7 7 29* 3 9 19* 79* 35* 65* 55' Schedules
THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 195S PAGE EIGHTEEN jHanrt;pst«r lEoraing iim lb Average Daily Net Press Run For tha Week Ended Tht Weather .lune SO. 105S Foreeaat ef D. B. Weatbor Buieae "Recent births at Hartford hospi tals iftcluded the following; On Candidate 10,976 About Town June 22, at the Hartford Hospital, Bloodmobile Werm, hnmM, poeaible - aliowera Member of tho Audit a son to Mr. and Mrs. James Leber, tonight, rimidy, warm tomerrow. ' 105 Holl street, and daughters to Bureau of Ctrcnlathma Navy Doctor Lt. (jr ) ♦'rank H, " Here Monday Manchester— ‘A City o f VUla/fe Charm Horton, who waa associated with Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Squires, 82 Dr. Howard Boyd In the practice Oxford street, and to Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Stevenson, 22 Walk>T of pediatrics until he was recalled Additional Donors Are (ClasaiBed AdvetrUalng eu Pago 14) to active service last fall, and street, and on June 23 at. the St. VOL. LXXH, NO. 227 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1953 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CBNT8 whose wife and children reside at Francis Hospital, a daughter to Needed Urgently; Use 63 Prineeton street, recently re Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, 24 In War, Town Cited' ported to Great Lakes Militthjy Saulters road. Sea Transportation Service, Atlaii^ Sfc. Albert N. Lea, 113 Eldrldge Stre.«sing the urgent need for tic Area, for assignment afloat. more dortora for Monday’^ visit Democrats Tl^ ^ He attended Brown University and street, is aboard the USNS Trans Schools Backed port Gen. R. I. Howae which is nf the Bloodmobile, Mrs.
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