DIRECTORY.] . SWANSCOMBE. 611 :Bond Arthur Harper, Horticultural Alien Frederick J. poultry breeder Leigh John, ironmonger college Dean James, house agent Maller Thomas John, fruit grower Clement Mrs. The Ferns Horticultural College (I. C. Johnson, Mann Ed ward, shopkeeper Emerson Jacob chairman; Arthur Harper Bond, May John, farmer. MacaulayMiss managing director; C. W. H. Mercer Mary (Mrs.), grocer & baker, Smith PentlandM.A., Horticultural Greaves F.R.H.s. sec. ; F. R. Cheshire Post office college~ F.L.s., F.R.M.s, & Pentland Smith Myatt fruit grower Todd John Miles Roger, Hextable lodge M.A., B. se. professors) SWANSCOMBE is a parish extending to the Thames, bell. The register dates from the year 1883. The living is 3 miles west from Gravesend, 4 east from and a vicarage, yearly value £3oco, with residence, in the gift of three-quarters of a mile from Northtleet station on the Messrs. J. B. White and Brothers and the Bishop of Roches­ North Kent section of the South Eastern railway, in the ter alternately, and held since 1884 by the Rev. James North Western division of the county, Axton hundred, lathe Thomas Christie M. .&. of Exeter College, Oxford. ()f Sutton-at-Hone, Dartford petty sessional division, union The extensive cement works of Messrs. John Bazley and county court district, and in the rural deanery of White and Brothers Limited, at Swanscombe Cross, give Gravesend and archdeaconry and diocese of Rochester. The employment to nearly the whole of the working population .church of SS. Peter and Paul is a building of flint and stone, here. The Ebbstleet stream is said to have been for­ -chiefly in the Early English style, consisting of chancel, merlynavigable. Swanscombemanor house, the seatof the elerestoried nave, aisles, south porch and a western tower Weldon family, now occupied by Robert Stewart esq. is an -with a lofty shingled spire containing 6 bells: the nave is anCient building. Thomas Bevan esq. D.L., J.P. of Stone .separated from the aisles by three Early English arches on Park, near Dartford, who is lord of the manor, Samuel each side, resting on circular piers with octagonal capitals: Charles Umfreville esq. l.F. of Ingress Abbey, , the wooden lectern is a Perpendicular work:· there are some Mrs. Hassell and J. B. White Brothers are the principal good monuments to the Weldons, including those of Anthony landowners. The soil is gravel and chalk; subsoil, chalk. Weldon, Eleanor, his wife, and their son, Sir Ralph We1don The area is 2,140 acres of land and 415 of water; rateable kt. ob. 1602: on the south side is a monument of alabaster value, {,32,648, this includes Greenhithe; the population in with recumbent effigies of a knight in armour and his lady, 188r was 3,996. both resting their heads on pillows: the nave and aisles KNOCKHOLT, half a mile west ; WESTERN CRoss, three­ were restored by the late Sir James Erasmus Wilson quarters of a mile south-west; MILTON STREET, a quarter LL.D., F.R.s. who formerly lived here, died 1884, and was of a mile north-west; and ALKERDEN, half a mile south· buried in the church; a stained window commemorates the west, are hamlets. restoration, and there are three others: there are 220 sit- Parish Clerk, Thomas Coombes. tings, all free. The register dates from the year rs59· PosT, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office.- The living is a rectory, yearly value from tithe rent-charge Waiter Ames, receiver. Letters received through Green- .£4oo, with 39 acres of glebe and residence, in the gift of hithe S.O. delivered at 8 a.m. 12 noon & 7 p.m. ; sun- Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, and held since 1889 by day, 8 a.m. ; dispatched at 8.30 a.m. & 2 & 7 p.m. ; sun· the Rev. George Hale M.A. and formerly Taylor lecturer of day, 10.20 a.m that college. HereareC()ngregationaland Wesleyanchapels, PosT & M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Office. a Primitive Methodist chapel at Galleyhill, a Baptist meeting Galleyhill.-Mrs. Fanny Head, receiver. Letters arrive room at Milton street, and Salvation Army barracks. A new through Greenhithe S.O. at 7.30 a. m. 1:2 noon & 6.30 burial ground of 5 acres was formed in r885 at a cost of p.m.; sundays, 7.30 a. m. ; dispatched at 8.10 a. m. 1.40 .£493, and is under the control of a burial board of 5 mem- & 6.30 p.m. ; sunday, to a. m. The nearest telegraph bers, but there is no mortuary chapel. Beare's almshouses, office is at Swanscombe foWlded in I587 by John Beare, of Greenhithe, for three WALLLETTERBoxatKnockholt,letterscollectedatg.Ioa.m. families, are situated at Greenhithe; the inmates are sup- & . & . p.m; sunday, u a.m. ; also one at Milton ported from a charity left in 1721 by Lady Judith Swan, and 2 40 7 40 & d endowed with half an acre of land, which is let on building street, 8·4° a.m. i 2·10 7· 10 p.m. i sun ay, ro.3o a.m and other leases. 'fhe income is about £6o a year ; each ScHOOLS:- married couple receives 8s. and each single person ss. 6d. a National (mixed), erected in 1878, for 240 children; aver- week. Swanscombe Wood is well known; and here is a age attendance, 176; William Joseph Legg, master .cavern called "Clabbernappers Hole." British, Galleyhill (boys, girls & infants), built in 1858 & G.&LLEYHILL is an ecclesiastical parish, formed in r883. chiefly maintained by Messrs. White Brothers, for 380 The church of All Saints, a temporary building of iron, was children ; average attendance, 323 boys & girls & 121 erected in 1882 at a cost of [,r,2oo, and consists of chancel, infants; Matthew Henry Heys, master ; Mrs. Emma nave, west porch· and a western bellcote containing one Heys, mistress; Miss Annie Cross, infants' mistress Swanscombe. Hoadley Henry George, shopkeeper Borough of Gravesend Co-operative So. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Hudson John, Ingress tavern ciety (branch) (William Jn. Francis, Christie Rev. James Thomas M. A. [vicar Martin William Edwd. baker & corn dlr manager), Broomfield road of All Saints', Galley hill] Pool Henry, carpenter Buggs John, shopkeeper, Broomfield rd Fuller Thomas, Coomb lodge Ridgewell Charles, beer retlr. Milton st Butler Thomas, greengrocer Hale Rev. George M • .&. [rector],Rectory Rixson William, baker Byhurst Arthur, beer retailer Hewett Charles, Knockhalllodge Stevens Harry, jobbing gardener Catton Arthnr John, baker Ingall William Thomas Fitzherbert, Stevens Joseph, grocer Chapman Stephen, greengrocer Mackenzie, Knockholt Stewart Robert, farmer, Manor house Church & Clinch, drapers &c Lipscombe Frederick Rogers,Knockholt StylesLucy(Mrs.),farmr.Knockhall frm Church Thomas, butcher Marcet Alex. Mt. Pleasant, Knockholt Taylor Henry, shopkeeper Clarke Richard Feaver, chemist Moss William, Knockholt Weetman Frank, insurance agent Croft & Church, grocers, & agents for Nugent Mrs. Knockholt Wellard Waiter, butcher W. & A. Gilbey, wine& spirit mers Rodd Richd. 4 Cobden vils. Knockholt White John Bazley & Brothers Limited, Edwards William, butcher Shrewsbury Rev. George [Congrega- portland & keen's cement & whiting Finn Michael, shopkeeper tional], Ingress vale manufacturers & brick makers ; & at Forman Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Smith Howard Castle-, Parkwood lodge, 2 Lime Street square, E c Fuller George, shopkeeper Knockholt White Edward, farmer Goreham Eliza (Miss), private school, Stewart Robert, The Manor house Wright William, boot maker Kirton terrace Styles Mrs. Knockhall farm Grout Arthur, grocer Turrell James, 2Western vils.Knockholt Galleyhill. Havis George, baker Wailer George, Knockholt Bardoe John, Swanscombe villa Head Fanny (Mrs.), stationer & farrier, coMMERCIAL. Bare James, Crayland house Post office Aldred Charles Saml. Blue Anchor P.H Bateman Edmund, Highview house Herbert Wm.Geo.George & Dragon P,H AmesWalter,grocer & draper, Post office Bliss Aaron Homersham Osborn Charles Snoulton Brisley William Charles, shopkeeper Dearn James Bertram, Arthur cottage (late Russell & Homersham), builder, Cook William, grocer Reid Alexander M. B. !field house contractor, undertaker & general Dalton Robert, beer retailer COMMERCIAL. ironmonger Deacon Waiter, coal merchant Bardoe Edward John, shopkeeper Jenns Wllliam, tobacconist Earl Charles, baker Hardoe George, baker, Broomfield road J ones Robert, painter Ginn Flora (Miss), private school Bartholomew Wm. fruitr. Bloomfield rd Lovell Thomas, beer retailer Gosling Edwin, beer retailer Benge Robert Havelock, baker Luxford Thomas, baker Graves Thomas, draper Bignell William, greengrocer McKenzie John, hair dresser Harvey Henry, shopkeeper, Sun road Bond Charles Richard, butcher Martin Thos. shoe maker, Broomfld. rd K. S. & S. 39•