agency conditioning, wtkite. Excellent Person must be experienced ------offices, 100 percent looa- Call 648-0861. estimates. Call Roy Kanehl, versified duties in automo­ year experience and a famllto- confidential. TWO 14 h.p. electric motors. lic Sale. Modern 3 complete chette, Realtors, 647-OWS. Realtora. 646-4200. ) condition. Call 648-4521. In tractor traUer gas and POODLES tor sale, ytandaid BOX LETTERS 648-0868 after 6 p.m. Full-time days. Aptitude for rlty in electrical or techrtoal Garden spade, 6’ stepladder, rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 An^tiTLln^ ...... banks, alr-condttlon- BRICUC, block and stone work. bile dealership; ExceUent diesel refrigero^on units. size, males and femalee, 9 Apar?m «ntk---- H ots---- ed. automatic tire sprinkler. arithmetic necessary. Also fields. Salary to $10,600. de­ chain saw, small boat anchor, pc. Convertible living Itoom. FOR^SALE M&nufiHfl; Bum- 1068 PONTlAd Lemana, 2-door Brick walls, patios, outdoor-in­ salary, 6-day week, many Position is with large com­ weeks old, coll 623-1644. For Your 6 px. bedroom, 8 pc. Dinette. Tanamantt 63 A.^piy Mariows. 867 Main at hardtop. Three speed, mid­ door flrsplacss; sidewalks, fringe benefits. Duties in­ opening available for gen­ pany offering exceUent pending on experience. Fee 5-gaUon spray pump, electric SCHOOL AREA Information AUTOMOBILE $10 down, you may pm cha.se night blue. Call 649-9688 after chimneys. Free esUmataa. Mnihiary, clude billing, typing, recep­ eral clerical work In same wages and fringe benefits. paid. Richard P. Rita, P en o ih TWO KITTENS looking tor garage clock, scythe and i'wo INKING tor an apartment? VERNON _ Brand new oftio. ^cma, living room with letters. Readers answer­ condiUori. Interior completely ice. Hand and power mowers tions, alppert replaced etc. person to Mr. Lynch at COLLEGE Students — Umitod boo la'wn rake, pole tree trim- *-APCAP A CCP Charge Plans wall carpeting and draperlea. tor Plymouth^Hirysler deal­ Weimaraners, AKC registered cope Includeid. Convenient to com er fireplace and wall to ing blind box ads ,who customized. MechanIcaUy ex­ shurpemd €uid repaired. Pick Cali 6494811 -positions availabio, SO-hpurs mer, skill saw. two 6-volt spot Instant Credit OAKLAND St. Five Will BUb-dIvIde. Call 81^-0638, wall carpeting, roomy Utch- CUSTODIANS — Starting date ership. Top wages, overtime litters. Sale subject to vets rooms, $110. Security. good highways. Priced low­ desire to protect their ceptionally good. Many extras up and delivery. (5aU anytime, FIRST NATIONAL er 'week. $3.12 per hour, llghta, pair girl’s ice skates, Plan 646- weekdays. cn. ceramic hath, overalsed Identity can follow go with the car. Call 649-4912. f o r alterations neaUy immediately. Bolton public le benefits. OaU 278-1109 available, permanent poel- okay. Some ready to go. 1- 2420, 9 to 6 p.m. er $40’e, CaH E, E. Weeks. 648-6806. ShaiiTMU, 686 Adams STORES INC. 628«78. garage, elumlmun combina­ procedure: S t, Manchester, CDnn. and reasonably done in my MORIARTY schools. Contact Mr. James fdr interview, between 9 and tlon, excellent working con­ hot dog steamer, beach TORNITURE PRIME office for lease. Ex ce p Realtor et 439-8369. 1966 FORD, 4-door custom home, call 648-8760. ditions, free hospital, major NEW four-room apartment, ap­ tion windows, aluminum PARK & OAKLAND Veitch, Supt. of Buildings, and 1 0 ^ a.m. brella. i960 Pontiac WAREHOUSE Enclose your reply to / sedan, V-8, automatic, radio, medical, Hfe Insurance and REGISTERED beagle pup tor pliances, heal and hot water, m "‘J MANCHESTER Broad St. siding Well shrubbed yard the box tn an envelopeelope — ARE YOU paying for valet AVENUES Grounds, call 643-1669. bulaiicc. 1958 Chevrolet wag­ NOW 2 BIG LOCATIONS macy Bldg., Haynea and k.ain power steering, extra wheels, BROTHERS pension plan, paid uniforms sale. male. Call 643-1831 after parking and privacy. Avail­ Center at activity. 4,000 square wllh I'ompirir city uUMtles address to the Classified .dervloe to pick-up your rub­ ■ v 6 p.m. on. 1^ Studebaker 14 ton, re- 3680 Main St. Hartford 8t. Paneled, alr-conditloned. tires. 648-2880. and laundry service, paid able Immediately. Security de­ hx)t maaonary building on 120x On bus line Minimum down M anager, Manchester bish and not getUng it, if ro Movimq^Traeklng—. EAST HARTFORD, built engine, heavy duty rear 622-7249 Call evenings. 649-8820. 643- 301 Center St., Manchester holidays and vaccutlons. Ap­ posit. $178. Wolverton Agency, $00' lot. Sale or lease, (.'all pnyiiirnt to quAlltint buy EWenlng Herald, together 1966 PLYMOyTH, 4-door sedan, caU 647-9628. Mancheator Rub­ CONN. end, all new 660x16 6-ply tires (former Fuller Brush bldg.) 6814, 943-1098 cm Full price only $22,900 with a memo listing the storaga 203 ply 176 Pine St. Manchester 649-2813. Warren E. Howland, itMUtor, V-8, automatic, radio, power bish. For commercial end AUTO MECHANICS SIAMESE kittens, raised 875^0141. Call Itobeft W Murdoch, companies you do NOT 646-2332 643-1106. steering, extra wheels, good hojIselwM. P.8. Thsnics to our PRODUemON assemblers. Lo; / T.L.C. Call 649-1628. LOOKING for anything In real MAIN BT. — Store or office. Reakor want to see your letter. (former Norman’s F'urn condition. 648-2880. many customers for standing kCANCHESTER DeUvery-llght cal company has 2nd shift New Ford dealer requires four additional mechan­ eetate rentala — apartmanta. Includea heat, 646 $496! MANCHESTER 1.300 square Your letter ^11 be de­ trucking and jpackage delivery. BABY SITTER for two boys, HERMAN MOTORS INC. f r e e to good home, shepherd B Warehouse stroyed If the advertiser by while we were meUdng our opuUng:8 for assembly of small homes, multiple dwellings, no Refrigerators, washers and 6-7 for summer days at her ics, three general and one with Ntransmission 66 Windsor Ave., Rockville Oohie female, four months old. O n o AcCOSSoriOS 4 6 at corner of Pine A Forest Si.si foci block bulldinc with office. U A R R P A I T Y m I M e is one you’ve mentioned. 1667 OLDBMOBILE CuUaas 4- change. appliances. Apply Iona Mfg. fees. Call J. D. Real Estate AddlUonal land for >.xpanelon. ^ " H E A L I Y L U . I N t , stove moving, specialty. Fold home.^ Apel Place. (113-4021. experience. Salary commensurate withXability. Ex­ or phone 875-9B04, 643-0091 Oall 649-7602. If not It will be handled door. Immac\Uate. Meaty ex­ Co., Regent St. SURFBOARD —Hawaii — 10’ »-B. Sat. !)-6 ^Aeeoclates, Inc., 643-6129 FOR RENT 01 sale-461 Main Short walk to Main St. Excel­ tras. $1,800. Entering mUltary Ing ehalrs for rent. 6494)702. cellent fringe benefits. Clean, modem sqop. Apply for appo'lntment Street. Building and lot next ftl3-’2692 In the usual manner. HIGH SCHOOL Ju^ ot or sen­ w rf board. Original price $180. IN GOOD condition living room ^ HAVE customers waltina lent terma available. Warren sorvloe. 228-8074 after 6. HouMhold SarvtcM in person. to Post Office Excellent Iocs- ior to r peat-time' general of­ WE HAVE an opening on our SIX KITTENS need home, call In good condition. CaU 649- fmnlture and bedroom set. - - . . - E. Ikwiand, Realtor, 643-1108. Offorod 13*A fice work.^ No t/jpbig required. for the rental of your apart­ Uon for any uee. 646-2436 from 106C OORVAIR-—4-door sedan, tiilrd shift In our heat treat 646-0694. ®?38. Call after 6 p.m., 649-41138! NO HEAVY stair climbing in Painting— Paporing 21 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Call 646-2331, /hsk for Nancy. ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ 9 to 6 p.m automatic transmission. De- REWEAVlNG.of burns, moth- department. Please apply in thla attractive 6 room Ranch Lost and Found 1 FREE to good home, male tate Associates, Inc., 643-6129 InvMtmoflt Proporty pendalUe transportation. $140. holes. ilpiNffs repaired. Win­ CLERK-TYPl&T permanent po­ Dillon Sales and Service, Tnc. person at Klock Co., 1366 Tol­ MAIN BT.. com er office, Three good sised bfadrooms. Opening for experienced cocker spaniel puppy. After 6 12 FOOT plywood boat. Call 649- GE electric Irorter, rcimonable NEW plush one and 2-bedroom LOST — Passbook No. 96017 Call after S p.m., 647-1769. dow shades made to measure, L. PELLETIER PAINTINO — sition. Must have good typing 319 Main St. land Tpke., MEUichester. 4231. rooms and lavatory. House For Solo 70-A One-acre lot, garage and tire- Alpha-Numeric IBM key- p.m., 646-3582. Call 643-7072. apartments, wall to wall car- __ _ place. One-year old. Keith / Savings Bank of Meuichester. all sixe Venetian blinds. Ks3rs Interior and exterior painting. abiUty, jMperlence preferred. Hale Bldg. Call 643-3607. 1666 OTO, 3-door, 8-speed, ex- puncher to work fuU41me CUSTODIAN and lane mainten­ f a s t HARTFORD all brick 4- Application made for payment. made while yau,,walt. Taps rs- Papering and paper removal. DiversUi^ and challenging 14’ V l YWOOD BOAT. $160; pets, dishwasher, appliances, Agency, 649-1833. 646-4126. celtent condition, low mileage. days. Ck>mpany offers ex­ ance man, nights. Apply Holi­ alr-condiUqnlng. Starting at ^ANtHESTER Central lo­ family, 4 rooms each apart- corders for rent. Marlow’s. 867 Free esUmatea. Workmanship work./Rensselaer Polytechnic Livo Stock 42 or best offer. CaU anytime, LOST—Diamond ring in vicini­ cellent wages and working day Lanes, 39 Spencer St., Mochinory and Tools 52 cation 5,000 square feat of nietil, bulll-lns Including alr- 7-ROOM house, on acre lot, Cal! Sllitter 643-0626. Main St. 649-6331. guaranteed. Fully insured. 84$. ite. South Windsor. (3all 643-6982. $166 per month. Call Paul W ty of 86 Haynss Bt. Parking condiUons. Convenient free Manchester. FOR SALE — Ponies, mare, warehouse space, email office, condltlonrra, 8 yeara old An aJumImun siding, storms, 904$, 649-6836. 8. Weir, 289-4323 between 9 SCRAPER — Self londlnf^ Dougan Realtor, 649-4630. Lot. Oall 438-8868 coUect. TWO HANDYMEN want a parking, in-plant cafeteria PERMANENT POSITIONS exceUent with children. 18' BOAT and titlilcr, 26 h.p, IHirklng area, reasonable exceUent Investment. Wolver- sersens. NeiKis some , work. I960 VOLVO, needs some work. 6 p.m. OIL BURNER service me­ Gelding end Colt. Beat reason- MiOTDlO dozer, 1966. V(. cubic Three.rtxm apart terma. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Um Agency Realtors, 649 2SI3 $13,600 to settle estate. Bel Air variety of jobs by day or hour. PAINTING — interior and ex­ and above average bene­ motor. Best offer. Call after yard unit backhoe. Vi cubic Best offer. 649-9448. terior, very reaeonable, tree fits. Apply; chanic. Must have license. Con­ ,able offer. 633-5882, 643-1312. 5 p.m., 643-6624. ment. Hoat, hot water, and ap- Real Estate, Vincent A. Bog- Reasonable. Call 648-8806, 64$- yard unit backhoe.\ Qiipblnn- MAN< HK-STEIl 2.600 square RCk'KVIlJ.K Two houaee two P o n o n o b 8399. estimates. Call Richard OPEN FOR SHIFT tact Mry Gibbs, 875-8248. pllanrea $126. Sri-urlty. adullH. gini. Realtor, tlon loader and hoe, 3414 Inter­ feet for lease Maitin, 649-9980. 649-4411. Senior Clerk-Typist EVINRUDE outboard motor, 646-2426 . 9 to 6 p.m. Centrally Jo- fnnilly and four family. Price NOEL Adair Dry Skin Foot Truckf—Irocton 5 UGHT ’TRUOltlNa. bulk dellv- Articles F-or Sole 45 18 h.p., good condition, $75. national. OaU 643-9566. cated. Ijooding faclllUes. Will $:<0,900 Down payment $8,000. MANaiESTIJt Overslsed 6 O em e, lubricant for callouses. ery, yards, atUcs, cellars clean­ JOSEPH P. LEWIS Custom FIRST NATIONAL/ Town of South Windsor, PRODUCTION WORKERS COI.X)NIAIa Oak Apartments, remodel to suit Call Warren Inli-rested penarna wTUe' I’ .O room Oape. Four bedrooms, Salesmen Wonted 36*A DARK RICH stone free loam, 649-1654. hard skin,- rough dry heels, FORD Econoline panel PatnUng. Interior and ex­ STORES INC. / Conn. 2-bedrOom TownluMSM-M. ap- E. Howland. Realtor, 642-1108. Box 361. itockvitle. COnn. fireplace, ail bullt lns, (omlly ed and removed. Aleo odd Jobe, five yards, $16. Sand, gravel, legs. Soothes, softens tired *« ‘ °P «>n«l‘Won with 644-8962. terior. Paper hanging. Wall­ Do you want a good paying permanent Job in a progressive Musical Instrumunts S3 pliancea, utilities. pliM many room, walk-out patio. Bxoallenl feet, Quinn’s Pharmacy, 873 extras. Reasonable offer PARK & OAKL^D IMMEDIATE opening avaUable stone, tiU, manure, pool and paper books on request. Fully 35 hour week; $4,349.80 growing company? Garden— Farm— COMPLETE set of Oretch , exlnie, $IK5 Deluxe one la-d ooodlUoo. Don’t anUt. R.M. Main Bt takes it. 189 East Center Bt., AVENUESES/ for experienced real eetate patio sand. Call 643-9604. Heusos For Rout 65 Loud For Solu 71 insured. Free esUmatea. Call starting salary. Requires Do you want security thru a good cMitrlbutory pension drums with cymbals. CVUl 649- room, Includcvi appliancea. FrecheUe. Realtors. SST-MMa. ------!______643-0096. Bulldhig plan? broker or salesman who de­ Dairy Products 50 640-9668, if no answer, 643-6362. high school graduation and ALUMINUM SHEETS — Uaed 8279 between 5-9 p.m. iitllltleii. $148 Call auperlnten- 8MAIJ., (our-room house oo 219 HEBRON -Route 18, appriix- Controetinq 14 EAST HART^RD Do you want company paid Blue Cross and CMS coverage sires to affHlate with a ROUJNO p a r k cape Cod. AnnouncMnanti i minimum two years' exper­ as printing plates, .009 thick FRESH native sweet com, dant, Mr. Morency, 646-1371 acrea In Mansfield Adults on­ rmalely 60 acres with froniage INSIDE—outside painting. Spe­ for the entire famUy—the best of both plans? pregressive organization offer­ 8t;uash at Buckland Farms Seven rooms, pooelblc five CUS’TOM craft cabinets, vaiii- ience: typing speed of at 23x36’’, 25 cents each or 6 tor ly. Deposit plus $116 per on 68 Pond on property. Own­ EXPERIENCED Jaxx band Auto AccMtoriot— cial rates for people over 66. Do you want compcuiy p^d life Insurance? ing full faculties of a Realtor. WE HAVE tenants waiting (or beT)UB.B(XtM furnlslted healed Mptorcyclofrr- St,, Manchester. 643-0333. DESIGN INC. covers and reupholstering. CARPENTRY — concreta stops, 1834. Hours 3-5:30 p.m. Saturckiy 9 employer. Reply to Box S' . asa.s-ise ment. stove, heat, hot wrater. . 1^. 1964 OLDSMOBILE Cutlase, 2- Bicyelot 11 . 0 Budget terms. EsUblUbed In Laka BC. Bolton. #46-3347 apartment, also oU room flat tioore. hatchways, remodeling, a.m. • 12. Wednesday off. CARPENTER wanted, trim­ 130 Hartford Rd.. Manchester *’G’ ’, Manchester Herald. llghta and gas Included no fine floor 742-7611, 743 7492 door hardtop, bucket seats, ex­ EXTERIOR and Interior paint-, 1948. Days, 524-0164 evenings OU)ER Pre-War , auto, any EXPERIENCED BICYCLES—new and use^. Re­ porches, garages, cloaato, ceil­ Please call 649-8979.' mer, caU after 4 p.m., 742- AdulU, no pets $146 Available cellent condition. Call 649-3764 tng and elding. FYee esUmatea. 649-7590 -I make, any conttitlon. ( laJI 646 pairs on all makes. Open dally ings, attics tiniahed. rec 8064. 0> Cj August 1st, i-all 647 1619 ROCKVlUa: 4 roonn. first after 4 p.m. j can 649-4391. PERSONNEL Secretary — In­ 6446. tloot. porcrias. baaulKul baca- 9-8:30. Manchester Cycle Shop, rooms formica, eeranlo. Oth- FIVE PIECE Uvlng room furni­ ar retated work. No Job too teresting and choUengli^ spot Z'-i R(X)M apartment, first Uon. (SI taie hne. 1126 OaU 9 1962 CHE'VROLET Impala con- 18$ West Middle Tpke., CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ CABINET maker with super- ture. Oost ovea- $500. Yours for ' AUTO SALESMAN small. Don Moron, BuUdar. in a local company. Good skills floor, available August Isi Sn a ni 7 p m., >761644 vortlble. Automatic, radio, M9-3096. terior pialnUng, paper hanging. vlsoru experience. Ebcoellent Evenings 649-8880. lequired. Salaiy to $110. Fee ' e V l pets Security deposit $116f i t s ------—------hooter. Excellent running con­ Discount on wallpaper. CaU opportunity, Displaycraft, S I I T f i Z S T i ^ S’ 1966 HARLEY 74. fully equl|> paid by our client company. Manchester. 643-9667. monthly (tall after 6 p m , 646 FOi.'R-ROOM. 6bedroom apart Immediate Position dition. Call 646-1290, 6-9 p.m. NEWTON H. SMITH * 8 0 N - 646-3046, Oecar Hebart- 3862. THE THOMPSON Houm — OSt ntSp^9 f A eea^al MS sS 4 4 ^ pad. 3,600 miles, excellent con- Rita Girl, 800 Silver Lane, ment. Laurel Bt , rtockvllle. only. RemodeUng, repairing, addi­ tags Bt. centrally located, large parking, heat Inchjded. cellar ditxsx CaU 647-1037. East Hartford, 528-9416. c l e a n . USED rafrigeratora. tions, rso rooms, garages, pleasantly furnished rooma. NEW PX){:R room deluxe s ^ r t •temage. stovw and refrlgvr Top Kdory ood ceounisgioiw poM to Ibo 1968 BUICK Rivera. Air-condl- rangas. automatic washars parking. CtaU 6462386 for over­ ment Heal, hot water, '■ ap- Oonlng. Cost $8,600. Any rea­ 1968 BMW 600 ce’e, $160; runs porohea and rooting.. No Job Floor Finishing '24 SECRETARIES — Typists with guarantees. Bee them at alor. $116 monthly (a ll 646 too small. CaU 6494144 needed for work in your area INMTATION night and permanent gnesi plUuicca furnished (tanvtnlent 2671 right ptnom. C d i Hoi Curtb b47«1144. sonable offer will be accepted. but needs work. CaU after 6 B.D. Pearl’s Appboncet. 649 ratee. p.m., 64e-$786. and Hartford. Temporary, fuU- perking and biu;k yard ta- 648-9066. REMA OonstructlonlCo. Altera­ FLOOR SANDING and retinleh- TO BID Main Bt. OaU 646-3171 cUlUrs. (tantnU location. Call time or 94 p.m. EbcceUent pay. SALESLADIES BLl EPING room for older em­ 1961 TR-B-R.' 11,000 miles, some tions, remodeUng' IkddMlons, Ing (spaeiatlslng in oidar 6469186 196') CADILLAC 4-door. New. no fee. Staff Builders, 11 Asy­ TWO EARLY Amcricaii sofas, ployed gentleman. Parktng ■TOWN o r VERNON chrome. Good running cendi- repairs. Free estihMtes. CaU tioore). Inside pahstlng. Paper Sealed bids will be received paint, no rust. Rebuilt trans- lum', Hartford, $78-7610. mlrrorz. velvet chairs, king 272 Main Bt THREE-room apartment with BOARD o r EDUCATION Uon.' Osa 64S-0406. 6-7 p.m. 649469a hanging. , No Job too »m«ii at the office of the' Director of Full and Parf-Time ' C&S FORD \" mission and motor. Good tire#. rtzed bed. irhalse lounge. Call aUwe and refrigerator A pply John Vfarfallle, 649476a TOY A GIFT PARTY pLhN General Servtes, 41 Center 6460696. $460. CaU 742-8888. ADDITIONS, renuxlellag, ga- A ROOM for renL goitleinan on- 4 (teati St or (taU 446666$ W nUM ANDC 1961 ’n u U M P H B<«nevllle. ex- Our new line now avaUlablnl—if Street. Manchesetr, Conn., un­ bays and Evenings INMTATION rec rooms, btUhroomt ly. OntreriocAUcn. fnee perk­ 1963 COMET. 4-d9or, 6 cylinder, ocllcnt oondUton, 760 ccr you are Interested tn becoming til July SI. 1969 at 11:00 a.m. WELL, C a r e d Im contem­ 649-4000, after 6 p.m. tiled, kltchena remodeled, ee- ing. references required, (tall BfX ROOM duplex, aecurily de- automatic, good second car. ionds tocla a Dealer, or having a party In for' To work in Mancheater newest fabric atoi*. porary furnltuTF, tedrofam set. 649 8180 or 646^966. posit, rental agnerpent. In>- TO BID ment work, cellar tioore, pa- 5 living room tables] lamps, two CaU 742-9676. 'Mfirtnimas 27 your home, csdl or write “ San­ SNOW PLOWS (3) - DCW.U----- mediate- occupenqy Eezia tios. rooting. OaU Leo« Oea- DUMP TRUCKS — VARIOUS occaeional chairs. 6U $666. ‘nis BcMTd of Edueatloo of IdOTORCYCLE BSA, 1968. very ta's Toy Parties Inc.. "Avon, R(X)M for gentleman only. Everett Real’ Estate, 6467019 1962 ALPHA-ROMEO. Red Spy- •>'nakl. BuUder. 649-4291. Conn.. 06001. Telephone 1-673- SIZES (6) THE FABRIC CUFBOARB 324 EMBROOetY ’ Idtcban and Uvlng room (aclll- • the Towm of Vernon, (.'onnecti- der. 38,000 miles. Good condi­ low mlteega Ozll 876 2046. 1361 SEWING machlaaa . t ___ MORTGAGES, loans. Oxat, sec­ 3465. STREEt SWEEPER I0'V34)4 ties Included. Private e-ntnuxe cut. wlU recetve* ssated btda tion. Ca)l 648-8908. HALLMARK Buijdlng Com­ yearis models, never us^. ft* ond. tfatnl, au klada, realty, S ^ D SPREADERS located at Cheney Hall, Hartfoid RtL. focmer .Simple cross-eutches in ■1 and parkli^ Inquire tit pearl KYH'R-ROOM flat. Ihl>-d floor pany—for home Improvement, statewide. Credit raUi# un­ GAL FRIDAY — Diversified Sacriflee. $36. WHt take month­ additiona, rec rooms, garages, AIR COMPRESSOR—180 CFM rich color* combine for a ^ (ta!l S669STS i Bttflimn Sorvlcnt necessary. reasonable. Oonti- dutteo, no shorthand. BUUng bright border in embroi­ Detail learning maker ly payments. 2460077. 1 1966 MODEL CARRYALL I960 PONTUC ’Tempestest, j excel- j rooting, gutters. Free esti­ Bid forms, ^ plana and specifi­ MAR-LEA PARK ' OffMod 13 tientlal, quick ' arrangements. experience helpful. Salary to knitting helpfoL Apply in petnan on — dery-trim! So. 32-4 has this a (mooth fitting ROOM with kitchen prlvUcgte. NICE frw m s. garage, .tiret, M.'HOOL BUB lent oondition. (?all mates, all work guaranteed. cations are av ^ a b le at the ityle. S o . 1361 with LIVING ROOM jsota. $.red M jv n t . Alvin Lundy Agency. 697-7971. $130. Fee paid by our cUent hot-iron tianefer for 3 ** cen tr^ y located. Mrs Dorsey (loot, l-famlly Ixasw, $100 G. W. POLLARD Tree Service, Cell 646-$637. General Services Office, 41 riloTo-ci'lls. II in .Sew chain, goostp bench. Monde Bids will be received el the 363963 MeinMa Street, Hartford. Eve- company. Rita Girl. 600 Silver yards of border; color 14 Arch at. (Xuple (Seferred (taU a(69T$6 cutting, pruning, , trimming. Center Street. Manchester, Oon- chart- Size* 10‘x.24*t.; hurt 33 twin bed eet. Blonde c o n s o le ______ofnica of the Bwperintandent of ning^ 23$43?9. Lane, Eteot Hartford. 638-9416. WEDNESDAY, JULY tt-4-11:N U L FHo MhiotM to UCooo. Now o l oloclrie o o 4 1961 OLDSMOBILE F85, gfaod l4)ts cleared. Reasonable. Free SA'VE MONEY! Past ssrvice. necticut. i m m a east ar to 47. Size 12*1. 3o hurt TV. garden toots, etc CtaU 446 CFXTRAV cikASt rv.,a "for 1 2 a n a ads6i era-tan a g | s ^ BehooU, park and School eondlUon,’’$199. 649-8416. eriimates. Insured. $89-3190. Dormers, room additions, ga- SECOND MORTGAGE — Vn- . . . 3 ^ ysr-ii nf 4'>'ineh. —*— ^ Town of Manchester, « m 444 a coat iw m* mi- 6982 anyttme. gcrtleman ' Beperate entrance Btreete. RockvUle. (.'onnectlcui. 6 Mm GiUiVq rsgv*. porches, rooting and llmltsd funds a'vallable tor sec­ OonnecUcut until 13 00 noon Wednewtay. lfe$ RAMBLER $t*Uon Wagon. LAWNS maintained. Rubbish KITCHEN T sB rV biii'k and ^ bathroom Perking (ja il Aportmoota 4).A :s|dlng. Otxnpore prices. Add- ond mortgagee, payments to Robert B. Wetas, July $0 . 1986. and then at said Good tran^x>ttation. $160. CaH taken to the dump. Odd Joba. m .r. m e e \ Bvealar ■eralA. ILM AVE wtUtf ^wood'. porcrlbin top AHLeyel Dormer Corp-. 183- suit your budget. Expedient General Manager 9r4M Baae isani em tm HROM rfflrlrn (dace and tim e pubttcly open- 649-786$ aftw ^6 p.ni^ M9-1668 aftar 6 p.m. 0i49. , o r A n .ucAA. srw VO«E. •orvloe. J. D. Realty, 64$-6i$a Read l^erald Ads. S T It extends to TT’ , 2 « CJUR7TER o ik St pjx.ro cy Apply UerUMr e. •d. read, and recorded corpotiog, •Hvotor. AMpIo porldog. Opo yoor^ Send .M)r today for the ’em, private entrmn BulUM. UjlIb St . I Satear me boL Bpcctftcatiore and pconoeAl w '69 Spring A Sum- COOKWARE 6pty stitinie^ working gen •’emsn forme may te eecured. from two Mootbs ki orfvoocoJf No chli|Mko. no T alavm! "69 Springing A Summe Baeic rA9Hlo>. Sfar a rteel set, 19 p«e<*e. used for tnaMy *4fJ746 iafter 9 the Office of the Buperintcodeal p n-. copy! ^emtseftrsUons few times For. R ^ 44 of Schoote. Park and School poti. KEVIN WISE. M o g ogMrt. 429-7424. Btre«(4 R.-xlivi:!e i [ oio Amvrtoiitf expiSiiiWoh 1 ilif t n ' Boa ad DauftitaP. liuad6nC«.“ noq|)ttaDie, w l e a a inoo& (ielevttian) te ^ for : ' <'.i 4W-4o*4J'.- bi.W< ► .ev *. .--..iv. ’■(m o -’

' ' V n ■\' . ^ MAKCHaai'JfiK teVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., TUISDAY, JULY 15, 1969 PAGE NINETEEN ■ Luna Gouig Slowly, Waterbury Roaring Brook Potential Armstrdng Adopts Plan Both Viets See Flaw New Goal Suggested Discussed hy OHiciatls (Continued (rom Page Thirteen) PAGE EIGHTEEN Several Manchester town of­ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1969 (Conlld'Oed from Page One) water ahed arid axe a tax bur­ site by Nell Armstrong Air For Schools ficials met with about 10 Glas- den on Moncheoter, Weiaa aald. In U.S. Asian Role Field.” Hls parents have moved v M s were readying a new , of the Apollo ______tonbury officials early last Graydon Lockwood, Moncheo- (Continued from Page One) Houses For Sale 72 Wanted— Real Estate 77 W A’TERB U RT, Conn. (A P )— night on the dam of the Roor- into a new house and the city Out of Town more aophlsUcated miaelon tor ^ ter's superintendent of the The local iMboal board, threat- Brook Reservoir In Glai- While Mrs. ’Tri Blnh told news­ MANCHESTER—4-4, two fam­ For Scrie 75 BUTER8 waiting for you to P e o p le in Mielr moon series as the ^**“ *‘* Sovlet-Amertcan water reportment, said the 18- renamed the street "N ell Arm- Public Records ily. Best of condition. Fire­ call. Paul J. Correnti Real r « a v « i y Of m^'^: Inch wooden pipe leading from atrong Drive." men tluit attacks on South V ici­ CLASSIFIED VERNON Estate, 648-5868. Call now! felt thfa was Ukeiy to coma aft- ^ oome, wHhln (U.S. Department of JuaUee U i,, , the dam along Hebron Ave. and Armstrong has Invited CrMes n g will be heightened to force Worrantee Deeds place In each apartment, YOUR SEARCH IS OVER Manchester Rd. to the Line St. and others from Wapak to view President Nixon Into calling (or Harry Sault and Rose V. stoves and refrigerator. R e­ ALL CASH for your property Centrally air conditioned Co­ equipment will be water treatment plant has 212 the July 16 launch. jj g ® Dauplalse to Frederic F. and cent Mdrlng and plumbing. within 24 hours. Avoid red tape. wlthdrawal--and adding lonial, 3 ,large bedrooms, T he N ew s PorOi today that Lun« left-o^TtSTe'^l^sTTunTr ^ the moon and lunar tow, »«>-vcr. Glastonbury cuawnterscustomers uea tied on "W e’ve been fortunate to live Constance M. Pappaceno oit ADVERTISING Call early. Mid 20’s. Woiver- Instant service. Hayes Agency, that the attacks might go on muhl-baths, family room, ^ ^ y that uma 16 might ^ -tahUahed, and tatermt- t<» «• M«lch.-ter hto. refuaed m thi. particular page of hlMo- Newington, property off Spruce ton Agency, 649-2813. 646-0181. 56th Birthday Quips in September. along Hebron Ave. in Giaaton- for 20 years If the,=,U.S. takes CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS garage.' Yoimg neighbor­ Jodreii Ranir t- . 1^ _ oot^raUon wUl become to accept any more because of ry ," he wrote hla former teoch- St., with a right of way to Spruce WASHINGTON (AP) — House ___ A number of black leodera In •’'“ Y were for sale. Glastonbury that long to withdraw. Gen. MANCHESTER —Three fam­ hood. ' convenient location, s e l l i n g Your Home, Buying o essential, "h e said. "Otheriae a the water steitages In ree^ * t. "and I’ve been uniquely St., conveyance tax of $19.75. 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Republican Leader Gerald R. to traxdc the Apollo 11 fUgl* due verv" **** Immediately opposed became alarmed that Wheeler left today for South ily In central location with ex­ loaded with extras. Must be a Home For prompt efficient dry years, 'nie lost water llmi- tucky to be able to participate Harold E. and M ary B. Bon­ cellent Income. On a treed lot. sacrificed due to relocation. Ford of Michigan, celebrated to land the first man on th! ISi. scJlS^lcIjIy”md‘ l^litg totkm called In Manchester '•P Intimately in man's explora- Vietnam on a tour tiimed at service , R.B. Associate Brok­ Monday idghtL to' sell its several thousand ham to Paul J. and Ann K. COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. For further information call You must see! $32,500. Call his 56th birthday Monday amid poUtlcaUy/' waa last tall, Libekwood said, tkai of hla suiroundinga.” fostering U. S. wKhdrawal. ers, 649-9925. It is to be discuBsed at a acres of wooded land there, Correnti, property at 85 Amott the Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, 649-5306. some good-natured quips from ’nds means HoSring Brook Armstrong Uvea with hls (am- The Pentagon disclosed 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBUOATION conference in WaaMngton PVi- Glastonbury has water needs Rd., conveyance tax of $34.75. 646-4200. colleagues. ooiinot be counted too much a^'two-atory home sur- Wheeler’s departure about three SELLING YOUR HOUSE? day between achotri and justice future growth in L A M Developera to L A M Deadline for Saturday and Monday la 4:30 p.m.' Friday Democratic Leader Carl Al­ by Glastonbury until Ranches- Tounded by t r m in El Logo, a hours after he took off from MANCHESTER — Price reduc­ B (Sl W I guarantee in writing a $300 deportment offlclala the Hebron Ave.-Monchester Homes, Lot. No. 63 In Redsrood bert of Oklahoma, wished him Israel Must Maintain terie water ahed needsIs ^ m mef “ **tl community near the Mnn- nearby Andrews Air Force BARROWS and W ALLACE Co. minimum newspaper advertis­ Farms subdlvtalon, conveyance YOUR COOPERATION WDJ. ed. Eight-room Colonial. E x­ "many more years as our dis­ The pton has two norU In In other ways or m tll UMLnew Spacecraft. Center that la Base, Md., with a small party. cellent area. Needs work but Manchester Parkade ing program on all 90-day ex­ tax of $6.60. BE APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 tinguished minority leader.” ^ Negro children dam la built, Weiss aald. many of the aetronauls. ’This la- Wheeler’s first trip to clusives. Borders, Defense H ead Says In the drat through third grades The towns’ leaders met In L A M Homes to Daniel J. price warrants It. Low, low ncheater 649-5306 Rep. John B. Anderson of Illi­ WefaB suggested some lan4y **** wife have tw*o sons, Vietnam since March and twenties. H.M. Frechette, Daily coverage In more than would be bused out of their dto- small groups all over the dam and Josephine Ann lezzt of nois, who heads the House R e­ below the present dam could be ^Ti®- m>d Mark, 6. comes a few weeks before Ih-cs- Continued From Preceding Page Realtors, 647-0993. T O L I^ N D — 3-bedroom cream one newspaper. tricU to more th ii 16 predom- a t first. ’Then they gathered in East Hartford, Lot. No. 63 In publican Conference, replied: "I the center. leased or sold to Glastonbury AVhen Armstrong steps on the Ident Nixon is due to make a •pufffRanch, assumable 5% per soys Israel must hold on t o ^ won “ tended over war- inantly adilte schools -pubMc, Redwood Farms, conveyance PLUS have other and higher hopes for for use as a recreation ateo. mobit. it’ll be the culmination of h«tw decision on pulling out JUST LISTED —5-room Ranch, cept VA itiortgage, $128 pay- Once a week your house is pic­ Robert B. Weiss, Manchester tax of $90.00. Houses For Sale 72 Houses .For Sale 72 Golan Heights of Syria, the Jor ^ j , parochdai and out-of-town, Re cautioned against allowing * 26-yearold personal dream, more American troops, follow­ three bedrooms, with eat - in mertt, bullt-ins, garage, treed ture advertised In Its own him than that.” town manager, began by say­ dan River’s west b^l^the Gaza Isra«U^^*J ^'jrelopmei^ m In the second part, ssyerol any contamination of the resec- completion of a great ing the withdrawal of the first JUST USTED — Three-bed­ MANCHESTER — One owner kitchen, carpeted bath, de­ lot, young, quiet neighborhood. 4x5" ad. r-----— ...J in n - nunor__ ing the dam was a temporary Strip o f Egypt and hundred more Negro chUdren voir due to the mild treatment n»«onal gpal. the peak towoid Increment of 25,(K)0 now under- Cape. Six full rooms Including tached 2-car garage, full-base­ Yours tor only $23,500. Colll- Lifetime Contract two Arab guerrillas would go room Ranch with fireplace, EVERY WEEK UNTIL given Its water before it reach- which AmeHca started climbing way Salta T o Tape Yarns cathedral ceiling, two-car ga­ three bedrooms, formal din­ ment, 100 X 200’ private lot. Wagner Realty, 875-3396, 648- LAS VEGAS (AP)—Singer today driklre^'o^'^pi^^Ci mllU In the early 1920s SOLD es Manchester. more than 10 y e a n ago. The Wheeler Journey, de- BERKELEY. CoUf. — His­ rage. Situated on a wooded ing room, spacious kitchen. Owner anxious. $21,900. Wol­ 9088. Tony Bennet, 43, has signed a . porary atructurea built by the "M aybe we could work some­ What does a 4uy do when he’a scribed by the Pentagon ns an torians at the University o f two-acre lot. Large sundeck off Owner transferred. $23,500. verton Agency, Realtors, 649- LINSAY REALTY lifetime Las Vegas contract, be­ COVENTRY — Attractive 2- an as aaying, “Israel sees the lee. thing out,” Weiss sold. reached the ambhion of hla life Inspection trip, coincides with a Uallfornla, Berkeley, will inter- Wolverton Agency, Realtors, 2813. 649-9158 lieved to be a first In the enter­ Cheneys, It was buUt weU.” the kitchen. $23,900. Phllbrlck bedroom Ranch, ameelte Attending the meeting were at age—w- 98?— • ■, continuing lull ,11 In the1110 jifuuiiuground view retired tug, launch, barge 649-2813. tainment field here, with Cae­ guerrillBS fired light Then Wetaa detailed some of Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. RANCH -^26’ living room with drive, garage, sun room, lake WANTED TO buy from owner. gram, which places Head Start Manchester’ Asked recently If he hoped to fighting and new pressure from and other coastal seaman sars Palace. **Tms at cloM range near El Manchester directors: Mayor fireplace, formal dining room, privUeges, $18,600. 742-7869. Five or Six room Rancn home again fly in apace afteT Apollo critics of U.S. war policy for a H E N R Y ST. — Kitchen, dining The hotel said the contract, Ho;n"m;'o; the Ta^uT^v^ Us progi2^ Nathan AgostlneUl, David Ode- part of an oral maritime Mstory built-lns In kitchen, four bed­ In Manchester. William Ru- wiitor ( I n ^ l i ) domination, and but caused no casuoltiea, the . . It, Nell Armstrong replied with change In U.S. battlefield tac- room, living room on first with an undisclosed price, com­ gard, Anthony Pietrontonlo, series. The transcripts win do­ WOODHILL HEIGHTS rooms, two full baths. Immed­ BOLTON — 5%-room Ranch biiiow. Real Elstate br >ker, 843 freedom of passage from Elath spokesman aald He — the no. -nedal ened fire on' jortilma^TorcM threatens Aw^haCrbeerTtakeiT ^ “thi^ Glastonbury was represented he taught hU gramtoon the-art. lender with 494.6 mliUon. ing. A veritable show place. Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. opening of the first satellite cation, top quality and unique attached garage. Coll Doris $25,500. Meyer Agency Realtor, Ju^e. northern Jordan Valley, open marketand offered to by Don'Peach, its town manag­ Bel Air Estate, Vincent A. Houses For Sale 72 Out of Town ground station in the Middle floor plan makes this an out­ Smith, Jarvis Realty Co., 643-0609. Istate of Edith H. Smith, Ute portedly oiqxMed the phrase dlghUy 'wmunding’ 'two c l v i U ^ tegrated quickly. Glastonbury. They have little er, several coimcllmen, and Bogglnd, Realtor, 643-9332. of Manchester, in said Dtstrlct de­ East. standing offering. Hayes Agen­ Realtors, MLS, 643-1121. MOVE RIGHT IN, assumable For Sola 75 ceased. I ^ u ^ tor secure and agreed In Um Qals viUage. No troop school saiperlntendent, value to the Roaring Brook several officials. HEBRON —Glastonbury line, ’The station is located at Ras bordera,” urging the word tosses were reported. school board chairman, another cy 646-0131, evenings Mr. Han­ MOVING TO Florida —Im­ 5% per cent, 6 rooms with The administratrix, having ex­ 4-bedroom Cape, wooded acre hibited her administration account Abu Jarjur, near Bahrain’s cap­ dler, 640-7618. maculate 3-bedrooni Cape Cod garage, near Waddell School "opreed” be left out. The spdeesman said the Jor- ■chod board member and one BASir HARTFORD lot, alumlmun siding, built , -111.1 fe m e to thla Court (or ital and is linked to the Intelsat house, large patio, enclosed €ind Parkade. Braithwaite allowance, it 1s Dayan reportedly prc^xieed in- danlana returned the fire, and the city’s legal officers are JUST LISTED. — Truly Im­ 1962, fireplace. Immaculate, O R DERED: ’That the 4th day of 2 satellite 22,300 miles above the terweavlng the economy of oc- the cladi continued for 96 min- imheduled to attend the meeting Bolton breezeway, large lot, shed , and . Agency, 649-4593. maculate 5-room Cape, full TODAY & TOMORROW NEW LISTING $23,500. Meyer Agency Realtor, August, 1969. at ten o’clock fore­ Indian Ocean. cupied territories with Israel’s utes. garage'. Close to churches, noon at the Probate Office In the In Washington Friday. dormer, front-to-back living M ANCHESTER — New 7-room 643-0609. Municipal Building In said Man­ Horace Green, head of Wa- Drive down Bush Hill Rd. school, shopping center. 145 Six-room Cape, full shed chester, be and the same Is assign­ room, 114 baths, enclosed Raised Ranch. Three or tour Malta Vacation Ends terbury's chapter of CORE, Alternative Plans Proposed anti see those bctiutiful big Vernon St. Call owner, 649- dormer, vestibule, two BOLTON — Seven room Ranch ed for a hearing on the allowance porch, oversized garage, deep of said administration account with called the plan "unacceptable,” lots Clifford Sheer Is build­ .3376. bedrooms, cathedral ceiling hathis, two fireplaces, large offering three bedrooms, fir,*! LONDON (AP) — Sporting lot. Immediate occupancy. Low said estate, ascertainment of heirs because it did not ensure com­ ing homes upon, then for de- living room wll^j^mge brick enclosed porch - breezeway, floor family room or fourth and order of distribution, and this sun tans. Prince Charles and For Center School Renewal aO’s Wolverton Agency, Real­ Court dlrecU that notice of the Business Mirror plete integration. taibi coll MANCHESTER — Two-family, fireplace, tor ig room, rcc r-oom, combinations, ga­ Princess Anne returned to Lon­ tors, 649-2818. bedroom, two full baths, fire­ tune and place assigned for said By JOHN CUNNIFF At a meeting of the Board of minimal office ctisn(ges to move excellent location In good con­ large fi kitchen, rage,. carport. Large treed don Monday night from a ufacturers. In England, for ex­ James Noonan, a white mem­ place, garage. On wooded 1*4 hearing be given to all persons EkhKation last night, architect the superintendent’s office to RAY HOLCOMBE dition. $28,509. Phllbrlck Agen­ two full ro-car garage, lot. Priced at $26,900. known to be Interested therein to week’s vacation In Malta. On A P Business Anslyat ample, 80 per cent o f the vehl- ber o i the group that hod B E A U TIF U L Spilt Level, as­ acre lot. Only $26,900. Phll­ appear and bo heard thereon by Robert Llenhard of M alm feldt the Center Schoot. Realtor cy, Realtors,; 646-4200. basement' huge stone flre- the eve of his departure from launched the original complaint sumable mortgage 5% per 644-1285 brlck Agency, Resdtors, 646- publishing a copy of thla order In Y O B K ,AP> Associates suggested two alteis School Board Offloera place ide^ for finished rec CHARLES LESPERANCE some newspaper having a circula­ the island, the prince suffered to the Justice Department, Fed­ cent, 8 nice bedrooms, ga­ -FOUR bedrooms, older 7-room 4200. native plans to Mandatory Al­ In a special meeting tost room. Good location. 340,600. tion In said District, at least seven minor rope bums when he lost most Americans will be en- The obstacles ore real, howev- eration for our Rights (FOR), rage, large comer lot. Full home with lots of Improve­ days before the day of sold hear- called the plan "tokenism” , and ternate 1 in the Center School week, the Board of Education M ANCHESTER —Large Split. U & R Realty Co., Inc., 643- 649-7620 649-6108 SOU’TH Windsor — Immediate mif, eiKl bv mailing o or betore his balance water skiing and tranoed tomorrow as the astro- er. How do you pack enough price $23,500. Call on this one. ments too many to mention, likened it to “ the plans school renovotten. The PubUc Building elected officers. William Orun- Two baths, fireplace, garage. 2662 R. D. Murdock, Realtor, occupancy, 5%-room Ranch In July 15, 1969, by certified maU, a caught both wrists In the tow nauts rocket thro««h space, •»*t«rte8 Into the car without Mitten Realty, Realtors, 643- large lot, dead end street, own­ cupy ot uus order to Lorraine E. boards In the South have been Conunlsslon was also present ske was named chairman, An­ Excellent location. Wall to 643-6472 excellent condition, large lot, PeterniM, 40 Jordt St., Manches­ rope. scores o f scientists will be work^ eUmnatlng th6 (M veris space . „ C980. er anxious, $21,000. Wolverton FLORIDA properties. High to hear the recommendations. drew Manegglo, vice chair­ wall (xirpetlng. Cleon home. attached garage, close to ter, Conn., and return make to iiRT quietly on the less glamor- " r ‘"creasing the weight to the Agency Realtors, 649-2818. value, low prices, easy terms. thla Court. man, and Mrs. EUaabeth Alton, JUST LISTED — Gracious 4- H.M. Frechette, Realtors, 647- MANCHE3HTER ^— Executive schools. Low 20’s. .Call the M it­ JOHN J. W A L L E ’TT. Judge, Humphreys in Moscow ous Job of moving earthlings at P®*"* diminishing return? The actual cost of Mandatory Homesites with orange trees, secretary. bedroom Colonial In preferred 9993. 8-4 bedroom Colonial in fine ten Realtors, 643-6930. co: Leon Podrove, Atty. MOSCOW (AP) — Former 46 m iles an hour. YwauunrgunfRecharging *•is “■a promemproUem aiso.also rwi a • -gj-* . Alterhate *,1, whichwiuui uiuiuunIncludes mwv-mov- M ANCHESTER — An excelle-'t waterfronts, commercial, acre­ William Houle was reappoint­ location with assumable mort­ residential area. $29,500. Call ORDER OF NOTICE U.S. Vice President Hubert H. These are the men who are There are physical llmiU to the 1 O d a V 111 t llS t O r V l"g the superintendent’s office location Is just one of the many age. F o r free literature phone COVENTRY —Near Lake — ed as representative, to the Oon- gage. Call for dotallH. Phll­ M ANCHESTER Custom built J.D. Real Estate Associates, AT A COURT OP PROBATE, Humphrey and his wife flew to trying to perfect an electric au- batteries can be _____ ' *' to the Center School, would be fine features of this spacious collect Mr. Snyder, 1-203-327- Five-room house with attach­ held at Manchester, within and for necUcut Asoociatlon of Boards brlck Agency, Realtors, 648- 6-room Raised Ranch. Stove, 648-5129. Moscow today from the Black tomobUe, the dwedopment of chaiged. An experimental vehi- ®Y ™ E ASSOCIATED PRESS $21,148. ThU U much higher 11-room Colonial that offers 5678 .pr write Sunland Realty ed garage. Artesian well, all the district of Manchester, on the of Education, and R igby Gra­ 4200. disposal, dishwasher, two-flre- 9th d ay of July. A.D. 1969. Sea resort of Sochi for an eight- (lye-bedrooms all on the second MANCHES’TER — Just listed, Corp., 322 Main St., Stamford, new septic system, two fire­ Present, Hon. John J. Wallett. which seems to be stalled for b^ng used Iqf General Elec- Today U Tue«lay. July 18. the $7,000 to ham was appointed the rep­ places, 1<4 baths, double ga­ floor and still a walk-up attic. Judge. day stay. the moment but which could re- requires eight CAPE — Modem kitchen, liv­ 6-room Oape. Four bedrooms, Conn., 06601. places, large lot. Call 742-6042, 198fii day o f 1969. There are 169 resentative to the Capitol Re­ rage. Hutchlps Agency, Real­ ’The first floor has .a large Estate of Clifford M. Jones, late ’The Humphreys, on a private suit in a startling breakthrough, hours to rediaige. The two new alternatives ore ing room with raised hearth hurry! Only $19,900. H. M. If no answer 742-7388. of ..I .ncheater in aald district, de­ days left in the year. gion Educational Council. tors, 649-6324. ceased. visit to Russia, went sightseeing Is the electric car for real? there is another otwtocle lesser in aoope than Alternate fireplace, formal dining room, front-to-back living room, a Frechette, Realtor.s, 647-9993. Today’s Highlight In History Herbert Terry was named paiieled sunporch, a formal HEBRON — Just reduced, as­ Uron application of Esther J. in the resort city Monday, but Ask the researdiers (or file big ‘® habit. Although elec- 1, but aooompllah basically the three bedrooms, walk-out base­ M ANCHESTER — South End. Hollister,^^''*****S''S S SASASSSUAXail administratrix, CbLI IA| VrciyUl|$ praying On thU date in 1918, during liaison member to the Public dining room and a roomy kitch­ MANCHESTER — Henry St. BOLTON CENTER sumable mortgage, 6H - room rain prevented them from going electric product manufacturers utilities are in the door-to- some tiring. ment, breezeway, attached ga­ immaculate like new Califor­ for authority to sell certain real World War I, Americans at­ Building Oommlsoion. en that leads to a spacious pan­ older 8-room Colonial. Needs Ranch, 1V4 acres, trees, brook, estate parlcularly described In said swimming. and you realize it is su rp risli^y business as much as the -.^..,,0* rage. Beautifully treed acre nia styled Ranch home on the application on file. It Is tacked German poaiUona at In "Scheme A,” the present In other buslnesa last night, decorating, but location well country living, 5 miles from lot. $24,900. Phllbrlck Agency, most attractive acre plus ' lot eled fam ily room. ’The base­ Larg;e custom bulU Ranch ORDERED: ’That the forezolng real. And you get the same an- mailman, few Chateau-Thlerry In France entrance hall Is mode into a the board ratified the encum­ ment has a finished rec room. worth It. IjOfW 20’s. H. M. Manchester. Ehirle Everett application be heard and determin­ Horace Heidts Divorce swer from the B ig Three tuao- **«* anything but gaso- Also, the second Battle o f the Realtors, 646-4200. we’ve evbr seen. Priced In the with extensive view. Four ed at the Probate office In Man­ small wotting room, and only brances and transfers for the Real Estate, 643-7019. makers too. line-driven vehicles. Marne begah. .hlgh‘ 20’s. Hayes Agency, 648- There are 214 baths, three Frechette, Realtors, 647-9993. bedrooms 1V4 baths, ten chester In said District, on the LOS ANGELES (AP) — ”He minor changes ore mode to the 1966-1969 fiscal year, and ap- SEVEN-ROOM Colonial, 2% til­ fireplaces, bullt-ins, two-car roon'is In all. Also two-car 81st day of July, 'A.D. 1969, at two said he did not love me and did The Mate of the art is really ------On This Dote superintendent’s and school de­ 0131. TWO-famlly, 8-5. New roof, alu­ TOLLAND ■— Immaculate 6V4 o clock In the afternoon, and that proi’ed an adjusted budget of ed baths, large fam ily room, 2 attached garage, large weH gars ge and separate tool room Ranch, built-ins, 3 large notice be given to all persons In­ not wish to married to .me— more advanced than most partment’s offices. Uenhord m - $901,782 (or the 1969-70 year. minum storms and screens, terested In said estate of the pen- fireplaces, plastered walls, MANCHESTER — FOUR-bed- landscaped yard convenient to shed and play area. Well bedrooms, large kitchen, acre and this made me sick a good Americans seem to realize. And Bats with Rabies Rembrandt was bom In Leiden, tlmated the cost of this alter­ New Teachers Hired largo lot, center of town. $23,- full Insulation, porch, city utll- room brick Split Level. Dou­ everything. Priced In the upper .over an acre of grass. lot, utility shed, assumable deal of the time,” said Horace the implications, too, are great­ •gp J * o France’s King Louis native as $8,600 over the base The board approved the hir­ 900. Gerard Agency, Realtors, Itiee, bullt-lns, extra large 2- ble garage, three baths, fire- 40’a. U A R RoaWv Co., Inc., Sensibly priced Ih the low mortgage wtth $132 payment. •V, A'uvisosstAg^ n wOp> u( uiis uraer Heldt's fourth wife in winning a er. Keported in otate W " awakened at a o-m. Md. ing of five new teachers (or 643-0365, 649-0638. In some newspaper navlng a circula> car garage, near school, treed placed living room. Spacious 64.3-2692. R. D, Murdock Real­ forties. T. J. Crockett, Real­ Only $22,500. Colli - Wagner tlon in said district, at least five default divorce from the 69- A succeeaful electric vehicle ® and told hls authority had ool- "Scheme B ” Includes cloittng next y ea r.__^ lot. excellent location. Charles landscaped lot. $38,600. Gall tor, 643-6472. tor, 643-1577. days—w — before v««v the day v»gof ocuusaid iieai^hear- year-old bandleader. rtiltable for volume sates would HARTFORD, Conn. (A P ) — lapsed wtth the (oil of the Bos- the front entrance, raising the MANCHES’TER —Centrally lo­ Realty. 876-3396, 643-9088. Miss Madeline C. Bradford of . . .a closeup of a crater on the moon’s Sea o( Lcsperance, 646-7620, 646-6108. Warren E. Howland, Realtor, tag, to appear if they see cause at be os revolutionary a technolog­ tUle in the French revolution. Btalra, and creating an office In cated 5-unit Income property. said time and place and be heard The couple married In 1963 Tn'o bats infected with ratalee Stratford will teach business 643-1108. MANCHESTER — ’Two-story C O VEN TR Y — $1,900 down. relative thereto, and by mailing and separated last Oct. 18. They ical development as anything In 1912, the United States won this haU. Most of the cost tn Tranquility where Apollo 11 astronauts will make historic Vacaincles never a problem. reported In Obnqectlcut echjcatlon and math at the high THIRTY DAY occupancy — home, two baths, 4-6 bedrooms, Price reduced. Nine-room on or before July 16, 1969, by have no children. seen before in America, Olympic Games in Stockholm. this plan would be (or the heat­ Excellent investment. Mid 40’s. certified moll, a copy of this order school. Mias Bradford Is a 1968 New 7-room Raised Ranch, 2>4 MANCHESTER Redwood central location. Newer fur­ V E liN O N Spilt. Fireplace, fam ily room, lost week, the state hea'th 00m- Sweden’s Kh^'-: Gustav de­ Realtors, to Esther J. Hollister, 117 High A property agreement made majtched only by such products ing and ventilation changes. graduate of Central Connect­ baths, 2 fireplaces, laundry Furmis area,, one-yeiu' old 6- nace. Lot of house (or $20,500. Wolverton Agency, IVIOVE R IG H T IN two-oar garage. Exterior needs Street, Rockville, Conn., and return Monday in Superior Court jlro- as airplanes, telephcnes and .mUsdoner said today. scribed Jim Thorpa lof the Llenhard eatlmoted the cost of icut St4te College, with______a BS In room, bullt-ins, plastered room Riu>c'h,i,3 bedrooms, car­ Hayes Agency, 646-0131. 849-2813. Ami enjoy the benefit of some work. Only $18,900. H.M. make to thla Court. JOHN J. W ALLETT, Judge, vldes Dorothy Heidt, 46, with computers. Dr. Franklin M. Fbote sold American team as the moot "Scheme B” as $3,600 less than Buslne*. Education and has had walls, 2-car garage, city utili­ peted largo 21x12 living room .swimming at home, for our Frechette, Realtors, 647-9993. oc; Atty. John J. O’Connor $14,900 —• Attractive 5-room SIX ROOM Colonial, 114 baths, $10,000 in cash, $1,034.91 month­ At the present time most of the two raMd bats were found hi wonderful athlete In the world. the total btd. one year’s experience at Plaln- ties, near school, 30-dsy occii- wltli firuplace luvd formal din­ aseumable 614 per cent; mort­ 4-bedroom Ranch offers a In 1948, a Democratic Nation­ home 2 bedrooms, dining BOL’TON — Vacant Split-Level. LIMITATION Or d e r ly alimony tor two years, then the large electric equipment Wertport and Mancheetefr. He Lienhord explained that if the viUe High School, pnamy. Built by Annaldl. ing room, 1V4 baths, garage, 25 (ns, well landscaped, llvlrvg room with fireplace, rage, 1*4 acre lot. Price only the District of Manchester on the 11th day of July, 1969. at least six small companies May. Truman as the party’s preoldSn- cedure would be to award the 7 and 9. Farr Is a 1969 graduate ins Agency, Realtors, 649-5324. rec loom and carport makes $21,900. H.M. Frechette, Real­ Wearer of the Pants half acre lot. $31,600. Call own­ * .vaciu', Hun. jOfUi J. Wallett, 'TOKYO (AP) — Actress Mau­ tial candidate. MANCHES’TER — Walk to $24,000 a sensible price. 849- tors, 647-9993. Judge. now are selling vehicles that The bat in Westport bfi a Tn IS M » imo IT D « wWcheveT project It ^ of CCSC with a BS In Etagllsh er, 649-2160. M ANCHESTER — Ni-w 7-rooni Lo^ For Solo 73 reen O’Hara, 49, has portrayed In 1968, 8,600 U.S. Marines wanted, and then negotiate with *'■- • • ~ schools and shopping from this 5360 Estate of Henry J. Lafko. late can travel 100 miles at 40 to 50 young man, Foote said. He said Miss Jania Flury of Wllllman- Raised Ranch, all city utilities. ’TOLLAND — NEW and lovely of Manchester In said District, de­ 7-room Cape'With attached ga­ •h i g h l a n d Park Area — Large a stubborn • Irish housewife in miles an hour. the youth was being vaccinated O’® Wdiler to make the changes tic will be a new fourth grade NEW US’HNO \—Three family Cull owner, 623-3086. ceased. a M$ddle Ekurt crisis. rage. Formal dining room, 6-room Ranch on large level On motion of Margaret V. 'Lafko, numerous movies, but says she' In fact, the major manufac- for protection against oosslfate for "Scheme A” or ”B”. teacher. Miss Flury graduated near center. GViierous sized lot, could be divided Iruto two In 1968, the . United States, B &L W lot Formal dtnliig, oven and 165 Lydall St., Manchester, Conn., lets her husband wear the pants turers of Internal combustion rabies kifeclfon. although the The low bidder for tic boae from Eastern Oonnectlcul Stats flreplaced living room. Excel­ rooms, modenkzed build­ FOUR-ROOM Ranch. Floor to building lota. City utilities. $10.- administratrix. Britain and the Soviet Union lent condition. $22,900. Wol­ BARROW S and W ALLACE Co. "rSige7"^replace, garage, walk­ ORDE R E D : That three months In their house. engines also have been working likelihood of humans . ontract- worl- was A. F. Peaslee, Inc. College In 1969 with a BS In ing. Tree shaihtd private celling stone f 1 r e p 1 n c e. 000. Ask for Mr. \Phtlbrlck, opened talks In Moscow on ban- Manchester Parkade out basement. Only $25,900. C. from the 11th day of July. 1969. Miss O’Hara and her husband at $68,752, and the low bid (or ElemenUry Edurstion verton Agency, Realtors, 649- grounds. Phllbrick\ Agency, Beamed celling, paneled walla, Philbrlck Agency, Realtors. be and the same are limited and ‘"C rabies from the bite of an ning nuclear tests, 2818. Manchester 649-5306 B. Govang. Associates, 643-9674, Charles F. Blair, flew Into Tok­ the base work plus Mandatory Mias Elsa GusUfson of Mon- Realtors, 646-4200. attached oversized garage, 046-4200. \ allowed fof the creditors within a little more quietly. Infected bat Is considered small Tea Y e a n Ago 872-4166. which to bring In their claims yo Monday on a sentimental Scores of battery-powered in Manchester a pet cht was Atternote 1 came from the Ro- Chester will teach Mtxind trade porch. $15,900. Hayes Agency, VERNON —Lovely three-bed­ against said -estate, and said ad­ A strike shut off at least 85 MANCHES’TER — Cholc^^ke- Journey before he retires as a transportation devices already seen playing with a dead bat, joe Construction Oo. at $69,9(X). Mias Gustafson Is a 1969 grodu- 048-0131. room Ranch. Llvlhg room with SOU’TH WINDSOR —Delightful ministratrix Is directed to give pub- per cent of the United States’ wood Circle, half aore,.trd(Bd Ilcc notice to the creditors to bring senior pilot with Pan American exist: buses, industrial trucks, and the cot’s owner turned the If the board wanted "Scheme ate of Southern Connertlcut flrephice,* fam ily kitchen, large 6>/i;-room Split Level! ’IMree In their claims within said time al­ steel produotioa. MANCHESTER — 514 per cent lot, overlooks Globe Hollow World Airways. On his final delivery vans, noiseless ^ dairy bat In for examination, A ” , tt would be cheaper to State College urilh a BS In ear- recreation room, attached ga­ bedrooms, 114 baths, carpet­ lowed by publishing a copy of this Five Yean Ago assumable mortgage. Seven Reservoir, all utilities. Call order In some newspai>er having a flight, Blair, 59. is .piloting a trucks, golf carts, automatic ______negotiate with Peaslee; but ly childhood edilucatlun. ., ■ rage. Troed and landscaped ing, drapes, oven range, ga- A Republican National Con­ generous sized rooms, private owner, 647-1615. L* dlatricl regular commAvlal flight trains. if the Board wanted "Scheme Richard - NIetupkl o f Bristol lot. Slept. 1st, occupancy. 644 rr«ge, patio, walk-out base­ within ten dava from the date of vention In San Francisco nom­ well cared (or lawn. Walk to thla ordor and return make to thU around the world. A Southern California manu­ B” , which Includes al.-nost all will be a physical education E U J N G ’TON — High on a hill, per cent assumable. Asking ment, $25,600. C. .B Govang inated Sen. Barry M. Goldwater bus and shopping. $24,900. court of .the notice fivem ’The titian-halred actress mar­ facturer lias been making a ' Stock Market was decided that this would be teacher In thr grade ochoiil. i ’ ' view, 2 lots, $4,500. each. Ketth $25,400. Principles only. 875- Aesoctaltes, 643-9674, 872-4166. JOHN“ " J. W aL l ETT. Jud^e. o f Arizona for the preatdency. Don’t miss this one. Keith ried BlSir in March 1968. And lightweight, two-passenger elec­ NEW YORK (AP) — The cheaper to negotiate with Ro- Nletupakl graduated from 8C8C Agency. 646-4126, 649-1922. 5884. One Year A ^ \gpncy. 646-4126. 649-1922. SOUTH COVENTRY — Dell|lit- LIMITATION ORDER she said she promised then to tric car for six years. He sells stock market retreated over a Ja^ In 1969 with a UA In phyoltal AT A COURT OF PROBATE, The first direct airline serv limit herself to one movie a about 150 a year; mostly to eld- In fairly active trad- ice“ be^JI^n” o i7 ‘ u ^ ^ * ' ^ t i PBC member Harold Pdreh- educatksi. NEW LISTING 5>i, room HEBRON -3-bedroom Ranch fu| 4-ro6m Ranch, living room, held at Manchester, within snd..-for the District of Manchester on the year provided her husband erty and handicapped people. ‘"E '“ '‘Y afternoon, with eron questioned which scheme! There are still two leaching. ’W Raiich with three bedrooms. Resort Proporty with 2 full bathe, first floor ’ 2' twin size bedrooms, eat-ln and the Soviet Union was open­ 8th day of July, 1969. raised no objections. who drive them about city brokers reporting “ rome poten- would give the mast net usable poeltlOns open. Sun^ kitchen with dining area fam ily room, or 4th bedrxwm, kitchen, oU heat, enclosed Present, Hon. John J. WaUeU ed. For Sait 74 Judge. streets. “ a! buyers very timid and stay- s$x:ce to the Board of Educe- - Milk, Fuel llida and bullt-ins, living room has walk*c>ut basement with .poroh, recently decor, itcd in­ " I let- him wear the pants In Never Jgiin will there be 4 Estate of Leah Abraham aka Leah The U.S. Post Office recently ‘‘‘e action.” fieri. Lelnhard replied that Other Items not on the agenda (IreplaW and wall to wall car­ W A’TERFRO NT lot Bolton partially finished rec room. side and out. Lovely double lot R. Abraham, late of Manchester opr private life,” she told an In­ terviewer. awarded a contract tor four Thr fall 'ia a conUnjaUon of "Scheme B” would, but not by .were the awardtng of Mde tor ' (irsf IjfwJing on the moon pet, wi^k-out basement, 150x Lake. Thla lot Is dry and well Large well landscaped lot. $24,- with trees, amesite drive. In said Dlstiicl, deceased. Bank* To Merge Ot:t. 1 On moUon of Claudia Abraham electric mall trucks capable of downtrend,” an ona- much. \ milk and fuel oil tor the 1989- 200' treed lot. $23,500. Wolver- cleared In good acceptable 900. Phllbrlck. Agency, Real­ Keith Real Estate, t>49-1922, g>hen and H. Hirech Ctohen. And never again will there be NEW HAVEN. Conn. (A P ) — Education boord^' . member school year. Knudsen Broe lon A g e n ^ , Realtors, 649-2813. area, C.J. Morriion Realtor, tors, 646-4200. 646^4126. Meadowood Road. Stum. Cbnnecl- reachlng a top speed of 46 miles ‘Y®^ “*^th some of the sell- such a volume at this - 643-1015. IcuL executors. Marine Weather an hour and which can make fM log coming In jiist because the The Fairfield County Trust. Co. WUI|am Houle suggested Uwt Dairy of Hartford was the only C O V E N T R Y —EbcquUltely re­ OORD---k——DCRED:------Thet wasswxi three SSSUMUU monthi bidder (or suppl)rtof milk to all Written by Johri Barbour arf JUST LISTEU 5-5 two family Farms For Sal* 76 from the 8th day of July. 1969 starts and stops without re­ market Is going down.” merger with the Union and New the offices be reflnJohsd to duplex, ceramic baths, large stored! eight-room Colonial. be and the same are limited wid WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. charging. The Dow Jones Industrial av- Haven Trust Oo. will take place meke them rgpre attractive. It schools. They bid seven cents outstanding lournalist who hit Out of Town Five fireplaces, (our bed­ sboeed for the creditors within (AP) --ndes will be high along crape, which loet a total of 93^87 ottfcikls of the two bonks we. decldd that Oris could be for the grade srhool. and eight living rooms, two-car attached MANSFIELD — Investment which Jo brtaz ta their claims TTie utilities, whose sales been helping tover the thrust garage, full basement with For Solo 75 rooms. seven acres. Bel Air wise; 23 acre (arm. Five-room against aald estate, and said ex- the Connecticut shore today could be greatly increased be­ polnU loat week and 9.11 more decided Monday. . done In later negotloUona with cenU tor the hl$di Bch<«l, which Real Estate, Vincent Bogglnl, I^ to rs are directed to five pub­ from 11 a.m. to i 2:4 5p.m. The bank, with 44 oRIc m , will the contractor, Includes a one cent handling into space Irom the start. lU, laimdry hook-UM. Beautiful house, oU heat, -drilled well, lic notice to the creditors to bring cause o f great amounts of pow­ Monday, at noon was off 5.50 at grounds. Mid 20’V Wolverton SOliTH Windsor Eight-room Realtor, 643-9332. garage, barn, and out-build- In« their^ wewaewclaims wlthfaiweuaasi meeSM said time(UIIC ai'al Low tide at Old Saybrook is er needed to recharge vehicles, 837.64. be called Union Trust Co., and The Board o f Education voted chargs tor ths vending ma­ lO.OOOword le il im 'jdei mo"- Agency. Realtors, \849-2813. Qilontal, (our bedrooms, panel­ lowed by ------publishing a copy of this at 5:45 p.m. Declining issues led advances Its headquarters wlU be in New 'to support the ociatg of $110,000 chine. VERNON — PRICE reduced. Ings. SSimtage on two roads. order m some newspaper harlnx « have their sights set on the huge new material and comple ed fam ily room, formal dining The water temperature at by nearly 700. H*ven. for renorationi, to include The fuel od contract was 0>vner leaving, must sell. Open and wooded lots. Stone circulation In said probate district Post Office fleet of 56.000 city Bowers School EARN E X TR A Inco'nie with room, living nxim and country within ten days from the date of Bridgeport is 69 degrees. mented bjr more Iha.”- a hur-dred awarded to the tow bidder. Ten- Young four-bedroom Raised Walls. Asking $29,900. Ferrig- carriers, all gasoline driven. TTk Aoaoclated Prera 60-stock ORDER YOUR BOOK NOW this 3-(amlly homo InNVernon, style kitchen, 244 bat*w, two- thla order and return make to this Sunset U at 8:23 and sunrise neco, Ine. of the rwst dramal'' of p Ranch, 2-car garage, fireplace, no Agency. 423-1886 or 228- court of the n o U ^ gleen. The spark behind develop­ averege at noon was off 2.1 at fully occupied and a good car garage. Choose your own JOHN J. Wa LLlETT.i Judge Wednesday will be at 5:32. 1,466 square feet plus 676 3506 anytime. ment of the electric car comes 297.4, with tnduatrials off 8.*. Dirksen: Five bids for tosUllafion of lures ever taler AT THE SPECIAL PRICE OF $5 equltv builder. Only $25,900, decor $40,000. U * R Realtv Long Island Sound weather: square feet rec room. $27,900. as m udi from the negative fac­ rails off 1.4, and ufiUfiee off .8. drainage Ilia at Um high school Wolverton Agency. Realtors, Oo.. Inc.. 643-2692. R. D, Mur­ Variable winds at 10 knots or to make sure tf it /r, , Rhy H. Holcombe, Realtors, tors o f noise and air pollution "The concena inMblUng bssefaoil field were received, '/I I fir'.i •■•!■" Area! 649-2813, dock, Realtor, 643-6472. WonfMi—R«oi Estafa 77 less this morning becoming ranging from n.TOO to $9600 from gasoline driven vehicles, some Investon are boaicaHy the 644-1285. NOTICE He^sSorry To Have Said doubtless s ir become a coiiecto's ifi-m /•,. s.’ - .*d r I f‘. ■ south to southeast at 10 to 15 as It does front the greaft poten­ •ome ones that have been Since only $1900 was encumber­ NEW LISTING Bigelow St. COLUMBIA Attractive 8*e SELLING YOUR HOME? For reservation now PUBLIC HEARING knots In the afternoon. Variable tial market. ed from last year's budget to area, Rixmiy 5-rooin ^|Oai>c^v.ll, vt^ioni Ranch. IJvlng room with BOL’TON — 844 room RAnch prompt courteous service that wtiglring on the market for ‘ > .'"aifl; Seeing is believing! This is why we wiintevl to sltow BOARD OF DIRECTORS winds at 10 knots or less to­ do the srork the board voted .You and your children acl /' j< rii'jre s o’' A. bodriHiins, garage, Wroijt and with (Irenlace. three bed­ gets results. Call Louis Dimock W.J. Clapp of the Edison oQsrr tim e,” an analyst aald. Agnew Household In hied ritlsed hearth fireplace, bullt- T O W N OF night. Southerly winds Wednes­ to ask the Board of Ftoance to • .4 P3|i-^ 9 L ,' I 12‘-2' .back porches, excellent vcondl- ins. drilled well, walk-out base­ rooms. one acre ; lot, garage, Realty. 649-9628. Electric In ^ u te . an organiza­ •T.ght money; the poaM bllit^ WASHINGTON (AP» a volume to treasure you a picture of this immacu^ite 6-i-o^in Ca|>o vyith day at 10 to 15 knoU. president, that Agnew is "hurl “ Ppeopriate the amount nlbces; Uon Near everything. $2i,900. m ent, Large lot. Immediate $?2.5bo. Phllbrlck A r''» h c y. \ MANCHESTER tion o f electric uUliUes, com ­ that icorporote profHs will - be hjfrfboond’^’dition with dust , Fair weather through Wedneis- Everect M Dlrkaen tho4«ht he tog npaaetally .” oary to comptete thr Job.y FOOTPRINTS ON THE MOON Kyn Oatrtnaky. Realtor, 643- occupancy. Price $23,500. CaU Re'altora, 646-4200. \ CONNECTICUT mented recently that one auto­ lower later Uris year; the in­ 8 or 4 , bedrooms, living room, with comerMirick day, visihUtty five miles or made a goo^ point tn advocating As an example, he aoid Mrs B o U ^ /I - r:iP;: •: efforts in 1960s through bus line. The price is only $22,900 wh^li/means/ tem. Double lot”. Ide«U sum­ 1 and 2-bedroom deluxe's ot July. 19M. mall Is full of lettrrs from emm- four to eight will take $>laI*e were employed. Workers Dtikaeo had sold, tn advocat- "Judy has sort of tlnriltd_shf FLEXIBLE RANCH HOUSE RoymoMi F. and 'v sdittMkstrBtor. the eCfeotive promotion o f goao- were Uoported from Europe (fteufYt vouf Cr»pt « ifgani/ation, The Associated • > U A K R E A L T Y CO.. INC. Thursday of each month from tng a .aolary inerraac from pays $900 for a dress." be sold ihmti BcTtMs A0L u y n m , mmi OBDKRXD; That three moeths Uns driven cars by the big man- and Chins punt Ltf t>p ritalatoww a a m of Uu* \i ■ \y yy Moachester. ^ II nartoa a J :/

. ^ "N •A PAGE TWENTY ■ •A ^ , TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1069 State Labor Board Drafts Bloodmobile Visits St. Bridget School Hall Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6:30 p.m. Current MEG Certification Papers AvwHte Daily Net Press Run >Vir Hie Week IM M The Weather The‘hA latestlafACi^ obstacle has been jmt ______• Quotes 'The MEG repre^nts saHrled I fan e 28, IMB removed to certUtcatlon of the clerical workers, most of them By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FLOOR COYERINC OUTLET Fair, warm and humid to­ Manchester- Municipal Group In the Municipal Building of­ 3 night. Low about 70. Tomorrow fices. "Men are' going into an area sunny, hot, humid with higha In (MEG), for coUeotlve bargain­ KELLY RD. 15,459 The latest denial is on the the 90s. Shower probahUIty sesr ing purpose, and certlcatlon where no man has ever been be­ ° VERNON CIRCLE basis of consistency with the VERNON fore. There are unavoidable Uanchester— A City of Vitlofe Chatm zero through Thuradny. ^ ^ previous mrniom 647-1427 and will be Issued shortly, John risks which we have taken ev­ n . . 8W-4636 VOL. L xxxyra, n o . 243 y (THIRI^-TWO PAGES—t w o SECTION^TABLOID) MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1969 (ClBMtfled Advertiatng on Page tS) T '^Wch Local 991 ery possible step to minimize. _|«ction»^_R^84. b rt to fai» 95. Proew) .round cirel« to Soodyear Bldg. Neri fo Farm Shop PRICE TEN CENTS But you cannot entirely elimi­ * V,. K„ „ Superior Court Is similar to one nate them. Many hazards are ^ ^ 1987 by the Town of still there."—Dr;' Thomas O. ARMSTRONG n, H '^ ‘" ‘^*>1'. -n>e court erased the Payne, chief of the National SOLID HERCULON J Windsor appeal from its docket, Aeronautics and Space Adminis­ RuUer Bock tration. LINOLEUM Pede Jlon T s^''c^fy ^d ‘“o^tal’ Labo CoMRierciil Carpet H«>a‘'o"8^rd“" J ‘tedA ^[ VINYL "I believe wiretapping is im­ • KITCHENS ie ^ Windsor Police Department perative In the W€ir against or­ CLO SE OUT Employes' Association was an Building hearing room, ordered appropriate groub for collective ganized crim e." — Sen. John • REC. ROOMS McClellan, D-Ark., in a speech bargaining purposes, and it or- TILE • AN Y ROOM boord ^ d won by the MEG. dered an election by Its mem- before Midwest la w enforce­ Local 991 still has a petition hers ^ ment officials. JUST 4 ROLLS LEFT p ^ ^ g Harttord County The Town of Windsor filed its iEIG€ TEXTURED Superior Court, requesting that objection, n ie denial oy the "If you have a dead heart and Riig. $9.95 the court v a c^ a May decision court was based on the tiiura a live body and a live central MO^x by the state board, when It de- interpretation of the state's Mu nervous system, I can see no­ •Q. yd. sq. yd. moral objection to utilizing the ; g - ' ‘ “ - l l artificial, heart" — Dr. Denton Now $1 Box A. Cooley, who hes performed m o r to the state board's May ac^d^U Trl^t^l^ldlrtorAn^^p 20 heart transplants. CARPET ‘ P®*"' '^ 1 " 8 J^srUflcation order Save flO.OO Per Carton 100 ROLLS IN 5.95 ^ 991 tad been denied a motion and that It only provides for an ■«. yd. '"Hie black Is here. With a 45 8Q. FBByr PER BOX STOCK '^PPeh^ In the instance of a nro competent education he can blllty hearing (held in January) hlbltive labor practice ^ contribute to the economic life be reopened by the board. ______1 of the community, state and The board had declared that RUSSIANS BUV BOWS nation."—U.8. District Judge the MEG is a true labor or- NOTTINGHAM, England — FOR FREE HOME ESnMATES / Robert Hemphill, in ordering OPEN DAILY ^|IMe 6D0R6OM ganlzatlon, as defined by state: Russia has purchased {2,400 the complete integration of TBHT Btatutee; and th^ it is an ap- worth of bows and arrows from schools In Dorchester County, 9 AM . fe 9 P.M. W W W o propriate group for collective <“1 archery works in the area of 8,C., by the start of the 1970-1971 CAii: 647-1427 - 872-4036 bargaining purposes. Robin Hood's woods. school year. SAT. tm 6

Waving Apollo astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, Kennedy for the launch pad and an historic flight Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. leave the tothemoon. ( AP Photofax.) , Manned Spacecraft Operations Building at Cape ■4- \ Voyage of the Ages Apollo 4 V« its rockfit MiKinM brrathinfi firr, ipiiiig momeBtiun as tl Ufla By-HOWARD BENEDICT The spacecraft tad reached "It certainly looks like you're very little conversation from the poimn y AP Aerospace Writer 193 miles In altitude at the end blazed twice In the last seven o ff its pad at Cap« K I this niurninK on a mission that will put the on your way," mission control orbiting craft. months, by the pioneeni of Apol­ CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. of the five-minute. 47-second replied. The Cape Kennedy launch first humans on the nMion. (AP Photofax). bum. lo 8 end 10. (AP) — Reaching for a "W c have no complaints was right on schedule. The power to boost them out­ Sunday sAsrnoon, Armetroog dream, America’s Apollo abotA any of the three stages on “ Houston, be advlod the vis­ and "Buss" Aldrin are to detach ward came from the third stage 11 astronauts hurtled that ride," Armstrong reported. ual Is go today," one of the as­ a lunar module and fly It down of the Saturn 5 rocket which had across the vastness of The Apollo-11 crew planned to tronauts said shortly after the -to a landing at the Ses o< Tran­ lifted them with a roar heard coast tor three days, firing spacecraft left the ground. space today on a voyage round the world. quility. Early the next day they themselves Into orbit 69 miles "They finnily gave me a win­ are to fulKull a oenturtes-old of the ages, an attempt to For two and one-half hours, above the moon early Saturday dow to look out." dream by walking on and ex­ iBnd .two men on the moon. the astronauts had orbited the Salvador Demands aftgrnoon to set the stage for Armstrbng's first words on ploring the lunar landscape. globe checking the spaceship's Civilian commander Neil the landing attempt. achieving orbit were very busi- CiwII defense offlcials estimat­ millions of parts before commit­ A. Armstrong, 38, Air nesellke. ed more than a million persons, ting themselves to the quarter, During their first hours In Force Col. Edwin E. Aldrin space, the astronauts were very "The booster has been con­ the largest crowd ever to wU- Jr. and Air Force Lt. Col, million mUe journey to the firmed for orbital flight. Both moon. businesslike as they checked Michael Collins broke away spacecraft are looking good," (He« Page Eight) Honduras spaceship .systems. There was They reported Apollo 11 was he sold. He referred to the still from the embrace of perfect and the mission control Ry AMY MOIJEON Homturon tnrrltory." Tlwrs earth’s gravity at 12:16 attached third stage of the Sa­ said bsttlss war* ragaM center in Houston flashed the turn 5 which was to Ignite later Aeeeclated Press Wrileir ware reports that th* army hod. Ground both toarM. p.m. EDT as a jarring go-ahead to take the critical Moon Bugs BAN BALVAIxm, El Salvador {Mmetrated 20 miles Into wutt*^ Humphrey Says to boost Apollo ll t/jward the A Honduran oommisdqu* aald rocket blast shot them out step that started them toward moon. (AP) - Ignoring-a call from th* west Honduras, and that a Sec­ two Boivadoraan tanks had been of orbit and sent them the moon, the alluring first goal Russians Pleased ABOARD UBS HORNETT (AP) Organisation of American ond column to the norjti was oeplursd and turned sgalaal ttm / winging toward the moon of man's, baldest step into space. The astronai^ were to circle — 'The risk of the ApoUo 11 as­ States (or a caoss-flre, El Salva­ nearly 10 mllas Uwlde, Out bor- Salvadorean fcsrts s. the globe for 2«i hours to moke tronauts rsturning to earth with The ‘"firing of the third stage MOSCOW (AP) _ Hubert H. dor pressed Its Invsston of Hon- dcT The rspttsis of bath noUHfrtes two and a half hours after certain the spaceship's thou­ "moon bugs” U negligible, sey Increased their speed from Humphrey said today the hun­ durss'today and dsmsndsd that Solvodotwan govemmant were under curfsw and blsebowl fir launch from Cape Ken­ sands of systems were function­ the two men who will bo quar­ sUWut 17,4(X) to 24,200 miles per dreds of Russians he has talked the Honduran army "surrenor sournoa soOd ^ army was driv­ Tuesday rSghl, but rata ap­ n e y . ing. Then, at 12:16 p.m. (EDT). S.B. 'bour, enough to break the antined with (tiem fbr throe before being defaatsd on the peared to have temporarily to in the past week s)iow no ing toevoril the Hnndunui capllsi they were to restart the stlh-at- weeks. of earth's gravity. sense of having lost a moon bsttlegrcMind." of Togu^golpa in two nohimiui hsKed sir attacks by lbs WorM tached third stage of the Saturn ‘nie quaiwntine Is to make Dtpiomstlc sources In Son Sal­ It sent them on the lunar trail race to the Americans. —one mods up at tanks, orttl- War n vtatoge pisiiaa sC Ow two 5 to start toward their target, sure the aatronsuto did not pick vador Bold^ Salvadorean forces Central American rspuMlax Bird Watchers blazed twice by man In the last lery and matorlsed vahlctas "In fact," Humphrey said the 2S0.801 miles away. up nrwon osguiiems that i could oppesred to have peneUmtsd oa Threlve planas, «5ghl of them seven months—by the Apollo 8 Apollo moon mission "m ay moving along th* South High­ 11 Barring problems, these three throsten earth'e Inliahitants. much as 20 ml las tneSda Hondu­ Honduran, reportedly bsmi bsen Flock to Cape and 10 astronauts who came oontribute to the understanding way, port of the Pan American pays Columbuses of the space age '"nM risk of bringing ’ismie- ras. The Honduran govemihent Highway, and. the other on ln- ehot dmrrk 'tantallzingly' close as they orbit: of the need tor international are to sail outwiud arrnss a thinf beck Is vsry email," sold ciatn»ed that Ms troops "ore Hondurmn msdiea CAPE KENT^EDY, Fla. (AP) ed earth's only natural satel.Ilte. fsntry fon ^ marching (hroitgli cooperation In speme." quarter-mllllon-mlle ocean of Dr. WUliom Corpentisr, n , at fighting voUanHy . . , pushing — On a muggy July night. Cape "That Saturn gave us a mag­ th* mountakna The former vice president is ■pace for three days and fire Lake Oowichan. B.C., the physl.- beck the enemy attack." (SsB .Fags •) Kennedy w ie hoet to Us biggest nificent ride," said Armst: Tegucigalpa Is about mUwi touring the Soviet Union in a themselves into orbit juat W ctoii will conduct teeu on A seven-nation peace com­ 40 crowd In history with an electric from Oie llondurms-EI Salvador private capacity but haa met mHes above the moon on Satur­ the satronsute. - - mittee dispatched by the OAS feeling that somethlng'^.lmpor- frantier, but nooriy 75 miles by day. "If I calculated K a jufflclent- arrived In Sen SslvBtWm Tues­ tan* was going to happen this (Seo Page Eight) | highway 4rr»m El AmollUo, Critics Up Front ■Diey are to follow the troll ly high risk I wouldn’t be here." t o m orning-like a trip to the day night seek a cease-fire where the armored ooluinn re­ eaitl John Hlneegld, 2i. of Vidor, in the twoday-old war, but moon. CAPE KENNEDY, Jla. (AP) portedly orcssed the border SEAM Boss Tex., pitrjeot er«lneer Who (here was rio Immediate Indica­ There were arguments over —Leaders of the Poor People's El Salvador claimed It* torres wheflier a million tourists were helped design the quarantine fa­ tion of success hod captured the towns of Nsc- Campaign; here to ' demonstrate cility and wia operate Its ipw- ISot BosSj here or on the way, as the against poverty, had front The Sohradoresn army sold oome and Nueva Ocotspeque In OhBJnber of Oommerc pre- people Pertapis the most we utilize to some extent the un­ to the on* on the right Astro­ (he female. The vice president, one of the mayew's press secretary, they Kod litsig been Uvtng tor CAPE KENNEDY. Fla. ,(AP) important ii^le U ti^ tt« es- manned port of the program to naut* Ilk* to eighiaa* too. Samra admits to tbs athfttem Paid MONTHLY some 500 spiectal guests st the' ■Sid, "The Star Spangled Ban-, Jan Armstrong was at Cape — Ac America prepares to land explore our own geography and J<-^ Aldrin, down the block, of a humorous approach bi tabll'hment of the goal ^ a Aitollo li launching, admlned i^ v w e a written when (he fkeg K s i ^ y to tee off The two astronauts oritlie moon, aft- \our own > biology oml o(ir own g'A up> Si to fril/|^ijte> to 7 end •(wsadtiw (he wofd M the manned lunar landing resJly did he wks m the minority of a was'being Oown^ist night ■ flris worri she g ^ from her bus- e^ a decade o f's p a c e flight, for the nation was to" give it a weather." rather {hon 'venture turned ■>n\lhe lelevUion set The ing of s e a m , but be cdAs: *eo lent as 15 rcoMins In accooit four-msn presidentla] commit­ to the planets. Agnew sold. bond came precisely on ached-' many persons aak^ V\7nt Is the kens? of pride .arid sense of ac­ block box- «/»er which ertvee "I ihthk. at tbs basts of nogl tee now devlstnc A m erica’s' fu­ _^"We re. all odvtier* to the ule at T pliip-is seconds 646^170 W •adoroMBtii value of the spata program? complishment kt a lime w*-* hear irtieslijn coniro) l^lilng Ur humaf there's a good dasl .of ture space plana The commit­ HoW has this nation benefitted? Prertdent." he sold "He will Htmorary Bus Drivers "We've grt m roll program.'' thetr husbonda was not erorfctng sertuusness. •Jiere. were not man>- things tee is to report to President NU- Where la it leading? make the ultimate decision.’' Armstrong said. It was another A space agency technician (Ued "What we're hsslcslly ttytag wh ch prov ded that tense df on this falL LOS ANGELES (AP) — Not- way of ,a»)dng fine of th* moot Theoe and other questjons are Former President Lyndon B. It to do is stimulate some dtseus. ichieveTnent. Olher members of the eom- tnq that Southern ColUomU bus asked in the following Interview Johnson was among other spe­ frightening and. dangerous' The kids were sllll 'asleep, so Sion and to get paopU le tbish I think the next gener?{'orr,not mtttee are Dr., *niomaa O. drivers accumulate mileage ptiaaes of this mltalon went off srlth- Dr. George E Mueller, cial guests ot the launch. "It's she baked a cOffec.coke T im n about thki (hmg In tsnac of tbs only la going to accept but ex­ Paine, administrator of the Na­ equivalent to a round-trip to- the fin* who for atx years has been the ktod of like standing around (he ira* cuirfpony Th* wtl* of m iro- family pert tta continuation of 'space tional Aeronautics and Space moon every three days, the Nothing ever prepared a wife S a v in g s B a n k # o f M a n c h e s t e r NatloosJ Aeronautics and Space hospital room before ytoir baby naut ilUl Pogue, who hasn't W* (eel tlM family la woetb exploration os .port of thU tm- AdmtnljAratian' Air Force Sec­ Savthrrn CollforrMa Rapid (or a time euch'oa this A(kniB4a(nUlan*s asoociote ad- ts born." Johnson raid before flown yet. and the widow of aa- prcsenrtng and U the famhitata tion and port of the world 1 ron retary Robert .Seamans and the TnsnsM Mabtct" dosignAied Aa- At Nojeau Hay. Pat CotlLne Memu«» r 0 I C mtidsepotor tor msnswd pace the tin-off "You must be, pre- trvnaiA Chartea Baseell. who have gtne tooTUr than posstbly tittnk of no better srsy of drain- Prtadent'S tclsncc adviser. Dr, tronauts Edwin E Aldrin Jr., and the "kids were In front of the jtartd to accept the wosst, but d:*d In a pUn* crash, were' this ts one of Um ressnwe. why ' fltfh*. !ng off the creal ve merges of Lee DuBridge Naf] A Armstrong and Michael TV Sri ■ J-. ■ . . , Convenient Offlew Seninc ^ you hope tar tta b«sA." there to lend support Th* chil­ (he ( o m ^ Is being tani apoit.” Q. ^Ibst: k> feneral, do you the exirld I would much rather The Tice president first men­ CoUtns Tuesday as "bonoraiy Agnew and Johnson orrlrcd In "Houston, be advised the vis­ dren got up at t a m and Uauucally, Samra ,asya bs bs- think a successful moon landing tioned putttiig men on Mors th RTD pBota " MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SOUTH WINDSOR • BOLTON NOTCH have rpoce expiorauon ^-rve - the jam-packed Cape Kennedy ual ts go today." her husband streaked lor the TV lievaii that It thsro wsro saon will do tor the United States? a challenge and os a competl- this century In an eorilcr tele­ And It emt them bus driver Mein Office, Perkede end Bolton Notch Open Set. 9 A.M. to Noon >h. area on (he eve of (he fl^jdit to aald three minutes and 20 sec- As the orange (bun* belebed filths botWM ttMf# A. The . moon landing will be vised interview. caps, Inacribed with thstr oiada aiter Uftoff erben the oa- the result of focusing the' ener- (See Page Nbw) . ' "I think, we diouldn't be too (See Page Elghtees) nstnes. cape tower flew olf - another to- (Sss Fags Elgbt) (i Psgs TbinjMlus}