LITERATURE, 1880-1945 by DA Vm Horrocks, Lecturer in German in the University Ofkeele
German Studies LITERATURE, 1880-1945 By DA vm HoRROCKS, Lecturer in German in the University ofKeele I 0 GENERAL LITERARY HISTORIES AND SURVEYS. Bottcher, Lexikon, has fairly use ful articles on Morgenstern, and on most of the writers associated with Naturalism, but nothing on Hauptmann or the main figures of the }ahrhundertwende. German Fiction Writers I9I4-1945, ed. James Hardin (Dictionary of Literary Biography, s6), Detroit, Gate Research Co., xiii + 382 pp., illus., is the first of four projected volumes covering the 20th c. Splendidly produced and illustrated, the collection is eccentrically chosen and uneven in quality. The 33 contributions range from Brecht- a good long piece by Siegfried Mews - to relative unknowns like Martin Kessel. There are essays on the Swiss authors Friedrich Glauser and Ludwig Hohl (both by H. M. Waidson) and on others primarily known as dramatists (von Unruh; Zuckmayer), whereas major prose fiction writers like the Mann brothers and the Austrian novelists of the period are excluded. Most contributions, like the four on women writers (Marieluise Fleisser, Agnes Miegel, Ina Seidel and Hermynia zur Muhlen), contain basic information useful even to specialists, but only a few, e.g. those on Remarque and Ernst Junger, are as valuable from a critical point of view. Weber, Handbuch, as well as several pieces on individual writers listed below, contains two excellent survey chap ters on Bavarian writing during our period: the editor's own 'Litera tur von der Prinzregentenzeit his in die erste Republik (I 885-I923)', pp. 3 I s-33; and w. Fruhwald's 'Literatur von der Zeit der ersten his in die Zeit der zweiten Republik' (I g2o--56), pp.
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