4Th Year of Publication
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June – September 2003 In this issue CHAPTER 82 AL-INFITAR (THE CLEAVING) Al Infitar (The Cleaving) Commentary by Dr. Basharat Ahmad Commentary by (Translated by Imam Kalamazad Mohammed) Dr. Basharat Ahmad 1 In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the (The Folding Up), it proves, through Crime and Violence Merciful. prophecies, that man will have to ac- When the heaven is cleft asunder, – The Remedies count for his deeds. There is one dif- And when the stars become dispersed, Naseer Ahmad Faruqui 4 And when the rivers are made to flow forth, ference, though. In the previous chap- And when the graves are laid open - ter (The Folding Up), the fulfillment Birth of Jesus in the Light Every soul will know what it has sent be- of the glorious prophecies mentioned of the Holy Qur’an – Part I 7 fore and what it has held back. there relate to the Last Age, whilst O man, what beguiles thee from thy Lord, the extraordinary signs contained in the Gracious? Opening Speech at Annual Who created thee, then made thee com- this chapter (The Cleaving) were rel- Prayer Congregation plete, then made thee in a right good evant to the life of the Holy Prophet Hazrat Ameer Dr. Abdul Karim state - Muhammad (sas). Their fulfillment Saeed Pasha 12 Into whatever form He pleases, He casts was clearly witnessed in his lifetime thee. and their glory and grandeur were Nay, but you give the lie to the Judgement, In the Light of the And surely there are keepers over you, also extended to the centuries that im- Holy Qur’an Dr. Muhammad Honourable recorders, mediately followed his advent. As Ahmad Hami 17 They know what you do. mentioned several times before, Surely, the righteous are in bliss, prophecies are couched in subtle, And the wicked are truly in burning Fire - The Prophet Muhammad (sas) metaphorical language and their true They will enter it on the day of Judgement, Nerissa Ali 22 And will not be absent from it. significance is disclosed only at the And what will make thee realise what the time of their fulfillment. Poem day of Judgement is? Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Again, what will make thee realise what When the heaven is cleft asun- the day of Judgement is? der, Ahmad Sahib 23 The day when no soul controls aught for another soul. And the command on that day is Allah’s. This verse carries a deep metaphori- cal meaning. That is, the heavens will 4th Year of This is an early Makkan chapter, and rain signs and divine help as if they like the preceding one, At-Takwir were created for that purpose and Publication PASS ON THE MESSAGE 1 were only awaiting the command of And when the graves are laid a small measure, with a picture of the their Lord, and when the time was open. day of Resurrection so that people ripe, so torrential would be this may witness with their own eyes the downpour of divine signs and heav- That is, the dead will come alive. In results of their actions in this life, and enly help as if a huge vessel were bro- other words, those people who were that this may further strengthen their ken and had scattered its contents far suffering a death of illiteracy, barbar- faith in the Great Resurrection when and wide. ism and misguidance, and were bur- man will witness the full manifesta- ied in the grave of ignorance and pa- tion of the consequences of his deeds. And when the stars become dis- ganism, would receive a life (of faith persed. and knowledge). And wherever the This is why Allah has used in the Holy message of Islam will reach, one will Qur’an the word As-Sa’ah (The This, too, is another subtle metaphor. find there a resuscitating breath of life Hour), which is another name for the The Holy Prophet Muhammad (sas) breathed into erstwhile savages. day of Resurrection, to depict the is reported to have said: “My com- success of the virtuous and the de- panions are like the stars.” They were Bear in mind that these four hidden struction and failure of the wicked in likened to stars because they were signs mentioned here were proph- the very lifetime of the Messenger. filled with the heavenly light which esied at a time when Islam was in its Allah’s purpose in affording man this the Holy Prophet brought. The mean- infancy and was undergoing a period preview is really for it to serve as an ing is that when these showers of di- of extreme destitution and helpless- incontestable proof of the Great Res- vine assistance and heavenly signs fall ness. How vividly they unfolded in urrection. In other words, when, in upon the earth and Islam becomes tri- just a few years and how rapidly Is- accordance with Allah’s design, the umphant, then another sign will come lam occupied the world stage have results of deeds are disclosed in this into effect and that is the heavenly been written large in golden letters very life and everyone, good or bad, stars, that is, the companions of the on the pages of world history. receives his just recompense - a fact Holy Prophet, and other Muslims which was foretold before the event who will be filled with this same light, Every soul will know what it has - then, if it is also revealed before- will travel all over the earth to dis- sent before and what it has held hand that in the next life, good and perse this divine light, that is, to back. evil will each acquire its correspond- propagate the religion of Islam world- ing reward in the fullest measure, than wide. After describing the four signs above, what alternative is there but to ac- Allah, Most High, then says that if cept the truth of Allah’s promise? And when the rivers are made to those signs turn out to be true, then, flow forth. consequently, it is also true that ev- Indeed, we have witnessed the true ery man will be shown the results of fulfilment of these matters in this life Rivers in figurative language refer to his actions, whether he sees them in and we have seen with our own eyes knowledge. That is, rivers of knowl- the future life or, whether as a doer the repercussions of both good and edge will flow in abundance all over of good deeds, he has left behind him evil. Thus, according to Allah’s plans, the world. This third sign tells us that a mark of his benevolence. And it is whatever goodness the group of holy as the companions traverse the earth beyond dispute that these four proph- companions worked, and whatever and spread the religion they will also ecies mentioned above indeed con- footprints they left behind, serve to initiate a flood of knowledge and wis- stitute the beautiful legacy that the prove that they were a community dom in every sphere of human en- Islamic community bequeathed to the with exalted morals and great benefi- deavour. In addition, the Arab nation world. cence, and in the next world their will be the blessed community that deeds will bear immeasurable fruit. will teach the world knowledge and It has already been mentioned in Forcefully indicated also is the fact science and will inspire and lay the chapter 78 (An-Naba - The An- that man’s every deed contains its foundation of a new civilisation and nouncement), that the age of every own consequence whether it becomes culture. prophet or messenger provides us, in visible in this world or in the next. 2 Thus, man ought to be very circum- his noble and magnanimous Lord, be requited for his deeds, then he spect concerning his actions and that is, if he always keeps in mind the would never be disobedient to his should conduct himself in such a way fact that his Lord has created him to gracious Lord. The result of his re- that not only does he send forth good acquire excellence and perfection, fusal to believe in the certainty of ret- for the next world but also leaves and if he ponders over his creation ribution on a day of punishment has behind a legacy of goodness in his and realises the extent of the sublime led him to the pit of heedlessness and wake. qualities with which he has been disobedience. And this is, in truth, a blessed and he should then follow the denial by way of deeds of the day of O man, what beguiles thee from path of moderation, then there is no Judgement. However, man should thy Lord, the Gracious? limit to the excellences and degrees always remember that his actions will Who created thee, then made of perfection he can acquire. Yet, un- not be lost, for every deed is well- thee complete, then made thee fortunately, he does not suppress his guarded in a safe record. in a right good state. sensual desires and animal passions in favour of his spiritual perfection And surely there are keepers over This means that man is born in this and progress in the next life. Further, you, world and quickly forgets the purpose he must never ever turn away from Honourable recorders, of his creation and his attention is riv- obedience to his Lord, for herein lies They know what you do. eted solely on satisfying his animal the secret of his nobility. desires, like eating, drinking and other In other words, Allah has appointed sensual passions.