Port Talbot Harbourside & Town Centre Development Framework
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Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Background and Context 3 (May-14) 2.1 Strategic Context 3 2.2 Background Information 4 Framework 2.2.1 Economy and Employment 4 2.2.2 Retail and Town Centre 5 2.2.3 Housing 6 Development 2.2.4 Tourism and Leisure 7 Centre own 2.2.5 Transport and Accessibility 7 T & 2.2.6 Environment 8 3 The Strategy 11 Harbourside 3.1 Vision and Objectives 11 albot 3.2 Strategic Goals 11 T Port 3.3 LDP Strategy 16 4 LDP Allocations and Policies 19 (LDP): 5 Summary of Opportunities and Options 27 SPG 6 The Development Framework 31 6.1 Current Position 31 6.2 Site Features and Constraints 32 6.3 Proposals 35 6.4 The Harbourside Masterplan 36 6.5 Phasing 38 7 Implementation 39 Contents SPG (LDP): Port Talbot Harbourside & Town Centre Development Framework (May-14) 1 . Introduction 1 Introduction 1.0.1 This Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) will guide the location and design (May-14) of development within the Harbourside Strategic Regeneration Area (SRA) and Port Talbot town centre. The Harbourside SRA comprises the former Port Talbot Industrial Estate area of the docklands together with adjoining areas and is an extensive area of brownfield Framework land centrally located within Port Talbot. The Development Framework provides a guide that sets out how the Authority will consider planning applications in Harbourside and the town centre, and aims to secure integrated development for the area. Development 1.0.2 The area covered by the Development Framework contains major regeneration sites and projects that will be critical for the future prosperity of the County Borough and Centre the sub-region and that have the potential to serve and complement the town centre. The own Neath Port Talbot Local Development Plan (LDP) identifies the area under Policy SRA2 T & - Harbourside Strategic Regeneration Area, and this Supplementary Planning Guidance should be read in the context of the LDP policy and explanatory text. 1.0.3 Because of its unrivalled location immediately adjacent to the main Swansea / Harbourside Paddington railway line and in close proximity to the M4 motorway, directly linked by the albot new Harbour Way dual carriageway, Harbourside is well placed to serve a wider regional T role enabling a variety of options for maximising economic benefit to Port Talbot as a Port whole. The SPG aims to maximise the benefits of this improved road transport network which will act as a catalyst for economic and physical regeneration in the former industrial (LDP): area. SPG 1.0.4 The Harbourside and Town Centre Development Framework is a working document, developed in extensive consultation with local people and the Council’s regeneration partners to ensure that it reflects the regeneration priorities of the area and adds value to the plans and projects of other organisations. The Priority Actions presented in this Strategy involve intervention in major development sites that will take a number of years to complete. 1.0.5 This SPG is a revised version of the guidance adopted and issued in 2011 and outlines the priorities for regeneration up to 2026, setting out the way in which development across the regeneration area is expected to come forward. This includes the phasing of development to ensure that it takes place in a logical and coherent manner taking into account environmental and other constraints, including flood risk. It is accepted that priorities and projects may change during delivery of the development, as economic conditions change and new opportunities arise and the SPG will continue to be reviewed periodically to ensure that it remains responsive to changes in circumstances. 1 Introduction . 1 Port Talbot Harbourside & Town Centre Development Framework (May-14) (LDP): SPG 2 2 . Background and Context 2 Background and Context 2.1 Strategic Context (May-14) People, Places, Futures - Wales Spatial Plan (2008) Framework 2.1.1 The Wales Spatial Plan sets out a strategic framework to guide future development and policy interventions across the whole of Wales. 2.1.2 Port Talbot is identified as a key settlement with a critical role to play in the success Development of the Swansea Bay city region, its development being a vital element of the strategy for the area. Regeneration activity is to concentrate on providing improved shopping, leisure, Centre community and cultural facilities, more attractive and affordable housing, clean vibrant own town centres, accessible open countryside and employment opportunities. The coast is T specifically identified to be regenerated to create a thriving retail, leisure and business & offer along the waterfront, within a sustainable environment, with full regard to conservation and enhancement of biodiversity. Harbourside Swansea Bay City Region (2013) albot T 2.1.3 The Swansea Bay City Region was launched in 2013 to boost investment and job opportunities across an area including the local authority areas of Pembrokeshire, Port Carmarthenshire, Swansea and Neath Port Talbot. Port Talbot and the Harbourside SRA are located in a prime position to benefit from this initiative, being centrally located and (LDP): benefiting from unrivalled social, economic and physical linkages to the region and wider SPG area. Neath Port Talbot Single Integrated Plan (SIP) 2013 - 2023 2.1.4 The Single Integrated Plan's vision is to: 'Create a Neath Port Talbot where everyone has an equal opportunity to be healthier, happier, safer and prosperous.' 2.1.5 Five main outcomes are identified to achieve the vision, relating to public health, safety, sustainable communities and lifestyles, economic development and education. The Harbourside SRA will help to deliver all the SIP outcomes through redeveloping a brownfield area with new residential, retail and employment developments in a sustainable central location. Waterfront Regeneration Strategy (2011) 2.1.6 The strategy covers the coastal corridor from Margam to the borders of Swansea, and has six strategic goals: 3 Strategic Goal 1: To develop the town of Port Talbot as a hub for commercial, residential, social and employment activities through an integrated physical regeneration of the town centre and the attraction of new investment. 2 . Background and Context SPG Strategic Goal 2: To bring forward the development of major strategic regeneration (LDP): sites in the area of Port Talbot that will attract major new investment, create employment opportunities and spread prosperity to surrounding communities. Port Strategic Goal 3: To develop existing and establish major new employment sites T albot within the area of Port Talbot that meet the needs of modern business, strengthen the local economy and ensure the provision of employment opportunities. Harbourside Strategic Goal 4: To develop high quality sites for tourism and leisure that will attract visitors and new investment and improve the image and environment of Port Talbot & Waterfront. T own Strategic Goal 5: To improve the physical fabric within the urban areas, improving Centre quality of life and making the area of Port Talbot an attractive place in which to live, work and invest. Development Strategic Goal 6: To improve the transport and communications infrastructure, ensuring that the area of Port Talbot maximises its locational advantages and brings benefits to the economy and people of the area. Framework 2.1.7 The Development Framework and Harbourside SRA will help to meet these goals, (May-14) especially those relating to the development of the town and strategic regeneration sites of Port Talbot, and its physical fabric. 2.2 Background Information 2.2.1 Economy and Employment Port Talbot’s economic history is based on the traditional heavy industries of coal, iron, steel, tinplate and petrochemicals. Currently Port Talbot remains an industrial town with the port and steel industry dominating the local economy and remaining the largest industrial employer. However, with the contraction of the traditional industries the local economy has seen a gradual transition towards light manufacturing and service related activities, leading to a diversification of the local economy and a move towards a more balanced local job market. Port Talbot’s employment base continues to undergo major structural change: for example, the Baglan Bay development, which includes the Baglan Energy Park, is creating a growth point which is also intended to be a catalyst to transform the type of industry and business being attracted to the town. 4 The sites described below offer major opportunities to bolster local employment and create a sustainable modern economic base for the town. 2 . Background and Context The Port Talbot Industrial Estate The Port Talbot Industrial Estate site includes a former timber yard, tinplate (May-14) works and iron foundry and also takes in the North Bank peninsula. As a result of the new road layout, now complete following the construction of Harbour Way, the area will become the main ‘gateway’ to Port Talbot. The current run down and derelict state of the site Framework typifies the poor image of Port Talbot held by many outsiders, and its rejuvenation is a central objective. Large areas of land surrounding the docks have lain vacant for many years, Development following the closure of the dock and the gradual movement of the steelworks’ activity to the south, as new technologies have replaced outdated plant. The Industrial Estate consists Centre of a large amount of cleared industrial land and the remaining industrial units are of a own variety of sizes and users, some being vacant and derelict. T & Completed new development on the site includes a newly created Justice Centre and a new Research and Development centre. These high quality developments are helping to raise the profile of Harbourside as a well connected location for office Harbourside development, and are helping to create an office market for the area.