Girls' Narratives of Contemporary Bat Mitzvah

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Girls' Narratives of Contemporary Bat Mitzvah A Ma’yan Research Report December 2013 It’s actually a pretty big deal Girls’ narratives of contemporary Bat Mitzvah “a Bat Mitzvah and all of its aspects should fall in the middle: not too showy or plain; not too cheerful or glum…it’s all about the balance. The Bat Mitzvah dress should be like a bridesmaid dress: not too covered or revealing, not too noticeable or too plain, and most of all, it should not distract from the real reason everyone is there: to watch you grow up.” -p. 11 Table of Contents Contributors 1 Introduction Written by Beth Cooper Benjamin, Ed.D., 2 Research Methods Director of Research, Ma’yan 3 Narrative Themes: Bat Mitzvah Research conducted by as.. Ma’yan Research Training Interns: • as a Source of Pride and Elana Blanchard, Rachel Fraade, Pressure Talia Friedman, Cece Nealon-Sha- • as a Social and Interpersonal piro, Aiden Reis, Rivka Rosenblatt, Experience Yafi Shafer-Sull, Sydney Watnick, • as Spiritual and Cultural Ex and Hillary Weinberger perience • as Performance and Expres and Ma’yan staff: Beth Cooper sion Femininity: Focusing on Benjamin, Ed.D., Jodie Gordon, Story Stem #2 and Rabbi Alissa Wise 4 Discussion and Implications 5 References 6 Appendix A: The Survey Instru- ment 7 Appendix B: Thematic Analysis Matrix Ma’yan provides social justice, feminist, and leadership training to teen girls and teaches vital skills to parents and educators. Ma’yan is a program of the JCC in Manhattan. Find out more at Introduction: to observe Bnai Mitzvah on Saturday morning.3 Some families (particularly those who may not be affiliated In 2009, Ma’yan’s Research Training Internship (RTI) with a synagogue or other Jewish institution) have conducted research to learn how contemporary Jew- begun crafting very individualized Bat Mitzvah rituals, ish girls experience and understand the Bat Mitz- which can involve a family trip to Israel or an experi- vah. Over the course of 14 months, nine Jewish girls ence in nature. In most of these contexts, individual in grades 9-11 from the New York City metropolitan Bat Mitzvah observances can include any number of region worked as a collaborative research team with other ritual components, including leading additional their Ma’yan staff advisors to read existing research, services (e.g., Havdalah4) or prayers (such as the Motzi draft a research question, develop an original survey, or kiddush5 at a meal), or wearing a tallit or tefillin6 for collect data, and analyze the results. the first time. In much of the United States today, the Bar Following the religious service (and very occa- and Bat Mitzvah seem nearly ubiquitous and virtually sionally, in lieu of it), girls and their families typically in- indistinguishable. The event is so broadly recognized— vite guests to a social (often secular) celebration. This even envied—that it has been appropriated as non- can range from a kiddush7 held at a synagogue to a Jewish “faux mitzvah” and “black mitzvah” celebra- lavish evening party held at an event space. These cel- tions (e.g., Tresniowski, 2004; Bernstein, 2004). From ebrations, seen as an expression of the girl’s identity this vantage point, it is extraordinary to recognize that and interests, can also assume very different forms, less than 100 years ago, there was no such thing as a from a large dance party at a night club to a weekend ritual Bat Mitzvah. While the practice of Bar Mitzvah camping trip with a small group of friends. observance dates back to at least the medieval pe- Recognizing the Bat Mitzvah’s extraordinary riod, the Bat Mitzvah is an entirely modern invention. history and its rich variety, Ma’yan felt it was ripe for The first Bat Mitzvah ritual was observed by Judith some critical examination. What has it become in its Kaplan, the then-twelve year-old daughter of Rabbi ninety-odd year history? How has its widespread ac- Mordechai Kaplan, the founder of the Reconstruc- ceptance in the past generation or two changed how tionist movement, at his encouragement. In a mere girls today experience it? What might Bat Mitzvah blip of historic time, it has grown from a fringe-radical mean to girls who don’t see it as an issue of access or experiment to a nearly universal rite of passage for right, but as a simple expression of the gender par- Jewish girls in the U.S. and beyond. ity they have been raised to expect? And in a mod- Today, while Bat Mitzvah is widely practiced ern context in which twelve and thirteen year-olds and accepted, its expression and enactment vary become ritually and halachically8 “adult” long before widely according to affiliation, geography, family, local they attain other benefits and responsibilities of adult norms, individual preferences, and other factors. For status, what does it mean for a girl to become a Jew- most girls, the Bat Mitzvah includes both ritual and celebratory aspects. Almost universally, the Bat Mitz- 3 Even some progressive Orthodox synagogues now vah as an event is a culmination of many months of hold Shabbat-morning Bat Mitzvah rituals that include Torah study and preparation, either individually (e.g., with reading. 4 Havdalah: The ceremony that marks the end of a tutor) and/or collectively (in Hebrew school). At a Shabbat or other Jewish holidays and ushers in a new week. 1 Bat Mitzvah service, girls typically stand at the bimah 5 The blessings offered over bread (Motzi) and wine and chant from the Torah. Many give a D’var Torah2 or (kiddush) before a meal. other speech to the congregation. In Orthodox com- 6 Ritual garments worn during prayer, mandated for munities, a Bat Mitzvah may be observed during Fri- observant Jewish men, sometimes adopted by observant day evening services, but in more progressive denomi- women: a tallit is a prayer shawl; tefillin are small leather nations, the norm has become for girls (as for boys) boxes containing Torah texts placed on the upper arm and the head with straps. 1 Bimah: The raised platform or dais from which one 7 In addition to the prayer over wine (see Footnote #4, reads Torah in a synagogue. above), Kiddush can also refer to refreshments served after 2 D’var Torah: A talk reflecting on the weekly Torah Shabbat (Sabbath) services, either in a synagogue or at home. portion. 8 Halachically: According to Jewish law (halakah). 3 ish woman? Because its expansion has been so suc- of contemporary B’nai Mitzvah, Thirteen and a Day: cessful, the Bat Mitzvah itself is often assumed to be The Bar and Bat Mitzvah Across America (2005), and a successful or unproblematic ritual and cultural prac- interviewed family members and clergy to give histori- tice. But is it really working for girls today? How would cal context to our individual experiences. We identi- we know if we didn’t ask? fied pressing questions and devised an online survey. In addition, data from our previous Research We recruited participants and interpreted the data. Training Internship (where we conducted a broad sur- Finally, we presented our initial findings to a gather- vey on the beliefs and attitudes of Jewish American ing of Jewish communal professionals and parents, teen girls) indicated that for many contemporary Jew- and received feedback and reflections from other re- ish teen girls, the Bat Mitzvah becomes a key com- searchers who have written about Bat Mitzvah. This ponent of their Jewish lives and identities (Benjamin, report presents an expanded and refined version of 2009). Our data were tantalizing, but limited, and the initial analysis our research team conducted. we wanted to learn more. So we invited our second cohort of Research Training Interns to learn with us, Research Methods: bringing their critical investigative lenses as well as their own experiences of contemporary Bat Mitzvah. Girls ages 11-15 in New York, New Jersey, and Connect- icut were invited to participate in an online survey Participatory Action Research about “Jewish girls’ attitudes and experiences related to Bat Mitzvah.” As the survey was fairly long and The RTI is grounded in the principles of Partic- writing-intensive, a $5 Amazon gift card was offered ipatory Action Research (PAR), a research paradigm as a reward for completion. Of the 108 who initiated designed to engage members of a group being studied the survey, 46 did not complete it and were eliminated in the process of defining, producing, and interpret- from the analysis. Four other responses were omitted ing research about their own community. It’s a way of from analysis because they did not meet the inclusion shifting the traditional power relationship in social sci- criteria (they lived outside the tri-state region or did ence research, where typically, academic researchers not meet age requirements). frame the questions and decide what the data mean In total, 58 responses were included in the anal- and how the results will be used. ysis. Of these, 37 were post-Bat Mitzvah, representing PAR has been used generally in communities nearly 2/3 (64%) of the sample, while the remaining 21 where structural inequality disenfranchises marginal- (36%) were still approaching their Bat Mitzvah. While ized people from informing policies that affect their ages ranged from 11-15, the mean age in our sample lives. The girls Ma’yan works with in many ways defy was 13.2 years. The vast majority of participants came this profile; they are typically white and affluent and from New York (41, or 71%), while 15% (8) lived in New experience significant structural privilege. But despite Jersey and 5% (3) in Connecticut.
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