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lIa.~.. II... ELIIca..... A. .. y.c. n.

LO~"'DO~: Hn"RY G. BOmf, YORK STREET. COVIDiT GARDE.". JmCCCJ.. V 57.- · C fS'O :J ~~~.. -~ . I£-D~ ,


ASDEIltH. complalD of the rapacity aDd AclIlul, L., lieutenant-general,' xl. 31, S2. cruelty of Hortenaiua, and rem.1 is -- G1abrio, Man., plebeian tnoune, ordered by tbe aenate, 1liii. 4. xxx. 40. Commissioner of religious af­ Abelox, a Spanial'd., contrive. to put into fair., ;KXXi. .50. Plebeian &edile, xxx tit Scipio" band. the hostages left by Han­ 25. Consul, :l.xxvi 1", 2, S. Arrives nibal at Baguntum, sxii. 22. with hil anoy in Tbeasaly, 14. His Aborigines, uni~d to tbe Trojan•• 10ee tbeir king LatinUi 'n battle, j. 1, 2. £!de;:!~:A::i!~~n!ttb~o£~~ Abrupol1s, an ally of the Roman., op-- at Thermopyhe, reducee Heraclea, xxii. 24. Reduces the JEtoliaD. to lubmi!ll­ ~~e= ~:e~~:!~ ~l~· C~ .ion, 28, and eomposet the affairs of Aburiua, C., ambaaBBdor to Atrica, :sUi •. Greece, 35. Take. Lamia and Am­ 85. phi8la from the JEtolians, xxx'II'ii. S. ---, M., pretor, xlt. 14. Triumphs, 4.. Dedicatee a temple to Piety, in which he places a gilded statue AbydUl, city~f:~~ b:re~:' ~i:: or hlB father, the flrat of the kin4 seen 1111. 14. Desperate resolution of the . iD Italy. xl. 34. 'townsmen, 17. They kill their wives, -, Q., commilsioner of a colony. xxi. children, and them.elve8, 18. The 25. Rhodiana iU8i,t on the Macedonian Acrae, town, xxiv. 36; XUY. 17. AerilhE, eity, Kxi •• S5. ~=bi. ~~: ~~~~i~::~ :~~ty3!t AcrooorinthuI, citadel, xxxvi. 49, 50. p ...... xxxiii. 30. It iI bealeged by the Aetium, promontory, xliv. 1. Romani, xXlI:vIL 12. Adherbal, defeated at. lea by LeUuI, Acarnania, sxvi. 14" 25, 26. Two Acam­ xxviii. SO. 'aniana killed at Atben., for entering Adramytteum, ttty of 'Asia, tn-the platn the temple of Cerea, which gives rise to of Thebes, celebrated by Homer, xxxvii. tbe Macedoriian war, sxxt. 1•• 19,21. . A.cerra, city, admitted to the freedom of Adria, 'l'uscBn oulony, yo" 8S; xxvii. 10; Bo~e, viii. 11. Sacked and burned by xxxiv... " Hannibal, :axiiL 17.· Rebuilt. xxvii. S. Adriatic 8ea, t. J; v. 33; xl. 21, 67. Aebaia, %xv. 1-6. Adultery, punished by a fine, X. 31. Ach;eana, &laisted by Pbllip against the JEbutia, Roman matron, Ixxix. 11, 12. )Etolian., llSvii. 29. Gain a vietoTy a. .JE:u~~, L., eonaul, dies of • pestUence, Mea.ene, 32. In a council at Sicyon they determine in lavour of the Ro­ ---. 'Elva, M" commialioJlet of a eo- mana, x"KXii. 19, 2S. Are deelared free, 10ny, Iv. 11. xu.iii. 30. Proclaim war against An­ --. M., military tn"bune. xiI. I. tiochuI, UXY. 60; against the Lace­ ---Ely., M., prmtor, xliv. ]7. demoniana, sxsviil. 32. Refuse audi­ ---CorniceD, Postumu., oonsul, lv, nee to the ambalsador. of Peneua, xli. 11. • 25. . ---, T., eODlul, and master of hone, .Acb.erOD, river at Mololli., viii. 2~ II. 19.' . ___, 8J" Acbe.naia. river in Italy, --- Carua, T., commiaaioner ot 8 "til. 24. colony, xxxix. 55; xlii. 4. Aoh~lous liver. still. 21,23, JEdiJa., plebeian, iii. I. Are ordered u Achradina, .t!e 8)'1'8CU1e. keep the decrees of the aenate in the AciliUl, biBtorian, hil work tranl1ated temple ot Cele8, and their penona an into Latin by ClaudiuI, 0.•• S9. declared inviolable, 55. --. C., plebeian tribUJUt, xuII. 19. __, ourulo 0' patrlclaD, ~L 42: "U. I, 2224 INDEL

ftoet employed agalnat Antlochua. f::}~~~eo: !e::::' I:. :~amentlnl xxxvii. I, 14. Defeatl the enemy'!J .lEdltul, xxx. 17. fleet, 29, BO. Triumphl, MI. &0 xl • ..£d uan., people of , v. U. 51. lEf(atee, ialand., xxi. 10, 41,49 i xxH. H, lEmillu8 MAmereinus, L. muter of hol'M', 66; :sxiU. 13 i xxx. 32. vii. 39. ConlU), viii. 1. Dictator. Ht iEgean Sea, xxxvi. 43. A lecond time conau), 20. Again dic· )Egimurus illand, xrl][, !7. At the tator, iI. 21. mouth of the harbour of Cartbage, xxx. ---8eauTu8, L., XIIVii. 31. U. --- PaullUJ, L .. eommiaaioner or a JEgina, island, xsviL 30, S3 i J:xvilL 5; colony, xxxiv. 45. MdUe. sxxv. 10. xxxi. 1f-33; xxxii. 89; :a:xxiii. 17, Prletor,2•• Commi86ioner to Rettie the 30; nnt. 42: xlU. 14, 18. atTain 0( Asia. ::1.1..( vU. 65. Defeats tbe Atgfnium, town, xxxii. 15; xxxvI. J 3 ; I.uaitanian8, 67. CODIU), xxxix. ~6. xliv. 46; "Iv. 27. .JEgium, sea-port, uvW. " 8; XXIV. 26, ~Us~'~1 ~~r~~.::e:o~s~tirti~~;: 47,48. Hi, conduct in the war against Prtlf>U', ..lEllu., C., pretor, xxxii. 28. MUllaly J 3-i2. When he gainl a complete vic. tribune, xli. 1,4. tory, he receives Peraeul with courte8Y, _ PetuI, L., plebeIan Edne, X. 23. xlv. 'I. He, with ftfleeon comminioDu8. -.P. one of the lIrat plebeian edju.t. tbe attain of MM'edonia, 29. qUIB8ton, Iv. 64. Exhibita game. at Amphtpolia with ex­ -, P., prretor, xxx. 17, 21. A.mbBII~ traordinary magnificence, 32. Trf.. dor to Antiocbu8, xxxiv. 59. umphl over PertieUl, and lo.ea hi4 two - Petul. P., con.ul. viii. 15. Muter IOn.. , 40. of hOI'lBt resigns on hia election appear­ ---, L., ambaaiador to Carthage, ing raulty, lx. 7. Augur, x.9. xxi. 18. --- Panllus, L., • second time eon­ ~~ ~t r.:.~~r~::r4. 3~( ~':: !Jul, xxii. 85. Is slain at Canne, x1ill. lony, lI:xxii. a. Ceo.or.7. A.ugur, IlL 21. 21. -. Mamereul. consular tribune,lv. - LII!UI. P., ooD.ul. "III. 8: xl... 17. JB. Dictator, 17. 'j'riumphl over the - Tubero, P., pretor, xxx. 40. Com- Velan •• 20. A second time dictator, 23. missioner of • colony, xxxv. e. Com­ He ,borten8 the term of the celllorlihip, missioner to Alia, x1xviL 65- 14. A third time dictator, 31. He tri· -,Q.• xll.6. umphs over the V.Jana, 34. - P",tUl, Q., xxII. 35 ~ x";lI. 21; xli. ---, Maniu8, conanl, iv. 63. Con­ 11. ,ular tribune, 61. A .econd time con­ _ Tubero, Q •• btatorian. Iv. 23; s. 9. aul, v. J ... A third time conlular lri.. ------.. plebeiau lribuno, xxlllv. bune, )0. 63 i xxxv. 9. -. Man •• consular tribune, v. 32. - Q., charged by tho eonlul "ith tbe ---Papiriul, Man., dictAtor. ix. 7. care of Poneul when a prisoner, xlv. 8. ---Paullul, Man., maater of horae, - PetuR, 8ex., xxxiL 2. Con.ol. 7. x.3. Censor, xxxiv.... ; xxxv. 8. ---, Man., ambaaao.dor to king Ph!­ - T., military tribune, xli. I, f . lip, xxxI. 18. Con.ul, J:J:xviil. ,42. Cen­ ..Emilia, wife of Scipio Airican ..., xxxviii. lor and chief pontiff, xl. 45. CliMen a 67. third time prince of the .ena.te, xlili. UL JEmUIan 1.", I". 33, 34. .JF.muI, xl. 21, 12. ___ tribe, xxxviii. 36. .lEnaria. \aland, vUI. 22. _-_ portloo, xli. ". lEneu, f. 1,2. ..£milln •• conlut, compela CleonymUi to -- Sylvlu8. third king of Alba, I. •• reooembark, x. 2. .lEqul. or .lEqulcoh... I. 3. They Invade ---, C., consul&1' tribye, v. 26. A. Latium, U. 30. Are defeated, 31. A lecond time, 82. quarrel, and '\1rio\l. bllttlr-, between -, L., conlul, II. ,12_ A. .econd them and the Volsciana, 4U. They make Ibno, 49. A third, 54. war on the RomaD8, and harBSs the ____" conlu1., tribune, vi. t. A Latina. -48, 53, AM. Ant conquered, 60. lecond time, 5. A Ihird, at. A fourtb, Are defeated by ServUiu8, iii. 2. It. ({ain, 22. A ORb, 32. S. AR'I\in, S. In conjunction with tile ____,. interrex. vlt. 17. nelng Volldan., they rava,:e the land. of the again interrex. ho holdlthe el.. llo .. ot Romana and Hemidana.. 6. An roUled consl11a, viti. 23. by LuereUul, 8. Seize the citadt'l of ___ Mamtrohlul, L., coulul, viL 1. TUlculum, and 8uifcT a ~vere over­ A aeoond time, 3. Muter 01 hone, 21. tbroW', 23. Obtain peace, ii. Sur:­ --- lIegllluI, L., .,rnUlII'n

M. Are IW!OIl1Id­ Aiua Locutius. v. ~. _ a InKe of .;pt yean, 30. They AIaboada, 1XXiil. 2: :urrilL U. AI .. join the Laorican.. aDd _ute the Jaada bandaDs infozm. the 8t"IlIde, thai tbey f1I Tuaealu-. 4.s... Ale driYen oat 01 bad. built a temple to the aty of Bome - ...... "T ••7; .... d from \""oIa, ...... a deity. and inatituled. gameI ill h0n­ Attack LaTid. 'Yo J6. Are compelled to our of it. xliii. 6. mire witb ..... n. same _!be Alba Longa, bail. bJ ~ L a. De- rue III Vitel1ia, 29. 31. Are aim... molished..19. --.c!!tirety ea. off iD bettie. Ix. 45 i and. Me Alba Sylviua, fifth king af Albo, i. a. 6nailJ mbdued by C. Junius, dirtalor. - •• ('OlOB,. among the &quan~ x. J. .1:. 1. Bow &I:wy wen enabled 10 rerruit AIb&D \ate. Y. IS. 22• their armies., Y. I!. Albaua. 1r'Ile~ war with the Jt.omau., L 1. "£qllimailium.iy.J6i xD't'.t7;:nxriii. 22. 21. Combat of &he Homii aad Cu­ 28. riatii,!t. Mettiu. puniab«!. 28. AI­ J£rwti fKtI, distl"antendl to be a de­ ~~~~~. zJI.~. aeendant of A1esander the Great.. and Afraoiue Stellio. C _, pnetor. u:aiL IS. illed iBto bopes at &he __ of lIMe- Deputed to Peneus, Ilili. 18.. . Africa fumilb«! With a .tllllllJ &nnJ by .&!~,.:' ~ foundect; Tiii. 14. HBIlllibai. xxi. It. The cooouI. 8er­ JIeoie!ed by An_hus. xli ... 19. lie­ Yiliua., ia unsoeeeulul tbere, ..Iii. Sl. lieved by Romaa am_on, xl... 12- It \a """~ by M. VakriUI M...... -,iD TloM. UX... 4J, a.xxrii.. SITii.5. 6ril'io pes mao Africa. %Xix.. 35. ~. 27. St.e 8ciplo. HanDibal. AJg;dum momtt. iii. s-Q; h". !II; ... .Afri£aa wIDd., xxvi.of 41 ; U1. If. s.; xIi. 61: IX'ri. e.. Apthocl

Y. M. Crossed by H8Dnlbai in fifteen Anio, river, i. 97, 36; iY. 1'7; vi.. 42; days, xxi. ss.. Impaaaable in winter, xxx. 28. xxvii. 36. I Anitorgis, XXV. 32. Altar. greatest. dedicated to Hereules by Annals of the magistrates, ix. 18. An­ Evander, i. 7 j iL 29. cient annals confused, il:. 15. Uncer­ Amaryutbis. Diana 10 called at Eretria, tain, 44, 45; x. 2, 17. Inconsistent, 30. xxxv. 88. --01 Acilius. xxv. 39. Ambassadon, ought to be considered 81 Anniua, L.t pnetor of the Latins, sum­ inviolable, ii. 4. Ambassadors from moned to Rome, viii. 3. Dt-mands that enemie8 were admitted to audience in one eoosul, and half the senate of Rome, the temple of Bellona, xxx. 22. IJ\&f be chosen out of Latium. 5. Ambigarua, king of the Celts, v. U. ---. T., commissioner of a colony. Ambracia, suii. 15. Besieged by K. :ft iet to M utina from aD. insurrection of Fulviul, -xxxviii. 4. Surrendered, 9. tbe Boiang, xxi. 25. Ambracian gulf. xxiii. H, xliii. 21. --LUBeuB, T., xlii. 25. AmitemiaD lands, xxi.. 6. The inhabit.. Antemnatians, I. 9, 11. anta promiae soldien to Scipio, nvill. Antenor. Trojan, i. 1. 45. -.admiral of Perseus's fleet, xlh·. Ampbilochl., xuvlli. ,. 28, xlv. 10. AmpbilocbuI, worshipped at .JEropus, Antesignani. xxii. 5 j xxvii. 18. xxs:viii.5.. AntiaDa, make war on the RomanI. vi 6. Amphipoli•• n. 24. 56. 57: xU.,. +3. Tbe Are conquered. 8. Renew h08tilities, InhabitantB refu... to give refuge to viii. 1. Their lhips are taken from Perseus, 45. them, with the prows of whicb the pul... AmphlsS&, xxxviL 6, . pit in the forum ia ornamented, H. AmuUuB, dethrones his brother Numitor, Hence called Rostrum. i. 3. Is .lain, and Numitor restored, Anticyra. island, taken by the Romans, 5,6. and deliveTEd to the J£t:olian.r xxvi. Amycbe, xxxiv. 28. 26; xxviii. 28- Amynander, king 01 Athamanla. sxvii. Antigonia. xliii. 23. 30 i xxix. Ii. JOinB the Romani, and Antigonu8, lOIII of EchecJat~ xl. 54. Ill· wutes ThessaIy, xxxii. If. Seiael Pel­ forms Philip, king of Macedonia. of the Umeum, 11SVi. )0. crimes of Perseua against Demetrius, Amynt.. , king of Maeec1oni., father of 55. Do.tined to the throne by Philip. Philip, D.xviii. S.: 111'. 9, 66. Slain by PeneuB, 58. Anagnia, :KIvi. 2S; xsvU.. 4, nix.. 14· t AntimacbU8, Macedonian commander of xliii.l:Jj xlv. 16. the boly brigade. xlii. 46. AnapuB river. xxiv. 36. AntinouI, xlv. 26. Ancilia, the 88CIed .hields that feU I'nIm Antiocbia. xxx~. 13 i xxxviii. 13; xli. heaven, i. 20 i v. 62. 20, xlil.18. Ancius, Sp.t Roman ambassador, alain by Anlioehus. king of Syria, In league with fJl'der of TolumDiu8, iv. 17. Philip of Macedonia, xxxi. H. En­ Ancona, xli. J. dea.voun to make himself muter of all Ancua, king at R.ome, bili act.. I. 32, 33. .Asia, xxxiii. 38. II solicited by the Death. 35- iEtoliana &0 join in alliance aga.in.t the Andrauodot1l8, lOll-in-Iawof Hiem. king Roman .. XXIV. U. A. conference be­ of Syracuse, and guardian of hiB eon tween his minister and ambassadors HieronY..JllU8, xxiv ••. Seise, the jeland trom Rome, 16. He passes over to and eitMeJ, 31. II made prEtor. 23. Europe, +3. Makes a "ain attempt oQ Slain. a+. Chalci8, 46. Gaina p088ession of it. 51. AndNClel, Maeedonian ambaHador to the Solicits tbe statel of Gre«e, xxxvi. Acarnanianl. xxxiii. 16. 4. Rejects the advice of Hannibal. 8. A,ndl'08, ialand, ~xxi. 15. T*en by the At the approach of the Romans, raiaH Romana, and be.towed on Attalu., the siege of Larissa. 10. l'tIanie& at xx:d. 45 i xxxii. 16 i xxxvi. 20. Chalcis, 11. h defeated at Thermopy he, AndlO8lhenea, Macedonian eommander of 18, 19; and driven out of Greece, 21. a garri~on iD Corinth, oblige_ Quinti111 Instigated by Hannibal, be pn:parel to and AttaJul to raise the Biege, xxxii. renew the.war, 41. Proposel a treaty 13. II defeated by the Ac..... an •• """iii. of peRCe, which is rejected by JEmiliua. H. Again, 15. xxnU. 19. His lieet ia defeated by tbe Aniciu., L., pnetor. xliv. 17. II sent RhodiaDa, 2S. 24. Again by the Romans, again.t Gentiua, 30. Hia clemency and Sn. He makes overtures for peace, and Justice, 81. Reeovll'8 the Roman am­ sends back the IOn of Scipio Auk-anus. bu.ador. leiaed by Gentiua, S2. Re­ 'Who waa a prisoner in his hands, ".~ turn8 victorioua t:o Roms, xlv. , •. Lead. The treaty is broken off, and hiB otTers Gentlul IlIld Ilia fam!lyln triumph. 43. to Scipio reJected, 8.1, 36. He ia tinallJ INDEX. 2227

defeated by Scipio. 48. Term. of peace Aputiua, L., ""Iii. 38. granted to blm. 46. HII proceedings in --- Fullo, L., plebeian ledile, Egypt. Elv. II. nxI.4. -- . Antipatef, ambassador from Antiochua, ~ T., tavages Me.cedoDia, xui. xxxvii. 66. Governor of Asia, >

Ari&todemUI, tyrant f)f Cumle. detain. the 61. Surrenders to the Roman., :J.x'I"L Roman shipe to gratify l'arqUiniUl, ii. 16. The inhabitants are removed to 34. Calatia, xxvii. 3. Aristomachu8, leader of the populace at AteJlan farce•• viL 2. Crato, betrays the city to Hannibal, Atenu., A.• consul, iii.. 31. Plebeian tTL­ xxiv. 2, 3. bune~ 65. Aristotelea, officer in the army oC Autio-­ Athamanian., xxix. 12; xxxii. H; xxxvi. chus, xxxvi.. 21. Hj xxxviii. I. Armes, Carthaginian commander at New Atbanagia, xxi. 61. Cartbage, xxvi. 49. Atheol2um, fort, xxxviii. 1; x"S'xlx.25. Armilustrum, 8 festival, and a place so Athemeu8, brother of king Eumenea, called. xxvii. 37. xx'Xvili.12. Army, Roman, and all its parts, described, Athenagoraa, ODe 01 Philip'. generall. with the arms and method of man.hal­ xxxi. 34, 35. ling and fighting, viii. 8. Compared with Athenians, send ambuaadora to compro-. the ltIacedonian. ix. 19. mi&e ctisputes between Philip and the .iEtolians, xxvii. 30. Implore the pr()o A~b~~~r:~e~!~nf;;:~~ct,V;~.~~~~ tection of Rome against Philip, xxxL S. Arpi, xxii. 9, 12; xxiv. 3; xxv. 15. Is Origin of their war witb Philip, 14. taken by Q. Fabius, coDsul, xxiv. 46, Their extravagant compliments to At. H. talus, 15. Their complaintl in the )Eto­ Arpinum, taken from the Samnitea, ix. tolian council. 30. Decree. against H. Philip, 44. They intercede with Scipio Arretians. meditate a revolt, but are kl"pt in favour of the "£tolians. xxxvii. 6. in awe by Marcellus, xxvii. 21. Are Their character. xlv. 23- compelled to give hostages, 24. Promise Atbens, ambassadora ~nl thither from 'Upp1i~8 to Scipio, xxviii. 45. Rome to coUect laws, iii. 31. It is saved Arsian wood, ii. 7. from being surprised, by Philip, by the Artatus river, xliii. ]9. expedition of a courier, xxxi. 24, 26.. Artetarua, nlyrian, killed by order of It is visited by P. )Emilius, xlv. 21. Philip, "iii. 13. AthOl, mount, xliv. II, xlv. 30. Arvemians, v. 34. Join Hannibal, xxvii. Atiliu8, C •• pnetor, brings succour to L 89. Manlius, xxi. 26. Stands for the con. Amns, 80D of Tarquiniu'J, ii. 6. 8ulship. xxii. 35. Dedicatee tbe temple --, son of Porse-na. ii. 14. ·of Concord, xxiii. 21. __, Clu~ian, advises the ~ be­ _. L., consular tribune, Y. IS. siege Cluaiutn, and acts as their guide, -, one of the firat consular tri­ v.83. bunes, Iv. 7. ATuspicea brought from Etruria, xxvii. ---, plebeian tribune, ix. SO. 37. -- Regulus. M., consul. marehea Ascalum. x'Xxii. 29. against the SidiciDiRns. viii. 16. Ascaniu8, 80D of lEneu, buRds A1ba ------" consul, l[. 32, De­ Longo, 1.3. feated by tbe Samnitea, 85. Defeats Asclepiodoru., Gallic general. xlii. .51 j them, 36. xliv.? --L., qU8?stor. alain at Canne, xxii. ASDans, mount, xxxii. 5. 49. A90PUS, river, xx:l.vi. 29. _. governor or Locri, xxiv. I. Astembly of tbe eenturiee eleeta con,mI., -- Regulus, M.• a second time eon· i.60. Consular tribune., v. 52. Prre­ lui. xxiI. 25. Conducts the war, ar.. tora, x. 22. Pas8e1 the lawl of the cording to the advi("e of Fabius, xxili. twelve tablea, iii. 8i; and others, triea 21. Censor, 1l1:iv. 11. Abdicatea.43. persons accused of treason, vi. 20. De­ -- M•• pnetor, xxiv. 4J. Clean the elares war, xxxi. 6, 7. city of foreign relijriouB rites, 'Xxv. J. --- of the tribune8 elects plebeian Ambaasador to Ptolemy, xxvii.'. msgiatratel, iL 56, 61. Excludea patrt­ --Serranu&, C., preto!. xxi. 62. Pen· clal,., 60. Its orden bind all ranks, ill.. till. xxii. 3~. Curule 2dHe, xxxiv. 5. 65: viii. II. AUnlus Labeo. C .• prletor. xxxvi. 45. ___ of the cnrlaa determine. on mi· --, C.. military tribune, throws the Iitary affaire, Y. 53; ill. 88. It&nd81'd among the enemy, xxxiv. 46. Astapa l'esieged, x:J.viil. U. The Inhabit­ Atintania, xxvU. 30; xxix. 12; xlv. 30. anti Sf't fire to the city, and put them­ Amu. Umber. C., leader of a mutiny at aelve8 to death,23. SUClO. beheaded, xxviii. 2•• 29. Asylum, INUlctuary opened by RomuluI, Attalu., king of A6i&. xxvi. 24. WinteR 1.8. at iEg'iu&, xxvii. 30, 33. Takes OpUi. Atalanta, island, SISV. 3', 38. where he!' naTTOwly escapes being lur­ AteHa, .idea with the CarthBGlnians, .xii. prllied ,by Philip, and returwl 10 Aiia, llIDEL 2229

uViIl. 7'. He eseorte the Roman am· !:p:~: ,,~:ff.lec""d. xd. 83. Pal~ly baasadors to Passinus, and giV8I them the .acted atone Cybele, xxix. 11. Axes, Dever, after Publicol&, carried be­ Comel again to PirleeUl, xxn. 14. Ell:· fore the magistratee in the city, XXiv. t. hom the lEtuliane &0 join in the waf against Philip, 15. His ambassadors Babylon, xxxvm. J'I. solicit aid from the RomaDa against Bacchm, or Bacchanals, ,x:u.~. 9. b­ Antioehua, IXXii.. I. Hia death, sxxiii. tirpated, 17. 21. Badiu8, Campauian, c:haJlenge& Ctispt­ Attalu., brotber of EumenCl, comes to nus, and flies, XXV. 18. Rome, :assv. 23. Again, with con­ Bmbius Tamphilus, Cn., plebeian tribune, gratulations on the 1I4ctory over Antio­ bring. an action against the censors, chu8, xlv. 19. Hit. honourable eODduct xxix. S7. Placed at the bead of an towards hie bTOther, 20. anny in Gaul, be is defeated with great Attius Tullius, ,"ollcian general, it. 35. Slaughter, xIxii. 7. EnteJ1ajn. Conolanu., mfiamea his ~ M., ambassador from SCipio to countrymen against the Romans, 3S. Ia joined in command with Coriolanus, ~!!r~ag!;:~:~Wilr:~~:~:.~o~·-10. 39. The JEquanl refuse to act under --Tamphilu., M., consul, xl. 18. bis command, 40. ----~.-" Q., ambassador to Atys, king of Alba, i. S. Hannibal, xxi. 6. To Carthage, 18. At. ventine, mount, L 6. Added to the -- Herennius, Q.., plebeian tribune, city, and given to' the Latins, SS. inveighs agalnat the senate and the Seized by the seceding l?opulace, iii. 60. Aventinua, king of Alba, 1. 8.. ~r:~~iji1~~ba&lador to Ptolemy, AftmUl, lake, :lxiv. 13. ,1ii.S. AUfidUl, river, xxii. 44. Beculoniul, A., Itandanl-bearer, throws Augurs, their college formed by Numa.. the standard into the enemy" camp, iv.4. AI first, three in Dumber, x. 6. and is the tint that enterl, xli. 4. Five plebeians added, 9. Ceremonies Decola, xxvii. 18; xxviii. 13. at taking auguriea, i. 16. BEtica, xxviii. 2. Augustua ClEsal. sbut the.. temple of Ja,. Bmtis river, xxviii. 22. DUS, i. 19. Built and repaired many Balearic iBlel, xxiL 2S; _xxIiI. 4j Dvfli. temples, iY.20. FiDally 8ubdued Spain, 37. xxviiL 12. ---slingera, :l.xi. 21, ~5 j nil. 87; Aulis, xxxv. 3'1, 61; xh.27. 2:xviii.37. Aulius Cenetanu8. Q.,consul, vili. 37. A Ballista, mount, xxxix. 8; '111. 18. second time, ix. 16. )fRater of bOl'le. Bantius of Nola, inclined to favour Han­ he kills the Samnite general, and is nibal, i. engaged by ,he kindnoo. of . himself "laio, 22. )farcellus, xxiii. 15 • Aure1iua COlta, C., plarOOT, XXI. 26. Barbosthenea, mount, xxxv. 2'1. _-_ Scaurue, C., prretor. XXIii:. 8. Barcine family, xxiii. 13 i xxviii. 12, 41. ---, C., consul, xxxi. 12. -- faction, Xx.i. 2, 9.. • --- Cotta, L., military tribune, xl. Bargylhe, xxxii. 33; lEuni. 35. 27,28. Barley given, instead of wheat, to COhort. -----, 1If., plebeian ",dUe, :""ill. that lost their standards, xxvii. 13. SO. Governor of Puteoli, xxv. 22. Com­ Bastarnian., :xl. -6, 57. missioner of sacrifices, xxix. 38. Am­ Beard, not shaved by the ancient R .. bassador to Philip, xxx. 26. mans, v. 4. Afterwards luWered to Au.rinx.or Oringia, eityin Spain, xxiv. 42. tlrow long in time of mourning, vi. 16. Aurunea Buessa, vill. 15. A colony aet- Bellona, viii. 9. Victorious, s. 19. tIed there, i1. 28.. . Auruncians, make war on tbe Romani, n. B~o~e:~~lt'!:f:a:d': aof~~::g:~ k~~! 16, 11, 26. Sunender them&elvea, viii. It&ly, v. 34. 15. Beneventum, formerly Maleventum, Is. Aurunculeio&. C., pretor, xxvii. 6. Mili- 27; ][xii. 13; xxv. 17; xxvii. 10. tary tribune, '1. " Berrea surrendered to thte Romani, xliv. --'---" L., prr:etor, XXlI:vi. 45. .5: Xlv. 29. Ausetanianl, IUbdued by Hannibal, xxi. Biasltians, llliy. 45. 28. Roueed to inBurrection against the Bithyniat xxvii. 30; xsis.12 j smU. 30. Romani, by IndibiliJ, :u.iL 2. Are Bituriges Gauls, V. 84. conquered, 8. Blaisius Burrendef8 Salapia to Marcellus, Auaoniana, dereated by tbe RomaDa, viU. nvi.38. 16. Exterminated, iI:. 25. Biosii, two 1mrthen In Capu, detected AUlpieel, attended to on all OCeasiODS, i. in a conspiracy against the Boman•• a6; n. 41. CoDJlned to .be p.trld...... vii. 8. 2230 lImn.

Bocchar. kin, of Mauritania. xxb:. 80 .• C""'"tna M""'Ilua, Q., pontiii'. nm.21. -.an oftlrer oent by Sypbalt ogatn.t Plebeian fiile, urn. 21. Masler of Mutais••• xxix. U. bo..... :uYIIL 10. Consul and w< ..tor, B_ti&, "nIL iItl; xmIL.; uh:.II; Dill. II. xxxlil. 1.. Join. lbe Romana agalnlt CaadiclUI, ft'otutioD, at the head of lOme PeneUl, :rlil...... Roman fugi.h .. at Veil, lOll" .... Bolan Ga.ul., :l:x:di. 19, 10. Submit to Etrurianl, Y. ~. ~. tbe Romana, 31. Defeat tbe Roman., ~ lieut.nant-generaJ. L .a xxxiii. 3G. Surn-ndel' to 'b. oonlul C'aninenaianl defeatee, Lin. Domitiu•• XXIV • .fO. ClPnomaniana, the only Gallie tribe that Bomll ..... CarthaglniaD admiral • ..n. to did nol revolt to Hannibal. xxi. ~. Locrl. xxiII. 41. To Syracu... lUiY. They Join Hamilc... , xui. 19. Are 84. See :KXT. IS, J7. Itripped of the-ir anna, by M. Purius. BoIIGnia, colonJ. ",xxvii. ~r. Depopulote4 wbo iI ordered to restore them.1IIId quit by Ligurian., xxxix. 2. the country. xx.xix. S. Boob, lin.... deposited In the temple of Ca~, entertainl the Roman prlesa and Monot .. I... 10. Yestall, Y. 40. An alhance of botpj. --of th. magistrat... tv. f. to. tality il formed with th~ InhabttlUlts. --Sibylline. Inspecte4. IlL 10 ..... and afteTWarde war d«lared 8ftainst Dostal, Carthaginian go"femor of S3ffu .... them. vii. 19. Peace II grantfOd to \ht'ID, tum. nil. Ill. Am_or to Philip, 20. They ...ist Scipio In fitting out • xxiii. M- ~eet, uviii. 45. Bo\'iaount, Ix. 28. Talt~D by the Romans, ea-so, IN Dllilius. PabiUl, Qulntius. 31. Tu.en 110m &he Samniteo, x. 12. ClIIot&, sl. t. tS. Calabria, xxiii. 34. Bovill8!:. :1:. 47. • Calatia., iI. i. 18. Takeft by the SamDltt'l. BnI

xxvi. 4. At the iftstlgation of Vibiu. Cartela taken by Hannibal, oi. 5. --, a aea-port on the Atlantic Oeean. :'i:::;ly:~nl7.-6eh'!ti::~8e~:S ol~~::; xxviii. S9. senate, )5, 16. A conspiracy of the Carthage. New, described, attacked by Campanian. discovered. :Kxvii. S. A Seil)io. xxvi. 42. Taken with immense part of tbeir lands sold, ][:l:viii. 46. booly. and tbe bOltages 01 all the SJNUl· Can88trum, promontory at CUllanm&, uh Itates, 4&, 60. xxxi."5; xliv. 41. Qu-thaginians, Bend an army into Sieily, Caninius RebiluB. Co, pnetor, zlii. 28; n-. 29. Their treatr witb the RomanI. xliii. H; :r.lv.42. vii. 21. Renewed, Ix.. 48. They besiege Canna. river. :r.:r.v. J2. Saguntum. xxi 6. Anel take it, l4. CanDle, town, 'xxiL .S. Battle, .f, &'e. War ia declared by Rome, 18. The Roman troops engaged there baniabed Carthaginians are finally vanquished by to Sicily. xxiii. 31. They tleseech Mar­ Scipio, and compelled to submit to his eeUuI to employ them, xxv. 6. The term8 of peace, xxx. SS, 81. ae. HaD­ senate iDe:I:OTable to'WaTd. them, 7. The nnw, Mago, Hasdrubal. The Cartha­ ltnighIB wh6 lied thence disgraced, ginian. tend to Rome the first payment xxvii. 11. of the tribute, and 1'eCt!'ive some of their Cantberium In foaM, xIili..• ,. hostages, xxxii. 2. Offer sbips and com C&ouleius, C., plebeian tribune, procures to the RomBO., xxxvi.... Dispute with 8 repeal or the law which prohibited Masinissa, d. 1f0 Send ambMsadon to tb. intermarriage 01 plebeians with pa­ Rome, with complaints against him, tricianll, iv. ~. sIii. zao -. M .• plebeian tribune, iv. 44. earthalo, Carthaginian genera1, conducts ---Dives, L., prmtor, xlii. 28. the prisonen to Rome, and is ordered Canustum affords ahelter to the Roman to quit Italy, xxii. 58. fugitives from CannlE', xxii. 50, 52. Cuvilius Spoletinul, C., capitulatea with Capen&., town, xxii. I. Perseus for the garrilOD. of Uacaoa, -- g ..... I. 26, vii. 23, ". Z3; laliL xliii. 18. 32 j IXV. 40; :l.xvi. 10. ---, L., plebeian tribune, ][%v. 8. Capenatian war, '9'. 8. ---. Sp., cnrule edile, I. 9. eapetuI, king at Alba, t. I. ---_" advisea to choose half the Capitol vowed by TarquiniUl PrtteUI, 1. 'bnate out of the Latina, 11ili.. 12. Diee 88. Built by TaTquiniuI SuperbUl, 55. augur, :axvi. '23. Is leized by Herdonius, 8 Sabine, with -"':'''':'--" consul, taltea Amitemum. elaYes and exiles. iii. 15. Recovered, and other town_ in Samoium, xxxiz. 18. Besieged hy the Gauls, Y. "S. Saved 44. by j,!eeae, 47. The siege raised, 49. The Carystians, Grecian, harassed by descents lower part bunt with hewn atone. vi. •• of the Romans and Rhodiana, sxxi. 4i; Capitoline hill, i. 10. Given to the 'a- IXxii. 1fi. Send IUCeour to Cbalcis, binea for their residence, 3". xXXY.3S. • Cappadocia. 'J:xIvii. 21,40. ' C&rystus, city In Greece, xxxi. 4:5; xxxii. Caprm marsh. i. 16. .. 16. . Capua. fonnerly Vultnrnum, tv. Sf. lte­ ---, in Liguria. xliI. 1. marka.ble for luxury, vii. 3S. Pnefeds Cuilinum. xxii. 15. III remarkable appointed by the Roman8 to govern it, siege. xxiii. J 7. 20. It is :recovered. by b.. 20. Hannibal .pend8 the winter the Romans, xxiv. 19. there, xxiii. 18. It is besieged by the Casinum, colony, ix. 28 i xxii. lS; uvi. O. Romani, IIV. 20, 32; xxvi.. I, 4. CBlsander betrays Maronea to Philip, anti Taken, , ... is poisoned by his order. xxxix. 3.... Capu... 80n ef CEsalcel, king of Numidt", Cassand.rea. xxviii. 8; xliii. 23. Obliges Iueceeda bis father, aDd is slain, xxix. the Romana to retire, xliv. 11.12. 29. Cassius Longinu., C., consul, llii. 28. Capya, king of Alba. 1. I. --, Sp," consul, take. Pometia, and --I wbo gave name to Capua, :l:iv. Sf. triumphs, ii. 17. 18 the first master of Carales, xxiii. 40 i Xl[~. 39. horse, 18. A. seeotKl time ooo8W, IS.. Caranus, fint ktn~ of Macedonia, slv. 9. A third time; be flnt propo&el au Caria, XIxili. 19,27. Agrarian law, is found pUty of trea- Carin.e, part of Rome, xxvL to. 80n, and executed, 41. Cannenta, prc:ipnetess. i. 7. Castor, a. temple vowed to him, Ii. 20; Carmental gate, ii. 49. viii. II. Cannenti8, a craggy hi\l, '9'.4f'. Castul0, a strong city in Spain, joins the Carnuti8D8, v. U. Romans, xxiv. 41. Reuaitea with the Caraeoli, colony, s. I, IS. Rerulell ttl Carthaginiana, xxviii. Ufo Su.rn:nders: proportion of troops, xxvii. 9; xxix. to Scipio, 20. 16; xl"."I. Catana, XlLVU. 8. 7 D 2232 INDEX.

Catapul he, engines, x xi. 11 i xxvi .. 47. Cltaonia, xxxii. 5 i xliii. 23. eatiu., Q., plebeian ~dile, xxvii. 6. Car­ Charilau8 surrenders Palzpolis to the riea an offering to Delphi, Ixviii. 45. Romans, viii 26. CaudiulD, and the Caudine forka, ix. 2, S, Cberaonesus, xxxi. 16. 10,27. I ChiOl, island. xxxvii. H,27. Caulonia, besieged by order of FabiUl, Cibira. xxxviii. 14; xlv. 25. xxvii. 12. Relieved by Hannibal, 15. CJcereius, C., prztor, xli.. 28; xUL 21 i CauDul, mount, xl. 50. xlv. 15. Celerea, instituted' by Romulus, i. 15. CUicia. xxxiii. ]9; xx:n-. 13; xxxviii. 19. Their tribune Brutus, 69. . Ciminisn Corelt penetrated by a Roman Celtiberia, xxviii. I. army, ix. 36, 37. Celti~rian mountain., xsi. 43. Cinciu., an ancient historian, commend4 Celtiberiana, ahake oft' the yoke of the Car- ed, vii.S. , thaginiana, "xiL 21. Are engaged by --Alimentua, L .• taken by Hannibal, the Roman general., on the aame terms %Xl. 38. Pretor, xxvi. 23; xxvii. 7. thai they had ltipulated with the Car­ ------" M., plebeian tribune, thaginian., xxiv. 49. They desert Sci­ lent to Scipio, x:.xix. 20. pio, nv. 88. Are .ubdued by M. Sila­ Circe. I. 49. nUl, xxviii. S. They attack Fulviul Circeii, colony, i. 56 i iL 39; xIvli. 51; Flaccu8, prlEt"r, xl. 30. Are defeated, xxix. IS. 82. Are finally aubdued, xli. 26. Celts, v. 34. Ci~;u:,rr;~alG!'::~n~Y p~du::iit~ Cenchrem, port of Corinth, xxviii. 8; vlli.20. xxxii. 17. -, Apollinarian, iii. 6a. Overfiowed, Cenomanian Gaull, settle in Italy, v. 35. xxx. 38. Are attached to the Roman., xxI. 55. -. Flaminian, iii. 54. The altar of Join the Ligurian., xxxi. 10. Are de-­ Neptune therein, xxviii. n. reated by Cn. Cornelius, xxxix. a. Cirta, capital of Syphax, surrenden to Censors, created, iv. 8. First plebeian, Masinisla, xxx. 12. On whom Scipio­ vii. 22. A ceDaor disgraced by his col~ bestows it, «. league, xxiI. 87. Term of the office re~ Citbzt'on, mount, xxxI. 26. duced Crom five yeara to one year and a Citium, city, xlii. 51. Mount, xliii. 21. balf, iv. 2.; ix. a3. Civil law published by Plavius, ix. 46. Cenlul, general lurvey, 'Instituted, i. 42, Clampetia taken by the Romans, xxix. 48. 38j xxx. 19. Centenlua, C., })roprretor, xxii. 8. CI ..... of the people. i. 48; I•. 4. -. M., remarkable centurion~ Clastidium betrayed to the Carthaginiana, xu.IP. xxi. 48 i xxix. 11. Centuries of knights, three chosen by Claudia Quinta. Roman matron, receive. Romulus, i. 18. Their numben doubled the Jdle8.n MoUler, xxiI. H. by Berriu8 Tullius, 42. The people di­ Claudian family always zealOUI cbam~ vided into centuries by tlte eame, 41. pions for the patriCians, vi 4.. And Prerogative century,v.lS; x.22; XD.v. opposers of the plebeians, h. 34. 1j xxvi. 22. -'-- tribe, ii. 16~ Centurion, chief, or first, primipilua, vii. ---camp, xxiii. 31,39,48; xxv. 22. 41 j viii. 8. Claudius, historian, viii. 19; ix. S. Trans­ Cephallenia, xxxvi. 11; xxxvii. IS j lated the annals of Acilius, xxv. 39. Ixxix. $. --- A8enus encounters JubelliU8 Cephalu., Epirote general, xliii. 18; xlv. Taurea, a Campanian, xxiii. 46. 47. 26. ---, Appius, fonnerly Atta Clausus, Ceroln&, Island, xxII. 31: xxxiii. 48. removes from Regillum to Rome, ",ith Ceres, ii. 41. Her temple, iii. 65. Her a large number of cliental who are ad· ... mysteries, xxxi. 47. Games, xxx. 89. mUted citizens, and is made a senator. Ce8sation of busines8 proclaimed, ill. 3, Ii. 16. Con.ul, 21. 27: Iv. 26. 31: vi. 2. 7; vii. 6. lI8. To -----" IOn of Applul.1i. 56. Is lent against theVolscians, and his army. i~::!~~e~~~~:~~~ ~.a1~1 1[. 21. Avo- through dislike to him, lIy before the Chreronea, xxxv. 46 i xlii. 43. enemy,59a Chair, curule, I. 8; ii. 54; vii. 1; x. 1. -----" decem vir, tiL 33. His One lent to king Sypbu, xxvii. ... ambition, 155. Violence, SG. Lust, "4. ChalcedoD, xxxv. 46. He abdicatel the decemvirate, IH. And Chaleis in Eubrea, whence the people of puta himself to ileath in prison. 58. Cumle deri¥: their origin, viii. 22. Gar~ -----" IOn of the preceding, mi· risoned by Philip, xxvii. 30. Attempted titary tribune, iv. 54. by tllc Romana. xxviii. 8. Surrendered -----., grandson or the dl"Cem~ to Aotiocbul, xxxv. 51 i slili. 1. l'ir, opposes the admission of plt:beians nn>1:x. 2233

to the ..,nllUlahip, "- to. II made dio­ Cluomenians. xxxviii. 39. l&1Or, ril 6. Diea consul. 205. Cleomehee. first tyrant of Laced.a:mon. Claudiu, Apptoa, ill the oftiee 01 ceD8OT, xxxiy'o 26. makee the famOUI road, and aqueduct; Cleone. xxxiii. ]4; xxxiv. 25. through hit adrice. the Potitian family Cleonymus. Laceda!moniaDgeneral. bnngs rommit the rhu"ge of the rites of Her­ aD anny into italy, anel takes TburUe, .olea to pnblie alaves, and beeome eI­ but ja driven out by the Pstavian., 1. 2. tin~ is. 29. He ia made een.w.. '2. CJeopatJ'll, ('ORson of Ale::uDder. king of Jntenes. x. 11. ('OIIl81lla seeond time, Epire, viii. 2.... IS. Pnelor, n. Hil procee

curias assembled, vi. 15. C'overed, Comeliua Cossal, Cn., r:cmsn1, iv. 5 •• Con. xxvii. 36. sular tribune, 58. Again, v. 10. Comitius, P08L, consul, ii. 18. A~ain, U. ---Dolabella, CD •• king in religiowo Commentaries of lIluma, published by rites, xxvii. 36. Ancus M &reius. L 32- --- Lenlulus. Cn., military tnoune. xxii. 49. QUEstor, he fights Hannibal ==== o!of Serviuathe pontiffs, Tullius, iv. S;i. 60. vi. 1. with doubtful success. xxv. 19. Curule of king Eumene., xliii. 6. Edile, ;J.xix. 11. Consul, x.~x. 40. Pro­ Comps&, given up to the Carthaginiana, teats against the decree of the senate =x:rJii. 1. Recovered by the Romans, giving peace to the Carthaginian., 43. xxiii. 20. ---Cethegus, Cn., consul, xxxU. 27. Concord. her temple, 0.. 46 i XIii. 3a; ---Merenda, Cn., and CD. Comeliu» :zxvi.23. Altar, xxiv. 22. Blasio, pr

---ArviDa. AW'I dictator, viii. 38.. tor. xxxiv. 54. Consu)~ xxxvi. 45. Ar­ ------, berald, deliveR up rive&. in Asia, xxxvii. 33. Defeats An4 to the Samnitea the Bureties for the tioc:'hus, 43. Triumphs and assuml"S coDvention of Caudium, ix. 10. the title Asiaticus. 59. Cond~mnt"ti for ___ COS8UB. Aul., military tnoune, having aceeptl"d present. from Antfo­ kills TolumniuB. king of the Veientians, ch~, ::lIxvii. 55. Ordered into prUon. tv. 19. _And offen the grand 'poil., 10. S8. Liberated by Tib. Gracchus. ple­ ls made ccmBul, 30. Consular tribUDe, beian tribune, 60. At the re"'it"w of the Sl. knights. he is deprived of his horH, ------.. dictator. vi. II. xxxix. H. Overthrow8 the Volacians, \3. Impri.. --- )leru1&, L.. pnetor, nxii. 7. BODS M. Manlius for sedition, 16. Consul. xxxiv. M. His le-Uer after be ------.. master of borse, had defeated. the Boiana at M uUn&, vii. 19. Again,26. Consul, 18. Van .. Ixxv.6. quishes the Samnites, and triumphs, 36, ---Cossns. M., eonsul. IV'. 51. S8. Tho II",' who waged ..ar with the --- Maluginensil. M .• decemvir, iii. SamniteR, X. 81. 35.40,41. Consul. iv. il. Ct"nsor. v. ---Mammul&. Aul., propnetor, com.. 31. Consular tribune, vi. sa. Ag&in. U. manding in Sardinia. xxiii. :U. hew, --- Cethe~s, M•• chief ponritt I~Y. XXIV. 24. I. PnPtor, ".. CummlUlds in Sicily, -,C., l'01Isular tribune. vi. 5. sxvi. 21. Censor, xx.ii. II. Consul, --- Cossus, Cu., consular tribune, xxix. 11. Proconsul. de-feats Mago. iv. -19. Again, 61. • xxx. 18. y, R. 585.J THE HISTORY OF ROlIE. 2135 the latter, and liberty to themselves. It was also provided, that the farming both of the Maeedonian mines, which pro­ duced a very large profit, and that of crown lands, should be abolished; as business of this kind could not be managed with­ out the intervention of revenue farmers; and wherever a tax­ contractor was employed, either the rights of the people were a nonentity, 1)1' the fJ'eedom of the allies destroyed. Nor could the Macedonians themselves conduct such affairs; for while they affiJrdcd the managers opportunities of acquiring plunder for themselves, there never would be waniing causes of disputes and sediiions. It was further determined, that there should be a general council of the nation; lest the perverseness of the populace might, some time or other, convert into pestilent licentiousness the liberty granted by the senate with a whole­ some degree of moderation: but that Maeedonia should be divided into four districts, each of which should have a coun­ cil of its own; and that they should pay to the Roman people half the tribute which they used formerly to pay to their kings." Similar instructions were given respecting Illyria. Other particulars were left to the generals and commissioners; ",-hose investigatioll of matters on the spot would enable them to form more accurate plans. 19. Among the many embassies from kings, nations, and states, Attalus, the brothel' of Eumenes, attracted the general attention in a very particular manner; for he was received by those who had served along with him in the late war, with even greater demonstration of kindness than if Eumenes had come in person. Two reasons, both, apparently, highly hon­ ourable, had induced him to come; one to 01l'er congratulations, which were quite proper, in the case of a victory to which he himself had contributed; the other to complain of disturbances raised by tlle Gauls; and of' a defeat received, by which his brother's kingdom was endangered. But he had, also, secret hopes of honours and rewards from the senate, which he could scarcely receive without infringing on his duty to his brother. There ,vere among the Romans some evil advisers, who were working on his ambition by promises. They told him, that" the general opinion cOllcerning Attalus and Eu­ menes was, that one was a steady friend to the Romans, and" that the other was not a faithful ally either to them or to Perseus. That it was not easy to determine whether the 6x 2236 INDEX. , Crown, mural. vi. 20; x. 46. IOn, the ....t 'are banished, and their --, vallarian, 11:. 46. goods confiocaled, 58 --, laurel, xxiii. 11 i xx.vii. 37. Decemvi", commissioners of religious Crustumerium, colony I founded by Ro.­ matlen, ball , and half pIe· mulus, i. n. Taken by Tarquiniua, 38. beian, vi. 37, 42. By the Romans, ii. 19 j iii. 42. Decimation of 801diers, ii. 59. Crustuminian tribe, xlii. 34. DecimiUl Plavul, C., military tn1mlle, re- Cru8tuminians, I. 9, J 1. xxvii. If. Cumse, i1. 9; iv."; Ix. 19. Besieged by f,~!::r~~~~I~~.elePhant8, Hannibal, and defended by Graccbu8, Deciue MUI, P., re8cues the legiona from xs.iii. 36, 'the' liege railed, 37. Ita a desperate lituation, vii. Sf. 35, 86. Is lands ravaged by Hannibal, xxiv. 13; chosen consul, viii. S. Devotee him8elf xli. 16. for the army, is. 10. Curatiul. P Of plebeian tribune, accuse. ----.-:.., consul, ix. 28,19. A se­ two military tribune., Y. 11. cond time, when be commands in Etru­ Curiatii fight the Horatii, I. 2., 25. ria, 4.. Censor. 46. A third time con­ CuriatiuB, P., consul. iii. 32. luI, a.. 14. Proconsul; he perform. Curio, the first Idebeian, xxvii. 8. great exploits. 16-20. A fourth time Curtian lake, i. 13 i vii. 6. consul. 22. He devotes him.elf for the Curtiu., C., consul, iv. I. army, 28. --. M.,leaps into a gulf In the forum, Decuman gate, iii. 6; x. 32. vii. 6. Dedication of a temple must be perfonned Cyclades, island., xxxiv. 26: xliv. 28. by a consul or general, ix. 45. Cycliades, prEetor of the Acheanl, Ixxi. DeHum, 8 temple of Apollo and asylum, 25. Banished, XllXii. 19. XXXY.51. CyUene, xxvii. B2. Delos isJRnd, deemed -ucred and inviola­ Cynosarge&, xxxi. 24. ble, ..!iv. 29. Cyn08cephahe, XXI~ 16, 17_ Delphi. i. 56 j v. IS, 16, 28; xlL 25; xlii. Cyprian atreet, i. 48. Cyprus, xxxiii. 41. D!16h~!' ~1!!~·1~7·';6' v. 1.5, ]-6, 28; eyrene, :s.xiii. 10; ~1Xiv. 62. xxix. 10. Cyro., king of Pen!a, ix. 17. Detnaratus, father of Lucumo, I. 34. Demetrlas, in Tbessaly, xxvii. 32 i xn-Hi. Damoclel, an Argive, h~ bravery, nxiv. 5, 8; xxxiii. 31; xxxv. M. 25. Demetrium, xxviii. 6. Damocritul, pnetor of the lEtoliana, xxxi. Demetrius, aon of Philip, xl. 5. Hia 32. Envoy to Nabia, xxxv. 12. Fall. quarrel with Peneus, and its immedio.te into the hands of the Romana, :s.xxvi. consequences, 7-16. 21, 23. He is poJ. 24. Disappointed in an attempt to loned at Heracle., 24. cleape, he killa himself, xxxvii. 46. --., of Pharos, xxii. 33. Dardanian., xxvi. 25. Ravage Mace­ DeurteTtl aeourged, and thrown from the donia, xxvii. 33. Are invaded by Phi­ rock, xxiv. 20. lip. 'Xxviii. 8. Philip proposes to ex­ -. Latin, bebeaded, xxxiii. 43. terminate them, xl. 57. They are Devoting law, iii. S5: vii.41. One of the defeated by the Baatarnians, xli. 19. JEquan8 and Voiscians, iv. 26. The Dasil, of Salapia, favoure Hannibal, xxvi. principal elden in Rome devote them... 38. lelves, on the approach of the Gauls. v. Dasiu8 AltiniuI, of Arpi, a traitor. thrown 41. A consul, dictator, or pTetor, mily into prison by the Romans, his family devote either himself or any soldier re- burned by Hannibal, xxiv. 4S. --of Brundu.ium betrays Claatidium Dr:!:r,J ~~~~~~~, =i~~~~p~i~~ l~e to Hannibal, xxi. 48. Aventine, 1. U. A lectisternium in DU88retianl, xxvii. :l21 xxxi. S3 ~ xlv. 26. honour of her, xxii. 10. Her grove, Debte very great at Rome; disturbance, :z.xvii. 4. Festival of three days at Sy. and liet'ession in consequence, ii. 23, 83. raeuse, xxv. 23. Her temple at Abydus, Debt. contracted by rebuilding, vi. 27. xxxi. 11. At Aulist xlv. 27. Commiaajonen (men8arii) appointed to - Amarynlbia, her f.stiva! al Eretrla, l't'gulate matters Tespt'ctin~ debt., vii. xxxv. 88. 21. A law passed againsl .mprilOning - Tauropolo8. xliv•• 4. d .... bton. viii. 28. Dianium, i. f8. Decemvir8, appointed to form a body ot DicR"archus, proper Dame, nnll. J ; uxv. lawa, iii. 32. A new let elected, 35. 12. xxxvi. 28. Their cruelty and Iyranny, 86, 87. The, Dice played with, iv. 17. retain the power after their time had Dictator. flrsl

Enniul, Q., his observation respecting EUmMes. king of Pe~mu8, Joim: the Fab. Maxlmus, xxx. 26. Romans against AntlOCtms, XJl:I"'fi. 42, Eordrea, xxxi. 39 i slii. 53; xlv, 80. fS. J. obliged to go home to prott"C" Ephesus, :l.xxiU. 38 i xxxviii. 12, 89. Perga.mu., XXX'fii. 18. .c\dvt8f'8 .&:mi· Epiuates, xxxvii. 13-1.'i. nUl Dot to listen to overturN of peltOf'. Epicydes sent by Hannibal, with bil bfOo. 19. Assists in the total ove-rthrow of ther Hippocratea. ambaas8dor to Hier~ AntiocbuI, 41, 42. Goes to Rome. 62. onymu., xxiv. 6, 2S. 80th elected .&3. And i. rewarded with. larlle- addi­ pr~ton at Syracuse, 21. They &em Sy­ tion of tenitory, 56. HiB ambassadors racuse, S2. Epit"fdcl commanda in the eomplain of Philip, x:lxix. 27. He city when besieged by the Romans, 35. cornea to Rome, and dieeoven tbe de­ He leavea it, xxv. ~7. And goeII to ligns of Peneus, xlii. 6, 11-13. J8 u­ Africa, xxvi. 40. nulted near Delphi, 15. He and the ---Sindon, killed at Syracuse, ::In. Romani are worsted by Peoneua, 59. 28. Whom they afterwards defeat. and En: Epidaurul, :Eo 47; xll".28. menes become. IUspected by the Ilo­ man., :Iliv. 20. He ia IOlicited. by Per.. ~::~~!~~it~ ~~~~~1~7'x~i.1:3; xlv. sens, 2.... The treaty ie brokf'n off, 15. 84. He sends ambu!.adon to Rome with Equestrian estate, T • .,. contm'tulatiool, xl v. 1.1. Makes & wee ----spoiJs, Yiii. ,. with the Gauls. 34. ----Imtue, ix. 43. Euphranor, Macedonian [rl"'nenl, relie'l'e8 Eretria, xxxii. IS, lti i 1oiii. S. j sav. Melibrea from 8 liege, Iliv. 13. 38. Euripus,.trait 01 Eubaa. :KXyiii. e; xxxL Eretum, iii. 29: xxvi. II, 2S. 22. Ergavia. :Kl. 50. Eurotu, rive-r, xxxiv. 18: xxxv. 29. SO. Ericinum, xxxvi. 13. Euryalus, htll at Syracuse. xxv. 25.26. BriganDs, river, xxxi. 39. Eurylochu•• )ta::neaian chief m8l[istrate. Eropon, sliy. 24. 28. provokes Quintiutl, xxxv. 31. Flies to Eropu., XXlIU. 32 ; uix. 12. £tolia.31. Kills bim.elt. :l.uvi. '3. Erycine Venus, xxii. 9, 10. Eurymedon, river, xxxiii. 41. Erythne, xxviii. 8 j x3:xvi. 43; xll'KviL Euthymidaa, head of a faction at Cbalcil. 21. xxxv. S7, SR. ---, promontory, xliv. 18. Exodia, interludet, vii. a. Er)'x, mount, xxi. 10,41. Esquilhe, i. 44: ii. itt. Fabi.,. daughl... of Y. Fab. Ambu,tu., Esquiline hill, 1. 48. vI. 3f. ---,Rte, U. 11 i ill. 66, 68 i vi. 22. Fabian family. iI.~. UnderlAke lb...... Etoviasa, xxi. 22. with the Vt>hms, 48. Are all ftt oft"ex· Elmria. I. 23, 30. Subdued by FabIus, cept one, 50. eon.ul, lx. fl. Renews hostilities. x. 3- Fabius Piclor, a v~ry old writer, i ..... i ii. Is laid waste, 12, ao, 37. Its general 40 i viii. 30; x. 37; lJ:ii. 7. aasemblie., iv. 2:t j v. J7 i x.16. -. C .• consul. wages an unSUcr'e8sful Etrurians, besit'Q'e Rome, U. 11. Reeom· war with the Tarquinians, ,.n. 12, 15. menea hostilitit"I, 44. Are displeased h made Interrex, 11. Ma:.ter of hUTU, at the Veians for electing a king, v.I. Ix. 23. Mako war on the Romanl!l. vi. 1-4. --, ('aer;o, qUlf'stor, accU8CS Sp. ('as· Prepare again for war, vii. 17. Are de~ liua of tl"E'A8on, ii. 41. h madE' COMut. teated. ix. 35. Obtain a trnce, 41. De­ 42. A second time ronsul. wheon hta feat the Roman., s.. 3. Are routed. 4, 5. See 10, 18. 30. M~itate a hvalt, ~7.}(Jbro~~t:rseret;:e~na~~er;l::t, ~6~ a~~ xxvii. j I. Are checkl"d. 2... ("hosen conlul a third limt.4,.. Leads Evnnder. Arcadian. introduces the ule of hil family a!o\'ailllt the \'('1&n8. 49. l~tteT6 in Italy, i. 5. 'T. -- Ambustua, ('RIO. qua-slOf, iv.6f. __-, Cretan, Attempts to murder king ('on8ull,r tribune, 61. Again, v. 10. A Eumenes, xlii. U. Accompaniel Per­ third lime, »4. leUA in bis 61gllt, xliv. 4:1. 11 put to -- Dol'tlo, C., durinlf the ,wIN of the Capitol, pusee throut{h the Gaul. to E:~'! br.:~: lL~v~~i. 30 j xxviU. 6, perfomlI8crUice-. and I'f't\1TIlS safe. v. 46. XXllV. 51 i xxx,-•• 15. --, L., envoy from ScipiO CO Cartl,., Euboic gulr, xxxi. 41. xxx. 25. __ talent. xxxvii. 045: xxxviii. 9. --, ]\(., bTOther of Cw,o, eonsu.), U. Eubulldall of Chalcis, demandC'd by SciplQ, 41. Again, U. RefUses. triumph, ;:xJC.\·ii.45. 47. Eudainua, commander of the Rhodtan ----. ("hlerpontUf, dictate8 the fom .lIert. xxxvii. 12. J.S; xlIv. 38. of ...rd .. In ,..bleh \h. !loman .ld,,,, L"DEX. 2239

devote tbemseh-ea GIl the apllroacb or who bad fOllght Hannib&1 rontnuy to the Gaul•• Y. 41. his judgment, 28, 29. His advice to tbe Fabius Ambuatua, }d., whose daughter's COD6Ul Emiliu!, 39, He is made ehief envy of her sister occuioned the con· pontiff', xxiii. 21. A third time consul. eulsbip to be Opelled to plebeians, oon~ SI. Hia actions, 46. 48. Is consul ,6 swar tribune. vi. 22. Again, 36. founh time, xxiv. 8. Acts as lieuten~ ----___" consul, honoured ant-general under bis son,.... Is made with an ovation over tbE" HemicianlJ, c01l6ul a fifth time. Y1vii. 7. Prince of vii. 11. Again coDsul, 17. Dictator, the senate, 1]. He takea Tarentum, IS. 22. Argue. in favour of hiB son against Effects a reconciliation between the con­ Papirius, viii. 33. lfaater of horte, ~8. luIs Liviu8 and Nero, 35. OppOies Sci~ --Dono, M., consul, vii. 28. pio's design of carrying the war into --Vibulanu8. M., consul, iv.n. Con· Africa, xxviii. 40; xxix. 19. Dies, ~1L tular tribune. 25. 26. --Buteo, M., dictator, without a mas~ Fabiua, Q., 80D or the prereciing, prztor, kr of bonej ereated for the purpoae of :lxiv. 9. Consul, 43. Makes hil fa~ filling up the lenate, xxiii. 22. tber dismount on approaching him, 44.. ------.. C'UJuie arciile,~. 26. Pnetor,40. " Takea Aji~u!~ant-generalldespatChed --AmbostUl, Numerius, consular tri­ to the senate by Livius. xxviii. 9. bune, iv. 58. -- Pictor, Q •• sent to consult the ora­ -- Vibulanul, Numerius, conaul, iv. cle at Delphi, XIii. 57. Returns, xxiii. 4S. Consuiar tribune, -tV. Again, 57. 11. ~ Q.., ('onlul, ii. 41. Again, "3. -- Labeo, Q., przetor, xxxvii. 41. Slain in battle, 46. -- Pi('tor, Q.. flamen of Quirinus, ---, the onl)" 8unh'or of the dis­ and pra:=tor, xxxvii. 47. 50. . uter at Cremer&.. cODsul, iii. I. Again, Fabratemiana taken into protection by 1. A tbird time coolul, he conquers the Romans, viii. 19. the Volscians, and it made one of the Pahrieiul Luscinus, C., praetor, xniii. • decemvin for forming lawa, 86. He is 43; zn. vii. 4. . baniBhed with his colleagues, sa. Flesu1:e, xxii. 3. ---~, ambassador to the Gaul., killl Faith solemnly :worahipp~d, by order of one of their leaders, and ia made con­ Numa. i. 21. eular tribune, 'Y. H, 36. He, with bie Palerine tribe added. ix. 20. brother, is caned to an account for hia Falenalls, or Faliacians, assist the \'"eiana eonduo& towarda the 6.011, and dies, and Fidenatians, iv. 17. Attack the vi 1. Roman camp at Veii, v. 8, 13. Are de­ --Ambult08, Q., conaul, iv. 52. Mu­ feated by Camillus, tbeir camp taken, Ser of hone, vii. 28. Dictator, ix. 7. and tbeir city besieged, 19, 26. The --GUlges. Q., ('1)n8ul, X. 47. treaeherous Ichoolmaster is punished, __ Maximu. Rullianu8, Q., conde and the town lurrendel8. 21. Tbey Jt:­ IPdHe, "ill.. 18. Muter of hone, 29. vive hostilitie., vii. 17. Obtajn a truce, Fight. the Samnitea contrar)" to the 22. War ia proclaimed against tbem, order of the dictator, Papirius, and is ]1:. 45. A. truce granted, 46. auccessful, 30. H is dispute with the Falemian lands, as far as the river Vul­ dictator,30-36. He is made eODllul, 3S. turnu., divided among the commons o' InterreJI:, m. 7. Dictator, be defeats tbe Rome, viii. 11. Samnitell, 23. Again consul, be defe&'" F&8CeI do not attend boto. consuls in the the Etrurian., 3D. Thouj.!h at enmity city, ii. I. Lowered. in compliment to wUh Papiriu8, nominate. bim clietator, the people, b)" Publicola, 7. 38. A third time conaul, he overthrows .... hers. CODscript, iI. 1. See Senate, Pa· the Samnite. and Umbrlanl, 41. Cen- tricians. 80l, he dhilJibut.e8 tbe· lowest rabble Faustl1hm uvea Bomulua and RemulI, L among tbe four city tribes. aud thence •• 5. • gains the aumame of Maximus, 46; A Pecenia, Hiapala. a courtesan. discovers founb time cODsul, be overcomee the the practicee of the Bacchanaliana, Samnit.e&. z. 13, It. hi made conau) a :z.x.z"iz:.9, II. IS. 11 rewarded, HI •. fifth time. 22. Triumpha, 30. . Feralia. festival of the infernal deities, xxxv. f. ' c;;.u~~~u~~. ~:' C01lJul, iv. S7. Perentine grove, J. 50, 52. Water, 6t. -- Maximus VefTUCOSUJ. Q., a.mbas­ Source of it, ii. 53. sador to Carthsgf'. xxi. lB. Prodiclatol', Ferentum, taken by tbe Romans, :K. 34. ](xil. 8. His cautious method of con· Peroni&, ber temple, i. 30. Her temple Gucting tbe war, 11-11. lie sells his and grove. xxvi.. 12; xxvii. 4. He! estate to ransom pruonera, 23. Savel temple .. Capena .truck bylightniug. from total defeat hil mutur of hone, :ux1ii.26. 2240 n."DEX.

Fescinine verses. vii. 2. Fostiu•• M., consular tribune, Iv. 25. Fieulnea. i. S. Ficulnean, or Nomentan, -- Flaccinator, M., consul, 0. 20. road, iii. 52. Master of borse, 26. Again, 28. Pidene, oolony, i. 2;; iv. 17. Revolts, Fregclle, colony, viii. 22. Seized by the and i8 reduced, 22, Nt 34. Samnitel, ix. 12. Recovered. 28. Jts Fidenatians make "'ar on the Romans, fidelity to the Romans, xxvii. 10. and are conquered, i. H. Again, 27. Dravery of its horsemen, xxvi. 27. An! besieged, ii. 19. Kill Roman am· Fruslnianr, mulcted a third part of their bassadors, iv. 17. Are subdued, 33, 34. lands, x. I. Pleld of Man, i. 4-; ii. 5; vi. 20. Prusino. or Frusinum, xxvii. 37. Figtree Ruminal, i. 4-; x. 23. Fueine lake. iv. 57. Fires, great, Rt Rome, xIiv. 47; xxvi. 27. Fulcinius, C., Roman ambassador, killed FlameD. instituted by Numa. i. 20. by order of Tolumnius, iv. 17. Flamen of Jupiter must not spend one Pulviul Curvu., C., plebeian redile. x. 23. night out or the city. v. 52. --, Cn., consul, x. 11. Defeats the Flaminian circlls, iii. 54; xl. 52. Samn;te&, and triumphs, 12. Propne· --- meadow•• iii. 5-4. 63. tor, be ovenhrowl the Etrurian_, U, Plaminiu&, C., a second time consul, xxt 27,30. 57. Goes privately to Arimlnum. where ----, qureator, delivered up tD Han~ he a.~9umes the office, 63. Is killed in nibal by the Ligurians, ~xi. 59. the battle ot Thrasimene. xxii.• , 6. ----j lieutenant-general, :.u:vi. H. qUlestol, xxvi. 41, 33; nvii. 8. ====:', consul, xxxvill. 42. De- -- Centumalu., Cn., curnle redile, =fends M. Fulvius, 43. Defeats the Li- made prletor, xxiv. 43. Consul. IXV. gurian!, xxxix. 2. 4.; :lxvi. I. Is defeated by Hannibal -----" commissioDer of a co­ at He-niimea, and slain, xxvii. 1. lOllY, xl. 84. -- Fiaccul. Cn., praetor. xxv. 2. Is ---, L. xliii. 11. intoxicated with success. 20. Defeated ---, Q., commissioner of landI, by Hannibal at Herdonea, 21. Called xxxi.

ChGBet. consul, 43. Triumph. over the Gau18,42. His death, and tl1aracter, Ligurians, 59. Is made ceDsor, xli. 27. vii. 1. Strips the temple of Juno Lacinu., xlii. Furius, M., defends M. Aureliu. against 8. Hangs himself, 28. charges made by Philip, xxx. 42.. . J'undf2, its inhabitants made Roman citi­ -- Cr88sipes, M., commissioner of zens without right of sutfrage, viii. If. lands, xxxiv. 53~ Prtetor, x.x..:x:viii. 42. Puneral orationa, ii. 47, 61. Allowed to Again, xli. 28. matrons, v. 50. Often misreprelent; --, P., consul, ii. 58. facts, viii. 40. --Philus, P., pretor, xxi. 85, 55. Pwiua and Fulius, the same, iii.•. Retwna wounded from. Africa, xxiii.. _, lieutenant-general, brother of" ll. II made eenaor, xxiv. 11; and the coll8ul Sp. Furius, killed by the acta with aeverity, 18. Is accused by MetellUl, plebeian tribune, and .diea • JEq~a~~\~j,!' iii•• 6, 70. Consular • 3. t.ribune. v. 82. --, Q., chief pontift', ii. 54:. __ PacilU8, C., consul. iv. 12. Cen­ --, Sex., coniul, ii. 39. sor,22. Disfranchises Mamercus lEmi­ --, Sp., cODsul, ii. 43. JiUI. 2i. Is made consular tribune, 31. ----, consul, worated by the .IE- Consul again, 62. quan_, and surrounded in his camp, iii. --Aculeo, C., qUl!estor, xxxviii. 55. of. Ie relieved by T. Quintius, 5. --, L., CODIUI, opposes the Agrarian ----, consular tribune, vi. 51, law. II. 54. -- Camillus, Sp., aon· of Marcus, -.consular tribune with Camillus, fint pretor, vii. 1. . vi. 22. Dispute between them, 23, 24, ~uliU8, Sp., pater patratus, i. 24. 25. ---, plebeian tribune, iI. 42. Gabians, ili. 8; vi. JI. __ CamiHue, L.. dictator, reitoTee Gabian road, iii. 6. the consulship to the patricians. Bnd is Gabii taken by the treacheT)' of Sex. -elected conlul, vii. 24. Defeale the Tarquinill8, i. 5S, Sf j xxiv. 10; xxVi. 9. Gauls. 26. Is made dictator, 28. • Gabine cinctuJe, v. 46; viii. 9; x. 7. ------" consul, takea Pe­ Gahiniua made governor ofScodra, xlv. 26. dum, and triumpha, viii. 13. Coniul a Gade., .xxi. 21; xxiv. 49; xxvi.. 43; aecond time, 29. xxviii. ]. --MeduUinua, L., B person or per­ G2tulian troops, xxiii. 18. IlOns of this name held the following Gala, king of Numidia, xxiv. 48, 49: officei, but. the accou.nts are obscure; nix. 29; xl. 17. Consular tribune, iv. 25, 35. Again, 4". Game tumult, vii. 9, n. Day, xxvi. 19 i Consul, 51. Again, 5i. Consular tri­ xxx. 19. bune, 67. Again. (i1. A third time, Gallogreeians, xxxvii. 8. Their origin, v. 14. .4 fourth, 16. A flftb,24. A. xxxviii. Hi. They are eubdued by Cn. sixth, 26. A seventh, 32. Manliua Vu.llo, 23. Who triumphs over them, xxxix. 6. ~l~~~te~~d~"a ~!~~~ a!~'::~ Gamea, Roman, or great, exhibited by of the )Rtolians, nri. 29. 1M, made . Romulus, i. 9. Established by Tar­ eonsul, xxxiii. 204. quiniu8 Pri.cui,1o be performed annu.­ -- Camill"a, .M., consular tribune. ally. 35. v.I. Again, 10. A third time, he ra­ --, Capitoline, v. 50. vages Campania, H. Interrex, 17. --, Apollinarian, instituted, uv. 12. Dictatot, 19. Defeata the Faliscians, Ea&a.blisbed, xxvii. 28. and take. Vell, 25. Opposes the design --, Circensian, xxx. 27'. of removing to Veil, and is made con~ --, Meg81eaian, xxix. 14. lular tribune & fourth time, 26. Sends -. Plebeian, xxiii. 30. back to the Falerians their children, and --, Funeral, remarkable, exhibited h. traitor who brought \hem to hi. by the BOn. of lEmiliua Lepidus,. xxiU. camp, 21. Interrex, be is accused by 30. ApuleiUl j goe. into exile, and is tined, --, Olympic, xxvii. 35. 32. 11 recalltd. and made dictator, f6. --, Nema>8D, xxvii. SO, 3]. UUerly vanquishe8 the Gauls, and tri­ --, Isthmian, xxxiH. 32. umph., 49. Dictator a third time, he Ganymede., governor or lEnuI, for Pto- takes the Volscian camp, vi. ). Con.-­ lemy, betrays It to Philip. xxxi. 16. aular tribune a fifth time, 6. Hie ser­ Garamantiana. xxix. 33. vices, "7-10. Consular tribune. sixth Garitene. murdered by Philip, XXIii. 21. time, 18. A seventh. 22. Hia modera­ GateH of a Roman camp, prretorian in tion towards his colleague. and IIUCceS& front, xl.~". Decuman, or qUalstorlan, in "ar, 2S, 25. Dictator a founh time, in tbe rear, iii. 5; x. 32. Right Dud .18. A tl1U:I. be t~iumphl OYer the left prinCipal, xl. 27. 2242 . INDEX.

Gatea of tbe city of Rome :­ PTlPtor. AniciuI, 31. II led in triumph, Capuan, or Capena, i. 26; iii. 22. witb his queen. children, and brother. Cannental, ii. 49; or Wicked. "'Iv. 43. Colline, i. 51 i ii. It. Genua, XIi. 32. Taken by M~o, and de­ Esquiline, ii. 11 ; iii. 86. molished, xxviii. 46. Rebuilt by the Flumentan, vi. 20. Romans, XII. 1. Nzvian, ii. 11. Genuciu" plebeian tribune, killed in hi. Numentan, vi. 20. 0"'0 bouse, it. 54. Trigemina, iv. 16. ---, Cn., plebeian consular tribune, Gavilliu8, Cn. and L., cause a great v. IS. A second time, when be fall, in alarm at Rome, xli. 5. batUe, 18. Gaul, province, called Arlminum, xxviii. BB. :===::;'• oneconsul, of the vii. first 3. plebeian au- Gauls, enticed by tbe delicious fruits and gurs, x. 9. wines, had come into Italy 200 years ---, L., plebeian consul, vil 1. A before the taking of Rome, v. 11. Their second time. 4. 11 slain in battle with several migrations, 33-85. The Se­ the Hemicians. 6. . nonel besiege Clusium, 35. Quane] ----, plebeian tribune, proposee a with the Romans, 86. March to Rome, law against usury, vii. 42. and gain 8 victory at the AUta, 87, 38. ----, consul, :E. 1. Bum Rome, 41. Are utterly defeated ----, ambassador to Syphax. xxvii. by Camillus, .9. AIe again Touted by i. Camillus, vi. 42. Advance within three ---, M., consul, iv. 1. miles of Rome, vii. 9. On their cham- ---, T .• plebeian tribune, propose. an Agrarian law, and accuses T. Mene­ a:~::'a~~~7 ~lt.in ~!::~I~~8g~::en: niua, ii. 52. Makes a heavy charge on" with them, 12-15, 23, 24 i viii. 20. the consuls of the preceding yearI and The combat of Valerius Corvus, vii. 26. is put to deAth. 5.... The Gauls. for a large BUm of mouey, -, decemvir, iii. 33. make peace with the Etrurians, x. 10. Geronium, xxii. 18.24. 39. l'hey, in conjunction with the Etru· Gisgo, Carthaginianambaasador to Philip" nans, Samnites, and Urnbrians, are de­ niii.3f. feated by the Romans, 27, 29. The Se­ --, arguing against peace, is treated nones cut oft'a Roman legion, 26. Ch8-0 roughly by Ha.nnibal, IXX. 37. noter of the Gauls, v,' 37---46; and :1:. Gladiators exhibited. :l:xiii. 30; xxviii. 21. 28. Transalpine Gauls join Hannibal, ---ealled Samnites, by the Cam- xxi. 20-28. :Make an irruption into pantans, ix. 40. Italy, xxxix. 22, 45. Submit to the Gods, celestial and infernal. x. 28. R oman consul, and retire, 54. --Indigete8, and Novensiles, viii. 9. Gaurus, mount, vU. 32. --Manes, viii. 6, 9; x.281 Geese save the Capitol, v. 47. -- Penates, or household, i. I. Geganian family, Alban, admitted among --Tutelar, of Rome. iii. 7. Roman patriCians, i. 30. The custom of calling them out from the Geganius, L.r consular tribune, vi. 31. town of an enemy, and the eel"Pll"lOnie8 ___, M., consular tribune, vi. "2. used in removing their imagt!8, v. ~n, 22. ___ MacerinuI, M., consul, quashea Gold, vieesimary, xxvii. 10. the combinations of the plebeian tri­ -, 1000 pounds' 'Wei~ht stipulated as bune. against tbe patricians, iii. 65. Is the ran.om of the Roman people, v. 48. made consul a second time, iv. 8. He Retaken, and placed under the throne overthrow II the Voiscians. 8ends them of Jupiter, 50. under the yoke, and triumph_B, 10. Is Gomphi, xxxi. 41. Taken by the Ro­ B third time consul. 11. Censor, 12. mans, xxxvi. 13. See ix. 38, 8 •• Gonni, xxxvi. 10; s:1ii. 54,61. ___, T., consul, n. 34. Goods of Porsenna for Bale, whence the Gelo, 80n of Hiero, favouring the earth&­ pbrase arose, ii. 14. ginians. is carried off by a 8uddm death, Gown. bordered "ilh purple. pnetexta, 'Xxiii. 30. His character, xxiv. 5. borrowed from the Etrurians, i. 8. Geminius Metius, Etrurian, bis lingle Gradivu., Mars, Ii. 45. His priests Salli combat with T. Manlius, viii. 7. instituted by Numa. I. 20. (",.enius, a deity, xxi. 62. Graviscfe. Roman colony. xl. 99. Grecian artI first admired by the Roman5, ae.~~r~ ~:~f t~fh:,~Y~~;,."~:!e. ~W.b:: XIV. 40. He imprisons the ambassadof8, and -- fleet infests the coasts or Italy. takps l)at't "'irb Perse~8t xli,,:. 27. vii. 25, 26. AnotheT, under Cleonymus, Murders his brother. and b1s two friends, 8 Spartan, is compe~led to retire by the 80. Surrenden himeelf to the ROlDlID Patavia.na. x. J. INDEX. 2243

GreclaD IlIAD ad woman Ituried alive ill long reaialed by. &malt body of Pra!­ ____tbe forum,... xxii. declared ST. _ loy T. Quin- nestines, at CasiliDum. which at last 8UJ1"enden. 19. He gainI pouession of Uu., at the I8thmiaD games. sxxiii. 32. Tarentum by treachery, :u.v. 8-10. Greece. tbe Partber, vii. 26. --, the Greater, revol&a to JlaDDibal, ::::.e:~ C:~~~:!u:; l:.~~~~ 'i~::: xx.ii.61; xxxi.7. xxvi. 1. Encamps witbin three miles Greek. fablee, .... vili. 43. TreDC~ fG. of that city, 10. FaiJing in his attempt, Gulf in ~e forum close&. 011 CurtiUl he retires. 11. Vanquishes Cn. Fulvius,. leapiu« into it, ... ii. 6. proconsul, at BeMones, xrvii. I. He GuI ...... IOn of Masinisoa, pleada befo", surrounds Marcellus, ,.·ho is slain. 27. the ..Dale in .favour of bia father, xlii. After theJl,eath of Hasdrubal, he retiree H. into Bruttium. 51. 'Wonted. by Scipio. Gythium taken by T. QulDti.... :uxiv. he retires from Locri. nix. 7. Is re­ 29. By Nabia, SUY.17. called from Italy, xxx. 19. Helda a eoDferencewitb Scipio. 29. laconquer­ Hadrumetum, city in Africa, %XL J9,15. ed at Zama, and fiies to Adrumetum. Haliacm.on, river. xl.ii. 51. 36.. fa kindly reeeived by Antiocbua. Hatianua. city. faVOUIII p~ Ilii. ... at EphesUJ, xxxiii. 49. Adviael Antio­ 18 taken by the pnetor Lucreuua, 6S. "chul to attack the Romani in Italy, HaliC8l'1lMlliaBI. obliged to the RbodiaDl '"s1Iiv. 60. Converses with Scipio, for lbeir liberty, :s.IIW. 20. Zealoua to X:KXY. 14. Losea the favour of Antio­ .erM tbe Romans. XIXm. 16. ehust D. Is restored to bis good Halys, river, its banks iDhabiled by Gauls, opinioll, IXIvi. 6. )S.41. Is defeated :s.s.xviii. 16. as: lea by th.e Rhodianll. xxxvii. 24. Is Hame. Dear Cuma, the camp of the Cam~ compelled by the Romans to leave the paniano, ia aurpri&ed there by G...... court: of AntiOChU8,45. Ha·.ing found I1jii.3.i.. refuge with Prusias, but being still per­ Hamilear, formtn« plan. for & WaI' agamst eecuted by tbe Romans, be IWallOW' the Rom8Jl8. dies, :Ed 1, a, 5. Thill poison, :Exsix. 51. bappened '" .. place in SpaiD eaIled Banno, head ortbe futioD which opposed Hlgntort. IxiY. tl. the Bareine, insists that Hannibal ought -.aetiDg in ooneert with the In· Dot to be sent into Spain. xxi. 3 i but lI\!brian Gauls, ia k.illed. .. MUle a& to be given up to the Romans, 9. After Cftmooa, BIt. II. the battle of Crume. he recummends ---, ann of lIomilcar, _ted loy the making proposals of peace to the Ro­ Scipio&.. xliii.t9. mani, :Exili. U. -.. lOll of GiigO, RiVeD up to 'he -.SOD of Bomilear. distinguishea BomaDIr With the isle 01 Melita, Ixi. 51. bimsel( in tbe passage of the Rbone, -. Carthaginian geaeral. made IXi. 27, 28. prilione. by CD. Cornelius. ~ ao. --defeated and talr.en in SpaiD by la led in triumplt, I:u:ili. U. ca. Scipio, x.xi. 60. Bampsicora, Sardiuian ehief. meditatea a --driven Dill of LUcUlia by Sempro. revolt. llxiii. 32. Kille himself, fl. niu Longus, IXiii. 17. Pen;uadea tlle Hannibal. about nine yean old, swears Grecian cities in Bruttium \0 join him, J":!rpetual eomity 10 the RomaBI. IIi.. :EDV. 1. Figbts a desperate battle with I. Ia appointed general in lbe place of Graechu&. U, 15. Flies to BroUium, Hudrubal, 3. Ria chaTaCter.'" He xxv. 14. Commanda the gani60D of "besicgea ...d taIr. .. Sagun.wn. vi. U. lIetapontum. xxvii 42. Paaaes the lberu.a and Pyrenean moun­ -- succeeds Hasdrubal Bareae 8& tain.. 2:1. C...... the RhODe, 31. commander in Spain, XIvili. I. Ie The Alpo, 32. Th.numberofhiof...... ,JDade prisoner by the Roman .. 2 i and t!. He defeats the Romans ac Ticiau. &eDt to Rome, 4. 411. A,aiD at the Trebia, 54. Agamat -'--, aD officer under ).fago. ia routed Placen.ia, 59. Again '" the lake Tra.­ by L Alareius, xIvUi. 30. limenua. sni. 4. &cape. out ora &e- --, ~neral of cavalry, falla in battle. 61. br.be 8tJatagem of tying faggob to xxh. 29, "35. the hom. ef oen, 16. Worsta Mino-­ -----. lOB of Hamilcu, defeated aDd eiua, who is uved. by Fabiu, 29. Pre. slain by Masinissa, uis. 3t. &endl flight, but hiB aeheme it deieeled. Hannoma,· daughter of Gel.... put ,. "2. Dwtreued. aDd perpleseG, he re- death. xxiv. 2f, 25. • mOTes to CannIE'. 43_ There overthrows Harpalus, unbueador from Peraeua, gives the Roman. with great liangb.ter, 49. etrenee to tbe "'Date, lllii. If. _ to eapue,1Iili.l_ Ia defeated at Budrubal, IOD·in·JaW and sueeesaor of Nola by lIoI""",Uua, 16. Ria men ener­ Bamilear, killed by a savage, n:L I. ...ted by the lWI.1lIJ' of Cap.... 1& Ale ---- brother of Hannibal, Ia left 2244 INDEX.

commander in Spain, xxi. 22. J. de­ opposite opinions respecting tbe Ro­ feated by the Sripio8, x'1iH. 29. Cute man. at Caudium, S. off the two Roman generals, with the Hennandica Itormed by Hannibal, XI.t.!5. greatest port of their men. xxv. 82. Herminiui, Lan. cou8ul, iii. 65. ----, T., BAslste Horatiu! Cocles in ~~:~ :!~i'. ~:~ii9~7pa::e~~!:t~~~ defending the bridge, ii. 10. Is.lain aI'. and over the Alps, 36. 39. Lay. liege RegiUUI, 20. to Placentia, 43. la vanquisbed at the Hennione, town, XID. 44. Metauru8, and 81ain, 48, 49. Hi, head Hernicwi. prepare for war, ii. 22. Are is thrown into Hannibal', camp, 61. conquered. 40. Their lands are w8."Ited HlI.8drubal, CalVWl ia sent into Sicily, by £quana and Volscians, iii 6. Tbey xxiii. 82, 3+. Defeated and taken, 40,41. revolt from the Romans. vi. 2. 'Who -, Ion of Gisgo, command. in are defeated by them, vii. 6. i'hey are Spain, xxiv.'1. Ja overthrown by 8ubdued by C. Plautius, 15. They Scipio, xxviii. 15, 16. Plie. into Africa. make war again. iv.42. Surrender, "3. 17. He and SCipio dine together in the Herodicu., Theaaalian, killed by Philip. house of Syphax. 18. He gives his and his family persecuted, xl. 4. Hexapy)on, at Athens, xxv. 24,32, 39. :;.ug~:r a~Dd ~~= ':r:rg:f:ie~X~j Hiero, king of SyracUBe, promises corn Scipio, xxx. 5, 6. . and clothing to the Roman legions. xxi. --- Hledu8, advises the earth8-­ 50. After the dereat at Trasimenus, ginJans to conclude a peace, XXI. ta. he aends ample 8upplies tothe Romans. Reproves Hannibal'. laughter, .... and a golden image of victory, xxii. 3i. Health, ber te-mple, ix. 43. x. l. Dies, xxiv. 4. Kegeu, commander of Neapolitan caval- Hieronymus. Hiero'8 grandson and 8ac~ ry, xxiU. 1. t:eS8or, bis character, and a conspiracy HelleKpont, xxxi. U ; xxxvii. 9. fonned against him. xxiv ..... 6. He HeloT1Js, rdv. 85. Ineers at the Roman ambassador, 6. Helvlu5. Cn., military tribune, killed, Ja slain by tlIe conspirarora. 7. XIX. 18. Himera, river, xxiv. 6j xxv. 49. ____, pnetor, xxxii. 7, 8. Com- Hjmilc-o.leads an army into Sicily, xxiv. mands in S}Jain, xxxiii. 21. II honour­ 35, 36. Retirea to Agrigentum, 39. ed with an ovation, xxxiv. ]0. .tIrings IUPlilies to Syracuse, and dies of }h..'l)ha'~li •• xxxiii. 85. the plague, xxv. 26. Hcr8clea.. in ur~e, .J:xviii. i, 7 i IuvL Hippo Royal, in Afnc-a, xxix. 4, 32. 22. 24j xliv. 8,9.. -, in Spain, xxxix. 30. ___, in Italy, i.18i viii.. U. Hippocrates, in conjunction with the Car­ _ MinaI, in Sicily, mv. 35 j XXT. thaginian., caniel on war against Mar~ 40.. cellu!, xxiv. 35. Is defeated, SIJ. --- 8(ntk~, In M""edon!a, xlv. 29. Bringlll suppliel to Syracu5e, and dies, H eraclidea. one of Ph Hip's generals, xxxi. xxv. 26. 16. Is thrown into prison, xxxii. 6. Hirpinians, xxii. J 3. Join the Carth~i­ ---, Byaanti8n. xxxvii. 34. nian8, 61; x1iii. 1. Their towns are Herac-litus Scotinu5, Philip's ambauador taken by the Rom&IU, J7. They IUb-­ to Hannibal, xxiii. 39. mit, xxvii. 15. Her~a, xxviii. 7, 8. The direction or the Honour and Virtue, their temple8, xxvii. Herlean, or JUlloniBn games, i. con­ 25. ferred on Philip. xxvii. 30. Hope, her te-mple, ii. 51. HeriJeasus taken by Marcellus, xxiv. 30, HoratiJ, brothefl, fight the Curiatii, i. 35. 2~, 25. Hercinian t'or.st. v. 3.... HOfatiu8 Coclea maintain8 the SubJician Hereulaneum taken by CarviliUI, x. 45. bridge,leap8 into the river. and eBcap~, Hercule., in Latium, i. 7. Alectistemium, il.10. or banquet, in honour of b im, v. ) 3. __-, C., consul, fightl the Etrurian" Hi. ministers Potttii, i. ,. io Ix. 29. Hil U.61. pillars, xxi. 43. _-_ Pulvillul, C.• eoolul, routa the Herdone&, xxv. 21. Is takeD by Hanni­ A:.quaul, ill. 30. Dies augur, 32. bal, and the inhabitants are expelled, ___ Barbatul, L. t warmly oppose, xxvii. 1. the decemvin, iiI. 39. Drives Ap. Cla.u­ Herdoniu8, Ap.• 8 Sabine. leizes the Capi­ dius out of the forum, 49. Js made con· tol, iii. 15. Is killed, 18. Herdoniu8, Tumns, im'eighs against Tar­ ~,!pt~· w~:!~t~e!~: :;~h~e~=~, ~1: quinius. i. 5. Who procures his death, 51. 63. &e iv. 6. Herennius Ba.~sus, and Herius Pettiua _-_ Pulvillul, M.• con8ul, n. 8 i ..a 3. Nolana. roofer with Hanno, Ixill. 4S. ___, M., conJlular tnbuneo, vi. 31. ___ Pontius, Samnite, is. I. Hia ---, P. t labours to save hia lion from INDEX. 2245

the punlshmenl Inconed byltilliDg his 21; uv.34. His family kindly lnated lister, L 26. by Scipio_ x:ni. 49. He joins Scipio, xxvii. 11. c..'hanges sides again, xxviii. H~~~, ~~a~~ f::~D !n:b~~:eh~D~:': 2... Submit.s to Scipio, and is pardoned, u:iv. 18; xXTil. 11. 34. Revolt., and is killed in battle,­ H08tagee of the TarentineB, attempting xxix. t. 3. an escape, are seized. and put to deatb. Jndiges Jupiter, iEneas 80 called, i. 2. ssy.7. Ind igetea, d.eitiee, viii. 9. ---of the Spanish statee are restored Indus, river. xxxviii. 14. to tbeir frienda by Scipio, uvi. 49. IngauJlian Ligurians, xxviii. 46: xxx. )9. ---required from the Carthaginians, A treaty between tbem and the Roman., xxx. II. xxxi. 2. H o.stilian aenate-bouae, i. SO. Iosubrian Gaul •• a canton of tlle 1Eduans. H08tiliUl Cato. two of &-his name. A. and found Mediolanum, v. 3... PlundeJ' and C., xxvii. 85. bum Placentia, x:oi. )0. Are defea&ed --- Tubulus, C•• pnetor, xxvii. 6. by the Romans, KSlI:ii. 30. Def'eatIJ Hannibal, 40. 1& eontinued. iD Interamna, Roman eolQny, ix:. 28. In eommand, IXviiL 10. vain attempted by tbe Samnitea, 'X. 36. ---ldaneinUl, A., pnetor, xl. as. Refusea lupplies, xxvii. 9. lit com­ ------,. Lo,lent by Minuciua peUed t.o contribute more tbaq UBUal, with four hundred bonemen to procure xxix. 15. intelligence. ill cut oft' by the carthagi­ tntereat 01 money, vii. 16. 2t. Redueed. niana, Ixii. 15. 27. ---. Tullus. kin,. L 211-31. Intennarriage ofpatriclans and plebei ..... ---, H06tUl. distinguishes himself ill iv. l. 3, ... battle against tbe Sabinea, aud falla, i. IDUUI, Pan 10 ealled, i. S. 12. Inletregnums, i. 11, 22; iii. 8; iv.',43, Hybla. sm. 21. II; v. 17, 31; vi,t, 5; vii. 17,21, 2t1j U ypata, xxxvi. 17; DXvii. 'i s1L 25. viii. 3,11; ix. 7; K. J1; xi. 10.23,33. Hyreanian plaina, xnvil. 88. Ionia. IXxiii. 38; lI:Sx1V. 58 i xxsviii.. as. Ionian Sea, siii. 35 j xxiii. 33; xlii. 48. Jbera. elty. uiii. 28. 80 ealled from bale&, Gletulian geoeral, xxiiL 18. lberu&. river. the boundary between the Ina, i&laod, xUii. 9. Romani and Canbaginianl in Spain, lueans Join the Roman fteet, Sllxi. 45. xxi. 2. 5; xxvi. 17. lcihul, Lot betrothed to Virginia.-iii. 44- Is~c;:n~~ae~ ~~~~~~~~Si~liL 16. 51. Is made plebelaD tribune Oil the Isthmus of Corinth, xlv. 28. Aventine, 54. Istriana, a savage nation. ]I. I; ][:r::i. US. ---, plebeian tribune. iv. li2. The RomanI at war with them, xli. I, -. Sp., plebeian t.ribune. ii. 5R. 11. --. t.hree of that name plebeian tri- bune8 in one year, iv. 54. Jampborina, capital city of M.,..'"", IUr­ Id12an Mother brought to Rome from rendered to t.he Romana, :z.xvi. 25. Pessinua in Asia, xxix. 10, 14. Janiculum added to the city, L 8S. I. IJergetianl subdued by Hannibal, :Exi. 23. seized by the Etrurians, U. 10, 51. Their country 'WBited by Cn. Scipio. 62. Janul, hi' temple shut twice after the They renew the waf, sxll. 21. They reign of Numa, i. 19 . implore aid from the Romaua, xxxi" .11. .Jassus demanded by the Rbodians. :z.xs.ii. Iliana, ssix. 12; xxxviii. 39. 33. The Romans raise tbe 8iege of it al­ Ilium, Xll~V. 48 i usvii.9. the request of the R ho(Jianl, xxxvii. 11. lHiberis, ssi. 24. JUbelliu8 TaUl'ell, Campanian. hia en­ I iliturgia 11 besieged by the Carthaginian., counter with Cl, Aaellu8. x:z.iii. 8, 41. and relieved. by the Romans, xxiii. 49. His death, xxvi. 15. It again besieged. and relieved, xxiv. .lugarian street.., in Rome, :l:xiv. t7. 41. xx.,.i. 11. Revolte to the Carthagi­ XJlvii. 31; xsxv.21. nians, xxviii. 19. Ie taken by Scipio, Julian family, originally Albau, t SO. and burnt, 20, 25. .Julius Julus, C., consul, Ii. 411. Decemvir, IHyrianl. tbeir design., in favour or Phi­ iii. 33. Is deputed by tbe senate &0 tbe lip, are di&COVeted to tbe Romani, xlii. aecedetl on the Aventine, 50. 26. They join Peneua. xUv. 3~. -. C., consul, iii. 66. AgaiD, iv. 21. Are declared free, :1:1 •• ]8. A third time. 23. Jlva, island. xxx. 39. --JUIUI, C., consular tribune, iv. 56. Jlvatian Ligurian., xxxi. to; xxxii. 29. Again,l51. Dies censo,. v. 31. tnrtia. ill. 17; xxxv. 32; xlv. 9, --.-. C., dictator, vii. 21. Indians. bad 8Oldiet'5. ix. 19. -- Mento, C., consul. disputes with J ndibilia, prince of the llergetians, ~.J,i.i. hill colleague aud tb.e senate, iv. 2ti. 2246 l~'DEX.

Julius, L.t consular tribune. iv. 18. Mas- Jupiter Optimu8 It{uimus. iv. 2. ter of horse, 26. Consul, SO. --Stator, i. 12, 41 j x. 36. ---, consular tribune, vi. SO. --Vicfor, :1:. 29. --Julus, L.t consular tribune, v.I. --Latiarill. xxi. 63; xxii. 1. ------, consular tribune, v. 10. -- Olympin~. xxiv. 21. Again. 16. --Trophonius, xlv. 27. -.-, Sex., consular tribune, iv. 35. --Vicilinu8, xxiv. 14. --.- Clesar, Sex., pr~tor, 1zvii• .11. Juventas, goddess, v. 54 i xxi. 62; xxxvii.. Deputed to the coosul, 29. 56. Junius BubulcuB, C., comul, ix. 20. A Juventins ThaIn&, L., lieutenant-general, second time, 28. Dictator, 28. A third xxxiLSl. time consul, 30. Master of borse, 3S. ------, M., plebeian tribune, Censor, 43. Dictator, x. 1. He tri­ accuses Lucretius, xliii. 8. Pnetor, umphs over the £quanl. xlv. IS. --Brutus, D., master of hone, 'fiji. 12. Consul,29. King of the sacrifices, it 2; vi. 41; is. M. ---- SCleva, D., lieutenant..ge.. Kings banished from Rome, i. 59. Derai, x. 48. Consul,47. Knights, three centuries instituted by --, D., commander at the mouth of Romulus, i. 13. The number doubled the Vulturnus, ::IXV. 22. by Serv. Tulliu!, 43. There are three --Brutus, L., is sent to Delphi, with hundred in eaeh legion, viii. 8. They the sona of Tarquioius. i. 56. ~ Accom­ are fumiahed with horses by the pubhc, panies Collatinus to Lucretia, 58. 'fakes i. 43, 4S. They wear gold ringa. xxiii. the lead in expelling the TarquiDs, 59, 12. Are reviewed annually, ix. 46. Is created consul, 60. Put. his own Theyaerve on their own horses. and pay sons to death for a conspiracy, iJ. 2. is assigned t<1 them, v. 7. The censan Fall. in fight, together with AroDa JUs punish several for misconduct, by de­ ant&c,"Onist,6. priving them of theiI horses. xxiv. 18; -.-, L., commissioner to Macedonia, xxvii. 11 , xxix. 3t. SiI lmDd~ are xlv. 17. given as hostages to the Samnites, U. --Penou., M., plebeian aedile, xxix. 5. Are recovered, 15. 11. Prwtor, XII. 4G. --Per8.t M., dictator, afrer the battle Labeatians subject to Gentius, xliii. 19 j of Cannee. xxii. 57; xxiii. 14. xliv. 3]. --, M., deputt'd to the senate by the Labeo, Cn.• military tribune. xxxiii. 22. prisoners in tbe h&nda of H.!Ull1ibaJ.. Labici, or Lavici, takt'n by Coriolanus. it xxii. 59. 39. Its lands wasted by Gracchu6. iii. -.-Silnnus, M" prretoT, xxv. 2. 25. It is taken by the Romans, who Lieutenant-general to P. Scipio, xIvi. settle a colony there, iv. 47,.9. Lavican 19. He gain. a victory over ldago and road. 41. Hanno. xxviii. 2. Laeedemon robbed by N al)is and his -- Brutus. M., 'pretor, x:u.v. 24. Wife, xxxii. 4r1. Besie~d by Quintin5. Commissioner to settle the affiLiI'l of xxxiv. 40. Visited by P . .;Emilins. :r:lv. Asia, 1X1vii. 55. Consul. xl. 59. 28. &e Sparta. -----, p~, plebeian tribune, IUp· Lacedremonians, or Laconians, under Cle­ ports the Oppian law, ...x.iv. I. Ple­ onymu8, infeftt the ooa.~t of Italy. s. I. beian ledile j he puniahea usurers, xu.v. Quarrel with the Achreans, xxxi. 2&. 41. War is declared against them bv ttw, --, P .• pr.etor, xxXTi. 4S. Leads an Romans, xxxiv. 22: I'hey are subdued­ army against the Etrurian., xxxvii. 2. by T. Quintiua, xxvi. 40. Are Ifi\.·eft in -_, Q., plebeian tribune. proposes to charge to the A('hteans, xx:x.v.U. Their revenge the death of MlElius, tv. 16. towns on the coast are attat'"ked by Na­ lunD. i. 32. bil, 22. They are deliyf'red. ttom the - Moneta, vn. 28. tyranny of Nabis, wbo is assassinated - Sospita, viii. 14i x'I'xiv.25. by lEtolians, and they join the Achle8D - Lacini~ xxii. 1; xxiii. SS; sJ:lv. 21; league, 36. uviii. 46; xxx. 20. LaceriuI, .C., plebeian tribune, v. 10. _ Begin•• Y. 21. Brou~ht from V.iI Lacetania, xxi. 23. to Rome, 22. An offering made'to her Lacetani.aDs are redueed by Scipio, xxi. by CamiHu6, vi... A temple dedicated 60. 6t. They attack the allie8 of the to her by M. )Emiliu•• sl. 52. RomlUlB, sxviii. 2,.. M. Silanus is sent J upileI Capitolinul. i. 55: vi. 17. against them. 26. See xuili. M. __ DodonEul, viii. 24. Lacinium. x:xxvL .,. --ElieiWl, i. 20. Lacumsceti, Numidian. ca.lled king by __ Peretriua, l Hr. Mezdulul, xxix. 29. 30. --Imjlel8tor, n. 19. Laliua, C., la appointed c<>mmander or INDEX. 224'7 , the 4eet by Scipio, .xvI. 42. Sent to TI!iI Roman. de<1 ... war, and enlinlly Rome Yitb. despatehes, xxvii. 7. Sent eubdue them, 6-14. to Afrlca.:u:ix. 1,4,6. GoeawithScipio Latinus, king. forms .. alliance atld eI-· into Atcica, 25. He and Muiniasa finity.witb. JEneas, i. I. punue and def'eut Sypbu, 11L 9, 11, ---8ylvius, king of Alba, i. B. 13,17. Latona. v. 13; xxv. 12. Leliua, C., pnetor, :Kuill. 25. Consul, Lavinia married lO Eneas, and Lavinium. xX::Jvi. 45. built, i. 1. L8:'tOriUA. C., curule I!edile, ::Ixiii. 30; ::av. Laurentian•• the treatywith them reuewed 22. Pnrtor, IIvi. 23; xxvii. 8. annually, ten days after the Latin fe8ti- --_~Cn.Jlieutellant-geueral.IIx-t.21. ..aI, viii. 11. ---, L. t plebeian 2dile, I.J:J:. 39. Lautia, entertainmeDt furnished. toambu- ---, M., chief centurion, is appointed sadon, xxviii. 39 i xxx. 11. .- to d~dicate 8 cetDple of Mercury, ii. 27. uutuhe, "ii.. 39; ix.23. Lake, Alban, risea to aD unusual height, Lautumie, IXvi. S1; XXIvii. 3;. .:om. v.15. 4 ... -. Curtian. 1. 13: 'riI. 6. Law, Divine and human. i. 18. =: ~~~~B~Vti.5~9; ri. I. La~ ~nkeP:!~~:a:l~l~~~, i;i.46. -, \"adimoD, ix. 39. Lebadia, :l:lv. 27. -, Avernul. xxiv.l3, 20. Lectiatemium,orb&nquetoftbegodl,the -, TrasuneDuI, xXii. •• fiI'llt at Bome, and the ceremonies used, -, Qftti •• xxvii. 11. v. 13 i vii. 2, 27 i viii. 2. j xxii. 1, 16, Lamia, .tEtoUanB ddeated Iheftl by Philip, ltc.; ODe at Cere, xxt. 62- nvii. 30; xxxv. 43. Besieged by him, Legion, and its division •• described. viii. xx.ni.!S. By .A.ciliUl,.u.nii... Ie 8. Linen legion of the Samnitea,:I:. 38. takeD. S. Lemnoa, illand, xxviii 5. Lamp8aC'WI attat'ked by Antioehus, xxxiii. Leonatua, commander of the oh08eD band 3S: XXlI:Y. 42. II admitted. into alliance of PeraeUl, xlii. 51. with Rome, slili. 6. 'Leonide., La.eedemonian, cemmandl the Lanuvianl, revolt, vi. 21. Are made citi-:- Grecian auxiliariea·under' Feneua, Il.ii; lens of Rome, viii. H. 61. Lanuvium, iii. 29 i vi. 2: IIVi. 8: 1l~ Leonoriua and Lutarius, Gallic chieftain.. H. aeia Byzantium, xxxviii. 16. LarrtJ, household godI, viii. 9. PennariD.i, Leontini, Hieronymus is slain there, xxiv. ~i. 52. 7. The city iI occupied. by Hippocrates Larissa. a eouBcil ar tbe Thesaalians beld aud Epicydes, 29. Tal

J,icinius, C., plebeian tribune, ii. 3S. Linternum, xxii. 16 i a:xiii 35. -.consular tribune, vi. 31. Fust Liparensian pirates, v. 28. plebeian muter of horse, 39 i ll. 8. LipME islands, Ixi. 49. ---CalvUl SOOIo, C •• plebeian, mar­ Lilis river, x. 21 j xxvi. 9. S4. ried to the daughter of Fab. Ambustu8, Litana, wood, wbere the Gauls destroy a is.made plebeian tribune, vi. 35. Being Roman anny, xxiii. 24. plebeian tribune a tenth time, he etfect. Liviull, poet, first who wrote comedy on a the passing of hia law8 against the patri­ regular plot, vii. 2. cians, vi. 42. 11 oonBul~ ix. 2. Again, --, C., pontiff. xxvi. 23. Curule tedile. 9, I,. condemned on one 01 hia own xxix. 38. Pra-tor. xxx. 26. CoDiUl, Jawl,16. :xxxviii. 35; 2:liii. 11. ---, C., ambasaador to Carthage, --, L. t przctoT, xlv. 44. xxi.tS. --Denter, M.• consul. ]l. I. One of ---Crassu', C., pr~or, xlii. I, 27. the first plt:belaD pontiffs. 9. Dictates Consul, IS. Proconsul and commi5-­ to Declue the form at de;oting himself, sioner to aettle the affaiR of Macedonia, 28. >:lv.11. --, M., ambassador to Carthage. xxi. ---, L.t pnetor. xxvii. '0 18. Eight years after a severe sentence ---Pollio, L.t xxvii. 21. had been pas8t"d on him, be is bron~ht ---Lucullu8, L. t curule tedile, xxx. back to Uome, and, against hiB will. 39. made consul a second time, xxvii. 3". -. M., military lribwoe, BlaiD, He vanquishel Hasdrubal, 46, i9. Tn· xxvii. 12. umphs, xxviii. 9. Is made di('tator. 10. ---Lucullus, M., pr~tor, XJ:XiL 6. CeDl,or; he acquires the Burname Sa­ --- Strabo, Mo, military tribune, linator, and maintains a shameful dis· xli. 2. pute with hi'J roUeague, ]lxix.. 37. ---CalVUl, P., first plebeian con­ ----, defends Tarentum, xxiv. 20. lular tribune. v. 12. The same post Is obliged to retire into the citadel. xxv. being offered to him again, be requests JO, 11; xxvi. 39. A dispute about him it may be conferred on bis 60n, 18. m the senate, xxvii. 25. ------.. consular tribune, 1'. --Macalus, M .• xxvii. 34. 18.20. --, T., wrote in the reign of Auguatus, ___ CrassUI, P., el1ief pontiff, X:l.V. 5. xxviii. )2. See iv. 20. MASter of horse, xxvii. 5. Censor. 6. Locri, revolts to the Carthaginian., %xii. PrlEtor, 21. Consul, Ixviil 88. He and 60 i xxiii. 30. Is besieged by Crispmu5. hiB anny ButTer by 5itkness, xxix. 10. xxvii. 25. Retaken by SCipio. Ixix. 6. He and the consul Semproniu8 defeat 1. Is put under the command of Ph..· .. Hannibal,36. His character, xxxi. 1. miniu8, 8. His conduct there, 8--21. ---Varua, P., curule redUe, xxvii. 6. Its laws and liberty are reBtored by tbe Pretor, 21. senate, 21. Loeris, in Greece, ][xvi. 26 i xx,iii. 6; ~, ~~'::~~'Q':~:;:~e:iijt~ xxxii. 18, 32'. Hi, death, xxxix. 46. Locusts waste Campania, xxx. 11. ---Crassus, P.,praetor, xli. H. Con­ Longula, it. 33; ix. 39. oul. >:lil. 28. Loryma. port, xxxvii. 17; xlv. 10. ---Tegula, P., poet, XI:li. U. Lua. mother. viii. 1. Ligurians, v. 85. Ambassadors sent to Luca, xxi. S9; xJi. U. them from Rome, xxii. 33. They pre­ LUl'anians, Bupport the Samnites "tI3inst ~re aid for Hasdrubal, xxvii. 89. Join Alexander of Epirus, viii. ] 7. Make an alliance with the Romans, 25. Re.. t'O~~~;;!:ii:h: ~:,x~~~~~. ~~"1;~:~ voit, 27. Are 8upPre68ed, x. 11. 18. PiB, xxxv. 3. Are subdued by lImu­ Several or their towns are taken by the cil1s, xxxvii. 2. Beth consuls are lent Romana, J:XV. 1. They submit. xxvii. agatnst tht!lm, xxxviii. 42. 'I'hey sur­ 15. render, and are remo'l'ed from the mOWl­ Lucerea, tribe, i. IS: x. 6. tains, xl. -380,41. They prepare for war, ---, century or knights. I. 13. 36. Iii. 11. Are defeated by C. Claudiu:J, Luceria. ix. 2'. Roman hostagett kept there. U. They Beiae Mlltina, xli. 14. Aroe J2. la taken by the Romans, 15. Lost. defeated, n. Again, xlii. 7. They and and recovered, and settled as a colon,". their elf~ts are lold. 8. 26. Is attacked by the Samnite8. x. ~i. 'LigustinuI, Sp .• receives public thaDkl Lucretia.. wife or Coll:ltinus, i. 51. \'10· for eoncouraging the levies. xlii. 34. lated by Sex. TarquiniUSr ahe kUla her­ LiJyba>um, promontory, xxv. 81 j xxvii. self,58. S. Su~lIgbt Deat it, xxi. 60. Lucretius, C., commander of a fleet, xL Linen book~, tv. 7. 26 .. Is accused by tbe people of Char: Lingoniana, v. 3S. cia, xijii. 1; and condemned. 8. . INDEX. 2249

Lucretius Ga.Jlus, C., pretor, xlii. 28. LY8iIIlachUl, king, xxxiv. 58. ) ---Tricipitinu., H06tUl, wDaul, iv. ---I Macedonian courtier, xl. 8. 30. Lysinoe, oity, xxxviii. 15. . --- Flavus, t., consul, defeatB the JEquan., v. 29. Consular tribune, he Macedonia,i.l; ix.IB. Anobscurestate defeats the Voisinians. 32. before the reign of Philip, son of Amyn~ .--- TricipitinWt, L., cousul. van- tae, subsisted from its higbest summit quishea the VolsciaDs, and triumphs, of grandeur under Alexander to Per- ill. 8, 10. . seu8, the last king, 150 yeall, xlv. 9, ------,. consular tribntlet 30. See Philip, Peneu8. iv... A lecond time, 21. A third, Maeedonian army eompared with the Ro- 22. . man, ix. 19. Solemnity of ita purifica- ---L., qWl!stor, betrayed to Han- tion, xl. 6. . nibal, .xi. 59. . ---pbalanx, ix. 19. ---, M., plebeian tribune, xxvii. 5. ---territory, divided into four dis- ---, P ... consul. ii. 15. trieu, xlv. 29. --- Tricipitinus, P" consular tri- :Machanidu, tyrant of Sparta, makes war bune. i~ ••4. Again,47. on the Acbleans. xxvii. SO j xxviii. 5, 7. ---, P .. governor of Rome, iii. 24. Macri, or long, plains &0 called, xli. 18; ---, Sp., father of Lucret~ 1. ~8. xl,. 12. Dit"& in the consul~bip, ii. 8. Macris, island, xxxvii. 13, 28, 29. ----" pr2tor, xxviii. :18. 18 COD- Maduatenians, xxxviii. 40. tinued in command, .IXilt. IS. AgaiD, ldceander, river, xxxvii. 55 j xxxviii. 13, xxx. I. 15. ---, T., conaul, Ii. 8, Again,16. MEcian tribe added, vlli. 11. Lucumo, IOD of Demaratu8, removes to ltfreciliUl, Sp., a turbulent plebeian tri~ Rome, where he ia called Tarquinius, bune, iv. +8.. i. M. Ml'edica, xxvi. 25; xl. 2), 22. -- debauebea the wife of Arona of :Madiua, P.t consular tribune, v. 12. Cluaium, v. :13. Again, 18. Luna., city, xli. 19 j xliii. 9: xlv. 13. '--, Q., plebeian tribune, ix. 8. -- harbour. xlxiv. Hi xxxix. 21. --, Sp., alJpirea to absolute power, iv. Lupelcal, i. 5. 13. Is summoned to attend the dictator LU8itaDia. xd. 43; xxvii. 20. Ja aub- CincinnatUl, and slain by 8ervilius dued by lEmiliu. PaullUl, xxxvii. 57. Ahala., 14. His house is demolished, LWltrum. See SU"E'Y. 16. Lutanus, Gallic chieftain, IXIViiL 16. Mrenalu8, mount, xxxiv. 28. Lutatius, Cn., made prisoner by the Mamius. C., consul, trilllDph. over the Boians, xxi. 25. 18 restored to liberty Aricians and Lavinians, viii. IS. Die. lixteen yean after, xxx. 19. tator j he abdicates, is aecuaed, and 8C- ---Cereo. Cn., ambaas&cior to Pto- quitted, iL 26, 84. lerny. xlii. 6. --, L., plebeian tribune, regulates the _._-, Q., consul, xxx. 44. interest of money, vii. 16. J,YC80Dia., xxxviii. 38 ~ xxxix. 54. --, M., proposes an Agrarian Jaw .. LYCIEUID, at Athena, burned by Philip, andob&tructs the levies, iv. 53. xxxi. 24. ---, plebeian tribune. in the com- Lyeean Pan. i. 5. motions excited by Manlius, submits to Lyela, xxxiii. 41; xxxvU. 18, 23. The the direction oithe seDate, vi. 19 j and Lycians cotnplain of the Rbodiana, prosecutes Manlius, 20. xli. 6. ----, military tribune, lalla in a baS· Lycortas, of Megalopolis, general of boree, tIe with Mago, XXll. 18. . fatber or Polybius the hillortan, xxxv. --, P., consular tribune, v. 12. 29. Amb08sador of the Acbre8lls to --, T. pnetol, llxxix. 6. 8- Rome, xxxviii. 32. Prretor, xxxix..· Mresian wood, i. 33. 35. Magaba, mount, xxxvW. 19. Lycurgw, tyrant 01 Lacedlemon, nxiv. Magalus. Boian chief. sxi. 29. 26. Jdagistnte8, curuie, iv. 7. Their electioD -.lawgiver, his laws and inaHtu· prevented during five years by the JIlt!'- tiona abuij,lfhed, xxxviii. M; xxxiI. beian tribunes, vi. 85. Auspices are noli 33, SO. ob&e"ed at the election of plebeian rna· Iiy('UA. in Dlllsaretia, xxxi. 83i ,XXxiL 9. gistratea, vI. 41. Lydia., xx.xviii. 39. Magill., Cn., medixtuticus, or thie,f 01. Lyncue, IXvi. 2fj. gi8trate of Campania, xxiv. 19. LY5lrnachla., baving been sacked and --, Declu•• Capuan, maintain. hi. burned by the l'hracian8, i, rebUilt by fldelity to the Romans, and takes re~ 4ntiochulI, xxxiii. 38,40,41; 1uiv.,68. tuge in Egypt. xxiii. 7, )0. 7 B 2 2250 INDEX.

Magnesia, on the Meander_ xxxvii. 45. JrfanUan orden, Iv. 29; viiJ. 7. ---, near Sipylus, xxxvi. 43; lUXVii. Manliul, AuJ., cODsu1, is accu~d. it s-t.. 11,87,44. His accuser fa murdered, and he ia made Magnesiana, and ltlagnetarcb, xxxiii. 34 j decemvir. iii. S3. xxxv. 31. . ----, consular tribune, iv. 61. Mago, brother at Hannibel, xxi. '7, 54; A lecond time, v. 8. A third. 16. xxii. 46. Carries to Carthage an ac­ Sent with a golden baiou to Delphi, is count of Hannibal's successes, xIiii. taken by Liparl2aIl pirates, and set at 12, 13. Is sent into Spain, and defeated liberty, 28.

at llliturgi, 32. 49. He levies troops, -._. C&pitolinus, A'I eonsular tn'bune. xxiv, 42. In conjunction with Hasdru­ vi. 1. Again, JI. A tbird time, 21. bal, Gisgo defeats P. Scipio, xx •. 32, A fourth, 36_ 34. His camp',is taken by Marcius, --A.• military tribune, killed, .. xvii. 39. He joins hit brother, Hasdrllbal, 27. xxvii. 20. Is obliged to fly, x:J:viii. 2. ---., 'consul when the first Punic Sails to Italy, and take. Genoa. Si J 46. WaI' was tenuinated, xxx. 44.

Is .defeated by tbe Romans, xxx. 18. --Vnbo, A' I consul, xl. 59. Dies, 19. --, C., consular tnbune, vi. 30. -, Carthaginian ambassador to Philip, --, Cn., consul, ii. f3. xxiii. 34. ----, cnnsul, defeats the Tilmrtians, - Barcine made prisoner in Sardinia, vii. 12. Again consul, 16. Interrex, xxiii.41. 11. Censor, 22. Master of borse, 28. -, governor o( New Carthage, !!IUReD­ -- Vulso. C., pfiEtor. xxxiii. 42. den to Scipio, xxvi. H, 46. COD sui, xxxvii. 47. Commands in G1:U­ Maharhal, son of Himilco" xxi. 12, 45. lognecia, xxxviii. 12. And afttor sur-

Pursues the Romans flying from Tra­ e mounting many difficulties, entirely aimenu8, xxii. 6. Advises Hannibal, subdues the Gauli, 2i. Is accuSt"d by after the battle'of Cannle, to march di· his own lieutenant-generals, xxxviii. rectly to Rome, 51 ; xxiii. 18. 45. A triumph is decreed to him. 50; Malea, promontory, xxxi. 44,47: xxxii. xxxix.'. . 16; 'xlii. liS. -- Imperi08us, L., dictator, vii. 3. lfaJeventuDl, ix. 27,; x. 15. Hil seyerity to hi. 800, and the dutiful Malian bay, xxvii. SO; xxxi. 46. conduct of the latter, f, S. MalJrea, xxxi. 41. -- CapitoliDus, L., consular tribune, Mamertines, xxviii. 28; xxx. 31. iv.42. Mamiliul Vltulul, C., flrst plebeian chief --Torquatus, L., lieutenant-general, curio, xxvii. 8. ABlbassador to Philip, slain by the Gauls, x. 26. xxx. 26. Prretor, xxxv. 38. --,L., pra!tor, is defeated by the Boian _, L.,dictator, of TUlculum, auista Gaul., xxi. 17,25. the Romana, m. }8. 29. --, Acidinus, I .. pnetor, x][vi. 23. ---, Oct., of TUlculum, detlcended Commands an army at Namia, x:t\-ii. from Ulysse. and ('iree, marriea the 43, 50. Succeeds Scipio in the province daughter of Tarquiniu, the 'Proud, i. of Spain, xxviii. 38. Hil conduct thE'!'e, 49. Enterto't.ina him in hi' exile. ii. 15. xxix. 2. 3, 13. He iM dilS-ilppuinted of Ra!Sl'8 thirty .tates againRt the Romans, AD ovation by M. Porciua ~ca. Ix-xii. 18. Is wounded at RegUlus, 19. 7. __, Q., plebeian edile, xxvii. 36. --, L., having assaulted C'arthafl"l. ----L.'-hurinus, Q., pr1etor, xxviii. to. Dian ambassadors, is delivered up to ldandonius, xxii. 22. Brother of Indi- tbem by the fecialea, and sent to Cat­ bilis, chief of the l1ergetiaD8,"Xxvi. 49. thage, xxxviii. 42. lie joins the Romani, and biB wife and -,pnetor, xxxviii. 95. Is refu~ed chtldrE'R are restored to him, xxvii. 17. a tnumph, and allowed an ol'ation. He goes over to the enemy, IIviii. 24. Ixxilr.29. Consul, xl. 4S. II defeated, 33; and pardoned by Sci­ --, M., eonaulartribune, iv. 44. pio, 34. Itebela, ia taken and put to --, Capitolinus, M., consul, v. 31. He lavea tbe Capitol,47. Is made in .. !tr~:~~ri:~:~~'bY Fabius, xxvii. 15. terrex, vi. 5. His ambition and 5e(li­ tioua behaviour, 11-18. He is brought M::::~ .:: dl~~e:elW~e ~~iei~=:rl, to trial, condemned. and tbrown from 1. 20. Deeiu. devote. himself to the the Tarpeian rock. 20. gods, manes, and the eanb, vitt .. ? -, P., eODSUlar tribune, vi. 30. Maniclu8. pnetol' of Pr.,n~8te. 'J:xui. 19. Dictator, 38. Jdanilius. 8",x., aleu.der in the leeeasion of -- Vuleo, P., prli'tofJ 2xvi. 23; tbe soldien, iii. 5. x~vii. 6. Manipulus. a compan1 of soldiers, L 52. __I T., son of t., aD ex&mp}e of vii. 24; ~iii. 8. filial duty, vii. 5. He k~lLJ a uaul in INDEX. 2251

lingle eombat, and iI named TorquatUII, :Marone&, in Samnium,. nvU. 1. 10. Ja made dictator. 19. A .~oond. ---, in Greece, Uxi. J6; xxxvii. GO. time, 26. Consul, 37. Agaillil 28. A Mars Gradivua, i. 20; ii. 45. third time, viii. 3. Putl hia 80D to Mare's field dedicated, i. f4; ii. ,. death, 'I. Mandans, viii. 6. Revolt, ix. fl. Are :Manlius Torquatul. To, OO1l8ul, ciJee, in conquered and fined, x. 3; x xii. 0.. conaequence of a fall from hia horse. s. They furnish seameD, xxviii. ~:i. II. Manyas river, s.XlI:vlii. ]3. --______,.votes agalnat ran.. Marucinians, viii. 29 j ix. 'U.; xxii. 9, 8OmiD~ the prisoners taken at Canoa:, Maseaylians. subjects. of Syphax, xxi'f. xxii. 60. 1& aent governor of Sardinia, 48; xxviii. 11; xxix. 32, U1. ll. and subdues the iIIlaru1, uiit 34. 40,41. Masgaba, aon or Jdasiniua, eomea to h a.eandidate for tbe post of chief pon­ Rome, xlv. 13, H. t~ xxv. 5. Refuse. the COJI8u!ahip, Masinissa, king of the Masylian Numidj. xxvi. 22. Ja made dictator, xxvii. 33. ana, overthrows Syp~ xxiv. 48, 49. Manly gown, xx\-i. J9. In alliance with the Cartbaginiana, he )dannu., a slave, discovers. 1'10t at the giveil much trouble to P. Scipio. ~rv. Calavii to burn Rome, xxvi. 21. 3f. Confers, and forme a treaty with Mantua, xxiv. 10. him, xxviii. )6, 85. ComplaiD8 of Sci· ){arcian shield, xxv. 39. pio'6 delay, XXiI... His various turns of fortune, and eJtpu1aion from hiB king~ M:~W:i ~~~t~a!~ :i:~~b~:: dom, ~2. He joins Scipio, 33. Burna laDue, ii. 33. Warmly opposea the ple­ the camp ef Sypbax, xxx. 5. Recovers beian tribunes, 34. Goea into exile, SS. his kingdom, n. Marries SopboDwba. 1. made general of the Volaciana • .39. and being reproved by SCipio, lends her Is prevailed on by bil mother to retire paiaon, 12, If, 15. Receive. a large ad­ trom Rome. and dis, ,,0. dition to his dominions, 4-4. Preaents -., plebeian tribune, p1"08eCUtea Bent to him from Rome, xxxi. J I. He Q. Fabius for taking parl Ul • light against the Gauls, vi. J. . :e~~;, ~::i1!~gr:, ~~i:D~~A l:isp~~; .--- Dutilul. C., consul, triwnpha between bim a.nd the Carthaginiana is over the Privernians, vii. 16. First pleaded at Rome, xlii. 2S. 2*. Maasilians, a colony from Phocea. v. 8f. r~=~ tt~=:ie?27 ~C:n~:i Inform the Roman. of Hannibal's pass­ :::::J ing the Ibel'Ul, xxi. 25. Act AI guides !l~~ ~~ !!:~t12t;::~ ~~~. 2;8. A to Scipio, 26. -.C., augur, x. 9. MU8iva, nephew 01 Masiniss8, ia taken ---Rutilui, C., consul. h. 33. Takes priaoner, and sent back to his uncle by Allifm,38.. Is I)Ontiff'.:E. 9. Censor,f1. SCipio, xxvii. 19; xxviii. 35. ---, L., chOlleo general by the sol· 'faater of borse, tlie firat, Sp. Cassius, n. diet'll on t.he death of the two Sciplol in ) 8. The first plebeian. C. LiciniUi, vi. Spain, xxv. 17. He takes the two camps 39. Master of horse raised to an equal~ of tbe enemy, 39. He givee offence to ity of power witb tbe dictator, xxii. 25. the IE'Date, xxvi. 2. t'akea Astapa. A dictator witbou\ a muter of hOlae, xxviil22. xxiii. 22, 23. ---, M .• xs:vll fl. ldatienus, M., pnetor, xli. 28. Goes into ---&ana, M.,pnmtor, xxix. 11 ; xxx. es.ile, xliii. 2. 8lI. -, P., military tdbune, abuae~ ---8ermo, M •• and Q. Marclu. 8"11- by Pleminiua, xxix. 6, 8. 18, xU!. 21. Matrons mourn a year for Brutus, it. , ; ---, Numa. pontiff, i. 20. and for Publico}., )6. Bring all their .--- PbiHppus, Q., prretor. x:n:v1iL gold. and ornaments to the treasury, v • , as. CODIJul, xx Kis.. S. Commiasioner 25. Make. contributiDn towards satis· of religious &frain. xl. 42. Hi. confer~ fyin, the Gauls, 50. Are repaid, vi. f. ence with Perseus, and IDflidwua con~ A dispute between the patricians and duet, '1liL. 40, fa. Again eomml" xliii. plebeians, x. 23. They dedicatE' a brazen JI. Goes into Macedonia. xliv. I, 16. .tatue to JUDO on. tbe AVBntine, xxl. 62. __- Raila. Q., 1z,sV. 41. Also, a goWen bason, xxvii. 37. It.eceive ---Rex, Q.. plebeian tribune.su..ili. the mother of the gods, xxix. )4. 25. Matota. Mother, v. 21; ~xv. 7; xxix. 37; ---.8 sooth8Brer, XIV. 12. xli. 28. Mavon, Man. xxii. 1. ::~'8H~:~:;, ~:;~r~~' Capua, favO\U'8 Mauri, or Moon, auxiliaries to Haedmbal Hannibal. xxiii. 7. in Spain, xxi 22; xxviii.. 17. ~cort MarilU Statiliull detects a stratagem of 'MBlinwa, xxix. 30. Hannibal. niL .2. MauruaiaDa, niv. 49. 2252 IXDEX.

!tfedlius, t., plebeian t~bune, Ii. 58- )fetauru! river, xxvii. 47. Mrerlianl, Thr8cian. xxviii. 5. )ietellu" Q .• eun.de redile. xxvii. '6. Ar~ Medians, Asiati!", xxxv. 48. gu~ in favour of P. Scipio, xxi'x. 20. lfediolanum foundt"d by the Gauls, v. 84. Metilius, M., plebeian tribune, inveighs Defeat of the (iatll~ there. xxxiv. 46. ~ain8t Fabius, x"tii. 15. Propo~ to Medlxtuticus, title of the chief magistrate I!'ive the mast.er of horse equal authority of Campania, xxiv. 19; xxvi. 6. 'With the dictator, 25. Medullia, i. 33. 38. Metiliu&. Sp. plebeian trihune, iv. 4S. Megllietdan games. xxix. U. ---Croto, T., lieutenant~gen~raJ, ){egalopolil, xxxii. S ;' xxxvi. 31. xxiii. 31. M ega)opoHtana, xxviii. 8 i xxxii 22. 1tJ etropoli~ luTTt'ndera to the Romans, ltofegara, in Sicily, xxiv. 30, 85. xxxii. IS: xxxvi. 10. --, in Greece, :r.sviii. 7 i xxxi. 22. Mettiu. Curt ins, i. 12, 18. )legiste, port, xxxvii. 22, 24, 44-. -- Futretiu8. dictator or Alba, i. 23. ltf ele, or Meles, Exiv. 20 i xx,·ii. 1. His tuachery, 21. Punishment.2R. Meles.!um, xxviii. S. IdelibcEa, xxxvi. 13. Besieged by the b'i;~~~:~~~; :~::t~'iv~i;~nguil;he, Romans, xliv. t3. Taken,46. Mevania. ix. 41. Melita, island, xxi. 51. Mezentius, king of Etruria, 1. 2. Merumiua, C., prletor, xlii. 1'0. Mt'1.etulus, ~umidia.of dispute. the Memnon, xxxii. 22. throne with Capu8a, xxix. 29. Ia Memphis, xlv. 12. ohliged to fly, 30. Meneniu8. Agrlppa, contlu1, ii. 16. He Mi('tio, general at Chalcia, xxxv. 38. brings home the commonti from the sa-­ Milesianll, xxxviii. 39. cred mount, 32. I'ies. ~~. M iletos, xxx .. iii. IS. ------, commUJsioner of a co- Milionia, x. 3,34. tony, iv. 11. Milo, favourite of PeneUfil, xli.,.. 32. FOJ- --- Lanatu8, Agrippa, consul, iv. 13. sakes him, 45. ~onsular tribune, 4.'). Again, 41. MHvian, or Mulyian bridge, xxvit 51. ---, C., con.ul. iii. 32. Mincios, rlver, xxiv. 10; xxxii. 30. --- Lanatu8, L., consul, iv. 12. Minerva dilCOvered the U6e or numbe1'll. ---, L., consular tribune, vi.- 5. vii. 3. Agllin,2. --- Aleis, xlii. 51. --- T., consul, U. 51, 52. --- Ironia, :l:xxvi. 20. Menin:!., island, xxii. :U. Minerva'. promontory, :11. 18; xlii. 21). Men iPPUI, M acedonian general, xxvii. 32 i Mines in a .iege. v. 19,21; ::Ixiii. U. x:r. ... ili.5. )linil Ct'leres entertain Hannibal in C. ---, envoy of Antiochu. to tbe lEta­ PUR, xxiii. 8. liAn., xxxv. 32; xx:r.vL 10. Mmio, prime minister or Antiochua. Mens, Mind, a temple dedicated to herJ xxxv. 16, 16; xxxvii. to. xxii. 10; Xliii. 31. Minoa Heraelea. xdv. S!J. :Mt"nl"aril triumviri, c01nmissiollt"1'S of the Minors, their money lent to the pubhc, puhlic I('oounta appointed for the li­ xxiv. hi. quidation of dt"bts, vii. 21 ; xxiii. 21. Minturn.. , viii. 11; ill. 2,. A COlony Merct'nary trooP!!!, first employed by the settle there, ll. 21; xxvii. 38. Roman,., xxiv. 49. Minu('ia, a velta). buried alive. viii. 15. Mer('hants, a college or them, ii. J7. Minudu., L .• conswazo tribune. his bad Mereury, ii. 21 i v. 13. conduct, iii. 25, 21l. He i, relievE'd by Mert'nry'" hill, Ixvi. 44. Promontory, the dictator Cincinnatus, and ordered XXiX. 2:7. to abdicace, 29. MeneuI, a Spaniard, betrRYs the ,.Iand, a de<-emvir, iii. 35. part of 8yrR.('uflf>. to the Romans, xxv. :====', dil'C('tor or the market, tli8-- SO. 18 1'ewardt·d with the freedom of ('Oven to the !tenate the d(·sie,PI11ii of lla· Rnme nnd a golden crown. xxvi. 21. liu., I¥. 13. h rewarded, 16. Mes:iana, in Sieily, xxi. 49j xxiv. 1; --- M yrtUUIl, L., having i1l~tTefttf'd . xxix. 7.9. ambaeaadon of Carthage. is 't'llt 'hUher Me~8It.piRn8, viii. 2•• in euatody, xXllvtil. -42. ),ft'8Mtme, In PelollOnnesu8. xxix: 12. Ia ---I L., prR!'tor, )(xxi. 4. betiit'h"'ed by the Acb~an., and united ~,M .• con.ul. Ii. 21. Again. 34. to them, xx!.vl. :H. ----, plebeian tribune, v. 11. Metapontul, i. II; viii. 24 i :l'xv. 11 j _-_ Fl'.8ua. M., plebeian augu,., x. 9. xxvii. J. ---Rufus, M., mMter of hone to N'etaponrinel. ant"r tht> battle of Cannle, Fabiu•• xxii. 8. Censures his CAution, revolt to Hannibal, xxIi. 6) ; XXY. )!J ; 14. II invested with equal authority, xxvii. 16. 2ft. En#!,~ Hannifo"•• and ill Mv~d Metaponline land., xxiv. to. by Fabilu from a lotal ddt-al, :.lS, Itl. "INDEX. 2253

At'kn01rledgea bill misconduct, 30. 18 Nabi8, tyrant of Lacedremon, xxix. 12. killed at CaDDe, .9. Forma an alliance with Philip, xxxii. Minuciua. M., plebeian trlbuoe, xxiii. 21. 88. Sends aid to the Romans,40. War -. P., military tribune, xuv. 5. is declared against him by the other -. Q., consul, iii. 30. states of Greece, xxxiv. 24. He refuses ----,lieutenant-general, xxvi. 8S. the tenns of peace offered by the Ro-­ Thermue, Q., pta:tor, xxxiii. mans, 36. Being besieged in Laceda!~ 24. lDon, he is forced to comply with them, __- Rufus, Q. prator, xxx.i. 4. ,40. The Acheanl declare war against Consul, xxxii. 27. . him. xxxv. 25. lIe is defeated, 80. --- The-nuus, Q.. curole I2dile, Put to deatli, 35. xxxii. 27 . .Prmtor, :l:xxiit 28. Consul ... Nadagar&, a collference there between xxxiv. 54: xxxv. 20. Defeat. the Li· Scil)io and Hannibal, xxx. 29. guriane, 21. 18 refuBed a' triumph, N avian gate, ii. 11. xxxvii. 46. Dies, xxxviii. 41. N2ViuI Crista, Q., pr~rect of allies, drivee ---, To, coJUul, defeatl the Samnitet, Philip out of his camp at ApoJlonia, Ix.~. xxiv. 40. ---Rufus, T., xlii. 54, --_- BalbuB, L;, pr8!:tor. xlv. IS. ---Molliculu8, T., pretor, xl. 85. --, M., said by some to be the accuser )1il;agenea, 80n of Masinis.a, xlii. 29. of P. Scipio, xxxviii. 56. 'urings aid to the RomaDa again.t Pet­ -, Q., commissioner of a colony, leu., 62. xxxiv. 5S: xxxv. 40. M ilienum, promontory, xxiv. 13. --, Matho, Q.. pretor, xxxix. 32. Mithridatea, Ion of Antiochu., :a.xxiii. 19. Nail driven .by. dictator. vii. 3; ix.28. ltfitylene, xxxvii. 21. viii. 18. Molossi., viii. 24. N amia, culony, I. ~9, 10. Refuses sup~ Monet&, Juno, vi. 20. plie8, xxvii. 9; xxix. 15. Money, lent out of the treasury, leeured Nandan tribe, vi. 5;.xxix. 37. by mortgagel and bonds, xxii. 60. NUOi, or Island. part of Syrscuse,·x.xv. --of widows and minora lent to the 24. "taken by the Romans, 30. public, xxiv. 18. NaviUJ, Accius. i. 36. Mnpsian faction, at CompS&, xxiii. 1.' - ...., Q., adyjSe8 to mix footmen with Mother, Jdrean, xxix. 10. Her prieats . the cavalry, xxvi. 4. Hie brave con- come out of Pessinus to meet tbe COD~ duct,5.. ' sui Manlius, xxxviii. 18. Naupactum, xxvt 26; 1xvii. SO; DXVI. M ucia.n meadows. ii. 1S. so. Muciu8, C., mistakes Porsenna's secretary N 8ustathmua, port at Pbocea, :J:J:xvii. for the king, and kills him, burna hia 31. right-band, and 1& thence called See­ Nautiu!, C., conaul, ii. 52. Again, iii. vola, ii. 12, 13. 25. He route the Sabine., xxvi. 29. --, P., prlrtor, XI. #. _ Ru~u., C., cODeul, iv. 5.2. -_ SC(Bvola, Q., prEtor. xxiii. 24. ___, Sp., consul, ii. 89. Mumroiul. C., prEtor, xli. 8. ___ Rutilus, _Sp., CQIlJular tribune, ___, L. and Q., oppose the proposal tv. 35. Again, 45. of PetilUus respecting Scipio AfricanuB, ____=--..:....-" commands tbe co-- xxxviii. 64. lJortl of tbe alliea, x. 4J. 18 honoured Munatiu8, C., pnetor, dU. 4. tor his bravery, ••• }dullda. xxiv. 42. Taken by Gracehus, NeapoliB, viii. 22. Ita ambaaudon offer '1:1.47. gold to the Romans, who accept the Mur('ls, goddes., I. 83. . Bmalleat bason, xxii. 82. Its lands are Itj urg&ntia, in Samnium, taken. x. 17. ravaged by H&nnibal, xxiv. 13. ---, in Sicily, xdv.17. 86; xxvi. Nemean gam ••, the direction of them 21. given to Philip, xxvii. 30, 31; to T. Mutina, xxi. 25 i nvU. 21: xxxv. 4, 6. Quintiu., xxxiv. 41. Mutine•• having learned. the art of war N epete. iB taken by the Etrurians, and re­ under Hannibal. ia very troublesome to covered by the Romani, 'Vi. S. 10. A the Romana in Sicily, xxv. 40;. sxvi. colony ia lettled there, 21. It refuses 21. Is ill-treated by Hanno, 40. Sur­ luppliel, xxvii. 9. Is punished, x.xix.. rendera Agrigentum to the Romana, 15. " XIl'ii.5, Neptune, eqUe8triaD, I. 9. A ·lectilter­ Mutiny of ltom~ 801diera, Iv. 60; .xviii. nium to obtain bis ftl.Vour, v. 18; xxii. 2', &c. 10. " Myaenic8, near Ar~o., xwi. 89. Neptunian lake, xxxix. 44. Myla, river, xxiv. 30, 31. Nerulum, ltormed by the Romans, ix. Myndua, xxxvii. 16. 20. Jd.yaia, uxviii. 89. NeuUB, rIver, xlv. 29. 2254 INDEX.

Nt(,leB, tUy. on the Molean bay, XX'fw. Oelalree luceeed. hill brother Gala in the 5 i xxxv. 26, kingdom of Numldi", xxix. 29-31. Nicander, a leader or pir&tes, xxxvii. O~ mount, the highest part called Cal· 11. lidromOl, xxxvi. IS, 22, 30 j xxxvii. 5 i ---, lEtoUan pretor, xxxviii. f, 6. xli 22. Nlciu, Achrean prletor, xxviii. 8. Ofilius Calavius. a Campanian. hil opinion --, MaeedoniaD, pu.t to death by Per­ of the Bilence of the .ROm&l)8 gOlD,. leua, xliv. 10. home from Caudium. ix. 6. Nico fonna a conspiracy, and betrays Ta­ Ogulniua, Aul.• military tribune, XX1ii1. rentum to HannibRl, xxv. 8. 9. Kills 36. D. Quintiult xxvi. 39. II killed in the ---, Cn. and Q., plebeian tribunes.. capture of Tarentum, nvii. 16. propoae a law to open the priPflthood to Nicodamus, JEtolian general, xl. 6. plebeians, x. 6. Are curnle ledi1ea. 2a. Nile river, xliv. 19. -.--, M., is lent into Etruria to pur­ Nola, taken by the RomanI, ix. 28. II chase com, xxvii. 3. besieged by Hannibal. xxiii. 14, 16. Ol~ in Sardinia,· ravaged by Hamilcar.' Again, 'U, 46. The plebeian pany In· J:Ivii.6. vite Hannibal, ·xxiv, 13. Olcades, islands, conquered by Hannibal. Nomentan road, iii. 1;2. xIi. ,. Nomentum, taken by Tarquinius PriacUI, Olympia, xxvi. 2t; xlv. 28. i. 38; iv.22. Olympian games, xxvii. 35; xxviii. 7. Norba, Roman colony, U. 34. Is attacked --- Jupiter, xxiv. 21. by the Privemi8l18, vii. 42. Maintain, Olympi88, motber of Alexander the Gftat, constant friendbwp with the R01IWll, vili.J4. xxvii. 10. -.city, formerly Connocondylum, Nortia. Etrurian godden, vii. a. xxxix. 25. Novendiale sacJ'U.JR.,-or-nine days' fe.tlval, Olympium, temple, near Syracuse, xxiv. I. 3J i xxi. 62; xxv. 7; x~vi 23, Arc. 33. Novenailes, deities, viii. O. Olympus, mount, xxxviii. 18-20, !3. Nuoeria, ix. 38. Ie takeD by Hannibal, Olainium, xlv. 26. xxiii. 15, 16. The inhabitant. are re­ OnesimuI, • Ma.cedonian. il Rce~f'd moved to Atclla. xx vii. 30. kindly by the Roman aenate. admitkd Numa POml)iliul. is cboeen king. t. 18. an ally. and praeDted witb .. bouse and His variou. religioUl institutions. 21. landt xliv. 16. Hia commentari~d. 32. Hi. book. of OnOll1&8tu., by order or Philip. mU88('-res philoBophy discovered. xl. 29. the Maronites, xxxix. 84 i xl. 8. Numeriul Decimius, Samnito, ~ii. 2f.. Opimi&, a vestal, buried alive. xxii. 51. Numiciu., river. i. 2. Opimiul Pan.B, L. t qUle6tor, x. 33. -, L., Latin pnetor. 8wuIDODed to Opiternius. L., a Faliseian, a leader etC the Rome, viii.'. Bacchanals. xxx~. 17. ---Priscua, T., con8\ll. defeata the Oppia, a vestal, condemned .for a breat'h '~olsdan8. ii. 63. of cbastity, ii. 42. Numidian6, xxi. 22; xxiv. 48 i xxix.23, Oppia and Cluvia, Campanian womt"n. 31. S.. ; xxx. 12; xxxv. 11. &Ie Sy. their liberty and goode aro restored by phax, Masini.aa... Gala. the Romani, xxvi. 33, 34. Numwiu., I.atin general. viii. 11. Oppiul. C., plebeian trit'oune, m. M. Nurnitor, king of Alba., i. 3, 5. ____, prrefect of allie8, is surprised Numitoriul. L., chOieD t.ribune in an ... by'the Gauls, and Ilain. xxxi. 2. 8emhly of the tribe•• ii. ,158. -, proposer of the law forbid­ N uraian. promisc 80ldiers to SCipio, ding women the use of golden OlnB­ xxviii. 45. ment., and a debate about \hal law, Nytnphius betrays Pal",poU. to the R .. xxxi. 1, 2, &0. manl. viti. 2S, 26. --, L., plebeian tribune, ~xxii. 28. --Salinatof, L., ('Ommandcr of a ttf'E't OcriculuID. ix. 41: xxii. n. protecting Sielly. xxxv. 23; prreror.24. Octaviu8 Metiu., X. 41. --. M.,leader of the seceding soldiers, ---, Cn., prtetor, xxviii. 38. He iii. 61. captUTeB eighty Cllnhagini&n IbipI, 46. -- CorniceD, Sp .• decemnr. iii. 35. b lent ambRiliador to Africa. xxxi. 11. Is left: in Rome with Ap. Claudius. 41. Made eommis"ioner of a colony. xxxiv. Endeavours to assist him. 49. A!ilsem­ 45. Pmtor, xJiv. 17. He triumpbll over hlee the senate, 60. Acew~d. and or­ Macedonia, xlv. 42. dered into prj8on. be la)'8 violent handa Octolophu8, in Dassaretta. xxxi. 38. on bims.lf, 58. Odl)'tii,Ul8, xxxix.. 53; xliv. 43. Ops, her temple struck by ltghtning, Of-neuro, xliii. 19. xxxJx.2l1. OenUB rIver. xxxiv. 28. Opu., ia ...ked by Attalua, xxvill. 7. INDEX. 2253

Dhlten.ion. there, sxxli. 32. Ita port Pampbylia, xxxvii. 23,40; xliv. 14; xlv. eynuB, Kxviii. 6. . 22. - PaD, LYCIeaB, called by the Romans InuUB, ~~lu~\i!r~,J ~::~):;~J. i. S. Orbitanium, xxiv. 20. Panetolium, genent asle'm'bly of the Orema, xxvii. 33. A:tolians, xxxi. 29,32; :ExxT.82. OretaDa, S"Xt. 1I. Pe.ndosi&, viii. 2.... Is 8unendered to the Oreum. DViiI. S. " 8. Taken by the R0- Romanfl, xxix. 38. mani, xrvUi.6. Again, by them and PaoormU8, in Sicily, xxiv. 96; xxix. 1. Attalua, xxxi. 46; xxxiii. at, U. ---, in Samoa, 'XXXVii. n. Orieum Ia taken by Pbllip. aDd retaken Panta1eoD, ~tolia.n chtef, protectl Eu- by the Roman.. xxIv. 40; Jl.:l.vL 25 i menes at Delphi, xlii. J 5. 1xdv. 51, 52; xlv. 83. Pantauchus, ambassador, and intimate Oringil, or Aurios. xrvill. 3- friend.or Philip, :xliii 39 i xliv. t3. Sur. Oroo.nda, xxxviii. 18, 87. 39. renden Ber(E'8 to the Romaaa, 45. Oroaades, a Cretan, robe PeneUII of'his Paphlagonia, l J. 1rea8ure. s1v. 6. PapiriaD tribe. viii. 37. Oropue, xlv. 27. ---cruelty. x. 3. 01'8U8 and CorbiB detennine, in lingle Papirius Crasma, C., coo8u1ar tribune, vL combat, their dispute .boot the throne, 18. xxviii.2l. ---M8&O, C., xxi. 25. Dies pontiJl', Orthobula. wife of Proxenua, is oundenm­ xxv. t. ed for poisoning her husband, xli. IS. ---TurdUI, C., plebeian tribune, Ortlagon, a Gallic chief, xxxviii. 19. His sII. 6. wife'. m..freatment and revenge, H. ---Carbo, C., pretoT, xl\v.17. Orton•• ii. 43. ---, L., consular tribune, 'Vi. 22, 38. cnean ailveT, from Oeea, DOW Hueeea in Spain, :u:xiv. 10. ====:', apretor, detestable viii. Ulurer,) 1. Yiii. 28. Osciana, invencoTl of the AtellaD. farce, =---{;ra8lUI, L., consul, iv. 21. vii. 2. 08la, mount, slif. 54. ======:',dictator, eonsul, iv. viii. 30. 12. Oatia, built at lbe mouth of the Tt"ber, by =Consul, J6. Again, J9. Master of Ancus Marciua. j. 3S: xxii. II, 27; horae, 36. xxiii. 88: xn.IO; xxvii. 12; 'U.bL. 14. _ C1U'8OI', L., conmlar tnlmne, vi. Otaeillua. T •• prletor. xxii. JO. Is tent 88 6. Again,l). He waaceD80fwhen the proprmtor witb a fleet to Sicily, sxin. city was taken, ix. M. S2. Ie disappointed in 8 near prospect ------, master of horse, "Viii. of the consulship, by Q. FabiUl, s.Dv. 12. Consul, 23. Dictator, 29. Dett!r· 7,'; :KX ... 31; :aavi. 1,22,23. mines to punilh Fabius~ biB master of Ovation, ill. JO, &0. horse, Cor fighting contrary to ordt>rs, Ovile. enclosure iu the fleld of Man, where SO, S4. On the request of the people, the centuries gave tbeir votes. JtEvi. 22. forgives h1m, 15. Is made consul 8 H· Ovtua P&«."Cius, Samnite pried, direcu the cond time, Ix. ,.. He takes Luceria., and oerem.Oniel in devoting tbe eoldien, s. 8. aeudl the Samnites under the yoke, 10. It a third. time conlul, 15. Triumphs, PacbynuM, promontory, m,.. 21, 35: 16. Is made consul a fourth time, 22. xxv. 21, A fifth, 28. Dictator a second time i PactiU8 and Vibiu., brotb"" men of emi­ he" triumph. over the Samnite., 40. nence io Bruttium, apply to Q. Pabiua, ------.. eonsu), x. 9. Pays sxvii.15. little attention to aU8pi~l, 40. TTl­ Padua, DOW Po, mer, v. 83, 36; s''IL 43, umpba over the tiamnitea, ~ Is cbOlsen 41,52. prmtor, "". PIeODia, xxxiii. 19~ xxxviii. 17 j :KxxiX. ---MugUlllllus, L .• conaul, tv. .,. 54. Afterwarcla called Emathia. x.l. S. The first cenlOr, S. Ie consul a eeoond Pe8tum, viii. J1; xxii. 86, sm. 39; time,.so. Col'tlular tribune, 42. In­ x.J:Yii.IO. terrex, 48. Pahrphanalus... 1 .... t. ------:">~ conlul, viii. 23. Palepolia, ",iii. 22. 8unendered kt the ---, M .. one of the elders, &I~D by Romans, s.s.v. 26. the Gauls on their enteriJt;g Roms, v. -4 J. ----.r a commissioner for the li­ ~::~~i~~~!'n~~~,;x~x!.?U: :~. 37. quidation of debts, vii. 21 .. PaHene, u.xi. 4-5. Ixxviii. 28; luV. 1J; ___ AtratiDus, M., conllul1 iv. 52- , xlv. SO. _-_ Cta8iUS, M., consoli iv. 12. DIe­ Palm bTancbe. first gI..... In ..ken of Tic­ talor, viii. 11. t.ory at the Roman gaMea, X. 47. ___ MugillanuB, M., oonsul&t tri- PIIIWIlbimun Ialten by lbe Ilomallo, L 45. bune, Iv. 45. Again. 47. 2256 INDEX.

Papirius, Sp., pnetor, vL 22. Again. 21. Perpenn8 BIld Petilliu8. Roman Imbana­ ----, lIIfonns bis uncle, the con- . don. imprisoned by Gentiu8, 'Sliv. 27. Bul,'of R defect in the auspices, x. 40. Perrh~bia, xxxi. 41 i :n1Ii. 15 i alii. 36. ParHia, f~8tival. xl. 2. 53: xliv. 35. Parma. Roman colony, xxxix. 55. Perseus, Macedonian general. xxvi. 2S. Pamassus, mount, xlii. 16. -. aOD of king Philip, xxxi. 28. Paroreia, xxxix. if i xlii. 51. Quarrels with his brother Demetriu8. Parol, island, xxxi. 15. 11. 6-16. Hi. forgery of 1.llen de­ Parthenius, mount, xxxiv. 26. tected. 54, 55. He gets p08leHioll of Parthiane, ix. 18. . the kingdom, 57, 5~. Prepares for war Partbinian., xxix. 12: xxxiii. M. , against the Romana. z.li. 22, 23. Is a,c.. Patara. ('apitalof I.yci-., xxxiii.•• ; xxxvii. cused at Rome by Eumenes, alii. 11- 15. ll. Employs assassin. to murder Eu-­ Patavium. x. 2; xli. n. mene., U. 16: and Rammiul of Bruo.. Patrre. xxxvi. 21; xxxviii. 29. dUlIium to poi.on the Roman ambo· Patrician chastity. itt. chapt"I, x. 23. Badon, 17. ·Conrera with Q. Marciu.. Patricians, why 80 caned, i. 8 i X. 8. They 89--43. Collecte a very lar~e army, 51. insist that they only have the power of Ia wonted by the ROlllAlls. 59.6n. Gaina taking auspices, and consequt'ntly a advantages in Thrace and 1l1yria. xliii. right to magistracies. and the command 18-23. Is utterly defeated at Pydna of armit"s. iii. I i vi. 41; vii. 6. Their by ."Emilius Paullua. xliv. U. Flies to rontest with the plebeians about the Samothrl:&Ce, 4.6 j whto.le he and bis. ehiJ. consulship, iv. I. II compromiJed, 6. dren are taken, llv. 6, 7; and are led Renewed, vi. 34; vii. 18-28: x. 15.· in triumph, 40. They d8im tht offices of pt~tor and eu· Penians, ix. 18, 19 i X xxvi. 15. Tule ~dilet ,,1. 42; vii. 1. They have Perusia. ix. 37.

imus and Scipio Nasica, he embarked the army, and sailed over to Italy. AniciuR, a few days after, having held a convention of the rest of the Epirotcs and Acarnanians, and having ordered those of their chiefs, whose cases he had reserved for consider­ ation, to follow him into Italy, waited only for the return of the ships that the Macedonian army had used, and then passed over to Italy. At the time thai these events took place in Macedon and Epirus, the amba~sadors that had been sent with Attalus, to put a stop to hostilities between the Gauls and king Euruenes, arrived in Asia. Having agreed to a suspension of arms for the winter, the Gauls were gone home, and the king had retired to Pergamus into winter quarters, where he fell sick of a grievous disease. The first appearance of spring drew ol1t both parties from their respective homes; the Gauls had advanced as far as Synnada, while Eumenes had collected from every quarter his forces, at Sardis. Then the Romans held a conference with 8010vettius, general of the Gauls, at Synnada, and Attalus accompanied them; hut it was not thought proper that he should enter the camp 0[' the Gauls, lest the passions of either party might he heated by debate. Publius Licinius held a conference with the Gallic ehieftain, and brought back word that he was rendel'ed more haughty by the attempt to persuade him; so that it might, therefore, seem matter of wonder that the mediation of Homan ambas­ sadors shonld have bad so great influence un Antioehus and Ptolemy, two powerful kings, as to make them instantly con­ clude a peaee; and yet, that it had no influence with the Gauls. 35. The eaptive kings, Perseus and Gentius, with their childrell, were the first hrought to Rome, aad put in custody, and next the other prisoners; then such of the Macedonians and principal men of Greeee as had been ordered to eome to Rome; for of these, not only sueh as were at IlOme were sum­ moned by letter, but even those who were said to be at the courts of the kings. In a few days after, Paullus was carried up the Tiber to the city, in a royal galley of vast size, which was moved by sixteen tier:l of oars, and decorated with l\Iace­ donian spoils, consisting not only of heautiful armour, but of tapestry, whieh had heen the property of the king; while the banks of the river were covered with the multitudes that poured out to <10 him honour. After a few days, arrived Ani- 2258 INDEX.

xxxvii. 10. II. Is dereated by the R0- severity, 42, "". P&VOUlI the Rbodians. mans and Rbodian8, 30. xlv. 25. Pomerium, i. 26,44. PoreiuIJ Cato. M., pnetor, Iuii. 7. Pometia, .ee Sueua. Porsenrta, Lar. or Lartes. kiof.! of Cluaium. Pompeii. ix. 38. entercaiDs the Tarquins. and mai.et. war PompeiWl, L., military tribune. xlii. 65. on tbe Romans. u. 9. Besiege» Rome. Pomponius, L., prefect of alliea. sn. 1. 11. RefOtorea the hOl\8gt's. and ~n­ ---~~" an infamous fanner of the eludes a treaty of friendshlp with the re'f'enUeI, I. Romans, !S. ----Matho, Man •• master of bone. Ponenna'i goodl for sale, wbence the abdicates, because his appointment: pbraae, ii. 14. proved to be irregulEU'. xxii 33. Pr1&­ Postumia. a vestal, rebuked (or toG much tor, 35; xxiL 55; xxiii. 2.; u.vi. 23. attention to dreM. iv. +f... ------. plebeian. ",dile, Postumius, A., dictator. vanquishes the xxviii. to. Latina at Regillus. and triumpha, ii.19, ------. M .• deputed to carry an 20. II made consul, 21_ off'erinl{ to Delphi, xxviii. 45. Pr2'tor, ---Albu•• A .• consul, iii. 4. Am· xxix. 11. Appointed to command a b... ador to tho ..£9'&"1, is alfronted by tleet. xx:J:. 2. their general, 25. -,M., ple-beian tribune, proteata ---Regillensia, A., consular tribune. against a war with Rhodell, xlv• .21. overpowen the Tarquinian6, v. 16. ---, Sex., xxi. 51. Again consular tribune. vi. J2. --. 1.1., plebeiaD tribune-, arcuSe& ---Tibertus, A" muti'r of horse, iv. L. Manlius. whose son deten him from 23. Dictator i defeats the .sEquaoll and the prosecution, vii. 45 .. Volscians, 26. 29. Pomptine tribe. vii. IS. . ---Albinu•• A .• pmtor, xL""

law. that plebeian magtltrates should Quintian fatuity, iii. 12. Me-adoWl,26. be eleded in assemblies at the tribe. i ia Quintli, Albans made Roman senatou, i. re-elected tribune, ibid. 80. PubliliuB, Volero, consular tnoune, Y. U. QUintilill, month, the nones appointed tor Pupini:ln district, xxvi. 9. the Apollinarian games, xxvii. 23. PUpiU8, Cn., a commissioner to build a Calling magistrates into office. v. 32. temple of Concord, xxii. 33. Knights reviewed, ix. 46. --, L., candidate for the p!'2tonbip, Quintiliu8 Varus, xxx. I. xxxix. 39. Prztor, 45. ---, Cn., dictator, to drive a nail In --I P., one of the first plebeian que.­ the Capitol, viii. 18. tors, iv. 54. --- Varua, M., CODsular tribune, Puteoli, xxiv. 12: xxv. 22; xX'"'i. 17. v.I. Attacked in vain by HaunibaJ, xxiv. U. ---, M., xxx. 18. Pyttna. xliv. 6, 10, 42. Sacked by the --- Varus, P., pnetor, xxix. 38; Romans, 45. xxx. J. Defeats Mago in IDtlubrian Pylre, or Thennopybe. xKxii.4. Gaul,ISo Pylrenumes, king of the Heneti, L 1. ------" llamenofMars, xliv. Pylaic councii. xxxiii. 85. lB. l)ylos, xxvii. 30. ---, Sextus. consul. iii. 42. Pyra, 011 mount

·:r.X9. 10. II expelled tbe "Date for Philip, without effect, 10. Defeat. Pbi­ barbarous eruelty, uxix. 42. lip, 12. Is obliged to mise the siege of QuintiuB CincinnatuI, P'J consular tri­ Atru:, 18. Holda another conferenre bune, tv. 6J. with Philip, wbich produces a tmce, ---, Q., consular tribune, vi. 36. but not a peace, 82, 37. Gives Philip a ---Barbatu. CapitolinuSt T., con- total overthrow, xxxiii. 9, 10. tAm­ ew, appeaaea the fury of the populace, eludes a peace with bim, 13, 2., 30. ii. 56.· Is thanked by the Benate, 57. Proelaimaliberty to tbe states of Greece, A favourite of the Bold ien, 60. II 32. Leads an anny to Argo, :u:xiv. IS. raised again to the cOBsulship by the Lays siege to Lacedlemon, "l6. Refule6 patricians, aud by a stratagem defeata at fi1'8t to listen to Nabis, and afterwards the Volsciane. df. Commissioner of a grants him peace, 40. Triumpbs during oolony, ill. I. Consul a third time, 2. three days, 52. Procurel the .iege of Procollsul, TeBeUel the coniul from im­ Naupaet:um to be raised, xxxvi. 35. minent danger. 4, 5. Pleads.in favour Censol, xxxvii. liB ; xxxviii, 2B. Augur, of Cle6(J Quintiua, 12, 13. Qut:estor, xlv.... arraigns Volacjus. on whose evidence Quirinal flamen created by Numa, i. 20. ClEao bad been condemned, 25. A caD­ ---hill added to the city, i. «. didate fOT the censorship, il disappoint­ Quirinus, i. 20j v. 52j viii. 9, Hi'tem- ed, 35. A. fourth time cOllsul, GG. His ple. iv. 21. Dedicated, and adorned character, 69. He defeat. tbe lEquana with spoils of the enemy, :E. f6. and Voisciana, 70. Interrex, iv.7. A Quirites, wby so called, i. 13. fifth time consul, 8. A lixth, he Domi­ Quiritian trench made by Ano. Martius, nate(!, L. Quintiua "lnciDnatul dictator, 1.33. 13. Supplicates tbe people in {a'four of T. Qilintius, 80n of Cincinnatus, 41. Rabuleiua, Man., deeemvir. iii. 31. ---Cincinnatul Penn us, T., iv. 26. Racilia, wife of Quintius, Cincinnatua, iii. His disputes with his colleague, and 26. &ctirlty in the field. 27, 29. Again COD­ RamniuI, L., Ii Brundusian, tempted by luI, 30. Consular tribune; unsuccess­ Perseua to poison the Roman ambalsa­ ful at Veii, 31. Shares in victory with don and officers, discoven the matter the dictator, 32.33. I, brought to trial, to the Romaui. xlii. 17. fl. aDd acquitted. 41. Ramnenses, or Ramnes, one of the tint ---CBpitolinu8. T •• 80n of CRpitoll~ tribes, and a century of knigbta, i. 13, DUS. consul, i'f. ~3. Consular tribune, 36 j Jr.. 6. 61. Reatel xxv. 1; 1X vi. 11. Promises 601~ --- Cincinnatus, T.t consular tri· diet. t.o ScipiO. xxviii. 45. bune, vi. -t. Again, 18. Dictator j he Red lOCks, it 49. 8ea, :llv. 9. lubduel the Pramestines, 28, 29. And RegillulD, town of the Sabinea, ii. 16. tn bis triumph conveys to the Capitol RegillU8, lake, near Which Postumius tbe image of Imperial love. brougnt routed tbe Latina, ii. 19. 20; vi. 2. from Prameste. Religion established by Numa, i. 19. A ---Capitolinul, T., caDSUW tribune, passion for foreign religious rites pre­ and master of horse, vi. 11. vaUs, iv. 86. ReligiOUS worahip per~ ---, T" consular tribune. vi. 38. fonned with more piety tban magnifi­ --- Pennus, T., master of bone, vL cence, iii. 57. Tbe bad consequence. of 42. introducing foreign model of woniliip, ---, T.., dictator, vii. 9. Master of xxv. I. bOrBf',I1. Consul,18. Remus, made pri8oner, and given up to ---Pennus, T., consul, vii. 22. Amulius; assists in restoring bis grand. ---, T., chosen 88 leader by the father, and is alain by hiB brother, 1. ti. troopa in mutiny. vii. 89, 41. Retius. M., ambassador to Gaul, XJLvii. 86. _-":_-,. commiuioner of a colony. Re'¥enue managed by the censors, iv. 8. viii. 11. . Rhapbia, DoXV. 13. ---CriRpious, T., appoinwd by Mar... Rh&teum, promontory, uxvii. 9, Si; cellua to the command or a fleet, xxiv. xxxviii. 89.· av. PnetoT, uvii. 6. Consul, 21. Is Rhmtians, v. 33. wounded, 27. Disconcerta a scheme of Rhea Syhtia, i. a,4. Hannibal, 28. Dies of hil wound. sa. Rhegium, faithful to the Romans, xxiii. ------" hla singular en­ 80. Attempted by the Carthaginians. counter with Badin., a Campanian, x:r.iv. 1; xxvi. 12 j xxiI. 6. Fumishea xxv. 18. the Romans with ~ a 8UPPly of 8hips, --- Flamininul, T .• cunlle Edile, xxxvi. 42 .. nhibits Itage plays with grnt magnifi· Rbjnocolura, slv. J1. cence, xxxi... Coniul, xxxii. 7. Sails Rhion, or Rhium, strait between Naa­ SO GreeC9.8. Holda a eoruereDC8 1"itb • pactum aDd Patre,. being the entrance 2262 INDEX.

to the bay of Corinth, xs.vif.· 30 ; enlarges the city. opens a sanctuary, xxviii. 7. and fonna a a~nate, 8. Order$: the Rhisiasu8, of Pelle-ne, threatens bia son eeizure of the Sabine women. 9. Over­ Memuon with death, if be persiats in tbroWl the Ceninians, killing their obslructlng the proceedings at' a OOUDcil king, otfers the grand spoils to Jupiter of the AcbliPanl, xx¥.ii. 22. Feretriua. and dedicates to him the fit1l& Rhlzon, xlv. 26. temple iB Rome, 10. Uefeats the An· Rhodians, eend, amhas8Ildon to compose temniane and Crustumniana. II. Dis­ disputes between Philip and the lEto­ tressed in battle witb the Sahines. VOW" lians, xxvii. SO; xxvili. 7. Send a tleet 8 temple to Jupitt'r Stator. 12. Makes to aid tbe Romans against Phili~ xxxL peace with the tiabines, anll dividell the 46. Recovd' Perea from the Maot>donl­ city into thirty ('urias. 13. ConqU(lrs ans, xxxiii 18. Join' their Beet to the the Fidentia.ns and Veians, appoint. Roman against Antiochu., uIvii. 9. three bundred celeret to guard hi' per­ Defeat his deet, commanded by }lanni~ 'on, is. Dies, and iii e~teeqetl a di­ bal, xxiii. 24. Again. in conjunction vinity.16. witb the Romons, dE"feat PolYlI:euidas, Rorarian 801dieTB, viii. 8. 30. Receivo Lyci& and Carla, after the Ro.ciu", L.t Roman ambassador, killed rP.duction oC Antiochus, xxxviii. 39. by order of Tolumnius. iv. 17. Send to the Roman consul a mf'nacmg R u8cino, where lOme state8 of Gaul &1- embassy in fall our of ¥enJeuI, xliv. 14. semblE'd, with intent to oppose H.anni~ Implore pardon of the Roman ambas­ bal. xlli.U. sadors, and punish tbe advisel"l of their ---, .8t' .... port in Afri("S, us. 10. misC'onduct. xlv. 10. Juvencius Tbaln~ RuseUnn lands. x.... Vi &sted, and the prretor, proposes to the Roman commis­ city taken, 37. - sioners a deelaration of 'War against Rutiliua Cr8S8ulI, Sp., cOlllular tribune. Rhodea. and is oppoaed by the tribunes, iv. ,17. 21. -. P., plebeian tribune, warmiy Rhoduntia, one of the summits of mount opposee the censors, and brings them to

Cen"! emitted after the battle of Cannte, awer witb haughtiness the eXpoitula­ xul.56. tions of the ltomaB8. 23. Are expelled Sacrirortu., harbour, Bear Tarentum, Palrepolis. 26. Defeated by Fabius.. X:Hi.~. master of bone, 30. Again. by Papi~ &.gnu"&. vervain. i. Hi XXX. 43. rillS, dictator, 36. Make a trut'e for a Saguutum. an opulent city on tbe lberua, yearI break. it, and, after a despemte en­ xxi. 1. Be~ieged and laken by Hann~ gagement, are dd(:ated, 38. 39. EntTap bal. Lbe inbabiL.'Ulw tbrow tbeir .alu­ the Roman army at the Ca.udin" forktl. abies and themselves into a fire, If, 15. D:. 2; and after violent exertionA. and Spanilth b06tagf'tl are kept at SagUDlu~ suffering many defeats. 1$-16, 111--23, xxii. 22. It is retaken by tbe Reman8, 21, 31, 40, 41, Otey !Submit, and. aTe 1Uld. resttlTed to ita old. iDhabitanl8, xxiv. lent under the yoke, 42. 'I'beir ~oJd "2; .xviii. 39. , and silver sbielded battalions, 40. The Saguntine.t. threatened by Hannibal, send old treaty is renewed with them, ta. aInlJa&utlh.n to Rome. xxi. lI. 4i. Sho..... Tbey take arms again. and are worsted, great fmnne&a in 8upPQning the siege, x. 12. Fight a furwWi battle. and are 11. Send AD embalio6y to Kome with obli~d to fly into Etmri&, 16. Are tbanks to the senate... XYlia. 39. .An­ again defeated, 19. Again, and their Qtb~r embas8y,1.Xx. 21. general taken, 20. They join tbe Etru· Soll&llia, zxiv. 20. .7. Surrendered to rians, Umbrians, and Gauh, 21. With MalCt'lIue with Ule Cartbacinlan garri- the Gauls invade the Roman territories, 500, s.:ni. S8 i XX\'it. •• 27; aDd are defeated, 29. Their cba· Salll.f,ianl!l over-rearb lIanDibal, xXTii. 28.. racter as 6oldien, 28. They are defeated lSalarian It~t. ,,"ii. 9. in B bloody battle, 31. They 88Sault tbe Srua.~ian8 dwel.ling on the A1pa, :ui. 38. Roman camp, 32. and are repulsed, 33. S<1lera, in Africa. xxix. at. Sew-en thousand of them are sent under Salemum, l:OIODV. ulii. 29; 1xxiv.45.• the yoke, 36. Again. by Papiriua•• li. Sa!ii. twdve prie~ts of Mars instituted by 'Ij" '.fheir toWDI raken, 45. They, 6· ~ ums. i. 20. T"dve more TOwed by ct"pting the Pentrians, l'evolt to Hanni­ Tulhu. &Ild called Agonales, or Colline, b..'\l, xxi'. 61. l'heir country severely -'7 ranged by M~llui!l. xxiii. -it. S;H~ator, why Lh'ius was 80 IUrnam.ed~ SamDite-8, glsdiaton so called, ix. O{O. xx.ix_ 31. 8amn ium, vii. 32. SaHcntiues CODq11ered. iI. 42. 80me of Samothraee, island. xliv. 95. Perseus their towns revolt to Hannibal, xxv. 1. takee refuge there. 45,"': xlv. 2, 5. Their counuy, I. 2; xxi". 20. 8aml~. ialand, xxxvii. It>, 11. &c_ SaloniUB, C., commissioner 01 a eoIony, Sang-arius, river, aboWlding with fish, xxxiv. 44; xlii.... xxxviii. 18. ___, P., alternately military tribune Sappinian tribe. district of Umbria" uxi. and l"hie! renturion. entTeate the It'D. 2; xxxiii. 81. tON Dot, on his account, to reiuse the Sard~, xlv. 34. df>mandsoflhemurinolli 8oldien,vii. 41. Sardiana, or Sardinians, xxi. 16. Send a Salpiniam iDlest the kotnall 1a.ucb, Y.31, 8t.'("ret embassy to the Carthaginiaoa, 3-' xxiii. 32. Are vanquished by the Ro-­ SIiI;~la. vii. 19. m3.P.s, "~, :EntiNly mbdued. (1. Sue­ Satyi. or Salyes, or Salluvii, people of Ct'Is~ of 8emptonius against tht:m, Vaul, Y. 3.5. Their mountains, xxi. 26. xli. 12- Samzans. in Cephallenia. break Ibe peace. Sardinia, island, xxt 1; xxii. 31. Ita· whicb had ~n concluded.. and are be­ v8ge-d by a ('arthaginian Reet, xxvii. 6. &iege-d, xxxviii. 28. Aft.er a vigorous A Roman arm, ordered to be sent defence the ci'J is taken, and sack~ thither. xli. 9. Are conquered by Sem­ 2~_ proniua Gracchu., and a picture hun, Some. or Samoa, ialanfl. xxxvi. 42. Sa­ up, xli. 28. mums, xxxi, 31 ; xxxiii. 20. SerpedoD. pftlIl1ontory. %Xxviii. 38. Samnitdl. f()f11\ an aHiance with the Ro.­ Sarna. river, fleet of Antiochul shi~ man., 'Vii.. 19. Ori,m of the war be­ wreeked at ita muuth. xxxiii..... f'Wt'en those Itates, %9. Ambatlsadol'8 Satieul&, ¥ii. S2, 3-t. Besieged by the Ro­ sent to the SamniC.es, receive a rude aDd mans, b .. 21. Taken. 22. Its territory, meltat'ing aIllIWt!r, 31. War it pro­ 'Xx.iil. 14. Its inhabitants commeDded (.laimed,32_ A furious battle, in which by the ROJ1lans. xxvii. 10. the &nUlitee are defeated, 33. Are Satricum, taken from the Romans by Co-. ~"in defeated in 6HJUoium. S6. A riolanus, iL 39. By the Romans from thint tim~, 37. Thf")' eend ambassadoR the V(!)aei8n~, vi. a. By the Prlrnes4 to sue for peace. vid. I. The old treaty tines and Volacians, 22. lIurned by is renewed. 2. They join the Lueaniana 'he J.,atins, S3. The Antiana settle a ~raillSt Ale:lanlier 01 Kpile. 17. Aa~ colony there, ud the Rowaua 6Kk and 7 F 2264 INDEX.

bum the city. vii. 27. The Volscians Sedetania country wasted by Mandonius, take post at Satricum, viii. 1. It ia Ixviu. 2. ; xxix. 2. taken by Papiriu8, ix. 16. Sedetanians join the Romans, xxxiv. 20. Saturte, interludes, vii. 2. Seditious eomrnotioUi at Rome, ii. 23,28, Saturnalia. instituted, ii. 21. Proclaimed 56; iii. 66, &c. &c. to last a day ana a night. and to be ob­ Sep:istica, xxxiv. 17. served for ever, xxii. I. Segunti&, xxxiv. 19. Saturn's temple, ii. 21. Sacrifices and a SeJeucia, MBCedoniaD colony, xxxiii. 41 i lecti6ternium at it, xxii. 1. xxxviii Ii. Satyrus, Rhodian ambassador, s.lU. 1+. Seleucul, son of Ly.imachu8. xxxiii. 40. Scevo)a. See Mutius. ---, 80n of Antiocbus, xxxiii, 40. ScantiniuB. P., pontifi', x:ziii. 21 •. Recovers PhOCEa. xxxvii. 11. \Vastea Scaptian tribe added, viii 17. . the country of Pergamu8, and lays ScaptiuI, P., persuadE's the Roman people siege to the city. xxxvii. 18. Is com­ in a case where they are arbitrator&, to pelled by Diophanes. an Achzcan, to assume t-O themselves some lands in retire out of the country, 21. dispute between the AldeanB and Ari­ Selinul taken by Antiochus, xxxiii. 20. cjana, iii. 71. Sellius. A., plebeian tribune, iv.42. . Scarcity, and consequent disturbance,. ti. Selymbria, xxxiii. 39. 31-; iv. 12. Sempronius Bllellus, qnestor, is slain Seea. called Tripolis, xliii. 55. with one thousand ofbis men, xxii. SI. Scerdihedus, king of Illyri, xxvi. 24; ----, A., consul, ii. 21. Again, 34. xx"il. 30; xxviii. 5. ----Atratinus, A ... one of the first -., son of Gentin., :xliv. 32. consular tribunes, iv. 7. Again,44. A Scharphia, xxxvi. 19. third time, 41. Master of horse, vi. 28. Schamus, merchant, informs Quintiua oC ------" C., consul, his neg­ the roads to Perrh2Ebitl, xliv. 35. ligence and rashneSii. iv. 37. He is &l'­ Sclathu5 demolished by Philip, x:n:i. 28, cused by L. Hortensiu&, plebeian tri· 45; xxxv. 43. bune, and laved by the fntreaties at' Scissis, xxi. 60. the military tribunes of bit! amy. 42. Scodra, capital of l11yria, xliii. 20j sliv. Is again accused, and condemned, 44. 81.32; xlv. 26 •• ---Blzsus, C., brings to trW Cn. Scodrus, mount, xliv. :n.. . Fulviu8, for the loss of his army, xxvi. SCOPa8, prretor or the ..iEtoliana, xxvi. 24. 2. MaRes war on the Acamanians, 25. ----I Cn., lieutenant-i;'ene· Carries a large body of troops to Egypt, ral under Q. Fulvills, xxvii. 6. xxxi. .8. _ , C" plebeian ledile, Scorpion8, en~ine., the number found in xxxix. 7. Pnetor, 32. New Carthage, xxvi. 47. ----Lon,uli. C .• ('olJunissioner al Seotu6sB, xxviii. &, 7. Plain of Scotuss&, religious affairs, xli. 21. or Melambium, xxxiii. 6. --__ AtraHnu., L., consul, iv. 7. Scribonius Curio, C., plebeian redUe, pro­ Censor, 8. secutes farmers of the public lands, ____ Tuditanul. M., on the rapture xxxiii. 42. fa made ch.ief Cl.1rio, xli. 21. of New Cartbage, appointed Arbiter in Prretor, xxxiv. S4. the dispute tlbout 8 mural crown. xxvi. ---, L., deputy from the Roman 48. Prretor, xxxvii. 47. Con~ul, xxxix. prisoners, taken by Hannibal, xxii. 23. Chief pontitT, 46. Dies of the 61. plague, xli. 21. __'_ Lioo, I .. , commissioner of the , P., ambassador to exchequer, xxiii. 21. &e xxii. 61. Ptolemy Epjpban~8, xxxi. 2. Cwule Prretor, xxix. 11. mdile, ia made ]metor, xxiv. 43, 44' xxv. 3: xxvi.. 1. ('ensor, xxvii. ll. Con­ =====:', prretor, xxxix.xxxv. to.23. sul, xxix. 11. !\fakes peace with Philip, Scultenna.= river, at which the l.iguriBns n. Engages in an irregular combat BTe defeated by C. Claudius, xli. 12, 18. with H81lnibal, and is worsted; en­ ScyU~llm, promontory, xxxi. 44; xx][vi gages him again, and gains the victory, 42.' • 36. SCyrol, ][xxi. 45: xxxiii. SO. ----Sophus, P., plebeian tribune, Seamen supplied by private persoDa, xxiv. ix. 88. Inveighs against Appius Clau~ II. dins, censor, and orders him to be im­ Secession of the ('ommODS to t'he Sacred prisoned, 34. Consul, he enjoys a tri- . Mount, ix. 82, 33; to the Aventine, iii. umph, 45. Is made pontiff, x. 9. Pre­ .')0, 1)1 i aud thencC' to the Sar-red Mount, tor,21. . 52. Of the soldiers. viii. 39, 52. ---- Dlcesus, P., l,lebeian tribune, JJedentary ()('cupati01UJ: people of, sum­ epposes the grant of a triumph to P. moned to take arms, viii. 20. ComeliUB Scil1io. xxxvi. 39. INDEX. 2265

Semproniul GracchUJ, P., plebeiao tri~ people. i. 17. Senators chosen first by bune, and CaillS, 8(:cute Aciliu8 Glabrio the kings, 8, 80. 3fj; afterwards by tb6 of peculation, xxxvii. 58. consuls, ii. 1; and from tbe yeat SOO, ---Longul, P., prretor, xxxix. 32. by the cenion. iv. 8. After the battle --- Graccbu&, Tib., ma .. ter or of CanDie, a dictator created to choose horlle, xxii. 57. Senda com and nuta the senate, xxiii •. 22. Prince of the down the river to the besieged in Ca.si~ Benate generally the member alive wbo linum, xxiii. 19. Curule t.edllc, is made had been censor first, xxvii. U. This consul, 24. Support. tbe spirits of the rule not always observed', 13. A par. scnate, 25. Takes the command of the tieu]ar pJace assigned to Ilenators at the "'olunteer slaves, .'\2. His services, public ShOWI, xxxiv. 54. Decrees of 35-31. Hede(~atll Hrumo, xxiv. 14, 15 4 the senate first kept by the rediles in the (Bves freedom to the volunteer slaves, temple of Cerea, iii. 55. Afterwards in 16. Again 001l8ul. 4S. His actions in the treasury, 9. Decree of the last ne4 L\1cania., xxv. 1. He fa in snared by cessity,... Senators forbidden to deal treachery, and his body is sent to Han· in merchandise, xxi. 63. Liable to a. uilJal, 16. . fioe for non--a.ttendance. iii. 38. Judg~ • when very young, ment of tbe senate, auctoritaa, iv. 57 • 18 made augur, xxix. 88. Chosen, 88 &enoDes, people of Gaul, tldvance to Clu~ remarkably spirited, by Sl'ipio. for an aium, and tJ Rome, v. 55. See Gaub. Surround and cut to piece.' 8 Roman ~L:~ofCuUr:,e~::.~~~!~~tX~;~~. :: legioD, x. 26. lit "ent Ihto Sicily, 17. ReL'alled, and Sen tina, x. 21, 30. Jr,ina his colleague, 51. Is defeated by 8epinum taken by' L. Papiriu8, x. 44, 45. Hannibal, M. Fights Hannibal again, 8eppiu8 LelliuB, the last Campanian who wliuceee6ful at firat, but worsted after­ was chief magiatrate at Capua, xxvi. 6, wards, 59. Fi~hta Hanno witb ,ood 13. . bucceBS, xxiii. 31. Sergia, practised in poiloning, put to death ---Gra.cchus, Tib., plebeian tri.. by a dOle of her own compOSition, viii. bune, altholl~h at enmity with ~CiPlO 18. Sergiua. C., consular tribune, vi. 5. Again, ti~~:~8'r!~:f:~~l~:~lf~~~ ~~:i~~ 11. A third time, 27. nate for his bonourable conduct,xxxviii. --, L., carrying an otreriJtg to Delphi, 53. Preventa the impri&onment of L. taken by pirates, and dismissed, v. 28. Scipio,60. -- Fidenaa. L., military tribune, v. _-C..______• commissioner of 16. Consul, 17. Cou.!Iular trib\1ue; 25. a eolony, xx-xix. 55. Pl1Etor, xl. 33. A second time consul, 30. A second ('onMul, :xli. 8. Triumphtl over the Cel­ time conaular tribune, 35. A. tbird tiberians,7. time, 45. --- Lon8"'l.8f Tib., 80n of Caius, ------, consular tribune, iv. commissioner of religlQus affairs. xxvii. 35 •• fl. Ptretor, xxx.iii. U. Conaul. xxxiv. --, Manlius, decem vir, iii. 85. 42. Inform! the senate of an insl1Jrec-· --Fidenas, Man., consuJar tn"bune, ,ion in Li~urla. 56. iv.61. Aga.in. v. 8. On his camp being --Co.- ,Musca, Tib., commissioner of attacked by the Fallsciana, he cbooses to land.. , xlv. la. be van(luished by tbe enemy, rather Sena, colony, xxvii. 46. than send to hi. colleague for succour, tlenate. Instituted by Romanll. consisting for wbicb he is brought to trial, 11, and ot one bundred nlt~tnbera. called P8tr~s, fined,12. , and their descendanta, PatriL'ians, L 8. --, Man •• military hibune, assists in '''·hy called Cunscript Fathers, ii. I. the taking of Locri, xxix. 6. Is scourged 'l'helf number augmented on the de~ by PleminiulI, &Jld put to death, 9. atruction of Alba., i. 17, 30. to two hun~ --Silus, Man., pr&!tor, when thenum~. dred, and to three hundred by the tir3t berwaaincreased toeix, nAii. 27. Lieu­ Tarquiniu8, called Fathers of Inferior tenant-generru. xliv. 30. Birth, 35. 18 diminisbed by the cruelty Scrrhium. fort, ta'-ten by Philip, xxxl IG. of Tarqninius the Proud, 49; and filled SeTVilii, Albans, ehoaen into (he senate by up II, Brulus. iL 1. Chiefs of the Albans Tullius HOtitiliulI, i. 80. "'H,lien into the senate, j, 30. 'rhe firet ServUius, C., commi8siooer of lands. lnt:ntion by Livy or B plebeian senator, obliged to flyby an Inroad of the Bo1ans. v. 12. Appiul Claudiue prucuJ'e8 the .xxi.2S. fllhninio.l of SUDS of freed·men into the ----, consul. U. 49. t!.t'u"tt', but this practice iI not totlowed, ----, t:onsular tribUne. coDtend~ ix. 46. 'file rule altered, which re~ tng with his colleague8, submits to the 'luired the senate's previous 811probatlon advice ofhis father, tv. 45. of a law, before it waa pauc:4 by tbe ---Ahala, C., master.( horse, kill'l 7 l' 2' 2266 INDEX.

'Mrelius. iv. lS, H. Is commended by Servilius, Q., cOf1,mlar tribune, xi. 22. the dictator, 15. Made consul, 30. Con­ Again, 31. A third time, 36. Bular tribune, 56. Master of horse, and --- Abala, Q.. consu) , \ii. 1. A a second time consular tribune, 57. A leeond time... Dictator i be. bv di· third time, v.8. In obedience to tbe rection of the senate, vows the greae will oC the SE'll8te, he obliges hiB col­ games. and. after several service!, abdi­ leagues to abdicate, 9. cates,l1. Is made intetTex, 17. Servitiu! Ahal&., C .• master ofholSf', vi. 2. ---, Q., master of horse, vii. 22. Con­ ---, C., commissioner for conducting luI,38. a colony to Placentia, Is seized by the ---, Sp .• COD suI, repu}Mes the Veians: Gauls, xxi. 25; and sixteen yean after i8 afterward. worsted by them,and laved is delivered, and brought bome by hi. by his colleague. ii. 51. 52. SOD, xxx. 19. --- Priseua, Sp., COJl6ul, vi.31. COll­ ----, son of the preceding, Ueu­ sulaT tribune. 38. tenant-general, throWl &uppliea into the Servius CotneliulI, conlul, ii. 41. citadel of Tarentum, XXT. )5. Is made -- Tullius, t. 18. Son of a prisoner pontiff, xxvii. 6. Plebeian 2di1e, 21. taken at Corniculum, 39, and iv. 3. Master of horse, and curuJe 2dile, 33, Advanced to the throne by the se­ 36. Pnetof, xxviii. to, .6. Consul. nate.41. Marries his dau~ht.e-J'8 to the xxix. S8 i xxx. I. Liberates and brings Tarquins. 4!. Institutes U)e (,f'nSU8~ hOOle his father, xxx. 19. Dictator. 39. 42; and CWsf'6 the lUstrum. 4-1. Is mUT­ Chief pontiff. xxxix. 46. Is ordered to dered, 48. His eommentaiWs. 60. fimi out expiations in time or a pesti­ Sestiu. Capitolinus, P., consul, iii. 2!. lence. xl. 37. Dies, 42. Decemvir, &3. --- Casea, C., plebeian tnDune, --, P ••• patrieian, brought to tria. xxv. 3. before the people by C. Julius, decem­ --- Crepio, Cn., pontiff'. nv. 3. ('u· Yir. iii. 83. rule &!dile, xxviii. It). Prlietor, %xxYiii. ---, qUIHtor, iv. 50. 46. Consul. xxiI. S8; xxx. J. Goes SestOl. or Bestu8, on the Hellespont, over to Sicily in PUI'i>uit of Hannibal, xxxii. 83. but i. recalled by a dictator appointed Setia., ('olon1, vi. so. Plunden-d by the Privemiau8. vii. 42; xxvi. 8 j J:XX. 14. ~ ~!'!::~8,2~"n,"D~~~:11,i·;~i. 57; Refuses BUl'vlieS, xxvii. 9. D~ree of xxii. I. He ravages the island of Ma­ the senate on tht" occasion, xxix. H. ninx. 31. Follows the plan of Fabiua Sehanl infonn ot the revolt of tbe Priver­ in cO"AduC'ting the 'War, 32,43. Is 'lain nians, viii. 1. ac Canne, 49. Sewer, great, ~n8truCCed by TarquinillA ---Structus, L., consular tribune, the Proud, i. 55. iv • .fT. Sextilius, C., a plebeian ('onlular tribune, --- M., augur, xxvi. 23. Curole vi. 30. a:odile, ::I.xiI. 38. Master of horse, xxx.. ---, M., of' Fre~ll .., answen for 21,. Consul, 26, 27. Is continued in eighteen colonieS. that they would sup- ('ommand.41. His s-peech in fi.vour of ply troops. xxvii. 10. . iEruilius PaulIus, xlv. 37, &c. 8extius. L., plebeian tribune, iv. 49. ---I M., military tribune, xl. 27. ----I plebeilUl tribune. prop6~ee Pontiff,' xliii. U. laws concern ina- debts.concerning lands, --- Gemious, M., master of horse, and tbe admission of pl~lwian8 to the XJ:X. U, 27. Commissioner of lands, eonsu)!lbip. and prevents the elt>C"tion xxxi. 4. or a colony, xxxii. 29. flf ('untie magiltratetl, ,,-j. 35. Being a ---. P .• consul, ii. 21. Not pleasing tenth time tribune, he it made the firtit either to the pa.tricians or plebeiant, 37. plebefan ('on8ul, 4~. ____, consul, iii. 6. Dies. 7. ---Sabinus. M., pTrtor, xxx. a6. ---, Q., consul, it. G. Again; and Ships. long, or ship"! of war, v. 28. is sent against the .&quan~, iii. 2. --, light, xxi. 28. ____.qu&'8tor, prosecute8 M. Vol­ --, tranllport, xxii. 11. ~cius for false evidence agamst Ca!'!IO, -, pr~toriaD, or chief commander'l!I, iii. 24. xxix. 25. ___ Prisella, Q., dictatoT, iv. 21. --, beaked, xxviii. 45. 4d: xxx. 10. Routs the Etrurians, and take. FidtmR!, --. scout. xxx. 10. 22. Calls on the tribunes to make' the --conveyed over land at Tarentum. ('on9ul& name a dictator. 26. Is made xxv.lr. dictawr.46. Defeats the JEqlHlDl. i7. Shlp-tB~. annual, at PatRvlurn, x. !. ___ Pidt"naa, Q •• consular tribune, 'V. Shops of the aU veT-smiths ill the Roman 8. AgaIn,14. Jnterrex, 17. Consular forum set up to sall' by Heniba,), xxvi. trihlln~ l\ third time. 24. A fourth, 36. 11. A fifth, vi. f. A aixth, 8. SibarlJ, uv~ ~9. Y. R. 585.] THE HISTORY OF ROME. 2167 tinguished artists, all made of gold, with ?vhich the saloons qf Perseus had been furnished. After them came the chariot of Perseus, laden with his arms, and a diadem in addition. A band ofcaptives followed, namely, Beth.Ys, the son of king Cotys, who had been sent by his father into Macedon as a hostage, and subsequently taken by the Romans along with the children of Perseus; then the children of Perseus themselves, accom­ panied by a band of tutors and guardians, who in tears stretched forth their hands mournfully to the spectators, and instructed tlie boys to implore suppliantly the mercy of the victorious people. There were two sons and one daughter who excited the preater commiseration in the spectators, because they themselves, on account of their age, could scarcely comprehend tlteir misfortunes. Therefore the majority of tlte spectat01's could not r~frain from tears, and a sort of silent priej saddened the minrb of all, and prevented them from en­ joying real pleasure, as long as the children met their gaze. Behind his children walked Perseus with his wife, in a mourn­ ing robe, dressed in sandals, after the Greek custom, like a person stupijied and astonished, 'whom the greatness (if his calamities seemed to have deprived f!f reason. Then followed a crowd f!ffriends and acquai1ltances, in 7vhose countenances deep grief was depicted, for whenever they gazed on the king they wept bitterly, demonstratin.9 clearly that they were grieved on account of his calamities, but forgot their own. Perseus had endeavoured to avert tltis ignominy by entreaties, and had sent persons to ./Emilius, to be,9 that he should not be led in the triumphal procession. ./Emilius smiled at t!te dastardly spirit of the wretch, and said, "t!tat t!tis request was formerly, and is even now, under his own actions and power;" thereby giving him a silent hint, that fte should avoid by a noble death that of which he was afraid. But his ir1'esolute mind was not capa­ ble f!f adopting so determined a design, and under tIle soothing il!fluence of some hope, he prl!ferred being considered part of his own spoil. Then four hundred golden crowns were car­ ried along, which had been sent by almost all the states of Greece and Asia, through their ambassadors, as gifts to Paullus, and an expression qf their joy for !tis victory: their value, if they were considered intrinsically, was immense, yet they con­ stituted a slight addition to tlte enormous treasures which were borne in that trlumplt. 6 z 2268 IYDEX.

Speolchiul, river, xJ:xv;. 14: XXX\-u ••• Suessa Alll'Unea, ... iii. 15. Colony, ix. Spiel, employed by Hannibal. taken by 28. Refuses 5upplies, xx'-ii. 9. De­ the Roman Irnania, are, by the order of cree of the senate lU eonsequ~nce, ][xix. SCipio. conducted through aU parte of 15. the c..m.p. and dismissed. xxx. 29'. Suessetan., people of Spain, XIV. :14. spons, grand, otfered by Romullll to Ju­ Their lands wasted by Mandoniua, piter Feretrius, i. 10. Otf(Ored again by x.xviii. 24 i xxxiv. 20. Com. COSIU., iv. 20, 32. Suusu1&. "Vii. 31; xxiii. H. 17; xxiv. 4-6 ; --, equestrian, viii. 7. XXV. 7,22 i xxvi. 9; xxviii. 9. -- burned in honourotVulcan, i. 37. Suessulana are complimented with the Spoletum attempted in vain by Hannibal, freedom of Rome without right of Buf- xxii. 9; xxi.... 10. The inhalJitanti com­ frage, viii. 14. • mended by the Romani, xx vii. 10. SUfft:tel, title of the ebieC magistrate at Spring, aaered. xxxiii...... Carthage, xxviii. 37 j xxx. ;. SpUriul Nautiul Rutilna, consular tri­ Suismomontium, mouDt, xxxix. 2; xl. bune, iv. 61. See Nautiua. 41. Spy of the Carthaginian. discovered at Sulmo. "nt. 11. Rome, had bis handa cut off. and 'irQ Sulpicia, motber-in-law to the con,ul sent 8way, xxii. 83. Poatumius, give. him a good ch8J'a('ter Statiellre, a Ligurian city. unjustly at­ of lEbutia, in the aftair of the Baccha· tacked by M. PopiJius, xlii.. 7, 8, 21. He nals, x:n:ix. 11. eludes punishment, 22. SU11liciu8 Camerinua, C., abdicates the Statilius. Maniua, a LucaniaD, detects & cen.onhip, vi. 27. stratagem of Hannibal, xxii. 42, 4~. --- Longus. C., consul, viii. 15. Statiul Trebiull promises to put Hanni· . A~ain, 37. A third time, ix. U. De· bal in possession of Compaa, xxxiii. I. feats the Samnites, 27. -- Metina, commander of the cele.­ -, C., lieoutenant·general, V8n~ brated garrison of Casilinum, xxiv. 19. quishes the Hemician.•• vii. 1. Proba· --, T., plebeian \ribune, &ccuaes Sp. bly the same with C. Sulpieiu8 P~t"i('Us. Servitiu., ii. 52. consul, vii. 2. Again, 9. He takes --Gelliu8, Samnite general, is taken Ferrentinum, 9. Is made dictator. and by tbe Romans, is. 44. defers com;ng to action. to tbe dissatis­ --)liuatiuB, Samuite geueral, iJ made faction of his army. 12. Hi'il strat~elD. pti50ner. x. 20. H. He defeats the Gauls., and triumph., Stator. See Jupiter. 15. Is made intforrex, and a tbird time HtatorlullI, Q.., left with Sypbax to disci- consul, 17. A founh time, )~. A se­ pline bis troop" xxiv. 48 i :l:xx.28. cond time interrex, and a fifth time Stel1ari&n plaius, b:. 44 i x. 31. consul,22. SteUatine tribe, vi. 5. ----, prtE'tor, :J:xv. fl. Stena, defile, near Antlgonia, xxxii. 5. ---Gallu., C., pontiff. xxxii. f. Steniul Miniu. Celer. one of Hannibal', ---Galha, C., augur.l:li. 21. hos" at Capua. xxiii. 8. ---GaHus, C.. prletor, is chosen a StertiniuB. C., prll'tor, xxxviH. 35. patron by bither Spain, :odin. 2. Prretoy, ____, L., commissioner to give li· 11. Military tribune, foretells to the berty to several Thracian states, xxxiii. anny an et'lip&e of the moon. xU"'.37. 85. Consul, xlv ...... Stimo, xxxU. H. ___, L •• military trihune, .s.!. 27. Stobi. xxxiii. 19. __ Seven18, P., oonlul, triumphs titratonice. a fruitless expedition of the over the A:quanl, ix. 45. Censor, I. 9. Rhodl8Jl6 8f!'8inst it. :n::xiii. I~. It is _Galba, P., before he had beld &8iigned to tbe Rhodia08 by tbe Ro.­ any curule office, made coneul. xxv. "I'. mans. 30. ls sent into Apulia, and thence to Stratonidea, 8et'omplice of Zeuxippu9 in a Macedonia. xxiv. 22. 28. Hie exploits. plot against BrachyJlas. xxxiii. 28. . xxvii. 10,31,3.2 i xxviiL 5. f. Diccatof. Stratum, xxxvi. II : xxxviii. f • .5; xliii. 21. xX][.24. Streets, cautle of their irl't"gulariry, v. 55. ------, consul, xxxi. S. Sent Strymon, river, xliv. 44. ·U. to Macedonia, It. His lervicel there. Stubera. :uxi. 39; xliii. 19. to n. StymphaliA. xxxiii. 14. The same 81 ---, Q., JieutPDant-gent'raJ undpz A. Stymphalis, xlv. 30. P08tumiu., dictator, iv. 27. Sub~enturion, a, conquen a Latin ~n· ---CamerjnuI, Q., coDtiular tribune, tunon, viii. 8. Y. 8. Again. 14. 8ublician bridge, v. 40. --- Long-ue. Q•• consular tribune, buburrll.. part ut' Ronle. iii. U. Y. 36. "7. .Make'S terms with Brennus Sueisa Pom... tia, taken froUt the ,r oisl"ians, for raising the elege of the Capitol. "'fl!. 1.41. Revoll8,Ii.16. Is takon, 17. -- Galba, Serviu., ('urwe a-dile, L'WEX. 2269

XIvii. II. Anlbaaador to Attalua, 17, Ji. )I~ a dao'!tht" of Har.dru· :'l.:u'.I1. Pootul'. J.lll. M. ~. an:l I'\:'DOUD(ft: 1be trirodshlp oi Sulpiaua,. 8eni'"'- C'OI1eul. Ii. 19. k!pio,. 11f1. 2~ His.ar Wltb Mui­ nih&. 33. Hi9 I:3JHp is burned by Sci­ t'beet rurio. iii. ====:::'• """,nI, iii. 10. r.DePll'Y pio alid "a."'ll~ ::1'1: •• i. He 8(h-anfft =10 Arne-. to col ...... st. Dft.em- L:.. nil M30SIRtMa and. IA-lita; 15 cit"­ Tir.ll. Doputy ... , .. -iDs-1'" ft:ate4 and Qke-!l. l j. Hitr d l...<1)vi11 the .­ ill." my... &'e.. Tile-ir leel d~feab fbal 01 Irauiu-. .,...tion. al P...... aDd tbe U.., R~ _bUe the IloIIWIa cldeas kOlMDll ~ it, xlii. oM. ii, &a, ... ibm arm,. on Land. xni. 39. ~.1n1m. xs.viii.. It. T.vn.1Um ~ 10 H ...ni .... sz.... S. 6'1...... ,...... ~II_._ ... Taken by FaW_ NuwGl, .s~ii.. yoice ttn. ,he AniaA -GOd. Ii. 1. IS. Th. ritad.t ~ by H .....ibal, 5.1...... or u.. AIbaa k.iIIp. L l. .n.ll.• ta _ proYidod tor by S~'"fIDaIl .. :n:.~i.ii. 15; sly. If...... 1WmaDs. U. tiy.e:. l.iq at l'uDUdia. ooliri'od by --.. eou.ntry oI. srrIL'" lIS harbour. u.m. 33. • .!.~Io~:. ~~ :t.~ ..... lite Jj tea to the Jdau.nWaal, .... TJ~~:~~..:::::r.':n'.:t ri:-T~ -... .. emIIuoy .. ~. aDd _ T.lius, ad_ ..... IIaWneo into ..... for· cei,," ene tram ~. szrii. t. I. 1'-0 ~ II. riaW by Scipio aDd Haodru..... and ----.. 0irat- __ .. .rna- -ala Scipio, .JtYiIi. al ltio _ ...... iii. 31. Ja _ of tile 2270 .INDEX.

dt"putiel lent to the 8ereden on the an tbe Spanish am.. Is held tber. by Aventine, SO. Made plebeian tribune, Scipio, X'K,'"i_ 19. 65;. Tartellians, Spanillh )teollte, .xiii. 28. Tarpeian mount, i . .55. Rock, vi. 20. TatiuB, ·r .. i. 10, II, 13, 14. Tarquinii. i. 34: ::Ixvii. 4. Ta'Uiantian8, x.lv. 26. - Tarqniniao8, take arna in favour of Tar­ TauteR, ue JubeHiu8. quinius the Proud; and, after a battle Tauril il'L, games, um. 22. with the Romans, ii. 6, return home, 7. Ta.urine forest, v. M. Ravage the Roman territory, aTe de­ Taurinians. theil' eapital city taken by feated, and treated with lleverity for Hannibal, xxi. 39. having D1&8saered lloman lold ien, 19. Tautia. mount, XX". 13; xxxvii. 3S, 45, A truce or forty years is granted to 62-64; xxxviii. 27,31,38,47,58,59. them, 22. 'I'be Tarquiniana and Talis· Tauropolos, Diana 10 called at Arophipo­ cians defeat the c;onsul Fabius by meana iiI, xliv. 44. of snakea and burning torches, vii. 17. Taurua, rIver, xxxviii. IS. Tarquiniul Priscua, L., appointed tutor Taxes, remiUed to tbe fmJImons of Rome, to the king'. SOUl, fonna designs on the ii.9. Imposed for payment of tbe anny, throne, i. 34. Is eleded king, adds one and collected in 'pite of the tribun~ •• hundred to tbe aenate, wages war with iv.60. Are collected ,,;tb difficultv, T. the Latins, 36 j with the iabines, 36. 10, 12. A tax for building B W&.U of Hia works, 88. Death, 40. . hewn ltone, vi. 32. Another for paying

~ L'I R8pirea to the crown, t. 46. the army, x. -46. Double t&xe6 imposed, Instigated by bil wile, seiaee it by force, xIiii.33. 41. Putl tbe principalaenators to death, Taygetu9, mount, Dxiv. 28. secures his person by a strong guard, Teanianl, is. 28. neglects the I,ractice of consulting tbe Teanum. city in Apulia, xxiii. 24. In &enate, COUtts the favour of the Latins, Sidicinia., 'SIii. 57. marries his daughter to Maroiliu. of TedOliRgian Gaul. tettle in the inland . i8 8lU1lamed the Proud,49. part of Asia, x.1tllviii. 16. Form an am· b severely censured by Herdoniua, 60, bush for the Roman consul, 25 ; and are 'Whose death he lU'ocure&, 61. Hemakes defeated,27; Ordered not to carry arm. war on the Volecianl!l, and takea Suessa beyond their own bounds, 40. Pometia i take. Gabii by stratagem, 53, Tegea. xxx.,. 27; xxxviii. M. 54. Build. the temple of Jupiter Ca­ Tegmon, xlv. 26. tolious, and executes other worka, 55. Telesis, taken by Hannibal, uU. J3. Stormed by the Romana, xxiv. 20. anaS~~~,~?eaA~:;m~~.t=::; Tellen.... i. 88. the kin~dom by the aid of the VeiaDl Tell .... godde ... l<. n. Her \empie, Ii. 41. and Tarquinianl.ii. 6; then of Poraeon&, TehnessuI, XIXviii. 39. and i. wounded a\ \he battl. of Regil. Telmeaian bay, xxxvii. IS. Ius. 19. Diee. 21. Tempanius, Sell., decurio of hone. by ---, Arunl, Ion of the Pmud. sent mak.ing the cavalry dismount, prevent& to Dolph!. i. 66. Falls in battle. together a total defeat, iv. 38. His prudent an­ with hm antagoni8t L. J. Brutu., ii. 6. IWer Fes})e('ting the con9ul Sprupronius, ---, L., Ion of the Proud, i. 56. Is of). He is made- plebeian tribune, 4-2. present in the battle of Reg-iUus, it. 19, Tempe, vale in Tnessaly, xxxii. U. A 20. meeting the-re of en. Cornelius and ---, Sex .• Ion of the lame, bet1'8YS Philip, xxxiii• .&5; xxxvi. Jt); xlii. 61 i Gabti to his father, i. 53, 54. HiB tTe8t~ xliv. 6, 7. ment of Lucretia, 58. He il killed. at TendebB, xxxill. ]8. Sabii.60. Tene-d08. island, xxxi. 16 j lliv. 28. ----, Aumn., brotberoUhe Proud, TeDi, island, 8upplies Antioehu8 witb pro-­ mild in dl8pOlition, ie murdered. by his vision&, xxx,.ii. 27. Is plundeTed. by Wife. i. 46. the Itoluans, and eompeUed to furnish ----Collatinus, L., BOD of Egeriu8, supplies. 28. A naval vio'toly gAined hU9band of Lucretia, i. 57. b made ~:~re by the ,Romana over Antiochu., eonsul, 60. Abdicates, and goes into extle, ii.2. . Terentillul Ana. C•• plebeian tribune. p~ Tarquitiu8, L., master 01 horse, 'iii. 31. pOIell the creation of five eommissione1'8 Tarraeina. fonnerly Anxur, iv. :;9. Co­ to oompose )a"" foT festra.inwa: the lony, plead!!. exemption from Befl.aer· power of the consuls. ili. 9. vice, xxxvi. 8; xxii. 15; x.xvii. 4; Terentine fI;be, x. 8. xxviii.IJ. Terentiua Varro, A., pretor, xxxix; 32. -,river. xxiv. 440. Deputy to Greece, xlv. 17. Tarraco, 'X:I.i. 6.. t xxii. 19 i "vi. 11, 51. ------.. Coo of mean birth. pro­ Its harbour, xxii. 33. An ....embly of poau a.n order of the people. givilJg tbe INDEX. 2271

mR..r of hone authority equal to tbat Theogenea, Macedonian general, xliv. 32. of the di('tatnr. and i. madp consur,' xxii. Theondas, king of Samothraee, summons 25, 35, Disagt8f'mtnt between him and Evander of c.rete to .taud trial f.,r mur­ bi" coHeague ~milius. xli...... Gives . del". is bn'bed afterwards by Perseus, the Stg-Hal of battle at emme, 45. Flies s.lv.5. to Venwia, 49. At his return to Rome, The-oxena, daughter of Herodicust a Thes­ reeeivee ,cnera) tbanks, 61. His speech saBan chieftain, her extraordinary affec­ to the Campanian deputielJ, xxiii. 6. tion for the children of her lister .A.rcho. He is eontinuM In command during and 'ber eourageoul death, xl. 4. several years, xxv. 6i xxvii. 85. Sent Tbermopyhe, strait., xxvtii. 5, 1. Pylaic ambusadorto PhiJip, xJ[x.26j to Afri('a, couneil held there, ro.iii. ss. .I.xxi. ),1. Commilsioner of a colony, 49. ----, why 80 caned, rendered Terentiu., L., lent one of teD deputie. to adjust a dislnUe bptween Antiochus and ::~::b~~~~e tb~r;,~~:~:, ~:i~i Ptohnny, xxxiii. 39. 15. Defeat of Antiochul near it, 18, 19. --- Masaa., L., plebeian edUe, xxxi. Ste 42, and xlv. 22. ot). Pra>tor, xxxvlii. 42. The8pl'Otian bay, receives the river Ache­ ---Tusmicanus, P .• xlv.t? lon, viii. 24. ---, Q.. deputy to the cODsul Fla· Tb.sprotians ..,ial Ap. Claudius In Epi. miniu., xxi. 63. rull.:altit,21. ---CuUeo,Q.,a.e1tatOf,afterbaving Thessalian CByalry, ix. 19. been: lon« a prisaner of the Cart:h&{,rini· The8l8lians, make heavy complaints a· ans, is btored to his ~ntry, xxx. ". gainst Philip, xxxix. 25. Are answered Follo," Scipio in bis triumph, 45. Am· by·him in a meltoaeing manner, 26. Raise baasador to Carthage, xxxiii. 47. Pre­ insurrections on account of debts, xlii. 5. tor, xxxviji. 42. Is commiseioned to Thess81onioe, a congreis .. eId there. eon· hold an inquiry respecting the conduct oeming Thracian citiea seized by Philip, of Scipto, 55. :..s][i1. 27 i xl. 56. Tenmtine tribe. x .•. Tbes&aly, xxvii. eo, 82. Ita rich plaine Terina taki!-n by Alexanderof EpdIe, viIi.2f. tempt the iEto].ians, s.m. 41. It iti Terrne88UII, xxxviti. 15. . plundered by three anniee at once, Terminalia feetlval, xliii. 11; xlv. H. ..xxii. 14, IS. Philip defeated there b} Terminus, deity,l 56; Y. M. T. Quintlu!, xxxiii. " .,24. Teseera., ticket, mode of conveying orden, Thetidium, xxxiii. 6, 1. vii. 85; is. 82; xxvii. +6; xxviii. 14. Thou, prretor of tile 1£ taliRUB, pl!r'8uadee Testudo, tenee" formed of close ahieldBJ x. them to engage Antiocbus, Philip, and 29,43. 1\aOOIl, in alHance agatnst the Romans. Tetrapbilla deliveftd from the MacedcmiaD :J:xxv. It. Exaggerates the power oj garrison, xxviii. 1. Antiochus, 32. Dissuades Anttoehutll Thanksgiving 01 one d.ay, iii. 'I. Two from employ in, Hannibal, 42. Oppose~ days,:II'.28. Three da.ye, xxvii. 51. Pour Phllmeas', proposal of an accommocJ..a.. days, xxix. 1'. Pive days, xxx. 21. tioR, 45. Is required to be given up tc TbAUroaci, besieged by Philip,relie.ed by the Romans. ~:avili. 3&. • the .t£toliane, xxxii. 4. Taken by tbe ThTBCe. xxxvii. 60. Invaded bytbe Gauls, Romans, lutavL 14. xx"Sviii.16. Thebe plain, celebrated by Homer, uxvii. Thraeians attack the mops ot ManUuI OIl 19. their march, xxxviU. 40, 41, -46. COD­ Thebes, capital of Breads. its ruin., iz.. lent to give a passage 110 the Bast.,. 18. It is aei&ed by T. QuintJus, xxxiii. nianll, xl. 57. On the death or Philip 1, I. The inhabitants divided. into two quarrel wtth and expel them, 58. Sem partiet. the8tronger ofwhieh lRuT(mdera 8mb8lBadora to Rome, and form an al· the city &0 the Romani, :KIlL 44. 'l'he liance Bod friendship, xlii. 19. Wag, Rl,)mans Al!:'6in take possession of tt, 63. frequent W8I'8 with the Macedonians --, in PhCbiotia, xxviii. 7. Retained 52. Attack the Roman cavalry 'WitJ: by the Romans. in opp09ition to the ext1'8OTdinary fury, 59. Send. an em ~tolians. x1I:xiii. IS; xx::xtx. 2s.. . bassy to Rome to ranwom ptisoners, anc Themistul, IOn-tn-Iaw of Gelon. 3CC01D­ obtam t.hem without ransom, xlv. 42. rlk'fl of AadranooOlUl, put to deaclt. Thrasians, plunderers. put to flight by the ~alv. 2"', 2.5. Romani, lI:xxviU. 41. Theme, carriagee for the imagee of the Tb.ra.simene, or T188imene, Jake, the bat gods, v. 41; ix. 40. tIe near it, xxii. 6, '; niv. 13. Tbeodotua, one of tbe consptratol'l againlt Th1'88iPPu. Maeedoniau, comtJumder 0: Hietooymu., "heD put to the torture, a eboeen band oftargdeers, xlii. 51. . eonreals bie aecompJit'e&t and ftUlely Be· Thr86o, intilJlAte friend of Hieronymus eusee Tbraeo, ...ty. 6. .Huten. witb king at jyraeuae, falsely neculed as i HOlie to S)Taeuee, after ~e death 01 UieloDfBlUl, 211. • . ~:~I!!:.O~ ::J~~ d:::, ~~!:. ~~ • II t .....n PMI" and Quint'".. us II. '8, 'U.lV.:U; ",u,yt jl\. Ti!~~~~ ~~ A:~t:t ~. ~~~~~~:~li~~l'::;-~ ThlllhtctT '~'I\lt he-Iml \, hl1,. an .....mhly f. tlltlmph, I •••.•. ~ I'., lI('utt'naM ,.::-"" ..... 1. ."i. !l. TI!~:'::~~.\',~~I~rl;U~'I\~ r:~"~~I~\ff;' "~'!I~'I~'~ Toll'hllll, 11..1 'f , f. 1.kC'ta 11)' ).t, "'"i· ""\'(111'-11 &" ttAnlulldil. r.hunl 10 h. \luI, U. !'llrlUl"f frlt'IlI'"h1l' wllh nom., .''Y. I. Talbltlbt,ltlW nl\Ulti. , •• vUI. ttl, l~. Ilt·vCl'" .~.In tu H.1\00,-1. 'h~ tioman ')'OIUnllll"., t"'1I, knlll t\l ,t,,, \·f'UUUI.''''' Ifl'fn'I\I\ ~il\" tll"nrh",\ulty .1pu.tM to d"hI Ih", H""'Al\ !1lU~A.lu" hIt.... llt-IR. lianuU""'.lIu'nto.,tll\" U. Iv. 17, la lo.llI~t In h.. tll" by \','fhWU, Tby.,h, ".1.\,11 ••• 1U. l'I'I"."', mlhlelfv thbllnt', IU Thymbrl., II\, .. r, 11.1"111. 18. T",",lhO. taken by "hHlp, J.:to 1th.' i Iltv. It, Th~r,u'n. ~J.\'t. II. n... I\"I,,1I' an Alllan('lf --. llfOl'hHlh\~, 11.\1. u. with AuUuclml, .. \K'AIl"!tI'd by btll'. hut It", ,I",..", 11 .Ilun r."'t"tl. It A ""Hlt'U f~'~\:,'~' ;::u,~':,I::~:'(lC"",d tn thco Ro- at th. Aoafllanhm. ht'ld th(l"'. tn -",",0 nuu,_. XlI"'" U. A"'"Uf'd to tu .\\dl,·n~ e.o Ihuu&R ounu\ltulonGR, "'''"". '1'CC"\ til U, .1111. 11. TtAlh"lIIl. IUyrlan, J.~,ll, Ui :1'11 ~, Tn"r. o.r Tlbforlnul. rh·.-r. ("nut-fly At· ..... ,·U. ~, .u. bul•. unUl kin, 'l'U,.dnlll "''''' dhIW" ..... Tf'f'Mt"". U.!:t: 1"1 It: l,tV. 11; "lUi. lA. tn h. t.:t. )o'r'tlaeon I" hllrd. 1h,t II", "1- ,'",""1IIUI, M" Ihtl. !t. ,·tllllhin I. ttl('l)lpt"d, .Y. U. )h·mar'll.ae -~ U .• ('('ntun"n, C"\a.lm. Ih, nlU' hloftt\tlttalntt,.l.'I.\v,P; .J.Y.~1'i; \~ ••. HI (Oftl"'n at N("w ('l\f1h"f,."'" lI1VI, ...."', Tholl, •• IAllt'" tI, \'(\flolA"", It. \!I, ~~ftn~:~r":t~t::, .~;~ ~~n~Y .,t~\'.~l~~'r.a!: --. nv.. r, wbt'f'W' UanullMJ ,IdHt. Ih. and luw IW'" of tho ~Uy Oy"rrt,)'h'd ttuma" .. '1,1. U, tw",h'\\ 11m ... In on. YOAf. I.KIYtU. XI. Tf'C'bhl' t1f'\w'UhII th" .Ufh\Pdt·f 01 C""'PU """"l"ln., I.hm"', U. A. t.. IhnulNl, J, 'tIH. 1. '·II.. rol ••• t ... lh '-Ill' of Alba, I. ~. T""II!.m".n ,.W, ,. lI, I'. '1'lhllr, 1'1U. U. Tr\tbt"""', l\, ph·tk'laft ttitmn ... Y. II. Tiburtittl'l'. w ... dM'lartod a'.'"a' lb"n\ II\' ----, h",,1('ft.I" ttt"n"""l., t(l.. lh(' Hom",,,., "It. N, .·ho .. _In A V 1.. 1111 ~ 1\Y\'r 1hom, 11. 'l'ht), C'tlnJo In Ih .. ,h"tt -~~ ~:;. 1\~:~-=:f~r,~~~~:I~;:~:t:~,I::' nf Ih.. nltrhl to the ""U. III Romt'. Alld. aUl ,h'ft'at .. d. U. Comllf'lIrlt to ."hlHlt -.. ~~~I"l';::·~~:t~~·'f tf\hlln~, vI. 11 hllhe K,Illu," •• lP. ,'h.), '''Plltll''l th. T .... b"l. ahlnuc.. d hv .'lthllU, 1,,1t1 .1". ,'n&bult\1\' "uut" i'h... 01 R lllU". I: 1. ~~~,I~~l~ J~tL ~;'d A'~I;::I\l:f~;~ !;; "hllll"IIIu.•• '1"""\1_, C., IUlIh.. ~I"f "I Ih('lr l.nd •• U. At"\I"I, ••1 ... II, I'''''hlt. XI\. M. T1chm., ••Ulumtt of m.ount n:la, J,s'\'L ---') r 'f ("('lmmlltal\J"t''' or \."Uht, lei, III. nli." Th'hul" '''''', 1'. 54, --- FIM'C"u.. (",. l1k~lA\1 .,hl, 1'Ua1.&. hll",,,t. \'U. 10" I.tUJ. 3d i 1 .. ,,1. 1:, •. If- 31.'Un.f. ----'. C"n .. pl"he!>l"" Irlhu" .. , v",ttlda Tlfrrnum. b.. U I '1.14.31. kal"'t Itl. ~u.O" bf1t\1t """'11"(>4,1 tat nltl~ tlv, U ~~~::I~~;~~~~l~~~~~~',~~:~~J;~":;~'~li.~t~tll~ TI hu!Atl. \'lJ4",u, 1:t\l.,1ic-fl, it 41 I "U. 1~. ~II~~-:: l~~I,"'l' Iht Roman .mlNt ..,,~ 'ui. fl. Tllhun. of the "",h-,.., L Mt, 't'hllaYUII, 1.\.", dt. a. Trlllu" ... hll"tAn'. tl:\ th. "'~t.l(\8 of tt,. Tml"'I,·,·"t .... 1\hod1&\" .,.".1 QUH,mAlltl..,I,. ,f\l.IWflI, .,. .I'l.. d"'~ b, 'h", "'(1t"'*' • ,,,,·tt .• ~ III. ~I • Thln. ...·r.tctl, ,uvUirnt.\, of (l)'lhlum. I.llt•• --. military. a. '''11\ "l'lh'tntNt ~y W~ •• 11. th. ff"u,'ulil. "t'h·r".",. In Jl4rt "Y the 1'lntIU\, • I)('noo ut (fllltlt'QUf'nf'f 1n l'htht- """l~ •• 'il. ~: I, ...... oHo1'hl'-btJ.I. ","It I. ---, I'OIUU\U. th~ In "'""'.... r\ th·". -~, n~~'~.vfi~~~~not uf LYl1la by A"Ho, ewl.... Iv, fir. I"I'U" .. l.~t('d, ':U. ~" aN t.tlt,('tmt. ftl, i'lttht.~ ctl ..... "~I. v, \. Timulhl'''., MAC'\'dunIAn ~('''rf:ll ... In. A', ~,~13r.lr~::~'~~I"~I\:~~t'~~,~y~,~·~I;. )'"". T'!=~'~':'(~d 7::tt~~,rf. j. ~f~~n:~4~"itlb' •• ----. \,lrl""ian. ",.1 ('1'\t4h·tt. it. ~,. Tlth,h, •. 1~ .• ron.u ••r hHI\lu•• ,.. 11 . ,'h"lr lwr1h\ua ,,,,·Iolft-Ill .... ill ,"\;\, Ma~~ .I\)1:.,tn, h. I. un.U\'\~a.I\U ",Ah"t the "alt... lr Ih", 1'Cln,"'.Hla, Ihl' nf 'h.l~ "pll;l Jo'.H.l"."a, U, at hUl{., H. !\.'I, .\ti, 'hdC't't'.\ til 1,\1' ('1N.'h·" . - ._-., M" pl~bt't." trll,un" hi at. tn "" 'lo8ktmhlv of 'he' lut"'I, ft,,,t Ult~ __ ... -·-,1\1".'''' "e hIINt-. JI. 1. -.I.h,d It, th,,\r fluu,l"". MI, ~8. "hct --_. l~UfVU', M., rfmtur, al. ~». .mll\l~ ~ ". ,,,no Ih, )1.1. 1"" 2273

office laid aside on the rreatiun of de­ subdue4 by tbe ROlllanfi. sold by auc­ Cf-mvin, 32·. Reitored. M. t'lto are tion. and their city razed, xxiv. 42. b'rlll4ht bl by cboke of their college, Tlleir lands tribu ta.ry to Sllguntum, 64, and v. 10. Thill mode of co-optation xx"\-iii. 39. They are defeated by P forhidd~. iii. 65, and v. 11. A plebeian Manlius. xxxiv. 17, J9. tribune (lldE'1lI his b<-adle to at'i.ll" a con­ Tumue, king or the Rutulians. L 2. sul, ii. $6. The tribUflet threaten to TU!lCaD8, tee ErruriaDJ. iropruon the consuls, iv. 26. Do the Tuscan sea, v. 33: xxvi. 19. SAme to tbe ronsuLar tribunes, v. 9. --.treet, ill Rome, ii. H: nvU. 39. Prevent the eJt"C:'tiun of ('oru1e magis.­ l'useulum, it lS, 16. Taken by the La· trates during five yean, vi. S5. Their tiruI. and reeovered, vI. 33. Shuts j1.l powe7 contint.'volt, H. They join the Etru­ TropbouUm Jupiter, his temple in Leba-- liana, Samnites, and Gauls, against the dla, xlv. 21. Romans. x. 2). fl. T.roy takeD; twe other ,laces named l 1rbit"Ua. taken by Fulviul with great dif· Tnoy.L I. ficulty, xl. 10 .. Trojao district. t 1. UTile', people, furnish "hips to tbe Ro-­ Tuhno, Q.., hbtoTian. tv. !S; L 9. mane for the MaoedoniaD war, xHt. f8. TuceiWl, )I., curule lEdi~, XXX9'. 41. USCMa, in JUyri&, wmre Appius ClaudiUI P!'2u1r, xxxvI. 4,s. ('ommi5sioner of a iii inmared by the ganison, and 5utf~1"I cr,.ony, X'l.xU:_ 23. aeverely, diii. 10. It 1& taken by Pe1"- Tullia, two of the name, daughters at 8£'1.:.6 after an obstinatt- defence, 18. St'n'ius Tullius. king. I. f6..-.-.SY. Peneu8, ill violation of'tb~tapitulatfOTI. 'fulJianum. prison, !llliX. 22. . selle the uatives, an4 confines tbe Ro­ TlilliuJ. Afaa., (".onsul. ii, 19. mans, 19. -. Sex .• chid centurion a vTentb tTlfUTeTJ, tined, vii. 2-8; x. 23. Theirprae­ time, add~ the dictator Sulpicius OIl tiee&. viii. 28. hili protJ'a('ting the war] ~ii. n. Sho". {'tens river, .ee UfenE-. (>xtraordinary bn.very In battle. 16. rhea, its land8 TBvagl'd by Ow-Bius, Tumult, Gallic. .it 9. xxv. :JI •. Again ",aaled, xxvii. 5. Tun", a .trem, city, fifteen mfles distant Agaiu by Valeriu. Lavinus, xxviii. -t. trmn Carthage, lalu:u bf Sei~i(), xxx. • ScipiQ encamp' near it. xxix. 2&, Lays 9. :6. liege to it, and ttUres, 35. Bt1it'g'("s it Tunletans. or Turduliall$, II rPSt1esll &gain. xxx. ", 5, 8. IUs Geet is at· people In Spain,,xxI. 6. Are ...linly tacked by the Carthaginiaol, 9, I~. 22i4 INDEX.

Vac('rean!';, people, Spanisb, conquered by YaleriuB Tappus. L .. prretor, '{xxv. 10. Hannibal. xxi. 5. Defeated by M. Ful­ Commii;s1oner of colonit>9, x x 't \":1. 46. "ius, xxxv. 7; xL 47. 50. ---. M., herald, ratjfies a treaty in Ytw('iprata, "iii. 19. See VitMl\'iu6. form, i. 24. . Vllttimon lake, a furiou8 bai.tle fOl1ght ---. Man., brother of P(tpliC'l)la. con~ there·by the Romans and Etrurians, iL Bul, triUDlphs o""er the Satoint>f., it Hi. 39. ls lilain at Regi1lus in attefT'pting to Valerius Antias, historian, iii. 5 .. Re­ kill Tarquinius, 20. gardless of truth, xxvi. 49. Quoted, ----, not the fln.t dictafvr. ii. 18. xxv. 39: xxix. 55: xxx. 19, 29, &:-c. ----, 800 of Yolesus. dictator, ii. --- FlaccUfii, military tribune. xxv. SO. Triumphs O\'er the ~:}hill~. Md. 14; xxxix. 4. Dot being suffered to fulfil the he-pes ---, C., consular tribune, vi. ~6. tb3t he had given to the commissioners. ----., consul, viii. 18. abdicatel!l, 31. --- Potitus. C., consular tribune, iv. ~---" qUlestor, iii. 25. ('onmI. :n. 49. Consul, 53. Consular trihune a -----, military tribune, ~ains the second time. 57. A third time. 61. surname of Corvus, from being aided --- Flaccus, C., made flamen of Ju­ by a crow in a single combat with a piter against hil wilL assumes a seat in Gaul, aod is made consul at twenty. the 8t!llate, xxvii. 8. Made curule three years of &{{e,. vii. 2G. A second iedilc, he eannot take t.he requisite oath, time consul, he triumpoa over thlP Vol~ xxxi. 50. scians, 27. . A thiTd time ronshl, 28. --- Tappus, C .• plebeian tribune, b beloved \1y the- soldiers, 33. Tri­ xxxviii. 36. umphs over the Samnitea, 31$. Di("tator, ---, L.. qu~stor~ accuses Spuriul 3!l. ComposCt; a mutiny of the tn)()rS, _ . Cassius of treason, ij. ·n. Is made con­ ;0, 41. A fourth time conlul, he tri­ sul. 42. Again, 61. Wages war with umpbs over the AU8onidll'. \"i,ii. 16.. the JEquans, 62. Interrex,17, and ix. 1. Dict&tor a se· ---, interrex. v.H. rond time,:I:. S. Triumphs, 5. Con· ----, lIeputt'd to carry t9 Delphi an auJ a fifth time,6. A sixth time. 11. offering to Apollo. is taken by pirates, ---Muimul!, M., consular tribuDe, andS(lt at liberty, v. 28. v.I.. Again,24. ----. mru;ter of horse, viii. 1S. -----'1 ix. 28. {,i~utenant­ ---, Poplicola, t .• eonsular tribune, general,40. Pnetor a fourth timt', ... ,'. 26. A --second time, vi. I. A third --- Poplieola. M., maiOter ot borse, time,5. A fourth, 21. A fifth, 27. vii. 12. COD8Ul. 17. A~ain; 19. --- Potitus, L., commences an op~ --- Falla, Man., ambassador to At· talus. xx.i.x. J 1. Curule 2:llilc, XIX. \Y:li~i1.~. ~o:~~u~~~\~:~nAP~t~8:~t4!r J6.. Pnetor, 40. tJlt' forum. 49. h deput~d by the Ie­ ---Lrevinu5, M., pnetor. xxiii. !4, na\c to Ihe commisilionelll, 53. }lade SO, 31, S7. Propraetor, he- guart1l the contl-ul, be procu~s 1aw6 l1\ favour of coa.st at Brundu.sinm. xxlv. 10. Hi" the conllllisbionen;, S5. Hi. ("('Induet in exploits in Greec-e during th(' 'Mat'edon. war, 60. 61. He triumphs b)' ordl'r of ian Wat, .0. and xxvi. 24, 2e. He is the 'People, withollt eonsent of the se~ chosen consul in his ab!ieo('e, j'j. }~x. nate, 63. Refu~e to be cODtinued in ("hange'8 provin('es with Marcdhl::i. 29. otlice, 6'. .S« iv. 6. J'enuades the senators to') contribute ------" consular tnoune, iv. their gold. silver. and money to the 49. A 8e\:ond ti1llt", 58. A third, v.I. tl't"a!lury.36. Drives the ('artlutlliniana A fourth. 10. A fifth. H. Consul, he quiee out of Sicily. 40. Disputt!& with defeats the .&:quans. and triumphs, 81. the st"nate about the ltomination of 8 ------" intt-rrex, v. 32. Again, dictator, 'l.xvii. 5. Proron!';ul, he p~es vi. 5. from Sicily into Africa. l.Aviti. t. b ---, J •. , rontitf, xxxiii. 44. (lent ambassador to Attalus. XXL'"(.. II. --- Fla.ct"llll, L., curule IE'dne, s:xxi. PropOBe8 re&tihltion of tht" money ('on­ 4. Prtetor, 4~'. Conl'uJ, xxxiii. 42. De-­ tributed by private citiZt"ns. 16. lie.. feats the Boians. xx.iv. 2J. Proconsul, mark able fuu('ral games are exhibitoo he entirely V8DQuisbei the Boians aud in honour of him by bis $Onl, xxxi. 50. I nlmbrio.n., 46. - --- Mf'I!.'ola, M., admiral, 8311a to -----.. ,.,ith L. Valerius Africa, and ravages the coait, xxvii..s. TapPul, commissioners of colonies. 11 made pr~or, xxxiv. iH. ('onsnl, xxxvu. 46, 57. (anLlida.le for the con... xxxviI. 47. A second time. xxs:vw.. 3.). lIubhip, 58. Pontiff'. xlii. 28. ------, chOlPon eeu&or with ---, P., son of VolE'8us, &t'companies Cato. in opposition to the nObility, Collatious to Lucretia. i. S8. Swears Xl-xix. 41. PonWf. diet of the plague, after Brutus, 59t is made consul in the xl. 4~. place of ('ollitellu8, ii. 2. Overcomt's L"IDEX. 2275

the Tarqnj"U!a batt1e, 6. Is aeDused vested by the .Romans, 36-42. Pluu: of aiming at aovereignty, fllea.rs himself, der tbe 1l.oman territory, viI. 16. Re~ compliro~nts the people, and is 8U1'­ ,.olt a~a.in, viii. 3, 12. Ate treated witb na&Dr,J Publico) .. ; is also made coneul, severity on account or their mlUJY re­ K. .\ &bird time, 15. A fourtb, be de-. 'Volts, and banished beyond the Tiber, 14., feat. the Sabine., triumphs, and die. 80 Veneti, in. Italy, descended from the He­ poor, 88 not to leave lufficient money nen anel Trojans, i. I. Live round the fur his funeral, 16. bottom of the Adriatic Gulf, V. 33; 'X. 2. Val~riU8. P., consul. if. 62. --- Potitus, P., consular trrbune, V~u't:i ~~i o~~~mr~ie~ero:h:re~~U:i vL 6. A second time, 18. A third, 27. chastity, x. 31. A fourth, 32. A fifth, 86. A lixth, 42. --Cloacina., iii. 48. --- Publicola, P., .interrex, iii. a. --Erycina,. xxii. 9; xxiii 30, 31: ('onsul. 15. Attempt. to rerover the xxx. 38. Capitol from HerdoniUl, and is 8lain, ) 8. Venusians, give a hospitable ~tion to -....:..--__-. conaul, vii. 21. ·the fugitives frOm (annre, xxii. 5... Pretor, 23. Didator, 28. Muter of Maintain their loyalty to the Romans horae, viii, 17. during &. 8eneral defee-tion, xxvii. 10. ---Fiaceua, P., ambBSlGdm to H8IJ­ Veragtians, an A1pine tribe, xxi. S8. nibat, xKi. 8. Lieuten8n'~genetal un­ Vercelliul, beheaded for promoting'a re- der Marcellul, xxiii. Ie, Commander volt of the Hirpinians, xxiii. 87. of the 1leet, 34, 38. See xxvi. 8. Vergte, xxx. 19. ---, 1'" lteut.t:nao.l-gencral, xIiv. 40. Vergiliae, eonatellation, xxi. 35. Vatican lands, Jt. 26. Vergium, a furt in Spain, a receptacle ot Veian lands are div;ded among the com­ robben, is taken by Cato j the robbers mons of Rume, v. so. BTe put to death, and the guilty part of VelMs, make tncul"8ions on the Roman the inbabitants Bold, xxxiv. 21. territories, an4 are routed by Romulus, Vermina, eon of Syphax, forc~ Masinisaa i IS. Again, by Tullus, 21. IJee 30,42. to fly, 'Xxix. 33. Brings succours to the They Ill!lIiJrt Tarquiniu8, ii. 6. Waste Carthaginiaos, xxx. 36. Sends ambaa­ the lands of the R.omans, 43. Challenge .adors to Rome, xxxi. 11. Submits tbe the Romans to battle, 46. Are dde&t­ conditions of peace to the Romans, 19. ed, 46, 47. After cuttinl' oft' the Pabii, Verona, v. 35. 60, are vanfluished by the ltomans, Verrugo. iv. I, 55, 56; v. 28. 51. Are defeated again. Q. They kill Verses, Peseennine, Yii. 2.' the ambassadors sent. from Rome, and VenumDus, his statue, xliv. 16. renew the war with bad. IIUCCe88, iv. Verulans, D. 42. Prefer tbeir own lawl 17-19. Force the Rome.na to retire, to the righis of Roman citizens, 43. 81 j but are afterward. routed, 83. Ob­ Vesoella. xxxv. 22. tai.n a truce of twenty yean, 35. Their Vescia, viii. 11. Comes in'&o the hands of lenate g;.VeI a baughty answer to Ro~ . the llomaJli, be. 25. - man arnbas!liadors. bit j on wbich tIle Vescian people, s. 20. Romans declare war, 60. 1'be Veians ---lands, .xi. 81. elect a king, whicb diagusta the Etruri­ Veseris. river, viii. 8; s.28. ana, Y. J. Vesilius, mount, iil. 50. Veti, is besieged by the Romans, tv. 61. Vesta, 8 couch for her at a feast of the A wiBter encampment before it, v. 2. gods, xxii. 10. The fatal pledge of the Transactions of the lIiege, 7-21; when Roman empire is kt-pt in her temI)le, it is taken by CamUlul after a ,nege of ""hich is eaved by 80l1'le Ilaves from be­ ten yean, 22. A de~gn formed at Home ing burnt. Ixvi. 27. Her fire is extin. of removing to VeH RUlei great Ofml­ guishf"d. xxviii. 11. motione, 2., 25, 2V; iii laid uide, SO. Vestal, Rhea Syl~ mother of Romulus, The relics of tbe fight at Cannp. fly to is made one, i. 8,

one is buried alive at the Colline gate, dred and twenty pounds. sent b~ Hiero the other kills herselt, xxii. 51. .. to the Roman lenate, xxii. 31. MOWlt Vestia Oppia, a woman of Atelhe, who of Victory. xxiv. 41. had offered daily 8acrifices for the pros­ Victoriua, Q., chief centurion, throws a perity of the Romans, i. rf;!stored. to her· .tandard amor.g the enemy. xxxiv. 46. liberty and property, xxvi. 33, 3+. Victumvim. lea-port, xxi. 45. Is t:tken Vestiana, join the Samnitea, are lOuted with great slaughter of the inhabitant3, and dispersed, viii. 29. An alliance b ·57. granted on tlleir petitio~ x. 3. Villa publica, bOUle ror lodging ambassa­ VesuviUl, mount, viiL 8. dors and stranjrerB of note, built, iv. 22. Vettians, a warlike people, adjoining Ma.­ Repaired, xxxiv. 4•. cedonia.. xlv. 30. Villiu8 Tappulu8, L., plebeian edile, Vettonea defeated by M. Fulvius, xxxv. xxv. 2. 1. A second time, 22. ------, pnetor. xxxi. 49. Veturia, mother of Coriolanus, prevails --, P., plebeian tribune. iil M. on him to J't!'tire from Rome, ii. +0. -- Tappulu8, P •• is rai~ed from tbe '\'etnrian century. xxvi. 22. office of ple-beian Rdlle to that of prre­ VeturiuI, C., conlul, is charged with mis­ tor, xxix. 38- conduct, iii. 81. Is made an augur, 82. --, P., a commissioner to adjust a ----, consular tribune, vi. 32. dispute between Antiochua and Ptole­ Again, aG. my, xxxiii. 39. ---, L.t decem vir, iii. 83. -- Tappu)ul. P., commissioner of ----, conaular tribune, vi. 88. lands for Scipio'. soldien, ~xxi. 4. --- Philo, 1.., dictator, to hold elec- Consul,49. tions, xxii. 33. Censor, x.xvii.6. Viminal bill added to Rome, l 44. • I curule ledile, xxvU. 6. Vindiciua, a slave. discoTen a oonspiJ"8('Y PrlE'tor, 7. Propnetor in Gaul, 22. formed for restoring the TarQuinii, ii..... Lieutenant-general, xxviii. 9. CODIUI, Is rewarded with libertyf and a Bum of 10. .Master of horse. xxix. 11. Is sl;"nt money, 5. home from Africa, and recounts the ex­ Virbian hill, i. 48. ploit8 of Scipio, xxx. 38, 40. Virginia, daughter of Aulius, a patril'ian. ---, M .• consular tribune, v. 13. married to Volumnius, a plebeian con­ --- Philo. T., flamen of Mars, xxix. lui, being eIcluded from the temple ot 88. Patrician Chastity, dedicates 8 chapel --- Calvinul, T., consul, viii. 16. and altar to Plebeian Cha.stity, x. 23. Again, Ix. 1. 18 se-nt under the yoke ---, daughter of I.ucius, her unfor. of Caudium, 6. Offered as prisoner to tunats beauty, lamentable death, and the Sabine!!, 10. the punishment of her persecutors, iii. --- GeminuI, T., consul, routs and 44.48, M. disperses the " olscianl, iii. 8. 18 hon~ Vlr..rinius, A .• consul, it 28. Routs the oured with au flvatioD, 10. Volscians, 30. Vetu'lus, C., consul, ii. 19. -----,1 Ion of Appiu8, consul, ii. ---, T., conlul, ii. 28. Marehel . 63. against the lEquan., 30. ---Rutilu8. A., consul. ii. 51. Vibilla AC<.'ureus, prEfeGt of a Pelignian ---. A., cummissioner of lands. iii. 1. cohort, throw8 the .taudard into tbe - ___, plebeian tribune. commences a capital prosecution against Creso ~m':rf~::P~::V~l4ihe C'ampaniau Quintiua, which ('auseB ,'iolent con­ ambNiaadora to the consul Varro, per-­ tentions, Iii. 11, 13. suatle. hi. countrymen to Join the Car­ ---- iB brought to trial and fined. thaginians, xxiil 6. Exhorts the aena­ tOf baving in his tribuneship favoured tara to put an end to their lives, xxvi. the senate, v. 29. 13. He and twenty-aeven .enator. ---, L., father of Virginia, chief cen­ Iwallow pollon, 14. turion, iii. 44. His contest with Ap- --, a nruttian of distinction, cornea ambastli1dor to Rome with olfe18 of sub .. ~~~: :~~:~~~~i~~~tf!' :!~sel~~e~~!~ ruilliion, xxvii. 15. 49,50. He advises the loldiers to elect "ibo, xxxi. 3. A colony aettled there, ten military tribunes, and I't'.fuse$ to be xxxv. 40. Its landa, xxi. 61. ona,51. Is made plebeian trilJURe. 54-. ViNf)lota, or Victory. her temple, it. r. Prosecute. Applu8. 56; and orders him \'icilin\ll, Jupiter, xxiv. 4-L to be imprisoned, 57. Remits the rapi­ Vl"!tims of the larger kinds, xxx. 21. tal punishment of Claudius. who had '·ictory. her temple, built with money ftC- claimed Virginia, :sa. cn.in~ from tInes, 1. 33. Her tt-mple -.. consul, iv. 21. Again, 23. Oil UIU Palatine, ~kiJ(. H. A chlJ,pel of ____, consular tribunl". out of en~ Vtr~in Vil'tory. xxxv. 9. A golden mity ne/-l'iectll RStiisting his col1eBRue Iw"l;o of Victory, weighing three hun- Servius, v. 8. Both are <:omllClled to 1'8- INDEX. 2277

sign tbe affice, 9. He is brought to trial their camp, and are severely beaten, 64, by a plebeian tribune, and fined, II, 12. 65. They invade the Roman territory, VirgiDlUS, L., consular tribune,vi. 1. are utterly routed, and the Dation it ___, Opitef, consul, with his col· almoat extirpated, iii. 7, 8~ Tbey renew league, takes Pometia,. and triumphs, the WBI' in conjunction with the Eo. ti. Ii. ______, consul, ii. 64. ~~~S.la~~ie~r~ 1~'!,i8:::, ,,!;' S!~: -,Proculua, consul, maintains a rounded by the Romans, iVa 9. Beaten, contest with his colleague about the and sent under the yoke, 10. They Agrarian law, ii.41. again join the JEqu&na against the Ro· -,Sp.t eonsul, iii. 31. mans, 26~ Attack the con8ul's camp, --_, T., consul, ii. 21, 48. 27. Their own camp is taken, and all ---Rutilus, T., augur, iii. 7. the prisoners, except senators, are sold ---C(2limontanu8, 'r., consul. iii. 65. as slaves. 29. Again they renew hostili­ Virtue. her temple vowed by Marcellus, ties, 31, 55, 56. SutfeJ' a defeat, 51. XX,'li. 25. Dedicated b7 his .on, :lsi%. Take Venugo, 58. Are again worsted ll. in battle,61. They besiege AnxW', v. Yisceratfo, distribution of flesh, viii. 22. ]6. Obtain peace, 23. Break the peace~ Vitellia, taken by Coriolanus, ii. 39. A and are reduced to submission by Ca· Romau colony taken by tbe JEquans, v. , mill us, vi. 2. Meet the same fate in 29. two subsequent efforts, 6, 8, 11, 13. ViteUii, brotheR, conspirators in favour loin the Pramestines, and take Satri· of the Tarquinii, ii. 4. eum, 22. Suffer several discomfitures, Vitruvius VaccU6, or Fundoe, general of 23, 32; vii. 17; viii. 1. They desert the Privemiana, viii. lB. Is scourged. HannibaJ, and submit to the Romani, and put to death by the Romans, biB :axvii.15. houee razed, and hia property confiscat.­ Volscian. and JEquans, 80 often CQ!1quer· ed to Serno Sanchus, 20. The site of ed, still found recruita for their armies; his hOUJe on tbe Palatine is called Vac· tbis is acoounted fot, vi. 12. ciprata. ---, people in Spain, their much VocontiaDs, :!xi. 31. approved anllwer to the Roman ambaa~ VollE, or Bol~, belonging to the )£quans, . sadors, xxi. 10. iv. 49,51; vi. 2. Volscius Fictor, M., appears 81 a witness Volateme, x, 12. The inhabitants pro.­ against CCI!SO Quintius, ilia 13. Is pro­ mise Scipio rigging for llls &hips, and aecuted for false evidence by the qums· com, xxviii. 45. 'tors, 24. Condemned and banished, 20. Vo]cans uppose Hannibal's passing of the Volsinians, make inroads on the Roman Rhone, xxi. 26. territory, v. 31. Are defeated, and ob· ""olero,.ee Publilius. The tribuDel call· tain a truce of twenty years, 32. They ed Vole-ros by Appius Claudius, ii. .58. use na.ils, fixed in the temple of the Volones, slaves enlisted in the annies, goddess Nortia, as a registry. of the xxii. 57; xxiii. 32; xxiv. 11. Gra.cchus years, vii. 3. They &uft~r several de-­ promisee them liberty, on conditio~ of featl, ix. 41 i x. 31. their bringing the heads of the. enemles, Vo)tumna, godde&8, het temple, iv. 2Sj xxiv. 14. 'fhey are set free, 15. Grae· v. 17. A general assembly of Etruria chus orden their public feaAit. at BeDe~ is summoned thither, iv. 23, 2.r; i v.17. ventum, to be represented in pa.inting; A conspiracy against the Romana is 'hangs up tbe picture in t~e temple .~t fonned there, vi. 2. Liberty, 16 i xxv. 20; xx.vii. 38; 1XVlll. Vo)umnia, wife of Coriolanus, ii. 40. 46. Volumnius, L., consul, gets the better df Voh;cians, are attacked byTarquinius Su· the Sallentines, ix. 42. A second time perbw;, i. 53. Com is purchased from conaul, x. J5. He leave. bis own pro­ tht:m, ii. 9. They prepare to IUilli8t the vince to 8uccour Appiu8 Claudius, and. Latin8, but give hostages, 7et aet.'1'etly after some altercation, they gain a glo­ prepare fot' war, 22 i and march to at-­ rious victory, 18, 19. He surprises the tack Rome, 24.. Are d.efeatetl, 25. Re· Samnil:es who had plundered CampllIlia, nt:w the war, and are conlluered, 80. 20, 21. Shows remarkable moderation Deprived of part ot their land8, 31. and prudence at the elections. 21. Js Again defeat~, 33. Are ordered to continued in command, 22; and acts quit Borne. 37. At the instigation of with success in Samnium, 30,3). Altius l'u11111 they take ann. against ---, P., consul, iii. 10. Ambas· the Romans, xxxviIi. 39. Are led to SadOT to the ..£quans, he is mSQ)ted by Rome by Coriolanus, 40. .A.re conquer~ their leader, Gracchus Clrelius, 25. ed, and trf'ated with the harsheat sever· Voluntary contribution to tbe treasury by Uy,63. A truce of rorty years is grant-­ the 8e1l&tora, xxvi. 36. f'd to tbem, 54. They renew h08tilitie8, Volunteer IOldiera. v. 16 j xxvii. 46; 68. Defeat tho Rom..... 0». AU .... xs.vlli. 45 i xxix. 1, &0. 22.78 ISDEX.

Yolu.tana, lummit of the CamlnanN CommOlilali.. 01 the pontJtI'a, vL I. DtountAin., xliv. 2. s.. h. S. VuJt'"n. the ann. &lld "poil. of tho en.mr. ~;~k;lt~d ::,:~~~~ i~d '~~'~~:d I'J1 ~~~.: X~:Jt~m~)!';~ L.1cecbruonlau 't nl·r~l. xxiv. 10. Arm. or the ('uthaglnianl, Xen.rehut. p'.. 't()rofth. A('hR'.uaIl. ",-W't" otfered to him by SC'ipio, xxx. 6. Cuurt t.., illlCr ..W" .. nlulnll w'Ut. fe-tae-us, di. of bla temple, iI.4' i xxxi&.. fd; &1.10. U. Vulcan', lalande, xxi. "'Y, ~I. Xenodid", lfI\'omor ()f (·ll&ldt. dl".V­ VulturnUI, flYt-r, viii. II, I. lOt JI: potn .. an .UfOtnpt of 1'hPM and n.­ &xii. It; J:xHJ. It, 19. Fort at ." AitoHan •• 11'''. 38. ttum.forcn Ule It.rri.nn or {'hald•• 60. ~ftao~~;r~~i l~,:i~~'r~~:;l:~;~:~d Xt'nophlmet, h~art ut an f'mbaa.y from hllhe S&mnlte., and ('allt"u t'upua,. Iv. &•• , :rht~~\~~!~I~~~!~~e~h~;;:K\:Mta! ---- wind blo." dust into lh. oyea artful rklhm. x.siU. S. I. lUen ",al1l." of tho ltonuUl. at ('&lIlllr, xxii ..... anti C'Onvevt'd to Rome. I1."V. :ttl. Xothll,hnn, Acb.. an chief, D('COOl~IUl\tMI Walla built round Rome, I. G, 33; 36, •• i Quinliu. at • ooute-hlnw Wllft l'lull", vt. :i:l. .I.xli. U. War. the nlooe of dfC'll1.rlng It. l 32. XyC'hU!l. 8("("ompli<"e (IIf 'Prl'\lOtml In ("()111~ Wah·htl., the nit:ht divided Into four, the 11r$t, v. .... St~nd. vU.~. l'blrd, L~i~u~~~ ':::: .~~:·!:tl;~!~~ ix. H. Fourth, ix. 37. nUfl, xl. ~.". ---, mounted by I.uatu". 111.8. XYllY., x.&.xii. t3; xiJ.1U. a. ---, IJOlltcd in all the .trw'" or Rome t •• t. Ye",' I, dl'ritled hy Num. ill") t\1"h'e Wft,ter bnm.:ht into the clty, Ix. 19, h.nar mun.hll. 50 ,g. W"tt'n of l·UIn..,. methdnlJ. xII. 18. Y~ara h"t'k.onfll amonlC' t:,e \'olsinll,"' ~ l'hOlWl of tiinut:",a mucb c¥lelmLted, naU. lind in tllp Willi of. it-mIlle". " ii. J. ..it. IS. Wicked """'I. I. 48. y::, ~~~~~1t.i~.2j~' :~~~~:Z~:i. --lIdd. vIII. 16. u. ,.... x."". WiLlo",a, tht"ir tax". u.lA'nf'd to the mlln· Youth •• gotidel.' ••. "4. A ffou.t·oI the tp.llllnoe of hol'Wa for th. knlJrht •• l. 4& ,0<1. In honour uI ~.r, nl. IlL . "h~'fmon"\'lent to lht'lJublic, Kl.iv. hi. Wine for .acritlON luppUcd by tb. publie, ZI"Y"lhul. !aland. nl. 7. 10 IAkon by ... i.;. LNvinu., x.vt. U. II giV'Oll up to th~ - .UII ...d th. Galli. Into Itoly, ~. U. Rom&n., 'In:vl. 3~. Winter cam,mitn' at \'"ii. v. :II. Zama. the dayt" J,-,umt'r fl'uIU Cartha,rt',; --, unoommonly Itt\ore, v. U. h~N tlctrffl deff4tetl H8,mibft\' ... x .... :W. ·Wull'. saW to havt" .ur:klctd llomuh'l and -. go, Same. b.lelld, :n.1U. hi~ nt·mul. I.... JIllBgt'S 01 the wolf alld Z"luium. promontory. J."lxt. f.(i •. infanta, s. 2:1. 1'.~no ,u"pji("fllt.a T. ~u'n.m. in CAvour t\I -,•• IU' ..... d to Mall, 1.27. hi. OOUDtl}WVQ tb, Abgu.:Uantl. J.JC.X"~ Wood, tb. Af~lau. it 7. 31. - !a mati. IJ'Iv ...... of Apam •• by An· ::::::::= ~~r~:.1. ~.;.3G. tiochu •• 111.VU ..... ---- Malili"n •• t. 30. -, .. a.redoni&n., lUnrnor of Tbduru. ---- J.1fMnl" .,dU.". J.XXyW. I. '" rite", qnotud by 1.lvy : Z(>uxbt,,", pnl"tor of AC'tUlulftiA. ia dt'l~Nl At'Hiua', Annal., xxv. '9. fnr 16.olol,rlnll tht' Ko","'na, ~J. ,in. hI. Ctncinl. vii. '" Zf'uxll. ambusadllr frulU AntWt'lnUi to ('IRUlUn. (lu:\drlf{llrtul, viii. 19. Nt'lpio. • xx vito 4,/1. CJntllu8 Llt-it.luI, xxh'.. U. Zolpl'UI, aon..tll·la.w at IItero, JUJu'tU:'In tlJ' I,ieinlu. MllIlef, iY. 7. Hi_rrmymu•. axil',., 6. ll"'n~ ~onl.m· 1'1"0, t. U. \\¥SAdor to J.:"~P" bt' 1'\'11'&111& in 'Itltt"~ SIlf'nuII. xxvI. 49. 'an .:ail&. And ht. _1ft!. and dau~:tHl're 'fubt'ro, Iv. ~3. aN lJluftlenrd hv tht.' ~YI'1tC'nMn". tt'. Val,,'in. An,iu. tit. $. !,bm.a boldl PAri of Blth)'Ula in (,.Il\Pt~t .. I.tllrn boob. tY.f. liDO to NlooOh·d ..... and iM ('OJItluVr...t by llm_ of tbl UIBlI.trata. ly. 20. Ih, aill of Ibu OAul., 1..IJ.,·Ui. bi.

JOliN CIIILDS ASD 60:<, DlJICUA¥. [*-if' .. iftlJ Iv flT4.Jf"D ... a1J LT .....y. N ••tII (".", 'I'.""JtJn. .,.£.r ... ly,.,. r.r_fil. hwue, Cinrtl. ~4, ~'-n. ~.. '" J!«.,I-. .Ihi.,,,,W. O~ oJj _j ...... a...... 001_1.

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22. HOMEII'SODYSSEY.B,...... J: ...... oB.. n ... ornmhocouD)hcL 21 PLATO. Tol. IV. II. 9. Bl'..... II.A. ~ a.-... lAc..... TIle 1' ... A1ci1da4oo, _1'... _ l!WopeL] ... 21i, .. 3t. OVID. B1 R. T. BILlY, B.A. C-plola III S Val&. "-"Pi_. I 20. LUCRmus. BI ...... 1.5. WUII., •• Witla'bclfetricolV...... U. )I. GOOD. i',:'';~·o~~·~~~~:;;,~~~~~~~~:~~~~;.~~~~~'~~~'r;.;;~~~~{~D ;~ , BORN'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY. ~ "':1 ... . ~ L; 110. SALLUST. FLORUS. and VELLEIUS PATERCULUS. with COI';008 Note., lIi... ~ J:t grapbictU. l\utice8. WId lndc..x. LI tiLe l~ev . .I. S. WA.TIi",."'. loLA. .' t s-..: fi (" 40. LUCAN'S PHARSALIA, with copious !ioteo, by H. T. RILEY, iI,A. 11 ,;~ 41. THEOCRITUS. BION, MOSCIWS ...1 TYRT~US. by the &f. J. i1 ... ""•• M.L. ~ , • Willi the Mcl.ticI11 Yenuou$ of C.tIAi'lIlAli. }'rQ"t~i4C'. ~ ~.j 42. CICERO'S ACADEMICS, DE FINIBUS and TUSCULAN QUESTIONS. bJ ~ :'., C. .o. YU:NO:K, B A. Wnh Sketch of the Greok Phdosophy. c:: ~2t 43. AR,ISTOTLE"S POLITICS AND ECONOMICS, by E. WAL7Q .... M.A., "ito i ;..~ l"otes, AoaJylc~. Li.fe, IHtrouuctiw, MId uule.'\. f :'~ 44. DIOGENES LAERTIUS LIVES AND OPINIONS OF THE ANCIENT PHI- ~ ;.i LOSOf'HERS, with !'iolea by C. IJ. Yo" • .., 10. .10. « :;1 45. TERENCE And PHIIODRUS. hI R ~. Ru;ri. To wWeIl ia add ... ~""llT" ~ f~',~ )ltineal Veuwu of l'j~l''' 1'(II"vP"ce., . ~ (;I 46 &. 47. ARISTOTLE'S ORGANON. or, "Lo1i<, :.I..\. 2 Vuls .• 31. 6d. p..:r Vol. ~ :-3 48" 49. ARISTOPHANES. with Notea and utrlet. from the beat Metrical Veniou., f ~:_! by W. J. HU:Io;.lg, iu ~ Vola. l'runlt.sp;'". ! ~ ~ :.~ 50. C\fEE:~B8~. ~.~ 1~.~Jt,~~lb%.1Hfo~~~~.f'VINATION. FAT£, LAWS, ~

0# 61 APULEIUS. [1'lle Gnhlt'n Ass, Jleath of Socrdes. }'lorida, and Dt>fenr.e 0'1' Dilrom-"It l on ~Jagi{']. 1'1} WblCh is aduetl n M~trical VeniDD ot CUIJid and l'a.,vcbcj aud. ~ Mn. T~he'l "I~·che. I'ronlilp1.e,. ~: sf 52. JUST",,\, CORNELIUS NEPOS and EUTROPIUs,. wiLh :Notes oruI • C '" • ~>: ~~l)\Ie~f!l(!(!f!lI""'\M ..~ .... ~~~f!l\l'l."'~~~ .... "I'I!'J""~"I'e~·~"!'~~~~,·~ \..-';'..c ,.iy"...... y::. )"~~.~ ~,,~.J. ';':.• \ ,~.,.·" ... ".. ,y,.l ..~\< ,»(o,J.;. '-l<\,.x..:-,.·,.4V, .._v,...... ,)?,~"'.-<;:<~. .,.' .....A,.<~"),. ,11.1;0 I ~;'~2~~~;:;g;~;-';;l.)~"",,,~g~~~,;~,;~~;')~~~~.l~~ ~:~ . BORN'S CLASSICAL LIBRARY.. ! .''j I :''; ~ ·1;r~~ ':'1'.PV.~~y~A~".!~':!,ST~~.. 't~G.l~:":::d v. i : ~:J 85. . Ii... of the CaI&an, ao4 oIher Worb. 1'a..... " .... Tranolation. I ". 'J r.. is

~ 111. VUlt-TIDE STORIES. A ..1IeoIIaa of 8cmt1iDariJm TIlIl>Iud Tnditiaill. odItM I ~;:a b, I. l'uou...... ' , '. - .' . :..:~. 20 .. 23. ROGER gE HOVEDEN'S ANNALS OF ENGLISH HISTORY, frnna' , 'i) :-~.;,!:,'IO A.. 1M. l~ ana..mOll b, IL 'l. \W.l<., ~. ll,A. to : ~ 111. HENRY OF HUNTINGDON'S HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH, fro", the Rom." Y-' In_ 10 U... ..,. I L; .ub l'ho Am of King ~tepbe!,- kc. TraIlsIaIe4 .... ."1-:J edited by 1'. }·o...... Esq. K.A. ~ •• \-1 im~~_~"~~... ~ ___AIIIl"'~ .... """"'~ .... ~"'f't"'_~' /'~~~~--~_~;';~"'';''~'~~~~~~~Ju~.~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~~~~~;~~ '.1' BOHN'S ANTIQUARIAN LIBRARY. 1 r~ >-~' .;-! A.ll. ];;07. Trnll,l.ted b~ C.II_ lO'Gr..B.A. In~ Vo:._ «» '-., ~e. LEPSIUS'S LETTERS rROM EGYPT, ETHIOPIA, aDd \I,. PENINSULA CF ~ _;1") SINAI. ltcmwd by tht Author. Tntnslatl'll IIy 1. •. O!'llIlR.4 iUW .IUANl\ol 0. f,'j. ,:t lIv..... With !-lap ••nd Colo",.d Vi<; .. of Mount Un,,'.,!. "" -.!- 27, 28, 30 .. 36. ORDERICUS VITALI... Ilia [rrleola.lind lIi,tory of En~l.nd if,·; J allfl t\'onlll\lldy. trttnllatMl. with NOlCi. tile Introou('tytn of Gwz.,t, t;rlt:I:"lliotice ~'.j :·tl by M. I>':lule, ltud \'('ry COplOU» tude., by T. FOllUTl'.:1., ~.A. In' \·ub. -.> :.. 1 211. INGULPH'S CHRONICLE OF THE ABBEY OF CROYLAND. wH'. ,h. Conti. t;:, .• nn:ltlulilO hy Peler uf BlOIS "lid other \\onten. Traualtited, wlt.h l'ut.ea atld an f2'~ ...... J ]mlex, hy 11.1'. l\tLJl:T,.B.A.. , c. 1" ~, .• 32. LAMS'S SPECiMENIi OF ENGLISH DRAMATIC POETS of tLe time of [til.... t,V :)i IJdh; incuH,ling Ills Sdcch01l8 fn,ru lite GlLrnck J'lay.. t~~ ;;.<.~ 33. MARCO P~lO·S TRAVELS, lite trnnslal.i,)O C)I Mrulllcll, eGited. .ith ~Q\ea and ~ ,~:» Illtrouu("llon, hy T. "1(JUlIT, M ..'-., J-' S.!., &c. ~~ J 34. FLORENCE OF WORCESTER'S CHRONICLE, witb the Two Continu"';""., .~ ~;. (""!ljll'lllIll! Anllal!lllf En~llsh llis~ory, fr'JIIl till' DCrllTf1;re or the- l\onuw8 &0 u..e e,., ::J il.:J!.::11 01 I';dwaru 1. l'fUlIsiutw, 9114, ~olel. by T. l'OB.ST.&. E~. (1~ :., 35. HAND-BOOI( OF PROVERBS. ff>m,t'in( Ibe ",h.. le of II.. •• CoI",.t"., Rnd a ft ~;; ~~~!~t~~al~I~~~tu:·d.i ludu, ill "·w ~ arc mwdueeU!argo Ai.w.lhol1J ooUccLt'd. by C>v ~1 se. ORDERICUS VITA LIS, VoL.. (See f7). il;i ~ ~ '.I.!.. ,::~ :... ..) '''..: ~ ,:J. ~;;,'. :'11 .." ~ ~ ~ ~ ·-:1 .. '-> 1 ~ ~ ~ .. ~ t:-t D ~ :t B08N'S PHILDLOGICO-PHILOSOPHICAL LIBRARY. f$ ...... V",(;,..,. "itA '.llf STAND.aR~ LIBnART, piu ~,.pu ''''!''otV. in :j t"$ ;,) 1. TE~~.~.~f.yNr·~. ~,~.,!~,~L of tl,e HIS~O!l~ of PHILOSOPHY, , ..,>1.<1 Bud .on· If)::: '.-,.f. ~. ANALYSIS 8ml SUMMARY or HEnOOOTUs. .;,.h s~'nehrouiiticl\l TlibJe of ~.:.~l.;:~ .. F'·"IIL&, 11"1hlel uf WC1l'lua, Money. lie. ~ :l 3. TWINER'S (D~WSON W,) NOTES TO HERODOTUS, (onho",",fStuueuts. f;'i,{ 1 \\ Ilh Mllp. AI1ltCIUill't'l, IIml !,HkJi ' C' ...•'\ . 4. LOOlC, or tbe SCIENCE OF INFERENCE•• pnpular }Ialllw. by J. V.v... f.;.'.·;.~.• J e. KANrS CRITIQUl '" PURE REASON, lran,lat>.-d by M"I!'!l~~,~~~~,~~~~I'Y,~~""~.e.~.,.e~,~~~~~,~~~)