הוצאת קֹורֵ ן ירושלים בע״מ KOREN PUBLISHERS JERUSALEM LTD ירושלים, ישראל4044, ת״ד 33רחוב פייר קניג , 91040 :טל 02 633 0533 :פקס0534 633 02 Israel: POB 4044, Jerusalem 91040 Tel: +972 2 633 0533 Fax: +972 2 633 0534
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[email protected] Dear Synagogue Member: This has been a trying time for the Jewish people. As we’ve watched our communities struggle with the challenges of the last few months, it is inspiring to hear how much rabbis and congregations have filled their time with Torah study and programming for the whole family. As many congregations are returning to public minyanim, we wanted to do our part to contribute to this effort. Together with our partners at the Orthodox Union’s Department of Synagogue & Community Services, we’re pleased to bring you this packet of the weekly Parsha and Haftara readings, from the Steinsaltz Humash. We hope you will appreciate the pioneering translation, commentary, and visual aids from Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz. If you’d like to purchase your own copy of this Humash, we’re happy to offer you a 20% discount using the code “humash” from our website, www.korenpub.com. If you have any questions about this or any of our products, please email us at
[email protected]. Thank you to the Orthodox Union’s Department of Synagogue & Community Services for spearheading this initiative. please note: this packet contains the name of g-d, please make sure to treat it with the appropriate level of resepect.