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[email protected]. The Life and Psalms of David A Man After God’s Heart Curtis Byers 2015 The Life and Psalms of David Introduction The life of David is highly instructive to all who seek to be a servant of God. Although we cannot relate to the kingly rule of David, we can understand his struggle to live his life under the mighty hand of God. His success in that struggle earned him the honor as “a man after God’s own heart” (Acts 13:22). The intent of David’s heart is not always apparent by simply viewing his life as recorded in the books of Samuel. It is, however, abundantly clear by reading his Psalms. The purpose of this class will be to study the Psalms of David in the context of his life. David was a shepherd, musician, warrior, poet, friend, king, and servant. Although the events of David’s life are more dramatic than those in our lives, his battle with avoiding the wrong and seeking the right is the same as ours. Not only do his victories provide valuable lessons for us, we can also learn from his defeats. David had his flaws, but it would be a serious misunderstanding for us to justify our flaws because David had his.