Contents Page

Editorial Note 2

Mrs Akhtar Aziz – An Embodiment of Prayers for All 3 Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed

Invitation to the Centenary Celebration of the Arrival of Hazrat Khwaja-ud-Din in 4 England

The Holy Prophet Muhammad 5 Kristiane Backer

In Celebration of the Holy Prophet’s Birthday 7 Hassan Nisar

The late Brother Akbar Abdullah laid to rest 9 Nasir Ahmad

Hazrat Ameer in Trinidad 16

Hazrat Ameer in Guyana 17

Brief life profile of Fazal Ali 19

Jama‘at News 20 Ontario, Canada; Java, Indonesia

My visit to the Berlin Mosque 22 Raza Saadat

What Our Readers Say 23 Hazrat Ameer; Zarina Mohammed

Death Announcements 24 1 Condolences 25

Editorial Note...

“Blessed is He in Whose hand is the Kingdom, and He is Possessor of power over all things; Who created death and life that He might try you – which of you is best in deeds. He is the Mighty, the Forgiving” (The Qur’an, 67: 1, 2).

“The world is the house of passing towards the abode of permanence.” – Hazrat Ali ( ra )

The phenomenon of death occurs every moment in this worldly life. But when it is someone who is dear and near, one of ours, then suddenly the pang, the pinch, brings in realisation of life’s transience. After the demise of the person, nothing remains of him with us except the good things he did to us and the world around him.

The last sentence of the funeral prayer draws our attention to a very and pertinent aspect of what remains behind: “O Allah! Do not deprive us of his reward and do not make us fall into a trial after him.” In other words, someone’s death teaches us two lessons: the good works done in this world’s life yield good rewards for the deceased in the next life but also to those who are left behind; and, secondly, that person’s good works may also become a source of trial for those who survive him or his bad deeds might bring bad days and become a trial for others. In short, life and death are a trial for a person whether he does good deeds or bad deeds which may affect his next life as well as that of those who survive him.

This special issue of The HOPE Bulletin is a humble effort to enumerate some of the good works and charitable acts the late Br Jalal-ud-Din Akbar Abdullah was able to accomplish during his days on this earth. His dedication and selfless hard work collecting information and conveying such messages of joy and sorrow to others with amazing zeal have earned commendations from members of the global Jama‘at. Today our hearts pour out in supplication for the peace and forgiveness of the departed soul – our beloved Br Jalal-ud-Din Akbar Abdullah. May Allah bless him and reward him for all that he did to bring members living in distant countries closer and to share in one another’s joys and sorrows.

The photographs used are through the courtesy of Dr Zahid Aziz and Dr Mujahid Saeed of the UK, Br Ahmad Nawaz of the USA, and Br Arshad Alvi of Lahore, Pakistan. In compiling this brief life history of the late Br J. A. Abdullah, we are grateful to Brothers Masud Akhter, Ahmad Nawaz, and Zafar Abdullah of California, USA.

On the 12th of the holy month of Rabi’ al-Awwal, the ‘Most Trustworthy Person’ ( al-Ameen’ ), the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( sas ), had come to this world to convey the Final Divine message to mankind. On this blessed occasion, we are reproducing extracts (pp. 406-409) from a unique biography, From MTV to Mecca , by Kristiane Backer . Presenting her overview of the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), Ms Backer has rightly remarked: “His mission was to restore the original monotheistic faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus” (p. 406).

An English translation by Siddiqa Sadiq of Montreal, Canada of a beautiful na’at composed by a well-known journalist of Pakistan, Mr Hassan Nisar, in praise of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ( sas ), has also been included in this issue.

We promised to publish details about Hazrat Ameer Dr A. K. Saeed’s visit to Trinidad, Guyana, Suriname and the UK. We regret we could only collect details about his visit to Trinidad and Guyana, which are being published in this issue. In this regard, we thank Brothers Ashraf Ali, Enayat Mohammed and Yamin Ali-Baksh, and Sisters Nafiesa Ali, Zarina Mohammed and Narda Ali-Joshi of Trinidad, and Br Mansoor Baksh of Guyana for their input. God willing, we will try to cover the remaining tour in the next issue.


We have also received an audio recording of an interview with Hazrat Ameer on Heritage Radio in Trinidad. We are trying to get it transcribed.

The UK branch of the Lahore Movement is celebrating the centenary of the arrival of Khwaja Kamal- ud-Din in England, and the founding of the Woking Muslim Mission which was based at the Shah Jehan Mosque, Woking, and which gradually became a pioneer in the spread of Islam in Europe. It will be from 3 to 5 May, 2013. A special session of this celebration will be held at Woking on 4th May, 2013. Research scholars on the spread of Islam in Europe will deliver talks. A detailed invitation will be reproduced in the next issue. Friday and Sunday sessions will be held at the UK Mission House at Wembley. The Friday sermon will be delivered by Hazrat Ameer, Dr. A. K. Saeed, present Head of the Lahorde Ahmadiyya Movement.

In this issue we are also publishing activities of the Indonesia Jama‘at. The report with photographs contains details of the Annual Gathering sessions held at various cities of Indonesia in December 2012. We will be able to provide our readers with such reports from Indonesia regularly in future through the efforts of our dedicated young men, Brothers Erwan Hamdani and Cecep Fuad. Br Cecep Fuad is the son of our late brother Suyud Ahmad Syurayudha. In the next issue we will give a brief life profile with photos of Br Syurayudha. We have also received a link of the videos on the sessions of the Annual Gathering held in various cities of Indonesia: Please go to the link and enjoy listening to the proceedings in the Indonesian language.

We regret that we could not include Hazrat Ameer’s condolence message for the memorial issue dedicated to the late Mrs. Aziz Ahmad. It is included in this issue.


Mrs Akhtar Aziz – An Embodiment of Prayers for All Reminiscences about Akhtar Apa by Hazrat Ameer Dr A. K. Saeed

Arrival in England I arrived in England from New Zealand in April 1976 and amongst my first hosts were the Aziz family. For someone new to any country a welcoming family is a blessing that Allah grants as a special favour to those who feel lost on arrival in a new place. I, of course, was not feeling lost in the real sense of the term ‘lost’. I had a big family in England, the members of our Jama‘at , who have an inbuilt love for other members. I had an immediate shower of love by so many families but mostly Faiz Khan and his family, and Aziz Sahib and his family. The later of course was already known to me as the children and grandchildren of much-revered members of the Ahmadiyya Movement – Maulana Abdul Haq Vidyarthi Sahib and Dr Allah Bakhsh Sahib.

I did not remember meeting any of the members of this family in Pakistan but at the very first meeting in England the person who had the most impact on my mind was Akhtar Apa. She had a perpetual smile that reflected the sincere inner self and love she had for my wife, my son Mujahid, and me. The reason for her respect and smile was not our ‘pretty faces’ but the immense respect and reverence she had for my father, who was her doctor at some stage of her life when she was ill. She loved my wife because of the respect she had for my wife’s mother, Razia Madad Ali. She would always talk fondly of our parents. We soon developed a bond with her as our Apa , the elder who treated us like her brothers and sisters, and we reciprocated the same for her. So, for us Apa was not used by us in the sense of a term used in Pakistan for all female persons older than oneself; she treated me like her younger brother and my wife as a sister; or perhaps a daughter. She kept this bond of love for me and my family. 3

Last meeting I consider myself lucky that I was able to visit Akhtar Apa during my last visit to the UK. She was ill and physically confined to bed. Even in her illness she spared no effort to express her affection and happiness that I was there to see her. Of course she called me ‘Janji’ most of the time. This was the name people called my father, the late Dr Saeed Ahmad. I could have perhaps rushed to the conclusion that she was confused, but she had called me by this name even when she was well. It was also a demonstration of the reverence in which she held my father. She often said that I resembled him! Or was it that she, like some other people who had preferred to call me ‘Janji’, had never accepted that my father had passed away? As I prayed for her health and long life, I did not perceive that she would soon be embarking on the journey which would unite her with some most revered people of the Jama‘at that she was so fond of.

Love for all I have always appreciated the love Akhtar Apa had for her children and grandchildren. Maybe sometimes she may not have expressed it fully, but during all the time I had moments of solitude with her she showed no malice to anyone and was an embodiment of prayers for all.

She spared no opportunity to attend the functions of the Jama‘at and also made effort to be there even when in her wheelchair. This reflected how the love of Ahmadiyyat and Islam was deeply planted in her by her worthy parents. She would be a true example to follow for not only the members of her immediate family but all the people who knew her.

I pray that her generous prayers for all of us will be accepted by Allah and our prayers for her will also be accepted by Him. May Allah grant her a very happy and high abode in the Hereafter and I hope she will be near her loving father, Maulana Sahib. I pray for patience for her family, friends and the Jama‘at members.

Akhtar Apa, you will be missed by all whose lives you have touched.



The Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at-i Islam Lahore (UK) (Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam) invites you to The Centenary Celebration of the Arrival of Hazrat Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din to the United Kingdom to be held on 3rd , 4 th and 5 th May, 2013. A special session of the centenary will be held on Saturday 4th May, 2013 at 10.30 a.m. at the H. G. Wells Conference & Events Centre, Church Street East, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6HJ.

Hazrat Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din was the Founder of the Woking Muslim Mission & Literary Trust based at the Shah Jehan Mosque, Woking, United Kingdom. Research scholars will present the history and impact of the Mission on the spread of Islam in the West.

Lunch will be served.

R.S.V.P. : Azhar Ahmad (Phone: 01932 34 82 83 / Email: [email protected]) Secretary: Shahid Aziz (Mobile: 07976-312618 / Email: [email protected]) Centre: Darus Salaam, 15 Stanley Avenue, Wembley, UK, HAO 4JQ / Phone: 0208-903-2689

* 4

About the Woking Muslim Mission (1913–1968)

Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din (1870–1932) was born in India, and became a lawyer and advocate. He joined the Ahmadiyya Movement in 1893 and through the influence of its founder, Hazrat (d. 1908), he was inspired to become a successful lecturer, orator and missionary of Islam.

In 1912 Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din came to England and established a Muslim mission with the object of presenting the true picture of Islam to the West. He became aware of the mosque which had been built in Woking, Surrey, in 1889 by Dr. G. W. Leitner with financial help from the lady Muslim ruler of the state of Bhopal. It was usually deserted and unused. Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din saved the mosque from being lost to Muslims and had a trust created for the guardianship of the mosque, and it came into regular use in August 1913.

The mosque and mission quickly became the centre of Islam in Britain. It became world famous and received distinguished Muslim visitors from all over the world. A large number of converts to Islam became Muslims through this mission. Many famous converts were connected with this mission; for example, Lord Headley, Marmaduke Pickthall, and Abdullah Quilliam (formerly of Liverpool), who are buried nearby in Brookwood.

The Woking Mission from 1913 onwards organised the celebration of Islamic festivals in both Woking and London on a national scale, with reports being carried in national newspapers, on newsreel film, and later on television, as well.

Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din founded the monthly The Islamic Review in February 1913, which carried highly scholarly articles from writers all over the world for over 55 years.

The Woking Muslim Mission was a non-sectarian organisation representing all sections of Muslims, and was sponsored by the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement which supported the Mission financially and with manpower and literature.


THE HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD An Epitome of Freedom, Liberty and Protection by Kristiane Backer (Extract from a unique autobiographical account about her journey “From MTV to Mecca”)

“If Islam means surrender to God, in Islam we all live and die.” – Goethe

Muhammad is the final Prophet, known as the ‘Seal of Prophets’, the last in a chain of Prophets who was sent by God to all mankind, not just a particular tribe or peoples. His mission was to restore the original monotheistic faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus.

For Muslims, Muhammad was the most perfect human being; not divine, but a man of exalted and noble character, and an example to follow: “You have an excellent example in the messenger of God, for anyone who looks forward to God and the Last Day, and remembers God often” (The Qur’an, 33:12).


Birth of “The Trusted One” Muhammad was born in 570 AD in Mecca, a city of trade and pilgrimage, into the clan of the Banu Hashim, one of the leading tribes of the Quraish. Orphaned at young age – his father had died before his birth and his mother passed away a few years later – he was raised by his grandfather and later by his uncle, Abu Talib. From his early days Muhammad was known for his sincerity and reliability as Al-Amin , ‘The Trusted One’.

While young, he worked as a shepherd and later became a merchant, when he attracted the attention of a wealthy businesswoman who asked him to manage her business affairs, and subsequently proposed marriage. He was twenty-five years old; she was fifteen years his senior and a widow. The two married and had four daughters together; the one most similar in character to the Prophet was Fatimah al-Zahra. Khadija and Muhammad lived happily together for twenty-five years in a monogamous marriage until she died.

Throughout their marriage, Muhammad often retreated to the mountains for meditation. During one of those retreats to the cave Hira near Mecca, the archangel Gabriel appeared to him and revealed the first verses of the Qur’an to him: “Read in the name of your Lord Who created …,” the beginning of Surah 96, al-‘Alaq (The Clot). Shaken, he told Khadija about his experience and she comforted and encouraged him to accept his role as Messenger of God and Prophet. She supported his mission with all her energy and wealth.

In the years after Khadija’s death, Muhammad remarried several times. All women except for one were widows and divorcees, some of them over fifty years of age. They were strong personalities who contributed to the formation of the young community and taught others what they learned from the Prophet.

Preaching God’s word In preaching God’s word and uncompromising monotheism in a city that was the centre of Arabian idolatry, Muhammad faced rejection, abuse and even banishment from his own people. Ten years after Khadija’s death, Muhammad was taken … by the angel Gabriel … from Mecca to Jerusalem on the night journey, al-Isra‘ . (There Muhammad led in congregation all the Prophets) and from there both went on a journey that transcended space and time through the seven heavens – meeting other prophets on the way – to the Divine presence. It was on this journey that the five daily prayers were ordained for Muhammad’s community.

Muhammad was profoundly affected by this journey, yet it was also a trial – when he recounted his experience, he suffered more scorn and insults. In order to avoid persecution, he (along with his most trusted companion Abu Bakr) migrated to Medina in 622 CE, some 200 miles from Mecca. Most of the growing number of his followers had already taken refuge there. This migration, called the Hijrah , marks the major turning point in Islamic history and the beginning of the Islamic calendar. It was in Medina that Prophet Muhammad founded the first Islamic society and made treaties with Christians and Jews, who were granted freedom of religion, liberty and protection.

A model for all Islamic societies This first community in Medina remained a model for all later Islamic societies. Prophet Muhammad taught his companions to love God, and the Qur’an taught them in return to follow Muhammad (3:31). The love and respect that Muslims have for Prophet Muhammad and their desire to follow his example, then and now, are central to Islam. When Muslims mention Muhammad’s name, they say the formula, “Sallal laahu alaihi wa sallam ” (May God’s peace and blessings be with him).

Ten years after his migration to Medina accompanied by over one hundred thousand companions, Prophet Muhammad performed his final Pilgrimage to the Ka’bah in Mecca. Standing on the Plain of Arafat on the Mount of Mercy, Jabl al-Rahmah , he delivered his farewell sermon outlining the key elements of the message of Islam.


He spoke of the importance of following God and His Messenger, the sanctity of life, the equality of mankind, human rights, and, in particular, women’s rights, and the importance of prayer and good deeds.

While he was on the Mount of Mercy, the last ten verses of the Qur’an were revealed: “Today I have perfected your religion for you, completed My blessings upon you, and chosen as your religion Islam” (surrender to the will of God) – 5:3.

A few months, later aged sixty-three, Prophet Muhammad died at home in the arms of his wife Aisha Medina.

Prophet Muhammad’s successor’s and best friend, Abu Bakr, the father of Aisha, spoke after the death of the Holy Prophet to the young community: “Oh people, whoever used to worship Muhammad, verily Muhammad is dead; and whoever worships God, verily God is the Living and Eternal.”

Prophet Muhammad’s mission lasted twenty-three years, during which he shaped the course of history, the effects of which we still see today. He continues to inspire millions of people fourteen centuries after he died. Prophet Muhammad tops a list, devised by the American historian Michael Hart, of the 100 most influential people in history, for being the only person ever to have been supremely successful on both the religious and secular level.

[From MTV to Mecca – How Islam Inspired My Life, Kristiane Backer. (ISBN 978-1-908129-81-9), pp. 406-410]


In Celebration of the Holy Prophet’s Birthday Urdu lyric by Hassan Nisar, Pakistan English translation and transliteration by Siddiqa Sadiq , Ontario, Canada

Te-rey ho-tey ja-nam li-yaa ho-taa Te-rey huj-ray ke aas paas ka-heen Koi mujh -saa nah, doos-raa ho-taa Mein ko-ee kach -ch aa raas-taa ho-taa [Had I been born during your life [If only I could have been the path laid around There wouldn’t have been one who loved more your hermit-like house at the cobbled path!] than me.] Ki-see Gh az -wah mein zakh -mee ho-kar mein Saans le-taa too, aur mein jee uth -taa Te-re qad-mon mein jaa gi-raa ho-taa Kaash Mak-kah kee mein fi-zaa ho-taa [In one of the holy battles I wish I could have lain [At your every breath I would have reawakened, wounded at your feet.] I wish I could have been a cool breeze around Makkah.] Kaash , ‘Uhad’ mein sh a-reek ho sak-taa Aur baa-qee na ph ir ba-ch aa ho-taa Hij-ra-ton mein pa-raa-o ho-taa mein [If only I could have partaken in the battle of ‘Uhad’, Aur too kuchh dair ko ru-kaa ho-taa And sacrificed my life fighting alongside you.] [Alas! I could have been one of the resting places during your migration Te-ree paa-kee-zah zin-da-gee kaa mein And you would have rested there for a while.] Ko-ee gum-naam waa-qi-’ah ho-taa [I wish I could have taken part (or witnessed even) in an insignificant incident of your pure life.] 7

Lafz ho-taa main ki-see aa-yat kaa Tuk-raa ho-taa mein aik baa-dil ka Jo te-re hont sey a-daa ho-taa Aur te-re saath gh oom-taa ho-taa [I wish I could have been a word of a revealed [I wish I could have been a piece of a cloud verse imparted from your lips.] Circumambulating about you.]

Mein ko-ee jang-joo Arab ho-taa Kh aak ho-taa mein te-ree galee-yoon kee Aur te-re saam-ney jh u-kaa ho-taa Aur te-re paa-on ch oom-taa ho-taa [Had I been an Arab warrior, [Had I been the dust of one of your lanes, I wish to have bowed down before you when Kissing your feet] brought as a prisoner.] Pair ho-taa kh a-joor kaa mein ko-ee Mein bh ee ho-taa te-raa gh u-laam ko-ee Jis kaa phal tu-ney kh aa li-yaa ho-taa Laakh keh-taa, na mein ri-haa ho-taa . [Had I been a base of a trunk bearing dates, [I wish, despite millions of offerings of freedom, Of which you could have eaten the fruit] I had remained one of your slaves.] Bach -ch ah ho-taa ik gh a-reeb be-wah kaa Paa-nee ho-taa u-daas chash -mon kaa Sir te-re haath goad mein chh u-paa ho-taa Te-re qad-mon pe beh ga-yaa hotaa [Had I been a child of a poor widow, [I wish I could have been the water of a And could have found comfort in the warmth of saddened spring, Eager to flow over your feet.] your lap]

Te-ree soh-bat mu-jh ey mi-lee ho-te But hee ho-taa mein Khaa-nah Ka‘-bah mein Mein bh ee tab, kit-naa kh ush-nu-maa ho-taa Jo te-re haath se fa-naa ho-taa. [If only I could have been your companion, [Had I been an idol in (the old) Ka’bah, I would have then felt the luckiest.] Which you could have destroyed with your hands.] Mujh pe par-tee jo te-ree chash m-e ka-ram, Aad-mee ki-yaa … mein to mu’-ja-zah ho-taa Mujh ko khaa-liq ba-na-taa Ghaa-re husn [I wish you could look at me with your eyes of Aur me-raa naam “Hira” ho-taa. kindness, Had I been made by the Creator a beautiful I could have excelled the miracle of the creation cave, of man.] And given the name ‘Hiraa’, where you could offer intense worship.] ______

“Surely Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O you who believe! Call for blessings on him and salute him with a becoming salutation” (The Qur’an, 33:56).

* O Allah! Exalt Muhammad and the true followers of Muhammad as You exalted Abraham and the true followers of Abraham. Surely You are the Mighty, the Praised. O Allah! Bless Muhammad and the true followers of Muhammad as You blessed Abraham and true followers of Abraham. Surely You are the Mighty, the Praised.

* 8

A tribute to a very dear friend and colleague...

A JOURNEY FROM HOME TO THE ETERNAL ABODE The late Brother Akbar Abdullah laid to rest in Greater Sacramento Muslim Cemetery, California, USA by Nasir Ahmad B.A., LL.B.

Br Akbar Abdullah silently breathed his last in the early hours of 17th November, 2012.

For the last couple of weeks of his life he was not feeling well. It was suspected that he was suffering from some kind of haemorrhage and consequently he was becoming weak.

I spoke to him on the evening of Thursday 15th November. He told me that he was just leaving for hospital for investigation. He also expressed much concern that he had not been able to cover Hazrat Ameer’s tour after Hazrat Ameer left for Trinidad. Akbar Abdullah speaking at the UK Centenary Celebrations in 2010 He was confident that after the hospital investigation some kind of treatment would start and it would improve his health and then he would be able to give readers an up-to-date resume of Hazrat Ameer’s long tour. Alas! This proved to be his dying wish.

Just to give our readers a glimpse of his passion for Hazrat Ameer, let me reproduce below the last report circulated by him about Hazrat Ameer when Hazrat Ameer left for Trinidad:


Alhamdullilla h! After a very fruitful and successful mission of Canada and U.S.A. Hazrat Ameer-i-Qaum, Dr. Abdul Karim Saeed Pasha Sahib left the mainland U.S.A. on Saturday, November 3rd to continue his mission of energising the Jama'ats in Trinidad and Tobago. From here he will go on to Guyana and then on to Suriname (South America) to bless the Convention there with his presence and participation.

While in Trinidad, inshallah , he will make at least two appearances on the local radio station for interviews, deliver a lecture to the audience of all Jama'at members gathered in one place, hold meetings outside the Jama'ats and meetings with the Boards before his departure in a couple of days.

He has a lot of ground to cover; please pray for the complete success of his mission in Trinidad and Tobago and elsewhere in South America.

We will, inshallah , publish a detailed report whenever we receive reports from members of the Trinidad Ahmadiyya Anjuman and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary Trust.

Allah Hafiz , Br. Akbar ibn Abdullah, Humble seeker of your prayers


I understand from Bhabi Parveen that on the Friday he was quite down and did not eat much. Before it was bedtime Bhabi Parveen asked him if he would like to have some juice, but he declined and went to sleep.

The next morning at six o’clock she went to his bed as usual to wake him and to give him something to eat before he could have his insulin injection. But he did not respond to her call and when she shook him she realised that he was dead. She immediately informed his brothers and his children.

Br Akbar had already bought a plot in the Greater Sacramento Muslim Cemetery.

The janaza prayer for the deceased was announced for Monday, 19th November at 1.30 p.m., immediately after the Zuhr prayer. All the funeral arrangements were made at the funeral home by the cemetery management. Maulana Mumtaz Qasmi is the Imam of the Muslim Mosque Association of Sacramento at 411 V Street, California, 95814. He supervised the arrangements and led the janaza prayers. In spite of Monday being a working day, all Br Akbar’s brothers, his children, members of the Hayward Jama‘at , and other relatives and friends gathered to pay their last respects to this noble and helpful brother.

Coffin of the late Br Akbar Abdullah in the Mosque in Sacramento, California, USA Relatives and friends paying their last respects to their beloved brother who was so close to them

He leaves behind three sons and two daughters.

A bouquet was sent by the grandson of the late Elijah Muhammad, Wallas Deen Muhammad-II (President of Mosque Cares, Ministry of W. Deen Mohammed for Imams , and proprietor of W. D. Publications, P.O. Box 1061, Calumet City, Illinois 60409) with a condolence note: “With loving thoughts, we pray his soul may rest in the bliss of Paradise and that Allah ( swt ) may give his family patience, strength and support.”

Br Akbar Abdullah was born in 1931 to Master Muhammad Abdullah and Mrs Hamida Abdullah at Suva, Fiji, where Master Muhammad Abdullah was sent by the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement as a preacher and teacher on the request of the Fiji Muslim League.

For almost four years of his early childhood Br Akbar was not in good health, but eventually he passed his Matriculation from Suva Mission High School. 10

On 11 December, 1959 Master Muhammad Abdullah, along with his two daughters and two of his sons, migrated to San Francisco, California. His wife and four of his sons had already gone a few years before. The last two sons, Saeed Abdullah and Zafar Abdullah, went on 10 April, 1961. Here, Master Muhammad Abdullah got a job at the Wells Fargo Bank of San Francisco.

It was in this very city of San Francisco that the Central Ahmadiyya Anjuman (Lahore) had started the Muslim Society of the USA Inc. at 870 Castro Street in 1947, headed by the well-known Ahmadi missionary, Maulana Bashir Ahmad Minto. Br Akbar Abdullah became the secretary of this first Islamic organisation in California in 1949.

During his tenure he was able to organise receptions in honour of the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mr Liaquat Ali Khan, Ch. Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, then Foreign Minister of Pakistan, and Mr Muhammad Saleem Khan, the first Consul General of Pakistan in San Francisco. He also arranged a grand reception on the eve of the nikah ceremony of the daughter of Queen Nazli and sister of King Farouk of Egypt. The ceremony was performed by Maulana Bashir Ahmad Minto and witnessed by Br Akbar Abdullah.

On 23 June, 1953 a reception was also organised by the Muslim Society to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

Br Akbar Abdullah studied Chemical Technology and Agricultural Chemistry, and he did his M.Sc. at California Polytechnic State University of San Luis Obispo, California, in 1955. Then he went to Pakistan and worked as Divisional Manager in Ferozsons Laboratories Limited, Nowshera, from 1960-1970.

In Pakistan, he married Zakia Butt, daughter of Mr Ahmad Din Butt, Inspector of Schools, Punjab.

He later returned to the USA with his family and settled in Chicago. Here he worked for eight years as a Chemistry teacher at a High School of the Nation of Islam.

His wife, unfortunately, became ill and was bed-ridden for almost six years. Br Akbar Abdullah took all possible care for his ailing life-partner, but she died in 1993.

His older daughter, Ra’naa, got married and she and her husband moved in with Br Akbar, who was lonely, to look after him.

He later he developed a heart problem and also became diabetic. A stage came when he needed constant care and companionship.

In 2007 he went to Fiji and by chance met Parmil Lata through a friend. She was a Hindu, but during several meetings and discussions about Islam she became very interested in the religion. Br Akbar Abdullah convinced her about the universal teachings of Islam and told her that all divine reformers in any country or among any people were raised by God, and similar is the case of the Hindu Rishis . She ultimately entered the fold of Islam.


Parmil Lata was a divorcee with children, but Br Akbar Abdullah’s friendliness and straightforwardness impressed her and they got married in 2007 in Fiji. From Parmil Lata she became Parveen Abdullah.

As Br Akbar was also asthmatic and the Chicago climate was often very cold and damp, he moved from Chicago to Sacramento, an area of comparatively mild weather. He bought a house at 7740 Laurie Way, Sacramento, CA 95832.

We do not know much about his interest in writing articles, but we do know that in April 1996 he published an eight-page well- documented issue of The Zeenat Report on the 90th birthday of his revered father, the late Master Muhammad Abdullah. On its title page was a beautiful photograph of his father with a caption, “Imam Muhammad Abdullah – A distinguished Teacher and a dedicated Preacher”. On pp. 2, 3 of this first issue is a very impressive and precise tribute to his father under the title, “A Tribute to 90 Years Legend”. On pp. 5, 6 he has given very impressive details of his own tours in 1954 and 1956 of the USA, Canada, Holland, Germany and the UK. His visit to Berlin, Germany shows how much love and concern he had for the Berlin Mosque as the last page of this commemorative issue carried some beautiful photographs of the Berlin Mosque and the Mission House.

The style and pattern of that issue of The Zeenat was what he later adopted in The HOPE Bulletin . It appears that afterwards The HOPE Bulletin was his next project, to which he devoted day and night, and even his strained financial resources and fading health.

During Hazrat Ameer’s recent tour of the Bay Area, California, Br Akbar made special efforts to be present with his wife at every function and meeting, travelling by bus, train and taxi, though his failing health did not allow such a strain. In short, in his last days he made every effort to see the HOPE carry the joys and sorrows of everyone to the Jama‘ats all over the world.

May his soul, which was devoted to the cause of Islam and sharing the joys and sorrows of people, live in peace with the Merciful Lord! Ameen! 12

With Ch. Masud Akhter of California, USA and other participants at the Centenary Convention in Woking, UK

Sitting with Hazrat Ameer in Darus Salaam Mosque on the eve of the Annual Du’aiyya. At a dinner at the residence of Brig. (R) Muhammad Saeed with Br Mansoor Baksh of Guyana and Dr Zahid Aziz of the UK

With Hazrat Ameer and members of the Executive Committee of Central Anjuman Receiving the Annual Du’aiyya Award from Hazrat Ameer in Darus Salaam Mosque, Lahore in the Convention Hall at Darus Salaam, Lahore 13

With Hazrat Ameer and Br A. S. Santoe of Holland at the Centenary Convention in Woking, UK, in 2010

Standing (second from right, second row) with other participants from abroad and Executive Committee Members of the Central Anjuman after the International Consultative Committee session on the eve of the Annual Du’aiyya on the steps of the Saliha Zahur Ahmad Memorial Library in Lahore, Pakistan, in 2008


At the Consultative Committee Meeting at Darus Salaam, Pakistan

With other foreign delegates listening to speeches at the Annual Du’aiyy a, Lahore, Pakistan



Hazrat Ameer’s visit to Trinidad from 3-7 November 2012

The programme for the visit by Hazrat Ameer Dr A.K. Saeed was jointly organised by the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at-i Islam, Trinidad and Tobago (TT Anjuman) and the Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary Trust, Trinidad and Tobago (AMLT).

Saturday 3 November : The Ameer was met at Piarco International Airport and taken to the home of his hosts, Ashraf and Nafiesa Ali and family. There, he was greeted by Enayat Mohammed, Chairman, and Yamin Ali Baksh of the AMLT, and Farida Mohammed, President, Nadeem Hydal, and Dr Ovel Seale and family of the TT Anjuman.

Activities Sunday 4 November : The TT Anjuman hosted a reception at the New Grant masjid during which Hazrat Ameer delivered a feature talk. Dinner was served to the approximately one hundred persons who attended.

Monday 5 November : The AMLT hosted Hazrat Ameer for the day. He was taken to Heritage Radio in the capital, Port of Spain, for an interview with Mr Faz Ali that was carried live on from 7-8 a.m. Those who tuned in were very pleased with the responses given by Hazrat Ameer to a wide-ranging number of issues regarding the Ahmadiyya community in relation to the mainstream body of Muslims.

This was followed by an interactive forum at the Freeport/Uquire Muslim Association masjid , comprising mainly youths. There were approximately sixty persons representing various Jama‘ats throughout the country, including the TT Anjuman, New Grant, Siparia, Gasparillo, Sum Sum Hill, Freeport and California.

The two-part session, beginning with Asr salah, was structured around a question and answer format. The questions were wide-ranging in context and dealt primarily with contemporary issues reflecting the minds of the Muslim community. Hazrat Ameer gave comprehensive answers to these questions. Imam Kalamazad Mohammed was also called upon by the chairman, Yamin Ali Baksh, to participate in answering some of the questions.

Some of the questions were:

• When can we expect the next Mujaddid to appear? What signs do we look for to determine the authenticity of the Mujaddid ? – Arif Rahman, Trinidad Ahmadiyya Anjuman • Is the destruction of the environment a reflection of the deterioration of man’s inner being? – Rishad Mohammed, Freeport/Uquire Ahmadiyya Muslim Association • Who is Dhul Quarnain as mentioned in 18:8of the Holy Qur’an? How do we understand and identify the reality of this personality? – Yamin Ali Baksh, Freeport/Uquire Muslim Association • Should the practice of marrying among first cousins be discouraged, even though it is permitted in Islam, in the light of the statistical evidence showing an increase in the incidence of physical defects among the children born to such families? – Fariesa Khan, Miami • How should we respond to ridiculing and antagonising situations about our Islamic faith that come up from time to time, and especially fuelled by the media? – Shyama Lee Chong, Gasparillo • Why should we be identified as Ahmadi Muslims rather than simply Muslims? – Nazmoon Sulaman, Freeport/Uquire Muslim Association • What is the Islamic concept of success?

Due to time constraints, the following question, which was also posed, could not be answered in the session:


Why is Pakistan as a country taking so long to repel laws against the prohibitions meted out to minorities, for example, the Reshma Masih and Dr Aafia Siddiqui cases, and Ahmadi groups? And what is Central Anjuman doing to bring about this transformation?

Participants broke for Maghrib salah, followed by dinner. The session then continued up to Isha , which was delayed to accommodate the lively discussions.

Tuesday 6 November : The Trinidad Ahmadiyya Anjuman took Hazrat Ameer on a visit to Port of Spain and Maracas Bay, and then to home of Amral Khan and family. A highlight of the visit to the Khans’ was the meeting with 101-year-old Nuroon Ali, widow of Maulvi Ameer Ali, one of the earliest leaders of Ahmadiyyat in Trinidad and Tobago and founder and Mufti of Trinidad Muslim League.

Wednesday 7 November : A business/farewell meeting with Hazrat Ameer was held at Ashraf and Nafiesa Ali’s residence, starting at about at 10 a.m. and ending with Zuhr salah. Enayat Mohammed, Yamin Ali Baksh, Farida Mohammed, Nadeem Hydal, and Dr Ovel and Salima Seale were among those who attended.

Hazrat Ameer departed for Guyana that afternoon.

***** Hazrat Ameer in Guyana

Right to left (top): Hazrat Ameer getting off the boat. Arrival at the Leguan Stelling with Br Farouk Amin (r) and Br Mansoor Baksh Right to left (below): Coming out of the mosque of the converts at Northern Leguan. Travelling by boat with Br Farouk Amin 17

Hazrat Ameer arrived in Guyana late in the evening on Wednesday, November 7, 2012. Because of the delay in Trinidad due to the weather, the programme in Georgetown had to be cancelled.

No. 3 Ahmadiyya Mosque, West Berbice On Thursday, November 8, 2013, Hazrat Ameer attended a function hosted by the Guyana Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at-i-Islam (Lahore) of Georgetown at the No. 3 Village Mosque, in West Coast Berbice. There he led the combined Maghrib and ‘Isha prayers and afterwards delivered a speech and answered many questions about the Movement.

Canefield Ahmadiyya Centre On Friday, November 9, 2013 he delivered the khutbah at the Canefield Ahmadiyya Centre. There, members of the East Berbice area were given the opportunity to meet Hazrat Ameer.

Essequibo Lahore Ahmadiyya Organisation On Saturday November 10, 2012, Hazrat Ameer was received by the Essequibo Lahore Ahmadiyya Organisation and taken to Leguan, one of the 365 islands in the Essequibo River, by boat. He was accompanied by a prominent member of the Guyana Jama‘at , Br Farouk Amin, and by Br Mansoor Baksh of Essequibo.

Visit to Northern Leguan New Mosque Accompanied by more members from Leguan, Hazrat Ameer toured the island and made a visit to the new mosque that was constructed on the island. That mosque has the distinction of having all of its members being new converts to Islam.

Function in Leguan After the visit, Hazrat Ameer then attended a function at the Amsterdam Mosque, at which many ladies and children were among those present. There, he delivered the main address and answered many questions in a lengthy question and answer session.

Some of the deliberations were on whether or not John the Baptist was the father of Jesus ( as ). Hazrat Ameer said the Qur’an is silent about the name of the father of Prophet Jesus, but historically it is proved beyond doubt that Joseph was Jesus’ father. Hazrat Ameer won the hearts of many Ahmadees who had felt that their belief about the father of Jesus had put them in conflict with the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isha‘at Islam Lahore. To emphasise his point, he quoted the views of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement, and Maulana Muhammad Ali on that subject, and emphasised that the members should focus more on the real aim of the Lahore Movement – that of attaining nearness to Allah and being a living example of the teachings of Islam.

Many endearing words were said to Hazrat Ameer, including that the Jama‘at was waiting for 40 years for a visit by the Ameer of the Jama‘at.

A sumptuous lunch was served.

Richmond Mosque, Essequibo Coast On Sunday November 11, 2012, Hazrat Ameer crossed the mighty Essequibo River to Essequibo Coast for a programme at Richmond Mosque. This Jama‘at was established by Ahmadees after there were difficulties at the Anna Regina Sunni Mosque. The function was well attended and there were many speakers.

Hazrat Ameer addressed the gathering on Islam from the Ahmadiyya point of view. His message was well received. He made du‘ah for the progress of the Anjuman and the success of Islam.

Lunch was served after the programme.


Executive Meeting of the Essequibo Lahore Ahmadiyya Organisation A formal meeting of the Essequibo Lahore Ahmadiyya Organisation was convened in the evening. Hazrat Ameer listened to the update of the programme and activities of the EAOL.

He updated members on the situation in Pakistan and emphasised the need for the spread of the Anjuman in this part of the world. He urged members not only to do activities at the buildings owned by others but to acquire their own building to serve as a base for activities of the Anjuman.

Members expressed how honoured and inspired they felt that Hazrat Ameer took the time to visit them and participate in their meeting.

Return to Georgetown and departure On Monday November 12, 2012, Hazrat Ameer travelled to Georgetown. The dinner engagement of the EAOL for members in Georgetown was cancelled in favour of a programme of the Guyana Ahmadiyya Anjuman Isah‘at-Islam (Lahore) at the Brickdam Mosque. However, due to difficulties with transportation many persons could not attend.

Hazrat Ameer led the Magrib and Isha prayers at the Brickdam Mosque and spoke with those who were there.

He spent the next day recuperating from the long travels and left by plane on Tuesday night for the convention in Suriname.


Introducing Mr Fazal Ali…

[Mr Fazal Ali, a veteran media personality of Trinidad, is more generally known as Faz Ali. He conducted an hour-long interview of Hazrat Ameer Dr A. K. Saeed Khan on his recent visit to Trinidad on Radio Heritage in Port of Spain. For the benefit of our readers, we are giving below a brief introduction to Mr Ali. We are thankful to Sis. Narda Ali-Joshi for providing us with the details. – Ed .]

Faz Ali is a Trinidad-born educator and broadcaster who has spent 30 years in the teaching profession and 20 years as a radio personality in the electronic media (radio).

He is a graduate teacher of the Government Teachers’ Training College in Trinidad (1960); a graduate of London University (UK) with an Associate Degree in Educational Broadcasting (1963); a trained BBC broadcaster (1963); a graduate of Leeds University (UK) with BA degree in Sociology (1970); and a graduate of London University (UK) with a Diploma in Special Education (1978). He was head of a school for children and other young persons with special needs in the London Borough of Haringey (1974-1988). He is also a radio personality with the electronic media, specializing in on-air broadcasting as well as management of sales and marketing for several radio stations in Trinidad (1988-2010). He currently serves as a veteran broadcaster attached to Heritage Radio 101.7 FM, Trinidad.



Jama‘at News…

NEW EXECUTIVE – ONTARIO JAMA‘AT by Ahamed Hosein, Ontario, Canada

Brothers and Sisters, Assalamo alaikum.

The Ontario Jamaat in Canada has elected a New Executive for 2013 at a meeting held in November 2012. The new office bearers are: President: Mrs Zahida Hydal. Vice President: Mr Yazid Ali. Treasurer: Mrs Shaleeza Ali. Secretary: Mrs Deeba Ali-Mohammed. Assistant Secretary: Ms Nerissa Hydal. Correspondence Secretary: Mr Ahamed Hosein. Imam : Mr Zahid Sattaur. Religious Head: Maulana Kemal Hydal.

We wish the members of the new Executive continued success for 2013.



On December 15 and 16, branches of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Indonesia Movement in Purwokerto and Purbalingga, Central Java, Indonesia, held their annual Gatherings.

Branch Chairman of Kediri, Br Usman Gumanti, Br As’ad, a member of Kediri, Br Mulyono, and Br Basharat Asgar Ali, a member of the Central Committee of the Ahmadiyya Movement of Yogyakarta, also attended. There were a number of enthusiastic visitors among the audience, as well.

The event was opened by Br Mulyono on December 15, 2012 at 20:00, and ended with a recitation on December 16, 2012 on Sunday at 13:00.

Alhamdulillah , everything went smoothly. Jama‘ats in Kediri, East Java (25th - 26th), and Wonosobo (29th - 30th) also held their Annual Gatherings during December.

Br As’ad, member of Kediri East Java Agung Budiono, Branch Chairman, Purwokerto


Imam Suwardi, Branch Chairman, Purbalingga Sardiman Mubaligh , Purwokerto

Mulyono, Central Board, Ahmadiyya Indonesia

Usman Gumanti, Branch Chairman, Kediri East Java

***** 21

My visit to the Berlin Mosque by Raza Saadat, MBA (England)

I travelled from Lahore to Berlin in December, 2012, reaching Berlin on the 16th.

I stayed in Berlin for 16 days. The stay was spiritually elevating as it was my first visit to the historic Mosque in the heart of Berlin. I also enjoyed Christmas festivities in that historic city of Germany which is now also the capital of Germany. December is the month when winter is at its peak and so it was quite cold for me. But the spiritually warm atmosphere of the Mosque and the zeal of the visitors for knowing more about Islam made me feel a pleasure which cannot be explained in words.

The Mosque in Berlin has a special place in the hearts of every Lahori Ahmadi, and when my younger brother, Ahmed Saadat, became its acting Imam I became more eager to visit it. An average of five to seven persons comes to the Mosque every day to see the historic place of worship.

Anyone who makes a search on Google for mosques in Germany, the first mosque which appears at the top of the results list is our Berlin Mosque. Is it not amazing! The visitors ask lots of questions regarding the Mosque, its history, what sort of propagation of Islam has been done in the past, and what is our present stance in view of terrorist activities of the Muslims. Replies to all such questions are given from our point of view, which is very much appreciated. We also invite them to attend Friday service so that they could actually observe the format of our prayers and the contents of what message we convey to the congregation about the teachings of the Qur’an.

I got a chance to attend the Jumu‘ah prayers twice. The sermon was given, and the congregational prayer led, by Ahmed Saadat. In spite of the cold weather and insufficient arrangements for keeping the Mosque comfortably warm, attendance was not bad. About 15-20 people had questions, which were discussed after the Friday service. The congregation consisted of people who came from different backgrounds, race, colour and countries.

With the support of the UK and the Holland Jama‘ats’ members, Mr Ahmed Saadat was able to organise a programme at the Mosque on 1st September 2012, to which he invited members of other interfaith groups in Berlin as well in order to promote the stance of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement regarding Islam’s attitude towards members of other faiths.

The cleaning of the Mosque and the performance prayers in it are carried out daily despite the extreme weather.

One feels astonished that the monument of the great Berlin Mosque survived the ravages of World War II. This house of Allah is still standing with its high minarets in dignity and grace. Thanks to the small community in Lahore and major help from the Monument Department of Berlin that repairs have been done to bring the Mosque to somewhat its original shape.

No doubt the Mosque is special to all the members of the Jama‘at as some of our great missionaries and scholars (now deceased) served in it, such as Hazrat Maulana Sadr-ud-Din, Dr S. M. Abdullah, Dr Aziz-ur- Rahman, Dr Nazirul Islam, Dr Hamid Marcus, etc.

I wished to visit other cities as well to enjoy the holiday season as in the last weeks of December Berlin blossoms with festive decorations and activities, but due to commitments at the Mosque Br Ahmed declined to leave the Mosque. I very much appreciate his high sense of responsibility.


Every day was busy but we got a chance to attend the interfaith ceremony in Rathaus Charlottenburg Otto -Suhr - Allee 100 10585, Berlin , which is primarily sponsored by the German Government.

Later on we visited the Turkish mosque, the Sehitlik Camii at Columbiadamm 128, 10965. It was a wonderful experience. We also visited the Sufi Centre at Hermannplatz for a short while.

I fully enjoyed my stay at the Berlin Mosque. What a great achievement our sacrifices and selfless efforts have produced for the cause of Islam in the centre of Europe. May we continue our support to this beautiful centre and may it continue its efforts with greater zeal and sacrifice. Amen!

***** What Our Readers Say…

Hazrat Ameer Dr Abdul Karim Saeed Sahib Dear HOPE Bulletin Team, Assalamu alaikum wr wb.

Thanks for sending me the recent issues of the HOPE . I am impressed by the new format given to the Bulletin . I very much appreciate your sincere efforts to continue with the publication with the same sense of responsibility and devotion as our late Br Jalal-ud-Din Akbar Abdullah used to work in bringing out the Bulletin . I wish you all success in its continuing publication. I hope it will be useful as ever for the Jama‘ats worldwide and will project the image and activities of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in a still more impressive way.


Zarina Mohammed, San Fernando, Trinidad [Extracts from a recent letter from Sister Zarina Mohammed, former President of the San Fernando Muslim Women’s Association, Trinidad. – Ed .]

Dear Editor, HOPE Bulletin , Assalamo ‘alaikum.

I am as active as usual but in a mild way in spite of advancing age and its ailments. I am present at all the meetings of the San Fernando Muslim Women’s Association, National Muslim Women’s Organization, and the Lineage Committee, but not playing any leading role.

Last year I started a Jama‘atul Araamil group. This group consists of ladies from the San Fernando Muslim Women’s Association and other friends who have lost their husbands. We meet, chat and reminisce, and go on trips so that it may bring some change or relief and certainly some cheer in our lonely lives. We meet every three months and so successful is it that some of the sisters wish to meet every month. When we meet in January 2013 I am thinking of suggesting every two months.

The year 2013 will, Inshallah , be a little hectic for the San Fernando Muslim Women’s Association as it will be celebrating its 65 th year. I hope that I would be able to lend my full support to the President in consultations and arrangements as the Association is very dear to my heart for I have been associated with it, helping to nourish it from the seed which I had planted when I was young and very much 23

ambitious about organising Muslim women and youth to establish their identity as potential and progressive members of a society.

I attended the reception held in November 2012 at the Fireburn Mosque by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Literary Trust to welcome Hazrat Ameer Dr Abdul Karim Saeed, Head of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. He addressed an audience comprising mainly of youths and dealt with questions about the Ahmadiyya Movement and other topics. He further cleared misconceptions about the Ahmadiyya Movement, and especially the name Ahmadiyya , in his one-hour interview over Radio Heritage .

He had stopped over in Trinidad before proceeding to attend the Suriname Convention.

I am pleased to let you know that the San Fernando Muslim Women’s Association is endeavouring to revive the Songs of Islam by its members learning the Urdu words and their correct pronunciation in a Qur’an class being conducted by the Imam of the San Fernando Mosque. I, in my humble way, am also helping in this project. I must say that had I tried to learn Urdu words and their pronunciation through transliteration and through correspondence in the Urdu script with the late Maulana S. Muhammad Tufail. Now, through the use of transliteration, I am trying to assist the ladies in learning words and their correct pronunciation.


DEATH ANNOUNCEMENT Janab Junaid Athar, India

Shaukat Ali, Regional Co-ordinator, Asia/Pacific Region Respected Hazrat Ameer, Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu.

It is with very heavy heart I announce the death of a very senior member of the Jama’at in India, Janab Junaid Athar sahib. Inna-lillahe wa inna Ilaihi rajioon .

Marhoom left this world on 21 January and interment took place on 22 January 2013 in Akola, Maharashtra, India where he was residing. He was 70+ and is survived by his wife, several daughters and grandchildren.

Janab Junaid Athar sahib was a very pious and dedicated member of the Jamaat . After his retirement from service about ten years ago, he was concentrating on translation of the Holy into Marathi language. Unfortunately, he suffered stroke early last year and his health continued to deteriorate until he expired a few days ago.

Ghaibana Janaza may be offered at various centres.




Demise of Brother Jalal-ud-Din Akbar ibn-i Abdullah

Shabir Buksh, Secretary, New Zealand It is with deep sadness we received the news of the passing away of our respected Brother Akbar Abdullah. Inna- lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’oon . We pray that Allah ta’ala may grant his soul perpetual peace and a high place in Jannat-ul- Firdous among His chosen ones – Ameen .

We will remember his tireless efforts and meaningful contributions to the cause of Islam and the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement. We believe that his dear widow, Praveen Bhabi Sahiba, and the family will feel very proud as to the very memorable and pleasant memories our Brother Marhoom left behind for all of us and in particular to the members of our Jama‘at to follow.

He has been a shining example of fostering brotherhood in the Jama‘at and elsewhere. He tried his utmost to keep the unity and brotherhood in our Anjuman and to keep our members well informed of what was happening in all the branches of the Movement. It was some eight years ago he set up the Anjuman’s News Bulletin, “THE HOPE”, which has become a very popular and informative reading by now. The Bulletin shared views, ideas, events and activities of the Branches of the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement throughout the world. We thoroughly enjoyed reading “The Hope” Bulletin . In fact, most of our members were really looking forward to receiving the Bulletin . This was a great and meaningful service to Islam and the Movement.

Needless to say, our Brother Mahroom , Inshah Allah , will be rewarded by Almighty Allah for all his effective contributions to the cause of Islam. As Allah has revealed in the Holy Quran (18:30-31): “As for those who believe and do good, We do not waste the reward of him who does a good work. These it is for whom are Gardens of Perpetuity in which rivers flow; they are adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they wear green robes of fine silk and thick brocade, reclining therein, on raised couches. Excellent the recompense! And goodly the resting place.”

We do join in the prayer: “Oh Allah, do not deprive us of his reward and do not make us fall into trial after him.”

We all pray that may Allah shower His blessings on the departed soul and grant patience and courage to Praveen Bhabi and members of the bereaved family – Ameen !


Arshad Alvi & Bushra Alvi, Lahore (Pakistan) Dear Editor, HOPE Bulletin , Asslam O Alaikum.

It is nice to know about the continuation of The HOPE Bulletin. May God bless you with courage to continue this noble venture. I am attaching some pictures.

We were deeply saddened to learn that our dear Akbar Abdullah has left this world to meet with His Maker. Inna-lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajioon .

Brother Akbar Abdullah will widely be remembered for his unceasi ng enthusiasm and selfless dedication and sacrifice for the cause of the Movement and the Muslim community in California. His updates of Jama‘at news in the HOPE Bulletin, his active participation in the activities of the Jama‘at , Tarbeeti courses at Darus Slaam, 25

Lahore , and othe r events are commendable .

We are fortunate that we had a chance to meet him during Annual Jalsas in Lahore. His death is a great loss for all of us as we have been deprived of a very active member. May Allah reward him for his end eavours and bless his whole family to bear this great loss with patience and perseverance. We pray that Allah may grant his soul peace and abode in the highest pedestal of Jannat-ul Firdous . Ameen.

It is sad that we have lost several of our valuable dea r brothers during the last few months but that is something we all have to face sooner or later as the time is fixed.

Please convey our heartfelt sympathy and condolences to Sister Perveen and the members of the bereaved family.


A. S. Santoe, European Regional Co-ordinator, Rotterdam, Holland Dear Brother Zafar Abdullah & members of the bereaved family, Assala mu Alaikum WRWB.

It is with heartfelt grieve that we learned from you about the tragic demise of our dear Brother Akbar. Inna Lillaahi wa Inna ilaihi raaji'un.

We, my wife and my whole family, have very fine memories of Brother Akbar, who incessantly remained in close contact with us not only on account of his very demanding responsibility as editor of the HOPE Bulletin , but also on a persona l account we were in close contact. Fresh is still our memories when he received us both in Chicago in 1995 after which we flew to California to enjoy the hospitability of your family and Jama‘at.

We in the Anjuman will miss his inspiration, efforts and sacri fices on all matters regarding the Lahore Ahmadiyya worldwide community. The services he rendered in the way of the Almighty will always be remembered.

At this moment we can only pray for Allah's forgiveness for us all and that He may bestow the soul of Brother Abdullah the choicest blessings in His heavenly abode. To all the dear families, particularly his wife Parveen, m ay Allah grant her patience to bear this irreparable loss.

Also, on behalf of all Jama‘ats and friends on the European continent and my whole family, I extend herewith our heartfelt condolences to Parveen and you all.


Ebrahim Muhammed, South Africa We are shocked to hear about the passing away of Br Akbar Abdullah. Innaa lillaahi wa inna ilayhi raji’oon . May Allah grant him Mercy and Paradise.

Please give our condolence to his bereaved family and loved ones.


Dr Zahid Aziz, Nottingham, UK You are familiar with the “HOPE” Bulletin, which is circulated by e-mail to Jama‘at members around the world, containing news from our branches in various countries and other articles, well-illustrated with photographs.

It is with the deepest regret that we learnt on Saturday 17th November that its hard-working editor, 26

Mr. Akb ar Abdullah, passed away in the USA on that day. “ We belong to Allah, a nd to Him do we return .”

Brother Akbar was the first editor of this new venture, the “HOPE” Bulletin. The first issue was dated 1 July 2006 (as I just checked in my e-mail system). Due to the deceased’s efficiency and dedication, the bulletin brought us news promptly from Jama‘ats around the world. Then there were the special, extensiv e issues published on occasions such as Eids and commemorative issues when someone passed away. He had to remind people, sometimes with persistence but always with the utmost politeness, to send him information fo r publication. He really threw himself into the task of producing this bulletin with full heart, energy and determination.

In doing this kind of editing work, one often faces frustration. You also somet imes face making difficult decisions about including certain items due to concern about their inaccuracy, or due to the sensitivity and temperament of the writers. I know it from my observation that Brother Akbar handled all such problems with great tact and levelheadedness. By his attitude, he did not antagonise or offend anyone.

A valuable series in the HOPE was the valuable life stories of our departed elders of long ago, translated from old articles by Ch. Masud Akhtar sahib, but with further material added by Masud sahib and others. These elders are not so well known to Ahmadis outside Pakistan or to younger generations within Pakistan.

I mentioned to Brother Akbar a few times that his command of written English was quite excellent, making it a pleasure to read his eloquent and clear comments.

Brother Akbar, when he started as editor of the "HOPE", was already more than seventy years of age. To learn new skills at that age, especially those requiring computer use, is not an easy task, which he mana ged to master.

Brother Akbar sometimes used to ask me to look over articles before their publication, especially t hose dealing with historical or religious issues. More often, he used to send me the pdf file of the magazine before release because the file size would be too large and I had some technical tools to reduce the size. Whenever I was of help to him, he always thanked me profusely, often saying: "Thanks a million." Today we say to Akba r Abdullah: Thanks a million!

If Brother Akbar was still alive and someone else had died, he would be asking us to write tributes for the deceased. So now we must do the same for him. And we pray that someone takes up his mantle and follows his example.

May Allah grant him protection, admit him into His mercy, and raise his grades in the Hereafter --- Ameen !

We offer our heart-felt condolences to his family, in particular to his wife Parveen.


Amir Aziz, General Secretary, AALL, Pakistan Dear brothers and sisters, Assalamu a laikum.

We sadly announce the demise of our very respectable, honourable and dedicated brother, Ak bar Abdullah, Editor of the HOPE . “Surely We are for Allah and to Him we return.”

We members of AAIIL and members of Central Anjuman are deeply saddened at his demise and condol e his death with heavy hearts. Brother Akbar Abdullah served the Anjuman as a resource person of all the Jama‘ats , circulating news and information about activities of the Jama‘at across the globe. It is a great loss as we are deprived of a very strong link among all the Jama‘ats who was very active and efficient. He performe d this duty with great zeal and zest. 27

We cherish memories of B rother Akbar Ab dullah whose company was always enjoyable and pleasant. He stayed with my family during his last visit to Pakistan and my family and all members of the Jama‘at still remembe r his lively company.

It is a great loss for our Jama‘at and a great loss for the family members.

May Allah bless his noble soul in the heavens of eternity and help the family to bear this loss with patience and perseverance.


Shaukat A. Ali, Coordinator, Asia and Pacific Region Dear and respected Hazrat Ameer, Assalamu alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu.

We are shocked and deeply saddened to learn that our dear brother Akbar Abdullah sahib has left this world to meet with the Maker. We pray that Allah ta’ala grants his soul eternal peace and a place in the highest pedestal of Jannat-ul Firdous among His chosen ones - Amen .

Brother Akbar Abdullah sahib was a very active and dedicated member of the Anjuman and had remained associated with the activities of the Jama‘at until he was called by the Creator. Eight years ago he had started the Anjuman’s News Bulletin “The HOPE”, which had assumed an official status with your blessings and those of the Central Anjuman. He worked tirelessly to obtain and disseminate news and events from around the globe. He was in touch with members through email and telephone in order to ensure that he got the latest and complete information on the subject he was including in the HOPE Bulletin .

As far as my association with him was concerned, I had known him for decades. In recent years he used to be in regular contact to seek and obtain information on whatever we were doing. When the need arose he used to call two or three times a day.

In the last few months, he had done more than anyone else to promote the project to build a school and Masjid for Delhi members. He had appealed to members through his HOPE Bulletin , email and telephone calls to encourage members to participate in this worthy project. Together with his brother Zafar Abdullah sahib, they contributed US$3,000.00 from the family Trust towards the project and continued to encourage others to contribute generously to this project, which is for the benefit of the poor and needy in India.

He was a tower of strength for the Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam (Lahore) and he will undoubtedly be missed sorely. He will always be remembered for his long and meritorious services to the Anjuman and for people.

“As for those who believe and do good, We do not waste the reward of him who does a good work. These it is for whom are Gardens of perpetuity in which rivers flow; they are adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and they wear green robes of fine silk and thick brocade, reclining therein on raised couches. Excellent the recompense! And goodly the resting-place!” (18:30-31)

We pray that Almighty Allah may grant the surviving members of his family, you, and the members of the Jama‘at strength, solace and sabr to bear this sad and irreparable loss at a time of great anguish. Please convey our heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to his loved ones as well.



Jalal Ud Dean, Fiji Dear Brothers and Sisters, Assalamu 'alaikum

Indeed, we are all at a loss of knowing the details about the passing away of Br Akbar Abdullah: “Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un .”

When he was around, he was the centre of distribution of information and mutual contacts. Now that active service is silent forever. It is very sad.

My first contact with Br Akbar Abdullah happened in 2001 together with Sr Nadara Khan from Trinidad, when my wife was very seriously ill and I was appealing through Email for dua-i-shifa . Both Br Akbar and Sr Nadara Khan helped me a lot through their personal network connections in the US and Trinidad respectively. Unfortunately my wife died in early 2002. It was after these experiences that the concept and philosophy of the common platform of the HOPE Bulletin came into focus and then it gradually became a reality.

Br Akbar, with his skills, was able to continuously improve the HOPE into becoming a much-awaited bulletin amongst the English-speaking Ahmadis and others.

Recently I sent to him an article to which he did not respond. I had also requested him to prepare a detailed report with photographs of Hazrat Ameer’s tour of the US, the Caribbean and Suriname. Again he did not respond and I assumed that maybe that he was flooded with work on the compilation of the HOPE Bulletin . Nobody informed us that he was taken ill. Then we received the shocking news about his sudden death.

I have lost a very close friend and a sympathiser. May Allah bless him in his next life with peace and comfort.


Passing away of Brother Ijazur Rahman, Lahore, Pakistan

Yasir Aziz, Sweden I am very grieved to hear the news of sad demise of our young Brother Ijazur Rahman, nephew of our very dear Br Faizur Rahman Sahib. May Allah bless his soul in eternal peace and elevate his status in Jannat .

I have many good memories of Brother Ijaz. He was a very simple and hard working person. He led a very simple life and although we used to tease him in our childhood, he never kept any grudge or harsh feelings towards any of us and we remained very friendly and respectful to each other.

May Allah give sabr to his family, especially his young son, to bear this great loss. Please convey my sincere condolences to the members of the bereaved.


Death of Sister Zohra Wahid, Fiji

Amir Aziz, General Secretary, AAIIL, Lahore Dear brother Abdul Zahid, Brother Mehboob Raza, Brother Hafiz Raza and Brother Abid Raza, Assalamu Alaikum.


We are much saddened at the sorrowful demise of our very respected aunty, Zohra Wahid. “Surely we are for Allah and to Him we return.”

It’s a great loss for you, your family and for us all. We all members of AAIIL condole her death. We pray that Allah may bless her soul in the heavens of eternity and grant her an elevated status in Janatul Firdaus. May Allah help you and the family members to bear this loss with patience and perseverance.

We will offer for her Gahibana Janaza on this coming Friday.


Arshad and Bushra Alvi, Lahore, Pakistan Dear Brother Abdul Zahid Assalamu Alaikum W.R.W.

We are deeply sad to learn that your dear mother, Mrs Zohra Wahid of Fiji, has passed away. “Who, when a misfortune befalls them say: Surely we are Allah’s and to Him we shall return” (2:156).

We pray that Allah ( swt ) with His bountiful mercy and graceful blessings will grant the soul of Marhooma peace, solace and comfort in the Heaven of eternity and instil strength, patience and fortitude amongst the surviving family in their anguish and sorrow to bear the burden of such irreparable personal loss. ( Amen .)


Ebrahim Muhamed, South Africa Assalamu Alaikum.

Please forward our sincerest condolences to the bereaved family. We pray that Almighty Allah may grant the deceased Heavenly Peace. Inna Lil Lahi wa Inna ilayhi Raji’oon.


Mary and Khaliel Ghafoerkhan, Suriname Assalaam Alaikum.

Please pass on our condolences to the bereaved family of Mrs Zohra Wahid of Fiji.

May Allah grant her a beautiful place in His Jannat-ul-Firdaus and give solace and sabr to her family.


Shaukat Ali, Regional Co-ordinator, Asia/Pacific Region, Thailand Dear brother Zahid, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu.

We are deeply sorry to learn that your beloved mother has left this world to meet with our Maker. Inna-lillahe wa Inna Ilaihi rajioon. We pray that Allah ta’ala may grant her soul eternal peace and a comfortable place in Jannat-ul Firdous - Ameen .


Our prayers are with you, your loved ones and the members of your extended family and we pray that Almighty Allah may grant all of you strength, solace and sabr at this time of great anguish. Please also convey our heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to other members of the family as well.


Shahid Aziz, Secretary, AAIIL-UK Assalamu alaikum.

I am sorry to hear the sad news of Mrs Zohra Wahid’s departure from this world. May Allah grant her a place close to Him, and her dear ones patience to bear this loss.


Mohammed Mustapha, President, AAIIL, Oakland, California, USA Assalam-o-Alaikum.

We are sad and hurt to hear about Mrs Zohra Wahid’s sad demise. ( Inna lilla hai wa inna alai hai rajiun .)

From all the members of AAIIL, Oakland, California, our heart-felt sympathy and condolences to her family, friends and members.

May Allah grant her soul Jannat-ul-Firdaus. Ameen . May Allah grant strength and comfort to her family to bear this great loss. Ameen.


Demise of Brother Mardiyono Djojosemardjo, Jogyakarta, Indonesia

Ahamed Hosein, Corresponding Secretary, AAIIL (Toronto), Canada Dear Brothers and Sisters, Assalamo alaikum.

It was sad to hear of the passing of Br Mardiyono Djojosemardjo. From the message sent out we can see how important and valuable he had been to his community. May our prayers and Allah’s blessing be with the family of the late brother. On behalf of the AAIIL (Toronto) I express our heartfelt condolence to the friends and family on this very sad demise.


Jalal Ud Dean, Fiji Dear HOPE Bulletin Team Assalaamu 'Alaikum.

Thank you for informing members of the AAII(L) about the demise of one of our very senior personalities of AAII(L) in Indonesia, Br Mardiyono Djojosemardjo, who expired at the age of 89. The news is indeed most saddening, that yet another of our prominent and influential educators has returned to his Maker. We will Inshallah offer Janaza Gaibana for the departed soul.

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Arshad and Bushra Alvi, Pakistan Dear Brothers and Sisters, Assalamu Alaikum W.R.W.

We are deeply sad to learn that Brother Mardiyono Djojosemardjo has left this world to meet with our Maker. We pray that Allah ( swt ) with His bountiful mercy and graceful blessings grant the soul of Marhoom peace, solace and comfort in the Heaven of eternity and instil strength, patience and fortitude amongst the surviving members of the family (Ameen .)


Mary and Khaliel Ghafoerkhan, Suriname Please pass on our heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family of Brother Mardiyono Djososemardjo and to the Central Ahmadiyya Anjuman in Jogyakarta.

In Jan. 2003 we had visited Jogyakarta and the Ahmadiyya School with our dear Sister Wiratni and it is just possible that we might have met Br. Mardiyono then.

We pray that Allah may grant our Brother a blissful place in His Jannat-ul-Firdaus and give sabr to his family and the members of the Jakarta Anjuman.

Our love and salaams also to Prof. Ahmadi, Sister Wiratni, their family and the whole Jama‘at . We pray that all are well by the Grace of Allah.


Shaukat Ali, Regional Co-ordinator, Asia/Pacific Region, Thailand Dear brothers Muslich Zainal Asikin and Iwan Yusuf, Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahe wa Barakatuhu

We are very grieved to learn that Br. Mardiyono Djojosemardjo has departed to meet with His Maker. Inna lillahe wa Inna Ilaihi raji’oon. We pray that Allah ta’ala may grant his soul eternal peace and a place of grace in Jannat-ul Firdous among His chosen ones - Ameen .

We are aware that Marhoom was a senior member of Yogyakarta Ahmadiyya School and had served the community well and he will be remembered for all the good work that he silently did in imparting knowledge to the youths and Almighty Allah has promised for such people: “Gardens of perpetuity which they enter, in which rivers flow: they have therein what they please. Thus does Allah reward those who keep their duty, whom the angels cause to die in purity, saying: Peace be on you! Enter the Garden for what you did” (16:31 -32).

We pray that Almighty Allah may grant his loved ones and the members of his family strength, solace and sabr to bear this sad loss.

Please convey our heartfelt sympathy and sincere condolences to his loved ones as well as to the staff of the school and members of the Jama‘at .



Mohammed Mustapha, President of AAIIL, Oakland, California, USA Assalam-o-Alaikum.

We are sad and hurt to hear about Br. Mardiyono Djojosemardjo. Inna lilla hai wa inna alai hai rajiun.

From all the members of AAIIL, Oakland, California, our heartfelt sympathy and condolences go out to his family, friends and staff of the Yogyakarta Ahmadiyya School. May Allah grant his soul Jannat-ul-Firdous. Ameen .


Blessings on the Holy Prophet Muhammad’s birthday

Jalal Ud Dean, Fiji Dear HOPE Bulletin Team Assalamu'Alaikum.

This Friday 25th January 2013 is Milad-un-Nabi (Hijri 1434). I extend to you, your families and all Jama’at members warm blessings for this blessed occasion of the Birthday of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him and his true believers) and pray that Allah may shower His choicest blessings on you all.



The HOPE Bulletin E-mail address : [email protected]