www.melodicbeatspodcast.com [email protected]

A Chat with the DJ

MB.. You Have very kindly agreed to do a mix for the podcast but I feel its always good for listeners to get to know you a little with a 5 step Q & A.. So we know that you play the deep, melodic and progressive style but when did you start to DJ and what made you take the step from punter to player ?? (as in the DJ kind)

Audioglider: So back in the 90s, I was an avid collector of vinyl – I was a regular at Zoom Records (legendary Camden Town record shop) every Friday when they used to get their deliveries, and spent all afternoon (and all my money) on the latest white labels, promos and imports, but I only had a single deck at home. One Friday night I met a group of Germans while out at the Ministry Of Sound – somehow I managed to blag myself a gig with them in an old warehouse in East Berlin in 2 weeks. Quickly I had to learn the basics of beat matching and track selection – Billy Nasty was one of the buyers at Zoom, and he gave me a crash course one Friday and then I flew to Berlin the next morning. I was buzzing, I smashed it (although that may be a bit of an exaggeration), and I was hooked!!

MB.. If you can share one musical memory with us, as a DJ or punter, which has lodged itself in the memory bank, what is it??

Audioglider: Apart from the above scenario (which was brilliant fun), it was probably ending up in a hotel room with the Chemical Brothers, Justin Robertson and Kris Needs along with loads of others, after a night out in San Francisco where they were all playing, along with the Hardkiss Brothers. Mental thinking about it. San Fran was trying to rival WMC to do a west coast version of it. I was living in LA at the time (it’s a long story), working for a music distributor called Deltra.

MB.. Tell us about a significant moment in your Dj’ing career?? (A warm up slot for a name, release of a track, the moment we asked you to do a mix J !!)

www.melodicbeatspodcast.com [email protected] Audioglider: Well I would probably say, it was staying on the Hotelboot Angeline in Amsterdam at ADE 2017. I got invited by the Modern Agenda label head honcho, Amber Long, as I had released an EP with them. I went on my own, and shared so many good times with new friendships made, more confidence in my music and my abilities as a producer and DJ, and many more opportunities after that. My profile has increased exponentially every time I go to ADE and stay with the Modern Agenda family of DJs and artists.

MB: What are your 5 all time significantly important and memorable house tracks, ever….. The ones which you hear and it takes you to a time and place and just makes you smile !!!!!

Audioglider: I would have to say: Orbital – Halcyon and On FSOL – Papua New Guinea (both of them on same night at the Electric Ballroom in Camden) Jaydee – Plastic Dreams – what a tune. Hearing that in full on the legendary Ministry Of Sound soundsystem was mindblowing. There’s been nothing like this track before or since. Golden Girls – Kinetic (Orbital again doing the business here – what a cracking genre bending track) Gat Décor – Passion – THAT piano, and the bassline. Superb

MB.. What is your favourite place in the world and what makes it so special to you ??

Audioglider: I’d have to say Cape Town. My wife is from there, we got married there also. It’s such a special place. I DJ’ed there a couple of times many years ago, and it was such a cool vibe. Played a sunset set in Camps Bay as the sun was plunging into the ocean. And the food there is to die for!!