The Book of Joshua
The Book Of Joshua The Argument In this book the holy Ghost setteth most lively before eyes the accomplishment of God’s promise, who as he promised by the mouth of Moses, that a Prophet should be raised up unto the people like unto him, whom he willeth to obey, Deut. 18:15 : so he showeth himself here true in his promise, as at all other times, and after the death of Moses his faithful servant, he raiseth up Joshua to be a ruler and governor over his people, that neither they should be discouraged for lack of a captain, nor have occasion to distrust God’s promises hereafter. And because that Joshua might be confirmed in his vocation, and the people also might have none occasion to grudge, as though he were not approved of God: he is adorned with most excellent gifts and graces of God, both to govern the people with counsel, and to defend them with strength, that he lacketh nothing which either belongeth to a valiant captain, or a faithful minister. So he overcometh all difficulties, and bringeth them into the land of Canaan: the which according to God’s ordinance he divideth among the people and appointeth their borders: he established laws and ordinances, and putteth them in remembrance of God’s manifold benefits, assuring them of his grace and favor, if they obey God, and contrariwise of his plagues and vengeance, if they disobey him. This history doth represent Jesus Christ the true Joshua, who leadeth us into eternal felicity, which is signified unto us by this land of Canaan.
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