South Services and Facilities Study District Council March 2012


Settlement Size

Settlement Population Dwelling Stock Category (mid-2010 estimate) (mid-2010 estimate) Group Village 920 420


Bus Service:

A) Summary Bus Service

Monday – Friday Saturday Sunday / Market Town Frequency Frequency Frequency To / From Cambridge 5 / 6 Buses 5 / 6 Buses No Service To / From Royston 1 Bus (Wednesday) No Service No Service

B) Detailed Bus Service

Monday - Friday Cambridge / Market Service 7:00-9:29 9:30-16:29 16:30-18:59 19:00-23:00 Town 27 1 Bus No Service No Service No Service To Cambridge 75 1 Bus 3 Buses 1 Bus No Service 27 No Service 1 Bus No Service No Service From Cambridge 75 No Service 4 Buses 2 Buses No Service To Royston 15 (Wed) No Service 1 Bus No Service No Service From Royston 15 (Wed) 1 Bus No Service No Service No Service

Saturday Cambridge / Market Service 7:00-9:29 9:30-16:29 16:30-18:59 19:00-23:00 Town 27 No Service No Service No Service No Service To Cambridge 75 1 Bus 3 Buses 1 Bus No Service 27 No Service No Service No Service No Service From Cambridge 75 No Service 4 Buses 2 Buses No Service To Royston 15 (Wed) No Service No Service No Service No Service From Royston 15 (Wed) No Service No Service No Service No Service

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Sunday Cambridge / Market Service 9:00-18:00 Town 27 No Service To Cambridge 75 No Service 27 No Service From Cambridge 75 No Service To Royston 15 (Wed) No Service From Royston 15 (Wed) No Service

C) Journey Duration

Cambridge / Market Timetabled Service Bus Stops Town Journey Time Barrington, Mill Lane – 27 49 / 43 Minutes To / From Cambridge, Drummer Street Cambridge 30 / 30-35 Barrington, Mill Lane – 75 Minutes Cambridge, Drummer Street Barrington, Mill Lane – To / From Royston 15 (Wed) 63 / 62 Minutes Royston, Bus Station

Cycle Route Links:

Cycle Route Cycle Route Route Summary Type There are no dedicated cycle links connected to Barrington.


Education Secondary School (catchment) Barrington does not contain a secondary school. It is located within the catchment area for Melbourn Village College, Melbourn. Primary School Planned Admission Address School Capacity Number Barrington Church of Primary 20 140 School, Haslingfield Road, Barrington

Emergency Services There are no emergency services based in Barrington.

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South Services and Facilities Study Cambridgeshire District Council March 2012

General Practitioner There is no general practitioners based in Barrington

Library There is no library service based in Barrington.


Food Store(s) Details Address Village Store Barrington Post Office, 51 High Street, Barrington

Post Office Barrington Post Office, 51 High Street, Barrington Opening Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 9:00-17:30 9:00-17:30 9:00-17:30 9:00-17:30 9:00-17:30 9:00-12:30 Closed

Other Services & Facilities Other Service / Facility Address Public House Royal Oak, 31 West Green, Barrington


Sports Centre There is no sports centre in Barrington.

Children’s Equipped Play Area Size Address Contents / Description (hectares) Overview: Small fenced off play area intended for children under 6 with a small range of Land east of Back Lane, 0.04 equipment Barrington

Classification: LAP Overview: Play area intended for children under Land east of Daphmoir Close, 12 with a large range of equipment 0.32 Barrington Classification: LEAP

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Services and Facilities Study South Cambridgeshire March 2012 District Council

Outdoor Sport Size Address Contents / Description (hectares) Barrington Recreation Ground, Overview: 1.60 High Street, Barrington Open space with a cricket net on it Bowling Green, High Street, Overview: 0.14 Barrington A bowling green Land east of Back Lane, Overview: 0.83 Barrington Open space with a play area

Informal Playspace Address Size (hectares) Land east of Daphmoir Close, Barrington 0.53 Land north of High Street, Barrington 1.46 Land north of High Street, south of Bowling Green, 0.16 High Street, Barrington Land north of West Green, Barrington 1.49 Land south of Challis Green, Barrington 0.55 Land south of High Street, west of Mill Lane, 1.01 Barrington Land south of West Green, Barrington (1) 0.04 Land south of West Green, Barrington (2) 0.16 Land west of Daphmoir Close, Barrington 0.26

Primary School Equipped Play Area There are no primary school equipped play areas in Barrington.

Primary School Informal Recreation There are no primary school informal recreation areas in Barrington.

Secondary School Informal Recreation There are no secondary school informal recreation areas in Barrington.

Allotments There are no allotments in Barrington.

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Village Hall / Community Centre Address Information Facilities:  Main Hall (101-150 sqm)  Meeting Room Barrington Village Hall, 63 High Street, Barrington  Bar  Kitchen  Storage Space

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