ISSN 1025-7497 Secretariat of the Pacific Community TRADITIONAL Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Number 18 — August 2005 INFORMATION BULLETIN Group Coordinator and Bulletin Editor: Kenneth Ruddle, Katsuragi 2-24-20, Kita-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken 651-1223, Japan; Email:
[email protected] — Production: Information Section, Marine Resources Division, SPC, BP D5, 98848 Noumea Cedex, New Caledonia. Fax: +687 263818; Email:
[email protected]. The bulletin is also available at: — Produced with financial assistance from France. Editor’s note We include three articles in this edition. In the first, “Fishing for drummerfish (Kyphosidae) with termites and spider webs Inside on the weather coast of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands”, William T. Atu describes a unique traditional fishing method this issue known as bulukochi, which was used by his forefathers to catch drummerfish. This fishing method is on the verge of disap- pearing, and the only person who knows about it and the asso- ciated customs is Mr Atu’s elderly uncle. So Mr Atu decided to Fishing for drummerfish preserve some of this information here, because, as he says (Kyphosidae) with termites and “With the passing of my uncle the techniques and intricate spider webs on the weather coast customs associated with this method will be lost forever”. of Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands William T. Atu p. 3 William T. Atu has set a wonderful example. We hope it will stimulate other people to set about documenting “endangered Indigenous ecological knowledge information” in their own communities. This Information (IEK) of the aggregating and Bulletin would be delighted to publish such material.