THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 195S PAGE EIGHTEEN jHanrt;pst«r lEoraing iim lb Average Daily Net Press Run For tha Week Ended Tht Weather .lune SO. 105S Foreeaat ef D. B. Weatbor Buieae "Recent births at Hartford hospi­ tals iftcluded the following; On Candidate 10,976 About Town June 22, at the Hartford Hospital, Bloodmobile Werm, hnmM, poeaible - aliowera Member of tho Audit a son to Mr. and Mrs. James Leber, tonight, rimidy, warm tomerrow. ' 105 Holl street, and daughters to Bureau of Ctrcnlathma Navy Doctor Lt. (jr ) ♦'rank H, " Here Monday Manchester— ‘A City o f VUla/fe Charm Horton, who waa associated with Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Squires, 82 Dr. Howard Boyd In the practice Oxford street, and to Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Stevenson, 22 Walk>T of pediatrics until he was recalled Additional Donors Are (ClasaiBed AdvetrUalng eu Pago 14) to active service last fall, and street, and on June 23 at. the St. VOL. LXXH, NO. 227 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1953 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CBNT8 whose wife and children reside at Francis Hospital, a daughter to Needed Urgently; Use 63 Prineeton street, recently re­ Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, 24 In War, Town Cited' ported to Great Lakes Militthjy Saulters road. Sea Transportation Service, Atlaii^ Sfc. Albert N. Lea, 113 Eldrldge Stre.«sing the urgent need for tic Area, for assignment afloat. more dortora for Monday’^ visit Democrats Tl^ ^ He attended Brown University and street, is aboard the USNS Trans­ Schools Backed port Gen. R. I. Howae which is nf the Bloodmobile, Mrs. Ruth Tif­ Yale University School of Medi­ fin. president of the Women’s Fed­ cine, coming to Manchester lit scheduled to arrive in Seattle to­ morrow morning with 2.673 pas­ eration at the Center Congrega­ Battle Ike’s! July of 1950. He was certified by tional Church, sponsors of the the Americn Board of Pediatrics sengers from the Far East. Schedules campaign for June, has reissued In February of this year. some of the pertinent facts about o f T o w n A special meeting of the Con­ the blond program as they affect TaxTactics The Past Chiefs Club of Me­ necticut State Association of the the people of Manchester. morial Temple No. 33. Pythian Sis­ Loyal Order of and the Con­ necticut Football Festival will be ’The Bloodmobile will be at Washington, June 26—</P) ters, will hold a picnic potiuck Woodruff Hall from 1:45 to 6:30 supper tomorrow night at . 6 held on J>ie 29 at the Moose Hall Waiting to Cast Votes on Schools Questions — The House Democratic in Hamden. It is expected that p.,m. at HALE’S SELF SERVE and MEAT DEPT. leadership today threw its in­ o’clock at the home of Mrs. Ethel Mrs. Tiffin, in her statement, Swimming Lindsay, 111 Main street. representatives from all the Moose fluence against the Eisen­ lodges in the state will be present. said, "The need for blood donors has not abated. It Is greater SUNLIGHT ’ HALE’S hower administration’s tac­ Hose Company 2 of the South than ever. The Connecticut Re, tics of bypassing the tax­ Manchester Fire District will hold St. Margaret's Circle, Daughters <■ 81101 Photo. Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Pool and of Isabella, held a most successful Jack Whttham gional Blood Program mpat col­ writing ways and meari4 Its final drill for the summer lect more than 100,000 pints of COFFEE months tomorrow evening at 0:30. card party last night at the K. of Jack Whitham of Manrhester blood this year to meet Its re­ BUTTER committee in its battle to get C. home. Prises were awarded the High School is a candidate for Fresh Ground GREEN or YELLOW SQUASHu, 12c All members are requested to be quirements in the nattonsi pro-, Hall Voted extension of the excess prof­ 13,000 ^eA\East Germati Reds Good Ideas on time. high scorers at each table. Two lieutenant governor for the Na­ gram. its tax. door prises, donated by Mrs. tionalist Party at Boys State, the Lb. Lb. 10,000 Pints a Month L . 2 5 C Manchester voters went to i Acting Democratic Leader Mc­ Michael Gorman and Mrs. Theo­ week-long program being con­ "Blood i.<i still needed by the De­ ASPARAGUS Cormack (Maaal .served notice he dore Blow, were won by Mrs. Mary ducted at the University of Con­ fense Department to the amount the polls yesterday and ap- ■ would make a fight of it — on the T roops Hold Loyalty Rally Offer Hope necticut at Storra. He was elect­ Brunette and Mrs. Edward Cavag- of 10,000 to 20,000 plnta a month. proved the appropriation of i basis of objections to the procedure ed at the party caucus yesterday. naro. All present' enjoyed ■'the It is u.sed to save the lives of our GREEN BEANS Lh. 19c — when the issue comes to the social time following the games, Whitham, who will be a senior $5,450,000 for the construc­ Allied Line ICE CREAM servleemen on the fighting front, tion of a new Keeney Street House floor, probably Monday. Berlin, June 26 — (JP) ^minister announced formation of a F or T r u c e during which strawberry short­ In the fall, is taking college pre­ and for transfusion necessary for Nevertheless, House Speaker paratory courses. He waa elect­ Thousands nf Germans .special "operative commission’’ cake and whipped cream was patients in veterans’ hospitals Lb. Schoohand a new high school Martin (R-Mass) predicted over­ Seoul, June 26 — (/P) — At ed captain of the .soccer team by EGGPLANT ..15c with full power to initiate and drive Seoul, Saturday, June 27— served. operations are the direct with an auditorium to seat whelming Republican support and least 13,000 Chinese Reds hit marched under Red banners through measures designed to cool his teammates and co-cap­ 7 7 )— President Eisenhower’s result of their combat injuries. 1-.300 and the controversial certain victory for President Bi.sen- in East Berlin today in a rally the fires of revolt by improving the (fP tain of the track team. This the Allied line on both ends of The WBA Guard Club will meet Manchester cannot let these boys hower In an expected bruising of loyalty to their East Ger­ lot of the common man. truce trouble-shooter meets tomorrow night at the home of spring, Whitham was a key fig­ ROYAL PUDDINOS and QEUTIN 4 29c CU K6S 2 For 1 Sc swimming pool. the Korean battlefront today, down. Th» vote: ___ floor battle. The oommiaaion'a job-th e Reds again this afternoon . with QUALITY ure in the SUCCC.SS of the track man government. Mrs. Shirley Smith, . 118 Green­ "Blood is needed for civilian but hard-fighting South Ko­ said its makeup and site were still squad as the ace of the 100 and On thn high zchool, 3,491 ye.*i "Only a very small number of Soviet riflemen ringed the gov­ President Syngman Rhee a l­ BEVERAGES wood drive. hospUals^Manchester men. women, reans hurled back most of being worked out—was In effect to 220 yard events. VIRGINIA DARE PREMIER WHITE MEAT and 1,386 no. Republicans will fail to support the ernment headqiiartera, target of nnd children nave required be­ PEACHES Lb. 23c President," he predicted. ‘'If Dem­ spin East Germany's wretched ter disclosing in secret what A grass fire waa put out at Whitham is the son of Mr. and On adding the auditorium to it, 10,000 Communists who at­ the June 17 revolt, while the So­ OILieiOUt K t e»IAM tween 80 and 90 pints a month for True Fruit'.Flavored 2,T97 yes and 1,947 no. ocrats vote against the rule, (the economy back towards capitalism. the stubborn South Korean Memorial Field yesterday after­ Mrs. Erwin W. Whitham, 42 Ger­ tacked eight strategic out- cialist (Unity (Communist) part" Preliminary plana made public SODAS AT HOMil transfusions in our Manchester On adding the .ewlmming pool, proposal to take tax bill up by brought the workers into mid- executive called “ gooii ideas” noon by Company 2 of the SMFD. ard street. Hospital. TUNA CALIF. POTATOES 4 Lha. 25c extraordinary procedure l, they po.sts in the west. by the Grotewohl cabinet laat night 2.429 yea and 2,287 no. U. S. Sabre jets shot down two city, Many of them took part In spelled the final collapse of the all- on the Korean truce crisis. "Other Manchester residents are The Keeney Street School car­ will be m the position of joining a general strike at the time of the 'ntelr first . face to, face talk hospitalized at the Hartford Ho.s- SYRUP these few Republicans in denying Communist MIG jets and damaged out Communism drive that started 7 Oz. Cair ried by 3.814 ro 1,043. one in air battlea over North Korea revolt, hut they have been brought last summer and foiled ahead re­ yesterday — two houra and 45 pital. the St. Francis. Mt. Sinai. LEMONS 4 For 25c S to 1 Margin a House vote on the issue and under the control of Soviet mili­ minutes — produced hope for clos­ Their need for blood to save their thia afternoon.. lentlessly until it bumped squarely Bottle The high achool carried all four defeating the financial program of tary forces. into the June 17 rebellion. ing the deep U. S.-South Korea PINEHU RST lives is urgent. Manchester cannot the administration." Gen. J. Lawton Collins, U.
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