64, Spring 1998.Pdf
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Winner Again! For the 2nd year in а row, \ CAQ has won more __ "Project Censored" awards than any other publication. is ... Relevant: Much of what passes for journalism is info-tainment or pack-reporting "scandal of the week." CAQ reporting goes behind the headlines, spin-control lers, and PR mills to give you the information you want and need . Radical: CAQ cuts through the crap. CAQ's writers are independent investi gative journalists, analysts, and activists; they don't pan- der to power or soft-pedal for advertisers; they don't wine, dine, or golf with the people they report on. Rigorous: Articles are well-documented, solid in vestigative journalism. No glib conventional wis dom, no paranoid conspiracy theories. ReadaЬle : CAQ's articles have depth, history, and analysis. Subjects come alive; writers not only get the scoop, they tell а good story. CAQ articles span а world of issues: Spring '97 Space probe's plutonium missing; Prison labor; "What gets reported Unionbusting; University/Ьusiness links; US military and enters the puЬlic ColomЬia; FBI-CIA collaboration; Sudan; Slavery and social engineering; Plus: Peru Focus: MRTA, Guerrilla U., andjapan. agenda. What is not Summer '97: Turkey's state-linked killers; Privatizing Han reported тау not ford nuke; Policing activists; US torture manuals; US arms Mexico's drug war; Nлто expands; Spooks in Congress. Ье lost f orever, Fall '97: Mad cow disease; Paramilitary policing; Mercenary armies; Che & CIA; Vaclav Havel; Free radio; Plus: Cambo but it тау Ье lost dia Focus: US and Pol Pot; US and election interference. at а tiтe when it is Winter '98: Truth and reconciliation in South Africa: Apartheid's chemical and Ьiological warfare legacy; тost needed." Inside the mind of torture; Consevative think tanks and { philanthropies; Crypto AG: NSA's Trojan whore; and - Ben Bagdikian Promise Keepers. Subscribe to CAQ in 1998 for another relevant, radical, rigorous, and readaЬle year. 2 EDIТOR Terry Allen ASSOCIATE EDIТOR CONTENTS: SPRING 1998 SanhoTree RESEARCH DIRECTOR Sanctions Against Iraq: Autumn of the Autocrat LouisWolf New Weapon ofMass Destmction Ьу Saul Landau and Sarah Andason . ...... 33 Ьу Roga Normand ........ 4 Punishing Pinochet PUBLISHERS Ьу Peter Weiss 39 Ellen Ray More Iraqis have died from US William Schaap imposed saпctions than fтош Since seizing power ina Ыооdу 1973 CIA-Ьacked coup, LouisWolf the two atomic ЬошЬs dropped Gen. Augusto Pinochet has escaped justice for the tor on ]арап. The extent of suffer tures and killings Ьу his regime. Now, а legal challenge ing and punishment iшposed froш Spain тау finally comer the Chilean dictator. STAFF on the реор\е to go after their William Blшn leader violates intemational The Drug War's Fungal Solution Мага Cherkasky lawand tгашр\еs huшan rights. Hilary Dirlam Photos Ьу Andy Ryan .. 41 JeffDrake Frankenstein joins the Paul Garrin Near War, Real Fear Margaret Hanzimanolis drug war as the US De Ьу Ра и/ Rogers l l :i partшent of Agriculture Bill Montross arrogantly tinkers with а Barbara Neuwirth This year, the US dragged the world to the brink of strain of thefusmium fun AnnePaxton warwith Iraq. Fear that the regime retained its chemical gus. The researchers are Phillip Smith and Ьiological weapons arsenal drove а policy Ьent on hoping to engineer а fun jane Teller ensuringAшerica's р\асе as th е only superpower. gus that will destroy the jayWeedon worlds соса and opium рорру crops - and The Technology of Political Control PRODUCTION then oЬediendy die. Tallus Slope Productions Ьу Robln Ballantyne ..... 17 The Burma-Singapore Axis: Govemшentsand corporations Globalizing the Heroin Trade ( OVER DESIGN are developing "\ess-than-le Ьу Leslie Кеап and Dennis Bernstein 45 Jay Johnson thal" weaponsand oxyшoronic concepts like non-lethal war The Bunnese junta, long involved in opiuш growing WEB S IТES fare. Around the globe, police, and trafficking, has made an unlikely squeaky-clean, www.caq.com arшies and prison authorities anti-drug friend. Singapores \iЬега\ banking laws and www.lbbs.org/caq.htm are using this technology to re massive investments in Bunna are the conduit through press political dissent. which narco-dollars to Поw into the world есоnошу. CAQ Мagazine 1500 Massachusetts Ave., Nw, #732 Death and Silence in "Useless Algeria" Vietnam: The Final Battle Washington, DC 20005 Ьу Farlian Haq . 24 Ьу john Pilga . ... 54 202-331-9763 (fax) 202-331-9751 Westem media accounts of massacres of Algerian ci After defeating France and E-mail: [email protected] vilians routinely Ыаmе Islamic fundamentalists. But then the US, Vietnaш is the Algerian govemment, which тау Ье complicit in facing another onslaught CAQ Magazine the murders, has refused to allow independent inter - Ьу the forces of interna Number64, Spring 1998. national inspections. tional finance and capital. PuЬlished quarterly Ьу This tiшe, the values that CovertAction PuЬlications, Inc., millions ofVietnamese а District of ColumЬia Nonprofit died for апd the very soul Corporation ©1998. Jihad Intemational, lnc. of the nation are at stake. lndexed Ьу Altemative Press lнdex, Ьу Eqbal Ahmad 29 Photos Ьу Nic Dunlop Uнiversity Miavfilms, ISBN 1067-7232. All rights reserved. The current wave of interna Pri;ted in-the USA. tionalized jihad that issweep Subscriptions $22/year in USA; ing theworld is notan inherent COVER DESIGN ВУ jAY jOHNSON is composed of two separate photographs. $27 in Сапаdа; $35 all other areas. tenet of Islam. Rather, it is а (OVER PHOTOS ВУ NIC DUNLOP Back issues are $8/со ру; by-product of the cynical Cold add $2 to Canada; add $4 other areas. Warmanipulations ofMusliш · • Zippo lighters for sale as souvenirs in Vietnam. • Thai Thi Tinh who lost most ofher family to countries Ьу the US and other the wars in Vietnam. Westem powers. NUMBER64 ~ 3 Ьу Roger Normand photos Ьу Andy Ryan Leslie Stahl: Half а million Iraqi children have died-more children than died in Hiroshima. Is the price worth it? Madeleine Albright: Yes, we think the price is worth it. 1 he bottom line is that Madeleine Saddam Hussein, remain largely unaware Unlike sanctions that have enjoyed т Albright is right. For Washington, that sanctions have condemned an entire popular support in the targeted coun half а million Iraqi children is not generation of children to extreme poverty tries - South Africa or Haiti, for example too high а price for maintaining control over and deprivation. The реасе and human - sanctions against Iraq have absolutely no Middle East oil and extending US military rights movements, which would normally internal support. Even Saddam's Ьitterest penetration of the region - especially since Ье expected to speak out against а disas enemies - the Kurds in northern Iraq and US policy makers have not yet been held ter of this magnitude, have been similarly the opposition groups in exile - oppose accountaЬle for the human costs of sanc demoЬilized Ьу the specter of Saddam sanctions because they understand that tions. The US puЬlic, swamped with me Hussein, and perhaps also Ьу the myth after seven years of hunger, disease, and dia stories focusing on the threat posed Ьу that sanctions are а kinder, gentler way to misery for the entire population, Saddam coerce а nation. Even the UN, which for de Hussein and his inner circle are even more Roger Nonnand has led three fact-finding ~ions to lraq as Policy Director of the Center for Economic and Social cades has trumpeted the values of human firrnly entrenched than before. Rights, а New York-based human rights organization that rights and economic development, has То understand the devastating impact has reported on the impacts of sanctions. Andy Ryan is а Boston, МA-based photographer. The pho been bullied Ьу the US-dominated Security of sanctions, it is important to recognize tos in the article were taken in 1996. Above: Hisham Rahim Council into presiding over the systematic the extent to which Iraqs highly-developed suffering from leukemia, septicemia, and malnourishment. Each daywithout treatment decreases her chances of sur impoverishment of а nation. economy depended on oil income. Oil ex vival. А\ Mansour Pediatric Hospital, Baghdad. 1. "Punishing Saddam," 60 Minu/Rs, Мау 12, 1996. ports, which generated 75 percent of lraqi 4 SPRING 1998 GDP in 1990 and well over 90 percent 50 years, US control of this material prize Building up to War of its foreign exchange, were used to has meant protecting the family dictator Despite this level of effectiveness, the US build а modern state - financing in ships of the oil-rich Gulf states from nation moved quickly toward war while under vestments, expenditures, and subsidies in alist threats that sought to exploit oil for cutting any efforts to negotiate а diplo all sectors of the economy. 2 As а result, local purposes - Prime Minister Mossa matic solution with lraq. Secretary of State lraq was classified as а high middle in degh of Iran in the early l950s, President James Baker, flexing US muscle as the come country,prior to sanctions. Nasser of Egypt in the l 960s, President world's only superpower, tricked, bribed, Despite brutal repression of dissent Ьу Qaddafi of Libya in the late l970s, Ayatol and bullied other states into joining the the Ba'ath regime, Iraqis enjoyed а good lah Khomeini of Iran in the l 980s. coalition and backing the use of force standard of living and free access to the So when lraqi troops marched into Ku against lraq. Partly on the strength of faked best health care, education, social security, wait on August 2, 1990, US strategy ClA satellite photos "showing" lraqi troops and puЬlic welfare programs in the region. changed overnight, but not for the officially in offensive formation near its border, More than 70 percent lived in cities and stated reasons.