Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology Volume 29(3) Fall / automne, 2003 Constructivism, Education, Science, and Technology Moses A. Boudourides Author Moses A. Boudourides is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics of the University of Patras, Greece. His research interests include mathematical sociology, Internet research and Science & Technology Studies (STS). Communication regarding this article should be addressed to Dr. Moses A. Boudourides. Address: Mathematics Department, University of Patras, 265 00 Rio Patras, Greece. Phone/Fax: +302610996318. Email:
[email protected] Abstract Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present a brief review of the various streams of constructivism in studies of education, society, science and technology. It is intended to present a number of answers to the question (what really is constructivism?) in the context of various disciplines from the humanities and the sciences (both natural and social). In particular the discussion will focus on four varieties of constructivism: philosophical, cybernetic, educational, and sociological constructivism. Résumé: Cet article a pour objectif de passer brièvement en revue les différents courants de constructivisme dans les études sur l'éducation, la société, la science et la technologie. Il a également pour intention d'offrir un certain nombre de réponses à la question « Qu'estce réellement que le constructivisme ? » dans le contexte de diverses disciplines appartenant aux lettres et sciences humaines, ainsi qu'aux sciences (naturelles et sociales). La discussion se centrera tout particulièrement sur quatre variantes du constructivisme: philosophique, cybernétique, éducatif et sociologique. Introduction It is generally acknowledged that constructivism constitutes a very important, although often contested, practical and theoretical perspective in current education research.1 A first `mild' (or ` .