D E C L a R a T I O N We Are Bulgarian Citizens of Roma Origin

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D E C L a R a T I O N We Are Bulgarian Citizens of Roma Origin D E C L A R A T I O N We are Bulgarian citizens of Roma origin with a constructively critical and active civil position. We try to contribute to the development of Bulgaria in different areas according to our own strength and abilities. We are sensitive to the topics concerning the human and citizen’s rights and responsibilities, the solidarity in modern societies, the debate on equal opportunities for development and growth of everyone. With the present declaration we strongly condemn all attempts to impose a public discourse in which we, the Roma people are represented entirely as a group of unsocialized, antisocial and even inhumane creatures! We express our profound outrage at the systematic efforts of some politicians, crumbling the democratic process in the country trying to oppose the Roma community to the other social groups, thus endangering the interethnic relations and peace in the country! We are particularly shocked by the pathetic attempt to oppose the situation of Roma to that of Syrian refugees. Statements as "Syrian refugees are putting their hands in the pot of Roma!" are intolerable violation of our dignity. We strongly and firmly declare that we do not share and do not endorse such kinds of statements! Let us make it clear to everyone: We are not against Syrian refugees! On the contrary, we show solidarity with them and believe that they deserve protection because people do not become refugees in their own wish and will! As part of the family of the democratic countries and societies with developed human values, Bulgaria and all of us need to provide the necessary support to the people of Syria, who have sought refuge in our country to deal with this tragic stage of their life. We also express our profound disagreement with the fact that someone incessantly speaks on behalf of all Roma and presents themselves as the genuine representative of the Roma people! This can hardly happen because the Roma community, as any other human group, consists of individuals and personalities with a free will who can make independent choices, as long as someone else does not purposely put them in dependency. We call upon the representatives of the media, the political class and the institutions to stop showing in public illegitimate Roma leaders and incompetent speakers on behalf of the community, who in pursuit of their personal interests do not often represent faithfully our voice in the public domain. There are experts and professionals among us - it is time to understand what they also think about the topical problems of society. We do not deny that many Roma are in a serious social situation, too and that more efforts are needed by all people to overcome the deepening gap between the Roma community and the rest of society. We do not hide our heads in the sand and we do not deny the existence of problems with the socialization of a lot of Roma people in society. However, we cannot accept to be blamed all the time collectively as Roma for not wanting to "integrate" into society. At this point we would like to ask: Which society should we integrate into? In the society which believes that we have no rights over the Bulgarian land, symbols, heros, that we may not participate in governing the country and we are denied the right of prestige as Roma, despite our individual efforts and achievements? In this society, in whose schools they say to our children, "You were born a stupid gypsy and a syupid gypsy you will die"? In this society, in which we hear every morning that "Roma killed", "Roma stole", "Roma raped", "Roma ruined" .... How do you want us to educate our children as citizens of our country when they hear such expressions from a very young age? Why has no one ever written and said anything like that for any other ethnic community? Are all members of the other ethnic groups angels and do not violate the rules and regulations? Why does the Bulgarian state not come out with an institutional position regarding the controversy that aroused in France on the issue of the Roma people? Are we not Bulgarian citizens who need to be protected by our country when we are subjected to discriminatory treatment in other countries? We want everyone to understand us at last: It is not true that we do not want to be part of the success and problems of our country, but it is high time everybody realized that we have no collective rights and that collective guilt cannot be imposed on us; that the measures aimed at the integration of the vulnerable members of our community are not a privilege and that the language of hatred and stigma do not bring us near, but take us away from society! We are tired of being constantly pointed at and blamed for all the sins of the world! STOP IT! We are Roma, we are Bulgarian citizens, but above all we are individuals and we have faces, will and our own responsibility! signatories: 1. Yuksel Yasharov , councilor , city of Peshtera 2 . Metin Shefket, chairman of the " Roma Community Center - Vazovo - 2007," Isperih 3 . Sergi Karakashev , social educator and president of the RF "Iskra" , Shumen 4 . Dilyana Atanasova, graphic designer , Radnevo 5 . Minko Minkov, activist for human rights, Pazardzhik 6 . Ivo Koychev pastor ( Roma Destiny ) , Stara Zagora 7 . Dimitar Atanasov , writer, Varna 8 . Orlin Orlinov, economist , Montana 9. Angel Ekov, “Assistance Center for Roma in Flanders – Belgium” , Ghent 10 . Velcho Mihalev, health mediator, Aitos 11. Nikolay Dimitrov, student, Beloslav 12. Emil Methodiev, photo and web designer , Dupnica 13. Zina Tenekedjieva Secretary OSSEIV - Haskovo , Haskovo 14. Milenko Milenkov , president of the " Mladenovo " Lom 15 .Angel Ivanov, Master in "Human Rights" , the town of Essex (England) 16. Asen Asenov , regional coordinator of National network of mediators , Shumen 17. Atanas Stoyanov, municipal councilor , city Strajitsa 18. Atanas Zachariev , Gender Research Fellow at ERRC, Budapest (Hungary) 19. Emilia Dancheva, journalist, Sofia 20. Anelia Dudinova , web designer, Elin Pelin 21. Biser Petkov, journalist Teteven 22. Demir Yanev, electrical engineer, Petrich 23. Emil Stefanov , Deputy Mayor , Municipality of Zavet 24. Deyan Kolev , President of Center"Amalipe" , Veliko Tarnovo 25. MD Stefan Panayotov GP, Sliven 26. Miglena Mihailova, lawyer ( Association " Leader " ) , Blagoevgrad 27. Sasho Kovachev, specialist "Social Activities " , Kyustendil 28. Bistra Andreeva, activist , Sofia 29. Seniha Ahmed, health mediator city of Zavet 30 . Radoslav Hristov, specialist " Integration of Minorities" , Botevgrad 31 . Milen Milanov , Bachelor of International Affairs , Sofia 32 . Galina Nikolova , a student of economics, Kyustendil 33 . Myuseyam Ali , chairman of the NGO " Hayachi " Novi Pazar 34 . Hyusmen Ephraim , journalist, Razgrad 35. Kadrin Hasanov , expert in Municipality Razgrad 36. Vergil Ibryam , a student of biotechnology, Senovo 37. Angel Manushev , Bulgarian immigrant , Cyprus 38. Liliya Makaveeva, Master in”Social work” , Razgrad 39 . Seher Maximova, nurse , Razgrad 40. Nikolay Nikolov, center " Jabin ", Varna 41. Ognjan Isaev , journalist , Vurbitsa 42. Remzie Hasanova , health mediator , Municipality Razgrad 43. Slavtcho Savkov, teacher, Senovo city , municipality Vetovo 44. Biser Svetlinov Alekov , PhD in Pedagogy, Brussels 45. Vencislav Slavchev Savkov , teacher, Brussels 46. Roumen Todorov Hristov , a worker in plant foods , Brussels 47. Merlin Veselinova Yosifova, Bachelor of Mathematics and Informatics , Ruse 48. Anelia Atanasova, legal counsel in RHIF Montana 49. Veselin Iosifov Alekov , mayor of the village Seslav , Municipality Kubrat 50 . Hasan Hasanov , Engineer - forester , Kubrat 51 . Renginar Efraim , children's teacher , village Seslav , Municipality Kubrat 52 . Stefan Kirov, mayor of village Vazovo , Municipality Isperih 53 . Teresa Borisova , student, Sofia .
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