(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,754.260 B2 Kruik Et Al

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,754.260 B2 Kruik Et Al USOO7754260B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,754.260 B2 Kruik et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jul. 13, 2010 (54) COATING AND COMPOSITE FROZEN (52) U.S. Cl. ........................... 426/275: 426/94; 426/95; CONFECTIONS 426/100; 426/101; 426/139: 426/660 (58) Field of Classification Search ................... 426/94, (75) Inventors: Adrianus Cornelis Kruik, Eh Bergijk 426/100, 101, 139, 660 (NL); Wolfgang Gaeng, Le Mont St. See application file for complete search history. Adrien (FR) (56) References Cited (73) Assignee: Nestec S.A., Vevey (CH) U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,508.926 A 4, 1970 Sanford et al. ................... 99.1 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 4,542,028- ww. A 9, 1985 Butcher et al. .... ... 426/100 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,723.358 B1 * 4/2004 van Lengerich .............. 426/94 U.S.C. 154(b) by 751 days. 6,861,082 B2 * 3/2005 Laffont et al. ................. 426,95 (21) Appl. No.: 10/820,880 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS CA 95O750 * 7/1974 (22) Filed: Apr. 9, 2004 FR T3 38105 5, 1974 (65) Prior Publication Data * cited by examiner US 2004/0224055A1 Nov. 11, 2004 Primary Examiner—Lien Tran 74) Attorney,V, AgAgent, or Firn—K&L Gates LLP Related U.S. Application Data 57 ABSTRACT (63) Continuation of application No. PCT/EP02/10704, (57) filed on Sep. 24, 2002. A composite ice confectionery article is made by bringing ice O O confectioneryry into contact with a biscuit-like mass, wherein (30) Foreign Application Priority Data the biscuit-like mass is liquid and pumpable at a temperature Oct. 12, 2001 (EP) .................................. 0.1124.506 of 10° C. and above and has a biscuit-like consistency on Storage and consumption. (51) Int. Cl. A2ID 3/08 (2006.01) 13 Claims, No Drawings US 7,754,260 B2 1. 2 COATING AND COMPOSITE FROZEN SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION CONFECTIONS In accordance with the present invention there is provided CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED a mass that looks like a biscuit at -10° C. or below, but is APPLICATIONS liquid from 15°C. or above, and which can be processed with ice confectionery as a coating, core or inclusion. The mass This application is a continuation of International Appli comprises a mixture of baked biscuit particles and a fat and cation PCT/EP02/10704 filed Sep. 24, 2002, the entire con maintains its biscuit-like consistency on storage and con tent of which is expressly incorporated herein by reference Sumption. thereto. 10 The invention also concerns a frozen confection compris ing ice confectionery and this biscuit-like mass as a coating or BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION inclusion. The invention further concerns a process for manufactur The present invention is concerned with a coating, core or ing a composite frozen confection that includes a biscuit-like inclusion, composite frozen confections containing it and a 15 mass as a coating, core or inclusion and an ice confectionery. process for the preparation of Such composite frozen confec The process comprises reducing, Such as by comminuting, tions. crushing or grinding, a biscuit orbiscuit crumbs to particulate In the field of ice confectionery there is a need to procuring form, and in particular to granular or powdered form. These new eating experiences and new textures. Particularly attrac particles are admixed with a fat at a temperature between 25° tive is the contrast of texture between a soft aerated ice con C. and 35° C. to form a homogeneous biscuit-like mass, and fectionery and crispy inclusions or coating layers. then the ice confectionery and biscuit-like mass are brought In U.S. Pat. No. 4,542,028, composite ice confection cakes comprising a multiplicity of Superimposed Successive thin into contact to form the composite frozen confection. layers of ice cream separated by interleaved verythin choco DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED late layers are made by Successively extruding ice cream 25 EMBODIMENTS ribbons through slotted extrusion outlets on a conveyor, spraying thin chocolate layers on the ice cream ribbons and The biscuit-like mass of the invention advantageously cutting portions transversally to the multilayered strand being comprises a mixture of particles of baked biscuit and fat, with conveyed. the biscuit particles being homogeneously dispersed in a con Composite ice confections are known which consist of an 30 ice cream combined with a biscuit or a crisp wafer, in par tinuous fat phase. The mixture contains 20 to 60% by weight ticular of the type Such as cakes, bars and cones, cigars or and preferably 40 to 60% by weight of biscuit particles and 80 sandwiches made of wafer Surrounding an ice cream or filled to 40% and preferably 60 to 40% by weight offat. with ice cream. These products must include a system which The fat preferably has a solid fat content of about 95% at makes the biscuit or the wafer impervious to the moisture 35 10° C. and about 5% at 25° C. Suitable fats employed herein coming from the ice cream, in order to prevent it from losing are selected from the group consisting of partially hydroge its crisp nature, either during storage or during consumption. nated vegetable oil, e.g. vegetable oils commonly used in This is usually carried out by coating either the surface of the food such as cottonseed or soybean oil, unmodified coconut biscuit in contact with the ice cream, or the ice cream itself. fat, fractionated palm oil, partly fractionated milk fat and with a fatty composition, for example, with chocolate or with 40 mixtures of those fats. Any vegetable fat or mixture which a coating that contains chocolate. melting point is between about 10 and 35° C. and with the It has been suggested, e.g. in U.S. Pat. No. 3,508,926, to required melting characteristics as outlined hereinbefore can reuse crumb or ground baked biscuit for secondary products, be used with similar results in the context of the invention. e.g., as inclusions in bulk ice cream. The problem that existed Preferably, the fat is high oleic partially hydrogenated veg in those type products was that the baked food particles lost 45 etable oil. Chocolate, nut paste, peanut paste or fat based their crispness in the presence of water coming from the ice confectionery “compound coatings based on cocoa butter, cream. In baked food materials, the starch is gelatinized in the and including cocoa butter equivalents, may be used as a fat baking process and becomes receptive to moisture. In order to and/or as flavor base in an amount representing 5 to 50% by solve the problem of high water absorptivity of particles of weight of the amount of fat that is used. food material containing gelatinized Starch, it was suggested 50 Biscuit powder, preferably containing more than 97% by to mix the particles of food material with a mixture of a weight dry matter may be used alone or combined with other shortening and emulsifier, then to rewet them, preferably with type of dry powder ingredients selected from the group con a Sugar syrup and to finally dry them. The resulting crunchy sisting of cocoa, cereal, preferably rice, milk, nuts or coffee. particles could be used as inclusions in bulk ice cream without In the case of cocoa, cereal, milk in an amount of non biscuit losing their crunchiness and crispiness. 55 powder representing preferably from 1 to 50% by weight of French patent application FR-A-2204363 discloses a bis the powders and in the case of nuts and coffee representing cuit composition which is also suitable for use in ice cream preferably from 0.5 to 15% by weight of the powders. without losing its crispy character. This composition is made Dry Sugar, e.g. saccharose, fructose, dextrose, glucose may by forming a dispersion of chocolate in a Sugar syrup in the be added for taste and texture in a taste or texture effective presence of an emulsifier, heating the dispersion, incorporat 60 amount and up to 30% by weight of the whole biscuit-like ing into it a cooked biscuit flour, cooling and forming the a SS. paste obtained into agglomerated biscuit sheets or cups into Salt and spices may be added, depending on the perception which or between which ice cream is deposited. expected. Natural or artificial flavors and colors may also be Despite these products, there is still a need for ice cream added, depending on the perception expected. Included confectioneries that contain crispy biscuit or biscuit type 65 pieces may be added as granulates or particles of 1 to 5 mm in particles or materials therein, and this need is satisfied by the diameter, which are selected from the group consisting of present invention. biscuit crumbs, meringue, nuts, confectionery, candies, US 7,754,260 B2 3 4 cereal, fruit, chocolate in an amount representing up visually The biscuit-like mass may constitute a shell or a core oran perceptible amount up to 25% by weight of the biscuit mass. inclusion, as desired. The preferred biscuit-like mass of the invention is gener In a second embodiment where the biscuit-like mass is ally a liquid that is pumpable at about 15 to 35° C. and has a provided as a shell, the biscuit-like mass is dosed from the Soft to crispy consistency at ice confectionery temperature of 5 bottom to the top in a mold at a temperature of from 20 to 45° about -10°C. to -25°C., as this allows it to be processed as C. according to the type offat used on a regular molding line a coating or inclusion with ice confectionery.
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