CLAN MACMILLAN SOCIETY (AUST) Newsletter No. 66 November 2005 President • June Danks, 66 Campbell St., Kew Vic 3101 Pbone & Fax: 9817 3148 E-mail:
[email protected] Vice-President I - Mick McMman, P.D.Box 350, Belgrave Vic 3160 Editor Phone: 9754 4578 E-mail:
[email protected] Secretary - Myrna Robertson, 1/56 Fairbairn Rd., Cranboume Vic 3977 MACMILLAN Phone: 5996 8667 E-mail:
[email protected] CREST BADGE; A dexter and a Treasurer I - June Senior, 41 Lincoln Ave., Glen Waverley.Vic 3150 sinister hand brandishing a two Ass! Editor Phone & Fax: 9560 8746 handed sword, proper. E-mail:
[email protected] MOTTO: Miseris succu"ere disco Webmaster - Kaye O'Reilly, 28 Dunbar Gr., Churchill Vic 3842 (/ learn to succour the distressed). Phone: 5122 1282 GAELIC NAME: MacGhille· E-mail:
[email protected] Mhaolain. Web Page - http://bome,,auJ-mcmillan!welcome.htm Preside.nt 's Report AGM 2005 Our Clan was founded by the late Donald MacMillan in 1983 so now we are in the 2200 year. We ha ve associalions Wilh the Council of Clans, The Scots ofVic Iona and the Genealogical Socieiy of Victoria. I will briefly describe the happenings of the past year. Following our cUSlOm we had the picnic in February at a delightful spot overlooking Eastern Beach in Geelong on a bright sunny day. It enabled us to catch up with members and friends and exchange information about our family trees. It was good to see Judi MacMillan ,back from Singapore and Ken MacMillan who is always actively invoived with the Geelong Games, both organising as well as playing in the Pipe Band.