Boréal | Montréal

2020 Rights List Fiction and Narrative Highlights

Sébastien Lefebvre [email protected] Pascal Assathiany [email protected]

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Petites cendres ou la capture 2

Les Crépuscules de la Yellowstone 3

La Fille de la famille 4

Viral 5

Fais de beaux rêves 6

Souvenir de night 7

L’Œil de Jupiter 8

Pour qui je me prends 9

Un espace entre les mains 10

Nature writing series 11

Soifs 12

Marie-Claire Blais backlist 13-14

Fiction and narrative backlist 15-16

PETITES CENDRES OU LA CAPTURE Marie-Claire Blais Novel | 9782764626160 | 216 pages Rights sold: Seuil (France)

Marie-Claire Blais is the internationally revered author of more than thirty books, many of which have been published around the world. In addition to the Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction, which she has won four times, Blais has been awarded the Médicis Prize, Prince-Pierre-de-Monaco Prize, the Molson Prize, and Guggenheim Fellowships. She divides her time between and Florida. Her chef-d’oeuvre Soifs just came out in German (Suhrkamp) and will be translated in Italian and Spanish in 2021. “One of the most distinctive and original living writers of fiction.” (The New Yorker, 2019)

THE BOOK A small town in the American South, just before the first light of dawn. A policeman on horseback approaches a homeless black man who’s sleeping in the street. The old man is beaten down by misery and drugs. He berates the cop furiously, rattling off a litany of injustices his ancestors suffered at the hands of white people. The policeman only wants one thing: to arrest the man and put him in jail for the rest of the night. What right does this old man have to harangue him? After all, doesn’t a police officer represent the order to which all citizens are subject? Then a transvestite happens by, on the way home from a bar. He tries to reason with the policeman. When he sees the cop reach for his holstered gun, he shields the homeless man with his body. He tells himself the cop would never dare shoot a poor, defenceless man. But is he really sure? This is an America scarred by social inequality, racial injustice and war wounds. Marie-Claire Blais’ powerful, inimitable style shines brightly in this ode to cultural and sexual difference. As always, she is perfectly in tune with her time.

RECEPTION “A poetic and mastered universe which belongs totally, entirely to Marie-Claire Blais. I read it like you read poetry, like slam. There is rhythm. Marie-Claire Blais is our Patti Smith.” Radio-Canada

“She bears a beautiful testimony to trans prostitutes, to the black community and to marginalized people in general since always. It is a fight for dignity. The feather becomes a sword. She writes as if sometimes blood flows.” La Métropole

“In this sinister portrait of an America adrift, frozen in intolerance, Marie-Claire Blais manages to make horror and hope coexist, recalling that love and solidarity will always be sovereign in the face of mistrust and ignorance.”

“Through the vigorous exchanges between a black itinerant worn out by misery and drugs, a white policeman and a transvestite, she displays all the racism and social inequalities that darken the world.” Le Journal de Montréal

“In the eternal movement of the waves, there is like a promise, at least, a desire for renewal. Marie- Claire Blais remains this unique novelist, this benevolent mother who, after all her stories and like Petites Cendres here, does not despair.” La Presse

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 2

LES CRÉPUSCULES DE LA YELLOWSTONE Louis Hamelin Novel | 9782764626191 | 376 pages All rights available Louis Hamelin has written several novels, including La Rage (Governor General's Literary Award) and La Constellation du lynx (Prix des libraires du Québec, Prix des collégiens). He’s also a translator and the editor of a nature writing series at Boréal.

THE BOOK In April 1843, the famous naturalist John James Audubon embarked, from St. Louis, on what would prove to be his final expedition. His ambition was to collect as many specimens as possible to immortalize them in the book he had been writing on the “viviparous quadrupeds” – mammals – of North America. Born Jean-Jacques Audubon in Saint-Domingue (the future Haiti) and raised in France, he felt at home aboard the Omega. French was the main language spoken on the boat, which flew the U.S. flag as it steamed up the Missouri River. His guide was Étienne Provost, a celebrated French-Canadian coureur de bois. This part of the continent – from New Spain to the Great Lakes – was inhabited by Indigenous peoples and trappers. It teemed with astounding amounts of wildlife. The trekkers didn’t hold back as they pillaged the fauna, shooting anything that moved in the name of science, or perhaps simply from the giddiness men feel when holding a gun. Louis Hamelin explores the myths of an entire continent, just as one sails up a river, tacking between shadow and light, between official history and mysterious legend. It is also a journey in Audubon’s footsteps – by car, amidst the herds of SUVs that have replaced the bison on the byways of North Dakota. His odyssey ends with a bender in Livingston, Montana, with a fervent disciple of Jim Harrison. A poignant memorial to all the lives sacrificed and all the dreams buried in the name of highway asphalt.

RECEPTION “Hamelin succeeds in making science a worthy adventure and a great western, with an American background still French.” Le Journal de Montréal

“With the sharpness of a novelist capable of persuade anything to anyone.” Le Devoir

“A fascinating book that tells the story of John James Audubon. There are scenes absolutely delicious in there. Louis Hamelin has the talent to bring scientific reality to life. Outstanding!” Culture club

“A novel full of details, written in a precise and rigorous style, remarkable for its evocative power.” La Tribune

“A captivating journey. It is a real celebration of nature.” Radio-Canada

“Probably one of the Quebec writers who best describes nature. There is something very moving about reading these passages which speak of extinct species.” La Presse

“A new book by Louis Hamelin is always a bookstore event.” Librairie Pantoute

“A lucid look at the human race, its greed, its rage, its obsessions, its follies and its thirst for money. Even Audubon despite his fantastic work had this predatory and pillaging side.” Littérature du Québec

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 3

LA FILLE DE LA FAMILLE Louise Desjardins Novel | 9782764626368 | 200 pages All rights available Louise Desjardins is a novelist and a poet. She won the Grand Prix du Journal de Montréal and the Prix des Arcades de Bologne for her first novel, La Love (1993). La Fille de la famille is her 6th novel and is a critical and public success of the rentrée litteraire 2020.

THE BOOK What is this country, where they squirt Flytox on children before a walk in the woods? Where entire families take valium the night before a wedding? Where only fathers, not mothers, can register a birth with the state? Where a woman needs her husband’s permission to take out a bank loan? Where boys are kings and brothers walk on the other side of the street rather than be seen with their sisters? Where a dispensation from the bishop is required before one can teach Madame Bovary? With irony, power and rhythm, and just the right amount of historical detail, Louise Desjardins tells the story of a fighter.

RECEPTION “A writing performance that is very, very subtle. Louise Desjardins at her best in this book.” Novelist Jocelyne Saucier (Il pleuvait des oiseaux)

“A little literary gem.” Les libraires

“A beautiful portrait of women from the 1960s to 1970s.” Le Téléjournal

“We close the novel half-amused, half-rebellious, but above all filled with great affection for the narrator who managed to free herself along the way. We would like to know the rest of his adventures.” La Presse

“It's quite delicious as a novel. We surrender because it looks like life.” Radio-Canada

“Like so many women who have carried Quebec on their shoulders, the character of the Suffragette will for a long time place the needs of all the others ahead of her own. At the risk of getting lost.” Le Devoir

“It’s really fascinating. It shows us with very effective, very simple writing that things are changing.” Radio-Canada

“A wonderful storyteller who has the art of drawing you into the twists and turns of life, of holding you back by making you follow all the small steps and hesitations of her characters.” Littérature du Québec

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 4

VIRAL Mauricio Segura Novel | 9782764626153 | 304 pages Rights sold: Croatian (Leykam) Born in Temuco, Chile, Mauricio Segura arrived as a child in Canada. His novel Côte-des-Nègres was a great success and is on the program of high schools. He wrote a novel on the famous jazzman Oscar Peterson (Oscar) and is considered an important author of migrant literature in Quebec. Viral is his 5th novel.

THE BOOK One hot September morning, a video starts making the rounds, leaving discord in its wake. A young man wearing a djellaba boards a packed bus and gets into a heated argument with the driver. The scene is captured on cellphones, and shared by a journalist. The video goes viral, accumulating heated arguments and crude insults along the way. Did the man commit an act of violence against women, as Muslim men are so often accused of? Or was it the woman behind the wheel whose harsh attitude showed, once again, that old- stock Quebecers are inherently hostile toward immigrants? In this exploration of several diverging points of view, Mauricio Segura gleefully roasts his contemporaries. Exploding prejudices and conventional wisdom, he draws a captivating portrait of today’s , with all its miseries and hopes.

RECEPTION “It is a portrait of society that Segura makes, without ever falling into moral judgment.” La Presse

“A novel where Montreal, diverse and digital, lives to the fullest.” Radio-Canada International

“It talks about the very complex situation in which our Western societies find themselves in the Trump era and asks the question: do we know how to live with our differences?” Radio VM

“Fascinating!” Radio-Canada

“Very accurate, very sensitive and balanced portraits of teenagers. It's extraordinary!” Plus on est de fous, plus on lit

“This choral novel allows us to intelligently question ourselves on the place reserved for immigrants and their children in Quebec society and also on the famous living together.” Les libraires

“A brilliant novel that opens the eyes of Quebecers.” Critique libre

“Segura's writing animates the portraits of each character; these reveal a part of personal and collective imaginaries, and test social dissonances.” Vues transversales

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 5

FAIS DE BEAUX RÊVES Virginie Chaloux-Gendron Novel | 9782764626382 | 216 pages All rights available Virginie Chaloux-Gendron lives in Quebec. She wrote a collection of poems, Cerises de terre (2019), noticed by the critics. She completed a Master’s degree in Literature with a thesis on Thomas Bernhard. The issues of vulnerability and shame are at the heart of his writing. Fais de beaux rêves is her first novel.

THE BOOK When a child is born, a monstrous, unthinkable idea is born alongside it: the baby could die. The narrator of this novel plays with the taboo, turning it over in her hands to examine every facet, like a talisman that gives its keeper power over death. It is a prism through which she examines every aspect of her life with merciless lucidity: woman, mother, writer, lover, girl. Imagining her child’s demise reaffirms her daily commitment to him, and losing him has become a way to walk, a way of loving him. This is the story of a young woman who struggles relentlessly against the forces of darkness. The violence that inhabits her, the fear of passing on the destructive impulse handed down for generations. Her quest is captured in searing prose that makes us touch and feel the things that we are always trying to hide from ourselves. A remarkably assured first novel. “I will not be what history wants me to be.”

« Je croyais avoir tout prévu. Le lymphome, la mort subite, l’accident de voiture, la chute du quatrième étage, l’étouffement, la noyade, un kidnapping, une maladie orpheline dont tu aurais été la première victime, un cambriolage qui tourne mal, un chien agressif, un cerf-volant coincé dans un fil électrique, un ballon lancé au milieu de la rue. Je nous plongeais sciemment dans des situations impossibles, les guerres que je créais dans ma tête étaient intentionnelles. »

RECEPTION “Balancing between fiction and reality, Virginie Chaloux-Gendron signs a first novel that grabs us from the first pages. The violence of words is matched only by this mother's love for her child.” Le Devoir

“Chaloux-Gendron, who already has a collection of poems to her credit, attracts attention with this first novel. Imagine the end so as not to lose your life.” La Presse

“There is something deeply disturbing, which expresses what is stirred in the shadows, but cannot be said without suffering the stigma. A first novel tackling the theme of motherhood with burning and swirling writing.” La Presse+

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 6

SOUVENIR DE NIGHT Mathieu Rolland Novel | 9782764626481 | 176 pages All rights available Born in 1989, Mathieu Rolland studied translation at Concordia University. There, he obtained a Master's degree in translation studies for his research on Yukio Mishima. Souvenir de Night is his first published novel.

THE BOOK Which city was it? BKK, NRT, HKG, FCO or ICN? Which initials did it have? It was a big city in Asia that she often visited on business trips. She was in one of those hotels that sparked a strange feeling of being grounded despite being nowhere in particular. It’s always the same. She meets a man in a bar. This one’s name is Night. Tall, broad-shouldered, straight-hipped. White skin, chiselled features, clearly quite young. She will get thirsty for him, his body, the muscles rippling under his soft skin, his breath steaming the crook of her shoulder. There will be money. Requested, given, rejected. There will be the emptiness, the pain in the gut and the soul, the forlorn quest for true intimacy. The author’s crisp prose captures every nuance of the first light of dawn, the smell of pavement after rain, the abyss of the night sky.

RECEPTION “At the confluence of the Éditions de Minuit and Mishima, there is this first chilling book by Mathieu Rolland. A powerful novel that recalls the atmospheres of the works of Jean-Philippe Toussaint, with a fascination for cruelty in addition.” Librairie Gallimard (Montréal)

“A suggestive and impressionist writing which skillfully restores raw facts transfigured by a dreamlike blur. A first story with a remarkable atmosphere.” La Presse

“A refined writing that keeps us going.” 24h Montréal

“This first novel imbued with sensuality and fabricated with atmosphere destabilizes as much as it bewitches.” Les libraires

“A story of desire and power.”

“A unique style.” Le Journal de Montréal

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 7

L’ŒIL DE JUPITER Tristan Malavoy Novel | 9782764626177 | 280 pages All rights available Tristan Malavoy is a novelist, a poet, a song writer and an editor. According to Radio-Canada, his first novel, Le Nid de pierres, is one of the "hundred books that best tell about their time". He lives in Montréal.

THE BOOK Simon Venne, 49, resigns from his position as a history professor. There’s just too much pain and guilt in his private life. He decides to leave Montreal for New Orleans, where he meets Ruth, whose French reminds him of the way they talk in Acadie, in Eastern Canada. Their boozy, desire-tinged encounters become a cat-and-mouse game, as each jealously guards their secrets. In parallel, Tristan Malavoy recounts the story of Anne, a young woman who escaped a bloody rebellion in Santo Domingo and wound up in New Orleans in 1792, providing an opening to introduce legendary figures (Marie Laveau, Benjamin Banneker), the sorcery and melting pot of New Orleans, at once French and Spanish, black and white, brutal and surreal, its destiny as meandering as the course of the Mississippi.

RECEPTION “I just had to dive in, that's all. It was easy.” Libriarie Morency

“A tremendous book. This is the whole story of America. We are between two universes. It’s extremely modern, very sensual. Really, I loved it!” Novelist Chrystine Brouillet, Salut Bonjour

“A great surprise! One of the beautiful novels of the rentrée litteraire.” Librairie de Verdun

“It's a cinematographic novel. The descriptions are so eloquent and effective.” Radio-Canada

“A novel worthy of a literary award.” Cochaux Show

“What a great novel! The writing is beautiful.” Par ici l’info

“I didn't want to finish the book. I would have gladly extended this thrilling journey in the Louisiana bayous.” Radio-Canada

“This is a book about redemption, about anger, about unresolved issues. I loved it!” Tout un matin

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 8

POUR QUI JE ME PRENDS Lori Saint-Martin Narrative | 9782764626306 | 192 pages Rights sold: Catalan (LaBreu) Lori Saint-Martin published short stories books and a novel. She is well known in Canada and France as the translator of famous Canadian writers (Adamson, Ondaatje, Richler, Toews). She teaches literature at the University of Quebec in Montréal and conducts research on feminism, among other things.

THE BOOK Who hasn’t daydreamed about starting over with a clean slate, complete with a new identity? For Lori Saint-Martin, the urge to reinvent herself not just a dream, it’s a necessity. She tells a story both radiant and cruel, about how she rejected the environment, culture and language that produced her and became someone else. Her metamorphosis finds its greatest power in a revelation: discovering the French language. From Kitchener to Montreal, with stops in Quebec City, Barcelona and Berlin, Lori Saint-Martin takes us on a tour of the hearths of “her languages” – English, French, Spanish, German – and the faces they evoke.

RECEPTION “This poetic-filled book is a true declaration of love for the French language which has given Lori Saint- Martin to be born again.” Montréal Campus

“A love letter to languages, to their transformative power, revealing those bits of identity that we carry within ourselves.” La Presse

“A story that shakes certainties, opens the mind and questions these desires that are often overwhelmed.” Littérature du Québec

“A remarkable work.” Nuit blanche magazine litteraire

“A very beautiful story, very accurate and at times, moving. A necessary book.” Parking nomade

“A story that touches with its sincerity and the lucid intelligence of a woman who fully assumes who she is.” Montréal Centre-ville

“A moving and very personal book.” Radio-Canada

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 9

UN ESPACE ENTRE LES MAINS Emilie Choquet Narrativel | 9782764626283 | 128 pages All rights available Émilie Choquet was born in 1987. She studied literature before teaching a few years at college. She is now a copywriter and translator. Un espace entre les mains was critically acclaimed.

THE BOOK A brilliant, defiant young woman is about to unlock another life achievement: having a child. But from the moment of birth, nothing goes as planned. Caught in a widening gap between reality and her perception of the world, she slowly loses touch with reason. Hospitalization becomes inevitable. How do you get back on your feet when you’ve been bludgeoned by the separation of body and mind, blindsided by the disconnect between your dream of motherhood and the real thing? Through this novella’s powerful, brutally honest fragments, in which black humour and poignancy rub elbows, Émilie Choquet captures a derailed mind. A critically acclaimed literary debut.

RECEPTION “Not tearful, only very intelligent and totally literary. Here is a first book which brings to light a great writer.” Les libraires

“A writer to follow. A necessary narrative.”

“New voice of rare maturity to watch. Her story explores the flaws in motherhood utopia.” Le Devoir

“Émilie Choquet is highlighting something important.” Radio-Canada

“This fast-paced story, a real page turner, has the quality of clearly showing this brutal gap between the motherhood dreamed of and lived.” La Presse

“Troubling and necessary.” Librairie Vénus

“It's beautiful. It's big. It's true, honest. A story to read, meditate on and share.” Radio-Canada

“We urge you to immerse yourself in this disarming reading!” Librairie Pantoute

“I love her writing. Intelligent and sensitive.” Urbania

“It’s incredibly moving!” TPL Moms

Fiction and Narrative | New Title | 10

L’ŒIL AMÉRICAIN Pierre Morency Narrative | « L’oeil américain » | 9782764626481 | 296 pages Rights sold: English North America (Exile) Born in 1942, Pierre Morency is one of the most important writers of his generation. His work as a poet has been rewarded throughout the Francophonie. Rarely has the encounter between literature and nature been so grandiose in contemporary literature.

THE BOOK Pierre Morency, has turned his eagle eye to nature in this beautiful prose meditation that is at once animistic and practical. This is prose in service of no political position: this is seeing nature — the thing — as it is in itself, and therefore arguing by implication for preservation. This is prose in the great tradition of meditations on nature. A new edition of classic of Quebec and Canadian literature. The exceptional love story between a writer and the nature of his country. A book enriched with illustrations of flora and fauna.

WASWANIPI Jean-Yves Soucy Narrative | « L’oeil américain » | 9782764626276 | 120 pages Rights sold: English World (Baraka Books) Jean-Yves Soucy (1945-2017) was a novelist and an editor. His novel Un dieu chasseur (1976) is a classic of Québec and Canada literature.

THE BOOK 1963: Jean-Yves Soucy is 18. Needing a summer job, he applies for a fire ranger position with Quebec’s forestry ministry. Living alongside the Cree, long treks by canoe and through the forest: he discovers a people and a culture that had, until then, been nothing more to him than tired old clichés. He also comes to see nature, which his companions know better than anyone, with fresh eyes. Waswanipi is a simple and touching work that examines interactions between modern Quebec and the First Nations, at a time when everything seemed new and anything was possible.

Nature writing | New Title | 11

SOIFS Marie-Claire Blais Novel | 9782764625767 | 360 pages Rights sold: English North America (House of Anansi) | France (Seuil) | German (Suhrkamp) | Italy (Safarà) | Lithuania (Tyto Alba) | Romania (Editura Univers) | Spanish World (Literatura Random House)

Marie-Claire Blais is the internationally revered author of more than thirty books, many of which have been published around the world. In addition to the Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction, which she has won four times, Blais has been awarded the Médicis Prize, Prince-Pierre-de-Monaco Prize, the Molson Prize, and Guggenheim Fellowships. She lives in Key West.

THE BOOK Published in 1995 and recently translated in German, critics around the world hailed it as a tour de force, comparing Marie-Claire Blais with such literary greats as Virginia Woolf, Dante, Sophocles, and Shakespeare. A sun-drenched paradise in the Gulf of Mexico surrounded by the glimmering blue sea; Renata is convalescing on this island poised between two worlds: between great wealth and extreme poverty, between the past and an uncertain future, between the beauty of the world and the horrors of history. Over the course of three days and three nights a flock of characters assembles: wealthy, poor, writers, artists facing their own mortality, children immersed in innocent games, young men dying of Aids, refugees, the Ku Klux Klan—an entire spectrum of humanity is depicted in the grip of doubt and suffering. In this swirling, baroque fresco, Marie-Claire Blais captures the essence of our apocalyptic age, rendering it in powerfully evocative prose.

RECEPTION “One of the most distinctive and original living writers of fiction.“ The New Yorker (2019)

“A Coup de foudre. The discovery of the year!” Kulturzeit (2020)

“The novel is visceral; it is felt as well as imagined. Blais’s prose creates a physical stirring, messes with balance, upends, and spreads, circling and expanding, vertiginous and propulsive.” Novelist Lisa Moore

“Rarely has a novel stuck as perfectly to its time as the Soifs offered by Marie-Claire Blais.” Libération

“Broad music and a magnificent breath of an inexhaustible phrase.” Le Point

“It’s a book that we finish reluctantly and with a deep sense of gratitude for the characters who, like the heroes of Sophocles and Shakespeare, are the messengers of a hidden truth of fundamental concern to the human heart.” Magazine Littéraire

“Blais has modestly, generously, written The Divine Comedy of our time.” Le Devoir

“A monumental, visionary, essential work.” Voir

Marie-Claire Blais | Backlist | 12

« CYCLE SOIFS » « A writer in a class by herself. » Edmund Wilson

Rights sold all titles: English North America (Anansi) | France (Seuil)

Rights sold: Italy (Safarà) | Spanish World (Literatura RH)

Rights sold: Italy (Safarà)

Marie-Claire Blais | Backlist | 13

UNE SAISON DANS LA VIE D’EMMANUEL Marie-Claire Blais Novel | 9782890523661 | 168 pages All rights available Prix Médicis 1966

Marie-Claire Blais is the internationally revered author of more than thirty books, many of which have been published around the world. In addition to the Governor General's Literary Award for Fiction, which she has won four times, Blais has been awarded the Médicis Prize, Prince-Pierre-de-Monaco Prize, the Molson Prize, and Guggenheim Fellowships. She lives in Key West.

THE BOOK When Emmanuel is born, he is the sixteenth child of a poor Quebecois family. A Season in the Life of Emmanuel unfolds over the course of a season in his life, and chronicles the struggles of his family, in particular four of his older siblings, through his eyes. A heartbreaking and powerful depiction of what it means to be poor and struggling in church-dominated Quebec, A Season in the Life of Emmanuel is often considered Marie-Claire Blais' most important work. Translated into 13 languages in the 1960S and 1970s.

RECEPTION “One of the most distinctive and original living writers of fiction.” The New Yorker (2019)

“The intellectual life of French Canada is now reaching a long-retarded maturity.” Edmund Wilson (1966)

“Blais manages to oppose and offset an unyielding realism with imagination, humor and a carnal innocence. Her book succeeds, incomparably, in capturing not only an existence but a sense of life.” Kirkus Reviews

“A heartbreaking and powerful depiction of what it means to be poor and struggling in church-dominated Quebec, A Season in the Life of Emmanuel is often considered Marie-Claire Blais' most important work.” CBC Books

Marie-Claire Blais | Backlist | 14

UN LIEN FAMILIAL | Nadine Bismuth Novel | 9782764626238 | 328 pages

Rights sold: English World (Anansi) | German (btb Verlag) | Romania (Editura Univers) | Television (ALSO)

This moving, engrossing love story is also a novel of manners: a portrait, steeped in irony and pathos, of a time when decorating a kitchen can be a matter of utmost importance. With her corrosive gaze and her crystal-clear prose, Nadine Bismuth’s novel is a mirror held up to ourselves and what has become of our lives in a world of which we are the makers, witnesses and crazed, pathetic protagonists. A bestseller in Québec and French Canada. Winner of the Combat national des livres 2020 (Radio-Canada

MANAM | Rima Elkouri Novel | 9782764626474 | 224 pages

Rights sold: English North America (Mawenzi) | Spansih World (Tiempo de Papel)

In this novel, Rima Elkouri untangles the threads of a scarred family history. Like Téta, who always had a tale at the ready, she tells the story of the Armenian genocide. Along the way, she illuminates a certain idea of Montréal and its immigrants. She does it with finesse and humility, on a human scale, making excellent use of her talent as a writer of portraits to get inside the lives of courageous people who are staunchly on the side of life. A bestseller in Québec and French Canada.

L’HABITUDE DES BÊTES | Lise Tremblay Novel | 9782764625156 | 168 pages

Rights sold: France (Delcourt) | Georgia (Agora) | Romania (Univers) | Sweden (Ramus)

The wolves have returned. Half-devoured moose carcasses have been found in the immense wildlife reserve. The wolf has been man’s enemy since the dawn of time. It will never be possible to share the land with him. A powerful novel in which everything that appears to be an irreversible end, an apocalypse, is in fact only nature’s and the world’s vast respiration.

Fiction and Narrative| Backlist | 15

EXPLICATION DE LA NUIT | Edem Awumey Novel | 9782764622810 | 216 pages

Rights sold: English World (Mawenzi) | German (Weidle) | Argentina & South Cone (Empatia) | Spain and Mexico (Baile del Sol)

Ito Baraka is going to die. In Gatineau, far from the sun, in the dark, dank, and shabby flat that he shares with his Native and junkie girlfriend, Kimi. But before he can die, he has a book to finish. A novel in which he recounts events that take place in a country where the sun burns the skin and the brain. A country where another sun blazes: a dictator in the grips of fear. “Artfully constructed, peppered with evocative phrasing, this beautiful volume is upsetting, poignant, and at times harrowing.” Publishers Weekly

LES PIEDS SALES | Edem Awumey Novel | 9782764622759 | 162 pages

Rights sold: English North America (Anansi) | France (Seuil) | German (Weidle) Netherlands (Querido) Spain and Mexico (Baile del Sol)

“Some are wet, just barely escaping from the sea; others have dirty feet because they flee, treading upon the earth in search of refuge, a land where they can rebuild their lives. Awumey has recreated a world where we find characters who belong to the world of pain. Whether they are in Africa or Europe, these cursed souls roam under the novelist’s complicit gaze. This novel, whose scope is universal, concerns us all.” Tahar Ben Jelloun

MA VIE ROUGE KUBRICK | Simon Roy Narrative | 9782764625163 | 180 pages

Rights sold: English North America (Anvil) | Spain (Alpha Decay)

Roy has seen The Shining over forty-two times, and the painstaking bond he has knitted with this story of evil has enabled him to absorb the disquieting traits of his own family’s “macabre lineage.” Analysis of the film, and the many parallels to his own family’s troubled history, have allowed him to gain insight into the nature of domestic violence. A bestseller in Québec and French Canada. Prix des libraires du Québec 2015

Fiction and Narrative| Backlist | 16

Foreign Representation Translation grants

Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, The Canada Council for the Arts Ex-Yugoslav States, Latvia, Lithuania, reimburses translation costs for Poland, Russia, Slovak Republic and literary works fee. Two translation Ukraine grants per year for each Lester agency participant. Anastasia Lester [email protected] /grants/arts-abroad/translation Laura Karayotov [email protected] Government of Quebec (SODEC) provides financial assistance for Brazil translation costs. The Québec Villas-boas & moss literary agency publisher must apply for this Luciana Villas-Boas funding. [email protected] content/uploads/programme- China aide-exportation-rayonnement- Rightol media limited culturel-livre.pdf Haley Shi [email protected]

Germany Liepman ag, literary agency Marc Koralnik [email protected] Anja Kretschmann [email protected] Éditions du Boréal Hungary 4447, rue Saint-Denis Balla & co literary agents Montréal (Québec) Catherine Balla Canada, H2J 2L2 [email protected] [email protected]

Japan (selected titles) Foreign Rights Bureau des copyrights français Sébastien Lefebvre Corinne Quentin [email protected] [email protected] Tel : 514 287-7401 ext. 429 Fax : 514 287-1019 Spain and Portugal Amv agencia literaria Eduardo Melon Vallat Les Éditions du Boréal remercient [email protected] les gouvernements du Canada et du Québec pour leur soutien Taïwan financier. The grayhawk agency Nicolas Wu [email protected]

Turkey Cansu Canseven Anatolialit literary and copyright agency Cansu Canseven [email protected]