12Q Die in U, S. Piane Crash Near Tokyo Pond, French Road, Bolton
•t wJp. r— '■ i'.-, ■ •<, ■ 'I /i '- ; ^ r ^ i v ''■ > r ....................................... mrnmaemm T^DNESDAY, JUNE 17, 195S PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT Avermge Daily Net Press Ron' The Weather iiattrlf9Bt9r lEttraittg IB^ralb W ar tha Weak Badod June IS, le ss Ferwiaat of C. S. Weather Bo n h m The Mary Cheney end Whlton Major Shmuel C. H arris, whose The Girl Scout office at 983 IJiRGE SELECTION OF 1 0 , 9 4 8 - Partly rloody tonight and tomor* Main street will close Friday after- Memorial Ubrarlea will be closed wife and son live at 36 Ridge AboutTQWJl: f-noon-for■■ the summer months,- It -all -day- Saturday, - Juna-20,- Iw-order. -sti'eat,.Avaa-a.war.ded-tha..Air-Medal, -------Member wMha AndH --------- that the librarians rnay attend the recently for participating in ac -BIFTITEIB ' a t »111 bfe opened aKsih on Sept. 14. CHATHAM ALL WOOL BLANKETS Bureiaa Clrealatioao " Manchester— A City of Village Ckarm^ Recent birthe to local residents Connecticut Library Association tion , against Communi.st build For Father’s Day, June tl at Hartford hospitals include: on The G.l'.S. Sponsors of St. meeting which will be held at the ups In North Korea and dive- Montowese House in Branford. Tiie bombing strikes in support of UN June 15 at the St. Francis Hos Mary's Church will meet Friday (EIGHTEEN PAGES) pital a son to Mr. and Mrs. John evening: at 6:30 p.m. at the cottage two-day session will begin Friday. frontline troops. Arthur Drug Storut VOL. LXXII, NO. 220 <OluafM AdyertMag «i Pag* IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 18, 1953 PRICE nvE ciiiibv Donnelly, 36 Waddell road, and a of Miss Hannah Jensen on Coven- daugfhter to Mr.
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