Dissent Fall 2001
NOTEBOOK Rosa Parks: Angry, Not Tired Peter Dreier cause of my color.’’ Discussing her grandfather, Sylvester Edwards, she wrote, “I remember that sometimes he would call white men by their first names, or their whole names, and not say, he way we learn history shapes ‘Mister.’ How he survived doing all those kinds how we think about the present and of things, and being so outspoken, talking that the future. Consider what most big talk, I don’t know, unless it was because AmericansT know about Rosa Parks, who died he was so white and so close to being one of last October at age ninety-two. them.” In the popular legend, Parks is portrayed In the 1930s, she and her husband, as a tired old seamstress in Montgomery, Ala- Raymond Parks, a barber, raised money for the bama, who, on the spur of the moment after a defense of the Scottsboro Boys, nine young, hard day at work, decided to resist the city’s black men falsely accused of raping two white segregation law by refusing to move to the back women. Involvement in this controversial cause of the bus on December 1, 1955. She is typi- was extremely dangerous for southern blacks. cally revered as a selfless individual who, with In 1943, Parks became one of the first one spontaneous act of courage, triggered the women to join the Montgomery chapter of the bus boycott and became, as she is often called, National Association for the Advancement of “the mother of the civil rights movement.” Colored People and served for many years as Although a number of books—including chapter secretary and director of its youth Taylor Branch’s Parting the Waters, Stewart group.
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