הוצאת קֹורֵ ן ירושלים בע״מ Koren Publishers Jerusalem Ltd
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הוצאת קֹורֵ ן ירושלים בע״מ KOREN PUBLISHERS JERUSALEM LTD ירושלים, ישראל4044, ת״ד 33רחוב פייר קניג , 91040 :טל 02 633 0533 :פקס0534 633 02 Israel: POB 4044, Jerusalem 91040 Tel: +972 2 633 0533 Fax: +972 2 633 0534 [email protected] USA: POB 8531, New Milford, CT 06776-8531 Tel: 203 830 8508 Fax: 203 830 8512 [email protected] Dear Synagogue Member: This has been a trying time for the Jewish people. As we’ve watched our communities struggle with the challenges of the last few months, it is inspiring to hear how much rabbis and congregations have filled their time with Torah study and programming for the whole family. As many congregations are returning to public minyanim, we wanted to do our part to contribute to this effort. Together with our partners at the Orthodox Union’s Department of Synagogue & Community Services, we’re pleased to bring you this packet of the weekly Parsha and Haftara readings, from the Steinsaltz Humash. We hope you will appreciate the pioneering translation, commentary, and visual aids from Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz. If you’d like to purchase your own copy of this Humash, we’re happy to offer you a 20% discount using the code “humash” from our website, www.korenpub.com. If you have any questions about this or any of our products, please email us at [email protected]. Thank you to the Orthodox Union’s Department of Synagogue & Community Services for spearheading this initiative. please note: this packet contains the name of g-d, please make sure to treat it with the appropriate level of resepect. With best wishes for good health, Matthew Miller Koren Publishers Jerusalem The Steinsaltz Humash Humash Translation and Commentary Commentary by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz Koren Publishers Jerusalem Book of Deuteronomy | Chapter 1 | Devarim Parashat Devarim Deuteronomy starts by noting the location where Moses delivered his great closing address to the children Moses’ Speech Begins of Israel, and by mentioning certain places where and about which he spoke. It then begins to cite the DEUTERONOMY 1:12:1 contents of his address. Moses explains that the people’s journey to the Land of Israel should have taken a mere few days, but it was extended due to their fear of entering the land. Eventually, God decreed that they must wander in the wilderness until the generation that left Egypt had died out. Those who attempted to enter the land before receiving permission to do so were killed in battle. In this survey, Moses incidentally mentions his delegation of judicial responsibility to judges and officers, a process accompanied by his admonition to the judges to rule justly. 1 1 Th ese are the words that Moses spoke to all Israel beyond the Jordan, in the wilderness that stretches along the east- ern side of the Jordan, in the Arava which extends from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Eilat, opposite the Red Sea, between ParanB and Tofel, and Lavan,B and Hatzerot,B and Di Zahav.B Th ese places serve to pinpoint the precise locations where Moses spoke.4 Alternatively, Moses repeated here various com- mandments that he had imparted to the people when they were in these places.5 Additionally, these names allude to certain events to which Moses refers in his address.6 2 Eleven days from Horev,B Mount Sinai, via Mount Se’irB un- til Kadesh Barnea. Th e journey from Mount Sinai to Kadesh Barnea, on the southern border of the Land of Israel,7 took eleven days. However, it was only many years aft er the people arrived in Kadesh Barnea that they were able to enter Israel. 3 It was in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, which would later be called Shevat, on the fi rst of the month,D that Moses spoke to the children of Israel, in accordance with everything that the Lord had commanded him to them. 4 Aft er his smiting of Sihon, king of the Emorites, who lived in Heshbon,B and Og, king of Bashan, who lived in Locations mentioned by Moses DISCUSSION BACKGROUND 1:3 | In the eleventh month, on the 1:1 | Paran: A general name for the Sinai Peninsula, village Tafila in Jordan, based on the similarity of the first of the month: According to tra- which includes several deserts: Tzin, Sinai, Eitam, and names. This village is located 25 km southeast of the dition, Moses died on the seventh of Shur. Additionally, Paran is the name of a specific Dead Sea. Adar, the twelfth month (see Kiddushin location (Genesis; I Kings 11:18), possibly a mountain Hatzerot: The identification of this location de- 38a). Since he began his farewell range west of the Arava, opposite Mount Se’ir (see pends upon a dispute with regard to Mount Sinai. speech on the first of Shevat, the entire 33:2), or in southern Sinai. It should be noted that Those who identify Mount Sinai with Yaval Musa in book of Deuteronomy, virtually all of southwest of the Sinai Peninsula there is a prominent the southern part of the Sinai Peninsula would claim which is Moses’ last address to his peo- wadi with a similar name, Wadi Feiran. that Hatzerot is Ein Khuderah, on the route from ple, encompasses a period of just over Tofel and Lavan: These locations have not been Yaval Musa to Eilat, Etzyon Gever. Others claim that one month. positively identified. Some claim that Tofel is the 946 ספר דברים | פרק א | דברים פרשת דברים א א ֶּ ֵ֣אלה ַה ּדָבִ֗רים ֲא ׁ ֶ֨שר ִּד ֶּב֤ר מֹ ֶׁשה ֶא ּל־כ ִ ל־יׂשָר ֵ֔אל ּב ֵ֖ﬠֶבר ַהַיּרֵ ּ֑דן ַּב ִּמד ָּ֡בר ָּֽבֲﬠָרָבה א ב ֨מוֹל ֜סּוף ֵּב ָּין־פ ָ ֧ ארן ּוֵב ּ֛ ין־תֶֹפל וָל ָ֥בן ַֽוֲחֵצ֖רֹת ו ִ֥די ָז ָֽהב׃ ַא ַ֨חד ָﬠ ָׂ֥שר יוֹם ֵֽמחֵֹ֔רב ֶ ּ֖דֶרך ג ַה ֵׂ ר־שִ֑ﬠיר ַ֖ﬠד ָק ֵ֥דׁש ַּברֵֽנﬠ׃ ַֽויִהי ּבַאר ָּב ִ֣ﬠים ָׁש ָ֔נה ּבַﬠ ׁש ֵּֽת ָ י־ﬠָׂ֥שר ֖חֶֹדׁש ּבֶא ָ֣חד ד ַל֑חֶֹדׁש ִּד ֶּב֤ר מֹ ֶׁשה ֶא ּ לבֵנ֣י ִי ׂשָר ֵ֔אל ּכ֠כֹל ֲא ׁ ֶ֨שר ִצָּו֧ה ֛ יהוה אֹ֖תוֹ ֲאֵל ֶֽהם׃ ַֽאֲחֵ֣רי ַהּכֹ֗תוֹ ֵ֚את ִסיחֹן ֶ֣מֶלך ָֽהֱאמִֹ֔רי ֲא ׁ ֶ֥שר ׁ ֵ יוֹש֖ב ּבֶח ׁש ּ֑בוֹן ו ֵ֗את ֚עוֹג ֶ֣מֶלך ַה ָּב ׁ ָ֔שן ֲא ֶׁשר רש״י פרק א ְוַע ַמה ֶּׁ ש ָﬠ ׂשוּ ְ ּב ַ ִּמְדבר ָּפ ָ ארן ַעל ְיֵדי ְ ַּהְמַרגִלים: ַוֲחֵצרֹת. ג ׀ ַוְיִהי ְּבַאְר ָּבִﬠים ָׁשָנה ְּבַﬠ ְׁש ֵּתי ָﬠ ָׂשר חֶֹדׁש ְּבֶאָחד ַלחֶֹדׁש. א ׀ ֶּ ֵאלה ַהְּדָבִרים. ְלִפי ׁ ֶ שֵהן ִ ּדְבֵרי ּ ָוֹכחוֹ, ָוּמָ ָּכאן ָּ כל ְ ּב ַּמֲחֻלְקתוֹ ׁ ֶ של קַֹרח. ָ ּדָבר ֵַחר, ַָמר ֶָם: ָהָיה ָלֶכם ֵּ ְמַלמד ׁ ֶ ש ּלֹא ִהוֹכ ָ יחן ֶָּא ָס ְמוּך ִַּמ ָ יה. ִּ ִממי ַָמד? ְַּהמקוֹמוֹת ׁ ֶ שִהְכִעיסוּ ִלְפֵי ַָּהמקוֹם ָ ּבֶהן, ְִפ ָ יכְך ָסַם ֶת ִלְלֹמד ַּ ִממה ֶּׁ ש ָﬠ ִׂש ִ יי ְלִמְרָים ַ ּבֲחֵצרוֹת ִ ּבׁ ְ שִביל ָׁשוֹן ָהָרע, ִמַיֲּעקֹב, ׁ ֶ ש ֹּא ִהוֹכ יח ֶת ָ ּבָיו ֶּלָא ָס ְמוּך ִַּלמ ָ יה. ַָמר: ְ ַּהדָבִרים ְִּוִהְזכ ָ ירם ְ ּבֶרֶמז, ְּ ִמפֵי ְּכ ָ בוֹדן ׁ ֶ של ִי ְׂשָרֵל: ֶאל ָּכ ֶּ ְוַאם ַ ְִּדב ֶּ ְרם ַ ּב ָּמקוֹם: ְוִדי ָזָהב. הִוֹכ ָ יחן ַע ָהֵעֶג ׁ ֶ ש ָﬠ ׂשוּ ְר ֵ וּבן ְ ּבִי, ֲִי ֵ וֹמר ְלָך ְּ ִמפֵי ָמה לֹא ַ הוֹכ ְִּח ָיך ָּ כל ִי ְׂשָרֵאל. ִּוּ ִהוֹכ יח ִמְקָצָן, ָהיוּ ֵּלוּ ׁ ֶ ש ַ ּבּׁשוּק ְ וֹמִרים: ִ ּבׁ ְ שִבי רֹב ָזָהב ׁ ֶ שָהָיה ָלֶם, ׁ ֶ ש ֶ ֱּאַמר: "ְוֶכֶסף ִֵּהְרב ִ יי ָּל ָּׁ ַהשִים ַָּהללוּ, ְּ כֵדי ׁ ֶ ש ֹּא ַּ ִּ ֵ יחִי ְוֵֵלְך ַ ְּוְִדבק ְ ּב ֵﬠ ָׂשו ִָחי. ֶּ ַאם ֱהִי ֶ ים ׁש ְ וֹמִעים ֶ ִּמבן ַעְמָרם ְולֹא ׁ ֲִהש ֶ יבוֹם ָ ּדָבר, ְוָזָהב ָﬠ ׂשוּ ָ ַּבַע" (הושע ב, י): ִ וּמ ְּ פֵי ָ ְַּרבָע ְ ּדָבִרים ֵין ִמוֹכ ִיחין ֶת ָהָאָדם ֶּלָא ָס ְמוּך ָּ ִמכְך ְוָכְך, ִּלוּ ָהִיינוּ ׁ ָ שם ָהִיינוּ ׁ ְִמש ִיבין וֹתוֹ; ְלָכְך ִּ כ ְּנ ָסם ִַּלמ ָ יה: ְּ כֵדי ׁ ֶ ש ּלֹא ְיֵהא ִמוֹכיחוֹ ְוחוֹזֵר ִוּמוֹכיחוֹ, ׁ ֶ ְוש ּלֹא ְיֵהא ב ׀ ַאַחד ָﬠ ָׂשר יוֹם ֵמחֵֹרב. ַָמר ָלֶם ֶׁ ֹמשה: ְרוּ ַמה ֻּ כ ָּ לם ְוָאַמר ָלֶם: ֲהֵרי ֻּ כ ְּ לֶכם ָּכאן, ָּ כל ִמי ׁ ֶ ש ֵׁיּש לוֹ ְּ ׁש ָוּבה ֲחֵברוֹ ֵרוֹאהוּ ִ וּמ ַ ְּבֵיּׁש ֶּ ִממ ּוּ ְוכוּ׳, ִּ כְדִ ָ יא ְ ּבִסְפֵרי (ב). ֶּׁ ש ְ ּג ֶּ ַרְמם, ֵין ָלֶכם ֶ ּדֶרְך ְקָצָרה ֵמחֵוֹרב ְׁלָקֵדש ַ ּבְרֵע ְּ כֶדֶרְך ׁ ִָישיב: ַּב ִּמְד ָּבר. לֹא ַ ּב ִּ מ ָ ְּדבר ָהיוּ ֶּלָא ְ ּבַע ְרבוֹת ָ מוֹאב, ַוּמהוּ ְוֵכן ְי ׁ ֻ הוֹשע לֹא ִהוֹכ יח ֶת ִי ְׂשָרֶּ ֵלָא ָס ְמוּך ִַּלמ ָ יה. ַהר ֵׂשִעיר, ְוַאף ִהי ַמֲהַלְך ַַחד ָﬠ ָׂשר יוֹם ֶּ ְוַאם ֶּ ֲהַלְכם " ַ ּב ִּ מ ָ ְּדבר"? ֶָּא ִ ּבׁ ְ שִבי ַמה ֶּׁ שִהְכ ִעיסוּהוּ ַ ּב ִּ מ ָ ְּדבר, ׁ ֶ שָאְמרוּ: ְוֵכן ׁ ְש ֵ מוּאל, ׁ ֶ ש ֶ ֱּאַמר: " ְִהנִי ֲעוּ ִבי" (שמואל ׳ יב, ג). ְוֵכן ָ אוֹת ּה ִ ּבׁ ְ שָֹׁ שה ָיִמים, ׁ ֶ שֲהֵרי ְ ּב ֶﬠ ְׂשִרים ְ ּבִאָיּר ָנ ְסעוּ ֵמחֵוֹרב, " ִמי ֵּ ִין ֵמוּתוּ״ ְוגוֹ׳ (שמות טז, ג): ָּבֲﬠָרָבה. ִ ּבׁ ְ שִביל ָהֲעָרָבה, ָ ּדִוד ֶת ׁ ְ שֹ ֹמה ְּבוֹ: ּ ּ ּ ׁ ֶ שָחְטאוּ ְ ּבַבַעל ְּ פעוֹר ַ ּבִּׁ ש ִּטים ְ ּבַעְרבוֹת ָ מוֹאב: מוֹל סוּף.