% ' 4* • . ^, ' ' 1

\ ' If . . «RmPA^K^lJLTlf^lM0 Avtnga DoBy CIrcaktIaa .U m Waothar jEnrnittg Ijgralb fOv m s Mm Oi at JoHb IM6 roraeast at D. a. Waatboa Bofaaa ^s: physical and mantal andewmsmte, 9,063 riM aaal fuala tmlgMi ft la not Ow ssasntlul charaeterle- t ■ Wadaeoday maaltar oaaay wHh Man’s Spirit A i r F u n u i ^ km Busy on Model JRaeer tlca of peraons which deteimlna. LECLERC temperatnrea a HMIe Mgher U About Town - 'WUOam J. MeSweeney, ^ their Influence but the aplilt In CleBued and Repaired today. Hubbard and Wllllsw E. Taylor which they express thess chsrac- Foocral Homs ManchBMie t ■ d CUy o f Village Charm X want deep sea flthlns y**^*!^^ Sermon Topic tertetlcs. One who hss a good jolM m. Htileeldn. • !-«• ®** and brought home » spirit can overcome tha Umlta* 23 Main Street VAN CAMP BROS. m S^m Stue rtnit. ku be«n hon* Maek dsh. The flsh were caught tiom of personal appearanea In In- PhoiM 5269 T d ep b o e e 5244 aa roga M) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JULY 16. 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 1 m b M* dtodMn*^ froBt Navkl off the race near Bartlett a w L R third union aervlca of Cen­ Royce-Schildgc «■ Proved Garsspn; OMo ontMtalMd w ith n picnic aup* benefit of the Orphans fu""-/*™* ter Congregational and _ South United States Risks M r ftt ti**!*- homo iM t n lj^ t for SHU be bald during the Connedlcut MethodlH churchSs with two more Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Schlldga Get Back 3 Spies tm oli with nbout W nin- Grand Lodge Field Day at Schuet- to be held In South church. Be­ announce the engagement of their BEDSPREADS Open Split in an At­ ttoM la nttoateaco. sen Park. Windsor, Sunday, Au- ginning the firat Sunday of Auruat daughter, Mlsa Barbara R. g u k <5. Members desiring more an— Five Persons ‘TlBa. M in Oertrudo Mejror of Engle* offictal Halt to Sunset Rebeksh we cannot determtao tho dreum- employed by tho Water depart­ Harrison Held Two Senator Vaadwherg, time was spent in Germany. Ha MIchigaa senator to«h Um row morning to fiy to Seattle, An waa said by an author of Ruasians handed over a misa- Chief Si^B Survey floor to dtacaaa the Big Fear fare Service Express Waahington, a^d then go from Proverbs,"the splHt of a man will Is at present ofllce manager of Harvsy Q. Howe there by train to Portland, Oregon, Huxtaln his InfimlCy," Perrett * Olenney, Inc. No data ing American warrant officer Show* They' Should •fleeting ef foreign aslaletors la Community Service Cen­ Bales *Hepresenting '■In­ ing Hope He Would to aea Uielr daughter, Mrs. Begins “This applies Ukewlss to our has been set for the wedding. and his petite wife to. U. S rarfe, which he attended aa aa Rcglstcrcfl Land Sarrejor Vadows whom Oiey have not seen Army authorities early to­ Refndn Ftrom Buying advteoiv'Be voloed full ea- ter in Bridgeport Is flated and Black Mar­ Get Future Busineaa In mora than eight years. This is Roger Hall, of 37 Holt street. Is shown above working on his dorsemeat of the ooafereace 4 • « Oleett Orhre streamlined model racer whith he will enter In the Ronp Box day, and soon afterward the report gtvea the nattoa by ra­ Scene of Blaze; 80 ket Good** Are to Be Mr. and Mra. Brown'a first plane PbUadelphIa, July Vet­ Banctin! trip. They wlU be away two Weeks Derby on September 7. Americaos announced they dio last night by Secretary of TsL Msssshseter S-W l erans should not buy bomaa at State BjTaee. f < Driven to the Street Dum/ied Into Ocean WMhiDgtofi, Joljr 16.—6F> and will return by plane. . . J .. • were releasing.^three Russian espionage suspects to the present inflationary pr(e<^ says —The president ot Erie Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Long, of M Red Army. Joseph M. Stack of inttsbufgh, Waahington. July I*—( j^ T h e BrtdgeporL July 16—OP) — Fiva Boston, July 16—(fo— The New issin Metal Products Co., oe- Jordt street, Mies Lucy CIsrkMp. Builds His Soap Box Derby Arrested Two Weeka Ago commander-ln-chlcf of the Veter­ United States risked an open split persona Including three firemen England office of tha American knowlodged todsr that tha formerly of Manchester, and Ed­ The ctvlUan-clad Ruaolana, two with Russia today In an attempt to wars Injured, one In a leap from a Veterans Committee, Inc., rallied Jeon's ward wataoo, of Canada, have re­ of whom claimed to be Red Army ans of Foreign Wars. munitions concern distribut­ turned from Hamilton, Ontario, Entry on Streamline Design officers, had been arrested in. the Stack said he would urge a vet- force economic unification of Oer- second story window, as fire swept the public for "a Boston taa ed Chrletmas gifts aroond Beoufy Shop Canada, While in Canada they at­ U. S. xone two weeks ago, it waa arans’ housing purchase strike many. ^ ^ Um three story frame structure In' ]iarty“ tohight aa a move in the Waahington In 1948 nnd 1944 tended the 100th anniversary of announced. , when tbe27th annual encampment SecrcUrv of SUte Byrnes de­ Golden HIU street bousing th* design "to aanra tha nation from •at diaclalmed knowlodge os TELEPHONE 7890 Hamilton. They stayed at the home Roger Hall of 37 H0II street, one - Uverlng The Herald. Roger will - The Americans, Warraht Of- of the VFWa Department of Penn­ clared last night that iMdera giving Peesldent Truman (oeated) xfgna the 93,750,000,000 British loan agree* Community Service center. Inflation." ef Mrs, Long's sister, Mrs. Law­ ' fleer and Mrs. Samuel U Harrison sylvania meets In Philadelphia Russia meht at the White House as. (left to,right) V. 8. Chief Justice Fred Tha regional offtca callad a pulH> to whethor any had gone' to SI Mlddk TWiqHka, West of the more than 78 boye who 1 enter tha fifth grade this fall at the a eholcs beWeen edo^ra TIm blaiM, of undetermined ori­ rence Watson. Nathan Hale achool. of San Antonio, Tex., disappeared July 36. tion or ''b c o n o ^ a'ran d y ^ ''’Tn Vinson, Secretkry of State James F. Byrnes, Lord InverchapeL lie meeting at th* Old South Meet­ goremment oCridals. Thlo have already reglatered for the gin, drove some 80> veterans and ing Houaa after which bales "rep­ Entries Close Jnly SI IS days ago when they ventured "A natlonwlda housing survey by Germany wUl-.■» go— forward*---- L -/ "this British ambassador to U. 3. and Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn testimony was given to the Rotary Club's Soap Box Derby 500 yards Into the Ruulen occu­ look on. «JP) wlrephoto vetarana* Sdvlsoni from the struc- resenting Inilatad and Week mar­ ! Entries for the Soap Box Derby coromltteea of the 1,000 VFW poets week*’ tp Gen. Joseph T. McNar- tu n ahorUy aftar 10 a. m. Sonnto W u InveotlgntiM pation xone to oee a pet shop dog shows that vetaraas must refrain ney, American mllttary command­ ket goods’’ WlU ba dummied Into the which will be held on September ^n July 31at aa tho firat Police and fit* authortUes eald ocean from India wharf. Partici­ committee by Allen B. Gdl- 7th, la showing excsptlonsl skill In ' inspection of all racers which will kenneL Harrison said he waa held from buying homao on the present er at Frankfurt two days In virtually a dungeon; highly-inflated market,” he assert­ most of them cecaped unharmed pants wUI follow tha sansa routs mon of Chicago. Ho asM ho designing snd building his racer, j psrllclpato will be held on Friday, The orders will be to cooperate from the third floor of the-etruC' taken by patriots in 1773 at the conM not ‘’see anythhig HALC'S SELF SERVE his wife said she waa questionod ed la a statement with any or all of the other occu­ The frame of the car which Is of August 23. Entry blanks are print­ repeatedly and at one time cried Sabath ■ Asks House ture by way of a rear stairway, famous Boston tsa par^. TIm Oriffisal In New England! ed each Saturday In The Herald, (niuatrattoD not exactly aanM oa merchandise). Feroed Te Waste Loan Gnaraatee pying ^w ers—Britain, France and while othera lowered themsclvea wrong” in giving n compact wood, has been shaped In s stream­ during an interrogation. *Tt shows that vaterana are be- Congresswomah (Jhaaa Going to n girl receptionisL He add­ lined design with the cross mem­ or can be securc adviaor. doing business. TUESDAY SPECIALS! cording to his plans snd the oil­ U, 8. Army auth) Foi^43 Nazis ANTKINDt chased. At the present stage, the July 4 boarding a train for Grant- Spy Actions Trapped In a third-floor offlM. associate, jui a “auper lale^* esan CoBtentnOnly...... • • e..e • e a • e 4 $1.75 only coats will bs for the Oilcloth enburg, 20 mUes north of Berlin. Russia declined at the Paris —A key House Republican. L a h o r. Veterans and David Brown, an aducaUonal coun­ man” be^uie “the proof cil covering, ntits, bolts and miscrl Maj. Gen. Jamaa A. Keating, meeting to go along either on eco­ Representatfye Wolcott ot * selor, made a spectacular descant the padding waa in tha eatini American commander in Berlin, Indication of Talks by nomic measures, guarantees for Michigan, jciined administra­ Civic Groups Called by working bis way down the SeniRnciril for Slaughter laneoua hardware. TbiJnKHAUcoM keeping Germany disarmed for a of tt." No. 2 Can aaid strenuous efforts were being tion leaders today in urging front of Um building from a parob. Baekad Vo Clalfo «< AhUUar Tangerine Juice 2 3 c Cable Steering MANCHBSTBR CONM* ma4)e to secure their release. Har- Three Nations Hold­ quarter of a century, or the writ- For Demonstrationa Brown'a face and hair were siniged Of 900 Amef'ican Sol Roger has decided to use the that (he House reject the GeUmaa testlSsd that Gsnsoo riaon and hla wife, Helen, were re­ lag of a pcaes treaty for Auatrta. Against Rising Coata and his M l hsnd soorchsC but hs dienLiud Belgian Ci' luuhbedMd tio-M r claim oP aWllty (^able method of steering and has leased to..iCeating at 1:45 a. m. at ing Atom Bomb Secret Pina Blam Squarely Oa SMabio Senate's OPA reviv^ legislip sso^Md serious Injury. selected an odd wheel for a ateer- j to pbtolB fovamiiMiit mualtfooe Russian‘headquariere. ' Is Seen After Report On tboac' points, Byrnes observ­ tfon and seek a compromise. Ths others Injund, sU firemsn, vilians in Bulge Battle Tonrato Juice 46 Og.„Can 29c ing whael, ratheV than an old j American intelligence officers By The Aosodsted Prass oeden by (I) t*tUflg a Mg ad­ automoblla ateering wheel. Brakes , ed. the conference “made no pro­ As the House debated the were: venes contract and (2) by slww- said they* had no trace of Cobin gress at all." He pinned the blame question of what to do with Labor, veterans and civic groupa John Rsqip, 26, 738 Wo'rdln ave­ Dachau. Germany, July 16—(T) Ing him a letter from the <2i4flll- wilt be of the drag type operated : HIHfUHCy and Wyatt since the driver of their BaUetinl squarely on Russia. - Across the nation were summoned nue, who slipped while osrndng s cil Warfaro aervlco espcooirtag by a hand lever. Jeep left them at a northern Ber­ Ottawa, July Ifi—(4V-Two the Senate measure, Wolcott, —An American Military court sen- high members ot the Russian *T do not believe." he declared, today for Jemonatrations to pro­ hoae line up Uie stsire In the inte­ tsneed 48 veteran German 8S TpdtsiGs ______Fudgo _____ Pkg. 25c The building of a racer for the lin railway station. "that the Soviets realize tho doubts ranking G.O.P. member of rior of the building snd wss atrack (Coanaued aa Pa(m m iht) Derby ta only one of Roger’s aum- | o Held on |lnsplclon ef Espionage embassy, atatt accused of di­ the Banking committee, de­ test the end of ORA aa the 'move­ troops to death today for th* recting undercover espl4inage and suspicions which they have in the right eye by the full water mer activltlea *te Is a member of 1 In Stock... Brig. Gen. SMwin L. SIbert, chief raised In tho minds of those in oth­ clared, "the bin at present is ment grew for buyers strikes pressure. TYestsd by Dr, Andrew slaughter of 900 American, soldlera a Cub Trooii \nd la planning to (Illn»tratlf>n opemUona in Canada left Ot­ against rising living coats. TIm CORK of the U. 6. Headquarters Intelli­ tawa harrie4lly ff>llowlng pub- er countries who want to be their in worse condition than we P. Owens, ha was taken to Brldgs- and Belgian civilians during the Ko^-Aid Ice Cream Mix join the Boy ' couta on December 1 aumotstna Cons not axaetly gence division, said In n statement frienila by the aloofness, coolness In tha first country-wide anti- port hospital. winter battle of the Ardennes 17 of this yet . He Is also suhstl- j Ucnti4m of the government re­ have ever seen in the history aame aa the three Russians had been held port on the Soviet espionage and hoBtility with which they have of OPA legislatioa." inflation action since the OPA ex­ Melvin Cunningham, mambsr of bulge. tuting as a > -wsboy in hla neigh-! on suspicion of espionage In the received America’s offer to guar­ pired July 1, the CIO United Auto Truck Company 3, who rc4Miv^ a The crimes were committed'dur­ or Soft Drinks Pkg. 5c borhood during the summer de- j mcrchaodlM) network, it waa learned today. Flashes! Rotary U. S. Zone of Berlin. *nH» two were an- when he cut his hand on broken around the Christmas season of (Lato BoUetlaa a l the (F) Mfiio) clad, foreign clandestine operatives Kumabiy by way of the United But on the success side of the —The House, debating OPA hour meetings which President window glass and was treated by 1944, Topovo K4i]| Pkg. 9c in the U. 8. Zone of Berlin in no , States, They are BItall O. ledger Byrnes listed the calling of revival, heard a plea from Walter Reuthcr declared “will her­ Dr. John O’Looney. PrlsoiB For 80 Other* Registrars Notice Brush Type wise violated any written, oral or Pavlov, second secretary of the a peace conference for July 29 to ald a buyers strike such as this CAR PAINTING Kepresentative Sabath (D„ country has never known." William Bailey, Ridgefield Prison sentences ranging up to Plea far Mercy Befueefi Implied quadripattlte agreement In embassy who was accused of consider treaties, drafted In ten- avenue, who received a laceration life were given the other 30 of th* Gel Our Estloiate that city," the statement said directing an NKVD (Sevlet totlve form at the Paris council, III), today for rejection of Many communities. ocheduled Belgrade. July gefo Town of Mnnehester demonstrationa later this week or 73 officers and men convictad last secret police) espionage net­ the Senate bill and its exemp­ (tkintlaiied Oa Pime Fer, who gave INC. Manchester will meet on Friday, Vacuum mercial connsellor. other items from prices con­ the fate4Ul order that the 88 troops charge* of 'treasoa have lost oa Tel. fitfl July 26, 1046, In the town clerk's I scheduled one-day buyers atrikes appeal to the presldlom ot Um Bti Osater St trols." - ; as a protest ogauiat. the deiith' of were to take no prisoners, was one Yugoslav ParWaiweat far aaetcar. office from 12 o'clock noon, until OtUvra, July Indica­ of those doopied. Testimony was 9 P. M., for the purpose of ipaking "The pubUe must not ' he OPA. Part Pay May It waa officially aokoaaood today Heirens Denies tions that the Uiree nations which Council Asks mulcted and held up," Sabath Ploats Faee Shutdown. that ha ordered frozen, axhauated Cucum bers 3 Lb.. 2 5 c an enrollment of the electors who hold the atom bomb secret may that the preUdluoi had taips# El': . said.' "Wa must legislate in the In­ and dlaqrmed American priooners dowa the leqoaata. Aathotittes za- are entitled to vote in any prima­ confer on Russian spy activities In DetirotL citadel 4if the UAW- ' ' ' 'ng tha battle and that the WASHING MACHINES ry or caucim In the Town of Man­ Cleaners terest of the pubUc." CIO, moat Industrial plants faced Be OPA Test fraMd ta soy whethor the ezeeo- He Confessed were seen today following publi­ Settle Dispute Aeka Sending to Ooafereae* oahg zonga of masoacre REPAIRED^- ALL MAKES chester, and for the- purpose of cation of an official Canadian re­ a shutdown with UAW offlcLala Uona would be carried oat |flfolle(y making last changes in the enrdll- Sabath, chairman of the Rules estimating 250,000 CIO members eve of the offensive. or privately, hot tt waa picvleaUy le fdib^ Csperleocel port that Soviet agents, who "may committee, asked the House to Native Squash 2 i.b..19c ment list last perfected. still’’ be operating in' Canada, had Siam would attend today's protest meet- Nearly 50 Per Cent of / (Jot. Gen- Josef (Sepp) Dietrich, Indleated th at thmr w-ouM be pO- BeaaaaaMe Rates! Edward F. Morlarty, Granted 30 Day Con­ Requests Action send the measure to a Senate* veteran of Adolf HltleFs abortive vate, with baly ttie flrlag sqiwd ^ •Apex Deluxe flown samples of uranium 235 to House Conference committee Workers Face P r^ Jack M. Gordon. tinuance on Burglary Russia. On Territory Seized union said .'nine-tenths of beer hall-putsch In 1928 In nearby aad official altaesaoo preooaL A. BREWER which could rewrite It "to protect organised auto workers . would Munich and commander of the Ger­ I. . • • • Telephons t-OMO Registrars of Voters of . the Make Up Your Own The report, issued by a Royal pect of Only Half-I^y Town of Manchester. •General Elcclricv And Assault Charges F r o m Indo • China the consumers of thla C4>untiy. leave their jobs, leevlng only main­ man Sixth Panzer Army, waa sen- Six Held la KMaapIgg ij>. 4c commission compooed of twd of “If. aometbing isn’t done about tenance crews to man the plants. ■ * controlling prices we will have a. , Washington, July 16. Vo— ..Lagraagc, Iaw York. July is -U T h - The A charge that the demonstra­ —4 '^Conttaoed oa Page Four) Four men and two womeaj-aecus- Bulletin! (OoBUBoed cm FBge Faur) situation that will be troublesome, tion “Is Just a publicity buildup for Nearly 60 per cent of OPA’a 84,000 Chlenge, July IS — IP) — kingdom of? Slam haz oaked the for labor Will be unable to exist on workers face the prospect of half­ ed ef havlag kidnaped a.Chicago •Eureka United Nations Security Oiuncll tKb union boys'* camrfrom Charles toxi driver were ctq»tuf*d ia a Stoto’B Attorney William J. present scales of pay .with the coat E. Boyd, secretary of the Detroit pay this week. And there's a pos- wood* south of hero today aftoi Elberto Peocties 2 li.^ 29c Tnohy oald today that George to ztep Ihto. Ite complicated front­ of Hying going up," Sabath said. Retail Merchants association. aibility the rest may get none when FUEL AND 18” Washable SnbrowekL m soWer, had Men- Wheelei* Faces ier dUpiitc with France^-ovts- parts Many coaentlal living cost Items, , "They might better stay'on the next week’s pay day iollla around. Doenitz Seen raoM thaa 166 police offtcera aad tlfled William Helrens aa a of Indo-China which were leized he added, have Jumped l‘20 to 30 Job and help Increase production,’’ TTila may precIpitAte a crisis on volunteers patrolled arouod the man he saw curing a.paper by the Siamese with Japanese sup­ per cent" since OPA died 16 days He said in a statement, “rather whether the agency can hold its woods tbroaghout the olght. The RANGE bag a block from the Degnan port and Vichy French collabora­ ago. staff together while legislation to Against War driver, Charlto ttodth, $4, saM hs OIL Ballot Battle -4 than take time off." was held captive frotn 8 a. ha. yes-- HEALTH MARKET^ Reliable, Metered Service home shortly after Suzanne tion months before Pearl Harbof. Just before the debate began, P4mlcar4l« Ask For Veto revive price controls is pending. PRINTED Degnan wna kidnaped from The territories involved consti­ terday natil late yesterday after­ C2ilcago UAW officials said .30,- Thus far Congress hss taken, no From One of Manchester’s Oidest Dealers her bet^aad her body cut to Gimpaign Manager Pre- tute some 20,000 square mlleo (Conttaued OB Page ngbt) final action on OPA’s appropria­ Counsel AtiaertH Gemiuti noon, whea he escaped aear Roihe BUY MODERATELY! pieces. shown on pre-war maps as psrts of 000 workers " were expected -to tion for thr fiscal year which be­ Oty, lad. Ncrgt. Baiiolln ot the In­ Tank Type Cleaners leave 60 plants today for a meet­ Admiral Took" Deci­ dians state pMioe asM the aix hsl# As meats begin to arrive, we noggest that yon pat flicts Winning of Dem­ Cambodia and'Laos, bordering the Treaaary Bafamcc gan July 1. It may by the week’s TOWELING Chieago, July 16—oed providing that a non-member of land weather, which blighted apple ten-year average for this faU: "That means a delay of at least a Tells of Doenitz* Role ment press officer. referrM 'fo •Eureka p |* p ^ motions In connection with would' atop “the smear campaign the UN. may submit a dlspdte to trees with a falfo spring last year, Maine. 95 per cent; Oonnecticut, few days on the second batch of Tha attorney presented the fol­ poMIsIwd reports ef soeh Atgifo See The Sample Draperies aorae ^ the chargee. the Security (Council if It agrees' cheeks.” tlne-Ruaolaa negotlatloiif, agatazt Burt Whealer," The oen- was blamad again this year by the 80; Massachusetta, 55; Rhode Is­ lowing veralon''of Doenitz' role in toM reporters: “W# do not hfor* •Apex . I HeIrMir Remalne Silent atoria opponent la Leif Brtckzon. In advance to abide ^ the coun- U. 8. Department of Agriculture land, 53; Vermont, 52; New Hamp­ PaM la Full Far June the wartime relcli: Fresh Ground Beef Lb. 49c ‘ Jfelrena led Into the packed former Montana Supreme Court cll’a terma for settlement. in predicting one of the smallest shire. 42. A from tomorrow, July 24, A-t the beginning of the war he any Informattoii on It aad we SO* ' . eeiurtroom and surrounded by po­ ITie United States, Great Britain is the regular pay day for all other sunte of course that If there wp* TOMORROW NIGHT Justice, who drew the support of commercial apple crops on record. The nation's apple crop wiU )m was an obacure U-boat command­ anything to It we would have Qoldt neeted •Universal In Our Linen Dept. licemen snd spectators, remained James Rixiaevelt, son of the late and C9ilna already have announced Tlie Crop Reporting service fore­ 12 per cent under average, Crop OPA employee*—about 34,000 in er, without 'influence. i silent during the brief proceedings. their support of a full hearing In Waahington and another 15,000 In heard of It." president. cast today a fall production in the Reporting predicted. He opposed Hitler'* effort to . - • • * He appeared at ease and stood im­ Predieta 15,### Veto Victory the council and thdaa three and six state area of 8,990,000 buahsU, -Peaches will reach average pro­ the field. These already have been] passively. paid In full for work in June. withdraw from the Geneva conven­ Seize Nine Jew* as Hostages “ French Fried Potatoes AMERICAN LEGION HOME jl'd r Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! With a, moderately heavy vota India have Joined aa sponsors of 37 per cent leaa than a tan-year duction of 106,000 bushels in New tion and ordered the discontinu­ Leonard Street Earlier the youth conferred with of a b ^ 135,000 forecast, Wheel­ Slam’s pending application for U- average, although nahrly three England, the (SeparUnent added. OPA figures that unless ths ap­ Warmw, July 16.—(AT—Qak:^ .1 . '. ' 1 A t\ Fixed OP A Prices reporters at the county- Jail and propriation bill Is through Con­ ance of rescue* of shipwreck sur­ lawed (NSZ banda'ojperajllfg In tk t-‘ er's campaign chairman, Bailey N. membership. Umes greater than "last year’s In surveys on acreage, Crop R«- vivors, only to the lives of pb». 31c raid .be had "made no con:esalon” Storts, predicted victory by about The Siamesa said a delegation near failure of 1,863.000 bushels.’’ p o r^ g announced increases in po­ gress by Friday, it will be impos- Klelce' dtotrtet were reported to­ about the slaying case. Warden aible to pay these 18,400 woricers submarine personnel. day to have seized nine .JawS .a* CInIck frosted GRAND SWEEPTAKES See Tliein Now and Gfst That New Cleaner 15JX10 votes. I fttim Bangkok would arrive in New Reaaona for this, tha department tatoes and tobacco of cigar type He never ordered the destruction * Frank Sain of the county jail aliw "An Erickson victory by 20,000 «rk shortly to support their saicL were frost and frees* damsge and onion planting exceeded only on time. T)iat means they woqld hostagM for nlnr Foleo who wore get no pay at all when It’s due. of ship's crews. wWae*6 cm Page Fear)' Poles were aot soared. , V ‘I ' • V •!- J :' ' ST* •‘'.'v ■ . ^ . -K ' ' . M ANCHESTEB EVENnra B SIU LD . M AHCBKSTEB. W N H , TUESD Ar. IV LT \%i 194% MANCHESTM EVENING HEI2ALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY. JULY 16.194« PAGE 'nnUEB / - r ^ s f ToUSfld County w as.biid adding that the slug had gone com­ as donors in aach Instance. He ■tarting te is y a t Bhady Lake in Manchestdr VatenuMf Bomers whsra alssaba will ba held Top Officials Saturday at 7>00 p. ip- st tlwWest- May Cut Off Is Held pletely through Schreiber't body. recovered 'conaclousneta Just be­ RfM *.kville aach Juasiay and Friday with Servicd Ccatar Brook Farm where William An- List 143 Vets the eole uae of veteran* during the I i ' ' l l Trio Inelde Orllle fore noon and recognized his wile, those St Cnrstal Laks on wmdsys w ceatsr atrast USB of Tolland has charge of coming school jrear. Nichols said that Investigation, who hzd been keeping a constant M bontory which will lnduy* veteran has a specific need or to Hitchcock, Mrs. Marguerits Camp­ seaaon. SCHOOL over are eltcible to enter th* A mastlag Of the Common Coun' wife bad mads for him to sea a ^ y - the field. ' - Jeon's cU win bs iMld this evening at the six Democratic members. Y for the benefit of Tplland Com­ Blcian. earn credits neceisary for admis­ bell, Mrs. Adsbelle Poole. Ghi^Iea Bullet In .\hdoinrn o i l Eul Rlrtlord 8-080S claiwaa and any child who la able Home George WinigaM ot M t munity Center In Tolland Town FrlewUy Spirit PrevalU New Haven, July 16—(4h-»-The sion to some special school or col­ Wlgren, Alliiton Ellsworth, and All were taken into custody to swim allghtly may b*- rfble to Hovsn ofelssk wUh Mayor Raymond The 112,000-word majority re­ He quoted relatives of the couple "Contrary to the general belief,’’ . Beauty Shop B. Hunt pr ssldtng, Chester la chairman oMks gsoeral port, due to be released formally HalL Friday night, Ju'/ I3th, as saying Mn. Bopko made the ap­ appolnt.nent of Howard S. Ellis as lege. Manv of the fifty four who Edward Lynch. Mrs. Hitchcock within a few hours alter Schrel- qualify for a oertlflcate before the committee'In charge of tks .ovsnt proved a great aucesM. 1 he halt he aai^ "the relations batween the and Mr. Lynch were aleo former her, a 34-year old ex-GI, had been end of the seaaon. Ae eorm «« * Th# coametl mssUng wtU ba fol­ later this week, reportedly places pointment "bccauae her httsbsnd four powers-in the kommandaturx Sterling professor of economics at have left have already achieved TELEPHONE 7890 lowed by a masting of the Emer. (leta CommkniM the blame for American failure to was packed to cdpacity with those was on the verge of delirium Yale university wailtnnounc^ to­ the purpose for which they enroll­ members of the faculty who have felled by a bullet in the ebdomen younfstar bacomea proficient in Immanuel J . Klstts, son Of the. Interested in the benefit and in BwUn are very satisfactory. A served In the Armed Forces. The aa he and three other patrolmen 51 Middle Turnpike, West baalc swimming ha will br given gancy HOnalng commlttaa from S anticipate the stuck on both tremens from d;inking.’’ friendly spirit prevaile at all meet­ day by President Charlea Seymour, ed. Eight completed their refresh­ to • o'eloek with Chairman Harry Rev. and Mrs. K ail Otto Klstto of tA^hlngton military officials and financial returns a auccesa. Relsttk’So ‘lutervaue ElUe. professor of economics at er work, six have earned the necee- faculty In the summer seuion Is- were investigating a report that WUd Flowor Booklet the teat and receive the certificate thia city has been Bominntsd na A large audience waa present at ings, notwithetanding that we very composed' of Miss |felen Estes. intruders were Inside the grille. at onca. In other worda, It will not Lugg presiding. tha commanders at Pearl Harbor. frequently do not sec eye to eye the University of Calllbrnia. will •ary credits for a high school diplo­ NEW! TIMELY! IEAUTIFULI— Prefusely IHutfrated with 48 nstur*l Bssklsg Raernlts an officer in the regular Army by Those Were MaJ. Oen. Walter Short the Sunday morning worahlp serv­ The detective said that interven- e ma, two successfully passed the Charlea ’Hurlburt. Anthony All­ Schreibet. married and the. fa­ Knotty Pine end Mahogany Panek Now ba naceaaary for all the youngetcra to Welcome lion by the couple’s daughter, on all iasuea” assume hia post here with the op­ c*ler pheteqrsphi of nstivo Wild fiewora. Write for your copy nf Company C, Connecticut Btata President Truman, with tbs nomi­ and Admiral Husband B. Klmmct. ice, July 14th, and ening of the fau term, Sept. 16. examinations for the state high brio, and Wilmot Rsed who return­ ther of one child, waa taken to the . .thit bosutiful ond colerful beoUot todsy, Sosd lOe fw oseh copy to attend each claaa for the entire nation being coivartnsd by tbs U. hear Rev. Leon Austin of Coven­ Sophie, and a sister-in-law, M n. Keating aaid there was no ques­ ATailable« 4’ x 8 ’ and 4’ x 1(T— all finished. ■eaaon to receive the certificate. Guard of thia city te soaking ra- 35 Recommendsttaus Made tion but that, the' Army's tighter . A native of Denver, he waa grad­ ■ school diploma, eight have entered ed to his teaching duties follow­ Bridgeport hospital where his or tIflO poedoion to Salads Taa Co„ Oapt. II, l$S larlslay Straat, 8. henaU. The young man who try the guest supply preacher at Virginia Draluss, saved M n. Sop- ing hla discharge from the NSyy In A similar aeries of clnaaea la emits Captain Francia Cratty an­ The committee Was said to have dia^Uhe U producing results. uated from the University of Iowa college or some other sehool, two name was placed on the critical THE OFFICE OF lattoa .14, Mau. No painting neceeeary. Don’t wall. Buy nounces uiat the company will go rone from private to ths rank of made 25 recommendations for ad­ tha Federated church. ko from more severe Injuries. have moved out of-town, two have May. Hat. A spokesman at the hospital lieutenant colonel In tbs Army Air Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Lenn- Patrolmen John Nagy and David "Ine venereal rate In Berlin Is in 1920. and. continued hi* atudiea DR. GERSHANOFF to Camp Baldwin. Ntantlo oh July ministrative changes In Arpay and graoually dropping, - and at the In the graduate schooU at the Uni-, reenlisted,... one . has .been accepted All of tho administrative work aaid that he had been hit by a what yon need now. ^ 3S to remain until August S, and Corps will hold ths rank of Brat Navy procedure as a result of dis­ alil have as guest their grsndson K. Wllaon, who went to investigate including paper work with cases single bullet low in the abdomen, complaints of Bopko's attack on present time is below the theater verslty of Michigan. Harvard and I admission to college In the fall, X OPTOMETRIST COOKED A FINE DINNER; those who enlist now wlUbsI aiiglbla lieutenant, Air Corps. Ths Rock­ closures In connection with the st­ of Huntington, Long IsTand, N. Y. average level. Our miademesAor Heidelberg university, Germany. o"* has left for the summer hut Involving the Vatfrana Adminis­ ville man eaw senrlqi with tha Ith his wife found him sitting In a tration is being carried on by the 915 MAIN STREET THEN THREW IT TO DOG to attend the camp. u ck. and felony rate haa drop!ped to a He was a member of the faculty I wlll return ’ In the fall, fourteen Ona lady reoantly stated that aha Air Corps In Europe as pilot of a Members who have been work­ rear shed with his left hand Mr^, have left for work and for ten the regular high school' admlnlstretlve WILL BE CLOSED The W. G. Glenney Co. tially amputated. They quoted him vary low ebb. at the University of Michigan for used to throw her own dinner to Tha Romaco Chib will hold a R.17 and Is'now stsUonsd In In­ ing on the report for several weeka Urges Vets Not to "laolated caaea, however, are atiU reseon for leaving Is unknoix'n. staff In addition to Ita other duties. SMN0.MAlN8r. TEL. 4148 Boftball game at Ranir Park on diana. as saying he struck the wrist of several years, leaving In 1938 with FE N D E R AND ALL DAY tlie dog moat ol tha time. It made said there was tittle question In reported. It Is hard for me to Unr the rank of professor to accept Grow RapIdlF In establishing ths Veterans' Dl- bar sick Just to look at anything to Wadnaaday, July 34. at 6:30 p.m. their minds that they hdd. arriv­ the member three times with a WEDNESDAYS • Buy' Homes Now hatchet / - dentand why any soldier will with­ similar post at the University of The veterans -division grew vleion, the Board of Education BO D Y W O RK s a t Bha was awollan with gaa, full Marla Tyler and PMllp Bedard will Advertisement— ed at a nonpartisan analysis of the feels that It Is meeting a real and M u n f f out provocation assault a civilian, ba taam captalna. Sonsettmaa It's Impasalhla Hospital Authorities aaid the California. rapidly from the date of ita open­ DURING JULY AND, of Moat, had haadMChaa. fait worn facU In connection with the sur­ male or female, but they do. From 1943 until 1945, while on ing January 14th so that by the vital need of the returning oervlc* SOLIMENE « FLAGG out and waa badly eonatipated. BHgM flra Tour telephone operator can't prise attack. As proof of this, (OoutiBostf rrem Page oue) condition of ths Sopkos was "fair" " I am of the opinion that mis­ men. It Is determined to r ^ i n this AUGUST. Tha truck of the Canter Fire handle every call promptly when todsy. leave of absence from California, end of the school ysar in June, INC finally aha got Br B-HEIJP and bemocraU on the committee cited conduct along this line has caused he served as assistant director of sixteen aeparate classes ware be­ part of the work of the..local high 634 CMter St. Tel. 6101 I C S D T E A sava aha now site avarythlng In Company answered s atlll alarm too many telephone calls arrive at the decision of K- Vets’ Auxiliary • “The assaults on Iroops are usu­ She la enjoying' Wt-i onca more and the CorWn property on Pleasant tween D:30 a. m. and 13 noon. ligationa they may not be able to ally due to an argument between Washington. D. C. taxed the limited capacity of the asked not to be quoUd by^ name, He Is the author of aeveral books local school. In some casea rooms HOTtCE faals Ilka "aoma other woman" straat. . So, if your operator doesn't an­ aald that while Keefe and Gear­ meet over a period of ycara." To Hold Social two nations, or the cause arieee in on economic theory and haa con­ poorly suited to the needs of par­ since Uking tWa New Compound. Baealvlng Entries swer U.e moment you pick up your hart did not agree with some of the Stack: made public a letter he re­ JSiUousy of German males over ERB-HBLP eonUins 13 Orest Tha Rockville Lodge of Elks la telephone, please remember that ceived recently from Civilian Pro­ fraternization.'' tributed frequently to economic ticular subject matter were press­ deUlls of the findings they were Journals. ed into use. A typewriting room Herba; they cleanse bowels. cleSr receiving entries for the popular­ she’s trying harder than ever to willing to acquiesce In the overall duction Administrator John D, Members of the Anderaon-aiiea * Proper Standards Not Attained OUR STORE WILL BE aa from atomach, act on siugglah ity contest which la to be a feature give you good service. She will be Small in which CPA 'acknowledged Auxiliary, V.F.W., who plan to at­ Keating added that many of the with limited blackboard apace waa decisions and recommendations. used for mathematic classes and var and kidneya. Miserable peo­ of the t htrlty Fair to ba held Sep­ able to handle ycnir calls faster Has Prepared Minority 'Report It ‘‘fkaed to direct manufacturere tend the social at the home man in the .European theater are Allotment Made for Equipment gple soon foel different all over. Hu tember )8 to 81. .Anyone la eligible when more equipment becomes of scarce building materials to set Mrs. Florence Streeter, past pres­ young and Juat out of school, and the chemistry laboratory w-lthouC On the other hand, Ferguson al­ adequate desks was used for other CLOSED don't go on auffertiigl Oet BRB- to enter this conteet and details available. Meanwhile, It would help ready has prMared a minority re- aside percentages of tbsir output ident of the auxiliary, 06 Stark­ haven’t attained proper standards. Hartford, July 16.—(AV-An al­ HBLP; Sold by all' drug atoraa may be .secured from membera of a lot if you’d make your calls be­ for the construction of low cost weather street, on July 23, are "I belUve that If the average sol­ lotment of $25,000 for the pur­ classes Others were sche^red in port which Democratic members rooms where regular teadtera had bore In Marchaatcr. ^a conrmlttea or at the Elks fore 9:30 a. m., or during, the af­ said waa printed fay the official home* and rental units for veter­ asked to call either Madeline Drakg dier was In an older age bracket chase of bulldozers, graders and ALL DAY WEDNESDAYS - ans." or Leona Sweet, members of the we would‘be able to do more than other heavy equipment has been other assignments; fqr'a given ternoon hours; Senate printer before the mator- period. In some '.oases regular ity report of tho committee had Stack said he will diacloee details committee We are now doing.' made to the State Soli Conserva- been completed. of the VFW survey when the 5,000 A goodly attendance of members Keating said that despite "a tion Advisory committee by Gov-1 civilian daises were combined In DURING U desired at thia affair. howl from the cafe owners’’ he ernor Baldwin. Agricultural Com-'order to free,.teachers for work In his monority report, Fergu­ convention delegates convene add­ j t'llifiglon son waa expected to lay emptiMla ing he will urge they formally would continue for sometime the miaaioner Frank H. Peat announc- with .veteran^ clasaee. In the Burn­ on a contention he had repeated adopt a stringent "no high-cost "off limits’’ ban against German ed yesterday. The equipment will mer aea^n all ot the veterans' JULY AND AUGUST during the hearings that there was night clubs, cafes and restaurants be used to put the soil conserva*! classes'are meeting on the ahady RANGE housing purchase" program. tion program In effect. Peet said, side of the main High school butld- II I e The Cradle Roll party will be an arrangement iMtween the Unit­ "We supplied pur men with In order to curtail black market held Wednesday afternoon at the ed Statee, Great Britain, The equipment to fight our battles,” and FUEL parsonage weather permitting and Netherlands, and Canada for a Pa­ Slack asserted, “and now, by all on. In case of rain the following day. cific defense plan long before the that Is safe and sane, let us supply This Is an annual event with the United States entered the war. OPEN 24 HOURS DIAI them with homes that they may Wed. • Thors. - FrL * SaL tiny tots and In former years re­ Ferguson's minority report also live as normal American citizens.'' gardless of how long a dry period wqs expected to deal extensively wa had prevloiuly a shower eent with the diplomatic negotiations W b b b m e r 'S MORIARTY BROTHERS them Indoprs, on many of these which preceded this country’s en­ ▼ ▼ SHOE STORE **OnAhd LdTdl Al Csntsr Bnd Brond^ outing*. try into ths war. 828 MAIN STREET Announcement has been made of OetuUe Cloaked In Secrecy Al G entile the marriage of Miss Gertrude Although details of the majority report were cloaked in eecrecy, Tnes. Through Sat. Short cuts to Helen Marley, daughter of Mr. and Glowing memberj who participated In draft­ Mra. William Marley of Rockville etnbiem and Lewis Johh Downes of Maple ing It said the committee had in­ C O LT P A R K street, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Gordon dicated belief that the late Presi­ I Hartford 60 Cents of a dent Rooeevelt 'ond Former Secre­ new K ^ h e n Downes. The marriage took place magnificant at the home of JRdge John N. tary of State Hull had taken rea­ Keeney, We*t road, Ellington Mon­ sonable meafurca to warn the Pearl musical I day evening, July 8. Their attend­ Harbor coroinandore that war was Imminent In tha Pacific. F reed o m ! NOW -FOR THE FHtST TIME IN MANCHESTER ants were Miss C. Irene Meyer snd Bo far as Short and KImmel were Ernest H. Meyer, coiuins of the concerned, tha committee reported­ groom. ly found that while they had not » Postmaster Edward F. Charter been fully cognizant ot the de­ and daughter ha/e gone on their veloping world situation, they were A COMPLETE— F in iY AUTOMATIC vacation, their destination being WEDNB8DAT AND THUBS. not given as specific Information Canada. about conditions In the Pacific as Frank J. Tuttle spent the WMk- they should have received from Ring Croibg-RobRopi If - end with his sister and husband, Wa.shington. Vent Alarms will b« installed in the Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lee of Pom/ret. In this connection, members not­ Bcfdrc YOU sign any fuel oil con­ Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finance of order that contracts are aigned, so ed that both Gen. George C. Mar­ tract cbaaMor- thsM advantatM Main street entertained Mrs. FI shall and Lieut Gen. Leonard T. stop at our office tomorrow, or call nance’s sister and family of Bran Gerow testified before the com­ q p t w i a tkat Botand Oil Company .givs 6320 and a represenUttve will call ford Sunday. mittee that If there was any re­ ^ ^ S ; The final game s^eduted In the y B B f at your home. sponsibility for not having warned Northern ConnectlcuVsCrenge Soft- Short more specifically. It was Phist *n w y Igade Me a KUIei’’ LsM League was pIayrlh<«J^Ionday their responsibility. night between East Windsor and ENDS TONIGHT MAUREEN HARRY Ellington Grange teams. WALLACE MARGARET BEERY In O’BRIEN O'HIIIM-NIIYMES-1111111$ Fugitive Warrant Served Tolland “BAD BASCOMB” . PLUS Darien, July 18—(F)—A warrant charging John S. Osterstock, 43, of Miss Jean French who has been LEON ERROL In guest of friends In town for sev­ . "RIVERBOAT .> * ■ - Brookslde road, Darien, with being HEATING SERVICE a fugitive from Juitlce waa served eral weeks left town Tuesday for RHYTHM" last night at the request of Free­ her home In Wood's Hole, Mass. hold, N. J. police. Chief Edward The regular meeting of Tolland Mugavero of the local department Grange will be held In the Com­ munity House this evening at 8 ONLY- BOLAND OIL COMPANY GIVES YOU announced. Chief Mugavero said Osterbrook was identified by the o'clock and will be "Surprise N ight" « Freehold authorltiea as the presi­ blaud Meacham of Hartford f A 2 01 * CWTWY.SOX wauai dent of the Beabrlght Investment was a week-end guest of Tolland company, owner of the-fashlonable THESE ADVANTAIXS -CONSIDER THEM ALL! friends. Seabright Yacht club, scene of Mra. Mabel W. Spicer attended RealnaM Oardkiar • Richard OpkiM gambling raid on the morning of the Valley Bridge Club ’ party Stanley Prater M* last July 7. with Mra. Cushn>*>t hostess, Tues­ HARRY JAMES' MUSIC MAKERS (1) Product (4) Vent Alarm i day afteriwon at E>st Wlllmgton Collection day for the Commu­ . P L tS ------Wa Inatall a Scully Vi'iit Alarm so that thata la nity'Auction waa so successful Ths Miy auppllar gixing'yon a ctaamlcally mndl JOHN CARRAOftlE ttouad fuel oil which meane! bevar a.chanre of oNpr-llllIng your tank and apollklg Perstinul I\uli«*e8 th a t the Town Hall la overflowing with an amazing variety of arti­ In v f a CB .Claenar Fire — Reduced Carboq and Soot lawns or sbruhlM ry. Oiir drlv'era never M ter yonr ' OF MARBLE" cles. Trucks and cars manned by AIR-CONDinONED , ‘ SUFFBT KITCHCN latzbt in a sa a iu of " nkw fubbdom uas KircMEN** oaaiSNs EUmtaMtiM of Oil Odors — Faster HSstlng ' Card of Thanks Furlong Flynn In charge of trans­ CMaarvntloa of Equipment Fswer Sarvlec CalU We »'l»h to thank nil who helped In any m-ay at tlie time of the portation, Donald Hurd, Mrs. El- • EASTWOOD- • TODAY: -DRAOONWYCR- , Here are Just three ways your sman-as- I It euts out NMwkoflng moiiMawy •»• dred Doyle, William Senk, Pres­ Impniyod Blheleney — I..owrr llestkia Ooatn death of our mother We are very Main St. — East Hariford PLCS "Ugkt of OMBoata FF* silemt grateful for the beautiful (lower* and ton Meacham, G. Roy Brown, and tomorrow Gas kitchen releases you from __ Your new economical, Gas ths uaa of can . / Maurice Slight brought load after time-wasting mealtime drudgery. refrigerator is streamlined inside and For the year 1945, $35,000,000 in addition.to w ages load of chiJre, lamps, beds, toys, (5) ^i^Green Trading Stamps Mr. and Mr* Fred Jarkion, out! Atrasged to store more foods (Irezeo Mr. and Mr.« .Ii.'ue.* Ilewett dining room taWes. picture It cuts out caeklng choros . . . Your foods, too!) t..filled with coKsfee/circulated (2) Automatic^ Delivery frames, - mirrors, stoves, butter ’ Valuable Trading Stam|i> that art' redt^ihabla fo r' Mr. 'and Mr.i Wm ’ll Tutlilll, ATTHE POPULAR n4w Gas raq^ i* so automatic it cold to keep them fresh l^ ger. Best o f all was spent by General Electric in extra many useful bnuaehoM item* and M|iort|ng equlp- churn, home canned foods Includ­ Wo uae tha "Degreo-Day" Automatic Delivery Bye-'- ing chicken and strawberry Jam, thinks for itself. .Trairns on end o ff. . . —there are no moving pert* in the freezing, .,. ■ RlMt which are on dlHplay al llu- .1. W. Hal# Corp. In Memoriain,. * ag cm tern, Tou never need watch your tank or order oil. In loving meinorV d cur 'daughttr. iridge tablee, clocks—there’s cooks a delicious meal — all by a simple syswm to wear o«lt! i Julia Ann. Andruloi. « ho (iiaaed away V. We am to It that you have na adaquafo supply re. ^ Ws are tl\e only oil >.u|i|>licr K>'lng these ^stamps. more to come. There will also be dock conuol! Makes every food taste bet­ benefits fpr employees five year* ago tuda\. cold drinks for sale 'Including gaidlaat of tko weather. Na dajrlag home to wait ter, too... whether it's a feather-light cake She 'iraa a flower from r.orl * garden, home made punch tAider the su- lOAKGRIL from the air-conditioned oven — a flame- Your new automatic Gas waterrheeter for the oU man. Lent to 11* for met awhile p^rvlolon ot Mni. Eaten ' Clough, , ' ■ ■ ' ' V , ia c ji ^ SO OAK ST. TEL. roasted ham from the smokeless broiler—, simply cods “run-cold" worricsl Gives yqu Yet, now h»*r fiiFnj 1:» -V ^ e auction eponaored by the Tol- ployees,' cash for suggeations began over io yean ago. In hfRr43 jh.it ktiHw hfr. ymllA. Uimt '|dmunity Building com­ or a tasty stew from thrifty simmer top- alk)ns of uniformlfEbt water 24 hours a It isn’t a new thing for General Electric to put more (6j Burner Service burners. For nothing else brings out flavor f r u t - I' ■ M->m and Did. mittee, WUltipen at 1 p. m., Sat- Say . . . replaces the supply so there’s than money into pay envelopde for ita employeea. Pension jfiana were started 33 years ago. And vacationa Wa have been InsUlhng and servicing all bondng mitlay, July 2o. at Tolland Totxm like the flame. And nothing else equals the plenty even for an automatic dishwasher (3) Printed Delivery Ticket Legal Not ices tiaU with James Mix of Suffield ' I TONIGHT I “Job dUvidends”—these extras that G-E employees get with pay began 63 years ago. "" " . ( equlphtent for over a deeudr 'aml all oiir men are fas* speed, ease and flexibility of flame-cooking and laundry. Amazingly thrifty, too! Plan oa auctioneer. on a new automatic Gas range built to CP Aa aocurala record of every gallon of oil that la paid tory trained to give >ou the most rtncicat and aco- a t a COL’RT ok p r o b a t e hoW«B Mtee Anna Thomforde and sis­ for it how in your own “New Freedom Gss • in addition to ux^iei—have a sound business reason. To Every employee has, a stake in the future 6f General for by you. noiaiical aervlee. at Celiuni'l* within an1 (nr the Die- ter. Mrs. Edna Riley, are enter­ standards! t Kitchen’’! How about stopping in. today? Irlcl of An uwanSPERlMG** be puccessful, a company must be efficient. A man with Electric. For out of its success—and only out of succeea July. A.p 19« taining several of their friends |»r«»«iit CLAY'TOn- e l a ’NT. E8Q. from Long Island and New York fewer worries can produce more efficiently, which makes —can come further advances in living standards. That Ju 4 c* City. B ILL SM ITH N On motion of Myrtl- LouelU Plrte, is the aiit) of General Electric, not alone for ita employees, R. F. D. No 2, Manrh-at-r. Conn., Ad­ Mrs. Duncan Goldthwalt Groher YOU’LL LOVE THIS GUY! & further benefits possible. - ^ ministratrix on thr mtratatr asUta of who has hMn spending some time lt’ $ The Flame That Makes It Perfect but for the public, who gaih by new and better products, Jen s Eliuboth It-wlntt. u fr of Bolton, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. DANCE TO THE RHYTHMS OF Profit-sharing plans, relief and loan plans began over within *al(l. (Ii.-trirt. cipoossod. Charles H. Lisonard • of Tolland contmuously improved. This Court doth .Inrrof thst Six avenue. Tolland, has returned to 10 yean ago at General Electric. Life insurance for em­ months b* sllowrd an,; limited for ths ARTIE CUSTER crsdltors of aaid estate to exhibit their her home in New Orleans, La. ctalms szalnat the a,nme to th* Ad- . Mrs. Jeannette'Davis Is a guest AND HIS POPULAR ORCHESTRA minlstrstrtx. and direi-ti that publle at her »on. Captain Joseph Davis Manchester Division notice be siven \,( thia order by od- and fairily of Carlisle, , ifa. WINES — LIQUORS — BEERS V Vaitislnc In a newepaper having a ctr- culsilon In aaid diitricl. isnd by poet- Tha: iYoung Peoples Society N6 Cover! No,Minimum! ^ H w tiord Gas Coe Inf 0 ropy thereof on tha pubUe Olga meeting was held in the Federated 369'^!enter St. A f West Center St. Telephone 6320 post' In said Town of Bolton nearest church with a good attendance of . KITCHEN OPEN UNTIL ONE FEATURING THB the place where-the' d-'cested last membera and guests at't:-i5 Sun­ dwelt 'j FIN EST FOOD IN TOWN, AT POPULAR PRICES! Certified from Recd’rdi day evening. ' - • i , CLAYTON E. H UNJ, JudgO. A meetina of tiie Youna Farm- -T

idANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUEJ5DAY, JULY 16.194« MANCHESTER EVENWO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY. JULY U , I9 4 f F A U B r r V B r^fOUB -publican contenders ere Former ate had not been aecured. Th# pei^ ferent parti of the field. Chief Foy venturesome animals were cap­ mit to operate. It w m said, must to with • representative of the Bhow rntiona aa poMlbla. including trad# ' Pram story ! HoBfjitat Notes Orders Give Oov.- Nels H. Smith and State Death Penalty Show Opening Steers Escape tured during the day although one; FENDER AND l r « ^ BrafMdonal assoclaUon* : youth did not my what brosilcssi Five Persons Triasurer IBarl W i^ h t Senator 15 Experts to Decide secured 10 days in advance of the made an inspection- and ■hortly put up a atruggle that would have: O’Mahoney, Democrat, and Rap. opening tn order that the proper afteb 8:30 pcrmlialon was given to shamed “ Ferdinand" right down to Confer inspections can to made. Th* show openKe part of the shows. his delicate hoof-tips. BODY WORK such as youth movemenU and civilJ a coby Admitted yMtetdav: Mrs. IMltli Reds Choice Frank ,BbnetL Republican, ..ware Set by Court Delayed Here , Further changes will to made to­ In Bloomfield libertlM union*." ... C*'***® Tribune, in a copy^ Hurt as Fire unoppyed. did not get “set up" until lat# yes­ Forced To (filmb Tree SOl.lMENE & FLAGG Ludwig. Rockville; JoMpb Htnad, terday afternoon and this did not day to meet other requlrementa. This hardy bovlan. Individualist' Russian The report dealt primarily 'slto right story, mid it had learned Arlsoua Campalga Indiffeteat On Tax Overpayments INC “from unimpeachable sources Branford: Henry Jarvis, Wlndsor- give time for the proper inspection, went hunting a would-to captor JOruAda and nsentloned vtue; Mlu Barbara Brown, 888 InGermanv Ariaonana climax an indifferent For 43 Nazis ^ a n gBR Had to Be 11 of 14 Roam Unmo- and chased him with surh vigor 8H Center 84. Tel. 5t«| tw ^bauntriea only incidenuiiy in that “Relrena has toid” of going to GutsBiulding r I ■tort to Make Chaagea the Degnm borne end kidnaping Woodbridgs strut; Mra. Mary Mc­ eapnpalga by choosing between. Dn^ngeiie l)avis that the captor w m forced to take Spy Actions IMtonnie where Soviet SctlvlUee in Itlade Before Carnival The crowd had arrived at the Ie8ted on Outskirts of refuge in a tree. The steer was Veigh. 81 Oxford street; Charles (Coatiaued Frum Pag* OW*) BsfMor Brnest W. Mcnrland and (Coatiaued frau Page Oue) Set Out to Find Answer Deaths, Last Night lot at the corner of Center Md tho Dominion had ramlflcaUona the (to year old girl from her bed. (Continuai ftom . pam Om ) O'Bright. 802 Woodbridgs Strut: Harry' ,1. Valentine, Phoenix at­ Cobid Ojierate Town; 3 Caught - shot by other searchers, dressed on m iriiC v O M ) abroad. The chief type of such (Tha Tribune story mid he en- _. ^ To What E • r n i n g t McKee street and after waiting Reunion the spot and then placed in a cool­ Mias Ellxabeth Taylor, 88 Oak for Italy and tk* former AxU torney, for the Democratic aene- tenced to life Imprisonment His around for a time many left. In nUBtftcaUon waa Momow’s efforts b^room ; of th ^ tU e Anger of hie left hand torlal nomlnfetlon. 'The state's two troops spearhetded the Deceiabar- Boeton — George SaltoniUU er to prepare him for his trip to street. ‘ ' utellitaa Would Have Been in Dick's Pafaptount Shows, a trav­ the meantime the management Bloomfield, July 18 it will 'ItaprwM court to got sclantlftc aacreu shared by I w h ^h e encountered broken glaae. Admitted today: Pranklln Democratic repruentatlvea, John jMuary battle. Mumfoe^ 79. brother-in-law at the Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Davis of many Conneetlcut dinner tables. THE fWMrt* Britain and the ^United Prospects are bright he said, eling raniival bqmpany, scheduled started to make changes to make to roundup time in Blnomfield The steers arrived at the slsugh- __ I tlut n»M»y tap « r e Chief Martin J. Hayden Orimuon. 25S School strut; Mra. for trutlM that wdll let th* peo­ R. Murdock and Richard F. Har- Lieut Gen. Hermann Prieu. Ordinary Years , late Theodore Roosevelt; former Portel- etreet are attending the de­ sometime this morning when "cow- Stataa. 1*00, have only on* challenger— banker and board chairntM of the possible the opening of the terhouae Bunday fmni the CTilcago h. I"*** “ ««> »»• of the damage Mary Connelly, RockvUla. ple of flvs occupied etetu "live rammander o t the PIrat 88 Panur to appear here t W week under the The tops of some of the toiixa had ferred 15th anniversary of the boya" from the Onnecticut Pack­ Th* report would seem 1® **** ’*'****’ "*** wee available immediately. Both Discharged yutarday: Alice Albert H. MecKentfe. 'Prescott corps, w u untenced to 20 yura \ Calumet and Hecla OonsoUdated (^ass of 1929, Dartmouth College sto<;kyarda snd s company qpokes- SHOE BOX Cate that, whatever the United and bruthc as free people." Ha By dauM Marlow auspices of the VFVi?. ;v m prevent­ to to taken off and the graaa was ing compMy slaughterhouse ride niM said they were valued at a-r i.tn ih* P'oPorty. vMued at M l.000. Hiddsugh. Sprtngflald, Pa.; Batty added; “We are on tha road back lawyer. in prison. ^ Copper company at Hanover, N. H„ from Friday to. into the woods tr retrieve n west­ W*8( Hartford C'entor m s Mridaciirformatlon States md Britain nUght do Waohington, July 18—(A^—Flf' \ Bayy Shore, II. Y.—Joaeph CaU ed from opening on tlme'toM night also ordered cut. The/p*ass WM 82.200. ' “ O'* ware insured, Kllcolllns. 85 Ploner Circle: Mrs. to peace." Democrats In two Arkansu oOn.- Brig. Gen. Frtta Kraemer, chief found to be so highytmat walking Monday this week. Dr. Davis la * ern steers which were among the fle BMlt'WSf dafinMO of tbo Uirao the matter domestically, the Unit­ toen expert#, working for Undo litaottl, 59, a vice president and because of m order from toe state TWbun? md *worked' medical records kept in Catherine Currie. 135 Lenmi strut; greasionel districta decide the : q* gtatf to Dietrich, waa given 10 on It would soon dnrlt up. This w m member of the CHass of 1929 from 14 who esraped from a pen Mon- “ FINK SHOES eo^^lM —Um Vnltod Stoteoi Brit* ed SUte* and Canada would have Present* Grim Pletwe Democratic primary bids of war foundw of the Amalgamated Cloth- file marshal. After several changes Foaeral Hervlees Conducted tintil nearly daylight .cutting up 1 Gall Rtrunm. 78 Drive B. Silver year*. Sam’a tax coUector. act out today were made, part of the carBiyal consldetvd a fire tmeard. The tents which the new president of the col­ dky by crashing a poorly-locked ate atel Osaada* to diaeum it in the coura# of joint But the four povvera had a " f ru t veteran eandidatu for the uata 750 PrIsoMrs Staagktefofl Ing^orkers of America, CIO, Md A itm roM tiac provlouo choijoo her body, Thm he Pieced the "jodera equipment wee housed Lane Homes; Mrs. EUubetb flbu. to find the answer to thla quea- WH allowed to operate, but three which were npt aliowed to open lege, Dr. John Sloan Dickey was gate. Thompaonvlllc, J«l\ 16. (/Ti—> FROM FINK SOURCES- defense talks which are carried on strtiggi* and trdmendoua dlAcul- held by Repreuntatives Brooka Testimony et th* triet showed a ckM associate of Sidney HIU- named recently. m S t m m t m m «p«ration> iwd ngularly throiuh the permanent pieces e i her body in.sewers in the I elaewhere. In a Harrison street 101 Olenwood stru t tlu'^ in harmonlalng thalr views tlon: _ mM, the union's late president. or four of the show# which were 4ld het have the proper fire proof­ Approximately 11,000 pounds of Funeral eerv’lces were conducted* they I building. Hoya Md Oren Harris. Hays ia op- that 750 AAericM prisoners were What would the earnings of a Nearly a dosen cIsm retmiona WBdMtIOM ^Ud SUt« joint Board of ^ en ec. neighborhood. believing Diichatged today: Karen Oaura, aa much u they, did on paaoe Chicago—John W. Fowler. 79, gi'ven in tents were not allowed to ing. 14 was. said. beef on the hoof roamed unmolest­ here today for E. Boyd Morris, 6.7, would be WMhed away. The Trlb-! The most valuable u t of records, 81 Drive B.' flilver Lane Homu; poud by Parker Parker Md Hom­ alaughtered M d 150 Belgian civil- corporation have been, if thing* CotppaKy No. 2** pump arrived will take place at Hanover over ed through the outskirts of town ■ad BriUia. tho oaimmlaolon rocom* r«Mt-War Defewee lavolved trsatiu. the secretary said. And er P. Berry, and Harris by Paul Chicago Dtduetrtallat Md bMker open. headmaster emeritua of the Oil­ Bwnded tint ' Canods consldor uns Mid. originals on loan from Hartford, Harold Symington, 17 Andtraon IMS also were put to death. had been different? and a director of the U. 8. Gypsum . Several reasons were given why at 7 d^kvk and waa stotioned on thli week-end^ all of which were Monday smd. by nightfal,, the man C?ounty school at Baltimore, he pruented a grim plctura of tha Oeren and Bruce Bennett. Pelper, the highest ggnklag of­ •rlwtlitr to oommualcato hor find* The commieeloneri mentioned (After ^poaing of the body, war* in a metal ftUng cabinet and street; June Fuller. 888 Hartford tugg^g Md hauling that want on Sound vague? It is.. To the Co,, for 42 ymre. He was born In the st)ows could not open on eched- McKee Mreet while members of nereOMrily deferred due to the Steen were reported located in 5Id., who died Frida.y at hla a«m- tan no tlM proptr outliortUM in several time that poet-war defens­ The Tribune Mid, he wrote the were undamaged. road: Carol Ann OeorgetU, ,.187 Georgia's Democratic primary ficer among those sentsqced to expert#, too. Kerhonkaon, N, Y ule. The pecesBaty permit to oper­ the compa^ were aoaigned to dif­ war. neaihy woods. Three of the less imer home In North Conway, N. H. over Germany Md Auatria. die. laughed when a photogrtpher’a Um Unltod Ktagaom and tlM Unit- es of Canada wore Involved, and ransom nota, returned to thr pirl's hlSAy Record* Dutro.ved Oak atreet; Paul Dadalt Stafford Leading up to hla dlscloaura of tomorrow is a four-day battle, for But they’ll have to find an an­ ad Btatoa." aald that "it U oh,^ious" that the home, and toaa^ It In her bed-: Chief Hayden uid the building Springs: Mrs. Loulu Muschko and the orders being drafted far Me- the governorship nomination, with flash bulb exploded in hie fkM swer which Involve* about 88,000,- ■Maple* Oirea Military Attach* Russlms bad pimned “a large rooih window. wee gutted from top to bottom ■on. 68 Sprue* atreat; Mrs. Honors Narnsy, Byrnes said it wq* “no Formar Gov. Eugene 'Tclmadge when senetnes w h pro'ncunced. 000,000, or more thM twice m TlM naooo-word report Mid post-war expansion of the network / nnshed Job With Knife end that although moat records Syndal and daughtor, 88 North secret" that four-power control o f raialng the "white supremacy" la- Pelper ttos the daredevil com­ much H the 88,750.000,000 Io m to th«* Dr. Atm Nunn May; BritMh of Cmediana in the military ee- ^ (Th# Tribune story also said wart aavsd many which had bun , ftreet; Patrick Folay, 187 High Germany on a son* buls is “not stw end warning ':wls*“ Negroes mander of tho 'Tssk Force Pelp­ Britain. acionUM who worked on atomic rp- pionage system. ” Hsirena shot and killed Miss tying on desks wars daatreysd. street; Carl Lindstrom, 818 Hart- working well." to stay away from the polls. He Is er,’’ en armored formation which WIU Couttaue For Years aaamh in Montreal, had item mm- A big part ot Cmada's effort to Brown whan she emerged froth The Are waa discovered by \ (ord road. opposed by Jamu V. Carmichael. Included hie own First 88 Paneer Here'S the story, which will con­ oombat this thiast to "the eafety her bathroom tha night of Dec. lO Under the Potsdam pact ' he Former Gov. E. D. Rivers, and r-.giment. It waa hla men who per- plea of uranium 3U anitebod and JoMph, Osrino, o f'808 Boatwick i — uid, Germany w m to ha adminis­ tinue for years: IK. uranium US, aaNntlAl otomenta in and interests of the state" is to be to And him ransacking her apart­ avenue, a discharged veteran who Hoke O’Kalley. Carmichael has the t'clpated In the maaaecre of Amer­ To prevent wartime profiteering, a program ot "publicity, education ment. The atorj' added that tha i 4,,-. tered u an ecfinomio unit In- backing of Gov. Ellla Arnall. ican prisoners of v-er at the Bel­ the mmufartura of atom bomlM, given A medical ■tud. he added, oh* is being run back In 1940 Congress decided the to a Uout Angalov, aaaiatant mili­ and full understanding,'' regarding ahot didn't kill Mlu Brown and' o**" Pari Pay May gian town of Malmedy, a key In years 1938-39 should be considered that Helrens finished the job with examination by Dr. Francis Kala- in “ four cloud compartments" tary attache m the Rusaian em- the evidence laid before the com­ man, center roadical examiner. th* decisive battle. ' norn^ yeafx for American busi- a bread knife he found in her and the country is thrutened with ‘ The formal death sentence pro­ h a ^ in Ottawa. The material* mission, Prime MIhiater King told Cerlno waa accompanied by John Be O PA Test "inflation and economic peralyals." ‘Tea Pa^y’ For neae,' tbm were flown to Moacow by a Parliament. kitchen. vided for hanging. It further dectared: (The Tribune also said that Nadolny, of Fairfleld, who lost a "ostlng 8200,000,888 T u r U m it OoloiMl MoUnov, the com- King Mid the report ItMlf “is a leg in th* war and w u helped Ask Permission to Be Shot 1. If during the War, a firm vary imporUnt instrument" to this Helrens fatelly stabbed Mrs. Jose­ (Continued from Pag* Noting that the Aiherloen sone Boston as Protest earned as much M in 1938-39, it mlielm aaaertad. phine Rows, 43, e widow, when she from the building unhurt. Oat) The doomed men aekod the court May waa amtenoed by a Brittah end, an apparent reference to the is costing American taxpayers for peim'ssion to be ahoL tnatead. would pay a regular tax of:40 per ■urpriaed him In the act of steal SroaUIng amoks, Oarino ran to 1200,000,000 a year, he declared . court laat ^rin| to 10 yean in detailed aooounta of just how Ca- Ing'har puru from her apartment' Ui* busment. Aa ha opanad tbe , mittee trimmed ^ the total to f58,- Th* court announced that a recom­ bent. j and the meuure la slated this condition must not continue. (OehttaDsd frum Pag* One) nadlana were taken Into the net- on Jims 3, 1945.1 door of a closet beneath the atair- OOO OW maaaur# U slated mendation to that effect, would be 2. If, during the war, lU earn­ “Information of the freateat ton- erork through Oommtinists In the for a vote this week by th* full Hence the tnstruetlona to the gen­ mad* to Gen. Joceph T. McNerney, ings were greater thM in 1938-39, portanoe" op radar waa obtain^ Before hla scheduled court ap­ way, h* said, flama* ahot out and eral. regional vica-chairman of th* Na­ domlnltm and through agents dl- pearance, Helrens told newsmen he cloasd the closet hurrtsdiy and chamber. commMding general of Amerieen it would pay an excel# profit#, tax ^ Rnaaian apiea, the report a ^ Afterwarda It will go to a Houu- B>'rnes granted that tha time tional Planning committee of the rest from Moaeow. at the county jail today xhe bad went back upstairs and called the AVC said "returning veteran* ere forces in Europe. of 65% pe: cent on profit over Alao oampramlaed wera a wirini Benate Contofence committee for a ■pent on GermMy and Auatrian Some women wept as the een- ^ 1936-39. diairam on a new type of fu *. “mada no confeulon." Are department. ifuestlons might not have been a having a hard epough time petab- Thr youth, wurlng a white 1 Doctor*# Hair Singed reconciliation of differencu, and tencea were reed in the crowded' But, although 1936-39 might Information on a mimartn* de- then back to each chamber for rat- total loss. Experience suggests, liehlng themaelvee now ae mem-1 awrt With blue Md white striped Randall B. Hamrick, dlrec- bare of their communitiee without courtrdom. About three fourths of have been normal years foy Amer­ tectlan device and aacrat data “of Heireus Denies Uicatlon. he uid. “ that understandings, the spectators were (Senhan ican bualnesa in general, many o r ^ value" on propeltanta and Ue. was, calm and amlling. , having to fee* inflation too. particularly with our Soviet civilians and the rest were Ameri­ flrina could claim thoae years were y ■xploalvee. the report added. Deny Statement Mad* ■ a . Nickerson, one of the execu- I OPA officials acknowledged that He Confessed i uncertainty over pay pous a big friends; cannot be reached until we “ The mejorlty of the people can aoldlers. below normal for them. IHa oommlaeion aaid the Rua- Sain'a reported converaatlon' tivea, made an unauccesaful. at- have gone through rounds of wMt strong price control, because -The prosecution introduced Innumerable Reasons For Claim ■iana 'had bem largely balked, with Helrena came after State's- tempt to check the flames With a I test on whether workers stay on I verbal combat. In which old com- I the' Job. as requested by President they realiu that pruent wegu statements from bts defendants et For what reason could they howoeer. in their effort* to ferret (t'ontinurd From Pag' Onej Attorney William J. Tuohy and hand exUngulaher. Aa they opened I plaints are repeated,' put positions j Truman. > CMnot meet ballooning prices. The the trial to show that the Ger­ make atich a claim? Innumerable out dotalla of atomic aecreta counsel for the youth had em-' the cldaet door, a gust whipped the raalArmsd, differences accentu- purpoM of this rally is to show mans ned been Instructed to wage reaaona. Here’# juat one example: 118 Wttaeeaaa Heard courtroom, Helrens posed for phatirnlly denle rived. Having already paid m excesa Tuohy reiterated today thatrhe had ^ Hummer t'laaou DIanilsud ' ed" to find real objection to ers.”. death' sentences. profits tax on Ita wartime earn fanaaa of Canada, the United Klng- no knowledge of M y Heirena con- " " ; treaty to keep Germany Impotent The sentences were pronounced Th* Uenu amok* which filled the . She listed prices , protected m Inga—because thoae earnings dc^ And the United gtatas.** fesaion. Vao youth's •ttorneys H*ir*n*' Supplies of Meat ' for 25 years, Byrnes fashicned an round steak at 81.15 a pound, by th# court president. Brig, Oen. 8. That the RiMstm govarn- Rftid Ha hRcl not confARMd Tuony lifts ftftiu IHAI HftU^nft , aru uecauitated dismissal of aum- were above 1936-39 earnings—it , g-^ ' t vw * ominous question from the lack of sardines at 50 cents a can. butter Joslah ,T. Dalbey. could show lU 1936-39 earnings fnent “aeems" to have optrttsd not ■*ta *xid last nieht th a t^ ii 17 palm prlnU match th ou ; mer claas«c in ntarby Central high A r c L t O n i i n S r l c r e agreement on that issue. 1 at 00 cents and ham at 81.30 a Only' one of the 74 accused of­ on* but savtral paraUal under-cov- y*a?oW Unlv“ altv of *20.000 ranum note found ' zchool at 10:10 a. m. The fire was ” I ficers and men, M enlisted man were below normal. . 'Is German militarism." he ask- pound. Vague Language Used e * aygUma through its Ottawa *m- ■■ * ed, "going to be used us a pawn i who teatlfied for the prosecution. a But, in making this allowance. baa^,- and that thaa* systama tarldto Itom P i*.rrn *a nwiseisa ' KRlU nift prlntS lllAlch CH i I RUUllUftd ftl 10.27 ft, IXI* James Marianos, on* of the own- ' In a struggle between the east and i WH freed in the eight-week long Congress iised language bo vague *'may aUU have thalr own undei^ i W Dl'. Hami'lcksald the center era of th* Center Lunch, stated to- j the west and is German mtlitaCsm trial, held in this infamous Nazi, cover agente operating in Cana­ S ! ? Blown, 33, was shot and stab- j would be operating again hy Mon- Doenitz Seen concentration camp where thou- that all kinds ot firms might feel day that meat delivered, to hia again to be given the ihsnre to justified in Hking for a refund. da." reataurant yesterday by one of the divide and conquer?" OMds of prisoners died. hAMteH m nmtim Hro-finom* i iiioaeifaftuy denteQ ftny tonnet-, pioiwbly hi 123 HanlHon sticcl. The iMguage frankly puzzled 4. That “the Communlet move, I leading packing houses in the east, ment w m the principal iNue with­ i tion with either crime A second report on the Paris Against War Arizona boMta the world’s fodr the Internal Revenue bureau, marked the flrat Mdnday delivery confarence wes^romlsed today. which wanted to be careful about in which the espionage network h>„ ,h ., h .h ..,u , v „ u.., Throat Nluhed' Four Times | I since before the war. highest reclamation dams: Boul­ WH recruited." md that “secret I Police officials did not say that' Senator Vandenherg (R-MIch.l der, highest wedge type; Rooae- hMding back tax money. radio that “ I've confeaaed," and . Mr. Morianos stated that he ex­ told a reporter he planned to speak (Ointtnoed from Page couple of months. suit for divorce, decided it would your dental plates have into some of th'e hlstp^^ of pip­ Mekong in 1940-41. Indo-Cliiim. impose "undue hHidv.hip " on her Tke Popular them made over ia th* squeaks. under remote control of Vichv In Dinosaur Canyon, 70 miles hiuband *o vacate the house. Tho If Nunan—or hla council—turns France, had capitulated to untie- i north of Flagstaff, Aria., may be rdsult: Vanderfocht may continue new beautiful natural down an applicant, the latter can i dared Japansa* aggression south- >seen the largest group of dinosaur to occupy the steeping ;>oich. pro­ BILL JOHNSON gum-color pink plastic. appeal to the government's tax I ward, which w m oatenatbly under- j tracks ever discovert vided he dcM S not annoy his, wife. court which haa 16 ludges hearing I taken to outflank China, and Siam' Aitd HU Orchestra cases all over the cemntry. was let into ths ahort-ItveU Japa- •NO IMPRESSIONS One of these judges; Clarence I nese co-prosperity sphere. s Every Wed., Tburs., Fri. and SaL NECESSARY ^ Opper, quoting Winston Church­ I JapM “ mediated.'' . the. border ill's crack about something else, ! war between Siam M d Indo-China . DANCING EVERY NIGHT already ha* said, of this whole I in a treaty which w h solemnized / •FREE'ESTIMATES MOyis. question of trying to Interpret the let Tokyo in March, 1941, and gave MALE .HEi-P WANTED We Cater I'o Wedding PxrtiM and Hanqaeta — Vague language of the law on eil- By Sue Boroett j Siam eoverelgnty over the dis­ GIVEN ceaa profits; Little tbiks need lots of sturdy, puted parts of Cambodia and Lao.s. For increaHed mill op«'rati(»n Have your dental platea re­ “ It's a^ riddle inside a mystery noctlcal.play clothes these warm By Mrs. Anne Cabot After Pearl Harbor, Indo-t"hina wrapped' in an i enigma." flays. This gay set t# sure to plaaSe paired by men who bav* made Inexpcnolve summer frocks and remained the base of all Japanese a life study of It — And auve a cool button-shoulder dress for ■porta togs OM be given unique' operations in the “ southern re-. •FIREMEN ' M* with panties to match, over- Md pereonal charm by cleverly i gione " Md Slam dedared war on M much M. 50%. Typhoon HiU Tip alla that either brother or sister adding an applique’ or two to take t Japan's enemies. Britain declared •MILLWRIGHTS ) can waar. Custom Upholstering it ojft, raO-of-the-mlll dess.; war on Slam but tH* United States • m a c h in e t e n d e r s Of Philippines Pattern N d 8974 is for sices 2, Plain beach boleros of dark linen | never did, choosing instead to col­ Bv 8, 4. 6. 8. 8 end 10 years. Sis* 8, or cottoii are edven distinction by Isboixte with Siamese elements •BEATER MEN W. J. flrass, IH yards of 85 or S9-lncb the addition of e crimson butter. I who helped the OSS to drop e fifth Expert Craftoinrn MMila, July 16.—(/P)—A ty­ tobric: pantiee, 5-8 yard; everalla fly, roe* spray or a cluster of column into Siam which brought phoon, preceded by torrential rain 1 8’fl yirda; use s e r ^ for appU- gingham strawberrie*. A pastel back intelligence from M far as •DRYER MEN Vour furniture I* etripped tn the que. frame, completely rebuilt, new Md landslides, roared acrooe tha cotton dress welcomes a row of I the heart of Tokyo itself, FAGAN northern tip of the Philippines to­ For thU pattorn, tend 35 canto. •FLOOR MEN spring* end SUing added anu re- big white organdie or linen ap-1 Handed Rer*r*tl®n* Bill day. The tropical disturbance w h In Oolna, your name, eddrets, size plique' bows-white fabric pulses: Britain made peace witli Sian; 8n:*bed. fleeirad. and tha Pattorn Number TOP W.\GES — GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS — Prop. felt H far aouth as Mm IIs. CM be pleaoenJy enlivened by a j several months ago, the terms pro- 2 Piece Living The former aummei capital ot to Sue Burnett, The Evening Her­ ■pray of leaves in delicate or viding for the surrender-of Brjt- Expert Dental Techniclaa ald, 1180 Ave. Americao, New York V.\C.\TION WITH PAY — SHIFT DIFFERENTIALS Room Suite Gaguio, about 125 miles north of ■trong colors Gift underu-ear, ish territories the Siamese had* ’ 80 Year* Experienro here, w h cut off from Manila by 19, N. T. beach enqemblea, children's frocks, seised with Japanese support, in — SIX h o l id a y s w it h p a y . New • Meoiting • Different - the OlBo* Hours: 9 A,, 51. (n 8 P. 51 landslides which buried tbs high- S luncheon mate, guest towels can! Mala.va Md the ShM states of Budget Ternu Arranged! wav under tons of ratn-rloosened ■wmasi leeae of Fashion. Send be personalised by a touch of ap- 'eastern Burma. Tha British also .\pply At Office, 615 Parker Street No Appointment Neoesaanr Mrsiity-flv* cents fer your copy of earth at at len t three point#. plique'. handed Siam a reparation* bill for Tel. 32-6.‘?0D C0.5IE IN ANY T15IB Rain fell heavily at mguko Md , this 8S-pag4 hook of tdsM and pat- To obtain seven Applique' MhUfe 1,500,000 tone of rlee. Out-ot-Town Customers toras for 811 homo eowors . . . sug- winds approaching 60 miles m (Pattern No. 5827) eolor euggee- The' French colonial government Otven Prampt AMeatlou 33 ASYLUM STREET hour were recorded there. Plane BMttew hy naUonaUy known f oeh- t(one. finishing directions, send 15 which emerged at Salflon after th* i ea t oeo^.. . qwdal potterna by Colonial Board Company Opposite Askin* serx'loe to Bagtiio was'toncelled. cents in Coin plus 1 cent postage. war met with Siamese emiasaries The turbulence «*m felt In Amortean dasigners Your Name, Addrisss and the Pat­ Room 2 jiarttord. Conn. several timea but reached no fron­ Vanderbilt Upholstering Shops \ Mm Us. which WM bit by a driv­ tar Amarloa’e tal- tern Number to Anne Cabot. The tier agreement and aatd it Yegard- Floor Abovo ttovtU Aba JowbWr .fre* ehottlder pad Lydoll & Foulds Paper Co. 1429 PARK ST.. HARTFORD (1) P. 0. BOX V85 ing rain. Telephone lines wen Evening Herald. 1150 Ave. Amer­ cd a '.‘technical state bf war'*^ atlll Mown down nqiUi of Manlla. Mttoni In book. icas. New York 19. N. Y. exists bet\/e*n France end Siam. 51 ■V i -i-v' "4 ■ \ 'V “■M ,y' ■ 'X 4 BfANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., TlT^SnAY. JULY 16. IM S PAGE SBVIIf S^KNING flKRALU, MA^NCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JULY lU, 194* MANCHKyiP'ft K PAGE S IS -X. gw : pointed out that the development jiny conversation and a tall story mctcc Commission for Interstato A - T i O M C C n i •• •'Ural OonnecHdiit will eventual- Tall Storv Parlv ..I* not unknown among...... ihfhi. Atraffic, was requested yesterday ton. la apendinf A fow daya here A ; ,y ^ reflected in a-totter way of g^ g-r -1 prize will be given to the Granger by the New York, Neiv Haven an-1 atillingnoaa to rontlnjua aoma form Tice with her mother, Mra. E. Q.'Lord. Building Curbs M TIi.— IBM 0 —2 • 'life for all Connecticut dUaena, r O f f al*UHl£4*rs ' |IcY P telling the tallest aloiy. iHarUord Railroad cbmpany anJ OIL BURNERS Aattrljratpr of ren t eontrol. Ami the Imllvld- Armory jkfra. (liarlea P. Miner apent the Connecticut week end in (;amk(itdfe, Ifaaa, wuao>iscB WONH—M l* • I f t c r s A riZ C S **'•« th*. growth of agriculture,. ./ _ the Central Vermont railroad. The tiA) AtAtm of the colintrv are, no Today’s Radio : Amertba'e greateat Industry, la ne- - , Want Higher Freight lute* 'state Public Utilities Commission with her mother, Mra. Alice L W I l Now Available! Eoetiitm ^pralb matter what their rovernln* poll- [ockville Thotupaon and with her brotherdn* Dn ter Baatera DayllgM TtaM ' . For Democratic Deali j Ototory to promote a high economic , Manrhestrr Grangei-s will vie , , reserved decision on the applira- law and alater. Dr.- and Mra. Mar­ - X i w ith ^i*ch other at telling tall a to r-' iNi- jtlon.*. tlc a willlni; to enac t r^nt ronti-ol Two Scholarships |5>1Ught red Power Oamprey hopes ; - miaalon to boost freight Tates and l»^ laaa of their oan. Y ankee tin (Yotty. 3f45—WTIC—Right to Happiness. • 7:45—WONS—Inside of Sports. torough thew^ Bchblsniili^ he their regiiliu mertlpg to-; p^gea totween iwlfit.i In South Mountain Park near RACKUFFE OIL CO. ti BiMM aim: By A. R(i(ky Neck State Park, near Injections ^lorc Than a a - ___ r*»*ila*si'iK frcquently-relteiated In- Unlvcpsily-of ConjiCct MAg^gilit* OMia* W e are ver>' much afral'l that H. o. Entire Cos^of Buildin|c 4:OO^DRC House Party; 8:00—WDRC—BlgTown: WONS Keece conienas Aomin- retiring from puwic of- continued, "to encourage deaervlhg, morrow night at the Mtisonlc Tern- noctlcut In the aame amount, mx j Thoentx. Aria., ia the natinn> larg 698 Maple Ave. IlflrtfortI TKUMAlt rCKUUSUN New l»ttdon. ia being vlaltetf tu Mfwa; WTffT — Jack Berch; Nick Carter; WTOT—Lorn and — — _ — — ^ — ----- aarHaa salA a*re ti ■»***•• xi saMA-lflAir Yl#”* .--...a . thia aaaumptlon—that lenta can Expected t^ B e Borne quite an extent by beach pertlM Double Approvals in istratio n H as ^Sulfl It* flee at the completion of hla term icut Arc to Be fSiven young men and women who, pie. Granger* h.-ive a reputation and one-half per cent, recently ati- eat municipal park, conaiating of (MMfM !••■■«•> _ We were tired of writing U Ion* ^ ~ BacluUge Wife. Abner; WTIC—Johnny Preeents through agricultural Improvements for being abie to hold their own In Ihorized by the Interstate I'^im- ^ nearly 15,000 acre*. „ Tel. Htfd. 7-5191 ru—«m OrlnMt I. UM aUII be contmlfed after everylhinf ' fmni thia locality. There .la a e|ilen- Frolics. w *■ —s c aa •••** January, Reece touched on ajT>, but the political fac t ia’. once I.jitcst Report 4Ti 5--WTHT - Glrend’a Music will make a autotanttal contribu­ iiimmmm eloe hair been allowed to follow the By Govemn^nt ; did haihlng beach. With ahallow 8:15—WTHT—Garden Forum of self Into- H aiflls o f rO* the subject in an interview that H artford. 3\xly. li^Two perma­ ’ flltlTllltlt ^*~** »««>'«■« Kxttf* Hall; W nc • SUlla Dallas. followed toe outing at Lato Com- tion to toe economic development •uaMsa M* Hot'day*. Battled al tlid again, th a t the finality of Ocwei- • I water extending very • far from the Air. nent acholaighlpa of $300 a year, full InBAtlonary trend of the Hartford, July bPi Five : ahorr. aplendid for children or for Hartford. July t®XJi^l(eflect- 4:80-WDR'’ — Give and Take: Utical Extortioners* pounce. of our state and the'well-being of fyM lO V n at M««elMat*i. Oaaa.. U nor Baldwin’a retirement , from w n c — Lorenso Jonca. 8;30—wpRC—ThoAtor of Ro­ each for fl tbur-year course in toe iacmid Mall Maltar. ,tlmea~-ia a mlataken aaaumptlon. polltlca baa not been accepted - new armories'will be bi R In the I the timid bather. Thiri la alao a Ing U>e tightening pf'-Xovernmant mance; News; WONS—Adven­ Sees BsMwIi: Beat CaaidliMte Ita citisens." We are not a landlord. But we 4:45—WTHT • - Hop HarriFan: Oollegr’^ Agriculture of the Unl- «UMtCltmTU>K mAtVi . even yet. aUte of Connecticut In e reor____ , recreation building, furnlahgttlcontrola on non-hotfalng conatruc- tures of the Falcon; WTHT— ■ Hartford. July Repub­ .. 77ie national chairman aald that It taken only the allghleal nu: ■with every convenlence^^aucll aa tlon. approveda'ppllcatlona for the w n c — Young Wldder Brown. Fonr Award# Preaented Uaa faai *7 MaP i"**...... '• *■« can Im aflne th a t If we were A 5:00 WDRC - Main streat, Hart­ American Dtacuaalon League; lican National Chairman Carroll Governor Baldwin,. if hr ran for veisi'ty of Connecticut, have been Par aMnti) Wff Keirs^...... J •» ance of evei\ta to toaa the fJov- ganlcatlon of the National^uard, nouara, taldre.for picnickers, Uwo-wreh period ended July 12, w n c —A Date with Jlidy. public office tWa fall, would The Home Of Your Dreams Can Be landlord—and partlriilaily a amatl ford: WONS -Musical Round-up; ' Reece left with Connecticut Re­ eetablished by The Connecticut, „,rtford, July i 6_tr)-Venion emor back Into the realm of avall- according to reporta conalde^ Id , etc Tallies can'ATiio be set outside . am ounted'to $.547,3...... Hl.do abllty. Thiii, about a month ago, 8 Talent Scouts; WONS—Gabriel him the entire congreaa|oflal coat of lUina aa well aa the lii* the Oovernor wrote Rcpuhllcan Is expected the entire coat willW and expenses are almost nil. A i MacMillan, district manager of the j A Girl Marries. -’toe Democratic admlnlstretlon) announced today by Dr. Albert I Treasury an4 national director ot Heatter; WTHT—We the Guilty; Jorgensen, president of toe iinlver MBMitBM U* creaaed coat of malntrnanrc. and i H tate .rha^ipfnanakrtn Maicild Mitchell borne by the Federal government railt'oad goea through with many jclvilian Production adminlatra 5:15—WDRC Top Tune Time: WTIC—G rand Marquee. had “sold itself, and the country the United States Savings Bond di TMB JUMiaATKIi KMBtM . WONS—Music In the Air; WTHT Declaring that BaldwIpN admin­ rtty. Two., echoiarshipe wlU to which j formal Tettcetter, anmnini luff that The new armorteirwiil be needed trains of cars passing) This Intor-jtlon, announced today. 0:15—WONS—Real Stories from Into toe hands of political extor­ istration and leadershtfi had won vision, preaented four awarda. one Built By JARVIS To Meet Your TM Aaaadatad Prtaa ntr«l Com*Uori)‘ for (kinnecticut(kinnecticul In the training of k la that "there ‘‘i deal of I Into the following categories; Ex-| 5=30—WDRC - News; Oonnectl- WONS--American Forum of of that u :holy deal" In "strikes, tionably Would mhke a good can­ part In the war finance program. . alar iita inrai ara»» (tuMtahrd hara. If every other item In the coat . mittee was then in th« iiffing, and men for the new military peace anioke and dust from traina Inltreme hardship. 4 to cost $52.000;! cut Economic Council; Old Record the Air; WTHT—Doctor Talks violence, stoppages and confusion.” eight acbolarship atudenta will be I The posthumous award for Thomas didate.” ! enrolled at the university each All n(AU OI roAuOliaitiwo «l aoaeial of living la allowed to go up, rent* i State Chairman Mitchell waa tiftie aatup, and, according to pita plaAps Aa time, goes on this will i public health and safety, 4 to coat i Shop: WONS -Superman; WTHT | It Over; WTIC—Fred Waring “R e^ aaaerted in a speech last Reece did not say which candi­ I 8. Smith, former collector of Inter- Specification! ly hr ovgrtom e by U\e tine of $lie..'> U: essential repairs, to -Jack Armstrong: WTIC — Just night before the Hartford Wom­ year red toe power company's an­ j nal revenue. reJ first adminlatra- dlaaotebaa MlWa. art alae raaoraad. m ust eventually be allowe,! to go r,ove^.j,nt plana, will be located in Put- pr' 0 6 and Company. dacy he was referring to in con­ iSill •araioa eilonf of M, B A. Bhraioa nam, Rockville. Wlnsted, Hamden ! tri Jty to run the trains. [coat $21,973, and no im pact on th e ; Plain Bill. 0:43-WTHT—Bella Spewack Re­ en's Republican organization. nection with hla statement but ob­ nual contributions will to $2,400. I tor of the atate'i war finance pro- lac. up tw). If we are going to-have formaUon. On ,hla baaiii. then, and Naugatuck. Slid Mrs. R obert TenEyck : veterana housing program, 31 In­ 3:45-^WONS — Tom Mix; WTHT port#; Harry Wlsmer. Busy Round of ActUltles servers took it and other refer­ Authorised at the June meeting I ^am, was preaented to Mra. dollar steak, we cannot expert.to the Oovernor was "ou^,” and for I .1 • .k I son spent the week end In New volving 1,3.57,791. —Tennessee Jed; WTIC — Front : - WDRC- Night Life; WTHT Hia add'csa climaxed f busy of the power ibompany'a board of Smith. Others to receive awards I PuoiiaMra itMraMiiUtiaaa: Tha Several aUten, in accepting tbcl ,.,,9^ -n>eli: son was chrla- 10 00 ences to mean he waa speaking of directors, the scholorshipa will to iul'ua Matltaara Aacrial Ataney—Naa continue to have $30 and 140 K""**’ 14 W ithdrawn B,v Sp«inaorn Page Ji'aiTel. .-'— Senator Brian McMahon; round of activitiea in the state for toe senatorial vacancy which will were Col. Thomas Hewes. w h o ; Tnrik Chirafo. llatmll and BnaluB. Rut when the meeting of the ■" «l:.Uenc.l Robert. Jr. at the Episcopal The 35 fonatructlon Job# turned 6:00—News on all statiuns. WTIC—Man Called X. toe Republican leader, including known aa The Connecticut Light headed' the''Second red Third War i rents. | larged National Guard to meet | there K'lth which Mra. Ten- to caused by toe retirement of Sen­ red Power Company Sc oIarahipa. Stale Central (kimmlllee had down did not Include 14 totaling | 6:15—W’DRC Spotlight on 10:15 —. WONS — Upton ao*c; meetings with Governor Baldwin ato r Thom as C: H art in. January. 6 Lore drives; Eugene B. Wilson,! MKMHBH AUlllf BUIIBAU U» Jt is true, perhaps,, that a re- ' romr and gone, , Mr. Mitchell pcesent day reqlilrcments, advised : ,, , ,,nnected. They will to awarded by toe Schol­ CIMi'I’l .ATUiNB $71,.540 which were withdrawn by 1 gports; WONS ~ Jim Britt's WTHT—OPA with Stanley and the Republican State Central state chairman during toe balance newai of federal rent control, or | had falM to preaent the (h>vrr- the War department the govern- A lbert B. BlllaVd, who Is an e m -. the.... a;K)naora...... in... deference...... to. t h e ' During the day. opiniona ex­ arship committee of the university Roundup; Today's , Top Tune:' Crute. committee, which act Sept. 9 and pressed privptely by party leaders, of the war finance progreih. and | riw Marald Prlntlnt Uumaaiiy. loc.. the enactment of stale rent con- j nor'a letter. Or, a I leaal, hr and ment would be expected to pay for pioye of Pratt and Whitney, la hav- veterans housing program, Mr. WTHT — KAy-b-Quiz; WTIC aa the date* for the party's nom­ on the basis of Americanism, char­ Paul E. Callanan. executive vice aarifnTT ao Baaanal raa*uaa>i»l trot laws, could alow up that ad-] had derided that they would an- to be built In carrying out the re- Mrs Rillurd are spending a few The CPA manager aald the 45- tional Committeeman J. Kenneth succeed, scholarship, and financial: aartiaamanta la TAa llaorhaalai Baa- vance In rants which would be Irv'j 6:30—WDRC — Music by Ko.ate- WTHT -Sport Gems; WTIC—An night at the exreutlye , Bradley, leader of toe “Draft Bald- atng Harald. nounre that the iriirr had not ‘’*’ff*bljiatloh plans, and were given days ui New York, their small son, day periml of curtailed non-houa- Isnetz; WONS — Answer Man; Evening with Romberg. Reece contended that a radical ______■, . h .. «>.. need of applicants. j ------evitable If everything else‘'Is al-; been preaented. I to understand the government ex- Roger Allan. Is sUylng with his' ing construction has been extended win” movement, agreed that the WTHT — Music, WTIC — Bob 10:45-W THT—Muaic. Itovernor would not back down The acholarshipa are open to sons Tueaday, July IS lowed to Join the InfUftionarv' So, on that alight niianrr, the pecta to make such expenditures. | grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-' until further notice to avoid, atop- Steele; Westher Forecast. (- 11 :00—News on all atations. » TSlllfcd the Red-Fascist* and wre ^ determination not to run and daughtera of Connecticut fam- I withholding of n Irllrr, Ihr biial- Connectlcul la In like poslttpn and i ward A. Smith in the meantime. ' pagea in authorized building be- 6:45_WDRC — Robert Trout, trend. But such attempted re^' nraa of drnftlng BaMwiii atart- I preaent plans, though still in the Hebron was again winner In the ' cau.ae of material ahortagea and to n ;15—WDRC—Night Owl Show. ilica actively engaged in farming, j Secretary Byrnes Reports News: WONS — Easy Aces; WONS - Bob Berkey'a Orches­ with preference to applicants who | atrictl'in cm merely one Item of rd all over again. } formative stage, include a request baseball game of Sunday after- 1 permit the "right’’of way for build- ■ trol of the Democratic party.” . , _ .. to be made for five'new armories nP)—Arthur continues to “click" maybe It’ll get to adopt a “positive,, realistic It's the difference between what cast during the war. represents ing at 2:30 p. m.. to elect nITIcera visor at Robei taon Park Play- “‘K*’ Middletown! ventions, except those districts REALTY C d , costing $19,000 was also approved ; Godfrey will be on the air tonight a winter's berth, iONiV THE cusatoh of the moods and strate­ sliiu'ta aa ever. for the ensuing year. Tlie nominat­ ground, has returned from his an policy” with reference to rational which comprise one town only.// if w:pttkl cost to replace your prop­ 1 the main line of modem Catholic but Mr. MaeMilllan explained that | with the thir<} of his “Talent — 6 DOVER ROAD — 26 ALEXANDER i5T. TELEPHONE 4112 OR 7275 gies of our relationship with Rus­ And, this tliiM', the story ia even ing committee is made up of .Miss nual vacation. defenaa had made toe recruitment Oct. 10. Caucuses and primanea SfjUltts. erty— the amount for which ; leaching. omlieillKhrd with 'auch detalla as I this project will be entirely con- . Scout" series in which h^ and the Starting with next week's broad­ of toe Netlonal Guard more diffi­ to select candidates for repfeaen- .von havi^ H Insured. If*#, th a ex­ sia E. Anne Olaik. Hebron, and .Mrs, cast Marget Whiting becomea the i It was thia main line of Chile- a prc-imaal th at Joe Talbot l)c giv- Phyllis M, Thatcher and Mrs, N. Operatiuns for a more perman- ; Crete construction, using no doors, 1 CBS network seek to attract at- cult. tatlvea, justices of toe peace, red tent to which .yesterday's Inanr- "I have no desire,'1 be said, “to, window’s, electrical plumbing I tention to embryo entertainers. A I star vocalist in the Tuesday night Connecticut will have the largest ance falls to cover today*# Inflated | tian tolerance from which Aiigiis- en the nomination for lieutenant n . Hill of East Hampton, I ent volley ball court were started in senatorial and probate districts ceno^ from the American people governor, and thus be made helr- ! materials. I revival of the old amateur show froUca on NBC. She takes over thia National Guard In ita history, he comprising one town only, state ] values. It’s the out-ofriNicket loan Word ha.a been received, of the today at the We.st .Side Play­ assignment from Johnny Desmond. the great struggle and tremen­ tua Cardinal Hlond of Poland de- j apparent once more agaln.st a new 1 sustained so long by Major Bowes, \sald, adding that toe recruitment senators ana judges of probate. I yon will sustain If y o ^ pro|>crl.v SAFIGUARDING OVIR H .000 000.000 BIIONGING TO 1.300,000 THRIITY CONNICIICUT PIOPII birth of a son. William Stanley, to ground. A special 45-mlnute prog;ram tilted goes up In smoke tonight,.^ ,Hn parted when he came very clo.ie Baldwin retli ement two yeara Mr. and Mrs.. Fried E. H yatt of ; It has certain embellishments. , Should to completed in spite of the (Aug. 27 was set as primary date dous diffculties the four Govern­ A volley ball court was cre.ited For Instance the streM 1* on .the ! “As Others See Us," Is being pre­ reach for that phone now, ^ to excusing the recent pogrpma In •''''*'*'• ' Amityv’llle. L. I, The baby. Is a at the Robertaon Park area where • Ulck of defense policy at Waahing- for Stamford). ments had in harmonizing their " 111 all this anmke, there is al South Coventry I talent rather than the master of pared by CBS for next Tuesday ton< ^ Poland by saying that Poland's grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll (wo [Kiala for supporting a net ceremonies. The Individual who night. The plan Is to have foreign 175 East Center Street views to the extent they did on 1 Iriisl some Are. W hether or not Hutchinson of Hebron. 1 Attodugh there were no known The first American timepiece* , rtaing anti-Semitism la “to a' were inatalled. . obrervers in various parts of the j were made entirely of wood. there ^aUea. »n the long run wo Ooiernor Baldwin Is weakening, Miss Lois Hllding cntertslncil On Thursilay 4-H girls are cor-' Proposes a particular act |^ts on public. tUscusaions of Governor DfRMA-DYNE Tel. 3665 uhrther or not his employers dially invited to attend the all-day ' “* * talent acout world give in cspsule form global ^ have a much be ter ehanco j- ^ .several of hei frieiid.s from Die Pcrnria.sion waA'^t^qhljfd to Mias Each of five scheduled acta la paid | opiniona of the U. S., augmented ran la- talked Into lelling him tour of the University of Connect- to work out our problema If we aove.wmenl and endeav- Urilveistiy of {Vinnecticiil 41 her Nctaclaf. recreation director, for a regular fee of $100 and the scout by comment from a panel of Am- gii. It Is a fart that Governor home over the' wcek-i iid. They , icut with MIsh Shirley Weik, assist- 1 ^ lluldiiln does huve^sonie future u.se of the upper level of Robertson $25. A special prize goea to the erica n newspapermen . . / A regu- and our AlUe. recognize the baalc . Introduce a governmentaC were MIsa Elbe Hbilon. Jack i ant Tolland county 4-H club agent, ' X Park foy the girl tobacco workers feature picked as the beat by the ' lar relay to Washington via coax- difference, in our Ideaa, Wandarda | . majority of IHtlllh-ul anihitlona, .Whether or I in charge. Departmenta of Home the lint one of the eandidales this I Newell nad Dennis tlarbey. for a program of oi^tdoor games. atudlo applauae. 1 ial cable of some of the televiaion and ^ o d a . instead of trying to j p ^ p ,^ I Mtsa Florence Battle, assistant I Economics and Dairy will to In- The overall effret haa' been to; program* of WNBT, NBC atation fall happens to be hlntaelf, he Is „ , . .1 eluded on the Itinerary, with lunch mak. ouirelvea believe that . Those member, of Poland', gov-' Inleresti^ In controlling the school siipervlsoi. has been called revive Iiataner Intereat In ama-1 In New York. :a now In effect. The they to Virginia by the death of her James Foley has been procured 1 cameteria. Those attending do not axlat or that they are leas ^mment who are Jewish by birth slate, .'tnd even If he does retire to wx)rk aa might iupervisor at the | ^l e requeated to notify the club teura, an interest that has been al-1 shows are being fed into specially from piihlle offlee thia year, he ’ father. lowed to lag In recent months. The ' installed receiyera In the studios of important than they really are. | Comiminlal by polltlca, ao Four table.a were in play at the Nathan Hale Playground. He re- loader or Mra. Winthrop Merriam. has Ideaa' of remaining on the places Lebro Urbanettl whose . already doneV>. by WeOnea- program waa Introduced primarily | Station WRC. Mr. Byrnes waa not sure that, Cardinal dllond was really j .seene as a sort of elder atates- I card party for the Hcbi on Wom­ regular working hours have chang- ...... Uma waa whoUy lost even in itlined by Somewhat Better ently welcome and happy inside the : meeting hfiss jRuth Curry. The sli hVad will teams were victorious: Mrs. David suaplctons'which th^’ have raised late Mr. and Mra. Fred Post i the Russian'System of thinss Be­ -Mrs t'harles C. Seller* took a Life Having demonsUaiions at begin _ Yueaday. July 2.1 at 9:30 a. Toomey and Mra. Hsrry J. Miller, j :------. In the mllMla of those iiv other Mr, and Mrs. Gordon " ’olfgsn|L>7tarty of c>hildren to Rocky Neck Mra. Herald Lee and Mlaa Doris' Los Angelea July 16 - >JPi —„ lieving in no God at all, they a»f■ of Wallingford waa a ■ slier ut Ih? j Beach Slat ! Globe Hollow were aLvi well al- | ni.7 running for two w«-k« Any "S BEST SELLER countrire who .went to be their j e Park a few daya ago. tended and provided' a splendid parent* w’lahlng to enroll their Rklnhrr. Mra. Charlre WaCren and Howard Hughes wan lomewhat at'home Inside a godless state home of Mr. and Mrs Kloyii Kogil, ! Her two i lildien. Horace and frlende by the aloofness, coolneu ' boost for the .ife-s-vmj^ claseea | children are dsked to notitv the Mlaa Barbara Boac. improved today, nine ‘daya after X . But In its rclatinnslup to that Saturday sflernojin. Then i.ephew. . .•lusan. .loan H ewitt and ^Biuldy end boetillty with which_ they’ David ^ran,-returned hoim wiih which are condudeii nijmtly by i minister aa soon a# po»-ible Herald Lae and Gordon Yale* hls experimental photo rfcconnals- great nisjiH'lty of Jews who abnle Getchell were of the group, and Philip .**he|ijtan. one of the life ' Membera of. the H i »t ( ci srega- weie the Winner* of the wheclhar- sance plane crashed and burned'In hevc received Amriica'e offer to them after spi'nrting two wirks m Mrs Kdwaiii ('liaaldy, a visitor In’ their ancestral religimi Russia , guards. tlonal church ar* copdiali- mvit- |.o«. i-ace. Iq ***• doqghnut eating Beverly Hills on-Its maiden flight.’ .I-'"'" Gilead. heie (i(>m .New York, alia* went. \ guaraater ..Jointly the continued ]•Is ii'i better and ia actually a good Mr. and Mr*. Frank I 'lilt 4rr ed to a public meeting a« the Co- (,-onteat the following, team s w;ere h Is doctors said Hughea’ avei- OVER The Sub Deb Club attended the Uimhla Cangrt-gslional church this ^ winner* In the order named; Miae age pulse beat tiow 1* 12.0, hi* diaarmament of Germany." „.„rae than anv olhe. nations PIM-miilig the'T vacation on a nio- movie* at iVilctiMter on a recent In such remarks. Mr. flj-rnes lor Ir'p thfv.JIgh New llai-ipshiM' Niiit‘ Pav IViialtv evening at » to hear the Rev Al-I unrion Von Dock and Mr*. David average temp«rature 101 and hi* evening, following a abort biwinesi , len H. Gate*, who w If 'c;>ori, on Toomey; Ml** Borbar* Rose and white blood count 16,000. They »d- gtvM hit fellow; a I'd Maine - 'persecutions, Russia was the om- ' '.Mr and 5 a. P F Yming smi meeting at the home, of Betty r o r ■ R o le s ^^e r*t*nt meeting of if. ‘leneral , o^^se Rosa: Herald Lee and Gor- mlnisterad • blood .tranafiulon late t etwen 9i30 end tlM In iba warning,’ telephana lints ond twitchbeordt «ra ^ A MILLION (Joae-up. and authoritative, view, which w a.>, •tfl$IT$ lirailTi •MIAflIIII■■■■tflllll II flitMU ifII III $$«IH$$iBiiaea anaasll|MI$‘ airaiiiMfitif l«AI«aiTHaaaa f«fll If ClUmilCat. Ifll R e n U T im has,A been HiUHsiiceeaafullv rHBiuny $completed. re. and coramunlata know, one of the ocean-going vessel Is used as a Blur...... SN...... goiHl.. 'reaiilts are hoped for Mcholar-ihlpa .Xwarded er. Hartford July 16-1^1- State ment that many were not killed in Mrs. T. F. Little of New Britain, Wrector StinW ^ "•**'*' acettered luggage A* Concrew proceeds with the enmity wkich exists betweei'i home by Chailea Retort. Portlaiul. , vvith ihe.iulittin'g, otoerved her 68lh birthday at the communism. . red . *ny religion. Ore. Rebert haa fitted 4he ataek. .Miss Janice Ward, daughter of Hartfoid, July 16.— — The veaterday there hadTbeen no lealg-, and clothing over a 200-yard area. ‘^M U T U A L SAVINGS BANKS flnal rUe* for the OPA, thejre 1*, in shipshape style, w ith kitchen .Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie F. VVard. aum -j Conne-.-ticiit Alumni Aaaociatlon home of her son. Charles, and d i S d f locahataf?* t Al< of the 13 coache. left the la.I. family, who entertained with a naUona from dtoUlct in Ooagrasa, red elsewhere. * a and bedroom for houackeeping. mer realdenta ot Hebron, la a grad­ of. Rensselaer Polytechnic iMtl* In Connecticut despite uncertainty and three were badly damaged TNI SOUTNIRN.NIW INOIAND COMPANY l$v||Mul and wishful asstrepUon Human-i - u L Blood party attended also by Mr. and The accident occurred as the uate with thia year’s cliM of Peni- tute announced last night the Mr*. Laurence Lee Hill cfj New whethar aatartca isill be provided that, no matter what happen* to Thousands^ of acres „ .of petrified broke College. Providence, R. I. award. of . acholarshipa...... ^ to George afterwext payday. Thursday, No train speeded toward a curve The .Blood of the porpoist- is more prehistoric tree* lie *lrewn over Her sister, Mias Muriel, I* * grad-: J. Achriibarh. of 9 Sherman court Britain. official word on a policy for. con- engine ploughed on ahead of the - evtrytJUng else, there can atill to like human blood than that of the ground in'the famous' Petrltled | uale of high school and will enter: New Britain. Walter B. Reynolds,Karen L.. Hazel Mae and Cheryl roo*t animals. This sca-gjing linulnff salaries has been received, train for about 150 yards before aoflM ooatrol of rent*. Congress la .b'orest*'■----- * of northeastern* Arlzotm |l-sBaiUy Junior toilege. Auburn-, Jr,, of ‘295 Glenbrook load. SUm; Ann Little left ycstcidav n brning ha eaid There are about 400 paid coming to reet in an upright port- mammal shows ,1 close affinities for Chaplin, where they will spend ' 1 ' ■■ :■ practloflUy ’u^ted in iU ulUinaU SrSome of these marble-hard logsj.Jale, .Mas.s, next'falT"” rfoid, and Peter KisViaK, of 477 OPA employe* in the atata* tlon with all Ita wheeU torn off. -’V .-I ' with oxen red pigs. i are 25U feet| Jong. Mra. Hpwaid C. Chflmpe of Sh*l-|Helen stieet KmlvenorL the week p'lth their eiandmother. 11 V , '■t-' 1 Krv MANCHESTER iyEN IN O HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. T I^ D A Y , JULY 1^, 194»

waa scheduled to testify today and then has been enacted a Ihw mak- Weis# wifs and mother. '• Fire Stained K It mandatory Bank Official Cell man said this group, with a Says Carnival panles showing in this state to a ^ net worth of 9800,000 before war Howard ply ten days before the For 40 Years buaineaa was thought of, pooled Its In Junk Yard Violated Law ahowlnf to c*ve resources arith the engineering Inspect befon sn’f ''V . . r n ltlB Addition to ttls «>« * :o ^ ability, experlsncs and anticipated contracts,of Henry psrseon to go 'I ' Men Using Blow Torrh puny Inust secure *?" R. LdiMotte Ruasrll pRiMCOtor Rotiner De- sumnce commissioner of the s t ^ into the munitions business. Accidentally Start the a certificate showing Honoretl by Em|»b»ypfi *’I feel I waa misled by appear- elwM He VIA Have CponifibiUty in case of accident or anceji,” OeHman aald. ” I don't say Blase in Rubbish A t« Surpriae I’urly they misled me. Everything looked Mr. Rottner was informed by 80 on the up and up. I saw hla Ownen in Court The Manchester Firs Depart­ the fin marshal’s office, he s ^ Teaterday, July 1.7. H MMotte five «;ollege degrees with my own that both of these laws had Iw n eyes. I saw his engineering office ment was callad this noon to AalsUat Prosscutlng Attorney Rumell completed 4(1 years as JofeTRottner m l A thl» violated and that in operating last and his staff.’* Dragat’s Junk yiira off" Hilliard that h* was laanlng a w anM t night they had violated these lawa treasurer o f The Savirigs Bank of, Gellman added h a ja d been "im- street to extinguish a fire in a ^gtituA the ownera of tlio carnival Aa a nsult, he said, It was his In­ Manchester. TTie (employees of the presaed^’ with thr belief that Mur­ pile o f rubbirii. The fire waa start­ cMnpaay now abowinc In the tention Oils afternoon to issue a bank gave him a very pleasant ray Garason was a former assist­ ed when men using a blow torch warrant for their arrest. D o n ^ ^ lot and they wIU b« In surprise. The affair took place at ant secretary of labor. ”I didn't while working on the ruliu caused court tfinomnr momin*. Mr, Rottner also said that he the Cheney cottage at Marlborough dream,” he said, "that a man could by the fire- set' by Mahehester’s •llMy a n to be cihmrf*6 with understood that the owners w e n be appointed to high office with firebug April 17, inadventenUy conductlnff the carnival without In-Hartford, this afternoon In an lake. the kind o f background that was set afire s timall ptlq o f rubbish. i n t aecnrln* a permit f ^ the- effort to get the necessary permit Prank Cheney, Jr president of and secun the necessary insurance, brought out.” , The men tried to extinguish ths etate fin marshal and also fall* the bank wanted to make some FBI reports rest) into the com­ fire but It got away from them and Inc to show proper financial re- but unless they succeed he was go­ ing to order the police not to allow mittee’s record have' Identlfie'd- spread to other nibbiah. necesst- Bponsibillty. the carnival' to open tonight, Henry Oaiwon ss s dismissed bt- taUng a call to the fire depart­ Mr. Rottner.sald this morninc temal Revenue agent and Murray ment. that he had received a call from Garsson as a ona-time asspeiata of Chief John Merx ordered a hose the state fin marshal's office In Russians Release Dutch Bchultx and Owne^ Madden, line connected and^the fire was -Hartford Informlnc him- that -the as wMI as a former, - Investigator carnivSt which was In operation soon prevented from spreading but Soldier and Wife; for the Labor department In }931 it had worked its way down Into last nifiht waf vlolatinc the state htid 1M8. a pile of Junk and smoldered for law. Time For iaspeetlon Get Back 3 Spies GeUfiun ddclared that regard­ some time. As a result of the fin in Hart­ less of aoY ether factors he con- This is the'first time that the' ford, two yean ago thU month stdsrad^ m nry Garsson s man of Manchester Department. has been (fkmttaned from Page One) g r e g f ability and willingness to called out since the change of W«ni< adding that this proved a chiefs. John. Merz took over the Our policy In the future rnuat be 'definite contribution to the war ef­ leadership of the North .BM ds- the same or more severe, depend fo r t -partmeht yesterday. Ing on the clrcumatances.” "I didn’t know that there was a The Russians aye ’’being turned ast, if there is ack” to the Soviet sone at the re­ le committee. ’’.All I know Is what quest of Russian authorities, who B TRANSWORLD STUBBLE Plan Protest I read in the papers. If that Is ■-.caa a s s T f j ir.-wswa Identified the three by name, the true, It la something I didn't -m '.m statement skid. know.” Against a haekgroimd of ticker tape and wreckage, Howard Hughes Is shown at three aUges of hM questioned Repeatedly 'T h e witness added that he never fabulous career: Top right, at a H oIIvivikmI party with Marion Davies In 1964; center, at a pUne rrMb Of OPA End The Harrisons, at a press con­ had heard of Benjamin F. Fields he walked sway from In 1988 after Mlling s speed record; Inwee left, haggard but victorious after Ms ference In the U. 8. sector of Ber­ until the latter’a name was brought world flight In 109A The ticker taiw In left background was an aftermath of that globc-rlrcling nignt; lin, told bow they had-been arrest­ ■ the wreckage at right was Ihc aftermath of the crash he didn’t walk away from. Over Nation PfNEHmfiT OPENS AT Into the committee hearing. Sena­ ed July t when they went 600 tor Mitchell (D-Waah) has aald gKW A. M. WEaNESDAV yards Into the RuMlan district to Fields coupled a 96,000 campaign By NEA Service A lt drew more customers than any (OsBMnned from Pag* 0 * e ) With Some AttracUve 8p visit a dog kennel.,Thcy aald they contribution offer with a request | la ‘he Vegetable had been questioned repestedfy R. LaMotte Russell Los Angclca—Howard Hughes, ' except "Birth of a Na- that tbe aenator persuade his col­ distribution, asking , a veto o f tha during their cspUvlty. Obituary_ the millionaire playboy who plays carving a movie career waa Senate-pawed OPA measure. FoD Sisc Bunches of slterstlons on the cottage and In­ leagues to drop tile Inveatigatlon. The Russians kept thq coupls for profit on the land, In the air, ; jugt another sideline to Hughes, The Independent (31tl*ena com­ SMALL BEETS vited Mr. Russell to accompany Fields denied offering any money. apart for, ths first twp days of him. The party of'eighteen was at and In the movies. Is a sm ooth‘ laUhough he. flourished in the mittee III Rochester, N. Y., was their Impnsonment- -Harrison In a Gellmm aald Wayne Johnson, 5e bunch the cottage before Mr. Cheney and New York attorney, originally had young man who has been expert- brightness of Hollywood’s gHUer aponaoring a buyers strike set'for dungeon-Uks cellar! his -wH* lb- a Mr. Russell arrived and to com­ been retained to represent the va­ Deatbs -mentlng with new things all hla and once got together with Wil­ July 19, when representatives of Ffcshly Picked bare room. A ftef that, they were plete the BU^rise the cars that liam Randolph Hearat and several labor, veterans and other local reunited and received ’’paaaable rious companies and -officials as a life and up to row has met with GREEN BEANS carried the employeea of the hank group In connection with the in­ nothing but success. ■> others in an atteippt to buy MGM. groups pledged themselves to buy food.” Mrs. Harrison said she had to the lake were hidden from sight, Mrs. Eva P. Fawcett The deal fell through. — nothing except bare necewitles. , 19c pound answered "I'don't know” .when quiry. But when he learned Of the Mrs. Eva P. Fawcett, wife of Even his crash while testing the ‘raa chicken dinner was served icstlmony concerning Fields, Gell- f.ist new plane he built for the He has been Just aa eager and Women Plan Boycott aaked^ questions such as what ahip by Arnold Paganl. During the eve­ Howard Fawcett, of 217 North successful in aviation—not alone In Utah, representatives o f an Crisp, Green lu^ brought her to Germany, and nian aald, he became "determined Elm sti-eet. died Wednesday at the Army was nothing'new under the CUCUMBERS ning Mr. "f V '! 'l7cun^^^ He added hla only bright and nearly always shining as a magnate but aa a man right estimated 59,000 organised women how many troops had been aboard. party, presented to Mr. Rimscll ii home of her father In Groveton, up In the fror.t seat. HughCa announced a drive to have their 5c each ;-,vii|>-•> .u up and ■walked away. i Airways at 9250 a month to learn roent. U. 8 . Army offlclala Intlmat- been president of the tnstttu- -luhnson for whom- he expressed H.; her b^band, Howard Fawcett, prices, except In unusual instances. icebenr Lettuce . He started with a 96.70,000 oil about the business. He learned. Buyers strikes on the same cd It had been In retaliation for the tto„ 4 1 years. ! of MancheSlatr two sons. Charles Pascal Celery drilling tool business, inherited He owns several airplane and terms also were called by the 3,000 detention of two Russians by the Mr. Russell came to Manchester! " acknowledged that he i Fawcett, of ftlna’arrt. Mass., and Green Peppers from his family, and ran it into a parts plants and is controlling members o f the Utah Oonsumera| Americana. from the Connecticut River Bank- had authorlwd Johnson to employ Clyde haweelt, o: Chester: one stockholder in TW A airlines, Mrs. Mlldrert'J’ountain, Jackpot worth between 1.70 and council, while state AFL and CIO specially Se^*ited, Ounaldered Important ing Co He succeeded Frank G , Henry M. Paynter of Vtashlngton. i clnughtcr. Mrs. 1 ^ which he moved Into in T939. Russian aourcea said the two VIbberla. the first treasurer. At | D- C.. as public relations counsel. | of Manchester; and two >grand 200 tnilllon dollars. At various officials asked their members to Saudi. New, Cole Slaw ‘ times during this build-up. his per­ He built, designed and flew a limit purchasea to needed goods. CABBAGE Red Arm y members had been ar­ that time the deposits of the bank I but anUl he was not aware of the j children. plane In 1935 to set a world’s land rested June 14. Indicatlona were I nature of Pnynler's activities un-1 Burial was held yesterday sonal, non-losliig slot maelvne has In Denver, tho Colorado Anti- 5e ««ch " totaled 9100,000, Today the de­ pjeuaed to pay off In world's ree-, spe . ed record of 352 miles per hour. Infiatlon council announced at an that the pair was regarded by the posits have reached the atini of j til he read prc.ss accounts of I’ayn- l Everett. Mass. (A tew at So eaebf nr (Is in ovoi*^’thinK from airplanes Iheft set a transcontinental rerearancc before the com- i to movie.s from Los Angeles to New Tork In portmnee. bank has grown ateadlly and even j mittec._ ’ that It wtll call a buyers strike Qaallty Elberta Peaekee are Hughes wha onlr 18 when his 1 seven hours and 28 minutes. When July 23. Nearly l.OOO people at-j iwar (S Ibe. tfieX. CaRlvated Intelligence officers said It was during the war years the deiMisIts I Nut DropprtI "Soon Enough’^ Open Forum father died in 1923, leaving him I Russia tried to buy that plane two rumored that Cobin was gathering tended the meeting. llanbiSTtrs Red Raapberrlee, have Increased constantly. ^ "Fine public relallons," Gellman the small. cxmserv.sUvc Hughes years later, he said no sale material for a book, and had made Aak for Effective Bill •tesna. aad Baaanaa ahoaM be Mr. Russell has two sona Alvah observed sardonically adding that h .,„,o|css Home O.wier . Tool Co. In Texas. The company in 1938, he took off from New oeverml previous trips to Oranien- Some TO.OOO CIO unionists Ini ■ by fiiM a. m. and Robert end one daughter Mrs. , while Paynler va i no longer in his . . built rock bits for deep well drill­ 7’ork, flew around the world in burg, where the Riisslana are re­ Richard . Olmatead. who with" Pittsburgh employed by the West- 8 employ "he wasn't dropiH-d soon, j returned overseas veter- ing. Hughes had to get court per­ three days and 19 houas. cutting The aaoal *Wedaeaday mora p o r t^ to have Internment camps. her husband and children, mnlu inghouse Electric Corp. met in anj mission to run the company be- the previous record In half. His lag grocery apeclals wtll be oa The Intelligence officers denied her home' with him. ■ oninigh. . ,1 . i an and I have a problem. I. and a open air rally Monday night. They 1 ayntcr during his testimony , friends as well, that are over- j cause he wr.s under age, hnl onoe plane was fixed up as a flying fitaalay^ wa do aot advortlao that tha two were on an official inboratory, and out of his flight passed a resolution to congrew ask­ tksSe saoelficsny for the leaaoo last week refused to an^iwer | „eas veterans, have homes that we i he got hla bands on it. he lifted ing for "an effective OPA bill, or mission. ul quesl^ns dealing with Rei.rosen- , returning home, as It ' It into the biggest of its 1: '.d in ceme many o f the Ideas he trans­ that Hie aot ah ^ The Harrisons, of San Antonio, lated into war production In the we’U demahd another wajie in bnva oaoagb of tadlvMoal Itema (>ur880ii Proved lnti>^ May (PrivyI. cb.iliman of ,,<)s.sible solution I th» country. Ijist vear il did a crease and strike if necewary to Texas, looked bewildered when* I the House Military committee who, g nlaee for our wives $.30,000,000 business not counting years that followed. •a ga throagb the.%iaralag, they were brought Into the Army- of getting a plar get it.” was repoiti-U liy oiiilier wltiieHsea war eontrncts. His nlmost-maglc touch is mixed sponsored press conference, Harri­ Selliitjj: Ahilily; nnd children to live. UAW President Reuther has an­ to have Intcrvi-nei) with the War Once he had Imbued tlio tool up in the Constellation, sutK>r-nlr- P E T POODS son had a two-day growth of The pconie in these homes were linei; which hla TW A got the first nounced that the union’s strategy depiulinent In hchalf of the muni­ renting them during the war and eomoany with the Hijglu m .snmt. Cadet aad Laddie Boy beard. HI# wife, who had been on chance at, and which its manufac­ would be to single out "certain in­ (scllmaii WitiiefrH tions gnuip. we bought them through real es- he looked around for snu-.etaung n aeo la dare the verge of a breakdown when she turer ballyhooed in a style some­ flationary priced commodities and rreaea Horee Meat Later the Mead committee an- I else to pl.iy with. Ho tried movies waa released, aeemed composed. hoiineed It had referred Paynter's tale agenfles. what akin to the three-sheets an- atrlfte against them,” with unton­ t!tc pound (fViatIniieil from Page One) I have tried getting my tenants ! n.s an independent, nnd the in- Harrison said thejr were arrest­ testimony to the Justice depart­ du!»try laughed. It's aPlI laughing, -noiincing "The Outlaw.” wide demands for increased wsgi Spoolal Orouad Dog Meat to move hy talking to them and by ed by two motorcyollsts wearing ment tor ixissiblc action. but tho laughter Is hotirw. Be­ But crashes are haunting the to be used as a lost*^ resort i civilian clothes but carrying pis­ hope that he (C.arsson) would .Gellman denied any knowledge the OPA notice of eviction but to Constellation just as they are "exorbitant living costs” fall b PRICES — SUBSIDIES “share” In future business. fore he was 21, ho backed his first tols. of May's activities. The latter has | no avail riic.se people told me film venture Into a StOO.OliO profit. hauting the man who conceived drop. Nowapapera, kewarcola, aad He denied, however, that Gars- 'The first 'two days of our de­ said his only Interest was to fur- i that they don't even propose to His first full-fledged venture, a the plane and backed it w.th a Battto aJaraya play up the moet son had ever told him that he had tention we' were separated.” Har- ther the war effort. move and won’t till they are put romedy called "Two Arabian $20,000,000 note. •pactacolar developroenta la rlaon said. ”I waa kept In a cellar "special Influence" In Washington. o u t. It'seems that the only way to During the war his companc Amertean Uvlag la order to hold Turning to the Cumbei land Nights,'* was worth 9.300,000 to Orfon! Soap Co. —more like a dungeon. My wife Testimony hss been Introduced to Lumber company, for which May get them out is-by court order and did a totnl of 9200.000.000 worii. a atreag foDowlag. show that Garsson obtnlmd help him. waa kept In a bare room with only has been listed as Kentucky agent, hiring a lawyer but this doe* not Next he atnri'cd Thonia.s Mol- of work for the government, made Kew, It eeema, these siuue a bed. chair and table, from Representative May (D-Ky.l Gellman testified that the Erie even mean that they will have to ro excess profits, and wlien the Vacation Plan* on problems of sn Illinois muni­ ghan in a brut.al portrayal of big- taraea o f pabUe optodoa have •TTioae first two days during company advanced more than 933,- move as a few cases I know of eP.y political racketeering called contracts were negotiated,^ the laea epoctacalar piioee ae the tions combine. which wo were subjected to con­ 000 to the Garssons to organize the were given two and three months "The Racket." Big city censors government found no refunus were __ ■ which will attract most Gellman. said that he had made Employeea of the Orford Soap siderable questioning weije the firm a.s a source of lumber. The In order to find a place and ns yet didn’t like it. hut Hugh.’ s fought required. UatoBore aad high readership. most difficult, mainly because we a "mistake’-' by not having Oars- lumber, however, was not didiv-- have not done so. As t see it this ■VVith this whirlwind life of films Company are to be given a twfl them in court, finally go! the show weeks’ vacation st.-irtlng with the Onpanised propagaoda by ape- were worried about one another. Bon more thoroughly invesllgated ered, the witness said, adding that does not give the veterans any of and flying, it is not surprising elal groepa has also helped play iH'fore. they decided to go liito the Into theaters nnd cle.med up again. close of work on Friday, July 19J "W e were not roughly treated, he recovered 926,000 of the ad­ the projMiKcd rights or helping More than two decades Inter, that Hughes h.na been a bachelor, op a etory of retail price la- munitions business togethei*. They will resume work on Monday,j After the first two days, even the vance. hand which they were to be given. he was still having the same except for one, three-year mar­ eaeca. Senator Ferguson (R-Mlch.l August 5. To all employees tho food waa passable. The foot) they Gellman said Brie also made a Going to court about this‘ mat­ Ironbie with censors—nnd reaping riage venture . with Ella Rice, pressed Gellman closely on his war­ company is to pay their vacation THEY PAV NO ATTEN­ gave us the first 64 hours couldn’t loan of 975.000 to Henry Garsson ter Is an expense which not many profits opt of It. He made "The daughter of the founder of Rice time earnings and the net Worth pay of one week and those that TION TO THE STAB1.E be eaten. I don’t know what sort In 1944, part of a total of 9360,0(M) Outlaw,•’ and in the ensuing pub­ Institute ih Houston. Tex., Which of hla holdings and those of Joseph of us can afford. have been In the employ o f the PRICES OF THE MANY of stuff It ■Was. which Oarsaon paid to the Gellnian- What I would like to,know is,-if licity. made a top personality out ended in divorce In 1928. , MANY OTHER GROCERY “ When we wore released, every­ T. Weiss., He told the eonimittee company for a long period' of time Weiaa Interest's ’ for their 70 per there are .any ways to gel someone of its star, Jane"Russoll. even Hughes is no shrinking violet. ITEMS WHICH GO TO MAKE thing that Itad been taken waa re­ that they were worth a half mil- cent share of Batavia stock. He’s been seen among the glam- are to 'be given tw'o weeks’ pay. to move and why aren't the veter­ though few people have seen her While the factory _.is closed, irP THE WEEKLY GROCEBY turned Intact. — Including our loin doliars before the war Ix'- In response to questions, the ourons. Faith Dorn, a movie'ac­ ans of this town given a hand ip yet except In publicity shots. maintenance crewa wifi make reH ILL. Jeep.” gan. witness acknowledged that this tress, announced In 1911 she and the houalnp matters instead of a Where "The OuUaw" has .played. palm and changes, and thes^ emH parther, they dp aot tell the Mrs. Harrison, who came to Ber­ "No Ide*" of Value Now loan waa made at about the ,tlme Hughes were engaged. Others have hand on the back and where are It has set new box-office records. ployees are later to be griven' a part that the re'monl of sub- lin May 15, said that at one point Gellman, however, said he had Erie was receiving advances In in between, he sank $1..700.000 Hopefully hinted the same thing. I "no Idea” of their value now, con­ they to live? nie.^e vets, own cation period. ■tillrn play la conneiiltm with during her questioning by the Rus­ working capital from the' war de­ Ipto "Hcir.s Angels" as a silent Nothing ever came of it. tending that such a determination homes but can't live In them. advances In meat and dairy sians the bc^an to weep and, ”-I partment. movie. Before he released it. along Once he 'decided to try yacht­ could be made only after the gov- It jiist doesn't make sense! prodtacta. guess 1 scared the whole darned At the outstt o f his testimony came-sound. He threw the silent ing. He bought the "Scubhern etmlnent completes ronegotiution Rospectfullv voiirs, Do you reallic that for the bunch of them." Gellman tojd the committee he had version away., got a new star who Cross” In 1935 for a paltry throe ’’Promised to Get Dog" to ibean^ ^ Beatrice Trumbull." Digs 10%. They aald that from Jan. 1 to as a pr^imlnary to giving him his contracta. A yard of silk. piortars he wos confident the House Since the House sustained Mr ^j^ry (^innor and Heler It'a time now for the people the present time, American mili­ first war orderr "We deny every ilngle one of A iittlc skin would send the bill to .-r rtmfecence Trumans veto of last "'‘'"‘^ " Armstrong and Kathleen McGulril and the papers to put a little tary police in Berlin had arreated Chairman Mead (D-N. 7’ .i said these ehafgcs and InalnuaUona." As white as milk committee, hoping for a comprom- OPA____ bill. . V l v tie'll conaolatlon prike. * pressure oa M'ashlnglon to 365 Ruaslans, mainly for traffic that (he A m y officers "might Just ise that President Truman w ill control has been to vote a 20-day the savings In government violations and ahootings. During as well have been taken out to sia.-\ire which resentative Voorhis (D-(?alif I In­ Gordon A. Smith, property Flnehurst has ever advertised. to association -with Henry and Toaigbt Pivaident Truman I'.as said Once we ‘'unloaded” a family of I hope that I .shall live to see troduced a bin Intended to facili­ Loomis street. Murray Garaaon, brothers. Meeling Board of Selectmen. •'couldn’t be any- worse " Uttena, another time a tew Weddings Gellman, describing himself as All girks in stioris hN>vc the knee, tate buyers’ strikes against goods Marriage Inlentlona fioga, tor a customer. Now we Munieipal Building at 9. A knee in golf dr tennis test That bill would b.ir future cril- , jumping high above OPA ceilings. Philip F. Larleio, Navy, of Hart-I "deeply humiliated” by earlier Qijarterlv meeting of Washing­ are aeked to tell a real live testImAny dealing with the bai-k- Should not in clumsy skirts be. Inga on meat, dairy Products, gas- measure would Instruct the ford, andi Nina S. Pokutny. all horse. Its color Is grey ,. . FitzPatrick-Charbonneau ton Boeiarclub at the elubhouse. dressed ollne and si'veml othoi items. , | of Labor Statistics to pre- home, 15 Ridgewoo^itreet. appllcdl ground o f the- two brothers, told Thursday, July 18 A knee engaged in strenuous play It*e a good Mg animal ; . only Mias Geraldine Charbonneau. the Senate W ar Investigating com. Spcclflcally, the House had a : pme weekly reports on price for a marriage license ih the townl I Meeting, Zoning Board of Ap- Demands it.s trccdom 1 should say; five yeare old . . . a real West- daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. George mlttee yesterday he had "rut choice between (li iiccepting Ihej changes as a guide foq^consumers clerk’s office today. They will 0*j eta saddle horse, with saddle, Charbonneau, formerly of Lincoln. lieals, .Municipal building at 8. A knee in .Miininer should be bare Senate draft as is ami sendtng it BLS currently issues price sta­ married In St. James'# chutcb| hxise" from the Garaaons *'o j he j .Sunday. July t l And shorts irrc ju.st the -proper bridle and eveiythlag . . . all Vermont, and now of 22 Congreaa could "fight my own battle. " to the White House for a passible tistics, but they .ire computed by Saturday, July 20. for fSMiW. Uforth fiSOO.M to atreet, Hartford, waa married to Annual outing o f Brown-LaGace wear ' veto or (2i routing' it to a joint averaging costs of numerous com­ -The committee Is Inquiring inlii I Cm l«r, Columbian Squires at But If voiir pica for them la vain aayaae who waata a good .splr- Pvt. Raymond G. FltzPatrlck, son what Chairman Mead (D-NY) ha.s committee of House and Senate modities. The Bureau’s b'aalc com­ Four-Year-Old Has False Teeth of Mrs. Mary FltxPatrlck of 31 I Spring Pond Parje. South Wind­ Then fussy old critics are to blame; members. Ued lUa. Reaaoa for selling branded as "war profiteering" by modity Index, which It has been . . . owner Id Ured of riding. Oak street at seven o'clock last sor. t ' Objections arc made by fools,.who a "paper empire." Indications of an administration making public daily since OPA’s Seattle — (iPl -- Four-ycar-ok I Telephone «B71, or 4151, and evening by the Rev. William Dunn I Sunday, duly 28 see. Nicky - Nlckoloff entertilna hill Waiving all rights to refuse to victory on the second course ap­ death July 1. showed a 1.1 per cent yea ena Irnva a free trial ride. In St. Jamea'a rectory. I A miuihI Summer Outing of No beaiitv in u dimpled knee. playmatea by taking out hla teeth [ answer any questions, Gellman be­ peared as Republican ranks split rise yesterday. That brought the They were attended by Misa - Campbell Councili K, of C., at : .- Old Hickory What’s more, he even blows thr-rj gan hi# teatlmony by eaylng he Town Kane ) • over the first. increase from the first 6f the Beatric O'Coln, niece of the groom ! Garden Grove. The Rspuhlican Steering com­ menth to 24.3 per ceqt, out. A dentist pulled the !!!: spoke for the "GeUman-Wei*#” In- Miinday, August 11 Julvily 1717. l!'l/l">>* 1 • ' ' ‘ end by Anthony Moszer, brother- mittee held a strategy meeting upper teeth three w^'ka ngo In-lew of the groom. teresU in denylnfi any wrongdoing Annual outing. Red Men’a Social tlsrlAV W. Miner replaced them with an upper p’ Turnpike, East yesterday, but failed to agree on Medical .7Ien A reception took place after the by Erie Basin Metal Prtidueis Club and KlluntoMmoh Tribe. . ' 239 'Middle Tump As each, new tooth grows in, oii< company, Batavia Metal Products .Manchester, Conn a concerted line of party action. ceremony at the Oak Orill. 1. O. R. M-. Garden Grove. [ere are 139,309 p)iyaiclans in will be extracted from the plate company or other concerns In the Some members of the G O P L ie 'The bride will make her home I Saturday, Sept- 1 group predicted privately the con­ active practice in the Uhlted States mid western war contract combine ' Rotary Club's Soap Box Derby. A noii-■nis(jing'\ gasoline j>ump in Hartford, and the groom will re­ ference would prevail and' that the In normal times: 42.154 of the.se Sinclair Lewis wa., the fi's- madf o' I 1C ____gla.sa____ ha# been de- turn to hla station at the Army H# defined the Gcllmna-Wel.'W in-.j * Sunday, 8epL *• chamber woulij ^noi eycn instruct j are specialists, with 12,?52 of the .Xmerl'.an to win the Nobel PrU*] teresU as Including ,liln«elf and I Welcome Home dinner. Uthu- veloped tl' eliminate paint prob- Alrbaac, MaoDIU Field, Tampa. its conferees, thus leaving them ( mimbar being surgeon* for IHeratlir*. • FI*. his wife; Joseph Weiss, who also | antan firKial Club at Liberty Hall Ijem* of blling station operators.

^ ’ . ■ ' . ^ I ) . P ’ 1 ■ I. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 16, 194§ P A o s m m s Sport Slants BA Run Wild on Bases to Trounce PA 9~3 By Eari W. Yott Stan Musial B ig Gun W M Wmmn Tnm Vmm Votk ^«id of Um am in i Only Uma wUl Sports Roundup Griswold Steals Home A rafort from Naw Toik teat yeelwe StU'SliMMtaic fritey auta Totals ...... 27 3 1 21 8 ord when thru playera atole home Lou la only 2d. Ho haa bean and Etten are World War II vet­ League, was called Ip to aub for a *8 with the Indiana ao a regular alnca Befors 23,473 fans at Sporta- burg in the latter Virginia oiQr the BA'a ...... during tha courae of the evening. erans. y Southeastern League umpire , . . ^ ... ..111 105 0 -8 Hayden Oriawold slid acroM the nt 1939. He aucceeded Roger Pack- man’a Park laat night. Mualal -other night the home taam batboy ---- 010 ‘102 0—8 Inpaugh aa leader o f the Indiana Time in the various branches of sparksu the rad hot Carda to Busby did so well that prexy Stu­ became peeved at a decision and liter on two oocaalona and Walt the Armed Forces seems to have art X. Stephenson offered him threw dirt on the home plate . , . X—Batted for Musykiewlcg !in rd scored one# by this method. In 1941. Boudreau atlll haa aome 10-4 victory ovar the Brooks by 7th. good baaeball yqara In hla system. hihdered mSny of the pre-war New smashing four hits in fiva trips to Ben Bon steady work, but Hubert turned It The umpire Immediately waved Alt told, the BA'a awlpad seven York stars. In spring training tha the plats, Including a homer and down . . , Like any Jx-aatlor, he him out of the park . .. Wonder If XX— Battad for Rautefibarg In bases. They stole everything but hat Vaeck may change manai^ra at 7th. the and of tha preaent campaign Yankees won one game after an­ triple. Ban Roman, profasalonal at the wants to kaep hia feet on the that ump knew what kind ef a mat and when Frank Klnal aiiffar- and Lou mpy go to the Yankees other. Their record in the Orapie- 'ITie four blowa increaaed Mu- Mancheataf Country Club quali­ ground. chance he waa taking T Rum batted In; Dennis 2, Mar­ ad a lapse In control, tha BA’a but tha rumor from Gotham ap­ fruit League was tops. DiMag and aial’a average ogainat B ro o k ^ fied ysaterday for the National tin. Cervls, BarnanU, K u m y 2, waited out hla offerings and u a pears to be far fetched* at thia Company were hitting the edVer hurling to .433 In 11 oontaata. The P. O. A. tournament with h 78-75 J May. Two-bau hita: J. May 2, result, eoUectad sight f m UekaU. writing. off ttie ball. A big ytbr was fore­ 175-pound cloutaf now haa bang- —146 over the Avon Country Martin. Savartek. Threa-bua hits: Sosttata Saeen Hita The Indians are playing good cast. After making a fine start, ad out 23 hita in 47 timaa at bat,, Club course. This la the second Grill Defeats O. May. Stolen bisaM: Saveriok, Jackie May waht tha distance ball and stand a good chance of the . Yankees have hit the skids. and driven in 11 runa and acored Straight year that Roman haa Zwlck, Ford, Griswold 2, O. May, for the BA’a, acattaring aeven Sniahing in the first division. The The team is far from being out 12 markera agalnat the Brooke qualified. J. May, Brmlach. Jadalnlak. Sac- btnglas to gain-hla third win of soeonil, third and fourth places in of the pennant race but with the The victory waa the Cards* third Harry Nettlebladt of Avon No. End Nine rIftcM; KMney, O. May. Double tha y u r agaimt on# Mtback. May the American League appear to onrushlng Detroit Tigers, Cleve­ in a row over Brooklyn and it nar- and Stan Staraec of Pine Orchard plf.ye; Martin to May to Dennis. also lad the BA offonM wltb two be wide open with tha Red Sox land, Bt. Louis and Washington,' all rowod tha Dodgers margin to one- were the other state pros who Left on basM: BA’s 7, PA'a 8. two baggers end a single ta four Increasing their first place mar­ making belated flag bids, the Yan­ and-ona-half gamaa. S t Louis qualified. Scores 2 8 ^ ^ Victory In Baaai on balls: May 3, KIml 8. trim. gin week by weak. Boudreau baa kees will have to snap their pres­ hopped on Hugh Casey for two Btrtke-outar Blanchard 2. KInel 8, 'FHo vlctoty sent ths BA's back yet to .pilot a flag winner but the ent ways in order to finish in the runa in tha optning Inning and iced Softball Lea;^e Game; May 7. Hita off: Kinel 9 for 9 rum Into undiaputsd poassssion of first material and dissanslqn. on the first division. the decision by scoring three more HOhif THEY In 5 1-3 Innings; Blanchard 0 for tisoa In (he standlnga. Tbs team club hasn't helped matters in A berth in the second division runs in tha fourth and fifth frames. Galli Wins 4th 0 rum in 1 2-3 Innings. Wild lolds s half game maigin over the Cleveland. would not fit well with Yankee Dnrocher Baatohed STAND Grace Lenesyk, Connecticut pitches; Blanchard. Passed balls: Depot Square Ortll and RobkvtUe Maybe Lou will move on at the' supporters.. In all, the Oarda rOppsd five Woman's AmaCaur champion, waa a Behind the fine five hitter by Wiersbickl. Loalng : Kinel. nines. Tha BA’a held the lead for. Umpires; Rolick, Kovla. Time: half tha season before hitting a Dodger hurlera for 13 hita in the Yeslerday*a BesaHa guest player at the local club over Dom Oalk the Oak atrM t Grill battle; marked by the baniahment IiH . loalng streak. .309; Lou Boudreau, Cleveland, Eaatem League the pu t week end. Mlaa Lenesyk turiiad tha heat on four North End Williams Gaining .807 and Luke Appling, Chicago, of Manager Leo Durocher and out­ Wilkes-Barre 1-3, Hartford 0-7. w u disappointed in her showing Fans finally got a look at Frank .308. fielder Pete Raiaer of Brooklyn in Scranton 5, Atbany -3. in the pro-lady event earlier in hurlera l u t night to win by ths Klnal u a pitroar ta laagua play In Batting Race Johnny Mise, powerful hitting the third inning when they pro­ Binghamton 3, Williamsport 3. the WMk and w u out to Improve tupe of 23 to 3. and although Im allowad eoly i ^ t first baseman of the Naw York tested s dtcision by Umpire A1 National LeagtM ^ , her score. Gain w u in top form and mlsa- Local Sport hits, wlldnaoa out hia sffoeUvaassa. Giants trails Musial in Ford Frick’s BsrUck. Reiacr claimed he had Boston 8, Pittsburgh 2. ad a shut out in the final Inning In tha sixth. thrM bases oa bans caught Enos Slaughter’s line drive, when a walk, two singles and a wars instrumsatal In pivtag tha New York, July 15 — — circuit with .84p. Behind M in are Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 2. Julie Faulkner, local women’s Pete Reiser, Brooklyn, .321; Pee but Barlick ruled he had trapped long fly produced thru North End way for fiva BA nina. Oaorgs Thumping Ted Williams of the Chicago 3. New York 1. club champion, carded a fine score Chatter Wee Reese, Brooklyn, .315; Phil the bail. After five minutee of St. Louis 10, Brooklyn 4. lu t WMk. runs. May atarted this Mgralhr wttb a Boston Red Sox and Johnny Hopp Cavarretta, Chicago and Frank argument the arbiter toased both American Leapie The Oak StrMters made nine­ triple to left fleldr>aaef w u rw of them out of the conflict. teen hits good for 28 runs, coupM Carl Petaraon, Mrvlng with tha placed by Jimmy Blaaehard la the of tbe-Boaton Braves, two of the Gustine, Pittsburgh, .805; Enos Detroit 2, New York 0. President Henry Huggine nuds Hub City’s most popular players Slaughter, S t Louis, .304 and Harry Brecheen atarted for St. Philadelphia 12. Chicago 0. with nine walks, a half down wild Army in Japan, partlolpatad In tha sixth with om out sad saeapsd Louis but he weakened in the to take no.back au t with a fine 74 pitchM, five errors and a loafing Vaunt track and field ohampkm- without say trouble la ths remaln- are keeping their followers happy Tommy Holmes, Boaton, .301. Washinj^on 4, St. Louis 2. ecore last wuk. Hank h u bun hit­ with their conalstent stlckwork. NatlonM League ninth when the Dodgers shoved in Only gamea ^edulcd. North End team. ship events in that area. Pets ingJantags. three runs. He was relieved by ting the ball with the pep and Hpd Gayello and Barge O 'Lu ry galnsd a aecond and a third in tha The BA'a scored alagle mas tai Williams; lanky outfielder of the PUyer, Club AB H Pet. vigor of the top flight proe. pennant hungry Red. Sox tacked Hopp, Boston ...... 248 9S .371 Red Barrett, who retired the side. StandlngB were the winners heavy hitters wsIMts. Pets is sohsdwlsd for sn the first, second. , third and fourth Chicago’s third place Cuba ad­ aarly ksehsrga. Hs will make a six points to his batting average Walker, Brooklyn . .284 104 .330 Eastern League but hitting the ball w u not nacu- Innings and added five more la tha du ri^ the past week to draw to Musial, St. LoutI ..825 111 .380 vanced . to within four-snd-one- R t^ ia Fergtison reports that sary to get on bases u four North whale of a football player for tha alxth. The loMrs scored onM In half games of Brooklyn as Hooks W L Pet. OBL his golf game is coming buk. He American Legion. within four ma'rkers of first base- Mice, New York .. .294 10( .340 Scranton ...... 58 20 .744 — End hurlera continually put men tha aecond and twioa Ih tha sixth. man ?lickey Vernon's American Reiser, Brooklyn .. 243 7C .331 Wyse pitched the defending N a­ fa llA to mention his score. on by every muns possible. tional League champions to a 3-1 Albany ...... 44 34 .534 14 League pace-setting. 357. Reese, Brooklyn ..230 31 .315 HarUord ...... 42 S3 .560 14 H Sumisluki went in to relieve SpMkIng of football, uvaral Hero of his circuit's all star game Cavarretta, Chicago 243 71 .305 victory over the New York Giants. Jimmy Nichols, famous one-arm In the sixth, gave up 8 runa on 8 Masoned Mmi-pro performers are Legion-Jarvlf EM Waltkus batted in two* of Wilkes-barre ...38 36 .514 18 triumph, Williams knocked out Gustine, Pittsburgh 239 8S .305 *Elmira ...... 31 37 .453 22 golf atar, may appear at the local hits and 5 walka and failed to re­ Interoated in playing with the Le­ eight hits in I t trips to the plate Slaughter, St. Louis 313 94 .804 Chicago’s markers with two sin­ &>)intry C3ub during the next few tire. a man. Ban Onyb w u next gion this coming aaaaon. With gles as Wyse became the third *UUca ...... 34 41 .453 22>s Play Tonigtit Including three homers in one Holpies. Boston . . .. 803 91 .301 Binghamton ..27 43 .330 29H WMka. Nichols w u unutional and he gave 7 runs on 8 hits and Mveral younger lads, fotlowa who game, to replace teammate Dom American League senior leagufi hurler to notch ten earlier in tha season in a match Issued 2 walka with still no outs. went straight from achool into the victories. Williamsport ..24 49 .829 81H Ths Amsrtcaa Lagloa asftbsll- DlMaggio as runner-up to Wash- l^yer. Club AB if Pet . *Docs. not include 2d night gams at the club. Gpiyb tried his hand at hurl­ MrviM, now discharged, proe- ingtm'a initial sacker. DiMaggio Vernon, Wash...... 288 102 .357 Although defeating the Pitts­ ing and put the aide down with the pecta are good, Charlay Hurlburt sn and Jarvla Motors tangle In a fell to third with .342. .' Williams, Boaton ..292 103 .353 burgh Plratss 3-2, the Boston Ladies’ Visitors Day . will be help of a fine double play from will coach the Veta. Softball Lsagua game tefoght at Hopp collected nine safeties in DiMaggio, Boston 269 92 .342 Braves dropped into a fourth place W L Pet. OBi. observed Thursday at ihe club. Opalach to B. Grayb. the North End dlamoad at S:S0. deadlock wiOt the , Brooklyn .....4 9 31 .313 — 19 trips to the plate tbrouh games Berardino, St. Louis 317 103 .325 BMch woman member will be al­ The win put the Grill Into third The Legion sprung ths so m riM of Sunday to increase his average Edwards, Cleveland 218 39 .324 who .downed the Philadelphia St. Louis ...... 48 33 .593 m lowed to bring one guest. A large will hold another aeulon tomorrow of ths M sson ssveral waskt back Phillies, 4-2. Chicago ...... 43 34 .558 4t« turnout is expected. lace more aolld and sent the to .371 and replace pixie Walker Keller, New York . .279 89 .819 Orth Ends Into the cellar all night at 6:80 at. Mt. Neba All whsn thsy whoppsd ths pravloaaly of. Brooklyn as the Nati'onal Doerr, Boston...... 332 104 .313 Johnny Niggcllng, veteran Boston ..'...... 39 42 .481 lOH S local boys 14 and over are eligi­ undsfutU and Isagus Isading righthander, limited the Pirates Cincinnati ___ 87 40 .481 10^ alone. Thia marked the. second tlfi League’s top hitter. Stephens, S t Louis 217 37 .309 A lu xe delegation of club mem­ time that the Grill hu downed the ble to algn up for the ech:^. Rockvills 'Bngisrt’s for Uis lattsPa The fast moving Hopp enjoys a Boudreau, Clave. ..303 93 .307 to six safeties as Boston tallied all New York ....35 45 .438 14 There is no obUgetlon. only loss In lesgns play. of itvrv’ns in the first Inning. Dick Philadelphia ...82 43 .427 14^ bers wifi Journey to the Crutmont North Ends In league play.- five point margin over walker and Appling, Chicago . .237 87 .303 Country Club this WMk end. Bud 'The Vet’s havs shown improvs- an I I point advantage over Stan Culler collected four of the Pittsburgh .. ..32 47 .405 13^ Mr. Roberts won the attendance Braves’ eight bits allowed by Ken Oeoghegan is the pro at Croat- priw. Many fam second gueeeed Coach msnt'each WMk and tha team la Miislal of the St Louis Cardinals San Francisco—Jesse Flores, American Laague mont.' Ty HoUand'a mova last Sunday In gunning for a berth In tha playoffs. Heintselman and Preacher Roe. W L Pet. OBL The box score; who is. in third place with .330. 188, Stockton, Calif,, outpointed Oak Ortll (28) the State League oonteet Mfsimt Jarvis at preaent ta deadlocked FoBowtng DiMiaggio in th« Har- Rookie Johnny Hetki ecatterad Boston ...... YS 28 .720 — New Britain when he UftsdLefty Eddie Prince, 1S5H, Detroit (10): seven Philadelphia blows ^In tbe Tennis, activity at tha club h u AB. R. H. PO. A. E. with Rockville (er first plaee. ridge Ipop are Johnnyfonnny FBerardino, Vic Grupice, 133,. outpointed Jim« New York ...... 48 38 .538 H',4l l ' i bun good. However, the courts Jadalnlak for a pinch hitter. lY Reds' win. Grady Hatton, another Detroit Annlello, a s ___ 3 8 2 11 0 Fireball Pop Qlaasoa or Charley StTLouis, .826; Hank Edwards, my Joyce, 135H. Gary, Ind., (10). .45 85. .533 13 are not always used and this in- explained lu t night the reaaon for Cbvay will hurl to. the Motors 'Cleveland, .324; Charley Keller, recruit, slammed a three-run hom-^ Washington .41 .38 .519 13 ^ O’Leary, 2 b ---- 5 4 3 1 2 1 Lewiston. Me. — A1 Couture, er in the fifth ipnlng to account dlcatu that thera is time and room Gain, p ...... 4 tbe move. Jadalnlak had plenty with Paulle Oorrenti on tha hfij tor New York, .319; B6bby Doerr, Bos­ 148H. Lewiston, knocked out Chick St. Louis .., .33 45 .444 22 ^ 3 0 of trouble against the slants of for ClncUmatTs margin of victory. for more memhera to taka advant­ CorrentI, 8b, lb 4 the Legion. / ton, .318; Vem Steph^, Bt. Louis, JonfS, IHi^Nepr Tofj|^ (5). Clavetand . .86 45 .444 224 age of the excellent courts. 4 1 l,«fty Partan and ukad Ty to mnd In th^Amarican League, the Chicago V. .32 47 .405 254 Oavello, Ib, If . .5 .8 0 ’Phe usual attendance priw erlll Detroit Tigers defeated tbe alump- up a right handed batter. Thia ha | Philadelphia .25 54 .313 324 Siamenda, rf .. 2 0 0 did. Johnny Urbqn. and the letter ii)g New York Yankees 2-0 behind Allcsl, e ...... 4 2 0- walked. the two-bit pitching of Freddie Today's Oanwo Two'Million Take Paganl. rf .... 5 2 0 Hutchinson before 39,898 night Eutera League B. BersenskI, 3b 2 2* 3 Last Night *8 Fights game fans at Naw York. Hartford at Wilkes-Barre. Otnolfl, c f ...... 3 1 0 It waa Detroit's third straight In Garden EvenU Albany at Scranton. K. Bamnskl, a 2 1 0 Twilight Basebiill triumph over tbe Tanks an.d Utica at Elmira. Oanttlcore, cf .. 8 By The Asaocisted Preu FOR SALE Brunsvnek moved the third place Bcngala ta 1 0 Binghamton at WUliamaport. Baltlmora-- G AB H AV Newaric, N. J.—Marvin Bryant, The crowd increased New den during ths fiscal y u r which PoUet (9-4). Hutt, props ...... 3 aa n .500 133 3-4, Dallaa, Tex., outp^ted York’s boms' sttsndsnce to 1.490,• andad lu t May 81. Opalach, 2b, 8b .4 Jadalnlak, BA’s .. 8 21 10 .473 Charley Chaney, 137, Baltimore, Philadelphia at Cincinnati — All told, the big Eighth Avenue Bkrabaex, rf .. .3 775 in 44 games which Is 4,381 ad­ Millsr, Grill ...... 9 24 10 .417 ( 8 ). Rowa (3-4) va HeusMr (3-6) or Arem houMd 5,298,544 persom P. Oriyb, 8b4b,p '2 and EQUIPMENT missions short of ths major league Murray. Ortll ...... 10 30 12 .400 Allentown, Pa.—Agostinho Gue- Blackwell (4-5). mark established by the pennant during ths 12 months, with 1,814,- S. Orxyb, u ,p ..3 Morrell, R’ville ... 3 23 • dM, 185, Palmertdn, N, J.. knocked Naw York at Chicago—VoiMlle 428 of them attending bu kstM l .391 Tbs M *rg*" RMfsatlop Building of Hartford has winning l(l39 Chicago Cuba Jarvla, c ^4.... 2 Ford. BA’a ...... 9 25 9 .330 out Warren Petersen, I73Ht New Phil .Marchlldon of tbe Philadel­ (3-7) va Schmits (3-5). ' ‘ games, boxing ehowa. .Jiockey Rubacha,> .!.. 2 been leased Iw Travelere Insaranee Company, Boaton at Pittabiirgh — Cooper Osborn, R'vtUe ...10 32 11 .844 York, (8). phia Athletics also turned in a matches and track meets, 'fiumlaimki, lb, p 8 Savartek, P A ’a .... 9 24 S .838 Boaton—Tommy Sullivan, 170 H, 30 BowUag ADeye and eqniprooat fai top eksm- (7-7) va Stiinoevlcb (8-3). Ut wlt|^ two-bit triumph, whitawaalwhitawaablng Baakctball topped tha list Koeak, I f ...... Bomba, OrtU ...... lo 29 9 .810 Boston, stoppU Mad Anthony ptonehip condition must be soM limnedlstely 'a total attendance of 888,718 fen’ etther In entirety or In part Cash preferred but the Chicago White Sox 12-0. The Americaa League Lovett, 2b .... Rsutm^^argPA’S . 7 23 7 .304 JonM, 133HIH, Champaign, HL, (8). I Mackmen clinched the garnigame in St. Louis at Washington (night) 42 nigbU. The 21 regulai■ r-aesaon favoraMs terms may be arranged. If you are doublaheadtrs drew an* avsrqga of now a bowling alley operator or wish to go Into the second inlUng ' when they —Zoldak (7-7) va Huffnsr (3-3). Totals ...... 25' 3 8 21 the bowling aBey business . . . ACT QUICKLY. pounded five riina home. Chicago at Philadelphia — Pap- 18,112 each. ' Osk Grill ...... 005 32 15 )lK« The 8 t Lioula Browna fell intq Ish (1-3) vOfcVowler (6-7). Boxing’s tofoi wm 8)0JIO, s North Ends...... ooo 00 0 This Is the M g g ^ opportunity la the field to bay aeveland \t Boston — Ffller record for thenwport liv the Gar­ eler the finest kept equipment at bargain prices. ^ I a fifth place deadlock with the Tw o-bs« nits, G«ntllco)-e, K. uirtl F.O.B. Hartford or dMKaatien. Cleveland Indiana, uiio, along (15-3) ya Hu||hson (10-5). den. Of these. 558.850 witneseed Bsrssmkl, Oorrsntl, E. Bersamkl; Come la person or phone 7-3282, David Gafber. with tbe front-rjumlng Rad Sox. 48 p^csetomli cards, topped by thras-base hits. O'Lesry 2. .Gavallo xoup Car were not scheduled. 'The Browna WaMlag Art the 18,088 who'saw Rocky Oraxi- S e lf 2; stolon bsMS, B. Greyb, 8. Orsyb, lost 4-2 their-battle wltb Wash- ano knock out Marty Servo in two Gslla 2; Gavcllo: sacrlflcM, E. Bsr- In^on Senatora. JantM Deway, of Sierra Madra rounds. samki; double plays. Opalach to B. Buddy Lewis drove In half of j <^tf„ uses an acetylene flame, a The New York Rangers of the MORGAN RECREATION Co. Washington’s runs with S triple welding rod, and a pair of pliers NaUonsl Hockey League and tha Grayb; basaa on balls. Rubacha 1, Sumialaskl 5, %. Grzyb 2, 8. Orsyb 103 Asylum Street Hartford, Conn. and a single and aa little Midkey! In bis art work. His deft han­ amatcur.New York Rovers played HMfncr apneed aeven St. Louis dling of these tools results In to a total of 583,3S0 fana, whne 1, Gain 5; atrtke-outs Rubacha 1, hits to gain hia seventh conquest! highly unusual and grotesque I eight track meeU djrew 88,815 cua- Gain 4; hiU off. Rubacm 10 for 11 NOW -of the campaign. * 1models. .• . i tomare. I runs In 8 thnlngs; 8. Orsyb 8 for 2 rum In 2 innings; B. Grsyb 3 for 7 rum In 0 innings; SumislMkl 3 MICKKY FINN for 3 rum In 0 Innings; hit by PA Y Overboard! LANR LEONARD pitcher, by SurolslaskI 1; wild W E X £ pltchss, SuralsIsskI 2. S, Orsyb 1. soeiTive* ix pouce AOM.MicKev- V I heard HIM SAV SOHETHMS B., Orsyb 1; losing pitcher, Ru- H * O n « eeST 0ffU66iCT HOW COULD AQOUT m e d ic in e *’ c o u l d IT EE bscha. umpires, Stevenson. Brain- ■f, B hU U 'S 'MTDICINF' W A T O ti? I M TOWN CHECK ON IT! iSHE DO SUCH THAI THEWB FOUND OUT? ' TOPS ard: scorer, Yost; time, 1:80. iBMOnSMO m p QHff^ KEN FAKING J A Th MG TO IF fMljV’O ONLY TALK A LITTLE <-lh K i r r v ‘ St? ALONG/ U S ? UXJOBff.' MAYBE IF I LE A N -^ OUR PRICES ~ a ry tmmrj iVr> Sports Schedule ARE OUR PROOF Tonight Legion ve. Jervis, 6:80 — North End. Wedaeedsy.nluly 17 Rockville va Props, 3:18—Oval, Cole Motors 0)1. Tkureday. July 1* Kuays va QrtU, 3:80—North End. YOUR PONTMC m S A iS K Friday, July 19 wL Rockville vs. NB’s, 3:80—North End. PHONE 4164 MO:W qrlU va Uxion, 3:13—Ovql.

; A 't. * n . UAKCHESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d , IRANlHlEHrER, CUHH, TUESDAY, JULY i M W t - PAGBELEVKK

MANCHESiER EVENING MEKALU, MANUHESi'CR, C Q W ., T U E S D A T i JULY 16, 194# bathed and drssasd la record Ume. TUONBRVILL^ f o l k s !BT FONTAINE FQX Then she flew down tho stalra ■------^ »y Rhe had to catch that hue due at Help Wsateff—Male S6 the sU« at the food of Mala etm t I Sense Nonsense dmincM Serrlen Offered IS Florints— Nurmrlea 45 LUCY H o t N i g h t SuceesTtoH A SMALL Brambach grand. Beau­ REWARD for available rent be­ General Duty Hill In Juet a lew minutes. She Nscessityt Young Lady (Insisting)—It to MAN w a n t e d — Oood opening. Yotir 4 rlenda will be sutprttad to VOfT Importent for peop] FOR SALEl^- Lstf winter cabbsce tiful walnut flnUh. can't ba told fore September. Desperate local Ga$$ified AGNES didn't n o ^ the taeteteat heabtng t Ilk* to sing to the bathtub. pis to hav* McNaaghl •rdksia las. Sell, deliver Rewleigh produets.- leisi n how little it costa to hirnlsh of a bora oad It waea’t unUl a Ideato. plants, Ihc a doxen. Georg* Gil­ your home at ALBERTS. from new. A real bargain. Plano family of tcur. Rcfertncaa. Phont i HANCOCK And eplaab water o«*r tb* floor; IQ^nfied WARM A JR bert, Smith street. Bucklsnd. Year around, steady work: large 2-d47r. MO. Btebby ear BM op to ^ I have to sing tn the bath tub—" Elderly Woman (confeasung)— proSta. WHw Rawlelgh'a. Dept. $796 — 6796 — 1795 \ Shop, 6 Pearl streat. Call 6 to * H w u e Yea, l.oac* hod an Meat, CLEANED AND RbPAIBLD Phone iOM after 4 p. m. ___ - p. m. dnly, 6332. A^CTtiienienU curt oa wbtoh Mm otoed that ah# There’s no lock on tho bathroom CUO-4i-187. Albany. N.' Y. 3 IXIVELY ROOMS of Quality reeegataed Jim Haltoek.^ller heart door. . t « m g Woman—Aiul what hap­ VAN CAMP BROTHERS Kumituie assembled Into a unit Houses for Sale 721 akippad a boat This was ta c k - pened to tom? Adverti^^ts W ANTED-Three energetic young par kage to make It easy for you to CLKARANtrE sale of good recon­ For Rent For Snle .a, — ------—Betty Davlftoon. 240 North ^Milin Street ,Roofing— Repairing 47-A ditioned uprights for your camg better tack than she dmerved. . Elderly Woman (btuerty)—I men. Full time. Appl.v, Model j n.ake a selectlbn.' BEAUTIFUL 6 room modem Cape ’ xxxvm aaorrtod h ^ i'orRent ForS^e Telephone 5244 EXPKK' REPAIRS of shingles or home. 850. delivered. The To Buy To Sell to a broak far yen thera to te "Ootag aqr way. ••IIt T!J“ SL Peter aad SL Thomaa Aqul* Fnilt Shop. |co.MBINA^ON'''R«ngal das and' Cbd. inaulated, prewar construe-' ■oily oouMat hav* told what otlwd os aha hesitated for a hrtof. slate, composition and :in root* Oil R.Tinge, Phileo Radio. Electric Plano Shop. 6 Pearl street Open lion, with fireplace. Controlled IM ate that avanlag. Tha tetter naa were playtng golf on# heavenly When the colored Preacher’s To Boy To Sell tiding and repairing of 8-9 p. in. oftty. I bar pocket welghod heavily, —Juat a family get-to- momenL *Hop tai oad weH go te- day and S t Peters first drive wae sPLD FLOORS 3A.NI1FP Iionysimmons’ Innersprlng Mat- steam hast. 1st floor has 4 apaci- - CLAS8IP11SD ADVT. gether." taiodk on the door of the modeet leys and Bashings E. v. Help W ant^— 61ale ' U ff( iind s 20-pc. Dinner Set. ■ ha know it was from Richard a bole in on*. S t Thomas eteppod tying and (Iniahlnj ous r.ooros, consisting ot dining­ DHHT. HOURS: Tbs •be got la beeUto btffl Jute os tte little shanty brought a woman at- . CLASSIFIED Ufn. 3*0 Woodland street Or Female Of .r^rldition ore Included a Mahog- lOragory. What hod he discovered to the tee and alao scored a boto Ured In heavy mourning, the Oood J. E. Jenien. Wearing ApparsrI— Fur*' 57 room.’ bedroom, large ' m’ddera , 8:20 A. M. to 4:45 P.M. OanltoMa are crowded bus lumbered past •aHy < DEPT. HOURS; Phone 77^ — — , 01 Walnut Bedroom Suite, ^ d A. cabinet kitchen, beautifully dec-1 ■•-U anything? He must have In one: flan eollettlouely inquired; Tel. WUlii^nttcWUUIl ______MM.__ evenlngd, OFFICE Worker mith fab alghid to relief. T a r i ^ l d M a t •L Peter—AU rtgtit! L ef* cot \ 8:S6 A. » l .> 4;45 P. M. knowledgeBoudoir Lampa. Rug: 3-pc. ' TWO LADIE.S' suits, coat, 810 orated, a real housewlve's haven; { lieund out eomethUig else be have to eoadwteli B »m lf tote ttat Negro Preacher—U yo' husband ROOFTNO, sidmg and new ceil­ of tjrping and accuracy wl , Mving Room Suite. Ituierspring Iweuldn't have written. In her Blair was tetaevtowad by one sf out the mirscice and play foB. W. 8CHULTZ"x^nd BotUcello ings our apeclajty Highest iiual- each Dress $5. Size 15. Phone spacious well designed living- crowd," fbe told Urn gratefully. dald, •tetor? urea. WrtU Box 8. Herald , /jopstnictlon. 2 Tabje Lampa. Hoor 1 iredm eome time later, she drew ; tbs aheb oanar ■agaatam bo- Negro Woman—Oh. no. suh, he P.U.a Ucense to tki^nn aUta Ity materials nsW. Workmanship 4817. room with flreplxce. Open stair­ Wantetl— Real Estate 77 eanao of hto ananal "You must be gifted wftb imeoad Aahiea Lamp. Bridg# Lamp. C o c k ta il______way leading upstairs ' to two i lout the typewritten pages and; Grit mye: "No, oaoney doeen't ain’t daid. moving,, local truckhv guaranteed. A A Ulon Inc., w a n t e d — Counter help. Hours : Tnble. 2 End Tablet, Rug; 8-pe. GABARDI-NE U. S. Aviation eav- Ispanned them with fortwdlng.; a tarniov. Bo waa ' n e e t h e p ^ BlgbL Jim." she fw t on Impul- purchase happtnem, but It en­ L m t m 6 FoobM and waste remove Phone a room* partially flnlshed' having; ACCURATE service on oU .types stvely. 1 was wtolitog you would Negro Praacber—Then why is Autuin street Tel. 4 to 12 and 12 to 8. Apply Acadia Kie.ikfast Set, 26-plece Silverware I eralls. Navy rain epata. blue |I5M. dormers, partitioned and planned ; of real aateitt. List yoSu property coBM along." l o s t —Lady's brown ,swestsr, Restaurant, 103 TolU nil/ Turn . .Set and Rug. denim dungarees. Brunner's; 30 ipoge bt letters of flame: state goU ca(M." N en o Woman—Well, suh. its *------ROOFING - .Speclalixms *r. re. pike. Route 15, MAncheslec. 'with plumbing for easy Inatalla-1 with Suburban Realty’ Company, ' AR-Amoftea # • • styls. patch pockets. Friday hedB^ s bV'V NOW! FREE STORAOB and Oakland street. Phone 5191. I l o i r Caaflald te doe Mi like die; Mah present husband has EVERGREENS, shrubs, ring roofs of sli kinds. ai*o Phone 8*32. tion of extra lavatory if desired.. Realtors. Phone 8215 for prompt . I bah ava. Now bo n "Honestly, bally?" h a ' oekad. nlfht. 8UU theater. Reward. and shade trees trimmed the i DELI.VERY AT Y9UB REQUEST. action. WaiMiigfaa en Jtey 7th at wkteb A husband and wifs were havtag been nkggtn* and botherin', me eo roofs. No job too smsli bf ' I'ohnecticut'a Largest Furniture This home la situated on large i tboosaads of thena s r .r s ; hie foes flushing with pleae- Finder plaaaa call 43S7. _____ right way. Telephone S.'>»7 or comer lot nicely landscaped with | Item he la te reeelve tiw O w ure. "I wish 1 domd heUeve that" brsakfast: much that roe., went back into lar|*vOood work, fsir price I*res Wanted— To Buy 68 grrealaiial Medal from tba tewda uma yon tbongbt—tM te bo ox- LONG Eatobllshcd Monchular "Tou BMy,” Mm told him hon­ Wlfs—Do you know, that you igMwmto’ fo* mah fust husband. LOST OR Stolen, workman'e loot 6033. John 8. Wolcott and Son, •■Umaleg. Call Howley. Man anted— A-L-B-*£*R-T-S white picket fence surrounding | of tM rn n lfltet of ttw Valted a ^ a e yon aee be oaa't bo yoar I property. Located In a desirable, resident muat vacate to niew estly and tiM Mttto car swervod swdrs at ms in your sleep laat box. at the carnival grounds on Inc. , ' ______cheater F'ANCHESTER’S oldest dealcra ■teir iltor ah. Bat H wlU bo Ho was the new "man* of alt t.l Allyn St.’ Hartford section convenient to bus. shop-1 owner. Will buy a 6-room singlo dangerously os ha turned to took night? ' DoOgharty street, Monday night. in rags, magszlpes. paper and or double and watt for occu­ BaUy sat down stiddonly in the bard to dauvloto peopto M news Husband (Indignantly)—Who work" around a suburban estate. REFRIGERATION SERVICE CHIMNEYS rebuilt snd repaired. ping and school. . Occupancy of tea vlait toahs oat. I daa*t at her. "But—do you know where Any father knowing hit child has Rooflng'. All woik'giiBisnteeU. N. kivf:-PIECE breakfast aet. whlte^ j scrap metat^ has S trucks to pancy. Write Box A. Herald. Ineareet chair. What should rite wae asleep! Hto employer sent him on an er­ -V Uninow, Uoidspot. Crosicy, Kngid call-St your home any time and guaranteed. $10,800. Sjhown by i haow what td-advlso yoa to da. rm going, Jim ?" such a-box, or the carnival own­ O. LeKose Co. Phon»''^d788. Call $15; walnut bad and draaaer com- j ■ ■I— — ...... |do? What could she do?'>It would rand to n neighboring estate and pay you highest prlcM Wm. Os- appointment only. Tel. 2-1919. ' I Brrteipa tbo bast tklag woaM bo "Sure. Where I Intend taking er hae any Idea of where this box sire, G. E.. and all other makes. any time. plete. $30; antique maple bed and > w a n t e d —A home In "Manchca- ! ifee in all the papers. Jim Hallock Truly a Sod Stoffyl when he returned, asked: / is. please notify Norman Bents Commercial and Domestie. trlnsky, 182 Biaaell street Phone Iwould know she had lied knd de- to let It ride. , -w yob. Out to tb* Bacon cabin. Employer—And how did Mr. E carS'pf children, any bnx spring. 125; odd bureaus. 35 FOR SALE —$8,400 mddern 6 ^ ter or vicinity either, a single lUght?" Hie fingers atraysd over the key­ Sheet Matel Worke, 89M. ______to $10; chiffarobe, 315; klfchen I 5879. ______or two-family. WtU pay present laplae her. She picked up the let- *Mow Is Jim Hallock? Are board, nigh to the cloce of Dldrl<» neoet to my note? , SCIENTIFIC mothers'wprk. Phone roqm single, one unfinished, in -: you being a little kind to him?" "Right.v Were yen tovltad for Paintinf— Papering 11 rabinet, IIS’, Phtico short and I sulated, .3 years old. Air-condl-; market- price in cash and wait for Itcr again. Blair Chhfield lived In day. Man of A ll. Work—Alt, str, l o s t —T wo Irlah Terrier dogs. REFRIGERATION CO. CASH FOR pianos or mugical In­ I Iowa. His father would acorn' Had she been kinder to him? dinner, too?" there’e no ns* 'writing hlfti any long wave radio, cabinet model. ' tloned heat. Lot 60' x 120*. Very | occupancy. No agents. Write Box j ‘1 was, aad 1 knew you were; The sounds of his making brought Color light brown. Vicinity of 37 OAK 8T PHONE 3-1238 PAI.NnNO'end Pjipeiing. Paper $20: several nice ItanUi for Peter | struments. regardlcaa of age, B, Herald.' iBany him to Waatiington. Ob, why She had refused Carolyn's in­ reverie and longings for ous letters, he can’t see to read them. Manchester Oreen. W. R. Tinker. condition. Hlgheat possible well landscaped with white picket i ______vitation for dinner tonight because but was told you couldn’t make It removed by steam. Phone John itustlona Wanted— Hunt studentA rMSonable; wal- |Sad she chpoeti that natae? What far away. He’s Mind. w a t e r m a n s Persona! eirand j prices. The Piano Shop. 6 Paar) fence. Garage. Occupancy upon | a RE looking for*a modara she felt sure Jim would ho there. Then when you changed your Jr. I%one S061. Sullivan 2-0884. nut dining-room Ml, 125; two ; levil spirit had possessed her? ^ e HI* fingers strayed Idly and slow­ Employer—Blind ? service. "Loca: package 'deliv­ ^ Male 39 street Phone 6882. sale. Shown only by appointment. ; ^^ome In a good residenUol mc- Suddenly she wanted him desper­ mind, Carolyn phoned me and 1 Mifas. $18 and 185; odd tables, | Ireed on, scarcely comprehending ly. Com* dreams of her young Mon ^ All Work— Yes. blind. ery." Light moving and trucking. FURNITURE and metal work Approximate cash $2,500. Phone, ^VllI pay cash and wait 90 |the Information Richard Gregory ately. She Jumped up and ran stu ck around hoping to pIcM you He oekM me twice where my hat AsiMNineemento 24-hour service Tel. 2-0752. YOUNG Veteran, experienced (Jialrs and lampa very reaaon-' .WE WILL buy your raga news­ up befora tb* bus did. Swell peo­ face so fair, flnlshed: Lawn and unpaIn stock clerk, w4U|ng to .work, dc- 5329. daygdays for ococcupancy If tha honqa I Ibad written. dovria the stairs to tha telephone, Hsr swset lips snd psaeh-like com- woe and 1 hod it on my head all im ■■ II II I ■ ...... — furniture sprayed (Special /for able.‘Call at Oaragt, 18* Middle i papers, magazines and scrap •he diatod the Bacon number aad ple, the Beconal" ICE CREAM to carry out Pints alrea a lob. TeleptiMe 8306. Turnpike Eaat after l;|M) Wed- | MANCHESTER. West Center Is desirable. Write, Box C, Htrola I •'file elder OanttoM has een- plsxlon, her blue eyee and fair the flm*.' ALL APPLI4NCE8 serviced and one month* Five pc. kitchen set metals. Arnold Nelson, 737 Lydall when Mrs. Bacon answered asked BaUy laughed, "•well match­ of Treat’s extrs ‘ ricn ice cresm, nesday'. atreet.- We' have a very nice six- nectlons In the East—believe It ahlnlrw hair. repaired, bumera, refrtgeraiors. .•prayed any color desire^ 810. atreet. Phone 3908. WE MUST vacate for new owner. ar not, my dear—in Ltntoavtlle. If she could reconsider her refusal. makers or they think they are,” An eld BngUeh taw prescribed without sherbet. Also aundaea. rangee, waahera, etc. All work room home with attached garagt. ■be eald demurely. Ha longed for the hour of their etwi sxndwlchea. Bldwtl) a Eiquipped tp handle InduiUiSl and Dogs—Pets—Blrifo 41 Would like 8 room aingla or j They plan to atop off la yanr She would like to come out If it meeting, mourned for thd time death at the etek* for women who guaranteed. Metro Service Co F OR SALE—-Ice box, porcelaiin In­ Hot water heat, oil burner and wasn't too late. It wasn’t and she "Do you mind?" he asked al­ pointed their facet. However. Seda Shop, U 7 Main street comrtrclal epraylng phntracta. side. In good ’Condition, 50 lb. everything In excellent condition duplex in Mancheater Muat be In town for n vlait with certain ■he had stayed— Tel UanchraUr 2-0883. Have ypur pama and apbds spray­ CANARIES, young, all colprs. Roomg Without Board 59 good condition. Write full porticu- most dubiously. tJim ore members of the feml- Some crested. Exceptionally bred capacity. TelephoM 5042. throughout. Owners said to sell SMly laughed again. "Not a Mt," For his typist was on her vocation, ed reasonable to savp cost of rs- — ------j ATTRACTIVELY furnished room. lara. Care Bbx AZ, Herald or | RUNNY BUSINESS and of course on hto woilc was p t e sMt who would prefer aimoet Poroonalo ELEfTTRIC and Acetylene weld­ Guaranteed singers. Price now this week.’ Occupancy August 15. aha told hka. "It to all so torrlbly any dlograce. to the fate of betag bulldlng. ThomsLji ,4. McKinney FOR SALE -Single bsfl complete, single or double. Central. Light Call Reynolds Realty Service. call 4029,. -- obvious a child could aao tbrou^ delayed. ing. No Job too large or too Paint Shop. 341 Adams atreet $10. Phone 5467. denied beauty olda large bureau with mirhir, maple housekeeping faclUtlea If desired. Hartford 6-6123 — 5,2577. Ehre- iid them. Of ooursa,"^ aka went on —Richard •tanton. TWO OIRLS would like a ride' tb small. All work guaranteed. , Phone 2-0106. / upholstered chair. Phone' 2-2331 Telephone 5308. nings 2-6307. softly, "If It were any other man ,Th« ChiidrOH's ‘Wading Pool ] ^ t t and Whitney Blast HarU Parker Welding Oo., 166 Middle Legal Notices Here’s one ws liked from Coro­ -Waite and Meeter run a c . , 'This • hta Junior W ma* Ycx/ rb now LOOMSda at . . . ened and rebuilt AH gas engines, time. Libby OH Co., slockplace Laro and 1 Gwsu..' Bova.l WAN? YOU Y> /vr OWW ComfdUkL auCK WHaAT,U-»i condition, chrome. Charlie's Serv- outboard motors, garden trac­ start learnln'g Diesel operation Road. Mancheater, Conn ROOMS STANTON^L. BRIGGS, HAfftetaO TO CoMm MAoy—W f CiTMCR MeMflOR Of Machinery and Tools 52 Auctioneer , FIB(W' tfRAND OPCNNG 6N01NSSR6, Re-CONWRr*D ^ lea Station. Manchester Green. tors. pumps and electrical ap- and maintenance' while holding ------iMSKMr,' Of MV OWN. ______yST ' PARJNIRSHlf 33U. . pliances repaired Quick depend­ present job.' If you are mechani­ PLACE VOUR order^ for ever- Tel. W’llllmxntic 3864 Secretary WAV. ^ wr cally Inclined, write fop free fresh frozen food cabmi‘t,s Come F'OR SALE-Tractor and trailerj- Ocean Front DtOUSHTYWO able service. Pick up and delTver. Having sold my place located ONOPNAMO The Do-All Company. Telephone facta. Utilitlee Diesel Training, in and see the one on dispik-y^ We neparate units. Also dome stand­ Apply WbbisA Aatas— ing hay. Telephone 3789. at 6'iO Pleaaant Street, WIIIL •AVMeuo/ 3-3506. Box CT, care of Herald. have frozen food wrapping 'and : UstSMycIcs 12 packaging material for sale Capl. mantle. Conn., I will sell at Pub­ Employment Office ------V .im m e d ia t e delivery oil lighting HAVEN'S YOU CAN alwaye depend on Ben­ ELOCUTION—Clear speech for tol Grinding Co., 38 Main streat. lic Auction on Thursday, Jul,v public reading, vocabulary, for­ and power plants and 200 am- 88 Atlantic, Avenue 18th„ 1046. at 10:80 o'clock son'e for radio repairs! Best A. 31., a large assortment of at equipped shop i- 'own. Call .3535 eign accents removed. Lessons' in CAMPING outfit. 9X12 tent. 4 cots, pete arc welders Orders taken Cheney Bros. speed reading. White Studio, 709 gasoline stove, battery radio. 35 now’Tpr Gravely tractors and MISQUAMICUT Modem and'Antique Furniture USED CAR OWNERS or bring ti your radio to . 713 such as: Child’s complete bed­ Main atreet Benson's. Main. Phone 2-1392. Branford street after 5. equipment. Will be Oiled In s t a ­ tion. Why'iyait? Capitol C’ inding Rhode Island room set (a dandy), upholstered Xf you will drive your car to chairs, other chairs and rockers, 34 Maple Street, or Call 8854 CANNING Jara. one-half gallon, Co.. 38 Main'Atreet ------76. ANTIQUES rebniahed and repair­ quarts, pints and JeUy, glasses, tables, stands, pictures, dishes, and aak for George . . . ed. Rush or splint seats replaced filuxlcnl— Dramatic 29 gafden cultivator... two Flexible ji beds and bedding, mgs, other Tlemann, 189 South Main street. EXCELLENT piano tuning, re­ modern furniture of all kinds. Phone V843. flyer alecto, buck aaw. book rack, FOR SALE Vj.iSOto. pairing and rebuilding/ All work snow shovel, croquet set. 'Call Antiques, Currier A Ives prints. YOU WILL I guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully 2-0324. ’ S S A L E Love Seat and Chairs, Tables. COMMERCIAL EXI Clocks, Lamps, Fiddle Back Not On the Progim BY FRED HARMAN Ba unable to resist the fancy given The Pisno Shop, 6 Pearl ,x Large RED RIDER streetr Phone 6332. Open 6 - 9 p. PING PONG table, beach um­ Jhair, Mushroom Arm Rocker. COHfjSUlCK. ', price I will offer you for your REFRIGERATION brella. child's wagon, small air REAL ESTATE AT AUCTION Victorian Driip-Leaf Table’ ulth caoriiTHtfia 1 car.' ' , ' m only. Building Lots ii-% 6HE»tiPP' M, r oi iirt^ — HE’5 T SPECIALISTS compressor, 12 length BX cable, BY ORDF/R OF T H E '^ Q B A T E IXH'RT drawer, OM Stands. Old Dishes, PIANO TUNING snd . repairing table lamp, four 5-gallon cans, Glate and other plec»H. Goose ESTATE OF WILLIAM I^ P. McCAW N. Bo«vlKt.L' IRGU60 We engineer, service and aell re- Player pianos specialty. John flying horse swing, toy helliicop-’ Neck and Irons other pieces of ST Cockerham. 28 Bigelow ■ street. ters tie racks. D. L. Ballafd. 68 all kli.ds. several Garden Trtols, HiM&ia ~ DE CORMIER frigirattng equipment tor mar­ MON. EVENING, JULY 2 2 , 1946 AT 7 ^ M. CROOKf 1CBD kets, restaurants, dntrles. inatitu- Dial 4219. .Middle Turnpike West,- Hand Sprayer. Wheelbarrow, Rm ei?, Y MOTOR SALES Summer Shelter, 50 ft. Garden William Kdnehl 7-^/6 Uona taverns, fnmis etc. rnOPERTV LOCATED AT •7-/$ eem. i w« ev n u itsvier.viiir.iiK \a )i&u.afAT. (>fV. WtlWI* ENTER?. 24 MAPLE STREET .NEW f: Z Ride tractor seat, gives 88 PINE ST.. C'OK. OF WALNUT ST„ .MANCHESTER, CONN, Hose, Shovels, Forks, Other Building Coiuraclor cent iH« ev Nc* uiiviei. (nc. rut see, u. a wt. err. 1HK MANCHESTER von auto-rtdlng comfort! Hy* Tools of all kinds, Help Wanted— Female SS 519 Center St. fjhone 777-1 "Murphy, invesligalc a gompkiinl ul the Rilzmore Arms rjUl* TELEPHONE 8854 WAYNE W. PHILLIPS • di’HiiIic shock absorber eliminates Hoiiae, large entraiicr' hall, ,5 rooma down, 5 rooms up.stair8jjishop • **Businc8s is prelly bad, George-^if wc’tl put on a strike, IkHT-’ OPEN 9T O * and garage 16’x’J.V; Shed 12 xl4'; large lot 111’ on Pme .St , ‘260’ guest iu 214 claims the.hotel is stealing his towels!'^ Stock Placa Miinctieater, Conn GIRL OR Woman to help with "spank' ' and "kick" of ordinary D.WIEL C. SULLIVAN maybe the government would take us over!" housework, full or pari tiinc (’all .scats' You’ll do more kork with on Walnut St. lull dimensions mote or les.si, could hr subdivided. PHONE Terms—S1000 00 i asli or certifled check payable l<> the .'iiiL-tion- if .Stormy Sale Next Fair Day! 8033. , ■ le.sa fatigue! Fits moat tractors. MICHAEL O’MALLEY and RALPH LANE «ee it: $29,95. Wards FarmVStore. eeis at time of .sale. Balance in full within 60 days F'oi' (nil, Caterer In Attendance. Read Herald Advs. nc FLINT Another Headache m Night Emergoiuy, p'brliculais and inspection appolntmenta, consult MURE CASH for your car from GIRLS AND women toi light fac­ 824-828 Main street, Manchester. YEL INSPECTOR S thou^t Growl was join^ to expioda AND WHAT WAS Hf 'V 'ANOTHDi TNWG.IN$PEC10R. IT, 'J'l your Pontiac dealer. Stop In or CHIMNEYS and flrepla. es experr. tory work, ft day week. i;dbei Conn. MOWl. I'VE SEEN DOING WHEN YOU SAW I DRIVING WAS AT NIGHT. tONG AFTER call 4164 Dole Motors. ly cleaned and repaired rweniy- Baseball Manufacturtng Com­ ROBERT 41. RE^O & SONS; AUCTIONEER^ THE MAN YOU ^ 1 YMINK IT WAS ABOUT SIX HIM, MR. MARHUR—>/ THVMIAl'l WORMNG HOURS.* two years of expeiunce Well pany. . . ONF' 3 i”x6’9" combination Cstabliahed 1907 POISONING PEOPLE f y OWARTMEHT s e l l us that old car you have recommended, Manrhr.'iei Chim­ door with flxtureg. Two 2’6"x 301 Main St. Phone S19S 740 Allen St. Phone 3-S’’ 71 SUM TRUCK. I hanflng around tha bam or lot ,w a n t e d —Press operator .Yew YVOOK AT THYMBAll MAJOR H(NIPI.E ney Experts. Phone 2-24U. 6'9 " screen doors. Including flx- MancheMer. Conn. Springfield, >la;s. OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE "'"WV will put It In running condi­ ______j Model Laundry, 73 Summit Uiie.s .36 McKinley street . FOR SALE iHNOWAuouR onvns, tion to gfva someone transpor­ SEWING Mocnines. w uum civai.- street. ... 4-ROOM CAPE COD —• Fireplace, hot water heat, oil ■Vf I NtVER EAWTMS 5 0 tation. Broad Street Motor popular Slebert baby IT COUOitA'T i '" a l l 1 KMOW iG VWE'RE vJORDf t STi ors and small 'applnu.Ofs rcpuir- — ) salf; o f burner, breezeway ,and‘ garage; storm windows aijjd MAN flEFORi i TMCXjeMT THAT WDMAN ^ 1 THINK MV f OBSERMED A { Bales. Phona 3926. j ed. A.B.C. Appliance and .Servur HDUSEWORKER. full 01 I'"'’,, laniages ,M-3 off. July Clearance WOULD MEVBR SHUT U P I KMIFE IS RUSTED TAVCE THAT QUT Of IT, F6 LLOV4 Co., '21 MeJiieV street ' Phoae. time. No cooking- or Uiiiidiy, e.\- , at Bpn$on'a ’Furniture, 713 Main screens. Can finish two additional rooms on second floor. AND LET US C>ET HOMCJ, V SHLrr— I.UM-- T JIAUCH tOORiSTS **-' AMD BimGRPLy OF W WANTED—From private owner, a GEMOS PAPILIP 2-1575. Pick up and dolivfr\ .strv-' > client salarj'. • Call Mancheetpr. .Sturt. ' House TOO^/r insulated. Tiris house is>on a well land* ------THE LACE —IVE tMN7FA-oT. vtiHEM'toOSAWSOW- light car, any.make. Must be in 4009, CXfT MCJRE— C4I:uT gODy'SGCmDlMALTZ 6lAOOtd i STUART i: WASLEY, Realtor HA>JB AM K&eP LOOKiM<3 son. New Model Laumlrv, T.’’, WF h a v e nneat aaaortments'of . A T M.e? Ac* Electric .Motor Kei'a'i.*i .vi l u lhfii iinuletima. Also tile and State Theater Building eM SlM E-'*' North Main street, oppoeite’ Or- i Summit street. ALBERT JACOBS—Aabea and w.iT ( i-iveringa. Mancfiestei F'loor TEL. 6648 IT'D BE AM, rubblah removed.. Light trucking pot entrance 'on North .-^chooi W.Y1TRE8S Wanted, good hout.", 6)CPLOSOi<»' TeL 8937. t’ovfr.ing Center. 24 Birch. Call _ a Street. Phone 5642. fine wagea. Apply Silk City Diiiot, oUSh H E L P w a n t e d ALL MAKES of wasltlag ma- 641 Main atreet., RADIO — Electrical .Ypplunce TnnFF.piECE living-room aet. ASH ru UBS Shifting the Semes BY LESLIE TURNER ehlaea repaired 10 years' exper- Sarvica. repalra, picked up and F IRST and aecond shift jobs for n i Phoenix atreet. Tallin, Man- HOURS 2 TO 10 P. M. ANO as MR. (OH UDNCa TO laaea. Call, A. Brewsr, 2-0549. delivered promptly. '2u >eart ^waNNiim ‘TWrTMtyisiowtDUP HMM* IO N k-NOml MVPiAM MIZ ‘"Pag’I M teteWONTMiNOOft. women. No previous expcrienc’e. I hcMer LIGHT FACT0 RY WORK MzatttWK XTDDMLaOONfRN «• , Houootrr experience John Mkloney Phone required. Pleasant surroundings AL'S DELIVERY Service. Grocery 2-1046. 1 Walnut atreet. 1 T O BE SO LD •MM auar « liXPfdTio. ao WS 'RCAUUtNOr "'nwruhsAN'' arda» and drug store prescrip­ altriacUvo wages at .Vldon Spin­ ATTRACTIVE STARTING RATE k o c a u ie m k iiMNiDMWTMflMat MNP OP MAN MMfPOYiMENTWS. ASUOMrOIAItofl ning Mills, Talcottville. Apply '"m mlymm. you w ^ ^ iN ' to apRtmO ON HURl 0PPUINS.8KU1 tions, package store errands snd AIR CONDI'l lONED t N1T6 HO.SPITALIZATION INSURANCE Wa ara offering for aalo a Two-Family Duplex Honaa of foor YOU LET miscellaneous deliveries. For pel."on or call Manchester 51,’28 t r t i a m t •emit •nr OKioepivi Hot Air Furnace." Insta;,ea and avo room*, locate*! on Lilac atreet, Juat off Ceoter •atreoL «6CM 8UM a. MIWItAKTH' THtOfTTOIt aatimatea and arrangemenU tclc- a'nd Reset Hiid a.ek for Me. Olmsted _ VACATION WITH PAY Thia very central location I* handy to atorea and bo*. All room* » uffuial. phont 6362. REAL t VMO ^ Eaveatroughs and' (''ondii’'ors \ RF;f'INF/P family at neurhv ate large and cheerful. Priced for quick «ile! NTTM’rWg'. All Types Sheet Mi ’ a W nrh, PEILA’S Refrigeration seivkc. 'hVlif. desires Jiousekeepei Cull W ill pav cash for your prop- Apply Are you looking for a plate to Inveal your money 7 t i e Mig- MANt:ilF’..<’n :i, xu7tj between 5 and .7 p. m. 55^ I commercial, doniestic, all stand­ .SHFdFN .'IFTAL W(,.| u s t'rlv — anywhere in Man­ geat you conaider a four-launUy dwalUng located on Tlawla atreet. ard makes rtpalred, serviced. 38 Just ava mlnatea’ walk from Main atreeL One apartment Is now '21 years' experience. ' Phone .'>41.'!' w o m a n —ElxperlenteU on power i chester. Bolton, Vernon or Birch atraet Phone Manchester ' sewing machinea. Apply in pei- South Windsor. No delay. •vatlabi* for your immediate oocupaney. 3 - i m ' sreNCER JAMES 'MACRl. Oenerol trubk-^ son. Mancheater Coat, Apron and mg. Range and fuel oris, ashes Towel Supply Ca, 73 Summit. tX W K liOWBRS Miarpcned. and rubblah removed. Phon^ Huuurd R. Hiiotings ROBERT J. SMITH, iMC. ngotiad, woxhlng motdiinea. 4523. Three trupk* to sm e you Real RMate Spccialiat House a Hale Bididlag \> ' ' J j vaeauao. Irau npalred. prompt Real Eatate All Lines of laizttanea ‘Aasm 7-1^ SSt^gj^VS- HHp Wafitv^— 5IrIi- 36 RUBBER PRODUCTS CO. m ■' m .m. > J BOCNTHWTY VEAftS TDO SOON pleksp and delivery aervlce, work WOODWORK— Shiiiei'iiipe r-ahtnel 101 Phelps Road W e.bAe many cualomera looking for one-fnmtly honsea. If u tu guonuZtMd. Tb* Friendly Flxit work deaignert and ouil! to .youi W ANTED-A sjtejiman to he in , i h ^ 7IS North Main atreet Plumes 4842 or 2-1107 ^ - CHAPEL STREET you with to sell, pleaae contact na at>once. exact requirements. Call Ciinl tha'ige of appliantea Apply Insurance Mortgagea 6Tn. W. Sumatt. Hendrlckaon, 2-0963. Manager, Montgd.mery War^

.V - A I; K-