![Mg Proved Claim Garsspn; Opinion by Gelhnan](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
% ' 4* • . ^, ' ' 1 \ ' If . «RmPA^K^lJLTlf^lM0 Avtnga DoBy CIrcaktIaa .U m Waothar jEnrnittg Ijgralb fOv m s Mm Oi at JoHb IM6 roraeast at D. a. Waatboa Bofaaa ^s: physical and mantal andewmsmte, 9,063 riM aaal fuala tmlgMi ft la not Ow ssasntlul charaeterle- t ■ Wadaeoday maaltar oaaay wHh Man’s Spirit A i r F u n u i ^ km Busy on Model JRaeer tlca of peraons which deteimlna. LECLERC temperatnrea a HMIe Mgher U About Town - 'WUOam J. MeSweeney, ^ their Influence but the aplilt In CleBued and Repaired today. Hubbard and Wllllsw E. Taylor which they express thess chsrac- Foocral Homs ManchBMie t ■ d CUy o f Village Charm X want deep sea flthlns y**^*!^^ Sermon Topic tertetlcs. One who hss a good jolM m. Htileeldn. • !-«• ®** and brought home » spirit can overcome tha Umlta* 23 Main Street VAN CAMP BROS. m S^m Stue rtnit. ku be«n hon* Maek dsh. The flsh were caught tiom of personal appearanea In In- PhoiM 5269 T d ep b o e e 5244 aa roga M) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JULY 16. 1946 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS 1 m b M* dtodMn*^ froBt Navkl off the race near Bartlett a w L R<ov. W. R«]|di Ward, tallcctural qualification. Many of VOL. LXV.f NO. 2 a Jk d w *»U K The sound was P**^*^^*^ our great leaders hsvs hsd little to iSSSL «t rnm tm rf*’®*J*5i"* on rHdny, yesterday and there were plenty Jr., Preached at Union recommend them personally but M r ___ of flahermen. Services Sunday bscause of thclr^ spirit have had a determining Influence In the broad Orders Give Truman Signs British Loan Bill Blaanora Duse Lodge, Daughten affaira of life.” Kra. cm ati Vemin »»<1 i w A man’s spirit is his rsdssmlng Russians Release VhMMM T*««| o f Ann Dtoco. OnUf^ of Italy, wlU hold lU regular meet­ Another Shipment! mg Claim « « M M tfac tkiM wadca boro vUrit^ ing tomorrow earning d eight quality, said Rev. W. lUlph Ward, Reds Choice IM w ith Itifc IiO«»oiy'« 5MI1W nnd o'clock In the Uallan-Aiuerican Jr„ minister of South Methodist SUM »4nw. Mr. »n* I^vW club on Eldrlde street. All church. In hla sermon a t the union EngagementB Onto «( lU Nonuui stroot. Mn. are asked to be made on books Soldier and Wife; In (^emany L e w e 7 w m Um (onnor Mim Mm they now Hold on the drawing for aervlce yesterday morning. Thla Monument Mills X. OBio Cl thli town. Mr. mmI Mra. the 1»4« Super 8U Bulck for the was th > third union aervlca of Cen­ Royce-Schildgc «■ Proved Garsspn; OMo ontMtalMd w ith n picnic aup* benefit of the Orphans fu""-/*™* ter Congregational and _ South United States Risks M r ftt ti**!*- homo iM t n lj^ t for SHU be bald during the Connedlcut MethodlH churchSs with two more Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Schlldga Get Back 3 Spies tm oli with nbout W nin- Grand Lodge Field Day at Schuet- to be held In South church. Be­ announce the engagement of their BEDSPREADS Open Split in an At­ ttoM la nttoateaco. sen Park. Windsor, Sunday, Au- ginning the firat Sunday of Auruat daughter, Mlsa Barbara R. g u k <5. Members desiring more an<i “continuing through the firat Schildge, to Edward M. Boyce, ton tempt to Force Eco- bookii should conlsct Mm. Msry Sunday ut Septamber thsae aerv* Two of Chrilian-Qaid Opinion by Gelhnan Mn. MmaOiMn ot Stone atrMt ComnU. Icfii wilt be held In Center church. of Mr. and Mrse. Henry Z. Royce, Urjges Vets n o m i c Unification li opw»4i|»g tho mimmer ot WUdo* Preaching on the theme ‘Some­ of East Hamptofi, Conn. Mias Full Bed Size Russians .Qaim to Be mora Bondi at Milford. District Deputy President Miss thing Stronger Than Adversity'* Schildge graduated from Manches­ $ /T.98 ter High School and la a t present “Mayday Pattern’* Red Army Officers; Balletiat Munitions Maker Teati- BmUy M. Klaamsn will make bar Mr. Ward pointed out that while Not to Buy WaeMBgtaa, S e lf IS—0P>— Five Persons ‘TlBa. M in Oertrudo Mejror of Engle* offictal Halt to Sunset Rebeksh we cannot determtao tho dreum- employed by tho Water depart­ Harrison Held Two Senator Vaadwherg, <a-Mk*) Party' fies Gaivson Got Bif wood, N. J , la apendlnc the week l o ^ a t the regular meeting to- Btan?ea of life which may make us ment of the Town of Manchester. told the Senate today that with her cousins. M in Itooentnry nightiL victims of fata we can become Mr. Royce la a graduate of Middle- Days Virtually, in Advance Gmtract and^ and M in Louise PalUor, of 14 Mid­ tbwn High school and Moras Col­ Homes Now *babetaattal gains" ham been , Hurt as Fire For Boston victors over fate Itself. Because /• made toward werM pooee hot ' dle tm vike weet Mr. and Mra, Charles W. Brown, of the nature of man we can sur­ lege, and served as a sergeant In Dungeon ill B e r I i n Showed Him LetUa* the 1150th Engineer Combat Group tha goal stin remalna **far of S7 Main atreat are leaving by mount many dUBculUas and rtsa from total achlemnMat.** Tha plan# from BralnaTd Field tomor­ above ihoae wa cannot surmount. for three years, a part of which Berlin, July 16.—(/P)—The V F W Commsmder4n- Guts Building • As Protest From Giemical Wan> time was spent in Germany. Ha MIchigaa senator to«h Um row morning to fiy to Seattle, An waa said by an author of Ruasians handed over a misa- Chief Si^B Survey floor to dtacaaa the Big Fear fare Service Express Waahington, a^d then go from Proverbs,"the splHt of a man will Is at present ofllce manager of Harvsy Q. Howe there by train to Portland, Oregon, Huxtaln his InfimlCy," Perrett * Olenney, Inc. No data ing American warrant officer Show* They' Should •fleeting ef foreign aslaletors la Community Service Cen­ Bales *Hepresenting '■In­ ing Hope He Would to aea Uielr daughter, Mrs. Begins “This applies Ukewlss to our has been set for the wedding. and his petite wife to. U. S rarfe, which he attended aa aa Rcglstcrcfl Land Sarrejor Vadows whom Oiey have not seen Army authorities early to­ Refndn Ftrom Buying advteoiv'Be voloed full ea- ter in Bridgeport Is flated and Black Mar­ Get Future Busineaa In mora than eight years. This is Roger Hall, of 37 Holt street. Is shown above working on his dorsemeat of the ooafereace 4 • « Oleett Orhre streamlined model racer whith he will enter In the Ronp Box day, and soon afterward the report gtvea the nattoa by ra­ Scene of Blaze; 80 ket Good** Are to Be Mr. and Mra. Brown'a first plane PbUadelphIa, July Vet­ Banctin! trip. They wlU be away two Weeks Derby on September 7. Americaos announced they dio last night by Secretary of TsL Msssshseter S-W l erans should not buy bomaa at State BjTaee. f < Driven to the Street Dum/ied Into Ocean WMhiDgtofi, Joljr 16.—6F> and will return by plane. J .. • were releasing.^three Russian espionage suspects to the present inflationary pr(e<^ says —The president ot Erie Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Long, of M Red Army. Joseph M. Stack of inttsbufgh, Waahington. July I*—( j^ T h e BrtdgeporL July 16—OP) — Fiva Boston, July 16—(fo— The New issin Metal Products Co., oe- Jordt street, Mies Lucy CIsrkMp. Builds His Soap Box Derby Arrested Two Weeka Ago commander-ln-chlcf of the Veter­ United States risked an open split persona Including three firemen England office of tha American knowlodged todsr that tha formerly of Manchester, and Ed­ The ctvlUan-clad Ruaolana, two with Russia today In an attempt to wars Injured, one In a leap from a Veterans Committee, Inc., rallied Jeon's ward wataoo, of Canada, have re­ of whom claimed to be Red Army ans of Foreign Wars. munitions concern distribut­ turned from Hamilton, Ontario, Entry on Streamline Design officers, had been arrested in. the Stack said he would urge a vet- force economic unification of Oer- second story window, as fire swept the public for "a Boston taa ed Chrletmas gifts aroond Beoufy Shop Canada, While in Canada they at­ U. S. xone two weeks ago, it waa arans’ housing purchase strike many. ^ ^ Um three story frame structure In' ]iarty“ tohight aa a move in the Waahington In 1948 nnd 1944 tended the 100th anniversary of announced. , when tbe27th annual encampment SecrcUrv of SUte Byrnes de­ Golden HIU street bousing th* design "to aanra tha nation from •at diaclalmed knowlodge os TELEPHONE 7890 Hamilton. They stayed at the home Roger Hall of 37 H0II street, one - Uverlng The Herald. Roger will - The Americans, Warraht Of- of the VFWa Department of Penn­ clared last night that iMdera giving Peesldent Truman (oeated) xfgna the 93,750,000,000 British loan agree* Community Service center. Inflation." ef Mrs, Long's sister, Mrs. Law­ ' fleer and Mrs. Samuel U Harrison sylvania meets In Philadelphia Russia meht at the White House as. (left to,right) V. 8. Chief Justice Fred Tha regional offtca callad a pulH> to whethor any had gone' to SI Mlddk TWiqHka, West of the more than 78 boye who 1 enter tha fifth grade this fall at the a eholcs beWeen edo^ra TIm blaiM, of undetermined ori­ rence Watson. Nathan Hale achool. of San Antonio, Tex., disappeared July 36.
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