Four Judean Bullae from the 2014 Season at Tel Lachish
Klingbeil Et Al. Four Judean Bullae from the 2014 Season at Tel Lachish Martin G. Klingbeil, Michael G. Hasel, Yosef Garfinkel, and Néstor H. Petruk The article presents four decorated epigraphic bullae unearthed in the Level III destruction at Lachish during the 2014 season, focusing on the epigraphic, iconographic, and historical aspects of the seal impressions. Keywords: Lachish; Iron Age IIB; West Semitic paleography; ancient Near Eastern icono- graphy; grazing doe; Eliakim; Hezekiah uring the second season of The Fourth Expedi- a series of rooms belonging to a large Iron Age build- tion to Lachish (June–July 2014),1 four deco- ing were excavated.2 The Iron Age building lies just to D rated epigraphic bullae, two of them impressed the north of the northeast corner of the outer courtyard’s by the same seal, were found in Area AA (Fig. 1) where supporting wall of the Palace-Fort excavated by the Brit- ish expedition led by James L. Starkey (Tufnell 1953) and 1 The Fourth Expedition to Lachish is co-sponsored by The In- the Tel Aviv University expedition led by David Ussish- stitute of Archaeology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the kin (2004). This specific location has significance based Institute of Archaeology, Southern Adventist University under the di- rection of Yosef Garfinkel, Michael G. Hasel, and Martin G. Klingbeil. on the excavations in and around the “Solar Shrine” by Consortium institutions include The Adventist Institute of Advanced Yohanan Aharoni (1975) in the 1960s. Studies (Philippines), Helderberg College (South Africa), Oakland The bullae were stored in a juglet found in a room University (USA), Universidad Adventista de Bolivia (Bolivia), Vir- (Square Oa26) located in the southwestern part of the ginia Commonwealth University (USA), and Seoul Jangsin University Iron Age building (Fig.
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