Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra, Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, Pp
READING THE WORDS OF THE BUDDHA ~ THE PROFOUND AND VAST MAHAYANA SUTRAS ~ SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS SOURCEBOOK For internal use only Exclusively for the use of the Rime Shedra NYC Core Texts Program A program of Shambhala Meditation Center of New York First Edition Reading the Words of the Buddha The Profundity and Vastness of the Mahayana Sutras Ten Tuesdays, 7‐9:15 pm, September 25th to December 11th SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS SOURCEBOOK I. Introduction to the Profound and Vast Teachings of the Buddha A. The Wheels of The Dharma, from The Treasury of Knowledge 2, 3, 4 Buddhism's Journey to Tibet, Jamgon Kongtrul, Translated by Ngawang Zangpo, pp. 150‐156 B. Major Scriptures, excerpt from Mahayana Buddhism, by Hajime Nakamura, in Buddhism and Asian History, pp. 222‐229 C. The Contents of Early Mahayana Scriptures, from A History of Indian Buddhism, by Hirakawa Akira, pp. 275‐295 II. The Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra – The Perfection of Diamond Is No Perfection A. The Perfection of Wisdom in the Vajracchedika‐sutra, from HBP, David Kalupahana, pp. 153‐159 B. The Story of Ever Weeping, in On Indian Mahayana Buddhism, by D. T. Suzuki, pp. 101‐ 108 C. The Prajnaparamita Literature, Lewis Lancaster, from BMP, pp. 69‐71 D. Astasahasrika Sutra, Karl Potter, from EIP, pp. 79‐86 E. Introduction, The Large Sutra On Perfect Wisdom with the Divisions of the Abhisamayālañkāra, Translated by Edward Conze, pp. 37‐44 III. Kashyapa Parivarta Sutra – The Interrogation by the Bodhisattva Kashyapa A. The Middle Path According to the Kasyapaparivarta‐sutra, Leslie Kawamura, from Wisdom, Compassion and the Search for Understanding, Ed.
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