WINNING on the Wind
WALTER KAHN OLD VICARAGE LONG BUTTON HOOK, HAMPSHIRE RG291S2 FAX AND TEL:- 01256 862641 WINNING on the wind By George B. M offat, Jr. *<>I *4i^ v — * h* Introduction by Philip Wills h* '/{ ' v <5^/-v , -rj *\_, n Some notes on this book: The text was set in Press Roman 11/12 on the IBM MTSC. The display type is Century. The book was designed and composed by Graphic Production of Redwood City, California, except for the cover, which was designed by Sam Smidt Associates of Palo Alto, California, and printed by George Banta Company, Inc., of Menasha, Wisconsin. The Soaring Press P.O. Box 960 Los Altos, California 94022 U.S.A. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information, storage and retrieval system without written per mission from the Publisher. Copyright © 1974 by George B. Moffat, Jr. All rights reserved First Edition 1974 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 74-82783 Printed in the United States of America u Dedication To Suzanne and Ralph, who believed when there wasn't much to believe in. 111 CONTENTS Illustrations vii Preface ix Introduction xiii TOOLS 1 1 The Modern Sailplane 3 An approach to evaluation 2 Four American Metal Ships 9 Sisu 1 A, HP-8, HP-10 and HP-11 3 Standard Class Potpourri 1 5 Ka-6, Olympia 463, BG-12, Foka, Edelweiss and Austria 4 The Calm before the Storm 31 Skylark 4, Elfe MN, Dart, Austria SHK, HP-14, plus 2-32 and T-49 5 Wood Turns to Glass 45 Standard Elfe, Standard Cirrus and ASW-15 6 First of the New
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