E S T O Nia a T a G La N Ce

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E S T O Nia a T a G La N Ce The Treaty of Tartu 2 February 1920 fter difficult negotiations, the peace treaty between the ARTICLE II of the Treaty ARepublic of Estonia and Soviet In consequence of the right of all Russia was signed on 2 February 1920. peoples to self-determination, to the The treaty ended the Estonian War point of seceding completely from the of Independence that had lasted for State of which they form part, a right nearly a year and a half, and was one of proclaimed by the Socialist and Federal the first major achievements in the field Russian Republic of the Soviets, of international relations for the young Russia unreservedly recognises the Estonian state. The treaty established independence and sovereignty of Estonia’s eastern border, and Soviet the State of Estonia, and renounces Russia recognised the independence voluntarily and forever all sovereign of the Republic of Estonia in perpetuity. rights possessed by Russia over the The instruments of ratification of the Estonian people and territory whether treaty were exchanged in Moscow on these rights be based on the juridical 30 March 1920 and the treaty entered position that formerly existed in public into force. law, or in the international treaties • The Treaty of Tartu is written in which, in the sense here indicated, Estonian and Russian, registered with lose their validity in future. the League of Nations and published From the fact that Estonia has with a French and English translation belonged to Russia, no obligation in Volume XI of the League of Nations whatsoever will fall on the Estonian Treaty Series in 1922. people and land to Russia. • The treaty comprises 20 articles and in addition to ending the state of war it recognised Estonian independence de also includs articles on the recognition jure, renouncing voluntarily “for ever of the Estonian state, covering border, all rights of sovereignty formerly held security, economic, social and traffic by Russia over the Esthonian people policies. and territory”. The Treaty of Tartu was also the first international act ESTONIA AT A GLANCE AT ESTONIA • According to the treaty, Russia 1 February 2019 recognising the Soviet government. important step towards enshrining the Diplomatic relations were established nations’ right to self-determination in between the two states. international law. • The border between Estonia and At the time, the Treaty of Tartu was, above Russia was established, and both the all, a peace treaty, ending the carnage that municipalities beyond Narva as well began with the First World War. The treaty as Petseri County became part of transformed the ceasefire of 3 January Estonian territory. This border stood 1920, finally allowing the men who had until 1944. been called up to go home. The memoirs • Estonia was freed from all obligations of William Tomingas, the secretary of the towards Russia, while Russia was Estonian delegation, describe the solemn obligated to return the property that reception the delegation of the Treaty of had been evacuated from Estonia; Tartu received in Tallinn. Many people Estonia was also granted 15 million who had come to the streets to greet gold roubles from the Russian gold them took off their hats despite the bitter fund. cold. • According to the treaty, every Estonian The head of the Estonian delegation Jaan living in Russia had the right to move Poska later remembered that for him, the to Estonia. Based on the treaty, 38 greatest recognition for his work came 000 Estonians opted for Estonian from a woman standing on a street; she nationality (at the end of the War of crossed herself and told him, “You saved Independence, there were about 320 our sons”… Estonian settlements or centres and The importance of the historic treaty around 190 000 Estonians in Russia). for the Estonian state is best summed • On the Estonian side, the treaty was up in the words of Jaan Poska: “Today signed by members of the Constituent is the most important day of the past Assembly Jaan Poska, Ants Piip, Julius 700 years for Estonia, because today, Seljamaa, Mait Püüman and Major- for the first time, Estonia alone will General Jaan Soots. The signatories determine the future fate of its people.” on the Russian side were Adolph Joffe, member of the Central Executive Committee of the Soviet of Workmen, Peasants, Soldiers of the Red Army and Cossacks, and Isidore Gukovsky, member of the College of the Popular Commissariat of State Control. • Estonia’s peace treaty with Russia was the first international act that mentioned the right of peoples to decide their own destiny. Therefore, both the Treaty of Tartu as well as other treaties between Russia and its western neighbours that ESTONIA AT A GLANCE AT ESTONIA were modelled on it constituted an Signatures of the Treaty 2 February 2019.
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