Public Document Pack


Date: Thursday 12 March, 2015 Time: 18:30 Venue: Professional Development Centre, 225 Park Road, Formby L37 6EW


Blundelsands Ward Church Ward Councillor Veronica Bennett (Vice-Chair), Councillor Cummins, The Labour Party The Labour Party Councillor Veidman, The Labour Party Councillor Dams, The Labour Party Councillor Webster, The Labour Party

Harington Ward Manor Ward Councillor Cuthbertson, Conservative Councillor John Joseph Kelly (Chair), The Independent Member Labour Party Councillor Dutton, Conservative Party Councillor McGinnity, The Labour Party Councillor Killen, The Labour Party Councillor Roberts, The Labour Party

Molyneux Ward Park Ward Councillor Atkinson, The Labour Party Councillor Burns, The Labour Party Councillor Carr, The Labour Party Councillor Kermode, The Labour Party Councillor Murphy, The Labour Party Councillor Robertson, Liberal Democrats

Ravenmeols Ward Sudell Ward Councillor Maria Bennett, Community Councillor Gatherer, The Labour Party Action not Party Politics Councillor McKinley, The Labour Party Councillor P. Maguire, The Labour Party Councillor Owens, The Labour Party Councillor Page, The Labour Party

Victoria Ward Councillor Byrom, The Labour Party Councillor Grace, The Labour Party Councillor Roche, The Labour Party

Parish Council Representatives Parish Councillor Geoff Gaskin Formby Parish Council Parish Councillor Ken Hounsell Thornton Parish Council Parish Councillor Roger Jenkins Ince Blundell Parish Council Parish Councillor Anne Ibbs Little Altcar Parish Council Parish Councillor David Warren Hightown Parish Council 1 Parish Councillor Mark Courtney Lydiate Parish Council Parish Councillor Ron Baker Melling Parish Council Town Councillor David John Jones Town Council Parish Councillor Barry Draper Sefton Parish Council Parish Councillor Peter Gill Aintree Village Parish Council Parish Councillor Michael Coles Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils

Advisory Group Members Mr. P. G. Thornton

COMMITTEE OFFICER: Olaf Hansen Telephone: 0151 934 2067 Fax: 0151 934 2034 E-mail: [email protected]

If you have any special needs that may require arrangements to facilitate your attendance at this meeting, please contact the Committee Officer named above, who will endeavour to assist. We endeavour to provide a reasonable number of full agendas, including reports at the meeting. If you wish to ensure that you have a copy to refer to at the meeting, please can you print off your own copy of the agenda pack prior to the meeting.

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3 A G E N D A

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to give notice of any disclosable pecuniary interest, which is not already included in their Register of Members' Interests and the nature of that interest, relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the Members Code of Conduct, before leaving the meeting room during the discussion on that particular item.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting (Pages 7 - 14) Minutes of the meeting held on 8 January, 2015.

Part A

These items are for general discussion. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

4. Public Forum A period of 20 minutes (or longer at the discretion of the Chair) will be set aside for a Public Forum.

Members of the public can ask questions, raise matters, or present petitions on issues that are relevant to Sefton Council. The person asking a question will be allowed one supplementary question.

A question form indicating the person’s name and address must be completed and submitted to the Committee Administrator as soon as possible and by no later than 12:00 (noon) the day before the meeting.

(If the questioner does not attend the meeting or nominate a representative to attend (at the discretion of the Chair), the question will not be read out, but a written response will be forwarded to the questioner).

If a response to a question cannot be provided at the meeting, the Neighbourhoods Division will contact the relevant department for a formal response and the resident will be contacted directly in writing

4 5. Police Issues (Pages 15 - 26) Reports of the Neighbourhood Inspectors

Update on crime statistics and area interventions since the last meeting

6. Parish Council Updates Verbal update from Parish Council representative(s)

Part B

These items are for consultation or information of interest to the local community. Anybody attending the meeting is welcome to speak (subject to the Chair’s discretion)

There are no items in Part B

Part C

These are formal decisions to be taken by the Members of the Council. Only in exceptional cases will the Chair allow contributions from the public (Advisory Group Members may speak but not vote)

7. Neighbourhood Planning Update (Pages 27 - 32) Report of the Director of Built Environment

8. Area Management Update (Pages 33 - 38) Report of the Director of Corporate Services

Update on area management issues resolved since the last meeting

9. Budget Monitoring (Pages 39 - 50) Report of the Director of Corporate Services

Update on Area Committee budget resources available

10. Date of Next Meeting A programme of meetings for 2015/16 will be approved by the Council at its meeting to be held on 5 March 2015. The recommendation being made to Council is that the next

5 meeting of the Area Committee be held on Thursday, 4 June 2015 commencing at 18:30; and that thereafter meetings be held on the following dates at 18:30.

16 September 2015 07 January 2016 10 March 2016

Venues to be confirmed.




PRESENT: Councillor John Joseph Kelly (in the Chair) Councillors Atkinson, Maria Bennett, Veronica Bennett, Burns, Byrom, Carr, Cummins, Cuthbertson, Dams, Dutton, Gatherer, Grace, Kermode, Killen, McGinnity, McKinley, Murphy, Owens, Page, Robertson, Roche, Veidman and Webster

ALSO PRESENT: Parish Councillors Gaskin, Ibbs, Warren, Courtney, Baker, Gill and Coles

3 Officers of Police

18 Members of the public


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors P.Maguire and Roberts and Parish Councillor Hounsell.


No declarations of interest were received.



That subject to Minute No. 28 (2) (a) being amended to ‘ Road, Lydiate’, the Minutes of the meeting held on 3 September, 2014 be confirmed as a correct record.


During the Public Forum the following matters were raised:-

(a) Mr.Honeyman commented that residents living opposite Holy Rosary Primary School, Aintree were suffering as a result of inconsiderate car parking by parents / guardians picking up and dropping off pupils at the school; the problems had been exacerbated since the installation of bollards outside the school; he went on to suggest that residents were informed that ‘H’ markings


would be placed outside residents’ drives to alleviate the problem and requested an update on when this work would be undertaken.

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Mr.Honeyman had received a written response.

(b) Reverend P.Spiers asked Members of Blundellsands, Manor and Victoria Wards for financial support for the Christmas lights switch on in Crosby. To note, this question was submitted in September 2014. (c) Reverend P.Spiers asked for reassurances that, following personnel changes within the Council, the Crosby investment strategy community consultation and implementation will be delivered effectively.

With regard to questions (b) and (c), Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that the Neighbourhoods Team had addressed Reverend Spiers’s requests. (d) Further to Minute Nos. 6(k) and 19(f) of the Minutes of 5 June and 3 September, 2014 Parish Councillor Warren complained that he had still not received a response to his question in relation to the use of S.106 monies.

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, advised that Alan Lunt, Director of Built Environment had answered: Section 106 agreements are negotiated as part of the planning process and can be utilised for specific purposes only, in accordance with the policies adopted within the current Unitary Development Plan. The current agreed process in relation to ‘Section 106’ allocations was that they were discussed with Ward Councillors who agree a programme of relevant and legitimate activity, which was subsequently approved by Planning Committee. This issue would be raised with the Chair of Planning and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Tourism (who has portfolio responsibility for Planning) in order to seek their views on a proposed revised process.

Parish Councillor Warren responded that the reply did not address his initial question and he did not regard it as an adequate response. The Committee expressed their concern that it had taken six months to provide a response to Parish Councillor Warren’s initial question.

(e) In relation to Minute No.39, Mr.M.Pitt requested both procedural and professional explanations from Sefton Highways Department in relation to proposed changes to the Formby Pinewoods Parking Restrictions.


Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Mr.Pitt had received a written response.

Mr.Pitt responded that a poll was conducted amongst the residents of Agarmeols Road residents and the majority wished to retain the current parking restrictions. He requested the Committee note the views of the residents and refuse to change the current parking restrictions.

(f) In relation to Minute No.39, Mr.Holman sought an explanation as to why consultation with residents in Argarmeols Road in relation changes to the Formby Pinewoods Parking Restrictions were not undertaken; andwished to understand why the Council appeared to support a case which was not requested or wanted by the residents.

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Mr.Holman had received a written response.

(g) In relation to Minute No.39, Mr.Handley asked why was the Council spending Council Taxmoney on parking changes in Argarmeols Road when it was something no one wanted?

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Mr.Handley had received a written response.

(h) In relation to Minute No.39, Mr.Dunkley asked why was he not given the opportunity to object to proposed changes to the parking in Argarmeols Road? He further commented that he had not seen these proposals advertised.

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Mr.Dunkley had received a written response.

(i) In relation to Minute No.39, Ms.Dunkley, complained that she was not allowed to object to the proposed changes to parking in Argarmeols Road. She requested that the current parking restrictions be left unchanged and commented that it was only a matter of time before a child was killed due to the manner of visitor parking.

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Ms.Dunkley had received a written response.

(j) In relation to Minute No.39, Dr.Youall commented that some people in Argarmeols Road felt they were mislead into signing a petition calling for changes to the parking arrangements in Argarmeols Road.


Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Dr.Youall had received a written response.

(k) In relation to Minute No.39, Mr.Lees commented that the parking issues in Formby had been discussed at Area Committee level on at least 3 occasions twice at Formby Area Committee and once at Central Sefton Area Committee. On all of these occasions the letters of objection, in full, had been appended to the relevant Report for the meeting to enable the Councillors to properly understand the concerns of the objectors. The specific report for this meeting only included a very brief summary of the letters of objection which did not reflect the true feeling of the objectors. He asked what was the reason for this omission.

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Mr.Lees had received a written response.

(l) Parish Councillor M.Coles commented on two points. Firstly, in relation to Minute No.39 parking issues and the Pinewoods/National Trust and the impact upon the adjacent properties and residents especially during the busy summer weekends. The consequences of the ill thought through changes made in recent years had continued to be a matter of great concern and still had to be resolved. That work continued to be championed by Ward Councillors.

Secondly, he was concerned about the Village centre and the roads nearby, especially Brows Lane, Rosemary Lane and Halsall Lane. The matter had been brought to the attention of this Committee in the past and last year it was decided by officers that no work could be done immediately. He pointed out that the problem was worse now than ever before, and asked for a serious and detailed study to be made of the area to find ways of restricting street parking during the shopping hours, at the same time maintaining the economic viability of the village centre and safe for residents, pedestrians, the less able and drivers. This would require imagination and a good deal of consultation, and to be part of the Village Improvement Project Phase 2.

He requested that the Committee revise its commitment for the work in the Village to be addressed as a matter of urgency and instruct the Officer responsible, to work with the Ward and Parish Councillors, in order to set out a programme of evaluation and recommendations and to report back at the next meeting of this Committee.

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Parish Councillor Coles had received a written response.


(m) Mrs.Jackson complained that she had spent the last six months trying to deal with the Bellway developer on their site near Parkway, Formby. She stated that the developers had had a total disregard for the residents, had done whatever they wanted and the Council had not done anything about it. She continued that she had been woken up in the early hours of the morning, listened to constant noise on the site from very early in the morning to late at night and all weekend; that the developers completely ignored the residents, trespassed on their land, were very rude and aggressive and she believed, spent their time deliberately trying to annoy the residents. Mrs. Jackson then stated that Sefton Council had done nothing to address these problems which continued on a daily basis but just listened to Bellway’s excuses; that Bellway ignored speed limits down Hoggs Hill Lane which was used by children going to and from school and when she complained, she received a text from the Site Manager stating "I’m the manger of the site reiterate in the induction to bide by the site rules and speed limits I can only have a word on Monday; by the way that lane is not only used by children it is also used by people with far too much time on their hands" end quote. She also stated that Bellway staff had blocked access to the rear of her property which prevented her from unloading at her back gate; and had trespassed on her property. Mrs. Jackson concluded that this could not continue and asked what the Council weregoing to do about the whole situation.

Olaf Hansen, Clerk to the Committee, informed that Mrs. Jackson had received a written response.

In addition Ravenmeols Ward Councillors agreed to meet Mrs.Jackson to discuss her concerns.


The Committee considered the report of Inspectors Atherton, Dowden and Hatton.

Inspectors Griffiths, Hatton and Sergeant Allum were in attendance and answered queries from the Committee.


That the Police be thanked for their presentation.


Parish Councillor Mike Coles, Chair of the Sefton Area Partnership of Local Councils (SAPLC) gave a brief verbal update from the Parish Councils. He commented on: the Sefton Local Plan and thanked officers for their time and engagement with the Parish Councils; the Parish and Town Charter for Sefton and aspects that needed to be addressed for the


arrangements to succeed; and questions raised at this Committee in the past that had not been satisfactorily answered.

Parish Councillor Gill, provided an update on Aintree Village Library. Councillor Atkinson added that a number of establishments in the Sefton East area were operating ‘book-swap’ schemes.

Further to Minute No.19 (e) of the meeting of 3 September 2014, Parish Councillor Warren referred to the G.P.service provided in Hightown. He advised that the Care Quality Commission had recently inspected the service. He also commented that the traffic lights at the centre of Hightown did not work very well.


That Mr. Coles be thanked for his presentation


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment that advised of the receipt of 34 objections to the proposed Traffic Regulation Orders in Argarmeols Road and the Formby Pinewoods Area and Lifeboat Road area and recommended the way forward.

The Harington Ward Councillors discussed the report at length, suggesting a number of possible alterations to the proposals detailed within the report.


(1) the objections be noted;

(2) the TRO be referred to the Cabinet Member – Transportation for consideration, with copies of all letters of objection detailed in full; and

(3) the objectors be advised of the decision of this meeting


The Committee considered the report of Director of Corporate Services which advised of the newly approved Parish and Town Council Charter.


(1) the Parish and Town Council Charter be noted; and


(2) it be noted that the Charter will be considered a living document which will be update as necessary.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment that sought approval for a scheme of highway improvements in the form of a proposed turning facility within Glenwyllin Road in Crosby.


(1) the proposed highway improvement scheme be approved; and

(2) the Cabinet Member - Transportation be requested to proceed with the necessary legal procedures including the introduction of the waiting restriction.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Street Scene regarding proposals to carry out a programme of prioritised improvement works to Moorside Park, Crosby.


That the proposal to carry out prioritised improvements works to Moorside Park, Crosby be approved.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment that informed of the receipt of an objection to the proposed parking restrictions at the junction of Moorside Road/Old Farm Road, Crosby to prohibit parking at all times.


(1) the Traffic Regulation Order prohibiting waiting at any time at the junction of Moorside Road/Old Farm Road, Crosby be made as originally advertised; and

(2) the objector be advised accordingly.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Built Environment that sought to introduce a zebra crossing on Trevor Drive, Crosby between Forefield Junior and Infants Schools.



That the proposed zebra crossing in Trevor Drive be progressed.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Corporate Services on area management activities that had taken place in Harington, Ravenmeols, Blundellsands, Church, Manor, Victoria, Molyneux, Park and Sudell Wards.


That the report be noted.


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Corporate Services that provided information on available resources for the Committee and progress made on those items approved at previous meetings.


That the report be noted.


In accordance with the scheduled programme of meetings, the next meeting will be held on Thursday, 12 March 2015 at Formby Professional Development Centre, 225 Park Road, Formby, L37 6EW, commencing at 18:30.

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Central Area Committee Report – completed 25th Feb 2015

EAST SEFTON Neighbourhood Inspector: Phil Hatton

Ward Statistics for: PARK.

Dec 13-25th Feb 14 Dec 14-25th Feb 15 Veh Nuisance ASB 16 21 5 Rowdy/Inconsiderate ASB 36 21 15 Burglary Dwelling 8 7 1 Theft of M/Veh 0 3 3 Criminal Damage 13 14 1 Burglary Other 13 4 9 Robbery 1 1 0 Theft From M/Veh 6 5 1 Hate Crime 0 2 2 Arson 0 1 1 Theft Bike 6 0 6

Ward Statistics for: SUDDELL.

Dec 13-25th Feb 14 Dec 14-25th Feb 15 Veh Nuisance ASB 7 7 0 Rowdy/Inconsiderate ASB 57 32 25 Burglary Dwelling 21 6 15 Theft of M/Veh 2 2 0 Criminal Damage 21 22 1 Burglary Other 23 1 22 Robbery 1 0 1 Theft From M/Veh 7 3 4 Hate Crime 0 0 0 Arson 1 0 1 Theft Bike 0 1 1

Ward Statistics for: MOLYNEUX.

Dec 13-25th Feb 14 Dec 14-25th Feb 15 Veh Nuisance ASB 6 9 3 Rowdy/Inconsiderate ASB 61 41 20 Burglary Dwelling 21 13 8 Theft of M/Veh 4 4 0 Criminal Damage 22 13 9 Burglary Other 9 8 1 Robbery 3 1 2 Theft From M/Veh 35 19 16 Hate Crime 2 1 1 Arson 0 1 1 Theft Bike 1 0 1

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Year on Year Patterns:


Efforts to impact rowdy ASB in the Deyes Lane area and around the Alt & Meadows Public Houses appear to have had a positive effect. A graded intervention approach with identified youths has consisted of warning letters to parents, Acceptable Behaviour Contracts, Harassment Warnings and arrests where necessary. The local PCSO’s know where their hot-spots are and will endeavour to be as visible as they can. The issue of motor-cycle nuisance continues to present as a problem. Cheshire Lines remains a key location. There have been limited successes in this period with a couple of machines seized. A plan is being designed for the Spring/Summer which will focus upon an intelligence-led response.


Positive trends have continued in terms of acquisitive crime. Investigative processes, offender management and target hardening tactics remain robust. 48% reduction in Burglary dwelling 71% reduction in Burglary (other than a dwelling) 44% decline in Theft from motor vehicle

SERIOUS CRIME Business Robbery th (1) 19 December - CS CAR & VAN SALES LTD, OLD RACECOURSE ROAD, L31: 3 males enter; threaten staff & customers –steal vehicle keys. There has been an arrest in relation to this matter, but no charges brought as yet. Personal Robbery (1) 14th December – Northway,L31 lone male walking home at 0300. Intoxicated. Car stops and 3 males demand/take his coat. Crime remains undetected.

Hate crime  22nd January – ‘Frankie & Bennys’ Aintree Retail Park – waiter homophobically abuses customer  1st Feb – male arrested for assault at Meadows Public House, spits and racially abuses arresting officers.  21st Feb – Greenbank Ave, L31 - domestic violence incident – male racially abuses female.

Offenders dealt with in all incidents. Victims receive premium service.

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Critical Incidents:


Other News

1) First Closure Notice issued under provisions of new ‘ASB,Crime & Policing Act,2014’ A nuisance premises in Beechway,Maghull, linked to ASB & drugs has been on the radar of the Neighbourhood Team for some time. However, as the premises were private, a resolution was difficult. On 20th January 2015 Neighbourhood Officers executed a search warrant and simultaneously issued a ‘Closure Notice’-based upon evidence gathered. The Notice was taken to Sefton Magistrates who, on 6th February issued a ‘Closure Order’. The premises will be vacated for a period of three months by the end of February. Residents are extremely happy. 2) Firearms Seizures in Netherton The East Sefton Team are also responsible for the Netherton area. In conjunction with MSOC (Major Serious Organised Crime) Officers, search warrants have been executed at several addresses resulting in 6 firearms and various ammunition being recovered. Three males already charged and in custody. These are significant successes –removing dangerous weapons and individuals from circulation in our locality. 3) New Sergeants from 23rd February we will have two new sergeants in the Neighbourhood – Jim Adams & Gerda Gates. There has also been a restructure of some teams within Sefton BCU (Basic Command unit) to support an increasing focus on ‘Protecting Vulnerable People’. The Neighbourhood Team is unchanged (supervision aside) but will be expected to continually prioritise their efforts towards where the highest threat, harm & risks exist.

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Current Neighbourhood Involved Initiatives:

 Burglary- Operation PUSH - targeted at reducing the number of burglaries in the area. Neighbourhood staff patrol is intelligence led using information researched by Police analysts. Neighbourhood PCSTO’s conduct Operation Handle, which involves trying door handles of properties and vehicles and if found insecure the staff provide security advice. Offenders who have been arrested for offences in our area are also managed and targeted. Victims who are visited following a burglary receive SMARTWATER.  Operation Schoolgate – Ward Officers are expected to provide an intermittent presence outside local schools to deal with nuisance parking and inconsiderate driving. Although parking enforcement does primarily remain Sefton Council responsibility.  Community Speedwatch – police led operations have been conducted at key hot-spot locations. Community-led operations have been planned and will continue when other priorities permit  HAVE YOUR SAY Priorities- meetings and Newsletters will now move to a quarterly basis  VULNERABLE VICTIMS – supervision attend a fortnightly Partners meeting to agree control measures & review all Medium & High risk vulnerable victims.  THREAT MANAGEMENT – Neighbourhood will coordinate target- hardening, victim support and extra attention to those under threat  SARA Problem-Solving – each Ward has a current prioritised issue which dedicated officers will work on with Partners CURRENT PARK – ASB in the Town Hall locality SUDELL – Deyes Lane area MOLYNEUX – Aintree Drug related activity  BIKE TAGGING – Numerous events delivered –last at Maghull Police Station 10am-2pm Sunday 25th January 2015.  TWITTER – the Neighbourhood is now on Twitter - @MerPol Copy Lane

Future Neighbourhood Meetings:

Have Your Say meeting:

Fri 6th March Maghull Town Hall 6.30pm-7.30pm

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Central Area Committee Report – December 2014 to February 2015

Neighbourhood Inspector: Karen Dowden

Area Statistics for Central Wards Data for Dec and Jan only due to the report submission date of 26th Feb:-

Overall crime in Merseyside has risen by 4.8 per cent during the 12-month period between September 2013 and September 2014. Statistics show that the Force has seen reductions in burglary, vehicle crime, theft and criminal damage. Assistant Chief Constable Ian Pilling said: “We are very encouraged to see reductions in criminal damage and acquisitive crimes such as burglary and theft. These figures are reflective of the hard work of our officers who are relentlessly tracking down offenders, disrupting their day-to-day activities and bringing these criminals to justice. “The challenges for us, and where we have seen some increases, are violent crime and sexual offences. “Although the levels of recorded violent crime have increased significantly, there has only been a minimal increase in the reports of violent crime reported to us from the public. Officers are also now recording crimes in more cases than ever before as we strive to comply with the Home Office Crime Recording Rules. “Although we are seeing an increase in reports of violence from locations such as schools, hospitals and secure units, there is no evidence at all that violent crime is increasing in these locations. It is more a matter of internal policies insisting on the formal reporting of crime, where this previously wasn’t the case. We welcome this reporting as it gives us a more accurate picture of crime. “However, I am encouraged to see an increase in the reporting of sexual offences. Recent high profile cases have given victims the confidence to come forward and report for the first time what happened to them. People who have suffered are suffering this kind of crime have seen justice being done. We have done a lot of work with rape support agencies to publicise what help is out there, to guide them through the court process. “Our future challenges are protecting the vulnerable people in our communities and we will be prioritising crimes such as child sexual exploitation, cybercrime and domestic abuse. “Despite our ever increasing challenges, is committed to deliver on what our communities tell us are important to them. When crime levels in Merseyside are compared to other places around the country, it still remains a safe place to live, work and socialise. We aim to keep it that way.”

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Blundellsands 1 December 2012 1 December 2013 1 December 2014 Category to 18 February to 18 February to 18 February 2013 2014 2015 All Crime 71 66 69 Violence 5 6 10 Robbery 1 0 1 Burglary Dwelling 11 9 6 Burglary Other 6 7 9 Theft From MV 22 12 7 Theft Shop 1 2 1 Criminal Damage/Arson 6 9 15 Hate Crime 0 0 4 Domestic Abuse Crime 1 6 6 ASB without Hoax 27 21 31

Manor 1 December 2012 1 December 2013 1 December 2014 Category to 18 February to 18 February to 18 February 2013 2014 2015 All Crime 96 120 89 Violence 14 14 20 Robbery 0 0 1 Burglary Dwelling 23 22 3 Burglary Other 17 12 8 Theft From MV 10 4 5 Theft Shop 1 15 12 Criminal Damage/Arson 12 21 18 Hate Crime 0 1 1 Domestic Abuse Crime 5 6 11 ASB without Hoax 48 29 60

Church (Sefton) 1 December 2012 1 December 2013 1 December 2014 Category to 18 February to 18 February to 18 February 2013 2014 2015 All Crime 152 196 173 Violence 25 28 37 Robbery 3 5 1 Burglary Dwelling 13 22 11 Burglary Other 4 13 10 Theft From MV 10 10 7 Theft Shop 23 32 23 Criminal Damage/Arson 23 24 15 Hate Crime 6 4 5 Domestic Abuse Crime 8 13 17 ASB without Hoax 103 65 73

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At present we have an issue that we are dealing with that impacts on local residents and are currently dealing with the matter robustly to ensure it does not continue.

We have a group of males who use pedal cycles to cause issues in and around Crosby. Our main offence location is Crosby village however there are other locations. In general the problem is causing a nuisance by cycling on the footway and cycling erratically on roads.

A number of males have been stopped and intelligence gathered. Some youths have been taken home and spoken to in front of parents. We have linked in with the Youth Offending and an agreement has been made any repeat offenders will be managed by that team.

Acceptable Behaviour Contracts have been issued to 2 of the main offenders and we have seen a significant improvement in their behaviour.

We also are working with the problem of scrambler bikes and the Force has an ongoing operation to target and deal with these offences.


In general there is no specific crime related issues or significant patterns. However we are continuing to target previous offence locations for burglary and vehicle crime. This is in the College Road, Crosby area and we have patrols targeting this and surrounding areas.

Good results:

There have been recent arrests for drugs offences and Public Order issues as a result of community intelligence and targeted HVP.

Two men, responsible for a number of burglaries were arrested, charged and between them, are now serving a 9-year prison sentence, resulting in a significant reduction in reports of burglary.

There was also a spate of distraction burglaries. We believe one individual was targeting vulnerable elderly residents who were being asked for money for work that hadn’t taken place. A man has been arrested and charged. He has subsequently admitted 15 burglary or fraud offences and been sentenced to 6 years in prison. The victims were visited on a number occasions by the dedicated officers and Police Christmas Hampers were given to them during the Christmas period.


The priorities for this area and for Sefton are currently Serious Acquisitive Crime, Violence and Serious Organised Crime. In addition we are focusing upon Protecting Vulnerable People in terms of domestic abuse, child sexual exploitation and other

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related issues that have a significant impact upon young and vulnerable people. We are working with care homes, missing persons and other partners to ensure there is sufficient protection but also encouraging people to report matters of concern.


I am reviewing the localities of meetings and will listen to suggestions as to how best to plan and manage them. Previous meetings have had extremely limited attendance and I would like observations on a better way of attracting more people in order to best use my team and listen to community concerns.

The Merseyside Police Website is always available for messages to the team.

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Sefton West Policing update

Central Area Committee

December 2014 to February 25th 2015

Inspector Jim Atherton and Sergeant Ian Allum are in charge of the local dedicated policing team. The dedicated officers for Formby and Hightown area Constables Karl Turner and Tracy Cooke with PCSTO’s Bev Baker, Vicky Gilliver, Sean McNamara, and Mark Durham. We have just welcomed back PCSTO Denise Moreland following her maternity leave.

The dedicated team are supported by officers from the Special Constabulary, the local Neighbourhood Support Team and Neighbourhood Patrol Officers.

Crime statistics

At the request of the manor ward councillors their figures have been combined and included in the /Crosby update. Only six crimes were reported in the above period in Hightown.


1st Dec 12 1st Dec13 1st Dec 14 Category to 25 Feb to 25th to 25 Feb Nov 2013 Feb 2014 2015 All Crime 180 175 161 Violence 11 20 28 Robbery 0 0 1 Burglary Dwelling 23 16 10 Theft From MV 22 23 11 Theft Shop 15 13 14 Criminal Damage/Arson 27 21 26

There is a zero tolerance domestic violence policy. All matters are recorded as crimes even when the complainant refuses to assist the investigation.

Current Policing Operations/Good news stories.

Community Engagement

Besides the regular surgeries we do a number of events at schools and drop in session to promote crime prevention and provide community reassurance.

Operation Dragonfly - In January 2015, staff from the local policing teams ran crime prevention and property registration events in Hightown and at both Range and Formby

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High schools. We are grateful to the schools both supported the event and encouraged students to get involved. The team registered over 250 items of property mainly mobile phones but this also included over 35 cycles at the events. I am pleased to report the Ravenmeols and Harington ward councillors have provided £500 which has been match funded by Merseyside Police to run open events in the spring and summer. We will be promoting crime prevention, responsible cycling and have a limited number of immobitags for bicycles and other crime prevention products to support the events. Look out for details on the website, newsletter and local media. The dedicated team will also soon be using Twitter.

Record your valuables, register them for free at immobilise .com following the link form the Police website and most importantly lock it or lose it. Doing the basics makes you far less likely of becoming a victim of crime.

Operation Christmas Presence.

This included additional patrolling to prevent robberies across the area and regular visits to premise which may be vulnerable to attack. We have also provided additional patrolling in the village to support this and shopwatch. No business or personal robberies occurred.

Burglary Prevention

We have been working in close partnership with the local Homewatch to raise awareness of the importance of doing the basics in relation to crime prevention. We run a crime preventions stall at the Flu clinic in support of the initiative. If you want to know about local policing issues in your area you can sign up to Sefton Crime Alert. It is collaboration between Merseyside Police and Homewatch. Send your details, name address, phone number and e- mail to [email protected] and you will be added to the list of recipients.

I will be at the Formby and Freshfield Homewatch AGM on Monday 27th April 2015 at 7pm Formby high six form annex. Hopefully a member of the Sefton command team will be in attendance to provide an update on local policing issues and subject to operational commitments a representative from the MSOC Armed response unit to talk about their role in local policing and protecting the community.

Arrest and charge for Burglary

On 22nd December 2015, Constable Karl Turner from the dedicated team single handed, arrested two adult males from the area on suspicion of Burglary in North Wales and the Wirral following a high speed pursuit of a stolen car on false plates, which commenced on the Formby bypass and ended on the Sefton estate. Both were later charged. He has been recommended for a Commendation.

Page 24 Agenda Item 5

Did You Know - ANPR -Significant investment has been made in updating the Force’s Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) capacity to tackle traveling criminals, Organised Crime Groups and those involved in serious criminality. For more information about ANPR, log on

Quarterly - Have Your Say Priorities - (Specific to Formby).

The next meeting is due to take place on 25th February 2015. This falls in between the deadline for reports so check out the website or spring newsletter for an update on new or continued priorities. No doubt Beachsafe 2015 will feature in the coming months.

Current priorities from November 2014

To tackle the increase in reported Theft from shop offences in the Formby area, especially Formby Village.

 We have been working close partnership with the retailers to promote a new shopwatch initiative.  High visibility patrolling has taken place both on foot and bicycle in the area.  Plain clothes patrolling in the area.  Signs have gone up around the village in shop windows  We are looking to do a formal launch supported by signage around the village  Over 25 shops are involved in the scheme in the village. This includes Tesco on the Formby bypass also.  We have seen much improved communication between the retailers themselves and the Police.  A prevent and deter policy adopted whenever possible.  Arrested offender’s for shoplifting.  Reported theft from shop has increased by one offence only on last year but is lower than in 2012.  Staff from the dedicated team has been on a visit to Sefton Arc to see if better use can be made of the CCTV system to prevent and detect offences.

Reduce incidents / reports of cycle related Anti-Social Behaviour in the Formby area. (Operation Carpalla)

 We had an article printed in local newspapers encouraging responsible cycling and safety including appropriate clothing and lights. A reminder of the lock it or lose it message. Most importantly raising concerns about complaints of ASB involving cyclists in the area.  We had an article placed on the Police website.  We have sent a letter to both Range and Formby High schools on the same subject as well as a reminder of legislation available to target such behaviour. By the time this report is published all should have received it.  We have done additional patrolling in Formby Village and the staff have been actively engaging with cyclists.

Page 25 Agenda Item 5

 Several young people who have had more than one warning have been invited in with parents to sign up to acceptable behaviour contracts to deter this type of behaviour.  When the question comes have we not got better things to do? Our reply is simply the community asked us to do it.  We have run property registration events including Formby High and Range in January 2015. We have been promoting personal safety and responsible cycling.

Neighbourhood meetings

Details of our monthly surgeries are on the Merseyside Police website and new-year newsletter. The regular monthly surgeries are listed below. These are an opportunity to have an informal chat with the staff. They will also be able to provide crime prevention advice and can assist with property registration

1st Friday of the month (With the exception of Easter it is 10th April, then it’s second Friday.

9-11am at Lady Green Nurseries.

2nd Friday of the month 1-3pm Tesco, Formby Bypass

3rd Friday of the month 1-3pm, Formby Pool, Elbow Lane, Formby, Formby Village (New Venue).

Page 26 Agenda Item 7

Report to: Central Area Committee Date of Meeting: 12th March, 2015

Subject: Neighbourhood Planning update

Report of: Director Built Environment

Wards Affected: Harington Molyneux Park Ravenmeols Sudell

Is this a Key Decision? No

Is it included in the Forward Plan? No

Exempt/Confidential No


To update the Central Sefton Area Committee of current progress on preparing Neighbourhood Development Plans.


That the report be noted.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community √ 2 Jobs and Prosperity √ 3 Environmental Sustainability √ 4 Health and Well-Being √ 5 Children and Young People √ 6 Creating Safe Communities √ 7 Creating Inclusive Communities √ 8 Improving the Quality of Council √ Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Page 27 Agenda Item 7

Reasons for the Recommendation:

This report informs Members of progress by local communities who are preparing Neighbourhood Development Plans.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs

Planning Services, as Local Planning Authority, has a statutory duty to support the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans. Some Government funding is available to the Council when key milestones in a Neighbourhood Development Plan’s preparation are reached.

(B) Capital Costs



The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:


There are no legal implications

Human Resources

There are no implications

Equality 1. No Equality Implication √ 2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery:

Planning Services has a statutory duty to provide assistance to groups proposing to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance has been consulted and has no comments (FD 3454/15) Head of Corporate Legal Services has been consulted and has no comments (LD 2746/15)

Page 28 Agenda Item 7

Are there any other options available for consideration?

No. The report is for information.

Implementation Date for the Decision


Contact Officer: Ingrid Berry Tel: 0151 934 3556 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

There are no background papers. However, further information can be found on the Council’s Neighbourhood Planning webpage

Page 29 Agenda Item 7

1. Introduction

1.1 The Localism Act 2011introduced Neighbourhood Planning as a new tier of plan- making, whereby Parish Councils or specially created Neighbourhood Forums can prepare Neighbourhood Development Plans for a designated area. Any community wishing to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan is required initially to submit an application to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for an area to be designated as a Neighbourhood Plan area.

1.2 In parished areas, Neighbourhood Plans are prepared by Parish Councils, supported by the Council through Planning Services. In non-parished areas, a specially constituted Neighbourhood Forum has to be set up to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan.

1.3 Once completed, the Neighbourhood Plan is submitted to the Council. Once it has been checked by the LPA, the Plan is independently examined. If this is successful, the local community is then asked to vote in a referendum whether it wishes the Neighbourhood Development Plan to be used for planning purposes.

1.4 Any policies in the Neighbourhood Plan which conflict with or provide more details than policies in the Council's Development Plan would take precedence if the Neighbourhood Plan was the most recent document to be ‘made’. The Development Plan will include the Sefton Local Plan once that has been adopted, but as the Neighbourhood Development Plan has to be in general conformity with the strategic policies contained in the Development Plan, this does not been that a Neighbourhood Plan can supersede any housing allocations on land currently in the Green Belt.

1.5 This report sets out the progress that has been on Neighbourhood Planning in Sefton since this topic was last brought to your attention in September 2013. Further information on Neighbourhood Planning can be viewed on .

2. Formby Neighbourhood Development Plan

2.1 Members were advised that Formby and Little Altcar Parish Councils were proposing to prepare a joint Neighbourhood Development Plan, which would cover both parishes. It would include policies covering:

 Safety and security  The local economy  The environment  Health and well-being.

2.2 Since that time, the Parish Councils have been working on producing a draft Neighbourhood Development Plan. Their current intention is that this will be subject to public consultation in the summer, before being submitted to Sefton Council for examination later this year.

2.3 Further information on the Formby Neighbourhood Development Plan can be found on .

Page 30 Agenda Item 7

3. Maghull and Melling Neighbourhood Development Plans

3.1 Further applications for the approval of two further Neighbourhood Development Plan areas, by Maghull Town Council and Melling Parish Council respectively, were approved by Cabinet in February, 2015. These plans share a common boundary stretching from the Sefton boundary at Ashworth to the A59 to the south of Moorhey Road.

3.2 Both Councils are working on producing their Neighbourhood Development Plans. Further information can be found on and .

4. Other areas

4.1 Although officers have met with Aintree and Thornton Parish Councils and groups in Crosby and Waterloo to discuss possible neighbourhood plans, no further applications for the designation of neighbourhood plan areas have been received.

Plan showing the three designated Neighbourhood Development Plan areas

Page 31 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 8

Report to: Central Sefton Area Committee Date of Meeting: 12 March 2015

Subject: Area Management Update

Report of: Director of Corporate Services

Wards Affected: Blundellsands Church Harington Manor Molyneux Park Ravenmeols Sudell Victoria

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No Exempt/Confidential No


To update Central Sefton Area Committee Members on area management activities occurring within the area.


That the Area Committee:

(i) notes the contents of this report; (ii) refers area management issues from Members, residents or community groups to the Area Coordinator for Central Sefton.

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community  2 Jobs and Prosperity  3 Environmental Sustainability  4 Health and Well-Being  5 Children and Young People  6 Creating Safe Communities  7 Creating Inclusive Communities  8 Improving the Quality of Council  Services and Strengthening Local Democracy

Page 33 Agenda Item 8

Reasons for the Recommendation:

This report informs Members of progress of area management activities in their areas.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

(A) Revenue Costs Any actions requiring Council resources are agreed within existing budgets such as Area Committee Budgets (details contained within the budget monitoring report). Actions requiring resources from partners are agreed in advance of works being carried out.

(B) Capital Costs N/A


The following implications of this proposal have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal There are no legal implications arising from this report.

Human Resources There are no implications

Equality 1. No Equality Implication None

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery: All actions detailed within this update have come from issues raised by residents, elected members or officers. These actions are specifically aimed at improving the delivery of services within the local area.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance & ICT has been consulted and has no comments (LD 3445/15)

The Head of Corporate Legal Services has been consulted and has no comments (LD 2737/15)

Page 34 Agenda Item 8

Are there any other options available for consideration?

No. The approach of area coordination via Corporate Commissioning and Neighbourhood Coordination is aimed at improving local services, and thereby improving customer satisfaction with how services are delivered. If these actions were not dealt with, this would not happen. In terms of specific items, each issue is considered fully in conjunction with all relevant partners before action is taken.

Implementation Date for the Decision

Immediately at the conclusion of the Area Committee.

Contact Officer: Alex Spencer, Area Coordinator Central Sefton Tel: 0151 934 2605 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Central Sefton Area Committee Minutes, 9th January 2015

1. Introduction/Background

Corporate Commissioning and Neighbourhood Coordination provides a coordination function for both strategic and operational work within the community.

This report has been produced to update ward councillors and residents of progress against key activities within the Central Sefton Area Committee area. The report provides:-

a. An update on Area Partnerships within the Central Sefton Area Committee and b. An update of key activities within the same area.

Sefton East Area Partnership –

1. Health and wellbeing

 Dementia Friends initiative: first sub group meeting was held 14 January 2015.Next step is to work with Alzheimer’s Society on Dementia Friendly Community action plan and to agree target areas.

Formby Area Partnership –

1. Community Safety and Security  First stage public consultation event was held on 28 January 2015 to discuss potential ideas for Duke’s Park. Led by Council’s Parks team in conjunction with the Area Partnership partner members. Sefton CVS Young Advisors have also been carrying out consultation in local Formby schools. 2nd public event is planned for 25 February at Formby Pool. Page 35 Agenda Item 8

2. Health and Wellbeing  The sub group continues to meet regularly. Work is ongoing in relation to the developing and expanding Formby Hub. Partners are currently developing a Hub registration form, which with users consent, would allow information to be shared amongst agencies.

A. Key Activity Update


 Crosby Operational Group

Since the last meeting of this committee, the Crosby Operational Group has held two meetings from which a number of priorities for Crosby have been identified. These priorities include:-

o To improve communication channels between partners o To improve road safety by working more closely with local schools, and increase volunteering numbers to enforce 20mph speed limits o To more effectively combat fly-tipping o (Working with the Crosby Town Team) to more regenerate Crosby Town Centre o To support Merseyside Police in achieving its forcewide objectives e.g. reducing acquisitive crime.

An action plan for the group has already been developed, and a series of discrete actions will be worked through by partners over the coming months.

 Improvement Works at Thornton Crescent

Since the last meeting of this Committee, the Thornton Crescent Working Group has met for a second time, in which it has been agreed that a revised specification detailing design and associated costs will be produced before the end of April 2015.

Thornton Parish Council has agreed to undertake consultation with business owners, residents and visitors to gauge opinion as to how Thornton Crescent should be developed.

 Crosby & Waterloo in Bloom, and “Friends of Waterloo Train Station”

To improve the aesthetic and cleanliness of Waterloo Train Station, it has been suggested that a volunteer group (working with Volunteers of Crosby and Waterloo In Bloom) should be established.

It has been suggested that this group, could work with and learn from the Maghull Station Volunteers Group, which has won numerous awards for improving and maintaining Maghull Train Station.

Page 36 Agenda Item 8

 Church Ward Pilot

The work of the Church Ward Pilot continues to progress.

Since the last meeting of this committee, a number of meetings have taken place in order to reshape the pilot, and to ensure more operational success.

A meeting with local churches within the ward proved extremely successful in obtaining their support within the pilot. A number of churches are now represented within the Pilot’s Steering Group, and it is intended to fully utilise their links with the community to “refer” into the pilot.

To improve the pilot operationally, a Steering Group meeting has been scheduled for 18th February which will be attended by council departments and local partners.

Aintree, Lydiate, Maghull, Melling & Sefton Parish

 Maghull Loneliness and Social Isolation Project

Following the success of the Church Ward Pilot and expansion areas, a meeting with Maghull Town Council and Sudell Ward Members confirmed that they would be interested in commencing a project to reduce loneliness and social isolation within Maghull.

Maghull Town Council has already planned an event in March looking at the strength of volunteering within Maghull, and both the Town Council and Ward Councillors have suggested that this may be the first step to introducing and Loneliness and Social Isolation Project.

Unlike other expansion areas however, Maghull Town Council and Ward Councillors are keen for the project to apply to all ages, not just older people.

 HMP Kennet

A recent meeting of the Maghull in Bloom Group confirmed that the Ministry of Justice has recategorised HMP Kennett from a Category D prison, to a Category C.

As a result of this recategorisation, the resettlement programme promoted by the prison will terminate.

Groups, such as Maghull in Bloom, who have worked with offenders on a number of community based projects have formally thanked the prison for their support, and are currently exploring ways in which work can continue without the support of offenders.

Page 37 Agenda Item 8


 Operation Beachsafe

Since the last meeting of this Committee, Operation Beachsafe has held its first meeting of 2015, and hopes to build on the success of last year. The Operation seeks to ensure safe use of Sefton beaches by improving partnership working and having more effective planning for the busiest periods of the year. In addition, members of Operation Beachsafe seek to support or remedy local issues such as parking. To this end, a meeting has already taken place with representatives of the National Trust in order to improve parking around the Formby beachfront.

 Improvements to Redgate Shops

Ward Councillors and officers are working to improve the shop frontage and surrounding areas of Regdate shops. Land ownership checks are in the process of being completed, and officers from within Parks & Greenspaces will be requested to draw up plans for improving the area.


That the Area Committee: (i) notes the contents of this report; (ii) refers area management issues from Members, residents or community groups to the Area Coordinator for Central Sefton.

Page 38 Agenda Item 9

Report to: Central Sefton Area Committee Date of Meeting: 12th March 2015

Subject: Budget Monitoring Report

Report of: Director of Corporate Services

Wards Affected: Blundellsands Church Harington Manor Molyneux Park Ravenmeols Sudell Victoria

Is this a Key Decision? No Is it included in the Forward Plan? No Exempt/Confidential No


To update Central Sefton Area Committee Members on available budgets for the 2014/15 Municipal year, together with an update of payments for items/works previously agreed by the committee.


That the Area Committee:-

(i) Considers and notes 2014/15 budget allocations, (ii) Considers and notes 2014/15 commitments and balances

How does the decision contribute to the Council’s Corporate Objectives?

Corporate Objective Positive Neutral Negative Impact Impact Impact 1 Creating a Learning Community  2 Jobs and Prosperity  3 Environmental Sustainability  4 Health and Well-Being  5 Children and Young People  6 Creating Safe Communities 

7 Creating Inclusive Communities  8 Improving the Quality of Council Services  and Strengthening Local Democracy

Page 39 Agenda Item 9

Reasons for the Recommendation:

This report is to inform members of available area committee budgets.

What will it cost and how will it be financed?

The 2014/15 budget allocation for Central Sefton Area Committee is £40,698.00. This figure does not include brought forward area committee under-spends from 2013/14 which total £53,882.02.

(A) Revenue Costs All commitments referred to in this report are funded from the 2014/15 area committee budget. A balance of £61,383.19 remains for future expenditure (based on the 2014/15 budget allocation and brought forward underspends from 2013/14 as referred to above, and taking into account commitments in 2014/15).

(B) Capital Costs N/A


The following implications of this report have been considered and where there are specific implications, these are set out below:

Legal Human Resources There are no implications Equality 1. No Equality Implications

2. Equality Implications identified and mitigated

3. Equality Implication identified and risk remains

Impact on Service Delivery:

Area Committee budget allocations must be spent on additional services that benefit the wider the community.

What consultations have taken place on the proposals and when?

The Head of Corporate Finance and ICT has been consulted and has incorporated comments within this report. (FD 3444)

The Head of Corporate Legal Services has been consulted, and has no comments within this report. (LD 2736/15)

Are there any other options available for consideration?

No alternative options available

Implementation Date for the Decision

Page 40 Agenda Item 9

Immediately following the Committee.

Contact Officer: Alex Spencer, Area Coordinator, Central Sefton Tel: 0151 934 2605 Email: [email protected]

Background Papers:

Central Sefton Area Committee Minutes, 5th June 2014.

1.0 Introduction/Background

1.1 On 18th April 2013, Council agreed to reduce the number of Area Committees from seven to three. As a result of this resolution, three Area Committees cover the northern, central and southern parts of the borough.

1.2 Central Sefton Area Committee is formed by bringing together the wards of Blundellsands, Church, Harington, Manor, Molyneux, Park, Ravenmeols, Sudell and Victoria.

1.3 Although Central Sefton Area Committee will represent the interests of these wards, individual ward budgets will still exist. Ward councillors will retain responsibility for determining how best to use funding allocated to their individual ward.

2.0 2014/15 Area Committee Budget

2.1 The following table sets out the 2014/15 budget and amounts available to each ward as per current Area Committee arrangements.

2014/15 2014/15 2014/15 2013/14 2014/15 Ward Available Balance Balance b/f Commitments Allocation Budget Available £ £ £ £ £

WARD Blundellsands 14,434.54 4,509.00 18,943.54 5532.95 13,410.59 Church 4,318.51 4,509.00 8,827.51 5843.56 2,983.95 Harington 1,502.04 4,432.00 5,934.04 3185.67 2,748.37 Manor 5,329.69 4,509.00 9,838.69 1999.31 7,839.38 Molyneux 1,687.52 4,542.00 6,229.52 626.71 5,602.81 Park 385.48 4,797.00 5,182.48 1406.11 3,776.37 Ravenmeols 14,267.83 4,432.00 18,699.83 1772.69 16,927.14 Sudell 1,436.87 4,459.00 5,895.87 4667.29 1,228.58 Victoria 10,519.54 4,509.00 15,028.54 8162.54 6,866.00 Total 53,882.02 40,698.00 94,580.02 33,196.83 61,383.19

** The original 2013/14 brought forward amount for Sudell ward was £1,241.79. As a result of works for posts and shrubs installation on Deyes Lane / Eastway being at a lower price than originally committed, £195.08 has been put back into the 2013/14 brought forward amount.

*** The original 2013/14 brought forward amount for Harington and Ravenmeols Wards were 1,477.89 and 14,243.68 respectively. As a result of works for Formby Lighting Columns being at a lower price than originally committed, £24.15 has been put back into the 2013/14 brought forward amount for both wards. Page 41 Agenda Item 9

3.0 Changes to the Presentation of Area Committee Commitments and Expenditure

3.1 At its meeting on 9th January 2014, Central Sefton Area Committee resolved to change the way in which Area Committee expenditure and commitments were published in budget monitoring reports brought before the committee.

3.2 Members of this committee felt that these changes were necessary in order to:-

 More accurately determine balances available for each ward,  More accurately convey how area committee funding had been used during the year,  More accurately describe programmes, projects or works for which area committee funding had been committed by members.

3.3 To reflect this resolution, the 2014/15 commitments table has been amended.

The table now incorporates:-

1. An amended “Payment Status” column to more accurately describe the stage which committed expenditure is at. Three simple stages have been introduced:-

a. “Committed Spend Only” : Typically covering the scenario whereby members are in agreement to fund programme, projects or works, BUT further action is required before funding can actually progress e.g. proof of purchase from a Community Group is required or an appointed contractor needs to complete works.

b. “Payment Being Processed” : Typically covering the scenario whereby proof of purchase has been received / works have been completed, AND payment has been sent to accounts payable for processing

c. “Paid” : Covers the scenario whereby accounts payable have processed the payment, and the payment has been recorded as cleared on Oracle System.

2. A comments column explaining why funding is at the assigned stage.

3.4 The amended commitments table can be found at 3.5 below.

Page 42 3.5 2014/15 Commitments and Expenditure

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment Comments 2014/15 Commitments Ward Approved Committed Spent Type Status

AC contribution towards Invoice WW1 memorial at Moor Blundellsands 05/06/2014 500.00 500.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Lane 2014/15 Replacement Street Nameplate for Invoice Blundellsands 19/06/2014 129.23 129.23 PAID Payment processed and cleared Boundary Road, 2014/15 Blundellsands Replacement Street Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Nameplate for Dowhills Blundellsands 03/09/2014 94.56 0.00

Page 43 Page Spend Only payment processed. Road, Crosby 2014/15

Alleygate for Brooke Invoice Blundellsands 10/09/2014 2,519.78 2,519.78 PAID Payment processed and cleared Road West 2014/15

Installation of litter bin Journal Warren Road / Blundellsands 10/09/2014 450.00 450.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Serpentine 2014/15

Installation of Alleygate Invoice

Blundellsands 02/09/2014 1839.38 1839.38 PAID Payment processed and cleared Agenda Item 9 on Vermont Road 2014/15

Crosby in Bloom Invoice Church 02/06/2014 150.00 150.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Vouchers 2014/15

AC Contribution to Invoice Moor Lane Roundabout Church 02/06/2014 250.00 250.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared WW1 Memorial 2014/15 Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment Comments 2014/15 Commitments Ward Approved Committed Spent Type Status Replacement Street Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Sign, Deacon Court, Church 04/06/2014 129.23 0.00 Spend Only payment processed. Waterloo 2014/15 Resident Permit Parking Scheme - Journal Church 05/06/2014 3,200.00 3,200.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Denmark Street, 2014/15 Sweden Grove Skip for Brookvale Residents Association, Journal Church 16/07/2014 100.00 100.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared for clear up of 2014/15 Brooklands Avenue Page 44 Page New Litter bin near to Journal Church 30/07/2014 380.00 380.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Co-Op in Waterloo 2014/15

Replacement Litter Bin Journal on Doric Street, Church 04/09/2014 380.00 380.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Seaforth 2014/15 Replacement Street Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Nameplate - Vicoria Church 16/09/2014 126.08 0.00 Spend Only payment processed. Road 2014/15

AC contribution to Journal Christmas Tree on Church 30/10/2014 828.25 828.25 PAID Payment processed and cleared South Road 2014/15 Installation of CCTV Journal Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Camera - Rawson Church 11/02/2015 300.00 0.00 Spend Only payment processed. Road, Seaforth 2014/15 Date Amount Amount Payment Payment Comments 2014/15 Commitments Ward Approved Committed Spent Type Status

AC Funding to erect Journal signs as part of Harington 17/07/2014 60.00 60.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Operation Beachsafe 2014/15

AC Funding to refurbish Invoice benches around Chindit Harington 28/07/2014 155.75 155.75 PAID Payment processed and cleared Close, Formby 2014/15

Replacement Sign at Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Harington 01/08/2013 96.92 0.00 Crescent Avenue 2014/15 Spend Only payment processed. Replacement Street Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Nameplates for York Harington 01/08/2014 258.46 0.00 Spend Only payment processed. Page 45 Page Close, Formby 2014/15

Contribution to Formby Invoice Harington 21/11/2014 425.00 425.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Christmas Lights 2014/15

Contribution to Journal Christmas Nativity Harington 21/11/2014 205.00 205.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Road Closure 2014/15

School Sign Parking Invoice Committed Awaiting receipt of invoice from Harington 09/02/2014 100.00 0.00

Project 2014/15 Spend Only contractor Agenda Item 9

Repainting of Street Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed by Harington 09/12/2014 1637.04 0.00 Nameplates in Formby 2014/15 Spend Only Highways before payment made. Awaiting receipt of invoice from AC Contributiion - Invoice Committed Harington 11/02/2015 247.50 0.00 Merseyside Police before payment is Operation Dragonfly Spend Only 2014/15 made. Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment Comments 2014/15 Commitments Ward Approved Committed Spent Type Status

AC contribution towards Invoice WW1 memorial at Moor Manor 05/06/2014 250.00 250.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Lane 2014/15

AC contribution towards Payment Invoice Payment sent to accounts payable on purchase of monitors Manor 28/07/2014 600.00 600.00 being 9th February 2015. for Helping Hands 2014/15 processed

AC contribution towards Invoice purchase of tables for Manor 31/07/2014 649.31 649.31 PAID Payment processed and cleared Kings Church 2014/15 Manor contribution to Page 46 Page Bonfire Event at Journal Manor 19/09/2014 500.00 500.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Netherton Activity 2014/15 Centre

Trough and plants for Invoice Molyneux 20/05/2014 50.93 50.93 PAID Payment processed and cleared Old Roan Station 2014/15

Replacement Street Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed by Molyneux 08/09/2014 126.08 0.00 Nameplate for Moorhey 2014/15 Spend Only Highways before payment made.

Old Roan Residents Invoice Association High Vis Molyneux 12/11/2014 68.00 68.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Vests 2014/15 Payment Invoice Payment sent to accounts payable on World Book Exhibition Molyneux 11/02/2015 240.00 240.00 being 11th February 2015. 2014/15 processed Date Amount Amount Payment Payment Comments 2014/15 Commitments Ward Approved Committed Spent Type Status Payment Invoice Payment sent to accounts payable on World Book Exhibition Molyneux 11/02/2015 98.70 98.70 being 11th February 2015. 2014/15 processed Payment AC Contribution to Old Invoice Payment being processed within Molyneux 11/02/2015 43.00 43.00 being Roan Clear-Up Day Neighbourhoods 2014/15 processed Posts and Shrubs on Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Coronation Road, Park 05/06/2014 1,020.00 0.00 Spend Only payment processed. Maghull 2014/15

Installation of Street Invoice Nameplate on Nedens Park 13/08/2014 129.23 129.23 PAID Payment processed and cleared

Page 47 Page Grove 2014/15 Park contribution towards chrismas tree Journal Park 31/10/2014 256.88 256.88 PAID Payment processed and cleared installation at Maghull 2014/15 Square

AC contribution to Invoice Ravenmeols 05/06/2014 50.00 50.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Formby Creative Crafts 2014/15

AC Funding to erect Journal Agenda Item 9 signs as part of Ravenmeols 17/07/2014 60.00 60.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Operation Beachsafe 2014/15 Replacement Street Nameplate for Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Ravenmeols 01/08/2014 129.23 0.00 Belvedere Avenue, 2014/15 Spend Only payment processed. Formby Agenda Item 9

Date Amount Amount Payment Payment Comments 2014/15 Commitments Ward Approved Committed Spent Type Status Replacement Street Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Nameplates for York Ravenmeols 01/08/2014 258.46 0.00 Spend Only payment processed. Road, Formby 2014/15

AC funding for Sefton Invoice Ravenmeols 28/10/2014 77.50 77.50 PAID Payment processed and cleared Girls Football Kits 2014/15

Contribution to Ince Invoice Blundell Christmas Ravenmeols 18/11/2014 70.00 70.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Lights 2014/15

Contribution to Formby Invoice Ravenmeols 21/11/2014 425.00 425.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Page 48 Page Christmas Lights 2014/15

Contribution to Journal Christmas Nativity Ravenmeols 21/11/2014 205.00 205.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Road Closure 2014/15

Formby Junior Sports Invoice Ravenmeols 25/11/2014 250.00 250.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Boiler 2014/15 Awaiting receipt of invoice from AC Contributiion - Invoice Committed Ravenmeols 11/02/2015 247.50 0.00 Merseyside Police before payment is Operation Dragonfly Spend Only 2014/15 made.

Sign for Clifton Court, Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Sudell 04/06/2014 94.56 0.00 Maghull 2014/15 Spend Only payment processed.

Fixing of Sign outside Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Sudell 26/06/2014 43.08 0.00 97 Deyes Lane 2014/15 Spend Only payment processed. Date Amount Amount Payment Payment Comments 2014/15 Commitments Ward Approved Committed Spent Type Status

Installation of posts & PO shrubs on Deyes Lane Sudell 27/06/2014 2840.00 2840.00 Receipts PAID Payment processed and cleared and Eastway 2014/15

Installation of 20mph roadsign outside Invoice Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Sudell 15/07/2014 1432.78 0.00 Northway Primary 2014/15 Spend Only payment processed. School Sudell contribution towards chrismas tree Journal Sudell 31/10/2014 256.87 256.87 PAID Payment processed and cleared installation at Maghull 2014/15 Page 49 Page Square

AC contribution towards Invoice WW1 memorial at Moor Victoria 05/06/2014 500.00 500.00 PAID Payment processed and cleared Lane 2014/15 Road Safety Measures Journal Committed Awaiting works to be completed before on Trevor Road and Victoria 06/11/2014 7565.62 0.00 Spend Only payment processed. Forefield Infant School 2014/15

Replacement Agenda Item 9 Journal Committed Awaiting works to be completed before Nameplate for Victoria 12/02/2015 96.92 0.00 Spend Only payment processed. Sunnyside Road 2014/15 33,196.83 19,192.81 Agenda Item 9


That the Area Committee:-

(i) Considers and notes 2014/15 budget allocations, (ii) Considers and notes 2014/15 commitments and balances

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