
vol. 175, no. 5 the american naturalist may 2010 ൴

When Is Correlation Coevolution?

Scott L. Nuismer,1,* Richard Gomulkiewicz,2 and Benjamin J. Ridenhour1,3

1. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844; 2. Department of Mathematics and School of Biological Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164; 3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Influenza Division, Atlanta, Georgia 30329 Submitted June 17, 2009; Accepted December 28, 2009; Electronically published March 22, 2010 Online enhancement: appendix.

of phenotype matching between and floral abstract: Studying the correlation between traits of interacting morphologies (e.g., Steiner and Whitehead 1991; Ander- has long been a popular approach for identifying putative cases of coevolution. More recently, such approaches have been used son and Johnson 2008) and studies of character displace- as a means to evaluate support for the geographic mosaic theory of ment in competitors (e.g., Grant and Grant 2006; Albert coevolution. Here we examine the utility of these approaches, using et al. 2007; Carlson et al. 2009; Moen and Wiens 2009). mathematical and computational models to predict the correlation In these examples, positive correlations between pollinator that evolves between traits of interacting species for a broad range and floral morphology across locations or negative cor- of interaction types. Our results reveal that coevolution is neither a relations between trait values of competitors across loca- necessary nor a sufficient condition for the of spatially tions are commonly taken as partial evidence for coevo- correlated traits between two species. Specifically, our results show that coevolutionary selection fails to consistently generate statistically lution. Similar approaches have been applied to significant correlations and, conversely, that non-coevolutionary pro- interactions between hosts and parasites or predators and cesses can readily cause statistically significant correlations to evolve. prey as a method to evaluate support for a coevolutionary In addition, our results demonstrate that studies of trait correlations hypothesis (e.g., Berenbaum and Zangerl 1998; Benkman per se cannot be used as evidence either for or against a geographic 1999; Brodie et al. 2002; Zangerl and Berenbaum 2003; mosaic process. Taken together, our results suggest that understand- Toju and Sota 2006; Nash et al. 2008). ing the coevolutionary process in natural populations will require Although studies of correlations between traits of in- detailed mechanistic studies conducted in multiple populations or the use of more sophisticated statistical approaches that better use teracting species are intuitively appealing, it has been ar- information contained in existing data sets. gued that such studies cannot provide unequivocal evi- dence for coevolution. The argument against using Keywords: geographic mosaic, trait matching, species interactions, correlated trait values as evidence for coevolution was local , character displacement. made most forcefully by Janzen (1980) in his paper entitled “When is it coevolution?” He argued that well-matched or strongly correlated traits could evolve between inter- Thus I can understand how a flower and a might slowly acting species through processes other than coevolution become, either simultaneously or one after the other, modified (Janzen 1980). Similar arguments have been made against and adapted to each other in the most perfect manner, by the using character displacement as evidence for competitive continued preservation of all the individuals which presented coevolution (Strong et al. 1979). At least three non- slight deviations of structure mutually favourable to each coevolutionary mechanisms could explain correlations be- other. (Darwin 1909, p. 109) tween the traits of interacting species across sites. First, as Introduction Janzen argued, positive correlations will arise if, for in- Since Darwin sketched this outline for a process of evo- stance, long-tongued pollinator individuals congregate in lution between a plant and its pollinator, numerous studies regions where tend to have, on average, long corollas have focused on identifying examples of such coevolution, but short-tongued pollinator individuals tend to congre- now formally defined as the reciprocal evolution of in- gate in regions where plants have, on average, short co- teracting species (Janzen 1980). Examples include studies rollas. Second, traits may become correlated any time one species evolves to match the phenotype of an interacting * Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]. species that fails to evolve in response either because it Am. Nat. 2010. Vol. 175, pp. 525–537. ᭧ 2010 by The University of Chicago. experiences only weak selection from the interaction or 0003-0147/2010/17505-51364$15.00. All rights reserved. because it lacks heritable variation (evolutionary com- DOI: 10.1086/651591 mensalism). Third, correlated traits could evolve if the 526 The American Naturalist abiotic environment favors similar traits in both of the mean trait values and their correlations (Brodie et al. 2002; interacting species. Zangerl and Berenbaum 2003; Toju and Sota 2006; An- Although these verbal arguments provide compelling derson and Johnson 2008). Finally, we lack quantitative reasons to avoid using correlations between traits as evi- predictions for the distribution of correlation coefficients dence for coevolution, they do not address whether a fail- expected to evolve under coevolutionary and non-coevo- ure to identify correlated traits indicates an absence of lutionary scenarios, leaving the interpretation of measured coevolution. Nevertheless, following the publication of correlations open to creative interpretation. Janzen’s (1980) arguments, studies appeared suggesting Here, we address this gap in existing theory by analyzing that a lack of well-matched or significantly correlated phe- mathematical models that predict the distribution of cor- notypes demonstrates a lack of coevolution (see review in relation coefficients that evolves across a broad range of Thompson 1994). It was partially in response to this ar- scenarios, ranging from an absence of coevolutionary se- gument that Thompson (1994, 2005) developed his geo- lection to very intense coevolutionary selection. Our re- graphic mosaic theory of coevolution. A central theme of sults provide a quantitative framework within which the this theory is that reciprocal selection need not lead to support for coevolutionary or non-coevolutionary hy- well-matched or significantly correlated traits in all cases. potheses can be evaluated on the basis of estimated values Instead, the geographic mosaic theory predicts that—for of interspecific correlations. Our results allow us to answer a variety of reasons including drift, gene flow, and time three specific questions. (1) When, if ever, can correlations lags in the coevolutionary process itself—reciprocal selec- be used to infer a coevolutionary process? (2) Does an tion should lead to significantly correlated traits in only a absence of correlations preclude a coevolutionary process? subset of coevolutionary interactions, whereas others will (3) Do correlations provide information that can be used show loose matching or even “trait mismatching” to evaluate support for the geographic mosaic theory? (Thompson 1994, 2005). Although a number of models now support the basic predictions of the geographic mo- saic theory (Nuismer et al. 1999, 2000; Gomulkiewicz et Model Development and Analysis al. 2000; Nuismer 2006), none of these models predicts The General Model the distribution of correlations expected to evolve as a result of coevolutionary and non-coevolutionary pro- We model coevolution between a pair of species whose cesses. Thus, we lack a quantitative framework within interactions with each other and the abiotic environment which to interpret the results of existing empirical studies are mediated by a single quantitative trait. Our primary and to evaluate the support they provide for coevolution- goal is to understand how the bivariate distribution of ary and non-coevolutionary hypotheses. species’ mean phenotypes is shaped by biotic and abiotic In summary, compelling verbal arguments suggest that selection, random , and migration. To that end, correlations between traits of interacting species observed we model two species that are distributed in finite pop- across populations are not sufficient evidence for inferring ulations across a large number of ecologically variable lo- a coevolutionary process (Janzen 1980). Equally compel- cations. Gene flow is assumed to occur at rate mi in species ling verbal arguments (Thompson 1994, 2005) supported i and to follow an island model (Wright 1931). by population and quantitative genetic theory (Nuismer Within each location, our model assumes that individual et al. 1999, 2000; Gomulkiewicz et al. 2000; Nuismer 2006; fitness is determined by biotic interactions and the abiotic Ridenhour and Nuismer 2007) suggest that a failure to environment. Specifically, the fitness of an individual of demonstrate correlated traits is not evidence for an absence species i and phenotype zi, given an encounter with an of coevolution. Despite these arguments, studies of trait individual of species j and phenotype zj, is correlations across populations continue to be used as par- 2 tial evidence either for or against a coevolutionary hy- W(zi, z j) p exp [Ϫg i(z iϪ v i)]q i(z i, z j). (1) pothesis (e.g., Zangerl and Berenbaum 2003; Toju and Sota 2006; Anderson and Johnson 2008). There appear to be The exponential on the right side of equation (1) models three primary reasons that studies of trait correlations per- stabilizing selection imposed by the abiotic environment sist. First, correlations between traits of interacting species that occurs any time a trait involved in species interactions are relatively easy to estimate, requiring only the mea- also contributes to performance in the physical environ- surement of population mean trait values for the inter- ment (e.g., Fellowes et al. 1998; Brodie and Brodie 1999; acting species at multiple locations. Second, the geographic Webster and Woolhouse 1999; Bergelson et al. 2001; Lahti mosaic theory predicts that traits will be well-matched in 2005). The parameter vi is the optimum phenotype with some locations but mismatched in others, a prediction that respect to the abiotic environment, and the parameter gi appears to be testable using information on population determines how rapidly fitness declines with distance from Correlation and Coevolution 527

Figure 1: of an individual of species 1 in an interaction with an individual of species 2 as a function of the difference between their phenotypes (z12Ϫ z ). The three lines on each plot correspond to three values of the parameter a {0.5, 5.0, 50.0}. The left-hand column shows the case where species 1 is benefitted by the interaction, whereas the right-hand column shows the case where species 1 is harmed by the interaction. The first row represents interactions mediated by phenotypic matching, whereas the second row represents interactions mediated by phenotypic differences. The parameter K was set to 0.2 in all plots where the species benefitted through interacting and to 0.8 in all plots where the species was harmed by interacting. The parameter y was set to 0.6 in all cases. Note that the species identities can be interchanged. this optimum. We model spatial variation in the abiotic boscis length in , where both plant and polli- environment by drawing a pair of optima (one for each nator benefit by having larger trait values than the indi- species) for each location at random from a bivariate nor- viduals they interact with (e.g., “Darwin’s race”; Anderson ¯¯ 2 mal distribution with meansvij and v , variances jvi and and Johnson 2008; Muchhala and Thomson 2009), and 2 jvj, and covariance j v i v j . The factor qi(z i, z j) in equation body size in competing species of fig (Moore et al. (1) measures the fitness consequences of interspecific in- 2008). teraction for species i and depends on the trait values of To model phenotypic matching, we assume that the ef- the interacting individuals (z1, z2) and on whether the in- fect on fitness of an individual of species i in an encounter teraction is mediated by phenotypic matching (Gavrilets with an individual of species j,i ( j , is 1997; Nuismer et al. 2005; Kopp and Gavrilets 2006) or 2 phenotypic differences (Nuismer et al. 2007). qmatch, i(z i, z j) p K iϩ y iexp [Ϫa(z iϪ z j) ], (2a) For interactions mediated by phenotypic matching, fit- ness outcomes depend on the degree of similarity Fz Ϫ where{FyiF K i1; Ϫ1 y i 0} if the interaction re- 1 ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ z F of an interacting pair. This corresponds to Abrams’s duces the fitness of species i and {0 Kii1 Ϫ y ;0 2 ≤ ≤ ≤ (2000) bidirectional axis of vulnerability. Examples include yi 1} if its fitness is increased. The parameter a deter- ≤ the egg morphology of and their (Soler mines the impact of phenotypic matching (fig. 1, top). In et al. 2003), morphology in competing species the phenotypic difference case, we model the fitness out- (Grant and Grant 2006), and spur length in plants come for an individual of species i in an encounter with and pollinator proboscis length in pollinators, where both an individual of species j,i ( j , as plant and pollinator benefit by tighter phenotypic match- ing (Steiner and Whitehead 1991). Alternatively, interac- yi qdiffs, i(z i, z j) p K i ϩ , (2b) tions mediated by phenotypic differences depend on the 1 ϩ exp [Ϫa(zijϪ z )] signed pairwise difference,z 12Ϫ z . This corresponds to a unidirectional axis of vulnerability (Abrams 2000). Ex- where{0 K 1 Ϫ y ;0 y 1} in all cases (fig. 1, ≤ i≤ i≤ i ≤ amples include pericarp thickness in camellias and rostrum bottom). length in seed-predatory camellia weevils (Toju and Sota Finally, we assume that random genetic drift occurs at 2006), nectar spur length in plants and pollinator pro- the end of each generation. This is modeled, following 528 The American Naturalist

Lande (1976), by randomly sampling ni individuals in- Analysis of this simpler set of recursions reveals that the dependently at each location of species i to form the next system evolves to an equilibrium or undergoes a runaway generation. process in which at least some of the statistical moments evolve without bound (analyses performed in Mathemat- ica 7.0; notebook available on request). Which outcome Quantitative Genetic Approximation occurs depends on the type of interaction (, The model just described is mathematically complex and exploiter-victim, competition, or ), whether difficult to analyze except numerically. Here we derive a the interaction is mediated by phenotypic matching or more tractable approximation by making several addi- differences, and the relative strengths of abiotic and biotic tional assumptions. First, we assumea O(␧) and g selection. Although we do not explicitly model changes in ∼ i ∼ O(␧), where␧ K 1 such that the fitness function (eq. [1]) population sizes over time, when a runaway process oc- can be well approximated by a first-order Taylor series in curs, the population mean fitness of at least one of the ␧ (Nuismer et al. 2005, 2007; Ridenhour and Nuismer species decreases over time, suggesting that the likely out- 2007). This implies that fitness is not too sensitive to the come is of one or both species. distance between the phenotypes of the interacting indi- For interactions mediated by phenotypic differences, the viduals or to an individual’s deviation from the optimum covariance between the trait means of the interacting spe- phenotype favored by abiotic selection. Next, we assume cies always evolves to a stable equilibrium: that phenotypes are normally distributed and that additive jˆ p 0 ϩ O(␧2). (4) genetic variances of the interacting species’ traits (Gi, Gj) zz¯¯12 are constant. These assumptions will be relaxed later through the use of individual-based simulations. Thus, interactions mediated by phenotypic differences and With these assumptions, the change in mean phenotype weak coevolutionary selection do not generate significant of species i at a given location is spatial associations between the mean phenotypes of two interacting species. ˜ ˜ ˜ Unlike phenotypic differences, interactions mediated by D¯zip G i[2g i(v iϪ ¯z i) ϩ 2s M(¯z jϪ ¯z i) ϩ s D ] iiphenotypic matching do not necessarily lead to an evo- ˜ 2 ϩ (¯ziϪ ¯z i) ϩ z i ϩ O(␧ ), (3) lutionary equilibrium. Indeed, the statistical moments equilibrate only when ˜ wherei ( jz ;¯ip (1 Ϫ m i)¯z iϩ m im i is the mean phenotype within the location immediately after juvenile migration; 2RMM2R 12ϩ 1 Ϫ1, (5) and z , the change in mean phenotype caused by drift, is i m1 ϩ 2RmA122 ϩ 2RA a random variable with a mean of 0 and a variance of p p Gii/n (see appendix in the online edition of the American whereRMiG i s M i and R A i G ig i (appendix). Biologi- p Naturalist). For the case of phenotype matching, sDi 0 cally, inequality (5) shows that a stable equilibrium exists p andsMi ay i i/(K iϩ y i) , whereas for the case of phenotype when gene flow is (relatively) high, abiotic selection is p p differences,sMii0 ands Day i i/(4K iϩ 2y i) . We use strong, and biotic interactions have intense effects on spe- equation (3) along with standard properties of the expec- cies that benefit (mutualist, parasite, predator) but weak tation and covariance to project changes in first and second effects on species that are harmed (competitors, hosts, central moments of the joint distribution of mean phe- prey). Consequently, a stable equilibrium will evolve for notypes over locations (appendix). The result is a system all mutualisms, for a subset of exploiter-victim interac- of nine recursions that track evolution of each species’ tions, and for a comparatively narrow range of competitive expected mean phenotype across all populations (m1, m2), interactions. the spatial variances of each species’ mean phenotype When inequality (5) holds, the covariance between trait 22 (jz¯12 , j z¯ ), the covariance between trait means ( j z¯12 z¯ ), and means equilibrates at the covariances between each trait mean and each local 22 abiotic optimum (jjjj¯¯¯¯v ,v ,v ,v ). 2(Gs jˆˆϩ Gs j ) z1 1z 2 2z 1 2z 2 1 jˆ p 1 Mz1¯¯ 22 Mz 2 1 Although the resulting dynamical system is linear, the zz¯¯12 m1ϩ m 2ϩ 2[G 1(sM ϩ g12) ϩ G (sM ϩ g2)] recursions are still too complex to allow biological insight. 12 For this reason, we further assume that the rate of gene ϩ O(␧2), (6)

flow is small (mi O(␧) ) and that abiotic optima vary only ∼ 2 2 weakly across space (j O(␧) ). The latter implies wherejˆ , is the equilibrium spatial variance of the trait vi ∼ z¯i j O(␧) as well. These assumptions will also be relaxed mean in species i that depends on the population sizes of vv12∼ using the individual-based simulations described below. the interacting species ni (appendix). Thus, interactions Correlation and Coevolution 529 mediated by phenotype matching, unlike those mediated the relative strengths of biotic and abiotic selection (fig. by phenotypic differences, generate nonzero associations 2, upper left, lower right). In all cases, parameter combi- between the trait means of interacting species. nations exist where coevolutionary selection fails to gen- Numerical evaluations of equation (6), using equilib- erate statistically significant correlations (areas between red rium expressions for the variances (appendix), shed light lines in fig. 2). on factors determining the sign and magnitude of the Although these results clearly demonstrate that coevo- correlation. For mutualistic interactions, the correlation is lutionary selection can produce significant correlations be- always positive; its magnitude increases with the strength tween the traits of interacting species in some cases, they of mutualistic selection but decreases with that of abiotic also reveal that coevolutionary selection per se is not re- selection (fig. 2, upper right). In contrast, competitive in- quired for substantial correlations to evolve. Specifically, teractions lead to negative correlations whose magnitudes the equilibrium (eq. [A6] in the appendix) shows that traits increase with the strength of competitive selection but de- become correlated even if the fitness of only one species crease with abiotic selection (fig. 2, lower left). Finally, is affected by interactions (evolutionary commensalism). equilibrium correlations generated by antagonistic inter- For instance, a host-parasite interaction in which all host actions at equilibrium vary in sign and size, depending on phenotypes are equally likely to be infected can evolve

Figure 2: Contour plots of the equilibrium correlation coefficient shown for various strengths of abiotic selection as a function of the strength of biotic selection andm1p m 2p 0.001 andn 1p n 2 p 1,000 in all panels. Each panel shows the correlation as a function of the strength of biotic selection in species 1 and 2. The upper right-hand quadrant of each plot represents a mutualistic interaction, the lower left-hand quadrant a competitive interaction, and the remaining two quadrants antagonistic interactions, with species 1 the exploiter in the upper left-hand quadrant and species 2 the exploiter in the lower right-hand quadrant. Each of the nine plots corresponds to different strengths of stabilizing selection acting on the two species. White areas within the plots are areas where the equilibrium is locally unstable and a runaway process ensues. Red lines indicate the threshold magnitude of the correlation that must be exceeded for statistical significance in an empirical study of 30 populations. Thus, only those correlations that lie outside of the area defined by the red lines would be deemed statistically significant. 530 The American Naturalist strong correlations as long as parasite phenotypes differ can have conspicuous effects on the magnitude of the in their success and are heritable (e.g., figs. 2– correlation in mutualistic and competitive interactions and p 1 4, cases wheresMM120 ands 0 ). In addition, it is can even alter the sign of the correlation in antagonistic straightforward to show analytically that correlated abiotic interactions (fig. 4). The strong effect of relative popula- environments, acting in the absence of biotic interactions, tion sizes arises in antagonistic interactions because when lead to equilibria where the traits of the interacting species the exploiter has a larger population size than the victim, are correlated (results not shown). Consequently, as Janzen selection is relatively more effective in the exploiter than (1980) argued, a correlation need not imply a reciprocal in the victim (all else being equal). Consequently, the vic- coevolutionary process. tim cannot evolve away from the exploiter as rapidly as Previous theoretical studies have found that gene flow the exploiter can respond. Consequently, exploiters closely and local population size can have important effects on track the evolution of their victims, generating a significant coevolution under some circumstances (Gandon et al. correlation. 1996; Gandon and Michalakis 2002; Gandon and Nuismer 2009) but not others (Ridenhour and Nuismer 2007; Gav- Individual-Based Simulations rilets and Michalakis 2008). We investigated how rates of gene flow and local population sizes influence the corre- Our quantitative genetic approximation provides insight lation between traits, using our equilibrium equations. For into the conditions where correlations evolve but makes the scenarios considered here, gene flow has only a rela- four important assumptions. First, the approximation as- tively weak impact on the trait correlation between species sumes fixed additive genetic variances, an assumption un-

(fig. 3). However, asymmetry in local population sizes ni likely to hold in most natural systems. This assumption is

Figure 3: Contour plots of the equilibrium correlation coefficient shown for various rates of gene flow as a function of the strength of biotic selection andg1p g 2p 0.02 andn 1p n 2 p 1,000 . Additional details as in figure 2. Correlation and Coevolution 531

Figure 4: Contour plots of the equilibrium correlation coefficient shown for various local population sizes as a function of the strength of biotic selection andg1p g 2p 0.02 andm 1p m 2 p 0.001 . Additional details as in figure 2. particularly relevant in the context of coevolution because were completely characterized by their phenotype, z. Each previous work has demonstrated that allowing additive simulation began by creating ni individuals of each species genetic variance to evolve changes the dynamics of co- within each habitat i, where the phenotypes of these in- evolution (Nuismer et al. 2005; Kopp and Gavrilets 2006). dividuals were drawn at random from a uniform distri-

Drawing initial phenotypes in this . {0.1 ע Second, the approximation assumes weak selection, mean- bution on{vi ing that the phenotypes of the interacting species have way assumes that populations are initially at least mod- only small effects on individual fitness. This assumption erately well adapted to their abiotic environment. After may also be unlikely to hold in all cases and can have initialization, simulations tracked the fate of individuals important consequences for the model of phenotypic dif- over a cycle in which individuals (1) moved among ferences considered here (Nuismer et al. 2007). Third, the habitats, (2) mated and reproduced, (3) experienced abi- approximation assumes that the optimal phenotypes fa- otic selection, and (4) experienced biotic selection. At the vored by stabilizing selection are weakly variable across end of each generation, the phenotypic means for each space. Finally, our approximation assumes that the rate of population were recorded. gene flow among populations is low. To evaluate whether Movement among habitats occurred following an island our analytical predictions are qualitatively robust to vio- model where a fixed proportion of individuals of species lations of these assumptions, we developed and analyzed i, mi, entered a global migrant pool in each generation. individual-based simulations. Individuals from this global migrant pool were then as- Our simulations tracked the evolution of interacting signed to the different habitats at random until the pop- populations composed of hermaphroditic individuals of ulation of species i in each habitat reached its size before each species distributed across 30 habitats. Individuals creation of the migrant pool. Consequently, movement of 532 The American Naturalist

individuals had the desired effect of altering gene fre- harmful interactions. In all cases, the parameter yi was quencies but not local population sizes. spatially and temporally fixed. The entire life cycle was After migration, parental pairs were chosen randomly repeated for 1,000 generations, at which point the cor- (with replacement) from the local population to found a relation between the trait means of the interacting species new population of size ni. Each breeding pair produced a was calculated and recorded. single offspring whose phenotype was generated by adding We ran 1,000 simulations for antagonistic, mutualistic, a zero-mean, normally distributed random variable with competitive, and commensalistic interactions mediated by 2 segregational variancejseg to the average phenotype of the either phenotypic matching or phenotypic differences. In 2 two parents;jseg is assumed to be constant across gener- addition, we ran 1,000 simulations for interactions lacking ations. This approach allows additive genetic variance to biotic selection to generate a null distribution for the cor- evolve (because the genetic variance of the parental pop- relation expected in the absence of reciprocal interactions ulation changes in response to selection, drift, and gene between species. Thus, in total, we ran 9,000 simulations. flow) and accommodates arbitrary phenotype distribu- At the beginning of every simulation run, the local pop- tions while saving large amounts of computational time ulation size was drawn at random from a uniform distri- by ignoring explicit multilocus genetics. Nevertheless, this bution on {300, 2,000} for each species, migration rates approach does assume that the segregational variance re- were drawn from a uniform distribution on {0, 0.1}, and mains constant, an assumption likely to hold over long the parameter Ki was fixed at1/2 . These parameters were periods of evolutionary time only when selection is suf- identical across all habitats. Source C code and simulation ficiently weak for to replenish additive genetic data are available on request. 2 variance eroded by the action of selection. We set jseg p We compared simulated distributions of correlation co- 0.1 in all simulations. efficients that evolved under different ecological scenarios Abiotic selection occurred after mating, with each in- and mechanisms of interaction (fig. 5). This comparison dividual surviving with a probability determined by the revealed several important results. First, contrary to our abiotic portion of equation (1). The parameter gi, which analytical predictions, interactions mediated by pheno- measures the strength of stabilizing selection acting on typic differences can yield substantial correlations when species i in all populations, was drawn from a uniform reciprocal selection is strong (fig. 5). Nevertheless, inter- distribution on {0.005, 1.0}. The strength of stabilizing actions mediated by phenotypic differences tended to sup- selection was thus temporally and spatially homogenous. port weaker correlations than phenotypic matching (fig. In contrast, pairs of abiotic phenotypic optima were drawn 5), in accord with our analytic results. In fact, the average SE) of the correlation for phenotypicע) for each habitat from a bivariate normal distribution and magnitude -for phe 0.005 ע but only 0.316 0.005 ע were thus spatially variable. The two means of this bivariate matching is0.563 normal distribution were drawn independently at the start notypic differences. More important, from an empirical of each simulation from a uniform distribution on {0.4, standpoint, only 32.1% of the correlation coefficients ob- 0.6}, the two variances were drawn from a uniform dis- served for phenotypic differences reach statistical signifi- tribution on {0.0, 0.1}, and the correlation was drawn from cance at theP p .05 level (based on sampling 30 sites), a uniform distribution on {Ϫ0.1, 0.1}. whereas 69.7% would be statistically significant for phe- Finally, biotic selection was implemented by drawing a notypic matching. Second, trait matching tends, as pre- pair of individuals, one from each species, at random with- dicted, to generate positive correlations in mutualisms and out replacement; the chosen individuals survived the en- , negative correlations in competitive in- counter with probabilities given by equations (2). This was teractions, and both positive and negative correlations in repeated until all individuals of the species with the smaller antagonistic interactions (fig. 5). population size had interacted; individuals of the species Our results provide a sobering view of what can be with the larger population size who did not interact sur- inferred from even precise estimates of trait correlations. vived if this species was a competitor, victim, or host of Two findings are of particular relevance. First, the simu- a commensal but died if this species was an exploiter, lations demonstrate that correlations between species read- mutualist, or commensal. If species interactions were me- ily evolve in the absence of reciprocal biotic selection. This diated by phenotype matching, the parameter yi was drawn can occur if interactions cause selection on only one of from a uniform distribution on {0, 0.5} if a species ben- the species (fig. 5, bottom) or if the trait optima favored efitted from interacting; however, yi was drawn from a by stabilizing selection on the two species are strongly uniform distribution on {Ϫ0.5, 0} if a species was harmed correlated (results not shown). Second, the simulations by interacting. For the case of interactions mediated by show that reciprocal selection often fails to generate sta- phenotype differences, the parameter yi was drawn from tistically significant correlations between trait means even a uniform distribution on {0, 0.5} for both beneficial and when it occurs. For phenotypic differences, 67.9% of sim- Correlation and Coevolution 533

Figure 5: Distribution of correlation coefficients generated by biotic interactions (filled bars) compared to the distribution of correlation coefficients generated by drift, abiotic selection, and gene flow alone (open bars) for four forms of ecological interaction. Left, distribution for interactions mediated by phenotypic differences; right, distribution for interactions mediated by phenotypic matching. ulations failed to yield statistically significant correlations actions on fitness increases correlations, whereas strength- even though the species were experiencing coevolution in ening abiotic selection decreases correlations (figs. A1, A2, every simulation run. Thus, as Thompson (1994, 2005) left, in the appendix). For phenotypic matching, the cor- has pointed out, an absence of trait matching is not evi- relation is increased by weakening abiotic selection but dence for the absence of coevolutionary selection. increasing the strength of biotic selection acting on the Next, we used our simulation results to graphically ex- mutualist or enemy species. In contrast, the correlation is plore how model parameters influence the sign and mag- decreased by reducing the strength of abiotic selection and nitude of interspecific correlations between the trait means strengthening biotic selection acting on the competitor or of the interacting species. For this, we used least squares victim species (figs. A1, A2, right). to fit a quadratic model for the correlation. Specifically, we plotted the least squares regression fit for a quadratic Reconciling Analytical and Simulation Results model of the general form r p b ϩ cX1 1ϩ cX 2 2 ϩ 22 c3 X 1 X 2ϩ cX 4 1ϩ cX 5 2 to the simulated data, where the The results of our analytical approximation and individ- variables Xi represent the fitness consequences of biotic ual-based simulations differ in two important respects. interactions (yi), the strengths of abiotic selection (gi), First, our analytical model predicts that coevolutionary population sizes (ni), or rates of gene flow (mi). interactions mediated by phenotypic differences do not The least squares fits suggest that local population size generate correlations, whereas our simulations suggest that and gene flow had only very weak effects on the magnitude under some circumstances, they can. This discrepancy of the correlation. In contrast, our least squares fits showed arises primarily because our analytical approximations as- that abiotic and biotic selection have very strong effects sume that the fitness consequences of species interactions on the correlation. For interactions mediated by pheno- depend only weakly on the phenotypes of the interacting typic differences, increasing the influence of biotic inter- individuals. When this assumption is violated—as it is in 534 The American Naturalist the simulations—our Taylor series approximation for the absolute sense. Thus, as Thompson (1994) has argued, an phenotypic differences model breaks down because the absence of correlated traits is not evidence for an absence changes in mean phenotypes due to species interactions of coevolution. are no longer independent of the means themselves (for Results presented here also provide a formal justification additional discussion, see Nuismer et al. 2007). Thus, for Janzen’s (1980) verbal argument that matching traits whether interactions mediated by phenotypic differences between interacting species do not provide conclusive evi- cause interspecific correlations to evolve depends on the dence for a coevolutionary process. Indeed, biotic selection extent to which the relationship between the traits of in- that affects only one of the interacting species can itself teracting individuals and fitness is linear. cause trait matching. This can occur if interactions have The second important difference between our analytical potent fitness consequences for only one of the species and simulation results is the predicted impact of local (ecological commensalism) or if the outcome of interac- population sizes on the correlation between traits of the tions depends on the phenotype of only one of the species interacting species. Specifically, our analytical model pre- (evolutionary commensalism). For instance, studies of the dicts that population sizes have a strong effect on the interaction between two species of ducks and their egg- correlation, whereas our individual-based simulations sug- mimicking have shown that has gest only a weak effect. As with the first discrepancy, this little fitness cost to the host but egg rejection imposes large appears to be due to the assumption of weak selection costs on the parasite (Lyon and Eadie 2004). Our results made by our analytical model. Because our analytical show that these one-way interactions generate distribu- model assumes that selection is weak, an interesting in- tions of correlation coefficients virtually indistinguishable terplay between selection and drift develops for the pop- from those that evolve due to a coevolutionary process. ulation sizes that we have considered here. However, be- Another non-coevolutionary process that our analyses cause our simulations consider much stronger selection show readily leads to correlated traits between interacting than our analytical model but study an equivalent range species is stabilizing selection with correlated optimal phe- of local population sizes, this interplay between drift and notypes. Such a scenario is likely to arise if traits involved selection is lost. Additional simulations run with very small in interaction are influenced by similar abiotic variables. population sizes or very weak selection support this ex- For instance, if a host plant requires a minimum threshold planation (results not shown). Consequently, whether local temperature to initiate flowering and a phytophagous in- population sizes influence the correlation observed in nat- sect requires a minimum threshold temperature to emerge, ural interactions depends on local population sizes and the optimal abiotic phenotypes of the two species are likely the strength of selection generated by species interactions. to be positively correlated across elevational or latitudinal If local population sizes are small and/or selection is weak, gradients. The substantial environmental gradients ob- population size should matter, as predicted by our ana- served in some studies that document large-magnitude lytical model; if instead local population sizes are very large correlations between traits of interacting species (e.g., Toju and/or selection is very strong, local population sizes 2008) suggest that evidence for a reciprocal coevolutionary should be unimportant, as predicted by our simulations. process is tentative in these systems. In addition to confirming Janzen’s (1980) verbal ar- gument, our results provide new insight into the condi- Discussion tions that promote local adaptation for different types of Our analyses allow us to specify the conditions that must interactions. Because local adaptation—as generally stud- be met for coevolutionary selection to lead to significantly ied using fully reciprocal transplant or common-garden correlated traits in interacting species. Specifically, our re- designs—measures the covariance between genotypes of sults show that for correlations to be detected as statisti- interacting species (Nuismer and Gandon 2008), it should cally significant in studies of modest size (e.g., 30 popu- be possible to use our results to predict local adaptation. lations), several conditions must be met. First, for Specifically, positive correlations should indicate local ad- interactions mediated by a mechanism of phenotype aptation for species that benefit through interacting (mu- matching (e.g., similarity in color pattern of and tualists, parasites, etc.) but local maladaptation for species host eggs), reciprocal selection must be strong relative to that are harmed by interacting (competitors, hosts, etc.). stabilizing selection imposed by the abiotic environment. Because our results show that the sign of the correlation The condition for interactions mediated by phenotypic (and thus which species is locally adapted) does not change differences (e.g., concentration of toxic defensive com- as a function of the relative rates of gene flow in the pound in prey and detoxification ability in predator) is interacting species, our results support previous analyses even more stringent, requiring that reciprocal selection be of host-pathogen interactions mediated by quantitative strong not only relative to abiotic selection but also in an traits (Ridenhour and Nuismer 2007) and previous pop- Correlation and Coevolution 535 ulation genetic models that have assumed infinite popu- the GMTC because there is no a priori expectation for the lation sizes (Nuismer 2006; Gavrilets and Michalakis 2008) value of the correlation expected in the absence of a geo- but conflict with those of some models where interactions graphic mosaic process. In other words, our results dem- are mediated by specific genetic mechanisms of infection/ onstrate that the distribution of correlation coefficients resistance (Gandon et al. 1996; Gandon 2002; Gandon and that arises through a geographic mosaic process (some Michalakis 2002; Gandon and Nuismer 2009). This dis- combination of spatially variable coevolutionary selection, crepancy may arise because underlying gene flow, and finite populations) cannot be distinguished infection/resistance is eroded less rapidly (or not at all) in from a distribution resulting from a nongeographic mosaic quantitative genetic models and in population genetic process (i.e., no spatially variable coevolutionary selec- models that assume infinite population sizes than in pop- tion). ulation genetic models with finite populations, creating In summary, we have used a quantitative genetic model less opportunity for gene flow to introduce novel favorable of reciprocal selection between species to show that the genotypes (Gandon and Nuismer 2009). correlation between traits of interacting species—when In contrast to the limited impact of relative rates of gene studied in isolation—reveals little about the presence or flow, our analytical results demonstrate that relative pop- absence of coevolution and cannot be used to support or ulation sizes of host and pathogen populations can play refute a geographic mosaic process. Instead, our results a role in determining the identity of the locally adapted suggest that conclusive support for coevolutionary or geo- species (fig. 4). This result, which is also observed in some graphic mosaic processes requires direct estimates of co- population genetic models (Gandon and Michalakis 2002; evolutionary selection in natural populations (e.g., Benk- Gandon and Nuismer 2009), suggests that contrary to con- man et al. 2003; Brodie and Ridenhour 2003; Ridenhour ventional wisdom, this effect is not driven by the impact 2005; Gomulkiewicz et al. 2007); manipulative studies of of drift on levels of standing genetic variation because local adaptation (Hoeksema and Thompson 2007; Nuis- additive genetic variance is fixed in our analytic model. mer and Gandon 2008; Gandon and Nuismer 2009); or Instead, the effect appears to be driven by drift impeding pluralistic approaches using novel statistics that combine adaptation in one of the interacting species more than the information from phylogeographic studies, estimates of other. 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“Fredericella regina Leidy. Figs. 1, 2, 3. Colonies attached to pieces of bark. Fig. 4. Magnified view of one Polyzoo¨n. D, brown envelope, the ectocyst; E, pellucid wall of the tube and cell, the endocyst; V, funiculus; M, M#,M##, upper branches of the muscles, the retractors; N, N#, muscles of the fold, the retentors; F, a small infolding of the endocyst, the brachial collar; G, the pointed ruffle, or calyx; H, the threads, or tentacles. Fig. 5. Outline of the interior part of a young specimen. Same letters as above, with the exception of B, invaginated fold of the tube; Y, a very young polyzoo¨n, a bud; K, the throat or œsophagus; H##, cilia surrounding the mouth; K###, the valve opening into the stomach, œsophageal valve; K#, stomach; K####, intestinal valve partly open; K##, intestine;K , opening of intestine, the anus; I, disc, the lophomore; I#, the little flap, the epistome; I##, the mouth; S, nerve-mass.” From “The Moss-Animals, or Fresh Water Polyzoa” by Alpheus Hyatt (American Naturalist, 1867, 1:57–64).