February 24, 2019

CHURCH /IGLESIA “You know that every evil is founded in self-love, and that self-love 6200 S. Central Avenue, is a cloud that takes away the light of reason, which reason holds in Phoenix, Arizona, 85042 itself the light of faith, and one is not lost without the other.” Pastor/Párroco: Fr. Alonso Saenz ― Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Siena Vicar/Vicario: Fr. Raul Lopez Deacon/Diacono: Dcn. Carlos Terrazas

ST. JOHN BOSCO CHAPEL 6600 S. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85042

OFFICE /OFICINA 6401 S. Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85042 Phone: (602) 276.5581 Fax: (602) 276.2119 E-Mail: [email protected] Website: stcatherinephoenix.org

OFFICE HOURS HORARIO DE OFICINA Monday - Thursday: 9am-4pm (Closed 12pm-1pm for lunch/ Almuerzo 12pm-1pm, Cerrado) Fri - Sun: Closed/ Vier - Dom: Cerrado


6413 S. Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85042

Phone:(602) 276-2241 Fax: (602) 268-7886 Website: www.thesclions.org Principal/Director: Mrs. Xochitl Ramirez

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL (602) 243– 9057 Calls accepted: Mon, Tues, & Friday: 11am - 2pm (No calls will be answered at other times)


Mon, Fri, & Sat Lun, Vier, & Sab: ENGLISH TRIDENTINE ESPAÑOL 4:00pm - 5:00pm Mon - Th: 8:00am Mon & Fri./Lun & Vier: 5:30pm & 8:15am Domingo: (Every other Friday) Friday: 8:15am 12:00pm 1st Saturdays/Cada 1er Sábado - 8:00am WEEKLY OFFERING Saturday: 5:30pm 1:30pm Sunday: 8:00am (Spanish sermon) February 17, 2019: $13,369.50 Sunday: 6:30am & 10:00am 12:00pm (English sermon) @St. John Bosco Chapel

Ash Wednesday Horario para Schedule Miércoles de Ceniza

March 06, 2019 6 de Marzo, 2019

8:15am: English 8:15am: Misa en Ingles 12:00pm: Bilingual Service 12:00pm: Servicio Bilingüe 6:00pm: Spanish Service 6:00pm: Servicio en Español

A service consists of a reading, Un servicio consiste en leer la a brief reflection and the dis- lectura, una breve reflexión y tribution of ashes. la distribución de cenizas. 2019 Charity and Development Appeal – Love that Gives Hope Blessed are the poor, the hungry, the downhearted and rejected. The message in today’s Gospel reminds us to act with compassion. Be the Love that Gives Hope with your gift to the Charity and Development Appeal (CDA). Every gift is important, no matter how big or small.

For those who have not yet made a pledge, please do so today! These programs and services reach beyond the boundaries of any one parish to all of our community. Support works of mercy in our Diocese. Make a pledge, fill out your donor card today or donate online at dphx.org/CDA, and be an instrument of God’s love and mercy through your gift to the CDA.

IN PERSON / EN PERSONA Complete and return a pledge card to the parish. Completar y regresar una tarjeta de donación a la parroquia.

ONLINE / EN LINEA Set up a scheduled payment plan or one-time gift online at: dphx.org/cda. Dona en línea en el Sitio: www.dphx.org/cda TEXT / TEXTO Text donation amount along with “CDA” to (602) 313- 0309 (for example: $25 CDA) You will receive a link to a form to complete with payment info. $3,345.00 Manda un texto con la cantidad que quieres donar y las letras “CDA” después de la cantidad el numero de teléfono (602) 313-0309. (Por ejemplo: $25 CDA) Recibirá un enlace a un formulario para completar con la información de pago.

La Campaña de Caridad y Desarrollo 2019 – Amor que da Esperanza Bienaventurados los pobres, los que tienen hambre, los que lloran y son rechazados. El mensaje en el Evangelio de hoy nos recuerda que debemos actuar con compasión. Sea usted el amor que da esperanza con su donación a la Campaña de Caridad y Desarrollo (CDA). Cada regalo es extraordinario, sin importar el tamaño de este.

Para las personas que no han hecho su donativo, por favor hágalo hoy. Estos servicios y programas van más allá de los límites de cualquier parroquia y hacia toda nuestra comunidad. Apoye los trabajos de misericordia en nuestra Diócesis. Ofrezca su contribución el día de hoy llenando una tarjeta de donación o haga su contribución en línea en dphx.org/CDA y sea un instrumento del amor y la miseri- cordia de Dios por medio de su regalo al CDA.

February 24, 2019 3 Satan to Exorcist: 1. By self-love we mean here an inordinate love of self. We are not forbidden to love ourselves. In fact, “My foothold in the this is something natural to us and therefore intend- is the ed by God. We should love ourselves, however, in a properly ordered manner. In the first place, we must self-love of its love God above everything and therefore more than members.” ourselves. God is our creator, and our Redeemer and our final end. Everything comes to us from Him, and for this reason everything must return to Him. We should not be self-centered, but God-centered. In other words, we must direct all our actions to- wards God, not towards ourselves. We cannot set our own ego in the place which belongs to God, still less above Him. To do so would be equivalent to robbing God, because everything is His and we ourselves belong to Him. If we have any intelligence at all, let us remember that God gave it to us. If we have sound health, strength or good looks, let us remember that these are His gifts. If we have amassed a great store of cultural or artistic learning as a result of our own ability and study, let us not become too attached to it nor look for praise and admiration. It is God Who gave us this ability and the energy and enthusiasm to cultivate it. Honor and glory are due to God alone.

2. "Self-love dies three days after ourselves," St. Francis de Sales was accustomed to remark. What he meant was that it is very difficult to think and act only for God, without our won ego raising its head and stealing some of His glory. It is hard to be humble in the presence of God. But it is harder still to be humble before men. When anybody genuflects in front of the altar and begins to pray in the presence of God, it is not too difficult for him to bow his head and recognise his own weakness and dependence. But it is different among other men. In the presence of men we are easily tempted to display ourselves and our endowments. We feel displeased when we are not noticed nor praised. Let us steer clear of the esteem of men. Humility is the foundation of every virtue. If we are not humble, we can never become holy.

3. There are three tiny blossoms which can scarcely be seen --- those of the corn, the olive, and the vine. Nevertheless, from these we receive grain, oil and win --- three very precious commodities. These three little blossoms are almost invisible in comparison with other larger flowers, such as that of the magnolia, which do not yield any useful fruit. They should present us with a starting-point for meditation. Would we like our actions to be valuable in the sight of God and bring forth fruit? Let us be humble and suppress love of self. Then God will look on us with favor. He will give us His grace and make fertile the work which we do purely for Him. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. (James 4:6)

The Early Hours of the Day 1. Waking up in the morning is like being raised to life again. Sleep, which is necessary for the restoration of energy, is an image of death. During those hours of sleep it was as if you did not exist any longer. Your mind was unconscious, your limbs inactive. Now God gives you life once more and the strength to live it. Your first thoughts, therefore, should be directed towards Him. When the sun rises, all creation sings hymns of praise to God. The flowers shake the night-dew from their petals and send up their perfume to their Creator. The birds drawing their heads from beneath their warm wings, sing their morning canticles. Now, man is master of the universe. Therefore he should gather together these perfumes and these voices and offer them to God along with the homage and adoration of his whole being.

2. Unfortunately, there are many who never give the slightest thought to God when they rise in the morning. Or perhaps they think that a quick, mechanical sign of the cross satisfies all their religious obligations. A good Christian could not behave in this fashion. He kneels to say his morning prayers, and raises his mind and heart to God in acts of thanksgiving, reparation and love. Only in this way can he begin the day with peace and confidence, knowing that during it he will have continual need of God's assistance. If hitherto you have not be- haved like this, make up your mind to begin every day in future by offering yourself to God along with all your work, plans, and worries. This offering will be a wonderful spiritual advantage throughout the day.

3. If possible, it is desirable to begin the day by visiting Jesus. He is always in the tabernacle waiting patiently and lovingly for us to visit Him. Why could we not spend at least one half-hour with Him? There are twenty-four hours in the day. Must we spend them in sleep, work, amusement and conversation without ever pausing to speak with Jesus? What about Mass and Holy Communion? It is true that we are not obliged to go to Mass on weekdays, nor have we a strict obligation to receive Holy Communion except during the Paschal period. But a genuine Christian should not be satisfied with doing only what is commanded under pain of mortal sin. He should love Je- sus so much that he will experience an urgent need of communication with Him. He should be ready to sacrifice a little of his early- morning sleep for the purpose of receiving Jesus in Holy Communion. There is no surer way of being able to resist the temptations of the day and of acquiring peace of spirit. The practice of daily Communion can transform a man's life. By: Cardinal Antonio Bacci

February 24, 2019 4 LA MUERTE, MAESTRA DE LA VIDA PARTE 2/2

Dicen muchos que el tiempo es dine- ro. Que se queden con su tiempo. Que es placer. Que aprovechen. Para otros, el tiempo es Reino de Dios, es cielo, es eternidad feliz... ¿Qué esco- ges tú? ¿Qué son para ti la vida y el tiempo?

La vida, de la que tanto se habla, es uno de los dones que más se pisotean. Al ver cómo viven muchos hombres uno debe creer que odian la vida y prefieren la muerte.

Muerte de un pecador impenitente Muerte de un justo Hay muertes preciosas. Es una muer- te maravillosa la de quien puede decir El Juicio Particular en ese momento: “He cumplido mi mi- sión”.

Una muerte así, es comienzo de la vida verdadera. Es propiamente entonces cuando se nace. Por eso en el Martiro- logio, el libro donde se narra la vida de los santos y mártires, no se hace constar el día de su nacimiento, sino el día de su muerte, como el verdadero día de su nacimiento. La muerte para los buenos brilla como una estrella de espe- ranza. Sus frutos son la paz, el descanso, la vida. Con esta paz y serenidad murió Juan XXIII: "¡Qué alegría cuando me dijeron: vamos a la casa del Señor.....!", decía en su lecho de muerte.

Un muchacho decía a la hora de su muerte: "¡Qué bueno ha sido Dios conmigo, por haberme concedido vivir 17 años”; y moría ofreciendo su vida por sus padres y por los que lo habían formado. Otro decía: "No sé por qué lloran”. Aquel muchacho moría pidiendo perdón a todos , incluso a su novia, pero la novia tuvo un gesto y unas palabras muy oportunas: “No tengo qué perdonarte y te lo digo delante del sacerdote, porque desde que te conocí soy más buena”. ¿Lo podrías decir tú, de tu novio, de tu novia, de tu esposo, de tu esposa?

Preguntémonos ahora la cosa más importante: ¿Cómo será mi muerte? He aquí lo importante: no el cuándo, sino el cómo voy a morir; es decir, en qué disposiciones. Aunque no podemos fijar el día, el lugar, la forma externa de mo- rir, si podemos fijar el cómo. Podemos preverlo: se muere según se vive. Si se vive bien, lo normal es que se muera bien; si se vive mal, lo normal es que se muera mal, si Dios no pone remedio. Si vivo bien, con su ayuda moriré bien; si vivo mediocremente, moriré como un mediocre; si vives santamente, no lo dudes, morirás como un como un san- to.

Si desde hoy te decides a ser un buen hombre, seguro que morirás como un buen hombre y nunca te arrepentirás; pero si dejas ese asunto para más adelante, lo dejas para nunca. No se puede improvisar la hora de la muerte. Los dos ladrones que iban a morir, estaban al lado del Redentor, y aún así, sólo uno de los dos compañeros de suplicio de Jesús se convirtió.

Comenta San Agustín: “Hubo un buen ladrón para que nadie desespere; pero sólo uno, para que nadie presuma y se confíe”. Hay que ser lógicos y aprovechar el tiempo. El que pasó ya pasó, pero el que queda por delante hay que aprovecharlo con avaricia. Si muriera esta noche, ¿estaría preparado? ¿tendía mis manos llenas, vacías o medio vacías?

¿Estaré preparado el día de mi muerte? Esta es la gran pregunta. Podríamos terminar esta reflexión con las pala- bras de un gran hombre que todos los días medita sobre la muerte como maestra de vida: “Yo sé que toda la vida humana se gasta y se consume bien o mal y no hay posible ahorro: los años son esos, no más. Y la eternidad es lo que sigue a esta vida. Gastarnos por Dios y por amor a nuestros hermanos en Dios es lo razona- ble y seguro”.

Según se vive, así se muere. Si esto es así: de los que viven santamente estamos seguros que morirán santamente. Pero de los que viven en pecado podemos estar seguros que morirán impenitentes.



MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2019 Monday, February 25, 2019 / 25 de Febrero, 2019 6:00pm - 8:00pm - Legion de Maria (St. Joseph) 6:00pm - 8:00pm - DOR, St. Margaret of Cortona (St. Therese) 8:00pm: †Josefina Flores Perez 6:30pm - 8:00pm - Spanish Marriage Prep (School, Rm. 7) †Leonardo Cervantes Flores

5:30pm: Erik Froehlich & Family TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2019 9:00am - 9:00pm - Grupo de Oracion (St. John Bosco & St. Therese ) 5:00pm - 8:00pm - Legion de Maria Reunion (St. Joseph) Tuesday, February 26, 2019 /26 de Febrero, 2019 6:00pm - 8:00pm - Legion de Maria #2 (School, Rm. 7) 8:00am: Cassandra Martin-Mueller & Fr. Alonso Saenz 8:00pm - 9:00pm - Amicus Dei Rosary (San Josemaria Escriva Chapel)

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2019 Wednesday, February 27, 2019/27 de Febrero, 2019 5:30pm - 7:30pm - OLPH Novena (San Josemaria Escriva Chapel) 8:00am: †Leandra Lopez 6:00pm - 8:00pm - RE English (Hall & School) 6:00pm - 9:00pm - Grupo de Oracion (St. Joseph & St. Benedict) 6:00pm - 7:30pm - Schola Cantorum Pio X Rehearsal (Church) Thursday, February 28, 2019 / 28 de Febrero, 2019 8:00am: †Juanita Villa THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2019 9:00am - 5:00pm - Exposition of Blessed Sacrament (St. John Bosco Chapel) 4:00pm - 5:00pm - Wedding Rehearsal (Church) Friday, March 1, 2019 /1 de Marzo, 2019 6:00pm - 8:00pm - RE Spanish (Hall & School) 8:15am: †Joseph Hong N. Duong 5:30pm: Madres Cristianas FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 2019 12:00pm - 1:00pm - Wedding (Church) 1:30pm - 2:30pm - St. Catherine’s Bible Study (St. Benedict) Saturday, March 2, 2019 /2 de Marzo, 2019 6:00pm - 9:00pm - School Catechism Class (Hall) 8:00am: †Teresa Garcia & †Agustin Hernandez 6:00pm - 7:00pm - Caballeros Templarios (St. John Bosco Chapel) 5:30pm: †Ambroso & †Petra Garcia 6:15pm - 8:00pm - Schola Cantorum Pio X (Church) 7:00pm - 9:00pm - Grupo de Compartir (St. Joseph) Sunday, March 3, 2019 /3 de Marzo, 2019 SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 2019 6:30am: †Antonio Perez 8:00am - English Men’s Group-Victor- 602-617-8293 (Remax Office) Sp. 8:00am: †Rosendo Jimenez & †Silvestre Jimenez 9:00am - 11:00am - Templarios (St. Joseph) 10:00am: †Maria Gomez 9:00am - 11:00am - Spanish Baptisms (St. John Bosco Chapel) Latin eng.12:00pm: †Rev. Dennis Marx, OSB SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2019 Spanish 12:00pm: †Cesar Minera & †Carlos Minera 9:00am - 11:00am - Fidelis Milites Christi (St. Joseph) 1:30pm: All Souls in Purgatory 9:00am - 12:00pm - Guadalupanas Monthly Meeting (Hall) 11:00am - 1:00pm - Adult RE Classes (St. Benedict) Daily Readings

Readings for the week of February 24, 2019 *** Events Subject to Change*** Sunday: 1 Sm 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 [8a]/1 Cor 15:45-49/Lk 6:27-38 Monday: Sir 1:1-10/Ps 93:1ab, 1cd-2, 5 [1a]/Mk 9:14-29 Tuesday: Sir 2:1-11/Ps 37:3-4, 18-19, 27-28, 39-40 [cf. 5]/Mk 9:30- 37 Readings Wednesday: Sir 4:11-19/Ps 119:165, 168, 171, 172, 174, 175 [165a]/Mk 9:38-40 Thursday: Sir 5:1-8/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [40:5a]/Mk 9:41-50 FEBRUARY Friday: Sir 6:5-17/Ps 119:12, 16, 18, 27, 34, 35 [35a]/Mk 10:1-12 24: Sexagesima Sunday (2nd class) Saturday: Sir 17:1-15/Ps 103:13-14, 15-16, 17-18 [cf. 17]/Mk 10:13- 25: Feria (4th class) 16 Sunday: Sir 27:4-7/Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16 [cf. 2a]/1 Cor 15:54-58/ 26: Feria (4th class) Lk 6:39-45 27: St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (3rd class) Semana del 24 de febrero de 2019 28: Feria (4th class) Domingo: 1 Sm 26, 2. 7-9. 12-13. 22-23/Sal 103, 1-2. 3-4. 8. 10. 12- 13 [8]/1 Co 15, 45-49/Lc 6, 27-38 MARCH Lunes: Eclo 1, 1-10/Sal 93, 1. 1-2. 5 [1]/Mc 9, 14-29 Martes: Eclo 2, 1-11/Sal 37, 3-4. 18-19. 27-28. 39-40 [cfr. 5]/Mc 9, 1: Feria(4th class) or Sacred Heart of Jesus 30-37 (3rd class) Miércoles: Eclo 4, 11-29/Sal 119, 165. 168. 171. 172. 174. 175 2: Saturday of Our Lady (3rd class) or Im- [165]/Mc 9, 38-40 Jueves: Eclo 5, 1-8/Sal 1, 1-2. 3. 4 y 6 [40, 5]/Mc 9, 41-50 maculate Heart of Mary (4th class) Viernes: Eclo 6, 5-17/Sal 119, 12. 16. 18. 27. 34. 35 [35]/Mc 10, 1- 12 3: Quinquagesima Sunday (2nd class) Sábado: Eclo 17, 1-15/Sal 103, 13-14. 15-16. 17-18 [cfr. 17]/Mc 10, 13-16 Domingo: Eclo 27, 4-7/Sal 92, 2-3. 13-14. 15-16 [cfr. 2]/1 Co 15, 54 -58/Lc 6, 39-45

Welcome to St. Catherine of Siena · Phoenix AZ 6 Teresa Cordova, Winona Elliott, Manuel Cabrera, III, Nancy & Skip Garrett, Ramona Cabrera, Angel Medina, Alfredo Romero, Eric Valenzuela, Thelma Gomez, Jesus Valdez, Athena Escobar, Guadalupe Velazquez, Elia Gutierrez, Manuel Abril, Gladys Hernandez, Andrea Romero Camarillo, Yolanda Gutierrez Sotelo, Ciria Lopez, Lennard Jones, Denise & Joseph McHenry, Eugene Estrada, Rob- erto Torres Araiza, Eloy Balderrama, Hector Armendariz, Harold James, Carmen Negrete, Lydia Smith, Willie Henderson, Albert Gonzalez Banda, Richard Henderson, Robert Ramirez Rodriguez, Jennifer Amada Martinez, Robert Smith, Ramona Rodriguez, Sylvia Stovall, Andrew Ochoa, David Meza, Agustine Gauna, Maria Nava, Ricardo Flores, Linda Manning, Basilio Reyes, Frank V. Celaya,Francisco Fuentes, Elisa Peralta, Susana Zimmerman, Ma. Gloria Espinoza, Hermila Estrada, Joel Rivera, Marissa Arroyo, Karla Logan Gates, Carlos Duran Rivera, Monique Washington, Sandra Pierce, Donna Christee, Kiera Hranchuk, Aliris Hranchuk, Alfredo Rodriguez, Scottie Gray, Faye Gray, Odalys Noelia Rodriguez Bravo, Valeria Gonzalez, Felix Manahan, Cindy Jones, Santiago Esparza, Alejandro Torres, Cristi- na Franco, Maria Dolores Ortega, Maria Delgado, Fransisco Jabi Allala Mata, Victoria Lopez, Edgar Chao, Betzabe Chavez Suarez, Gerald Dixon, David Gomez, Engracia Lira. Requisitos Para Bautizar Baptism Requirements Próximo bautizo: 11 de Mayo Next Baptism: May 11, 2019 Último día para registrar es 4/01/19 Last day to register: 4/22/19 Las registraciones son en la oficina de Register your child at the parish office Lunes - Jueves 9am-12pm & 1pm - 4pm. Mon - Thurs 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm 1. Se les pide a los Padres que asistan a Misa regularmente y 1. Parents are asked to attend Mass regularly and participate in the que participen en la vida de la Iglesia. life of the church. 2. Asistir a la registración Bautismal. 2. Donation of $75.00 for one child or $100.00 for two or more chil- 3. Asistir a la clase de preparación para el Sacramento de dren, per family. Bautismo en St. Catherine/otra Iglesia Católica. 3. Attend 2 preparation classes for the Sacrament of Baptism. 4. Escoger Padrinos apropiados. Tiene que estar practicando 4.Bring your child’s/ren birth certificate, God parent's sacramental la Fe Católica. certificates and permission letter from your parish (if applica-  Padrinos necesitan ser mayores de 16 años. ble).  Tener todos sus sacramentos: Bautizo, Primera 5. Choose appropriate Godparent(s) who is practicing the faith and Comunión, y Confirmación. is in communion with the Catholic Church.  Si los Padrinos son casados, necesitan estar casados  Must be 16 years of age or older en la Iglesia Católica y proporcionar certificados de  Have all Sacraments: Baptism, First Communion, and Matrimonio & Confirmación. Confirmation and parents must bring proof of these the  Sin son solteros, no pueden estar viviendo en unión day of registration. libre con nadie y vivir una vida casta, y proporcionar  If the Godparent(s) is/are married, their Marriage must certificados de 1a Comunión y Confirmación. have been celebrated in the Catholic Church and must Los padres necesitan prometer que su hijo será educado en la provide the Church Marriage & Confirmation Certifi- Fe Católica. cates.  If single, the Godparent(s) must be living a life of Chastity Para registrar a sus hijos necesitan (traer todo): and goodness and must provide certificate of 1st Holy  Donación de $75.00 por un niño(a) o $100.00 por dos niños Communion & Confirmation. o más por familia (no-reembolsable). 6. Parents must be committed to raising your child in our Catholic  Comprobante de que están registrados en esta iglesia (# de Faith. sobre) o traer una carta de permiso para bautizar en esta When registering your child bring (bring all documents): iglesia.  Child(ren) original birth certificate, (copies are not accepted)  Acta de nacimiento original (no se aceptan copias)  $75(1 child) or $100.00(2 or more),  Documentos Sacramentales de los padrinos (mirar lista de arriba)  Godparent’s sacramental certificates (see list above)  Proof of Parish Membership or letter of permission to Baptize Los Bautizos se llevan a cabo los Sábados por at St. Catherine (if applicable). el Diacono Carlos Terrazas en la Capilla San Baptisms take place at the church on scheduled Juan Bosco (no en la Iglesia). Saturdays.