QT4TT dial u L131 GI SAMAGRA SHIKSHA OFFICE OF THE U.E.E. MISSION (A Society Under Education Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi) Lucknow Road, Delhi - 110054 Ph.23810361, 23810647, Tele Fax:-011 23811442 Email:
[email protected] No: - UEEM/Twinning of Schools/Admn./2019/S+.1-4-811•4.—liate:- 1D 2 CIRCULAR SUB:- Twinning of Schools Samagra Shiksha, an Integrated Scheme for School Education-Framework for Implementation, MHRD, Department of School Education and Literacy, in Chapter 5- Quality Interventions, lists Twinning of schools as one of the Quality Interventions, that can help in transforming the school ecosystem through sharing of resources and best practices. Rationale for Twinning Programme 2. The rationale behind this innovative programme is that it offers a powerful alternative to four walled classroom chalk and talk method. It aims to explore new dimensions of learning which will provide and enable the students to understand and respect cultural differences and help in creating committed, disciplined and productive individuals. Objectives of twinning programme: 3. The major objectives of the programme are: a. To bring all students on one common platform; b. Enable both the partner schools to adopt best practices from each other; c. Share experiences and learn jointly d. Develop the spirit of Comradeship e. Get an exposure to the strength and weakness of self and others; f. Provide opportunities to the teaching fraternity to adopt better and more effective practices; g. Develop a sense of interdependence and understanding towards each other; h. Recognize the gaps and make efforts to bridge them; i. Instil a spirit of sharing, caring and togetherness, etc.