
Anticipating the exodus REFUGEE TASKFORCE


ONE Background Situation 6 Anticipating TWO Refugee Taskforce 8 THREE Reception 14 the exodus FOUR Volunteers 16 GHENT REFUGEE TASKFORCE FIVE Language 20 SIX Welfare and Health 22 SEVEN Social Relations 28 EIGHT Leisure 34 NINE Education 40 TEN Housing 46 ELEVEN Employment 50 TWELVE Neighbourhood-Level Approach 56 THIRTEEN Considerations 60 4 Dear readers, 5

During 2015, the flow of asylum seekers into Europe reached a new peak. For Foreword this reason, the of Ghent and the Ghent Public Centre for Social Welfare (OCMW) started preparing for the influx in August 2015. The Refugee Taskforce was set up with the support of the mayor and all the councillors. This working group ensured a proactive approach and a broad partnership between all the services involved, numerous civil society organisations, civic initiatives and citizens in order to give asylum seekers in Ghent opportunities to build a new life here.

The players in the Refugee Taskforce responded to the concrete needs of refugees. They created networks for every area of life: health and welfare, language, housing, employment, education and leisure. As a result, newcomers feel supported from day one in their path towards self-reliance and smooth integration into their new society.

The arrival of newcomers also causes some concern. This is a very human reaction. In Ghent, it has proved beneficial to keep focusing on open commu- nication, dialogue and bringing people together: talking to each other instead of about each other.

At a European level, the approach adopted by the Ghent Refugee Taskforce was awarded an URBACT Good Practice label. Migration has always formed part of human existence, and diversity (or super-diversity) in is the complex but fascinating reality. As a result, this publication can be regarded as a relia- ble and inspirational guide that is full of ideas for the future.

Numerous initiatives and partnerships have now been embedded into mainstream operations. For this reason, and because the subsidies for the increased influx of refugees are being discontinued at the end of 2018, the board has decided to dissolve the Refugee Taskforce in mid-2018.

Nonetheless, the City of Ghent and the OCMW will continue to commit pro- viding refugees with high-quality reception and support. The true strength and power of the Refugee Taskforce always lay in the day-to-day deployment of professional staff, the numerous civil society organisations and their volun- teers, civic initiatives and committed citizens. We will continue to encourage these networks, because working together really works.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to you all. You are the driving force behind an “Inclusive Ghent”!

Rudy Coddens Chairman of the Refugee Taskforce T reception initiative wascommissioned by Fedasil andoperated by theprivate company ‘Ponton’ –isaconverted boatwhichwasmoored intheMuidedistrict.Thistemporary these were joinedby another250places ontheReno. TheReno –known locally asthe (Flemish Refugee Action). the auspices oftheagreement between Fedasil andVluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen Initiative orSOI).InGhent,SESOvzwalsooffered shelter to around 30refugees under (UrbanShelter City ofGhenthad50reception spaces inthe“Stedelijk Opvanginitiatief” which timethey are entitled to accommodation, facilitiesandfood. sanitary In2015, the The refugees canstay there while theirasylum procedure isbeingprocessed, during asylum seekers. G4S Care. At thattime,Ghenttherefore had365places where Fedasil could place to create additionalplaces intheirindividualcentres. lective reception centres for refugees. Inaddition,Fedasil called uponlocal authorities a publictender to whichtheprivate sector could respond withaviewto organisingcol Situation Background In January 2016,In January theSOIexpanded itscapacityby another35places. InMarch 2016, When asylum seekers arrive inBelgium,Fedasil assignsthemto areception location. Reception locations inGhent ONE

reception capacityfor refugees by 12,100 places. Fedasil putout of Asylum Seekers (Fedasil) therefore decidedto expand the before. 35,476 asylum requests thatyear, twice asmany astheyear since 2015. TheBelgianImmigration (DVZ) Department registered he European refugee crisishasbeenmakingitselffelt inBelgium In thesummerof2015, theFederal Agency for theReception


6 Background Situation (http://www.cgvs.be/nl/actueel/asielstatistieken-overzicht-2015) andCivilAffairs oftheCityGhent Department 1 Source: General Commission for Refugees andStateless Persons status. this period,asylum seekers remained inareception project. Iftheirrequest isap quested familyreunification, leading to around 400 extra newcomers attheendof2017. must request theextension oftheirresidence documentsonanannualbasis. becomes definitive after aperiodof5 years. People protection withsubsidiary status nised refugees cannolonger remain inBelgiumindefinitely. Instead, theirstatusonly refugees orpeopleprotection withsubsidiary status.Since theendof2015, recog proved, asylum seekers are given international protection statuseitheras recognised SESO vzw(June2017). to theclosure oftheReno (March 2017) andthereception structure provided by government decidedto reduce thenumberofreception locations. InGhent,thisled requests halved2016 inJanuary compared withtheprevious month.Thefederal young menfrom Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq andSomalia.Someofthemhave now alsore At theendof2017, Ghenthadaround 2,250people withinternational protection for Ghent Figures The asylum procedure often took longer asaresult oftheincreased influx.During Procedure Although thisdidcreate additionalreception locations, thenumberofasylum 1 Thisfigure represents 0.9%oftheGhentpopulation. Most ofthesepeople are

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Background Situation 7 P social support forsocial support theirpresence. ensures thatthenewcomers have amore positive image andencourages widespread the integration process assoon aspossible, from day one.Accelerated integration fairly highinBelgiumattheendof2015, namely60%.It istherefore to important start protection status.Therecognition rate –thechance ofbeingawarded thisstatus–was initiatives andindividualcommitted citizens. the combined expertiseofthepolicy, administrations, civilsocietyorganisations,civic establish functionalnetworks inevery area oftheirlife. Inorder to doso, itcallsupon are asylum seekers orGhentresidents withinternational protection status.Thesenew these areas. Many citizensare alsokeen to helprefugees. and OCMWGhent,alongsidecivilsocietyorganisations,operate partner ineachof language, leisure, housing,employment andeducation.Servicesprovided by thecity comers have talents, qualitiesandvariousneedsintheareas ofhealthandwelfare, Taskforce Refugee The asylum procedure, whichtakes along time,may ormay notlead to international F from daySupport one The approach oftheRefugee Taskforce revolves around therefugees, whetherthey Expanding functionalnetworks rom day one,assoonrefugees arrive inGhent,theRefugee Taskforce triesto TWO Taskforce inAugust 2015 before more refugees arrived. For thisreason, theCityofGhentdecidedto setuptheRefugee makes itpossible to respond to newchallenges more quickly. revious migration flows have shown thataproactive approach

- 8 Refugee Taskforce tion andVolunteers andAwareness Raising. ing group for advice onpolicydecisionsintheareas ofasylum andrefugee policy. oftheCityGhent)convenes Department Equal Opportunities meetingsofthesteer Ghent (PublicSocialWelfare Centre). Thecoordinator oftheTaskforce (Welfare and Welfare andEducation,Youth andHealthDepartment andOCMW Department) It consists ofanofficialsteering group with representatives ofthecity(Social Cohesion, The thematicworking groups inanutshell The Refugee Taskforce isapolitical bodywhichischaired by theOCMWchairman. Organisational approach This steering group isfuelled by three thematicworking groups: Reception, Integra of solidarityto othervulnerable target groups. dinator ofOCMWGhent:thisisastrategic choice whichaimsto expand thewave steered by thecoordinator oftheRefugee Taskforce and thePoverty Policy coor forms ofassistance onoffer to concrete requirements. Thisworking group is help themget to know Ghent,helpthem learn Dutch etc. –andmatches the expression ofcivicsolidarity–people wanted to donate suppliesto refugees, nerable groups. Thisworking group wassetupinresponse to thespontaneous and civilsocietyorganisationswhichwork withandfor refugees andothervul The Volunteers andAwareness-Raising Working Group mainlyconsists ofpartner created inresponse to specificneeds. refugees to come into contact withlocal residents. Custom solutionsare only ordinary range ofservices thatare accessible to every local resident. Thisallows andorganisations.Toservices the greatest possible extent, they calluponthe reception initiatives andpeople withinternational protection statusfindsupport cific working groups. Focus ofthe working group(s): to helpasylum seekers in and citizenshipeducation)hasitsown contact person/coordinator andspe life. Eacharea oflife (housing,employment, education,health,youth, language civil societyorganisationswhichfocus onintegration inoneorseveral areas of The Integration Working Group consists ofmunicipalandOCMWservices an appropriate andcoordinated response (seeSection3,p. 14). experiences, ofresidents signalsandnewneedsonthepart inorder to ensure current influxof refugees. Across thevarious reception initiatives, it combines The Reception Working Group focuses onreception capacitybasedonthe -

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- - 9 Refugee Taskforce the Refugee Taskforce offers clear addedvalueasanoverarching consultation plat financed theoperations andprojects ofthe Refugee Taskforce. ment Decree of13May 2016). cities andmunicipalitiesto dealwiththeincreased influxof refugees (Flemish Govern the CityofGhentcanalsoapplyfor theFlemish subsidies whichhave beenallocated to Since May 2016 through to theendof2018 atthelatest, inlinewithobjective criteria, concrete concerns andsticking points. chooses aconstructive andunifyingcommunication style, withoutshying away from helps to overcome prejudices andincreasesfor socialsupport refugees. Thepolicy magazine, socialmedia,press releases etc.). Proper andtransparent communication tiatives through theregular channelsoftheCityGhentandOCMW(website, city six monthsfrom mid-2017. tive operations. Astheseoperations took shape, the frequency dropped to once every dinated asylum andrefugee policywhichenjoys broad-based support. cooperation modelwithaclear divisionofroles andresponsibilities, aswell asacoor subsidy channels). (professionals andvolunteers) andfinancial resources (regular resources and various the coordinator ensures thecoordination ofthevision,expertise,available manpower organisationsandcitizenstogether.services, From thisexternal helicopter perspective, and thelocal authorities,Flemish, federal and(sometimes)European level. groups andthesteering group, thethematicworking groups /subgroups themselves role onvariousfronts asabridgingfigure between thethematic working groups /sub partnerships andsynergies whichtranscend theknown andfamiliarfields ofactivity. work withandfor refugees inGhent.Inaddition,theTaskforce brainstorms possible tives ofothermunicipalservices, civilsocietyorganisationsandcivicinitiatives which form. TheTaskforce gives themfirst-hand information aboutthecampaignsandinitia For theservices, organisationsandcitizensaffiliated withoneofthe working groups, In thefirst instance, the regular resources oftheCityGhentandOCMW situation Financial The Refugee Taskforce informs local residents aboutallrelevant decisionsandini Communication In thebeginning,Refugee Taskforce metonamonthlybasisto expand itsinnova As aresult, theapproach adopted by theRefugee Taskforce provides astructured mandateThe strengthofthecoordination to bring mainlyliesinthecoordinator’s Within thisstructure, thecoordinator oftheRefugee Taskforce plays animportant

------10 Refugee Taskforce © Patrick Verheye, CityofGhent CAW EastFlanders (Centre for General Welfare Work) and Decathlon organisedahumantable football tournament for local residents andnewcomers. During the‘Warmste Week’ charityevent (2016),

11 Refugee Taskforce - achieve specific goals. resources (bothfor staffandoperational costs) for thesecivilsocietyorganisationsto education andsubsidiesviathe European SocialFund(theESFproject Werkplek Vluch - and/or operational resources duringtheperiod2016-2018, for: telingen Gentwhich helpsrefugees are alsoused. to find work) - - • • • • Reinforcement operating ofordinary resources, suchaslanguageby: support, By meansofapartnership agreement, theCityofGhenthasprovided financial • • • • Subsidies provided by theCityandOCMWGhent,Flemish subsidies for welfare and The steering committee monitors theuseoftheseresources. at theeducationcentre OnderwijscentrumGent, language campsby vzwRoeland etc. IN-Gent vzw, to support OKAN(reception classesfor non-Dutch speakingnewcomers) These Flemish financial resources have been temporarily or fully allocated to staff • City andOCMWservices • citizenship educationandintegration policyonGhentterritory Partner organisationIN-Gentvzw, theindependent agency whichimplements the • Civil societyorganisations • • • (De Olijfboom) and young adults voluntary work for refugees mental health housing coordination communication coordination ofaidfor people inneed specific residence-related advice work supervision ofminorrefugeessupervision general coordination neighbourhood integration transitional housing buddy programme leisure mental health

(0.5 FTE at Een Hart voor(0.5 FTEatEenHart Vluchtelingen) Mental Healthcare) OCMW Ghent) (1 FTEattheAnkerkracht project, Department) Equal Opportunities Department) Equal Opportunities (0.2 FTEatRefu Interim) (0.5 FTEattheMind-Springproject, CAW) (1 FTEattheHousingDepartment) (0.5 FTEattheWelfare and (1 FTEattheMigration Info Point) (1 FTEattheEmployment Department) (1 FTEattheWelfare and (1 FTEasacommunity networker) (1.5 FTEatCAW) (0.5 VTE atCAW)(0.5 VTE (1 FTEatvzwJong) (0.5 FTEattheEclipsCentre for

- 12 Refugee Taskforce https://stad.gent/refugeetaskforce More information abouttheRefugee Taskforce The seven key aspectsoftheRefugee Taskforce are asfollows: 7) 6) 5) 4) 3) 2) 1) If possible, to expand to othervulnerable target groups To have thecourage to experiment andembedsuccessful initiatives To work inclusively where possible andcategorically where needed coordination activities To build bridges between services, organisations,companies andcitizens: To involve citizensandrefugees andsupport from theirearliestencounters prejudices To communicate openlyandtransparently withcitizensinorder to overcome concerned, withaclear divisionofroles andresponsibilities To create astructureandinvolves thathaspoliticalsupport alltheparties 13 Refugee Taskforce W joined thisworking group to ensure asmoothworking relationship. authorisation oftheReno temporary reception initiative, theprivate operator G4SCare private initiatives for collective reception facilitiesinGhent(seesection 1,p. 6).During reception capacityfor refugees. For example, they closely monitored thepotential them learn how to cycle safely inthecity. useful initiatives: for example, police officers gave refugees road safety lessons to help leads to areduced range ofleisure activities.After anappeal,thisgapwasfilled with society organisationsputtheiroperations onaback burnerduringthesummer. This solution for needscommon to thevarious reception initiatives. For example, many civil by cultural associationsfor refugees –to theattention oftheReception Working Group. brings theofferings ofexternal –suchas therange parties ofleisure activitiesoffered and provides theReception Working Group withregular feedback. Thecoordinator also search for housingetc.) onto theagenda oftheotherworking groups andsubgroups, coordinator oftheRefugee Taskforce alsoputstheseneeds(e.g.mentalhealth,the had greater impactasaresult ofthisexchange ofexperiences andinformation. The and responds inatargeted andcoordinated manner. Thevariousreception initiatives Reception In thefirst instance, the Reception Working Group provided anincrease inthecity’s In thisway, thecooperation modeladopted by theTaskforce hasoften found a This working group alsodetects ofresidents signalsandnewneedsonthepart Responding to needs THREE tion ofGhentMosques andthediocese ofGhent. Vlaanderen (Flemish Refugee Action), theAssocia Shelter Initiative (SOI),SESOvzw, Vluchtelingenwerk OCMW, Facility Management, Fedasil, theUrban pal cabinetsresponsible for theasylum policy, the Group consisted ofrepresentatives ofthemunici hen theTaskforce wassetup, theReception Working - - 14 Reception how to rideabicycle. Teaching newcomers The Reno temporary reception initiative.

© Patrick Henry, CityofGhent 15 Reception T help refugees findtheir feet (section 7, p. 28). with orwithoutamigration background, also putthemselves asbuddiesto De Olijfboomasagiveaway shopandintercultural meetingpoint.Many local residents, organisations working withandfor refugees andothervulnerable groups. Solidair Genthasnow grown into arespected information channelfor servicesand (giving Dutch lessons, becoming abuddyetc.) for refugees. Thanksto itsnewsletter, associations andcivicinitiatives for desired items oraspecifictypeof voluntary work (https://solidair.stad.gent), citizenscanalsorespond to requests from Cityservices, teers andorganisationsfor refugees could meet.Onthedigitalplatform SolidairGent a diverse urbanenvironment. but mainlyasameansofensuringthatpeople live respectfully alongside eachotherin Taskforce, notjustinorder to increase operational effectiveness inthisacute situation Volunteers The Refugee Taskforce organisedanevent for volunteers where potential volun Event for volunteers This wave ofsolidarityled to theestablishment ofthevoluntaryorganisation The policydeliberately opted to integrate thestrengthofvolunteers into theRefugee FOUR some otherway. to donate goods andbasicsuppliesto refugees orhelpthemin civil societyorganisationswere overwhelmed by citizenswishing solidarity. TheGentinfo helpline,cityandOCMWservices ited awave ofreactions from Ghentresidents expressing their he hauntingmediaimages oftheflow of refugees in2015 elic

- - 16 Volunteers Technical Institute cameup with theirown project for a city mapshowing places of interest to newcomers of Sint-Antonius Higher Students atthe their own age.

subsidies andby coordinating orfacilitatingtheirinitiatives interms ofpractical services ontheGhentwelfareservices landscapemore quicklyandaccurately. guidelines onhow to dealwithrefugees andalsohelpthemto refer people to theright and services andtheirvolunteers. Thesetraining sessionsgive volunteers concrete language withnon-Dutch speakers, theuseofsocialmapetc.) for organisations sions (e.g.self-care andcare for others, intercultural communication, theuseofclear the “Vrijwilligerspunt”, orcontact pointfor volunteers, arranges custom training ses matters orcommunication. Incollaboration withtheGhentWelfare Consultation, The City and OCMW Ghent support organisationsandtheirvolunteersThe CityandOCMWGhentsupport by meansof

- 17 Volunteers a mobile info pointfor newcomers. Higher Technical Institute created Students attheSint-Antonius © Patrick Henry, CityofGhent 18 Volunteers https://www.movingpeople.nu 1000 figures ofGhent refugees (Tourad, Kassem, Avin, Kassala In thecontext ofthestreet art and inpublicspaces inGhent. and Claudine)onthestreets trail Sorry, (2016), NotSorry You canread theirstory on Moving People distributed © Patrick Henry, CityofGhent Iftar (the meal immediately after sunset during the fasting month of Ramadan), Ramadan), of month fasting the during sunset after immediately meal (the Iftar sharing image: apositive had newcomers and refugees that ensure to aimed which with newcomers. solidarity their express to passers-by allows which point info amobile at map tive interac an into details these incorporated also They etc. together get afilm, watch exercise, can they where city the in locations newcomers shows which map a handy contains package this things, other Among newcomers. young for package welcome a for project own their developed Ghent in (HTISA) Sint-Antonius Instituut Technisch Moving People. tellers: story travelling into turned miniatures the way, this In space. public adifferent in it leave to invited were and them with figurine the take could They story. the refugee’s the out found immediately also figurines these of one found who Passers-by Ghent. in spaces public in and streets the in – Ghent in living refugees five on – modelled etc. workshops for dialogue, creative opportunities The Refugee Taskforce network initiated numerous awareness-raising campaigns campaigns awareness-raising numerous initiated network Taskforce Refugee The Positive image With municipal subsidies, the 4th-year electrical engineering students at the Hoger Hoger the at students engineering electrical 4th-year the subsidies, municipal With figurines small 1000 distributed Sorry Not Sorry, festival art street the 2016, April In

- - 19 Volunteers civic integration programme. Newcomers duringtheir © IN-Gentvzw

IN-Gent vzw(integration agency) andthevariousreception initiatives madearrange to ensure better andfaster integration. Undertheauspices oftheRefugee Taskforce, quickly. NT2 course andotherservices. Asaresult, many asylum seekers learned Dutch more reception initiatives organisedgroup visitsto IN-Gentvzwto facilitate access to the ments to inform asylum seekers thatthey could learning start Dutch from day one.The the earliest,oronlyafter they have beengranted international protection. practice, asylum seekers tend to learning start Dutch from thefourthmonthonwards at Language A However, many asylum seekers wanted to learn Dutch asquicklypossible inorder Access to NT2 FIVE informed thatanintegration programme iscompulsory. In tion –often after alengthy asylum procedure –they willbe one oftheirasylum request. Assoonasthey receive recogni guidance. However, theyNT2rightfrom canactuallystart day tation course, Dutch asaforeign language (NT2)andpersonal to anintegration programme. Thisconsists ofasocialorien ceive astandard letter, informing themthatthey are entitled fter thefourthmonthoftheirprocedure, asylum seekers re - - - - 20 Language climate invariouscontexts inwhichforeigners canlearn, practise anduseDutch. places astrong emphasisonlanguage promotion: creating apositive andstimulating learn Dutch. to practise speakingDutch inGhentandalsoproviding digitaltools to helppeople website www.nederlandsoefenen.be/oost-vlaanderen offeringfor opportunities people conversation for opportunities non-Dutch speakingparents. poverty –regularly to organiseopportunities practise Dutch. Schoolsalsoprovide a partnershipbetween Ghentvoluntary organisationswhichare working to combat where people canpractise andexchange languages. Thelocal servicesofKRASvzw– culture, food oreducation. between talkinginDutch andtheotherlanguage abouteveryday thingssuchasfamily, and non-Dutch speakers canlearn to speaktheotherlanguage better. They alternate and Dutch-Russian language combinations. Intheseintercultural chatcafés, Dutch Vormingplus Gent- organisesregular ‘language carousels’ for theDutch-Arabic Dutch. For example, along withHetPerspectief Provincial Centre for Adult Education, Numerous civilsocietyorganisationsalsoprovide to opportunities practise speaking has stagnated intheregular range ofservicesto get outandpractise speakingDutch. by thelocal OCMWservicecentres, encourages non-Dutch speakers whoseprogress wijk metNederlands’(Outandaboutinyour neighbourhoodinDutch), aproject run by language level, where people canpractise Dutch in small groups. ‘Opstapinje safe environment (seeSection7, p. 28). ods andintercultural meetingpoints–allows themto develop theirlanguage skillsina practise speakingDutch –suchasconversation groups, language camps,buddymeth the language orare afraid ofusingitineveryday life. Organisingextra to opportunities without detracting fromto opportunities practise Dutch. interpreters, theuseofcontact languages (e.g.French andEnglish), icons andthelike, process. Thisvisionincludesscope for tools to bridge language barriers suchassocial Dutch contexts (education,leisure activitiesetc.) doesinfactaccelerate thelearning barrier toinsociety. participation Thisisbeneficialasactiveinvarious participation Language promotion ensures thatinsufficientknowledge ofDutch doesnot form a Alongside formal lessons intheNT2course, theRefugee Taskforce Language promotion Nederlands Oefenen isamonthlynewsletter thatbringstogether initiatives from the The MachariusTaalcafé (language café) isafortnightlyinternational exchange market IN-Gent vzworganisesDutch conversation groups for non-Dutch speakers arranged Some non-Dutch speakingresidents donothave to enoughopportunities practise

- 21 Language W arrival atthereception centre andcontinues even after they leave. create acontinuum ofcare for asylum seekers onday whichstarts onewiththeir (Municipal HealthCouncil), immediately stepped into action.TheSOGAwanted to groups), aworking group whichdeveloped outoftheStedelijke Gezondheidsraad SOGA (urbanhealthcommittee for asylum seekers andothervulnerable target dental care inresidential homesfor theelderly. Dentomobiel: avehicle whichhadbeenequipped asadentalpractice to provide required. For thisreason, the SOGAorganisedregular visitsby theGhentUniversity difficult to offer dentalcare onthe Reno itself, for example, given theequipment is thatiteasy for themto refer people to otherpartners intheirfield. Itwas leader ofthereception initiative helpedto findfromexperts theotherdisciplines. tion ofGeneral Practitioners districthealthcentres. (HVG) andGhent’s Thecentre General Practice Healthcare andFirst-Line atGhentUniversity, theGhentAssocia on. Inorder to recruit GPs for this,theSOGAcalled upontheprofessional group cost oftheseservices, as long asaGPmadeanassessmentandreferred thepatient psychologists) were present ontheReno three days aweek. Fedasil refunded the and Health Welfare Members care ofamultidisciplinary team (GPs, nurses, psychotherapists and When thetemporary private reception initiative theReno wasannounced, the in andprovided by thereception centre Project 1:Development ofa continuum ofcare The majoradvantage ofhaving thisgroup ofcare providers withroots inGhent SIX ing section. health. Socialrelations willbecovered inthefollow on thephysical andmentalaspectsofwelfare and improve thiswellbeing. Thissectionmainlyfocuses ical wellbeing, withthefocus onactive effortsto elfare andhealthincludemental,socialphys

- - - 22 Welfare and Health need psychological support. logical issuesandanxiety, possiblyincombination withpost-traumatic stress. They post-traumatic stress. Thesamenumberofpeople suffer from depression, psycho have shown thataround 10%ofrecognised refugees struggle withsymptoms of uncertainties, tension andstress whichaffect theirmentalhealth.Scientificstudies a different culture andthechallenge ofintegrating andbuilding anewlife: In ,refugees are faced with anuncertainasylum procedure, anewlanguage, loved onesbehindandthedangerous journey to theircountry ofdestination etc. experience inthecountry oforigin,thentheneedto leave alltheirpossessionsand value oftheelectronic medicalrecords were reported to Fedasil. After theclosure oftheReno, theseinitialexperiences andthepotential added data to theGPthey chooseifthey are awarded international protection status. software usedby theBelgiandistricthealthcentres. Thissimplifiesthetransfer of of surgeryhours (GPs, pharmacists,dentists). doctors, group practices anddistricthealthcentres) andtheservices available out selves. Thisintroduced themto thevarioustypesofcare available (independent reception centre, theSOGAtaughtthemhow to access healthcare primary them reception initiative withintwo months.For thisreason, even duringtheirstay inthe provider) care andtertiary (intramural care inspecialistinstitutions). careary (care inhospitalsorcare after people have beenreferred by anothercare reception initiative itself, they alsomadeclear working agreements withsecond him to resolve many communication problems. culture-sensitive way. Thisdoctor alsospoke two Afghan languages, whichenabled trust inthecare team. Theteam alsostarteddealingwiththepatientsinamore fill thisgap. Hispresence helped residents ofthe reception centre develop more employed by theprofessional group General Practice Healthcare andFirst-Line to of post-traumatic stress. AnAfghan doctor whowasonce arefugee himselfwas viders. For example, they hadlittle experience oftropical diseasesorsymptoms The life ofarefugee isfarfrom enviable: firstly there are thehorrors they counselling network Project 2:Development ofthepsychosocial The specificproblems facing refugees were new to many ofthesecare pro A multidisciplinary fileA multidisciplinary wascreated for eachoftheasylum seekers inthePRICARE Once asylum seekers have theirasylum request approved, they needto leave the Not onlydidtheSOGAandcare providers expand thefirst-line healthcare inthe


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- 23 Welfare and Health trainers whospeakArabic, Pashto, AMind-Springcourse Dari intheselan orTigrinya. • financial resources from theFlemish government, CAW EastFlanders alsojoinedin. seekers. developed anaccessible andgraduated network ofpsychosocial counselling for asylum cial support ofthecitiesGhentandSint-Niklaas,cial support CAW EastFlanders andIN-Gentvzw people between the ages of14and18.Withthefounder ofMind-Spring andthefinan to remedy theshortageofPashto interpreters. andTigrinya In addition,26extra co-supervisors were trained. IN-Gentvzwusedvolunteer contracts guages resulted in16newMind-Springtrainers. • • Thefollowingparticipants. isprovided: support The programme consists ofsixtwo-hour sessions,withanoptimalgroup sizeoften situations canmake ahuge difference. and uncertainties) overnight. However, theway inwhichthey dealwithorlook atthese It isoften notpossible to transform difficultsituations(withtheaccompanying stress and relaxation exercises helpthemto develop skillswhichmake themmore resilient. mental resilience onthebasisoftheirown strengths andtalents. Group discussions education group for asylum seekers andrefugees thatenables themto strengthentheir The increased influxofasylum seekers has led to anacute shortageofMind-Spring medical oreducationsector, IN-Gent vzwhasbeenoffering Mind-Springgroup sessionssince 2011. Thanksto Step 1:Mind-Spring,resilience for people ofallages The Refugee Taskforce wasaware ofthisfactfrom thebeginning.Asaresult, they an interpreter (viaIN-Gentvzw),ifrequired. Mind-Spring, developed by Paul Sterk from theNetherlands,is apsychological The existing Mind-Spring programme focuses onadultasylum seekers andyoung a Mind-Spring-certified co-supervisor, whoisprofessionally active inthesocial, accompany thegroup intheirmothertongue, his orherfeet inthisnewsocietyandtaken theMind-Springprogramme –whowill a trainer withfirst-hand experience –a refugee ormigrant whohasalready found ‘I sleep better now.’ Coast) (Mamadou, Ivory ‘I amcapable ofmore thanIthought.’ (Pjot,Tajikistan) ‘At last Ican enjoy life again.’ (Fatemeh, Syria) Mind-Spring courses, includingthree Mind-SpringJuniorgroups. Over thecourse of2016 and2017, 228refugees took oneofthetwelve

- - 24 Welfare and Health Trainers, co-supervisors, Paul Sterk (thecreator ofthe Mind-Spring programme) andcolleagues developing (language, accessibility etc.) andcultural/intercultural ones.Inaddition,there issome (which are often oriented towards theWestern world) asaresult ofpractical barriers © Elmira Erstukajeva, CAW EastFlanders sessions onthissubject. home country canhave onmentalwellbeing, GhentUniversity organisedinformation the concrete impactthatadrastic experience suchasfleeing ormigrating from your ences atmonthlycasemeetings.AsWestern care providers are often less familiarwith therapists to provide refugees withregular psychological andexchange support experi Eclips) andGhentUniversity have grown into anactive network oforganisationsand Ghent, CAW EastFlanders, private therapists, EclipsCentre for Mental Healthcare (CGG insufficiently equipped to work withthistarget group. times atabooonseekinghelpfor psychological problems. Inturn,existing servicesfeel social counselling for refugees wasexpanded andenhanced. psychotherapeutic support for individualpsychotherapeutic For support. this reason, thenext step inthepsycho thetrainingsupports received by theirchildren. programme, theparents are given to theopportunity follow aparallel pathway which work ofGhentUniversity. undertheexpert supervision DuringtheMind-SpringJunior and young people (between theages of8and13).Thefirst ten supervisorsstarted organised acourse to develop aMind-SpringJuniorprogramme for refugee children It isnotalways easy for refugees to findtheirway to mentalhealthcare resources Step 2:Enhancement and expansion of The newly-founded consultation platform withthepsychological service ofOCMW After sometimesneedto theMind-Springsessions,participants bereferred through the Mind-SpringJuniorprogramme in2016. - - - 25 Welfare and Health Mind-Spring Juniorsession mental resilience duringa (for children aged 8-13) Exercise to enhance © Elmira Erstukajeva, CAW EastFlanders 26 Welfare and Health 2 AMIF: European Asylum, Migration andIntegration Fund status with multidisciplinary support intheareas support ofpsychologicalstatus withmultidisciplinary education,iden young people whoare between theages of16and25have international protection alsostopsupport atthisage. into educationand/or ahomeoftheirown further andstart ajob. Certainforms of age ofmajority, isasensitive turningpoint.Thatiswhenpeople often needto move cases onitsbooks. young people oninformal occasions. At theendof2017, Ankerkracht had85current though resistance andtaboosrelated to receiving help, andbeingvisible available to approach involves bothcanvassing andoutreach. Theteam invests strongly inbreaking network building, leisure assistance activitiesandamultidisciplinary programme. The self-reliance. Thisisdonethrough language acquisition, education,employment, tity andpersonality development, integration, andsocialfinancial participation the Ghentregion. educationcoaches,with thefurther UrbanShelter Initiative andotherorganisationsin individual guidance. Inorder to achieve this,IN-Gentvzwworks inclose collaboration target group: asocialorientationcourse, aMind-Springprogramme, extra activitiesand from outsidetheEU’, runby IN-Gentvzw, develops acustom range ofservicesfor this forget to develop expertise intrauma counselling.” had little experience ofthatatthetime.Asasociety, we mustnot inthe1970s,country often bringingserioustrauma withthem.We it possible for 60refugees to follow anindividualcare programme atCCG Eclips. before theincreased demand.Thanksto Flemish subsidies,theCityofGhenthasmade in trauma counselling for refugees, wasalready strugglingto cope withwaitinglists For Ankerkracht thisreason, OCMWGhent’s (AnchorForce) project aimsto provide Young people andyoung adultsare avulnerable group. Certainly theage of18,the Step 3:Specific resources for young people and young adults (Dr. JanDeMaeseneer, Professor Emeritus,GhentUniversity) ‘‘I remember theChileans fleeing thedictatorship intheirhome The AMIFproject The EclipsCentre for Mental Healthcare (CGG Eclips),whichhasextensive expertise 2 ‘Testing ground for centralised for support newcomers aged 15-19 - 27

Welfare and Health F then brought variousbuddy initiatives together, aligned themandfilled inany gaps, for for refugees andfor othersociallyvulnerable target groups. The Taskforce coordinator The Refugee Taskforce chartedthebuddyprogrammes ofexternal organisations,both home –orto helpthemget to know thecityorsimplyto doenjoyable thingstogether. socially vulnerable positioninorder toa helpthemwithspecifictasks–suchasfinding newcomers andlocal residents (seesection12,p. 56). on aneighbourhood-oriented approach inorder to shapetherelationships between the newcomer andthehostsociety. For thisreason, the Refugee Taskforce alsofocuses networks istherefore notanindividualprocess, but aprocess whichisshared between rather thanabouteachother, givingprejudices less chance to take hold. Building social meeting points. ugees. Thismainlyhappensthrough buddyprogrammes ofintercultural andthesupport those kindsofsituations.Intheend,we even became friends…” because inmy people country tend to shootrather thantalk in between us,we gottalking to eachother. Ifound thatamazing, resident whodidnotthinkmuchofrefugees. Despite thedifferences Social relations A buddyisavolunteer whodevelops aone-on-onerelationship withaperson ina Buddy programmes This iswhy theRefugee Taskforce invests greatly insettingupsocialnetworks for ref (Mazen AliAbuMarasa, from Gazato Ghent) “I worked asavolunteer atasummerfestival alongside alocal SEVEN these bridgingrelationships, thevariousgroups talkto eachother to gripswiththeDutch language andencourage socialmobility. In society. Anditisprecisely theserelationships thathelppeople get relationships, i.e.‘social bridging’ contact withpeople from Ghent to otherpeople withamigration background andthere isalackof easy matter. Inthefirst instance, their contacts often remain limited environment withadifferent language andsocialconventions isno or newcomers, building anewsocialnetwork inanunfamiliar

- 28 Social relations The buddyformula leads to close friendships. © CAW Gent the local buddywillhelpthe newcomer get to know thecity. Duringthesefortnightly commit to helpingpeople withtheirintegration process. Over aperiodof3to 6months, point for volunteers. exchanged expertiseandreceived additionaltraining contact from theCityofGhent’s example withabuddyprogramme for unaccompanied minorrefugees. Theinitiatives among thenewcomers. formula. In2016-2017, thisled to 150active duos witharound 20different nationalities the Reno temporary reception initiative, theRefugee Taskforce intensified thisbuddy or weekly meetings,thenewcomer willalsopractise speakingDutch. Withthelaunch of Samen Gentenaar (GhentTogether) isaproject runby IN-Gentvzw, inwhichvolunteers Samen Gentenaar

29 Social relations provide to opportunities practise Dutch etc. This willhelpthenewcomer to build a the healthinsurance fundto puttheirpapers inorder),outactivitiestogether, carry buddies willprovide practical administrative (e.g.accompanying support refugees to to refer thenewcomers to theCAW buddyprogramme Knooppunt2GO ifrequired. These 90% ofcases.Asaresult ofthishighfigure, theOCMWsocial worker isthebestperson accompanying ofasocialworker support provided by theOCMW. Thisappliesinaround end of2018 inorder to recruit, train andcoach theKnooppunt2GO buddies. a CAW EastFlanders employee wasfreed uponahalf-timebasisfrom July2017 to the family reunification. for example ifthenewcomer needsto look for larger accommodation asaresult of social network. TheKnooppunt2GO buddywillsometimes alsoactasahousingbuddy, housing assistance buddiesundertheauspices oftheKnooppunt2GO project. tection status.Asaresult, theirrole shifted from housingsearch buddiesto thatof buddies wanted theperson to on supporting orfamilywithinternational carry pro (see Section10,p. 47). After asuccessful search for accommodation, somehousing They are notseparate worlds.” touch. Mohamed belongs to my circle offriendsnow. are already over time,butwe are certainly goingto keep in and otherpeople, Istartto learn Dutch faster andfaster.” practise thewords with.ButwhenItalk withmy buddyJohan People withinternational protection statusmay beentitled to alivingwage andthe Knooppunt2GO Housing buddiesspecificallyhelp refugees withtheirsearch for accommodation Housing buddies (Johan) “Samen Gentenaar lasts for sixmonths.Mohamed and I (Mohamed) “The schoolgives“The mewords, butIdidn’thave anyone to A SamenGentenaar duo:Johan(Ghent)andMohamed (Syria) Thanks to theFlemish subsidiesinthecontext oftheincreased influxof refugees, -

30 Social relations 3 KRAS vzwisapartnership between Ghent voluntary organisationswhichare working to combat poverty. meeting pointsalsosaw thelightofday. walk-in teams atKindenGezin(Child andFamily) andothers. Several newintercultural Ghent, organisationsandcivicinitiatives alsowanted to collect suppliesfor Ghent ref to donate items for refugees. Whenitbecameclear thatrefugees would becoming to refugees ornewcomers. Many refugees meetotherlocal residents atexisting organ with helpgetting started. From October 2016 to theendof2017, DeOlijfboomprovided 2450registered people cling shopsinGhentfor furniture. storage space to store furniture. Starters canbereferred through to two specific recy small electrical appliances andothernecessities. DeOlijfboomdoesnothave enough to theinitiative by care providers, starters cancome here for clothing, household items, ex-prisoners, ex-psychiatric patients,victimsofhousefires etc. Whenthey are referred expanded to includealllocal residents whoare makingafresh suchasrefugees, start, of suppliesinitsgiveaway shopDeOlijfboom.Thetarget group wasimmediately voorHart Vluchtelingen received whichallowed support itto offer starters’ packages Hands vzw, boven Hart Hard vzwandthereception initiatives. Thecivic initiative Een along voor withEenHart Vluchtelingen, theKRASservices,Victoria Deluxe, Helping ugees. TheRefugee Taskforce took theinitiative ofstreamlining thiswave ofsolidarity active civilsociety,isations inGhent’s suchastheKRASservices are nolonger needed.” and helpwhere you can. isto Theart getto thepointwhere you situation maybe,you can’t fix Listeneverything. to whatthey need You doneedto keep acertain distance, though.However badtheir perspective. Somany ofourworries are just‘first-world problems’. to banktransfers etc. Asabuddy, you learn to puteverything into explaining whata‘structured communication’ iswhenitcomes an internet connection, goingthrough theirpost,recycling, The hauntingmediaimages oftherefugee crisisencouraged many local residents De Olijfboom Intercultural meetingpointsencourage socialcontact between local residents and Intercultural meetingpoints (Hadewieg) “I helprefugees withpractical matters suchasrequesting

3 , Hand-in-Hand,the - -

- 31 Social relations Vluchtelingen running smoothly. are newcomers, keep voor EenHart Around 100volunteers, athird ofwhom 32 Social relations © Een Hart voor© EenHart Vluchtelingen vzw looking for ahome,seeSection10,p. 48). the project ‘Warme harten zoeken eenthuis’(Warm hearts buddy programme for unaccompanied minorrefugees and include workshops, encounters to bringpeople together, a voorEen Hart Vluchtelingen vzwexpanded itsoperations to grew into ameetingpointfor refugees andlocal residents. refugees andnewcomers themselves, DeOlijfboomsoon culture andto establishabondwiththeneighbourhood initiatives whichaimto familiarisenewcomers withBelgian activities. Asaresult, theseDzjamboactivitieslead to spon mixed group of volunteers prepares these andsupervises cultural outingsorvisitingafactory, for example. Aculturally question. Theactivitiesincludecooking together, going on talk anddiscover theactivityprogramme for themonthin newcomers. Onamonthlybasis,there to isanopportunity meetings between local residents andnon-Dutch speaking https://solidair.stad.gent (onlyavailable inDutch). and Eritrean communities. Belgian House,theAfghan NationalUnionandtheSomali and local residents etc. Examples includetheSyrian- and non-Dutch speakingnewcomers. taneous connections andnetworks between local residents Supported by numerous volunteers, many ofwhomwere From withintheirown communities, refugees alsoorganise Activities withintherefugee community Dzjambo, aproject by Vormingplus Gent-Eeklo, organises Dzjambo: intercultural encounters An overview ofalltheinitiatives canbefound at

- 33 Social relations L Ghent, Netwerk PlaneetGent Football isvery popularamongasylum seekers.oftheCity Department TheSports participate intheregular, existing range ofleisure andculture). sport activities(youth, to know local residents, theaimisto give themasmanypossible opportunities to also buyanindividualUiTpas. initiatives. Justlike alllocal residents, people withinternational protection statuscan means ofagroup passwhichtheCulturemakes Department available to thereception this commitment. training sessionstwice aweek for awhole year. Three enthusiasticvolunteers took on supply, andSportnetwerk Gentvzworganisedextra Department theSports football them could joinaGhentfootball club. Asthedemandwasgreater thantheexisting tives inGhent.Everymonth, theprogramme includesatripto atheatre ormusicshow. andculturalof sporting activities, provided bothby VZWJongandotherleisure initia football). NIEMO alsoencourages theseyoung people to participate intheexisting range for thistarget group, sometimesin response to specificdemands(suchascricket and ject (mobile youth work for newcomers). Thisproject team organises weekly activities panded itsoperations for refugee children andyoung people to includetheNIEMO pro Leisure In order to provide refugees withthebestpossible chances ofintegrating andgetting Participation intheregular range ofactivities Thanks to subsidiesinthecontext oftheincreased influxof refugees, VZWJong ex Refugees canget anUiTpas (discount card for leisure activities)atareduced rate by EIGHT play role animportant here. and somethingworthwhile to dowith their time.Leisure activities ike everyone else,asylum seekers andrefugees needsocialcontacts 4 andspontaneousoffers by clubsmeantthatmostof - - - 34 Leisure 4 Netwerk PlaneetGent istheconsultation platform for theyouth sector. local range ofleisure activities. programmes, gave non-Dutch IN-Gent vzw, theGhentYouth Service andnumerous youth speaking newcomers (OKAN) in secondary educationthe opportunity toopportunity explore the a collaboration between Dagje PlaneetGent, Dagje

© CityofGhent © Patrick Henry, CityofGhent 35 Leisure © Patrick Henry, CityofGhent 36 Leisure upon thesubsidiesavailable inthecontext oftheincreased influxof refugees. Inaddi toDepartment setupRefu Interim inthecultural sector. In2018, Refu Interim iscalling leisure sectors. In2017, theCityofGhentawarded aone-offsubsidythrough theCulture employment agency whichfinds refugees voluntary work inthecultural, socialand explicit demandfrom refugees themselves, Cirq vzwsetupRefu Interim: atemporary Ghent Festivities production ‘Batahlan’. Asitwasagreat success andthere wasan (see Section11,p. 50). for volunteers sometimessentpotential volunteers inthedirection oftheESFproject a fascinatingandeducationalvoluntarywork experience. Inaddition,thecontact point Afterwards, itbecameclear thataminimumlevel ofDutch isnotstrictlynecessaryfor were prepared to take onasylum seekers, whooften spoke little Dutch, asvolunteers. cultural organisationssuchasMIAT, NTGent andDeCentrale) andsummerfestivals After anintensive round ofawareness-raising, around ten organisations(including and OCMWGhentservicesinorder to findasuitable match for potential volunteers. as thecontact pointfor volunteers andRefu Interim, whichhelprefugees to find volun IN-Gent vzwsteers newcomers towards voluntarywork. There are alsoinitiatives such also request to theopportunity work asvolunteers. ofitsregular Aspart operations, many young people to overcome barriers to participation. Spring Juniorsessions(psychosocial seeSection6,p. 24)atVZWJonghelped support, local residents helpto expand theyoung people’s network. TheorganisationofMind- tion, subsidiesfrom the Flemish ofCulture Ministry are stillavailable from 2018 to 2020. work.tary lasted several days. share mealsintheirown home.JESvzworganisedacycling tour for newcomers which refugees andDineWithUsallowed local residents to invite newcomers andrefugees to tives alsoencouraged theirintegration: CriticalMassGentorganisedcycling lessons for cultural activitiesinthecity, italsohelpsthemto integrate more quickly. Civicinitia guided tours andworkshops. Notonlydoesthisfamiliarisethemwiththerange of scene, allows refugees to participateincultural activitiessuchasconcerts, theatre, company), incollaboration withnumerous otherstakeholders ontheGhentcultural projectneous initiativesby byNTGent organisationsandcitizens.TheTimeOut (theatre In 2016, Cirq vzwtook theinitiative ofaccepting refugees asvolunteers for their Refu Interim contact pointforGhent’s volunteers approached specificorganisations,Cityservices Contact pointfor volunteers Voluntary work isavaluable way for many people to spendtheirtime.Many refugees Voluntary work for refugees In addition,theregular range ofleisure activitiesisenhanced by numerous sponta Initiatives suchastheNIEMOCup football tournament andevening meetingswith - - - - 37

Leisure © AnneliesVanhove artists etc.).artists There are test andorientationmomentsfor thevolunteers –under profes are dividedinto work pools(bar, kitchen, handymen,people whowork withthepublic, lever for integration’. Thisisfollowed by anindividualdiscussionandthevolunteers Their pathway withawelcoming starts introduction, underthemotto ‘craziness asa their operations. theythe support provide andtheirwillingnessto integrate diversity into every level of refugees andsecondly, you have to askvoluntaryassociationsaboutwhatthey offer, demands atwo-pronged approach: firstly, you need to discover thetalents andskillsof of thepeople concerned andthevoluntarywork inanorganisation.Thisidealmatch They to try achieve anoptimalmatch between theinterests, talents andexperiences by helpingthemto find voluntary work inthebroad cultural, socialand leisure sectors. artistic expertiseorbyartistic contributing financialand logistical resources. and to joininthepreparatory phase,eitherthrough theuseoftheirprofessional and Interim motivates organisationsto tackle barriers tointheiroperations participation needed) andefforts toport integrate diversity into alllayers oftheiroperations. Refu tions, theactivitiesthey provide, they thesupport give volunteers (andany extra sup positive andnon-discriminatory environment. and group momentsensure astrong community feeling: fullimmersion inawarm, –aswellsional supervision asin-depthtraining sessionsandcourses. Leisure activities When itwaslaunchedinFebruary 2017, 250newcomers registered withRefu Interim. Refu Interim aimsto promote thesocialandprofessional self-reliance ofnewcomers On theotherfront, Refu Interim assessesthepotential voluntaryassociation:opera - - - 38 Leisure © AnneliesVanhove youth andotherFlemish citiesandmunicipalities. andsport subsidies awarded, Refu Interim aimsto expand itsapproach to other sectors suchas work tieinmore closely withtheregular labourmarket. Inaddition,dependingonthe in around 60organisationsinandaround Ghent, mainlyinthecultural sector. In thefuture, Refu Interim wishesto enhance itsoperations by makingthe voluntary In 2017, thistwo-pronged approach led to over 140newcomers doingvoluntarywork working duringtheGhentFestivities Volunteers ofRefu Interim

39 Leisure T with. Thecity, Fedasil, Reno andtheschools madeevery effortto allow families withchil children from beingable to complete theacademicyear at the schoolthey were familiar expertise atrisk,asthefinal oftheFlemishreport OKANSstudyalsoshows. committed andmotivated (OKAN)teachers. Thisplaces thecontinuous acquisition of impact andflexibility asa result andare struggling to cope withthehighturnover of assignment ofhours andfinancingmustbedoneatFlemish level. Theschools lose specific barriers to the reception ofnon-Dutch speakingnewcomers. For example, the course ofthe2016-2017 academicyear. They were found to have needsatthree differ targeted To support. doso, theOnderwijscentrum spoke to several schoolsduring the schools thathadmany non-Dutch speakingnewcomers inorder to provide themwith dren to move houseduringtheschoolholidays, successful. but thiswasonlypartially ent levels: adult education. vzw. Initiatives were alsoundertakenfor refugees whowishedto progress to higheror This wasmadepossible thanksto frequent monitoring incollaboration withIN-Gent classes (reception classesfor non-Dutch speakingnewcomers) education. insecondary guage to support suittheneedsofnon-Dutch speakingnewcomers (ATN) orinOKAN Each child oryoung person wasgiven aplaceschool withtargeted inaprimary lan Education When theReno temporary reception initiative closed, thefederal approach prevented The schoolswork withinthecontext ofregional andfederal legislation. Thiscauses Structural policyneeds The educationcentre OnderwijscentrumGentwanted to assesstheneedsofGhent Requirements oftheeducationsector NINE when theReno temporary reception initiative waslaunched. remained fairlylimited duringtherefugee crisis,however, even organisations, suchasthelocal consultation platforms. close collaboration withbothinternal andexternal partnersand non-Dutch speakingnewcomers. Theeducationsector works in he educationsector inGhenthasalong tradition ofwelcoming The influxofchildren and young people into local schools - - - 40 Education our MOS project (environmental care atschool). ‘Letter mosaic’ the context of ‘Litter Day’ in workshop on © Mieke Broothaerts (Toren Babel) and greater professionalism. respond appropriately to thechildren’s needsandtherefore require improved support and socialcounselling. Teaching staffoften feel thatthey lacksufficienttraining to with specifictarget groups, suchasilliterate people orunaccompanied minor refugees. theprogresschart required andexpertise oftheirpupilsorthedidacticsupport to work bases whichallow themto share thismaterial witheachother. They donothave ways to Children andyoung people from thesetarget groups require specificpsychological Care-related needs Teaching staffneedspeciallyadapted teaching andevaluation materials anddata Content-related needs - 41 Education © Kris Bellis(Toren van Babel) of theMOS project ‘Exercise Day’ inthecontext Yoga sessionduringthe in abiology lesson Learning to useamicroscope © AnnLangelet, Gent Onderwijscentrum in Ghent. Opera Ballet after aperformance by before, duringand handicapped people accompanied visually ex-OKAN students, (PHTI), includingmany Language Institute Provincial Trade and young people from the My Nameproject, of theWhat’s As part 42 Education subsequent educationalstream thattiesinwiththeirinterests andskills.This sys and creation often allows themto digdeeperthantheDutch language ofeducation. people different ‘languages’ inwhichto express themselves. Thislanguage ofculture introduced to variousmediasuchasmusic,drawing, videoordance. Thisgives young such asidentity, connectedness andself-discovery. thepupilsare Undersupervision, OKAN pupils,incollaboration withOpera Ballet Flanders. Theserevolve around themes increasing theprofessionalism ofteaching staffwhenhelpingthepupilswiththeirpsy differentiation form thecentral focus. the next schoolwithaccurate information. Themes suchasevaluation, transition and to thelanguage chart level ATN ofadeparting orOKANstudentinorder to provide newcomers andformer ATN/OKAN pupils.For example, thesekindsofinstrumentshelp also develop educationaltoolkits for useintheclassroom withnon-Dutch speaking centres andsecondaryschoolsexchange ofexpertise,15primary experiences. They professional skillsatacontent-related level. Inaco-creation project withuniversity Some ofthesefundsare allocated to reception classesfor non-Dutch speakingnew coaching skillsandmethods. with ex-OKAN pupils.Withintheproject, they are given afour-day training course in demic year, educationcoaches further inGhenthave beenhelpingteachers whowork study days anddevelop materials andstep-by-step plans.Since the2016-2017 aca in across-network partnership. They discusspractical cases,organiseinterviewsand follow-up care. Thefollow-up educationcoaches combine theirstrengthsandexpertise tem wasexpanded intheautumnof2016 inorder to provide thestudentswithbetter who arrive inBelgiumwith agreat dealofemotionalbaggage thatisoften traumatic. chological andsocialneeds.Many teachers donotfinditeasy to work withnewcomers es schoolsto joinforces across thevariousnetworks andlevels. responds to thecontent andcare-related needsofschools.Theproject alsoencourag newcomers: enhancingschoolteams). Thisproject willrununtiltheendof2018 and talige nieuwkomers: schoolteams versterken (Working withnon-Dutch speaking Onderwijscentrum Gentusedthese resources for theproject Aan deslag metanders- comers, andsecondaryeducation. bothinprimary professional skills Follow-up educationcoaches helpnewcomers transition from theirOKANyear into a Follow-up educationcoaches This project alsoprovides resources for workshops for andwithOKANformer Cultural education This project, incollaboration withotherpartners,alsofocuses onstrengthening and This project invests heavily inthestrengtheningteaching staffandincreasing their Strengthening teaching staffandincreasing their The CityofGhentreceives Flemish subsidiesinthecontext oftherefugee crisis. Working withnon-Dutch speakingnewcomers

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Education as apractical component ofauniversity-wide elective subject.Refugees are encour feet atuniversity. In2013, thisinitiative wasstructurally embeddedinto thecurriculum priority to studentsfrom sociallyvulnerable groups –inorder to helpthemfindtheir initiative, seniorstudentsvoluntarily take afirst-year studentundertheirwing–giving structures. university’s policyontheother, withtheaimofeliminatingbarriers intheexisting University’s initiatives focus thetarget onsupporting group ontheonehandand talented studentsfrom under-represented orvulnerable groups insociety. Ghent research positionatGhentUniversity. 114 refugee students.Someofthemhave alsoshowed aninterest inemployment ora protectionwith subsidiary statuswishto studyattheUniversity. In2017, there were aged to request amentor. children withgood andaccurate information. sible mannerinorder to provide professionals whocome into contact withmultilingual The website alsofeatures recent scientific research. Thisistranslated ina comprehen for concrete information, guidelinesandtoolkits onthesubjectofmultilingualism. www.meertaligheid.be. Teachers andotherinterested are parties stilllooking introduced anactive diversity policybackin2008order to attract Diversity policy Since 2016, GhentUniversity hasnoticed thatmore recognised refugees andpeople Access to higheroradulteducation Finally, thisproject isalsoinvesting inasignificantupdate site oftheportal Digital platform For example, GhentUniversity introduced amentoring initiative in2009. In this

- - 44 Education higher educationlevel. Thelanguage andWestern educationsystem take alot ofget qualifications andthelanguage barrier. They are motivated to study(or retrain) at in withtheirskills.Theirdifficultiesare often connected to the recognition of foreign newcomers often have previous work experience andare looking for work thatties higher educationprogramme for non-Dutch speakingnewcomers since 2014. These tary refugeetary supervisorsare given separate information sessions. sessions for refugees for study. abouttheopportunities further Professional orvolun ers) duringthetargeted Refugee Welcome Day. refugees attended information sessionsandtours ofGhentUniversity (withinterpret welcome onthehomepage atUgent’ www.ugent.be/en. Bothin2016 and2017, over 100 about studying,PhDprogrammes orworking atGhentUniversity: Search for ‘Refugees ing functionto theadministration. There isalsoanonlineplatform withinformation was setupwithinformation, internal references to suitable services andareport respond to thegrowing interest amongrefugees. Acentral pointofcontact for refugees higher education. in 2016 and2017, 40people withinternational protection statusalready progressed to English, mathsandresearch skills.After thepreparatory highereducationprogramme use oflanguage andelective modules whichaimto refresh specificknowledge suchas academic studyskills,anintensive Dutch language course withafocus ontheacademic ting usedto. Thisone-year programme includesguidance onstudychoices andpaths, In collaboration withIN-Gentvzw, GhentUniversity hasbeenorganisingapreparatory stagePreliminary Since September 2017, GhentUniversity hasbeenorganisingmonthlyinformation Ghent University hasdeveloped specific communication channelsinorder to

- - - - 45 Education O IN-Gent vzwprovides interpreters inorder to translate thesesessionsinto themost incollaborationHousing Department withtheHuurdersbond (Tenants’ Association). the housingmarket here. They canthenparticipate intraining sessionsoffered by the When they are awarded recognition, newcomers are given aninitialorientationabout search to andtheprovision individualsupport ofarange oftransitional houses. networka supporting isavailable to helpthemwitheverything from preparing for the guiding newcomers whoare looking for accommodation. Ineachphaseofthissearch, voorGhent, EenHart Vluchtelingen vzwandCaritasInternational. Thismixed composi Huurdersbond (Tenants’ Association),theOCMW, oftheCity theHousingDepartment SESO vzwandtheReno, while they were active inGhent),theCAW EastFlanders, the The working group includesrepresentatives ofthevariousreception initiatives (SOI, with international protection statusintheirsearch for suitable accommodation. because theirnamedoesnotsoundFlemish. deploy theavailable resources andstaffasefficientlypossible. tion gives theworking group greater impact.Therepresentatives share expertiseand Housing The preparation for thesearch for housingalreadyinthereception starts initiative. Preparing for thesearch for housing The Housingworking group hasdeveloped aflow chart to serveasaguidelinewhen network Support The Housingworking group oftheRefugee Taskforce focuses onhelpingrefugees TEN search, 1in7potential tenants alsoface discrimination of (rental) housingislimited andexpensive. Duringtheir certainly notinacentral citysuchasGhentwhere therange time to findsuitable andaffordable housing by themselves, legislation. Two monthsdoesnotgive thesepeople much two months.Thisisdetermined by thefederal reception tion status,they have to leave thereception centre within nce asylum seekers have beengranted international protec 5 - - 46 Housing 5 (article ondiscriminationin the housingrental market, onlyavailable inDutch) Source: http://persruimte.stad.gent/162304-gentse-aanpak-werkt-slechts-kleine-minderheid-vastgoedmakelaars-blijft-discrimineren will alsohelptherefugees to develop asociallife from theirnewhome. paperwork andthesearch for furniture andkitchen equipment.Often, housingbuddies with thenewcomer insearch ofaffordable accommodation. They canhelpwiththe suitable housing(seeSection7, p. 30).They willcalltheowners orheadouttogether is proving difficult,newcomers cancalluponvarious forms ofindividualsupport. benefits, fire insurance andthelivingwage are also covered. for whenyou relevant visitaproperty? Other aspectssuchassocialrentals, housing by-step planinthesearch for housing:where doyou Whatshould start? you look out for Refugees serves asaguideduringthesetraining sessions.Thisoffers ahandystep- common language spoken inthereception initiative atthattime.TheHousingGuide regard theirvoluntary work asacultural eye-opener whichleads to warmfriendships. 73 housingassistance buddies. families found housingthanksto theeffortsof43 housingsearch buddies, helpedby steps.important housing buddiesthesamebasicinformation andmakes itimpossible to overlook any checklist withtheminimumsteps to betaken by housingbuddies.Thisgives allthe these sessions. (living wage, community etc.). Thevolunteers canalsoputforward specificcasesduring cover thelaws whichapplyto rented accommodation andtheservicesofOCMW andtheOCMWorganiseregularHousing Department training sessionsfor them.These tween volunteers andnewcomers. Thevolunteers receive andcoaching. support The The CAW EastFlanders screens thevolunteers andlooks for aworkable match be Housing buddiesare volunteers from CAW EastFlanders whohelpnewcomers to find If theirtimeinthereception initiative iscoming to anendandthesearch for housing Individual support As well asbeingauseful form ofsocialengagement, many housingbuddies also In theperiodfrom April2016 to December 2017, 53outofatotal of59people or In collaboration withseveral volunteers, hasdeveloped theHousingDepartment a https://stad.gent/sites/default/files/page/documents/20180118_18_00050_ Download theHousingGuidefor Refugees as asource ofinspiration for otherlocal authorities. duced byincollaboration theHousingDepartment withIN-Gentvzwandserves This brochure, whichisavailable inDutch, French, EnglishandArabic, waspro www.stad.gent Or search for ‘Wegwijzer wonen voor vluchtelingen’ onthehomepage Folder_Wonen%20voor%20vluchtelingen_ENG_2_LR.pdf




Housing Housing Café. care. Ofthe27 clients,7people/families have now found somewhere to live viathe provide helpwithrelocation, getting people setupintheirnewhomeandfollow-up side oftherental contract andother documents.Ifrequired, thevolunteers canalso If positive results are achieved, CaritasInternational willalsohandle theadministrative buddies provided by theCAW, isnotbasedonone-on-onerelationships. thissupport the files and keeps the volunteers informed ofprogress. In contrast to thehousing are looking for theirfirst place to live. Themanager oftheHousingCafé follows upon People withinternational protection statuscanmake anappointmentthere whenthey Huursalon helped40people whowere looking for housing. aimed to helppeople from vulnerable groups by meansofone-offinterventions. The tre to hold aHuursalon (Rental Salon) twice aweek from Juneto December 2017. This period after April2017, 199relocations also took place. position. Bytheendof2017, 41ofthemhadfound anew place to live. Inthesix-month 2017, ‘Warme hartenzoeken eenthuis’hascreated files for 140people inavulnerable leads thisinitiative andpassesonhisexperience to othervolunteers. Since March the first telephone contact themselves. An experienced housingbuddyfrom theCAW the internet andhow to contact potential landlords by telephone, orwilleven make housing. For example, they willshow themhow to look for suitable accommodation on of several meetingsperweek, duringwhichvolunteers helppeople to findsuitable ‘Warme hartenzoeken eenthuis’(Warm Lookingfor hearts aHome).Thistakes theform voorOlijfboom (EenHart Vluchtelingen vzw, seeSection7, p. 31)organisestheinitiative already visited by refugees andpeople inavulnerable position.For example, De them for upto three monthsafter they moved into theirnew accommodation. of apersonal professional counsellor from theCAW. Thepersonal counsellors supported ple protection withsubsidiary statusandahighvulnerability profile received thesupport something we’re notreally usedto.” to seehow grateful therefugees genuinegratitude, are. It’s rewarding very but it’s to beable wonderful to helpsomeone.It’s Several initiatives are settingupoutreachinplaces housingsupport whichare forms ofhousingsupport Other Until theendof2017, thanksto Flemish welfare resources, recognised refugees orpeo (Geert) “Being ahousingbuddycan bequite stressful sometimes, In October 2017, CaritasInternational launchedtheHousingCafé withvolunteers. The CityofGhenttook advantage ofthetemporary useofapremises inthecitycen

- - 48 Housing housing onlyprovided asolutioninonecase. progress from halfway housingto anewhomeontheprivate housingmarket. Social From June2016 untiltheendofDecember 2017, 27 people orfamiliesmanaged to Flemish subsidies. or familyconcerned. TheCityofGhentfinances thetransitional housing by means of with afixed setofguidelineswhichtake into account thevulnerability oftheperson and theaccompanying support. tions. Family reunification may also lead to theprovisional useoftransitional housing status whoare domiciled inGhentandfindthemselves inproblematic housing condi certain conditions to includerecognised refugees orpeopleprotection withsubsidiary professional guidance to helpthemfinda long-term housingsolution. the shelter buthave nowhere to go. Duringtheirstay, theCAW gives themintensive makes themavailable to people withinternational protection statuswhoneedto leave ply withtheFlemish HousingCode. TheCAW EastFlanders rents thesepropertiesand and peopleprotection withsubsidiary status.Theproperties have beenmadeto com are beingusedinthemeantimeastemporary accommodation for recognised refugees housing company DeVolkshaard. Thesepropertiesare onthelistfor renovation and another periodoftwo months. up to May 2018). They canstay here for four months,withanexceptional extension by offers temporary shelter inoneofthe10available transitional houses(provisionally after whichthey have to leave thereception centre. Inthesecases,theCityofGhent tection statussometimesfailto findahousingsolutionwithinthetwo-month period Innovative forms ofhousing Despite theirown offered, effortsandthesupport people withinternational pro Transitional houses The Refugee Housingworking group allocates thehalfway housinginaccordance Over thecourse ofthegrant agreement, thetarget group wasexpanded under These transitional housesconsist ofvacantsocialhousingowned by thesocial ary protectionary statusandallows themto integrate more quickly. living environment forms abasefor recognised refugees orpeople withsubsidi unit free inorder to accommodate arecognised refugee. Thiswarm,respectable newcomers. For example, oneGhent‘cohousing’ group wishesto keep ahousing Organisations andcitizensare alsoworking to develop cohousing formulas with premises suchaswarehouses orchurches anddismantled later. ular forms ofhousingwhichcanbe(temporarily) installed onanemptysite orin Various initiatives, suchas Labland vzw, are experimenting withalternative mod New methodsofhelpingvulnerable groups to findhousingare alsoemerging.

- - - - - 49 Housing T taking theirfirst steps towards thelabourmarket. Not onlydoesthisdelay theirintegra accessible to people withalivingwage orequivalent. will nothave access to Inaddition,theOCMW’srange thissupport. ofofferings isonly they runthathelppeople into employment. Asaresult, people withlittle ornoDutch upholding thisvisionreduces thechances ofparticipation. detracting from theimportanceoflanguage intheintegration process –thatstubbornly language istherefore essentialfor theirintegration. Experience hasshown –without the entire CivicIntegration Programme andDutch lessons. Knowledge oftheDutch that non-Dutch speakingnewcomers work once canonlystart they have completed their asylum procedure onwards. At thesametime,there isanunwritten rule insociety tion process, atthe sametimethelabourmarket ismissingoutonvaluable skills. and mutually enhancing and supporting processes.”and mutuallyenhancingsupporting Employment This isashame,asitcausesthis motivated group ofpeople to lose precious timewhen Both theVDAB andtheOCMWimposelanguage-related conditions onthecourses (Piet Van Avermaet, GhentUniversity) “Language acquisition andintegration are two converging With avalidemployment card, asylum seekers canwork from thefourthmonthof Policy andsocialexpectations ELEVEN a few barriers to light. for asylum seekers andrecognised refugees. Thisbrought quite joined forces to examine theaccessibility ofthelabourmarket of theVDAB, OCMWGhent,CityofGhentandIN-Gentvzw. They he Employment sub-working group includesrepresentatives 6 - 50 Employment 6 Source: Agency for Local and Provincial Government (2016). Van opvang naar samenleven (From Shelter to Society), p. 62. has beenaccepted inBelgium.” fantastic newsthatmy Syrian diploma in front oftheclass.Recently, Igot the So I’mmakingevery effort to get back this issomethingIreally wantto do. of course, certainly thegrammar, but is fantastic!Dutch isstilldifficult for me voluntary work asateaching assistant as ateacher for three years. This Mayce: “InSyria, Ihadalready worked to shared andintegrated operations. ing Dutch –work. Thepartners developed aninnovative cooperation modelwithaview approach circumvents thelineardiscourse ofthecivic integration programme –learn refugee’s own skills.Bycreatingonanindividual basis,their andseizingopportunities project Werkplek Vluchtelingen (Refugees intheWorkplace). Thisproject focuses onthe target group into employment more quickly. InSeptember 2016, thisled to theESF andtheFlemish governmentpean SocialFund(ESF) to look for methodsto helpthis The partners withintheEmployment working group usedsubsidiesfrom theEuro Werkplek Vluchtelingen here thanthey are inSyria.” techniques are completely different challenge, becausethepaintand with my favourite quite work. a It’s to read andwrite, incombination In BelgiumIamnow learning how trade. Inever went to schoolinSyria. Mohammad: “Iamapainter by - - © ThomasDeBoever 51

Employment dual preliminary phase. of people –agrowing group -withpoorlanguage skills,by meansofanintegrated, transferred to othertarget groups, suchasnon-Dutch speakingnewcomers. map learned withrefugees’ aboutaccelerating theirprogression to employment. Thisroad This obligationto achieve aspecific result includesa road map containing ‘lessons and peopleprotection withsubsidiary statusare takingsteps towards employment. qualification for 15%ofthe320 refugees 50%ofthe itsupports. recognised refugees to thenext building block oftheproject ortheregular range. the regular range Theclientcanthenprogress oreducationopportunities. ofsupport The refugee isthensteered to themostappropriate building block oftheESFproject or early aspossible, makingtherefugee’s ambitionsandchallenges clear from theoutset. preferably intherefugee’s mothertongue withalanguage assistant.Thistakes place as the gapswhichhadbeenfound intheregular servicesonoffer. brief job-oriented training andgeneric skillenhancement. Asaresult, theproject fills professional prospects (socialactivation),jobhunting,language coaching andfinally integrated preliminary stage for refugees withpoorlanguage skills,voluntarywork with Dutch language stimulation classesorNT2oneday aweek. gress onto theregular labourmarket. Duringthetraineeship, attend theparticipants aim istorefine allowing further the skillsofparticipants, them to gradually pro week. Intheworkplace, theOTC provides language coaching and intensive The support. at theOCMWitself, associationsor private companies andoccupies 3to 4days per selves withthespecific expectations inthe workplace. Thetraineeship willtake place programme encourages theuseofspoken language attunedto thefuture workplace. interests. At thesametime,by means ofgroup andindividualcoaching sessions,this pants to select arealistic jobtarget whichtakes into account theirindividualskillsand worksupervised experience (Job-Intra). Thescreening programme Viahelpspartici ence) isamotivatinglever for language acquisition. work experience alsogives themadditionalknowledge ofthelanguage. Work (experi knowledge ofDutch improves theirprospects onthelabourmarket andontheother, In thisphase,language acquisition andwork go handinhand:ontheonehand, with poorlanguage skills The Training andEmployment Centre (OTC) oftheOCMWGhentfocuses onthegroup Project 1:Integrated phasefor preliminary refugees By theendofAugust 2018, Werkplek Vluchtelingen aimsto findajob, training or Each procedure withapre-screening starts andanexploratory initialdiscussion, This ESFproject addsfive extra building blocks to the regular servicesonoffer: an Job-Intra isaninductiontraineeship whichallows to participants familiarisethem This integrated preparatory phaseconsists ofascreening programme and (Via) 7 alsomakes itpossible to checkwhetherandhow thiscooperation modelcould be

- - - - 52 Employment 7 Search for ‘Werkplek Vluchtelingen onthe homepage www.stad.gent Gent’ (onlyavailable inDutch). This road mapwillbe available in digitalform onthewebsite ofWerkplek Vluchtelingen Gentintheautumn of2018: cultural factors, availability, emotionalstress orotherreasons. already have someexperience inthisarea butcannotimmediately find work due to with international protection statuswhohave aclear employment target. They will way. methodoffers Thissupport professional prospects for asylum seekers andpeople be extended ordeepened,theclientcantake thenext step intheactivationpath. attitudes. Anevaluation willfollow after thisinitialperiod.Thevoluntarywork can then erly, learn andimplement newskillsandcorrectly assessexpectations regarding work Thiswillbeenoughfor theclientto getweek). to know hisorherjobandtasksprop agreements are clearly laiddown onpaper. age oftasks,expected commitment andtheuseoflanguage intheworkplace. These coach willalsoadvisetheemployer onhow to dealwithdiversity. refugee isgiven asmanyto practise opportunities Dutch aspossible. Thelanguage coach whoprovides concrete tips,workshops andadvice inorder to ensure thatthe basis to checkonprogress. Theworkplace itselfwillreceive from support alanguage language acquisition. Thecounsellor willvisitthevoluntaryworkplace onaregular make itpossible to assesstheevolution oftechnical skills,work attitudesandDutch client willdraw upapackage profile oftasksandstarting for thejob. Agrowth planwill voluntary positionwhichtiesinwith therefugee’s profile. The counsellor, employer and refugee andfor thecompany ororganisationproviding thevoluntaryposition. in question.Asaresult,isrequired support intwo directions: bothfor thejob-seeking It iscrucialfor thevoluntarywork to beinlinewiththejobrequirements oftherefugee Voluntary work allows refugees to enhance theirskillsandlearn Dutch inanactive Project 2:Voluntary work withprofessional prospects By default,therefugee withacommitment willstart ofthree months(20hours/ In-depth discussionswillbeheld withtherefugee inadvance abouthisorherpack In consultation withthejobseeker, anactivationcounsellor willlook for asuitable

- - 53 Employment the distance from theregular labourmarket. traineeship alsoimproves theirtechnical skillsandDutch language acquisition. market. Itallows to theparticipants expand theirprofessional socialnetwork. The to theconcrete requirements ofajobandhelpsthemfindtheirway around thelabour are evaluated. For them,thiswork-related traineeship forms aninitialintroduction the volunteers are closely monitored andtheirsteps towards theregular labour market This building block hasevolved into akindofwork-related traineeship. Here too, This professional voluntarywork hasanenhancingandpositive effect andreduces Results inanutshell(September 2016 2018) –middle ofJanuary - - - 57 ofthemstarteddoingvoluntarywork whichtiedinwiththeirjob 81 ofthemwere eligible for voluntarywork withprofessional prospects. 331 refugees attended anintake interview withWerkplek Vluchtelingen. librarian, archive employee, etc.). painter, kitchen employee, bookkeeper, metalworker, bicycle repairer, aspirations (architect, shopassistant,barman,teacher, woodworker,

54 Employment In theworkplace, alanguage coach willhelptherefugee withhisorherDutch lan applicable employment measures andwillcoach theclientduringwhole process. applications. job seekers, arrange interviewsandsitdown withtheclientto prepare andevaluate 3) 2) also participate inapplicationtraining ingroups. diversity andworks inclose collaboration withthelanguage coach. when thecompany gives therefugee awarmwelcome, adoptsanopen approach to colleague moreto opportunities practise Dutch. Thisapproach proves mostsuccessful guage skills.Thecoach willalsogive theotheremployees tipsonhow to give theirnew c. b. a. 1) and raising theawareness ofemployers. three-pronged approach: (1)jobhunting,(2)prospecting companies and(3)informing plek Vluchtelingen alsoexplicitly focuses onapproaching employers. Thisinvolves a In theevent ofasuccessful match, thejobhunter willadvisetheemployer aboutthe The jobhunters willthenmake contact withthecompanies inorder to introduce In order to get refugees onto thelabourmarket more quickly, theESFproject Werk Project 3:Approaching employees, athree-pronged policy In additiontoduringthejobhuntingprocess, theindividualsupport job-seekers can Finally, thejobhunters inform employers aboutthelegislation, employment meas clear whichcompanies are opento thistarget group. order to findvacancies by meansof cold calling.Thecold quicklymakes calling it The jobhunters alsotapinto thenetwork oftheVDAB, CityofGhentandOCMWin their own withinspecific assessmentofopportunities companies. OCMW existing contacts withcompanies from theEmployment VDAB Department, and outstanding vacanciesviatheVDAB, temping agencies orcompany websites look for suitable employers. They willdosoonthebasisof: from theVDAB ortheOCMWwilldraw upaprofile ofthejob-seeking refugee and can beappliedto theregular labourmarket immediately. Two businessconsultants job-seeking refugee andacompany. Itismainlysuitable for refugees whoseprofile Job huntingisamethodwhichtriesto achieve aconcrete match between a status andraise theirawareness oftheseaspects. ures for andopportunities asylum seekers andpeople withinternational protection - - - 55 Employment T dents andasylum seekers cameinto contact witheachotheronaregular basis. As aresult, they neededto go outfrequently to go shopping.Thismeantthatlocal resi bourhood andthecityasawhole. sessions. Rightfromthiscreated thestart, astrong andpositive dynamicintheneigh concrete help, provided duringinformation support meetingsandorganisedtraining and thecity. Many citizensandvolunteers were keen to get involved. Thecityoffered organisations –insearch of ideasfor welcoming thenewresidents to theneighbourhood sessions –onewithlocal organisationsandresidents andanotherwithvariousGhent visit theboatto take alook behindthescenes. Thiswasfollowed by two brainstorming the Reno viasocialmedia.” they are stillmaintaining close contact withex-residents of togetherparty withtheasylum seekers. Two years later, Ihear later they were putting upthetent for theneighbourhood were againstthearrival oftheReno. However, time ashort oriented approach Neighbourhood- (Kathleen Van deKerckhove, Refugee Taskforce coordinator) “In thebeginning,there were people from theMuidewho The Reno residents were notgiven ready-made mealsbuthadto cook for themselves. Before thefirst asylum seekers moved onto the Reno, local residents were able to TWELVE tor ofthereception initiative, well before thearrivalofReno. dents inconjunction withFedasil andG4SCare, theprivate opera the CityofGhentorganisedaninformation meetingfor local resi announced, thiselicited awidevarietyofreactions. Inresponse, When thearrivalofReno intheMuideneighbourhoodwas as the‘refugee pontoon’, accommodated 250asylum seekers. The Reno temporary reception initiative, alsoknown inGhent he Reno moored intheMuide


- - - 56 Neighbourhood-oriented approach © Patrick Henry, CityofGhent Talking to eachother. 57

Neighbourhood-oriented approach working hard to helpthenewcomers integrate into thesocialnetworks oftheseneigh neighbourhoods after leaving areception initiative. TheRefugee Taskforce istherefore newcomers withinternational protection statusare settlinginthevariousGhent cultural minorities. point for volunteers intheCityofGhentandsocio-cultural associations ofethnicand letters (such asthenewsletter produced thedigitalcontact by Department), theSports channelsincludeneighbourhood-orientedlocal orthematicnews organisation.Other combined withexisting initiatives oranactivityrun by suchasa neighbourhoodparty a can exercise, cook orgo oncultural outings together, for example. interests andmatch themupwithpeople withinternational protection statussothey speaking Dutch. Inaddition,thenetworker willseekoutlocal residents withsimilar voluntary work, leisure initiatives, buddyprogrammes to andopportunities practise ate range intheneighbourhoodandrest ofopportunities the city. Thisincludes will make contact withthemproactively, theirinterests chart andsuggest anappropri of thepeople withinternational protection statusintheneighbourhood.Thenetworker each neighbourhood,thefocus oftheactivitiesalways liesonexpanding thenetwork international protection statusandlocal residents. Althoughtheapproach varies in Flemish subsidiesinthecontext oftheincreased influxof refugees. and several neighbourhoodsinthe19th-century suburbs.Thisispossible thanksto beneficial to employ astaffmemberfrom IN-Gentvzwasanetworker inthecity centre people withinternational protection status.Onthebasisofthisanalysis,itappeared and amongtheactive neighbourhoodpartnersincombination withthenumberof nation andcooperation. intheneighbourhoods TheCityofGhentanalysedthesupport for community, welfare andhealthintheneighbourhoodby meansofmutualcoordi and services ofthecityandOCMWGhent.Thedirectors facilitate sustainable solutions each neighbourhoodworks asabridgingfigure between theneighbourhoodpartners in socialneighbourhoodmanagement team:Ghent’s a‘socialneighbourhoodmanager’ approach istherefore required. Asaresult, theRefugee Taskforce works withtheCityof rooms, studios,smaller orhouses. andcheaperapartments neighbourhoods are mainlyattractive becauseofthetypehousingonoffer: student Ghent citycentre andincertain neighbourhoodsinthe19th-century suburbs.These bourhoods (seeSection7, p. 28). The dynamicoftheMuideisnow expanding to otherGhentneighbourhoods. Many Expanding socialnetworks atthe neighbourhood level Meeting opportunities simplifythis matchingMeeting opportunities process. canbe Theseopportunities This networker servesto build bridges between services, associations,people with However, inotherrespectsgreatly. theseneighbourhoods vary Adifferentiated from theendof2017Figures show thatthisgroup ofnewcomers mainlysettle in

- - - - 58 Neighbourhood-oriented approach Sluizeken-Tolhuis-Ham. networking sessionin know eachotherata Refugees andlocal residents get to institutions, itwillbepossible to setupmore newsocialnetworks inthevariousneigh Kakuma, TheInvisibledocumentary City. Inconsultation withstudentsandeducational in Sluizeken-Tolhuis-Ham andrefugees startedtalkingto eachotherinresponse to the about migration andrefugees. For example, seniorcitizensfrom alocal servicescentre particular languageparticular withnewcomers whospeakthislanguage. bourhoods. For example, oneroute mightbeto match upstudentswhoare studyinga The networker’s tasksalsoincludeworking withlocal partnerstothedebate start The networker’s © IN-Gentvzw - 59 Neighbourhood-oriented approach G At theendof2017, theCityofGhenttherefore setuptheHousingTaskforce professional helpwhensearching for accommodation. Thisgroup iscontinuing to grow. complex casessuchasfamilyreunification require professional support. up to helprefugees findsuitable housing,however. Thisisnota good development, as buddies for newcomers willalsogrindto ahalt.Newvoluntaryinitiatives are beingset homeless people andasylum seekers. housing policyfor allgroups inavulnerable position,includingpeople livinginpoverty, along thelinesofRefugee Taskforce. ThisTaskforce aimsto develop asupportive the context offamilyreunification), healthandsocialnetworks. with sustainable inresponse support to theirhighest-priority needs:housing(alsoin to rise.ThecityandtheOCMWGhentare working hard to findways to provide refugees gees, peopleprotection withsubsidiary statusandtheirfamiliesinGhentiscontinuing be continued in2019, noteven partly. At thesametime,numberofrecognised refu the CityofGhentwillbeinvesting inapointofcontact. TheFlemish subsidieswillnot Taskforce inthemiddle of2018. Inorder to keep coordinating thevariousinitiatives, ular operations. For thisreason, theadministration decidedto shut down theRefugee 8 Considerations Info: https://stad.gent/wonen-verbouwen/taskforce-wonen (only available in Dutch). It isnotjustnewcomers butalsootherpeople inavulnerable positionwhoneed Without theFlemish subsidies,theguidance andprofessional ofhousing support Housing Many oftheseinitiatives andnewpartnerships have now beenintegrated into reg THIRTEEN created andbarriers withinsocialstructures were removed. possible. Awiderange ofnewinitiatives andpartnershipswere of newcomers andhelpthemfindtheir feet asquickly tions, citizensandotherpartners to welcome agrowing group August 2015. Thistaskforce worked withcivilsocietyorganisa hent citycouncil decidedto setuptheRefugee Taskforce in 8 , modelled - - - 60 Considerations © Patrick Henry, CityofGhent and thebridgingrelationships whichthey form withlocal residents (seeSection7, post-traumatic stress. Theextra Flemish resources were able to enhance theopera suffer from depression, psychological issuesandanxiety, possiblyincombination with struggle withsymptoms ofpost-traumatic stress. Thesamenumberofpeople may help newcomers findtheirway around our complex societymore quickly. now indanger of disintegrating. Ongoing investment innetworks isrequired in order to p. 28).However, theirsocialcommitment requires aprofessional framework whichis the mentalspace they needto handle theirintegration process. remains to important invest inthemental healthofrefugees, asthisalsogives them lists even then.There isstillaconsiderable needfor psychological Ittherefore support. tions ofCGG EclipsandtheMind-Springgroup session.However, there were waiting The many volunteers play akey role inthenetworks whichnewcomers are building Creating networks Scientific studieshave shown thataround 10%of refugees withaprotection status Health

- 61

Considerations - information Publishing - - - - Content andediting: Danel, Welfare (Kathleen Department Van andEqualOpportunities deKerckhove, Kristel City ofGhent The following assisted withthispublication: parties Patrick Verheye (Welfare CityofGhent) Department, andEqualOpportunities Published by theCommunity, Welfare oftheCityGhent. andHealthDepartment © April2018, CityofGhent,Botermarkt 1,9000Ghent Translation: BlueLinesTranslations bvba editinganddesign:Volta.beFinal Housing Café –CaritasInternational (Indra Versmesse) Refu Interim (Farah Laporte) VZW Jong(Paul Storme) Vormingplus Gent-Eeklo (JanuszVanhellemont) voor VluchtelingenEen Hart vzw(Evelyne Huughe) CAW EastFlanders (Marleen Bolangier, MirteVan Haver, Elmira Erstukajeva) Katrien DeBruyn) Ghent University (DrJanDeMaeseneer, professor emeritus,Prof. IlseDerluyn, Désirée Derksen,SusanPector) IN-Gent vzw(Memet Karaman, LeenGaublomme, JosefienGoethals, Feride Dedici, OCMW Ghent(JohanMaekelberg) and: Onderwijscentrum Gent(Steven Delarue) (EvelineHousing Department Coolens, Caroline Beyers) Demeersman)Employment (BrittRoels, Department Tina Urban Shelter Initiative (SOI)(Kris Vanduffel) https://stad.gent/refugeetaskforce email: [email protected] tel.: 00329267 0312 Refugee Taskforce Coordinator For more information, please contact Kathleen Van deKerckhove, Ghent Refugee Taskforce? Zohra Diouani,Marijke DeMoor)

62 Publishing information This publicationwasmadepossible by subsidies from: 64 Publishing information