Unit 9 ā€“


Chocolate products Verbs: Making chocolate a bar of chocolate clean produce a cup of drinking chocolate dry remove a chocolate ice-cream grind roast a grow select a box of harvest ship chocolate sauce mix sort a chocolate pack a chocolate egg a piece of chocolate

The chocolate process bean sack fruit flavour climate


Active vs. passive forms

Chocolate is made from cacao beans. The verb is in the passive form. (It is not stated who makes the chocolate.)

They make chocolate from cacao beans. The verb is in the active form. (They is the subject of the sentence.)

More examples:

They grow oranges in Spain. (active) Oranges are grown in Spain. (passive)

Students write the stories. (active) The stories are written by students. (passive)

Passive forms We use the passive form to describe processes. The passive form is made up of: auxiliary be + past participle.

Chocolate is made from cacao beans. The beans are removed from the fruit. The questions are answered by experts.

When passive forms appear together it is not necessary to repeat the auxiliary be. For example: The beans are cleaned, are selected, are mixed and are roasted. is normally written like this: The beans are cleaned, selected, mixed and roasted.

Zero article The oranges are on the table. (The = article) Oranges are grown in Spain. (Oranges = zero article)

The zero article is used with indefinite countable and uncountable nouns.Chocolate is made from cacao beans. (zero article ā€“ indefinite) Oranges are grown in Spain. (zero article ā€“ indefinite)

The article the is used with specific countable and uncountable nouns:

The chocolate is expensive in this shop. (definite article: Which chocolate? The chocolate in this shop.) The oranges on the table are for . (definite article: Which oranges? The oranges on the table.)

Irregular verbs Infinitive Past Past participle grow grew grown send sent sent make made made find found found give gave given sell sold sold write wrote written think thought thought


Making offers A: Would you like a chocolate? B: Oh, yes please. I'll have that one.

A: Oh, I don't have any tissues. B: Here, have one of mine. A: Thanks very much.

A: Do you want anything from the shop? B: No thanks, I've got everything I need.