WASH Cluster Meeting - Slemani Venue: Slemani - OCHA office Chair: WASH Sub cluster coordinator – (arche noVa) Participants: arche-nova, PWJ, Qandil, UNICEF,QRC, JCC, OCHA,UNHCR . Date: November. 16th 2017 Agenda Meeting Note Action Point Remarks

1- Action Points Surdash camp –QRC (411 Families) Providing water trucking 100m3 on daily basis for one month until 16th - JCC to follow the Review and updates of November 2017 possibility to do extra camps Updates water trucking if 1. Maintenance the water network on going. needed after installing 2. Big water tanks need urgent maintenance, two boreholes discharge still low and reaching the boilers 1.5m3/hr. - JCC to update on dig 3. UNHCR show the interest to install new elec. boilers. the third borehole. Barzanjah camp: - (122) families Caravan camps-two borehole available to provide drinking water to the IDPs and host community. Updates 1. Arche noVa started the maintenance for the water network as well as the elec. Boilers. Ashti camp -1& 2-(2640 H.Hs) 12,608 individuals – UNICEF and their partner QRC continue provide services - Coordination site visit to the IDPs inside camp up to mid of Dec. 2017. DOSW as partner of UNICEF operating the water network between QRC, Qandil & on daily basis and providing drinking water with average (720) m3/day for all Ashty camp. Updates:- UNHCR to follow on the V channel 1. Arbat municipality continue collecting garbage from Ashti camp three times per week, and QRC maintenance. continue cleaning the V channel and Roads. - FP to follow with DOSW 2. Awareness sessions continue. on 1st borehole 3. Cleaning latrines campaign for phase 2. discharge. Arbat IDP’s Camp –(403 families 1927 individuals ) UNICEF handover the WASH services to JCC to continue . providing water through water permanent system 140 m3/day, maintain sanitation , Cleaning campaigns Updates: 1. JCC update; the JCC WASH team will be guide with one engineer to run the technical services. 2. Arbat municipality continue collecting garbage from inside camp three times per week.

Arbat Refugee Camp (2136 Families – 8424 Individuals)- UNHCR/Qandil continue provide services to the - PWJ to share summery refugees inside camp from mid of February until end of Dec. 2017, Updates on lice 1. DOSW continue providing drinking water with 90L/P/D to refugees. 2. UNHCR/ Qandil continue coordination to collect waste management on daily basis (exclude Friday). 3. Conducted hygiene promotion sessions on personnel hygiene door to door sessions plan to target near 1500 families. And planning to continue for this month with personnel hygiene sessions. 4. Clean the channel continue on daily basis. 5. UNHCR on progress to renovate 45 caravans. WASH Cluster Page 1 of 3

Tazade Camp – (491 Families) 1. UNICEF coordinate with DOGSW to operate water system service and increase the amount up to 400m3/day. Collect the solid waste management’s. Conduct one cleaning campaign in each month. This services will continue till end of December. 2. Due to earthquake the big water tank effected. DOGSW plan to maintain it with support of UNICEF

Qurato Camp /(272 Families – 1222 individuals ) arche-nova is providing full WASH package in the Camp up to end of April 2018,by providing water through water system with 140m3/day - solid waste collection, Hygiene promotion , and maintenance of sanitation – Updates 1. Waste collection management on daily basis. 2. Maintenance sanitation Continue 3. Conducting hand washing campaign 1. Off camps updates PWJ : - PWJ to share the handover 1. Extension of connections from main water line in Shorish sub-district water tank to with JCC Qadirkaramyakan, Sangawyakan and Qarahangerakan in District for benefits 320 refugee, 4,790 IDPs and 50,000 Host community.(Work ongoing with 40% progress). 2. Extension of water pipes to some sub-roads in Azady 111 and Goran 103 Quarters in Rapareen, Sulemani City for benefits 500 refugees, 2,000 IDPs, 3,000 host community. (The work ongoing with 85% progress ) 3. Extension of 250 mm water pipes diameter to some sub-roads in Soran Quarter in Rapareen, Sulemani City for benefits 600 refugees, 800 IDPs and 1000 host community . (The work on going with 95% progress 4. Provide 03 new pumps for water treatment plant in Kalar city for benefits 15,000 IDPs and 104,000 HC (The work on going with 4% progress) 5. Extension sewage pipe for Colen quarter, District for benefits 78 HH refugees, 618 HH IDPs and 50 HH host comunity (Work finished and hand over GIZ: "Extension of the existed water network for soran301in Rapareen neighborhood" the work is ongoing with 75% progress. The pipe size is 180mm, and 550 ML, the pipes and valves installation is done, as well as the backfilling and compaction. Only casting concrete and asphalt pavement is remaining. We are expecting to be completed within the next month. In Rapareen Neighbourhood/ city centre (Longitude: 45.32598 , Latitude: 35.5792), project GIZ/ QUDRA program under QIPs component, and it will be implemented by DOW Duration: 3 months after signing the contract Beneficiaries: 371 households in total, 315 HCs, 42 IDPs and 14 Syrian refugees. This means about 85% of beneficiaries are HCs and 15% are both IDPs and Refugees By counting 6 individuals per household, 51% females and 49% males then it will be as below: HC: 1890 individuals , 964 females , 926 males IDP: 252 individuals , 129 females , 123 males WASH Cluster Page 2 of 3

Refugee: 84 individuals , 43 females , 41 males WHO: Update: • From 684 water test sample 47% shows zero percentage of chlorine. • WHO support DOH to do randomly water test until end of Dec. 2017 3.Coordination / Sharing To get WASH documentation go for link below:- Information https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1wO8-XZwdRVclBUZWtQOEVkd2s To get Hygiene documentation go for link below:- https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0Bwi--MUv1DdeOGE4ZVZZQU9RVm8&usp=sharing Summer_Recommendations_Joints NFI WASH CCCM: shared on this link https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1wO8-XZwdRVWnlVUnJlclhGaEE&usp=sharing 4. Gaps 1. WHO: Updated, urgent need for WASH facilities in Rapareen PHC which located in Rapareen quarter west part of Suli city (2000 – 2500) consultation/month – 15-20 % from them IDP’s 2. Rania district are in need for chlorine 3. PWJ shared a gap in Shorish sub-district to connect 02 boreholes were digged by PWJ with Ground water tanks available in area. (Assessment available). Gaps related to earthquake:- Table attached Gaps related to the displacement from Garmian:- link below https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15xl3AvNcfWFoo5RCy4hSnciUAm6- VGes0c0NuSPCZvQ/edit#gid=267585354 AOB - Activity info report have to be reported in 05th of each month, Next WASH Cluster Next WASH cluster meeting 28th of November Meeting Scheduled

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