Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology
SCOTTISH BULLETIN OF EVANGELICAL THEOLOGY The scope of the Bulletin is broadly defill:ed as the~logy: es~ecially Sco~tish and Reformed, whether biblical, systematic-dogmatic, h1stoncal or practical, and Scottish church history. Articles submitted for publication should be sent to the Editor, books for review to Rutherford House (see below). Contributors are free to express their own views within the broad parameters of historic evangelicalism. The opinions of contributors may not be assumed to be those of Rutherford House or the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society. EDITOR: THE REVD DR KENNETH B.E. ROXBURGH, Principal, Scottish Baptist College, 12 Aytoun Road, Glasgow, G41 SRN ASSISTANT EDITOR: DR EDWARD ADAMS, lrvine, Ayrshire REVIEW EDITOR: THE REVD DR DAVID GRAHAM, Abbey Manse, 20 Westgate, North Berwick EH39 4AF EDITORIAL BOARD: THE REVD DR GEOFFREY W. GROGAN, formerly Principal, Bible Training Institute, Glasgow THE REVD IAN HAMILTON, Cambridge THE REVD DAVID C. SEARLE, Warden, Rutherford House THE REVD DR W. CAMPBELL CAMPBELL-JACK, Dumfries ASSOCIATE EDITORS: PROFESSOR DAVID BEBBINGTON, Professor of History, University of Stirling THE REVD DR SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON, Glasgow; formerly Professor of Systematic Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, USA THE REVD PROFESSOR DOUGLAS F. KELLY, Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, South Carol., USA THE REVD DAVID KINGDON, Gwasg Bryntirion Press, Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan THE REVD PROFESSOR DONALD MACLEOD, Principal, Free Church of Scotland College, Edinburgh PROFESSOR DONALD E. MEEK, Professor of Celtic, University of Aberdeen DR KEVIN J. V ANHOOZER, Professor of Theology, Trinity International University, Deerfield, lllin., USA THE REVD PROFESSOR R. S. W ALLACE, Formerly Professor of Systematic Theology, Columbia Theological Seminary, Decatur, Georgia, USA The Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology is published twice yearly by Rutherford House in association with the Scottish Evangelical Theology Society, whose officers are: President: Professor I.
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