'M . IMl 1 0 ^ 7 2 Mtavaf « • AfiH M taacr- Mrnuikmtar ... •A CHy of V W ^ Charm

MANCHESTER; CONN., MONDAY, OCTObBR 1, iM t (FOURTEEN PAGES) FRiCB FIVE CHNl^ V O L. L X X I, N O . 1 ' ‘ Aiwrtiitar •> >^>*> ■ V , B u U e t m s frooi the AP Wlrw

rtvB M orBM ntA m ot WeaMaie, Bagtoad, Oet. 1— (dV-Sto eat ef lae deal aalaeia waia trapped I f feat siadar ■ \

Brooklyn. Oct. — i eoals s f Bdae t s 5 today.. r Oaa waa Bobby ThoiMon’i two-run i Starti^ Pitchers WMWht .aat by reacoe workara homor aont tho New York tohr hears later aaSartog from Gianta into a 2-1 lead over w aSeols of gaa. Brooklyn today in the fotirth SLOWDOWN HITS H. Y.* inning of the opener p t th e ir .Haw York. Oct. I.— beat-of-three Playoff aerlea raw York Olto garbasa oollec- ate bagaa a Mowdowa today to D ue nt UI^ for . the ehampionahip of the aaaa their danuuid tor a ahort- iB ritishB ow l C a U s Nation^ league. Andy Paf- or work week. Hickenlooper Raps ko’a second inning homer A few kaura after garbage gave the Brooks their run. trucka bagaa their Sret rouada B efore Iran Fflr A id by at 1— . W ash ing to n, O ct. 1— (AO— 'f'm em bers w ho voted ag ainst it Southingten, Oct.^ fouled-out to Cox who Prcoldent Tmmaa aaaounoed T he S en ate F oreig n relatio ns w ere n ot record ed. N ow Y ork. O ct. 1— ■ < f f ) — I arnica catch near tha ndlad today tha reSIgaaUoa of Dr. Tha nomination probably will T he U nited N atio ns p lu ng es | Polka , BSid picket linas iHo- tulia agataat tha left field Jamee Boyd aa director of the com m ittee tod ay apjlroved 8 come up for Senate action later into the bittei B ritish* lauce broke joiit today st the Pedacal Bureau of Mlaee. t o 2 the nom in ation of C hes­ this weal Iran ian oil d ispu te todsy» i ii^ fi brand United Aircraft satharad la Dark’s fiy Keaaeoott Copper Oorp. aa- ter B ow les. W orld W ar II to .without movins In his aomieed prerioualy la Now York A Sguare Beg w ith B ritain ap parently bow ­ corporation plant her* today, toat Boyd would Jola Ita esecn- p rice co ntro l b oss, as A m ba^ advsnea of today’s - closed in g in ad v a n ce to, Iran ’s o rd er but s union Spokesman said Hddgas bbad Mueller’s tlre ataff. Hla r^gaatioB will sad o rjto Ind ia* iheating. Senator Hlckenlotopar expelling B ritons from ths “thert are different interpre- bouBoar and j ' beat him to tha taka effect Odt. Ifi. (R., Iowa) said h# waa conosmsd tiittons as to what violence b ^ f o r the putouU W ash ing to n, O ct. 1— < / P ^ — that Bowles, defeated last year tor g re at A badan refin ery ares. reelecUon as Oovemer.o!if OOB A Lemdon announMmant Mii Is.^/ ' to runs, no htts. ho errors, noaa B A i n aBAMCA S en ator-G illette (D ., Iow a) Britain plana to evacuate all her left. . ^ ■ ) said the S enate F oreign R e­ nectict, might be "a square peg In Police Chief Edward F. . Supreine C ourt a round hole” as Ambaasador to oil man-frem Abadan by ’Thura-1 Gory " said /„sttemptsy^ m m 6 nnir< lations com m ittee recom ­ India. day, the deadline sat by tha Ha- Hearn’s first {dtekV Furino was Uonallet Iranian goveramant. i made to dvaiiurn-e hole between thir G illette an d l^ n a to r S park - Foreigit Relations' committee to m Bsyar, an totarMtkmal Tield: Vital Decisions' reqommend that the Senate con­ Iran made it clear aha wSs in- short for a slntta. It was tho (D ., A la) told rep o rters sAtlng upon the expuAlcn to aplto litatlvs for tha Intema- hit of the game. ere w as som e opposition to firm Preaident ’rnunsn’a nomina­ Aaaootation of MadUaAta ■aider Iliad deep t o Mays, w II d On Red, Racial Issueii. tion of tha former ConnMUcut of toa pimding British oomptotot (AFL), fafid rapertara. howwee, at first misJudgM tha 1 ^ d r t ^ the appointm ent of B ow les, governor and World War H* price before the Security Clouneil. that "I wouldn’t oay there was thaa had |o turn aad make a mm .Waabington, Oct. form er U . S. price control Deputy Premier Hoaaain Fataml violenoe. It (Apenda ea what you nlng catch ia front of tha canter I minute aaaalon today atartod the chief, b ut th a t the n am es of (Osatfaued aa Page Piva) Said in Tahrah that the Saeiirlty maaa by vtolanoe. If SBRWbody field wall. Suprama Court on a new'term ex­ CAuncU had ao sowar to raoom- says somebody was-puahed. they Raaaa was cult down on an a t pected to yield imoortaht daclsiona mend that Iran u ft tho axpulataa | migbt bs r i ^ t qnd. again, they tea^ ad steal whan Waetrum I on numaroua problaito. order. Previously, Hussein Makki, | might bs wrong. V There ware aa Led by Chief luatica Vliiaon, the of tha Iranlaa Natioaal Oil boa^, f n A a paitoet peg to ]Bd Stoaky wfli paieeaefiy lead aa nmay psopA an the picket Has who laaos the tag. Bine hlack-robea Judgm atapp ■aid if tho''Brttalna InsAtad cn that traffic was slowed down; aad Ho mas, one hit,, ao errors, noaa I Up to toair jflacea on tha Ml P eron’s S ecret P olice staying at ths refinery, they I paopto were talktog." left: I bench proatUy at noon. The court would be “aaoortad off ^ police! la New Yeih to SI 1 room was pocked with apactatora with tha greataot raapact and eeuatryA. eO ‘SApate wl But Bayer, blmaalf, was am sU ’ ■aOOHp INMIMa COAMTS thS brief opening formalltiea fctodneas." Britain, aceordtog to a gmreta- ad ahortly afterward on a chargfi N ab H undreds of F oes Bleat BnaiwacMBeat la Tehraa. ef braaeh of the paaoa aad bald n l\nriHo caaipad under bvia’s 1 included the admiaaion of 24 Irak's agad, frail and amotion- MOO ban which ha furalahed. wwwtag fly to BMdhaa rights to practice bafo^ the a t PrAnAr, Mohammad Moasa- BrtlalB hM aSnfi toe U. N. I I tribun T dagh, hSa not yet mentioned fiy- eaiHy~C(MBeirto over-tula IibbA Fattolmaa John OaiMSS eW to Haase, scampered Into abort BUentw Alraa, Argentina. OcL^was an important figure to ad aaoAf atfiar agalaat BiltAh lac ad to have reoelvad a cut flagar to aator to fs t aadar Lockmaa’a Two of toe Justices, Douglas and ministrations which tog to New York for the Security pop. I Burton; recently returned from va­ 1—<4V-Hundreda of aoldlera and Uounell meottog. . HA deputy, aleAaa at Abafiaa. a picket Itoa seuffls, aad OnKgii political laadars were snared to­ Peron. A Oonaervatlve, ha aarvsd Bayer with rsapananOMy tor B, ThMMcn rsisad a high foul cation trips abroad. Doug Isa made sa Ambsaasdor to ths United FatemI, said Iran stUI has rseslv- Oox Whlnd third. an axpeditlcm that bordered the day in a government aecret police, sd ao formal aotloa from the Se- Bayer, attar hA relaMo,.Mt aa|y dragnet, which moved awittly over States, Brasil, Franca and Spain, dcBAd nnonalbaito but b ^ to H i lUBS, ao httf, aa srrors, aona Iron (tortsA to Asia. Burton a maffiber of Gbagms oiatty Onawa m thaHrttAh left 1 vAttad the week aitd to efuah eppoalttqn siBhitaafiaS. AUlee Makes waoldaaw a wamW’'dto*|li* sjB fiffH ro p ntniM i!.m p toa m tor to Preaidaa t jiuoD D. P a n s. > Mossadegh'_ t r o u l d Oelyga with I Altar tha qpeptag oaremooy. the w o u l d 8 h ^ , IbMara.tot A a rasidMB court rscaasad unto next Monday dfUwRtobtAA notice w as received.lived.'-gi-£r,in TheT he smv-l ...9 |i^(;ar o er f War ef Bast HaBnetL tjfiS^SSd^S'tour aifiJirSi^ when the work of the 196I-<» ad. Political parUas' aad famlliea for B ubnoe A ires provtooe; Crls- - Ibta julsad a temlna fly of political cMeftatos aald leadara ologo L ariald e, a ' esn dld ate to t Ito stotoM raL fiO O ptodnettsa ta atraigU esatar. I term will gdt under way to fuA wortofa toipja about twa wasto Principal totereat in the new of the Radiciu. N a^naU st, Oont- G overnor of ' B usnos A ires prov­ NTi&^''^JSts\Eleciion ew T ork m eettog. Issue aga. • a Slow term dmtars On Asuas involvtog munlat, SodaUat aad Oonaarvattva, ince; D ardo C u neo ,'a w ell know n i.flis flutd bass lias >artlea were anumg thoae tskto S ocisllst loader and new apiuw r T ea B ritish w araW pa an C U 0 CAaiy aant a hunAd __ ; Bbbliy ThsasMB threw him T D t a i l W a r CommunAU aad racial ralatlona. ttautoA ta B asra, eav M m U as| Scarborough. BagAad. Oet. 1— paal to State Poltaa Oa Returning to tha bench after nto custody to the wake of Fn- w r i t e r . from A badan on tba Shatt-al- ant as ha Itaapag ptttfolly’on his •ummar vacation that began to (Ay's abOrtlva revolt. T he co un tiy w as b ack on Its o r­ (ff)—Prime Mtalstor AttAa da- ,'ar Bdward J. Htokay to hcttf U. S. Eighth Army Headqua^ A government spokesman ac­ dinary evsrydsy routtos, but a |ateta troopara to tto stsm . a ? ! ? * ’ ' " f (Ctotomed aa Paga PAa) cAred today that Britain under tars, Korea, Oct. 1—UT)—^The (Oaattoaad oa Paga Yhra) cused the minority poUfioal paf* decree of a "State of Internal hA Labor govammaat has been a *T’va got to hava tom s atoto pa- ’Fafkom t s one sad one hljiih ties of being financed bV "North Yffr,” adopted haatlly by C on- fast ban into the lower laR/'fldd Eightii Army Is "prepared to main bulwark of worid -peaeo. Uea ttora by aoea," Gaary told ra- American impsrlslAin’’/la an at­ g rtta F riday , still w as In effect, Ho wsk given a tmmandoUs ova­ portera. 'Tbay (tba pistote) ara atanda for a boras' run to.put the strike, and strike hard’’ in Korea tempt toOverthrow Pbron’s gov­ threatening death* for m U itsry G abrielson W ins (aUmg m oan, an d —I’m g ot caljr a . Dodgers ahead 1-0. It wad Pafko’s If the Reds want all-our war ernment n an uprsng led by de- tion by 1 , ^ daAKatos ahd party ' 39th Ixnnsr o< tbs sasson. sad it to-1 iJ. S . A rm s S u p p ly m an w ho partielpatad ta tba up- jra as to ruoa to apoak and stedd^of truce talks. inenta of the armed forces. r l a i h g . ithar wtoR Iw wU down at tto « I OB Paga SHa) was thb 31st hBAy to t Dodgsrs ’That- warning was issued to­ Hold BUeahar N aw spspars supporting P rasi- C onfidence V ote ,aff Oisat pitching at Ebbata field night, in Tokyo by Gen. Matthew A rrives at S aigon lor partV ocofarenca la tto Spa thia aebaon. Among thoae ta the police net Ontoa. Han in SUs aaasida xsso ' B. Ridgways public, informatiim aa Adrian Escobar, who once (O so tiaaafi e a P ag e fiv e ) Washington, OM. Forty-' office. toWa. (( m n g » ftoa) Saigon, todochlna, Oct. 1—OP)— one of the 104 rosmbsra of tlut.lA- TtoI Prtote MtaAtar M otruck out Pickets Ban . It came aa Gen. Omar N. Brad­ Tbs first American. sMpmant of publican National oommlttsa gave oil what\S%,gpptOTra to to tha Labor ley, America’s top n ilU t^ Isader, American arms to the Vletamaaa a standing 'rote of confareaca to­ party*a aiiui alactlon I : The and Ridgway toured command anti-Oommunut army arrived in day to cbolrmaa Guy Osoigs u raat of a third world war.' 300 W orkers P layoff lin eu p s posts on the eastern front where Indlchlna toda:^Tbe arrival of tba GsblsAon to ecmnactlon with Ws *Tt A right that ta our manl- the United NatlOna’ autumh of- thouaands of Amwlcan army-t; G O P G overaprs D iffer RFC loan actiVltias. fasto wa should gtva first-ploea fenalre'got underway last TuCs- Garand rifles eotocidsd with tlib Tha aettoa waa takea unaal- to^pMw,’* hs Bfid. Raw Tark BtaeMrs South . Kdtoan troops A that caously by the 41 commltUs atom- jStiHHr Fsralga PolAy Sub, m ‘(.IM)—Baaae. ae (.MS) Francs of tha right to control Its O il *52 R ace C andidate bars attsadtog a cos-day ragloaal Ha\ got Us biggast round of ap- H d p f n m Wbrkfaif at Mailer, rt (.MDr-Snldar. et (.374) mountauious sector bared their own treasury. ^ \ cbnfertnea on 1963 campaiioi whoB ta said that tho "pao- IrrlB. » (.MS)—Bobiatoa. Sb '(.SSS) bayMeta Monday aad drova 600 Tbs treasury wSs the. lost major plans. who ars clamoring far what ,^W righ| Aeronantlca] Loebman tb (.SH)-*Bfko, It (,St6) a ridgelAe west of Heartbnak land samalnlnJr to Fraadthands. —Oov.' Gertoa Brawatog ef MilArd F. Caldwell, Civilian De­ RFC question. Hs has bean at­ ths paople who use that Jtacsst, Wood-lMdga. H. J.. Oet t - ( n iu ra ef (.S7t)-ifodiias.-ib (.sn> Ridge. 'They won the' qthsr two ■ A Fraach armp commuhtoua an- first Daasocra t to fense adminiatrator. generally live to tto paat.*' >> westnioi, e (.sso-^k. |b (.STM peaks Sunday night. Other .South tacked by several mamtora af hta UAW -ao pAkot Una arM U Baara. p (ll-e)—Sraaeb, aJlS-10) nounesd tonight that 438\yiath- la toe gov- Pra-lto 'YlaWB own party tor eoatlnutito to rspiH AtUaa waa d irw ^ attaakhig The umpire!' wSM Btll Stewart Koreans captured a hiU iKKrthwast mtoh aupportani wanrhll|ad\ and Tha pro-BAanhower sentiments sent a private oorpoSation W ore tkoao Oonaaevativoa wha* hava Oa atrlka-(W^pAd Wright Aara- (plate); Lenr Ooeta (lb)i Lou Jeede of the Punchbowl, north of Toag- ,3.000 pamona arrastad ta g day P reakA at e r O a a . expreaaad by sonM.govemoiR ware tha mg govemmaat Andtog ■aid racaaUy that Britato’s hoad- nawtleal Oorp;, ptaat today tarirod (Sb): aad Jock O’Conlaa (Sb). g«. anU-guarsOIa swnap 30 offset aomawhst by tbase develop­ itog of .ite oU erlsA ta Iran was toa On the other Ade of the war- D w ight O . E l agency whn# aarving M parity, 900 wUto eelAr wocton of tto aouihaait of Hai^^nM bulk f a r t o a ments: chairman, WSSlle - sssM. unhm flmn —p«»*(t for psagaath IStokT lsS!” 1. Oov. Bari Warren of c a U t o r * At the rioaa of .Oabrialaon’s AttAa said that to brifig about fOsattoasg on Fags Pies) and will be ruAaaad after A s nla indicated—if be didn't actually apeach, Jouatt Roaa Todd, a Ken­ paaaa'Brltato must work to ra- wurk, . tiontog. The oanawalque-i aay so—that he wUl be a favorite tucky n«tio.iAl eoaualttssmaa. mdve the cauras of war. Ruaeril/K. Stswiirt prM m ntM - T russory U dsH M Fraach aoMArs^AuuInllad Jeetod eiaitaiaa to r^ R epaba- son candidate for the 0 /0 P aoml- proposed a vote of eonfldanoa. “It A not our fault that tto tha Oftito WorkasW Local W N ew B T idbits wounded to tha-drlve. CBB S eatkara D saM oat ooall- nation. TUa awy deny tha Bison- A doaan other cemmittaa mem­ world A dlvldad," to said. "We (UAFMJIO) aald t o . ordarad tto C B l M ( f f r W l n s Washington, Oct. Tha fifi* shtpawnt tlaa, aad. said to w in ao pp ert hower aupportars a oovatad C a U - bers, including both those who duht vrAh to see say .groat gulf baM*torarMk awrakAat after tto position of the Treasury Sm t 37: fram jba American M r. Y m iana if toa ' FrM ddcat fomA linkup with the Now Tork {voted for and against Gabrialaoa’a bstwasn the Hast aad the Want. (xwnpany agreed to'eoatteiM asp- Net budget receipts, $^,174,- *1Arlham Victory" and U totand- eeto a. aa eto a r to ta a and PennsyivanA straagth they aActloa to Ifi^nraoci;~tooondsd Todd’s Ws stand ready a^ any tims (to asata oeatract talks If his unloB Wlaflwap Bashafallar. of 370.42: budget expendlturss, 3339,- ad toAqulp tour aawiy-formad dl- .X. are dapanding on at noxt year’s ratumad. * ioha D. RoctofUlei^ RodtoMlsL A appointod 303,331A6; cosh bsAnoe, 90,393,- GatUaburg. Tenn., Oct 1—(PH- nominating ceaventloa. (Osattanad Oa Yaga Twa) (Omthraed om Paga Four) t t o ‘walkflut a t Wright’s plante mambar af Board______Of_____ trustaao of 393,l«S.fl9. « Page Twe) RepuMleaa dlfferencae over « 3. CAv. val Patarspa ef Nobras- tors aad la atotky CArfAM stert- LoomA school at Wiadaar.. ka, who favors EAsnbowar. aarvad od flva aSjm ggs aad has halted Bonua Divialon eltbaa doa ProsidantAl candidate for 1993 notice that the general must speak ■ «n&,000;000 1a AH goad after more than four ire reflected today at tlm 48rd out by Jan. 1 on hA Intantlona. ■orvlee to vatarans annual govomon* oonfarance here. O tba^aa, Paterson said, tbs U. S. Invasion Impostible Uatmenta against throe mam- Athericam Urged to Claim Aa Asaodated Preca poll among nomination A likely to go by de­ bara of Lakfigharleo, La. Ppopla’a tha>ifi OOP governors showed atoe fault to Sshator T ^ For Russip, Fechteler Says (AoUoa group siu droppod.. ^ u - Free Access to Govt. Facts voting tor BAshbower. four sup- A A n ^ s r Rapubilean govaraor, Rasa until to- Boetleut gasoUae daalers near bor­ ^srttag Sen. Robert A. Taft of slao an BAanbowor supporter, told ___ to wmM con- der axpoat to fiaSt from Massa- s reporter ha doesn’t bsUsve ths ihio and the rest not expressing Washington, Oet I—(S)—^Th#' W orld W ar n h fld up un iag tha iaSuaaea ac tha i whateoavor" af BussUn armAa ia- Navy will hava at •■damand of their public offidaA danger of lOstog to hower would to avallabto or Would vadtog thA country M long’as oarers, .earridr-baaad atomA ar- ralwe |MIA imm! g an tw Paiaal pool ahustas go up today— tba right of free acaeaa to the freedom of information by default to aatlHadioiy tis a nominee. America retains control of tha tlUaty, Bubmariaeo, aadatomle tor-|A 4D )snR P 111 baoat wm featp .afiss facts about thaA gavarnmsat” unlaaa they demand of .> thalr pub- Talk among both Ropublieans M oscow H eveals psdocs, but tha .^ b lc m Bow A to | lA offIciaA tha right of free aocaas and XAmodrals Mout the Whits ••• J' . Prasldwt- Itm aan telA nation Meeting at NoTthweatam unl- On the other head. Admiral W. prevent w ar with tto cqnlpm aB t varatty at-a forum) on Freedom of to tha facts about thalr govern­ House race next year was heard M. Fachta>r, CUaf of Naval Om t- oB hanA . | - A t P olls'T oday *^othiag aaS aver taka the place' ment Thto A the right of the peo­ aa the goveniera’ conference was E ast R eich P act ■ 1 rule that the Press, more than M news ex­ stions, arid ha baUovw AlUad 0. Tto Navy haa aatidpatod oaa ecutives urged such vQ^lAnce on ple whl(;h cannot be taken tor petarA to tadds aational dafanss forces odUd tovada aifil ofieupy ■BrtfMi, Oct l\ m T oduF i alwaya hUp the part of tbs public. granted, but must be fought tor p r i ^ a m s . M O sooav, O ct. 1— (ffl— TTis stratog - aad tosporteat iarass of (Oaa» aaad as Ffig* *3*—> broadcast opeifing The sdlton said to a dedaratlon every day.’ Derooenito outsMa the South visnt U M oa today aiuiounead tbs Haasia in avant of war. . . ActAMM Mtt'cttiM aad tsM campaign... The free preaa forum was held to atuck to Prosldent Truman as signing of a.A ng term trad e aad Faehtaler also aald to a copy­ lato'togpaeted tp 4o BtUa M tto and Ptieu Union, coimactlon with the Chicago visit both partlos* mombors talked ixdi- aeientiSc - toehnical agM C oant righted totlcle in U. a. News aad ra-yaar wage of Dr. Albtrto Gstasa Pax,~tornMr tloa at high apood whUs awafthw w ith B ast CA nnany. The an- W ^ Report a waaUy news- H in t R u iaia P jbiiii S 3 ports, hoadlng off P rotest T rum an aditar aad publlriisr of La Praasa, a rouadtabta dAenasAn with BMCRBUEa "T •"* liMy blow, to nw t ysaiH Mato aad tisup. Mg BnMWa Aires newmpar; L« CAorgo C Mattoan, forinar ascro- ribuaeem aat saM the trsatjr w as tOB 1— BlgBsd S a ^ 37 to M osedw . I. U war brooha out withte tto T o E ase T enaion Security C M e Prsaaa was sstotd last March taiy of Detoaas: CBiarAs B. WU- A V sstam obascM r* attached aaxt 30 to 30 years, the UMiItod arrsat. youni tho Fsron govemmaat aftor a m uch U apovtasM ii the agrsa- ■tetes and Its AUAa l i t /pS T abeagtopM ee aay she dal prtasure had toUsd to halt tha PONO DCPBOVINO r a m t . 3. B u s la canal soriottsly Faria. Oet »-(S)-^Two p c o m l - k I ' IrarAd body to a Baa Fraaetoe<>, Oct 1^—(SJ—Tha nowMNtoerA Objoetlva reporttog of T hs announcaB A iitn said: "Aopardlsa tto ioa of tto neat Paris C hglraan '. . DlSaUa sayS U AaseSatoji Praas Managing Bdl- the Peron ggyrnment’s actioaa. Ualtsd Stetas by air pa^ra f a r a ^ stertaa today i ■ay* to sw* plorabU” that two of to n aasodattoa A carrying to Loi)don, Oct 1—(P)— Ktog ■ IhA ag rasm sfii A strivin g i t o S t o t o a 'iOoorgo VIA ooatlautog Us steady fu rtto r (A vstop m u tual trofis. T lw U . S . A taas B lprato that Rusito | U | n " St paddag plaaU chaeksd PragWaBt Iriunaa Its protast The toward raooveiy tram a A Husfta’a osttgiated-MO moi^ BtiH A to aaoa tto tcaoloa nl' RBZWQtQIRIIv agaigak tba rsw sseurtty cods tor c f t t l M tw o aU A a ag raad to atg alficaat Af* HMt and Wont atidaltog yrtea ' aa.< hA diicteto SB- ffsto sa in trad e tu m o rsr to tw a sn arp aubmsrtaM m - ■■ ■ ■ M ■ 'v- m W . a. S. H . aad tto O enaaa BMaaoa. but tha U. S. Havy h u Tlw idortaa to-acittor last weak hy/ProM M l Tntmaii. mads BArkad progress to a a ^ ad enact, ao uro aa Iw c r Y tlM ^ IV a Bamaa catholA (dargyaasa Ths ordsr jpnadsd tight ssonrity - ‘Jha roeratog BAdtoal bulAtto— O snw eratto It^ b U e to tto period Vstaorsca putoA had a a .-a rth to l ‘ - il^atSsK I A part TiCulfttS^RQ li* o n Infp nn fttiQ R Itth stooe aU or part of one of utoa warfare, and tto b ^ panosd by dvittM as trait as Mili­ tho ktog's hags ama cat-out eight *Slm inhnA Qualy a a ' la tumtog to favor of aatl- aaytog thatihat ao uio aL ia to to«^ dsr "a dangerous tastnqpant ef w as stgaad M sdontli sMmartas fareaa. aad Loiidea had vRiMnn* > BViiLMn inviBxop Her- aswB suppression." i tary agendaa. (Ayi ago—Mid; . 1. Bncria wtn HP** to tyrttipm trt «ui,«oo,fioo d v i l Prsaidant Truman last Yuasday “That the tatagrity of fraadem “Ttore has been fufitoer Im- ooopiw atlon b aterasn th a 'U . S . S. 4. Tto Navy pAas to use atom aat to tha Uag’s eoodltloa bombs to destroy sasmy snbm^ suil a^h w t Yard Motor ,i rtos basso, sobn of which la raaumas today. « ■> the ^ 34 heun." « ■)

rs. ■ C r MANuOtyro CVCN1N0 IIAKCHBSTBt. CXnCN. MONDAY, 1. 1961 V, /' MANCHKSlZR E YbnH ? HWlALP,i MANCHESTER. COHH. MONPAY, OCTOBER 1. 1951 M n. ttte l tadroMiMkl’a baanUful HaUy, afghan; Mra. Albert Petke, ehatad tabloek^ mada In one her Biatar Udoehlnasa Stataa of Ikwar amasaananta tddad nvieh miUt; Mra. Jackie, hooked raga; plaea; Mra. floniien Giprgattl, Cambadla and Laoa wart granted Cultural Hopes; Mra. John KroraporM, bedaproad; nrtlele* frnm wnr prlsanan m m Ifanltad .inAtaanflaiica within tha club aibMit tw » yoorb. KoyHooaan to tlM aatUnf. Court Cases pafmit o; > of the lunch pro- tha IntanUiUonal F ouh Youth Ex- A ’ Vr'. A partial UM of thoao who par- Mra. Mln'Me Bndroalnake. arrange­ aoinrenira from' foraigB ccwatrtaa; Chief Calls Franek w flA in Fabnianr, lOM. In food sols today at the Omep otore romtar flchool before, chaaga dalagatss to flwttMrlaafi U junior laafior of tha blub. Offi- ment of. roaerfrom her own gar­ Mlaa Otodwi S e e l^ hwnd-mada moat rpwaa, parallel Fn^oh aarv*' ^ For Singapore v een wsra olaotbd Friday at Um ttapatad aad Uio naturo of tholr A djurg# of vtoUtion of Section oar Pork plbea. . South Coventry m iw a lw lh■thtawbek ta wJak this yonr Will ba tl|b main bpaok- . . ^ AT KEITHT ►wdiaplaira foUbwa: den; Mra. Kley, hand painted CtirlatBOM tbea with Mnall flguren loaa war# croatdd in the office ot BdekviUe Faal OMada ar. Ha wiU talk and ahow pieturaa Hhnaon home - on Shore drive, 8672, accepting beta and wagara, Tusodky. baked beana/ aolamt, Mrs. Jootphina .Schuota, cro- china; Mra'. Edith Lewis, looket of wood; MlaF. Sylvia sSobnaidar, tha French high commlsaloner to Slngapora-t^K;^' Malcolm Mac-' i Tha Post Chiefs cliih of tbs *Mfib PbolhM U M s cabbage aalart, apples; iWednea- ot hla trip. A diacussioh pariod waterfront'-Manor. ’Thbae Includb: and bracelet 65 years old. ear­ hand knIUed arjiclea; M m ' Allan For Aid by FOR THIS WEEK ONLY ctatod arUdw; Mia. Arthur Sm - represent French Intareata. against William Murphy, 88, of Donald, Brttlali Ottoualsaloner* Pythian Slaters wU meet this eve­ Cevoatry .7-6161 day, submarlna sandwich, string will follow. The committee felt thia pretfldent, JohnettaBtshbp; vlco- lart, taad paintod traya; Mra. A. rings 8.5 years old; Mirs. Thoniaa Frelhelt, china oMr 100 ymra old Several admlniatRatlve functiona 42 Florence street, was continued ning at eight o’clock at tha home beans, JeHo; Thursday, begatohle- talk moat appropriate as tha local praaMent. Ruby Vbnoa; aaoratary, Smllli. china and hand-made nap brought from England; Mra> Aldle General (pr Southebat Asia, aaya * .«l Affair of Wuidarfalt, hand-carved . picturo have yet to bo turned over to the in Town court this morning until State G|iard’& of Mrs. Grorge Schelner of Davla Upon tha racommendiMloa of beaf aoup, aanfiwlchqe, cupcakes; flahtoc 4-H Club haa bean .oakad Ja»n ElsaflMro; treoaurar, Patricia kins from Ireland; Mrs. Fred Lep- Server, sUver teapot.wer 00 yearn Sl4te Police Vietnamese., Among these are the he hopes S in g e rs wUI beOoma to ralsa 680 In oontrlbutlona from framaa and dear botea; Mra. Saturday, Oct. 6, under '11,000 avenuo. IPrtday, noodla and tuna-flah caa- Jurganaan; reporter, Sandra Gild- X a d io a A i d DeMaa- nantaalda, daiajr patum per,. aouvenlnra collected by, her old; Mra. Minnla FrMhait, g l k » bank o f lasua for currency, which « e of the wortirs great cultural v O ty Leogoe John a Reilly^ auperlntni^t of aarole, Ibttucb an* J o m ^ aala* TOlland County 4-H raambara to- son In foreign countries; Miss ware, cut glaaa 1amp;\|dlsa Doro­ ShowlTopight den. Future meetings brill ba F ri-< afehan; Mra. Freda Van Wyck. (CoMtiniMd from Page One) is in proceaa of transfer, and the bonds. ,Deputy Judge Charles N. canters. '' . ^ Another meetjnfl to complete on administrative council ice cream. Pupils bringing cold watfl bxpanaaa of n similar dela- days after achool at Uio* Hanseiv Hharon Miller and Misa Joan Mlk- thy Prentice. paintlnta- . Crockett'presided , at this morn­ Aid So- erocKated tablecloth; Mra. Btanchr govarnmant economic monopoliCa. Praising Inijlan and other - for­ Haua ot the RockvlHe City Banki­ of five teachera at the George Her- lunch may purchasq Ice cream m flate. There will be boxes in the home. Nine girls liompriaa the ollte, bes\itlful collection of dolls. Mrs. Fred MIkolelt. h^lblted ing's session. hall to receive cohtributlona from MM Wttll Ctapmati, New Hampahire, brai'l^ J5-man'force to handle SO or 60 Uhder the terms of independeiice eign artlsu who have given per­ ng League will he held thia eva- ■ey Robertson school has bMn Friday by bringing six cb.nta to club. ’ Mra. Paul Prokopy, sterling sli­ newspnpera oveif 100 years and Found guilty of Intoxication and nUvg at ^30 p. m. at the Mooee anyone caring to giva toward this M awl’IloMy abow ad and hooked ruga; M ». Helen pickets." granted to i Vietnam/ defense, formances here,- MacDonald asid $ Bimd Conceit, Is ^ ted achool thft day. FC3 Kart M. LondtCk of South RObenU. braided ruga; Mra. Ethel ver ai»on coUeoUjon; Mrs. Anna an Issue of "tha American Farm­ \ No Arrests ’ French economic and cultural hi- violation of probation, Robert M. In a apaw:)i at Victoria Tkeator: ' (%h on K m street chosen by the staff to work with project. nmem tad rrMliic. .Qrimsaon. • pottyry: Miss Emily er" dated ISIS. Mrs. Clarence Fret- For 8; Crowd Contttd Tha volunteer helpers who aa- Clgiaplln and San DlagO, (Mllf.',' «d. |IM diiiKh woown ■adroainaki, baad-bralded rug, Ghary said no arrests ware tereata era accorded special priv- MeVey, 37, of 375 O^Iand street, "Singapore Is a cross-romds whdro Mra. Eugene Rychling, office^ aac- alBtad in tka kitchen at the ^ b - HanatDoarIng ot Germany who flower arrangement In antique KIsamann. dogs ^n china and other helt entered quilta and Mrs. Hen­ made'immedlately after the - .dis­ ila$;ea. Frenchmen arc guafamqed was sent to, jail for 20 days. yWeral aervlcea for. Johij .JomM Is staying at the Ray M. Davis spent Saturday aftarnocn at the. f p r YEwr oM lEfriy iwtEr fitE rJ iw y ^ ' 1 «t«a d MhiMta ware; Mra. Bertha Schneider, scvarol etvlUsaUona meat. Harp, Demonstration at 8:4^ retory at the achool, in oabuming wtaon School thto Week i n ^ ^ home of his cousins, Mr; and Mra. ry Frelhelt cr,ochet articles, brass turbance, "but there wUl be. I'm the right to be tried before St least Prank Fillatip, 27, who .gave an the culture of Europe and India, M , of Bamforth rqafl, Mrs. Robert Claverdon, Mrs. David home in North Coventry will ren­ to oM Um stamps; Andy Suhle. eelna; Mra. camel. doorstop, real. Old craay routine duties of prlnalpal. ' C. U Little and family oii Eaglb- • r tONdifiOR, OR thR pEfClMfR H IIWiiRhnR. Mra. Helen Gorman, aeveral going-td discuM it with the town a mixed Frencb-lndochinese court. address of 63 Drive B and Ray­ (%lna and Malaysia all mingle and who died Saturday qVuie J Mt^eOxh' **•*■ Dwight Gordon der, a piano solo. and Mm« of John Anderson, jewelry boxes; quilts and several odd ptccea of mond FtUpatrlck, 2$; of 15 Schoo) , HockviUe, Ot. 1—Cbmpany O, of The teachers choaen to serve on .vUla rood In South Coventry. Serv­ Um pwtai hoiiM. qnltfa and afghana; Mra. E. S. prosecutor now.” Police bgve the mix. Ih ^ er Memorial hospital fol- and Mrs. William Caaaldy. Those Wlnthrop Merrllam, Jr. will be Frank Northnip. cranfterrjr satin glassware. nentea of those responsible for the street, were both fined $18 for in­ RoekvUla, State Guard, ,wiU be lowtnVa long lUnbsa were held this council include James T. Laid- women assiatinff ebd not previous­ master of ceremonlee of the evo- iceman Landeck la on a SO-day glass coUection; Mra. Schoonbaar, - "That la ono' raaaoii why wa r law of g n i^ 7. Frederick Mahoney Before leaving for their bomcat <**Bturbance, the chief said. . toxication. hops. In due Ump, to moke this X I hoM this avbnl^ for a parade this afternoon at thb Ladd Funeral ly listed include Mra. Theodore ing program. The remainder of the Ibbve after serving nine months elephants; Mrs. Benoit, glasau-are; each of the guests kraa Miwed deli­ Mellon’s Daujghter James'A. Purvie, 58, of Watef- of grade 8, Mrs. Gertrude T, Gull- XDr outbraak of violence came city much mere than tha ValuabM ' ' ‘ and. fiamonatratlon, under tha. dl- Home. GeoKii Higgins, ^ lU . Mra. Anton M. Laaaen, Mrs. program will he announced in thia of operation ip ..the Korabn area Westingl^M '' Mrs. Gladys Wilkinson, Concord, cious cake, home made cookies, after a meeting of the Internation­ bury, was fined $10 for violation of, and famous oommercial center pastor of tha Etm (SongragaUon' ford of gn^e 8, Mra. <3)arlea Hem­ Itonjstwtiv Anderson. Mrs. Emil column In a day or two. out of Japan. He will leave Geto- N. H.,"hnnd-tlrd flies made by her; coffee and tea from tables beautl- al Association of Machtnlata Airs. Jeiw'elry Loss rules of the road. which It ia today.” *" - ' • .— tk^kn of commanding Officer al church of yernon Ontae offi ingway o f grade 4. and Mra. Myr­ Mamet, Mrs. Hbnry Sherman, Mrs. William George Hoffman enter­ her 3 to report at Bermmerton, Allan Frelhelt. acrap-book of fuH>’ decorated. Mra. John Match- Oaptaih F. SaOnger ot RockylUe. tle B. Carpenter of grade 1 at-the ( AFL) local voted 340 to 288 yes­ Anto .Petrowlch, 67, of 69 Ridge -I » ■■ ■ I.. I. ■ • I — . ’K/-". elated, JSur^l was in thq Hock-, James Eaton and Mra. Edwin Cor- tained eight friends and retativea Wnshlngton, on the U.S.S. Prince­ iilat and Mra. Andrew Kamm There will be a concert by. ,the Electric R^igiirat^/C baaeball players; Mrs. Charlotte terday against accepting a strike- street, was fined $5 for a stop sign anum cemetery. / Center school. neliuson. - . during a party and supper th ob­ ton, ajt aircraft carrier on which CIDER Morlarty. candla,;iCoIloctlon. poured- Syoaset, Oct. 1—— violation. ' •, xFlrst Regiment-Bbnd otortlng at Mias Ethel M. Jenkins, elemen­ ending offer made by the com­ Mra. A i ^ Mellon Bruce, daucdi- Mr. Colltna was b(>rn June 16, ' Pfc. Raymond H.- Bates has servance of hla fifth'birthday Fri­ ha.has bMn serving for the past Mrs. Marie Matchulat, a%rap- pany, whose'Pratt A Whitney di­ Donald Wiley, 19, of 60 Camp- New Texas Cave ' 6 o’clock, gWan at the haniktand in 1901, in SanU Anniu CaUf„ the tary suparviaor, wUl aaslat any of written hia parents Mr. ^ d M ^ day at the home of hla parents, Mr book of churches; Mrs. I.«ulse ter of^tne late Treasury Secretary' the oantar of the city. A t 8:48 year. ^ , Froin Oiir^pwii Mill vision operates the Southington flold road, was found not guilty of son of Mr. and Mn./Jahwa J. OM- tha local tpachera desiring aupar- Robert J. Bates, Sr., of South and Mrs. Ralph C. Hoffman. Mrs. Michael G. Landcck of Mertens.' scrap-books of "Believe It Andrbw Mellon, says she toay have • recldeas driving,. there will be a-deinonstrntion, the Populations Center plant. ,. Opened By Rain' Iliu.' Ha- hod omployefi for vlsory aasutance. Coventry, from Korea where hela Mlaa Helen Sykes ’ of Main South Chaplin accompanied her or not”, •.'Notables In Conn. .HIs- Inst a large amount of cash along ■ Fred T. Shea, 46, of 33 Jferry flint pxrt da^ilng with control of aarvini with the 36th Ooiptot En- The offer was to extend to the w'th the $100,000 In'jewels that 28 years aa a truck driver ;for the ’This-bCtion was taken by Mr< street. South Coventry, watofc-ad nephew on hts visit at the Little toty,” snd "Life, Like Thaf‘. also Southington plfint, recently re­ street, was fined $20. for intoxica­ ■ubvenlve action or 'riots. lA. Col. First National Stores. He is aur- RalUy flo w in g the resignation of olneerT Olvlalon building bridges disappeared from her auminer mit-ed to Windham Community home. afghans and bowling medals won In 111. CoriifielcI opened after having been closed tion, and a breach of peace charge Amarillo, Tex.-— —Palo Duro - ^ F. A. Johnson, commander ot the vlved by bis wife, Mrs. LUUan At- Henry .W. Ford aa principal qn ■nd roads. Serviceman Batea, in Memorial hospital Friday''folHow- Alto A^Lorgo of Apples by CTharlea btertena; Mrs. Bmll hi me hers sometime last week.' ' waa dismlaoed.' ' state park has a new cave—larg­ 2nd Battalion wUl apeak. OapUln at Uie end of World War U, the Mrs. Bruce missed the gbms wood Colllnji. and a daugtitar* lllaa TuttKlay ab accepted by .the Board eonm ^tlng on conditions in ttat Ing a fall in the wltclwh of her Seelert, Jr., bedspreads and table­ same contract in effect at Pratt ’ William Ibckiiuon. 29 of 78 est Vet found in. the park. David Mllla of RockviUe will give Jacqtiallno or Education. Mr. Ford'a resigna­ Area, ^ U , ’■'V7e do not appreciate cloth; Mrs. E. .Seclort. Sr., cro- Dundas, Dl., Crossroads, U, 8. A.. Friday night and Mported tha loss Henry street, was Jlnad $h for a ^ It was dioaoVa^ recently -by\i tie oommentary oh ths' demon­ ^ome. She received a' fractured Oct. 1—(/P)>--CenaUB experts have A Whitney's main plant'In East tion took affect aa of Friday. He, Whbt a fine county' we come from to police the next- day. atop sign violation,. , accident. The entrance apparent- - stration, the action being carried until vfa leave, iti" He also wrote bone In one leg. Hartford. / Yesterday Nassau County police 8-8gt. Victoria d. Patoala of $1 ^ a accepted a position of gradu­ Albert F. Bray la a Republican pinpointed a new U. 8. population Richard L..Thurcrv lAM Grand Francis McCarthy. 32, of 109 ly had not'baen uncovered long. ' OB by Company E. of DoRietson. A Vernon avenue, haa been promot­ ate aaaistant at the- University of that it waa qijlte cold there. Kc. center In Carl Snldcr'a cornfield. aSldabe- told them that an en­ Benton, street, Hartford, was fined Probably rains 'Washed away pubUC'address sustain, provided, Batea was tranaferred the first candidate for.b member of the / Lodge representative, said yeater- velope 'also was gone from the ed from her former rank of eer- CNtnectIcut. where ha ia otudylng Board of Astrsaors, and not. hla V- Farm folks In the aouthern'llllndrs day the majority rejected the of­ $1 for failure to carry his license. enough earth to reveal the by Lt. Alfred Denson of Rockville, for hla doctorate. part alt September to Korea from TROSSES-BELTS area are pleabcd, although amusqd same wooden cabinet that con­ Charles D.- Packard, 28, of 137 ing. The, entrance ia 10 feet geant She la.assigned duty son Wtlllam Bray, as listed on a fer because it.provided foe arbitra­ win be used. clerk In air uhlverrity supply at .Camp Pickett,. Va. .where'Im was n-ABTIC BTOOKINOfl at the fuss over It. tained the yewols. The envelope, Heiaine road, was fln ^ $1 for a and 30 ftet arlde, A portion company H. of IVilUhiantic will The Nathan Hals Community training '.with the 43rd DiVlslw. party flyer sent through the mails, tion only 'In cases of discharges, she told autboritiaa. might have Headquarters. Air University. center's minstrel show will be pj'e* ChewiligWrigley'fl EXPERT FITTERH The young Mr. and Mrs. Carl layoffs, HUspenslona, recall under parking violation. hack wall, was seen shout 20 feet strate the changing of the He was married In May to ^ Mr. pray reports. - Snldors and their boys, Don, five, contained "a few hundred” or “ a Abraham. I^risachov of Pro'vli from the entrance. guafdKtVansportaUon for the vlis- Maxwell Air Force Baae; .Alabama. aented November 2,and 3 in the former Beulah Aspinwall. daugh The Krafty Klipperi 4-H club Top Of The Hill - BOLTON seniority and proper job evalua­ auditorium. The caat to date iii- and John, two, live In Denver town­ few thousand" dollan. deiic, R. I., forfeited a $35 bond for ^bablU ty , o( finding ratUe- Mttng companies has been arranged She enlisted in tha WAC in 1944, ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atom kave a new leader. She Ijs Mra. Arthvr Drus Stout tion. So far, the case has baffled po- ainkea kap^ tta dto^very p ^ y cludea about 30 members. Mrs. ship, Rlcblaml County, III. speeding.' by CMptmnL . Maurice Miner of serving during the.war, and in wall of South Coventry, fom erly Harts Hansen who replacfa Mra. Spearmiiit Helps! Crossroads nearest the new'cen­ Ask Arbitration v Itca, who have searched her big A charge of 'violation of rulaa from further Immedlata explain- RocKvlHe. There will be a demon- 1948 she enlisted in tha WAF. June .J. I>aUey, director,, atatea of Manchester. His bride is now tidn. moi% clmrub mentbera are needed. W. Bryce Honeywell who had the Onenmbnmany ter are graveled—slSadlng to the Tlie strikers, Thurer skid, want Long Island eatate and questioned of the road against Bugena Chap- otration of the Rtate Guard crash residing wRh b«r parang and ia people chew Wrig- nenrc.st village, Dundas (pop. 200), all questions that.might arise be­ servants and othera. - delaina,. 24, of 101.. Spnice street, truck imder the direction of Cap­ -ri- Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:30 presantty employed «t IjW ------fey a Spearmint I and the nearest church, Mt. Gilead. tween union and management to No cluea were reported uncov­ ■was dismliaed. tain Julius May of Rpck'vlUe. The p. m. at the Onter. CbUdran's Parachute In /Manclwater. Hla Gum aftk meals la parts wlU be ^vcoi try-ou'ta Mon­ It'S off the beaten track.'' 11: R. be subject to arbitration. Other de­ ered. Mra. Bruce was not able to The following cases ware con- Navy'Materials entire battalion, led by'Mm band, Wapping brothers. that the nleaiant Highway SO Is a seven mile drive mands include a 20 cents on hour supply immediately a Hat of her tliiued: Daniel F. Healy, 39, of 185 wtU bo -reviewed at 9:68 p. m>sCap- day to be,followed by the adult both vaterana of W ^ d War II. YOUR XMAS dwwing afcit d ia » south. pay increase. Bajrinour Street, Hartford, reckless ijehearaal. Mlaa Martlim Loyalm tiqn, makes the lost valuables. Must Be Tough - Uln R. Flaherty will command'the There wars about 380 peqpla Over 180 premlinna and more >PMNG AT ^ S' ;der's neighbors are typical Neither union nor manogeiment Mrs. Bruce, divb'rced wife b U l. driving to Setu'rday, Oct. 6;'W al­ MUiUry Police-deUU. \ l»e piano accompanist for the than 100 achievement certificates rnebLmore epjoy- general farmers. Moat Cash in on has disclosed the j>ay scale in ef­ 3. Ambassador to Franco, David ter J. MiUer, 83. of 35 Bigelow Thia ia o'Ae Ot a series of demon- Ltended the two hour and a half show. will be awarded/to 4-Club mem- lO W N 'S corn and soybeans. A few luckier fect at the time, the strike began. stree't, non-support, to -Saturday, atrationa being held to show the dan program Thursday eve­ The Zoning and Planning Com- tora Friday night during the an­ delicloM. mint- , K. B. Bruce, amid she returned here New York:—(8^i—Navy teotlHg flavored gufir proirtotea the^w ol dl- ones get oil roTyaltloi. A company apok'asman said yes­ Friday after spending' a week in Oct. 6. of matarlala haa to ba rigofoua -to V public what the State Guard rep- ning.'sponsored by the Abe MUler miacion appointed Frederick O. nual Achievement Night program Most look the first news that the terday that many atrikars began reaehta and to interest men from Blsaell aa coning agent at a meet­ at the N i^ a n ,^ a le Community AUCTION gestiva juiceaartd helpa y^digmt your New York city.. ^ , avoid falluraa nhder bottb eondl- ' Post. A. at EUaworth Memo food ae that you l i « go«r after eating. nation's center had moved Into returning to hvork last weak, as-. Gone from the woodkn cabinet, tlona. This has been applied at the . 17 to 58 yean of age in joining. ing held in the ’Towi^pffice build­ Center In South Coventry. their midst with less enthtuilasm serting 300 reported Saturday. rial High ing Thursday night. Tne duties of Mias njbther Koehler. 4-H Town P e s ^ Wrigley’i ^ ^ i n t Oiew- she oai.d were rings, bracelets and Judge Thanked Navy-.-yard here to tbermoatata Annual Meeting SAU ing (5um costs so UtW that folks can , thsn they .Would have for a new Thurer admitted workers Strands of pearls. A few cheaper which must continue to function In llte annual meeting of the An artesian weBs^ 900 feet waa Mr. Bisaeli are referi^ to In sec­ Committee chairman, Is In general, Buy yoir TelevislWa, Fuinl family moving onto tha next farm. crossed the picket line raday. get the beneflt of dWwmg h s//»r wry pieces had b^n left behind. ahipe wheUi oio under attack and RockviUe City HoapiUI AuxUiary drtUed- at the flrehohae about two tion 18 of the coning regulationa. Mrs. Ralph C. Hoffman ture.'llousewnrea, Flo^Lamps, mtol. It is a flne./khple^^jrr^ Grnter Moves Mouth In Bast Hartford a j company She eatlmated the loos repre­ For Jail Terms which arp firing their own gunt. wUI be held this evening at the years ago hut waa abbhdoned be­ ■The CommliMlon also voted that with Mrs. Robert Cleverdcm are Smokers snd hundreds M other They point out that It’s only spokesman described tlu operation th8t has been ■ ttvorite.ln New ^nt- sented a fifth of her jewelry and Tharmostata from the Mbnio- RockviUe Baptist church at 6:30 cause lilt oiondidn’t i pniuuKcproduce--^ water. • the coning regulations adopted co-chairman of the program to be­ low-lT gifts AT PBirE8\YOU laM for yean w yean. Be sure a mathematical balance of popu­ of the local plant as that of a Wedne^ay Fred Moore low^ed MonqayMonday nigninight anaiishall baoe incneciineffect ■ anniversary program at the ho said, union offlclala only i at- Berlin—UP*—The East German, ?hie p M D a iha Town of Ver­ papers will cost fifteen francs ard Rtaley waa elected president; mechani.sm. Mt. Glle.-id Congregational Chriss Ma^b a eomjtlaU neurotic out of Else. Anideraon, vice presidpnfi ly had deacrlbod as "good." her? ’They’ve got her wondering if government has turned over . to non wm be open untU 7 p. m. (about four cents) from tomor­ tian Church. the Communist "Young Pioneers” this evening for the biennial elec­ row. Publishers blamed the rise H t^ e t TIem, secretary; Milton she ia "fit to be a parent" with ar­ Rlaley, treasurer; and .cisrol Alt- Ttie minister said vlaltlng dig­ ticles that tell her "she la not a HohenzoUem caatla in Dresden tion. The voting booths are lo­ from the present price of 12 EEGULAE PEICE ...... $23f.9S nitaries Would ba welcome to eat to be used as a recreation center. cated in the police court room, francs on mounting newsprint ghuler, reporter. (Gifford Anderson 2 Injured,2 H e l d / If ..." will give a talk on his qhicken in the church basement. It seats •They ask her in words of deep The Albrechtsberg Castle, built Memorial building. costs. ‘ only 100 of so but church wonwn a century ago for tlie brother of Office dosed Before the war newspapers in project at the 4-H Achievement I f f LESS AUOWANCE ...... $ 40.00 foreboding If "working moms' en­ Night program October 5.. Elaie U] served 2,000 at the latest outdoor III Sunday Crash danger the home"—even though Kaiser VVIIhelm I, has been used Dt5 Seymour-1. Kummer haa an­ France cost 66 centimes or half m chowder. aa a Soviet intourist hotel-restau­ nounced that hla office la closed a franc. _ / Anderson will tell about hSr ex­ the majority of “working moms" periences at^the 4-H camp this See Toariet Boom are working from necessity and not rant since 1946. today and Tuesday, but wHl i)ot The possibility the center would Two p'qmns were /Iioapitalised •The "Young Pioneers” are the FA LL PROVES FATAL summer. The members of the club YOU FAY oklY _ from choice. Phui "KENTUCKY FDRnjSr be closed on Thursday. will meet every Thursday after bring a tourist boom to Dlindas at Manclibster M en^lal hoapitsl And they eonetantly set her to age group from six to 14 frim Speaker at Meeting following i V fio-cft accident which Beat German' yoiith gradu­ school at Mrs. Cleverdon'a home. was expressed by former school­ 60 wondering If her marriage Isn’t W H O W IL L B E T H E At Um meeting of the Long­ Sharon, Oct. 1—(OV-A ffil from teacher Dewie Bennett and Eua- feet weet o f the/west-boimd ramp ate Into the bUie-shIrted FDJ. a hay loft to the concrete'floor of 'The achool hot lunch program headed for the rocks. view Parent-Teacher aasoclattori will be servedto pupils, of the first Mody moo Romo Thd MoRchRSfor TnistCtMnpflRy $ tace Sehneidar, both working on to '1t)ie WUbur/throsa highway on Who’s Loony Now? ^ THORPE • to be held this evening at eight ai harn caused the death ,6f Joseph remodeling the Dundns school. The Middle ’Turnpike, west, last night Meshkus, 46. here. grade at the ^ n te r Scnool begin­ 199.95 After getting her to worry about, ALL-AMERICAN o'clock at the Longview school, school IS the center of ad social at 9:45. iin . Mary HealCy of 195 -Dr. James E. Linde^ who was ning today. This program at the ot riw ir RXRCRtor Rod. oNo ot fnwtRR wfUiRlr m - her health. I her marriage, and her OF MANCHESTER? Mioe Barbara Willas of Vernon George Heraey Robertson school aetivltv. Seymour .streat,.Hartford, wasauf- Children, thiey then sic some writer Canter wlU teU of her recent Eu- calM to ' the scene/ told police • • • ntw meosotfiNiiit Carl 8nlder. oh whose farifi' the fering'from shock and Mra. Mar­ Meshkus had died /of a broken has been activje for three weeks. NARSOW on to telling her that she is neu­ -OOME TO THE SHOW rqpean trip. The business ses- Shortage of equipment did not t o t ^ to "folRW riiroiigli" os bivRStfiiRRf rIrr $29.95 Down.. . $10.72 Monthly 0 center was flxed. was not particu­ garet Coughlin of\ 372 Jefferson, lA’L-Uk’imAil plon wlU be preceded by a pot- neck. / /. ilPARATIOM rotic. WED. NIOHY, I t W ILL BE larly Impressed by It and exnress- street, Hartford, waa suffering Why don’t the magaxines quit luck supper at 6:30 o’clock. hot bten mModl We Bret ed only tolerant smusement. He from a lacerated W ee. Both Wa. RalOca -Annpaneed From Stage trying to scare women to.death? Kssty OlMa Maple Street Joked about the 'possibility of get­ were taken to the hospital In tite Sure disease, divorce and juvenile ' The Maple street'sobobt Parent $1.75 ting.« jpiecf of farm machinery John B. Burke ambulan^. TNIROB o r , ■ Closed Wed. Rt Noen ' The ultimate atcfi in bra perfection! delinquents seem to . he here to ARMS” ’Teacher association will meet this 3 DAY SPECIAL ./ V . , Open Thars. U ntil • ' given to him If he let a farm im­ .Operators of the wbre James stay. evening at eight o’clock at the plement Arm clear the .corn field ] A. Wrvla, 55,^ of 356 iJMslO-tttt /Why doR'f yoR ood yoor lowyor eoniR io r^ dis­ f ’ ^ vPpen Other DnyP t to 5:S0 ’ * Now Fonnfit, sad Fonnfit alone, offers But why get individual women school. Parents of children attrad- .8U COOKN lElMVfV MWUGIIT WEONISMY to publlciaa its equipment. Snider street, Wajerbury, and Dabial F. looking for airmptoms of all three sd.« Teople Against O’Hara* E.M.kOEW S ing tha school aa well aa memhera was bom across tha road from Ui6 Healey, 89, of 188 SeymourWreet, H n R X 6 = O R D THIS VfiCUttM eiBAHEI. RRBAT FOR c i ^ your R6PniR9 ms os RiRCMfor cpM Io* yon esge^ dfgree o f aeparation as well as every time they pick up a maga-’ mr-SADDUR FIGHT of the association ar* invited^ to "^Free parking in bar paved lot oa Main 8b bcMdo stogR center. Hartford. Patrolman Milton S ^ t Bine for a few mjnutea of relaxa­ hi attend this meeting. - , Postmaster John Grunelsen ton Investigated and held hpth DUI VE - I Rofs. HotMTS, MfltfrRssRSs Uphobfory. - ^ o metera |n entire blo^ aonth of KoUh'a. idiML'ind cup. Only Life Bras give this tion? Hockanum Beneflt __/ •'-' ■___ _ '___ your wM. dlseMSs o b e Ifco moRy otIiRr MoRRhRStRr seemed doubtful enough tourists drivers.; ' Haalay was charged That Is net 4|otiig women ainy would scant to send mail from the The Hockanum Benefit Sick 8o^ RaUlRtRrft RtR. Jusive new'Triple Fit”! Proportioned rechleos driving and his daoa wl. service. It’s jui^ keeping, them clety will hold its quarterly meet­ Trust Compfloy srtvIcrs wMeh womM M "*** yoRf heart town of the.nation to ad­ eontinuad until Saturday, Oetobei -•-i 4 vance Dundas. above a fourth eternally atirr^ up, worried and ing today at 7;68-p. m. at the baae- ,lo (1) your bust Bi*e, (2) your cup s«e, 6. Purvis waa charged with viola­ 'iDiccrtffin* meflt of n t John’s chur^. Charles RstotR. O l coorfR. iw RttcrtR fdoR d ifM bR iRodR daaa post office rating. tion of rules of the road and flnad DundaS' oldest resident Is Adam' If they are determined to aet J. Underwood ia president of .Jhe .(3) your teparation — wide, medium dr' $10 in Town Court this morning. Mama searching for aymptoma-^ society. ' Keatner.ai 87. When he wa.s bom Purvis, operator of. tha first vnr, without tliR old o f yoRT ottofRoy. the population center ‘ was in how about letting her look for soma Holding Feed Sole . narrow. See the exciting difTcrence iliis .said ha failed to note the Ctwe at symptoms that indicate that she The American Legion Auxaiiry southern Ohio. Some 80 years be­ the ramp entrance to the highway fore that It had started near la healthy, happy and dtHng an ad­ '' |s holding its annual Electldit tkqr .■lakes in glamor! Feel the difference in and went by i t Ha stopped In the mirable lob? ’ ~7 ■ Baltimore, Md. middle of the road and was ready /. comfort and freedom! Let us 'Triple (AH rights r$aer>’ed, NEA Ewrv- / IS" to back up to make the turn he Ice, Ihc.). was looking for when be saw tbw Fit" you in a Life Bra—today. / Cabrielfion Wins Healey approaching him from Football coach Rip Engle' ia the the rear. He stopped completely, "talklngeat” jguy on- the 'Pjpnn INVESTMENTS but the Healey car struck him m State campus. speaking.'bn,* Man's SPECIALIZING IN Confidence Vote the rear. _ gogementa avarnga iMttpr-.-than H yoR w b h Hir MfloekRi lor Trost CompaRy wU Both cars were badly damag^, four a week. . CUSTOM BUILT HOMES (Continued from Page One) the front end of the Healey car ■mashed and the rear tR the Pur­ ■ \ i CmWIM foil IMRROgRIRRRt o f yoMT IrvrsIiiirrM, b - ^ GENERAL OONnUCTlN^ f! motion, ft waa'carried by a stand­ vis-driven auto. YOU W IL L be the ftilow itt REMODELING AMD RBPAnUM t - 1 ing vote jSmU applause. c b d lR g c h L g o b bosRd Rithor OR ita m SRiiMRRd The g ^ n ^ I tenor of the sec­ the doghonse if flue or other FREE B8TUIATBS onding speeches was that Gabriel- disflstfr catches iron withoRt lodgmoRt. or 06 yoR indy dofldo. oftor crrsM ot^ MORTGAGES ARRANGED ! son had dona nothing wrong and U. S. Arms Supply' dependable,dc|md ap-to^date Insnr- I that the charges aga1nat~htm were anee. log Ror sMvicR. . " I an attempt to "take the-heat o ff’ at Saigdh '^4 ERNEST A. RITCHiE_^___ _ ^ ; what the speakers called misdeeds Better call on this agency ® j of the Truman administration and aoel. a ;glsasaa( C dries oaHli el !Rm t( LIBRRTT ST. TEU - ^ i William M. Boyle, Jr. a Ruui’s best friend is his In- 1 Senator Mundt (R-S. D.) hit out ylaiona o6 the Vietnamese aaUoa- snnkBce Agent! • '4 at the Pemocrats In one of the al-ofmy (or oppraUons agalnalf $ta first addreasei at the confereneit. ’OomniuaM-lbd Vletminh (oreee.' MIDIUM He declared that "The ITumair Tha bame. 'oblp carried mo . sirasATioN fair deal la well on the road to be­ tbbh 100 -Army trucka and muiH- Uon» (o r French forcea fighting lift Am come the *^alr Steal’ ’’ C . ---- 1----- ^—■ ----- •Me ta Mde wli^ the Vtetnameba. r JeraoM Kem oad ' Tha SThMh hare .have roaphw) 4r»si $1.75 The name of the gymnasium and I— taveerfy garden in 'imeient Athena wbsre ptbvfiraa ahlpmentp tR Amanbon lOOK HATMMWM CMM Ogani wior Aristotle taught waa known as tbs mUitAiy ouppotn Lyceum. ‘ The ftflba were turned over te ______;av““ iirnaATtoB VietpuMM anthoritlea in ^ Cndk Acmab YXRtbfiMflol 'IRe tnia All city and igCpstats tran^t -mbl eerainony by CoL Joeeph: rtllCI INCLUDES AnACHMINTS AHEAD veor Aeeeoet—«• iMa mcmm/t. rmj mtiy M yra Am—* * 6 ■ vehicles are reqptrad by law to Wella, oriing chief o f the U.. X YEAR SEEVICEitUAIIANnE ■M CMO. lUMMEBto M .. .REV carry approved fire extinguish era. miUtary old odvlaory .gnmp'.(br WITH MANCHISTEl TRUST f— tmmrn. Didoehteb. SEND NO MONEY ______'..J'"' A The VIetnamaM Nattonal arpiy ToPii an operates under the command 'of ■MiwflMtelSOaab-iRHifM'AU--,, . F^nch Genaral Jean de Lattre da lACE VACUUM STORES ] Personal Notires Tasalgny,— He is depending upon toflt m i$ t * SAY f i r v •-d;. * itg n ^ d Inereaae to give hlrTOO,- I 2Sf TEUMIUUL ST.. HiUlTPOftD^ONN. 1 Main Street * P h o n e 4 1 7 1 OOOrmbB French garrison more o(< -At- ' Aa ApersdaUflii taislve piindu— 175 Bast I WoOfi Uta e Fraa Nmia lihiaN raMab af e Rahafll EMaWalaa I Kz ca PLUS... PEP-SAPPLER fTCgT tnfi H— • Jinnt MMama ___ T^ugh the mollum of The BeialA ’Tra treasury trbnifef waa mafia WNb ANoataaoh. Fta Sprayor. AR Far ROy SIMS . ■ \Open Thureday Evenings 6 to 8 « wtoli to thaok our oianr frieods, alt thia afternoon In another forinal A U O t LATEST NEWS an# S H O n BCTMROIR Ybasato oa »a > i^ Center 8b 7 406 MAM fia tn fOvw Woglwbrtk’gl MANCHHn tM auraes and (.Ueton on tho IfmeWal ymm kttas (ha T e lM 6 5 I Hospital eteff for their cards,- fiowers ceremony. ' ‘ I NAME______~ r ------1— / . j eta 3430 • avMg» MiiMii, TK MAMagM AVAtUUE IN COTTON AT $1.75 OR NYLON A f ^.50 France iiegan turning .over the "He Rya All the Itaf* PhiB Tcaolr Mr. Bene ■ - - ■ eatOMr a ait and many klndBasses extendan to iia. iaiMMMA.j adin'nlatratlon to the ALSO ------FIGHT PICTURES Edgar Clarke J adoeiss ■ ------^ 4 iMi a tW iMh aiJI vta H Mr. and Mrs.\ Cbarlaa Scabdri;;: otter tbib country oiid InaRror |eiTV. StATi: .1 I-' |MY FHONE N U M U R ------J------J MANCHESTER TRUST CO Advertiso in Tbe^HerRld— ftt PoyA X .■tdvv , . - 'V •/V ■ 4 . L' «R r . r / 4,'A ^ i ' . ' i t - ' .’V. y - X UASCEittrm c v t ^ G MAMCRBflTBS. txmii. 1MONDAY,-OCTOBER J, 1981 ■/ 'J ' X r ~ — ------t m a NCHBOTBB BVENIMO ffUBALD. MANCHX9TBB. OQMlL MOflDAY, OCtOBEB 1. W t Mra. Bad^ Sadraalnald'oSadraab boaaUful Haley, affhaii; Mrs. Albert Petke, oheted tauael made la one har sistsr' ImkfclUneee S U tss of ■diWiiii duUt; Mra, Jackie, booked -rags; pleoa; Mrs., loraaca OiorgaUi, fowir •mafHaaalU oddod muoh Cambadla xad Laos wtra granted Cultural Hop€» r ------— —— — — J'. to th* Mttlnf.' Mnr. John KrorapMfaL bedspread; airUcliM.fKHB afar priaanEWm a - «b4 limited lad<8M" 6w>«^ within the tha Intomatlonal Farm Youth Ex- Club about tu n yean. K ayH aum t -4 . “ s.. Mrs. Minnie gadi^nlke, arranger aourenlra from' forNga couatriaa; Chief Calls G m rt Gises penntt uiifitot lnff a t tha lunch pro- A porttal lut of tkOM KllO Jp«^ VTaneh Nfflon m Febniary. IftfiO. In food sklsl today at ths OO-op toafo grMs atnaC B tor Sehbol bsfors. changa dalumtsa to SwttMrland is junior lender of the U|ub. Offi­ tMpotod sad tiM notUTO M thOlr ment of roaea from her own gar­ Miai Oladya Beclart, haad-mad* mootyOHMp, parallel French ssrv- For Singapoire V cers wen elected Friday a t tba> den; Mra, KIsy, hand pidnted Chilatmaa trsa smh small flguraa A chsrgs of vlplsUon of SocUen ^ South CoviButry this ws«k foltow: thla yw iV ul !>• tha main stwak- NOW . . . ATKEIWS dioj^ajHi (oDowa: t m wan etaatod in the ethes a t Rockville “ ***lSe$L xpples; Wednes­ FOR THIS WEEK ONLY chMad aittelaa; ICra. Aptbur 8ee- repnsent Frrnich interests. against William Murphy, 8S, of 'Donald, British’ 'Oemmlssloner--' V Pythian Sisters wU meet this eve­ • Oovantsy 1 ^6$ it day. tubmarina sanfiwidi, will follow. The commtttee'felt thla president,' - JohnelteBlMiop; v-. vice- laat. kaad painted traya; Mta. A. rings 86 years old; Mrs. Thomas Frejheit, china over 100 jrears eld Several admiaistrattve functions ning at eight o'clock at the home talk most appropriate a* ths local' president, Ruby vence; seoretery. Smitli. china and hand-made nap­ brought from England; Mra. Aldie 42 .'Flqtopc* street, wss oontlnued Oensral for Southeast Asia, ssys * State Guard’d ^ b o ^ 4 ^ ; Thursday, yegstiMe- a t' Affair of WuatarfaUr— pictura have ybt to be turned over to the In Tb^-n Court this morning until of Mrs. Georga Schelner of Davts Upon tha teoomm^ndatt6n f of btof soup, sandwlchati rapeakes; gisntor 4-H Oub has been asked JOan EfaMinon; treaeurar, Patricia 'in d cigar boxes; Mra. kins from Ireland; Mrs. Fred Lep- Server, stiver teapot over BO years State Police ‘Vietnamese, Among these are the he hopes Singapore^Arill• become avanuo, Friday, noodla and tuna-fUh cas­ to raise $60 In contributions from Bouvenlhrs collected By her old; Mrs. Miaa|e Fmihalt, glass­ Saturday, ‘ Oct. 6, under $1,000 John C. Reilly, ■uperlntendekt of JuiganiMn; nporter, Sandra Oltd- A i d naiitaalda, daisy pattern bank a t issue for burrenqy, whldi ^ e of the arorid’s great raltural : ^ o ir Tonight CHy League - . serole, lattuM and tomato salad. TOIIand County 4-H members to- den. Ifututo meetings will be Fri­ algtaan; Mra. Weda Van Wyck, son In foreign countries; Mlhs ware,' cut glass lamp; Mim Doro­ tCoaUM ^tropi Fage One) Is In process of transfer, and thi ‘Mhdsi' Deputy Jud^' Charles N. centers. ■' / ■■■ Another meeting______to complete .Jim letc y.iuw»to, an odmlnistratlva council Ice cream. Puplla brinirtng, cold wiM simnses of a similar dele­ gharon Miller and Miss Joan Mik' thy Prentice, oil baintlnga, Crockett presided at tola morn- days iffter school at tha* Hansen b«* x m 8o*'tcroeliated tdbteelotb; Mrs; Blanche g o ^ r ^ a n t economic monopol Praising Indlsh thd other for­ plans of JJie Rockville Chty Bowi­ of five teachers at the George Her- lunch may purehaae crosm w gate. There will be. bqxee In the home. Nine fills comprise - the Chapman, Mew Hampshire, braid­ ollte, beautiful collectfon of dolls. '' Mrs. Fred lUkoleit exhibited ing’iT session. ng Lei^^M will be held thU this evs- Friday by iirlngtng six cents to tUl to receive contributions from Mra. Paul Prokopy, sterling sil Ifi'-man fereq to handle 50 or dO . VtaoCT the terms df. independence eign uilsts who havo given pei^ My Robertson school has been club. ed and hooked rugs; Mra. Heien newspnpera over lOO yaars old,' and pickets.” gnuited to Vietnam, ‘ Found guilty of Intoxkatloh and B and ^Concert" Is' Slated n |n g 'a t 7:80 p. m; gt the Mooee school U irt day. anyone caring to give toWard thla I IbMOr aiow ver spoon collection; Mrs. Anna an issue of “the American Farm­ formanpex h/re. Mi»;Doiiald said ..I chosen by the staff to work with FC2 Kart M. Landeck oiT South kad • vmHbv. Roberta, braided ruga; Mrs. Ethel < No Arrests - French economic and cnltiiral in- violation of probation, Robert' M. to k . at 'Victoria 'nieatsr: club on Elm street , Ths volunteer hripers who^es- 'project. ■adroainaki. band-b^ded rug, Grimsson. pottery; Miss Emily er" dated IBIS. Mra. Clarence Frel- Geary wid no arrtats Were terests are ueorded s^ la l priv­ MclTey; 37, of 275 Oakland street, "Singai Fof 8; .Crowd Control ItoMcnl TMay Mrs. Sugena Rychllng, offles sec­ HansiDoering c< Germany who (t^aplln and Sah-Diego, (Mllf., tfe« chuNli wanaa Klismann. dogs In china and other hett entered quiltii and Mr^. Hen­ la a cross-roads whors siilted In the kjtchen at the Rob­ •pent' Saturday afternoon at thr Crtaadi ««tend axhlMta floww arrangement in antique raadR^ immediately after- the dis­ ileges. Frenchmen ato^RiXntced was sent to JiUI for 20 days. , several kUons tocot DcanonAtradon at 8:45 Funeral aerviose for John. Jamas retary at the school, tn assuming ertson School this wsek inct^ is staying at the Rpy M. Davis your oM YtfrflswHOff •< ware; Mrs. Bertha Schneider, ry Frelheit crochak articles, brass turbance, "but there will be. I'm the right to be tri^'M ora ei least Frank FlliSup, 27, who-.gave an the cqltA Collins, 80, of Bamforth rood, hom% in North Coventry will ran home of hls eoualrts, Mr. and Mrs. ry te OH tiM stamps; Andy .Suhle. coins; Mrs. camel doorstop, real . old erasy .of Europe and India, rontlna duUss at principal. Mrs. Robert Cfieverdon. Mrs. D ^ d o r COEr t tiO E . OH rtk lu ir MUM at Mrs. Helen Gorman, several going to discuss It with the town a mixed Frencb^Jddochiiiese court. address of 83 Drive p * and Ray­ China Malaysia aU mingle and Vernon, who died Saturday at the J. McClellan. Mrs. Dwight Gordon der a piano solo. ' . C. L. litUe and Tamlly on Eigle- John Anderson. Jewelry boxes; quilts and several I odd pieces Of mond Fltxpxtrtck,.28,;of 15 School, . itockvtOe, OL l-j-Osmpany O, of .Manchrater Memorial hospital fd* *610 teachetii chosen to eerve on vllle road in South poverlt.ry; Berv- a t tlM ^pulib' Iiouw. quUta and afghhna; Mra. B. 8. Frank Northtup, cranberry satin prosecutor now.’’ PoUce’have the mix. . and MrsTwilUam Cassidy. Those W lnthr^ Merriiam, Jr. will to glassware. ' \ ^ fir.mex'of those, responsible for the — ’ — street, were both fined $18 for In­ RoekvUle, State Ouaril, w.Ul be lowing a long illness were held this council Include James T. Laid- women assisting and not prevtous- masts? of ceremonies of' the eve- tesman Lahdeck is on a ' $0-day glass collection; Mrs. Schoonhaar, Before leaving fdr thsir homes, Z toxication. >t‘ds oak roasoB why wa v law of g ^ e 7, Frederick Mahoney disturbance, the chief said. - Id due time, to make this . bosto ttaik 'oT^ng for a parade khts sttarnoon at the Ladd Funeral ly listed indlude Mra. Theodore ing program. The remainder of the laavs after serving nine montha elephants; Mrs. Benoit, glassware; each of the guests oilrvtd deli­ M eliks Daughter James A. Purvis, 88, at Water- of g r ^ ■«, Mrs. Gertrude T. Guil­ ‘Die optbrsak of Violence -came mu(Hi.iBore than the valuabls and domonstrktlon, under tha dl- Home. Rev. ' Geom Hlggtna, ^ I ts , Mrs. Anton M. Lassen, Mrs> program Will be announced in this of operation In' the khrean . area Mrs. Gladys . B’Uklnaon.. Concord, cious cake, home ^ d e cookies, after a meeting of the Internation­ bury, was fined $10 for violation of fsmouk commercial center ^ pastor of the iHrat (tongregatlon- ford of gnide 8, Mrs. Charles Hsm- Benjamin Anderson, Mrs. Emil column in a day or two. out of Japan. He VllI lOave Octo- N. H.. hand-tifd flies made by her; coffee and tea fromtJtabIss beauti­ al Associatiw of Machinists 4^ JewJplry Loss rules of tha road. h It Is today.” iketlon of Oommandlng Officer al church of Vernon O nter offi­ ingway of grade 4,. and Mrs. Myr­ Mamet. Mrs. Henry Sherman. Mrs. William Geo^e Hoffman enter­ tor. 3 to report at Berumerton, Allan Krelheit, scrap-book of fully decorated. Mrs. John Match­ Osptain F. Saenger of RockvlUe. tle B. Carpenter of grade 1 at the (AFk) local voted 310 to 283 yes­ Antq Petrqwich, 67^^ of 60 Ridge - m -; ulse ter of the late TTeiisury Secretary tbs oentm* of the city.'^ A t 6:45 day at the home Of hie parents. Mr. year.. . FfOfii O^r Own Mill vislon operates the Southington Andrew Mellon,fsaya she May have ricld road, waa found not guilty son of Mr. knd Mrs. Jarnas X. Col- ths local teachers desiring auper- ^Robert J, Batea Sr., ^ ^u th and Mrs. Ralph C, Hoffman. Mrs. Michael G. Landeck of Martens, scrap-books of “Believe It W t Hilations Ceiitclr plant. reckless driving../ /i thfTO win be a'dahionstration. the liiu. He had been employed for vtiwry asolstance. Coventry, from Korea where he Is Miss Helen Sykes' of Main ■■ X.- ' ■ , ' ‘■"'V-'-'V . * or' not”, “Kotablcs iq Conn. His­ kwt a larga amount of cash along Fred T.. Shea, 46, of 23 Jfi Opened By Ram' flnt part dealing with ooatrol of south Chaplin acrompanied her ' The offer was to extend to the with the 1100,000 In jewels that 25 years as a truck driver for the This action was taken b:r Mr. ssrvtng with the 36th Combat En­ street. South Coventry, was ad nephew on his visit at the Little tory,” and “Life LlkO. That", also Southington plant, recently' re­ street, was fined $20 for intoxlcl subvetalve action or riots. IA, _pal. First National Stores. He Is sur- RsUly following the resignation of gineer Division building bridges mit-ed to Windham Community afghahs and bowling medals \yOn III. Coriifielcl disappeared' from bw aummer Amarillo, Tex.—(A)—Palo Duro^ F A. Johnson, commander.. . of the. Md roads. Serviceman Bates, in home.. ^ Loige Variety of Apples- opened after paving been closed hi me here sometime last week. tlon, and a breach of peace'toscgc rived by hte wife, Mrs. UlUsn At- Henry W. Ford os principal (pi Memorial haspital Friday follow­ by Charles Mertena;'' Mra. , Bmll at Uie end of World War II, Uie was dismissed , ' ; f state park has a new cave—larg­ 2nd Battalion win kpeak. CapUIn erdod CkilUns. and a daughter, Mias Tuesday W accepted by the Board commenting on Fondltlons in tost Reelert, Jr., bedspreads and table­ ^ Mrs. Bruce mlased the gbms Willlaih Dickinson. ..20 a t, 78 est jrel found In. the park. -David MlHa of Rockville will give ing a fall In the wttchen of i her Dundaa, HI'., Crossroads, U. S. A., same contract in effect at Pratt Friday Xlght U d reported the loss Jacqueline. Collins. a______t Education. ______Mr. Ford’sresigna­ n area, wrote. "We do not appreciate home. She received a fractiired cloth; Mra. B. Seelert, Sr., cro- A Whitney’s main plant in East Henry street, was -flnbd ^ for I a It was disoovkinsd recently by ' tt a commentary on the (tomon- tion took effect as of Friday. He what a fine country we come from Oct; 1—(/P)—Census axperta have to police toe next day. * '' stop sign violation,. , . accident. The entrance apparent- - otral^. the acrion until we leave iti” He also wrote bone In one leg. Hartford. Yesterday Nassau County police S-Sgt. Victoria C. Paloale of $1 .has accepted a position of gradu­ Albert F. Brayay to a RepubItcU • f pinpointed a ne\V.U. 8 . population Richard L. Thurer, lAM Grand Francis McCarthy. 22, of lOO ly-had-not been uncovered long.. oc 1^ Company E. of Danielson. A Vernon avenue, bas been promot­ ate assistant at the Unlverotty of thst it wss quite cold there. Pic. center In Carl Snider’s cornfield. asldsbe told them that an en­ Benton, street, Hartford, was fined Probably ^ raina washed away pubUe address sysUim provided candidate for a member of the EqiglllMls Mor - Lodge representative, said yester­ velope also was goas from the ed from her former, rank of ser­ Connecticut where he is studying Bates wss transferred the first 6 Farm folks in the southern nilnols day the majority rejected the of­ $ 1 for failure to carry his liesnas. enough earth to reveal the open- ‘ by Lt. Alfred Denson ol.,ItockvlUe, for his doctorate. part of September to Korea from Board of Aseesoora, and not hto TRUMES4ELTS area are pleaacd, although amused name wooden cabinet that con­ Charles D. Packard, 2$, of 137 ing. ^ e entrance Is feet nigb geant. She is assigned duty as son Willlsm Bray, as listed on a fer because It provided for arbitra­ 10 win be used. clerk in air university supply at Camp Pickett. Vs. .where he was s BLa ATIC Sm CA IBU g at tbs fuss over It. tained the yewols. The envelope, Helains road, was fined $1 for a and so feet arlde. A portion of the' Company H. of WllUmsntic will The Nathan Hale Conununtty training with the 4Srd Division. party fiyer aent through the mklla, tion only in cases of discharges, Headquarters. Air University. Ghew^Wrigley’s EXPERT F|jijrBRg The young Mr. and Mrs. CarJ- she told autboriUes, might have parking violation. back wall a«a seen about 20 f e e t^ - demonstrate the changing of the center’s minstrel show will be pre­ Hs was married In May to the Mr. Bray reports. i laj’offs, Kuspenslons, recall under contained "a few hundred". or "a ■nom the aptranca. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. sented November^ 2 sn4 3 In the okOf tke Hill - BOLTON Snldcfs qnd their boys. Dob, flyO, seniority and proper'job evalua­ Abraham Peisacbov of: Provti'' gnard. Transportation for the,, vis- former Beulah Asplnwall, daugh The Krafty Klippers 4-H club and John, two, live in Denver town­ few thousand" doilafs. deiic, R. I., forfeited a $35 bond for ^ b a b lU to ., of ffndlijg battle- ' ' itlng companlei has been arranged Sbe enlisted in the WAC in 1944, auditorium. Tbe cast to date in­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Aspln 1 Arllnir Dnif Slortt tion. So far, the case has* baffled' po­ cludes about 30 members. Mrs have a new leader. She Is Mrs. ship, Richland County, 111. / / speeding. JBiakes ImM the dtacovery -party by Captalii Maurice Miner of serving during the war, and in wall of South Coventry, formerly Hans Hansen who replaces' Mrs. SpeamMit •> i Crossroads nearest ths neyi c'sp- Ask ArbltraUon lice, who have searched her big A charge of violation of rules from further Immediate explofa-! 1948 she'^enllsted in the Y tA T. June J. Dailey; dltoctor, states Arnliiimmmmm tlon. RocKvllIe. There wiil. be a demon- of Manchester. Hls bride is now W. Bryce Honeywell who had the One rcamn many ter are graveled—leading 4o the, Tlie strikers, Thurer said, want Long Island estate , and questioned of the road against Eugene Chap: atration of the State Guard crash moA chorus members are needed. residing with her parents and is servants and others. - . . Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:30 people diew Wrig- nearest village, Dundas (pop. 200), all questions that might arise be­ delaine,. 24,. of .101. ^pm et . street, truck under the direction of Csp- Z presently employed at the Pioneer ley • Spesi;mint and the nearest ohiirch, Mt. Gilead. tween union and management to NACluasWars rsported mcov-^ 'XSa dlsmlaaed tton Julius Vey of Rockville. The 7 p. m. at the Center.. Children’ll Parachute In MBnchest^-ithr. H Gum after mealt n It's off the beaten track. U. S. be fubject to arbitration. Other de- ersd. Mra. Bruce was not able to ^ e following Caaea.inre con- 'Navy'Maierials - ‘.f anUre battalioi lod.by -the bond, Wappii^ parte will be given try-puts Mon­ broUiers. o b m s that the pleaeant Highway 60 la a saved mile drive maiids include a 20 cents an hour supply Immediately a list of her tldued: Dan^l F. /Healy, 39, of 125 win be reviewed at 9:48 p. m. C3ap- day' to be followed by the adult both veterans of World WarVer H._ DO YOUR XMAS ctoaing aWt digea- south. / • . pay Increase. Seymour Stm t, Ifarttonl, reckless rehearsal. Miss Marilyn Loysim lost vsluables. M u n To u g h Uin R. Flaherty wUI command the Thsre were about 880 people Over 180 premiums and mqra SHOPPING AT/ tlon, make! the r- ■ ; Bt'Ider'a neighbor areX typical Neither union nor management Mrs. Bruce, divorced uHfe of IT. drivliig to Saturday, Oct. 6 ;‘Wal­ MUItory Police deUU. will be piano accompanist for the than 100 achievement certificates meal more enjoy­ general farmera. Moat cash Jn on has disciq^ the pay scale In ef­ S. Ambasssdor to France, David ter d. MlUer, 82, of 35 Bigelow Hiis is o n e^ a aeries of demon­ attended the two hour and a half show. will to awarded to 4-Club mem-, MOWN'S,/' able. Chewing this corn and soybeada. A few luckier fect a t thexUme the strike begxn. street, pon-support, to Saturday, strations Jielng held to show the magician program Thursday eve­ The J ^ i n g and Planning Com- bers Friday night during the an­ dellcioui, mint- 7 * ^ 6 K. B. Bruec, said she returned here, New testlHf flavored gum promotes the flow of di-, i.' N-' ' ■ onea gat oil iWaltlea. A company spokesman qald yes­ Friday after spending a week In O ct 6 of materiale has to be rigoenua to public what th* aute Guard rep- ning; sponsored by the Ato MUler ihlaqion^ appointed Frederick G. nual Achievement Night program ‘Xwi Most took the first news (hat the terday that many striMra began 7 ' raseato and to interest men from Blasell as soning agent at a meet­ at the Nathan Hale Community AUCTION gtothre juicee end hdpe you digest row t/ New York city. avoid failurea under batUe eendl- P o st A. L., a t Ellsworth Memo­ food to that you (esH good after eating. * •« . nation's renter had moved' into returning to w'eirk last wssk, as­ Gone froiii the woodbn cabinet, Uons. Thla has been applied at the 17 to 88 years of age in joining. ing held in the Town-CMfice build­ Center In South Coventry. their midst, with lass enthusiasm serting 350 reportod Saturday rial High oidiool. ing Thursday night. The duties of Beeldea Wrigtoy'* Speannint Chew- she sal.d were rings, bracelets and Judge Thanked ita v y yard here'to thermostats / Aaanal Meettag Miss Esther Koehler. 4-H Town SALES ing Gum ooste 10 little that folki can than,they Would have for a new Thurer a;m itted\ 128 workers strands of pearls. A few cheaper must oontlnue to function to ' The annual meeting of the An artesian well of 900 feet was Mr. Blasell are referred to in sec­ Committee chairman. Is In general Buy your Televislona, Furnl- family moving onto the next farm. crossed tM picket 1ms Friday. drilled at the firehouse about two tion 18 of the zoning regulations. ■tot the benefit oi chewing it after enry pieces had been left behind, sblpo whcih osa under attack and RockvlUe a ty Hospital AuxUlary ■ charge. Mrs. Ralph C. Hoffman tUre. lloUsewtora, Floor Lampa, meal. It U a fine, wholemme product Crater Moves Neath ^ In R^t Hartford a company She estimated the loss repre­ Fur Jail Terms which are firing their own guks. wUI be held this evening at the years ago but was abandoned be­ -The Commission-lUim voted th st with Mrs. Robert Cleverdon are Sniokrra and hundreds of other They polpt out that It's only spokesman dSscrlbed the operation that has been a hw rite in New Eng­ sented s fifth of her jewelry and , 'ThormostoU from the Itome- RockvlUe'Baptist church at 8:30 cause It didn’t produce water. the zoning regulations adbpted co-chairman of the program to be­ loiTlT glftB AT PRIOER YOU land for yean and yean. Be wire to get a mathematical balance of popu­ ' (e local plant a« th at of a said s detailed list could - not be a|i»Qs-Hone^ell,O r are attaehad Wednesday , Fred Moore lowered Monday night shall to Ineffsct as gin at 8 p. m. In the Center’s au­ WANT TO PAY. annfVRcet lation. . However, the Census bu­ e. It makes engine parts Antwerp—(F)— *^aarty thanks, 0 o’clock. Hiere win be a dinner fol- the original and genuine Wrlgley a made up until ihe checked her re­ Mr. Judge,” the prisoner af^d as to steel plaiies three feet square Icwqd-by a business session with 300 pounds of dynamite and six of Tuesday and thereafter. Ken­ ditorium. The general theme of the Spearmint Giim. Lo<* 'for the green ] reau formally fixes the center once components for use in engines maining gems. and a half inch thick. A 400- election of ofneers and an enter­ sUcks of nltro glycerine Into the neth M. Spnecer, chairman of tha program will be “Highlights of the ■rHURSDAY. OCT. 4. 6 P, M. every decade. The center liow has. ha waa baiim aentanoad to 'six epear on the package. mads aiid assembltd at Bast Hart­ This Inventory, she said, might months* jail tor stealing goods In weight Is than droppsd on tainment program. pipe w^ch brought a good sup­ Commission, made the announce­ 1951 4-H au b Year" during which FRIDAY, OCT; 8. 6 P. M. croased a state line for the fii^ ford, at the Sikorsky company in be made today In New York. ply; of water. It Is planned to ment Thursday night. 12 local club# have been active time since 1 SW1 nnd gone farther a raUway oUUon In Antwerp. Ha _ atao to atonilato batUo oen- Amiaal Town Meeting / NAT., OCT. g I to 16 P. M. Bridgeport and the C^nce Vought Mrs. Bruce ssld the jewelry wss had xltaady totaUad about flftaan dlttons. Tho'dMieate instrumsmto. H m annual meeting of the Town pin a pump on the weU. It Is The Young Mothers’ club of with over 100 local children parti­ south than ever on Its western company in Dallas, Texas, all sub­ Insured. n Expected' that the supply win fur- South Coventry wilt meet Tuesday cipating In various projects. In­ / INSPECTION; course. ‘ yasn* .prison for various thefts. must functiqit after the teats. > ' of Vernon win be' held this eve­ sidiaries, as well aa the Hamiltcm A n o ^ r man aaamad also to ap­ ning at eight o'clock in the Town nlM sufficient water for the town atJI p. m., at the Nathan Hale cluded In the projects, have been /From 6 a. m. on daya o( aala ^Triple Reseting to the news (hat the Standard Propellor company In garage and the fire department. Community center In South Cov­ cooking, sewing, community serv­ hall to aet upon appropriations center now Is lii her cbfnmunlty, prove toa aantaBOa to six montha* entry for a busincaa meeting with BSat Hartford. indM2 flna'givan to him totaling $773,288.30 u racom- After completing a one year ex­ ice, garden club, baby sitting and ' AT SHELL CHATEAU' ilrs. Gene Kermicis jmid, “sarly Defease Work tension course in the care of In­ Mrs, William H. Ooodfellow. Jr., numeroua othera.. W. MAIN BT, WILUMAJOaO in tlio surveying ww'were told It JftiiA MHleti another Antwerp court for mendsd by ths Board of fnhonce AV-TII The United Aircraft currently aaling $4,000 frbm a company I of which Attorney Robert J. Pig­ fants and children, Mrs. William and Mrs. Ashley Clewley aa host- John Breakell of Ooahen, one of ' T. . • - might bn. on our .own place. I holds 1 1 ,106,000,000 In orders, auh- eon is chairman. This Includet Wstrous of Oakland street has VtS MiMetl the mSn by saying ■tantlaiw all military.' WerrioeOM Artiolea Help T a n ha was working for. received her diploma from the ’ Hoaaewlvea Uto Nenrottoe "Thla small santencs will enable an Item of $178,000 which . the Coventry Fragment society of Lift Broi now givo you wouldn’t It be ^ n n y If It was In Paul Fisher, spokesman for the STATE Chicago School of Nursing. She is the Second Cfongregatlonal church town might borrow during thi our hog pen./ I 'knew It would me to ratmburaa tha manay,” ha MON FLATDfO — a graduate of Cathedral High company, said that of the l.BUO ”Ia Tour M arriage in DangerT” aald quietly bowing to ‘tos churt year in anUcipatlon of taxes. will serve a Harveat Supper Octo­ be around here but I didn't think employes at the Southington plant ' i^ e fb u iffn e se sClWiduledToir'to- achooL Springfield, Mosp., onA ber 'H-fat- the- Church- Community your SIX# and cup—p/ui your it would he such a glamorous asks a writer In a current tseue of president. - - manckesteic t r u s t €0. only 623 had voted bn the -strike a national magazine and then night is ddeUbn of an advisory finished a 17-week course In house dining room. Mrs. John E. Beautiful new ntreamlined model with net storage space thing." /, . . ' and only 340. .were against the committee for- Grbve Hill cem­ dietetics at the Hartford branch of Klngsbuiy la chairman. Plana for Hhs jafeiTsd to talk Of a "big points out: "Even the experts agree dxocf dogroo of soparptionl company’s proposal. Fisher said tost It la—if you suffer from any etery, naplM each year: and the f-e University of ^nnecticut in the supitor wiil be completed when 7.9 cu. ft- Freezes and stores 21 pounds of ice and fo6d. . csleb/ktlon" Oct. 18 with state the conditions under which the Dresden Castle authorisation of the selectmen 1949. the society meets October 10. % ,an^ government officials taking of tha following: s ^ p to m s of Southington workers were paid matrimonial unrest.*’ Eight "symp- ALSO FIGHT P10TURE8 and totra clerk to borrew/mqney The Mix Masters 4-H Cooking 18.80 sq. ft. of triple plated chrome finished shelves. virtually the same as thoee pre­ toma” are Hated. ^ Presented Reds for the current expensee in antlcl- PARIS PAPERS UP club met Thursday after school at .z The Rev. L. E. Lousignont an­ vailing at tha main Pratt and the home of Mrs. Robert Clever- Meat storage tray, humidrawer. 6 year guarantee on nounced the news at 'ths,.centen­ What are the magazinestitrying WED-. THUBS, FBL. SAT. psJlon of taxes. Whitney plant, a ccmtract whlqb, to do to Mrs. America, anylmwT poUs Open s Paris, Oct. 1 —(PV—Paris news­ don, deader, elect officero. Rich­ nial anniversarv pronam" at the papers will cost fifteen francs ard Rtoley wasto elected ppesident; he said, union officlala only. 1 Bt- Make a eomplete neurotic out of Berlin—(AV-The East Oehnan. The tollirik the Town of Ver­ mechani.sm. " Mt. Gilead CongrejErauonal Chris­ ly had described as "good.’' her? 'niey’ve got her wondering if government has turned o#sr to non wOTbe Open until 7 p. m. (shout four cents) from tomor­ Else Anideraon, vice pretideht; tian Church. she is “fit toI be-a parent” with ar- the Communist "Young Pioneers” this svenlng for the btennisi elec­ row. Publlsbera blamed the rise Harriet Tiem, secretary; Milton Tlie minister said Visiting dig­ ticles a Hohenzollern caatle - in Dresden tion. The voting booths are lo­ from the present price of 12 Rtoley, treasurer; and Carol Alt­ nitaries would be welcome to eat that teU her “she is not shuler, nporter. Clifford Anderson REGULAR PR IC i ...... $ 2 3 9 .9 1 2 In jure d , 2 Held If . . . to be used as a recreation center. cated In the police court room, francs on mounting newsprint in thf church basement. It seats They ask: her in words of deep ; The Albrecbtsberg Castle, built Memoriel building. , costs. * will give a talk on his chicken only 100 or so but church women B centuiy ago for tlie brother of Office d o te d Before the war newapapefs In project at the 4-H Achievement LESS AUOW ANCI ...... S 4 0 M foreboding if "working moms en­ Night program October 6. Elate served 2,000 at the latest outdoor In Sunday Crash danger the home”—even though Kaisor VVilhelm ' ate Into the blue-shlrted FDJ. a hay loft to the concrete floor of The school hot lunch progfam headed for the rocks. '' view parent-Teaoher association will be servedto pupils of the first tace Schneider, both wdrkihg on to tha Wilbur Cross highway on Who’s' Loony Now? JIM TBQl^E • to be bcld this qvenjng at eight a barn caused the death of Joseph IPI Mooy mon womo ThO Meoclwifer Tn»t Compooy i.9 t '/■■■: remodeling the Dimdns school. Ths 'Middle 'ntmpike, west, last night Meahkus. 46, here. grade at the ^ n ter School begin­ After getting her to worry about ALIr-AMEBICAN o’clock -lat the Longwsw school. ning today. This program at the aehool la the center of all social at 9:45. Mrs. Mary Healey of 195 her health, her marriage, and heh Ml— BaVbara Willes of Vernon Dr. James E. Linder who w u P I , OS Hioir oxocMfor oRd, oho os Ynufoo of Hioir.ot- activltv. Saymouir street, Hartford, was suf- OF MANCHESTEB? calM to the scene, told police George Kersey Robertson school children, they then sic some writer Center wto teU of her recent Eu- has been active for three Weeks. • • • a new meoinrtmtiita NARROW Carl Bnidsr, on whoss farm the' fering'from abock and Mrs. Mar­ on to telling her that she is neu­ ro]wan trip. The business ses­ Meshkus had died of a broken p | fotos, to "folow riiEOugli" os bivostiiiORt man- ..■eefiter was fixed. w'«s not particu­ garet Coughlin of 272, Jefferaon COME TO THEJUBOW Shortage of equipment did not $29.95 Down... $10.72 Monthly tRRARATION rotic. WED. MIGHT. I f ^VnX BE sion wlU to preceded, by • Pot* neck. larly Impressed by It and exoress- street, Hartford, waS suffering luck supper a t 8:30 o'clock. - hoi boen oddtiH tile Ire. ed only tolerant amusement. He from a ikeersted knee. Both- Why don’t the magazines quit Waa. II-l4fB ear m\lmn4 Announced Froml Stage trying to scare women to deato? Naa.y Olsm a.ha HMUak Maple Street. joked about the possibility of get­ were taken to the hospital in the Sure disease, divorce and juvenile ' H m Maple street school Parent ting a piece of- farm piachlnery John B. Burke ambulancs. "FORCB o r -Nig It iBto Chw 6dW «d.atNaM D ie ultimate atq> in bra perfectioa! delinquents seem to . be' here to ARMS” Moinkig” qXachor as^lation will meet this 3 DAY SPECIAL \ Opfti Thura. Until 9 given to-him If he let a Iprm Im­ .Operators of the cars were Jamas i t ^ . evening at etoht o’clock at the plement Arm clear the oOrn field A. Purvis, 55, of 358 Homatead Stl»4;Se-XiU - ItUtoiie : W hy doo't yoM ood yoor lowyor eomo to ood dis­ \ppen Other Days 9 to 5:S0 Now Fonnfit, sad FotmSt alone, offers to publlelM Its equipment. Snider But why get Individual women ochool. Parentx a t chUdren attend­ .lUR. CMHNiRaOWfY MMKRT NEMCSMY street, Waterbury, and flanlal F. looking for symptoms of all three Wed.: "People AgainstAi ’OnHam** ing the school as well as members was bom acroM tha road from the Healey, 89, of 186 Seymour street, THIS VACUHM etlANBR, GIIAT FOR cuss your oomiiig us Os oxocutor tmd tnofoo hi you asaat dfgree o f separation at well at center. ,, . every time they pick .up a mXgX-' ^F«F-SA «DiLEB r n O H T of the association ar- invited to Free parking UM>ur paved lot on M ^n SL henid intMO Hartford. Patrolman Milton Strat­ xine for a few minutes of rslaxz- attend this ipemng. ■ w Pdstmaster John Griinelsen ton Investigated and held -both REgsi H o ots, Mpttmsos, UpkMsIory, \— No raetere in eiit|[ra block ;aouth «>r K aith’a. e^'and cup. Only Life Bras give this seemed doiibtfiil enough tourists tlon? Hodmmmi Benefit yohr wM. diseuss also fho moRy othor M aochostor drivers. Haalsy was charged With That Is not doing women any The Hockanuitt Benefit Sick - would X-ant to send mall from the racldsss driving and hia. Case waa 80 llookofs, Mooldiogf, RodlofoffSi otc^ exclusive new'Tripk Proportioned heart, town of the nation to ad­ service. It’s jusf keeping them V dety w«l hold Iti quarterly meet- Trust Company sorvkoi wiMth would bhooSt your c«)tinuad unttl Saturday, Octobar eternally sU rt^ 'up, worried and ^ ing today a t 7;45-n. m. at the base- OF MANCHESTER vance Ihindas above -a. fourth 0. wss charged with viola­ |? i ito (1 ) your bust site, (2) your cup size, Class post office rating. uncertain. .1 . - . metoto on tbo Momtrlsl ooromony. T t l M «S Dtoia4ie • OeanaNiiUw,Tmi«ANaesf *' iAVAIUW.E IN C O nO N AT $1.75 OR NYION Hoipltsl stoS for their cords, ftowora MtdMr thsator. i NAME. and many Undsosrrt extended to us, . Vraneo began turning over the •He Eon All the Way" , (■ torn swO i*,iwUMi to ei NimNhi «am intnnkl;-gitototstriltlOn to the IIHT: ALSO PEP-8 ADDU» FIMT FIOTCBEB Bdffar' ClurlM 'AOOHitS. 4 tout tm fO m o asm>aes»iomA_WjwwW>^^ lUUMts Mr. and Mro. Charles tosbesC YttUMUMae liRer this country aiid '1 "Id a o m r -r-, ) it CITY., STATL. Cs MAHCHESTER TRUST CO A. i' jMY FHONE NUMIER 1$:------^ :------—^ AdVertiiO in' The Horold— It Poys 6 ' iv: A ff: 4 ' f - " .i i . ■■■ .. ' ■ . V, . 1 V'. -*-V if h.i&M'K- » t v - N, 'V Y 4 .-o’-'.' "r:j >S ./ 'A-'. ... •/ M l^ d U e g m i BVENINO HERALD. IIAMCBB8TBB. tXMlU MQipAY. O ^B E R 1. 1951 BViaUNG HEBALa MANCHBSTBa OONN, kONDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1961 ' V .»■ (t f f t f S f O O B peeeeemoe of eeatrolling gtoek In V menta Before he stepped. down the Amertqaa pfWtoent gteanuMp I — Oajr want llaeahowar aa , tliHr Urges Tl^nian 8Uto iUtfitir CIBWwIW Marrtn Have Workshop Aoqnainited’^ - from the stand myrnheis of the B n t ii ^ B o w LocdlMarine line*. Hartford, Itmto Sentor party’abomiaae. ■ ,, t a t h Bubrommittee had peppered him Th* question wkethar eommer-. IndiM^um Set WafeaMd Uv* lantor Councitor aebet « f tha DemoeraU wUiUir to At So* Methodist Diance Held CANDY gardlng proof of his chargds MddeiCaptain Veto Tax Hike audlenceo” la atztf t eara and busea Jr., of aae aa optnion, with 11 of •gainst Jessup. Befbrte Irfm . Vlolat* the Oonatltutlonal rights Wm ^jmwwula Al tlicm voting for PreaMent TrtmmtC ileady for They suggested that McCrndta Of riders who objeM to the'prac- aa thafr choioe for the 18B2 party An Bvimgalisih. WQikahop was M on than 7S eeuplii Uvtaig in wiHl The Ma8ier*g Tpuch! W,rd — . racei^ tod.y oC th, SeD.^ Humplircy Says w '•OB Of N o v HovmW i S ta^ Kor* IA S P. M. Frieea had not produced conclusive evi­ lice. abaB Bandr of^lMMcn. atandard bearer. held at & a. Soujh Msthodlst BCaiior Eetatea attcoded • dence. McCarthy contended he recent promotion to the rank of Action Should ^ine If i Whether pereona who;glV* Infor­ A o M a M ^ y «NU the or. The South gave Httl* aupport to church« yesterday afternoon and .Bid Asked Acquainted”' danoe party MADE AND had but said he would pfoylde ad­ jEian 0 r d e lp captain of Howard G. Smith, U. S. mation to FBI mvestigitors-. are Mr. TrudMh. with only OowerBora evening for repreaentattyes of the T P o ia l W a r ditional 'msterinl on some of the cab and JemM Cobh will be the $1rat National Bank held a t v ^ V.F.W. name Saturday SOLD AT litorine Obrpa and hi* aubaequent Senate Bill Is ' Voted liable to damage 'SUlta for libel (Of l k ^ ei l o morJMt. Rt*4Bh(nenta will be Bid McMath of Artcaaiwaa, Karr diurchei*. of the Norwlcni DlStrief 36 points with which he already had and slander. iMHitafaOW) Scott of North Carolina and a of the Methodist church. ^ The of Maackester ,.. . 38 night. ^-Tong list of deer prlaea (Coattoued from Page Oat) •a^lfiunent as officer In charge of aemd' ftandhgr win follow. Hartford - National floita-Fiage Ofts) dealt; ' WasMngton, Oct. J —(Fh-8*na- ^ T o a l f h t thiid Southemar who didn't want- Rev. John Host, district dlrectbr of was one (v ilM HeaCures at tha eea- CANDYxKITCHEMi V I Jessup plans to testify in reply District Headquarters Recruiting / Hedges popped to llioinaaa ih Bank and Tlniat , j 26 80 Arab estuary, and there was tome ior Humphrey (D-Mlnn.) eald to­ toe third nose Una to he'named nubUely, caatlng their ovangsUsm, directed the prognm Hartford Conn. Trust 72 76 ning. Mnatc^wM provided by A rt m MEW BOLTON ROAD—BobtB 6 and 64A to McCarthy. The Ambassador Station of Virginia »1th/hla head­ lot with the Preaident. and was assisted by various lead^ McKay's ordMBtra. torn peninsula, sunny -^ iWea talk In London of an “ oil block­ quarters in Rlchmondj/Vlrglnls. day Preaident Triiman should veto On* run, one hit.'ao erreip, w ^((bnoCW^.ind Mftnchftster Trust... 87. — OPEN EVEBT DAT DMTIL S P. M. brought . .the air wsr back '1. Baymond M. BeUrandi of of the North t Methodiat eburoh. Hartfosd Flra ...... 134 188 and M n. MgroM F e t n g ^ Mr, nad CItoe Danger ^ \ 1942, *ubiMuently being promoted A ^ It was a light gdraMnt worn Inside the baseline hetweea Rev. Frad^Jt. Edgar delivered the National Flrt^...... »8 60 Mrs, Leeter Ropktaia. l^ a n d MiA ^ TheiU. B. Fifth Air Force said Obittiarv to eOmiptMloned rank as second for their $7,200,000,000 tax-hike thIa newest ScoiiL leaders’ train­ by a knight over Ma armev. It and home. ^ ^ ^ Elation issue 36i Lawrence strSet, BockvUle, and CESSPOOLS AND SEPTIC TANKS OM of the RvMtafi-made MIGs waa Makki haa said that if Such a measure, which would 1; a record of Maaoheoter pi. Bobert A. Leaslg, of 28 da'votlonal sermon, which w m . fol­ Fhoentx ., . . , . . . . 77 88 Wiliam Beie|^ and/lib. and Mia. blockade were imposed. It would UeuteMM In earl^ 1844. During ing oburae. G e o ^ Andrew Is was often-decorated with the per­ Hearn fouled otf to attempted John Pinas. \ /, ftaatroyed and three were dam- for a single bill. They expect to be chairman, b.f Leadership Training aacrifloo buiS*, then w m Chamd 2alden lane. Rockville, are among lowed by fotn- seminar groups. life and IndetaNMly !••. Ddbj be “most dangerous and would be W ^m tV ar n he served In the Pa- sonal emblem of toe wearer. (OeUMWd IMbi rage One) These groups made a atwfy of tha Because of tMf aueeaw a t the POWER CLEANED NO AIHed looaet were report- Un/garUc^ted in the Okinawa able to knock out Several of the i I the Manchester District. ' with a atrlkeout wtien ha biate^ __jaai’ssiass’ the 1,482 Far Easterm combat Aetna Casualty .. .'v. 88 .108--. beginning of hoetllltles." senate changes, he Said. veterans due to arrive In Seattle varioua aMMCts of visitation even- Aetna Life ...... 84 88 peMy plaiui are beliig made to on ,^8. Delegate Ernest A. Oreae «inpaig|i and the occupation of Q—H6w doea a so-calIe8 "flint- foul on hia third MCfiflo* attempt, ganln a Onea Manor OonmunNy In iirii ln 'Irr anti ( l< init\ Ot truee negotatlona, the Rldg- D i i ^ ^ S . I The Senate-House conference to Ciamponella w M enditod wito too meet and deal with the people on today on a Navy transport.' The grilsm and were intended to pre­ Oonn. General .. , . .v l2il 138 outlined. American policy ' Mr. and Mra. Miner C. Fii.end lea*" cigar lighter work? the Other side of the Iron Cur- pare the workers from the 'varioua as*ociation..Tbe orginiaattoB \ way headquartere statement said hammer out a compromise version at Nobleavllle, Indiana, announce Pwtont A. and fv!Eaond other acUvltlee vessel will )>« the 82nd alilp to Hartford Stenin Boll. 3$ 36 I ' I: 'i ■'.'.Ml - \ .M > - 1. i ' 1 I' I \ N K I N '^■! \ I I I-: I ' whole Uwue oMhe resumpUon .Mia...lMa.,SeakbeU;' V ■baaed on'the hope tlutt an of the bill Is to begin tomorrow or A r- Usuallj .such lighters use a ha ai aaAetaat BcouUnaater of tSUle” bring combat rotation troops to churches to carry out a vlettatlon meeting date will ha announced SUnky Ilnad a atncl* to Isdt lYavelera ...... 600 620 soon, aUted Mr. Cleaves. o f talks is one that, cannot be ment can be reached betwe^''the Wednesday. The compromise is. thin platinum wire, which, when •rwet M, Bojr Scout*. Oa bebif In* He added that the atUtude bf Seattle from the Korean war wangeliam campaign ii) their re­ Mrs. Lena Senkbell, of 278 partiea which >^ll do juatfee to "iX aendlng Maya to second. PahUe tlduune-. hailged much longer. School street, widow of August subject to approval by both Senate the birth of a ann, Sept. SO. Mrs exposed to the flammable vapor* aem Lablne, a rtehthaader, get atiSd tUa ewnlnc te the East had forced Britain to front spective churches bMtnnlng next Ooph. Light, Power 14-% l6 both." / . ^ , c in n ey b r o s ^ennbrhile, indications are that Senkbell, died at her home ypstar- and Housfj Friend waa the former Erneatlnc of the fluid, speeds the reaction up to throw In to* Dodger puUpen cead bia broth^. John L. yonXTeck, build Its defenses and that Bri­ Sunday. oonn. Power ...... S3 37 M K , . While calni/word* vfere being Chairman George (D-Ge.) of Montle. daughter of Mr. a^d Mrs The program concluded with tha Eighth Army is nbt planning day, She had resided in Manokof betwen theae vapor* and the air. but sat down Immediately ttmen J r, who ha*/been. M*»t*r poob* tain’s defense program would go The eVG of St. James' parish ft Hartford Elec. Lt. .. 48^ 47H Norfold, Inc. " I M .I: D i'i'iI- \ I. ( ( I W ait idly by wlHte.the Com: spoken hewf P rem l^ Mossadegh the Senate Finance committee, Rnd reward the worker. have moved from 20 Henry street lilneos of taro ycarx. Be bad paaead 3ftlnt Chiefs of Staff, wg* accom- the states in 1846 to be^^released Rel<^se Schedule U. S. Envelope Pfd. 62 66 his 8let birthday on Aug. 36. p ^ e d to Korea' by RIdgway, Van Frtbnds'may'Cftll at the funeral crisis. The first was at the very to Inactive duty. In November, conference begins today. s dzY evening entertained the A One of th* longest in to* his long fly In straightaway ion- l5wiianee' John*on, aeventh.' Errol The 1300 word platform was to their new home in Vernon. Mr. Veeder-Root 41^^ 444 home until tha hour of the funeral and Mrs. Wilbur C. Brown will oc­ gleet aad Charles (Chip) Bohlen, start of the U N. wWen Iran ap­ 1850, he received his orders re­ -The tax bill and the mlUt W.B.A. G u ^ Club at her new world, it comprise* 17.863 miles of ter. , w- put together and unanimously ap­ The above quotauons are not to mainland and 41,808 miles of Thomson etelloped a iremendoua Thf .t^etalUng offleere will be cupy the flat vacated by the For Night School U. S. State Departanrot expert on pealed to the ceuncll to order Rus­ calling him to active duty and was money bill aye te,:o of the majol homo on Lydall street waa pleas- proved by party leaders Including be construed aa actual markets, Ruasla. Idre. Stanley Opalach sia's soldiers 'out of Azerbaijan assigned, aa 4USistant officer in r.tly surpimd when the group Island*. home run deep Into the lower left AneuflB Sevan, the former Health Diems. but are approximate marketa. Mrs. Mary Opalach, wife measures Congress must act on stand* scoring Irvin ahead of him, A t the air strip of an American province. The council indicated a Recruitlngntatlon. Philadelphls. before It can quit this year.. Some p'rosented to her a large hassock BTATBIOPiT or THE O W N^ minister who spUt with AtUee Manchester evening school win dlvialon on the eartem front Stanley Opalaoh of 10 Wood Lane, desire for Russia tO withdraw her Prior to Captain Smith's entry *iid\a fireplace lighter. A brief G _A ro aUsplee tree* ever-\ to put th* Glanta In front 3-L last April. The' Wekley group of tha South DIES IN CRASH died at her hbme yesterday fol of the lawmakers now are tal)il(ig Mays popped to Reee* back at BM P. MANAOBMENT, CIR- Methodist WS(fs arill hold a rum­ hold no claaaea in advanced typing Bradley t ^ e d briefly with dlvl- troops and this was done. Into the Marine Corps he was about an Qct. 13 adjourninent but busInbM meeting was fallowed by greens? The partFe program bore the and stenography thia week be­ ' ftta Staff- officers, commanding lowing a long Illness. She was born a soci:^ time and refreshiftente th* mound. .... , . S l a t i c n , jy r e , 55SI^2S2 clear Imprint of prassure, brought mage sale Thursday, Oct.. 4 at 8 In Poland and came to Manche's Deaiee JuriadictloB- store manager for the Goodyear many of them see no possibility, or A —Yes, they are well-formed »T ra* Acro or c o n g r e ss cause no 'natructor for those sub­ Putnam. Odt. 1—ilTi— William gtowralB of three South Korean In this second case Iran haa con­ served b ^ h e hostese, Mrs. VIn'cek. Two runs, on* hit, no crrMS, by Bevan on the other leaders. In a. m. In Wesley hall of the church. ter in 1914. She was a member of Tiro and Rubber Company, having going home before Oct. 20. • - evergreens about 50 feet high, OF AVOUST 24. J912. AND Those wito desire donations called jects haa been found as yet. ac­ Shisko, 26, of Putnam, died earty dlvieidna, and commanders of tended the council haa no jurisdic­ managed their stores in Connecti­ none left. fact. It made the peace Iseue point today in Day-Kimball hospital St, John’s Polish National Otho- The Senate passed a $89,5M,- ' MART” 8. 1888, and JXJLY 2. for should telephone Mra Nerbert cording to Cheater .L. Robinson, French aiid Dutch battalions. tion to act In what the Iranians cut Massachusetts, New Jersay MancheateKLodge. No. 73 A.F. q —When did President Frank- FO URTH DODGERS jsteTt’nnJB s», w i t b d number one. director of adult education. from injuries he received in a coili- BMdley waa dressed In an oUve lio church. 000.000 armed servicro Reese grou|tded aharp to Dark Urweider, 2-3818, or Mra Charles Besides her husband, she leaves call an internal laaue. They may and Pennsylvania. Uons bill. This waa about $2,0OT;- A A.M., win Hold a special com- tin D. Roosevelt flrat refer te the CTATBS CODE, SECTION Bevaa Bethme U WIgren, 7082. Other classes which will meet Sion on Route 82. drab field uniform. A pistol and a get the Russians to back them up UaptaTn Smith Is married and who threw him eut. State Policeman Henry Marikle ten children: four sons, Stanley, 000,000 more than Mr. • -nlcaUon In the^Maaonlc Temple, New Deal? ' M . ) Bevan bolted Attlee's cabinet In tonight as scheduled are: pottery canteen swung from. likLhelL Tha in this view, but the Soviet Union haa one daughter aged seven. Hia tomorrow evening at aeven o'clock. Snider smasbeit a slngto off and woodworking, basement of the aaid Shisko was riding a new mo­ flVft-otar gonaral walked down a Henry, Bkiward J. and Raymond, budget asked and about $8,500,- A —In hU speech accepting to* O f Maatfueter Beenlna Herald, protest against the Labor gov­ Regina D’ltalta Society adll hold all of Manchester; six daughters, has no veto on such purely pro­ family, la presently residing in The Entered Approqtlce ~ degree Democratic presidential nomina­ Stanky’s glove into rljM . fleld. ■mhllahed daUy except Sunday at Barnard building: typing I. aten- torcycle in West Woodstock when line of high ranking officers and 000,000. moee than the House ap­ Robinson got a single dll^a tor-' ernment’s $13,160,000,000 three Its monthly meeting this evening Mrs. Michael Kiro of Blast Hart­ cedural matters. The main prob­ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. proved. The Senate made cute In v-ill be conferred on clase 'of tion In ChlcoM In 1882, Mr. Rooae- Maaeheatar, Gonnaetlcut, for Oc- year defense program. He said at 7:30 in the Italian-American ography I. English, mathematics, It collided with a car being driven .-ahOob hands.'With each. lem, for Britain, la-getting seven rid Mt and run shot through LSMtar by Mrs. Lucille J. Naimea of Put­ The three generals (lew to the ford, Mrs. William Simpson, Mrs. both the budget and candlditte*. Graham Clalpk will be velt said; "I pledge myeelf to tbh tMu. it was too big and would cut Into clubhouse. main floor of the Main building; affirmative votes from the 11 Ir. charge oFthe work, and-* social man’s legs into right field. Snider piano, assembly hall. nam. /I eastern front in a convoy of light Ida Novack, Miss Regina B. figures but then added a $5,0TO,- new deal for the- American peo­ v< i; The namea and addreaa- the welfare state that once gave Opalach, Miss Doris Opalach and council members to put the ques­ hour with refreahmenta wrlX fol­ raced to third oh the ML ; - ^da of the pubUaber. editor, man Registrants in the sewing class Shisko was thrown heavily to lanes. The weather was so windy Wrecked Truck 000,000 extra fund for expanded ple." Oampenelln grounded into a free medical, dental and eye care. Mystic Review. No. 2, W. B. A., Mlaa Maurine Opalach, all of Man­ tion on'the agenda. air power smd new weaiiona, low. . a«tng edltoc, and buaineaB mana- Referring to the epllt with Att­ aril] precede its meeting tomorrow are instructed -to report to the top the pavement. A-hospital spokes- Slist other light aircraft pilots Once the question is on the double play, Daik to 8tanl» to man said- Shisko rccelvm two j aaid they would not fly unless or- chester, and eight grandchildren. O'Mahoney said he was ready to l^ W h a t is "head-end" traffic? lee on the drtenee program. Be­ evening, in Odd Fellows liall. with floor of the Franklin building Funeral services will be held at agenda, resolutions on the subject Holds Headaches Lockman. stanky** jelny to ls>Ck- PUbliahera, Thomae F. Ferguson where they will be divided Into broken legs 'and head and internal jtiJa ' dered to do ao. ma/iie vetoed by any of the coun­ maintain all the Senate cute and The Auxiliary Fire Departmgn' V A —Mail. exprooa. baggage, man pulled toe flrrt baseman at van said: a pot-luck supper at 6:30. AJJ 8:30 tomorrow morning at the Le- also knock off some of the $5,000,- of the SMFD.wlll meet tonight at ...__.Bail Wnlter Ff»TP’°o"i Manchester, “The argiunent-which w» were -three rlniwiM..- — ' .1 ____ tnjurlea. ’ _ Bradley tqW reporters he would cil’s Big Five— ...... mwspftpers and inlUi^ usually least Jour feet oHUU bag ' guards are urf^d to attend as - a ^4 not m ^ e any statement except clerc Funeral Home. 23 Main OOODOO special/fund. He said- teat T'trcloclr.~------’ “...... ^ ' going to have hifs been replaced by rehearsal will take place for the atreet, and at 9 o'clock at ’ St. Sir Gladwyn Jebb, British chief Ivor. V £ —(/P»-”-Sthte'Trobper A" treizaported In cam hearoaV til* Lockman w m able to te g "iK ^ b p -' m to r, Ihomas'., F. Ferguson, 4 that he would be in Korea "a short O. Downing said he had never seen pay-aa-we-go economy must be Ing runner who pulled n nnum la a bigger argument and It iburt district rally in WUllmantie Sat­ ) magniiicentJy fulfiUs your John’s Poliah National Catholic delegate, flew from London last the principal objective of govern­ locomotive, are known to railroad Conn. i time.” night to ask the council to hack so many curious people before In Companies 1 and 4 of the 8MFD men aa "head-end" traffic. hie right lag in yesterday's g « M wait until the bigger argument is urday, Oct. 27. State Field Direc­ Wta Three Hills church on Golway street. Editor, Thomas F. tor Mrs. Grace Best of Hartford • Proatpe driivery I* ona desire for e fine Magnavox radio-phonograph, yet it's inighty Friends may call at the funeral ruling by the International his life. Bnl he refused to let any ment policy. ^ J » answered a' call at 618 Hillatown at Phtladeli^la. , Oonn. over. , On the west, the war quieted of them stop on U. _S. Route 4?K) George, who will head Senate road Saturday to extinguish a firo I “When I hear that Mr. Attlee will be present at the supper and of tha iaatnka* of oar easy on your poclcetbook. Here's a superpowered AM-FM radio home until the hour of the funeral. Court of Justice in the oil case and conferees on toe th* Wll. indicated Q—What became of the famoua No runs, two MU, ao error#, Manager, Thomae F meeting tomorrow evening. after an Allied victory. Sunday hear hero after a heavy tractor- on the carrying Bill beneath the one 1*R had decided to have the election. "Raltobla^ ikarvica. Jaet with 12-inch eiecttodynamic speaker . .. plus a superb, three- i.gave U. N. troops three hills west to call on trim to hold up the or­ he wa* in a strqng position to. in­ French prison, the Bastille? Conn ' Herman J. Miller / der expelling the technicians from trailer ran off the road overturned fireplace In the living room. I made up my mind to devote all . i of (Siorwon. sist oh rno*t, of the Senate'a pro­ Booster tanks put out the flames A —An Infuriated mcti stormed X That tha owner la: (If oamed The D. U. V. C. W. win' hold a iclephona yoor oeads— speed automatic tecord piiT^'' exclusive piaoissiino feather-. Herman J. Miller, of 87 ECngle the groat Abadan oil haael He told and. sti'oek a tree. the Bastille July 14, 1788, aad qVAKB BBOOBDED by a iggpaeaflOB. Its name and ad- my energy to destroying the Tory FUNEI^Ai: H< of Kumaong, where There were no personal injuries, visions. He told newsmen to* with slight damage raeulting. New E#ik, Out I— meeting tomorrow night at 47 .ww’U seed Aft iieew w year touch pick-up. The graceful, mahogany-finished AlUeb saved an Important wood avenue, Weat Hartford, who reporters h* expected the Rus­ 'floor vote* on ell Important Issuea rased the building. lifism mast be stated and also im- chsllenge.’’ Maple street at eight o’clock. A died Friday at the St. Francls/hos- sians to veto any Britlah resolu­ but the truck was bodly damag^ • Ih l^ shanr - * BieSataly tbeieunder the names! Fears Hvsterto door. Ifyoa wfdi, wa shall cabinet enhances the hetuty of sny room...... from a three-day Chinese —along with part of Its cargo. Tbi were "gratlfylngly overwhelming" A email firo in the cellar at 244 IwlQviVBn •arty VBfl; teday #■ {food turnout la hoped for, aa a Yalr Wishes HoRored.... _ ihterattack, there was an easy pltal In Hartford, after being hit tion. in favor of the committee’* poal- q —What la to* origin of th* ' addiaasei of atockholdcrs f<'w Important -matters such as be glad to call for yoor V by a truck at the corner of Farm- cargo—beaded for Alcoholic Bev­ Middle turnpike, eaat, was put out or bolding one per cent of Bevan added this comment on tp the last detail -at the William P. Quiah hill as probing''patr^ls maintained erage Control Board stores in tion. pxpresalon "small fry” as a term world peace: draping the charter are scheduled Fimeral Home. You will And nothing lark­ ptasoripdooB aad deliver ingrton avenue and Mountain road, Moscow, Oct. I —m v-The news­ by Company 3, 8MFD, Saturday gnpk. toHl MBOOBt of stock. If not Battar tight, battar sound, batlar buy... M agnavex contact. the Tidewater area—was $20,000 The Senate and House versions morning. of affection In speaking of CMl- "We must make It clear that If to come up for discussion. ing In the ultimate of Funeral Kervlre. Aided by brighter weather. A l­ left four brothers and two sisters paper Pravda published promin­ differ In many respecU. The m i owned by a corporation, the the madidnae wtahom ad- ■/ who reside in Manchester and ently today a sUtemeht of deputy worth of bonded whisky. dren? BUMS aaid addreanes of the Indi­ peace Is to be preserved and the WlUhun P. Qul».h--- John Tierney lied flghter-bombeni roared north Houa* bill would make greater In­ A —Fry Is a mlddlerBngtlah domitrodden peoples of the world The Holy Family Mothera Circle Rayrnoad T. Quirh didooal chatga. V a valaa Monday to continue their almort vicinity. These Include Frederick, Iranian Premier Hoaaein Fatemi creases In the Uxea which both in­ Edward Wnibel, 11, at 80 Main a6 Bi31i6 6 i vidual Qwnar* must be given. If will miect Wednesday evening at Raymond O., Albert and Daniel that the BHUab-Iranlan oil dispute word meatilng ’‘aeed.’’ It is now aad 8M i48ts ^«a (*#»j. _ helped, Labor's voice must be your jwtrotiagt. T ty asl eeaaelesa pounding of ’ the Red dividuals and conwratione inuat l-strset, suffered two fractured BWasd by a firm, company, or oth­ eight o'clock at the home of Mra. Miller, all of whom live in town, la non*'of the United Nations Se­ Japan Leads Goa arms last week when he slipped generally used to deaerib* a batch Father I m M e#thBltefl «*# er unlnoornoiatad uOaneeni, its heard’tW'the councils of the world." Koroan rail and road supply net­ pay. of young flah. Hence, by exten­ Jeremiah Squires, 106 Deepwood work. and Mrs. Edward Lamprecht, also curity OMincil’s business. Humphrey shd a group of otto- and fell from a trei while playing. 2 8,966 ma2 , ftaita Bime and address, aa well aS those From the same platform. For­ drive. of this town, and Mrs. William He was taken to MMcbester Me­ sion It Is used to describe a bunch New Verk bat w m i » > « ■ - at the Japan received the overwhelming .TIxMnaB F. Ferguson, Manches- 763 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER lect group of crack pilots assem- > tar, Ogan., and Hibbard N. Alex­ Into war” house on Spruce street. 9 2 b A \ (iin S t . #••• 4 « « s ' Med as aerial shock t|pop8. Taylor and Modeen Funeral Home, Hold Hundreds portion of this tiny Portuguese col­ ander. *New London, Oonn., Bxecu- He said “ I do not allege that the /AN ,\ N C H L ?. I I- 233 Wawngton avenue; Hart' X • ony’s iron ore exports during 1680 Tories are deliberately seeking St. Rnyiiond's Mothers Circle ford, tomorrow afternt^ at 1:86 with a total 62,488 tons. Supreme Court ton of the astatea of Thomas Fcr- and interment will-be In Rose Hill ((loatimied from Faga Oael ■ '/ i .guaoa aba Boaald R. Ferguson. war." But he added he feared that yrill hold Its first meeting of the Western Germany Imported loan A. Tborp, Manchester. through hysteria or lack of control season in the form of a potiuck Senate Group Memorial Park. The funeral home 7.000 and Holland 1.800. The United supper tomorrow evening at seven 7 - is open for the convenience of dent Juen D'- Heron carrieti al­ . Holds Session tOcam. a Conservative government might most idenUcai Tories charging States led importers of Goan man- A ■ That tbs known bondholdera, plunge the nation Into conflict. o'clock at the home of Mrs. Rich­ Backs Bowles frlenda at any time. roneae ore with 10.235 tons. foL ard Oilbert, 42 Ardmore road. the oi^dsltion Radical, Conserva- ■BortgagesB and other security and Socialist parties vrith be- owed by Etelgium, 5.408; Sweden, (Oonttaned from Page O M )' * bolderr owning or holdtag 1 per Mrs. George I* French 3,500 and Italy, 1,000. ^ . ’ Members of Hose and Ladder (Oeattnued from Page OneJ Mrs. Barbara GottrelP Frei mixed up in the affair.' June, the Tribtmel's nine Justices I eent or mors oM otal amount of War on U. 8.7 iMnds. mortgagee, or Other secutl- Governors Differ company No. 4 are requested to S3, wife of Gaorspi'L. Frenj3( already have before them requests | creet at seven o'clock tonight at administrator. Porter atreet, mbd ttoa morning TOe pro-Peron newspaper Dem- tlas are: (If were are none, so ocroda said a group of NaUonal- Worry Varies for final ruling* on these Issues: State.) tha firehouse to go to the T. P. Sparkman and Hlqkenlooper are at her home, after-* long Illness. May alien Com'munlrta be lock­ On ’ 52 Candidate HoUoran Funeral Home to pay re­ membmrs of the Foreign Relations She was bqnrin Westerly, R. I., isu “irritated at Peron’a refusal ! Mona. to declare war on th* United ed pp Without ball during deporta­ 4. Parasrapbs 2 and 8 include, spects to Mrs. Lena Senkbell. unit. They expressed their, views the daughter of Mrs. CMvert B, Weave of Rug tion proceedings. If toe attorney to a reporter In advince of a States" plotted to kill Mm and t te cases where tbs stockholder or' (Coattnued from Page One) Ckittr^ and-tha <*te Calvert R establish a dictatorship "without general feels they are too danger­ security holder appears upon the eloaed meeting of the committee, ^ ___ .troll, n i. She- attended schools to conalder the Bowles appoiqte|{ji Westerly, also Dana Hall In teallsing that the whole maneuver New York -r- OP) — Underneath ous to be at liberty? kooks at the oonMaay as toustee about politics for months to come ■J was plsnned snd flhsnced by Wall May aliens be deported because -that he will/accede only to a ment Wellesley, Mom., and Bouve-BoS' your Oriental jmg may be the o f In any ^tber fldnclary relation, story Of a ru^ weaver’s worries. they were once members of the ^Today and Everyday tha name at the person or corpo- genuine draff movement. Sparkman headed a subepnunit- ton college, Boston, Mass. She tee which last wi^lc Voted 3 to 2 was a member of the Gilead Con- T Pro-gwernment' labor leaders Charles Skhagian, president of Communist party? W r-1 ' ratten for whom such trustee is The, theme of four of the Repub­ charged: traitors In the armed May atatea bar Communists "U: lican govepiora who spoke out at approval of tha 'immlnatlon. For grogational church and of tha toe Orientel Rug Importers Asso­ acting: also the statements In the forces pisnhed te ^’plsat the flag ciation, Says In ^ a n rug weavers from elnployment In public schools? two paragrapbs show the affiant's news conferences yesterday was cpnflrmatten-were Sparkman ,and Junior League o f Hartford. Hert'e irreat newe for the baeioeifl- two other Democrats—Senators Besides her husband and motb'ir of totniiatldneJ eapUaUSm” in Ar­ are mdi at nuDsy moodsrhnd, M S to n h e wu rL reconsider the­ . fUB imowledge and belief as to that Blseiibower has a better gentina. chance of winning. In 1952 than Fulbright (Ark.) and Gillette she leaves a daughter, Barbara C. "when toings go right the weave cas* of the 11 top U. S. (Mmmunlst men in this eoihrauDltyrWe hji^^ the etrcumstances and conditions (Iowa). The ballots against Argentiniana followed their on. the bottom aid* of the rug Is aader w hl^ stockholders end se­ Taft. They were Govs. Peterson, ONSCHEDULE French, a son, Peter R. French, leaders whose conviction* It .• up­ the S'^MPS-CONHAIM NEWSPAPER Bowles were cast, by Republican and one sister, Mr*. Dwight W ueusl pursuita yesterday. There regular. When they're worried, held latt June? (Their sttorney* curity holders who db not appear Edward F.“'‘Arn of Kansas, Sher­ [r w en crowds at the soccer games man Adams^of New Hampshire Senatora- Brewster (Me.) and H. EUls, Jr., of Westerly: - the weavteg becomes uneven.- have filed pleas for reconsidera­ ADVERTISING SERVICE to ilwe fa f ■ BpcB itbe books of Uw company as AlexanderlSmlth (NJ). aad borae race* Irregularity never affects the qusl- tratees," hold stock and securities and Walter J. Kohler, Jr. of Wis­ The fimeral win be held Wed­ tion, although seven of toe leaders ...------—.1 Key ■Aroa;T---;/-r'-7—f nesday afternoon at 3:80 at . the Brig. Juan San Martin resigned ity oT til*-rtif, but It certainly ra- advertisers all the toofs they need for tat a capacity other than that of a consin. ‘ , ■ vV?’ .WDathn^^WiikWng diorto m Just pcM of our coiiiF^efat today as governor of Cordoba are now In prison and four are ; bpna fide owner. - "M*re Votes” Brewatei hra aaid India is such, Harvey W. Buckler Funeral Home flecta the frame of mind.” fugitives. The convictions, in a a key area in the battle to contain provinoe, reported to take a post more profitaUc, effeethre, ecoBontijtal 5. That the Average number oi Gov, Thomas E. Dewey of New ■ ' ' ' A in-Westeriy. Burial will be in New Vork federal court, were foe .' fud oR aofvleo !• fqvo you Communism that, this country the Rive;- Bend cemetery, Wes­ as air ndniater In Peron’a cabinet. ■opies 0t each Uwue oi this pubti- York the 1844 and 1848 GOP. Pres­ Unconflntted reports said the pros' conspiring to teach violent over­ advertisinf at iw extra ceatl oation sold diatrilNited, through idential nominee, said in a three- whsrs cootuNS foh svwhaPM? should be represent^ at New Del­ terly. Public ReebrRs VIXAOIM SUVICI— by !»• hi by a trained diplomat Bowlea ent Air <‘Mi|iI8t*r. Brig. Cesar throw of to* government.) the mails oi otherwlee, to paid minute news conference that he VRandnaRncMHO—- «■ Friends may call at the funeral Oeploa Gaee isn't a candidate _ himself, "un- liabte tbtom udw are txxined to haa had no experience aa an envoy, home tomorrow" afternoqn and Ojeda, had resigned as a result of ’ Snlea Agreement subacribers during the 12 months tMecd oa vour aaectal mmIi l i Isle the shoh-lived revolt. What can be done about the preceding the date shown above- qt.alifiedly and unresen'edly" -sup­ be prompt—drivers who . t ^ but he told the Sparkman subcom­ evening. W. G. Glenney company of Man- Yes, Ameriea’s most comidete nefEi- lelatiaa to local tempeiehse ddkrst yaurfMchOkflatt TooVa mittee he is confident he cquid This would be the second resig cheater to EMward Ward, proper­ three-year-old ca*e against Judito.. ■ was ...... ports Elsenhower and believes the A WORD TO chanemlhUwbftgMrhaitii* ■EeafeieordWFywFiyflofc care Jiof to leave any oB stainsl Coplon, the former government general wiH be ^lonalnated and- handle the Job. nation by a cabinet minister since ty on toe Westerly side of Green­ papei^ service awaits yoor ^dee hecs^ Hickenlooper said he feels much the revolt The Naval Minlater, wood drive, 111,600. Down pay­ employee convicted of plMUng to 9?783: elected. m tw m spy for Russia? (Conflteting opin­ with top-flight art... agency-leFel «rt Warren put the problem of the VRmWMMIKMBCfMi^ VluTiuHRII^ --^ ""VUtt MU6IU WOW-tar sa a* Brewster does. He said he'was Funerals Adm. Enrique Garda, quit on Sat­ ment, 61800, balanc* on October (This information la nquired from insure ddeciyaeftdMdulel R e you gnaid asdaiblitot M i aad. tfieie adva&tkge*. F l u S com- Inclined to oppoee confirmation of urday. ions by two lower courts have set Republicans into succinct words. 1C...... aside convictions found dgalnstu and *'tcH-the-fltory” copy! W j; hfrw to 4aUy pubucations mly.) Asked What the GOP needa to win Even col.d ashes should b e IntemqdieM to heating ftMdcc. gH wtme rfimfmts H P Mr eeril piele-t»iiidngllaUUiextfud(>Ut Bowlea but could be persuaded to Thi Pieronista-domlnated Ckm -' Marriage Uoense THOMAB P. FERGUSON. ''Vbte for him “ if the weight of the Mrs. Mary E. MeOaim gross adjoflsned at midnight A her in two separate trials.) ' / in 1952, he replied: "More votee." kept in mbtal containers Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Sidne^ Bryon Chiahman, Jr., and The major racial case filed with put your messago aeroea with'^ i ee'cp- Bamm-to and suhocribed before Some of the party members ap­ ”w*rt: 6 Two Democratic governors who | be conalderod.” 1 To CSiartes W. Lbrnff-fcr a boiler MhlrBr^ Mores didn't want to be quoted by name i Siroatehing your family and. 4 Tomjrrow the Bparkman aub- cemetery 'where' Rot. Farrell read group of Mloalaalppi NegroM re- YOUR SALES MESSAGE ACROSS WITH SH M I^TIN G , riom at 40 HftrrAoh street, $700. jiuerted the court to help them be­ answered poll quertei'Vby saying homo. Coll or writei / commltbM win turn to further atii- the committal service. 'i- fcsirtlng ells^AAeblNieqa •) j i f **•'. Truman’s nomination of Beareto were Joseph < MoOpaa, Meth^^sto Ban come registered voter*; the Amer­ EFFECTIVE LAYOUTS AND COPY AND PROEESSIONAL AITTI Ff A'whaasador-aUftrge Philip C. 'Jsmes McCooe, Cfliarles McOooe, ican Civil libeities uMon asked th* Jeacup aa a dalegate to the United Rsymond CsrroB, John CsrrOIl Bfdlropm-Dance About Town Justices to uphold the right of IS TUNED to THE TIBIES AND TOUR NEEDS. » Nations. end John Brssowskl. Chicago white man to dlatributo Socony-Vfteuum--ybu*re euie literature critical of Negroes. Senator McCarthy (R j Wls.) la Gilbert B. 11711118 o f East Center, U SB I T r e g u l a r l y , IN ' I, ’ THREE STEPS... TO SATISFACTM of getting comptata (iid rA EVA HOLDING OWN Bingi^ro—(Ft—BbUrooM done. street who underwent an' emer- Other Top lesnes . scheduled to return to Uic^witness Other Issues >#on(rontlng the • O m UIf prododiif of Quality Products EASLEY eervioefOurautomaticddhrciy . *' ' stand to continue outlining why he Bueftoe AItoa OcL, 1—(F)— Ing’ i# out for'tti# members of the g»ncy gall bladder operation last — AGENCY ftHoem foe 6batpidn|A to tern, Js;e jalnst the Jenap appointment Eva' Dnatto Wren, wife # f : Mjdayan Methodiat Youth F#Upw- week in Hartford bOM>itaI, is. slow- court Include: _ nj; Lakontqry Exiiericnee Yuur ■oar* perature—bdpft yqu beep sup* McCarthy told the auheommit- rr eeWeat Jana D. ' Perra, Is •Mp OoundL , Jy convalescing, - i— ' A chaBengeT to Yh# paficfle* o f Stste ThaitcT Building daUy ' blhl* zeachnBn M puhUa SEt6Sf6r ] pNed wtah fM oa, dMgttft utt. t last Thursday thqt Jessup. holdlag km- awn tai a flfBt to It declared wich entertainment Phose 6f 48 y will have' no ^Igee in toe social . Ul^GBS quicK UMT schools, on tha ground of vtola- espeeted weadiar ^asEct. No . 1“ a target for tho Wisconsin overborn*;, fteute liBemlft, toe s fisBuilstt a«vk 6 far Esurgcncy R ^ r . ■':"':sal:cr. haa 'been, aaaoeiated PrehUsatkl proas offlM said to-' mrograma of any. of It# 80 chap- Uon of to* OonsUtatlan. more wonica about a tank. / i c ; C'3r,miuniat-(ront orEsnl- tera'in Blagapan aad th# F#d#ra- . Gatllaburg, Teaa., Oct. 1— ■ Hie govamflieat'a efforts,to out­ —M zkk *6 you* honiw. For , X V .. . _ naedloal tmlMtai iepoed yee- tiom olKall^ . Qea. G e o ^ O, Marshall aaid law modlcftl and-, hospital iMur- £nrnhts' l|eraUi , MVEY OPTIML COMPANY riiiMMiiTiM 8We*aa heallag aicnrily. sdB M O R IA ip r McCarthy waa only about one- tssdajr ladlcated (taat - bleed Th# OOuhell ndail-jthe Urn# I# today the Mtkm nsMt put Val- once pISM optratod excIualVUy by ”a#t rip# y#t" to •poMor .ballroom verMl MlUtary tnlnlng pad sodetisft of doctort. (The Justie* Y tl IpAm STREET TEA., 2.1573 RESIDENCE 6377 tha McUBieat number today. A, , ■ qu.*irtcr through hU prepoNd treaefaeleae werq" eaesecsfhl. i- ■ ^ 31S CENfEII STROT EHONISIII I«tt7t*.r.';rht v.’hen the hearing was Mra. Peran'e dectem *ali her dancing hgcfuae ei its asaodatlon eervlee late oaeraHen Immedi­ departoiftrt oontara such plans HAROLD ^ DAViSY« Liceuabd Optieiga - . I ' with cabgw a It artd,' howaver, ately te aveld “diaaetroas aad violate the a»tt-tnw law#). 7.r.cs.-cd. ao hb could keep a aeries ' eendItiaB wachanged elaee yee- .... out-of*town speaMag e n g a ^ •Mflay. th«ra cmdd be f«tk danqng- defeattwg ee*Mmle rronlte.* . ■nie geveflUMBt’s aCort to k#M> V i ; v r ' ' 4 7 - ' L- t. *<- ■V ■ "" li ' .y ' ■ ■''' ''' \ -t-

• i“ V •:J-^ MANCHEKTIW KVSNIMG H B E A IA MAMCHK8TER. OOM^ MONUAV', OCTOBER 1 i m MANctimfcB BVBNma b s r a l d , iiAKCBtmi.joomi« m o n d a t , qctdber l losi -J ” ^ — — s 106, Wlacqnaln’s last Civil War His topic win be “TIm Bervtcea a Wa too may Uva^ to ooa tha day thega refugees to go. There Itf Urged to Demand , of bur deatnwUon.” HintlluMia Plant I W I V , G.G; to in tefaiior' poarer. Whan wo Plart Dinner-Dance veteran, and ■ • former national Democratic Clnb-^ Bank Rendcra to Its Depoalton." WHAT - atq $eea Red L a n d in g-^ flips':. fln t MUto^ true* nafotlotteoa on c o u f ^ whteh really has lU gatoa senior vice mmniiander of. toe A 'filM about tha fodeikl banking y m m - MS V « T to be around, that w4 will win Dr. Galnsa Paa told the editors W A N T fP wnv - laaa how too Peron government aup- tiM- vt pubUe petnoun^ open for thciil, and that lnclu<|ea GAR. To Hear Knight syotam aad ita origin and other wtwo-^iaaa lt~ . s. . t in eewaequsneaa at the ^ ^ Access to Facts \' To Ea«e Tension olwoyf' At Country Club F oot raon onfanilalied Today's Radio WFHA—iaa-7 On U. Si Impossible third world war; draplte the ' fact pressed his preaa freedom aiid said Menu (rain both Udeo Mttbw Uw our own...... « boaklag lUactidna wUI also be foONBl-lSie shown. apartBient bjr mtddle-aEcd WTHT - laaa Vy t I am oonfldent that wo'jl win that what happened to him In Ar- O g g i i N H i p SSth pMwllel aa the proopecUvo These people, respond to free­ 227 NEW CASBAL'ITES N, William Knight, execuUve WDRti-lOOO Baatora Otaadaid Ikaa ttTara so horrible that 1 just don't . (CoaUaued freni Paga Ouo) gentlna "proves that freedom of (OoalkMMd tram dom's call. They land ih jail. There Fall social activities at Man­ Mn. Ann Maatrangelo it chair­ couple. No chQaren, penaA- (CoaUnuW fraoa $nga One) twwi toe'foaWB* a* ( tnica Une, w* wora traotfng the vide president and caebler of th« man of arrangamenta for toa know What would becoma of clvl- the press can be destroyed any­ chester vCountry Club will ^open Washington.' Octi i —(gh^-The nent genidentB. llsatlon as wa khow It.” Uuns instated upon by th^ Fs se'eaer. te'fMosNkJ ^J%t, UBMk- - ihamy hb on equal. That, olUtough la no.ayatcm for helping them out First Naticnal Bank, wiU be the treating. For furtoar Infonpatlon,. '■ sise— ■ of Russian aubhto^M In Ko< of information goes to toe very where.” ■ Ha called freedom of too with a dinner-dance a| the club­ Defense department today Identi­ WDRC—Arthur Godfrey Talent 'B mmIa V lt^ S^g|g press “toe essential freedom In a holding free electlona In mu' fUMIIIMII. ' It WM and sUn U the only way to of JsU Into a new way of life. It guest speaker at toe meeting of membenr may Oontaet her, tele- w n C —Backstage prifa toon war ahd has aihadequato^ Ontl* roots of popular goVelhment In'the - a’l HMMCl house on Itoturdsy, Oct. 6. Itoe fied 227 additional battle costml- WOCC—Muilc. / - Scouts. ^ On atqmic devridpments, he democracy.” many."^ end tha Korean war, nevertheleaa would take only a few of these, tlee In Korea. A new list (No. 409) toe Manchester Federation of ilxme. 7 ^ , or toe praMdant, Mrs. WRITE BOX A Unittif States . VGUY GY m I. un. dinner will be served from 7 Jg 0 Helen FltMatriek, telephone 2- WIHtO-Strike It Rich. wnC-^Howard Barlow a Or­ submarine force In toq area. eald dtveibpmeht oT 'lA atomic ' Government censorship and nows 2. I^UMla may propoee a escaped from us In turn and es­ reported 36 killed. 1 6 1 wou-'d^. Democratie Women’s club ' to be e!o HERALD "That thi* fumdaqiental right of 1 {0gGG^9Gs g($G went ayalnit alt our natural In- held at the Community "Y ” Wed­ 242S. Membera gre urgM to be aVHAY—Newa; Pledga Skew. chestra. > 7. The Navy Is apee<^g up. Its riaxy can't bs expected overnight. suppression In Oalombla was d*: caped back acroaa the Iron Gur- p. m- and there will be dancing to six missing In aetfoh and 22 In­ ■WTHT—Henry J. Taylot. toe people *1s being eteadlly under Four conference In Berlin late I^G a, ^^GGF^^ Eattijt « •UaeU and atUtudaa toward '.the nesday evening at eight o'clock. preaent. ■WTHT—Valiant Ixidy. program to release Its Mstrv’es, In time R will come, be sold. S^-rlbed by German Arclnlegoa of leeklef. Ve« smmS be 6*> tsdn, to spread the word of mouth Larry Mallon'a orchestra until one. jured In battle sOne ^c/iucu... WONS—Crime Fighters. and by the end of this fiscal year "Arb (here any vital spots on mined by the growing practice _o(. tola, month. ^ at Huekwter. Omih.. •• Oommimlat world. So, we altered The dress will be aeml-forinal and WKNB—Hewa; Request Mat thb lnter-Amerlcan , Preaa associa­ lUII IUtt»K tidings which wokift make a laee'.' 8:46— , "wa w ilt be through caUIng ^gny Russia’s sikboast where you can secrecy In government on nation­ tion, an organlaaUbn of nswspaper 8. It may oak the Koreans and the baala of neirottatlona, and sud* reservationa may be made with yVTHT—It’s Fun To Live In ^ within 80 miles 7” Fechtsler al,, state and local levels; the Chinese to accept an armistice on mockery of the Voice of America Joe Bablneao, club chef until Fri­ 4tis— enllotM reoerves except 1 leaders In North America and ISnoit **»■• danly inalated on a truce line in- Am erica- , wns asksd. growing tendency of public offl- toe preaent front and would un­ and the Crusade for Fnedom. day of tIHBweek, w n c —dtolla DaUoa - tssts.** Latin America, and the newspaper aid^orth Korea, and then wo had WTHT—Marriage for Two. WONS-^BIU' Henry and the 8. The theory that each of tho "The entire east cost of Siberia ctels to feel that they are not ac­ Bl Tiempo of Bogota, Colombia. dertake medlatetbn there. _X Let us maintain the battle of Other social events for OcUfoer NOwa. ■ an m n >»•« abandoned, the Idea of equality armed aervlce* must "be doled out a ^ then you can g i« » A .jc a ftv o PKPb mble, aa it will remain impoaelble ning the parties. Thc'cb aervlM on W A Y -N igh t Watch. another. and tha Mediterranean la near. Information as they think as good In any newspaper in the a-orld." United Nations. THE OPFICROP brotherhood of freedoin In fact, Sitik— WONS—Murder by Experts. You can al■o^go into toe A en tn 80 long we hold to our Insla- this committee are Joseph Hand- w n ^ 'W o m a a in My Houea. Predicta Sttonath for-the people to know; that they Franc;-Sblr. : In turn. said "^tltlM ta Oi* a* rapublloatltta ^ t:ao— ' Admiral FechtelOr axld that by Sea around OrMM. We have been aou’-ccs close to the Russian em­ a M tiZ * er*4ltM u> '» «» tence upon auch a truce line.- all our propaganda will merely ley, Mr. and Mrs. Richard DeMai> extend 'military eecurity’ into the DR. DAVID NEL^N tin, Mr. apd Mrs. Lawrence ScranX by Holm an - Baker WTlG—Band of America. the end of 1»82 toe U. S. Navy In the Persian GiHf. We have been bassy lndlcateii"-Russla might pro- - Mt I'hil atta swd*tad ta Ih** OaP*r In Korea, and ever>-where else, boomerang In the end. If we are not ' Newi; .Old Record WTHT—Ohoat Stories. areas bf.^news which have no Momoow Reveals ' ***• tha looal aawa publlatiau ton, Mr. and Mrs,'Ray Warren and w ^ d have about. 100 aubmarinee, In toe Aegean. WeStf had carriers po.se a Vvorld econninic conference CHIROPRACTOR the poMiblllty of peace, the poa- prepared to provide a better wel­ .y ’' Shop. . WONS—War Front. in toe Boaporua.* Wo xhave never bearing bit-.the Nation's security, *- All htkti al raaoWtalioa at Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alley. X woI'J,-—Bobby Benson. L2 larga foot carriers and 17 small' a* shown by the dangers In an In Moscow sometime this winter, ; I ----| aartUi ara aiae raaarrtd. siblllty of settlement, of world come, we had better atop ismilng 10:00— er carritra 'geared for antlipub' been In the Baltic, but'emid reach East Ueieh Paet and would suggest cultural and 14 WEST CENTER ST. ^ ' WTIC -Juat Plain BIU. into t l « Baltic with a lK < ^ car executive order Issued within the troubles without war, defends up­ the invitation. W KN3 -Newa. Sports. WDRC—Bob Hawk. i marine warfare, 16 rnilaera. 4 bat- economic exchange* between the M l aartlea altatl ef Jl. *• * w n c —Man Called X. tleohlpSi 340 destroyers and de- Hers Ifwe wanted to. We’d probe week. I United mates and Ruaala, Inrlud VjJILL BE CI^OSflD on our capacity to perform the Week End Doaths WHAY—Story Queeh. (Conllaued from Page One) hMlaMfa Re^eaeatatnes: Tna .92 WTHT—Newa. stroyer-escort types, an amphtbloua bly operate from the North Sfa.’ CItee PM'terae In-j nn exchange of 1,000 atudent*. ■T" B»16— « J«UM Hatlwaw ■••a^* *??"SLr dlffleuU and unnatural feat of WHAY—?News; Night Watch. force to transport and supply two "Thte ia the patterq by which The- paper, further called, atten­ UNTIL MON.. OCT. 22 Tatk. CMeafo, Oalreit and Boaton. treating Russia as an equal. If that By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS W HAY—Croaby’i Quarter, WONS—Frank Edwards. army divisions, and asroitsted R. and the German Deniot-ratic tion If) Its own story, published in Manchester w n c —Front Pago FarreU. toe Fosclsta In Italy, the Nosis In Republic.” ' . la beyond us, peace 1s-beyond us. Chicago-The Rev. Dr. S. C 10:16— auxiliaries. ■ ^ ...... Pomeranti Couple Germany, the Bolihevika In- Rui-^ Augu.at. hinting that Moicow ^H^Jaa anwtr BOTBAO or BtSO^ comparison, ho said Russia ■lalke leading to toe treaty hive would Invite a future seseion of g g CCIJlTUlOT Mr; Acheson used to seem to Mlchelfelder, 62, executive secre­ WONS—Jack’s Waxworks. al'e. end the Peronlatse In Argen­ Date Book tary of the Lutheran World WTIC—Note* and Quotes. WTHT—Elnisr Davis. has about 300 submarinos. thrc«| apiparenlly been going on for the United Nations aessmbly to know this. He now seems to have ] W HAY—Band by Demand. old battleships, about 16 erulsei End Panama Visit tina, began to limit tho rights of some Hme.- The German delega­ meet theiV, .and would encourage Tka Harah.* Prialim Oowpaaf. lac. Federation with headquarters at Mattress or Box »nn| 10:SO— their people to know, forced their U iiutt^ ^ ^ ---- - eaaeowtbiuta lor forgotten It. In his real for judg­ Geneva, Bwltaerland. He waa born ‘ weXXV—Newa; Music. WDRC—Robert Q’s Waxworks. and 46 to 60 deatroyars.\ . tion which made the sgreenient weate-.-n toirlsts to come. naaowaiial arron aPPaorj; % the use of toe aca to the enemy. 2;3.5 p. nj. yesterday. She was'born atgnraaiit of trying to aoften the the shading- of difference which He produced toe originsd roars of WHAT—Night Watch. Army to attend Massachnsetts In­ la gaining Tbbmehtum day by day. Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota / FDNKRAI. HOME Pariah chapter, D. A. B., Woodruff striped ticking. Here is trmy a $59.50 value for WTHT—New*; Joe Olrand. We-can't be Invaded.” Unless our newspapers and other and Oklahoma. The eweepera are Sent.,19. 1893,-ln Trenton, N. J. •ffaeU of tho Truman preaa .con- alarms our alHeaT and many think­ Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer'a Leo .the 11:28— Asked what he thought would stitute at Technology in Cam­ hall, 1:30 p. m. only $44.92. ^ WDRC—News. WDRC — iHibhc Service PrO' bridge. Masa. for graduate etudy media of Information block every trucks equipped with huge electro- Her stirvlvor* Include a sister, 87 Boat Usafot St. TaL f f f —ea la which the Prealdenl had ing Americans, like Mr.‘ Cowles, Wedaeaday. Thursday and Friday, Uon. • be the outcome of an all-out war Mr*. Nettle Belloii. Sen Diego, S :l^ - gram. coming within the next 20. to 30 In food tschhology. He and Mrs. effort to use punitive measurea magnetf. and the average of six aald'that wo railed on force alone and which Mr. Acheton haa. In October 10, ) l and It King, WIs.—Lansing A. WilcoXr X • * ■ . N qVHAY—Supper Serenade. Calif, and a brother, William Simp- / IttSOi- yeara, he said: Pomeraata will make their home against us. and convince tha pub­ poundsHsf tlra-damoglng jnelal £<( U daahBg with Itnaala. Annual Products Show at State '■^WONS—SporU. w n c —Surprise Serenade. lic of the righlnees of our posillon, mile per year Is collected. •on; Trenton, N. J. . ' what waa Intended to be a reas­ armory. *'It la my personal feeling that If at 16 Fernald drive In Cambridge. AdMioa’s mlMlen waa, of WTIC—Bob Steele, Sports. U :0 »— suring statement, done little to^ Sunday, October 14' WfiRC—Jack Smith Sporta. w n c —Newe: Dance Orchestra aouraa. to neaUblMi tha Impraa- dispel. •torse show at Charter Oak lots, For Tour Indiyidmllj B!26—\ ■uin tbati^ although wo aro sponsored by Lions club. OeniKBed Sfirclb X WDRCr-Jack Zalman. TelevWeu dBvolBpUt forao, wa aw alao in* Wednesday, October 11 Argentine Histrionics Fashion show by Wilrose Dress Foandations r-'Call .X’ a:S0— \ WNHO—TV. m UraaUd la poaea. Ho waa, wo WTHT—Sqreno G a m m e 11; P. M. Shop, Woodruff hall, ■ p. m., aua- Weatoar;^8tock Market, jodga.'aappoaad to raaht It doar What goea on in Argentina? ices Group D. Mrs. EMo MinicaCd 4:00—Film Shorts. Tha beat guess seems to be that ^1 w n c —EmllbsCoto Glee Club. 4:16—Kato Smith. that wa a n atm tntoraatad U aet* Rlonday, October 21. to Saturday, Phone i m WONS—NewarvSporta. the Peron dictatorahip la afraid of October 27 4:80—Film Shorts. (hng. tho world’a problema with­ . WDRC—Record Album. 4:46—Kate Smith. what might be toe naturU re- Observance of United Nations out war. Week. Broadloom carpeting rij a:86— . 5:00—Miss Susan. ' I f thia waa hla poUcy aaaign- aulta of toe approaching election, WCX3C—Good Evening, Good 6:16—Time for Beany. Friday and Saturday, ■■ ^ Mualc. , WMBt tat tho day, ho did a poor and la therefore turning to, techni­ October 26 aad 27 6:80—Howdy Doody. ques which have two almq^toe Rotary club mintstrel show, Ver- 1M I DODBE 6:00—Fashions In Music. )oh of ourytag it out Tor what ho * 'v m O —'TbraSriiSu' Ttetro. 6:20—Weather Fotecast. W I ■aid waa ao doaa to what *nwnan first justification for feprearion of planck school. in 'WTHT—Stock Market; Sporta 6:80—World News-^Today. DAVID AND BATHSHEBA. Greg. Ssturdsy. October 27 CORONET WDRC—Lowell *niom|ML p a in t in g th e clouds w it h DETECTIVE STORY gaUs a* aatd that, with the oxcepUon of a Its pouiicsl foes—ufe sccohd emo­ Open meeting Alcoholics Anony­ 6:46—Stdeivalk Interviews. punches. Kirk Dougiss, Eltsaor Psr- ery Pack, Susan Hayward ia tha WONS—Evening Star. 7:00—Kukla Fran and Ollie. SUkenlNE. Dennis Morgsn, Vlt- few pioua woeda, there waa UtUe tions] appeal to the voters of Ar­ mous St Hollister school auditori­ Oyromatle' Club . Radio, ■glnls Usy«, Gens 'Ntlson. Ths 8un- ktr. Smssh Brosdwsy pisy strsig^t most ftsfy ssd fsrbidden sf grtsb beator and signal lights. Like fo r o n , 7 :00— 7:30—Roberta Quinlan. to Uis- screen with hssrt-sHrrlno levs steriss. Tackskelsr. Mth Css- diftaoDoa, gentina. um Jy WONS—Newa: Fulton Lewie. Jr. shlst MutiesI bright in dsnelngTcch- new. 7:45—Newt Caravan.----. Kleslsr. Prtststsd bjr Wsrssr Brss. sctlsa. Psrsnioant Plclurs. tury-Pss Picture. *X>ur pufpoaa.'’ ha said, "la peace The so-called revolt of last week Wednesday, November 14 WHAT - SyatoltoPy H»ll. 8:00—Video-Theater. with fraodem and Juatloa. Our ssama to have been purely a Chamipsde club concert. Bowers WDRC—Atulali. 8:80—^Voice of. Firestone. ' ' ' . '— school. 9 X 12 - 96.90 all bound read^. to use Mothod, aa T have aaid heffnre. la Peron. invention. Certainty the _ w n o —PhUeo Vaaca. 9:00—Horace Heidt Show-. ----- ^Satanbiy, November IT WTHT—Weather; ^Songe an d to a«*vi tbeao aituatlona of Center Motors 9:30—It's News to Me. individuals accused of attempt­ Christmas Bazaar of Ladies - of Stories. MAIN RTREET Twistpile is cut frbm 9 foot rolls right in our stKk no 10:00—Studio One. straogth which ara aasentlal to the ing to lead It Have had enough Columbus, K. of C. home. 7;!5— 11:00—Film Firsts. . aebteMOMat of our purpose. 'Riia rcalisUc experience in Argentina • Next To Post Office waiting . . .cut any length to fit your rooms wall-to-wall, or . WONS-;-TaUo-Teat. 12:00—News. •-i j on ear oonvtetlon that the poUtica to know better than to Open Bafiy >TII 6 P. M. for room size rugs, (Binding and laying extra). ’Twistpile has WTHT—U. S. Senator Reports. d a ^ for peaea IS not enough: the sUrt a revolt against a full- Churchill Odds the nubby textured eftect; won't readily show ferotmarks or WDRC—Jack Sadth. shading easy to q(rfe for. It’s woven of the miracle . .. 7:80<— free w o ^ Moat alao have the fledged dictatorship on a shoe­ WONSr-Cabriel Heatter. Notice ,,,-a^l«Bg;n to a n l^ ..th st peace.” string. It la dl^cult to Wleve Shorten to 2-5 blended carpet fca^nwi and wqtol i . . for more ^ u t y m color j wnCrvJfawa. .. . .* X t'lB ^ te 'triie t^ V "ths desire there waa any revolt- ,, and longer wear. Choose from . Apple Green, Dusty Rose or WTHT—Lono Ranger. WDRC—Club Fifteen. Coirentry Zoning snd Planning Com- Cor panes Is sot enough ” But It Is London, Oqt. 1—iJP)— British Pretending that there was one, Platinum $pay! 7:46— mlHlon declare! the sonlng refulatloni also tnw. wa fear, that tha idea Peron has sn axcuse for whatever bookies shortened the odds again adopted at the public hearing SepteiD” 1 WDRC—Ed Murrow. her 34. IMl, ahall be in effect aa of A STREET CAB NAMED DESIRE. e ( a ptaeo enforced by strength la arrests he wishes to make. And today on a victory by Winston ' WONS—Newe, Tuetday. October 3. #nd there­ BRIGHT VICTORYXTnr shacking, .TWO TICKETS TO BROADWAY. sdult dfsms thsL-tSIks sbout tw* Tdsy Hsrtla, Jaast Lelgb, Eddie Vivien Leigh. Merten Branfo.AIttke | not aiioagh. either. he appears before the people, art­ Ctiurrhill and his Conservatives In w n c —One Man’* Family. after. Signed praple who srr'pfuy human! Arthur Bracken. Ans MlUrr. A specUele- flreef ihePulitsefPrlsepladbrought | PPhat dost Mr. Acheaon seem to fully, In the role, of martyr. the.Ort. 2.5 national election. 8 :00— u the eereen-tln a thrilling predus- Best offer available was 2 to 5 WDRC—Buopenoe. Coirentr>' Zoning and Planning Kennedy, ttn y O®**- Universsl- sparklsd mueieal, gey with Teebnl-; aaanme? He aeema to assume that That same role seems to be what ' ComttiUaiono Intsrsstiaadl Plrture. eolerl RKO Radio Piclere.,'’ ties. PreseatOd by Warner Brea. on the Conservatives. Most books W HAY—Faadly Rosary, Kenneth U. Spencer. Chairman there, win eventually come a time la sought for BvlU, too. In her offered 7 to 4 against a return to WMKINS w n c —Railroad Hour. wiMn Knasla wlU accept, under sudden poor health and her power by Prime Minister Attlee WONS—Hoabkalfa Hartloy. • aOTHBRJ. INC WTHT—The Bfg Hand"." tha threats of force, a peace ahe whispered broadcasts "to her peo- and his Labor party. MOVIETIME, The Conservatives were 4 to 6 8:16— would not accept otherwise. He FUNERAL JOHN s. rrs pic-" y In the early betting 10 day* ago. W HAY—Pledge Show. DR. 'aesMB to assume that Russia IVhj- has the Peron dictatorship 'This had shortened to 4 to 7 by SERVICE WETHERBEE would then be content to have this judged that such histrionics are the week-end. . CHIROPODIST/ pea<^ Which would have provl- advisable? Ormand J.West hwBAm9BMgEALPMOB H i l ' . resl plessuro Mons affoctlng her own future ali D tn e to r ANNOUNCES XIS. A... First, the stage-managed maas- OM t«nm BODSEt t h e o p e n in o o f b is OFv . well ah that of the free world, convocaUoh of the Argentina peo­ FICE FOR THE. PRACTICE you're looking for—just look Rt the guaranteed and enforced .by the ple. a month ago, to acclaim the RUMMROESALE foam I M our ooajpefoat OF GENERAL CHIROPODY wan qxaltfH IM to AND FOOT ORTHOPEDICS military power belonging to only Perona, proved somklhing of a THURSDAY. OCT< 4 movie* coming your;WRy! The tn tiM one aide ot the peace' arrange­ flop. Free railroad fare and other 6 A, Bl. / ment He seems to assume that 866 enticements did not. after all, turn SOUTH METHODIST ever THE EIVER. A dtoUagalslMd Tsek- quo- VAOIS. PUsssd ia RsMs. the THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD Russia win not want for itself, out toe Crowd that was planned. CHURm “ F,' wonderful parede o ^ i nicslsr drsms sf the currents of Ilfs Taehnieeler Satertslnmsat Uf* ead STILL. Uatqne seienee-Bctlea. TI|o the force to enforce those phases' ss reflected stong the great 04ngts Leek acclaim ‘.‘the meet celoeaal earth faced with deetruetlen by Second, the political opponents JARVn REALTY movie kverl” Robert Taylor, Deborah "men” end meehiaes ef * dlsunt of fhe jpeSce which happen to be Tha Sign at • .River. Pilmod iy Indls. . United of the Peron regime dared con­ Maaebeater 4112 saw! On this page; few of Artists Rsissss. Kerf. H-C-H Pieture. pleoet. t(Hh Century-Pea Pietdie. In Russia's ihterest. In short, Mr. duct a campaign rally of their WORTHY SERVtCe ‘ I " ■ ■ —' Adteaon envisions a surrender—a own, and. although their* crowd, LAND SURVEYING the pictures thgt^will be playing surrender comparable to that ob­ one of 50,000, wasn't large by the 142 East Center St tained on a battlefield. Only he crowd standards of a dictatorship, Manchester hopes that the surrender can be Edward L Davh, Jr. toon on thp^iant screen of your It vv'sa sensationally large when it Registered iJind Surveyor • negotiated before the battle is Is considered that Uie.se people 16 Procter Road, Maurbester favorite motion picture theatre! I fought Inataad of afterward. dared appear publicly in opposl------TeL 701F - It la dlfflcult to accept this is Uon to the dictatorahip. .X -y=jq iliiim, »a-think It haa to be con­ * « there may still be ground: for X It's going to be' the most gala ceded that Russia would no mere long-range hope in Argentina. But, f- .accept a peace dictated and for the moment, the headlines •how fMMon avertJThere’s nothing guaranteed by superior military which might have meant hope force than we would. We think K seem to have been Invented by that can epmrero with this THE HOB. Broderick Crswtsrd. A PLACE IN THE SUN. Pleediag SATURDAT'S HERO. The itery haa to be conceded that Russia , the aereta with setteay; a Idvs story thst's never been told; the truth Peron. to give him an opportunity ''A O iler’s exgoss sf wstsrfrent reck-. would fight rather than accept to use two election weapons—the stS inspires-the meet powerful un. of today’s youth. Montgomery Clift, about ”kopt men” in bigtime college such a peace, just as we would kind of entertainment! dtrworld drsms sines "The Killers” ! Elisabeth Taylor, Shelley Winters. foetbsll!-John Derek, Donne Reed. prison and the "crying towel." Paramount Picture. Columbia Picture. fight In such a situation, We think ColsMbis Picture. it has to be conceded that neither Come To 0 H If Dvr H we nor Rusria wlU ever consent Escape—Into Jail ••tlltDllI 0D JhlfMtt to live under tha mlllUry domi­ News storlea from Europe make M sHm arewrlsHeat nance of the ^ther. It very clear that, as we continue Metealfe e. lews. cereMy caw Where do such eUnUnatiana ■Wed eem «4| eiew. HCRAOT by ■pending money and effort on for glaaB replaccmcnts- leave the realistic posribUlty of propaganda to people behind toe P®ncaT They leave it In a realm InI yoar car. Re^rdleea of Iron, Curtain, we had better also akc or nodtl w« ca« ln-< TOli DONrr h a v e to which Mr. Achesna ha!* not ^ Id This phanaocy invim your Birchcraft brings you the feeling of the b^utlful outdoors right into see that a better kind of reception stgll new glass without de­ illy pubUe raapest for many ••'•Its any of toe oppressed peo­ patrbaage on tha eonad your home. Its lovely simple lines ara as warm as auiuhiiM and con­ . ihonthe now—the realm of negoti- ple who hear our freedom'a. caU lay. ■'■■■ ' ' genial as hospitality itself. 'You get topnotch quality aa only Baumritter M d N B T T O "ii ■ -A,. ' basis otttUaed obova. Han . ntod agreement between equals. and attempt to answer It in per­ craftsmen know how . . . and superb detailing that gives an everlasting I That Is n hard thing to aay with son. '' you are assared the ooa- freshness to the rich hand rubbed butternut finish (soft light beige). Gopd ekaa fael oil wiU five yoalaero heat and. Cost^ ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN ; ragard to Ruaala—that ahe mn-f sdeatioes er icas o f aa THE WELL. A sow sod difforont AN AMEKICSN IN PARIS. Moate Two out of every three people Styled for young modems! Priced for young budgets!. Available for bed­ you has. lUfnitaB readily and burns cleanly so yoa dM't axparteoeo lo oabortalnlhtat-pawor- of Oeerge Geiphwiaj Oeaa Kelly FABIAN. Eno) Flyxo oa (ho awash- ' ba accorded the s U ^ of an eqqaL- Who escape from behind toe Iron laisroeted Rygipterad room, dining room and living room. waste a drop. fol, suspoasofot, dramatic! Rlehsrd and Franee't Leslie Caros. Teehai- hoekliat aeoors* of the eevea ■sea \ It goea against toe-grain of an; Curtain Into our jurisdicUon wind Pharmadst, a lorgt stock Eobor. Bony Kelly. UallodArtlsU -eater speetocle In the City of -lavlag MMoereaa'MIehetiat Prellet Onr DelcQ^Heat ‘Units backed by General Motoiw ' Go toa Bolsaae. Remaacel a.O-M Picture. RepobUsPictora. • :nur pubUc atUtude,"iil our public up, these news storlea say. in pri­ o f iogradieots and pdcas* Step. End Table, /lodgment of .RuaalA aU Ruaaia'a Double lesser Base $140.00 ---- .-^^Imow-how** land onr specialized burner service insnre son. We have no other formal that ara aeiforssly . fair. • e • e e e'« 49.75 ; gkvtoudy dfoplisasliig and Uw-vlo- . . . Ibr glaaa table^topa. not shown 1 1 trouble-free operatien, and fuel conservation. \Movie •Jratem for hondUng them. Only Plaase bring to as your ’ Double Dmsser Mirror 39.00 ' Itong bHiavtor la tha world. AH these who escape acroaa the bor­ O p e n S to ck -Comer Table, 1 i' .Paneled Bed, ■ e e e e • •1.59 11 You dui tine-srace your payaients to "ease-up” winter Theatre- «W tMtiMlB, vrhieh Mr. Come To - Doctor’s prascriptloas. not shown ■ der witomit our knowledge., and not shown...... 64,(|0 165.00 bins. STOP IN. Fin our our handy CARD. Or CALL 5293 ly ahar^ are to who find their own ' way into BUffet. pot ahown I'V/ Cheat, not shown i.‘. . 126.()0 SEE IT IN OUR NEW MODERN v> today Tor proaipt rtspoaae. i TODAY! to an inferior .autuaj westerx Ufa, atand a ehance of en­ Metealfe , Dining Table, 1 Bedaide Table...... 39.95 139.00 M l Raanla what Hm mnit do. joying eamethiag of toe freedom either clear or mirrored. not shown .... Hdt tin t, although It may be the toey asek- ( X m a r i i Desk, not sh ow n ...... 55.00 FIRST FLOOR DISPLAY Side C ^ ira ,, AUTOmTie “DEUEE 64^ DEUVERV n They are aafegnirds for ^ natursUy feel, la not toe One reaeon why we have no bet­ PreedIptioB Phanmaey Cocktoil Table, not shown/ ••••eeea woe, or rcadi ter policy la. o< hourae, toe (act fine furniture plua added, not ahown 40.75 ROOMS / Arm Chairs, without war. w e that w e X n d e g ^ oiiapicloua of beavty.;— " . ^ fOl MAIK ST.-^TEL.48$t China, not 'ahbwh lV.. ”110700“ “ not riiown tost way o ( try- such I m Curtain refugeea, sus­ taiS* panes an aetual teat' pecting that each one of them may THE HlOUlTAyMAN, All to* raa stua vait. Jara kry TaoNOSir ON raa h il l , cuu- Rtrbsid Carkep. ChatlNi b gfinr ne­ ba BO truo lover at freedom at all, METOkFE dolto Colbert, Aaa Myth. Trapped remaoso, ood exeUaowat of *>tor- boleot eta; -la Ctoecelar. Charles A dniop of levx.wMbool m ar aegotla but inartly a weU-dlsguioad Oem- tegetlier by tbe (ary of fleed. tie • a weona*» heart. RfC aussoo. • • • ^ Cekbratmgtke Goiden fuBitee ^ people aad a guilty sserst! Univer- Ceburuk Wnade Hendrix, Philip reveals a munlet ^ y . ssl-Iatsraslieaai Pifturt, PrUaA Allied ArtiaU PieluN. -Pistaes. tP R e attenpl t » eaplelt Another reason la, of course, ll|i/t CENTER ST. ^ of the Motion Picture Theatrcj^ PHONE 5856 tahas aa that there la rcaUy no place lor SpaHiMAPe ST. MANCHLSTan TfiL.4 l4 a I ?'

V /|.

\' X. \ ■ '-V-' ' ‘ 4 ■ » - > i \ ‘ X V ■ -s.,' .-s. / . ■. ' "• • .--(-•.•.r : l.r ». ^ ' V -'' -" * -j;'. ' ■ -«• -M -'v'; t-VH ■ 1 ■ . ■ : t - , - !k., .-. (V ^ ■■ •' • f ■ ■ i'. •' ■■ . ■ ■■ • - . . ■■■-- r- , •->^1 ■ . v ■ . ■ < > " 'X V .' , ■ '• '-V ■ .. '1 ) '' ' " v,''" ' t > /' I ' V.. . ______- - ...... - « .anas' / . . . / V A K CBESnai BVKNINO H K EA La M A N C B im i. OONIU MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 19S1 iV V ' V. ' ' ' - , urged the BUte department to press efforto to obtain the release S a y s ^ u r c h ^ . On tha Mtfrtb a»da of the hal^ a i*: S t h D is t T a x of AP Out respondent WlHiam N. /- living room Is arranged with OaUil. He waa (ionvicted In . July handsome‘large, braided rug and ClassifiM Adveftiscanents '^Due Qclober of spying on Red Caechoslov^la M u st T each two amatler onto nt each aide. A ADVa ON PAGB I t- and la tn jaU In Prague. fireplace givea opportunity to ahow iforBsIt 7 i Subnrha^ for SiUo 75 (• APME termed the spy charges ome of the ouUtahdIng plecee, on 18 tte — MMi LmM for 71 H i outrageous ^id expressed hO|fe Its Mission Is to Point Art Exhibit to Contin* tolh marttlepleta and flrcalde. SOirm COVENTRY — Older \ to ta l of $3 7 ,6 1 2 to Be thA the- Csecha would free Oatis BUipclM Boaton rookeira and ju s t USniD — S6-oera WHEN TOU look at those rOnt beforo the U. 8. government vras Men the Way to Goti, ue Through Tuesday, foroa, M Ip hlch aU ta of f0(tlli receipts, how many times have brick home. In good condition.' 23 llittatack rhaito and Ublea carry f t living room, 0 bedrooms, kitch­ Collected, Based on forced to sever diplomatic, rela- out the aamblanca of art authentic bolaiiM paatura and you said, "I wish I had bought tlooa. ■ ^ Preaches Rev. Eflgar Extensive Colleetioh Modoni dairy atablaa. 14 alah> \a houas yeara ago." It'a not too en, dining room, bath. Naw oil $ 15 ,4 2 0 ,7 6 7 lia t colonial living-room. burning, steam heat furnace. Fiill ■ Still another room anaembla la ehiona, aeparata atablaa for IS •late. COnUct E. F^ Von Bcker, \ In heep'ng with the spirit of Re­ , The fifth annual exhibition :6f l .i h n fikrm «quip- head, alia drilled wall/ garaSaa. m Keehey street hasemeiit with workshop. About > S ": Taxes to . be collected In the the hIghUght of the 4rect aide of 1 acre, pond, |10,800t Talbot Real Basketball, Inc., ligious Education Sunday, tHe'Rev-- the DeWolf A rt Guild. stagM to the hall, and here green predom- -imiiiir With or without tool aheda. Qiiiifbrtaible Cape Cod MANCHE^ TER—Single 6' room, gygbth tJUlitlu District for 1851 Estate, Andover.. By appoint­ total 2S7,612Jia based on the Fred R. Edgar preached a,sermon tl:e spabioua gymnasium of the Inatea in the decoratione Inataad Moot ho !■ oonditton. (circa 1700), 6 fooma, S llre- breeaeway and garage. Near boa ’ChB •ON hot«Mii • «nd • •• a- plaoea, eantral heat, bath, elec­ ment. Coventry 7-6600. grand Hat of 215,480,767 aa o f ^ Files Aiuendmeiit at the South Methodist Church YMCA. 79 North Main atreet. of die usual black or red lacquer. schools, stores. Not In develop­ -tober 1950, according to Tax Col- drew throngs of people yesterday There is opportunity for those in­ ^ Joo HotUafor. tricity. In growing community ment Q u f^ street. Well shaded' COVB3NTRT—V atan t AttracUve / yesterday on the theme, "Grant Ua terested, in some of the fleaigna to about S mllaa from Mancheeter. jgetor Walter N. Lecletc. Wiedom." Mr. Edgar used a scrip- fronv'the 1 p. m- opening hour un­ |K SSinD ->V oo« toro-wfaed M- lot 100 * IfW vpo^ paym ent M - home. Pine panelled living room 'Taxes are payable in October l^ketbaU, Inc., formed laat fall copy them at a amall fae, and oth­ Aaklng IIS.SOO. Some atock and 000. Occupanby upon sale. For with flreplace and dinette, kitch­ fo 'promote sporting events,-has tare lesson from II Chroniclca til 8:30. This afternoon and tomor- ers will find en answer to many of •^do tor I jroor oM gM WUBn* equipment obtainable. Walton W. m d Mr. Leclem reported he ^buW appointment please call Howard en, two b^rpoms, screened porch. accept payments at his home, 23 changed Its purpneea to allow It 1:1-12, wblph contains the stofy of row' the display of hundreds of their problems at the Information to n p d r . OkU S-SMO. Grant, Realtor, Hartford 2-7584. Furnace... Basement garage, 27,- booth near the entrance to. the Y ' R, Hastings. 2-r Main atreet, rear, every week day to engage bi a ganeral loan and tbo prayer of Solomon tn God for hand - decorated tin and wooden Evening phonea: Kanchetter 3160 500. Uimral terms. MadeUilk n. to noon, 3 to 6 p: m. lobby. or Frank Plnney, SS77. from 8 a. m. to noon, 3 to 6 p; m., construction business. ,Ita name wladom to do the work he was ware articles tor the home v^ll _____ irtth—t B—rJ " •> Smith, Realtor. 2-164Y or 4672. and1 7 to h p. p...... m...... during.. October. ■ NEW! I or 8 bedrooih homes. haia. been changed to Manchester tailed to do. continue during the same hours. .1 Mr,, Leclerc reported that all Investment Corporation, accord­ The collection is the most exten­ Am U tUHM D Hoojb tor rent. Hallin Brothers. Phono 2-9221. taxes not paid by October. 31 will Shenvood Treadwell. lay assist­ w S t o r oouplo pnforr«d.- Coll HoqsM for 8«lo j 7t — Wanted—Real Estate 77 We hfiedl fe Mk« «iy oi^ oR Itgal sttps opM to Hi Ir ing to a certificate of amendment sive and noteworthy of Ita kind to roHMin Ot oor prosoot lokotfow — be submitted to cne half of one per recorded Saturday at the town ant at the .church, a.s.slated the ever displayed In this area. It rep­ MIL S ROOlS Cape Cod, two linflnlah- WOULD YOU like to live >(ght !^ient Interest per month from Oc­ ndnistcr In the service, and the s e l l in g y o u r property T 3St Eiist Contor Stroot. 'X-' eW k's office. , resents work of over a hiindrta RUMMAGE ed. Three yeara old. Fireplace, near the new Bowers school a^d Whether It be a lot. hpuse or \\ tober 1. All back taxes, he said Chancel Choir, under the direction Bt Enklae Harvey puplla of Mrs. H. B, beWhlf, both have *4-hour bus service at the The corporation has a capital of Herbert A. France, presenteid HOOK rWUIUCNT. OoU MIS. acreena, atorro windows, awnings business In town or country, you have been collected in full. atock of 1.000 shares, caCh having beginners 'and advanced artlaU. and Venetian blinds; Nice loca­ corner pf the street? If so con­ ■ The grand list for the district, special mu.slc. The anthems wer^ Th* Governor of the 291at Ro­ and net oorpa of mstructors. ' will gst jprompi . and parmnal a par value of 250- Tw-o types 'iSleased Jesu" from the "Stabat'i SALE tion, near school and bus line. sult ua. We ifAve for sale three ssrvlce,by calling Ellsworth Mlt.^ which comprises th* north and of of Stock are indteatod by the in­ tary District will ihake his annual long tables encircle the entire Call 8248 after 4 p. m. brand new.-'6 room brick Cape town, increased two million dol­ Mater"), by Dvorak, and "Pralse'| SOUTH METHODIST KOOM FOR Rent For one or two. ten, agent. Phone 6930. m fonderiiil strument. Ctasa A Comnaon. 8TO tha Lord. O Jerusalem," by Maun­ ylsR to the local Rotary club and gym. Through the center are two - T>» prlvoto home. Inquire 42 Hol- Cod homes deihgned for the large lars over the October 1848 list. Shares, and Class B Oomroon. with rows of tables^.allowing Dienty of CHMECH MANCHESTER-^ New Six Room The two and a half mill rate will der. win t^lk on "Some Trenda In Ro­ Itotor otreet ____ family. Modem In ei'ery respect. CONSIDERING SELLING no voting powel*; 80 rimres. space for the pplopkers to view the t* colonial with garage, flreplace, Garages, landscaping, all dty YOUR PROPERTY 7 increase the taxes by 23,950.65. The T. J. Crockett, a member of the In the sermon, the minister tary" ht 6:80 p. in. toniorrow at numerous objects, and tn gain Continuoua 214,500. One year old custom grand Hat increase is due chiefly pointed out that the observance of Tuas.eOct. 'ROOM FOR RENT. uUlities Included. Buy now and Without obligation to you, we B(>ard of Direetbrs; Maurice E. tha Mantaester Country club. The idead of decorating many of their 2 j'lM t amten Central, gentleman. built ranch home, attached ga­ select yoiir color acheme, 217,000 to the building of homes during Oaudet.’* and Harold Whiting Religious Education Sunday which speaker, E- Er.skine Harvey. own possessions In attics and will appraises or make you a cash the past year. marks the beginning of the ob- i Tel. 4724. rage, full cellar, large lot,' ex­ to 218,000. Oilman Realty, 351 offer for projierty. See us before ^ signed the amendment which was D.V.M., of Oteenfleld, Mm s .. Is the homes snd restore them to uaeful- Hpenaorod By cellent -neighborhood, 223,900. ------Lj*—. ■ .servance of Kellgloua . EducaUoB MssaachusetU, Vetcrinwy Health nesB as well as adornment. All Center street. Phone 2-2183 and you sell. drawn by Attorney Leo Week throughout CfcrlstendOm re­ WtLt.rNO WORKERS * IXIVELT ROOM with twin beds Quality Cape Cod homes through­ 2-3036. Phone 6273 It was approved September 25 by Offleer In the \Pirialon of Live­ tables are covered with lace cloths, and HIZPAH OROI^ : f for gentleman or working couple. out Manchester, also several ranch 375,000 in Slaie the S ecra& y of State's office. minds men again that the church stock Disease Control. a number of them crocheted. These T Rarklhg room. Phone 8905 after and coloniala. Worth lo Casey's Republican opponent is Manchester's Carpet Specialty Store Yoiir date doean’t know what you look like yet but she’i Mia"- •3 r4rither do we make exaggerat- 'Daniel J. D^ovan, city Public dishes and silver, these, for we are living in troubled "t. realdenca 8751. J. Crockett, Broker. Phone 5416 A full attendance of the group times. War and. bloodshed hoimd 'I 4 ROOM A p iu rti^ t, middle aged or residence 3751, elTCIaims that we shall sell In a IVo^s Superintendent, w-ho has OPEN DAILY 9 to 5:30 WEDNESDAY TO NOON expecting PLENTY—and It’s up to you to look the part. day or week: We give you an the backing oL »e Independents. raembem la hoped foy and women our world. Vice, crime and cor­ i soople preferred. Write Box XYZ, FOR SALE or lease, new 4-room of the church am welcome to at­ ruption exist in high places. Men Insulated house. Furnished; All honest appraisal, arrange the Public hMiailg^vaewcr Imyrove- THURSDAY »ud FRIDAY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Let us clean and press that suit of yours, and $1va JWU I Herald, v - ^ MANCHESTER--01d Colonial, 7 tend. In exalted positions have tliclr electric, oil burning furnace, tile mortgage and secure all cash THE NEW •menta and achoS axpanaton have price. Men pledged to honc.sty rooms, flreplace, oil burning hot for you. A satisfactory sale for been the main laaues In a hot cam­ THEnNEST that NEAT LOOK. Come ini ' - bath. Waterfront with boatyCall water heat, continuoua hot water, violate that standard at West 7116 after 4:80 p. m. f seller and buyer. * paign, with Republicans charging Loeatloiia for garage, extra large shaded lot, 19-INCH that aasey** Mqiintslratlon has Point. Men make promises to IN Root 54 near bus, price 211.500 for quick CALL 8009 Setback Contest God and man oiHy to break them. MANCHESTER—2-famlly house. TELEyiSION been fiscally unaoimd. TTje forces of evil rim rampant APFROXniA'nELT-4.000 square 5-5, -good condition, reasonable sale. Down payment 44.000. Loca­ Torriagtanr- after a mild cam­ tion will not be given over phone. We T7EEC> desirable single and paign on p u n ly local laauea, will Resumes Oct. 9 while the forces of righteousness USED CARS I toet of heated apece for rent, on price. For further Information two-family houses in Manchester m usic... go begging for lack of support. MANCHESTER call 2-2849. Have cash buyers fo( single and W A S S450 .choose between Hmyor Fspderick .TUBlard street, ground floor. two-family houses. For appogtt- and vicinity at fair prices. Ebc- P. Daley, the inenmbent '^m o- These ore times which %voui With oO burner. Home available Anite White. Manchester 8274, aches for\ the past three yearn odor’ (denture hresth). Oet FAS- 1947 Fprd 2-Dpor Sedoa. schttmc and budjfet. 2-2058. or Hartford 5-5138. Admitted Saturday: Mrs. Celia four-day conventlon\here Satur­ TEETIl at sny druB store. ta r "ode year leaae October 15th. changers hr ail « 3 4 5 /e'RCAVKTOR day unanimously denounced the hanged htanaelf yesterday In. a Re|it*9100 per month. McKinney SIX ROOM Cape Cod, shed Mature, Colchester; Mrs. Hazel Pina $44.85 executive order as “cen^mhlp at bam behind, hla home here. 1948 Ford 2-Door Sodda. SEE OUR DISPLAY and SALESROOM 8||QoiMra, Inc, 6060 or 2-3931. dormer. IH years old, upstairs Fahey, 69 Hamlin street: Henry Tax and Warranty Dr. Philip'Schwartz of Portland, Lots for Sal« 78 Dona Payment the -source.” A'PMB InaUiicted Rffd good buys. b u d g e t TERMS ARRANGED finished -knotty plne^ tile bath, Sutton, Ozone Park, L. .1.:- Jack m illio n p m f Its new president, Herbert F\Corn medical exaitaier, described the reaid speeds Iwlevisioil death of Samuel Boiko aa suicide, BKJELOW TRAINED MECHANICS fireplace, ccmblnatfon windows,, Yvare, Stafford. 78 Weeks To Pay EXTRA LARGE Lots on Hackma­ of the Washington Star, to tarry 1M2.QHEVR0LET *38's cmM 39'sv-Mockoaw WoRted to Rent 68 lot 70 X 150. Completely landscap­ Admitted Sunday: Regina Dalg- V Ita views to Mr. Truman. and said be had be«i informed of ed. 30 day occupancy! CaU 2-9240. tack street. E. F. Von Ecker, 509 neault, Willimantic; Miss Mary APME also called on the nation's the illneas Boiktahad been suffer- ics spocMs. Como in No agents. Keeney street. Hadden, 121 High st,reet; Mrs. editom' to resist state and local ef­ inir- FleetUne 4-Door Sedafi. 2 THRIRD Adulla dealre 3 or 4 room Boiko, who operated a tailor oad ghro us oa olFor. re a t Vrgent. Phone 2-1232. Marilyn Marra, 91 Adelaide forts at news mppreaslon. tona green. Kadio and beater. An BOL'TON NOTCH H om es-A few IX)T—High and dry L Eleven Mary Green, 28 Church atreet; Tax-and W uranty' Property for Sale 70 Choose your color scheme. Price yeara old City tewera. Priced to Mm. Clover Tripoli, Stafford 216.500. FH.A. financing. Made­ sell Early i)ccupancy. Henry, and Springs; Diann Irish. 247 North }. MlMs llLuLBN'i Main street loca- Thelma Jeffrtea liwotf, 254 High H t ta h biialBeae aoned Ideal for line Smith, realtor. 2-1642 or 4679. Main street; Mrs. Matgaret Mayer street W„ Ifanchciter 8688. If and son, 35 Irving street; David UWDOWN da^BFa odlces ot buslneie eatab- MANCHESTER Green Section—6 no answer call M ahel^tdf 8-1785. Werbner, 29 Stephen street; Wal­ 1 IM u m bL Savtn rboms, large lot. room' custom built single home. ter Ziemak, 388 Hartford road; 1. Haavonable. 'Suburban Realty Oo., BOLTON— Tw^year old Ospe MYMENTI c; I Oil hot water heat, copper plumb­ Mm, Bertha Werner, 188 HoUiater • a.-. Haattora 541 Main. Phona 8215. ing, fireplace, full bath sacond Cod, 4 mllea from Manchester street. -• ^ floor, lavatory flret. Two-car gx- Center. Four finished w iq t. ex­ Discharged today: ^ rs. 'Pearl By^ Mra. Ab m Otabet WHY BE CONTENT WITH rage, ameaite. drive. This le a very pansion attic, flrsplacs, oil heat, Stevens, ItockvlUe; Mm. Rose Hol­ 'These easy-to-hint two needle Property for Sale 7U artsalan weU, combination storm land and son. Rorkvilte; Mrs. Joan deslreble home with an sere of V' - 78 W w ks; "SIZE gloves were eepeCtaUy dudgaed -tmUEBTT—Business soned well kept grounds. Owners are windows, screens and doors. Hale and aon, 57 Eaaex street; for the kaittem who dlalike work- LESS THAN THE BEST ' rty Bwltabls for' doctor, dea- moving South and immediate oc- About 3-4 acre of land. Full price Mrs. Henrietta Snoyr ai)d daugh^ r .CLAS9K? 1 4 s '2 4 9 ita with four neadlea. The glovM ter, 71 Wetherell a^eet; -Mrs. Ce- Autepioflraffy centroh dampen•..tavss - tow jw , restfuirant, store* ^cupancy-can be had. Priced at 212,000. Alice Claaipet, Agent iiiilin i Cisiililllli6dlM46iaU.8eto “ fa Pay- By Sac Barnett are worked in two calom, but iWMolag heosc. Should tell quick- 3-4548 or 3-0380. cite McCartan and daughter, 74 Nsl sSMasI la they are every bit as.handaome Available For Immeilale Dhiverr flP8« 1216,800 for immediate aale.'R. T. Birch atreet. — *, . Daatgned expressly for the countisis fript to the basement at pMKhase price. For appolnt- McCann, Realtor, Mancbeeter Birth Saturday: A daughter to altghUy shorter figure is this be- in one color. ManchfoGePa fto aet Bervka ShaEOi it plMM esu Howard R. 7700. COLUMBIA—Modem year round ,,loved caaual thafa auch a joy to Pnttoni No. 5635 ccatalna tom- • hpms; four rooBui, bath, mm Mr. and Mrs. l^lllard Crenor, An­ S SALMMEN •blue coal* heat hlitoltay. •W oeootf - W for iroM beeauto w ^ i-iior; dover. ' T"...... '■ wear. Half slxto save time In alter- plete kiittttaig toietrnctteiui' tar BEFORE YOU buy contact Fran­ , porch, flreplace. oU furnace, ar­ ,TG HELP YOU tog your pattern, fit to perfection, amall, mtalum and large i T— heat is thrifty. And ytni can maka nil overheating and untartottinjj- tesian weU. Near laka. 'Tel. WU- Births Sunday; A son to Mr. and / ces K. Wagner, Realtor. 2-00|[18. Mrs. Philip Doraey. 32f Charter OPEN TQMIGHJ 'TIL 9 n ttern No. 8728 is a aew-rite inxterlal requirements, atltcht 0- s#u» «»-. .Kivmv this fuel even toaithicr and iliitfticr tovet up to J0% *!?' ifiT B id a IM nNiii' 'V iMiito ■ lOlO DKIUS^VH . jjjrtpty adding the 'blue coal’ gle heating season. .Sold uith a S^ear We have several houses you may llmpatlc 8-0451. Oak street: a daughter to Mr. and perforated pattern tn sizes 14H, hietratlona and . finishing ditu be interestsd iu. ' 16j|, 2 8 ^ and 24>i. tiona. •V %Im coel' DtaH*1 • ^nip-M aster to your pteaent heat- guarantee. Ask for a free home dem- Hillo from^ Han- h ig h a n d sighUy, wdikiag dia> Mrs. Anthony Chambers, SO Ard­ more road. ... •Ize IfiH, 414 38-inctL- Send S5c In'eoina. your name. P M O ltnoaaY • ti^gg^.5tem.ThitainaxiHg device will onatrari^Thete’s oo obligauon. * custom ECONOMICAL tiring. Four roohi taaca ta RoakTtHa riiopplng c«it-. ‘v For thls -pattota send SOc I addrtoB rod tae pattern number iwa-expaadaW«~1»mA~'Vary-goixI %TiLENISION : coins, your Batae| addrata to Anne Oahot. "nie Mancheator T ;V: Msg* lo t Price ntW O . cohditlqB. Convenient location. 9-bedroom houas. staliWny to sa- sliyd, and the Pattern Number to Bveaiaff Herfdd, 1166 Ave Ameri­ 4) YMUsa Jeffries Hscott pansloh. Ftreplacs, fuU bath, G. Immediate occupancy, - 28.500. ..-vUr-Mvi.. ' Sue ^BuRictt (Tha Mancheetur c a , 4». N- The W. G. GLENNE^f CO. 'V stTCSt W-. Maaebesttr. CaU Madeline Saaith, -ReiMor. R. diriiwasihsr and diapoaaL Basd' : r - ' Uvening Herald) IIM Ave. Amai^ Anna CMWn’ row Atanm of rsor eatl Mqpcbester 8- 8-1848 Or 4688. , msnt wtthrfarags, flrsplacs. toUst yRESH GANDY 318 Eott CaatSf $f.. ica.'New Y(or 18, N. Y. Ifaedlework U n “murt”. tt’a 836 North Main BIieitaBlaiichMter, Conn. Phene 4148 Seal HMatsJtasutaace. and showar. Hot sratsr oU (con- a ^ la Kefrlgenleg Ototo : Don’t mlsa the Fall and Winter qbockfull of charming designs na t A P n U J Y C S C h - TWO-FAMILY. North ■ yartcr type).' LAt 100XtS8.*TounF ' waniw|B,^gca»af2. F. a a. TBi Slfl^ * Fashion. It centotoa 41 pagea of well aa Ibeginnera’ "How-To” oi.a - mediate oceupan)C]|. 4 ^^i rooma. fruit tfsss, 216,800. Walton W. new etylto, elmple to make frocka TCctlona. PHONE 2-1575 t m A r l R i r t 64. taiprirs 181 Spruce Oil heat Asking 218.000. Call Grant. Rsaltor, Hartford 3-7584. ArRiRr Drag Stim /for all ages; dflceratlhg tricka: Ing. Heat your home with ‘blue coal’ and FEEL THE DIFFERENCE OffiM. 841SL ' i Bvriitaga ItaaelMafar U80. ' gift paUerna. printed Inelda tito I W>k. Send',25 cents today. M.._.'ture8. i ■ . • ...... ' A V >■ "tI.'- ;■ . • ■ . ;■. r ( :a '' ' ' /. .•'V, ; .A(! ,v f. ■ “ 1 ’ . - r’-' C I 'V -'•’V V'V ' ' X ’'rli MANCHESTER RVENmO HERALD. MANCHESTER, OOMH. MONDAY; OCTOBER 1. 1951 /, v FAO*.RLEV'ER|' iJ--. IIANCHESTEE BVEinMG h e r a l d . MANCHIKTEIC W N N , MONDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1951 ../ ’i .-v- 4 ■to- Iinpress in 39 to Q^omp Over Bristol 20 ttj 13 u .m rn •• • - . « • w w m . . ^ :------' X:"""... 49er* Sepre Over jir iiii' j|iM Monday Matlneo Robinsoh^s Greatest Hit Ned Garrer Didn’t Have /^Thought For Food Com ing to State Thefliler B ol^c Runs 76 >■ Usnal Staff .Yesterday. Roach and puff Each 7 Giantt (md Brooks Open Mighty BrowiiH « V j Notice some of those foottoll Pop Werner, Kansas U. line scores Saturday: 40 to 34, *33- May Decide National Flag St. Louis, • Oct., 1—(iP)—Ned coach, was amazed when he 20 84-20, 27-26 and the like T Oar\’er’s teammates say he .Big: Series^in Brooklyn found Bob Hnntla. sophomors New York. Oct. l- (8 n —If It had SJiaw Scores from On^ . . . Looks as If ^he college didn’t have hla usual stuff yes­ guard, reading a magazine in coaches were acting like the terday, but— [Q^.Touchdowns the hotel lobby instead of dig­ happened In mid-November, the Philadelphia, Oct. 1— ’riiara'Ai.ar man might have collapsed sports world would be a-buiztng BARLW.TOBT proa did during the war years, may have been a more dramatic der the booa of the crowd after a 'The St. Louie Browms’ pitch­ a n a k b a . Oot. l ‘->R9lph ica (18-10) for the ging Into hi« vltUes after the 'f^ n anybody could score and er won hla 20th game of the opener. The big righthander waa Texas ChrisUan U. game . . . for days, if not weeks about it. But AfiiRlfl Aiecb.uht for A moment in the world of eporta, but series of mlaplajra by Robinson Indians RegiMW Three i engineer then tossed a ahott ■ VtofcOlffill.’toltoctoiBen’'M '51 nobody could, or would-tackle early lii the. game. year. TIk»- In • a I P*** Pinky Hohenthal who im- I M d thi fltod 19>ne Brooklyn Dodg- 3-4 agalnet the Giants on the sea­ "Come on and eat your steak, thU greatest of baseball pennafit Winiior*' Score* in Summary . . , 'The fans got d»rn tired of you'd)never convince 31,785 per­ In the first inning, he hit' into a He became the first Ameri­ ■ LS .8 in r irst P erio d { mediately hgieralled to Roach for |f e«9 rtihrffs Mto hMd-tb-hMd eLollar said up Mt. Nebo turf for a 89, to 0 the point. ‘Mhihd Larry Janaah. - . This wis tha second playoff in ped'by the Sunday law with the cniwto In toatory ct tlia aport at nere eprimg up llkoinaglc all over Jackie made a gmulne error, a , AlLavan at the end of the storied history of the National score tied, it would have been 52.2X9 fiM In Ban Frsnrlscn. Pllt.silcld, Masa.. as th* PltUfleld | dps, Evans, Saceettl, ^FCrdYiL tka Main atraat achool, i t loft th^ broken field running aeen by a guy was knocked .over back­ Shibe Park aq Robinson Jqrred the wild throw, also In the fourth. Garver didn’t have his usual victory over arch-rival Bristol. The Bell Towner’s then racked Gunning, Arpants. \ ' achoolboy atar alnce Ray Beman- stuff yesterday. He had to de­ 104-fame ach Ms wak by far iha beat defenslvs gate .... Dwight Perry and Prin­ dians rolled up fonlr hi the Hret wallop as "The greate.st hit In my said later, "and apgired it." Bowling Green. C?hairman Dot more. Three more nuuiing playa >er Lao Durocher’a choice , to work Pafko M d Jackie Robfauim were vious that Maglie and Janaen gained. j thetu lead ir,In fhethe haUnimeballotmg for cclvcd by Ivftr , "Yiimp tallv of" Dshlqulst. the Vote- es by Otto Graham. Rut after ihnn on the field. However, hi* plueked a pa** out of the air on Salottg on tha aame Held aa the canto, six In the second and fopr entire career—In any league any­ "When I fell, nfy elbow Jammed Ballsieper has announced - the to r the oomebacK Giants, who would follow tn that order. th# fourth piny In. the fourth mdlaaa. 'Ihe Bell Townara. 36 cipal Ed Bailey were early ar­ brought the ball tb the'Bristol 32, bombing ' the coAvtolent left field the Jim Thorpe All American of gptleia to dale: that. It Waa all Han Francisco -• aggresslvenesa on several ocoat In the third. Oddly the locals failed where." into my stomach, knocking the teams. but Carlson changed plans and oartied a tie by chopping down a seata. And Duke 8hldSr waa Jansen's 22nd victory clinched much to the surprise of the fans alone oust the lorsls yardage in pei'lod and eel up the Tyler*' thIM to 13. wlnnara over Mancheater rivals. Perry looked out into the to gain a find down In the final the tie at Boston. Except for the Manchester. The early leadri haa f y Holland ...... 280 score. F.vans was downed on auto parking lot and remarked, But there were nq schoolboy wind out of/me. I couldn’t even The Drivers: Edna Helinski, went Into the air. Bristol took i3% game Dodger le^ of Aug. II smashing long drives over the ami Browns alike. uenalUes toat year, fidlad to gain a flrat stanxa. Bristol picked up two first antics for Robinson in the club­ talk. I Ym to point to show the captain; Carolyn Laking, Anne IP a Hrioua .flu drive.,, first and ninth he held the Braves collected 260 votes to 263 for tlm Bill Madden ...... 263 the 21. Tony Ferdyn flipped to down on the ground untn late In *T have never seen it (parking over when three pasaea fail^ but lig h t field screen. Eleetrlfylag Hun downs on passing In the first pe­ house. He was a professional ath­ trainer>«^at waa, wrong.” Harrington, Mary Gangwere, Me­ the vtsitora again aaw Roach picked Up On Waivers In check. In the nerve-wracking late Billy Madden. Contest closes : n2hrQm'st ...... 114 8 __ Bavsttero in th* end sniie rbr the the llnal period when local ra- lot) as bare, and here it la fifteen riod and added three more In the In th4 11 games played at Bb Most electrifying play of 11)4 lete who had done a day's work. the atands. Jackie looked lissa DeMartin. The Brassies; snatch a pass out- of the arms of * The tK-Nt. LouU rtahikiander, beu Field, the Dodgers belted 3i ninth. Boston clubbed him for at midnight tomorrow night. The E,n|i„*j^*„^teiii it. aftSmoon wa* a forward pa*4 score. The placement try was ■erraa were In action. minutea to two." Kickoff was at final'eight minutes of play, being, After a hi), though, he abandoned l:ks'''a dead man, stretched out on Betty Benton, captain; Dot Ball­ three of lU five hits, scored a rurt Stale Elevens wide. By far tha outatandlng player Jabs on the 44. Johsnon pitched 19 pleked up for the |10,0o9 waiver home runs to 10 by the Giants, winner will be announced from tha jerry Fsy ...... 8 fromjltila Eddie Jacobs to Pat 2. At the time, there wasn't a sin­ blanked ip the second and third pe­ his serious demeanor and entered diamond, surrounded by anx­ sieper, Nellie Johnson, Mary Fin­ yards to Duff on the 25. Johnson price laat year, had a 3-3 record and had the winning run on base. . Not tn b* outdont,^ the Aces « i the field waa Jimmy Roach, gle eoul in the North stands...'. riods. 8ophom«e halfback Red 8nlder hit six out of the park, stage of the State theater Wednes- ! Bninig Moske Bolduc that opvered 97 yimls. a bit into the roughouse In the de^ ious teammates. negan, Avis Hamilton. The Spoons: then tore all the way,' but the score I. against the Dodgers. Brooklyn Hodges, four and Campanella and Willard Marshall, an sxOiant, Score Triumphs With their hacks In tho slmrtow* roared buck after Jlick Bloan hard-ruHnlng halfback. Now play- Five pollceme^ on deck were Sam­ Ritchie watch^ the game from 1 ious dressing room. Naomi Lockwood, captain; Ann lofted to Irvin for the last big day night prior to the showing of Sum MHs.sey He wasn’t, though, ss Roberts waa nullified, when Manchester leads the Giants 9-3 at Ebbets Carl' FuMIlo three each to lead the Ernie Di>wd'. of their own goal line, the Ace* |K>un alty for unnecessary roughness WELDON'S Robinson's deeds at Bhlbe Park. The Phils hopped on Preacher Roe. that il look lltloen minutes to ware mitflt, From the way Irv said, "Manchester Is a better final eon test. the annual meeting lost .year, the season, making Saturday's victory preaertptton Phavmatw working with only two days' rest, /ral* were unsbls to rack up an- at home on Bunday, October 14. put the ball on Bristol’s 14. Joe How he saved tha game with that Alabama ranked sixth national­ bring the big fish ih. Ray BldWell I Pander* and hi* mat** performed 'other first down until the final pa- team." , Magtlfieater meets Hall' Class A Fall Tournament results Red and Blue dinner 'and the an­ Yetlerdsr’s Kesalti three white--wa8hlngs in succes- Goodfield intercepted Carlson’s 001 Mato ■*.—1W. 0031 for four runs in the second Inning. ly in total offeiuic during I9.’’i0, st Storr* Saturday, thl* may be Saturday :.y'. . Coach Briggs had nual dinner will be separate af­ diving catch of a low liner with accompanied Behrend on the fish­ riod. Pittsfield's line was aa solid The *1** of th* baseball has in the second round are: Janet Nstleaal ' Sion. Running score indicates 88 pass stopping this threat. the bases full In the I3th. How he The Phils Increased their advan­ The Crimsoii Tide gained 4.576 ing trip. the year Connecticut supporter* not been changed alnce 1872, It praise f^'Roach and Duff among fairs. Brooklyn t. Philadelphia I (H). { points against none for the oppo- tage to B-5 going into the eighth yards on 773 plays, an average of have been awaiting for many a* ih# local forward wall opsra- Boyd over Nellie Johnson. 5 and'3; Coach 'Tom Monahan’s charges drove a Robin Roberts pitch deep tors. weighs five tn five and. one. foiirth the bae'ks w'hlle line mentor Tony Marguerite Stevens over Helen NVa’ York 3. Boaton' 3. i sit ion. ' inning when the Dodgers came to 416 yards per game. moone. Alibfio w'aa pieascil with the play pitt.aburxh S. ClnclnnLtl 4 (11). still* could do nothing with the Into the upper tier In left field in Paul "Ape’’ Arcari received spe­ 'fouvhdowa Pa## ounce*, and- l* from nine td nine Ayers. 4 and 3; Carolyn Laking Roach is without a doubt the Manchester line. Two running the 14th. How the Dodgers over­ life and Aled the score on a two- The University of Bridgeport ^ 'J im m y McArdle, Jim Mlnlcuccl, Chlrago 7-(). St. Louis 6-3 (darkneas). cial pralsecfrom Coach Dan Jes- surprised it* psrtlsans. too, hut On tlie third play in th# second *fid one-fourth Inch#* In circum­ over Naomi Lockwood, 4 up;, Cora, Aaaerleaa best back Manchester High has plays lost yatdage an* a pass feu came 8 6-1 Phfl lead, finally tied ruh pinch double by Rube Walker The Cottcsi Bowl In Dallas ac­ ference. Marsh Aitken on offense, Joe had since Xosh VIncek was plough­ , .lOH OLDS M and a tingle by Carl Furillo. commodates 75.311 fans. For ten see of Trinity Cpllege last .Satur­ the eurprlse was a *ad one for an­ slanzn. Jacob* hit BoWuc with th* Rich and Gag Oagliardonc on de­ Anderson over Alice fill.sh, 2 and Sporfs Mirror New York 3, Boaton 0. IncompleU...... QBrlen , pimted 48 the score In the eighth aad won a Waahinston 4-3, Philadelphia 2-4. ing off huge hunks of yardage tea' yZHIs to midfield and Roach game they absolutely hgd to win. Don Newcombe. who beat Rob- years the New Year s Day game day for hi# great defensive play at other Connecticut team, the Con­ touchdown p***. Bolduc's place­ fense. Wingnicn Tommy t.'orcoran 1. tackle as Trln whipped DIcklpTOn. ment was wide and Pittsfield led, ® Week-end. SvyCepstakes winners By THE AS.SOCI.ATED PRESS S:. Louis 9, Chicago i. years ago. Some of the oldtimera brought It back to the 30. . After Byfliamattc 4-Doer D ehua ■*- Two were out In the .14th znd it erU Saturday night, took ov4r in has been a sell-out. necticut Teachers of New Britain. and Jazz Farrell also received well Detroit 3. Cleveland 1. have gone as far as to name Roach ian. Badte. heater, alfiial and the eighth for the Dodgers and 27 to 7. The aophomors tickle Bridgeport held favored New Brit­ 7 to 6. Pittafleld then marched 68 deserved praise from their coach were Julie Fatilkner, low gross; ’Today A Year A go-The Phila­ Little Warld Berlas Roach went for five, Alemany, on looked as If the Sunday cuifew delphia Phils won the National a second Dom Squatrito, regarded th down, streak around left '•ek np Nghts. Ftdiy gnaiaa pltchira one-hit ball for 5 2-3 in­ Sandy Ross, who won the tiSGA from Manchester ployed with the ain to a tie In a game In which yards to score again—With a foi'. Montreal 5. Mlla-aukee 3 (li) Mont­ ward I>a*s from Po*er* to Jo* PRIVATE LESSONS League pennant on the last day of real lead.a 3-1 in heat of seven eeric.a. as the greatest all-around athlete end for 35 yards and the flfth nings. He was lifted in the I3th Amateur Champion.>ihip in 19.72, Trln frosh last fall. both team* filled the air with the season by defeating the ever in M. H. S. history. Jimmy, touchdo-wn. Carlson’s crack at inning after he walked catcher An­ was the only Canadian to ever passes. DcAngcIl* from the three, after Brooklyn Dodgers, 4-1, In ten in­ AUBdiagB only a . junior Euid a three-sport the line for the extra point waa dy flemlnick and RoberU with two Win the title. Silk City foothall team will prac­ Trinity' picked up where tt left the running game bogged down, • 8UITAR nings. Flaal man, will have to play a lot of not good as the Bristol line held. OlOkRS - PIPES out. Bud Podblelan relieved and tice tonight at 6:30 at the Char­ off laat aeason, easily beating ocroiintlng for th* sscond home R ve Years ,Ago—The St. Louis football in the .coming weeks^ and Duff snuffed out Bristol’s last stopped the Phils the rest of the Ted KluszewskI of the Cincin­ Dickinson after Captain Bill Oor- cliih TD. Baccetti's kick wa* Cmter Motors Lighters — Watches ter Oak l/ot,':. Coach Swede Solo- again good. There was no further •NANDOLIN Cards beat the Brooklyn Dodgers, w. L. Pet. GBL. next season to be accorded icco- chance to break into the acosing way to pick up the victory. nati Red.s has never m,->dc a sac- mor.son plan^ a long drill on pass slskl ran the opening kickoff 96 N>w York ...... M 58 .623 _ lades such as these, since Squat’s MAm 8TRECT Oloeha — Wolleta In other National League games rifire hit since he hjis been in the yard* for a toiichdcm-n, scoring in the half. 4-2, In the first game of the best- Brook^n ...... M 58 .623 _ column when he intercepted an­ N eat To Pest Offlee defense. of-Ulree National League pennant St. LoUid ...... 81 73 .526 13 feats have never been approached. other pase. Intended for Jabs, on yesterday, the 8L Louis Cardinals) major leagues. Wesleyan fielded a more power- Early in the second psriod, Ellis • VIOUN playoff series. Boaton ...... 76 78 .494 30 Four Players Score the Bristol 39. Alemany got the Open Dally fU 0 P. M. Arthur DnicStorts closed out the season by mlitting iful teani than It showed Iset year recovered a Pittsfield fumbl* o8 Ten Years Ago—The New York Phllkdelphla •...... 73 81 .474 23 Roach and 'Duff scored while nine and Duff took a pltchopt 30 a doubls-header with th# Chicago Steve Owen, coachh of the New Womens-Bowling League will 'as It rolle 1 up s three touchdown the Pittafleld 13. Hdwsver, Jacobs Yankees edged the Brooklyn Dod­ Cincinnati ...... 68 G86 .442 28 Tommy Corcoran and Bemie Ale- yards for the acore. Hohenthal's Cubs, losing the opener, 7-6, but York football Giants, first played | start play tomorrow night it 8 margin over Mlddlebiiry. : fumbled' and th* home team re­ BRUNO DUBALAO gers. 3-2, In the first game of the PittaburRh ...... 64 90 .416 32 many chalked up the other two kick was blocked. Bristol had Winning the second game, 3-0. The football at Phillips University in I o'clock at the Y lanes. Y, dues are Coast Guard Acedoniy got off covered (o even up the breaks. A Chicago ...... 62 92 .403 34 to a good *tsrt with a two-tourh- long pa.ss from Jacobs to Bob THiBRiiOEB 4102 World Series. American Bco'res. Unable to have any Ikck the ball oh'^ Re own 44 When tJto lilghtcap was called after six In­ Enid. Okla.. in 1918. payable at this lima for all league Twenty Years Ago—The Phila­ NVw York ...... 98 56 .6.36 with placements for extra points, gun ended it. nings because of darkness. Ralph I mcmbfru. dnwn Win over Its traditional rival. Miilerlck nearly clicked.for a acore • r 2 ^ 7 0 0 delphia Athictica defeated the St. Clftvpland ...... 9.3 61 .604 5 Hohenthal *trted two and missed Stodstlce ,Klner blasted a grand slam homer The state'jU^il,verslfv with the Norwich university, and the New but th* end stoppsd^and the ball both, Oo-Captain Bobby Johnson WHO IS THE In the 11th Inning to give Pitts­ highest elevation In the country is Haven Teochers College, going VALUES! Louis C?ards. 6-2, In the first game Boaton ...... 87 <7 .565 11 The locals made 14 first downs 1 . Manchester High’s next football of the World Series. ChlcAfo ...... 81 73 .534 17 called upon hla runners to get burgh an. 8-4 victory over Cincin­ the University of Ws-omlng locat­ outside the country to etert* It* Dptroll ...... 73 81 .474 35 to Bristol’s five. They racked up I start will be against Hall High of seasoh, rolled over Loyola In Mon­ Philadelphia . 84 three of them while being stopped 338 jranls OR the ground while nati. ed at--'Laramle. 7,200 feet above i West Hartford Saturday after- Alabama’s B-team, made up of ...... 70' .455 38 once. Duff, Skip Oonnell and John­ JIM THORFE-RLUIMERICAH The Yanks, behind Spec Bhea sea level. treal. ’ Waahlncton *...... S3 92 .408 36* Bristol got 73. Duff has punted 1 noon In Weal Hartford. Next home Arnold remained Idle, hut open* r . ' freshmen and reserves, will face 46 son added the extra points. ‘ but once In two games and didn’t and Johnny Sain, blanked the St Louti'..*^...... S3 103 .338 Receiving the opening kickoff, Boston Red Sox. 3-0. In other While plaving for the New York I game for.the Indians will be play-' If.* sea.Son this week against Wag­ five Southeastern conforence op­ have,,to boot at all on Saturday. ed on October 20 against Meriden the locals went from their owii 42 Duff ate up 86 yards. Roach 76, OF MAHCHESTER7 American League games, the De­ grid Glanta. Kyle Rote will wear ner. ponents. *1110 foes are LSU, Geof- The New York Glanta and the troit Tigers beet aevelapd, 2-1, NO. 44 on hla shirt. That's., the High at Mt. Nebo. Bntiirday’s scores: World of Enjoyment TAKE^ 18 MONTHS TO PAY gia. Georgia - Tech, Auburn and Philadelphia PhUlles Joined the yard line, covering 58 yards in five Alemany 72 and Johhson 53 in plays for the first touCl^wn. Duff .the offensive drive. Mlnlcucei’s 8t. Louts ^trounced Chicago, 9-5, same number he wore for BMU. Yale 7. Navy 7. ItSO KYMOUTH 4N7^ Connecticut 37. Delaware 14. For All The Family Stack Ne. NT-143...... $1595 and tore to y ar^ aroiind riglit end founanee as was the whole line— taking the onafler, 4-2. and the of the New York grid Giants over Delaware last Saturday at a o squad who never played collegiate to the Brtatol 35. Bemie Alemany McArdle, Charlie Gaskell, Henh M . 6B DitUViBB BALLOra TO EARL YOiX, HERALD A'a the seca&d game, 4-3. Ned storrs. The giant Negro end from Trihltv 37. Dickinson 7. Garver naited hla 20th victory for ball. Manchester started at left end with Wesleyan 28. Mlddlebtiry 8, W n CHEVROLET FLEETLINE 4-DOOR got nine off his Itft sktoand Roact), Aitkin, Tom Benoit, Dick Plogge, Coast Guard Academy 20. Nor­ Oreea. Radio, heater, low mileage. Jimmy P’arrell,“" Johnny Gagllar- the t a i l e d , EBrowns In beating the offensive team. took it to the 17 (as Johnson hid' Chleflgo. JBtA Sharkey, former center on wich 6. Owe ew er ear. Stoek Ne. U-S9S...... $1495 him hit the other side. Johnson done,: H arry Orlswold, Phil Bur­ tM New York grid Yonks and New Haven Teachers 40, Loy­ - Simday - gees. Jack Rlsley and BUI Pro­ lx»u Llmmer, rookie first base­ then faked a handoff' and got aix DUkevunlYerplty, U now playing ola 0. 19S1 CHEVROUET 2-DOOR SEDAN through the center himself. Roach vost. ', for tiM Door. Rfidio and heater. oollsgiate 163 at aevoland’a Municipal Sta­ JUDOMEHT IS Hohenthal’s kickoff’s' w n * ex­ Rlsley, Rich,. G aglJ^one, Mfller. dium-on April 20, 1948. Olilor: Blaek. L l^ new. Stoek No. NT-148.___ $ 1 7 6 ;5 ceptional all day. He booted the Guards: Plagge, Benoit. One owner. ExeelleBi con­ D ^ N ball 55 yards and Co-Captain Joe Gess, Hayes, Griswold. dition. See it' IMPORTANT 1949 UNCOLN COSMOPOLITAN CLUR COUPE % Centers: XltkeiL Provost. M a n c h e s te r Bums returned tt eight jrarda to a Celer: Black. Radio, heater, overdrive. Backs: Johnson, Roach, Carlton. ... It comes to chooa- A eae-ownei ear. Stock No. O-SSS...... $1995 the 24. On the first play Bums AND AS LONG AS » MONTHS TO PAY dtt^ped back and triad a long pass Duff, Alemany, Connell, Pagan!, CLARKE AMESITE DRIVEWAYS Inff 8 good Used Car. How to Al Jaht, Rriatol’a atar basket­ Burbank. Cfin you be su re ? K N O W L io n s C tu b 1950 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN ball player, and the ball was 'Brtatol (•) ST EBDUCHD BATES H N t!E 1980 Ends: Jabo, Loaey, Chekes. MOTOR SALES aOEAOINO FBEB WORK your dealer — and you’ll Oalar: Black. Radle. keater. Stock No. NT-143...... knocked )dowa~ by Roach. Bums 301 Broad Street OUARANTEBD $1595 then fumbled on his own 23 and Ihckles: Olson, Lena. Levesque. aPOWBE mU-ER USED KNOW thd car! Our repu­ Don’t go' MiodMT winter without \ Guards: Bedman, Tracy, Flor- * FEBB BBtlMATES UAIX tation for fair dealing Jimmy McArdli pounced upon the Open Eveninfs MANUH ESTER 1949 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN ball, aettlng up the second acore. ito, Belanger. a TIME PATMEim stands behind every car we Timken Silent Automatic Oil Heat—the best Centers: Seery, Hahn. * BAVE lfl% FGk GASH 7N1 Mtoeei. Rtoki beater. Steek No. 1?.3to...... $1595 K e e p T l i a t Johnson and Thiff alternated on Becks: O'Brien, Bums; Hemond, " RAVIaAVE WITH sfilL Down>to>earth pricee. beat money can buy,'to g p rk 0 ytm cmt mfford ' line bucks to pick up a first down GoodSeld, Hoffman. Butltf. Easy terms. See our Jarge on the five and Roach again took 1947 NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN to poyf AA for foeie survey and estimate, i ^ Manchester ...,1S 7 18 iM—8rf«y>8«»8 lMeSH««**88t«8Y888d«M********* Mtection—^TOP AY! Qna% Ratoe aad heater, la axeelleat eeaditlea. to A A E It oyer, going around right-end. T«^hdowns, Roach 3, Duff 3» DeMAIO BROTHERS Horse Sliuiw Maek Bet 0-810...... $ 9 9 5 Chitte^DiUer Johnson’s quarterback ^ aneak Corcoran, Alemany. . . FENH MF6. C0. CflD N i ^ W e Pgraoim O y S ^ n r i f i e AH W ork . , ' , .....■■ ■■■ registered -the point. Pointa attar touchdown Johi^ H w HaUMW snout Automatic is e , The locals were to eoore once son (rush), CpnneU (nirti). Duff 19M.0IJiS "TT 194R OLDSMOMLE again before' the flrat period end­ NIOHT SHIFT CeererUMe Coepe. Btoek. red fln ea. Badto aad hetoer. ExeeUent eoadHIaa . t o 1 4 A t o basically .4lffet«at, basically better O u t r id e Irugh). 26ClowGt Stock !!•, 943- ...... ,, _ $1395. •r-.------.rfr - ed./’Bristol, hit the line.tvdee and A totortsr. blaek top. while w rt wsIHIswee (0# betem.'Funtoee walli ZT waa stopped cold by the charging M M n M M 'INfENIwN ttitoL hydramalte drive, grille ■tc WuuAeferf by a oararaj, unhurried, Don’t k t chUIfi that steal aeitiss the thNshbld spoil Manchester line. A pass failed and S MHH^ Mflwk. Opri. guards, radio, backup Bghts and A Fully 1948 MERCURY 4-DOOR I lD lN ^ ^ ^ f lE S ’l. f iM 'tom plito- iourty designed “Flomdlcx’' ' heater. M tA aMM# Md iMter. Oonplet# motor Job. bigh-iutcaeity flame, fsrmg as mmth YOUR home plana this winter. YheM chflls bring oadden O’Brien' punted to the locals 31. M pta IFfc VMtbe ...... ins and heavy bills to aU j h o meet then. Duff nearly got loose as he took WILLIMIS r ailtli^'R FM H Heet hecHdi ring on thU .WaB CyfiAAIed Grimkro 'm sue smMmslic hestimg dolLtr out of the boot and ran It back 40 yards Oil Burner in Flame ^notary model helpe '' WcslGriig Engliih, PleCturG ' 1190 PIEVROtET CLUt COUPE . — JL.._ ... Bo skfo • .. be w arn, lifakc sore of yoor fael oil aap* to the Bristol 35. Johaaon wieak- S p M .h S M jL j lf h CMtl to i,e * tr n e t tromieet ^ f i w UH k i O fiBFOtiiW « 19M FOHP M Mm IL a to to r. Lew mileage. ply. and have yoar heating plant checked. ad through for aeven. The husky OIL SERVICE 4-Door hlaroon Sedan — White ’ i Goifedy 5 GolM ^ Jumpm Mato R9. HT-18L ...... • ' : - ■ ' ' I Your Btormoetot deee the > etalletioiirlk p eodeble burn- .. -. Cuthor Griiiitro .' wall Itrss. rndio. directional sig- Give ns a call at 52M. Foreatall winter’s cold affrbn- nah, heater,'m aroon sent eov- 341 mWAD ST. worR.It’adean.oiMDfiorteble er and Aiel oil aeryice. Phone . TELEVKKIN ULES aid SERHOE ets. Low cost tr^eportatlon- 1949UNCOUISPOAt SEDAN ' > START NOW TO ENJOY AUTOMATIC tery. Join our Bantly Fuel Oil Onb. Let 4» send an c t ^ aftd ewmoMlcotiteq. Ingen- ae todfly tor dfetfifli.'" ^ tufTBt Itoffi* O puatoM to inspect your heating plant-^tim ate costs of instafla- n/SI^C E ST. — m irHONIHM A l VokiM Gdora! •to * . ■■•A ktotoR •eettotoa. Meek Ne. Il-«to. NiAT AND SAVE MONEY! tion o^ conversion. ' FUEL and RAN^E OIL 4 9 H O U R S Chavtei^ Lots A H , AROVB C M S iu V E THE FAMOUS "ED*: Mentlily Feel OR FeyRiMt tomis. Drico-Hoot UniM iA FfTY TESTED CONN. fh o w tto faefay faff t h t q M g l . • ‘ h. - > * . * ' ♦ . A ^ A f l 4 r 4 P.M. USED CARS JO LUVAN U F B EUYUSED C iM W W A M TY FOGARTY BROTHERS , 'T ^ iS I M anliMR Rfli^O OIL b r a h n o MR (CllltER Bt1t8BT -sr TBUI^ONfe UM . SFEWflUm / V CS.C EQUIPMENT OIL HEAT & EHeiNEEMNQ. IN& -.L ( «n HAne AVL. HAnfoeai-fHOHi a-ii4f Bstiauilts On Raqaest H c rtfM # - AUIHOmUD DIALIR FOtv a n t l y ’ CALL I T M i B On. Co. "Y o n I M w It a t I Oar Promise I* Your t ' tS7 MAIN ST„ MANCHEtTEa>-rilONE 2,1 l U ' '4 MOTOROLA and BENDIX Itolptfi' hMcaiiiN I 1114 .131 M A IN S T R E E T M A N C H E ST E R ,2-1257 ' r N N N " ' I Hattatoc^.,,^,-. leOOIOMY CNAMFIOir* >r / - a : I ■ x r ^ / MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, 0ONN-. MONDAY, OCTOBER,!, 1961 k>AOE : T i n » n ^ ' / ' ■ ■ '■■ ■. ' • J.__ ■ - ■ . • ' ' «iAJ«unBfri1SB CVJE341MG lUEKALO, MANCHESTER, OONNi. MONDAY,. OCTOBER 1 ,1 9 6 1 ^ m SIDE dL'ANUES BY GALBRAITH CARNIVAL BY OMjKfURiaUI; U li I Oiiii A I BY J. R. WILLIAMS A b Um m BUsb tor Salo 4 SirtlMB OffttBi It Opportaaltlsa I t AatMMMlSB R *|p Wuit*«~Mal9 M Artidoa for Sal* 46 • «l ipCPBRT Hairmtttlng -> JoMph'd WELDING SHOP for sale. Com- YOU GET. a ■109,900 aOlo doal 1939 CHEVROLET 2-door, H **. TOOLMAKER WANTED ROYAL AND amltnOocona port AAA SUPiat VALUE! Sense and Nonsense i * L l whan you buy your Pontlao from 1939 DodfT* sedan, *195, 1930 Barber Shop, S61 Main (ovar pleta ot. In part. Reaaon for hell- SOM a a d aU n d a it, ty p n w iltara WANNA BARGAINT WELL X ing—poor health. Will take quite Balcb-pontiac, Ine., 105 Canter Oldsmoblle,"*!#®, 16.5 down, bal­ Marlow’a)-. Air conditioned. TeL ALSO TOOLBIAKER Ail aiafcea of adding machinea h a v e S ROOMS FURNTTUHE 2-0958 for appointment. a bit of capital, or can be leased (tegy B. C. A.: Everybody Counts on \ atraat ManchaaUr. ance.-18 months. Cola Motora. For Part Time Shift sold or rented Repaira oa i a n d APPUANCBS I for long term. Please talk over Any man's m diplomat. America 4164. OIL BURNERS expertly cleaned (6 to 10 P. M.) makea M arloafa^^ WHICH IS A BIT s c r a t c h e d ! SAVE * — SAVE f. Buy your new personally. Contact ' Joe Het­ Big "WesUnghouae’’ Elec. R o M f-j In fact, he la a a a g » - and serviced. Let ua servloe and Who refmambera a woman’s Mrth- IKIED ADVT. car now, befoM naw 10^ price in- t h e g o o d c l e a n o n e s ARE tinger. 4303. Muft be BOUTON — jBUUdlag atooo and erator, 4x4, "Bengal" ComWna' I craaaa awd ' new federal tax. HARD TO FIND repair washing machine 6r re­ experienced job flagatona. Bblton Notch Quarry.. Uon ^ g e . "Bendlx" AutomiMlc| Any comment______would be auper------. r . HUUH8: frigerator. Metro Service. 2-6883. shop man, top hourf Where prlcao are lowest and WE HAVE THEM! 6 6 Phona $-0817. Stanley Patnoda. Washing Machine, "Emereoii" YUM- j And yat forgeta her age. fluoua on this sign which hangs In r m A. H. U 4:M P. M. trades are tha highest. McClure 1951 DeSoto Deluxe 4-Dr.—Heat­ Help Wanted— Keaial* IS hour week. Apply ip person vision Set. "Unlveraal" Cleaner,.| . -^Agnee B. Oeedy the doorway of an abaiidoned bak­ er, new aeat covers. Big savings. CANING CHAIRS, reflnishing and Auto Co., Hudson Bales and Serv­ or telephone - PBAT HUMUS screened. Excel- Bedroom, Living Room, Dlnettei, ery shop in New York City: 2,800 miles. Full price 82,375. repairing. Edward Fish, 104 lent aoU conditioner; top dtrsa- Mra.( Jonea—It is awful, Mrs. ice, 171 Main atraat 1-M42. Open Chestmit street. Phone 8888, Rugs, Lampa, aU have been in nr "Sorry. Folks— 1951 Plymouth Savoy Suburban— SALES CLERK Wanted. Apply In Ing. Phone 8318. ■tore • Smith, tbs way aporbi are degen- three atrikes and we are out avaninga Luna gray. Radio, heater. Every­ WILCO MACHINE TOOL CO. eraUng. My boy w m dlsmteaed COMPLETE Repairs by Stuart R. person. Marlow’s S67 Main street 222 McKee Stimt SINCE LAST YEAR 1. Rising coat of ingredients. thing like new. New car war- tNTER-OFFICE . communicating And rU sell it to the first from the bail team because be X M V —M r of ^OMco, ylcinity of GUARANTEED USED CARS Wolcott on washing machines, WAITRESS WANTED—Good pay 3. Ineieased union demands. : Omtor oiM Brood atrooU. mndar Manchester ■yUtem consiatiHg of two master party at such a low price; waa too honest, 3. PrlQsa frosen.” . PRICED TO SELL 1950 Chry.sler Royal 4-Dr.—Radio, vacuum c.'eaners, motors, small and ateady work. .Apply in. per­ Stations and 2 speakers. AU in rotu n to SM Oentar atreat Rtr appliances Free pick-up and de­ Telephone 2-1266 . you’ll*">u’ll believe that there reallyrea“ 1.1 Mrs. Smith—What was the mat­ heater. Extra nice. Full price son. The Tea Room, 883 Main working order. Keith Furniture -te a "SanU aaua." And TU aeU 1 ter? ward. 19SI'(^avroIat O u t Coupe — livery. A-1 repair, ^ealee. 180 Tha District XUs't'sy ques­ $1,895. street , , -MEN Co., Main street. It on low Friendly Terms. TU ' Mrs. Jonea—He wouldn't eteal tioning a Kentucky oolonal In LBOainUea, heater, radio, power- 1949 Club Coupe Wlnd- Maim Phone 8597. hold it^until you need it no* aor—Radio, heater, white tires. TVPI8 T--Ceahler. Experience not Various job openings, .night court Unable to shake his teaU X/MT—Ooldaa Ratrieror. lieaeao gUde. shift. Apply matter how long, and It won’t nxmy, he tried aarcatxn. Ka. 11061. can «6M. 1956 ChevroIet'Club Coupe—Heat- Ju«t like new. necessary. Will train. Apply in COMBINATION Phonograph and cost YOU a penny. So, If you’n IfOBWhoM ScfTtCM A newspaper la an object used Judge—They call you colonel. ar, radio, T.OOffwilles, black. 1949 Studebaker Regal Deluxe person. 881 Main street recorder. Fairly neUr, CJall 5775. interested, J[uet get on the Champion 4-Dr. Sedan—Radio, OTferad 16A .-'T'Personnel Office by tired men ao they can’t see a In what regiment were you a IM l Plymouth ClubCoJipe- phone and UU make an ap­ woman standing up in the bus. Heater. Haa aafety locka for WOMAN — Handy with sewing g e n e r a l ELECTRIC t v eet, In- colonel? IM l Chavrolet Tudor. - \ WSIa VING of burns, moth boles PIONEER PARACHUTE CO. pointment with you any time rear doors. Full price $1,295, machine to work in dry cleaning cluding AM and Pm radio console you say, either during the day Colonel—Well, it’s Uke this. The CHXIBTOPHER ROBIN Nnraary 1947 Chryaler 4-Dr. Sedan—Radio, and tom clothing, boaicry nins. plant Nev Model Laundry, 73 Forest Street, Manchester —18 X 3s screen--new picture The hired man waa in the set Cokmel’ in front of my name la BehooL OiUdroa SH to 6 yoara. Boat Terms— Best Tractea_^ handbaga repairsd, aipper ra- or evening, to show you this Of taking a lanten from the barn heater. Good tlrea. Full price Summit street booster—original coat "super duper” bargain. like the ’Honorable’ in front of Banra 6 to 11 :M a m. Mra. D. L. \$1,195. placament, umbrallaa rapalred, whkn his etlngy farmer boss stop­ COLE MOTORS—4164 WANTED — Carpenter's helper. 32,000^now only |200. Chn be SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ped him and asked where he was yours. It doesn’t mean a thing. Bollard, dlroctor, 79 Lakowood 1947 Naah 4-Dr. Model 600-H eat­ men'a ahiii oollara ravara^ aad WOMAN TO help mother of 8- seen at British American Club ONLY DAY OR EVENING! Orela BOutL. Pkonc >.1896. 91 Center Street er, good tirea. Full price $795. replaced. MarloWa Little Mending year-old child In emalf modern Ebcperienced. ,C(ril 8862 after 4:^5. going with the lantern, capeclaUy and Tel. 2-8049. ' FOR APPOINTMENT Uberty does not come free; it 1940 Dodge Cuatom 4-Dr. Radio, Shop. house. Considerahle time alt. Call since H had only recently been fill­ la a blaasing that must be earned DRAPBRIEB lUdo to wdor. Any 438 Canter Street p h o n e MR. ALBERT , BOta*THIgTVyEAg51DO ed with oil. heater, new paint. Full price 2-0762 or Hartford 32-5500. HEARING AIDS, 2 fur coats and HARTFORD 0-0^58 before it can be enjoyed. atyla Uned or unUnod. ToL >• TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS $236. FLAT FINISH Holland window WANTED clothing. Small violin. 404 North Hired Man—Why, Tra a’goin* n o*. shades made to measure. All AFTER 7 P. M. 48-4890 callin’ on my best girl. Manv nrtera .SPARE TIMk: can be dollar time A-1 MECHANIC Malii street. Call 2.0568 UUK UOAKDING HUUSL with MAJOR HOOPLB Flrat Lndy—HeDo, dear, 1048 MERCURY CONV. — Radio, BROWN-BEAUPRE, Jnc. metal Venetian blinda' at a new when ypd are bdsy sslling Avon KELVINATOR Refrigerator and Farmer—Can't see why In tar­ haven’t seen you in a long time. DIAMONDS Reaat whUo you wait. low price. Keys made while you nation you young feilara needs a heater.—1996. 30 Blaaell St. one 7191 Prod^ts right close to home. RICH FARM top soil, $10 and maple bedroom set. Almost new. Second Lady—Tee, it’s been OM j/m nU in raatorod. Monay loan- 1942 HUDSON SEDAN— $395. wait. Marlow’a. $13.60 per truck load. Delivered Call 38 Grandview atraat 9f ^ 9 light to go courtin’ by! Why, back ad oa Jowalry. Da Robartia, Jow- Wpife Mrs. Frank Frawley, North Our increasing service busi­ LOOK,MARTHA, HO MUSTACHCf j long time and eo many things 1940 CHEVROLET STATION 1950 ^ club within, three . mile limit. AUo p. m. -^ D O C 6 lffT nr HARK BACK PAODCO TCn-EM ftX ff X < when I wuz yore age, even when alor. 41 AayluA atraat, 2nd floor, Branford, Conn. ness has created a need for I went courtin’, I came in the hava happened. I hsd my teeth WAGON—$200. coupe, roiittvely like naw. Ab­ gravel and sand for sale. Call THB ROMAMTIC DAVS EVER BAR 10.1 Hartford. 1087 CHEVROLET TUDOR— solutely immaculate. Radio, heat­ additional good mechanics. If etiS O V MOST tS A American inventors are ruthlCM 1042 STUDEBAKER, CLUB .bicycle, $7:. pair bo.v's roller At thi.s polht lhe farmer’s wife I’ve glwaye w»nted-Hl t»llqr-in*de bueineg* tuitr . I* w ly in my mind ws* fire. osoHIm. Intoroetlnf^" biant can Mancheatar Auto COUPE^-$95. MERCURY, late '40, black coupe, Tel. 3 m ARE NOW our Service Manager Mr. Gay. ' gOFFOOM , : I tF E 'd tZ S -STATUE appeared to see what the fuss was robbers. They steal Russian Inven­ fkates, size 9'i, new, *12. Phone Cu.stom-made parlor IMD HCRe Drlvtaf Aeadamy. 2-4087. radio, heater, overdrive, white CF THE TWO OF >OU about. tions svsn before the ■ Riisslana c a r p e n t r y . Experienced in con- 2-9022. sets and chrome break­ t h a t MARC54IH& OCT McCLURE AUTO COMPANY wall tlrea, two extra mow gVip BEING MORIAR'TY BROTHERS HOV9 X , . I Hired Man—Yon might’ve saved think them up! 373 Main Straet tlrea, low mileage. Coventry 7- Btnictlon of sptail homca, ga­ fast .setq. Very good selec­ .f^eS£M6 Le 7 AKe .^ AT5EVBM A.AL some oil, but look what you got BUGS BUNNY FUNNY BUSINESS BY BBRSHBBRGEt rages, dormers, alterations and 301-816 Center Street FIVE FLUORESCENT light fix- MteAMOMS . Comma: Period with a drip. Open Evaninga 7130. ACCEPTED tures, 2 years old, good for shop, "Where Tradea Are Higheat and Jobbing. Lut:k and Peterson. tion. Maple, cherry, ma­ tSE R A X XSf WAMTBD-ftida to Pratt A Whit- store, office. Original cost $250. *niers are people who roll out WHGea'P THAT** TH'GIUJ«*T Prlcaa Lowaat’* 1947 Nash Ambassador 4-Dr.— Ra­ Tel. Manchester 4026. FIREMAN. Experienced on high hogany and blonde dining the carpet for you one day—and A wise man is like s straight nmf, (Brawar atraet gate), from ' for clerks and clerk tj-p- Make an offer. G. S. Keith. pin; his head keeps him from go­ V/\ GET THAT KANGAROO? VUSeV I KNOW _ . vMalty Stlvar Lana Homca. dio and heater. pressure 611 fired boilers. Write Nichols News, Depot Square. room furniture, Appli- pull it out from under you the T WA*TB va — ^p»4Aane 1947 Plymouth 4-Drr Sedan — ists both experienced and or apply in person to Cheney next. ing f ar,.^ WITH '630, H orn T to 1:20. Cau TVS. SEE BRUNNER’S flrat—and sava Rooflnf— Siding 16 inexperienced. Five day, ance.s and TV. GUVNOR/ plenty on uaad eara of exception­ Black, radio and heater. Brothers, 146 Hartford Road, 36” WOOD Turning lathe. With THB PROSPBOr m n Scliool for ally high vafua at really low 1948 Plymouth 2-Dr. Special De­ WE SPECIALIZE in rooflng and \37 h o ^ week. Liberal em­ Manchester, Conn. all attachments. 4" planer and youflBdillSran. Pra-lOndargartan. DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE prioaa, ganeroualy guaranteed. luxe—Gray. siding. Hlghesi Quality ma- ployee benefit program, drill pre.*s, with attachments. Call CHAMBERS FURNITURE Kladarprtca. Monday through Liberal Tradea Sava your time, 1948 Chrysler 4-Dr. New Y orker- teriala Workmanship guaran­ Pleasant working condi-. WANTED ~ 2-2349 after 6 p. m. Answer to Previous Pusil* M day. Tranaportatlon fumlah- teed. A. A Dlun. Inc. 299 Autumn At The Green .vh maka It "One Stop" at Brunner'a. Dark green. tionsin a modem, air con­ PLANT WORKERS Cvlturol Ctnier ad. M n. Lola Tybur, director. Get' a "Hot" deal every tima Buy street. Phone 4860. Phono 4M7. 1949 Plymouth Special Deluxe— ditioned office. Apply to Boat* „anil AcMasoriea 46 Open 9:30 to 5 | with "No regreta" aa thousands Radio and heater. Four door. QUARANTEIED Rooflng and root . the employment office Evenings 7:30 to 8 :30 • ■OBIBONTAI. VBB1KAL . BAXiLABOS Drtvlag aehool, Man- o f othsrs have. You can alarays 1949 Ford V-8 Cuatom ClUb Coupe repairing. Gutters and conduc­ Fair wages, cost of living FOR BOATS, motors, tackle, ma­ ohaotaPa oMaot Thouaanda of do bualntat here. Open *tll 6 . ex­ -Radio and heater. tors. Coughlin 7707. ' ^justment, productivity earn­ rina hardware and painta Mc­ HOSPITAL BEDS and wheel IDepleted I Abandon aeddaat fraa inatruetloa houra cept Wed., Thura., Fri. ’til 9— 1949 Dodge Coronet Club Sedan— FIRST ings, paid holidays, liberal va­ Intosh Boat North end Pur­ Malrs for sale or rent. Keltii famous SAstronanly Hnadreda of aatiaflad atudanta. Saturday 5. 858 Beat Center Radio and heater. Hunter green. TILO ROOFS and sidewalls, guar­ NATIONAL cation and insurance benefits. nell parking lot. Ohna-Oaft, Furniture. cultural muse For appointment talapbona 2- atraat. Brunner's Used Oar Para- anteed material and workman­ STORES. Mercury. ChampioiL Scott-At- center, the 3 Stitch 1950 Chevrolet Tudor — Heater. water, Masterrraft trallere. Phone b iL BURNING parlor heater, used 224A dlsa ship, 37 years experience. Free Call Manchester 5163 |GSQu6T British----- 4 Daybreak Roanoke green. Incorporated 2-3103. Open from 0:30 a. m. to 8 one season. Reasonable. Tel estimates. No obligation. Call 1 WE BE ON -L 7 It is located (comb, form) POT TOQB aavlaga to work. Raol- 1951 Plymouth Suburban — Green. p. m. 4828. SAVE AT SAVE George Collins. Manchester 5117'. Park and Oakland Avenues For Interview Appointment PLEASAKrr^l In­ 9 Forearm bosM OUT WHAT* AMAiNtok______iaa or batter by tavaatlng tn 80LIMENE, Inc. 1066 Dodge Tudor-“ Sedan-^^iR5dlo is IntsrtUce 9Prlndpal aouad aaourlttaa. can Ed. Kra- and heater. Light green. East Hartford MY GAS StbOi for sale. Would 7Part of ear Roofinc Ruilding Matirlala 47 cost $275 today. Burners guar­ llScdaUvo SlCnnhce M lu a sed aaaioa at Oobom A Mlddlebrook, CUT PRICES ON PRE-WAR 1949 Chevrolet 2-Dr.—Black. 1«A ROCJERS CORPORATION TOONERVILLE IXILKS Ey f o n t a iNe f o x llUncookod tUacleee Ino, M l Main atraat. Phono *210 Between 9 A . M. and 3 P. M. anteed for life. Used dally. Will 34 figure of aOraeksodof CARS and TRUCKS 1940 Packard 4-Dr. — Radio and CDUailLIN ROOFS stay on in *Mill and Oakland Sts. USED BUILDING lumber. 3’’ x 'I f Daughter of ONIefcM 194S Plirmouth 2-Dr. Special De­ Monday through Friday sell for $140. For appointment (symbol) tpMCb war heater. Blue. any kind of storm! For guaran­ 4 ’, pile of 6 ” X 6". 8" x 8’’.,. ,H Tantahn luxe—Gray. B R O \^E AND Sharpe screw ma- call 4293 betv/een 8 and 9 a. m. HE'S POTTlMd OH AM ACT COS I TOLD HIM I ’p H.BARP 10 Spin pulse 3* At larfo 49Mam 1989 I^Soto 2-Dr. Sedan—Radio teed rooflng call COughlln, Man­ chine operators needed for both beam 10” x 15’. 4 lengths of 6 ’ Joe Hettinger. UM seliood SITVibute 4* Attempt IWAMTED—Rida to Hartford. 1940 (Rdamoblh 9-Dr. 3395—1345 and heater. Blue. SALESLADIES Wanted. Pull THE PRICE WAS GOING Op AND LAID IN A WHOLE ✓ II Indolent 1940 Packard 4-Dr. 1295—1225. chester 7707. day ajid night shifU. Experience tile. On'e-half bag cement mixer lOAtop M8horab4rd 51 Goddess of H oon S:1B to 4 :a . Phone S-S496. time, 40 hour week and part time ,VEAR*s S u p p l y o f S t a m p s f 30 Touching 13 Required 1940 Plymouth 4-Dr. 1385—$350. TRUCK SPECIALS required. No setting up. Over­ on 4 wheels. Two-bumer oil stove. ARISTO BILT unfinished book­ 17 Giant k in s o f S«CIoaer 'Infatuation ROOFING Speclalixing tn r»a lr- posltloM. Part time .schedules Eighty gallon water tank. Chev­ cases and chests In many sixes. 22 Hypothetical 1948 Chryaler 4-Dr. New Yorker— 1947 Dodge—Two ton, 158" wheel may be worked out with house­ time, bonus, excellent pay. Day. 37 Comes in 53 Mystic Ing roofs of atl kinds. Also new rolet front end for trailer axle Hardwood tables and chaira. The force ejaculation Dark green. base. Fine condition. wives. Many employment bene­ shift, 55 hours; night shift 60 fOCohtnm 42 Lake In 1139 DeSoto 2-Dr. 9205—3245. roofa. Gutter work. Chimneye with apringa Contact Fred Het­ Wodshed, .11 Main atreet. 23 French river S3 Throe-toed 1942 Dodge 4 Ton Pick Up. fits. Apply Employment Office, hours. Frey Manufacturing Osf., ihapod like Italy 1987 Chevrolet 2-Dr. 375—350. cleaned, repaired-. 28 years’ ex­ tinger, 462 North Main street, 25 Demolish 43 Solar dtek T i 1941 Dodge 1 Ton—Express body. W. r . Grant Co. 14 Sigourney street, Hartford 5- KENMORE Stove, combination BALCH *TETTER BUY" 1938 Plymouth H Ton Pick Up. perience. h ree estimates. Call 6255. Manchester. 27 Fasten USED CARS TRUCKS Howtsy. Manchester 6361. gas and oil, four years old. Phone 28 Retired 1941 Dodge 1 Ten Expreas Body SOLIMENE, Inc. WE CANT OFFER YOU CUBRK —General offict work'; 8926. 29 Parent m r r $395—3200. Diamonda—Watche»— SOWritteit form "H o get* m ort lip In hi* asles lattora ainos w « | MB* Poatlae Bupar Dahao Oata« Dodge and Pl3rmouth-Cars Heating— Plumbing 17 THE MOON BUT . . . Typing eaaential, accounting OIL STOVE, 3 room heating ca­ 1938 Plymouth H Ton Pickup background dealred but not nec­ Jeweliy 48 Of Hitter now dIototieR atsndT baa—Folly aqtiiiipad. vary low IIM —1125. Also Dodge Job Rated Trucks pacity. Very good condiUoa. Call EFFICIENT Plumbing and Heat­ If you want an interesting job, essary. Permanent position with 3281, • 31 Not (prefix! ■naafo, a beannful oar. LEONARD W. TOST, JewCler, re- 33 Itellan river SOLIMENE, Inc. 834 Center Street Manchester ing. Plugged drains mschine excellent working conditions, large national organization locat­ pairs, adJuaL - watches expertly Expansion BY MBBRILLC XM* Faatlao' Btraaallnar, Badaa cleaned. Osri J. Nygren, 803 33 Nimbus FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS 624 Center Street—Manchester a short week, earned time off, ed In Hartford. Offering liberal Reasonable prices Open daUy. OUySTANDINa VALUES. Gem- Oot^o. Telephone 5101 or 5102 Oakland street Phone 8497. company paid benefits. Oppor­ eral-Electrlc mlxem, $25,99; Reih- 33 Narrow way Dodge and Plymouth Cara this Hartford firm has the op­ Thursday eveninga, ,129 Spruce SSBaUng tunities for advancement exist ington Rand 6-head shaver, teg. ITS A3UR DU f TDTOPTHtS A to a .H O W ltd* Ford Tudor Badan. Alao Dodge Job Rated Trucks A Safe Place To Buy Used Cars PLUMBING and heating. .Furn­ portunity you’re looking for. street Phor* 2-4887, compartment MCUTMcrntm. A — Telephone 5101 or 5102 for proper person. Please reply by $25.50, $14.79,. Sunbeam all chroma Naw toNeeB ISTATReOSMA 1951 PLYMOUTH Fordor. 1951 aces, oil' burners and boilers. in a stove ir l a u d •emsT’ r Hgr,i IMS Bulck Spadal 4-Door. A Safe naee To Briy Uaed Cars letter in your own handwriting coffeemasters, $24.95; General ' — V / ABOUT SMTIN^ IOOJ Chevrolet Fordor. Save now be­ Earl VanCamp. Tel. 5244. General Office Work BUYING A DIAMOND? 39 Paradise elating age. education, experi­ Electric automatic toastera,- 40 Month (ab.) THB RUST 1M7 Ohovrolet flaotiBaatar Tudor. fore price increases of our $100. (With or without typing) ence and salary desired to etarL $14.59; Preato preamira Cookery TRACK 1985 FORD. Good motor. Excel­ PLUMBING Alterations. New CALL HARTFORD 6-1939 41 Egyptian IMS Fontlae S Btraamllaar 4-Door Douglas Motors. 833 Main street. Distribution CHerk Reply Box F, Herald. 8 qt., $13.95, 4 qt., $l6.95; BroU- lent rubber. Price $85. Call 6229. work. Repair and water piping. GENE DE ROBERTIS beetles Badm Manchester 3636. Kardex Operator king broilers,* $18.95; General 47 Near WANTED—Gaa station attendant, Electric heaters, $5.50 and $9.96; 1941 CHEVROLET Sedan. Pull m o d e l A Ford. 1931. Call 2-1743 Typist Money Loaned On Diamonds 48 Perform IM l Fontlae 4-Dr. Sedan. PLUMBING and heating, special­ Payroll Clerk full time, good wages. AL«o man and Jewelry Emerson portable radios, teg. price, $895, 1938 Ford convertible after 6 p m . for part time .work and Sundays 50 Japanese BALCH-PONTUC. Ine. club coupe. Many others priced izing In repairs, remodeling, cop­ Filing and Clerical Work 42 Asylum Street—2nd Floor $37.95, our price, $25.99; Porce­ seaport per water piping, new construc­ Van’s Service Station, 427 Hart­ ______Hartford, Conn. lain top kitchen tablea, $6.99 up; 51 Exist IW Center Street to sell. Douglas Motors, 338 Main. ford Road. Taiepbone 1-4*45 1940 OLDSMOBILE club coupe. tion. Estimates given. Time pay­ A company representative 8 lb. deluxe washing machihs,' 63 French GOOD Transportatioh, cheap. 1938 Call at 41 Starkweather street. ments arranged. EMward Johnson will be at the Conn. State Em­ Fiwl m d Feed - 49A reg. $124.95 - $69.00, pump $10 painter Opan Bvenlnga Until 10 P. M. Phone 6979 or 5044. extra; Norge 8 cubic foot freesar, 54 Click beetle Chevrolet, 1987 Ford. 1938 Ply­ ployment Service, 806 Main Help Wanted— Male or mouth, Hupmoblle, 1933 Dodge. .1934 PLYMOUTH 4-door aedan. OORDWOOD, fireplace or any. reg. $389.95, rale $2110.00; Norge .59 Root form of BRFORB YOU Buy a uaad ear Good condition, $80. Phone 2- Street on Wednesday, October Or Peraaie 87 length, delivered $18.00 per 16 lb. automatic washing ma­ a vrord Name your price and terms. Cole M oving— I'racktHB— aoo Gtomaa Motor Balaa Bulck Motors 4164. 4718. 3rd from 9 to 3 :30. cord. Tel. Willlmantlc 3-3217; chine, reg. $339.95, our priCe $109; •7 Snow Balao and Barvtoe, 285 M ^ ______Mtoraga______M ElARN EXTRA caah. Buy coatuma /O - / - J-/ !£=L Jewelry and novelties direct from Yaggi or conical antennas com»t travelers atraat Phono 2-4571. Open ava- 1949 CHEVROLET tudor, Fleet­ BY AL VBRIIBBB g u a r a n t e e d USED CARS line. deluge; excellent condition. CALL PHIL for moving, light WANTED—Waitress, Apply in manufacturer. No • minimum plete with lisad-in, wire, lightning PRISCILLA’S POP Seat Of His ‘Yroable ninBiL Garden—Fans— Dairy arrester, chimfiey mount, stand­ LANK LEONARD Priced To Sell Price $1250. Phone 6995 after 6 trucking, sand, gravel and loam person. Cente- Restaurant. order. Sell friends, clubs, Predoeta . 60 I MICKEY FINN Good Sports! 1986 DODGE Sedan, good condi- p. m. delivery. Good work. Call 2-3774 churches. Write for detaile. Box. off holders, ground rod, ground J 1 WAS OFF T< ' wgU L.Tv?^ FAULKNOR Drive—To help with wire, mask priced at $9.98 up. ^•1 1 CAN GEE IT MARNED YOU 1 tkw. only one owner. Price raa- 1948 Chevrolet Sedan • " anytime, 'r 2-9248 after 5. . 25, Edgewood Station, Provi­ CONOHATUATION^^ 907NggISPl| ON VOUR FACE. ■^CINCH TOUCW 3 year old and housework. 9 to S Completa.Hotpoint electric s8ovm fTHUjusruxxl M A V e M A O e !kOFTEN ENOUGH aonabla Inquire Bucklai^ Store, 1948 Chevrolet Two Door dence, Rhody lelqnd. N A ^ V E POTATOES at 270 Kee­ MADE THAT LONG efCUHAVETD fU y CARLYLE! Buckland, COnn. No dealer Aoto AcecasorlM— MANCHESTER PACKAGE Dellv Monday through Friday. 2-0005. ney street reg. $279.95 - $199; G.E electift r r c A s y . . 1947 Chevrolet Sedan cry. Local light trucking and niTT. I-ICUESS AGAIN S0m -B (RIC I Y ^ T E A M ______TIraa______6 kitchen clock 12.99; Sunbeam egi; IT UNNERVED AWAY|IU()M.7 f « r u R E ! l Z 1946 Ford Two Door package delivery. Refrigerators, HAVE WE MET? SHaattono Wanted— CONCORD GRAPES. $1.25 a cooker, $7.09; G. E. oven roastefi DeCORMIER MOTOR\ BEFORE YOU buy Urea tee us. ■CAMMUTElT 1946 Pontiac (Six) Sedanette washers and stove moving a Pcm al* 88 basket First quality. Philip Farr, reg. $34.95 - $21.05; Sunbeaig SALES, Inc. 1946 Oldsmobile (Six) Goodyear distributors. Gorman specialty. Phone 2-0752. If we haven't, then you'll want 127 Charter Oak street, or call waffle ord ers, reg, $24.95 • g| SAYS: “ This youll love.” \ Sedanette Motor Sties, 285 Main street to stop in to see us. We re ready WOMAN DESIRES care of chil­ 2-0043. $18.95; chrome elicing machinea, ” Pbone 2-4571. THE AUSTIN A. Chambera Ob., to help you find that new Job. dren. 'Vicinity of Bolton Lake. reg. $24.95 - $18.95; Dornieyer \ local and long diatsuica moving, 1949 CADILLAC 4-DR. • Clerk typist, East Hartford. 340. B ox H, Herald. electric mixer with Hamburg SEDAN CO^,E MOTORS—4164 packing, crating and storage. RYE SEED. 872 Parker street. grinder. $4S-.S0 - $39.95; Waring rtnwtnena Servim a O ff«r«d 18 Service to all p«ut>v mileage. Extremely clean. Fully clatea, 260 Tolland Turnpike, TEMPLE EMPLOYMENT Male Si Croaley, Admiral televisions. G. B. *1 — ONE NEW WILLYS g\iai)anteed. Douglaa Motors. 333 Manchester Phone 2-3585, nights MATTRESS. Toot Old toattreaaes Tidy cleaner, reg. $44.50 - $29.95; 7691. atarUlsed and rainade Uhe new AGENCY i A Strajrer BY LESUE lURNER Mali! street. 50 Stale-Street , Hartford CARPENTER WISHES WORK— : Honaenald Goode 51 Standard TV .bpoetera, reg. BY EDGAR BiARTIN WASH TUBBS STATION WAGON FOR Call Jonea Furniture and Floor call James Mah'adell, RockvlUe' $34.60- $19.95;. Sunbeam toast­ BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES A Leason CABINET MAKING, reflniah and Hours: 9:30 to 4 MILES OF SMILES WITH A OoverlBf, 38 Oak Tel. 2-1041. 5-7283, between 7 and 10 p. m. HOT AIR Furnace with new ther­ master hospital trays with toast­ UNCLE OlV AMT EVER NO PRISON '^r y o u u PUT ME w touch wns wiottoR, repair furniture Cornices made to I VIP, I RECKON UNCLE 'V^ OA WUIU* TO OVBt- HE WAS ASSOCIATED WITH, X U WQUIRE A * / IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BARLOW GUARANTEED FLASH $$ Extra cash $$ Amaz­ mostat control. Price $25 if taken er. $21.95^ O. E. lightweight Iron, VWMKtT V V S W Titeff VUNO NS^ONfli c o c a o B6EN M JAILl FUOPERr .RGCORD.EHl order. Phone 2-9533. John Hahn. REPAIR BEWINQ machinea. NHGVRV G iro VCAKfc AU3MG . KDf, nMTWUMQlC TO HIS OTHER OU AnONf USED CAR ing proflta Sell diriatmas cards by Saturday. Pbone Coventry 7- $8.95; 4 sUce toaster. $1*.9S; POQMAVt'.WL MIGVR , NOG*. VRTVTi BMKC AT K VAtfs OMCSN *. OF PA KAUIKAK CROP, I REASON! 60T F HE!S MORE. HE’S NO FLV-Sy- 4 cyl. “ F” head engine. Heat­ motors, houtb appllamoes, pen­ 50 with name $1.25. Free samplea -Dpga BtrBo^-Pta 41 7230. NIGHTI HESTAVEPAT W VOUR FAMliyi FLOOR PROBLEM aJ solved srlth dulum and electric clocks. Sharp­ Arvln grill, reg. $13.60 - $5JI0; tiGKA lOSmUG MAC! wCcOlONCi. to ll V6MOTHER JAILglRD ANDAMAN WHO er, overdrive. The largest sell­ Complete Christmas, everyday W o w gbT ADO DIONir* TO PA F 0 M l\ ,J WON’T HIRE- PA l a s t p l a c e p e r . linoleum, anphaii tile counter. en viawii 'ipiowers. F. X. Dion, 2 G. El. heating pad, $5.96; Presto V o NR»> SEES Air PEV STILL STICKS WITH A 1951 Hudson Hornet 4-Door Sedan lines. Stationery. Free gift offer. REFRIOEI^TOR —Hotpoint 3 steam irons, $18.95. Brunner’s TV MUVli PAT IS. IPFEN wo AWT TOO ing station wagon in the world. —Hydramatic. radio and heater. Expert wor. aanshlp, free asU' Ridgewood street. 7770. BEAGLE PUPS, SMALL breed, door, 8.2 t till 9 p. m. If MTMOUto ANTIQUES RaSalahad. Repairing SHIRT PRESS operator, good years old. Papers. Call 1-9744, or ing out of state. Phone 2-2444. 1941 CHEVROLET CONV. Model 88. Radio and heater. pay, good working conditions. you want to eave real money on dona on *hy fomltura. 'namaaa, NOTICE—Read this ad. Your can be seen at 83 Lake street appliances see Brunner. Flaay VJ0LUB 1950 Plymouth 4-Door Sedan—Ra­ lifetime opportunity if you are New Model Laundry, 78 Summit SEWING Machine. Beautiful 1051 dio and .heater. 189 South Main streeL Phone console, brand new. Has round terms on purchase of $50 or more- 0843. qualified. Manager wanted, man street. VERY NICE (.kiUie puppiea Snkall Radio, heater, defroster, 1949 Dodge H Ton Pick-up-— bobbin, forward and reverse Do your Xmas aho|9 lng—now— new top. Price to please. Heater. iT or woman. To aervice and operate eroea bred puppiea. A.&C., Boaer, DOORS OPENED, heys fitted, route of new automatic machines male at atud. Zimmerman’s Ken- stitch, walking preasuie foot-to save money. ’ 1949 Dodge 4-Door Sedan — Cobo- Help Wanted— Male 86 sew over );>tns, automatic bobbin 1989 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN riet model. Radio; heater. Three copied, vacuum cleanera, irons, dlepensing world famoua HerMiey nela Lake Street, Bolton. Phone OPPORTUNITY ^For newly-weda guns, aU... repairsd. Shears, bare aiid other merchandising ma­ WANTED—Full time night - help 0287. winder, d ^ p feed for darning, Heater. Full price $195. to chooae from. attachn^ta. Twenty year guar­ General Electric oven and kron­ .J. 1949 Ford 2-Door Sedan-^Radio. knives, mowers, ate put Into con­ chinea. No experience .or selling from 5 to 10 p. m. Apply m p«r. er, table aiae. Uk# new. Saermee dition for coming needs. Bralth- antee. TVbrtta 3344, ascriflee now. 3 9 3 8 FORD 2-DR. SEDAN heater. \ required. Factory representative son. Memorial COmer Store, cor­ Articles for Sale 46 $80.8ome bouawhold fuimltura and 1948'Ford Station Wagon—Radio waits, 52 Pearl straipt. will secure locations ’ and make ner Main and Haynee atreet far u s e .' Will Uke 83 per week. Heater. Full jprice $175. Can 7891. other items. Private owner. Call BY MICHAEL OYIALLBT and heater. all neceasary arrangements. 8895 STONE FOR Flreplacea, retAlning VIC FLINT A Guc LINGl ERJU Remnants OOc square 3148. ALLEY (MIP 'But He’s Busy Now BY ? . T. HAMLIN , 1986 FORD COUPE 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan—Radio to. 33,000 requlntd now, which la WANTED—Stock Man. A ateady waUa and terracea. Phone JoMph BBNDtX Home Laundry, In good yard. Asphalt tils, wall covering. full time Job. Oppdrtimlty tor ad­ DO BB HR» ______^ Wo n v rto > Radio, heBter. and heater. secured. $400 per month earnings MAqri 5305. condition. Also Shovel-A-Day X HMVK A S T U m O TLL JOIN MDU IKJ 1947 Dodge 2-Door Sedan. Dona by reliable, well-trained possible part time; fuU time more vancement to management- MaeldiMiry aad TMl* THtfCDf DAKWESfeENVMArnNIPQRH. V towny VOtfVEGOr wBj..Nai4or ■ :ja o WE

V, ■t > " .'V’A?^^’' ■■ ■■ ’■ *' ■'; ■■' ' .1 • e'

■ V ' , . . • VJv BN ■ r-. MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, IM l* jlRattf^»]^r SvMteg l|«ralit • The Wsotbie. - \.-ir. ■■%'■ ■ AVorago DdDy Net FftweaM1 q( O. 0. W iaaiit B i ^ The Amcrlcail liegten Auxiliary Tha Harvest FasUvat fruits and Offlerro of Sunoet Robekoh Our Lady of Fatima Mothara clreft will hold lU drat m o a t^ wilt hold tta regular buslneaa meet­ vagetablaa an dlaplay at the Sal­ T roop 112 Plans Parily cloudy, warmer a ^ alW I.,(t<]g« «ill exempUfy tho degreo vation Army clUdel yoaterday, this evening in Odd Fellowa hall of tha aaason at the homa of Mra. ing tf^lght at eight o'clock at the •moon. Fair, lUghtly wantier to- Raymond Tlamey, 2ft Bliaa atTaat, American Legion home. wlU be auctioned off tbU evening Scout-Dad Day whan the Aaaembly offtcera make at 7:8ft Major Benjamin C. fashionable 10572 Bight Wftdnftaday phrtly fSoodr. dMigh; Wednaadav evening at alght b f their official vlalt A pot .luck o'clock. AnS'one intareatad la Join­ Jonas, together with grocery sta- aatan A ailt warn. supper at aix o'clock w(U pre- The regular meeting of the Mnn- plaa donated by n number of the -Get Acquainted With BcouUng lasr^ ______wiib the ceremony. A full turnout ing a mothers' circle will be wel­ cheijter Registered Nurses’ asso­ Rfonehetfar— City of ViUoffo Charm ■ come to this, meeting. l local merchants. D*y" program Is being planned for . IB Jhme from M » - of the Rebekaha la hoped- f<^r. ciation will be held tomorrow night Sunday, October 14, by membera FABRICS bcM oI. hM onroU^ at 7:30 in the nurpen dining room The Motherhood of Mary Moth­ of Boy Scout Troop 11> and their -PROM (FOURTBEN'PAGES^ PRICE FIVE CENTS , _ __jniU B yr«r »t Wert- roJFra S04 Hart­ A son was bom yesterday In at the Manchester Memorial hospi­ fathers.- It has been observed (Olaialltod AdvartMag Paga U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2,1951 Hartford hospital to-Mr. and Mrs. ers'' arcle will meet tomorrow ; J M o r OOdoft, P o r t ^ ford ibad, returned home yester­ tal. Following ftie business ■ meet­ evening at 8 o'clock at the noma that these -is Insufficient contact VOL. LXXI, Na 2 ^A-WtJ^ fV' r • - i' Is twirlin' Ulo Ubcrol day firm at. Francla boapital. She Raymond Hanna of 22 Tyior circle, ing Dr. Amos E. Friend, a mem­ of Mrs. Mary Outtmann, 82 Doro­ between troop, Scouta and tathara, la raeovarlag from an operation. whose I2tb anniversary occurrad and thla day haa baen planned to HALE'S yesterday. They now have two ber of the staff of tha hefspitM, thy road,,^. will Chow fllma of his recent trip. Improve thla aituatloQ. . ‘ v: Itfco - tw e e e la U , OooctidloB AU those vrtio are pluming to boys and two girls. Tha new baby A t 1:30 p. m. on thla day aach Tag* Yoa*re Out Ifstlm s cuclo wfil atth has been named Mark David, for Sergeant First Claaa Hairy attend the Cradle Roll party at bert and Mrs^ Gilbert, who reached Scout la requeated to preaent him­ MM. H W T Mutrio < the Concordia Lutheran' church his paternal grandfathar, Mark Mrs. Sidney Brown of 15 Co­ burn Road, is subscription chair­ their nth wedding aimlveraary self at GampbJohnaon witlv hla ttfMt Blinding downpours felLIn ad­ which balloted. Democrats remain­ w i t h ed in.power, but their marglna of hianmed Moaamdegh a few hours vance of the poorly defined cen­ after Russia unsuccessfully sup­ Threatsjoi: ter of the tropical stomi. two yeara ago reduced aharply. When the votes were tabulated, ported Iran In attempting to btorii the U. N. Security Cbunefl frohi Pro-Tex-Mor CCTS SCOAR PRICE a total of 102 to'wna Ilped up In the taking up the BriUah-Irman oU''' •tfoJ* M«r4 Boston, Oct. .2— — Revere O O P column, giving Republicans diwute. SHOE Sugar refiner annonneed today net gain of aix. Democrats won ‘The latest Soviet move waa re­ Giants, 2 to 0 a reduction n the price of re­ In 27 towns, aa agalnat 35 in tbs (K' Braves Manager Fears garded In western c|rclea aa a fur-- REPAIRING fined sugar from ftSJIO per 100 laat electlona. One town, Winches­ ther attempt to wte Iran foOoar- If-; pounds to $8.2ft> effective Oct. ter switched from Democratic to ing Mossadegh's Order that BrltUh N ew York,____ Oct. 2— (A*)— 'f Irvin momentarily fumbled the ball For Family, Reports on 1. Tte price for wrapped tab­ Independent, and in another, O f Hm l * n « r M m I but recovered In time to keep Reeie technldans must laava tha coun­ / Jackie Robinson’s two-run Messages from N. E., lets remains nnchaagei try ' by Thursday, a move that on flmt. •(Contlmied jm Paga Four) flea. Matttiew B. Bldgway (left), supreme commaader, toga at hla DoMWMoVouWoit homer o ff Sheldon Jones gave brought the bitter feud over na>- George Spencer, a righthander, Brooklyn, New York CCRBS IN GOOD SHAPE rap aa be etaads wllli Oen. Janies Van Fleet (eenirr), 8th Army com­ Uonalixatlon to a telling climax. W O f ’ iM S y desperate Brooklyn a 2-0 lead began warming up In the Giant TVashlngton, Oct. 2—(/Pi- mander, and Ge,n. Oqiar Bradley, chairman of the U. S, Joint chiefs Biurter Trato Talks 58"/6iuLINS'S^ over the New York Giants at buiipen. Price Director Michael V. Dl- SAM YU LYES Xl JaawaiMiw AyvyT n «V ^ . M New York, Oct. 2—(/P)— Vote At A Glqiice of stoA, In Korea aa they look over a'war map befoep starting aa la- Deputy Premier Hoaaeln FStaail e U M t M '* the end of one inning today in Snider went down swinging. - Salle reported today that price spertlon of front Uhe tnniopa. (A P WIrephoto via radio from Tokyo.) O P E N I Manager Tommy Holmes of oontrol Is "In pretty good said Skdehlkov In his call promlaod If M AM STtnr the second of their best-of- Roblneon Uned a home run that riaUiar Soviet aasistanca under Wool ^rfd Rayon Plaids barely cleared the lower left field the Boston Braves today said shape," there’s no Idea of aban­ By The Associated Press HOURS three playoff for the National doning meat celUng. and he tha two nations' $20,000,000 trade WITH THIS NEW L M gu e pennant before 45,000 wall, scoring Reese ahead of him that for the last four days he The Connecticut-municipal elec- pact. Barter trade talks ara now PUT THEM UP YOURSELF and putting the Dodgers ahead 2-0. Isn't planning to quit.his Job. pons at a glainee: fans. The Giants needed one has received letters threaten­ going on In Tehran In an affort Pafko filed deep to MueUer in ing his family because his Number of towns voting .. 131 U. S. Jets Destroy to step up deliveries that have G-E CLEANER! win to clinch the champion­ Remained Republican ..... 91 IN 5 MINUTES right center. team last week beat the bean lagging under tha praaant $2-29 yA . ship and meet the Yankees in Switched from Democratic pact. Tha pact runft out naat Revoludonaty new swivel-top PRO-TEX-MOR Two runs, twe hits, no errors, Brooklyn Dodgers three the World Series. Peron Arrests to Republican ...... 11 month but a new agreement la oa* colorful plaids for dresses, skirts. Jackets and none left. Total Republican ...... 102 lets you clean an average-size TRANSPARENT PLASTIC FIRST INNING GIANTS games out of four. 6 MIGs, Damage 2 paetad to roplaeo IL • WATER-PROOF ■ Remained Democratic *22 living room without once only ^ t s . ra tS T INNINO, DODGERS "Letters and telegrams from, At today's maatlng, Moasadagb RNACE RE WINDOWS ere strong and Stanky was caught looking at a cranks is one thing, but when they RedOpponeiit Switched from Republican thanked Sadchlkov for Ruaalaa FurlUo fouled off Jonei' flmt curve ball that broke over for a to Democratic...... ft mm moving the cleaner! pitch. Furillo filed to Mueller .In threaten your family that’a aome- - ■ support of tha Iraqifti,aaiMr-ra* AND shoHorpreof. Fit any evor- third atrlke. thing alss,'' the 3S-year-old Brook­ Total Demoeratfe...... 27 U. B. $th Army Headquarters, 6helgbt tha Allies captured Monday Urday In tha Sacunty Oouncll. • COlO-PROOf riiort right \ Bwltoted from Democratic tldge. hot spot 58" 100% W OOL PRE-SHRUNK Ram rapped a ringto to toft^ Oaa and Hadgaa'taamad up lyn native said. f ^k a jCommanlst Presi­ Korea, Oet. 2— t/P) — American east of Heartbreak nil' Fataml salft thanks sIm prohaMs $100 ogo window, inside or -banuttfBUy to. ratlM Dark. Oc» Holmes liver In the Bay TUflga ~tirftaependent...... 1 Sabre JcU ahot down als Risd Jata of the eastern front. TheTl»i hlU haa wlU ha sent to Tugoftlavla wMaa \mnda n hackhandad stab of Dark's •setldn of Brooklyn with hla wife dential Candidate, Ex- In dispute (Balftm) ...... 1 and damaged tw6 In fierce air changed hands three times In fiva lined up with Iran and Russia In CLEANING • STORM-PROOF outside. A full winter's gfouBdar taalda tha third (Note—The vote for first select­ days. Bauling's Diana Flannel Rain Check Oiit, End two children. He said he pre^ U. S. Envoy to Revolt man, mayor in control 6t council battles over, northwest Kotsa to­ tte voting. EACH protection for for lost base line and Hodges came up ferred not to turn the lettera over day. In the west a grenade-hurling Iranian government offldala ax- with a fine scoop of the low throw. in council-manager government is battalion of Chinese halted every to police. the basis for ciMltlng a town to A total of 193 planes were in­ pressed disappointment that tbs then die cost of regular Local Pair Held Mueller was safe when Hodges Buenos Aires, Artfatlna, Oct. volved in the two deadly fights. Allied attack on a narrow bridge Holmea la also perturbed be­ 2—(/P)—President Joan D. Peron the Republican, Democratic or In­ near Chorwon. G«t yew beoler ie Brit dess wwAlim coRdl- Complete with noils and molding a llo v ^ hla riow roUer to trickle cause messages accused him of fa dependent column). The toll ran the Jet warfare (Oonttnnsft •> Pag* r) storm sash. through hie legs for aa arror. haa accepted the reelgimtlon of Reds laid a contlnuoua mortar $ 3 - 2 9 yA New York, -Oct. 2—(F)— The vorlng the New York Giants over his Air Bflnlster In the second total to 106 Red planes reported and artillery barrage on the Unit­ Hea fw Hw comiiiq whiter. ’ ••gamesa of a father and hla aon - Irvin , bounced to Reese who Brooklyn. cabinet change since last Fri- destroyed. It equaled the record ed Nations troopa Fire from Al­ flipped to Roblnaoh forcing Muel- Letters and telegrams were sent A best seller for years. Black, navy, gray, hunter green, to aea this aftemoon'a Giants- dajr's abortive revolt. It was an­ for the number of Communist lied guns, tanka and planas waa so planes reported shot down In a Rockville Man CeM weether h just ereuiid the cemer. Den't Dodger game got them in trouble nounced today. Senate Action heavy a pall of smoke hid Chinese wine, brown, scarlet and Kelly green. (Centteaed oa Page Four) (OraUaned on Page Eight) Minister of the Interior An­ ■ingle day. positions. Housewnres Dept. with police today at tha Polo gel Borienghi said tte Air Min­ Tha Fifth Air Force said one of The Jet battles swirled fnm be CftMgiit nepphig! CALL US TODAY AND Ground Stadium. ister Brig. Gen. Cesar Ojeda On Bowles Due the damaged Ruaslan type MIG- 3,opo feet down to tree-top levels. Eludes Poliefe COU BnMment 4 1 " W E SC O . Orla Tatro, 39, of Mancheater, haa resigned and has bem re­ 15s probably was destroyed. The destteyed toU matched that NAVE YOUR WORK DONE lEFORE THE Conn., and hii aon, James, 15, W M > placed by Brig. Gen. Ignacio AU UN Piaaei Safe reported ipte. 22. sought to tise a rain check. Issued P-W Pickets Continue, Saa Martin, who will be sworn Expects Ginfirniation of The dayis first battle was fought Walks Out of Windsor RUSHREGINS: to them after a postponed game tomorrow. It reported all Allied planes re­ Just before-noon between 45 MIGs Washable Crepietone. last August but the ticket-taker Navy IWInister Adm. Enrique Nomination as Envoy turned safely. and 36 American F-86 Sabre Jets, Station During Quix mfused to accept it. A hot ar> B. Garcia resigned and was re­ On the ground fierce fighting flying interference' for a rail-cut­ On Several Robbaiiet FREE INSPECTION AND ESTIMATES gument ensued. Uneasy Calm Prevails placed Saturday. No olflclal ex- To India Comes Today Reds recaptured a hill on the east­ ting mlsalon over MIG alley. J-w • Police, who intervened, eftld Ta- plaaatioas were given for tte ern front and for the third succes­ Two red-noaed Communist Jftts S |-2 9 yA tro and the youth Ignored ordem cabliiet ihlfta. Washington. Oct. 2—(Jft-^Ben™- sive day stalled an Allied attack were sent spiraling down In flames. Windsor, Oct, 2-

—A t ft to move on, and that the father Southington, Oct. 2—(A")—Un­ ^representative of the International tor Sparkman (D., Ala.) said to­ In ths West. Fiva hours later 32 SabreS took a. m„ today Windsor poHcs%tro swung n camera at one patrolman. easy quiet prevailed today on Association of Machinists (A FL), Buenos Aires, Argentina, Oct. 2 day he Is "confident now" the Sen­ Tw o hundred charging Korean holding two tcen-a$era for ques­ tioning in connection with the A benutifttl fabric that simulates wool crepe. Fourteen Tatro was charged with disorder­ picket lines at the Pratt and Whit­ was arrested after the scuffle, —(4>)—The Communist party’s ate will confirm President Tru­ Reds'drove South Koreans from a (OoattBued on Paga Poor) HOLLAND FURNACE CO. ly conduct. Hla aon also was ney aircraft engine plant here, charged with breach of peace. Po­ Piesldential candidate in the No­ mans' nomination of Chester theft of numerous, itenu which WANTED fall and winter colon. liceman John Galayda accused Bowles as Ambassador to India. were asld 'to have been atoten held, without charge. aceqe of a diaturbance yesterday vember elections, Rodolfo Ghioldl, from ^ Ellington and Windsor TELEPHONE HARTFORD 46.1M3 which resulted In charges and Beyer of being responsible for a waa arrested today and held in­ Sparkman told a reportef the cut finger he received during the appointment, backed by an 3 to 2 Locks. cotinter-chargea between police communicado tn connection with Three hours later—they were IF OUT OF CITY — C A U CO U ECT Oil Bnrner Ser^coipiaii 36" CROMPTON'S COROURELLA and union officials. disturbance. Friday’s abortive ArgpnUne revolt. vote of the Senate Foreign Rela­ Will ibobe Complaint tions committee recommending Wmnie Urges Coalition only holding one for questioning. When workers entered the plant Many leaders In the opposition Police said he other went to gst a News Tidbits thla morning. Police C^lef Edward Beyer, in turn, accused Galayda Radical, Nationalist, Socialist and confirms :ioh, might be called up FOR PERMANENT. POSITION IN of assultlng him and pushing him drink of water while being ques­ H ta 1951 F Geary said, the pickets were Conservative parties previously for Se'na :e action by nightfall. tioned in the police headquarters Pin Wale Cordoroy Culled from VP) W ires "not too bad. They calmed down against the side of a moving auto­ were reported under arrest. "I am confident now in view of Bevan Vote Jolts_Attlee and "apparently walked out." EXPANDING DEPARTMENT! quite a lot, and we didn't have the mobile. Town Court Prosecutor J the committee vote that Senate Police Identlfed tho two boys aS HOME trouble we had yesterday.” Lambert Degnap said he would In iooaUaiied on Pasr TWO) approval Is assured.” Sparkman Scarborough, Eng., Oct. 2-(iP) f Uverpool, Eng., Oct. 2.—tJP)— Alfred Cushman, 19, Rockville, Colonel Pommerfe, director of vestigate the complaint. The imlon He added, however, that, every said. —Aneurin Bevan’a Left-Wing crlt- Wlneton Churchill called toi^ h t and Allyn R. Thayer, 17. Cuahnuto Industrial production at Rabat, re­ leader is scheduled for arraign- The committee acted .yealerdax. wn-ths^ns who has dlia|lpa«fttr Top Wages For Right Man $ 1.6 9 ports today that aiaahun has been time a car entered the plant,-tte ment In townneourt next'MOnday. Ica^^ Britain’s rearmament pro- ! fdr a "broadly baaed" national CLEANER police had to "break throiigh the on the nomination of Bowles, for-' and at noon today ho waa boing ■eMWftftU discovered In. thd pouth Atlas The troul^e at tte plant, acane Argentine Military mer Democratic' Governor of Con­ xram *ave a smashing demonstra- i government to end party strife picket line.” ■ought by SUte and Windsor Twenty colon In wonderful Crompton’s fine quality ,copv mountalna at Bouaakat' and Asa- of w two weeks old atrlke, flared necticut and Worid War II price Uon tteay of the support .they i - "A speed BrlUln’s recovery. police. gour...Former menihers of the Charleb Beyer, 27. International yesterday when aome non-rtrikers The Conservative party leader ■A Moat efficient cleaner madci APPLY IN PERSON " Flee to Uruguay administrator. Sparkman headed conlmand among the Labor par­ Tho two yoimgstera wore no­ duroy. You will want a dress, skirt, suit or jacket, of New Britain police department reported for the first shift. a subcommittee which questioned auggeated that such a regime— A Extra-large “ntrow-Away" ty's'rank and file. with himself as prime minister— ticed In a parked car about 3 a. m., this popular falffic. 'Vice aqumd link Ugh city pfftdale Chief Geary said about BO pick­ Bowles 10 years a^o. Bevan's surprising strength bag! wMh aa altoged former terse More N.G. Units ets, massed about the gate, at­ Montevideb; Uruguay, Oct. S-r- Sftes No Battle would impose a five-year politicly near the Wllten aUUon b r 0*$- was shown in the voting at the James B. Murray. A Circultr fxhaupt— no air bookie who operated a package tempted to tip over two automo­ (It)— Some 40 Argentine Army, Senator • Hlckenlooper (R , truce and carry on a "tolerant, r o t h e r s Labpr party conference for the non-partiaan, non-doctrinaire sya- Murray, upon looking into tho blatta! ^ M o R iA R T Y B •tore la thla city. Asked by Lodge biles loaded with non-striking Navy and Air Force offlcera, who Iowa), who voted against the ap­ partyto new national execuUve JttfC Cnee gtfwpB Given With Cwdk; Police throughout tllb oast are workers. Geary said poliesmen pointment In the full commlttM, tem of policy.” auto, noUced (our car Urea aaul a NATIOMAL HARVESTER A 10 acientifictlly-detigaed • . . "S - fled their country last Friday committee. Churchill'a guarded propoaal to bundla of clothing whlHl Inchidod . fl alartad today to look for a man were pushed tnto mo'vlng cars, an said hs plana to speak against attachmenuP wanted for questioning In nqrsterl- Oatlinburg, Tenn., Oct 2— automobile window was smashed, after an uprising against, the gov­ Bevan and three of hie support­ form an all-party government a psig of pants and aovsral apori ernment failed, have agreed to ac­ Bowles In the Senate. But he said oM drownlag deatk of Mrs. Mary Governor John Lodge of Connecti­ several automobile radio aerials he looks for "no conceded fight ers won four of the seven political was put out In his first big speech and dresa coats. OBaMiwi Bridgea. 30, wife of a ao- cut haa urged that hUi atate be were damaged and non-atrikers cept. internment in towns In Uru­ ■eats oii this committee. This is looking toward the Oct. 2ft nation­ Police said that alao in tha ear ■ I -CiNeii or phMi fir a guay’s Interior. to block confirmation.” was a couple of boxes of guotand ^ Q R ir dally prominent Boston Invaat- given additional National Guard ftere abused onlly. "I voted as I did," Hlckenlooper the same as the Left-Wing repre­ al electlona. In an address pre­ MS 9MUIY nn-N iife 88 m . ft. m m firm ofHdal.. unita to replace those caJled 'tnto Beyer dlsputM Geary’s account, Authorities notified them for­ sentation on the old committee, pared for a party rally o f 6,000 •laei eeW frwe fop te fleer. FREE DEmNSnumONI mally yesterday the alternative petsons In Liverpool attelum, he (Oenttssoft oa Page Fear) NOW IS THE TIME ^ Senator Bmtoh (D., Omn.) pro- federal aervlbe. asserting that there might have (ConttBoed «M Paga Eight) but the size of the votes for the pm HUUL KnCHINft-Cewpert i;- poaaa that Swiata frlenda of dvil Lodge, hero for the 4Sd.annual been a UtUa pushing, but nothing would be expulsion from the coun­ BevanlUs shocked Prime Minister ssifl: PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR A ____ rights lagiriatiOB "taka a vary Oo'vemor’a conference, said that- more than that. try. Attlee's moderates. "I ask . . . for a substantial and TO INTRODUCE The officers arrived In seven 8SH to. wMe. l o ^ look at appropriattoft billa af- the A m y had agreed to lea've In Stoto ^U oe Ready Hhlawell Ouatfd' ■olid majority to bring an end to Hunt Meuc^Gulf faftoag the souttwni statea." the state units "which would be of Chief Geary sought help from Argentine Army'ted Navy planes FBJ En^s Roundup Biggest surprise was ths elec­ this perj^ of unavoidable but mia- Adds so mmtb mort food ftorage HARD SURFACE DRIVEWAY and aurrendered I lmlnedlate.ly to A House subeomrolttea aayi it moat value for Internal security the State Poltca. but no detail was tion of Mrs. Barbara Ctostle, a chlevoua party strife, to let the la to PHwft l*t< ftoer ipecn THIS WONDERFUL Urugtuiy authoritlea. (They have Bevan supporter. She displaced nation get on with its work with For Nine on Boat it's Jon |ika loctcuing the iizc of UNUSUIt OPPditfBlliTY - has found avldenoa tending to -tn- aent here. Three State Police­ Of Kitts Gangsters AMESITE - ASPH ALT - CONCRETE **'*fS*aHld that "the.promlaad Na­ men investigated the' situation, been kept la Army barracks since. yourkitdien! dleata that thaka may have bean In Among the refugees are CSpt (Oostlnned on .Page Four) NEW 0. L GLEANER tha making em atganlaed plot to tional Guard units should be (CoBtlnned on Page Feior) Naif (iriosna, Oet 2—Gfl -> A FOR EXPERIENOEB TOOL E BKIIKER authorised without further delay.” (Oaatbnwd oa Page E l ^ ) Vicente Riuroja, former chief of Washing!ton, Oct. —^The S M WMih PfMMT Udnr-IwUi U EFFICIENT oarrupt- Intamal- revenue collee- the naval base of .iPunto tndlo, 65 alna-man ’brow worked daaparata- K>.eMr»i»atoi4u2lc»cntb port known in a apaach scheduled or buildup of this nation’s mlgbf Ths Oasst Guard enttor BUdi- M-Manwna KnMATE* enactment of hla bill to hold data from tte public If they fataliUi^Bt thft depot ainca It was on land, aes- and in ths air " thorn raportad the Kony Mae im- opened i^yaara ago. - period. Ha la a rabid -football Tan. Ibr tho Senate’s afternoon session '449HARTFORDROAD— TEL2.S1D GENERA10UECTHIC , Advertioe in The Herald— If Payo Nat budget the order o ff tte books. Ha deem auch -action la naoaasary for and abroad. diood J tot It waa sMpptog wator , ftOMS; budget aaystthera ta no doubt Congress national aecurit^. Tha Oafanaa and Quinn sqportad “aavaral <$it- they said, and aomatlmaa.pbartarad but released In advance ■V vM aaii CLMMKitt ' 7«2,ftft8.1ft: eaah liH authority to do ao. Other /eon- I. Tha bUI has been passed by both M1AUA4, aora -o f tha repeal maeme tire r XCoatoNMi Ob Psgs TwsL tte House and Senate and ravtaad t- ■■ \ ^ I . . • —i-1 ' ■ n 1-i X;