THE LIONS Illustration scon WATERHOUSE . NCE there was a Jac~al had pleaded. "Have had disappeared to. He did beautiful valley mercy' Do not eat me' Let me not realise a younger zebra O where trees of all lead you to this place , had taken the herd away and kinds grew, from pale greens please I" was declaring himself chief of to the darkest green So Lion fOllowed Jackal all the zebras and that he, imaginable. There were also over a long distance and was Zebra, was totally on his own. tall grasses, herbs and other guided to the pleasant valley. While Zebra was calling beautiful plants. It was called But Lion was a bit of a stupid out, the stupid Lion saw Zeb­ Fragrant Valley and was a . animal. He was old and tired ra 's teeth in his open mouth real paradise, a place of and wanted only a beautiful and Lion, who had never seen beauty. place in which to rest and a zebra before, was very Through the valley fiowed spend the last years of his life worried. a deep stream full of fishes of in peace. So he allowed "That animal has very big all kinds - red, blue, white and Jackal to guide him to the teeth," said Lion. "How can I brown fishes, frogs, eels and green valley, where they ar­ eat such a big animal? How tortoises . There were also rived at long last. can I kill it? It will bite my head waterbirds with long legs, All of a sudden Lion , who offl" cranes and others of their was by now very hungry, saw Jackal said: "Yes, Great kind. animals grazing far away - fat Lion, that is a very dangerous Parts of the valley were full antelopes and zebras - and animal, but I can help you of animals - zebra, impala, his mouth watered. But first bring it down." kudu, warthog and many he had to quench his thirst, so "Can you?" Lion asked others. It was truly a beautiful he went to the clean water of suspiciously. paradise. The birds and ani­ the stream and started drink­ "Yes, please, you have got mals lived in peace; nothing ing. When his stomach was to trust me'" disturbed them and nothing full he looked around with "Trust you l " said Lion. "I frightened them. stupid, bleary eyes and there, trust you about as much as a But one day two animals, a in the distance, he saw a field of com trusts a hailstorm large one and a small one, zebra grazing peacefully in - which is not at alII I am came into the valley - Jackal the forest. hungry, my stomach is and Lion. Many days p"rlipr "I am going to eat the~ JJilll,,;tling me. IllS cutting me Jackal had angered Lion in a animal," he said to Jackal. like a knife. I must have place far away and Lion had "Are you coming to help me?" something to eat." caught Jackal and had "Yes, Lion," Jackal said "Come, Great Lion," said wanted to devo ur him. But nervously. "I am going to help Jackal. "Listen - because you Jackal had pleaded with Lion you with the animal." are my king and my superior I to spare his life because he , They moved slowly, keep­ am going to go to the front of Jackal, knew of a beautiful ing low in the grass. They this animal. I must sacrifice valley where Lion would be at quietly crossed the stream by myself for your sake, my king. peace and where he would be stepping over rocks and soon I will seize this animal by the able to eat all the meat he . reached the other side. They front while you catch it from wanted. crept closer and closer to the behind. It is not dangerous "You are going to lead me grazing zebra. Then, just at from behind, it is only the front to this valley'" Lion had that moment, the zebra lifted of the animal whi ch is dan­ roared. "You are going to lake his head and made the zebra gerous." me to this place because if calling sign . "I can see that," said the you don't, and if this place "Zeee, zeee, zeee." stupid lion . "Well , let's gel to it doesn't exist, I am going to The zebra was lonely. He then. You go that side and I devour you'" wanted to find out where his " Have mercy, Lion'" relatives.,and many girlfriends (To page 82) 80 A48

husband? And how did you get They went to the eland who here?" she demanded. "You was Sitting under a tree chewing weren't trying to get away from Ihe cud . me, were you?" "Greetings. Eland," said the "Run away from you , my antelopes. lovely wife?" said Lion, blushing "Yes, my brolhers. what is it?" with guilt. "Why would I do a asked Eland. terrible thing like that? Lions "Great Brother. a couple of never desert their wives ." lions have come inlo our valley, "Don't you?" demanded Ka­ led here by Jackal. Now Jackal kaka . "What are you doing has run away and these lions are here?" having a field day eating us. We "Here? Well, I am about to have never been eaten by li ons punish that tricky little old before and someone must help scrawny Jackal who has fallen us gel rid of them." into that hole." "Who better than Jackal him­ "Is that so? You are still with selP" said Eland. "He who has your bad friends, still keeping bad done wrong musl be the one to company as usual, are you , my pul righllhal wrong. Llslen, my husband? I have come all this brothers, lei us ask the birds to long distance to stand at your help Let them find Jackal and side because a lioness never make him remove Ihese two lions deserts her husband and what do from our valley." I find? You playing tricks with a "Very well," said the ante­ jackal. Hey, what has happened lopes. to your face? Why is one of your The impala and the springbok eyes shut?" ran and ran untillhey came 10 the "A zebra kicked me," Lion bird called a sakabula, the one answered truthfully. with the long. beautiful lail feath­ "What? You, my husband, ers as black as the nighl They HOW THE CRAFTY JACKAL allowing a zebra to kick you? Are said: "Sakabula " you mad? Don't you know if you Sakabula said . "Yes, my want to ca tch a zebra you must brothers?" OUTSMARTED THE LIONS catch it by the head?" "We are looking for 8n animal "Jackal told me to catch it by called Jackal. We have been the hindquarters," said Lion advised by Eland Ihat only Jackal (From page 80) , "You tri cked mel" he roared. shamefacedly. can rid us of the Iwo lions which "You dare to trick me, the king of "Is that so? Let's do some­ are ea ting our people in the val­ all the animals l I am going to tear thing about this jackal right nowl" ley. tf we don't remove Ihese will go this side and when I signal yo u to pieces I Come here, you The lioness started digging lions they are going to finish us .. to you we must both seize the stupid vermin! I am really going to with her front paws. Down , down "Aah," said Sakabula. "you animal, you by the nose and I by show you l" she dug and Jackal screamed as have come 10 the right fellow. the hind legs'" Lion ran after Jackal and the lioness drew nearer and Li slen. I know where Jackal is. "Yes, Great One," said Jack­ Jackal ran around a tree with lion nearer to him . At long last she bul he is rather a shifty fellow and al, doing his best to hide a smile in full cry after him . Then he ran reached down into the hole and cunning too. I think we should of triumph. straight into the bush, but it was caught Jackal and threw him oul ca tch him - and I think I know Jackal went to the front of not Jackal's lucky day at all. As of the hole. how to do it." Zebra and Lion crept up from he ran past a great tree he fell Bahl So Sakabula took his plan to a behind. Then lion roared: "Let's straight into an antbear hole and, "He is all yours, my husband I" family of weaver bird s, who wove gol" With one bound Jackal before he could cli mb out, there Jackal screamed and begged a net out of very strong fibres. seized Zebra by one ear and lion,' was Lion standing above the for mercy and the lions would The nel was very big and made a tried to seize Zebra from behind . • hole. have dispatched him in style had very cu nning trap which they But wait - you and I know it is Jackal tried to smile his besl not Rhinoceros happened along. placed in front 01 the hole in which very dangerous to try to seize a smile. As you know, when the rhino is Jackal hid himself every day. zebra from behind. This is what "Heh-heh-heh!" angry there are few lions who can Jackal was sure the animals Lion learned now l "You dare to playa trick on tackle it. So Mr and Mrs Lion would never be 8ble to catch him Zeb ra screamed with anger me ?" roared Lion. "Come out of decided to avoid Rhinoceros, 8nd that no one would be able 10 and braced his front legs in the therel Come oull" which meanl moving out of its find him So, unsuspecting . he ground. Then he la sh ed out with But Jackal crept deeper and way, leaving Jackal to escape. crepl out of his hole one day to his hind quarters, a terrible kick. deeper into the hole. find a large piece of meal placed Wah! Then Lion smelled something . SO Jackal escaped and the lions in front of the hole. Without Lion fiew through the air, It was another lion - a lioness, in found themselves in the beautiful question he greedily ate it - then turning end over end, then. fact - and it was coming through valley . Lioness was soon hunting found another, and another . and crashed on his back some dis­ the bush like a streak of golden all over and there was not a day another tance away. lightning. when the lions were not full-bel­ The foolish Jackal did not Wahl "What?" said Lion to himself. lied. reali se he was being led into a Sta rs fiying in his head, Lion "Who can that be?" Then the animals started Irap. Before he knew what W8S saw two amazing sig hts: Jackal Then a golden voice Cried: complaining. happening he wa s suspended had let go of Zebra's ear and was "My husband, Lion , where are "Stupid Jackal brought these in si de a net high in the air He had running in one direction while you?" lions into our valley now they are got into Ihe net and triggered the Zebra was disappearing into a Lion looked up. It was his wife, eating us," said one antelope to trap, a tree had snapped up­ bush in another direction. And Kakaka, whom he thought he had another. "Let us go and ask the wa rds, carrying Jack81 in one of Jackal was laughingl left behind many days earlier. eland, for he is very wise, how we its branches ann now he W8S Lion became really angryl "What are you doing here, my can get rid of these lions " swinging hF' tween h e~ v e n and 82 OMUM

earth, securely Irapped in the me get him out." net. "Must I?" demanded Rhino­ The animals came around in a ceros. crowd and looked up at Jackal. "Of course," answered Jack­ "Greelings, tricky animal," they al. "You are the strongest animal said . "You brought lions into our in the world." valley and now we want you to "You are a stupid flattererl get rid of them." Elephant is stronger than I and "But I am afraid of them," you know that. " cried Jackal. " In this valley," answered "Are you?" cried the animals . Jackal, "you are the strongest of "Now listen, we are going to have all," DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION an agreement." "Maybe there is truth in what " They disappeared, leaving you say. I will get your friend out Ju n ~or Pr~mary DURA nON: r8 M,rt/it, j: Jackal suspended in the air. and then we will talk - bul if you Senior Primary i: When they returned they had are tricking me, Jackal, you are HIGHER DIPLOMA IN EDUCAnON ~.- bundles of firewood which they going to be sorryl" Junior Pr!mary DURAnoN: 18 Montit, piled under the net in which Senior Primary Jackal was trapped. SO it was that Jackal and Rhi­ "What are you trying to do?" noceros came to the river. There M.PHII. • M.ED • D.ED cried Jackal. the short-sighted Rhinoceros NAnONAL DIPLOMAS {"",fm,mZr,m ml) B.TECH DEGREE' "Nothing much," the animals saw a long, thick rope of fibre Ed ucaUon Management said. "We are making a fire under which emerged from the river and Ed ucation P os t -Schoo l you. If you refuse to help us rid lay on the riverbank Ed ucation Commer ce our valley of these two lions we "Are you telling me your friend M.HCH AND are going to se t fI re to thi s heap of is in there?" demanded Rhino­ D.TECH EDUCAnOH wood and you are going to be a ceros. very roasted jackal. So what is "Yes, Rhinoceros, my friend your choice, friend?" has fallen in there. If you allow ''I'll help you ' I'll help you'" " 01e to tie this end of the rope to UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA IN MmllllM' Sen lal IlIVlng mllne" l screamed Jackal as he saw Ba­ .,You r hom and you give a great • BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION boon nubbing two sticks together . . pull when I tell you, my friend will Certific l'Ite 1/C ertific ate 2 /D i ploma to light the fire . ''I'll help you' be re scued and he will rewa rd • MARKETING MANAGEMENT Don't do it' " you very greatly." C ertificate 1/Certlflc ate 2 / Diploma "Lei us cut him down and see Rhinoceros ag reed that the (0., ytlr ,,,hI what happens, but we musl keep end of the rope coutd be tied Certified by U", Centre fOf Applied Business lIagemelll, Unive",ijy of Port Er"",betfl ~. a close guard on this fellow, " said around the end of his horn, very I B.COM DEGREES FrDm JUfle '98 Baboon. "He is very tricky in- . firmly , by Jackal. I BUSiness M anagem e nt and Acco unting deedl" Jackal then said : "I am going , : Economics and Accoun ting I k- Economics and Business Management The animals watched what to the other side of the river , Industrial Psych ology for Pe rsonnel Jackal was doing and they no­ Rhinoceros. When I shout , 'Pull, M anagement ticed he was weaving a very long Rhinoceros l' please, my friend , Teaching, Social Sciences and very thick rope. UNiVeRSITY OF Law pull with all your might. " PORT ELIZABETH Pub lic Admini stra tio n "What do you hope to achieve "Yes, I will do that," said Rhi­ by this?" asked Zebra, whose ear noceros. slill ached because of what Then Jackal disappeared and Jackal had done. there was Rhinoceros, stamping "I want to rid your valley of the hi s great feet with impatience , lions, " replied Jackal. with a rope tied around his horn. When the rope was finished On the other side of the river Jackal persuaded the animals to Jackal allowed the two lions to let him go because he said he see him, The moment the old lion was going to look for someone to saw Jackal he chased him and help him get rid of the two lions . there was a great race in the The animals asked Sakabula to bush , A cloud of dust rose as the keep a close watch on Jackal and BRA ASSOCIATE lions went after Jackal like thun­ also dispatched Hawk and Fish derbolts, with Jackal running for SPECIALIZ.A1'IOlV FIELDS, • Public Administration DIGRIE Eagle to prevent Jackal from dear life. Then the male lion saw ADM/$SIDN escaping . a rope protruding from the water. • Local Government REOUIRE"'E/tI TS'.­ • Military Administration M . ,rll: /Crnd" , :1) So there was Jackal being "What is this?" he demanded • Police Administration watched by two angry birds from to know. fOR AfRUIAOCHDIlTho Reglst,a, Azalla~ College • Correctional Services WRITE '0; Pri••,. Sa X3335 Cre,t. 2118 the skies, together with the gen­ Jackal turned and answered Administration : N rt mc afl(! $urna t" :______tl e Sakabula who new higher from a distance. "Great Lion , in • Traffic Administration than the other two bi rds . the water here is a mighty mOIl­ • Security Risk iPos'al Al1d.ess· Jackal went far away and ster which has told me that you , Management came back with a very powerful Lioll, are a weak-bOiled, old • Tourism Management ______C006L--- 1 creature - Rh inoceros. "Where moth-eaten and stillking bag of !rei : L-J____F.JC L-J___ are you leading me?"' demanded rubbish who wi ll never be able to N\8A the rhinoceros, its stomach pull him out of the water because MAlTER IN BUIINEn ADMINllTRAnOH [ ~~f~~ j~lae~:~~:~ : "C:'-;:""',e 7' o:;;lIo=w""n:-::g-::c=o u=,,:-:e'-: -­ shaking with bad temper. he is the king of all animals." APIUSSJOJl REOUllllM(It TS; "My friend, you are a very "What?" demanded lion. :n ;~~~:n ~~~ ~~~r8y~~rOr i I l'l m .nler es.IO d .o tho tmt'.! " ,el Service you pr OVide helpful cre ature. A fri end of mine Qualillcalion Du"flM:l ytlft L~ ~ . '. .'. ~ .~.~~~ .J gl~ , ~ has fallen into the river and has (To page 87) sunk into the mud. Please help I I I " " ;, DRUM 4 June 1998 83 A50

he had done. But he noticed to SOLUIIONTO his great surprise that every one HOW THE CRAFTY JACKAL of the animals was armed wilh a PICTURE PUZZLE stick. Before he could wonder No 128 why they were armed, Monkey and Baboon, Rabbit and Ela nd OUTSMARTED THE LIONS Were you able to correctly and every other animal was on (From page 83) top of him with their slicks. fill in la st week's Picture lion's wife, faithful Kakaka, Ba l Bal Ba! Ba l Ba Puzzle? If not, then here ' 'What impudent beasl is Ihal?" saw her hu sband's backside and Th ey hit him hard and sore, are the an swe rs. Each "I do not know, Great One," tail disappear inlo the wa ter with repeatedly. Poor Jackal did not week we will publish the Jack al replied. "But if you pull thai a great splash. She fo llowed kn ow if he was alive or dead. so lution to the previou s quiCkly, grabbed her hu sband by end of that rope you will be able to He screamed and shrieked wee k's issu e. Now turn to find out. I think this beast is mad the hindquarters and hung on and ye lped and realty made him­ to challenge you because you are Both lions were pulted inlo the self scarce. Somehow, as fate page 76 and have a go at a mighty lion." wa ter and dragged helplessly would have it, he fled along a this week's fun puzzle. "I wil t settle this beast's hash, away by the angry Rhinoceros on spoor which he did not, in his whatever it iSI" snarled lion. the other side . panic, study. Soon he found two "Then I wil l deal with you, you Rhinoceros pulled and pulled , very tired lions panting under a mangy Jackal l " snorting with bad temper Then, tree . So sayin g, lion clamped his to his great surprise, there "There he iS' Catch him' " jaws tightly on the rope. emerged two rather wet and be­ ro ared Lion to his wife . Then Jackal screamed at the draggled lions, a male and a Jackal fled for his life again, top of his vo ice: "Pull Rhinoceros' female. wilh two angry lions in hot pursuit. Pulfl Puil l" Rhinoceros, who hated lions, Fortunately for Jackal a thun­ Far away, Rhinoceros heard roareo with anger and the lions derSlorm broke while Ihe pursuit Jackal's voice and ga ve a huge bolh took to their heels and dis-" was on and Ihe lions, who realty pull on the rope, stampeding appeared into the distance, while don't like to get wet, found a ca ve backwards in a great cloud of Jackal-gi gg led and laughed,oal­ and stayed there while Jackal dust. On th e other side of the river · most to bursting. con tinued his night and lived to Lion lost his balance with the rope. A(lerwards, when the lions trick other animals al olher times. slilt clamped between his teelh ha d disappeared, Jackal came Is it not said the Iricksler who and felt inlo Ihe water with a greal before the an imals, hoping Ihey runs away lives to trick anolher spla sh. would be grateful to him for what day? [J

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- 2') ­ ------LEVEL 1

Prepositions (Words that tell us where something is) •

Example : in , on, under ____ etc_ Wh ere is the cat ? Look at the picture and complete the sentence

1_ The cat is L the house _ 4_ The cat is 9,_____ the house _

2_ The cat is ~ th e house_ 5_ The cat is n to tile hOlise_

o 3_ The ca tM is u the hou~e_ 6 _ The ~is in f of the house_ ,------, Word bank

in on behind under in front of next to

~------LEVEL 2 Exa mple : Where do you live ? My address is : ~" Hend" Smith 312 Hamilton Park:4 Church Street Pret oria 0001 My teleQho ne number is : DRUM (1998:84-85), 4 JUNE ISSUE


84 DRUM 4 J une 1996 A53

:':' :=.= - ~. -~~l L:=::: . -. '1'

Forget me 85 DRUM 4 June 1998 not, T'winsQv@r. JOUBERT & KADERLI (1995:8,18,58) A54

• COLOURS ,-No------­te 10 thfj oducato r ExpJ rll n colour by uSlfIg ox.'lmplo -: ,;) tho pupil s I)Wfl sur f ( '! I Hdin~ (Especially wllf.ln I!It tslr:",j'19 daJ~ 3MJ "9111) . LEVEL 1 Use a crayon = -=..,.".,-...,..,. ) to colour in I I red green

[ blue 1__--' orang e

yellow [-~ brown

black purple

white grey

LEVEL 2 . !d.!lderline th e correct colour . 1he co lou r of a rat is red / grey / blue. A log is yellow / black / orol'/I) .

A Irog is green / white / purple . A tree IS green / red / blue

Dark and light Thi s is dark grey. Thi s is light Wey

.Colour I light green d,uk r8d light yellow licHk rurr Ie orange, blue and white black and grpy

--- LEVEL] • What can be green ? What can be red ? ------

Other colours Can you colour these pict ures ?

pink maroon Noln Ie U,a~LIc."I i O( 1~ ffi niP. f"J~ lC nl(') r \' ,'I I IL'''~ 1 Ilhl~III' III !! ln1 ' 1l ,?~'" (QoI('J1JI~ c.... ul d tJoe I~p'a~.(\n t (' r:! hy (Jt! ]f"' r'~ gold navy n1""H l " II "" :/ tIll,• .I .lta "" &: pln~ '? '(9111 tf" d ",1Ilr·" ,', '1 {~ m !.l lld r~d qr:td ." yplloVJ '1;'1'1:" ,'\ H'I X\ \I!(""I .... 1 l ' h~ fZ ;)\HI silver ~<.{::.. - turquoise bt tl n a ~ ~ih'{ll grAy lor

. JR ·

Lesson 4 CLOTHES I wear clothes. LEV EL 1

Word b a n~ dr dJJ so ir ~ dress shi rl sn jac __ _ ~ rn panlS shoris pa __ _ or trousers c skirt m jersey sh s ~ t·sh m 8 socks 18ckel sk sh s tJ ~t' co,,1 I·shirl jer ___ or swea ler l U sholes i LEVEL 2 .'.

under Word ba nk I U~ bell I ~ C% 9 _ ____ S lie CC1P p-----­ hal $carf '=r~_ 9 _ _ ­ pyj"mas gown

sl --- .- - ­ slirpers ~ lInden.I·Jc~r ~ 9 l ov ~s

1..EVEL 3 Ihings on my clothes:

Word b~l}~ buckl " bllNon zip p----­ pockel laces A56

- S8 ­

Lesson 12


W;nt" " 0 sr""l 0

New w o rd s I

LEVEL 1 Rewrite LE VE L 2 Rewrite LEVEL 3 R e wrile

1. pen --­ 7. teacher 13. exp,rcise book 2. book ---­ B. crayon 14. blackboard 3. desk -­-­ 9 ruler 15. chalk 4. pencil -----­ 10.· glue 16. duster 5. pupil ----­ 11 . rubber 17. map 6. school bag 12. poster lB. chart


DRUM (1998:44, 45, 48, 49, 51) 18 .nJNE ISSUE ------AS8

Damascus Alley

By JENNY ROBSON Illustralion: Karen Ahlschlager

ACHEL sat at her desk would drown in the stinking with the afternoon sun pools of muddy water that lay R hot on her cheek. She everywhere. Or she would be sat alone, of course, even buried in an avalanche of cor­ though the desk was made for rugated sheeting and beer two. None of the other Matrics botlles and plastic packets that wanted to sit beside Rachel, the Thaga wind btew from the girl from Thaga Park. shack to shack. What lessons She put her hand on her could Mrs Mabaso give for a navy skirt, trying to hide the life like thaP hole there. It was a big hole But Mrs Mabaso was al­ now. How many times had she ready busy with her 10-minute already sewn it up, borrowing Bible story. "So Ihere w?s black cotlon from Mrs Pila next PelU!' travelling along the Da­ door? But the hole just kept mascus Road. He was al1 evil ripping open, getting bigger man, on his way to murder each time. Christian people. And sud­ And Mama said there was denly - suddenty - the most no money for a new navy skirt. amazing thing happened Only six more months in Very few pupils were lis­ school, Mama said, so why tening now. All the boys at the waste money on a new skirt? back of the class were packing When there was so little money anyway. Except Mama (To page 48) always found money for her beer. And for her boyfriend's beer too. At the front of the class, Mrs About thlt author Mabaso was telling a Bible story, Always, for the last 10 Jenny Robson is the minutes on a Friday, Mrs Ma­ award-winning author of base told a Bible story. "I know a number of novels and your studies are important for short stories. Some of your Matric examinations," her work has been pub­ Mrs Mabaso often said. "But lished in DRUM She Bible stories are important too. lives in Botswana. They give you lessons for your whole life." "What life?" Rachel always thought bitterly. Her own life felt like a long dusty road through endless days of ugli­ ness. At school she was shunned. The other Matrics laughed at the hole in her skirt. They sniggered at her too-tight shirt. But home at Thaga Park - that was the worst. There the ugliness wrapped itself all around her. Sometimes she felt she 45 A59

Damascus Alley

(From page 45) their books, ready to rush out the minute the bell rang . Le­ sego and Vimba and Doreen were huddled together in a desk made for two, whispering together. Giggling softly. All three of them casting their eyes at the new boy. Rachel looked across at the new boy too. Vusi, his name was. He had only arrived at school this morning. He was tali and goodlooking He held his head straight and proud, even here in the classroom. His eyes were steady and filled with confidence. Rachel looked away. What was the point of thinking about him? He wouldn't be interested in her - the girl from the shacks of Thaga Park. The girl with the hole in her skirt. No. This Vusi would only want to know girls like Lesego and Vimba and Doreen who lived down Sixth Avenue in brick houses with fences around them Still Mrs Mabaso went on with her story. "There on the Damascus Road, a bright, blinding light shone on Paul. His eyes were blinded by the brightness, but his mind was opened. He understood things he had not understood before. His whole life changed forever. He no longer wanted to murder Christians. Instead he became a Christian too - one of the world's most influential Chris­ tians. That one moment on the Damascus Road made every­ thing different. "

JUST then the final bell rang. The boys grabbed their school bags and rushed out. Lesego and Vimba and Doreen leaned against their desk, still giggling.

DRUM 18 June 1998 48 A60 Wailing as the ne w boy VUSI IIle li ne of hiS temple But she Into a 9

ORUM 18 June 1998 49

Woutd you like m o rc TECHNICAL Tr;\ ck~ I !, \ \. I( 1.1 I. \,', 1I 1n\\.! . 1111 1' am i money and rc!'pecl, ,,'jtll '1 11,. 1< '. ' 1'')1'" \ 1( 1 )'\' " " IU ·l lti.ilIIII' a job ,mel " career yo u call rJllltulm. nit" o'l ~ l n l' \H11". :". 1-;"::\ . Srrlicc & Rl"p:tir: :-" 1. 11 111 ( H k 1(. I' (ir, be re<1l1 )' pruucl of' T he n ' 1'1,'1.111 . t n"I' .; , T' \'( R s". I I I I, you need '111ali li cali ol1" ­ l ~ t p,'iI.l)h ..., t :'.h", t. "H, ' ,,,,1 11 1'11,,,1111 ': ~ I'.• , I \. 'n •• ••·,,·, ltq),j,. allel your til'S! step is 0 111 u,.II,1 111 ),our FREE: no-obligatiol\ .\"i· t.1I11 n,.",:~h"l : (J. Il.IlIlI " ~!ll ,·'m:.! CO\ll'SC J3 mchure. 1" 11 1' Ll l ~i, •• I', i"t: ( 11 1 ) n:"., rll, '. ,u j" ( ,,",'"tt.II'OII ~h l!t.. , 11_ .1 ]= ..t:uw n-p~ There arC Ol'cr 100 n llililill;':. \; , (""" "Hh'lI ll1 ~ a lit[ I N TE:C homc-slU el y cOIl1'< e, l ~d ll ~1 1 n;,su t(' choose rrom - aII SECRETARIAL de~ i g n cd to make lhe 1"11 '11' ." ,It LIII (;; , 11 111 1;" . ', (,1.-","111\ ...., .. " \1 1.1" ' ''''11 " .\",,1;,,, 1. "WhaP" asked Rachel. grt ining or 'lualificatiom COMPUTEk Damascus Alley "What am I supposed to se e?" easy and absorbing. N CI"OI~ E II'!:.II('(": \ It , j· 'X I 1 0 ~IC"'1 1. And then she saw what Ring our toll-frce {"I".. ( -" \ II .., ''',- , (From page 49) Vusi was pointing at, there l\"l\.be. fo r m o. e detai l,. PC: ~rflit'ill ~ :Illd Rrp:\ir : beneath the pol. She knelt \. (" "IIPlItt"! SIII' I ~" I I',,,f " ,,i,,,, d. or C,H<"er l\(h'ice, wil h no r('~ " I' I)< .. 1 'p'" 1.,I,..t. 1'(: i:" l'l'r had done that once. Treated down, amazed, ignoring the obligation to enrol. r r/'r,r:tlJlI ";I\C;:~ 11111, ,,111111...., her body as if it was just an­ ripping sound as the hole in \' I ~ ," J 1\., , e ll.,... ,\ COBOl.. MAN,\CEMENT " ' '.11111 .\11,11" .. ,I;" \l ""~11 other pile of rubbish. her skirt grew even bigger. I'e C nll..... ('~· I . " I \, . " ""illl:- .\,, ' " 1\" '"1' 'c. (,\·,,,·~., I . F",:tlu j·\I. ~.,k ' They were passing a newly­ A sma ll patch of flowers "" ',·,11. \\" "II UI\ ~ "-' . 'I.. ",,, ,10 (ll';" ~ I :, ~ I..~·"" J.!. :\ d\t · l lj~;II)!. 1'1"1 'P'P ' II 1, ( II-; "") f" ,.j (lll'I, .. ,l. I'"". , I', •• " ,. built shack now. An old woman grew there in the alle y Bright It, l.n il1 Il' " '\:1 1'111. P,.l.I" "'''inL \\. 1,\I', ·. h, . ()IIi. ,· ~ 1 1I 1t .' " ·n!l " ,.:'. I." I (· 'i ll~ (';" '11 11 \II,i, III"" ,. knelt over a bucket of soapy pink, beautiful flowers that ,\pplki'lliOll' 1"1 : ':"IIl ~ ('''It" , r l \l H hl"" I~ . ; IIt"".I1~j"C ~t ll : ,11 n 'I~ .I I' ~'. 1'(' I ;I,·p" . I 't """',; ,,11'1 water. The old woman looked seemed to glow through all the 11 "" I"" 'f"'""it,". I" IlI It11 I "1 1' lIi" t! up and a smile lit up her ugliness. Vusi knelt down be­ ,',; ( "" 1,.,1. 1', ,,,, 'ph . " I I'",.h." i ..~ VOCATIONAL ()I I I1 " "'q'\" 1," " " , " '"1 " .\,101,;" ...:,. t . " , j ll ,l.!,( " Ullhl " "" ,. \ 1'." 1" ,1,,,.·,. wrinkled face. "Vusil Aah, my side her. Gently he picked one Sll', L (:''''11 ''1. )" h "nl " "'" ~\ ' ''· II' '. C II,lfl l).11 (~ 'U· ( 1 11 11 1'''c ll"I,,::,. ',,,,.. boy, Vusi l And how was your of the flowers and laid it in her 1.":,,,· . \t.:nlt '. ll ,,·,\,,~, J~('~{l I\I { ,". II ,d' ~"1 :,1 Rd ,lfi,,,, .. Tl"!llu .i ll ~ '''',, 11,,1''1:''' 1".1111.1 11 1-: II , Sill:'''!.' '!''' ''. firs t day? Did you work hard?" hand. II .,,~ · CU I \1: 1111 I"\ ~ \I . Rachel watched in amaze­ "See, Rachel. Thaga Park ACCOUNTANCY ";,'ll,.,J.: X :-\," '1,:,11 ."" II." 1; ,1.111111'. :'I 1..II.,).:,I11.-" I. IIIIt·III;,I.-\udllttlj! 1) '· I.t. d p~ ~j, "" " I( "n ' t .\..." ,1,,11 1. .\ "llll.:.ti,,11. 1\••' 1, I •• ln,!! ment as Vusi bent to kiss the is not just ugliness and chaos. BOfll..l..c"t"jl"lq. fill .,,,("i:.l . ( ',,,1. old woman's forehead . "You Lovely thin gs exist even here. ( 'Ol1lptlIN i ,<,d U II<) k I..('cpi 11).( . CREATIVE C\ . ufin l .\, .. , ,,,, .1\'•• ,:: ' , ])\'.Ij.!I' \" IIII1~ And your friend?" makes them more va lu able. PROFESSIONAL (: :H~ h nlll::. I H I"" 1 \\ r" I~ ; '''': . Rachel stared up at Vusi, More precious." 1:\( .. ( .1 .... 1'1:'.1. 1(.1\. :\1;(: \. IB".1 ( ]F.I\ , hilt '"11 I lt. ' ''. I'!""II'.,I il,I,,. \ , ' . ."i \I\ /. "I'Ll \S.\ . ."\I F. 111'\ j";Il"·'<.\l1I1 "U!I,. i lll ' . II";lItil·( .. n,· stared at the strong lines of his Ra chel looked down at the (,,,Ill/H"I ( U"\.III1:. ( ~·I ,::. ,., 1'''' I II"" h fa ce and the quiet pride in his flower in her hand. There was HIIlH SCHOOL (',. "'H" 1,.111,,11 . "1' !ltI ~b /" h , :O; h ..~ ' I'lIcl"I.II,' l ~lI, q H '" eyes. "You live here? Here in no blinding light like Paul had Thaga Park?" she managed to seen on the Damascus Road whisper. in Mrs Mabaso's Bible story. ( 0800-012 3 11 Vusi nodded. Instead there was a warm glow ----_. Pretorin ollly: OSOJ-JJ3 552 toll/rcc "But - but how I can't from the pink petals that ------believe it. How is it that you seemed to soften all th e ugli­ .: , walk so tall and hold your head ness around her. A glow in the ~ , up high? How do you stop the alley that made everything .:: , :. Ir / "Irs /~ Ji<;~ . , ugliness and the chaos from seem different, that changed , drowning you?" POSL .\drlros .... everything. I ... ( :ol1r Vusi sm iled and took Ra­ "Yo u can be like these I chel by the arm . "Come, I want flofers. You can re fuse to Td (".) ... I to show you something. Come drown in the ugliness of Thaga (h ) . INTEC I and see ." Park. Do you understand what I ()(cup;uioll . I He led her in to the da rk I am saying, Rac he!7" Vusi's I shadows of an alley beyond gentle, proud voice filled the I the shack. Rachel looked at shadows. And when he looked I the ground covered in broken at her now th ere was no pity in WherfVer y01l ')-1' going. lI'(''1( lirlf! yl1l p/I 1/1('1'(' I glass and torn plastiC. A rusty hi s eyes. Just caring and be­ f' o~ ( or F3"': (his rOllpon In I (l UI nr:u('~1 1"1('( br:lnrh (oil:lY. I " O UII \1 111 1 I, .I •. "IIII"'II.II ;.- :.'III)( I I ,,, fil i i : ' · ' 1" . 1'1 11:,.""';\ I ' I, , II).: I I pot tay on its side, a huge hote lief. Rachel nodded her head. I .I\. rll '1' 1 ·1 ",·,..ql ·I·()I ~ " l j)!~') l hlrhlll 1l~.' , ., rl';11 :'1f S l...: j ·I"lll-" ' I\tt'; I in its bottom . She understood. D L~ ' ;:I~'(~r~~2~ ~ I ~~;~~:.~~;~;~ ;/,~:;, ~~~ ' .~ : ~ ; ~ ~ ;~~~i:~ ' ~I " ~; ' : _!~; DRUM 18 June 1998 51 JOUBERT & KADERLI (1995:50) A62


LEVEL 1 Revision Female Female girl aunt woman queen mother sister grandma daughter

LEV EL 2 Nole to 11 10 ed ucator

Complete by using the word bank Encouf.:lge pupits 10 (em ombw Axpressions hke .!!!!! ;"\!>!eo p. ~ 8 pr.:.l YEl r. Sl!ll up. When I w up in the morning, I "'s"'-tr______myself. Then r 9L___ _ ,,- up imd go to the bathroom. I b my teeth and w my lace. TI)en J c my hair

I At night, when I am .!.-t_--:-_---:_~' I "'c______my teeth again. Then I "'s_ ____ a pmyer and get into be::d.:...... :. S::.:0::.:0:.:.n:...1:.._=1====::..:::a~s :.::le:.::e~p...:. .:.:.. ~______, Word bank

'Nake slrelch gel brush wa ~ h comb lired clean say

LEV EL 3 Do or Does?

i person ~ 2 0' People } animal does mm' animals filing things do I you 1Jnderline : '. Peggy do/does her work. 2. I do/does my laces. 3. They do/does an exercise, 4. Mother do/does the cooking.

1 5. Father do/does the gardening.

do + not '" don't does + not = doesn't Example : I don't like to shower. He doesn't clean the bath . Underline : 1. I doesn'tJdon't know your name. 2 They doesn'tfdon't do their work. 3. He doesn'tJdon't understand English. 4. You doesn'tJdon't speak Zulu. 5. The girl doesn't/don't eat meat.

Nota 10 the ooucatO(

F xp lDin UIO words Know and un de rs tand.


DRUM (1998:81) 18 JUNE ISSUE


The LUCKY STAR Test Kitchen has come INGREDIENTS: up with another winning treat ­ 250 " bacon, chopp9d taste 1",..." Pepp«", chopped LUCKY STAR pilchards and 30 ml (2 1J margarine 426 fI (2 caM) LUCKY STAR pllcharrJs In tomlto macaroni bake. Nutritious and 285 fI (1 can) Cl'Hm o(mushroom soup filling, the dish is guaranteed 165 " (1 can) ev."orated mHk ATomat to satisfy hungry tummies on uIt lind blackIJ4IPP8' a cold winter's night. 500 9 m_ronlplfK:tllI, cooOd lind drained 100 " CtteddlJr ohee.H. gl"llted

Preheat the oven to 180· C. Fry the bacon and green pepper AcI(! the bacon end green pepper to the pilchard mixture. in margarine until soft. Mash the pilchards In their sauce and 2 1 mix with the mushroom soup. Add the evaporated m~k and season with Aromat, S8~ and pepper. .. ,

Tum the cooked macaroni Into a shallow, greased ovenproof dish, poUT over the pilchard 'mixture and 3 sprinkle the cheese on top.

Bake for 2CJ..25 minutes and serve with vegetables or a green salad. 4 Serves 6.

DRUM t8 June 19M 81 JOUBERT & KADERLI (1995:67) A64

- (, 7 ­

LEVEL 1 Can you name the se VEHI CLES? Word ba nk

bus van

CAr lorry cart


Can you name th e following ? ~

Word h~n ~ =6l bicycle ololorbike

~ taxI ~ Irain aerop lane (jot) 9 9 Sc:EJ CElrLl van DUVIItx>, - - We use VE HICLES to transQort us from one Rlace to another.

LE VEL 3 A bicycle is a vehi cle. However, if we com pare a bi cycle to other vehicles, there are differences and similarities (w hen things are alike). ComRlete by using th e word-E:nk : Word hank

Similarities : !rClnsporl wheels 1. Cars and bicycles have _____ ~ ______and brake,; --- ~- -- lights 2 Both ______people and goods. drive 3. We __ __ _ (steer) both.

Differences: Worrl bank Bicycle Car Iwo one Has ___ seat (saddle) Has seats nH=lo Y ---­ lour Has wheels Has wheels lighl ------­ heavy lsL _ __ Is !l. ____ enqine pedols Has Has an saddle ------Ins ide Cyclists sit s on a Motorists sit A person who rides a bicycle or motorbike is a cyclist. DRUM (1998:7), 2 JULY ISSUE A65

the majority of women ap­ in all my life (DRUM , June o Send your l etters to preciate giving birth in the 11). Why is it we can never Cash for news Re aders' Forum, presence of their husbands. appreciate anything good DRUM, PO Box Men don't only give moral done by other people? I think 0 you have story ideas 784696, Sandton support but atso witness what his letter was just a case of O or news tips for us? Turn 2146. it takes for a woman to give sour grapes. them into hard cas h right now. Or fax your letters birth. After all, who says tra ­ I should think the reason We' re offering at least R1 00 o dition does not change? DRUM magazine continues to for eve ry genuinely news­ to (011) 322-0891. We are ti vi ng in a lively give us profiles of TV person­ worthy, true story we end up o This week' s R50 for society where taboos and the alities and celebs is to make printing, and R2 50 for every the best letter goes like are things of the past. In us appreciate them more. It picture we publish . Stories can be about any­ to Ben Ndzimande, the past women were denied makes us feel closer to the their rights and were brain­ people we watch on television thing : a crime you might have Amanzimtoti. washed, and now we have the daily when we read about their heard about in your area, a chance to cut that out we lives. human tragedy, someone should go at it full force. I should think anyone who who's achieved something ex­ ce ptiona t, some sort of scam Competition help line And an yway whose tradi­ successfully comes out of tion was it? Ben jamin, you still some hardship deserves to tell you think shoutd be exposed, Q ueries about competition believe a woman's place is in their story and be proud. and so on. forms and prizes are handfed the kitchen. The thing I think DRUM Pictures shOUld capture a on (021) 406-3154, or at PO Knowing the hardship of tries to do is show the ordinary moment of high drama. hu­ Box 6929, Roggebaai 8012, giving birth wi ll make men folk out there that everyone mour or tragedy They SllOUtd fax (021) 418·8198. think twi ce about having 10 or experiences problems at not be family snaps. more children. I think it woutd some tilne. Often we are You can pl10ne in with ideas be correct, Benjamin, to as­ tempted to think peopte we for stories or write a short pro ­ The major cause of this sume you were using modern see on tetevision have it easy posal (not more than 250 hooliganism was that some material such as a pen or but they don·t. Everybody has words) and post it for the at­ unfortunate Tunisian suppor­ typewriter to write your com­ to earn his way in this world. tention of Juslinus Maluteke ters were sitting on the same ment, and I doubt you were II's this kind of negative We will then contact you if we side as the "superiors" who carrying your shield and as­ thinking we should rid our­ think it's worth following up . thought every foul their tean1 seqai as a siqn of heing true to selves of bec

DR UM 2 July 1998 7 DRUM (1998:76), 2 JULY ISSUE A66 Smelly feet Perfect potatoes

Soak you r feet for 10 to 20 When peeling pot(ltoes for laler minutes in strong tea every day Handy hints use, sto p them discolouring by until the smell goes away boil 2 tea bags in 750 ml (3 cups) of ptacing them in a bowl of water to which two teaspoons of milk water for 15 min utes and pour If you have Interesting Ups on how to save time or money. post into a bowl containing two litres them to us, We pay R20 for every hint published, If necessary make have been added. of cool water. a simple drawing to Illustrate your tip. But remember: • DRUM accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage resuttlng Bread for boils from the use of these hints, To the point Send your tips to: DRUM HANDY HINTS, BOX 1802, When you ne xt have a boil, Refrigerate eyeliner and lipliner 8000. place a mixture of bread and hot for at least an hour before milk between two clean hand­ kerchiefs, apply to th e 5k in and Sweet and soft Waxing wonderful keep in place with a cotton ba ndage, Ttlis will draw the dirt To keep brown sugar from To fill a deep scratch in a wood ­ to th e surface and the boil hardening, pta ce a few en floor, melt a crayon that shou ld burst. pieces of white sandwich matches the colour of the wood bread in th e container with and use it to fill in the crack. l ettuce crisper the sugar. After the cra yon hardens, wax the floor. To refresh li mp lelluce, place in Grate ideal cold water with a peeled potato - it will become crisp once If you need to grate butter for shanpe ning . You'll get a finer more. baking, first dip it in fl our. It'll be point without breakage. much easier to handle. Sparkling saucepans Undercover veggies String it along To make burnt saucepans eas­ Add a cu p of grated carrots or ier to clean, bait water and onion courgettes to 500 g of minced Store odd pieces of string in a skins in them and leave over­ beef next rime you make ham­ screw-top jar with a hole pierced night to soak. The scorch marks bu rger pa ttie s. Your family will in the lid so the string ca n be will lift off easily when washed get a serving of vegetables threaded through without tang­ th e nex t day. [1 without even knowing it. ling.

was out of the ho spital and lJack after all. and the law forbid s me ,1g,lin he lound himself fa ," replied MilO1­ attacked?" of those years before the Second torn apart wilh grief. He had al­ konkwane . shamef3ced "She is dead," replied the old World War, when Ih e great city of ways admired and loved hi s elder But a few nights lilter slep:l watchman. "She Shielded you Johannesburg was young . But brother. Now Mkheteni, with his caughl up with Mankonkwann with her body and took three Mankonkwane steadfaslly re ­ handsome face, prominent front a98in. He woke "I' 10 find himsell gunshots meant for you She fused 10 be drawn 'Into the stink­ te eth and ready, booming laugh, Iylllg on a thick laypr 01 natlnlled must have loved you . boy." ing web of drunkenness ano was gone cBn1hofl rd b()xp~ at ttlP r(':n r.f IIIP Mankonkwa ne fell biller lears alcohol. "Why?" asked Mankonk­ ~ Il ()r he wA'; <:;upf'()s~HI to tv-' flooding his eyes. Dimly. through Some tried to tempt him with wane. "Why is life so cheap in Ihis 9"arding the mist of salty liquid, he saw a dagga cigarelles, but he refused. city ca lled Johannesburg?" He woke li p ~I ro \ ' /I y. Th9n hp nurse go by and heard old Ngu­ "I would rat her face life with a ~8W whA t h E> thought wpre IVvn bilne telli ng her Mankonkwane clear mind," he said. "I will not MANKONKWANE, full y recov­ Illen CIPp.ring ufl on him In IIIP had regained consciousness. hide behind dagga smoke and ered. returned once more to hi s dark. Slowly liP rear.heri lor 11 1(> Tile nurse hurried over, skokian fumes." job as a nig htwatchman Bul l o~ g Sjillnbok "' 0. " OW rarned 11 1 placed a coot hand on Mankonk­ "Then you are a fool, my so mething had teft him , a light the place of 11is ~, nobke"ie. Wllie ll wane's forehead, nodded and brother," s,lid Mkheteni con­ had gone out of his life. had been broken that terrible wenl away She returned some temptuously. "Strong men must The loss of Sophie and night. tim e laler with another nurse and drink A man who does not drink Mkheteni had struck a deeper He raised th., sjiHTlbok a.,,1 a doctor who proceeded to ex­ is nothing but a pisspotl" blow to his heart than he had lasl1ed out with all hi ~ power. hili it amine Mankonkwane and then "I am not going to argue with rea lised. Again and again he ordere d an injection for him. you, my brother, " said M8nkonk­ found himself sinking mto the (To page 78) Four days later Mankonkwane wane. "You are my elder brother. deepest depression Again anri

76 DRUM') Jul y lo9R JOUBERT & KADERLI (1995:6) A67

- 6 ­



LEV EL 1, 2, 3 LEVEL 2, 3 LEV EL 3

one 11 eleven 30 thirty

2 two 12 twelve 40 fort y

3 three 13 thirteen 50 fi ft y

4 four 14 fou rt een 60 sixty

5 fi ve 15 fifteen 70 sevent y

6 si x 16 sixteen 80 eight y

7 seven 17 sevente en 90 ninety

3 eight 18 eighteen 100 hun d red

9 nine 19 nin eteen 1000 th ousand

10 ten 20 twenty 1 000 000 milliOll


Write the word : Count I

6 three 10 •••• 3



fou r + two := '"-s"'i x~______twenty + on e = ______

ten + ten = ______forty + six = ______

ten + five = ______five hundred + one hundred = ______

th irt y + thirt y := ______seventy + seventy = ______


DRUM (1998:23) 13 AlGllST ISSUE

I " I' . , I NAME: ...... •...... • .....•...... • .••• II ADDRESS: •...... •... . •• . • • •. .. •• . ..• ....•• • .. I ...... CODE•... . •. .• .• .. I TEL: (h) •• ...... •••••• (w) • .• . ... •.. . ..•... • .•• I Which prlzo arc you playing for? ...... I nckIhegame yo u...enltrlng [1J l ----.....:~~!!:.:!::::~~~~:;;:.:...-...:....;. ~ a o.&tE 1'0 111 p ·JJI:t£t l1 i'1D01'11,m U~ ,.,. .3.,.; 2 "'-1_.. ___ -~* .~ DRUM (1998:44), 20 AUGUST ISSUE A69

Sew strips of Velcro to the open Shoulder shiner ends of old pillowcases and use Remove shoulder pads from old them to store blankets during clothes and use for shining Handy hints summer. shoes and handbags. If you have interesting tips on how to save time or money, post Nail it Sm ooth flow them to us. We pay R20 for every hint published. If necessary make An easy way to hammer a small Clean a blocked shower head a simple drawing to Illustrate your tip. But remember: nail into the wall is to place it by soaking it in a bowl of water • DRU M accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage resulting between the teel h of a fine in which a denture-cleaning ta­ from the use of these hints. comb. Hold Ihe comb against blet has been dissolved. Send your tips to: DRUM HANDY HINTS, BOX 1802, CAPE TOWN the wall and hammer the nail in .

Perfect pie Magic mayonnaise Add extra flavour to an apple A little mayonnaise on a soft pie by mixing one dessertspoon from going brown. clolh will remove black heel of lemon curd to the apple and marks from vi nyt floors. one teaspoon of cinnamon to Jolly jelly the topping. Add fizz to party jellies by stir­ Safe soles ring in a liltle of your favourite Rub the soles of your baby's Tape ties soft drink before the jelly has new shoes with an emery board Use the tape from damaged or had time to set. 10 preve nt nasly falls worn-out videos to tie up tall plants and rubbish bags. Hair essential Better bacon Add two tea spoons of borax to To keep bacon from shrinking Hairy job the final rinsing water for beaut­ as you fry it, first place it in a Use a bent paperclip attached ifully soft, manageable hair. plastic bag with some flour and to a length of string to remove shake well . You'lI find it's less hair trapped in plug holes. Whiter shoes greasy too. Rub scuffed white shoes with a Easy c urtains ball of cotton wool dipped in nail Scented notes Place sticky tape over the hook polish rem over. Store nolepaper and ca rds with on curtain wire and it will glide a sachet filled with scented through Ihe heading withoul Pop present herbs or spices - cinnamon damaging your curtains. Wrap teenagers' presents in sticks haw' a wonrlerflll Ira .. pUll-out posters of their favour­ grance. The people who re­ Gold gleam Babycare ite pop stars. ceive your le tters will love their Coat dull gold rings with an old Cover the sharp corners of cof­ smell. lipstick stub - any colour will do. fee tables and cupboards with Moist cake Leave for a few minutes, then bubble-wrap when your baby Make your fruit cake extra moist Static stopper rub off with a soft cloth for a real begins to walk. and delicious by soaking the After you've rubbed hand sparkle. dried fruit overnight in fruit juice or cream into yo ur hands. genlly Lighter load whisky before you start baking. rub them over your pantihose to Use an old shoulder pad to get rid of static cling . wrap' around the handles of Egg-cellent eggs plastic shopping bags - they If a recipe calls for ha rd-boiled Salt sense won't cut into the palms of your eggs, boil them in salted water If you accidentally add too hands: so the shells peel off easily. much salt to a dish while it's still cooking, drop a peeled potato Easy wrap No more> bli~tQrs into the ...-'vl. H'II abSOrb lhe Clingwrap will be easier to un­ Rub the inside of the heels of excess sail. peel if you store it in the fridge. new shoes with soap before The end will be easy to grab. wearing to make them soft and Gleaming glassware less likely to chafe. Bring shine to glassware by Tasty scones adding c!lopped leftover lemon Make cheese scones extra Good as new peel to the final rin sing waler fluffy by using cheese sauce Remove heat rings on lightly instead of grated cheese. polished wood by rub­ They'll also be much lighter. bing with hard margar­ ine . Leave overnight Banana mulch Gluey hands and polish gently with a When summer sun threatens to Hands marked with superglue soft cloth. burn your plants, mulch them or paint? Rubbing them wilh with banana skins . margarine will remove the Easy fites marks. Rub furniture polish on Party nails the metal rings of three­ Make your own glitter nail polish Perfect potatoes ring flip files to help you by adding glitter - available After peeling potaloes for turn the pages from supermarkets and sta­ cooking, store them in a pot of smoolhly. tionery shops - to a bottle of water to which a little milk has clear polish. been added. It'll prevent them Pillow perfect

44 DRUM 20 Augu s t 1998 JOUBERT & KADERLI (1995:71) A70

. 71 .

A poem for fu n I

The Shop

1 At the end of the street 2 is a shop , oh so neat! } This is a verse. 3 with shelves ful l of th ings 4 from sweets to pretty rings.

5 There are also lots of toys ------_..... This is a line. 6 for little girls and bOy s 7 like dolls and ki tes and trains, 8 moto rcars and aeroplanes I

9 Mother buys our food 10 for she knows wha t is good 11 for ti ttle children to eat 12 like eggs and fruit and meat I 13 Lilter, when we go home 14 where Doggie was all alone 15 he is so happy to see 1G Mother, Peter and me.

17 Next week we wil l go aga in 1fl in sunshine or heavy ril ln 19 to buy and buy and buy 20 things on shelves low and high.


Find th e answers in th e DOem I

one shelf, but many ______one egg, but six _~______

one ring , but two ______.___ .~_ one toy , but lots of ____.__~_ _ .

one child, but Jnany one tra in. but man_y_-_~=__=__:=====__ Remember I Anot her word for sw eets is candy .


Wl,ere is th is shop? (line 1) At th~e,---______

2. Which food is good for children? (line 12) and ______

3. Who buys the food? (line 9) 4. Who stays home alone? (line 14) ______5. When will they go shopping again? (line 17) ______


1. In the first verse of th e poem IS the opposit e word for begin. Do you know which word 'I

2. Which word in verse 2 rhymes with toys? ______3. Can you fin d a word in verse 1 that means th e sa me as beautiful ? ______4. Can you find a word in verse 4 that has the oppos it e meaning oJ )ogelh ' r ?

5. Com pie e When the sun ______~. it is hot.


DRUM (1998:40-43) 3 SEPTEl\-ffiER ISSUE A72

Trouble in Ward B

T was raining that afternoon By THABO IAN SHONGWE at the Sonke Siyaphila Hos­ Illustration: Karen Ahlschlager I pital. It was visiting hour and the place was swarming with vi sitors. They were allowed to see nurses had resigned from Sonke their loved ones three times a Siyaphila and moved to other day: at 10 o'clock in the morning, hospitals because of her longue. 2 pm in th e afternoon and seven Most of the time her mood was o'clock in the evening. Each time very bad and she didn't ca re who they were allowed to stay for an she took it out on. hour and a half. Many nurses hated Sister When the visitors arrived, all Ngcolosi, but they never spoke the nurses in the wards would back when she picked 011 them, leave their patients alone with because Ihey were scared of her their loved ones. But they didn't reaction . They knew once you go too far away - they would slay talked back, she'd pick on you in the room near the door, where until you cou ldn't take it any more. they could keep a watch over their charges in case there was SISTER Ngcolosi stood at ti le an emergency. en lrance to the ward wait'ng for Because it was raining outside the nurse s to sculile back from that afternoon the nurses in Ward the kitchen B quickly scurried to the main "Do you think you're on holi­ kitchen in the passage to make day? Why did you all have 10 go themselves a hot cup of coHee. and make those stupid cups of There were six of them on duty in coffee at the same time? Are you Ward B. crazy or what? Just tel t me, "Why is everybody here? what's your problem. nurses. Or What did I say about leaving the should I say , ladies of leisure?" ward, without anybody in atten­ she said sarcaslically. dance?" Sister Ngcolosi " Listen here, ladies, you are screamed angrily, finding the all here to work and to look after staH gathered around the kettle. Ihese patients. That is what you "What's going on here? Is this swore to do as nurses, not to some kind of a cafe or What?" hang around the hospital having a Sister Ngcolosi was the nurse good time and looking for boy­ in charge of Ward B. She had a friends'" Sister Ngcolosi was reputation for being a tough boss. She ordered the nurses around (To page 42) all the time, screaming and never having a friendly word to say to them. Sonke Siyaphila Hospital was big, but all the nurses knew about Sister Ngcolosi's reputation for treating her staH badly. She was known as 'The Biting Crocodile' and the nurses stayed out of her way as much as possible. She ordered her staH around as if they were children. Most of the nurses in her ward were young and unmarried, and they all feared her, She had been working at the hospital for 32 years now, and was one of the About the author: Thabo first nurses to be employed there. Ian Shongwe lives in No matter if you were a young, Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal. unmarried nurse, or old and He is a journalist, is very married, it made no difference to interested in philosophy, Sister Ngcolosi. As long as you and enjoys writing short were a nurse, she'd treat you as stories and poetry. badly as she liked. Over the years many young

41 A73

became even more The nurses fell their hearts angry. sink . This didn't sound very pro­ "Get out of that miSing . bed at once , and "Another thing," she went on, clean up your mess' I "you have no proof Ju maima is told you not to put this abusing you tot. Discipline in this stupid bucket where hospital is very high on the we walk'" she raged agenda among our stafi mem­ furiously. bers. Being ordered by your se ­ "Bul nior is pari of the job Rutes must but '. Sister be obeyed at all times and toler­ Sister .1 . . ." the ance is expected amongst patient stammered. nurses I can go on and on. " Sister Ngcolosi Mrs Ollfant frowned. "And thi s came closer to Ihe story you're telling me. that Ju­ bed , waved her nnger maima sometimes beats the pa­ in front of the young tients. sounds like nonsense to patient's eyes and me. Jumalma 11as a cl ean record. yelled. "Sisler, sister and no palient has knocked on what? I said out of the my door complaining about her. bed now' Are you So nurses. please excuse me . I nailed to that stupid ha ve far more importanl work to bed , or what? I said attend 10. than listen to gossip out'" about about Jumaima " The young girl Superintendent Olifant stood jumped out, pulled on up and opened the door for the her dressing gown, nUrses from Ward B. The inter­ her voice. and cleared up the mess even view was over. Trouble in Everything was stilt and qUiet though she was in great pain. The young nurses were horri­ in the ward. The visitors and This was a typical incident In fied. Some even fell guilty about WardB patients watched her in surprise Ward B. The patienls feared the reporting Sister Ngcolosi to the and shock. sister because she often beat superintendent. (From page 41) "She's very rude, isn 't she?" them if they did anylhing to upsel "What if the biting crocodile one visitor whispered to her friend her. She wa s the boss in Ward B, finds out we went to Mrs Olilant?" who lay in bed. everyone knew thaI. lindi. one of tile nurses, worriedly gening all ~ riE'r hy 'he !llOIl1 t' 11l. "She's always like this. She 's asked he r fellow-workers. Th ...": nurses just ~1l) o J there 10<.1\.;.­ the biting crocod ile I was telling THE day came when the nurses "That's the day Ihe biting cro­ ing down ,.\l their po lished bro\\ 11 you aboul. She's the beast'" the had had enough. They reported codile will eat us. instead of juS! shoes. patient whispered back to her Sister Ngcotosi to the hospital's biting us." another nurse silid. as "If you want boyfriends, hil the friend . chief supenntendent, Mrs Olifanl. they walked back to the ward streets!" the sister ranted. "You The nurses weren't the only The superintendent listened are the ones giving our hospital a ones to suffer under Sister to their complaints. Then, clear­ MRS Olifant wanted 10 make sure bad name Is that understood? Ngcolosi. As she walked past one ' Ing her throat and taking off her the nurses' story wasn't true. so And one more thing, when you of beds, she accidentally kicked glasses, she said: "Let me tell Ihe following Monday she called want coffee, you go one by one to over a bucket fult of water, spilling you something about Jumaima Sister Ngcolosi into her office. the kitchen . Or you. lindi, make it alt over the floor. Ngcolosi. She was here at Sonke "Please sil down. Jumaima." those slupid cups of coffee for alt The patient in the bed was in Siyaphila before me. She is a she said. After talking about their of them. Is that clear?" Sisler great pain and very ill. The biting well-respected sister in this hos­ families. Mrs Olifant changed the Ngcolosi bellowed at the top of crocodile couldn't care less and pita!." subject to work. "Jumaima, I've

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• , I) . A74 known you for more than 27 years lips. "Now I'm going to teach again, heading for her office. "Hey man, I'm tat king to you l now, and t know yo u are too king them a lesson," she whispered "Somelhing has to be done, t'm in charge herel It's not visiting foward to your retirement one softly. and right away," one of the other hours now. so get out here at day. I woutd hate it if you had to Every Monday morning, the nurses said 10 Lindi, who was once. Is that clear, you young get fired after such long se rv ice nurses knew Sister Ngcolosi wiping away the tears. ba stard? I'm not your nanny, as a senior nurse. would be in an extra-bad mood. "I'll be right back," Lindi ex­ man, get oul " she screamed. ' "Tell me Jumaima, do yelling and shouting all day long. cused herself. She ran to the even louder than before. you ..ah ever tose your That was because she always public phone outside in the pas­ Lindi came back with the cup temper and beat my patients?" drank a tot over the weekend and sage and rang her boyfriend. of coffee in her hand. When she she asked, her voice soft but finn . then she'd have more booze Themba. She cried bitterly as she saw what was happening. she put Sister Ngcolosi stood up and when she got to work in the told him the story over the phone. it down hastily and rushed over to rested her hands on the desk. morning. ''\'II be there in 10 minutes, Themba. She looked straight into Mrs Oli­ The brandy made her feel a lot Lindi my darling," Themba pro­ "Where's my coffee, you stu­ fant's eyes. "That's an insult, better. She ki cked the door open, mised. He rushed to his car with­ pid girl?" Sister Ngcolosi Jane'" she said, indignantly. stormed off to Ward B and started ou t bothering to change out of the shouted. "How could I do such a thing? I shouting. "One of you here has a running shoes and tally shorts Themba spo ke for the first know the rules and regulations. big mouth lOne of you has been he'd worn for his morning jog. time. "Lindi, I always thought you That's a crime, how could you ask talking, and I swear to God, I'll As soon as he arrived at the were exaggerating about this me such a question?" She find that monster and I'll do what I hospital, he ran as fast as he woman, but now I believe every banged her fist on the desk. have to do to her " she threat­ could to the ward. When he en­ word you said . Today is ttle last ' When Mrs Olifant saw Sister ened. tered, Lindi was nowhere to be day yo u'lI see this monster in th is Ngcolosi's reaction, she was "If one of you cripples ever seen . One of the nurses told him hospi taL" convinced the nurses had made ends up lying in these stupid she had gone to make coffee for He looked at Sister Ngcolosi. up the story. "Okay, okay Jumai­ beds, I'll crush your bones to the sister. "Old lady, I'm going to make sure ma , sit down, please. Don't make make my bread. I smell the blood To pass the time, Themba you're fired, is that clear?" he such a fuss about it. It's just a of an informer in this room, is she started reading the patients' files said, raising his voice. routine enquiry, I was ordered to dead or alive? She can't hide hanging next to their beds. He "Who .. .who do you think do this to all our senior nurses," from me!" Sister Ngcolosi yelled read the notes carefully before you are. and .." she splut­ she lied. "I still have a long string in a blind rage. moving to the next one. tered. of questions to ask you, involving She passed Lindi , who was Sister Ngcolosi spoiled him He walked right up to her. other stupid little things. It's not attending to a patient on the other from her desk and came rushing "You listen to me now, ladyl" he such a big deal. Of course I know side of the ward, and stopped in over. She was rotten drunk, he said, taking out his card fi nd you wouldn't do anything like her tracks. could smell the brandy on her handing it tn her. that!" she said soothingly. "Hey you, girl, get me some breath. Sister Ngcolosi couldn'l be­ coffee at once, and bring it to my "Hey you l Who do yo u Ihink lieve her eyes when she read the BUT in spile of Mrs Olifani's officeI" she ordered. you are? Just tell me, slranger. c~rct . She cried out louo as if " reassurance, Sister Ngcolosl was "Bul . .. but. Sister, t'm who gave you the right to read my bee had stung her. She ran clown worried. After their talk, she still .." the young nurse stam­ patients' files, just tell me who? the pflssage ou t of Ihe door. quickly went to her usual spot ­ mered. Somebody please stop me, be· screaming like a child seeing an the toilet at the back. II was a Sister Ngcolosi didn't give her fore I ." the angry sister injection. "It's a doctor .. Help Monday and she was reall y tired , time to finish . "Girl, I said, coffee Ngcolosi bellowed. me, he's a doctor. Today the sun she needed a quick fix . nowl Let him bleed and die if he Themba didn't bother to reply. has gone down on me .. . help She went into the toilet cubicle wants to! t want my coffee now, or He was busy studying the file of me ... please, everybody and quickly opened the bottle of are you the informer I'm looking the bteeding patient who had help wool WOOl Mama, help brandy she had bought on her for?" She came clOSer to Lindi. been left by Lindi. me ." she screamed as she way to work. She drank it quickly, "No, Sister, I'm not, nol" Lindi Sister Ngcolosi tried to pull the ran. pulling a face as the fiery liquid hit protested, tears filling her eyes. fite out of his hand, but Themba That wa s the last time the her stomach. "So, go and do it. before held on to it and carried on read­ patients and nurses of Ward B "Hha " she said, wiping her .. I" the sister threatened ing. saw sister Ngcolosi . [J 0\1 ' and eat '· 'i n s i de yo u!

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The grizzly facts: How ~ to set out ~ > a metacog ~ ~ In th e passage below. we highlighted the most important words {rom "The bear necessities" on page I. We then ~ used the information to make :n the metacog on (he fight. How does our version compare with (he one you did on your own? g;

BEARS are canl!voroug IDBm· maJs with sbaggy fur. They are related to dogs, but are bJgger ~ and have DO tails. Be

_._----,.------.------~- SUNDAY TIMES. READ RIGHT (1 999:1),2 MAY ISSUE A77

Master the art of summarising and increase your learning capacity


UMMARISING is a vital skill everyone needs in order to Sbe able to learn and recall information effectively. It's about being able to extract the important bits from a chunk of information and store them in your long-term memory. But how can you learn to sum­ marise information in a meaning­ ful way? You could get two peo­ ple telling you the same story, but while one might hold your attention with the relevant facts, the other might bore you with loads of boring details and leave out the important parts. Luckily, like any skill, sum­ mariSing improves with practice. You just need to keep at it until you figure out which way works best for you Milstering the art of summMis­ ing increases your learning ca­ pacity enormously. It's like tidy­ ing up your room: the place always seems fuller when there Key words: Pick out key words tant information contained ill is stuff lying all over it. When in each point that sum up the each snippet (mini article) on the your clothes and books and kit central idea. You don't have to page. She will be phoning you lat­ are neatly packed away, there is use words from the text, but er for the details. Read through room for so much more. make sure you grasp what is be­ each section so that you under­ Summarising also helps you ing said, and try to understand stand all the information. remember for longer- and as so why it is important. Choosea keyword to help you much of your work is based on rem ember f:


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26 A79

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iends and Lovers

LOVElY AND FRIEN DLY Ty eno Tyo lo (16) CAN CER IAN MALE Rock M ob lo (25) i'; would like to hear from guys aged 18-25 Looking for penpals? Want looking lor a lovely lady w ill ing to sh Ie fro m all over the world. Her hob ies are to make new friends locally hi s un con IlionCl I love. His hobbies (lie listening to gospel and romantic mu sic, w ri ting lellers, exchonging hotos, sin ­ wotching television, reading and writing and overseas2 Send your ing gospel mvsic , reading magazinE' S and Interes ted guys should reply in English or details - as briefly as pos­ listenin to the radio . Interes ted ladi es is iXhoso to Bi zano Village High School, aged 18-25 from ell over th e w tid 5hou\._ Prlv ole Bog X61 6, Bizona 4800, Tro nskei . sible, please - to: reply in Eng lish or S pedi w itl, ph ol o ~ 10 PO Box 75, N ebo 10 59 JA N UARY MS TI (18) would like to hear Friends and Lovers , from comedians in Namibia, South Africa PO Box 784696, UGAI'-IDA N M ALE Kakun gtJl v M \ls'0 ke and America. His favourite comedians are Sandton 2146. (20) would like to get in touch w ith pols Joe M afelo, Ji m Carrey, Buiu Banton and from all over the w orld who ure ready 101 lUlh r Campbell. His hobbies are crock ­ long lasting fr i ndship. Int eres lAd pnls ing jok es, reading, wa tchin g comedies, should reply to PO Box 16 174, Wnnde­ baske tball an d rop music. An yo ne w ho geya, Ka mpala, Ugand a. enjoys si milar hobbies should reply in English w ith photos to PO Box 463, PAMEL A M ALIELA (1 6) w ould li ke to moel Odonaw o, N amibia. ffiends of 0 11 ages fr om anywhere in Ihe world . Her hobbi es are g oing to por tie s, Z AM ~ AN G UY Given Tembo (2 1) is \ :,', wotchi ng lelevision, lis teni ng 10 music, looki ng ror reliable fri ends 01 both sexes '. .~ ~ going 10 movip.s and chu rch end exc hon aged 16-250nywhere i n the world . His 1 -' gi ng gills . Reply in Se sotho, isiZuh) 01 hobbies are re ading, sports and listen­ Eng lish w ith halOS to PO Box 269, ing to gospel and reggae music. Reply Tw ee,pruit 9770. in English w ith pho tos to Chiwolo Te ch - \;:::~~::i======::::~ nical Sec C'1 1d o ry Sc hool, PO Box VINCf N T MASIKO (4 0) w O'Jld likR 10 7 1526, N dolo, Zambia . hear Irom ladies oged 25-40 with ( I view la dies sho~l l d reply in Englis h w ith photos . t mO fl iogp Ladies from Ghc:no, Zombio SAGITT ARIAN LADY Millicent Tshvm and South Afrien should w rile 10 PO Box (18) would like to correspond w ilh pols FAI THFUL FRIENDS are w hat Hlen giwe 74229, Rochdale 4034. of both se xes aged 18-22 from all over N gwenya !19) of 36 1 Roods, Chest er­ the world. Her hobbies are listening to ville, Du rban wonts. Hlengiwe' s hobbies HAYL EY MARTIN (2 1) would like to hem music, going to church and excha n ing are pla ying lennis , li stening 10 music and ~ ro m pols 01 both sexes and 011 oqes . HE'C gills. Reply in English 10 1158 M koba 13, reading novels . Interes ted pols from Ea st hobbies are listening 10 R&B , i;zz olld Gweru, Zimbabwe. Africa and overseas should repl y in Eng­ reggae music, re adif\g, w otc h'"9 movie'S lish w ith photos. and g oing to th e cine ma . She lovps G ILBE RT SOKO (16) would like 10 hear watching soccer and her fovouriL te0m from penpals of both sexes aged I 4 and LI FE TIM E LOVER Aubrey Both a would like is Live rpool. Pols should r ply in Eng l.s h 01 older fro m South Africa, Swaziland, US A to corr espond wi lh So ulh African pols of Afrik aan s w il h photos 10 36 St Wenceslos and Europe. His hobbies are w atching bo th sexes aged 27- 3 1. His hobbies are St reet, Seowing, Rei I' 017945. soccer, mov ies and li stening to rap music . listeni ng to musi c, playing chess and Interested pols should repl y w ith pholos to going to church . Interest ed pols should BUTANA M HLANG U (2 3) would like 10 do M r L Soko, N.F.W.C.M, Private Bog repl y in Afrikaan s, Englis h or Sesolho to corre spond wilh 1 dies aged 20 ;1 wilh 308, I ilongwe 3, Malawi. Helderstroam Medium Pri son, Privole Bog sober habits \vh liv e in KwoNdebele. 11 is X051 , Cole don 7230. hobbies Ole I ra v e l li n ~ , re a in9,

30 DRUM 22 J~nll;l'y 1998


DRUM (1998:10-11) 22 JANUARY ISSUE

SK 11 coaches 10 By'5'BUSISQ MSElEKtJ come up wilh a starting A line-up for the national soccer team end chances are you'll end up with 11 different teams. After the resignation of Clive "The Dog" Barker as Setana Satana coach and the appointment of Jomo "Trou­ blemaker" Sono to the hot seat, Drum asked some soc­ cer experts to come up with their ideal starting Irn~up for the African Natlons Cup nnels in Burkina Faso next month. We alljO asked for the rea­ SOI\S for their selection, how they'd use the players and how they thought their team would perform el the touma­ ment.. As expected, they came uP. with different teams and dlf­ ferent reasons for th~r se1ec­ tion. or course, Jomo is likely 10 repeat what Barker used to say: the team selected by the media is always the best Bit never gets to play, so it never loses. Here are !he teams ~ lected by Sunday limes SOQ­ cer editor Tt10fnas Kwenette, TV and radio IIOC08r com­ mentalor Marks Maponyane and yours truly

allow them to score as well. It's where he'd expose us al the say I'm crazy for selecting him. ·back. RabuUa and Jackson 'THOMAS kWENAm! suicldal, and unacceptable at He can be a nutter, yet beneath international level. My defence have proved to be hard nuts to the wisecracks and crazy antics y starting line-up for has been rearranged and tigh­ crack and they would be in­ lies a brilliant, brave goalkeeper Burlrobably draw gasps Willem Jackson and allow anycne near goalkeeper are well known. especially at from many i>BOple. but I'va rea­ playing as central defenders in Paul Ellens, let alone allow Odi Siadium where he single­ lised our defence has of lal9 a 3-5-2 formation. them to take potshots at the handedly frustrated Keizer conceded soft goals - the one I would instruct Fish not to go former Wits University stick­ Chiefs and Or1ando Pi rates. against Uruguay comes to mind. in his usual forays up front. but man. Evans is young and agile You can't score against the to stay at the back and neVElr, I Talking about Evans. I know and can deal effortlessly with opposition and 30 seconds leter repaat, never venture up front many people would probably crosses, which has been an afa aBa • 10 • A82

, tell1g eni player who'd read 1I1 e ~~ game ellld cOtJ ld be hroughl ll) Ie) ,) I ' slabilise Ille side if 1lf Thabang Lebese also cOllles inlo r8ckoning mainly l:>ecClu sr of his ability to ru n at dekncic,rs TI1e re's Th omas Madlgaop a" well , who ca n calise havoc when allowed to de slroy tllC' opposilion down Ihe fl ani'. I ha ve n'l inlroduced ra dir. al chilnges 10 the " Barker Bn y ~ but hilve mad e minimum changes only I don't think we'll success­ fully defend tile African Nalions Cup in Burkina Faso, bul I th ink we'll go as fa r as the semi-finals People Ihi nk we have en easy draw bul our opening malch, againsl Angola, is (" ',­ cial , If we win it we helve il chance Of qoing 811 Ihe way 10 the semi-fin als, GOALKEEPER Paul Evans ,', DEFENCE' Willem Jackson, Mark Fish, And rew R~ b utla MIDFIELD HelmCln Mkl);,lele, Lu cas Radebe, John Mo eli , Brendon Silent. Doclor KI1umalo, FO RWARDS: Benedict McCarlhy and CI)ippa Masll19 n

•..•"'1:,.. .


clo ubt tha i Bafana Bafan " Achilles heel of the So uth Afri ­ and slopping opponents from yo u may ask, especia ll y ah ea d will successfull y defen d can leam for years, I've se ­ pla ying, I fi eld of th e olher slrikers, I th eir ti tle In Burkina Faso ­ lected as the back­ ne xt to the duo with a free role I think he 's earned his spurs, we'll probably make it on ly ,,$ far up 'keeper because, besides as a playmaker whil e David and from the few games I've as the second round of th e being a perfect cover, the two Nyathi and Brendon Silent will watched him doing duly for Ajax 10urnClmeni. have graduated from the Under­ be the two wingbacks on the left Amsterdam and aga inst France If Ihe team successfully rie­ 23's and have age on their side and right respectively, and aga inst Germany for Bafa­ fends the title I'll go for a Brian to keep gOil1g at least another Helman Mkhalele will also be na Bafana I'm convinced he Baloyi hairstyle, 10 years given a free role to play wher­ could be a perfect partner for Soulh Afri ca 's away reco rd is In ~ he middle I've Ihrown in ever he likes to ca rry the ball Masinga up front nol very in1pressive " nd Ih is w:1I and John Moeti forvvard 10 Bennl McCarthy and On Ihe win gs I have John tel l in this competi tion Unlike to do the dirty job of destroying big Pil Ma sin ga, Why McCarthy, "Shoes" Moshoeu, He's an in­ the sllualion in 1996, B"fana

(T a page 22) ewn• • •Ine up ORUM 12 Ja nu

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I ": C;IA ~ ~ ,\ssorled <>-..;:,If" h.... It.'JJ "lkst Fricn<.l ." ~ , ':.-~

(;IANO '''1' .' " \ ~ ' 1 11 0 ell" \ 1 atching f ' .' ,lin SlOt Bracelet ' ..1 rJ'Jng 45 .Illd (/(~) cm '. 3N" ?9 s,' t ~Ct

COSWIllC' . Jewetler )' ;l\" aibblc ', 1( rn o .... [ Clic, k S ,'.{ I ) n.: ;;


DRUM (1998:91) 22 JANliARY (SStIE

. " Iii .. ::~ - .... "

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\\'Plllrl yr ltl li kr l!i/ ll '

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II( " 111\' 1'111 1111 "t:" 11" II " " ~ .~ II . [. ", . ( .., '\ I 1· I . \,1)1111 (' ('1\ fi" dd i( .lIi "·,,, ~ "\ I. II ' . ; I I I ~ r. II , 1 , " '1' ,. t" ' 1,1 'II - <:. , 1 ,'" ;))111 :" ( ' 11 1 fi: q " I ( jl j, r I'" ' ~1 ,,. , . , p, c:; tll qdc' plin,\(' r ~ I"F.( : i"(l l I ,I!­ ,.. ·1 I "e:" I' , f 'I , ·1 <';" , 1 - 1 ,. ' 11 " " :"('1)1 f'Rl:F \1( 1 I lhh':,l l;n l1 I I, .. 1 ~ 1".1 11 ( " " . 1 I. , ,I 1 . ' \." II,. I ',,, 1' ,, , 1" " 'r 1" "I' C(\ ll!~ l" "'11\(}11 11 (' , r "11 r l it I I· I , ," ". ,, '.1 i ~ , 'I T!lfl (' ;)1 (, II\ C! I nl') 1,"t,,'1 11 'I ' 'I I .. 1;'\1 J J.( " IH lIl1r "-l l1t h- 11\\1) <" ( ' " \ '. I , . -: I '~r.lf'~' ' " ' , .". I n (11/\/)'C/' [' 111 11 ;1\\ d ('"i l~ll('d In III,l L e 1111 . ' .. ,". stCIlE-T.\IUA ': .'. ' .. ~ I'''' ' " f ill" 1 ,I g~ljl\illg (If I l t l:lI (ll l lfi4111l" ,I \ , (' ;1(.\" ;)1 111 ;)li c:; (!r Il ln l'..

Rill g n l11 (..11 r 1' (, ;-.: .... ,,, .... ," r,. ,,;,," ... ,·\I' ." ( . J 1 ' , \ !". ,,,, , nllmhr) (II 111111 (' dC I;\il". r, '-,,,, I; r ·lI,. ;1",1 P"I";' . f II ( , II r(, ] ,]{I\'i, C , \\ ill I JlO i~ ' ( ~' uq" I" , '" r [ f ' " I 1 < " J '!f ' 1 · ,, 1 r 1" 1"'" ohfi,p,'lliofl 10 c lln)l, 1" " ,","'11 1111 ' ''1: J., . ' \ !' " \ ', ~ I .1 ~ " 1'" [ \ , " " \" I· " ~ J, " ," f .. 1 \' I" T'I"v ~ "", (; " 11' , .1. I II'~'" .,.1 ... fI , < f' i 'J ~ Ij",, \ I' , I: \ , ' • [ . l~ , I d \\ " " I, ,I', ' -, 'II " /1. 1111 01 lilt ,\ ,11 , Iii· ' \It' I'n', ,,; I ,. , I ( 10,,1, 1 I'" ,.1 " 1' 11 1.1" 11. 11''')' 1'. 1' " , ,I Il1lttll , \\ ", 011' , i!' 11 I HI, ,, " 1'" ~ '" \ · ,,1 1 ;\1 " I . 1" '1' I " " '11 " ' 1' "'' . >l . I'C I 'I \ "' I' r I "I' ]"""1: 1 " " Ii ""ILI, ' jl1,~11 I" " " , 1', ' , ' .. '.... , ) :,'It!. I'" , III, h"l! t ,1\""' 1::,":" (', ;', ', . ,1 1" ( ! " ",,'" , )' -'1 " " 1,, , '""" "pl. , f 1',,,,1, ""'1'" ' ''I'''''' "'",,, ()Il\, .... "'1'<" , i'IIl!" I , ..1" ",' ~~ ' 5,,1' '''1 \ jlillill .t.. -1,,,,,1 ( n~'''I, I 1. , ,,111'1" ( ' '''1 111'' ( " ''''I ' 1 \ , f 1" ln. 11 •.\ 1.·' " :l ', " ""I11' { ', ,~' r ,\ \.,-, 1' 1<11 · 1,\:" f t,il oI ll ( II" I l,h, II " ,I ~: , I ,II"", . • t ',1 1' " .1, I ;" ... ,' I .." II' i." r 'Ht·, I: " , "" ! .• 1111,1 ,1. , • . ' " , ,~ ACCUtJ.loITANC • • ,.,,~~ 1I ,', I ,, \, Id. I \ ' \1.1 II I' <,:,iI , A· :; ,. I I I " I' " .... C"",I' "" S' I "' 11 , , d 'lf' 1""1" " . ;~ ;r..""" \ ~" ~ " ," ., ,., ' 10 ,I. ,( ( '11" ~ \ " " ("IIq ;( .\1 .' ''11'' ' 11 ('''' ,\ .... II..,III ~. 111 1(" ' 11 11 .\ 11, 111 111 1-: 1'.. ,(,\ t r q 'II ~. ( :"'11111' H·II'/ ,II\· , I I. q '111:'" . ,\,/ "tIIl",7. ( \, (,h. ,I \' ( ' )1 "1 1 \'11 , r" ' I "'~ .\\ I " III 'J:. '· 1'1 "",-.I"'l;· I), ," f' \\ " « ! ,", ." ,'t, 11" ",· \, "1:"'1' ' ...,., PROFVlSIONA" 'IL.; r,,, · ,j ...." 1\ " ' ''' 1' 11" " '1 ' ' 1, 1" \ " I, 1·\( .ch, U, I' 1 " J\ \, ', \ \ fI " . ~ \ l C\I " ,01 ,'( ' " "", n,""'. I II' ( ,.,,1 II I ', '-'\ . .<; \I r 111 '.\ I ( <.I I " c: ( ,Il,,. 'j ' '' ' ( "r " " I , 1'1'"'" / ,· 1 , ' I, " .. ' •.• IIIGII SCllnot ' •. . " , ho ,i., ,· " ,.1 111 ', " 1 1 '1nlll",', ,I'

f" 1. ,(' .\II II ~ "" I,. ,I ,I I· • ' (0800 -(5"12' 3"1";' jl"J'('(f))'in 011/)': nso;./-;.'? 5--2 fnll', ,' r ------'- ­--- -. __ _ .J _

I ' Jl ' I 'r" i ''', .",,1 , 1 . 1 A89

DRUM (1998:85),17 SEPTEMBER ISSUE STEP-BY-STEP PROMOTIONAL PI LUCKY STAR P77A Everyone, young and old, YEAST DOUGH 500 g flour loves piuas. 11IeY're easy 8 ml (11;, t) salt to make and good for you 5 g (half a 10 g sachet) instant too, specially dried yeast if you top 300 ml (1 c+ 1/S c) warm water them with 45 ml (3 T) 01/ pilchards. TOPPING Try this piu:a 425 g (1 can) LUCKY STAR from the pilchards in tomato or chilli LUCKY STAR oil for frying kikhen. 1 medium-sized onion, choppe· 2 cloves garlic, chopped 2 large tomatoes, peeled and chopped salt and black pepper mixed herbs 2 ml (11;, t) sugar Sift the flour and salt together in a large 1-2 large tomatoes, peeled and bowl. Add the yeast and mix. Add the sliced 1 water and oil and mix to make a soft y, green pepper, seeded and dough. Knead for about 10 minutes until thinly sliced smooth and elastic. 250 ml (1 c) cheese, grated Cover with a clean cloth and leave in a warm place until it has risen to double the size. Preheat the oven to 200' C Knead the dough back to its original size and roll half the quantity into a 30 - 35cm circle. Place on a well-oiled baking sheet.

Heat the oil and gently fry the onion and garlic over medium heat for 3 one minute. Add the chopped to­ matoes, salt, pepper, mixed herbs and sugar, along with the sauce from the pilchards. Simmer gently until the sauce is fairly thick. Cool and season to taste.

Drain the pilchards gently, so as not to break them, and reserve the sauce. 2 Carefully halve lengthways and set aside.

Spread the sauce evenly over Remove the pizza from the ( HANDY HINT the base and arrange sliced to­ arrange the pilchard halves Tomatoes are easy to peel if left in boiling 4 mato and green pepper nngs on 5 Sprinkle with the remaining waler for one minute. Remove and cool top. Sprinkle with most of the and bake for another 20 mit before peeling. grated cheese. Bake for 20 minutes Serve with a fresh salad (below the centre of the oven).

DRUM 17 Sepl~m~r19ga


DRtlM (1998:80-83) 15 OCTOBER [SSlTE A91



FRUITY OATS container. Makes about 130 medium­ COOKIES sized cookies.

KISTAMAH GOVENDER of ALMOND AND Bezuidenhout Valley in Johan­ nesburg of len makes these OATS SQUARES quick and easy, fibre-rich cookies. SANNtE HERBST of Die Heu­ wei always bakes these fibre­ 250 g butter, softened packed cookies for the hOli­ 500 ml (2 c) sugar days. 2 extra-large eggs 15 ml (1 T) vinegar 250 ml (1 c) butter 1 ml ('1< t) nutmeg 50 ml honey or golden syrup 10 ml (2 t) baking powder 250 ml (1 c) ground 10 ml (2 t) bicarbonate of almonds soda 500 ml (2 c) soft brown pinch salt sugar 500 ml (2 c) cake flour 250 ml (1 c) crushed ~ 500 ml (2 c) cornflakes Weetbix (4 bars) 1! 500 ml (2 c) oats 250 ml (1 c) coconut 3 500 ml (2 c) coconut 500 ml (2 c) oats > 250 ml (1 c) chopped mixed 500 ml (2 c) cake flour I nuts 2 ml ('/2 t) salt 1 125 ml ('I' c) raisins or 10 ml (2 t) bicarbonate of currants soda 25 ml milk ~ Preheat the oven to 180 ° C and 2 extra-large eggs, whisked i spray a few baking sheets with nonstick spray or butter lightly. Preheat the oven to 180 'c and ~ Beat the butler and sugar spray two baking sheets with , together until light and fluffy . nonstick spray or butter lightly. JHB: 331-9031 PTA: 322-6318 ~ Beat the eggs and vinegar Heat the butter and honey (T: 462-4510 PE: 585-7597 ~ together. until the butter has melted. Set DBN: 305-6366 ! Sift the nutmeg, baking aside to cool. Mix the almonds, § powder, bicarbonate of soda, sugar, Weetbix, coconut, oats, v salt and flour together and add cake flour and salt together. 1 to the butter mixture along with Dissolve the bicarbonate of .~ the remaining dry ingredients soda in the milk and stir into the and beaten eggs butter mixture. Beat in the 1 Mi x the ingredients well by eggs and mix with the dry J hand and shape into walnut­ ingredients. Mix well and pre ss ~ sized balls. Arrange the balls tile mixture into the prepared ~ on a baking sheet, leaving baking sheets. i sufficient room in between for Bake for 20-25 minutes until ~ them to spread. Flatten the golden brown. Cool for 5 min­ balls slightly with your fingers. utes. cut into squares and I Bake for 12-15 minutes until leave to cool completely in golden brown. Le ave to cool baking sheets. l for a few minutes on the baking Store in an airtight contain­ sheet before transferring to a er. wire rack to cool completely. Makes about 70 squares. Store in an airtight (Turn over) A92

completely in baking she('ts Store in an ainight container. Makes 35 s


ALIC E RU LEILE of LeC'ltlr" serves these cooki f''> ;, t IPCI time.

100 g b utter 120 m l caster sug~r 380 ml cake flour 10 ml (2 t) baking powder pinch salt 1 extra-large egg, w hisked finely grated rind of 1 orange 10 ml (2 t) freshly squeezed orange juice glace mixed rind for garnishing

Preheat the oven to 180 C and spray a few baking sl1eet s wi th nonstick sp ray or butter li g\1t1 y. Crea m the butter and cas · ter sugar until light i!nd fl uffy . Sift IOgether tile dry ingre­ di ents. Beat the egg and be Cit into the butter mi xture, a little at a time Fotd in the dry ingredients and rind. Add a little orange juice if the mixture is too dry. Leave the dough to rest in the fridge for 10 minutes. Shape into walnut-sized balls and arrange on the pnepared baking sheets. Make a slight hollow in the centre of e <:1 ch cookie with your fin ger and decorate with a piece of glilce (From previous page) 15 m l (1 T) golden syrup gredients. find 250 ml (1 c) seedless raisins Mix well and press the mI x­ Bake for about 10 minutes ture into the prepared baking or until the cookies are pille COFFEE AN D RAI­ ICING sheet. Bake for about 20 mIn­ brown underneath. SIN SHORTBREAD warm water utes un ti l the shonbread is a Coo l the cookie s on wire 10 ml (2 t) coffee p owder pale straw colour. SQUARES ra ck s b,"fore stori llg In nn Rir­ 5 ml (1 t) butter Me anwhile prepare the tight conlCiine r. fI. akes abollt 375 ml (1 '/2 c) icing sugar, icing: dissolve the coffee pow­ 75 sma ll cookies MRS FJ THERON of Pon Eli ­ sifted der in 15 ml (1 T) hot wa ter zabelh says these delicious and add half to the icing su ga r MICROWAV E D sh rtbre ad sq uares with co ffee Preheat the ove n to 180 C along with the butter. MI X, icing are perfect for special and spray a baking sheet with adding small quantities of hot CHOCOLATE occasions_ nonstick spray or buller lightly. water at a time until a spread­ BROWNIES Cream the butter and suga r able paste is formed. SHOR TB READ together until light and fluffy . Cool the baked shonbread 230 9 b utter Sift the cake flour and bak­ for 5 minutes before spreading DENISE BALL of KW;1Z"III­ 140 ml sugar ·,ng powder together and add to wilh the icing. Leave for an­ Niltal sent us the rp,C:lre for 500 ml (2 c) c ake flour the bu tter mixture atong with other 5 minutes before wtting th ese divine fi bre-ncil choco ­ 10 ml (2 t) baking powder the remaining shortbread in­ into squares Al low to cool late browni es made Irl the ml­

82 A93

crowave oven and egg to the butter mixture and beat well 125 9 b utler Sift in the cocoa, self-rais­ 250 ml (1 c) soft brown ing flour and salt , stirring until sugar blended. 1 extra-large egg Add the coconut an d Weet­ 5 m l (1 I) vanilla essence bix, mix and spoon into the 30 ml (2 T) cocoa prepared microwave contain­ 250 ml (1 c) self-raising er. flour Place on an upturned sau­ pinch salt ce r and microwave for 8-10 125 ml (~2 c) coconut minutes on 100 per cent '. DARK SPOTS 250 ml (1 c) crushed power Lea ve for 5 minutes Wee tbix (about 4 bars) an d microwave at one-minute • BLEMISHES intervals if the brownies are not CHOCOLA TE ICING quite cooked through. 30 ml (2 7) butter Meanwhile pre pa re the 100 ml icing sugar, sifted chocolate icing: beat th e butter 15 ml (1 7) cocoa until soft and beat in the icing about 25 ml milk sugar, cocoa and enough milk to form a soft, spreadable Sp ra y a 20-cm square micro­ icing . wave-proof container with Sprea d the lukewarm COUNTRYWIDE. nonstick sp ray or butter lightly brownies with the icing and PRODUCT AND TRADE ENQUIRES: Melt the butter for about 30­ leave to cool PLE AS E CONTACT us; 60 seconds on 100 per cent Cut into squares and serve TOLL FREE 0800 1 1 78 38 power and sti r in the sugar. as a dessert with ice cream or ". , , .: . . Cool slightl y. as a sweet treat. INGREDIENTS: CAMO'MILE,.CALENDULA, a'R CH Add the vanilla essence Makes 16 squares. $VZVCIUM JAMBO LANUM. LYCO PODIUM, NATRIUM SULPHURICUM " :' .

SOLUTION TO M4:'~~I 7 PICTURE PUZZU No 147 EXTRA MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME Were you able to correctly fill in last week's Picture Puzzle? If not, then here are the answers. Each ~. week we will publish the solution to the previous Mi4i1Wiit'~WiI week's issue. Now turn to page 68 and have a go at this week's fun puzzle. (. R20 000 FREE agents competition .:. Highest commission & bonuses paid to agents .!' Special Imported goods at tow prices ~. More than 990 hampers .~ Full cotour catalogue ... Competitive prices n",.r.,nt., ..rl


: CODE : TEL : I :L ______POST TO: NEW ______AGENTS, AMRAV P.O. BOX 323 GATESV ILLE 7766 J :

DRUM 15 OC l o~r 1998 83 A94 DRUM (1998:34), 22 OCTOBER ISSUE

rendsand GC,RFTI E l Ul U (1(,) won s 10 cQr respcl1 d G(ORGf KAPUTO (16) v",,,t< to COff""r ' .",i wilh rol, 01 ei hp.r "" [rom nl1y w ilpre in II,,, Looki ng for pen pals? Want ".lith r ill ... o! Ilil! o r ~.t:> x fr o m (lilY ['lO r! (·1 1, ,1'"' \A ,)rld, He enjoys \.5 ening 10 music, sw imming w orld , He ~ r ir ) '$ "ng to c~lI r - h , pIO\'r WI ond reo dlnq nove'" R.rply in En_lish, wilh a to make new friends locally loolboll o n w ol -h",? T\t P~ p ly ,n Er,C) I, ' (' pholo, I (ooilo, Convenl Schoof, PO Box and overseas? Send you r M(l r-o', h B" r 'l i ~ t Church , PO Be) x ~ 1(1 ,IJ S, 80040, Kobw<" Zombia , Kc: ~o mr. , Zomb:", details - as br iefly as pos­ M XO :1 Sr-,Nli\ 1201 ",,,nl s to ("respond C_J\ UDETT: lIC H!\?.. i\ 11 7') Vi' Ifll , k:,\fr" wilh pol~ ogf'd I~l ,3 0 ['orn Qr>ywhe' c= irl Ih~ sible, pl ea se - to : sr!l ~"d \.... .11, poltj Qqpd 17-7 1 f'f'm (1 n yvY I1"'H ~' in w orld. He enjoys jisJenin9 lo m USIC , w ril '119 Friends and Lovers, : ilP wodJ . Shp 'Pf ' IO Y "- l i , l ~n i') ~ I f) f l ll\ ", ond swimming , Re ply in English , wilh 0 r hol.." ' To vellUlg nnd r~od . n g. Roa r )' in Enl] li sfl, 1,. ' '! ' ~I 10 Held " r,lworfi 1edlum A , Pri va le So PO Box 784696 , ° phote , 10 f"n lie , 2c,,62, ;'/lo',I:enq 27 ~ r XOS I , l aledor" Sandton 21 46 . 1,IOIIfOr"itll 'L':' j J~)I 1171 "iUIlI, 10 ((:fI', MAN DISA I\\TU N G\' A (20) w on ls I' (C'Iff'­ speno \': ilh i" ,1_ ' ie- oj 16 2 1 Ir' 'm or} ",:'l rl rJ' Sf" nd w iln pols aqed 20- 35 fr om anv port i :h ..'"1 \vodd, l ler ;"Iaroc;t s "v e lic;.IPllIl q 10 q.""'<.: r-I Ih" world, Her intereSIS a re boking, 010yin9 m' l...,,;': , \v"d Ir IJ IPIl,··; O/1 (J 9( tr.g to r hIJ r ( ~, nelball ond Irslening 10 music. Re ply rn n91i511 R(..,I.I .A 'r' ,0 FnSI !' h \vill) 0 phf ·tn h ) Box b:-: 2,4, or isiZulu, w iln a pholo, 10 3 Carter Drive, Enqc..,b" 50',1) A\hl !le, Pietermorilzbur9 320 'W ill Y vlWAf llA)O 116) \,llIfTlS 10 ,,)frt" DEB A KA M A 120) wonls 10 correspond . pun,j w iH1 ;1ol t, ogeJ 1,:- 16 from (J1 'Il \, /! I ~r"" w ith pols 'lgecl 22-26 from anyw hpre in Ih In th~ \vc rld . H~ r I~ yl) p !oy in'j ~C' c c r, wortd, Hi s inl"resls '" wal.:hin') TV , mo,ing 0 1hl~h(~ n nd (f'ucllnq, P~ r l )' in rnnl l~ h 'co Ar m" f,,,nck ond lisl ninq 10 mu,ic , Rpply in English <...ronrlory S h .....• I l\nvl11p C'lIJ 9 1, ll(l,7 ' w i h a pholo, 10 25 r.enne 'y Ave, c.. hombi,hi, lllantyr'O' , M alawI. Zombio , ltI ,I '1 \,yE 1:,Wf::I',1I II I i ""'11\1, :c. (n, r~ CHARI FS N KOMWE (19) WO[1I, 10 c~ n e ­ ~pond V.,i ilh pul:: 01 e idler ~e Y from I mi' spend will, puis of eilhe ' S~ x o<'1ed 16,2 1 ~ ro n1 w hert- ii , t!w w ()r 1d , H~'r hl)j Jb l'"::; O le p('J \ il 1 onywhpre in Ihe world , H enjoys playing tpI,nlt.." I ~t ... ning ! v r 1) II~ i c O!1U re o din~ n""IT!':]"> ch" ss and 1;'len;ng 10 reg90e us _, Re 1'( In GR ANT lBIYA (29 ) w onls 10 corres r ond ",ilh l ff "" Rq Iv If' E"'iJI" h Cor is ,Zul" 10 PO p,,, ,. F"glis'l, w ilh a rholo, 10 riC) M Fl NfofOW", Indrps cDed 7. () 27 from Clnywh ere in 11. ", 17 17, kWCl Mhl url(J " 10)7, inislry 01 leg al Alloir;, PO Box 50 }0 , woo rlcl , H IS in l"resl s ore Irs tening 10 mu sic anD lusaka, Zomb, gom to Ihe movi s, e Iy in English 0 1 isiZ"I", rAil H Al WEEI'I['C (201 w on rs I" hp Jr Iro:n w ilh 0 p hOI(), 10 Privole Bog 2021.\, Krugers· pol, 01... Ih",r >"" x fr o m D"Y f)(,,1 ()i 11." \'., drl , M O N YE WATI:MO (24 ) w Onls 10 corre­ dorp, She e~io \, s w al: ',in::J l V, rNJ dinq ono rook ,r-: spond VI;l h pols 01 ei!her ~ e x, aged 24 -32, Iriend" R0pl ,' r Engii,h , \~"h 0 phc.;lu, 10 ro Irom ony port 01 Ih"l w orld , She enloys lis len­ DERECK CHONGO 135) wonts to hear Irom Bo x 23 5,10 , Wrndhof' f. , N am,bio, ing () (O " , rc, tfOvelling and h o ng in ~ oul w ilh lod',es willi g 10 setile down, aged 25,35, f, iends, Re pl y in Fllgllsh or Selswono 10 PO Irom \my I")rl of th wo rld , H's inler",ls ore CHR ISTOP HER SIGWE I"T (40) ' m !> II.' Bo x 24 1I , G obor()ne, Bolswono, Irovelling, list en ing a music and reading, hear 110m l"d,P, aged 30· 35 iwm nnY\'/lle' E' Reply in ng lish , w ith a p <, olo, 10 G73 ir Ihe w orld His 'nI9re$1 o r'O' J.5 !~nlf · J It) m'Js,r ~ JDAGIRE rHARIDAl 1 Ii 6) w onls 10 carre· flulondo Rand , Clflom bwe M ine Town ShiP, an I fP ooing R ~ pl y In;-npllsh, w ith (J phol C' , If' spond w ilh pol; 01 eilher sex Irom Cl ny pari Chililobornbwe, Copptrbelt, Zombio . ' G oodw ood P"'''''11 , r rivol" [)( r ~ X!', rd n ~ · of the w orid . Sh enio y s 901"9 10 he mead 74 04 , ' . mo .... ip ~j exch o ng 9 h,...dos on ~ w i mmin DAV ESI llANYOI'JI124) wonls 10 correspond erlv in ~ ngli'h 10 cio Mr K (J we ,~ i /\hmed, w ilh bdies ogE'd 22· 28 Irom onyw h"re In 1'1" SIHSO M A1HI:BIIJ\ 11/) '."'( rt," Ie' o 'rp'f'lf)r',, 1 KK M Ent'~r p"5E " , PO Ba>: 303:'; 5, orn pol"" world , H" enjoys reading, lisl ening 10 mllsic wit h pols o ~ pJ 12, I,. Iro" r, o n)' I >~" t "I 'hn w"dd , Uganda. on go.nJ te chu rch, Reply in .nglish or t lcr h ob bie~ nrc \ vet, 111r '"") "T'./, ~ ,1( 1',/n 1 ~> " r ' ro ,

Se lswono, w llh 0 ph oto, 10 PO Box 30 I 16, orod rl!.l.ld i n~ . F:e i ~I) ' in En -J ('~lh ~~ jr,iL, I: I \'/i ill (. THOZA Il;: N TvNI I~ I) IS lookrng for a Bc .!ekong, Rus lenourq 0 308 , phC lo, 10 PO Ibx !Iel(" i'err,;" ),, 30 ic',':11 9 ofld CUI"'\:] 10 J,. o geJ 30 ,1 w ho ', read, 10 s. III", J ovm H;., in elesl s Ore reoJ N O M$A THW;\ l iI 124 ) onls 10 cwe­ ANElE JO Zf\( 11\. I )'~ ! , .enl, Ii,,"" 1 ., ' 'n,], I'slonl ng '0 g _,pel rnusic and wClelling SP()r.Js w ilh po ls 01 ellhE'r SE'x und Iny 09° ladies (Hl~d 7.H- J"i 'rum l':1f \·.I, ~ r,.. 1, / !t " o 1"1 . " f" y in r', iXho-o ('( F"gl"h, " ilh C) phclr), Irorr fly pcr1 ') / Ih,. wor! L Her hobbi ; Cl ' " v/cl ld . ~~ ,~ ('lit ,~ '~ (t.1c:d lll' i ' HHI n(\iI 'q /(' tr Crrr+-> c tinno i S P f v ICe-S Pri\'OI~ R o' ~ X6, LO ol rr,g r,-) I:stofling 10 mU5ic. RI'T ly :n Er'J' ch)'c l1 . rt-'f 1 \ ' In f· 11'.h ..."", ' ,-, ll ll l , \" :,( , " M iddlECfrllt 568 S I, sh 10 6 17 1 Z~ n ': 5, Diepl l')ol, r I Khc l:,,, ~)f v t ::J , to :VII--+ ,tl n ;, Sr A h'"1n : , f' r; ,/'-'l,'" r, II : 18!- 4, X(,l :,5, Pori FI u ,i' "II. f{X~J E:RNI:ST "';iI',H \lANAZ I (2 4) w onl> '0 cor"" f "pon d \'/& pal, O")C 17 -2.' w ho neithe r drink FUN EK A ZIK0 DE 117} wor* 10 corrcspon1 ASHlE Y f' I,W APP h f (2 '0 ) \'.' ,rl-, j " r (r'~

nOI , rnde, irom any por' 0 1 Ihe wor! He w ilh gu','s aged 1/, 20 from aTl',"w here in Ih" ~,~ 'l('lrv J \\ 'Ih ~) ~J r '.11o; l,pn I : n~' \v IF;:"P i:1 lhr e nio y s goirl:-l tl) rh e mov ie on ~)ioy in9 w c;rld, She 8 1l1e- v, listening to music and v.· orld . H ie;: hC..r·... ~ li;=-r 1re srt1r ' ri l.fll~J . -I, it! ~r.)C. c e r e nd snoo ke r. Re ptv in isiZulu 0: Engl,sJ , wo lching T\I , Re ply ii' English or isr7fJlu, ,·" Ih a nrl 1;$ ' 8ni"~l /'.) rnl:c;j( R l.:.' p l~.. HI ·t~ , I;~ll . vifll, 0 pIrOIO , 10 Bo, 10 127, Richards Bo y \J pholo, 10 PO Bo < 3S234, Z,,' ell bor n\u ~~'Ol(\ , /0/./ 0 ' elll u rll [)ri·...... :. , f ; 1 0~r:1 1. , 'J 'Ib' l' 3900 36 14, 4000. D

34 DRUM 22 Oct O h M 11)98 DRUM (1998 :84-85), 16 JULY ISSUE

A95 ce 's o Eating plenty of crocessed tomatoes can he Ip prevent heart disease and cancer

omato sauce not only eaten as frequently as tomaloes pared American and European tastes delicious bul is and are not as readily available men who had had heart attacks T good for you too as tomatoes. Tomatoes can with men who had never had Research shows tomato also be bought in cans and heart attacks. The results sauce reduces the risk of cardi­ botlles throughout the year. showed that the risk of heart ac disease and cancer. And attacks reduced by half in men wllile we've always been laught SO why is lomato sauce better with high levels of Iycopene that fresh fruit and vegelnhles in for you than fresh tomatoes from Another study conductec1 by their canned or natural form are the garden? Researchers from the Harvard School of Medicine the best source of vitamins and Utster University in Ireland say found that men who ate toma· minerals, the lalest research that while fresh tomatoes do toes twice a week in whatever into tomatoes proves otherwise. contain Iycopene, the Iycopene form had a 34 per cent less Fresh or canned tom aloes are cells in processed tomatoes are chance of developing prostate equally good, lomato juice and broken up, making it easier for cancer. And lomato sauce puree are better, bul tomalo the body to absorb. Best of all, proved to be Ihe best source of sauce is bestl you can now tuck into an Italian Iycopene. The lalesl buzzword among meal of pizza, pasta and tomato But before you dash out and researchers is Iycopene, the sauce because it's good for you. buy dozens of bottles of tomato colouring agent which gives to­ And Ihis has been Ihe trend sauce and encourage your fa­ matoes their red colour. worldwide. Researchers say we mily to drench their food in the This super-ingredient in to­ now eal 50 per cent more to­ stuff, first read the contents label matoes is one of the most im· matoes than 10 years ago. on the bottle. Not all processed portant carotenes whicl1 help the Blood samples also show we are tomaloes are necessarily bene­ body build up resistance against consuming more Iycopene. ficial. diseases. These findings have been "Some tomato sauces are Lycopene is also an anti­ confinmed by two research imitations and contain little to­ oxidant, like vitamins C and E. teams in America. They agree mato and mainly Ihickeners, Anlioxidants protect the body tomatoes are good for you and colorants, sweeteners and pre­ against free radicals, the culprits should be a must on the menu. servatives, which can be more which cause heart diseases, A researcher from the Uni­ harmful than beneficial. ALL cancer and age-related ill­ versity of North Carolina com­ GOLD tomato sauce contains no nesses such as arlhritis. Lycopene smothers the free radicats and provides the white blood cells with twice as much For years we thought processed protection against harmful nitro­ tomatoes weren't as good as fresh gen dioxide which we inhale, as betacarotene, which is found in ones. But scientists recently discov~ carrots and green vegetables, A protein, Iycopene is also ered the opposite: tomato sauce and found in watermetons, ruby pastes used in pasta and pizzas grapefruit and apricots. But t'lese are all foods that are not contain a miracle ingredient . ..


t~lckellers, preSer\'atIV«S or col­ !>y experts, They e ve~ predIct Euro;:>ea ns v.; ere InilJt3lly !';llspi· • Tort'atoes a,an't lauenm g or;ints ," SByS M r Rob Opi€: , rn8.l· P'Z]u:-:, will $'.)()p be d l ~ . p;(:.yC'd on civ,-"rs Qf thl;!fr 1' a,j i, yO\; r '" on Cl dll't you <.Aln ket '~g milnager of ALL GOLD, the h alth-tood shelves In • T OI'ld.!o es w ere Ci.hlf-j th e O~ I as man) ;"-tS yo :.; ""e. I'e only note of caullon SUrl~ni1v rJ...e ls lOW:: "applp," bl2!t.a w:=.e pea;)l€: • T 0 r'11;:110 (;:S con tain !t~­ Wh":1r1 I( ,-,,,)me s 10 eating 1i."In1a tt) DI D YO U KNO'l,,? he-I.rvf'd II ylHl ;jlc ~ them ~'l)u min!; A, E. anJ C ~ lI d are HJOd' lat s

Words and Picture by BRIDGET WALT ERS and H[LEN ME INTJIES



- 2 ­

Doubl e vow els ~ FA cr m n '=--8 sp __ n ~ b k

52 tr More soun ds I

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W __ orts m [ID~ _ i rt ~ fl __ ~ u n d er

Exercise LEVEL 1

C? c_ p @ b _ 1\

~ b _ _ S • d e p _ _t ~p _ n CW P _ 9


Fill in : Ul b _ _

~ __u_ ,;L. z __ ___ ~ f CD ------­ ~ ------SUNDAY TIMES. READ RIGHT (1999:2), 14 MARCH ISSUE A98

, ~ .- "?", • :. FOUNDATION PHASE

AssessIMem schedule 1. Read1ng development: Phonic knowledge

Use Assessment schedule 2 in February for th8 ilrst time, and then, 11 necessary, aaain every two or threE! illullths I, after teaching more phonlc knowledge Keep using this assessment ~ched Ul e lOT each child un1ll he or she has developed this phonic knowledge, whIch will help him or her 10 sel1-correct while readmg, The last lIem on Ihe ilst ts the real test of whether chUdren do have phonic ~ knowledae for thelr own constant use. !Ill t::! ~ MONTH: Do -­ - . . .. _. ".. .. - .. _-­ - --f­- Can Identity Single sounds --­ ---­ --.­- -- - . .. Can discriminate between sounds - ­ - - ~ ~ -­ - Can Ident1!y In itia l sound s r- -­ -- - Can identlty end sounds \ - .--­ +­ - - i­ - Ca n break a sentence Into w ords -- - - Can break a word Into sound clusters - ---t-­- -- ­ Can break a word Into sing le letter sounds --.­ -­ •... ­ .+--­ -. Can use Single sounds to help identity an ullknown word Can use single sound clusters to help Identity an unknown word Can blend sounds to torm a w ord --­ --i­ -- - - Can use p honic knowledgo appropriately while rea ding extended text to identlty unknown words and to selt-correct .- f--­ I I

MONTH: --­ - _.. - ­ --­ - - - i-­ - Can Id entlty single sounds _.. . ~.. - f­- . - - .. Can discr[mlnate between sounds 1-- - - -t - Can [dentlfy tn1t!al sound s . ------­ - - Can [denllfy end sounds -­ -r- Can break: a sentence into w ords - -. -- ­ - - --0- __ I-.- 1---­ '- f-­ - Can break a w ord [nlo sound clusters ----­ - . .. -­ -- - - I-­ --I-­ i­ -­ Can b reak a w ord into single letter sounds - -­ - - r- Can use Single sounds to help Identity an unknow n word -.-­ .- - - -­ I- Con use single sound clusters to help idenlify an u nknown w ord ---- -­ - -­ - - - ,­ - - - - Can blend sounds to form a w ord - ---­--­ - i­ ------­ -­ Can use p honic knowledge app roprla1 ely while reading extended text to [dentlfy unknown words and to self-correct -­ - -- ­ --­ - L­ .. . ~ - J _. ------.


l\lonitoring cbildren's reading progress

II ! LIJ j{ l:. N· ~ prO lrress In readIng InUSt ~ il.$. schedul~ .From Star St

• By monitoring chlldren's progress In readi ng a ObleJo do, • . · tIle1illn", · lb.l~ ~ ,'WIIlili4.1 ~~ ;,~. ~ ' ~ • the cJtldrenknowan canllse;w atwor attack sldlls -V1'"", , ~' m .' . ,~1., . ' " ,\;,,, . ",, they have to guess unknown words; what strategies '" "1':.-...,,;,;;:1 .,,, .:. ' . . . j '. '" • "'. ' • • • they use when they get stuck; what conventions of '!eaii'iihnt.t1he ®nt 01 abook< _!.,. print they know; and wtwther they can write about : .;. :.'"\If,,.,;.., ,. .,, .-" ., ," < ' ... !1:'/~" '. ~' .... "0. 'lrt.i,.~' .' ., wme of the things that they read " ~,,: , , . ' .• ~ /\, 1 , " ".,;••,:,,,:", "', ,._ In addition teachers need Informatlon about each " Oxr.!:~,thEJ ~~ Q(, a~'k J" . ,', .... .' '. , .i • . .• child's attitude to reading; each chUd's selkOllbdence . . ·:F . oF • ..' ".,. .0 ,~ , . ',.. . 1 . ,

~~I~~~;n:a~~ rc~~~ ~;~c~h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ . ~sbo~ , \tl;e {OP' ~ a ' ~J, '. ; .: ' . ~. ;.1.': ..\.\ !~.,.'> ' , ·\.t:1 f " 01 reading. . • '. ' , ~. . 1\'.: ". , . ',. ., . .,,- . DEfiNING AND ASSESSING THE OUTCOMES OF A, . ~~~ 'thebo~moia~... " .. " ,.~11:><, -, READING PflOGAAMME ' ., '.' .. diriiL~H~ lo :itHe " ~~r' ../'{. ' y" l;,,,~,,~;·<·<.' ·· ., '. What dOM want chUdnn to kDow aboat readlDglIt ( ,,:, ,,,.~. (;I," pa:g; ", >" •.,;."ij(' " ;,,,. I.! .•~ . ...' t ·~J.I · Y Ihec:nd of Grade 11 k~ l!(dhnC:i\BrtIO'1h,e it'arl 6J . ~ at&Y · ~J'. ,. . : ,;," . :~ '1 , ; . ~ J I" mc.'lling Irom print; . , I ,,___ "I .. .,' • .' , ~ _ :.;~ ,": 0= • • Is seJ/'I"ollvole ..'," ,," . l\~ogmses that there' ann iiUe'''"1 VU'pot;e:S- ~~ '"-w..., ~ ~ readl n~; . ' ., • . . j.. . " 0·, ~Y..~ • Sees books as a WdY oilearnlog about 1I1~ world; .. ':" • . . ' . ' . , . , ',. .... , . to,", • ',. I " - ~'..:li; .. " 1­ ' I ~ c ofllldelltandefficientlnhisorh eruseo ireading ~~~ . tO ~e , ~9Xpf'<;!, :-II\~lY· . " i .i',":·'. ", '. (I,.~.. , , ' . 5tratcgi es; 4".·',,' ,.1 .. :. . ,-.. i 'Can Identify likes and dl.like5 about dlf ler~ t au- CQn~';:~mauM.~ ~. ~<. :.: 'I' ,:,.,'t, "" . . :.' ~ I.liors and different kind. of books; .,j,....., ,"~- . ~,p ' ,)', 'J, " , ::,';;'1, 'I C,n respond to texts crltlcaUy by providing an In- ,...,...-_-,:,;,;"..,:.,..- ;:,.' ~' \-~" -'~....."..,...' ' =-,;,....;..,.;.-,-'...,..-i--;,.~~.c::.;.:..:,.:'-'--,++-+--:i-T ~rt:~t~~~~~I~~ f~~n~.~lll)vll~~ ~;~ text . ~ ldentuv d ~nt~~,~~:~!f.,~',~;_~~ , 'i~1nd~11l~f,.

Wh at do we WlU1t chlldmr to Imow about ",adlDg lit am. D01n1 to t! lfrlQI~ letter" ~;~~,;,~"I'''i~~' •~ '~':'" . \{::TiC . ;.:; ',1 ,. Ihe end of Grode 'l:l ',;" ~~~ ';,41"' \ ,};.r.Ji; ~ ;,J.'''~)"

So mt' kinds of monitoring need to be clone oncea term. S ?~ l\l' ~,~d.: ~ee.d,t? b.ed~ ~ at Ih e ~.ta.rt oJ!he!,e"r ~ ~d