Appendix ‘C’ Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM DATE 23 April 2018 PROJECT No. 1671088-CL-R00 TO Michael S. Troop, P.Eng., M.Eng. J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd. CC Carla Parslow (Golder), Kendra Patton (Golder) FROM Casey O'Neill EMAIL
[email protected] ARCHAEOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT - TOWN OF THE BLUE MOUNTAINS MASTER PLAN MUNICIPAL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE COMMUNITY OF CLARKSBURG 1.0 PROJECT CONTEXT 1.1 Development Context The Town of The Blue Mountains (TBM) is undertaking a municipality-wide development Master Planning Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for future water servicing upgrades. TBM is also undertaking a Master Planning EA for water and waste water infrastructure upgrades within the Clarksburg Service Area, herein the ‘Project Area’. Golder Associates Ltd. (Golder) has prepared this technical memorandum for J.L. Richards & Associates Ltd. (the Client) to summarize archaeological potential in the Village of Clarksburg, based on an archaeological predictive model developed for TBM (Golder 2018a). The Project Area measures approximately 380 ha and is situated within the historic Geographic Township of Collingwood, Grey County, now the Town of The Blue Mountains, Grey County, Ontario (Map 1). 1.1.1 Objectives The objective of this technical memorandum was to use existing information from the larger Stage 1 archaeological assessment and archaeological predictive model prepared for TBM to make statements about archaeological potential specific to the Clarksburg Project Area. The sections below also compile available information about known archaeological resources within the Project Area and provide recommendations for future field survey (i.e., a Stage 2 archaeological assessment), as well as the recommended Stage 2 strategy.