ÆBÀ»EË Æajía Ôebvn³a ÆBÀN°· Message of Natural Wealth of the Country in Order to H.E
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IIRANIAN - GERMAN - BUSINESS - FORUM© ÆBÀ»EËÆBÀ»EË ÆAjÍAÆAjÍA ÔeBvN³AÔeBvN³A ÆBÀN°·ÆBÀN°· Nr. 1 – 21. März 2005 / 1. Farvardin 1384 Longstanding partnership C 46321 Contents between Iran and Germany Longstanding partnership between Iran and Germany, Message of H.E. Seyed Shamseddin Khareghani, Ambassador by H.E. Seyed Shamseddin Khareghani, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran of the Islamic Republic of Iran 1 Message of H.E. Paul Baron von Maltzahn, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Islamic Republic of Iran 3 Editorial 3 Exhibtions and Trade Fairs in Tehran 4 Prospects for further development of German - Iranian Economic Relations 5 Iran continues to build up colossal petrochemical capacity 6 Boosting Iran’s Tourism Industry 7 Europeans have made 77% of foreign investments in Iran 8 Iran’s economic profile 10 German Trade with Iran 10 „Ancient Iran“ 11 Federal Export Credit Guarantees: An important vehicle for German exports to Iran 13 Persisch verstehen lernen 14 Iran’s fast growing automobile market attracts German investors 15 Kurznachrichten 16 Relevant Addresses 17 H.E. Dr. Kamal Kharazi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran (l.), and Tenders 18 H.E. Joschka Fischer, German Federal Foreign Minister Board of NuMOV 18 he historical past of ancient Iran and the rich civili- is one of the most populated countries of the Middle Imprint 18 Tzation of this geographic region tell us about a deep East. Important elements such as a young population culture and a long history. The 5000-year-old history of (65%) and a high percentage of specialists, a large Nah- und Mittelost-Verein e.V. this country reflects the depth and genuineness of its number and variety of natural resources, oil and gas Jägerstr. 63 a culture and civilization. The importance of culture and supplies, cheap energy and labor force and the access 10117 Berlin civilization does not remain obscure to anybody. Culture to the world 's free waters are among the other impor- T.: 0049 30-206410-0 is doubtless the basic foundation and an important fac- tant elements of my country. tor in the formation of human societies and economic Because of the strategic location of the Middle East, this F.: 0049 30-206410-10 and political infrastructure. Große Theaterstr. 1 region has always been the focus of attention of the Speaking about Iran with such a cultural background superpowers and an arena for their competition. Various 20354 Hamburg and rich civilization in a few words is a very difficult task. crises in this region, especially in the past decade, were T.: 0049 40-450 331-0 My country is not only important because it is located in all the result of this fact. the Middle East, the link connecting the three continents F.: 0049 40-450 331-31 In spite of these difficult and critical conditions in the of Europe, Asia and Africa, but it has also other charac- E-Mail: [email protected] region and unwanted wars imposed on Iran, it has teristics that distinguish it from other countries of the Internet: http://www.numov.de Middle East. Iran with a population of 70 million people continued on page 4 þ Homa Class: First Class Komfort zum Business Class Preis þ Berlin - Teheran am Mo. (Sommer) þ Köln/Bonn - Teheran am Do., So., & Di. (Sommer) þ Frankfurt - Teheran am Mo., Mi., Fr., Sa. þ Hamburg - Teheran am Do., So., & Di. (Sommer) þ Inlandflug im Iran nach Wahl nur € 30 þ Familientarif þ Vielfliegertarif þ USA & Europa Iran Air Frankfurt: Tel.: 0 69 / 25 60 06 13-15 l Fax: 0 69 / 25 60 06 33 Iran Air Hamburg: Tel.: 0 40 / 24 55 00/88 l Fax: 0 40 / 2 80 01 97 Iran Air Berlin: Tel.: 0 30 / 41 01 44 10 l Fax: 0 30 / 41 01 44 11 Iran Air Köln: Tel.: 0 22 03 / 40 24 93 l Fax: 0 22 03 / 40 24 92 Fracht / Frankfurt: Tel.: 0 69 / 690 24 601, 690 35 641 l Fax: 0 69 / 69 48 50 Fracht / Hahn: Tel.: 0 6543 / 50 70 70 l Fax: 0 6543 / 50 70 80 www.iran-air.de l [email protected] l [email protected] Iranian - German - Business - Forum /ÆBÀ»EË ÆAjÍA ÔeBvN³A ÆBÀN°· Message of natural wealth of the country in order to H.E. Paul Baron von Maltzahn, develop and modernize the country and to solve the social problems arising from the Ambassador of the rapid population growth of the last three Federal Republic of Germany in decades. The new Four-Year Plan envisages the Islamic Republic of Iran the construction of an internationally compe- titive industry which focuses mainly on the ran has received a great deal of internatio- petrochemical sector and the expansion of Inal attention lately. This is primarily due to infrastructure, especially in such areas as the Iranian nuclear issue which plays a deci- transportation, water and energy supply. sive role for the country's future and its sta- This requires huge investments which can tus within the global community. Germany is only be implemented with foreign participa- among the countries which strive hard to tion. The Iranian government puts great eff- reach a satisfactory solution for this serious orts into attracting foreign investments to dif- problem with far reaching consequences. ferent sectors in order to create jobs, to Iran, on account of its geographical size (4 ½ strengthen the private sector and to acquire times as big as Germany) and its fast-gro- technical and economic know-how. Several wing population (70 million), enjoys an out- economic reforms have been introduced, standing status in the Middle East region. such as the law on promotion and protection H.E. Paul Baron von Maltzahn Furthermore, Iran has historically and cultu- of foreign investments, the law on corporate rally an unequalled position, bordering high- tax reform as well as a unified exchange ly diverse regions and constituting a natural rate. Although structural problems and lately sanctions Iran has been experiencing eco- bridge between Russia, Central Asia, the also politically motivated interferences have nomic growth rates of 6 to 7% during the last Indian Subcontinent, the Arab World and weakened the confidence of foreign inves- years. Turkey as a potential future member of the tors, there is a general consensus among Germany enjoys a good reputation in Iran, EU. Iranian decision makers that further reform since it did not act as a colonial power and From the German point of view Iran deser- measures, such as privatization of state contributed considerably to the economic ves, due to its longstanding cordial relations enterprises, dismantling of subsidies and development of this country during the last with Germany particular interest and atten- introduction of value added tax have to be century. German buildings and facilities tion. Not only does Iran boast a rich history implemented in order to satisfy the country's which can still be seen today contribute to and culture, but it is also endowed with vast economic ambitions. the good reputation of German products natural resources and economic potential. Despite some obstacles the large number of which still enjoy enormous acceptance. This The country possesses more than 7% of glo- German enterprises with long-standing busi- trend is reflected in the German exports to bal oil reserves and 18% of the world's pro- ness activities in Iran testifies that it is Iran which increased by 33% in 2004 and ven gas reserves. Furthermore, Iran holds worthwhile to develop long-term business exceeds the value of 3.5 billion EUR. In the rich deposits of precious minerals and ores relationships in this market. The importance years to come the economic development of which have not been developed and exploi- of Iran's political and economic role in the Iran will offer many opportunities for German ted yet. The political leadership of the coun- Middle East will grow further. In spite of unfa- companies which should be used for the try makes currently great efforts to use the vourable conditions arising from economic benefit of both sides. Happy New Year! Happy Norouz! Editorial German-Iranian bilateral economic relations Leading partners for the development of the have been improved very much during the Iranian economy are the German banks last years. Nobody could have expected which could provide the necessary long term such development 5 years ago. financing. Based on the rapidly increasing revenues for Hopefully, this process can be continued exports of oil, petrochemical products and also in the next years, provided there will be other goods, many new projects could be a stable policy and a positive relation bet- launched. ween Western Europe and Iran. The German industry which plays the lea- With kindest regards ding role among all industrial countries in Iran co-operates not only with public compa- Werner Schoeltzke, Chairman nies but also more and more with companies German Near and Middle East Werner Schoeltzke of the private sector in Iran. Association Iranian - German - Business - Forum 1/2005 - 3 1/2005 ÆBÀ»EË ÆAjÍA ÔeBvN³A ÆBÀN°· Iranian - German - Business - Forum /ÆBÀ»EË ÆAjÍA ÔeBvN³A ÆBÀN°· Exhibitions and Trade Fairs in Tehran 2005 Longstanding partnership between Iran and Germany Trade Fair / Name Date continued from page 1 MEDEX January 2005 International Exhibition of Machinery, Equipment & Accessories remained a stable country with high economic for Furniture & Interior Decoration capacities and wants to expand relations in all areas, particularly in the field of economy, with the IPEX February 2005 countries of the Middle East and Europe. Sector: Banking, Investments, Real EstateInternational Projects Investments Exhibition Iran with an area of 1,648,195 square kilometers is the second largest country of the Middle East.