November 8,2017- ,


Nyaz Ibrahim / Sub National Cluster Coordinator-Focal Point. Food Security Cluster Focal Point: Las Rashid

Participants WFP, REACH, BCF, OCHA, CDO

Sulaymaniyah Food Security Cluster Meeting - Agenda

1. Welcome/introduction 2. Review of last meeting’s action points 3. Update on last bi-weekly distribution achievements. 4. Gaps, stocks and challenges 5. AoB

1. Review of last meeting’s action points

• BCF has notified and coordinated with WFP for November distributions. • Logistics cluster training for warehouse and commodity took place, 18 NGOs participated in the training.

2. Bi-weekly update on distributions • CDO distributed 340 IRR kits to 340 and Tooz families in Tazade,Barznja and Surdash Camps. • In Arbat Refugee Camp, 27 complaint cases have been raised through protection. • MoMD will cover all the areas in November with assistance, their distributions have already started and is ongoing. • MoMD has distributed assistance to 2677 families in, and district to IDPs from Kirkuk and Tooz. • REACH the local NGO distributed assistance to 480 refugee families in , , Said Sadiq and Tasluja. • BCF distributed assistance to 1550 families in Kalar Centre for the Tooz IDPs. • IKL has distributed 100 rations to families displaced from Kirkuk and Tooz in Raparing District. • QRC plans to distribute assistance to 800 families in Rizgari district/Kalar in November. • IRCs have completed their distributions in Chamchamal, Takiya, Takiya Kakamand and Shorish. Bazyan and Baynjan are remaining.

FSC-Iraq Operation email address; [email protected]

• Through food cluster coordination, the different areas and districts have been assigned among food security cluster members which have available stock for November

Action points • BCF to coordinate with Garmyan JCC regarding figures and numbers of Kirkuk and Tooz families in Garmyan. • REACH to share their food assistance distribution dates. • All food cluster members to report their respective November distribution plans for the response. AoB

• There is a challenge of data registration and obtaining a clear number of actual IDPs in Sulaymaniyah governorate and Garmyan district.

FSC-Iraq Operation email address; [email protected]