Doctor Robert Fludd (Robertus De Fluctibus)

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Doctor Robert Fludd (Robertus De Fluctibus) DOCTOR ROBERT PLUDD (ROBERTUS DE FLUCTIBUS) {The English 'lRosicrucian LIFE AND WRITINGS BY J. B. CRAVEN 330103 0? S. OLAF'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH, KIBKWALL I, 1.." . i r x 4 Wm.» ‘ ./ v 4 1,53;‘ “@539 imkwall WILLIAM PEACE & SON MDCCCOII 'JKH \ C!— '\.ll\"\\g LlEliAl.§\ Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / “ Round about, Eyeing the light, on more than million thronev, Stood, eminent, whatever from our earth Has to the akies return'd. How wide the leaves, Extended to their utmoat, of this ROSE, Whose lowest step embosoma such a space Of ample radiance!” —-DANTE. Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / ‘ ~ lawn-15 ' c774 , flittffl' ' fl‘. ‘a “F‘F' w —" "a: Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / ’1 fl, //k¢ /Z¢./” 7/1”» 71mm”? oé/(A/ff/é/ 4MQ*AQ-ziuizml' ka7 41,;176/ 77 g /Ir 4/1 1% /917. DOCTOR ROBERT FLUDD Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / QR! ?‘>1Q\ DEDICATED TO MY LIFE-LONG FRIEND AND COUSIN, WALTER BROWN (GLENCAIBN) TRIED, PROVED, REVERED. "H QTeVd 549515 NOV4I5’3I Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / NOTE. I HAVE to acknowledge much assistance from the Rev. John Scarth, Vicar of Bearsted and Canon of Rochester; and from his daughter, Miss Scarth. The Bibliography, with the exception of three items, is an extract from the Catalogue of Printed Books in the Library of the Earl of Crawford (advance sheets). I owe this to Mr J. P. Edmond, Librarian, Haigh Hall. I have also to thank my friends, Mr R. S. Rait, Fellow of New College, Oxford; and Mr A. Francis Steuart, Advocate, Edinburgh, for book searches and other kindnesses. J. B. CRAVEN. Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / CONTENTS. CHAPTER FIRST—INTRODUCTORY. John Scotus Erigena—His youth in semi-barbarous country—Ireland, Athens, patron, Charles the Bald—824—Emperor Michael sends to the West ‘Vorks of Dionysius—Birth of School of the Mystics—Erigena’s Works—Division of Nature—Universe the extension of God—His Manifestation—Return of all Souls to God—The Logos—Neoplatonism—Home of Christian Philoso phy in Alexandria—Works of Dionysius—The Divine Gloom— Description—The Silence—Similar Thought in India—Progress to Universal Light and Eternal Rest CHAPTER SECOND. Duns Scotus and the Schoolmen—Opinions of the Stoics—Plotinus— all held the same Doctrine of the Ascent to God—Augustine’s high opinion of Plotinns—Accordant with Christ’s Religion— Hugh, Richard St. Victor—“ Via in!e1~na"—Soul, sublimated, ascending to God—Erigena regarded as a Martyr till 1583-— Trithemius, 1483, Abbot of Spanheim—A man of great learning —A great adept—Deplorable state of Monastic Life~Duties of Cellarer—Pupils—Agrippa and Paracelsus—Agrippa—Qf univer sal learning—Advised by Trithemius to keep his opinions secret—His Works—Misfortunes and Death—Paracelsus—Born 1493—A Physician—Love of Occultism—Professor at Basie— Death—Works and Opinions—Macrocosm and Microcosm really one CHAPTER THIRD. Occult Studies in England—Friar Bacon—Impostors—Forman, Dee, and Lilly—their nostrums—Dr Richard Napier—Rector of Lynford—had all Forman’s Secrets—His Life and Devotion— Invocates Angels—Picture—Died praying, l634—Dr John Rainoldes—Great Rabbinical Scholar—Friend of Forman—His “Censura Librorum”—“The Third University ”—Maier— “ History—born 1568—W0rks, Atalanta Fugiens,” “Arcana Arcanissima,” “Tractatus de Volucri Arborea,” &c.—-Appear ance—Connection with Fludd—Initiates him to Rosicrucian Society—More —a. great Rabbinical Scholar—His History and Studies . .. CHAPTER FOURTH. Robert Fludd born at Milgate, l574—Parish Church of Bearsted Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / x CONTENTS. Description of localities—Ancestors—Monuments—Sir Thomas Fludd — Arms -— Relations - Sir Nicholas Gilbourne—Other Friends—Boyhood—Mother’s Death—Entered at St. John’s, Oxford—History of that College—Opposed to Puritanism— Buckeridge—Laud—with Fludd at St. John’s—Life in Oxford at that time—Josephus Barbatus—an Eastern Scholar—Cou trast between the Work of Land and Fludd—Story of an Oxford Scholar—Killed on Salisbury Plain... .. CHAPTER FIFTH. Having Graduated, Fludd goes abroad—Travels into France—Spain'— Italy and Germany—Becomes Tutor to Charles of Loraine, Duke of Guise ; Francis, Chevalier de Guise, Knight of Malta ; Marquis (le Orizon, Ere—Pursues at same time Studies in Chemistry, 8m. —Notes from his Works of his Journeys—Ghost Story in Paris—A Dog Story—At Lyons—Story of a Jew who killed a red-headed English Mariner—to produce poison—A Cardinal buries his Mistress alive—Caused her to be bitten by Toads, and so produces poison—At Rome makes acquaintance of Gruterius—His History and Character—What Fludd learned from him—Returns home—Graduates at Christ Church, Oxford __1605-—Quarrel with Censors of College of Physicians—1609, admitted FellowflCensor—Practises Medicine in London— Manner—Success—Hamey’s Account—His History—Friendship with Gilbert—His History—Both unmarried—Opinions on Fludd—Objects of present work—Connection of Fludd with Rosicrucian Society, and his Devotion and Religious Life and Opinions... CHAPTER SIXTH. Secret Societies for Esoteric study—Existing from earliest times— among Egyptians, Greeks, and Latins—Two Schools—Christian and Arabic—Rosy Cross first mentioned, l374—Name of Rosaries—Symbol of Rose—Secret, also Inelfable Bliss—Secret Teaching handed on from time to time—Agrippa organises Secret Society at Paris, 1507—Rosicrucians said to be re organised by Paracelsus—but Society appears suddenly in public in 1616, ‘fFama Fraternitas”—History of C. R. C.— Rules—Death and Burial of C. R. C.—Tomb—-Whole more like a. Romance than a reality—House of the Holy Ghost—Tile “Confessio,” 1615—A Protestant Production—Followed by Publication of “Chymical Marriage "—A larger work—An “Abstruse Alchemical Treatise ”—J. V. Andreas’ connection -—His learning—Probably published these Tracts—Immense “ ” Sensation caused by Falna _, Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / CHAPTER SEVENTH. Michael Maier'—A Friend of Fludd—Visits England, IBIS—Friends thereiéPaddy and Anthony—“Silentium Post Clamores’Y— Why Applicants for Rosy Cross Order treated with silence— “Unlversal Reformation ”-—Opposition by Andrew Libau—A Successful Chemist—His works—Fludd’s Apology for the Rosi crucians—First at Leyden, 1616—Result of Meier’s Visit— \Vhy Fludd’s works printed abroad—Fludd studied the Cabala since 1606—Second Edition revised, 1617—Described—Reprint at Leipsic, 1782, by “Adam BOoz”... CHAPTER EIGHTH. The “Tractatus Theologo-Philosophicus,” 1617, Title——Serpents in Skull—De Vita—Seventeen Chapters—God—the \Vord and Light—Origin of Universal Life—Devil of all Darkness—Service of Fire—Oblique Revolution—Government by the Elohim—The Opake Body—Pan—The Abyss of Cold»-'l‘he coming forth of the Divine Word—Origin of Minerals, &c.—Fishes—Birds— Higher Developments—Earth first of all the Temple of God— Man formed of dust, the material of that first Temple—The breath of life—Union with Father and Son—The Body of Adam—Site of Paradise—Twofold—Adam only a few hours free from sin—Advent of Christ—Mount Taber’s M ystery—The Vision of Elias—Dwelling of Rosicrucians—The Key of David —De Marta—Michael and Satan—Adam destroyed by Eve— The Imperfect—The Carnal—By the love of the body—De Resurrectione—Second Adam supernatural—Overcomes by obedience—Enoch and Elias—The earth to be renewed by fire —God manifest in our flesh—What the resurrection body will be—Fludd’s view of his time—Dark—Rosicrucians possess the true Alchemy—The Sun in the Centre of the Vault—The Lion of the Tribe of Judah—The Carbuncle and the Ruby CHAPTER NINTH. The “Utriusque Cosmi Historia” begun, l6l7—Title—Svastika—a Sun Symbol -- Macrocosm ——Microcosm — Explained —Dedica tions—“ 0 Natura Naturans "—Views of Fludd on the Divine Immanence-—King James his patron—Interview—The “His toria” never completed—Illustrations in the text—Described —Circular Motion in Creation—Boehme—The Triangle the emblem of God—Original Darkness—Illustrations—His ideas those of Paracelsus—The Separation of the lighter or purer and the denser part of substance—~“ Materia Confusa”—Chaos LThe three regions of the Macrocosm—The Habitation of God before Universe created—“Darkness His Secret Place ”4_ Generated for John Patrick Deveney (University of Chicago) on 2015-06-14 23:05 GMT / Public Domain, Google-digitized / CONTENTS.
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