(I^ Ifli'l'iaaairli Latomdc. -{5)-Horthera Irine Isl^Ndsr Fi^E 3^
ISLiiDo (by G-rouios) .. " ^ 'vj ■■ (i^ ifli'l'iaaairli latoMdc. r t J 7 "5 (2) Ellice Islands. ($) 'Dokolau lolondot Fc^e S. (4) Fhoenix Islands. -{5)-Horthera Irine Isl^ndsr Fi^e 3^ Central Line- Isleindfr. Fti-e. Sa --(-7) Goutlterrt-L-ine—I-sl-aaq^y (8) Hauru Island. (9) iiiscellaneous islands. , * ; " '^' i -' vt' ' '\i ■ . ■» ■ ■ '' *sm*,i.f ■ ., •■'■ If: \..?i. .-, .- • AfiX' ; . ,v • ••■ . -■! .j j. 'VI. ' ■ . .v, : ■■ V' \ -r ■ ■ , • ■ ; •/ 'Y ■ ' ' >■■ •■ ' ■'■ •■.' ■ ■■ ■ ■ II ;;'■>■ • . '■ 'f* \ ■ ; i' ,-il' i'' - ^ -.i' " ''4(1'i' " • ,<■ , Ifotes on the ELLICE ISLAIIhS ' ■ % :. ■ : ■.. • I > <. nf^ • ^ r"' ' .'l« » .' -»^ 't>'' ^... V. J , 'ii'*I , ' t ' f;V/. V VrV *v.y ' . .. .. ... jvSI* t . -yj. >. ., ■ • %,K.V. ,-.Vtr , . ■ " r * 'M ,'f* ' ' 1'«♦ • * t - !•'•■ ", 'fit- • ' -•• r:' ' ' If .»';■«* '• vy**-v'««' * ' '■• ' ' . i'-'' '4' •'J'i ,Y.^i -I't' *•'. ^ " Wk V- v . - ■ ■ .A<, . y'X-.., . '• - . '. ■ V".'. yi, '.C»' ' 1. V • - , . > f---. ••- M A' fc 'lN •. ■. '■■■t '• *-• • V . ' ' ' 'I S ■.■> . ;.L' ^li 1'./^. I . 1*:. , • "4.' ■ J".' M'r, ' V'v^ C' ^'. »i''' V%-} 'JV" ' ' ■f ,v ■ ■ vi; / \. i M -. ir ' ' ''v.- ■ . 'Vi,- Cl v' 't : ' ' - v A"^-v ' ' ■ ■• • ■ .1 • . '■ . -r . vv.'.v. .-ST , V. =• V\ r,'- ' • ' . "" ■ "' ' ■ ■ ^ ^ ELLICE ISLANDS Smith, S. Percy, 'The First Inhabitants of the Ellice Group'. Journal of the Polynesian Society, uoi.e (1897), pp.2G9-21G, This Group of Islands is situated between Lat. 6 3G and 9 3G south, and between 176° and 179°3G west Long,, or in other words, some 65G miles north—west of Samoa, That the Islands were colonised from Samoa, the follow ing notes given to fir, U, Churchill and myself in October, 1897, at Apia, Samoa, by Sapolu, will prove, Sapolu was sent by the London Missionary Society to the Ellice Islands in 187G in order to introduce the Gospel there, Gn his arrival at Nanomea, the most northerly of the groupi he was much struck with the similarity of the language to his own.
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