Firenze University Press Gold and silver: perfection of metals in medieval and early modern alchemy Citation: F. Abbri (2019) Gold and sil- ver: perfection of metals in medieval and early modern alchemy. Substantia 3(1) Suppl.: 39-44. doi: 10.13128/Sub- Ferdinando Abbri stantia-603 DSFUCI –Università di Siena, viale L. Cittadini 33, Il Pionta, Arezzo, Italy Copyright: © 2019 F. Abbri. This is E-mail:
[email protected] an open access, peer-reviewed article published by Firenze University Press ( Abstract. For a long time alchemy has been considered a sort of intellectual and histo- and distributed under the terms of the riographical enigma, a locus classicus of the debates and controversies on the origin of Creative Commons Attribution License, modern chemistry. The present historiography of science has produced new approach- which permits unrestricted use, distri- es to the history of alchemy, and the alchemists’ roles have been clarified as regards the bution, and reproduction in any medi- vicissitudes of Western and Eastern cultures. The paper aims at presenting a synthetic um, provided the original author and profile of the Western alchemy. The focus is on the question of the transmutation of source are credited. metals, and the relationships among alchemists, chymists and artisans (goldsmiths, sil- Data Availability Statement: All rel- versmiths) are stressed. One wants to emphasise the specificity of the history of alche- evant data are within the paper and its my, without any priority concern about the origins of chemistry. Supporting Information files. Keywords. History of alchemy, precious metals, transmutation of metals.