Copyright © 1983 Ohio Acad. Sci. 0030-0950/83/0004-0146 $2.00/0 RECORDS AND DISTRIBUTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS OF THE , CAVIFR0NS, IN THE ROANOKE RIVER DRAINAGE, VIRGINIA1 ROBERT E. JENKINS, Department of Biology, Roanoke College, Salem, VA 24153 ROBERT C. CASHNER, Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148 ABSTRACT. The Roanoke bass, Ambloplites cavifrons, is nearly extirpated from the Ridge and Valley province section of the upper Roanoke River drainage, , where it for- merly was widespread. The declined therein during the 1950s, coinciding with establishment of the introduced , A. rupestris. Siltation, pollution and impoundments also adversely affect A. cavifrons in this and other areas. Hybrids, A. cavifrons X A. rupestris, are known from 3 Ridge and Valley streams, only one of which still supports Roanoke bass. Populations of A. cavifrons remain widespread in Blackwater and Pigg Rivers, in the upper Piedmont section of the upper Roanoke. Significant new records of Roanoke and rock basses are reported from other Piedmont or Coastal Plain streams of the Roanoke and Chowan drainages, Va.

OHIO J. SCI. 83 (4): 146-155, 1983

INTRODUCTION and fishery scientists of 1.4—1.8 kg (to The Roanoke bass, Ambloplites cavifrons about 4 lb) specimens, and recent reports Cope (), is known only from of 300-350 mm TL, 0.9-1.1 kg speci- the Roanoke and Chowan drainages in mens; at least most of these likely were A. Virginia and the Tar and Neuse drainages cavifrons (in part, Petrimoulx and Jenkins of . It is a distinctive mem- 1979). The angling "world record" Roa- ber of the Ambloplites, differing noke bass is a 13% inch (probably TL; markedly from congeners by overall finer 352 mm), 2 lb 4.5 oz (1.0 kg) from squamation, naked or incompletely scaled the Tar River in 1977 (Anon. 1978). cheeks, gold to white iridescent spots on Until recently the Roanoke bass was the head and body, and other features. poorly known. Smith (1970—72) consid- The Roanoke bass is a valued gamefish ered morphology and distribution of locally, attaining the largest size among North Carolina populations, and Cashner Ambloplites species. A specimen 355 mm and Jenkins (1982) treated systematics and SL taken in 1883 from Virginia is docu- distribution over its range. Many life his- mented (Cashner and Jenkins 1982). tory aspects were studied by Smith Ambloplites of one pound (0.45 kg) and (1970-72), McBride et al. (1980) and larger are eligible for a citation in Petrimoulx (1980, in press). Virginia, but currently the citation pro- The range of A. cavifrons has receded, gram of the Virginia Commission of Game partly attributable to extensive habitat al- and Inland Fisheries does not distinguish teration. Large reservoirs were created in between Roanoke bass and the similar rock the upper and middle Roanoke drainage, bass, Ambloplites rupestris (Rafinesque). which lacks natural lakes, and the Roanoke From parts of the range of the Roanoke bass appears to be virtually intolerant of bass in Virginia that exclude A. rupestris, lacustrine habitats (except hatchery ponds) there are reports into the 1950s by anglers (Smith 1971, Cashner and Jenkins 1982). The upper Roanoke has had chronic pollu- Manuscript received 17 May 1982 and in revised tion, at times causing major fish kills form 9 May 1983 (#82-12). (Jackson and Henderson 1942, Cairns 146 OhioJ. Sci. ROANOKE BASS DISTRIBUTIONAL HISTORY 147 et al. 1971, James 1979). The current gen- Leesville Dam, Va. (essentially from Pigg eral localization of Roanoke bass popula- River upstream); the middle Roanoke tions within its total range limits suggests system is between Leesville Dam and junc- demise of many (undetected) populations tion of Dan River; Dan River and its trib- due to widespread deforestation and conse- utaries are termed the Dan system (fig. 1). quent siltation. The Roanoke bass has been threatened further by competition RELATIONSHIPS IN UPPER from, and hybridization with, rock bass. ROANOKE SYSTEM The rock bass has an extensive native The history of Ambloplites collections range and has been introduced into many and general habitat in the upper Roanoke other regions including the Roanoke and system are reviewed here. This informa- other central Atlantic slope drainages tion is critical in dating the establishment (Cashner and Suttkus 1977, 1978, of A. rupestris, the near extirpation of Cashner and Jenkins 1982). Stocking of A. cavifrons, and in determination of the A. rupestris into the upper Roanoke dates taxonomic status of A. cavifrons based on at least as early as 1898 and as recent as reproductive and ecological interactions 1971. The combined effects of habitat al- with A. rupestris. In the absence of this teration and introduction of a non-native discussion, future analysis of these topics congener are reasons A. cavifrons merits would be clouded or impossible due to protection status of special concern in splitting among museums and loss of criti- Virginia and North Carolina (Deacon cal collections. Records are documented in et al. 1979, Jenkins and Musick 1980). Cashner and Jenkins (1982) or herein. The following account documents dis- RIDGE AND VALLEY SECTION. A tributional and ecological relationships geochronographic map of part of the upper between A. cavifrons and A. rupestris in Roanoke system, from the city of Roa- the upper Roanoke system, and reports noke, Va., upstream, depicts collection significant new records elsewhere in this stations, years of collections and numbers and the Chowan drainage (often consid- of specimens of Ambloplites taken (Cashner ered part of the Roanoke). In discussion, and Jenkins 1982) (fig. 2). The following the upper Roanoke system is regarded as discussion is based on data in that figure that part of the Roanoke drainage above which should be consulted.

Ridg* Valley

FIGURE 1. Records of Ambloplites cavifrons and A. rupestris in the Roanoke and Chowan River drainages, Virginia and North Carolina. 148 R. E. JENKINS AND R. C. CASHNER Vol. 83


FIGURE 2. Geochronography of collections of Ambloplites cavifrons and A. rupestris in Blackwater River, up- per Roanoke drainage, Franklin County, Va. Following the symbols are, respectively, the year of collection (1900s in all cases) and, if any taken, number of specimens. Station numbers are from Hambrick (1973); Sta. P represents sites collected by Petrimoulx. "BOTH SPECIES" denotes syntopic, synchronic collections. "?" indicates number of specimens unknown. All collections in area now part of Smith Mountain Reservoir (upper limit on Blackwater River shown by wavey lines) were taken prior to impoundment. Many small tributaries, none collected, are not shown.

The earliest collections, by Cope in A. rupestris and hybrids from the lower 1867 and Jordan in 1888, yielded 3 South Fork; 2 A. rupestris and a probable Ambloplites specimens, all A. cavifrons. The hybrid in the upper North Fork. Cashner distances between the 3 collection sites and Jenkins (1982) discussed hybrid (lower main channel, South Fork Roanoke determination. River, Bottom Creek) show this species The last records of A. cavifrons (except- was widespread. Few collections, none ing the discovery of a remnant population including Ambloplites, were made in the of A. cavifrons in upper Bradshaw Creek, a upper Roanoke between 1889 and 1940. lower North Fork tributary) were from From major increase in survey effort dur- 1956—1963: 3 collections, one specimen ing 1941—1951, 3 more collections each of each, all from tributaries (South and one A. cavifrons indicate this species still North Forks); in each case one or 2 A. occurred widely (Mason Creek, South rupestris (but no apparent hybrids) were Fork, North Fork Roanoke River) for also taken. about 75 years more. Also during 1956—1963, A. rupestris was Ambloplites rupestris began appearing the only Ambloplites taken in the main widely in collections starting in 1952. Al- Roanoke River. After 1963 (excepting though Jackson and Henderson (1942) re- Bradshaw Creek), A. rupestris has been the ported A. rupestris or "rock bass" in several only Ambloplites in the upper Roanoke sys- parts of the upper Roanoke around 1940, tem, and it has been essentially contigu- no specimens were found, and the identifi- ously distributed. cations cannot be accepted. In 1952 the The above records show that A. cavifrons following were taken: one A. rupestris in a was originally widespread in the upper reservoir of the Tinker Creek watershed; Roanoke system from Roanoke to the 9 specimens comprising A. cavifrons, headwaters. In the 1950s there was no OhioJ. Sci. ROANOKE BASS DISTRIBUTIONAL HISTORY 149 record of A. cavifrons from main channel since the 1960s, compared with numbers Roanoke River, and in the tributaries it of A. cavifrons taken previously, it seems was being replaced by, and at some locali- reasonable to assume, considering the rela- ties hybridizing with, A. rupestris; at cer- tive intensities of collecting, that the 2 tain sites small numbers of both species species were about equally numerous, and were found syntopically without hybrids. uncommon, during the 1950s. The num- The extirpation of A. cavifrons is suggested bers of specimens of each species in all to have proceeded in an upstream direc- museum collections from this period are tion. It was first missing from the main about equal. The species changeover in the channel Roanoke River, and its last records upper Roanoke most likely occurred be- were from upper South and North forks tween 1945 and 1965. (1958 and 1963, respectively) and Bradshaw Creek, a small (16 km long) Bradshaw Creek (1978). Although stock- stream, supports the only known extant ing records of A. rupestris are incomplete, population of A. cavifrons in the Roanoke there is evidence (Cashner and Jenkins system above Roanoke. The population 1982) that this species was introduced appears to be restricted to th eupper in large numbers during the 1940s portion of the creek's lower half. Due to and 1950s, perhaps contributing to its small size and intermittency, the upper dominance. half of the creek is unsuitable for The relative paucity of collecting efforts Ambloplites. All specimens taken during prior to the 1950s makes it difficult to dis- 1978 came from 2 areas, each ca. 0.4 km cern former species abundance, changes in long, centered at stream km 8.0 and km abundance, and hence the influence of 3.5 above the mouth. At the uppermost relative abundance on hybridization. site on 7 August, one A. cavifrons and However, a pattern appears when corre- one A. rupestris were taken; on 8 Septem- lating different collecting methods with ber, 3 apparent hybrids were found. At numbers of specimens captured. Prior to the lower site single specimens of only the first capture of A. rupestris in 1952, we A. rupestris were collected on 7 August and have records of only 6 A. cavifrons, and 8 September 1978 and 2 August 1979. from 1952—1963 only 3 more A. cavifrons Recent collections from North Fork Roa- (excluding 2 collections with hybrids). noke River at the Bradshaw Creek mouth This suggests that A. cavifrons occurred in and elsewhere yielded only A. rupestris. low density, perhaps increasing its lia- It appears that A. cavifrons is locked into bility to hybridization with a close relative a short stretch of Bradshaw Creek by that was becoming established via intro- A. rupestris in the lower section and un- ductions and natural reproduction. How- suitable habitat above. The Roanoke bass ever, there are obvious problems in may be on the verge of extirpation in making population estimates based solely Bradshaw due to reproductive and/or eco- on numbers of museum specimens, since logical interactions with syntopic A. ru- seining was the usual early collecting pestris. On the other hand, A. cavifrons (and method and the upper Roanoke often has hybrids) may have persisted with A. rupes- high water, deep pools and obstructive tris at the upper site for many years, be- cover. cause A. rupestris has been in the North Most larger series of A. rupestris, from Fork for at least 30 years, and because the the mid-1950s on, were taken by electro- habitat may favor A. cavifrons. The gradi- shocking or fish kill survey. However, ent in the section supporting A. cavifrons is since the early 1960s Jenkins has never somewhat low for the area; long pools are found A. rupestris to be clearly common in Common and Esox niger is a characteristic the upper Roanoke. Even though greater species. The substrate at the upper site is numbers of A. rupestris have been taken among the least silted of warm upper 150 R. E. JENKINS AND R. C. CASHNER Vol. 83

Roanoke tributaries. This site also has Ambloplites rupestris is known from one more permanent surface flow than up- collection each from 3 of the upper 5 sta- stream and many downstream sections, tions sampled in 1956 or 1963; at 2 of the which are intermittent during drought. sites it was synchronic with A. cavifrons. BACK CREEK. This first major Roanoke Two of the samples of A. rupestris, from River tributary below Roanoke is largely Stations 7 (Va. Tech 692) and 8 (Va. Tech in the Blue Ridge. Jordan worked one site 690), apparently are lost. Although not in 1888 and scattered samples were taken collected by Hambrick, they were identi- from 1946—1969- It was extensively sur- fied by him around 1971 at Virginia Tech. veyed, including 14 main channel sites, Hambrick had worked previously with us, many collected by electroshocking, in the knew of the Ambloplites systematic prob- early 1970s by P. S. Hambrick and Jen- lem and was aware of diagnostic charac- kins (Hambrick 1973). Since numerous ters. The 2 series probably comprised one anglers said that "rock bass" or "redeye" or few specimens each. The other series were absent and only one collection of (orig. Va. Tech 190 from Sta. 6) is par- Ambloplites (5 adult A. rupestris in 1972 tially documented (Cashner and Jenkins from mid creek) was taken, we conclude 1982); it is split between the Virginia that Ambloplites is very localized. A stock- Tech and Tulane University collections, ing record of A. rupestris for Back Creek is but the association of specimens is correct. from Titcomb (1905). When the entire collection first was sorted BLACKWATER RIVER. This extensively by Jenkins in 1963, both species were surveyed upper Piedmont tributary of noted. In 1980 Jenkins reexamined the Roanoke River had its lower section specimens, original jar tags, locality data impounded by Smith Mountain Reservoir and species list. None of the Blackwater in 1966 (fig. 2). Preimpoundment Ambloplites specimens presented a problem samples, 2 each from 4 main channel sites in identification, suggesting none were during 1956—1961, took no Ambloplites, hybrid. Ravenal (1898) reported the nor did 2 collections from one site just Blackwater was stocked with A. rupestris. above the impounded section in 1958— The population that persisted until about 1972. Many of these collections were made 1963 may have originated from an un- by electroshocker as were most of those known introduction(s) subsequent to taken farther upstream. In the latter Ravenal's. (unimpounded) section during 1931— PIGG RIVER. This Piedmont system just 1979, 29 total samples were taken from below the Blackwater has been extensively 7 sites; 18 samples included Ambloplites, surveyed; summaries by Hambrick (1973) suggesting it may have been more numer- and James (1979) include our collections. ous in, or restricted to, the upper half of Only A. cavifrons is known, widely in the river. The well-surveyed tributaries the main channel, and found in a major produced no Ambloplites. Collections were tributary, Big Chestnut Creek. It is gener- made and/or summarized by Hambrick ally rare. (1973), Petrimoulx (1980) and Cashner A chemical spill in middle Pigg River and Jenkins (1982; TU F242-3-7S actually at Rocky Mount, during 1975, caused a from Sta. 9) (fig. 2). major fish kill within ca. 35 km of the Ambloplites cavifrons has been widespread spill (James 1979). Later in 1975, ca. 900 and somewhat common in the upper half hatchery reared Roanoke bass (see Dan of the river. From 5 stations during 1956— River system, below) were introduced by 1972, a total of 27 specimens are known. the Virginia Commission of Game and In- Petrimoulx took 31 more in 1979, 29 of land Fisheries, ca. 600 of these at Rocky them between Hambrick's (1973) Stations Mount and ca. 300 in the headwaters. 7 and 8. Subsequent sampling by James (1979) and OhioJ. Sci. ROANOKE BASS DISTRIBUTIONAL HISTORY 151

Petrimoulx (1980) did not reveal Roanoke tween the species in nonreproductive habi- bass abundance to be augmented above tat appears to be a preference of Roanoke that of recent prekill levels. bass to occur closer to, often within, DISCUSSION. Four different relation- swifter current than rock bass, which is ships exist between A. cavifrons and A. ru- more often found in quiet parts of pools. pestris in the upper Roanoke system: Overlap in habitat, however, seems to be (1) In the extreme upper Roanoke (Ridge significant as judged from collections and Valley section, from Roanoke up- made in some areas of allotopy. stream), A. cavifrons formerly was wide- Ambloplites rupestris may have been fa- spread but probably uncommon; it was vored above Roanoke by an apparent low largely replaced by introduced A. rupestris; population density of A. cavifrons when the the 2 species hybridized at some widely former was becoming established. Addi- spaced sites; they may have hybridized at tionally, the rock bass may be better other sites, but too few samples, of small adapted to higher gradients than is the numbers of typical specimens, are known. Roanoke bass, as indicated by the ecologi- (2) In Back Creek only A. rupestris is cal pattern of A. rupestris distribution else- known; it is rare and localized. (3) In up- where. Typically A. rupestris extends from per Blackwater River the 2 species have moderate gradients to high gradient, mar- been collected together, in small numbers, ginal trout waters. and hybrids are unknown; A. rupestris The upper half of Back Creek has a high was found rarely and not since 1963; gradient; the lower section is piedmontane A. cavifrons persists widely and is not un- in character but with a heavier load of sand common. (4) In Pigg River only A. cavi- than in upper Blackwater and Pigg Rivers. frons is known; it is widely distributed Only A. rupestris is known from Back but rare. Creek, localized in the middle section, Clinal changes are suggested in the perhaps favored by gradient.The substrate interrelationships of the species and/or in lower Back Creek may be unfavorable their individual reactions to local stream for both species. We believe that A. cavi- environments. The habitats grade from frons formerly occupied Back Creek, but generally higher gradient, usually clear was extirpated by habitat alteration and/or and less silted waters in the Ridge and interaction with A. rupestris. Valley province above Roanoke, to the Long known populations of A. cavifrons sluggish, generally turbid and more sedi- exist in 2 upper Piedmont streams. In the mented Pigg (and other rivers) on the Blackwater, A. cavifrons dominated A. ru- Piedmont. Gradients of upper and middle pestris. We have no record of capture or in- Roanoke system streams treated herein, troduction of A. rupestris into Pigg River, excluding their headwaters, are (expressed and it is questionable that it would have in m/km, calculated from data in Anon. reached the Pigg from upstream centers of 1972): North Fork Roanoke River 5.3; stocking via Roanoke River prior to im- South Fork Roanoke River 6.2; Roanoke poundment, since the latter river was River, down to Tinker Creek, 3.4; Back heavily polluted. In comparison to many Creek 7.2; Blackwater River 2.4; Pigg other Piedmont streams, the Blackwater River 2.7; Goose Creek 2.8; Big Otter and Pigg offer a greater extent of firm sub- River 1.8; Falling River 1.8. strate and are clear for longer periods. The Evidence from life history data (Smith lower abundance of A. cavifrons in the 1971, Petrimoulx 1980, Cashner and Jen- Pigg, compared with the Blackwater, fits kins 1982) indicates that the species have the pattern of its depletion farther down similar food and general spatial require- the Piedmont. Additionally, A. cavifrons is ments. Competition between the two absent from most of the Roanoke tribu- could be intense. A slight difference be- taries below the Pigg and from nearly the 152 R. E. JENKINS AND R. C. CASHNER Vol. 83

entire Dan River system on the Piedmont. tion of a major tributary. Below the The ability of the Roanoke bass to survive junction the stream is 8—20 m wide. in moderate to low gradients, with suit- Sampling in 1979 possibly significantly able conditions such as at least localized depleted the adult population, and young areas of clean substrate and often clear or small juveniles were not found. In 1980 water, is exemplified by its extension Town Creek was stocked at 3 sites in the from the Piedmont into the Coastal Plain lower 5 km with ca. 900 total young Roa- in the Chowan and Neuse drainages. The noke bass. The fish had been raised at Roanoke bass may be differentially fa- Buller Hatchery, southwestern Va., by the vored, relative to rock bass, in generally Virginia Commission of Game and Inland silted streams due to its preference for Fisheries, whose stock was acquired from clean swept substrates closely adjacent to North Carolina hatchery stock originating swift water. from the Tar and/or Neuse drainages. We In summary, both A. cavifrons and and Petrimoulx (1980) always had great A. rupestris often occupy moderate gradi- difficulty locating small wild Roanoke ents, but Roanoke bass may be better able bass. Evidence that they are highly secre- to survive lower gradient and siltier con- tive was behavior of the stocked young. ditions than rock bass. Neither species They greatly hesitated leaving holding populates the still more heavily silted buckets, then darted under cover (W. H. streams in much of the Roanoke drainage Norton, pers. comm.) on the Piedmont. If not for the intro- Lower Smith River, beginning at duction of A. rupestris, it is likely that Martinsville, Va., is a large, moderately A. cavifrons would have persisted widely in silted stream that receives significant pol- the upper Roanoke above Blackwater lution from Martinsville, but recovers River. Even though the 2 species seem to somewhat before reaching Eden, N.C., have slightly different habitat require- near its mouth. Surprisingly, in a survey of ments, A. rupestris is suggested as a sig- this river section during 1981 (for a pro- nificant and better competitor for trophic posed hydroelectric project), Jenkins took and spatial aspects of niche in higher the first verified record of Roanoke bass for gradient streams. Petrimoulx (1980) dis- the river proper: 2 adults in about the cussed evidence for this based on ecologi- middle of the section (Co. Rt. 636 bridge, cal and reproductive interactions between Henry Co., Va.); both were from the same the species. small area. This and the apparent absence of Roanoke bass at 4 other stations suggest NEW ROANOKE BASS RECORDS localization. Anglers of lower Smith River DAN RIVER SYSTEM. Ambloplites cavifrons informed us of long past runs during is still known with certainty only from the spring of large "redeye" into a tributary, Smith River branch of this large, mostly Marrowbone Creek, but we took none in Piedmont system. We formerly knew Roa- this now heavily silted stream. noke bass only from Town Creek, Va., just Upper Smith River, Va., heads in and above its mouth, collected in 1977 flows along the base of the Blue Ridge, be- (Cashner and Jenkins 1982). This stream fore entering Philpott Reservoir. The river has its mouth in the upper section of mid- generally is in good physical and chemical dle Smith River, a cold tailwater of condition, and from it we have recent Philpott Reservoir that thermally isolates reports of very large "rock bass." However, the Town Creek population. Sampling in numerous attempts by Petrimoulx and Town Creek during 1979 found Roanoke Jenkins in 1979 to find Ambloplites yielded bass distributed up to ca. 3 km above the none. Based on sizes of the fish and prox- mouth, its apparent upstream limit ef- imity to Town Creek, the population fected by small stream size above the junc- probably is A. cavifrons. OhioJ. Sci. ROANOKE BASS DISTRIBUTIONAL HISTORY 153

FALLING RIVER. This middle Roanoke but not captured. The unique record from system, Piedmont tributary produced above the Fall Line, in middle Meherrin A. cavifrons in 1977 (Cashner and Jenkins River, is of 2 specimens taken by angling. 1982) and 1979 (Petrimoulx 1980). Few Lack of shockerboat access and high water specimens were taken and other sites in have impeded survey of this section of the lower part of the system yielded none. the Meherrin. Based on this and general siltation of Fall- Somewhat anomalous records of citation ing River, the population probably is mar- Ambloplites continue to be reported in ginal. An ecologically similar, non-native relatively high frequency from the Coastal centrarchid, the spotted bass, Mkropterus Plain portion of the Nottoway by knowl- punctulatus, was introduced into Falling edgeable local anglers. The few speci- River in 1976 and 1977 by the Virginia mens seen mounted or in photographs are Commission of Game and Inland A. cavifrons (M. D. Norman, H. J. Petri- Fisheries. moulx, pers. comra.). None of us were OTTER RIVER. North Fork Otter River, able to capture Ambloplites by boat- a tributary of Big Otter River of the mid- shocking in the lower Nottoway, suggest- dle Roanoke system, was collected in 1980 ing localization and/or low density in this by Petrimoulx in reference to a recent cita- typical black water, swamp margined tion "rock bass." Two adult A. cavifrons river. The Coastal Plain population may be were taken at the Co. Rt. 644 bridge, recruited largely from the Fall Line, but Bedford Co., Va. None were found in Big sampling in the latter also indicates gener- Otter Creek at the time nor elsewhere ally low population density of Roanoke previously in this widely sampled water- bass. shed. The capture site is at the base of the TYPE SPECIMEN OF ROANOKE BASS Blue Ridge, suggesting localization therein and extirpaton in at least most of Cashner and Jenkins (1982) noted that the remaining, silted and generally tur- the holotype of A. cavifrons could not be bid, Piedmont portion of the system. found. However, it is in the type collec- tion of the Academy of Natural Sciences, CHOWAN RIVER DRAINAGE. Records additional to those of Cashner and Jenkins Philadelphia, Pa., catalog number 12803 (1982) are plotted for the Nottoway and (E. B. Bohlke, pers. comm. 1982). Meherrin system (fig. 1). Those from the ROCK BASS RECORDS Piedmont and above the Fall Line were GOOSE CREEK. This tributary of the taken by Petrimoulx (1980) in 1978 and middle Roanoke system heads on the Blue 1979 and M. D. Norman and R. South- Ridge and flows mostly on the Piedmont wick in 1982. As an indication of localiza- of Bedford Co., Va. (fig. 1). The first tion and/or rarity of Roanoke bass in these verified Ambloplites specimens were taken river sections, 3 of the 4 recent record sites in 1979: Petrimoulx took 13 rock bass at are in sections where it was previously the base of the Blue Ridge (below dam known. (Numerous other Piedmont and along Co. Rt. 726), and one from mid Fall Line sites with marginal to fair habitat length of the river (Rt. 122 bridge). were searched without success.) The North Sampling was made relative to a citation Meherrin site yielded A. cavifrons in 1958 "rock bass" reported from the upper site. and 1979. In the Nottoway system, the Probable stocking(s) of rock bass may have 1978—79 records from Stony Creek are been made long ago. This species (and from the same section as the 1967 records. A. cavifrons) could have been missed by The 1982 record from main channel prior collectors because the Goose Creek Nottoway River, in Fall Line-like habitat, system has been only sparsely sampled. corroborates a 1979 sighting by Jenkins of DAN RIVER SYSTEM. Two records of an Ambloplites stunned by electroshocker A. rupestris were listed and plotted for this 154 R. E. JENKINS AND R. C. CASHNER Vol. 83

system (Cashner and Jenkins 1980, 1982). Cashner, R. C. and R. E. Jenkins 1980 Amblo- One of these was misplotted on Smith plites cavifrons, p. 579. In: D. S. Lee, et al. Atlas River, and is replotted herein on of North American freshwater . N. C. State Museum, Raleigh. Horsepasture Creek, a North Mayo River and 1982 Systematics tributary. This places both Dan system of the Roanoke bass, Ambloplites cavifrons. Copeia: records of A. rupestris in the Mayo 581-594. River branch. A single (unknown) stock- and R. D. Suttkus 1977 Ambloplites constellatus, a new species of rock bass from the ing may have lead to the records. Because Ozark Upland of Arkansas and Missouri with a both records date from the 1940s, and the review of western rock bass populations. Amer. Dan system was extensively surveyed in Midi. Nat. 98: 147-161. the 1970s, the population apparently and 1978 The status of disappeared. the rock bass population in Blue Spring, New Mexico, with comments on the introduction of JAMES RIVER DRAINAGE. To clarify a rock bass in the western United States. South- statement (Cashner and Jenkins 1982) re- west. Nat. 23: 463-472. garding an apparently erroneous early re- Deacon, J.E., G. Kobetich, J. D. Williams and cord of rock bass (ANSP 12627-31, not S. Contreras 1979 Fishes of North America endangered, threatened, or of special concern. —37) from Tuckahoe Creek, a tributary of Fisheries 4: 29-44. James River just above the Fall Line, we Hambrick, P. S. 1973 Composition, longitudi- note that if this species had been native to nal distribution and zoogeography of the fish the creek, it clearly would be expected to fauna of Back Creek, Blackwater River and Pigg River, tributaries of the Roanoke River in south- now inhabit the James River Fall Line. It central Virginia. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Va. does not. The James' Fall Line offers ex- Polytech. Inst. and St. Univ., Blacksburg. tensive suitable habitat; smallmouth bass, Jackson, H. W. and C. Henderson 1942 A with habitat preferences similar to those of study of the stream pollution problem in the rock bass, flourish there today (and also are Roanoke, Virginia, metropolitan district. II. Macroscopic invertebrate and vertebrate faunae. absent from Tuckahoe Creek). Ambloplites Bull. Va. Polytech. Inst. Eng. Exp. Sta., Ser. 51 would not be expected to inhabitat Tucka- 35: 91-105. hoe Creek historically, because of unsuita- James, D. L., Jr. 1979 Ecological studies of the ble habitat. fishes of the Pigg River system, south-central Virginia, with special reference to threatened spe- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The following are thanked for cies. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Va. Commonwealth aiding this update on Roanoke bass. H.J. Univ., Richmond. Petrimoulx, Environmental Resources Manage- Jenkins, R. E. andJ.A. Musick 1980 Fresh- ment, provided specimens, fieldnotes and other in- water and marine fishes, p. 319—373. In: formation. W. H. Norton, Ferrum College, gave W. Linzey, (ed.) Endangered and threatened data on Roanoke bass stocking. M. D. Norman and plants and of Virginia. Va. Polytech. R. Southwick, Virginia Commission of Game and Inst. St. Univ., Blacksburg. Inland Fisheries, informed us of results of their Nottoway River survey. E. B. Bohlke, Academy McBride, F. T., R. I. Jones and F. A. Harris 1980 of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, informed of Growth rates and food habits of Roanoke bass in the holotype of the Roanoke bass. G. H. Miller the Eno and Tar Rivers, North Carolina. Proc. and W. D. McCoy, University of Colorado, ex- 34th Annu. Conf. Southeast. Assoc. Fish Wildl. pedited early drafting of the manuscript. N. M. Agency. 34: 341-348. Burkhead, Roanoke College, helpfully reviewed the Petrimoulx, H.J. 1980 The biology and distri- manuscript. bution of the Roanoke bass, Ambloplites cavifrons Cope, in Virginia. Unpubl. M. S. Thesis, Va. LITERATURE CITED Commonwealth Univ., Richmond. Anon. 1972 Roanoke River basin. Comprehen- (In press) The life history and distribu- sive water resources plan. Vol. I. Va. Dept. Cons. tion of the Roanoke bass, Ambloplites cavifrons Econ. Devel., Richmond, Planning Bull. 243P, Cope, in Virginia. Am. Midi. Nat. 191 p. and R. E. Jenkins 1979 The last Anon. 1978 Record Roanoke bass caught. stand of the Roanoke bass. Va. Wildl. 40: 4-6. Wildi. N. C. 43: 6. Ravenel, W. deC. 1898 Report on the propaga- Cairns, J., Jr., J. S. Crossman and K. C. Dickson tion and distribution of food-fishes. U.S. Comm. 1971 The recovery of damaged streams. Assoc. Fish and Fish., Rep. of the Commissioner for the Southeast. Biol. Bull. 18: 79-106. year ending June 20, 1896: 11-92. Ohio J. Sci. ROANOKE BASS DISTRIBUTIONAL HISTORY 15 5

Smith, W. B. 1970 A preliminary report on the 1972 The biology of the Roanoke biology of the Roanoke Bass, Ambloplites cavifrons, bass, Ambloplites cavifrons Cope, in North in North Carolina. Proc. 23rd Annu. Conf. S. E. Carolina. Proc. 25th Annu. Conf. S. E. Assoc. Assoc. Game and Fish Comm. 23: 491-500. Fish Wildl. Agency. 25: 561-570. 1971 The biology of the Roanoke Titcomb, J.W. 1905 Report on the propaga- bass. N. C. Wildl. Resour. Comm., Statewide tion and distribution of food fishes. Rept. Bur. Fish Res., Final Rept. Project F-19: 1-18. Fish, for 1904: 25-80.